STC Professional Kit: Brief Introduction

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STC Professional kit

Brief introduction
STC Professional Kit is a high-performance development board with rich board resources. The board has many peripherals such as dot matrix LED, color dot matrix LCD, SD slot, PS2 port, stepper motor driver, DC Motor, infrared sensor and temperature sensor. It reflects fully STC Microcontroller performance.

On-board resources
Default processor is STC12C5A60S2 Crystal oscillator can be changed. Therere 11.0592MHz12MHz and 24MHz crystal oscillators supplied with the kit Eight LED Eight 7 -segment LED One buzzer One relay Infrared receiver 1602 character dot matrix LCD port 128x64 dot matrix LCD port 8x8 dot matrix LED 4x4 keyboard matrix Four stand alone keys Four channels AD signal: Potential meter, photo resistor, thermal resistor and external signal One DA output PCF8591T four AD one DA chip DS18B20 temperature sensor port DS1302 RTC (Real time clock), battery power supply AT24C02 chip for data restore on power failure

SD slot USB to UART bridge chip PL2303HX RS232 to TTL lever convertor chip SP3232EEN One ISP programmer port ULN2003 Darlington transistors array can be used to drive buzzer, relay, DC Motor and stepper motor. USB Type B connector is used as power supply and program STC microcontroller. DB-9 Female connector is for RS-232 communication after programming STC microcontroller. DC power connector is for external supply and voltage is 7V -12V PS2 connector is for standard keyboard test

The IO port description

LED: Connected to P0 7-segment LED: Segment connects to P0 through 74HC573, and bit selection connects to P2.0, P2.1, P2 through 74HC138 Dot matrix LED: Anode connects to P0 through 74HC573, cathode connects to P2 1602 LCD: RS connects to P2.5, R/W connects to P2.6, E connects to P2.7data port connects to P0 12864 LCD: RS connects to P2.5, R/2 connects to P2.6,E connects to P2.7, data port connected to P0, PSB connects to 2.4RST connects to 2.2 Stand alone key: Connected separately to P3.2, P3.3, P3.4 Keyboard matrix: Connects to P1 Clock chip DS1302: SCLK connects to P1.6, RST connects to P1.7, I/O connects to P3.5 Storage chip AT24C02:SCLK connects to P1.5, SDA connects to P3.6 MAX232: Connects to P3.0, P3.1 by jumper setting USB to UART bridge chip PL2303: Connects to P3.0, P3.1 by jumper setting

Infrared decoder chip: Connects to P3.3 PS2 port: Connects to P1.6, P1.7 SD CARD Port: Connects to P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, P1.3 AD/DA chip PCF8591T: Connects to P1.5, P3.6 Relay, buzzer, DC Motor and stepper motor: Use P1 to control. They are all driven by ULN2803 controlled by IO pins of microcontroller.

Jumper settings
J1: Latch signal of 74HC573 for 7-segment LED. J2: Reset J9: Controls LED power supply J10: Controls infrared receiver power supply J16:Latch signal of 74HC573 for 8x8 dot matrix LED of 8x8 dot matrix segment signal flip-latch J23: DA output setting (to LED or AD) J24: Program port setting (USB / RS232) J25: Control signal option of 7-segment LED bit signal encoder 74HC138 J28: Battery power supply of DS1302

Use description 1 Install USB drive aDownload drive. Drive can be downloaded here:

bInstall drive. Connect to development board after installing and check whether USB-to-UART is correctly identified underMy computerManager Device managerPortCOM LPT 2Download development board test process. a Download the program software. STC ISP software can be downloaded here bUse USB cable or put UART and USB cable together to connect to development board. Turn off the programming button on the development board. c Open STC ISP software and choose corresponding UART, CPU and other relevant configurations. dChoose hex file , click Download button and open programming switch to program. Sample program code
1. 2. LED driving

4. 5. 6.

The static status display of 7-segment LED The dynamic display of 7-segment LED
Dot matrix display 1602 LCD 128x128 color LCD photograph

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Key test DS18B20 temperature test DS1302 clock test DC Motor test Stepper motor test Infrared communication test AD convertor test DA test AT24C02 chip read-write test 1602 LCD clock LED driving with a RTX51 Tiny system 7-segment LED with a RTX51 Tiny system Dot matrix display with a RTX51 Tiny system Key test with a RTX51 Tiny system 1602 LCD with a RTX51 Tiny system DS18B20 temperature test with a RTX51 Tiny system DS1302 test with a RTX51 Tiny system 1602 LED clock with a RTX51 Tiny system

Sample codes and relevant data can be downloaded here: Accessories List
1 Theres a STC12C5A60S2 mounted on each board 2 One 1602 LCD module. 3 One DS18B20 RTC chip 4 One USB cable 5 One DC Motor 6 One stepper motor 7 One infrared remoter 8 One 12MHz and one 24MHz crystal oscillator 9 Some jumpers and jumping lines


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