Small Business (1) : Haracteristics OF Mall Usiness Nterprises
Small Business (1) : Haracteristics OF Mall Usiness Nterprises
Small Business (1) : Haracteristics OF Mall Usiness Nterprises
1. Growth
Small business helps entrepreneurs develop as an individual and expand their personal abilities. Their
Small Business (3)
growth might have been hampered had they been employed under the guidance of a supervisor in any
other organization. Ambition also motivates entrepreneurs and makes them hang in there.
2. Provides self employment opportunities
Small business helps people provide job for themselves. Sometimes employment opportunities are
limited in big industries. There are losing big firms that are frequently cutting back, closing plants, and
laying off people. This creates unemployed people in society who are otherwise capable of performing
various jobs. The area of small business can provide a much-needed source of new employment. This
shows the important contribution the smaller firms are making to their respective notional economics.
3. Flexibility
Large corporations often lack the flexibility of small business because of the complex organizational
structure, established bureaucracies, and high overhead costs. Decision making in the small business
frequently depends on only one or two persons. The management and the workforce in the small
business may be more adaptable to change than those of the large corporation. They can react more
quickly to changing market conditions or to modify a product for a customer more easily than could a
large business.
4. Better Inter-personnel Relationships
Both managers and staff in the small business are treated as individuals. Managers are given freedom
and decision making and provided with variety of responsibilities. Staffs are encouraged to innovate
there by reducing boredom in the workplace. Lines of communication are direct between owners and
5. Independence
Small businesses give its owners the liberty or independence to come go as they please. Owners of small
business enterprises have a degree of freedom that are not customary for managers in most big
corporations this freedom encourages self-motivation. Often this freedom of small business owners
means the right to work harder and longer hours than they would if they were employees of big
business. However, the psychological and financial satisfaction arising from enterprise ownership is
powerful rewards for the risks of going into business for oneself.
6. Quick decision
As the owner of the business does all in all in that particular concern, the owner does decision-making
mostly. So the decision is taken relatively quickly because he or she does not have to discuss other
people or superiors to take the decision.
7. Small Businesses Are the Backbone of the Economy
The US Small Business Administration says that small businesses create two of every three new jobs,
produce 39% of the gross national product, and invent more than half the nation's technological
innovation. And this kind of statistic could be repeated in country after country around the world. Just
because you work for or run a small company doesn't mean you are unimportant. Your contribution to
your country's economy is huge.
8. Small Businesses Demonstrate the Essence of Political Freedom
The ability to develop and conduct your own small business is a wonderful expression of your freedom
as a citizen. You may complain about government regulations, but the fact is that small businesses are
less regulated than large firms. This gives small businesses the freedom to focus on what is really
important -- caring for customers.
9. Small Businesses Provide Better Customer Care
I'm sure you've noticed that the larger a company grows, the harder it becomes to provide good customer
service. Just try to find the right person to help you on the phone in a huge corporation -- it'll drive you
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batty. But when you ask for the owner of a small business, chances are you'll be speaking to her or him
within a few minutes. Marketers toss around buzzwords like "Customer Relationship Management
(CRM)," but it's the small business not the mega corporation that really excels at it. Small businesses
know that their livelihood is based on their customers. Small is great for customers.
10. Small Businesses Encourage the Passion Needed to Succeed
Apathy doesn't breed nearly as well in small businesses as it does in big business. Small business owners
and their workers are focused and immensely proud of what they do. Small business owners are
passionate about their businesses. How many employees in bureaucratic organizations can say the same?
11. Small Businesses Owners Are Highly Skilled
In a small business, you have to excel at a lot of things to succeed. Small business owners and their key
employees are masters of dozens of disciplines and perform their intricate balancing act like pros. So
what if they wear more than one hat? Whom should we admire more -- the corporate manager or the
jack-of-all-trades small business owner, whose skill-set is sharpened to a razor's edge, and who survives
and succeeds and serves? My vote is with the latter.
12. Small Businesses Allow Owners the Freedom to Innovate
Small business owners learn to be risk takers and innovators. Corporate employees, on the other hand,
too often interpret their prime directive as keeping their jobs. Risk-taking can get in the way of career-
building. Innovative small businesses are prize targets of larger corporations that often find it more cost-
effective to acquire than to innovate on their own.
13. Small Businesses Can Change Course Rapidly
Large corporations can be adverse to change, while small businesses know that their ability to make
rapid decisions and implement course corrections is their key to success. In the ocean of business, mega-
corporations turn like tankers, while small businesses can zip around them with the agility of a
14. Small Businesses Can Be Quite Profitable
Small business is not a synonym for small earnings. In fact, many small businesses are extremely
profitable. Their advantages of leanness, maneuverability, innovation, and customer focus mold them
into steady enterprises that earn a significant return on investment year after year after year.
The small business has their share of disadvantages too. These disadvantages have multiplied in the current
years due to increased management problem in recent years.