1 s2.0 S0002817721006589 Main
1 s2.0 S0002817721006589 Main
1 s2.0 S0002817721006589 Main
Background. Oral health care settings carry a potentially high risk of causing cross-infection
between dentists and patients and among dental staff members due to close contact and use of
aerosol-generating procedures. The authors aimed to estimate COVID-19 incidence rates among
Canadian dentists over a 6-month period.
Methods. The authors conducted a prospective cohort study of 644 licensed dentists across
Canada from July 29, 2020, through February 12, 2021. An online questionnaire, adapted from the
World Health Organization’s Unity Studies protocols for assessment of COVID-19 risk among
health care workers, was used to collect data on self-reported severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 infections every 4 weeks. A bayesian Poisson model was used to estimate the inci-
dence rate and corresponding 95% credible intervals (CIs).
Results. Median age of participants was 47 years; most participants were women (56.4%) and
general practitioners (90.8%). Median follow-up time was 188 days. Six participants reported
COVID-19 infections during the study period, giving an incidence rate of 5.10 per 100,000 person-
days (95% CI, 1.86 to 9.91 per 100,000 person-days). The incidence proportion was estimated to be
1,084 per 100,000 dentists (95% CI, 438 to 2,011 per 100,000 dentists) and 1,864 per 100,000
people (95% CI, 1,859 to 1,868 per 100,000 people) in the Canadian population during the same
Conclusions. The low infection rate observed among Canadian dentists from July 29, 2020,
through February 12, 2021, should be reassuring to the dental and general community.
Practical Implications. Although the infection rates were low among Canadian dentists, it is
important to continue to collect disease surveillance data.
Key Words. COVID-19; dentists; Canada; incidence; personal protective equipment.
JADA 2022:153(5):450-459
vidence indicates an increased incidence of COVID-19 among health care providers (HCPs)
compared with the general population.1-4 In a systematic review of COVID-19 infection rates
and deaths among HCPs, using data collected through May 8, 2020, researchers reported
3.9% of cases and 0.5% of COVID-19erelated deaths globally were among HCPs.2 Researchers
investigating a cohort of HCPs in New York, New York, found a seroprevalence of severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies of 13.7%.3 Using data available
through July 23, 2020, the Canadian Institute of Health Information reported that 19.4% of cases in
Canada were among HCPs,1 although cases varied considerably across provinces, from 5.4% in
Copyright ª 2022 Saskatchewan to 24.1% in Quebec.1 Dentists, a high-risk group of HCPs, were not included or at
American Dental least not identified as a group in these studies. The available data concerning COVID-19 infections
Association. This is an in dentists and dental care professionals come from studies in the United States,5,6 United
open access article under
Kingdom,7 and France,8 as well as a retrospective case series report of 31 infected oral health care
the CC BY license (http://
creativecommons.org/ professionals from China.9 Investigators from the US study reported a prevalence of 0.9% for
licenses/by/4.0/). confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 infection among 2,195 dentists who responded to a
Study design
We used data from an ongoing, prospective cohort study of Canadian dentists. Eligibility criteria
included being licensed to practice general or specialty dentistry in Canada during the study period;
being SARS-CoV-2enegative at recruitment; and having no history of COVID-19. Potential
participants, identified through rosters of 9 provincial dental licensing bodies or dental associations
(Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia), were invited to participate through the associa-
tions’ email lists. Regular email reminders were sent until we reached the required sample size. The
ethics review boards of the leading institutions (Faculty of Medicine Institutional Review Board,
McGill University, Biomedical Research Ethics Board, University of Saskatchewan) approved
our study.
The sample size for our cohort study was calculated on the basis of estimates of infection rates in
May 2020 in Canada. We calculated a sample size of 380 participants to be followed for 1 year to
estimate an incidence proportion of 1%, with a margin of error of 1%. At least 200 participants were ABBREVIATION KEY
required in a subcohort to estimate an incidence proportion of 0.5% for nonsymptomatic COVID-
AGP: Aerosol-generating
19, with a margin of error of 0.9%.20-22 procedure.
HCP: Health care
Recruitment provider.
Invitations to participate were sent to dentists registered across 9 participating dental licensing PPE: Personal protective
bodies or associations in late July 29, 2020. Of 702 participants who consented to participate in our RT-PCR: Reverse
study, 651 completed the baseline survey. Excluding participants who stopped working before transcriptase
November 2019 (n ¼ 2) and prevalent COVID-19 cases, 644 participants were invited to the polymerase chain
longitudinal phase. We invited 226 participants randomly from this group to provide saliva samples reaction.
SARS- Severe acute
every 4 weeks to test for asymptomatic cases of infection. Of these, 2 participants were later
CoV-2: respiratory
excluded owing to logistical challenges in shipping samples from their location, resulting in a final syndrome
sample size of 224 for the subcohort. coronavirus 2.
Statistical analysis
Longitudinal patterns of in-person oral health care provided by participants and types of PPE used
were summarized using descriptive statistics. We used a bayesian Poisson model to estimate the
incidence rate. Analyses were conducted using data collected from July 29, 2020, through February
12, 2021. To account for the uncertainty in the date of infection due to time lapse between
infection and test dates, we implemented the proposed single random point imputation technique,
which has been reported to be superior to other standard techniques.27-29 The technique imputes a
value for the follow-up duration from the interval from the date of the last reported negative result
through the date of the sample that led to a positive result. This approach is based on the
assumption that the infection could have happened at any point between these 2 visits. A non-
informative prior (Gamma 0.0001, 0.0001) was used for the rate parameter. The model was fit in
JAGS30 using 4 parallel Markov chain Monte Carlo chains with 25,000 burn-in and 25,000 samples
each (see the Appendix, available online at the end of this article, for details of the model). The
Age, Y
Alberta 27 (4.2)
Manitoba 26 (4.0)
Saskatchewan 29 (4.5)
Yukon 1 (0.2)
Remote 5 (0.8)
Missing 2 (0.3)
1 537 (83.4)
2 83 (12.9)
3 13 (2.0)
>3 10 (1.6)
Missing 1 (0.2)
Follow-Up, d
convergence of Markov chain Monte Carlo chains was assessed using trace plots and Gelman-Rubin
Rhat value.31,32 Incidence rates and corresponding 95% credible intervals (CIs) were reported.
COVID-19 prevalence at baseline and incidence proportion were estimated using a bayesian
binomial model with noninformative b(1,1) prior distribution. We also compared the incidence
proportion estimate with the national estimate during the study period, which we obtained from the
Government of Canada’s COVID-19 outbreak update.33
1 2 3 4 5
Participants, No. 612 617 612 604 552 588
No. of Patients Who Required an Aerosol-Generating Procedure per Week, No. (%)
<7 310 (50.7) 302 (48.9) 300 (49.0) 275 (45.5) 286 (51.8) 253 (43.0)
7 290 (47.4) 308 (49.9) 305 (49.8) 320 (53.0) 254 (46.0) 325 (55.3)
Provided Oral Health Care for Any COVID-19ePositive Patients, No. (%)
No 610 (99.7) 616 (99.8) 601 (98.2) 595 (98.5) 546 (98.9) 579 (98.5)
No 605 (98.9) 599 (97.1) 601 (98.2) 591 (97.8) 544 (98.6) 578 (98.3)
The mean age of participants was 47.3 years (range, 24-79 years); most participants were women
(56.4%) and general practitioners (90.8%). As expected, given the general population distribution
in Canada, most of our sample had their primary practices in Quebec and Ontario (62.9%), were
serving a metropolitan or urban community (57%), and practiced in only 1 office per week (83.4%)
(Table 1). The data collection period was from July 29, 2020 through February 12, 2021. Median
follow-up was 188 days (interquartile range, 183-191 days). Eighteen participants (2.7%) were lost
to follow-up during the study period.
Longitudinal patterns of in-person oral health care provision and PPE use
Most participants ( 80%) continued to provide in-person oral health care across the baseline and
follow-up visits. Among this subgroup of participants, most performed AGPs for at least 1 patient
during the study period. However, a low proportion of participants provided care for patients who
were known to be COVID-19epositive or who were suspected of having COVID-19 (Table 2).
During the follow-up period, use of N95 respirators or higher-specification respirators increased
from approximately 40% through 60% (Table 3 and Figure 1). Furthermore, the proportion of
participants using both N95 respirators or higher-specification respirators and visors for all in-person
oral health care procedures doubled during the follow-up period (9.3%-19.6%). Most participants
(> 90%) used goggles or eyeglasses during all types of dental procedures throughout the follow-up
Incidence of COVID-19
During the follow-up period, 6 participants reported receiving a diagnosis of COVID-19, resulting in
an incidence rate of 5.10 per 100,000 person-days (95% CI, 1.86 to 9.91 per 100,000 person-days).
The cumulative incidence curve is presented in Figure 2. The incidence proportion was estimated to
be 1,084 per 100,000 dentists (95% CI, 438 to 2,011 per 100,000 dentists). In other words, we
estimated that 1.08% (95% CI, 0.44% to 2.01%) of Canadian dentists were COVID-19epositive
during the study period from July 29, 2020, through February 12, 2021. The incidence proportion
among the general population during the same period was 1,864 per 100,000 people (95% CI, 1,859
to 1,868 per 100,000 people).
None of the participants in the subcohort who provided saliva reported ever testing positive for
COVID-19 during the study period. As expected, no SARS-CoV-2 was detected in any of the saliva
samples from 224 participants during the study period.
1 2 3 4 5
Providers, No. 612 617 612 604 552 588
For all procedures 471 (77.0) 488 (79.1) 448 (73.2) 412 (68.2) 357 (64.7) 371 (63.1)
None 372 (60.8) 388 (62.9) 329 (53.8) 290 (48.0) 225 (40.8) 218 (37.1)
For all procedures 100 (16.3) 105 (17.0) 141 (23.0) 165 (27.3) 189 (34.2) 211 (35.9)
For AGPs only 139 (22.7) 124 (20.1) 139 (22.7) 146 (24.2) 138 (25.0) 157 (26.7)
For all procedures 552 (90.2) 569 (92.2) 558 (91.2) 554 (91.7) 512 (92.8) 542 (92.2)
None 161 (26.3) 178 (28.8) 154 (25.2) 150 (24.8) 127 (23.0) 129 (21.9)
For all procedures 242 (39.5) 217 (35.2) 245 (40.0) 245 (40.6) 243 (44.0) 246 (41.8)
For AGPs only 204 (33.3) 220 (35.7) 209 (34.2) 206 (34.1) 177 (32.1) 210 (35.7)
Authors of several articles have highlighted oral health care professionals as being at high risk of
becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2.34-37 Previous reports on COVID-19 risk among HCPs in
general also pointed toward this direction.38-40 Results of studies from the United States and France
conducted during the early phase of the pandemic showed low prevalence compared with the general
population. However, to our knowledge, no researchers have reported the incidence rates of SARS-
CoV-2 infections among Canadian dentists. We presented results from an ongoing, prospective
cohort study of COVID-19 incidence rates in Canadian dentists working in the community.
After the initial phase of the pandemic and the reopening of dental offices to routine oral health
care across the country in the spring of 2020, most participating dentists provided some form of in-
person oral health care to patients during the study period. We found that infection rates in our
study were lower than those documented for the general population, according to provincial and
federal surveillance data during the study period (July 29, 2020-February 12, 2021).33 However, due
to the relatively short follow-up period, dynamic nature of the infection rates among the general
population, and the fact that dentists are included in the data available from the public domain, this
comparison must be interpreted with caution.
Notwithstanding the need to be cautious in interpreting the apparently lower infection rates in
our sample compared with the general population, a lower rate may have been a reflection of an
array of interacting factors, including but not limited to preprocedure screening of patients,
Proportion of participants, %
Figure 1. Longitudinal trends in the use of different facial coverings for any in-person oral health care procedures
during the past 2 weeks. The change over time in use of 4 major types of face coverings.
Cumulative incidence %
Figure 2. Cumulative incidence of self-reported COVID-19 infection among participants during the study period. The
solid line represents the point estimate and the dashed lines represent the 95% confidence limits.
adherence to rigorous infection prevention and control protocols used during these procedures,
public health measures (for example, physical distancing and masking), and increased awareness
and precautionary behavior of dentists in general and outside their work place. For example, the
follow-up period of the study primarily spanned the second wave of COVID-19 in Canada when,
although more cases were reported than in the first wave, more stringent social distancing measures
were imposed (for example, curfews and restriction on interregional travel). Also, only a few par-
ticipants provided oral health care to patients who had confirmed cases of COVID-19 or were
suspected of having COVID-19, so this may be an initial signal that the event rates are driven
mainly by means of community contacts rather than any in-clinic transmission. In addition, most
participants in the study used multiple face coverings during most procedures. Although the use of
N95 respirators or higher-specification respirators was low during the initial follow-up, it has
increased over time, which may reflect an increase in the availability of this PPE.
To our knowledge, this is the first report on COVID-19 risk among Canadian dentists. The low
infection rate observed during the 6-month follow-up period should be reassuring to the dental and
general community. By means of providing the disease surveillance data, the results of our study may
help decision makers adapt and optimize clinical guidelines for infection prevention and control
during this pandemic and potentially future waves. n
Dr. Madathil is an assistant professor, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill Univer- Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures.
sity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Address correspondence to Dr. Madathil,
Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, 2001 McGill College Ave, Room This research was funded by grant VR4-172757 from the Canadian In-
533, Montreal, Quebec H3A1G1, Canada, email sreenath.madathil@ stitutes of Health Research and by the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.
mcgill.ca. Sreenath Madathil is a recipient of a Career Award from the Fonds de
Dr. Siqueira is a professor, College of Dentistry, University of Saskatch- Recherche du QuébeceSanté.
ewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Data availability statement. The data pertinent to the article will be
Dr. Marin is a postdoctoral fellow, College of Dentistry, University of available on reasonable request for collaborative research.
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Ethics statement. This study received ethical approval through the McGill
Dr. Sanaulla is a postdoctoral fellow, College of Dentistry, University of
University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Institutional Review
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Board (A06-M49-20A [20-06-018]).
Ms. Faraj is a research assistant, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The authors would like to acknowledge the following organizations for
Dr. Quiñonez is an associate professor, Faculty of Dentistry, University of their support: Canadian Dental Association, Provincial Dental Board of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Nova Scotia; Dental Association of Prince Edward Island; Association des
Dr. McNally is a professor, Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine, Dalhousie chirurgiens dentistes du Québec; the Ontario Dental Association; the
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Manitoba Dental Association; College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatch-
Dr. Glogauer is a professor, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, ewan; School of Dentistry, University of Alberta; College of Dental Sur-
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. geons of British Columbia; and Newfoundland and Labrador Dental
Dr. Allison is a professor, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Mon- Association.
treal, Quebec, Canada.
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60 15.5 20.7
Nunavut 0 1.3