iecWP Energystorage LR en
iecWP Energystorage LR en
iecWP Energystorage LR en
Electrical Energy
White paper
Li-ion H2
Electrical Energy Storage, EES, is one of the key electric vehicles with batteries are the most
technologies in the areas covered by the IEC. promising technology to replace fossil fuels by
EES techniques have shown unique capabilities electricity from mostly renewable sources.
in coping with some critical characteristics
of electricity, for example hourly variations in The Smart Grid has no universally accepted
demand and price. In the near future EES will definition, but in general it refers to modernizing
become indispensable in emerging IEC-relevant the electricity grid. It comprises everything
markets in the use of more renewable energy, to related to the electrical system between any
achieve CO2 reduction and for Smart Grids. point of electricity production and any point of
consumption. Through the addition of Smart
Historically, EES has played three main roles. Grid technologies the grid becomes more
First, EES reduces electricity costs by storing flexible and interactive and can provide real-
electricity obtained at off-peak times when its time feedback. For instance, in a Smart Grid,
price is lower, for use at peak times instead information regarding the price of electricity
of electricity bought then at higher prices. and the situation of the power system can be
Secondly, in order to improve the reliability exchanged between electricity production and
of the power supply, EES systems support consumption to realize a more efficient and
users when power network failures occur due reliable power supply. EES is one of the key
to natural disasters, for example. Their third elements in developing a Smart Grid.
role is to maintain and improve power quality,
frequency and voltage. In October 2010, the IEC MSB (Market Strategy
Board) decided to establish a project team to
Regarding emerging market needs, in on-grid plan future IEC activities in EES. This White
areas, EES is expected to solve problems Paper summarizes present and future market
– such as excessive power fluctuation and needs for EES technologies, reviews their
undependable power supply – which are technological features, and finally presents
associated with the use of large amounts of recommendations for all EES stakeholders.
renewable energy. In the off-grid domain,
References 83
Annexes 87
6 L is t o f a b b r e v i at i
The roles of electrical energy
storage technologies in
electricity use
S E C T I O N 1 ologies in electricity use
10 The roles of ele ctr ical energy storag e techn
Two characteristics of electricity lead to issues 1.2.1 High generation cost during peak-
in its use, and by the same token generate demand periods
the market needs for EES. First, electricity is
consumed at the same time as it is generated. Power demand varies from time to time (see
The proper amount of electricity must always Figure 1-1), and the price of electricity changes
be provided to meet the varying demand. An accordingly. The price for electricity at peak-
imbalance between supply and demand will demand periods is higher and at off-peak
damage the stability and quality (voltage and periods lower. This is caused by differences in
frequency) of the power supply even when it the cost of generation in each period.
does not lead to totally unsatisfied demand.
During peak periods when electricity
The second characteristic is that the places consumption is higher than average, power
where electricity is generated are usually located suppliers must complement the base-load
far from the locations where it is consumed 1. power plants (such as coal-fired and nuclear)
Generators and consumers are connected with less cost-effective but more flexible
through power grids and form a power system. forms of generation, such as oil and gas-fired
In function of the locations and the quantities generators. During the off-peak period when
of power supply and demand, much power less electricity is consumed, costly types of
flow may happen to be concentrated into a generation can be stopped. This is a chance
specific transmission line and this may cause for owners of EES systems to benefit financially.
congestion. Since power lines are always From the utilities’ viewpoint there is a huge
needed, if a failure on a line occurs (because potential to reduce total generation costs
of congestion or any other reason) the supply by eliminating the costlier methods, through
of electricity will be interrupted; also because storage of electricity generated by low-cost
lines are always needed, supplying electricity power plants during the night being reinserted
to mobile applications is difficult. The following into the power grid during peak periods.
sections outline the issues caused by these
characteristics and the consequent roles of EES. With high PV and wind penetration in some
regions, cost-free surplus energy is sometimes
available. This surplus can be stored in EES and
used to reduce generation costs. Conversely,
from the consumers’ point of view, EES can
lower electricity costs since it can store electricity
bought at low off-peak prices and they can use
it during peak periods in the place of expensive
power. Consumers who charge batteries during
However, in the future there will be an increase in off-peak hours may also sell the electricity to
distributed generation (as mentioned for example utilities or to other consumers during peak hours.
in sections 3.1 and 3.2), where consumption and
generation are typically close together.
Figure 1-1 – Comparison of daily load curves
(IEEJ – The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, 2005)
1.2.2 Need for continuous and flexible fluctuations in demand, using the extra power
supply from the “kilowatt function” if necessary.
Renewable energy facilities such as solar and
A fundamental characteristic of electricity wind do not possess both a kW function and
leads to the utilities’ second issue, maintaining a frequency control function unless they are
a continuous and flexible power supply for suitably modified. Such a modification may be a
consumers. If the proper amount of electricity negative power margin (i.e. decreasing power)
cannot be provided at the time when consumers or a phase shift inverter 2.
need it, the power quality will deteriorate and at
worst this may lead to a service interruption. To EES is expected to be able to compensate
meet changing power consumption appropriate for such difficulties with a kW function and a
amounts of electricity should be generated frequency control function. Pumped hydro has
continuously, relying on an accurate forecast of been widely used to provide a large amount
the variations in demand. of power when generated electricity is in short
supply. Stationary batteries have also been
Power generators therefore need two utilized to support renewable energy output with
essential functions in addition to the basic their quick response capability.
generating function. First, generating plants
are required to be equipped with a “kilowatt
function”, to generate sufficient power (kW)
when necessary. Secondly, some generating
facilities must possess a frequency control
In Germany such a modification, called “system
function, fine-tuning the output so as to follow
services”, must be implemented in large wind
minute-by-minute and second-by-second power generators.
S E C T I O N 1 ologies in electricity use
12 The roles of ele ctr ical energy storag e techn
1.2.3 Long distance between generation approach also helps utilities to postpone or
and consumption suspend the reinforcement of power networks.
S E C T I O N 1 ologies in electricity use
14 The roles of ele ctr ical energy storag e techn
Excessive RE installation
to secure enough
generation capacity
Reinforce transmission
facilities to cover wider
area to utilize wind farms
smoothing effects
0,1 s 1s 15 s 1 min 15 min 1h 8h
1 / month
Electricity supply
Number of uses
1 / day
12 / day
30 / h
30 / min Power
5 / sec
S E C T I O N 1 ologies in electricity use
16 The roles of ele ctr ical energy storag e techn
3) Making more efficient use of the network reduce peak power needed from the grid during
the day and to buy the needed electricity at off-
In a power network, congestion may occur
peak times.
when transmission/distribution lines cannot
be reinforced in time to meet increasing power
2) Emergency power supply
demand. In this case, large-scale batteries
installed at appropriate substations may Consumers may possess appliances needing
mitigate the congestion and thus help utilities continuity of supply, such as fire sprinklers and
to postpone or suspend the reinforcement of security equipment. EES is sometimes installed
the network. as a substitute for emergency generators to
operate during an outage. Semiconductor
4) Isolated grids and liquid-crystal manufacturers are greatly
affected by even a momentary outage (e.g.
Where a utility company supplies electricity
due to lightning) in maintaining the quality of
within a small, isolated power network, for
their products. In these cases, EES technology
example on an island, the power output from
such as large-scale batteries, double-layer
small-capacity generators such as diesel and
capacitors and SMES can be installed to avoid
renewable energy must match the power
the effects of a momentary outage by instantly
demand. By installing EES the utility can supply
switching the load off the network to the EES
stable power to consumers.
supply. A portable battery may also serve in
an emergency to provide power to electrical
5) E
mergency power supply for protection and
control equipment
A reliable power supply for protection and 3) Electric vehicles and mobile appliances
control is very important in power utilities.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are being promoted for
Many batteries are used as an emergency
CO2 reduction. High-performance batteries
power supply in case of outage.
such as nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride
and lithium ion batteries are mounted on EVs
and used as power sources. EV batteries are
1.4.2 The roles from the viewpoint of
also expected to be used to power in-house
appliances in combination with solar power and
fuel cells; at the same time, studies are being
1) Time shifting/cost savings
carried out to see whether they can usefully
Power utilities may set time-varying electricity be connected to power networks. These
prices, a lower price at night and a higher one possibilities are often abbreviated as “V2H”
during the day, to give consumers an incentive (vehicle to home) and “V2G” (vehicle to grid).
to flatten electricity load. Consumers may then
reduce their electricity costs by using EES to
1.4.3 The roles from the viewpoint of
generators of renewable energy
1) Time shifting
Types and features of energy
storage systems
S E C T I O N 2
20 Types and features of energy
storage systems
In this section the types of EES system and electricity can be generated in a gas or steam
their features are listed. A brief classification turbine. Consequently, they are classified as
is followed by a description of the various EES chemical energy storage systems. In Figure 2-1
types with their advantages and disadvantages. thermal energy storage systems are included
Finally the main technical features are as well, although in most cases electricity is
summarized. not the direct input to such storage systems.
But with the help of thermal energy storage the
energy from renewable energy sources can be
2.1 Classification of EES systems buffered and thus electricity can be produced
on demand. Examples are hot molten salts
A widely-used approach for classifying EES in concentrated solar power plants and the
systems is the determination according to the storage of heat in compressed air plants using
form of energy used. In Figure 2-1 EES systems an adiabatic process to gain efficiency.
are classified into mechanical, electrochemical,
chemical, electrical and thermal energy storage
systems. Hydrogen and synthetic natural gas 2.2 Mechanical storage systems
(SNG) are secondary energy carriers and can be
used to store electrical energy via electrolysis of The most common mechanical storage systems
water to produce hydrogen and, in an additional are pumped hydroelectric power plants
step, methane if required. In fuel cells electricity (pumped hydro storage, PHS), compressed
is generated by oxidizing hydrogen or methane. air energy storage (CAES) and flywheel energy
This combined electrolysis-fuel cell process is storage (FES).
an electrochemical EES. However, both gases
are multi-purpose energy carriers. For example,
Flywheel - FES
Chemical Thermal
Hydrogen Sensible heat storage
Electrolyser / Fuel cell / SNG Molten salt / A-CAES
Figure 2-1 – Classification of electrical energy storage systems according to energy form
(Fraunhofer ISE)
2.2.1 Pumped hydro storage (PHS) technically possible. A seawater pumped hydro
plant was first built in Japan in 1999 (Yanbaru,
With over 120 GW, pumped hydro storage 30 MW) [fuj98].
power plants (Figure 2-2) represent nearly
99 % of world-wide installed electrical storage PHS has existed for a long time – the first
capacity [doe07], which is about 3 % of global pumped hydro storage plants were used
generation capacity 4
. Conventional pumped in Italy and Switzerland in the 1890s. By
hydro storage systems use two water reservoirs 1933 reversible pump-turbines with motor-
at different elevations to pump water during off- generators were available 5. Typical discharge
peak hours from the lower to the upper reservoir times range from several hours to a few days.
(charging). When required, the water flows back The efficiency of PHS plants is in the range of
from the upper to the lower reservoir, powering 70 % to 85 %. Advantages are the very long
a turbine with a generator to produce electricity lifetime and practically unlimited cycle stability
(discharging). There are different options for the of the installation. Main drawbacks are the
upper and lower reservoirs, e.g. high dams can dependence on topographical conditions and
be used as pumped hydro storage plants. For large land use. The main applications are for
the lower reservoir flooded mine shafts, other energy management via time shift, namely non-
underground cavities and the open sea are also spinning reserve and supply reserve.
The largest PHS plant in the world, with
100 MW peak power, is the Bath County
hydroelectric pumped storage plant located in 5
Adjustable-speed machines are now being used to
Virginia, USA [bat85]. improve efficiency.
S E C T I O N 2
22 Types and features of energy
storage systems
2.2.2 Compressed air energy storage gas turbine. Typical underground storage
(CAES) options are caverns, aquifers or abandoned
mines. If the heat released during compression
Compressed air (compressed gas) energy is dissipated by cooling and not stored, the
storage (Figure 2-3) is a technology known air must be reheated prior to expansion in the
and used since the 19th century for different turbine. This process is called diabatic CAES
industrial applications including mobile ones. and results in low round-trip efficiencies of
Air is used as storage medium due to its less than 50 %. Diabatic technology is well-
availability. Electricity is used to compress air proven; the plants have a high reliability and are
and store it in either an underground structure capable of starting without extraneous power 6.
or an above-ground system of vessels or pipes. The advantage of CAES is its large capacity;
When needed the compressed air is mixed with disadvantages are low round-trip efficiency and
natural gas, burned and expanded in a modified geographic limitation of locations [nak07].
Field Replaceable
Bearing Cartridge
Magnetic Bearing
Integrated into Field Coil
Field Circuit
No Permanent
Magnets Enables
Smooth Back-Iron,
High Tip-Speed and
No Slots & Low Loss
High Output
The stator is the static part of the assembly at the
top of the tower.
S E C T I O N 2
24 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Lead acid batteries are the world’s most widely Nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride
used battery type and have been commercially battery (NiCd, NiMH)
deployed since about 1890. Lead acid battery
systems are used in both mobile and stationary Before the commercial introduction of nickel
applications. Their typical applications are metal hydride (NiMH) batteries around 1995,
emergency power supply systems, stand-alone nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries had been in
systems with PV, battery systems for mitigation commercial use since about 1915. Compared to
of output fluctuations from wind power and as lead acid batteries, nickel-based batteries have
starter batteries in vehicles. In the past, early a higher power density, a slightly greater energy
in the “electrification age” (1910 to 1945), many density and the number of cycles is higher;
lead acid batteries were used for storage in grids. many sealed construction types are available.
Stationary lead acid batteries have to meet far
higher product quality standards than starter From a technical point of view, NiCd batteries
batteries. Typical service life is 6 to 15 years are a very successful battery product; in
with a cycle life of 1 500 cycles at 80 % depth particular, these are the only batteries capable
of discharge, and they achieve cycle efficiency of performing well even at low temperatures in
levels of around 80 % to 90 %. Lead acid the range from -20 °C to -40 °C. Large battery
batteries offer a mature and well-researched systems using vented NiCd batteries operate on
technology at low cost. There are many types a scale similar to lead acid batteries. However,
of lead acid batteries available, e.g. vented and because of the toxicity of cadmium, these
sealed housing versions (called valve-regulated batteries are presently used only for stationary
lead acid batteries, VRLA). Costs for stationary applications in Europe. Since 2006 they have
batteries are currently far higher than for been prohibited for consumer use.
starter batteries. Mass production of lead acid
batteries for stationary systems may lead to a NiMH batteries were developed initially to replace
price reduction. NiCd batteries. Indeed, NiMH batteries have all
the positive properties of NiCd batteries, with the larger-scale Li-ion batteries. The main obstacle
exception of the maximal nominal capacity which is the high cost of more than USD 600/kWh due
is still ten times less when compared to NiCd to special packaging and internal overcharge
and lead acid. Furthermore, NiMH batteries have protection circuits.
much higher energy densities (weight for weight).
In portable and mobile applications sealed NiMH Lithium ion batteries generally have a very high
batteries have been extensively replaced by efficiency, typically in the range of 95 % - 98 %.
lithium ion batteries. On the other hand, hybrid Nearly any discharge time from seconds to
vehicles available on today’s market operate weeks can be realized, which makes them a
almost exclusively with sealed NiMH batteries, very flexible and universal storage technology.
as these are robust and far safer than lithium ion Standard cells with 5 000 full cycles can be
batteries. NiMH batteries currently cost about obtained on the market at short notice, but
the same as lithium ion batteries [etg08] [smo09] even higher cycle rates are possible after
[dah03]. further development, mainly depending on the
materials used for the electrodes. Since lithium
ion batteries are currently still expensive, they
Lithium ion battery (Li-ion) can only compete with lead acid batteries in
those applications which require short discharge
Lithium ion batteries (Figure 2-5) have become times (e.g. as primary control backup).
the most important storage technology in the
areas of portable and mobile applications (e.g. Safety is a serious issue in lithium ion battery
laptop, cell phone, electric bicycle, electric car) technology. Most of the metal oxide electrodes
since around 2000. High cell voltage levels of are thermally unstable and can decompose at
up to 3.7 nominal Volts mean that the number of elevated temperatures, releasing oxygen which
cells in series with the associated connections can lead to a thermal runaway. To minimize this
and electronics can be reduced to obtain the risk, lithium ion batteries are equipped with a
target voltage. For example, one lithium ion cell monitoring unit to avoid over-charging and
can replace three NiCd or NiMH cells which over-discharging. Usually a voltage balance
have a cell voltage of only 1.2 Volts. Another circuit is also installed to monitor the voltage
advantage of Li-ion batteries is their high level of each individual cell and prevent voltage
gravimetric energy density, and the prospect of deviations among them. Lithium ion battery
large cost reductions through mass production. technology is still developing, and there is
Although Li-ion batteries have a share of over considerable potential for further progress.
50 % in the small portable devices market, Research is focused on the development of
there are still some challenges for developing cathode materials [etg08] [esp11].
S E C T I O N 2
26 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Figure 2-5 – Typical Li-ion prismatic cell design and battery modules
(A123, IEC MSB/EES Workshop, 2011)
Metal air battery (Me-air) reaction rate can be controlled by varying air
flow, and oxidized zinc/electrolyte paste can
A metal air electrochemical cell consists of the be replaced with fresh paste. In the 1970s, the
anode made from pure metal and the cathode development of thin electrodes based on fuel-cell
connected to an inexhaustible supply of air. For research made small button prismatic primary
the electrochemical reaction only the oxygen cells possible for hearing aids, pagers and
in the air is used. Among the various metal air medical devices, especially cardiac telemetry.
battery chemical couples, the lithium air battery is Rechargeable zinc air cells have a difficulty in
most attractive since its theoretical specific energy design since zinc precipitation from the water-
excluding oxygen (oxygen is not stored in the based electrolyte must be closely controlled.
battery) is 11.14 kWh/kg, corresponding to about A satisfactory, electrically rechargeable metal
100 times more than other battery types and even air system potentially offers low materials cost
greater than petrol (10.15 kWh/kg). However, the and high specific energy, but none has reached
high reactivity of lithium with air and humidity can marketability yet [wor02] [atw11].
cause fire, which is a high safety risk.
Currently only a zinc air battery with a theoretical Sodium sulphur battery (NaS)
specific energy excluding oxygen of 1.35
kWh/kg is technically feasible. Zinc air Sodium sulphur batteries (Figure 2-6) consist of
batteries have some properties of fuel cells and liquid (molten) sulphur at the positive electrode
conventional batteries: the zinc is the fuel, the and liquid (molten) sodium at the negative
electrode; the active materials are separated stored energy, partially reducing the battery
by a solid beta alumina ceramic electrolyte. The performance. In daily use the temperature of the
battery temperature is kept between 300 °C battery can almost be maintained by just its own
and 350 °C to keep the electrodes molten. reaction heat, with appropriately dimensioned
NaS batteries reach typical life cycles of around insulation. Since around 1990 NaS batteries
4 500 cycles and have a discharge time of 6.0 have been manufactured by one company in
hours to 7.2 hours. They are efficient (AC-based Japan, with a minimum module size of 50 kW
round-trip efficiency is about 75 %) and have and with typically 300 kWh to 360 kWh. It is not
fast response. practical for the present to use only one isolated
module. Because 20 modules are combined
These attributes enable NaS batteries to be into one battery the minimal commercial power
economically used in combined power quality and energy range is on the order of 1 MW,
and time shift applications with high energy and 6.0 MWh to 7.2 MWh. These batteries are
density. The NaS battery technology has suitable for applications with daily cycling. As
been demonstrated at around 200 sites in the response time is in the range of milliseconds
Japan, mainly for peak shaving, and Germany, and NaS batteries meet the requirements for
France, USA and UAE also have NaS batteries grid stabilization, this technology could be very
in operation. The main drawback is that to interesting for utilities and large consumers
maintain operating temperatures a heat source [esp11] [kaw11].
is required, which uses the battery’s own
Battery Cell
– +
Thermal enclosure
Gas Tight Seal
(TCB – thermal
compression bonding) Cell
Safety Tube
Na Beta-Alumina
Sulfur Electrode
Sulfur Thermal enclosure
Sulfur Housing Main
S (with corrosion pole Main
protection layer) pole
Alumina tube
S E C T I O N 2
28 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Sodium nickel chloride battery (NaNiCl) and design of the electrochemical cell whereas
the energy depends on the size of the tanks.
The sodium nickel chloride (NaNiCl) battery, With this characteristic flow batteries can be
better known as the ZEBRA (Zero Emission fitted to a wide range of stationary applications.
Battery Research) battery, is – like the NaS Originally developed by NASA in the early
battery – a high-temperature (HT) battery, and 70s as EES for long-term space flights, flow
has been commercially available since about batteries are now receiving attention for storing
1995. Its operating temperature is around energy for durations of hours or days with a
270 °C, and it uses nickel chloride instead power of up to several MW. Flow batteries are
of sulphur for the positive electrode. NaNiCl classified into redox flow batteries and hybrid
batteries can withstand limited overcharge flow batteries.
and discharge and have potentially better
safety characteristics and a higher cell voltage
than NaS batteries. They tend to develop low Redox flow battery (RFB)
resistance when faults occur and this is why
cell faults in serial connections only result in In redox flow batteries (RFB) two liquid
the loss of the voltage from one cell, instead of electrolyte dissolutions containing dissolved
premature failure of the complete system. These metal ions as active masses are pumped to
batteries have been successfully implemented the opposite sides of the electrochemical
in several electric vehicle designs (Think City, cell. The electrolytes at the negative and
Smart EV) and are an interesting opportunity positive electrodes are called anolyte and
for fleet applications. Present research is in catholyte respectively. During charging and
developing advanced versions of the ZEBRA discharging the metal ions stay dissolved in
battery with higher power densities for hybrid the fluid electrolyte as liquid; no phase change
electric vehicles, and also high-energy versions of these active masses takes place. Anolyte
for storing renewable energy for load-levelling and catholyte flow through porous electrodes,
and industrial applications [esp11]. separated by a membrane which allows protons
to pass through it for the electron transfer
process. During the exchange of charge a
2.3.2 Flow batteries current flows over the electrodes, which can
be used by a battery-powered device. During
In conventional secondary batteries, the discharge the electrodes are continually
energy is charged and discharged in the active supplied with the dissolved active masses
masses of the electrodes. A flow battery is from the tanks; once they are converted the
also a rechargeable battery, but the energy is resulting product is removed to the tank.
stored in one or more electroactive species
which are dissolved in liquid electrolytes. The Theoretically a RFB can be “recharged” within
electrolytes are stored externally in tanks and a few minutes by pumping out the discharged
pumped through the electrochemical cell that electrolyte and replacing it with recharged
converts chemical energy directly to electricity electrolyte. That is why redox flow batteries
and vice versa. The power is defined by the size are under discussion for mobile applications.
However, up to now the energy density of reducing agent. The main advantage of this
the electrolytes has been too low for electric battery is the use of ions of the same metal
vehicles. on both sides. Although crossing of metal
ions over the membrane cannot be prevented
Today various redox couples have been completely (as is the case for every redox
investigated and tested in RFBs, such as a flow battery), in VRFBs the only result is a
Fe-Ti system, a Fe-Cr system and a polyS-Br loss in energy. In other RFBs, which use ions
system (Regenesys installation in UK with 15 of different metals, the crossover causes an
MW and 120 MWh, but never commissioned) irreversible degradation of the electrolytes and
[jos09]. The vanadium redox flow battery a loss in capacity. The VRFB was pioneered at
(VRFB, Figure 2-7) has been developed the the University of New South Wales, Australia,
furthest; it has been piloted since around 2000 in the early 1980s. A VRFB storage system of
by companies such as Prudent Energy (CN) up to 500 kW and 10 hrs has been installed
and Cellstrom (AU). The VRFB uses a V2+/V3+ in Japan by SEI. SEI has also used a VRFB in
redox couple as oxidizing agent and a V5+/V4+ power quality applications (e.g. 3 MW, 1.5 sec.).
redox couple in mild sulphuric acid solution as
S E C T I O N 2
30 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Hybrid flow battery (HFB) and SNG is low compared to storage technologies
such as PHS and Li-ion, chemical energy storage
In a hybrid flow battery (HFB) one of the is the only concept which allows storage of large
active masses is internally stored within the amounts of energy, up to the TWh range, and for
electrochemical cell, whereas the other remains greater periods of time – even as seasonal storage.
in the liquid electrolyte and is stored externally Another advantage of hydrogen and SNG is that
in a tank. Therefore hybrid flow cells combine these universal energy carriers can be used in
features of conventional secondary batteries and different sectors, such as transport, mobility,
redox flow batteries: the capacity of the battery heating and the chemical industry.
depends on the size of the electrochemical cell.
Typical examples of a HFB are the Zn-Ce and
the Zn-Br systems. In both cases the anolyte 2.4.1 Hydrogen (H 2 )
consists of an acid solution of Zn2+ ions. During
charging Zn is deposited at the electrode and A typical hydrogen storage system consists of
at discharging Zn2+ goes back into solution. As an electrolyzer, a hydrogen storage tank and a
membrane a microporous polyolefin material is fuel cell. An electrolyzer is an electrochemical
used; most of the electrodes are carbon-plastic converter which splits water with the help of
composites. Various companies are working on electricity into hydrogen and oxygen. It is an
the commercialization of the Zn-Br hybrid flow endothermal process, i.e. heat is required during
battery, which was developed by Exxon in the the reaction. Hydrogen is stored under pressure
early 1970s. In the United States, ZBB Energy in gas bottles or tanks, and this can be done
and Premium Power sell trailer-transportable practically for an unlimited time. To generate
Zn-Br systems with unit capacities of up to electricity, both gases flow into the fuel cell where
1 MW / 3 MWh for utility-scale applications an electrochemical reaction which is the reverse
[iee10]. 5 kW / 20 kWh systems for community of water splitting takes place: hydrogen and
energy storage are in development as well. oxygen react and produce water, heat is released
and electricity is generated. For economic and
practical reasons oxygen is not stored but vented
2.4 Chemical energy storage to the atmosphere on electrolysis, and oxygen
from the air is taken for the power generation.
In this report chemical energy storage focuses
on hydrogen and synthetic natural gas (SNG) as In addition to fuel cells, gas motors, gas
secondary energy carriers, since these could have turbines and combined cycles of gas and steam
a significant impact on the storage of electrical turbines are in discussion for power generation.
energy in large quantities (see section 4.2.2). The Hydrogen systems with fuel cells (less than
main purpose of such a chemical energy storage 1 MW) and gas motors (under 10 MW) can
system is to use “excess” electricity to produce be adopted for combined heat and power
hydrogen via water electrolysis. Once hydrogen is generation in decentralized installations. Gas
produced different ways are available for using it and steam turbines with up to several hundred
as an energy carrier, either as pure hydrogen or as MW could be used as peaking power plants.
SNG. Although the overall efficiency of hydrogen The overall AC-AC efficiency is around 40 %.
Different approaches exist to storing the step is required beyond the water splitting process
hydrogen, either as a gas under high pressure, in an electrolyzer, a step in which hydrogen and
a liquid at very low temperature, adsorbed on carbon dioxide react to methane in a methanation
metal hydrides or chemically bonded in complex reactor. As is the case for hydrogen, the SNG
hydrides. However, for stationary applications produced can be stored in pressure tanks,
gaseous storage under high pressure is the most underground, or fed directly into the gas grid.
popular choice. Smaller amounts of hydrogen can Several CO2 sources are conceivable for the
be stored in above-ground tanks or bottles under methanation process, such as fossil-fuelled power
pressures up to 900 bar. For larger amounts of stations, industrial installations or biogas plants.
hydrogen, underground piping systems or even To minimize losses in energy, transport of the
salt caverns with several 100 000 m³ volumes gases CO2 (from the CO2 source) and H2 (from the
under pressures up to 200 bar can be used. electrolysis plant) to the methanation plant should
be avoided. The production of SNG is preferable
Up to now there have not been any commercial at locations where CO2 and excess electricity
hydrogen storage systems used for renewable are both available. In particular, the use of CO2
energies. Various R&D projects carried out from biogas production processes is promising
over the last 25 years have successfully as it is a widely-used technology. Nevertheless,
demonstrated the feasibility of hydrogen intermediate on-site storage of the gases is
technology, such as a project on the self- required, as the methanation is a constantly
sufficient island of Utsira in Norway. Another running process. Recently this concept “power to
example is a hybrid power plant from Enertrag methane” has been the subject of different R&D
in Germany which is currently under projects (e.g. in Germany, where a pilot-scale
construction [ene11]. Wind energy is used to production plant is under construction [kuh11]).
produce hydrogen via electrolysis if the power
cannot be directly fed into the grid. On demand, The main advantage of this approach is the use
the stored hydrogen is added to the biogas of an already existing gas grid infrastructure
used to run a gas motor. Moreover the hydrogen (e.g. in Europe). Pure hydrogen can be fed into
produced will be used for a hydrogen refilling the gas grid only up to a certain concentration,
station at the international airport in Berlin. in order to keep the gas mixture within
specifications (e.g. heating value). Moreover,
Water electrolysis plants on a large scale (up methane has a higher energy density, and
to 160 MW) are state-of-the-art for industrial transport in pipelines requires less energy (higher
applications; several were built in different density of the gas). The main disadvantage of
locations (Norway, Egypt, Peru etc.) in the late SNG is the relatively low efficiency due to the
1990s. conversion losses in electrolysis, methanation,
storage, transport and the subsequent power
2.4.2 Synthetic natural gas (SNG) generation. The overall AC-AC efficiency, < 35 %,
is even lower than with hydrogen [ste09]. A
Synthesis of methane (also called synthetic comprehensive overview of the combined use of
natural gas, SNG) is the second option to store hydrogen and SNG as chemical energy storage
electricity as chemical energy. Here a second is shown in Figure 2-8 [wai11].
S E C T I O N 2
32 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Figure 2-8 – Overall concept for the use of hydrogen and SNG as energy carriers
2.5 Electrical storage systems thousand farads, and the possibility of very fast
charges and discharges due to extraordinarily
2.5.1 Double-layer capacitors (DLC) low inner resistance which are features not
available with conventional batteries.
Electrochemical double-layer capacitors
(DLC), also known as supercapacitors, are a Still other advantages are durability, high
technology which has been known for 60 years. reliability, no maintenance, long lifetime and
They fill the gap between classical capacitors operation over a wide temperature range and in
used in electronics and general batteries, diverse environments (hot, cold and moist). The
because of their nearly unlimited cycle stability lifetime reaches one million cycles (or ten years
as well as extremely high power capability of operation) without any degradation, except
and their many orders of magnitude higher for the solvent used in the capacitors whose
energy storage capability when compared disadvantage is that it deteriorates in 5 or 6
to traditional capacitors. This technology still years irrespective of the number of cycles. They
exhibits a large development potential that are environmentally friendly and easily recycled
could lead to much greater capacitance and or neutralized. The efficiency is typically around
energy density than conventional capacitors, 90 % and discharge times are in the range of
thus enabling compact designs. seconds to hours.
The two main features are the extremely high They can reach a specific power density which is
capacitance values, of the order of many about ten times higher than that of conventional
batteries (only very-high-power lithium batteries conditioning equipment and a cryogenically
can reach nearly the same specific power cooled refrigeration system.
density), but their specific energy density is
about ten times lower. The main advantage of SMES is the very quick
response time: the requested power is available
Because of their properties, DLCs are suited almost instantaneously. Moreover the system
especially to applications with a large number is characterized by its high overall round-trip
of short charge/discharge cycles, where their efficiency (85 % - 90 %) and the very high
high performance characteristics can be power output which can be provided for a short
used. DLCs are not suitable for the storage of period of time. There are no moving parts in the
energy over longer periods of time, because of main portion of SMES, but the overall reliability
their high self-discharge rate, their low energy depends crucially on the refrigeration system.
density and high investment costs. In principle the energy can be stored indefinitely
as long as the cooling system is operational, but
Since about 1980 they have been widely applied longer storage times are limited by the energy
in consumer electronics and power electronics. demand of the refrigeration system.
A DLC is also ideally suited as a UPS to bridge
short voltage failures. A new application could Large SMES systems with more than 10 MW
be the electric vehicle, where they could be power are mainly used in particle detectors
used as a buffer system for the acceleration for high-energy physics experiments and
process and regenerative braking [esp11]. nuclear fusion. To date a few, rather small
SMES products are commercially available;
these are mainly used for power quality control
2.5.2 Superconducting magnetic energy in manufacturing plants such as microchip
storage (SMES) fabrication facilities [iea09].
S E C T I O N 2
34 Types and features of energy
storage systems
Thermal storage can be subdivided into source heats up an adsorbent (e.g. silica gel or
different technologies: storage of sensible heat, zeolite), and vapour (working fluid, e.g. water) is
storage of latent heat, and thermo-chemical ad- desorbed from this adsorbent and condensed
and absorption storage [sch08]. The storage in a condenser at low temperatures. The heat
of sensible heat is one of the best-known of condensation is withdrawn from the system.
and most widespread technologies, with the The dried adsorbent and the separated working
domestic hot water tank as an example. The fluid can be stored as long as desired. During
storage medium may be a liquid such as water the discharging process the working fluid takes
or thermo-oil, or a solid such as concrete or up low-temperature heat in an evaporator.
the ground. Thermal energy is stored solely Subsequently, the vapour of the working
through a change of temperature of the storage fluid adsorbs on the adsorbent and heat of
medium. The capacity of a storage system is adsorption is released at high temperatures
defined by the specific heat capacity and the [jäh06]. Depending on the adsorbent/working
mass of the medium used. fluid pair the temperature level of the released
heat can be up to 200 °C [sch08] and the energy
Latent heat storage is accomplished by using density is up to three times higher than that
phase change materials (PCMs) as storage of sensible heat storage with water. However,
media. There are organic (paraffins) and sorption storage systems are more expensive
inorganic PCMs (salt hydrates) available for due to their complexity.
such storage systems. Latent heat is the energy
exchanged during a phase change such as the In the context of EES, it is mainly sensible/latent
melting of ice. It is also called “hidden” heat, heat storage systems which are important. CSP
because there is no change of temperature plants primarily produce heat, and this can be
during energy transfer. The best-known latent stored easily before conversion to electricity
heat – or cold – storage method is the ice cooler, and thus provide dispatchable electrical energy.
which uses ice in an insulated box or room to State-of-the-art technology is a two-tank
keep food cool during hot days. Currently most system for solar tower plants, with one single
PCMs use the solid-liquid phase change, such molten salt as heat transfer fluid and storage
as molten salts as a thermal storage medium medium [tam06]. The molten salt is heated by
for concentrated solar power (CSP) plants solar radiation and then transported to the hot
[iee08]. The advantage of latent heat storage is salt storage tank. To produce electricity the hot
its capacity to store large amounts of energy in salt passes through a steam generator which
a small volume and with a minimal temperature powers a steam turbine. Subsequently, the
change, which allows efficient heat transfer. cold salt (still molten) is stored in a second tank
before it is pumped to the solar tower again. The
Sorption (adsorption, absorption) storage main disadvantages are the risk of liquid salt
systems work as thermo-chemical heat pumps freezing at low temperatures and the risk of salt
under vacuum conditions and have a more decomposition at higher temperatures. In solar
complex design. Heat from a high-temperature trough plants a dual-medium storage system
with an intermediate oil/salt heat exchanger is used to cover the temperature range from 50 °C
preferred [tam06]. Typical salt mixtures such as to 650 °C [bul04]. Direct contact between the
Na-K-NO3 have freezing temperatures > 200 °C, pressurized air and the storage medium in a
and storage materials and containment require solid thermal storage system has the advantage
a higher volume than storage systems for solar of a high surface area for heat transfer. The
tower plants. The two-tank indirect system is storage material is generally cheap, but the
being deployed in “Andasol 1-3”, three 50 MW pressurized container costs are greater.
parabolic trough plants in southern Spain, and
is planned for Abengoa Solar’s 280 MW Solana
plant in Arizona. Apart from sensible heat 2.7 Standards for EES
storage systems for CSP, latent heat storage
is under development by a German-Spanish For mature EES systems such as PHS, LA,
consortium – including DLR and Endesa – at NiCd, NiMH and Li-ion various IEC standards
Endesa’s Litoral Power Plant in Carboneras, exist. The standards cover technical features,
Spain. The storage system at the pilot facility testing and system integration. For the other
is based on sodium nitrate, has a capacity of technologies there are only a few standards,
700 kWh and works at a temperature of 305 °C covering special topics. Up to now no general,
[csp11]. technology-independent standard for EES
integration into a utility or a stand-alone grid
In adiabatic CAES the heat released during has been developed. A standard is planned for
compression of the air may be stored in large rechargeable batteries of any chemistry.
solid or liquid sensible heat storage systems.
Various R&D projects are exploring this Standardization topics for EES include:
technology [rwe11] [bul04], but so far there are • terminology
no adiabatic CAES plants in operation. As solid • basic characteristics of EES components
materials concrete, cast iron or even a rock bed and systems, especially definitions and
can be employed. For liquid systems different measuring methods for comparison and
concepts with a combination of nitrate salts and technical evaluation
oil are in discussion. The round-trip efficiency is - capacity, power, discharge time, lifetime,
expected to be over 70 % [rad08]. standard EES unit sizes
• communication between components
Of particular relevance is whether a pressurized - protocols, security
tank is needed for the thermal storage, or if a • interconnection requirements
non-pressurized compartment can be used. In - power quality, voltage tolerances,
liquid systems, a heat exchanger can be used frequency, synchronization, metering
to avoid the need for a large pressurized tank • safety: electrical, mechanical, etc.
for the liquid, but the heat exchanger means • testing
additional costs and increases the complexity. • guides for implementation.
A dual-media approach (salt and oil) must be
S E C T I O N 2
36 Types and features of energy
storage systems
2.8 Technical comparison of EES to months. Figure 2-9 comprises not only the
technologies application areas of today’s EES systems but
also the predicted range in future applications.
The previous sections have shown that a wide Not all EES systems are commercially available
range of different technologies exists to store in the ranges shown at present, but all are
electrical energy. Different applications with expected to become important. Most of the
different requirements demand different features technologies could be implemented with even
from EES. Hence a comprehensive comparison larger power output and energy capacity, as
and assessment of all storage technologies is all systems have a modular design, or could at
rather ambitious, but in Figure 2-9 a general least be doubled (apart from PHS and some
overview of EES is given. In this double- restrictions for underground storage of H2, SNG
logarithmic chart the rated power (W) is plotted and CAES). If a larger power range or higher
against the energy content (Wh) of EES systems. energy capacity is not realized, it will be mainly
The nominal discharge time at rated power can for economic reasons (cost per kW and cost per
also be seen, covering a range from seconds kWh, respectively).
Figure 2-9 – Comparison of rated power, energy content and discharge time
of different EES technologies
(Fraunhofer ISE)
On the basis of Figure 2-9 EES technologies with an energy-to-power ratio of between 1
can be categorized as being suitable for and 10 (e.g. between 1 kWh and 10 kWh for
applications with: a 1 kW system). Batteries can be tailored
to the needs of an application: tradeoffs
• S
hort discharge time (seconds to may be made for high energy or high power
minutes): double-layer capacitors (DLC), density, fast charging behaviour or long life,
superconducting magnetic energy storage etc.
(SMES) and flywheels (FES). The energy-to-
power ratio is less than 1 (e.g. a capacity of • L
ong discharge time (days to months):
less than 1 kWh for a system with a power of hydrogen (H2) and synthetic natural gas
1 kW). (SNG). For these EES systems the energy-
to-power ratio is considerably greater than
• M
edium discharge time (minutes to 10.
hours): flywheel energy storage (FES) and –
for larger capacities – electrochemical EES, Pumped hydro storage (PHS), compressed air
which is the dominant technology: lead-acid energy storage (CAES) and redox flow batteries
(LA), Lithium ion (Li-ion) and sodium sulphur are situated between storage systems for
(NaS) batteries. The technical features of medium and long discharge times. Like H2 and
the different electrochemical techniques are SNG systems, these EES technologies have
relatively similar. They have advantages in external storage tanks. But the energy densities
the kW - MW and kWh - MWh range when are rather low, which limits the energy-to-power
compared to other technologies. Typical ratio to values between approximately 5 and 30.
discharge times are up to several hours,
S E C T I O N 2
38 Types and features of energy
storage systems
In Figure 2-10 the power density (per unit density, which explains the broad range of
volume, not weight) of different EES technologies applications where Li-ion is currently deployed.
is plotted versus the energy density. The higher
the power and energy density, the lower the NaS and NaNiCl have higher energy densities in
required volume for the storage system. Highly comparison to the mature battery types such as
compact EES technologies suitable for mobile LA and NiCd, but their power density is lower in
applications can be found at the top right. Large comparison to NiMH and Li-ion. Metal air cells
area and volume-consuming storage systems have the highest potential in terms of energy
are located at the bottom left. Here it is again density. Flow batteries have a high potential
clear that PHS, CAES and flow batteries have a for larger battery systems (MW/MWh) but have
low energy density compared to other storage only moderate energy densities. The main
technologies. SMES, DLC and FES have high advantage of H2 and SNG is the high energy
power densities but low energy densities. Li-ion density, superior to all other storage systems.
has both a high energy density and high power
Figure 2-11 – Maturity and state of the art of storage systems for electrical energy
(Fraunhofer ISE)
S E C T I O N 2
40 Types and features of energy
storage systems
From the technical comparison it can be 3) For long discharge times, days to months,
concluded that a single universal storage and huge capacities (GWh - TWh), no EES
technology superior to all other storage systems technologies have so far been put into
does not exist. Today and in the future different practical operation. New EES technologies
types of EES will be necessary to suit all the such as H2 and SNG have to be developed.
applications described in section 1. Bearing in
mind the findings from Figures 2-9 and 2-10,
Figure 2-11 suggests the following conclusions.
In this section an overview of the markets 2) Maintain power quality, voltage and frequency,
for EES is given by describing existing EES by supplying/absorbing power from/into EES
application cases. Applications for conventional when necessary.
electric utilities and consumers are presented
3) Postpone investment needed by mitigating
as well as near-future use cases, concentrating
network congestion through peak shift.
on storage applications in combination with
renewable energy generation. 4) Provide stable power for off-grid systems
(isolated networks).
In this section, those cases are described which Utility use of pumped hydro storage for time
have already been implemented by electric shift and power quality
utilities and consumers. These are respectively
time shift and investment deferral for the former, Pumped hydro storage (PHS) has historically
and emergency supply and power quality for been used by electric utilities to reduce total
the latter. generation cost by time-shifting and to control
grid frequency. There are many PHS facilities
in different countries, and they have the largest
3.1.1 Utility use (conventional power proportion of total storage capacity worldwide.
generation, grid operation A conventional installation cannot function
& service) as a frequency controller while pumping, but
an advanced variable-speed-control PHS
1) Reduce total generation costs by using (Figure 3-1) can do so by varying the rotational
pumped hydroelectricity for time shifting, speed of the motor.
which stores electricity during off-peak times
and provides electricity during peak hours.
S E C T I O N 3
44 Markets for EES
Figure 3-3 – Li-ion battery supplying up to 12 MW of power at Los Andes substation in Chile
(A123, 2009)
Utility’s more efficient use of the power need power sources for their control
network installations with high power quality and
reliability, since these are the very facilities
As one of the examples of EES for utilities, a which are most needed for power in the
Li-ion battery can provide the benefit of more case of an interruption. EES systems for
efficient use of the power network. this application are mostly DC sources and
supported by batteries. Historically lead acid
In 2009 the US companies AES Energy Storage batteries have been used for this purpose.
and A123 Systems installed a 12 MW, 3 MWh
Li-ion battery at AES Gener's Los Andes sub-
station in the Atacama Desert, Chile (Figure 3-3). Utility’s off-grid systems (isolated grids)
The battery helps the system operator manage
fluctuations in demand, delivering frequency In the case where a utility company supplies
regulation in a less expensive and more responsive electricity in a small power grid, for example on
manner than transmission line upgrades. In an island, the power output from small-capacity
addition, because the project replaces unpaid generators such as diesel and renewable energy
reserve from the power plant, AES Gener will must also match with the power demand. On
receive payment for its full output capacity by Hachijo-jima (island), where about 8 000 people
selling directly to the electric grid. live, TEPCO uses NaS batteries with diesel
generators and a wind power station to meet the
varying demand. For off-grid photovoltaic systems
Utility’s emergency power supply in the power range (50 W -) 1 kW - 500 kW lead
acid batteries for EES are commonly used.
Important facilities, such as power stations,
substations and telecommunication stations,
3.1.2 Consumer use (uninterruptable Example: consumers’ use of NaS batteries
power supply for large consumers)
Figure 3-4 shows the applications of NaS
1) Suppress peak demand and use cheaper batteries installed in the world with their
electricity during peak periods, i.e. save cost respective power capacities. The systems
by buying off-peak electricity and storing it used exclusively for load levelling (LL) account
in EES. The result is load leveling by time- for almost half the total, and installations for
shifting. load levelling with the additional functions of
emergency power supply or stand-by power
2) Secure a reliable and higher-quality power
supply represent another 20 % each. However,
supply for important factories and commercial
the need for storage linked to renewable energy,
as explained in section 3.2, is growing.
S E C T I O N 3
46 Markets for EES
2% 3%
Factory equipment
19 %
Water supply /
sewage systems
7% Office buildings
Hospital facilities
5% 64 % Substations
S E C T I O N 3
48 Markets for EES
Decentralized storage systems for increased supplied to the grid. The generated energy that
self-consumption of PV energy (kWh class) is not immediately consumed is stored in the
With the increasing number of installed PV
systems, the low-voltage grid is reaching In order to examine how much electricity can be
its performance limit. In Germany, the EEG self-supplied from PV, the results from a simulation
(Renewable Energies Law) guarantees, for for a typical household in Madrid may be of interest
a period of 20 years, a feed-in tariff for every [sch11]. The total consumption of the household
kWh produced and a fixed tariff for every kWh over one year is about 3 400 kWh. The aim is to
produced and self-consumed. To encourage use as much energy internally as possible, with
operators of decentralized systems, the price for a 10.7 kW PV generator and a 6 kWh lithium ion
self-consumed PV energy is higher. Therefore storage system. Figure 3-8 shows the electricity
self-consumption of power will become an consumption of the household over a year.
important option for private households with Regardless of the time of energy production, the
PV facilities, especially as the price of electricity storage provides the energy generated by the
increases. PV generator to electrical appliances. Supply
and demand can be adjusted to each other. The
Figure 3-7 shows an example of system design. integrated storage system is designed to cover
To measure the amount of energy consumed or 100 % of the demand with the energy generated
fed into the grid two meters are needed. One by the PV system during the summer. During the
meter measures the energy generated by the PV rest of the year a little additional energy has to be
system. The other meter works bidirectionally purchased from the grid.
and measures the energy obtained from or
PV Generator Inverter Meter Bidirectional Meter Grid
Storage DC/DC Load
To provide a consumer-friendly system at low Smoothing out for wind (and PV) energy
cost, maintenance cost in particular needs (MWh class)
to be low and the most important factor for
stationary batteries is still the price per kWh. The Japan Wind Development Co. Ltd. has
Currently for this application lead acid batteries constructed a wind power generation facility
are the most common technology because of equipped with a battery in Aomori, Japan
the low investment costs. Lithium ion batteries (Futamata wind power plant, shown in Figures
are generally better in efficiency and in the 3-9 and 3-10). This facility consists of 51 MW of
number of cycles, but they have much higher wind turbines (1 500 kW x 34 units) and 34 MW
investment costs. NaNiCl batteries are also an of NaS batteries (2 000 kW x 17 units). By
option for this application, but they need daily using the NaS battery, the total power output
cycling to avoid additional heating. of this facility is smoothed and peak output
is controlled to be no greater than 40 MW.
Operation started in June 2008.
S E C T I O N 3
50 Markets for EES
Wind turbines
Power (kW)
Total Power
(23-Oct) 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00
Figure 3-11 – Example operational results of constant output control over 8 hours
Figure 3-11 shows an example of output from typically conducted by centralized facilities and
this facility. The electric power sales plan is there is little or no consumer participation.
predetermined one day before. In order to
achieve this plan, the NaS battery system For the future distribution system, grids
controls charging or discharging in accordance will become more active and will have to
with the output of wind power generation. This accommodate bi-directional power flows and an
facility meets the technical requirements of the increasing transmission of information. Some of
local utility company to connect to the grid. the electricity generated by large conventional
plants will be displaced by the integration
of renewable energy sources. An increasing
3.2.2 Smart Grid number of PV, biomass and on-shore wind
generators will feed into the medium and low-
Today’s grids are generally based on large voltage grid. Conventional electricity systems
central power plants connected to high-voltage must be transformed in the framework of a
transmission systems that supply power to market model in which generation is dispatched
medium and low-voltage distribution systems. according to market forces and the grid control
The power flow is in one direction only: from centre undertakes an overall supervisory role
the power stations, via the transmission (active power balancing and ancillary services
and distribution grid, to the final consumers. such as voltage control).
Dispatching of power and network control is
S E C T I O N 3
52 Markets for EES
The Smart Grid concept (Figure 3-12) is proposed transformers, transmission lines and
as one of the measures to solve problems in such distribution lines through load levelling in
a system. The Smart Grid is expected to control certain areas at times of peak demand. EES
the demand side as well as the generation side, for this purpose may also be used to enhance
so that the overall power system can be more frequency control capability.
efficiently and rationally operated. The Smart
Grid includes many technologies such as IT and 3) A further option is so-called demand-side
communications, control technologies and EES. management, involving smart grids and
Examples of EES-relevant applications in the residential users. With intelligent consumption
Smart Grid are given below. management and economic incentives
consumers can be encouraged to shift their
1) Penetration of renewable energy requires energy buying towards periods when surplus
more frequency control capability in the power power is available. Users may accomplish this
system. EES can be used to enhance the shift by changing when they need electricity,
capability through the control of charging and by buying and storing electricity for later use
discharging from network operators, so that when they do not need it, or both.
the imbalance between power consumption
and generation is lessened. Electrochemical storage types used in smart
grids are basically lead acid and NaS batteries,
2) In some cases, EES can reduce investment and in some cases also Li-ion batteries. For
in power system infrastructure such as this application redox flow batteries also have
Note that the term “microgrid” has been the subject
of various specific definitions, none of which is
assumed here.
S E C T I O N 3
54 Markets for EES
Induction heater
Induction heater
Secondary TV DVD/BD Audio
TV DVD/BD Audio set
Photovoltaic LVDC PC
PC Printer
Printer Game
Game machine
24~48 V
Control DC PLC LED
LED lighting
lighting Sensor
Sensor Ventilation
Wireless charger
Wireless charger Electric toothbrush
Electric toothbrush
Hydrogen FC
Electric shaver
S E C T I O N 3
56 Markets for EES
Electric vehicle
Increasing electric power & electric driving range
Plug-In Hybrid
Charging at sockets
Full Hybrid
Integrated motor assist
Limited electric driving
Mild Hybrid
Recuperation of braking energy
Acceleration assistance (boost)
Micro Hybrid
Start-Stop System
Regarding energy storage for vehicles, today improvements. With lithium ion batteries
lead acid batteries are commonly used in micro- becoming technically more favorable and
hybrids. In combination with a double-layer having significant potential for cost reduction
capacitor there might also be options for their there does not seem to be a medium-term
use in mild or full hybrids, but since technically future for NiMH batteries.
better solutions are available and economically
feasible they will not play any role in the future. Lithium batteries are ideally suited for
automotive use, for both electric vehicles and
NiMH batteries are mainly used in hybrid vehicles hybrid electric vehicles. For the hybrid vehicles
because their system is well-engineered and, a good choice might be the lithium-titanate
compared to Li-ion batteries, they are actually battery because of its high cycle stability and
more favourable especially due to safety issues. power density. With rising battery capacities for
Good cycle stability in low states of charge which more advanced hybrid types, the relatively low
often appear in hybrid cars is characteristic for energy density of the lithium-titanate batteries
these batteries. All Toyota hybrid vehicles use a has a bigger effect on the total car weight that
NiMH battery with 1.3 kWh and 40 kW. Toyota results in a higher energy demand. Therefore
has sold in total about 3 million hybrid vehicles lithium-iron-phosphate and especially lithium-
with this battery; this means the total storage NMC batteries with high energy densities are
volume sold is about 4 GWh and 120 GW. preferred for plug-in-hybrids and pure electric
cars – for the latter the driving range is the most
A major problem of this technology is the limited important criterion.
potential for further technical or economic
Table 3-1 – Differences between hybrid and electric vehicles’ power trains
Specifications Micro Hybrid Mild Hybrid Full Hybrid Plug-In Hybrid Electric vehicle
Power electric
2 – 8 kW 10 – 20 kW 20 – 100 kW 20 – 100 kW < 100 kW
< 1 kWh < 2 kWh < 5 kWh 5 – 15 kWh 15 – 40 kWh
DC voltage 12 V 36 – 150 V 150 – 200 V 150 – 200 V 150 – 400 V
Potential - 8 % - 15 % - 20 % - 20 % --
in saving fuel
Range for
-- < 3 km 20 – 60 km < 100 km 100 – 250 km
electrical driving
Lead Acid,
EES type NiMH, Li-Ion NiMH, Li-Ion Li-Ion Li-Ion, NaNiCl
NiMH, Li-Ion
An alternative battery technology for pure Many storage systems are connected to the grid
electric cars is the high-temperature sodium- via power electronics components, including
nickel-chloride battery (also called ZEBRA the converter which modulates the waveforms
battery). It has a huge self-discharge rate of of current and voltage to a level that can be fed
about 10 % per day in stand-by status from into or taken from the grid directly. Sometimes the
having to keep the battery at a high temperature. converter is connected to a transformer before the
Therefore these NaNiCl batteries are preferred grid connection in order to provide the required
for fleet vehicles such as buses, where they voltage. The converter is managed by a controller
are in permanent operation and no additional which defines the set-points of the storage
battery heating is usually necessary. system. These set-points can be expressed as
the magnitude of active and reactive power, P and
Q. Such a controller may also be called control
3.3 Management and control electronics – a controller in this context is simply a
hierarchy of storage systems representation of the place where intelligence for
decision-making is applied.
In this section the concepts of the management
and control of storage systems are introduced.
While it is essential to have local management 3.3.1 Internal configuration of battery
for the safe and reliable operation of the storage storage systems
facilities, it is equally important to have a
coordinated control with other components in the Complex storage systems consisting of batteries
grid when grid-wide applications are desired. The are equipped with a Battery Management
purpose of this section is to help readers visualize System (BMS) which monitors and controls the
the components and their interactions for some of charge and discharge processes of the cells
the applications described in this paper. or modules of the batteries. This is necessary
S E C T I O N 3
58 Markets for EES
Storage Controller
BMS Batteries
Battery Energy Storage System Connection
Figure 3-17 – A possible realization of internal control architecture for a battery storage system
in order to safeguard the lifetime and ensure which only needs to know the loading conditions
safe operation of the batteries. The diagram in of the local equipment (e.g. lines, transformers)
Figure 3-17 shows a possible realization of the next to which the EES is installed. The same
internal control architecture for a battery storage applies for applications which have pre-
system. It should be noted that for bulk energy determined set-points that do not change during
storage it is very likely that there is a more refined operation. However, set-points for applications
hierarchy for the BMS, which involves a master which require dynamic adaptation to the network
control module coordinating the charging and operational environment and much remote data
discharging of the slave control modules. It is or measurements might be better determined
possible that the batteries and converters are by a remote controller which can gather these
from two different manufacturers, and therefore remote inputs more efficiently. One example of
compatibility and interoperability of the two such an application is wind power smoothing,
systems regarding both communication and which uses wind output forecasts as well as
electrical connections is imperative. measurements from the wind farm as inputs.
Another example is energy time-shifting, making
use of dynamic market prices. A generalized
3.3.2 External connection of EES systems setup with remotely determined set-points is
shown in Figure 3-18. Batteries and the BMS are
The P and Q set-points for an EES for a certain replaced by the “Energy Storage Medium”, to
application can be set locally or remotely, represent any storage technologies including the
depending on the control scheme implemented. necessary energy conversion subsystem.
The control scheme should in turn be determined
by the application. More precisely, the application
determines the algorithmic and input/output 3.3.3 Aggregating EES systems and
requirements for the EES system. For instance, distributed generation (Virtual
an application which requires simple logic using Power Plant)
only local measurements can have the set-points
determined locally through the storage controller. The control hierarchy can be further generalized
An example of such an application is load levelling, to include other storage systems or devices
Remote Data/Measurements
Control Center/Substation
P, Q Set-points
to grid
Storage Status
Storage Controller
Control Center/Substation
to grid
EES System DG
EES System DG
EES System DG
EES System DG
VPP with EES
Figure 3-19 – A generalized control concept for aggregated EES systems and DGs
connected to the grid, illustrated in Figure 3-19. production from a cluster of grid-connected
This diagram represents an aggregation of EES distributed generation sources via smart grid
systems and DGs (Distributed Generators) technology, by a centralized controller which
which can behave like one entity, a so-called can be hosted in a network control centre or a
“VPP with EES” in this example. VPP stands major substation. The integration of distributed
for Virtual Power Plant which, according to one energy storage systems at different locations of
definition, is the technology to aggregate power the grid will further enhance the capabilities of
S E C T I O N 3
60 Markets for EES
the VPP. It should be noted that in the figure the implement such uses, a group of battery
communication and electrical infrastructures manufacturers and electric utilities in Japan is
are highly simplified in order to show the general developing technologies for central control of
concept but not the details. dispersed batteries, named “Battery SCADA”.
As mentioned in section 3, there are many Sandia National Laboratory. Market size and
applications for EES. For some applications EES benefits corresponding to the break-even cost
has already been commercially deployed and it will of EES per kW are estimated for each application
continue to be used for these applications in the separately. While this study only treats present
future. Furthermore, some new applications for EES market potential and only for one (large) market,
are emerging, such as support for the expansion of it provides useful suggestions for considering
renewable energy generation and the smart grid. the future EES market. The results indicate that
The importance of EES in the society of the future no market exists for any application at present
is widely recognized, and some studies on the which is both high-value and large. For example,
future market potential for EES have already been the application “Substation On-site”, which
carried out. While these studies vary in target time means an emergency power source installed
range, target area, applications considered and at a substation, presents a relatively high value,
so on, they can be classified into two categories: but its market is small. On the other hand, for
estimates of the future market covering almost all the application “Time-of-use Energy”, meaning
the applications of EES, and estimates of the future time shifting at a customer site, a large market
market focusing on specific new EES applications. size is expected but its value is not high.
In this section some studies’ results are shown for
these two categories. The study indicates that value and market size for
each application can vary with circumstances in
the future, and that one EES installation may be
4.1 EES market potential for used for multiple applications simultaneously,
overall applications which increases the benefits. One factor
affecting the future market is the scale of new
In this section two examples of studies and one installation of renewable energies.
specialized simulation are presented: a study
from Sandia National Laboratory (USA) which
evaluates EES benefits and maximum market 4.1.2 EES market estimation by the
potential for almost all applications in the USA; a Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
study prepared by the Boston Consulting Group
which forecasts the cost reductions in EES In this study, a price reduction in EES technologies
technologies and estimates the profitability of is forecast for 2030 and the investment profitability
investments in EES by application, so as to judge by EES application is evaluated. Eight groups of
the world market potential; and a simulation of applications are defined. To help determine the
the future Li-ion market by Panasonic. future EES market potential by application this study
also evaluates the feasibility of implementation,
which is made up of the existence of conventional
4.1.1 EES market estimation by Sandia technologies, technological difficulty of the
National Laboratory (SNL) EES technology development concerned,
compatibility with the related existing business
Figure 4-1 shows EES market potential by and the social circumstances. The results are
application type in the USA, as estimated by shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-1 – EES benefit (break-even cost) and market size by application in the US
The most promising market, where a large short periods. Large storage technologies such
market and high profitability can be expected, is as PHS and CAES are already economically
“Conventional Stabilization”, where pumped hydro feasible in this application, and other EES
storage and CAES are applicable. Conventional technologies will have great opportunities in the
stabilization includes time shift, smoothing of future. The need for balancing energy is likely
output fluctuations and efficiency improvement to rise as renewable energy generation causes
of conventional generators. The reason why this fluctuations on the supply side to increase, and
application is promising is that the need for time more and more power markets will introduce
shift and smoothing output fluctuations will grow sophisticated market mechanisms for the
dramatically in accordance with the expected procurement of balancing energy. The study
broad introduction of renewable energies. concludes that total market potential for the
eight groups of applications is 330 GW.
Another attractive market is “Balancing
Energy”, which corresponds to adjusting power
supply to meet demand that fluctuates within
S E C T I O N 4
64 Forecast of EES market poten
tial by 2030
4.1.3 EES market estimation for Li-ion 3) for UPS, assuming the probability of
batteries by the Panasonic Group replacement of a lead acid battery by Li-ion
to save space, for easy maintenance and
Panasonic Group (Sanyo) has estimated the considering the price gap;
EES market potential of the Li-ion battery. This
4) assuming that growth in EV stations will be
estimation was made by a simulation, with the
comparable to that in EVs themselves;
following assumptions:
5) assuming no lithium shortage.
1) assuming that the trend of battery purchase
prices will continue as determined by a The result of the simulation, shown in Figure 4-3,
market survey, and comparing with the indicates that the Li-ion battery market will grow
future price of the Li-ion battery; steadily, and the residential market in particular
will increase rapidly starting in 2017. There are,
2) for utility use, assuming community energy
and will be, a wide variety of Li-ion battery
storage and partial substitution of investment
applications, from small to large in battery size.
for transmission and distribution;
Figure 4-3 – Global market for Li-ion batteries
(Sanyo, 2011)
4.2 EES market potential achieving the targets. For this reason some
estimation for broad studies have been done to determine the
introduction of renewable amount of EES needed to match the planned
energies introduction of renewable energy.
S E C T I O N 4
66 Forecast of EES market poten
tial by 2030
To achieve the German target more EES and future [ste11]. For both short-term and
capacity is necessary: Figure 4-5 shows a long-term needs a very large amount of EES will
scenario for wind production in the Vattenfall be needed to deliver peak power. In 2030 the
grid in 2030 which is estimated to be four times following capacities are necessary (peak power
higher than today. The blue curve, representing multiplied by time):
wind power, shows a massive fluctuation
resulting in huge amounts of energy which will • Hourly: 16 GWh
need to be charged and discharged, while the • Daily: 170 GWh
red curve displays the actual load. The light • Weekly: 3.2 TWh
blue field indicates the storage capacity in • Monthly: 5 TWh
Germany in pumped hydro (40 GWh, 7 GW), • Total: ~8.4 TWh
which represents 95 % of total energy storage
today [den10], and is totally inadequate for the The present installed storage capacity of 40 GWh
quantity of energy which will need to be stored PHS can cover only the hourly demand and a
(area under the purple curve). part of the daily demand. To cover the additional
hourly and daily demand electrochemical EES
Figure 4-6 shows the estimation of required such as batteries can be used. For the weekly
EES capacity by time range to handle the and monthly demand, CAES, H2 and SNG
integration of renewable energies in the past storage technologies are expected.
Figure 4-5 – Load curve (red) and wind power (blue) in the Vattenfall grid (north-east Germany):
charge and discharge volume in 2030 in comparison with pumped hydro storage capacity
Figure 4-6 – Distribution of required peak power for integration of renewables by time
S E C T I O N 4
68 Forecast of EES market poten
tial by 2030
4.2.2 Storage of large amounts of energy 4.2.3 EES market potential estimation for
in gas grids Europe by Siemens
For the storage of large amounts of energy Another study on the EES market potential to
electrochemical EES would be too expensive manage the issues caused by large amounts
and require too much space. An alternative is of renewable energies has been carried out
the transformation of electricity into hydrogen or by Siemens [wol11] [hof10]. This study covers
synthetic methane gas for storage and distribution the whole of Europe and adopts an extreme
within the existing natural gas grid (see sections assumption, that all of the electricity is supplied
2.4.1 and 2.4.2). The efficiency of full-cycle by renewables (65 % wind, 35 % solar).
conversion of electric power to hydrogen is about
55 % - 75 %, and to SNG about 50 % - 70 %. Since renewable energies are by nature
In Germany the storage capacity of the existing uncontrollable, a mismatch between demand
natural gas grid is very large, at about 200 TWh and supply can happen both in the geographic
(about 400 TWh including the distribution grid). domain and the time domain. When there is
From a technical point of view it is possible to a mismatch between supply and demand,
inject up to 10 % hydrogen into natural gas shortage of supply is conventionally backed up
without any negative effects on the gas quality. by a reliable power supply such as fossil fuel
Because hydrogen has one-third the energy generators. To avoid this, geographic mismatch
of natural gas it is possible to inject hydrogen in an area can be decreased by reinforcement
containing 7 TWh of energy into the natural gas of interconnections with neighbouring areas,
grid. At any point of the gas grid it is possible to and time mismatch can be solved by the EES
convert the gas back into electricity with a high- time shift function. A simulation was carried out
efficiency gas power plant (~60 %). In Germany in order to determine how much EES would be
in 2030 the weekly and monthly EES demand needed if it alone, without any reinforcement
will be about 8.2 TWh (see section 4.2.1), which of interconnections, were used to eliminate
can nearly be covered by such an injection of backup capacity (see Figure 4-7). Europe was
hydrogen into the gas grid. This solution is only divided into 83 areas, each with a different mix
possible in countries where a gas grid exists; of renewable energy – in the figure, “EMix 1 %
otherwise, the hydrogen or synthetic methane PV” for example means 1 % PV and 99 % wind.
must be stored in additional high-pressure For the whole of Europe 65 % is generated by
vessels (which normally presents no difficulties) wind and 35 % by PV. The results show that
or caverns. 30 % - 50 % of the load needs to be backed up
by fossil fuel generators if there is no EES (“0h” renewables takes place. For hourly and daily
in Figure 4-7). The backup needed decreases storage the study suggests using PHS and
to 10 % - 20 % of demand if EES equivalent to electrochemical EES (NaS, Li-ion, LA or RFB).
one week’s load is available (“7d” in Figure 4-7), For the weekly and monthly demand CAES and
which corresponds to EES of 60 TWh or about H2 are recommended. As an alternative for the
2 % of the annual demand (3 200 TWh). weekly and monthly demand, large, new PHS
in the TWh range in the Scandinavian countries
In practice, for 100 % renewables, both (Sweden, Norway) is discussed. However,
reinforcement of interconnection lines and connecting these would need transmission
EES capacity of between 2 % and 8 % of lines over long distances. The financing and
the annual total demand is necessary. The acquisition of such transmission lines seem to
value depends on how much reinforcement be difficult from today’s viewpoint.
of grid connections and over-dimensioning of
S E C T I O N 4
70 Forecast of EES market poten
tial by 2030
4.2.4 EES market potential estimation by 50 GW to 90 GW according to the assumed rate
the IEA of net output variation in wind power between
15 % and 30 %.
Another study on the potential EES market
to cope with massive renewable energy In Figure 4-9, the necessary amount of EES
introduction in the world has been done by the by region is estimated based on the forecast
IEA (International Energy Agency) [iea09]. In this of renewable energy introduction. Since high
study the necessary amount of EES is calculated renewable energy penetration is expected
in relation to variation of output from renewable in Western Europe and China, EES potential
energies. As shown in Figure 4-8, the required markets in both regions are relatively large. The
amount of EES increases with renewable energy necessary amount of EES in the world in 2050 is
penetration and the assumed output variation estimated at 189 GW or 305 GW, corresponding
from renewable energies. For example, if the net to an output variation rate of renewable energies
variation in wind power is assumed to be 30 % of 15 % or 30 % respectively.
of its rated output, the amount of EES needed
in Western Europe will increase from 3 GW in Total current EES capacity (mainly PHS) being
2010 to 90 GW in 2050 to keep pace with the 100 GW, a doubling or tripling of available EES
forecast increase in wind power generation. The will be needed (assuming perfect geographical
necessary amount of EES in 2050 can vary from distribution – otherwise even more).
Assumed Variation
Storage Capacity (GW)
Existing 2015(Wind:18%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Net Variation of Wind Power (%)
Figure 4-8 – Necessary storage capacity in Western Europe againts wind variability
Figure 4-9 – Necessary storage capacity estimation by region (wind variation rate: 15 %)
4.3 Vehicle to grid concept The IEA has also carried out a worldwide
study on using EV batteries for mitigation
Depending on the probable development and of renewable energy output variations. If EV
spread of electric vehicles, there will be a great batteries are used for time shift and smoothing
potential for power to be fed back from car of short-term fluctuations by using vehicle-to-
batteries into the grid. The federal government grid (V2G) technology, the EES needed can be
of Germany has forecast up to one million EVs decreased from 189 GW to 122 GW or from
by 2020 [bmw10]. Including hybrid and pure 305 GW to 280 GW in the two scenarios (see
EVs the average capacity is about 20 kWh per section 4.2.4). If these capacities are used in
vehicle. In a scenario in which about 30 % of the future, grid operators will have more scope
these capacities are used, we would have about for short-term time shift and a higher level of
6 GWh available for energy storage. Compared security of supply can be guaranteed.
to pumped hydro storage in Germany with
capacities of about 40 GWh in 2011 this would
represent about 15 % extra.
S E C T I O N 4
72 Forecast of EES market poten
tial by 2030
A field where development is needed is the 3) European studies indicate huge expectations
reinforcement of the low-voltage power grid, for EES technologies to compensate for the
whose infrastructure is not yet ready for the fluctuation of renewable energy power output.
power feed-in of a large number of electric Large installations of wind turbines and PVs
vehicles – the grid’s limited transmission may require numerous EES systems, capable
capacity would be overstretched. For the of discharging electricity for periods from two
communication between vehicles and grid hours up to one day. Hence the market for
operators an intelligent system will also be conventional large-scale EES, such as PHS
needed, one acceptable to the consumer. and adiabatic CAES, is attractive. But in
Consumer acceptance will play a major role many countries such as Germany and Japan
in the success of the V2G concept. Different the future potential of PHS and CAES is very
business models are under discussion, e.g. limited due to the lack of suitable locations or
one where the car owner is not the owner of underground formations.
the battery but rents or leases it, or pays for
4) The extensive introduction of electrochemical
the electricity at a rate which covers the battery
EES such as NaS, Li-ion and RFB in the
MW - MWh range is expected, for discharge
times of hours to days.
Given these studies, Table 4-1 shows which production to achieve cost effectiveness.
EES technology is or will become feasible for CAES, RFB and H2 applicable to utility use for
what applications, and where further research time shifting also need further development and
and development are necessary. mass production to achieve cost effectiveness.
HFB and SNG, also potentially applicable to this
In addition to the conclusions above, Table 4-1 application, need further fundamental research
shows that Li-ion has great potential for and development to achieve reliable and cost-
many applications, but needs further careful effective products.
development and introduction of mass
and recommendations
S E C T I O N 5
76 Conclusions and recommenda
• CO2 reduction
• More efficient and reliable electricity
• Renewable energies
• Smart Grid
• Dispersed generation/Microgrid
Market forecasts
• Total EES market
• Conventional large-scale
• Long-term storage
• Dispersed storage
a) Policy recommendations
b) R&D recommendations
c) Standards recommendations
S E C T I O N 5
78 Conclusions and recommenda
Microgrids will be a key to the “smart” energy use needed which, since the storage period is up
of communities, factories, buildings etc. Small- to several months, implies very large storage
scale EES is absolutely imperative for microgrids amounts. A possible solution is the new EES
to achieve fair and economic consumption technologies hydrogen and synthetic natural
of electrical energy. In order to optimize cost gas (see sections 2.4 and 4.2.2). Development
efficiency, microgrids also require that their EES of these involves chemical research and
should be connected to the grid (as does the engineering, which are beyond the traditional
grid – see above) and be able to adjust smoothly scope of work of the IEC; this gives rise to
to increases and decreases in the amount of certain recommendations.
electrical energy consumed. Dispersed facilities,
whether generation or storage (for example the With rollout of the Smart Grid and microgrids,
EES in a smart house or an electric vehicle), implying storage installed at customer sites,
are normally owned by end users, who have the market for small and dispersed EES is also
in principle the right to decide how to use the expected to be quite large. EES will be used not
facilities. This implies a differentiated policy and only for single applications but simultaneously
regulatory regime, with conditions applying to for several, made possible by integrating
centralized facilities distinguished from those multiple dispersed storage sites.
applying to dispersed ones.
The total EES market is expected to be large, As the renewable energy (RE) market grows,
but will remain very sensitive to cost (see section the market for EES systems, especially for
5.4 below). This has very specific implications on small and dispersed ones, will also expand and
what R&D and policy goals are recommended. It require technical specifications and regulation
also means that whether the relevant standards frameworks for grid interconnection of EES. The
(e.g. to reduce costs by creating or enlarging aspects of interconnecting dispersed generation
homogeneous markets) are available at the right including RE have been investigated. However,
moment will have a great influence. issues such as power quality and safety in
connecting large numbers of EES intallations,
Some of the total market will be for conventional mostly together with RE, have not yet been
large-scale EES such as PHS to enable the thoroughly researched. Thus, in order to assure
introduction of renewable energies. The need for the smooth connection of EES to grids, additional
extremely large (GWh and TWh-scale) facilities technical requirements and the necessary
will increase; in some applications they will need regulatory frameworks need to be investigated.
to be operated like conventional generators (in
spite of being limited in total energy). Given the cost sensitivity, cost reduction is vital to
implementation. For this, lifetime cost should be
When a very high renewable energy ratio is considered, not simply installation cost but also
achieved, long-term energy storage will be cost of operation and disposal. Low raw material
cost, a part of total installation cost, may become consider seriously the further development
a specific selection criterion for EES technology. of conventional storage, such as pumped
In addition, as explained in sections 3.2 and 3.3, hydroelectricity, notwithstanding the difficulties
interoperability among the various very different of siting and construction.
parts of the whole grid must be ensured, and
sophisticated control intelligence is also essential Recommendation 5.5.2 – Long-term
for availability and overall efficiency 10. Successful storage, on the order of months
deployment in any one country may further
The IEC’s study has shown that many
depend on the size and health of an indigenous
governments’ current plans for how electricity
“EES supply industry” which can help to control
will be generated and managed in the future
costs and ensure availability.
cannot be implemented without long-term
storage with capacities in the multi-TWh range.
Three storage technologies seem to emerge
It therefore recommends policy-makers, whose
from the study as the most significant. In order
actions are essential to the creation of long-term,
of decreasing technological maturity, they are
very-large-capacity storage, to work actively on
pumped hydroelectricity (PHS), electrochemical
the public aspects, and to create the incentives
batteries, and hydrogen/synthetic natural gas.
to encourage private actors to play their part.
In Figure 5-1 only the last two are mentioned
because they both – in different ways – need Recommendation 5.5.3 – Cooperation
more development than PHS. Batteries require between energy sectors; coherent
development primarily to decrease cost, and regulations
for some technologies to increase energy
Hydrogen and synthetic natural gas added to
density as well; hydrogen/SNG must be further
natural gas are likely to be essential elements
researched and developed across a broad
of future electric grids because of their energy
front, including physical facilities, interactions
storage duration and capacity. The IEC
with existing uses of gas, optimal chemical
therefore recommends regulators to achieve
processes, safety, reliability and efficiency.
the conditions for all necessary cooperation
between the energy markets in electricity and
gas, including use of infrastructure.
5.5 Recommendations addressed
to policy-makers and regulators
Recommendation 5.5.4 – Incentives for
development and operation of storage
Recommendation 5.5.1 – Public support
for development of conventional storage The IEC recommends policy-makers to make
the encouragement of storage deployment a
Given their intentions to increase greatly
public policy goal. The long-term storage of
the proportion of renewable energies,
surplus energy from renewables is sometimes
the IEC recommends policy-makers to
more expensive than additional generation from
existing fossil-fuel plants. However, the storage
These aspects of implementation will be necessary for future grids will only become
particularly dependent on the existence of the available if private actors see an advantage
relevant international standards.
S E C T I O N 5
80 Conclusions and recommenda
in acquiring and operating it, and for this environment, challenges involving the materials,
regulations including financial incentives will conditions and land use required to implement
frequently be needed. The regulatory regime them. The IEC recommends regulators to
may also need to differentiate between private help ensure that standards are in place to
consumer-owned storage and storage directly allow an internationally agreed technical basis
connected to the regulated grid. for any new regulations, so that unnecessary
differences among countries and regions may
Recommendation 5.5.5 – Public policy for be avoided.
and investment in storage research
Recommendation 5.6.6 – Development of The IEC study shows that a thorough, shared
vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home comprehension of the roles and functions of
storage in all grid-related circumstances is
Since electric vehicle batteries are a potential currently not available. The MSB therefore
source of storage for grid regulation and recommends the IEC to develop an EES
electricity use outside the vehicle, the IEC architecture and a fundamental standard on the
recommends research and development structure of EES systems, upon which all the
of vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home other standards needed may be based.
Recommendation 5.7.3 – Users’ guide on
planning and installing storage
S E C T I O N 5
82 Conclusions and recommenda
level of understanding of the cost and storage combined with a wind farm, will require
functionality of the different technologies. standards in order to function correctly. The
The MSB recommends the IEC to develop a MSB recommends the SMB to initiate the
users’ guide containing suggested criteria to standards needed.
apply when planning and using each specific
technology (type of product) for a specific Recommendation 5.7.6 – Standards for
application. In addition to data on storage unit size and other factors affecting costs
technology behaviour and characteristics
Reducing lifetime costs of storage requires,
(speed, power, energy), it will probably also
among many other things, a range of standards,
need to contain information on full lifecycle cost,
such as standardized EES unit sizes and
disposal cost, regulatory considerations, and
technical features to allow mass production
environmental advantages and disadvantages.
of associated equipment. The MSB therefore
recommends the SMB to launch such projects.
Recommendation 5.7.4 – Interface,
control and data element standards
Recommendation 5.7.7 – Safety of new
Several elements of the IEC study show storage technologies
a pressing need for the control and
The rapid growth and the new technologies
interconnection of EES installations: small-
involved in electrical energy storage in the near
scale storage in microgrids and its connection
future, as well as their installation by consumers,
to the grid, integration of storage systems with
will impose particular requirements for safety.
different technologies into a single virtual store,
At the same time, society and governments
systems used jointly by different organizations
will need assurance of safety before the
(generation plant owner, grid operator,
much-needed systems can be deployed. The
electricity seller) and for different applications,
MSB therefore recommends the SMB to set
etc. Insofar as the relevant standards do not yet
in motion rapidly the development of storage
exist, the MSB therefore recommends the IEC
safety standards.
to standardize rapidly the interfaces between
storage and other grid elements, protocols Recommendation 5.7.8 – Compatibility of
for data exchange and control rules, and the EES with the environment
data elements for the input, output and control
information supplied by or to storage systems. The scale, the impact and the materials of
EES all represent potential challenges to the
Recommendation 5.7.5 – Standards environment, especially when new technologies
for systems to relieve transmission are involved. Without International Standards
congestion in place the regulatory requirements may be
different in different regions, which would be
The introduction of large quantities of renewable
an unnecessary burden on manufacturers and
energies will cause transmission system
owners. The MSB consequently recommends
congestion, to which storage can be a solution.
that standards for EES compatible with the
Some of the resulting integrated systems,
environment be developed as soon as possible.
for example a hybrid system consisting of
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88 Annexes
Annex A
Technical overview of electrical energy storage technologies
NiMH sealed 1.2 0.05 – 110 < sec 40 – 80 80 – 200 500 – 3 000
1 300 –
Li-ion 3.7 0.05 – 100 < sec 60 – 200 200 – 400
10 000
130 –
Zinc air 1.0 1 – 100 < sec 130 – 200 50 – 100
100 –
NaS 2.1 4 – 30 < sec 150 – 300 120 – 160
100 –
NaNiCl 2.6 38 < sec 150 – 200 250 – 270
0.2 – 2
central - - sec – min 33 330 600 (200 bar)
2.0 – 20
40 000 –
DLC 2.5 0.1 – 1 500 F < sec 1 – 15 10 – 20
120 000
2 500 –
hours 70 – 85 10 – 15 Time shifting, Network efficiency, Off-Grid
4 500
1 000 –
hours 65 – 75 5 – 10 Time shifting, Network efficiency, Off-Grid
3 650
90 Annexes
Annex B
EES in Smart Microgrids
Two examples of Smart Microgrid scalable architectures for EES applications are given. The first is for
a factory (Figure B-1). Panasonic Group (Sanyo) has developed a Smart Microgrid with a large-scale
storage battery system using lithium ion batteries at the Kasai factory in Japan. The system was installed
in October 2010. The system charges the batteries with late-night electricity and surplus solar electricity
and uses it during the day. The EES system has more than 1 000 battery boxes, each box consisting
of 312 18650cell batteries. Therefore, the system consists of more than 300 000 18650cells. With the
battery management system, the whole EES can be used as if it were just one battery. The capacity of
the EES is approximately 1 500 kWh; the PV system can distribute 1 060 kW DC power. The system can
cut off power over 15 % at peak time, through total energy management by controllers.
PCS Batteries
consist of
3, rue de Varembé
P.O. Box 131
CH-1211 Geneva 20
ISBN 978-2-88912-889-1
CHF 50.-