Rocha Et Al 2019 (Jurnal Inter)
Rocha Et Al 2019 (Jurnal Inter)
Rocha Et Al 2019 (Jurnal Inter)
Food Hydrocolloids
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Keywords: Gracilaria tikvahiae, an endemic western North Atlantic red alga, was cultivated for nutrient bioextraction in
Agar urbanized estuarine waters in Long Island Sound and the Bronx River Estuary, USA. This study assesses the
Extraction feasibility of an integrated approach of using G. tikvahiae produced in this bioextraction system as sustainable
Yield biomass source for agar production. Agars were extracted after alkaline pre-treatment and characterized in terms
Gel strength
of gelling strength, chemical composition, chemical structure and gel structure. Results indicated that this
Nutrient bioextraction
Gracilaria tikvahiae
seaweed performed similar to other cultivated Gracilaria in terms of extraction yield and gelling strength of the
agar. Differences between sites were not significant in terms of agar gel strength, though yield was higher at
Long Island Sound. The extracted agars were sulfated, methylated and with no detectable pyruvate substituents.
It is possible to use an integrated strategy of nutrient bioextraction in urbanized estuarine waters and agar
exploitation with G. tikvahiae.
Corresponding author. CEB - Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057, Braga, Portugal.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.M.R. Rocha).
Received 9 May 2018; Received in revised form 24 October 2018; Accepted 24 October 2018
Available online 29 October 2018
0268-005X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
the synthesis, yield and chemistry of agar leading to a high hetero- biomass as a source of agar in North America (Bird, Hanisak, & Ryther,
geneity of agars (Lahaye & Rochas, 1991). The extraction conditions 1981; Cheney, Mar, Saga, & Meer, 1986; Craigie & Jurgens, 1989;
(e.g. time, temperature, solvent to seaweed ratio) can also be refined to Craigie & Wen, 1984). These authors have not only cultivated local
produce agars with an enhanced gelling ability (Arvizu-Higuera, populations of G. tikvahiae but also developed selected mutants. Some
Rodriguez-Montesinos, Murillo-Alvarez, Munoz-Ochoa, & Hernandez- mutants (e.g. MP-40 and MP-44) showed superior characteristics in
Carmona, 2008; Sousa, Alves, Morais, Delerue-Matos, & Goncalves, terms of their agar quality in comparison to the wild type clones
2010). Chemical treatments are also used for improving the properties (Patwary & Vandermeer, 1983; 1984). Although the extraction of agar
of extracted agars. Alkaline hydrolysis of agars from Gracilaria prior to from Gracilaria tikvahiae was a very active pursuit at laboratory scale in
extraction allows the conversion of L-galactose 6-sulfate units to the 3,6- the 1980s, we are not aware of any studies on agar extraction from this
anhydro-L-galactose residues responsible for the ability of the polymer species during recent years. Furthermore, no studies were found dealing
to form a gel. with the integrated exploitation of agars from bioextraction systems,
Agar's unique gelling properties make it particularly suitable for nor with the agar extraction from G. tikvahiae cultivated in open waters.
food applications. Its gelling strength is high, even at low concentra- This study follows a field-scale evaluation of Gracilaria tikvahiae
tions, gelation is reversible, though it only melts above 80 °C avoiding aquaculture as a nutrient bioextraction strategy in Long Island Sound
the need for refrigeration (an advantage over gelatin), and it can retain and the Bronx River Estuary, USA. Therefore, the objective of this study
its gelling ability even at high temperature, allowing proper steriliza- was to assess the feasibility of integrating the exploitation of agars in
tion. Furthermore, its high temperatures resistance widens its usability, bioextraction systems using Gracilaria tikvahiae. Seaweeds were culti-
allowing, e.g., its use as thickening or stabilizing agent in the baking vated at two different open water farms, Long Island Sound (LIS) and at
industry. In adition, it is tasteless and does not need the presence of the mouth of the Bronx River estuary (BRE), and the agar quality from
extra reagents to induce gelation, being preferred over a wide range of the cultivated Gracilaria biomass was monitored in terms of yield, gel
other phycocolloids or gums. In fact, ca. 90% of the produced agar is strength (GS), sulfate and 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose content contents
used for food applications (McHugh, 2003), and its price is generally (3,6-AG), gel structure and NMR chemical and structural profile.
higher than for other food grade phycocolloids (Porse & Rudolph,
2017). Nevertheless, other emerging food applications include its use in 2. Materials and methods
low fat food as a fat replacer, in prebiotics, and as an edible film-
forming or coating-forming agent. Commercial agar (ref. A-7002 with an ash content of 2–4.5%) was
No short term shortage of Gracilaria is predicted, due to the growth obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St. Louis, MO). All other chemicals
of Chinese and Indonesian production and processing capacities, and its were of analytical grade.
price has decreased significantly in this last decade (Porse & Rudolph,
2017). However, this decrease in the price of raw materials did not have 2.1. Cultivation and sampling
relevant impact in the final price of food grade agar. Due to the
alarming decrease in natural populations of Gelidium, high grade agar is Gracilaria tikvahiae (G-RI-ST1) was cultivated by means of two, 50 m
becoming scarce (Porse & Rudolph, 2017; Santos & Melo, 2018). long-line culture systems at two, near-shore sites in Long Island Sound
Seaweeds can be used as biofilters, removing nutrients, heavy me- (LIS; Fairfield, CT; 41º06.882′ N/73º15.277’ W) and at the mouth of the
tals and other organic and inorganic matters from the ecosystem. This Bronx River Estuary (BRE; Bronx, NY; 40° 48.047′N/73° 52.164′W). The
process is now called nutrient bioextraction (Kim, Kraemer, & Yarish, long-lines were deployed at two depths (0.5 m and 1.0 m) in July 28,
2014, 2015a; Rose et al., 2015). Some species of Gracilaria have proven 2011 in LIS and in September 20, 2011 at the BRE site. Twenty gram
to be good candidates for nutrient bioextraction removing inorganic bundles of G. tikvahiae thalli were inserted into nylon rope (5/8” high
nutrients from urbanized coastal waters (Abreu et al., 2009; Abreu, liner sink line) for every condition tested. The samples were randomly
Pereira, Yarish, Buschmann, & Sousa-Pinto, 2011; Kim et al., 2014; collected from each seaweed culture unit and then transferred to the
Rose et al., 2015). The high volume of biomass generated in these laboratory in a cooler within 2 h. After the material was washed with
nutrient bioextraction systems can lead to a sustainable source of these autoclaved seawater, the samples were dried in an oven at 55 °C until
hydrocolloids. they were completely dried.
Gracilaria tikvahiae is native to western Atlantic Ocean, extending Salinity at the LIS site during the growing season ranged from 26 to
from Nova Scotian, cold temperate regions, to Florida and into the 30 psμ. The salinity at the BRE site was slightly lower and ranged from
Caribbean, warm subtropical regions (Ganesan, 1989; Littler & Littler, 20 to 25 psμ. Light penetration did not differ between sites during the
2000; Mathieson & Hehre, 1986; McLachlan, 1979; Schneider, growing season. At the LIS site, the light penetration was 81.2%
Suyemoto, & Yarish, 1979). This alga is known to be a highly oppor- (SD ± 9.2%) at 0.5 m and 53.2% (SD ± 14.4%) at 1.0 m deep, during
tunistic species occurring in eutrophic estuaries and bays (Peckol & midday on cloudless days. At the BRE site, it was 80.5% ( ± 10.0%) at
Rivers, 1995). G. tikvahiae may grow up to 40 cm long and its thallus 0.5 m and 48.2% ( ± 4.9%) at 1.0 m deep during midday on cloudless
color can be highly variable, ranging from dark green to red and brown days. The water temperature was measured at both culture depths
(Littler, Littler, Bucher, & Norris, 1989). Green mutants have been re- during sampling using a YSI 556 MPS meter. The temperature was si-
ported (Kim, Mao, Kraemer, & Yarish, 2015b). Its branches spread ir- milar at both sites and at both culture depths. The water temperature
regularly and can be either somewhat flattened or cylindrical (Littler from July to September was 22–24 °C and started to drop below 20 °C in
et al., 1989). Interestingly, particular morphtypes can persist even October and reached below 13 °C in early November. Water samples
when cultured under uniform conditions, suggesting the morphological (n = 3) were also collected adjacent to the longlines at 1.0 m and then
differences are genetically controlled (Patwary & Meer, 1984). Graci- transferred to the laboratory in a cooler within 2 h. The samples were
laria tikvahiae is a euryhaline species (Bird, Chen, & McLachlan, 1979; filtered through 0.45 μm glass microfiber filters (Whatman,
McLachlan & Bird, 1984). For example, G. tikvahiae collected from Buckinghamshire, UK) and kept at −20 °C until measurements were
Tampa Bay, FL survived salinities between 8 and 60 psμ and was re- made. Inorganic nutrients were analyzed using a SmartChem Discrete
ported to grow well between 15 and 35 psμ (Bird & McLachlan, 1986). Analyzer (Unity Scientific, LLC, Brookfield, CT, USA). Nitrogen and
Furthermore, G. tikvahiae grows well at high temperature up to 29 °C phosphorus concentrations in the water column at the LIS site during
but was found to not grow at prolonged sub-optimal temperatures the month of July 2011 ranged for 2.7–3.4 μmol L−1 and
(e.g. < 15 °C; Lapointe, Rice, & Lawrence, 1984; Gorman, Kraemer, 0.9–1.2 μmol L−1, respectively. The nitrogen and phosphorus con-
Yarish, Boo, & Kim, 2017). centrations at this site started to increase from late August and were as
There have been attempts to cultivate Gracilaria tikvahiae to use the high as 8.4 and 4.7 μmol L−1, respectively. The nutrient concentrations
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
at the BRE site were significantly higher than those at the LIS site 2.6. Structure
(37–55 μmol L−1 of nitrogen and 14–19 μmol L−1 of phosphorus, re-
spectively, during the months of August through October 2011). The samples with highest and lowest gelling ability were further
characterized through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
2.2. Agar extraction and purification (NMR), attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spec-
troscopy (ATR-FTIR) and intrinsic viscosity measurements. The micro-
Agar was hot-water extracted from the dried biomass using pre- structure of their gels was imaged by Scanning Electron Microscopy
viously optimized conditions (Villanueva et al., 2010). The dried sea- (SEM).
weeds (4 g) were pre-treated with 200 mL of NaOH 6% (w/w) at 85 °C The NMR experiments were carried out at CEMUP (Centro de
for 3.5 h. The mixture was washed several times with tap water and Materiais da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal) following a pro-
neutralized with 200 mL of acetic acid 0.5% (w/w) for 1 h at room cedure described elsewhere (Sousa et al., 2013). All spectra (1H, 13C
temperature. The extraction was then performed with 200 mL distilled and 1He13C correlations recorded through a phase-sensitive HSQC
water at 85 °C for 2 h and the mixture was filtered whilst still hot with a (heteronuclear single quantum coherence)) were acquired non-spinning
filter cloth (100% cotton). Agar was recovered through a freeze- at 80 °C in a 400 MHz Bruker Avance III spectrometer and using a 5 mm
thawing process, washed, dehydrated with ethanol (96%) and dried at QNP probe equipped with a z gradient coil. The purified agar powders
60 °C overnight. The obtained products were milled in a coffee grinder. were dissolved in D2O to a final concentration of 15 mg/mL and using
Finally, agar samples were purified by heat solubilization at 0.2% (w/ TSP as internal reference (δH = −0.017 ppm; δC = −0.18 ppm). For
w) followed by centrifugation in a Beckman Coulter Allegra 25R cen- details on the acquisition parameters as well as the shorthand notation
trifuge (40 °C, 21000×g for 1 h) and dried at 60 °C. used for the chemical nomenclature of agar units (i.e. 3,6-anhydro-α-L-
galactose, LA; 6-O-methyl-β-D-galactose, G6M; 2-O-methyl-3,6-an-
hydro-α-L-galactose, LA2M; α-L-galactose 6-sulfate, L6S) previous pa-
2.3. Gel strength
pers can be consulted (Sousa et al., 2010, 2013).
The FTIR spectra of extracted agars were recorded using an ALPHA
Agar (1.5% w/w) was solubilized with distilled water at boiling
FTIR Spectrometer (Bruker, USA), by acquiring 60 scans with 4 cm−1
temperature until complete dissolution. 15 g of the hot solution were
poured into a cylindrical container with 30 mm diameter covered and
A Cannon-Fenske viscometer for transparent liquids (according to
allowed to rest at room temperature for ca. 20 h. A texture analyzer
ASTM D-2515) was used to measure intrinsic viscosities ([η]; mL/g)
(TA-XT2 from Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, England) equipped with a
following the procedure described by Sousa et al., 2012. Diluted agar
cylindrical probe with 10 mm diameter was used for the gel strength
solutions were prepared using 0.75 mol/L NaSCN to inhibit agar ag-
determination. The rate of penetration was set at 0.2 mm/s and the
gregation. Concentrations were set to obtain relative viscosities from
experiment was performed at least in triplicate for each agar sample.
1.2 to 2.0 (approximately), to allow linear regression according to
Gel strength was considered to be the stress required for breaking the
Huggins and Kraemer relations, and extrapolation to zero. Viscosity
gel surface, with the test parameters used.
average molecular weight (Mv) for each agar sample was calculated
using the Mark-Houwink relationship (Rochas & Lahaye, 1989):
2.4. Gelling and melting temperatures
[ ] = 0.07Mv0.72 (1)
Agar (1.5% w/w) was solubilized with distilled water at boiling
The microstructure of the agar gels was confirmed by Cryogenic
temperature until complete dissolution. Gelling and melting tempera-
Scanning Electron Microscopy (CryoSEM) at CEMUP. For each sample,
tures were measured in a controlled stress rheometer AR-G2 (TA
a small volume of the gel (approx. 1–3 mm3) was frozen in slushy ni-
Instruments, New Castle, USA) fitted with a parallel cross hatched plate
trogen (−210 °C), transferred to an ALTO 2500 cryo-preparation
geometry (40 mm diameter, gap 1000 μm). The solution was de-gassed
chamber and placed onto a cool stage (−150 °C), where it was frac-
and poured onto the pre-heated plate of the rheometer. Liquid paraffin
tured exposing the internal surface. The ice formed on the exposed
oil was used to prevent water loss. A temperature ramp from 80 to 20 °C
fractured surface was removed by sublimation at −90 °C for 1.5 min.
at the rate of 2 °C/min was applied. The sample was equilibrated for
The sample was then sputter-coated with an AuePd thin film at
30 min at 20 °C and heated from 20 to 95 °C with the same rate of 2 °C/
−150 °C for 40 s, from a sputter head using ultra-pure argon gas. The
min. Storage and viscous moduli were recorded at the end of the
analysis was performed at −150 °C in a JEOL JSM 6301F scanning
equilibration time at 20 °C. All experiments were performed with a
electron microscope equipped with a Gatan ALTO 2500 cryo-prepara-
frequency of 6.28 rad/s and 1.0% strain. Preliminary strain sweep tests
tion chamber using an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and working dis-
were performed to ensure that the used strain was within the linear
tances (WD) of 15 mm.
visco-elastic region.
Sulfate content was estimated by turbidimetry using the method The thermal properties of agar samples were assessed through dif-
with BaCl2 after hydrolysis, as described by Jackson and McCandless ferential Scanning Calorimetry using a PerkinElmer DSC 6000. Samples
(1978). Agar samples (approx. 20 mg) were pre-hydrolyzed in 10 mL were cooled to −20 °C, heated up to 160 °C, cooled back to −20 °C and
HCl of 1 mol/L concentration and subsequently diluted to a final vo- re-heated up to 200 °C, at a heating or cooling rate of 10 °C/min. At
lume of 50 mL. The precipitating reagent was then added to the samples least two replicates were made for each sample.
and the optical density read at a wavelength of 500 nm using a UV/Vis Thermal gravimetric analyses were performed in a PerkinElmer
spectrometer (Jasco, V-630 Bio). Sulfate standards were prepared with TGA 4000 (PerkinElmer, Massachusetts, EUA). Samples were heated
sodium sulfate at final concentrations ranging from 0.002 to 0.09% (w/ from 25 °C to 600 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C/min under a nitrogen
w) and treated in the same manner as the hydrolyzed samples. The 3,6- atmosphere. At least two replicates were made for each sample.
anhydro-L-galactose content (3,6-AG) was determined through the re-
sorcinol–acetal colorimetric method (Yaphe & Arsenault, 1965). D- 2.8. The properties of agar-based films
fructose was used as standard. All chemical determinations were made
in triplicate. Film forming solutions were prepared by heating 1.5% agar
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
solutions up to 95 °C and the temperature was kept for 30 min, until from LIS samples in October and November and ranged from 11 to 12%
complete dissolution. Samples were left to cool to 70 °C, and glycerol (Figs. 1 and 2). No significant differences were observed in agar yields
was added as plasticizer to a final content of 0.15 g/gdry agar. 40 g of between Gracilaria cultivated at different depths at each site. Overall
each film-forming solution were poured into polyoxyethylene methy- extraction yields unrelated with light intensity were also reported for
lene (POM) petri dishes with a diameter of 12 cm. Films were dried at Gelidium pulchellum (Sousa-Pinto, Murano, Coelho, Felga, & Pereira,
40 °C for 18 h and equilibrated for 48 h at 53% RH, in a desiccator at 1999), though higher amounts of agar with a lower melting point were
20 °C with a saturated salt solution of Mg(NO3)2, before further ana- extracted with increased irradiance.
lyses. At the LIS site, seasonal variations were significant (Table 1), the
Film thickness was measured with a digital micrometer (No. yield being higher during August which generally decreased until No-
293–561, Mitutoyo, Japan) at 6 random positions for each film. vember (Fig. 1). From the literature, these results with higher yields in
Tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break (EB) were determined summer and steep decreases in autumn and winter were expected for
in a TA. HDplus texture analyzer (Stable MicroSystems) equipped with sites within a temperate climate (e.g. Marinho-Soriano and Bourret
tensile test attachments, following the guidelines of ASTM D882-91 (2003), for Gracilaria bursa-pastoris and Martin et al. (2013), for G.
standard method, as described by Costa et al., 2018. The tests were gracilis). Slight seasonal differences in yield and strong seasonal dif-
replicated eight times. ferences in gel strengths were also reported for agars from G. tikvahiae
Water vapor permeability (WVP) was measured gravimetrically (Bird & Hinson, 1992). The yield of agar has often been positively
according to ASTM E96-92 standard test. The equilibrated films were correlated with temperature and salinity and negatively with nitrogen
sealed tightly to a permeation cell containing distilled water (100% content, as reported for G. bursa-pastoris (Marinho-Soriano & Bourret,
relative humidity (RH)) and placed inside a desiccator with silica gel 2003) or G. gracilis (Martin et al., 2013). With the decrease of nitrogen,
(0% RH). Weight loss was monitored every 2 h for 10 h. Testing was for instance, protein synthesis decreases in favor of polysaccharide
performed in triplicate. WVP was calculated by linear regression, using synthesis. Water temperature was higher at the beginning of August,
Eq. (2), as described by Silva, Mauro, Goncalves, & Rocha, 2016: and decreased slightly until the beginning of October and declined
m×x sharply after that. The tissue nitrogen content started to increase also
(2) from late August at the LIS site. Differences in nitrogen content and
salinity may also justify the differences in agar yield between both sites:
Δm represents the weight loss (g), x is the average film thickness BRE had considerable higher nitrogen content and slightly lower sali-
(m), A is the permeation area, t is duration (s) and ΔP is the difference nity, leading to concomitant lower yields.
of the water vapor partial pressure at 20 °C (2337 Pa) between the two Seasonal differences in the gel strength were also statistically sig-
sides of film. Three replicates were made. nificant (Fig. 3; Table 1). With the exception of some samples from late
October and November, all samples presented acceptable GS (from 580
2.9. Statistical analyses to 893 g/cm2). This gel strength was in fact higher than that in another
study using the same species (Lopezbautista & Kapraun, 1995). Another
All statistical analyses were made using the data analysis software statistical analysis was made excluding the out-lying October and No-
Statistica version 8.0 (StatSoft, Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA). The influence of vember samples, when temperature started decreasing sharply. In this
time (random) and depth (fixed, two levels) on yield, gel strength, new statistical analysis, differences in GS at different depths became
sulfate and 3,6-anhydro-α-L-galactose contents were analyzed by fac- significant (Table 1), particularly for samples in September and early
torial analysis of variance (ANOVA). A separate analysis was made for October. This result may be related with faster temperature variations
location (fixed, two levels), including also time (only samples from (drops) near the surface (at 0.5 m).
October and November) and depth (fixed, two levels), as data were Gel strength was highest in September and lowest in late October
more limited for the BRE site. For significant differences from ANOVA, and early November (Fig. 3). For Gracilaria at 1.0 m, values in No-
variances were tested for homogeneity and statistically significant dif- vember (610 g/cm2) were similar to values at mid-August (580 g/cm2).
ferences were analyzed a posteriori with Scheffé’s multiple comparisons The growth rate of another Gracilaria (Gracilaria multipartita) has been
test. The significance level was defined as p ≤ 0.05, for all tests. negatively correlated with agar gel strength (Givernaud, El Gourji,
Mouradi-Givernaud, Lemoine, & Chiadmi, 1999), with the GS de-
3. Results and discussion creasing from February to July; increasing from August to October,
decreasing in November–December and increasing again in January
Results obtained for agar extracted from Gracilaria tikvahiae are and February, on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The results obtained at
presented in Tables 1–5 and Figs. 1–8. Gracilaria was collected in the LIS and BRE are similar, with the autumn decrease in growth rate
summer and fall of 2011. The extraction conditions were based on early starting slightly earlier, due to the colder climate at these sites in
optimization studies concerning G. vermiculophylla from the Portuguese comparison to Morocco.
coast (Villanueva et al., 2010). Light has been inversely correlated in the literature with increasing
gel strength (Villanueva, Hilliou, & Sousa-Pinto, 2009). However, the
3.1. Yield, gel strength and physico-chemical properties present study showed that the Gracilaria grown at 0.5 m had a higher
GS than the same seaweed grown at 1.0 m during summer (Fig. 3). In
Yields for LIS samples after the purification step (Fig. 1) ranged from autumn, however, no defined trend was observed: the samples from LIS
13 to 17% (15–19% prior to purification). A wide range of extraction in late October and November had higher a GS at 1.0 m (lower light
yields can be found in the literature, due to different seaweeds and intensity), and the samples from BRE and LIS in the beginning of Oc-
extraction protocols applied, but yield values of near 20% are fre- tober had a higher GS when grown at 0.5 m. Nevertheless, as the sea-
quently reported for pre-treated agar from different Gracilaria spp. weeds were cultivated in open-water farms, weather may be governing
without re-extraction steps (e.g. Arvizu-Higuera et al., 2008; Lewis & the differences, being the seaweeds cultivated nearer the surface more
Hanisak, 1996; Skriptsova & Nabivailo, 2009; Villanueva et al., 2010). vulnerable to weather changes.
Nevertheless, extraction yields below 10% were reported for G. tikva- Temperature decreased slowly from August to early October. From
hiae (Lopezbautista & Kapraun, 1995), making the yields achieved in late October, a steep decrease was observed at both cultivation sites
this work significant. However, the low yield reported by Lopezbautista (Kim et al., 2014). This together with high variations in diffuse at-
& Kapraun was obtained in July, with very high water temperatures (ca. tenuation coefficients (with different trends at each site) may have been
30 °C). Yields for the BRE samples were significantly lower than those responsible for the inconsistent results in the values of GS during this
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
Table 1
Results from the statistical analyses (ANOVA and Scheffé’s test (main differences).
Yield GS Sulfate 3,6-AG
Table 2
Rheological data obtained through dynamic rheological measurements in a stress-controlled rheometer for agar from two sites and two different depths from August
to November (storage modulus, G’; viscous modulus, G’’; gelling temperature, Tg; melting temperature, Tm; mean ± SD).
Depth (m) Date G' (Pa) G’’ (Pa) Tg (°C) Tm (°C)
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
Table 4
Thermal properties and molecular weight.
LIS 9–15; 1M LIS 9–15; 0.5M LIS 11-04; 1M BRE 11-02; 1M
n.d. not discernible; Tsd – temperature at which the degradation ramp starts; Td – temperature at which degradation rate is maximum (measure as the negative peak
in the first derivative curve).
Table 5
LIS agar's films properties.
Thickness (mm) Mechanical properties WVP (g/(msPa))
0.049 ± 0.005 16.8 ± 1.2 11.2 ± 1.7 2.6 × 10−11 ± 0.1 × 10−11
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
Fig. 2. Overall comparison of yield and GS between the two sites - Long Island
Sound (LIS) and Bronx River Estuary (BRE) (only data from October and
November was considered) - Yield; , mean ± SD.
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
Fig. 5. HSQC spectra with the corresponding 1D NMR spectra of each nucleus for the alkali-treated agar from: a) Long Island Sound 0.5 m in 15/09; b) Long Island
Sound 1.0 m in 15/09; c) Bronx River Estuary 1.0 m in 02/11; d) Long Island Sound 1.0 m in 04/11.
Fig. 6. FTIR spectra for the alkali-treated agar from: a) Long Island Sound 0.5 m
in 15/09; b) Long Island Sound 1.0 m in 15/09; c) Bronx River Estuary 1.0 m in
02/11; d) Long Island Sound 1.0 m in 04/11.
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
Fig. 8. CryoSEM pictures of agar gels: a) Long Island Sound 1.0 m 15/09; b) Long Island Sound 0.5 m 15/09; c) Long Island Sound 1.0 m 4/11; d) Bronx River Estuary
1.0 m 2/11; error bar corresponds to 6 μm in all pictures.
cultivation did not seem to have a significant effect, though the values 3.4. Gelling and film forming ability
for samples cultivated at 1 m were slightly higher, unlike the GS.
3.4.1. The gel structure
As referred to in the introduction, the main food applications of agar
3.3. DSC and TGA are related with its gelling ability. Samples from late August and
September presented quite high gel strengths matching the values of
A typical thermogram achieved for DSC is presented in Fig. 7a. high quality commercial agars, confirming the commercial viability of
Three main endotermic peaks were detected in the first heating cycle: the LIS agars. According to the criteria defined by the Japanese
one slightly below 100 °C, one around 130 °C and the biggest one near Specifications for Processed Agar (JSPA), all samples would be first
140 °C. The first peak is usually assigned to the residual water present in grade food agar, with a GS higher than 350 g/cm2 (Skriptsova &
the sample (Ouyang et al., 2018). Peaks in the range of 126–144 °C Nabivailo, 2009). However, though late August to early October alkali-
correspond to agar transitioning into the disordered state, from double treated agars could be superior grade agars using these criteria (GS
helix to single chain. A corresponding transition was also seen in the higher than 600 g/cm2), their higher gelling temperatures hamper
rheological tests with high water content (gel melting Tm), but occurred bacteriological and pharmaceutical applications.
at lower temperatures. This process was not reversible for low moisture Micrographs obtained from the cryo-SEM analyses of gels made
samples (i.e. the sample does not resume its double helical state), but from the extracted agar were in accordance with expectations resulting
the second heating cycle showed a shift around 22.7 °C (Table 4) for all from the analyses of their chemical and physical properties (Fig. 8).
analyzed agar samples, normally assigned to a glass transition. A Data derived from agar gels of samples grown at different depths did
commercial agar was used for comparison purposes and also showed a not present any significant differences. The LIS gel from November
glass transition temperature at 23.4 ± 0.4 °C. In fact, glass transition presented a slightly more open network, which agreed with the slightly
temperatures referred to in literature for low moisture agars but their lower gelling strength, probably due to the residual presence of L6S
final value is highly dependent on the type of agar, the moisture content groups. The BRE gels from November samples grown at 1.0 m produced
and the drying history (Cooke, Gidley, & Hedges, 1996; Mitsuiki, the coarser network, due to the lowest gel strength, in spite of the high
Yamamoto, Mizuno, & Motoki, 1998). 3,6 AG value and low sulfate content. As the presence of L6S was si-
Thermogravimetric analyses indicate two different regions of milar to the LIS November sample, molecular weight was probably
weight loss (Fig. 7b): a first one, up to 130 °C, assigned to the removal governing the gel structure. In fact, the molecular weight from the BRE
of adsorbed and bond water and a second one starting from ca. 200 °C, sample was significantly lower than from the LIS sample (Table 4).
depending on the sample, assigned to thermal degradation. All samples
presented similar weight loss patterns, though slight differences could
3.4.2. Films
be seen for the BRE sample in the thermal degradation region. In par-
Though the application as a food additive is the typical use in the
ticular, the value of the temperature that corresponds to the minimum
food industry, much research work has been made assessing the via-
of the first derivative curve was significantly lower than the samples
bility of using agar-based materials for food packaging and edible
from the LIS site, corresponding to a maximum degradation rate at a
coatings with interesting results. Therefore, agar samples collected at
lower temperature.
the LIS site from August till early October were mixed in a single batch
and their edible-film forming ability was also tested. Mechanical
properties, thickness, thermal properties (TGA) and water permeability
C.M.R. Rocha et al. Food Hydrocolloids 89 (2019) 260–271
of the films were assessed for benchmarking with agar-based films de- scarce, probably because Gracilaria/Gracilariopsis have been mostly
scribed in the literature. cultivated in China and Indonesia, and this particular species is not
Transparent and flexible films were obtained, with an average grown there. Furthermore, most reported yields for G. tikvahiae were
thickness of ca. 50 μm (Table 5). Values found in literature for films low, not encouraging further industrial exploitation. Nevertheless, this
produced by casting using formulations with agar and glycerol ranged study showed that it is possible to use G. tikvahiae biomass, cultivated in
from 37 to 60 μm (Arham, Mulyati, Metusalach, & Salengke, 2016; open waters, for agar production, which matches the performance of
Kanmani & Rhim, 2014; Malagurski et al., 2017; Phan, Debeaufort, Luu, other Gracilaria agars used for food applications. Furthermore, this
& Voilley, 2005; Shankar & Rhim, 2016). study also proved that an integrated strategy of nutrient bioextraction
As for mechanical properties, the dispersion of values found in the and agar exploitation is feasible, using the biomass from the first pro-
literature is also high. Film forming solutions have agar concentrations cess as a sustainable source of seaweeds for the extraction of the hy-
ranging from 1 to 3% and glycerol (plasticizer) contents of 0–0.5 g/gdry drocolloid.
agar (Arham et al., 2016; Atef, Rezaei, & Behrooz, 2014; Freile-Pelegrín
et al., 2007; Kanmani & Rhim, 2014; Malagurski et al., 2017; Mohajer, Acknowledgments
Rezaei, & Hosseini, 2017; Phan et al., 2005; Rhim, 2011; Shankar &
Rhim, 2016; Sousa & Goncalves, 2015; Wu, Geng, Chang, Yu, & Ma, This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009). Though typical films conditioning for mechanical properties under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/QUI/50006/2013 and
assessment is made at 50 or 53% relative humidity (RH), this is not UID/BIO/04469/2013 units, COMPETE 2020 (POCI/01/0145/FEDER/
frequently the case. As water has a strong plasticizer effect, mechanical 007265 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation
properties will strongly differ upon RH variations. The achieved tensile (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional
strength (ca. 17 MPa) and elongation at break (ca. 11%) are within the Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa
expected from the results reported with similar conditioning at 50–53% Operacional Regional do Norte. The work was also supported by grants
RH. Freile-Pelegrín et al. (2007) achieved a TS of 3.2 MPa and EB of to C. Yarish and J. K. Kim from the U.S. EPA Long Island Sound Study's
6.5% with 1.5% agar solutions without glycerol, but the agar used had a Long Island Sound Futures Fund, New York State Attorney General's
lower Mv (100 kDa) than the samples from LIS. Mohajer et al. (2017) Bronx River Watershed Initiative Grant Program, National Fish and
reported a TS of 18.7 MPa and an EB of 30%, using 0.3 g/gdry agar of Wildlife Foundation (NFWF/Legacy Grant Project IDs: 1401.10.024266
glycerol, Arham et al. (2016) reported a TS of 20 MPa and a EB of 15% and 8012.08.030370), Connecticut Sea Grant College Program (R/A-
using 0.15 g/gdry agar of glycerol and Atef et al. (2014) reported a TS of 38) and the United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and
18 MPa and a EB of 19 using 0.3 g/gdry agar of glycerol. Development Fund (BARD; US- 4599-13 R). Additional support was
In terms of barrier to water, another important property for made by Basic Science Research Program through the National
packaging and in particular, for food packaging, the dispersion in re- Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education
ported results is even higher. Phan et al. (2005), analyzed WVP con- (NRF-2017R1A6A1A06015181).
ditioning samples at different RH and using different humidity gra-
dients. For 3% agar solutions with 0.15 g/gdry agar of glycerol, they References
reported a WVP of 6 × 10−11 g/(msPa), achieved conditioning films at
57% (slightly higher than the used in this work). Nevertheless, the re- Abreu, M. H., Pereira, R., Yarish, C., Buschmann, A. H., & Sousa-Pinto, I. (2011). IMTA
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seaweed in a land-based pilot scale system. Aquaculture, 312(1–4), 77–87.
higher. Sousa & Gonçalves (2015) also reported values of 4.6 × 10−11 Abreu, M. H., Varela, D. A., Henriquez, L., Villarroel, A., Yarish, C., Sousa-Pinto, I., et al.
g/(msPa) for alkaline treated agars from Gracilaria vermicullophyla with (2009). Traditional vs. integrated multi-trophic aquaculture of Gracilaria chilensis C.
no glycerol and Atef et al. (2014) reported 1.6 × 10−10 g/(msPa) but J. Bird, J. McLachlan & E. C. Oliveira: Productivity and physiological performance.
Aquaculture, 293(3–4), 211–220.
using 0.33 g/gdry agar of glycerol and a commercial food grade agar. Arham, R., Mulyati, M. T., Metusalach, M., & Salengke, S. (2016). Physical and me-
These are promising results, with water vapor permeability matching chanical properties of agar based edible film with glycerol plasticizer. International
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The properties of agar films are highly variable and strongly depend Hernandez-Carmona, G. (2008). Effect of alkali treatment time and extraction time
on several factors, including: the film forming methodology; plasticizer on agar from Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Journal of Applied Phycology, 20(5), 515–519.
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nanocomposite film reinforced by nanocrystalline cellulose. International Journal of
agar's properties; RH at which films are conditioning before analyses.
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