Play Overview: How The Cards Work

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For 1–5 players, 20–30 minutes.

© 2016 Minion Games PLAY OVERVIEW

The world is again threatened with On your turn, you will play your cards in linked series, each card after the first activated
war! As the War Minister of your by previous cards. You are attempting to complete one or more of the available Bomb
small nation, you have been tasked Plans, to generate resources for future use, or to interfere with your opponents’ hands.
with confronting aggression by You may play as many cards as you are able.
developing atomic bombs for your At the end of your turn, discard all Industry cards played. Keep all Yellowcake,
country. Your spies have stolen the Uranium, Bomb Plans and Bomb Loaded cards you have built face up in front of you
needed technology, but you need for all to see. You may discard as many cards as you wish from your hand. Draw from
to acquire the materials and the Industry deck so that you have five cards in your hand, shuffling and reusing the
personnel to get the job done discard pile as necessary. Replenish the Bomb Plan row if someone built a bomb.
before your rival nations do. The player to your left now takes a turn, and play continues.
Once someone has built 10
kilotons of bombs, the final round
will finish, and the player with the WINNING
most bombs will win, their nation’s Each Bomb Plan is worth a number of points, as shown on the bottom of the card.
survival assured! When one player has built at least 10 points (set the goal higher if you desire a longer
game) of Bombs and Bomb Loaded cards (combined), the game will end at the end
Game play is simple, but never the same way twice. The goal is to claim the Bomb Plan of that round, when the player to the starting player’s right has had their last turn.
cards for points. This takes resources to accomplish. To do this, you will be playing
Your final score is equal to all Bomb Plan plus Bomb Loaded cards you played, plus ½
cards representing the training and use of teams of laborers, scientists, and engineers
(rounded down) the total Uranium left in your supply. The player with the most points
to complete various buildings/plans.
is the winner! If there is a tie, the player with the most Yellowcake wins.
Resources are earned by “chaining” cards together. You place a card sideways to use
it as workers and vertical to make use of the building. You then play another card that
uses the outputs of the previous card as its input. Which, in turn, provides its own HOW THE CARDS WORK
output. And so it goes until the eventual output is what the player wants. Most of the Most Industry cards have an activation cost, shown on the top edge; an output, shown
time this is going to be Yellowcake when the game begins, followed by Uranium, and on the bottom edge; and personnel they can provide without activation, shown on
eventually being able to provide enough resources to build a bomb. the left edge. Usually cards may be used in one of two ways: as personnel to activate
other cards (played sideways), or as building/special actions, which, when activated,
COMPONENTS 108 cards, including: generate more personnel or resources, or allow special actions. Resources and
personnel generated may immediately be used to activate other cards. Bomb Plan and
Bomb Loaded cards have an activation cost, and show the number of points they give
when built.
There are three types of personnel: Laborers ( ), Scientists ( ), and Engineers ( ).
There are two types of resources: Yellowcake ( ) and Uranium ingots ( ).
31 double-sided Resource 4 Landmark cards 4 Bomb 13 Bomb
cards in different Loaded cards Plan cards The icons on the long left side of the card represent the personnel that card can
denominations provide. The icons on the top edge show the personnel and resources needed to
activate the card. Some cards may be activated by any type of personnel .The icons on
55 card Industr y deck the bottom edge of the card show the output of or action allowed by the card, or in some
cases, the point value of the card.
You may use a card as a
Diagram of a typical card: building/special action or
for its personnel, but never
Cost to activate: for both.
20 Mines 8 Factories 14 Enrichment 7 Universities 2 each of the three 1 Start Requires a Scientist and
Plants Special Action cards Player card To play a card for its
3 Yellowcake to activate
personnel, place it in front
SETUP Personnel available:
OR can provide 2 Engineers
of you with the long edge
upwards (sideways). The
Separate the Resource cards (showing cubes of Yellowcake on one side and Uranium personnel it provides may
ingots on the other) into piles of each Yellowcake value (ones, threes, fives). Place Output: Provides two then be used to activate one
them to one side of the play area with the yellow cube side up. Place the Landmark Uranium when activated. card which requires some
cards in a row, face up, near the resource stacks. Place the Bomb Loaded cards in or all of those personnel.
a stack next to the Landmarks. Shuffle the Bomb Plan cards and deal one for each Multiple cards may be played to provide enough personnel to activate a complicated
player in a row below the Landmarks, face up, leaving the rest face down as a draw pile. building/plan, but all personnel from these cards are used up by activating that single
Shuffle the Industry deck, deal five cards face down to each player, and place the rest, building/plan, even if they are not required. Leftover personnel from the side of a
face down, as a draw pile near the Landmarks. Leave space for a discard stack. You may card may not be used to activate other cards later during a turn. Place the building/
look at your cards and begin to plan out your turn. plan being activated on top of the first card played. If the activated card also requires
resources, return the required amount from your supply to the main supply. If the
building generates personnel, they may be used to activate multiple buildings/
plans, which are placed below the earlier building/plan. You may use cards for their
personnel at any time during your turn.
Examples: This Factory requires any two Laborer Scientist
personnel to activate, and allows you to draw
two cards or force an opponent to discard two
cards from his or her hand. To activate it,
play any card or combination of cards which
provides two personnel and place the Factory
card on top of it. Draw two cards from the
Industry deck, which you may immediately use;
Requires two
OR, your chosen opponent must take two cards workers of any
of their choice from their hand and place them type to activate
in the discard pile.
This Mine building requires three Engineers to activate, and
generates five Yellowcake. To activate it, play any combination of
cards which provides three engineers. Place the Mine on top of them,
and take five Yellowcake from the supply.
Decide who will go first and give that person the Start Player card. Each player will get
the same number of turns, so the player to the Start Player’s right will take the At the end of your turn, discard the Mine and all cards used to activate
last turn. it. Keep your Yellowcake in front of you.
You may instead use the mine card to provide one Laborer.
This Enrichment Plant building requires a Scientist and three ENRICHMENT PLANT: provides Uranium, activated by Scientist(s),
Yellowcake to activate. Play a card which provides a Scientist, return and requires you to spend Yellowcake. Play any number of cards
three Yellowcake to the supply, and take two Uranium. sideways to supply the number of personnel indicated, or use personnel
produced by a University or Landmark. Return the number of Yellowcake
You may ‘make change’ for larger denomination resource cards; the
indicated to the supply. Take the Uranium indicated and keep it in front
exact amount is not required.
of you. Note that each Yellowcake card has Uranium in the appropriate
Note that each Yellowcake card has Uranium in the appropriate denomination on the back, so you can usually flip them, rather than
denomination on the back, so you can usually flip them, rather than returning them to the supply. You may ‘make change’ for larger denomination resource
returning them to the supply. cards; the exact amount is not required.
You may instead use this card to provide two Engineers. You may use any Uranium produced any time during your turn as part of a Bomb Plan’s
completion cost.
This Bomb Plan requires two Scientists, an Engineer and four
Uranium to complete. Play cards which provide the needed personnel, UNIVERSITY: provides personnel that ‘float in your pool’. To activate,
return four Uranium to the supply, and claim the Bomb from the play any number of cards sideways to supply the number of personnel
Bomb row (or build it from your private stash—see DESIGN BOMB). indicated, or use personnel produced by another University or
Landmark. Personnel produced may be used once each to activate any
This Bomb is worth 6 points, shown by the number on its lower edge.
building/plan, and may be used to activate multiple buildings/plans.
At the end of your turn, discard all the cards used to activate it. Unused personnel are lost at the end of your turn.
Keep all completed Bomb Plans in front of you, face up. Note that one special University provides only Laborers, which may only be used
to activate buildings requiring .

HOW TO ALMOST BUILD A BOMB IN ONE TURN LANDMARKS: If you have a desperate need for specific type of
personnel or resource, the Landmark cards can convert three of any type
of personnel into an Engineer or a Scientist, or provide one Yellowcake,
Two Laborers activate the University, or even Uranium. These inefficient Landmarks are available to any player
which requires any two personnel. on their turn and may be used as often as desired in the same turn. They
always stay in the center of the table and are not put into anyone’s hand
or discarded.
DESIGN BOMB: May be played at any time during your turn to put
a Bomb Plan into your private stash. Look at the top three cards from
Output: the Bomb Plan draw pile. Select one card from these three and any card
three Scientists. currently in your private stash. Place the chosen card face down in front
of you. Place the unselected Bomb Plan cards on the bottom of the Bomb
University requires two personnel; Plan draw pile. The chosen card does not count for points until built. You
Enrichment Plant requires may only have 1 bomb in your private stash at any give time.
a Scientist and 3 Yellowcake.
BUILDING & LOADING BOMBS: Bomb Plans work the same way
as Enrichment Plants, except that they require both Scientists and
Engineers, and Uranium instead of Yellowcake. You take and keep all
Bomb Plans you build, face-up in front of you. The number on the bomb
card is its point value. All of the face-up Bomb Plans in the center of the
University provides 3 Engineers.
table and any from your private stash are available for you to build on
Mine takes 2 and produces 3 Yellowcake,
your turn, but the supply is not refreshed until the end of your turn.
which goes to the Enrichment Plant.
Enrichment Plant produces 2 Uranium. Bomb Loaded cards are similar, but you may only build one per Bomb
Plan you have built. It adds two points to the value of the Bomb. When
built, place the Bomb Loaded card beneath your Bomb Plan card with its
point value showing. At the end of a player’s turn in which he or she built
This Bomb Plan requires a Scientist, 2 Engineers and two Uranium.
a bomb or loaded a bomb, check to see if their total point value triggers
You have one Engineer and the Uranium, but not the Scientist and
the final round of play (see WINNING above). You may build more than
second Engineer! If you had one more card with both a Scientist and
one Bomb Plan in a single turn.
Engineer on its side, you could have completed the Bomb Plan on your
turn. Note that the unused Engineer is not available on your next turn. ESPIONAGE: May be played at any time during your turn. You may
look at any opponent’s hand and take one card, OR you may take one
Yellowcake (making change if necessary) from any opponent. You may
Be careful not to confuse the personnel required to activate a card with the personnel immediately use what you take.
a card can provide by itself. The icons on top of a card are always its requirement to
DOUBLE AGENT: May be played at any time during your turn. You
activate, not the personnel it can provide.
may activate any Landmark from the common play area without paying
its personnel activation cost. You must still pay any non-personnel
THE CARDS resource costs, such as Yellowcake. Else you may take one Yellowcake
(making change if necessary) from any opponent. You may immediately
MINE: provides Yellowcake, usually activated by Engineers. Play any
use what you take.
number of cards sideways to supply the number of personnel indicated,
or use personnel produced by a University or Landmark. Take the
Yellowcake indicated and keep it in front of you. You may use Yellowcake SOLO PLAY
produced during your turn or previous turns to pay the activation cost of
The goal in solo play is to build the most bombs and gain the most points you can while
an Enrichment Plant.
only going through the deck one time. During setup deal out 4 bomb cards and place
FACTORY: allows you to draw cards from the Industry deck or force them face up in the center.
an opponent to discard cards. Activated by the required number of
Some cards have a special ability in solo play mode which is written out on the bottom
personnel shown at the top. If you choose to draw, take the number
of the specific card.
of cards shown on the lower left from the Industry deck. You may
immediately use the cards you draw for personnel or as buildings/special FACTORY: Instead of making another player discard cards, you may take that many
actions. If you force an opponent to discard, the opponent chooses the cards from anywhere in the discard pile and put them into your current hand. However,
number of cards shown on the lower right to discard from their hand, you may not choose another FACTORY card from the discard pile.
placing them in the discard pile. NOTE: when playing with only two players, some
DOUBLE AGENT: You may play a single card from your hand while ignoring the
cards have a no-2 player icon ( ), which means you may not force your opponent to
input requirements of that card including the resources like Yellowcake.
discard using that card.
ESPIONAGE: You may draw 3 cards and choose 1 to put into your hand. The rest are
placed back on top of the deck in any order you choose.

Game Design: James Mathe Graphic Design: Clay Gardner
Producer: James Mathe Manual Text & Editing: Peter Dast Copyright ©2016. All rights reserved.
Card Poster Art: Sergi Marcet Rules Layout: Topher McCulloch
Cover Art: Bill Bricker

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