Challenges and Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown On Indian Optometry Practice: A Survey-Based Study
Challenges and Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown On Indian Optometry Practice: A Survey-Based Study
Challenges and Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown On Indian Optometry Practice: A Survey-Based Study
Department of Optometry, Netha Jyothi college of Optometry, Udupi, Karnataka, India
Department of Optometry, Manipal College of Health Professional, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka,
COVID-19; Purpose: The Indian government announced a nationwide lockdown as a preventive measure to
Optometry practice; control the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. This survey was developed and conducted to assess
Tele-optometry; the impact of lockdown on Indian optometry practice.
Business continuity; Methods: A survey questionnaire was designed and circulated across the optometrists practicing
Online education in India through multiple social media platforms. All the data were extracted and only valid
response were analyzed and reported.
Results: A total of 691 optometrists participated in the survey. Most of the participants (22.25%)
were in private practice followed by academics (14.89%). Among the valid responses collected,
it was found that 43.37% of the respondents were consulting patients during the lockdown.
Of these, 27.17% of optometrists were examining infectious cases and 48.68% were exam-
ining all the patients who came for consultation. Approximately 50.94% of the participated
optometrist had begun telephonic/e-mail/video consultations. In addition, 64.48% reported
that optometrists were at an equal risk of clinching COVID-19 on comparison with other domains
during patient examination. Nearly 30.44% respondents felt that optometrists would face chal-
lenges in approaching the patient post COVID-19 considering the close working distance.
Conclusion: A proportion of optometrist have switched to some form of teleconsultation in
order to aid patients during this prevailing pandemic. Regulatory bodies should issue appropri-
ate guidelines regarding the safe optometry practice for the betterment of both patient and
practitioners during face-to-face consultation.
© 2020 Spanish General Council of Optometry. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Optometry, Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal
Please cite this article in press as: S. K Karthikeyan, P. Nandagopal, V.S. R et al., Challenges and
impact of COVID-19 lockdown on Indian optometry practice: A survey-based study, Journal of Optometry,
OPTOM-393; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
S. K Karthikeyan, P. Nandagopal, V.S. R et al.
Methods Results
A cross-sectional online survey questionnaire was adminis- Survey response was received from 691 optometrists. Of
tered in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.10 The which, data from only 611 were valid and were included
aim of this survey was to evaluate the optometrist practice for the analysis. Data were excluded from 11 undergrad-
pattern and patient care during the COVID-19 lockdown. As uate/diploma students, 1 optometrist practicing outside
this study aimed to collect only the perception and the ser- India, 14 technicians with short-term courses, 33 respon-
vice by the optometrists, ethics approval was not obtained. dents who had reported to have responded the survey
The information collected did not include personal infor- before, and 21 respondents with logical contradictions (e.g.,
mation and was anonymized, which was similar to surveys those who answered that they were not practicing any kind
carried out by Nilesh et al.11 and Nair et al.3 of teleconsultation had also responded that they are charg-
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Table 1 Summary of the methodology followed in the Table 2 Summary of the demographics of the optometrists
survey. involved in the survey.
Sr no. Description Survey report Characteristics No. of No. of
responses responses
1 Survey development Literature review
(n) (%)
followed by a
discussion between Gender (n = 611)
four optometrist to Male 298 48.77
finalize items of the Female 313 51.23
questionnaire Primary place of practice (n = 611)
2 Number and nature of 15 mix of open- and Academics 91 14.89
items in the close-ended questions Private practice 136 22.25
questionnaire Corporate 59 9.65
3 Reliability Not determined Optical retail 71 11.62
4 Mode of survey Internet-based Optometrist pursuing PG 8 1.30
5 Survey period April 24, 2020, to Research 31 5.07
April 29, 2020 Private hospital 52 8.51
6 Sample frame Open survey: Open Charitable hospital 80 13.09
for all optometrists Govt. hospital 80 13.09
across India Unemployed 3 0.49
7 Target population Optometrist Qualification (n = 611)
practicing in India Diploma 90 14.72
8 Recruitment process Open invitation over B. Optom. 345 56.46
social media, namely M. Optom. 144 23.57
Facebook, WhatsApp, M.Phil. 9 1.42
and Telegram, in a Fellowship 11 1.80
target group with two Ph.D. 6 0.99
reminder messages PGDO 6 0.99
9 Participation Voluntary PG, postgraduate.
10 Survey administration Sequential questions
administered using ing for teleconsultation). Among the included respondents,
Google forms 51.23% were female and 48.77% were male. The character-
11 Informed consent E-consent istics of the respondents are mentioned in Table 2.
12 Incentives None
13 Randomization of No such mechanism Academic practice
items or employed
questionnaires Of the respondents who nominated to be primarily involved
14 Use of adoptive Yes in academics, research, and higher education, 62.30% were
questions involved in online teaching. Modes used for online teaching
15 Number of screens 6 are shown in Fig. 1.
16 Review step Review with back Respondents involved in taking online classes were asked
button; no alteration about the expenses involved in taking online classes com-
possible once the pared to normal offline teaching. However, 59.26% said that
response is submitted online teaching was less expensive, 7.41% felt it to be more
17 Preventing multiple No such mechanism expensive, and 33.33% reported to be equally expensive.
entries from single employed The results of five-point Likert scale accessing comfort,
respondent, e.g., satisfaction, successfulness, the response of students, and
cookies used their preference in continuing online classes are shown in
18 Data capturing Automatic conversion Fig. 2.
into a spreadsheet
19 Data analysis Descriptive statistics
Clinical practice
qualitative thematic
analysis of
open-ended questions
Of the total optometrists responded, 43.37% were involved
20 Software used for GraphPad Prism
in consulting patients during the lockdown either in hospi-
statistical analysis (version 6.04 for
tals or through teleconsultation. Fig. 3 shows the number
Windows, GraphPad
of optometrists engaged in consultation from their primary
Software, La Jolla,
mode/place of practice.
Optometrists who were currently involved in consulting
patients were asked to mention the type of patient or the
conditions they were consulting. Infections were the most
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S. K Karthikeyan, P. Nandagopal, V.S. R et al.
Fig. 1 Number of optometrists involved in online teaching, their opinion about the expense, and the type of online platform
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Journal of Optometry xxx (xxxx) xxx---xxx
Business interruption and recovery practice in the future. Other reasonable changes include,
employee and environmental protection measures to fore-
Among the respondents, 22.25% were having their own inde- stall disease transmission.46 In future some new proof will
pendent practice, which was similar to practice during develop, changing the prevention and treatment modalities
normal days.11 Among the private practitioners, 46.32% were for COVID-19. From the perspective of eye-care practition-
under total lockdown, which could create economic damage ers, it is challenging to put on restrictions in the workplace.
on a small business due to absence of staff, interrupted util- But for the eye-care practitioners to return to serving society
ities, or consumer fear. A study has shown that two-thirds of optimally and securely, the regulatory bodies should provide
businesses will file bankruptcy within a year, if they do not some clear guidelines in order to resume patient care with-
resume the business within two weeks after a disaster.39 out trading off wellbeing of both the practitioners and their
The aftereffect of business by acute natural disasters patients.
includes problems such as customer accessibility, absence
of employee, and shipping delays, which tender to busi- Author contribution
ness losses and impede recovery. On chance if particular
regions are set apart as zones of higher danger, difficulties to SKK --- Involved in study conception and design, data acqui-
recuperation become magnified.40 Providers of services and sition, drafting, critical revising and final approval of the
goods whose markets are restricted to a local level (e.g., manuscript.
optometrists) are more helpless against delays in long-term PN - Involved in study design, data acquisition, data anal-
recuperation after a disaster.9,41 ysis, drafting and critically revising the manuscript.
Providers of services or goods must be prepared for dis- VSR - Involved in study design, data acquisition, data
ruption in the typical progression of trade. Businesses that analysis, drafting and critically revising the manuscript.
prepare for emergencies beforehand in general endure and AN - Involved in study design, data acquisition and draft-
resume typical activities in a superior way than those that ing the manuscript.
don’t.9,41 The study by Hom et al.9 summarized 10 business
planning methods, namely the preparation of getting orga-
nized, risk assessment, employee health, employee policies, Source(s) of support
supply and service interruptions, pandemic and manage-
ment plan, prepare to fill vacancies, plans for business Nil.
continuity, inform/education of employees, and informing
other stakeholders. Presentation at a meeting
Among the optometrists with academic and research back- Conflicting interest
ground, 62.30% were found to be involved in taking the
class online using various modes. The results suggest that The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
a higher number of educators have quickly adopted online
classes, suggesting the need for development of devoted
online modules explicit to characterized territories of com- Acknowledgement
petency alongside definite arranging of blended learning
exercises.42 Though literature suggests that there is a sig- We would like to thank Mr. Kumaran, General Secretary,
nificant increase in scoring lower grades among students Optometric Association of Tamil Nanbargal (OATN) and
compared to face-to-face classes, motivating and continu- Karthikeyan K, Chairman, Tamil Nadu Government Optom-
ous interaction with the students during online classes may etry professionals Association and Vice President, National
improve grades.43---45 Ophthalmic Association for helping us in circulating the
The lockdown, which was a first in India, brought many questionnaire with the optometrist in national and state
ambiguities in both personal and professional fronts for associations.
most health-care practitioners. The rapidly-evolving sce-
nario made it challenging to have a detailed survey on Appendix A. Supplementary data
practice, usage of personal protective equipment, and
adherence to guidelines. Thus, the duration for the survey Supplementary material related to this arti-
completion was kept short. cle can be found, in the online version, at
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