Manual DOW FilmTech Membrane
Manual DOW FilmTech Membrane
Manual DOW FilmTech Membrane
Table of Contents
System Design
System Operation
FILMTEC Introduction to Reverse Osmosis
3.1 Introduction
3.10 References
FILMTEC System Design
4.1 Introduction
4.12 Testing
5.1 Preparation
6.1 Introduction
6.4 Shutdown
6.9 References
FILMTEC Cleaning and Disinfection
7.1 Introduction
8.1 General
8.3 RO Systems
FILMTEC Troubleshooting
9.0 Troubleshooting
9.1 Introduction
9.5 References
FILMTEC Addendum
10.0 Addendum
10.1 Terminology
TBC, 3.6:p32
TCF, 6.5:p8
TDS, 3.2:p2, 6.4:p7, 9.2:p2
TRC, 3.6:p33
tanks, 4.13:p29
tapered recirculation system, 4.6:p3
telescoping, 9.4:p6
temperature, 2.3:p9, 2.5:p11
temperature limits, 7.6:p8, 8.2:p2
temperature units, 10.6:p10
tubular, 2.3:p8
UPCORE*, 3.3:p7
U.S. units, 10.7:p11
ultrafiltration, 2.2:p4, 3.5:p30, 3.6:p35
2.1 General Information An important development in the Through the combination of selling
thin film composite approach was only to approved water treatment
Since their development as practical the discovery of microporous companies and Dow’s sales network
unit operations in the late 1950’s polysulfone support films in 1967 by sustained by Technical Service
and early 1960’s, reverse osmosis John Cadotte. Not only did this Centers, Dow assures the technical
(RO) and ultrafiltration (UF) have result in twice the flux for ultrathin success of its FILMTEC products
been continually expanding the cellulose acetate composite and the commercial and technical
scope of their applications. Initially, membranes, but it subsequently led success of its customers.
reverse osmosis was applied to the to the invention of four important
desalination of sea water and non-cellulosic thin film composite For technical and commercial in-
brackish water. Increased demands membranes by Cadotte: NS-100, formation on FILMTEC products,
on the industry to conserve water, NS-200, NS-300 and finally the please contact one of the following
reduce energy consumption, control FT30. Each of these discoveries is Liquid Separations Sales offices.
pollution and reclaim useful mate- either embodied in a commercial
rials from waste streams have made reverse osmosis membrane, or has
new applications economically led to a modified, closely-related
attractive. In addition, advances in commercial membrane. Microporous
the fields of biotechnology and polysulfone itself has achieved
pharmaceuticals, coupled with ad- widespread use as an ultrafiltration
vances in membrane development, membrane.
are making membranes an impor-
tant separation step, which, com- In 1977 the FilmTec Corporation
pared to distillation, offers energy was founded in Minneapolis USA.
savings and does not lead to
thermal degradation of the products. After important and dramatically
evolving product changes and
Basic membrane research with res- company development between
pect to the foundation of FilmTec 1981 and 1984, the FilmTec
Corporation and the development of Corporation became a wholly owned
the FILMTEC® FT30 membrane subsidiary of The Dow Chemical
started in 1963 at the North Star Company in August 1985.
Research Institute in Minneapolis,
MN, USA. To assure supply of FILMTEC
products to the rapidly growing
Since then, products and product reverse osmosis market, Dow has
improvements have been developed committed capital to expand its
in the North Star Laboratories, such manufacturing capabilities and
as besides the production site in
Minneapolis, established a second
• original thin film composite production site in Europe through
membrane the acquisition of the Membrane
division of DDS (De Danske
• microporous polysulfone
Sukkerfabriken) in December 1989.
• first non-cellulose thin film
composite membrane (NS-100)
• thin film composite mem-
branes NS-200 and NS-300
• ultrathin cellulose hemodia-
lysis membrane
Out of the several desalination processes considered, reverse osmosis, ion exchange, distillation and
electrodialysis are the major processes used in desalination. Of lesser significance due to their practical application
as well as their less beneficial operation, are refrigerant freezing, vacuum freezing, vapor compression and
Reverse osmosis is in general the most economical process for desalination of brackish water and sea water. As a
widely accepted technology, reverse osmosis became more and more competitive and is superior to the traditional
thermal process when a comparison is made of capital investment and energy consumption.
The applications for RO are Also, RO is often used in the the IX system. Transmembrane
numerous and varied, and include production of ultrapure water for use pressures for RO typically range
desalination of sea water or brackish in the semiconductor industry, from 14 bar (200 PSI) for brackish
water for drinking purposes, power industry (boiler feed water), water to 69 bar (1,000 PSI) for sea
wastewater recovery, food and and medical/laboratory applications. water.
beverage processing, biomedical Utilizing RO prior to Ion Exchange
separations, purification of home (IX) dramatically reduces operating The normal range of filtration
drinking water and industrial process costs and regeneration frequency of processes is shown in Figure 3:
2.3 Principle of brane is permeable to water, but not Figure 1 also shows that osmosis
Reverse Osmosis to salt. Then, place a salt solution can cause a rise in the height of the
in one compartment and pure water salt solution. This height will
2.3.1 in the other compartment. The increase until the pressure of the
How Reverse Osmosis Works membrane will allow water to per- column of water (salt solution) is so
meate through it to either side. But high that the force of this water
The phenomenon of osmosis occurs salt cannot pass through the mem- column stops the water flow. The
when pure water flows from a dilute brane. equilibrium point of this water
saline solution through a membrane column height in terms of water
into a higher concentrated saline As a fundamental rule of nature, this pressure against the membrane is
solution. system will try to reach equilibrium. called osmotic pressure.
That is, it will try to reach the same
The phenomenon of osmosis is concentration on both sides of the If a force is applied to this column of
illustrated in Figure 1. A semi- membrane. The only possible way water, the direction of water flow
permeable membrane is placed to reach equilibrium is for water through the membrane can be
between two compartments. “Semi- to pass from the pure water com- reversed. This is the basis of the
permeable” means that the mem- par-tment to the salt-containing term reverse osmosis. Note that this
brane is permeable to some compartment, to dilute the salt reversed flow produces a pure water
species, and not permeable to solution. from the salt solution, since the
others. Assume that this mem- membrane is not permeable to salt.
• pressure
• temperature
• recovery
• feed water salt concentration
Figure 3: Performance vs. Figure 5: Performance vs.
The following graphs show the Pressure Recovery
impact of each of those parameters
when the other three parameters are Temperature Feedwater Salt Concentration
kept constant. In practice, there is If the temperature increases and all Figure 6 shows the impact of the
normally an overlap of two or more other parameters are kept constant, feedwater salt concentration on the
effects. the permeate flux and the salt pas- permeate flux and the salt rejection.
sage will increase (see Figure 4).
Not to be neglected are several
main factors which cannot be seen
directly in membrane performance.
These are maintenance and
operation of the plant as well as
proper pretreatment design.
Consideration of these three
‘parameters’, which have very strong
impact on the performance of a
reverse osmosis system, is a must
for each OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) and end user of such Figure 4: Performance vs. Figure 6: Performance vs.
a system. Temperature Feedwater
Salt Concentration
The recovery is the ratio of Table 1 shows a summary of the
permeate flow to feed flow. In the impacts influencing reverse osmosis
case of increasing recovery, the plant performance.
permeate flux will decrease and stop
if the salt concentration reaches a
Effective Pressure ↑ ↓
Temperature ↑ ↑
Recovery ↓ ↑
Feed Salt Concentration ↓ ↑
increasing ↑ decreasing ↓
2.5 Membrane
FILMTEC spiral wound elements Figure 1: Feedwater Pressure - Effect on FT30 Flux & Salt Rejection
have been extensively used since
1980. In numerous trials under
actual sea water conditions, FT30
elements have provided salt
rejections of better than 99.5% and
fluxes of 24 l/m2h (14 GFD). On a
0.2% salt solution at 15.5 bar (225
Permeate Flux (l/m2h (GFD))
Temperature (°C)
Results: Flux increases almost linearly with temperature. Salt rejection falls
off with increasing temperature. Some hysteresis is evident in flux
curves for temperature cycles (not shown) but not in salt rejection
Results: Salt rejection and flux are rather constant over a broad pH range.
Maximum salt rejection occurs at pH 8.5.
Standard Conditions
• degree of dissociation
• ionic change
• molecular weight
• nonpolarity
• degree of molecular bran-
of the considered chemical
FDA has approved the Food Addi- The FDA evaluates the petition for Based on the test results the
tive Petition covering the FT30 the specific biological properties of institute determined compliance with
barrier layer the component and its demonstrated the French law on drinking water,
Under the food additive provision of safety for the proposed use. The which takes into account the
the Federal Food, Drug and data and experimental methods are European Community legislation on
Cosmetic Act, contact surfaces of also evaluated for adequacy and drinking water.
components used in the production reliability. As a guideline for this Then a dossier was submitted by
of food, including water, must evaluation, the FDA uses the the petitioner to the French Health
comply with established regulations principles and procedures for Ministry including
set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug establishing the safety of food
Administration (FDA) in order to additives stated in current • the above mentioned test
receive approval for safe use. In publications of the Nation Academy results with the compliance
accordance with its long-standing of Sciences-National Research statement
commitment to quality, petitions Council.
• composition of the membrane
were submitted to the FDA for the
FILMTEC® FT30 reverse osmosis The Food Additive Petition elements with references to
membrane for evaluation and concerning both FILMTEC whether the substances used
in the manufacturing process
approval. membranes for use in processing
liquid foods and purifying water for are listed in the EC legislation
The procedure for FDA approval is food applications received FDA on plastic materials intended
to come into contact with
rigorous and thorough. First, a food approval. This approval is published
additive petition must be submitted in the Code of Federal Regulations foodstuffs
to the FDA. This petition includes under Title 21, Section 177.2550, • a description of the manufac-
information about the chemical Reverse Osmosis Membranes. The turing process
identity and composition of the FT30 reverse osmosis membrane
component and its physical, has been approved under the above • the quality control system
chemical and biological properties. procedure. The French Health • the disinfectant process for
The petitioner must also describe Ministry has approved a Petition the membrane elements
the proposed use of the component, covering the BW30 reverse osmosis
including all directions, and NF70 nanofiltration membrane
recommendations and suggestions. elements to be used in the drinking The Petition concerning the
Data must be included which water production process. FILMTEC BW30 reverse osmosis
establish that the component will and NF70 nanofiltration membrane
have the intended effect when used The membrane elements were elements for use in drinking water
in this manner. In addition, tested under the French procedure production process has been
experimental data must show the (static and dynamic conditions which approved by the French Health
extent that the component directly or simulate the real conditions) by an Ministry in an official letter dated 17
indirectly affects the safety of the independent institute in France Nov. 1992 with the reference No.
food with which it comes in contact. (Laboratoire d'Hygiene et de 2005 (NF70) and No. 2006 (BW30)
The petition must finally analyze the Recherches en Santé Publique = under the above mentioned
environmental impact of the LHRSP). approval procedure.
manufacturing process and the
ultimate use of the component.
At times the membrane surface area is used in place of diameter and length
(i.e. BW30-400).
3.1 Introduction The proper treatment scheme for the Finally, the application often
feed water will depend on: determines the type or extent of
To increase the efficiency and life of reverse osmosis pretreatment. For
a reverse osmosis system, effective • Feed water source example, pretreatment in an
pretreatment of the feed water is electronics application might be
required. Selection of the proper • Feed water composition much more sophisticated than for a
pretreatment will maximize efficiency • Application municipal system due to the different
and membrane life by minimizing: product water quality requirements.
The major water types being treated Ion Concentration (mg/l) Ion Concentration (mg/l)
by RO are:
• Low salinity brackish waters
with Total Dissolved Solids Calcium 410 Silica 0.04-8
(TDS) of up to 5,000 ppm. Magnesium 1,310 Chloride 19,700
• High salinity brackish waters Sodium 10,900 Sulfate 2,740
with TDS in the range of Potassium 390 Fluoride 1.4
5,000 - 15,000 ppm. Barium 0.05 Bromide 65
• Sea water with TDS in the Strontium 13 Nitrate < 0.7
range of 35,000 ppm. Iron < 0.02 Bicarbonate 152
Sea water with TDS of 35,000 mg/l Manganese < 0.01
is considered as “standard sea TDS 35,000 mg/l
water” as this constitutes by far the pH 8.1
largest amount of water worldwide.
The composition is nearly the same
all over the world (see Table 1). The
actual TDS content may, however,
vary within wide limits from e.g. the Table 2: Brackish Water Composition (Examples)
Baltic Sea with 7,000 mg/l to the
Red Sea and Arabian Gulf with up 1 2
to 45,000 mg/l. The actual
compositions can be proportionally Calcium mg/l 265 75
estimated from the “standard sea
Magnesium mg/l 106 9
water” composition.
Sodium mg/l 530 75
Be aware that seashore wells Potassium mg/l 14 6
depending on the soil, influx from Iron mg/l 0.19 0.5
inland, etc. can often have salinity Manganese mg/l < 0.01 0.4
and composition quite different from
that of a sample taken from the sea Barium mg/l 0.03 0.09
itself. Strontium mg/l 10 2
Ammonium mg/l < 0.1 0.4
In sea water treatment the limiting
factor is of a physical nature, i.e. the
Chloride mg/l 1,025 120
osmotic pressure caused by the
high TDS. Bicarbonate mg/l 350 220
Sulfate mg/l 540 45
In brackish water treatment the Nitrate mg/l 23 0.7
limiting factor is mostly of a
Fluoride mg/l 0.4 0.1
chemical nature, i.e. precipitation
and scale formation by e.g. calcium Phosphate mg/l <1 0.7
carbonate or sulfate. The Silica mg/l 4.1 7
composition of brackish waters is of
extremely wide variation, and a TDS mg/l 2,760 562
water analysis is a must for a good
process design. TOC mg/l 0.3 1.0
Two examples of brackish water pH 1 7.1 7.6
analysis are given in Table 2. Conductivity mS/m 430 70
Temperature °C 29 15
Before a projection of a reverse osmosis system design can be run, a complete and accurate water analysis must
be provided. A water analysis form (see Table 3) must be completed and balanced to electroneutrality, i.e., anion
and cation concentrations must be identical when stated in terms of the calcium carbonate equivalent. In case the
water analysis is not in balance we recommend adding either Na+ or Cl– in order to achieve electroneutrality.
Other ions:................................................................................................................................................................................
Remarks: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
(odor, smell, color, biological activity, etc.:) ..................................................................................................................................
Date: .........................................................................................................................................................................................
Please give units (mg/l as ion or ppm as CaCO3 or meq/l)
3.3 Scale Control Table 1: Solubility Products of Sparingly Soluble Inorganic Compounds1
The antiscalants listed in Table 2 With DOWEX* ion exchange resins, to 4-5. As the acidic groups of the
have been tested for at least 1,000 the removal efficiency for Ca++, Ba++ resin are carboxylic groups, the ion
hours in contact with an element at and Sr++ is > 99.5%, which usually exchange process stops when the
typical operating conditions without eliminates any risk of carbonate or pH reaches a value of 4.2, where
any negative effect on the membrane. sulfate scaling. the carboxylic groups are no longer
They can be considered compatible dissociated. Therefore, it is only a
with FILMTEC® membranes up to Softening with a strong acid cation partial softening. Only those scale
50 ppm concentration in the exchange resin is very effective and forming cations are removed which
concentrate (unless otherwise safe, provided the regeneration is are bound to bicarbonate. Therefore,
stated). The efficacy of these done properly. this process is ideal for waters with a
products has not been tested. high bicarbonate content. The
RO permeate should be used when It is used mainly in small or medium bicarbonate is converted into carbon
diluting the antiscalant. Calcium size brackish water plants, but not in dioxide:
present in untreated water may form sea water plants. HCO3– + H+ ↔ H2O + CO2 (4)
a precipitate with the antiscalant at
high antiscalant concentrations. A drawback of this process is its In most cases, carbon dioxide is not
Precautions must also be taken so relatively high sodium chloride desired in the permeate. It can be
that there is no microbiological consumption, which might cause an removed by degassing either in the
growth in the antiscalant dilution environmental or an economic permeate or in the feed stream.
tank. In order for the biocide present problem. With DOWEX*
in the antiscalant to be effective, the MONOSPHERE* ion exchange Degassing the permeate is favored
antiscalant must not be diluted more resins and a countercurrent where a potential for biofouling is
than indicated in Table 2. Cationic regeneration technique, for example suspected (surface waters, high
polymers (e.g. polyelectrolytes) may UPCORE*, it is possible to minimize TOC, high bacteria counts). A high
coprecipitate with negatively the sodium chloride consumption to CO2 concentration on the mem-
charged antiscalants and foul the 110% of the stoichiometrical value. branes helps to keep bacteria
membrane. Make certain that no growth low. Degassing the feed is
significant amounts of cationic 3.3.5 preferred when optimum salt
polymers are present when adding Dealkalization with a Weak Acid rejection is the priority. Removing
an anionic antiscalant. Cation Exchange Resin CO2 also leads to an increase in pH
(see equation (4)), and at pH > 6 the
3.3.4 Dealkalization with a weak acid rejection is better than at pH < 5.
Softening with a Strong Acid cation exchange resin is used
Cation Exchange Resin mainly in large brackish water plants
for partial softening in order to
The scale forming cations such as minimize the consumption of
Ca++, Ba++, Sr++ are removed and regeneration chemicals.
replaced by sodium cations. The
resin has to be regenerated with In this process, only Ca++, Ba++ and
NaCl at hardness breakthrough. The Sr++ linked to bicarbonate (temporary
pH of the feed water is not changed hardness) are removed and re-
by this treatment. Therefore, no placed by H+, thus lowering the pH
degassifier is needed. Only a little
CO2 from the raw water is present
that can pass into the permeate
creating a conductivity increase
there. One can even lower the
permeate con-ductivity by adding
some NaOH to the softened feed
water (up to pH 8.2) in order to
convert residual carbon dioxide into
bicarbonate which is then rejected
by the membrane. The rejection
perfor-mance of the FT30
membrane is optimal at the neutral
pH range.
The advantages of dealkalizing with cyclic pH variation makes it With lime softening, barium,
a weak acid cation exchange resin difficult to control the salt strontium and organic substances
are: rejection of the plant. At pH are also reduced significantly. The
• For regeneration, acid of not < 4.2, the passage of mineral process requires a reactor with a
more than 105% of the acid may increase the per- high concentration of precipitated
stoichiometrical value is meate TDS. It is therefore particles serving as crystallization
needed. This minimizes the recommended to use more nuclei. This is usually achieved by
operating costs and the than one filter in parallel and upflow solids-contact clarifiers. The
environmental impact. to regenerate them at diffe- effluent from this process needs
rent times in order to level out media filtration and pH adjustment
• The TDS value of the water is the pH. Other possibilities to prior to the RO elements. Iron
reduced by the removal of
avoid extremely low pH valu- coagulants with or without polymeric
bicarbonate salts. According- es are CO2 removal or pH flocculants (anionic and non-ionic)
ly, the permeate TDS value is adjustment by NaOH after- may be used to improve the solid-
also lower.
wards. liquid separation.
Adjustment of
Operating Variables
3.4 Scaling Calculations The solubility product Ksp is Calculation example of the ionic
generally also expressed in molal strength of the concentrate (Ic):
3.4.1 concentrations and is dependent on
General ionic strength and temperature as
shown in the Figures of this section Feed Water Analysis
Scaling calculations have to be 3.4.
mg/l mol/l (mol/kg)
carried out in order to determine
whether a sparingly soluble salt The temperature in the concentrate
presents a potential scaling problem stream is about the same as in the Ca++ 200 5.0 x 10–3
in a reverse osmosis system. The feed stream. Mg++ 61 2.51 x 10–3
calculation procedures described in Na+ 388 16.9 x 10–3
Section 3.4, Scaling Calculations, The ionic strength of the feed water HCO3– 244 4.0 x 10–3
are adapted from the corresponding is:
SO4– – 480 5.0 x 10–3
ASTM Standards, cited in the Cl– 635 17.9 x 10–3
If = 1 ∑ (mi x
zi2) (3)
References. To determine the 2
scaling potential, one has to The ionic strength If of the feed
compare the ion product IPc of the where:
water is
considered salt in the concentrate If = 1 / 2 ([Ca++] + [Mg++] + [SO4– –])
stream, with the solubility product mi = molal concentration of
ion i (mol/kg) x 4 + ([Na+] + [HCO3–] + [Cl–])
Ksp of that salt under conditions in
the concentrate stream. Generally, if zi = ionic charge of ion i = 1 / 2 ((5.0 + 2.51 + 5.0) x 10–3
IPc < Ksp, no scale control measures x 4 + (16.9 + 4.0 + 17.9) x 10–3)
have to be taken. Where the water analysis is not
given in molal (or molar) If = 0.0444
The ion product IP of a salt AmBn is concentrations, the conversion is as
defined as follows: With a recovery of, for example,
IP = [A]m[B]n (1) ci 75% (Y=0.75), the ionic strength of
mi = ————— (4) the concentrate becomes
1,000 MWi 1
with [A] and [B] being the molal
concentrations of the corresponding where: 1 - 0.75
ions. For the concentration ranges ci = concentration of ion i,
in mg/l Ic = 0.178
present in RO applications, molal
concentrations (mol/kg) can be MWi = molecular weight of ion i
considered equivalent with molar
concentrations (mol/l). Having calculated the ionic strength
If of the feed stream with equation
The concentration of ion species in (3), the ionic strength Ic of the
the concentrate stream is usually concentrate stream is obtained from:
not known, but can easily be 1
Ic = If x —— (5)
estimated from the concentration in 1-Y
the feed stream by multiplication
with the concentration factor CF.
The concentration factor is derived With the ionic strength of the
concentrate stream, the solubility
from the recovery Y (expressed as a
decimal): product Ksp of scaling salt can be
CF = 1 / (1 - Y) (2) obtained (see the following
3.4.2 d. Calculate the free carbon dioxide LSIc > 1 is possible with
Calcium Carbonate content (C) in the concentrate approved polymeric
Scale Prevention stream by assuming that the CO2 organic scale
concentration in the concentrate inhibitors. For the Brackish Water is equal to the CO2 concentration maximum LSIc and
For brackish waters with TDS < in the feed: Cc = Cf. The required dosages,
10,000 mg/l in the concentrate concentration of free carbon please refer to the
stream, the Langelier Saturation dioxide in the feed solution is scale inhibitor
Index (LSI) is used to express the obtained from Figure 1 as a manufacturer’s
scaling potential for calcium function of the alkalinity and the literature.
carbonate. pH of the feed solution. If the LSIc is not within above
conditions, adjustments can be
The following data are needed to e. Calculate the pH of the made by one of the following means.
calculate the LSI of the concentrate concentrate stream (pHc) using A new LSIc can then be calculated.
stream (LSIc): the ratio of alkalinity Alkc to free
a. The recovery (Y) can be lowered
CO2 in the concentrate, Figure 1.
and the LSIc can be calculated as
Caf = Calcium concentration in feed, above by substituting a new
as CaCO3, mg/l f. From Figure 2 obtain: pCa as a
value for the recovery.
function of Cac, pAlk as a
TDSf= Concentration of total dissolved function of Alkc, “C” as a function b. Decreasing the calcium
solids in the feed, mg/l of TDSc and temperature concentration in the feed solution
(temperature of concentrate is by means of sodium cycle ion
Alkf = Alkalinity in feed, as CaCO3, assumed equal to temperature of exchange. This will increase the
feed solution). pCa and will therefore decrease
pHf = pH of the feed solution the LSIc. Softening will not
g. Calculate pH at which change the alkalinity or pH of the
T = Temperature of the feed solution concentrate stream is saturated feed solution and the slight
Y = Recovery of the reverse osmosis with CaCO3 (pHs) as follows: change in TDSf may be
system, expressed as a decimal
pHs = pCa + pAlk + “C” (9) considered negligible. After
softening, the LSIc can be
h. Calculate the Langelier calculated as above using the
Calculation Saturation Index of the lower value for calcium
a. Calculate the calcium concen- concentrate (LSIc) as follows: concentration.
tration in the concentrate stream, LSIc = pHc – pHs (10)
Cac , as CaCO3 in mg/l: c. Adding acid (HCl, CO2, H2SO4,
etc.) to the feed solution changes
1 Adjustments of LSIc
Cac = Caf x —— (6) In most natural waters, the LSIc the Alkf, Cf and pH. The slight
1-Y change in TDSf can usually be
would be positive without
neglected. Acid addition will
pretreatment. To control CaCO3
b. Calculate the total dissolved solids scaling, the LSIc has to be adjusted decrease the LSIc; however,
in the concentrate stream, TDSc in since many variables change
to a negative value, except if adding
mg/l: with acidification, trial and error
scale inhibitor (Section 3.3.3) or
preventive cleaning (Section 3.3.7) computations are required to
1 determine the amount of acid
TDSc = TDSf x —— (7) is applied.
1-Y needed to obtain the desired
The conditions for CaCO3 scale LSIc. The number of trial and
c. Calculate the alkalinity in the error computations required to
control are:
concentrate stream, Alkc , as determine the amount of acid
LSIc < 0 when no antiscalant is
CaCO3 in mg/l: added needed can be reduced greatly
by using the pHs calculated in Eq
1 LSIc ≤ 1.0 when 20 mg/l sodium
Alkc = Alkf x —— (8) 9. Since pHc will usually be 0.5
1-Y is in the concentrate units higher than the pHf, the first
computation can be made with
an acidified feed solution which
is 0.5 unit lower than the pHs.
pCa = 2.92
pAlk = 2.70
"C" at 30°C = 2.05
Technical Manual
4Scaling Calculations
Water Chemistry and Pretreatment
Page 14
FILMTEC Water Chemistry and Pretreatment Sea Water f. Calculate the pH at which the a. The recovery can be lowered and
For high salinity brackish waters with concentrate stream is saturated the S&DSIc can be calculated as
TDS > 10,000 mg/l in the with CaCO3 (pHs) as follows: above by substituting a new value
concentrate stream and for sea pHs = pCa + pAlk + “K” for the recovery.
waters, the Stiff & Davis Stability b. Decreasing the calcium and
Index (S&DSI) is used to express g. Calculate the free carbon dioxide alkalinity concentrations in the
the scaling potential for calcium content (C) in the concentrate feed solution by means of lime or
carbonate. The data needed to stream by assuming that the CO2 lime-soda ash softening will
calculate the S&DSI of the concentration in the concentrate increase the pCa and pAlk and
concentrate stream are the same as is equal to the CO2 concentration will therefore decrease the pHs.
those needed to calculate the LSI in the feed: Cc = Cf. The c. Addition of acid (HCl, CO2, H2SO4,
(see previous section). Additionally, concentration of free carbon etc.) to the feed solution either
the molal concentrations of all ions dioxide in the feed solution is with or without lime or lime-soda
in the feed solution are required, at obtained from Fig. 1 as a function ash softening changes the Alkf, Cf
least of all major ions, that is, Ca++, of the alkalinity and the pH of the and pH. The slight change in If
Mg++, Na+, K+, HCO3–, SO4– – and Cl–. feed solution. can usually be ignored. Acid
addition will decrease the S&DSIc;
Calculation h. Calculate the pH of the however, since many variables
a. Calculate the calcium concentrate stream (pHc) using change with acidification, trial and
concentration in the concentrate the ratio of alkalinity (from Eq. 8) error computations are required to
stream, Cac, as CaCO3 in mg/l: to free CO2 in the concentrate determine the amount of acid
(from g), Fig. 1. needed to obtain the desired
1 S&DSIc.
Cac = Caf x —— (6)
1-Y i. Calculate the Stiff and Davis These computations have been
Stability Index of the concentrate described already in the previous
b. Calculate the alkalinity in the (S&DSIc) as follows: section ( Brackish Water).
concentrate stream, Alkc, as S&DSIc = pHc – pHs For sea water systems, a dosage
CaCO3 in mg/l: of typically 10 mg/l sulfuric acid is
Adjustments of S&DSIc required to achieve a pHf of about
1 The S&DSIc in the concentrate 7 and a negative S&DSI in the
Alkc = Alk f x —— (8)
1-Y stream would be positive with most concentrate.
natural high salinity waters. In order
c. Calculate the ionic strength of the to prevent CaCO3 precipitation and Reverse Osmosis in Operation
feed stream (If): scaling, the S&DSIc has to be Once a reverse osmosis system is
adjusted to a negative value. The operating, the S&DSIc can be
1 S&DSIc may be positive however, if directly calculated from the analysis
CaCO3 precipitation is prevented by of Alkc, Cac, pHc and Ic of the
2 the dosage of an approved scale concentrate stream and compared
inhibitor (see Section 4.3.3). For the with the projected S&DSIc.
d. Calculate the ionic strength of the maximum allowed S&DSIc and the
concentrate stream (Ic): required dosage, please refer to the
1 scale inhibitor manufacturer’s
Ic = If x —— (5) literature.
If the S&DSIc is unacceptable based
e. From Figure 3, obtain pCa as a on the above recommendation, ad-
function of Cac and pAlk as a justments can be made by one of
function of Alkc. From Figure 4, the following means. A new S&DSIc
obtain the constant “K” as a can then be calculated.
function of concentrate ionic
strength and feed temperature.
Ionic S trength
pH of RO Concentrate
pH Correction Factor
for continuous use is 45°C. foul the membrane. Figure 1 shows the equipment
3.5 Colloidal Fouling The best available technology for needed to measure SDI.
Prevention determining the colloidal fouling
potential of reverse osmosis feed Procedure
3.5.1 water is the measurement of the Silt a. Place the membrane filter on its
Introduction Density Index (SDI), sometimes support, bleed water pressure on
referred to as the Fouling Index (FI). carefully, tighten the O-ring seal
Colloidal fouling of reverse osmosis This is an important measurement and fix the support vertically.
elements can seriously impair to be carried out prior to designing
performance by lowering productivity an RO pretreatment system and on b. Adjust feed pressure to 2.1 bar
and sometimes salt rejection. An a regular basis during RO operation (30 PSI) and measure initial time,
early sign of colloidal fouling is often (three times a day is a recommended tO, necessary to filter 500 ml of
an increased pressure differential frequency for surface waters). sample water (feed pressure to
across the system. be kept constant by continuous
The Standard Test Method has been adjustment).
The source of silt or colloids in described in ASTM test D 4189-82.
reverse osmosis feed waters is c. Keep filter in operation for 15
varied and often includes bacteria, Equipment minutes under 2.1 bar (30 PSI)
clay, colloidal silica, and iron (Available from Millipore feed pressure.
corrosion products. Pretreatment Corporation)
chemicals used in a clarifier such as • 47 mm diameter membrane d. After 15 minutes measure again
alum, ferric chloride, or cationic filter support time, t1, necessary to filter 500 ml.
polyelectrolytes can also cause Membrane filter should be kept
• 47 mm diameter membrane
colloidal fouling if not removed in the for further analysis.
filters (0.45 µm pore size)
clarifier or through proper media
filtration. In addition, cationic • 1 to 5 bar (10-70 PSI) mano- e. Calculation:
polymers may coprecipitate with meter tO 100
negatively charged antiscalants and SDI = [ 1 – — ] x ——
• needle valve for pressure t1 15
When t1 is four times as long as t0,
the resulting SDI is 5. A water
sample that totally blocks the
membrane filter has an SDI value
3.5.2 The available pressure is usually Iron fouling occurs more frequently
Media Filtration about 5 m of head for gravity filters, than manganese fouling, since the
and 2 bar (30 PSI) to more than 4 oxidation of iron occurs at a much
The removal of suspended and bar (60 PSI) for pressure filters. lower pH. Thus a fouling problem
colloidal particles by media filtration can be created even if the SDI is
During operation, influent water to below 5, and the level of iron in the
is based on their deposition on the
be filtered enters at the top of the RO feed water is below 0.1 mg/l.
surface of filter grains, while the
filter, percolates through the filter Waters with low alkalinity usually
water flows through a bed of these
bed, and is drawn off through the have higher iron concentrations than
grains (filter media). The quality of
collector system at the bottom. waters with high alkalinity, because
the filtrate depends on the size,
Periodically, when the differential the Fe2+ concentration is usually
surface charge and geometry of
pressure increase between the inlet limited by the solubility of FeCO3.
both suspended solids and filter
and outlet of the filter is 0.3 to 0.6
media, as well as on the water
bar (4 to 9 PSI) for the pressure One method of handling such waters
analysis and operational
filter, and about 1.4 m for the gravity is to prevent the exposure to air or to
parameters. With a well designed
filter, the filter is backwashed and any oxidizing agent, e.g. chlorine,
and operated filter, a SDI<5 can
rinsed to carry away the deposited through the whole RO process. A
usually be achieved.
matter. Backwash time is normally low pH is favorable to retard Fe2+
The most common filter media in about 10 min. oxidation. At pH < 6 and oxygen
water treatment are sand and < 0.5 mg/l, the maximum permissible
anthracite. The effective grain size Frequent shut-downs and start-ups Fe2+ concentration is 4 mg/l.
for fine sand filter is in the range of should be avoided, because each
0.35 to 0.5 mm, and 0.7 to 0.8 mm filter velocity increase will release The other way is to deliberately
for anthracite filter. In comparison to previously deposited particulate oxidize iron and manganese by air,
single sand filter media, dual filter matter. Cl2 or KMnO4. The formed
media with anthracite over sand hydroxides can then be removed by
Design and operational details of media filtration. Colloidal sulfur as
permit more penetration of the media filtration are available in the
suspended matter into the filter bed, formed from hydrogen sulfide
literature 1) 2). however, may be difficult to remove.
thus resulting in more efficient
filtration and longer runs between 3.5.3 Oxidation and filtration can be
cleaning. Oxidation – Filtration accomplished in one step by using a
filter media with the ability to oxidize
The design depth of the filter media Fe2+ by electron transfer.
is normally about 0.8 m (31 inches) Some well waters, usually brackish
minimum. In the dual filter media, waters, are in a reduced state. Greensand is such a granular
the filters are usually filled with 0.5 Typical for these waters is the medium, which is a green (when
m (20 inches) of sand covered with absence of oxygen and the dry) mineral glauconite. It can be
0.3 m (12 inches) of anthracite. presence of divalent iron and regenerated with KMnO4 when its
manganese, sometimes also of oxidizing capability is exhausted.
There are two types of filters hydrogen sulfide and ammonium.
employed, gravity and pressure After the regeneration, the residual
filters. As the filter vessel for If such a water has been chlorinated KMnO4 has to be thoroughly rinsed
pressure filtration is designed for and then dechlorinated, or has taken out in order to avoid an oxidation
pressurization, a higher pressure up more than 5 mg/l of oxygen, Fe2+ damage of the membranes. This
drop can be applied for higher filter is converted into Fe3+, which forms technique is used when < 2 mg/l
beds and/or smaller filter grains and/ insoluble colloidal hydroxide Fe2+ is present in the raw water. For
or higher filtration velocities. particles. The oxidation of iron and higher Fe2+ concentrations, KMnO4
manganese is given by: can be continuously dosed into the
The design filtration flow rates are inlet stream of the filter. In this case
usually 10-20 m/h, and the backwash however, measures have to be
4 Fe(HCO3)2 + O2 + 2H2O
rates are in the range of 40-50 m/h. taken to assure that no perman-
→ 4 Fe(OH)3 + 8 CO2 ganate can reach the membranes,
For feedwaters with a high fouling
potential, flow rates of less than for example by installation of a
4 Mn(HCO3)2 + O2 + 2H2O carbon filter (see Section 3.6.4,
10m/h and/or second pass media
filtration is preferred. → 4 Mn(OH)3 + 8 CO2 Dechlorination).
Birm filtration has also been used To strengthen the hydroxide micro- membrane. If so, the result at
effectively for Fe2+ removal from RO flocs and thereby improving their brackish water conditions could be
feed water. Since with birm a pH filterability, and/or to bridge the col- different from that at sea water
increase and consequently a shift in loidal particles together, flocculants conditions. To minimise the risk of
the LSI value might occur, care can be used in combination with direct or indirect interference with
should be taken to avoid CaCO3 coagulants or alone. Flocculants the RO membrane, anionic or
precipitation in the filter and in the are soluble high molecular mass nonionic flocculants are preferred
RO system. organic compounds, e.g. linear rather than cationic ones.
polyacrylamides. Through different Overdosing must be avoided.
3.5.4 active groups, they may be posi-
In-Line Filtration tively charged (cationic), negatively 3.5.5
charged (anionic), or close to neutral Coagulation – Flocculation
The efficiency of media filtration to (non-ionic).
reduce the SDI value can be marked- For raw waters containing high
ly improved if the colloids in the raw Coagulants and flocculants may concentrations of suspended matter
water are coagulated and/or floc- interfere with an RO membrane resulting in a high SDI, the classic
culated prior to filtration. In-line directly or indirectly. Indirect coagulation – flocculation process is
filtration can be applied to raw interference occurs when the preferred. The hydroxide flocs are
waters with an SDI only slightly compound forms a precipitate which allowed to grow and to settle in
above 5. is deposited on the membrane. For specifically designed reaction
example, channelling of the media chambers. The hydroxide sludge is
The method, also named in-line filter may enable flocs to pass removed, and the supernatant water
coagulation or in-line coagulation- through and deposit on the is further treated by media filtration.
flocculation, is described in ASTM membrane. A precipitate can also be
Standard D 4188. A coagulant is formed when concentrating the For the coagulation – flocculation
injected into the raw water stream, treated feedwater, such as when process, either a solids-contact type
effectively mixed, and the formed aluminium or ferric coagulants are clarifier (see also Section 3.3.6) or a
microflocs are immediately removed added without subsequently compact coagulation – flocculation
by media filtration. lowering pH to avoid supersaturation reactor may be used. For details,
in the RO stage. Furthermore, please refer to the general water
Ferric sulfate and ferric chloride are reaction with a compound added treatment textbooks 1) 2).
used to destabilize the negative after the media filter can cause a
surface charge of the colloids and to precipitate to form. This is most
entrap them into the freshly formed noticeable with antiscalants. Nearly 3.5.6
ferric hydroxide microflocs. all antiscalants are negatively Crossflow
Aluminium coagulants are also charged and will react with cationic Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration
effective, but not recommended coagulants or flocculants present in
because of possible fouling the water. Several RO plants have Crossflow filtration through a
problems with residual aluminium. been heavily fouled by a gel formed microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration
by reaction between cationic (UF) membrane removes virtually all
Rapid dispersion and mixing of the polyelectrolytes and antiscalants. suspended matter and, in the case
coagulant is extremely important. An of ultrafiltration, also dissolved
in-line static mixer or injection on the Direct interference occurs when the organic compounds depending on
suction side of a booster pump is compound itself affects the their molecular mass and on the
recommended. The optimum membrane resulting in a flux loss. molecular mass cutoff of the
dosage is usually in the range of 10 The ionic strength of the water may membrane. Hence, an SDI < 1 can
to 30 mg/l, but should be have an effect on the interference of be achieved with a well-designed
determined case by case. the coagulant or flocculant with the and properly maintained
microfiltration or ultrafiltration The cartridge filter should be made aluminium that otherwise could foul
system. The fouling problem, now of a synthetic nondegradable the membranes. Softened water is
transferred from the RO membrane material; e.g. nylon or polypropylene also known to exhibit a lower fouling
to the MF or UF membrane, has to and equipped with a pressure gauge tendency than unsoftened water,
be handled by this system. At the to indicate the differential pressure because multivalent cations promote
same time, a high MF/UF system drop and thereby indicating the the adhesion of naturally occurring
recovery and a high specific per- extent of its fouling. Regular colloids, which are usually
meate flow is requested for inspections of used cartridges negatively charged.
economic reasons. These objectives provide useful information regarding
are usually achieved by periodic fouling risks and cleaning Backflushable fine filters may be
cleanings, either a forward flush or requirements. used upstream of the cartridge filters
preferably a backflush. If a chlorine If the differential pressure across the to protect these. They are however,
resistant membrane material is filter increases rapidly, it is an no substitute for disposable
used, e.g. polysulfone or a ceramic indication of possible problems in cartridges.
membrane, chlorine can be added to the raw water supply or in the
the wash water in order to prevent pretreatment process. The filter 3.5.9
biological fouling. provides some degree of short-term Design and
A review on microfiltration and ultrafil- protection for the membranes while Operational Considerations
tration processes is given by Porter 5). corrective action is taking place.
Replacing cartridge filters more The prevention of colloidal fouling is
3.5.7 often than every 1 to 3 months not only a matter of the proper
Cartridge Microfiltration usually indicates a problem with the pretreatment technique, but also of
A cartridge filter with a pore size of pretreatment. However, the cartridge the system design and operation. As
less than 10 µm is the minimum filter is not meant to be a major an extreme example, a surface
pretreatment required for every RO component for the removal of high water could be pretreated by
system. It is a safety device to amounts of filterable solids. This coagulation - flocculation and
protect the membranes and the high would not only be an inefficient use ultrafiltration. The RO system could
pressure pump from suspended of rather expensive filters, but would then operate with a high permeate
particles. Usually it is the last step of probably lead to premature failure of flux, and almost no cleaning would
a pretreatment sequence. We the membrane system due to the be required. If the same water
recommend to use a pore size of high probability that some of the however, would just be cartridge
5 µm or less. The better the unwanted material will break filtered, then the RO system would
prefiltration is, the less cleaning of through. It may be considered need much more membrane area,
the RO membranes is required. however, to use upstream a second and the membranes would require
When the silica concentration in the cartridge with larger pore size. frequent cleaning and maintenance.
concentrate stream exceeds the A poor pretreatment can be
theoretical solubility (see Section partially compensated by adding
3.5.8 more membrane area and modifying
3.4.7), cartridge filtration with 1 µm Other Methods
pore size is recommended in order the system (see Section 5), and by
to minimise the interaction with iron more frequent and/or harsh clean-
Other methods to prevent colloidal ing. On the other hand, improving
and aluminium colloids. fouling than those described in the
The filter should be sized on a flow the pretreatment means savings in
previous chapters also exist. membrane costs.
rate according to the manufacturer’s Lime softening has already been
recommendation, and replaced described as a method for silica
before the pressure drop has removal (Section 3.3.6). Removal of
increased to the permitted limit, but iron and colloidal matter are further
latest after 3 months. Backflushable benefits.
filters are not recommended
because of their lower efficiency and Strong acid cation exchange resin
higher biofouling risk. softening does not only remove
hardness, but also low
concentrations of iron and
INT = 2-(p-iodophenyl)-3-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride
A careful and periodic inspection of Chlorination as RO pretreatment is The germicidal efficiency of free
the cartridge filters and the interior usually applied where biological residual chlorine is directly related
of the feed and brine piping is also fouling prevention is required, i.e. to the concentration of undis-
helpful. The presence of slime or typically for surface waters. Chlorine sociated HOCl. Hypochlorous acid
odor is an indication for biofouling. is added at the intake, and a is 100 times more effective than the
reaction time of 20-30 min. should hypochlorite ion OCl–. The fraction
be allowed. A free residual chlorine of undissociated HOCl increases
concentration of 0.5-1.0 mg/l should with decreasing pH. Other Methods be maintained through the whole
The bacterial growth potential of a pretreatment line. Dechlorination At pH = 7.5 (25°C, TDS = 40 mg/l),
given water sample can be upstream of the membranes is only 50% of free residual chlorine
assessed with the Werner method 9). required however, to protect the is present as HOCl, but 90% at
The sample is filter-sterilized, and membranes from oxidation (see pH = 6.5. The fraction of HOCl also
an inorganic sterile nutrient salt Section 4.6.4, Dechlorination). increases with decreasing
solution is then added. Then, the temperature. At 5°C, the HOCl mole
sample is inoculated with a specific Chlorination chemistry fraction is 62% (pH = 7.5, TDS =
volume of a suspension of bacteria Chlorine is most commonly 40 mg/l). In high salinity waters, less
washed from the sterilizing filter. available as chlorine gas and the HOCl is present (30% at pH 7.5,
The growth rate of the bacteria can hypochlorites of sodium and 25°C, 40,000 mg/l TDS).
be quantified from a turbidity calcium. In water, they hydrolyze
increase as measured by forward instantaneously to hypochlorous Chlorine demand
light scattering. acid: A part of the chlorine dosage reacts
Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + HCl (1) with ammonia nitrogen to combined
Other techniques measure the NaOCl + H2O → HOCl + NaOH (2) available chlorine in a series of
assimilable organic carbon or the Ca(OCl)2 + 2 H2O → 2 HOCl + Ca(OH)2 (3) stepwise reactions:
biodegradable organic carbon. The HOCl + NH3 ↔
various methods have been Hypochlorous acid dissociates in NH2Cl (monochloramine) + H2O (6)
reviewed by Huck 10). water to hydrogen ions and HOCl + NH2Cl ↔
hypochlorite ions: NHCl2 (dichloramine) + H2O (7)
HOCl ↔ H+ + OCl– (4)
HOCl + NHCl2 ↔
3.6.3 Chlorination NCl3 (trichloramine) + H2O (8)
The sum of Cl2, NaOCl, Ca(OCl)2,
Chlorine (Cl2) has been used for HOCl and OCl– is referred to as free
many years to treat municipal and These reactions are governed
available chlorine (FAC) or free primarily by pH and chlorine-to-
industrial water and wastewaters as residual chlorine (FRC), given as
a disinfectant, because of its nitrogen weight ratio. Chloramine
mg/l Cl2. As discussed later, also has a germicidal effect, albeit
capacity to inactivate most chloramines are formed from the
pathogenic microorganisms quickly. lower than that of chlorine.
reaction of chlorine with ammonia Another part of the chlorine is con-
The effectiveness of chlorine is compounds present in the water.
dependent on the chlorine verted to nonavailable chlorine. This
These chlorine-ammonia com- chlorine demand is caused by the
concentration, time of exposure and pounds are referred to as combined
the pH of the water. Chlorine is used reaction with reducing agents such
available chlorine (CAC) or as nitrite, cyanide, sulfide, ferrous
for the disinfection of potable water combined residual chlorine (CRC).
where a residual chlorine iron and manganese. Chlorine is
The sum of free and combined also consumed by the oxidation of
concentration near 0.5 mg/l is available/residual chlorine is called
commonly used. In an industrial organic compounds present in the
the total residual chlorine (TRC). water.
water treatment scheme, fouling of
water intake lines, heat exchangers, TRC = FAC + CAC = FRC + CRC (5)
sand filters, etc., may be prevented
by maintaining a free residual
chlorine concentration of 0.5-1.0
mg/l or higher, dependent on the
organic content of the incoming
To determine the optimum chlorine 3.6.4 Residual free chlorine can be reduced
dosage, best point of injection, pH Dechlorination to harmless chlorides by activated
and contact time to prevent bio- carbon or chemical reducing agents.
fouling, the ASTM method D 1291, When FILMTEC® FT30 membrane
“Standard Practice for Determining is used in the reverse osmosis An activated carbon bed is very
Chlorine Requirement of Water”, process, the RO feed must be effective in dechlorination of RO
should be applied on a represen- dechlorinated to prevent oxidation of feed water according to following
tative water sample. For further the membrane. FT30 membrane reaction:
details, the Handbook of Chlori- has some chlorine tolerance before C + 2 Cl2 + 2 H2O → 4 HCl + CO2 (11)
nation11) is recommended. noticeable loss of salt rejection is
observed. Eventual degradation Sodium Metabisulfite (SMBS) is
Sea water may occur after approximately 200- most common for removal of free
The major difference of sea water 1,000 hours of exposure to one mg/l chlorine and as a biostatic. Other
chlorination chemistry in contrast to of free chlorine (200-1,000 ppm-h chemical reducing agents exist, e.g.
brackish water is the presence of tolerance). The rate of chlorine sulfur dioxide, but have not yet been
bromide in sea water in concen- attack depends on various proven cost-competitive with SMBS.
trations of typically 65 mg/l. Bromide feedwater characteristics. Under
reacts rapidly with hypochlorous alkaline pH conditions, chlorine When dissolved in water, sodium
acid to hypobromous acid: attack is faster than at neutral or bisulfite (SBS) is formed from
Br – + HOCl → HOBr + Cl– (9) acidic pH. An acidic pH is anyhow SMBS:
preferred for a better biocidal effect Na2S2O5 + H2O → 2 NaHSO3 (12)
Thus, in chlorinated sea water the during chlorination. Chlorine attack
biocide is predominantly HOBr is also faster at higher SBS is then reducing hypochlorous
rather than HOCl. concentrations of heavy metals (e.g. acid according to:
iron), which catalyze membrane NaHSO3 + HOCl → HCl + NaHSO4 (13)
Hypobromous acid then dissociates degradation, and at higher
to hypobromite ions as follows: In theory, 1.34 mg of sodium
HOBr ↔ OBr – + H+ (10) metabisulfite will remove 1.0 mg of
By comparison, some other free chlorine. In practice however,
HOBr dissociation is less than HOCl polyamide RO membranes have 3.0 mg of sodium metabisulfite is
dissociation. At pH 8, where only essentially zero chlorine tolerance. normally used to remove 1.0 mg of
28% of HOCl is undissociated, about The superior chlorine tolerance of chlorine.
83% of HOBr is undissociated. In the FT30 membrane can be
other words, effective disinfection attributed to the thicker barrier layer Solid sodium metabisulfite has a
can be performed at a higher pH (about 2,000 Angstrom) and the fact usual shelf life of 4-6 months under
than in brackish water, where no that the polyamide is crosslinked. If cool, dry storage conditions.
bromide is present. dechlorination upsets occur in a However, in aqueous solutions,
FT30 RO system, and if corrected in sodium bisulfite can oxidize readily
Both hypobromous acid and a timely manner, membrane when exposed to air. A typical
hypobromite ions interfere with free damage can be minimized. solution life can vary with
residual chlorine measurements and concentration as follows:
are included in the free residual For chloramine the tolerance of the
chlorine value. FT30 membrane is 300,000 ppm-h, Solution Maximum
which implies that dechlorination is (wt.%) Solution Life
The reactions of HOBr with other not required. However, since 2 3 days
compounds of the water are ana- chloramines are formed by adding 10 1 week
logous to the reactions of HOCl. ammonia to chlorine, it is possible
20 1 month
Bromamines and brominated that free chlorine will be present.
Since this free chlorine can be 30 6 months
compounds are the reaction
products. damaging to the membrane,
dechlorination should still be
considered. The SMBS should be of food grade
quality and free of impurities. SMBS
should not be cobalt-activated.
Although the dechlorination itself is Bisulfite is more effective against from a chlorine-resistant material to
rapid, good mixing is required to en- aerobic bacteria than against an- withstand periodic sanitation.
sure completion; static mixers are aerobic microorganisms. Therefore,
recommended. The injection point is the efficiency of the shock treatment Copper sulfate can also be used to
preferably downstream of the cart- should be carefully assessed using control the biogrowth. Typically,
ridge filters in order to have these the techniques described in Section copper sulfate is fed continuously at
protected by chlorine. In this case, 3.6.2. 0.1 to 0.5 mg/l concentrations. The
the SMBS solution should be filtered generalized use of copper sulfate is
through a separate cartridge before however, not recommended due to
being injected into the RO feed. the following:
Dechlorinated water must not be 3.6.6 • Commercial CuSO4 may
stored in tanks. Sanitation contain some impurities
detrimental to the RO
The absence of chlorine should Instead of continuously adding a membranes.
be monitored using an oxidation- biocide to the raw water, biofouling
reduction potential (ORP) electrode • CuCO3 and Cu(OH)2 tend to
can be controlled by periodic sanita- precipitate outside of a given
downstream of the mixing line. The tions of the system. This is usually pH range of operation, cau-
electrode signal shuts down the high practiced in medium risk applica-
pressure pump when chlorine is sing fouling to RO devices,
tions. In high risk applications, and making CuSO4 inef-
detected. sanitations may be an additional fective.
measure to a continuous biocide
dosing. • Copper ions can have nega-
tive effects on the environ-
3.6.5 Preventive sanitations are much ment.
Shock Treatment more effective than corrective • CuSO4 only works properly
disinfections, because single
Shock treatment is the addition of a against a limited range of
attached bacteria are easier to kill microorganisms (e.g. some
biocide into the feed stream during and remove than a thick, aged
normal plant operation for a limited algae) but has only a margi-
time period. Sodium bisulfite is the nal effect on most bacteria.
most commonly used biocide for this Typical sanitation intervals are one • Environmental protection
purpose. In a typical application, per month, but they can be as short standards of several countries
500-1,000 mg/l NaHSO3 are dosed as one per day, depending on the limit the discharge amount of
for 30 minutes. feed water quality (e.g. waste water) Cu salts, making it difficult to
or the permeate quality required change dosage of this chemi-
The sodium metabisulfite should be (e.g. pharmaceutical grade water). cal if the biolife situation of a
food grade, free of impurities and The membrane life however, may be given plant requires it.
not cobalt-activated. The treatment shortened by extensive sanitations,
can be carried out on a periodic depending on the type of chemical Ozone is an even stronger oxidizing
basis, e.g. every 24 hours, or only (see Section 7.7, Disinfecting RO agent than chlorine. However, it
when biogrowth is suspected. The Systems). decomposes readily. A certain
efficiency of such treatment should ozone level must be maintained to
be studied. The permeate produced kill all microorganisms. The
during dosage will contain 1-4% of resistance of the materials of
the bisulfite feed concentration. 3.6.7 construction against ozone has to be
Depending on the permeate quality Other Methods considered. Usually, stainless steel
requirements, the permeate can be is employed. De-ozonation must be
used or discarded during shock Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration offers performed carefully to protect the
treatment. advantages in that it can remove membranes. Ultraviolet
microorganisms and especially algae, irradiation has been used success-
which are sometimes very difficult to fully for this purpose.
remove by standard techniques. The
MF/UF membranes should be made
Table 1 summarizes the pretreatment options when specific risks for scaling and fouling are present. It is a quick
reference for “possible” and “very effective” methods. The combination of “possible” methods may also be “very
Table 1
Pretreatment CaCO 3 CaSO 4 BaSO 4 SrSO 4 CaF 2 SiO 2 SDI Fe Al Bacte- Oxid. Org.
ria Agents Matter
Acid Addition ● ❍
Scale Inhibitor ❍ ● ● ● ● ❍
Softening with IX ● ● ● ● ●
Dealkalization with IX ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Lime Softening ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Preventive Cleaning ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Adjustment of ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ●
Operation Parameter
Media Filtration ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Oxidation-Filtration ❍ ●
In-Line-Coagulation ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Coagulation-Flocculation ❍ ● ❍ ❍ ●
Micro-/ Ultrafiltration ● ● ❍ ❍ ❍ ●
Cartridge Filter ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍
Chlorination ●
Dechlorination ●
Shock Treatment ❍
Preventive Disinfection ❍
GAC Filtration ❍ ● ●
3.10 References
1) Water Quality and Treatment, 4th Edition, Prepared by the American Water Works Association, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New
York, 1990.
4) Moller, J.K.: Development of a New Membrane Filtration System. Proceedings - Fifth World Filtration Congress, Societe
Francaise de Filtration, Nice, France, June 1990.
5) Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology, Ed.: Porter, M.C., Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey, U.S.A.
6) Hobbie, J.E.; Daley, R.J.; Jasper, S.: Appl. Environ, Microbiol., 33 (1976), 1225.
7) Zimmermann, R.; Iturriaga, R.; Becker-Birk, J.: Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 36 (1978) 926.
8) Biofilms. Ed.: Characklis, W.G.; Marshall, K.C.; John Wiley & Sons Inc. (1990).
9) Werner, P.: Eine Methode zur Bestimmung der Verkeimungsneigung von Trinkwasser. Vom Wasser 65 (1985) 257.
10) Huck, P.M.: Measurement of Biodegradable Organic Matter and Bacterial Growth Potential in Drinking Water. J.
AWWA, July 1990, 78-86.
11) White, G.C.: Handbook of Chlorination. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York (2nd ed., 1986).
12) Mittelman, M.C.; Geesey, G.G. (eds): Biological Fouling of Industrial Water Systems - A Problem Solving Approach.
Water Micro Associates, San Diego, CA (1987).
13) ASTM D4188-82: Standard Practice for Performing Pressure In-Line Coagulation-Flocculation-Filtration Test.
14) ASTM D1291-81: Standard Practice for Determining Chlorine Requirement of Water.
15) ASTM D3739-88: Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of the Langelier Saturation Index for Reverse
16) ASTM D4582-86: Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of the Stiff and Davis Stability Index for Reverse
17) ASTM D4195-88: Standard Guide for Water Analysis for Reverse Osmosis Application.
18) ASTM D4692-87: Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of Sulfate Scaling Salts (CaSO4, SrSO4, and
BaSO4) for Reverse Osmosis.
19) ASTM D4993-89: Standard Practice for Calculation and Adjustment of Silica (SiO2) Scaling for Reverse Osmosis.
20) Marshall, W.L. and Slusher, R., “Solubility to 200°C of Sulfate and its Hydrates in Sea Water and Saline Water
Concentrates and Temperature, Concentration Limits,” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol 13, No. 1, 1968,
p. 83.
21) Davis, J.W. and Collins, A.G., “Solubility of Barium and Strontium Sulfates in Strong Electrolyte Solutions,”
Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 5, No. 10, 1971, p. 1039.
22) Alexander, G.B., Hester, W.M., Iler, R.K., “The Solubility of Amorphous Silica in Water”, Journal of Physical Chemistry,
58, 1954, p. 453.
4. System Design
4.1 Introduction sea water desalination, the limit of materials at the membrane surface
35-45% recovery is dictated by the increases with increasing permeate
An entire RO water desalination osmotic pressure of the concentrate flux and increasing element
system consists of the pretreatment stream, because the physical limit of recovery 2. A system designed with
section, the desalination section, and the FILMTEC® Sea Water Element is high permeate flux rates is therefore
the posttreatment section. reached at 69 bar (1,000 PSI). likely to experience higher fouling
Pretreatment techniques are Obtaining the requested salt rejec- rates and more frequent chemical
discussed in Section 3. tion is mainly a matter of membrane cleaning.
Posttreatment is employed to selection. The BW (Brackish Water), The Silt Density Index (SDI) value of
achieve the required product quality. SW (Sea Water), and SWHR (Sea the pretreated feed water correlates
In sea water desalination this is Water High Rejection) versions of the fairly well with the amount of fouling
usually pH adjustment, rehardening FT30 membrane have higher salt material present.
and disinfection. In ultrapure water rejections in this order, but they also Only experience can set the limits on
production, the permeate is usually need higher feed pressures under permeate flux and element recovery
posttreated by polishing ion same conditions. Therefore, the for different types of waters.
exchange demineralization. FT30 BW membrane is typically When designing a membrane system
In this section, the desalination applied to feed waters up to 5,000 for a specific feed water, it is
system is addressed. It includes a mg/l TDS, FT30 SW from 5,000 to advantageous to know the
set of membrane elements, housed 15,000 mg/l, and FT30 SWHR from performance of other membrane
in pressure vessels which are 15,000 to 45,000 mg/l. For given systems operating on the same
arranged in a certain manner. A high operating conditions, the permeate water. However, quite often there are
pressure pump is used to feed the quality can be calculated (see no other membrane systems to
pressure vessels. Instrumentation, Section 4.11, System Performance compare with; and then the system
spare parts and tools for services are Projection). design guidelines (Table 1) should be
added as required. A cleaning-in- The feed pressure needed to followed.
place (CIP) system facilitates the produce the required permeate flow These guidelines are based on the
cleaning of the membranes. This is depends, for a given membrane, on assumption of a continuous process
described in Section 7. The the designed permeate flux 1. The with a welldesigned and operated
desalination system is a complete higher the permeate flow per unit of pretreatment system, and about four
plant with an inlet for feed water and active membrane area, the higher the cleanings per year. Exceeding the
outlets for permeate and feed pressure. recommended limits will result in
concentrate. RO system perfor- While in sea water systems the more frequent cleanings and a
mance is typically characterized by permeate flux is relatively low even reduced membrane life.
two parameters, permeate (or at maximum allowed pressure, the
product) flow and salt rejection. permeate flux could be very high Further information required to
These should always be referenced in brackish water systems without design a system is best collected by
to a given feed water analysis, feed reaching the limit of 41 bar for using the forms of Table 2: “System
pressure and recovery. The goal of brackish water elements. Although it Design Information” and Table 3:
the designer of an RO system for a is tempting to increase the permeate “Water Analysis for Reverse
certain required permeate flow is to flux in order to minimize the costs for Osmosis”. The more complete this
minimize feed pressure and membrane elements, the flux has to information, the better the system
membrane costs while salt rejection be limited in order to avoid fouling design can be optimized towards the
and recovery should be maximized. and scaling. From experience, the customer's needs.
The optimum design depends on the flux limit to be used in system design
relative importance of these aspects. depends on the fouling tendency of
The recovery of brackish water sys- the feed water.
tems is limited by the solubility of The concentration of the fouling 1 Permeate flux: permeate flow rate per unit
sparingly soluble salts (see Section membrane area.
2 Element recovery: ratio of permeate flow rate
3.4): 85% is about the maximum. In
to feed flow rate for a single element.
Feed Silt Density Index SDI < 1 SDI < 3 SDI 3 - 5 SDI 3 - 5 SDI < 5
2.5" Diameter 23 700 (2.7) 600 (2.7) 500 (1.9) 500 (1.9) 300 (1.3) 500 (1.9)
4" Diameter
BW30-4040 (obsolete) 70 2200 (8.3) 1800 (6.8) 1600 (6.1) 1500 (5.6) 1000 (3.8)
BW30/NF70-4040 82 2570 (9.7) 2110 (8.0) 1870 (7.1) 1755 (6.6) 1170 (4.4)
SW30/SW30HR-4040 68 2200 (8.3) 1800 (6.8) 1600 (6.1) 1500 (5.6) 1000 (3.8) 1500 (5.6)
8" Diameter
BW30-330 330 9000 (33) 7500 (28) 6500 (25) 5900 (22) 4000 (15)
BW30/NF70-345 345 9400 (36) 7840 (30) 6790 (27) 6160 (23) 4180 (16)
BW30/NF70/NF90-400 400 10970 (42) 9140 (24) 7920 (30) 7190 (27) 4870 (19)
SW30/SW30HR-8040 298 9000 (24) 7500 (28) 6500 (25) 5900 (22) 4000 (15) 6000 (22)
SG30-8040 320 8700 (33) 7270 (28) 6300 (24) 5720 (22) 3870 (15) 6000 (22)
At permeate flow rates lower than shown in the column for Filtered Tertiary Effluent, maximum element recovery is 20% for surface water and 15% for sea water.
Note: The limiting values listed above have been incorporated into the ROSA (Reverse Osmosis System Analysis) software. Design of system in excess of the guidelines
results in a warning message on the ROSA printout.
We recommend that minimum concentrate flow rates be increased at the discretion of the designer by 20 % for feedwaters known to be high in fouling tendency (SDI > 3).
Customer/OEM: .......................................................................................................................................................................
Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................
Proposed Location: .................................................................................................................................................................
Brief Description: .....................................................................................................................................................................
☞ ☞ ☞
Remarks: ..................................................................................................................................................................................
(odor, smell, color, biological activity, etc.:) ...................................................................................................................................
Date: .........................................................................................................................................................................................
Please give units (mg/l as ion or ppm as CaCO3 or meq/l)
Singlemodule systems are chosen more than 0.3 bar. The maximum • Larger (more expensive) high
when only one or few membrane permissible permeate pressure is a pressure pump.
elements are needed for the feature of the pressure vessel (see • Higher energy consumption.
specified permeate flow. Figure 1 Section 4.12.2, Pressure Vessel).
shows a system example with a • Permeate quality decreases with
module containing 2 FILMTEC® The concentrate leaves the more concentrate being added to
Tapwater Elements TW30-4040. concentrate outlet connection at the feed water.
essentially the feed pressure. • The rinse-out time at start-up after
Feed water enters the system Pressure drop will usually amount to preservation or cleaning can be
through the shut-off valve and flows 0.3 to 2 bar (5-30 PSI) from feed inlet long. Preferably, no concentrate
through the cartridge filter to the to concentrate outlet, depending on should be recycled during the
high pressure pump. Alternate the number of membrane elements, rinse-out period.
means of controlling pump the feed flow velocity and the
discharge pressure are described in temperature. The concentrate flow
Section 4.12.1, High Pressure rate is controlled by the concentrate
Pump. flow control valve.
The system recovery is controlled by
From the high pressure pump, the this valve and must never exceed the
feed water flows to the feed inlet design value.
connection of the module. The
product stream should leave the In singlemodule systems,
module at no more than 0.3 bar (5 concentrate recycling is usually
PSI) over atmospheric pressure. required to comply with the
Sometimes however, a higher guidelines for element recovery. To
permeate pressure is required, e.g. achieve system recoveries of more
to feed the post-treatment section or than 50%, a part of the concentrate
to distribute the product without leaving the module goes to drain,
further pumping. Then the feed while the other part is added to the
pressure has to be increased by the suction side of the high pressure
value of the permeate pressure, but pump, thus increasing the feed flow
the specified maximum feed to the module. A high fraction of the
pressure has to be observed. concentrate being recycled helps to
reduce the element recovery and
In this case, extreme care must be thus the risk of fouling. On the other
exercised so that at any time, hand, it has the following
especially also at emergency shut drawbacks:
downs, the permeate pressure does
not exceed the feed pressure by
4.5 Multi-Array System three elements, for example, the A typical two-array system using a
number of arrays has to be doubled staging ratio of 2:1 is shown in
Systems with more than one array or for the same system recovery. Figure 1. The staging ratio is defined
stage are used for higher system Generally speaking, the higher the as the ratio of pressure vessels in
recoveries without exceeding the system recovery, the more mem- two adjacent arrays, upstream
single element recovery limits. brane elements have to be con- vessels: downstream vessels.
Usually two arrays will suffice for nected in series. In order to com-
recoveries up to 75%, and three must pensate for the permeate that is
be used for higher recoveries. These removed and to maintain a uniform
numbers are based on the feed flow to each array, the number
assumption that standard pressure of pressure vessels per array
vessels with six elements are used. decreases in the direction of feed
For shorter vessels housing only flow.
5.6 Plug Flow vs. Con- Figure 1 of Section 4.4 and Figure 1 the feed side of the module (or
centrate Recirculation of Section 4.5. array) and mixed with the feed
stream. Figure 1 of Section 4.3
The standard reverse osmosis Concentrate recirculation is shows a system with internal
system design for water desalination employed when the number of concentrate recirculation.
applications is the plug flow concept. elements is too small to achieve a
sufficiently high system recovery Multi-array systems can also be
In a plug flow system, the feed with plug flow. Concentrate designed with internal concentrate
volume is passed once through the recirculation systems can also be recirculation for each array, using
system. A certain fraction Y of the found in special applications like a separate recirculation pump. For
feed passes across the membrane to process liquids and wastewaters. example, the system shown in
produce permeate. The feed is Figure 1 of Section 4.5 can be
gradually concentrated and leaves In systems with internal concentrate designed with concentrate
the system at a higher concentra- recirculation, a fraction of the recirculation instead of plug flow:
tion. Examples of plug flow systems concentrate stream out of the see Figure 1.
are shown in Figure 1 of Section 4.2, module (or array) is directed back to
4.7 Permeate Staged The concentrate of RO II is recycled protected against dust and
System back to the feed of RO I, because its microbiological contamination.
quality is usually better than the
A permeate staged system may be system feed water. The conductivity is in many cases
considered for the following reasons: the most important quality
• standard permeate quality is Since the feed water to RO II is of parameter of the product. Since
not sufficient high quality (RO permeate), RO II carbon dioxide is not rejected by the
can be designed for a higher membrane, it is present in the
• post-treatment with ion recovery than RO I, and with fewer product, where it reacts to carbonic
exchange technology is not membrane elements (see Design acid and causes the conductivity to
allowed (regeneration chemi- Guidelines, Section 4.1). increase. The passage of carbon
cals) dioxide can be prevented by
• rejection of bacteria, Instead of having a separate high alkalization of the feed water to pH
pyrogens and organic pressure pump for the second pass, 8.2. At this pH, all carbon dioxide is
matter is most important the whole system can also be converted into hydrogen carbonate,
operated with one single high which is well rejected by the
• high reliability pressure pump, provided the membrane. Caustic soda can be
The production of water for maximum permissible feed pressure injected either into the permeate of
pharmaceutical and medical use is a of the membrane element is not RO I or into the feed of RO I. In the
typical application of permeate exceeded (41 bar (600 PSI) for BW first case, very little caustic is
staged systems. elements). required, because there is almost no
buffer capacity. Care must be taken
A permeate staged system is the The second pass is then operated not to overdose NaOH. In the
combination of two conventional RO with the permeate backpressure from second case, the feedwater must be
systems where the permeate of the RO I. For the maximum permeate carefully pretreated in order to
first system (first pass) becomes the backpressure allowed, please refer to prevent calcium carbonate scaling,
feed for the second system (second Section 4.12.2. Care must be which might otherwise easily
pass). Both RO systems may be of exercised, that the permeate happen at pH 8.2.
the single-array or multi-array type, backpressure at no time exceeds the
either with plug flow or with feed pressure by more than 0.3 bar With this concept, a product
concentrate recirculation. (5 PSI). conductivity of typically < 1 µS/cm
can be achieved.
Figure 1 shows a schematic flow A surge tank can also be used to
diagram of a permeate staged collect the permeate from the first
system. pass. This tank must be carefully
To select the right element for a given purpose, there are several criteria to Some applications, e.g. in the food
be considered 1: and beverage industry, require a
• Feed water TDS sanitary membrane element design.
Many element sizes are available in
< 1,000 mg/l ➙ TW30 a "full fit" (FF) configuration: these
< 5,000 mg/l ➙ BW30 elements have a polypropylene net
5,000-15,000 mg/l ➙ SW30 instead of an adhesive tape or a
15,000-50,000 mg/l ➙ SW30HR
fiberglass wrapping and do not have
• System salt rejection a brine seal. Thus, there is no
> 92% ➙ TW30 stagnant water between the element
> 98% ➙ BW30 shell and the inner side of the
> 99% ➙ SW30 pressure vessel.
> 99% ➙ SW30HR
Please contact your local Dow Sales
• Required feed pressure Office for further information.
< 21 bar (300 PSI) ➙ TW30
< 41 bar (600 PSI) ➙ BW30
> 41 bar (600 PSI) ➙ SW30, SW30HR
• System dimensions restricted
yes ➙ element length < 40"
no ➙ element length = 40" 1
These recommendations are not binding, but suggestions
• Required permeate flow to select the element for a system that has to be designed.
The final choice depends also on specific requirements and
< 0.2 m3/h (0.9 GPM) ➙ element diameter ≤ 2.5" operating conditions of the system.
< 3m3/h (13 GPM) ➙ element diameter = 4"
> 3m3/h (13 GPM) ➙ element diameter = 8"
4.10 Number of Elements permeate flow QPimax according to the The number of pressure vessels, Nv is
and Pressure Vessels given feed water quality. The obtained from:
permeate flow of the other elements
RO systems are usually designed decreases in feed flow direction, NE
for a specified permeate flow QP. To because the feed pressure drops NV = (4)
due to the flow resistance, and the NEpV
achieve this flow, a number of
membrane elements NE is required. osmotic pressure increases due to
This section describes how the the concentration of rejected salts. where NEpV is the number of elements
number of elements and pressure In most standard applications, the per pressure vessel. Standard vessels
vessels required for a specified average permeate flow per element, for big plants contain six elements. NV
permeate flow and a specified feed QPi is about 75% of the maximum is rounded to the next highest whole
water source can be estimated. With permeate flow, QPimax: number.
these figures, a system can be
chosen. The chosen system must QPi = 0.75 x QPimax (2)
For six-element vessels, the staging
then be analyzed using the ratio is typically chosen as close to
FILMTEC® Reverse Osmosis Thus, the number of elements can be
2:1 as the whole number ratio of the
System Analysis (ROSA) computer estimated from the chosen QPimax
vessel numbers of two successive
program (see 4.11 page 7). This value with equations (1) and (2):
arrays will allow. For vessels with
program calculates the feed less than six elements, the staging
pressure and the permeate quality of QP
NE= (3) ratio will be less, for example 4:3:2
the system as well as the operating 0.75 x Q in a three-array system with four-
data of all individual elements. It is element-vessels.
then easy to optimize the system
design by changing the number and
type of elements and their
arrangement. The average
permeate flow per membrane Given: Chosen:
element, QPi is:
• Feed source: Brackish well water, • BW30-8040 element
QP softened, SDI < 3 • QPimax = 28 m3/d (7500 GPD)
QPi = (1) • Required permeate flow: (System Design Guidelines)
NE QP = 30 m3/h = 720 m3/d (132 GPM)
• Six-element vessels to be used
The maximum allowed permeate
flow per individual element, QPimax
depends on the feed water quality Estimated: Chosen:
according to the System Design • NE = 34.3 (from equation 3) • System with 6 pressure vessels
Guidelines (see Section 4.1). For a • NV = 5.7 (from equation 4) in a 4:2 arrangement.
softened surface supply, for
example. QPimax is 25 m3/d (6,500
GPD) for an eight inch element. This
limit must not be exceeded by any
element of the system. The lead In sea water desalination systems where QPispec is the specified
elements are usually the critical the limiting parameter is usually not permeate flow per element under
ones with the higest permeate flows, the permeate flow per element, but Sea Water Test Conditions, as given
because these experience the higest the feed pressure, which must not in the Technical Bulletin. From the
feed pressure and the lowest exceed 69 bar (1,000 PSI). The number of elements, one can
osmotic pressure of the feed water. number of elements required for a determine the number of pressure
specific system permeate flow QP vessels as already described.
Brackish water systems are usually can roughly be estimated from:
designed with the lead element(s) One array is usually sufficient for
producing the maximum allowed QP sea water systems with maximum
NE = (5) 40% recovery.
0.75 x QPispec
System Operating Characteristics which places eighteen elements in easily correlated. When a large
series shifting the average element number of elements are combined
Before a system performance recovery rate to lower values. in a system with a complex series-
projection is run, you should be parallel- series configuration and
familiar with the operating If two-array systems are operated at only inlet operating variables are
characteristics of a system. These too low a recovery (e.g. < 60%), the known, system performance
will be explained using a typical feed flow rates to the first-array prediction becomes considerably
example. Figure 1 shows a two- vessels can be too high causing more complex. Feed pressures and
array system with three 6-element- excessive feed/concentrate-side salt concentrations for each element
pressure vessels using a staging pressure drops and potentially in series are changing. The rate and
ratio of 2:1. damaging the elements. For extent of these changes are
example, FILMTEC® 8040 elements dependent not only on the inlet
Two-array systems with 6-element have a maximum feed flow rate of conditions and overall recovery, but
vessels effectively employ twelve 11 to 16 m3/h (50-70 GPM) also on the array configuration, i.e.
spiral wound elements in series and depending on water source (see staging ratio(s).
are generally capable of operating System Design Guidelines, Section
at an overall recovery rate of 60 to 4.1). As a result, systems with lower Figure 2 illustrates the dynamic
75%. For such systems the average than 60% recovery will typically nature of predicting system
individual recovery rate per element utilize single-array configurations. performance based on the sum of
will vary from 7 to 12%. To operate Maximum flow considerations can individual element performances
a two-array system at an overall also limit the staging ratio. It is within the system. It shows how five
recovery much higher than 75% will unlikely to find systems with staging different element performance
cause an individual element to ratios greater than 3:1. parameters vary throughout the
exceed the maximum recovery limits twelve series positions in a 2:1 array
shown in the Design Guidelines of When a single RO element is run, of 6-element pressure vessels. The
Chapter 4.1. When this happens, a the operating variables are readily system is operating at 75% recovery
third array will have to be employed measured, and performance can be and 25°C with a feed osmotic
pressure of 1.4 bar (20 PSI, which (12.5 m3/d) in the last element of figure. The upper curve shows how
roughly corresponds to a 2,000 mg/l the second array. The average the inlet feed pressure to each
feed TDS). The inlet feed pressure element permeate rate is 22m3/d element (Pfi ) decreases due to the
has been adjusted so that the lead (5,800 GPD) or 77% of the upstream concentrate-side
BW30-8040 element is producing maximum allowable limit. pressure losses within each
7500 gpd (28,4 m3/d) (7,500 GPD), element.
the maximum permeate flow Permeate flow decreases because
for a well water system with feed the net permeation driving force, ∆
SDI < 3. P - ∆ π, is uniformly declining. (∆ P
is the pressure difference between
The top third of Figure 2 shows the feed side and the permeate
individual element permeate flows side of the membrane; ∆ π is the
decreasing uniformly throughout the osmotic pressure difference
series configuration from 28.4 m3/d between both sides). This is
in the lead element of the first array evident by looking at the two
to approximately 3300 gpd curves in the bottom third of the
Permeate Flow ( GPD )
Permeate Flow ( m3 /d )
Relative A-Value
% Recovery
Pressure ( PSI )
Pressure ( bar )
Figure 2: Individual Element Performance in a System 2:1 Array of BW30-8040 Elements (Example)
The bottom curve shows how the Design Equations and pressure etc. of the concentrate,
inlet feed osmotic pressure to each Parameters which is the feed to the second
element (πfi ) is increasing as salt- element. After calculating the results
free (mostly) permeate is The performance of a specified RO for all the elements, one may
progressively removed by each system is defined by its feed discover that the original feed
upstream element, leaving behind a pressure (or permeate flow, if the pressure was too high or low, so the
steadily increasing concentrate feed pressure is specified) and its trial and error process starts with a
concentration. The difference salt passage. In its simplest terms, new pressure.
between these two pressure curves the permeate flow Q through an RO
is roughly equivalent to the net membrane is directly proportional to With the help of the FILMTEC
permeation driving force. the wetted surface area S times a Reverse Osmosis System Anlysis
net permeation driving force (∆P – computer program, accurate results
The middle portion of Figure 2 can be obtained very quickly, so that
exhibits two subtle but important ∆ π). The proportionality constant is
the membrane permeability this program can be used to modify
effects. The left-hand scale shows and optimize the design of a system.
how individual element recovery coefficient or A-value. The familiar
water permeation equation has the Accordingly, the entire system
varies within the twelve element calculation method will not be
(series) sequence. The break occurs form:
described here. It is also not
between the first and second arrays. intended to outline the process of
In general, the individual recovery Q = A x S x (∆ P – ∆ π) (1)
the element to element computer
profile will increase in both arrays calculation. However, the governing
but typically more strongly in the The salt passage is by diffusion,
equations and parameters are given
first. The system designer – utilizing hence the salt flux NA is proportional
in Table 1.
a computer program – must verify to the salt concentration difference
that the last element in the first array between both sides of the In order to enable the determination
does not exceed the appropriate membrane. The proportionality of values for the terms A, ∆ P, and
recovery limit. As element recovery constant is the salt diffusion ∆ π in equation (1) the water
increases, the effective osmotic coefficient or B-value. permeation equation is expanded to
pressure that the membrane “sees” equation (3). The permeate
will be higher due to concentration NA = B x (Cfc – Cp) (2) concentration can be derived from
polarization. This inefficiency equation (2) after conversion into
reduces permeate flows and can where Cfc = feed-concentrate equation (12). The design equations
lead to membrane scaling or fouling average concen- are listed in Table 1, the symbol
if allowed to go to excess. tration definitions in Table 3.
Cp = permeate
The other curve in the middle portion
concentration Entire System
of Figure 2 (right-hand scale)
illustrates an interesting This is a fairly easy method.
There are basically two ways Average values are used to
phenomenon exhibited by the
to calculate the performance of a calculate feed pressure and
FILMTEC® FT30 membrane. It
specified design: permeate quality if the feed quality,
shows that the membrane water
permeability coefficient, or A-value, temperature, permeate flow rate, and
Element-to-Element number of elements is known. If
is a reversible function of salt
This is the most rigorous calculation instead of number of elements the
concentration, decreasing at higher
method. It is too tedious for hand feed pressure is specified, the
salinities and increasing at lower
calculation, but it is suitable number of elements can be
for computer calculations. All the calculated, with a few iterations.
The water permeability declines by
operating conditions of the first This method generally gives a result
almost 15% in this example through
element must be known, including within 5% of that from element to
the series of twelve elements, and
the feed pressure. element calculation. The design
this must be taken into consideration
if an accurate design for system Then one can calculate the flow, equations are listed in Table 2, the
permeate flow rate is to be obtained. symbol definitions in Table 3.
4.11.2 Table 1: Design Equations for
Permeate Flow Qi = Ai ( πi) x SE x TCF x FF x [Pfi – ——fci – Ppi – πi +πpi ] (3)
Average Concentrate-Side πi = πfi x —— i
x pfi (4)
Osmotic Pressure Cf
Cfc Cc
i i
Ratio: Arithmetic Average —— = [1 + —— ]/2 (6)
Cf Cf
Concentrate-Side to Feed i i
Concentration for Element i
Ratio: Concentrate to Feed —— = [1 – Yi (1 – Ri )] / [1 – Yi ] (7)
Concentration for Element i Cf
Temperature Correction Factor TCF = EXP [2640 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≥ 25°C (9a)
for FT30 Membrane = EXP [3480 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≤ 25°C (9b)
System Recovery Y = 1 – {(1 – Y1) x (1 – Y2) x ... (1 – Yn)} = 1 – ∏ (1 – Yi ) (11)
Permeate Concentration Cp = B x Cfc x pfi x TCF x —— (12)
j j Qi
∆P C
Total Permeate Flow Q = N E x SE x A(π) xTCF x FF x (Pf – ——fc – Pp – π f[——
x pf – (1 – R)]} (13)
2 Cf
Cfc – R x ln[1 – Y / YL ]
Ratio: Average Concentrate-Side —— = + (1 – R) (14)
to Feed Concentration for System Cf Y – [1 – YL ] x ln[1 – Y / YL ]
π f x pf x R
Limiting System Recovery YL = 1 – —————— (15)
Pf – ∆ Pfc – Pp
Average Concentrate-Side π = π f x ——
fc x pf (19)
Osmotic Pressure for System
N xS
Permeate Concentration Cp = B x Cfc x pf x TCF x ———— (22)
Pp = Element i Permeate Pressure (PSI) Cfc = Average Concentrate-Side Concentration for System
πi = Element i Average Concentrate-Side Osmotic
Pressure (PSI) R = Average Fractional Salt Rejection for System
πf = Treated Feed Water Osmotic Pressure (PSI) NV1 = Number of Pressure Vessels in First Array of 2-Array
System; ≈ 2 / 3 x N V
T = Feed Water Temperature (°C)
NV2 = Number of Pressure Vessels in Second Array of
mj = Molal Concentration of jth ion species 2-Array System; ≈ N V / 3
4.12 Testing It typically involves the evaluation of should be run for a minimum of
a 50–100 liter (15–30 gallons) 30 days. The objective is to confirm
For the desalination of standard sample of solution on a 2540-sized the system design and to fine-tune
waters with a defined origin and membrane element. The element is operating parameters as well as to
composition, the RO system mounted in a test machine with the minimise the risk in large projects.
performance can be projected with engineering features of production
sufficient accuracy by using the systems. The feed flow and feed
computer programme. In some pressure can be varied in the range
cases, however, testing is of the element's operation limits.
recommended to support the proper
system design. These include: In a first test series, both con-
centrate and permeate are recycled
back to the feed tank. Permeate flow
• Unknown feed water quality and permeate quality are the feed
• Unknown variation of feed pressure at which the desired
water quality permeate flow (typically 80 l/h per
2540-element) is obtained, is then
• Special or new applications, fixed for the second test series.
e.g. process effluents and
waste waters The second series is run in the
• Special permeate quality batch mode, leading the permeate
requirements into an extra containment and
returning the concentrate to the feed
• Extremely high system reco- tank. Both permeate flow and
veries permeate quality are monitored
• Very large plants during the factor. The concentration
factor CF is the ratio of the actual
feed volume to the original feed
Testing is typically carried out at volume. The test is stopped when
different subsequent levels: the permeate flow has declined to
an uneconomically low value, e.g.
4.12.1 Screening Test 20 l/h (0,09 gpm) for a 2540-sized
The goal of a screening test is to
select the right membrane and to By repeating the batch tests, an
obtain a rough idea about flux and indication of membrane stability and
rejection properties of this mem- fouling effects can be provided.
brane. A small piece of flat sheet Long-term performance including
membrane is mounted in a "cell" and the assessment of cleaning
is exposed to the test solution using procedures, however, can only be
the cross-flow mechanism. The obtained by pilot tests.
method is fast, inexpensive, and
requires only small quantities of test
solution. However, it does not provide 4.12.3 Pilot Tests
engineering scale-up data, it cannot
indicate long-term chemical effects of A pilot test is run in the field,
the solution on the membrane, nor typically on a representative fraction
does it provide data on fouling effects of the feedstream, in a continous
of the test solution. operation mode. The pilot plant has
at least one production-size
4.12.2 Application Test element, preferably an arrangement
of elements similar to the
The application test provides scale- arrangement in a large-scale
up data such as permeate flow and system. The permeate flow of the
permeate quality as a function of pilot plant should be at least 1%
feed pressure and system recovery. of the large-scale plant flow, and
The chosen pressure rating must be Table 2: Maximum Dynamic Permeate Backpressure
high enough to allow some pressure for FILMTEC® Pressure Vessels
increase to compensate for irre-
versible fouling (typically 10% more Temperature Maximum Dynamic Permeate Back Pressure
than needed in a 3-year-design). (°C) (°F) (bar) (PSI)
4.13.4 element(s), the pressure drop A feed tank is needed to provide the
Valves between feed and concentrate of reaction time (20-30 min.) when
each array, and eventually the chlorine is used. The free volume of
Following valves are typically pressure in the permeate line. media filters can be used for this
included in an RO system: Liquid-filled gauges should contain purpose as well. Feed tanks are also
membrane compatible fluids such frequently used as a buffer to allow
• Feed inlet valve to shut down the as water or glycerine in place of continous operation of the RO
plant for maintenance and preser- oils or other water immiscible section (e.g. during backwash of
vation. liquids. filters). Systems that are operated in
the batch or semi-batch mode re-
• Valve on the pump discharge line • Flow meters to measure concentra- quire a feed tank.
or pump bypass line to control feed te and total permeate flow rate,
pressure during operation and feed also permeate flow rate of each A permeate tank is typically
pressure increase rate during start- array. employed, when the permeate is the
up. • Water meters in the permeate and product. Plant start-ups and shut-
• Check valve on pump discharge feed line to log the total water downs are initiated by low-level and
line. volume treated and produced. high-level signals from the permeate
tank. The system capacity and the
• Check valve and atmospheric drain • Hour meter to log the total opera- tank size should be designed so that
valve on permeate line to prevent ting time. the RO plant is allowed to run for
the permeate pressure from ex- • pH meter in the feed line after some hours continuously. The less
ceeding the feed pressure. acidification to control carbonate frequently the plant is shut down, the
• Flow control valve on the concen- scaling potential. better is the system performance.
trate line to set the recovery. (Cau- • Conductivity meters in the feed
tion: back-pressure valve must not A draw-back tank is a small tank in
line, in the brine line, and in the the permeate line that provides
be used). permeate line to determine per- enough volume for natural osmosis
• Valve in the permeate line to provi- meate quality and salt rejection. backflow when the system shuts
de permeate drain during cleaning • Sample ports on the feed, concen- down. It is typically employed in sea
and start-up. trate and permeate line (total water systems, but not in brackish
• Valves in the feed and concentrate permeate and permeate of each water systems. A missing draw-back
line (and between arrays) to con- array) to be able to evaluate sy- tank can cause air to be sucked into
nect a cleaning circuit. stem performance. A sample port the FILMTEC® elements. This may
on each pressure vessel permeate create the following problems:
4.13.5 outlet is recommended to facilitate ➙ Contamination of the permeate
Control Instruments troubleshooting. side of the membrane by airborne
4.13.6 microbes and fungii.
To ensure proper operation of the RO
system, a number of control Tanks ➙ Hydraulic shocks and slugs of air
instruments are necessary. The upsetting meters and set point
accuracy of all instruments is critical. Storing water in tanks should be controllers when the air is expelled
They must be installed and calibrated generally kept at a minimum. When from the system on the next start-
according to manufacturers' tanks are used, the inlet and outlet
should be placed so that no up.
stagnant zones are permitted. The ➙ Drying of the membrane (flux
• Pressure gauges to measure the tanks should be protected from dust loss).
pressure drop across the cartridge and microbiological contamination.
filter, the pressure on the pump In critical applications tanks are ➙ If the feedwater is in a reduced
inlet line and discharge line, the closed and vented through a HEMA- status and contains H2S, Fe2+,
feed pressure to the membrane filter. Mn2+, etc., the air intrusion may
cause fouling of the membrane by
oxidized and precipitated col-
loidal matter.
If the product water from an RO 4.13.7 • Control and motor starter panel
system is chlorinated, care must be Optional Equipment with automatics ensuring a safe
exercised to ensure that the chlorine plant operation. Automatics for
does not migrate back to the Various optional equipment and filter backwash, membrane
membrane. Air breaks should be features are useful in operating and cleanings and plant flush outs can
employed appropriately. monitoring the system: be incorporated.
If a draw-back tank is used, its water • A shut-down flush system flushes • Compressed air system including
the feed-concentrate line with compressor, air dryer, air control
level should be higher than the
highest pressure vessel, but not pretreated feed water or with per- stations and complete pipe
exceeding 3m from the lowest meate after shut-down. When systems.
vessel. To prevent contamination, antiscalants are used, a flush • Spare parts for 1 or 2 years of
the flow is in at the bottom and out system is mandatory. operation.
the top, and the tank must be • Alarms for
covered. Post-chlorination if • Tools for general and special
performed must be done • high permeate conductivity services.
downstream of this tank. • high concentrate conductivity • Options such as training,
• low feed pH supervision and maintenance.
The volume of the draw-back tank • high feed pH
can be sized as follows: • high feed hardness
• high feed temperature
VDBT = 25 NE - VPP • low level in dosing tank
• Continuous recorder for
VDBT:Volume of draw-back tank
(in liter) • feed temperature
NE: Number of installed element • feed pH
VPP: Volume of permeate piping • feed and permeate
between pressure vessels and conductivity
draw-back tank (in liter)
• feed SDI
Dosing tanks are required when • feed ORP
chemicals are added to the feed
water. They should be sized typically • feed, permeate and
for a daily refillment. concentrate pressure
• permeate and concentrate
A cleaning tank is part of the flow
cleaning equipment as described in
Section 7. Ideally, a monitoring system is
installed that allows on-line
recording and processing of all
important operating data of the
system (see also Section 6.4,
Record Keeping).
4.14 Materials of However, it is usually necessary to In order to avoid pitting and crevice
Construction, use metals for the high-pressure (10- corrosion in the RO water
Corrosion Control 70 bar/200-1,000 PSI) parts such as desalination plant the following
pumps, piping and valves. Carbon recommendations can be given:
From a corrosion point of view a very and low alloy steels do not have
harsh environment prevails in an RO sufficient corrosion resistance, and RO Plants with Concentrate
water desalination plant. their corrosion products can foul the Stream TDS below 7,000 ppm:
Hence the materials of construction Stainless steel type AISI 316 L with
must possess a certain degree of Lined piping is usually not a realistic <0.03% C is the minimum demand
corrosion resistance. This counts for alternative because of the often for the pipe system, as lower grade
both the exterior parts exposed to compact piping design and relatively stainless steels with higher carbon
spillage and a humid and saline great amount of connections and content will suffer from pitting in the
atmosphere as well as for the interior fittings needed. welding zones (intergranular
of the system exposed to the wide corrosion).
variety of waters treated. Al-bronze can be an alternative for
pumps etc., but the risk of erosion For non-welded parts stainless steel
Although not to be underestimated, corrosion and chemical attacks must type AISI 316 is usually acceptable.
the control of the exterior corrosion be taken into account.
can usually be overcome by using a The most relevant material to be
surface coating (painting, used for the high-pressure parts is RO Plants with Concentrate Stream
galvanizing, etc.) on materials stainless steel. TDS higher than 7,000 ppm:
supposed to corrode (mild steel, cast
iron, etc.) and by establishing a The basic advantages with stainless Stainless steel type 904 L is
maintenance program involving steel are that they are very resistant recommended for pipes and bends
periodical flush down and cleaning, to general corrosion and erosion for welding and for similar parts
repair of leaks, etc. corrosion. Stainless steel is rarely without crevices.
attacked by galvanic corrosion, but it
Selecting materials of construction will influence the attack on the other Where crevices occur, such as at
for the interior wetted system is a far metal in a two-metal couple (e.g. flange connections, in valves, in
more complicated task. copper, brass, etc.). Stress corrosion pumps, etc. stainless steel type 254
cracking of stainless steels in media SMO or alike with ≥ 6% Mo is
Apart from being compatible with the containing chloride rarely occurs recommended.
pressures, vibrations, temperatures, below 70°C (158°F) so it does not
etc. existing in an RO system, the need to be considered in an RO These two higher alloy stainless
materials used must also be able to desalination plant. steels can be welded together
withstand the potential corrosion without risking galvanic corrosion.
attacks caused by the high chloride Unfortunately, some stainless steels
content of the feed water and the are prone to pitting and crevice Sensor element of instruments may
concentrate stream, the aggressive corrosion in the waters occurring in be coated or lined.
product water and the chemicals an RO plant.
used for applications such as
membrane cleaning. Pitting means localized attacks that
result in holes in the metal. Pitting
Application of non-metallic materials occurs where the passive film formed
such as plastics, fiberglass, etc. are by chromium oxides breaks and
widely used for preventing corrosion chlorides can attack the bare metal.
and chemical attacks as well in the Crevice corrosion is pitting
low-pressure (< 10 bar) part of the associated with small volumes of
RO system as in the RO elements stagnant water caused by holes,
and pressure vessels. gasket surfaces, deposits and
crevices under bolts, etc.
This pressure vessel (P/N 81247) houses one FILMTEC® element TW30-1512 or TW30-1812. It consists of 3 parts:
vessel tube, endcap, and O-ring. Before inserting the element, inspect for binding threads.
Material: PVC
Pressure rating: 6 bar (85 PSI)
90.17 204.79
(3.55) (8.0625)
∅ 60.71
5.3 A.S.I.
Pressure Vessel
E. Pry locking rings 6 out of groove and C. Install O-ring 4 on external O-ring groove K. Repeat step J to install opposite washer
remove. If necessary, use a pointed on end plug 2. Lubricate both O-rings 8. Tighten sockethead screws 7 until
object, such as an icepick, to pry rings lightly with glycerine. washers are snug against bearing plate 3.
D. Place bearing plate 3 on end plug 2 at L. Secure assembly with lockwire 9 threa-
F. Pull out end plug 2. end of plug opposite O-rings 4, 5. Spot- ded through holes in sockethead screw 7
faced holes for washers 8 must face out. head and looped around fittings, (see
G. Remove fittings.
Align holes in bearing plate with threa- detail). This is reject end of vessel.
H. Remove and discard internal and exter- ded ports in end plug. CAUTION: Lockwire 9 must be installed
nal O-rings 5, 4. to insure integrity of critical interlock. If
E. Apply thread sealant on fittings (not stainless steel lockwire is not available,
I. Refurbish components as required, provided) and install fittings through any steel wire of .020 gauge may be
following the instructions below. bearing plate 3 into end plug 2. Turn used.
fitting 1/2 turn past hand tight. Do not
a. Use a wire brush or suitable abrasive overtighten; this could crack end plug. M. Lubricate element U-cup seal with
to remove all encrusted salts, corrosi- glycerine.
on by-products and other deposits F. Orient fittings in desired position and
from locking rings 6, washers 8 and insert end plug 2 into shell 1. Using both N. Insert element into open end of shell 1
locking ring groove in shell 1. thumbs, apply equal pressure on opposi- (feed end) with U-cup seal flaring toward
te sides of end plug to force it into shell feed end of shell.
b. Rinse parts in fresh water to remove until top of bearing plate 3 clears groove
any particles that might foul membra- for locking rings 6 inside diameter of O. Install feed end plug assembly using
ne element. shell. steps A through L. Product water
(center) tube of element will fit into hub
c. Replace parts that cannot be restored G. Adjust fitting orientation as desired. of end plug 2.
to as-new condition, including O-rings
4, 5. H. Insert locking rings 6 with stepped face
out. Position two locking rings so two
spot-faced holes are aligned in gap Double Element Assembly
➧ Remakingthe Piping Connections
between rings. When vessel is in hori-
A. Use a wire brush or suitable abrasive to zontal position, it may be easier to install A. Follow steps A through N. For a single
remove all encrusted salts, corrosion by- bottom locking ring first, then top locking Element Assembly.
products and other deposits from pipe ring, which must be held in place until
B. Install O-rings 11 into coupler 10.
threads. end plug 2 is pulled out (step 1).
Lubricate lightly with glycerine.
CAUTION: Stepped face of locking rings
B. Rinse parts in fresh water. 6 must be facing out (see detail) to C. Insert product water (center) tube of first
C. Apply sealant on male threads and insure element into one end of coupler 10.
assemble joint(s). a proper interlock when assembly is Coupler should touch white plastic end
completed. cap of element.
➧ Closing the Vessel I. Using fittings, pull out end plug 2 slightly D. Repeat step M for second element.
to retain locking rings 6 in place.
Single Element Assembly E. Insuring that U-cup seal flares toward
J. Install one washer 8. Slide edge of flat feed end of shell 1, insert product water
Installing the end plug. washer into locking ring groove until (center) tube of second element into
washer is fully seated in its spot-faced remaining end of coupler 10.
A. Apply glycerine to shell chamfer and hole. Verify that washer is correctly
walls about ½ inch from chamfer. Wear seated, then secure it with a sockethead F. Insert second element into shell 1 as far
protective gloves or finger cots to screw 7. as possible.
prevent cuts or penetration by glass fiber CAUTION: Washers 8 must be installed
particles. G. Follow step O.
exactly as described in step J to insure
B. Install O-ring 5 into internal O-ring safe interlock and retention of end plug 2.
groove on end plug 2.
Do not hang piping manifolds from PVS-2514-1 444 (17.5) 2.3 (5)
ports or use vessel to support other PVS-2521-1 622 (24.5) 3.2 (7)
PVS-2521-2 1,156 (45.5) 4.1 (9)
Do not operate vessel in excess of PVS-2540-1 1,105 (43.5) 4.1 (9)
its design pressure and operating
temperature range. PVS-2540-2 2,121 (83.5) 5.4 (12)
5.4 A.S.I.
Pressure Vessel
Single Element Assembly 5. Insert element into other end of 9. Place one adaptor (F) on product
vessel (feed end) making sure u-cup water tube of first element opposite
1. Install O-rings (C, D1) on each end brine seal flares toward feed end of the end with the brine seal.
plug (B1). Lubricate lightly with vessel.
10. Insert O-rings (H) into coupler (G).
6. Install feed end plug assembly using Lubricate lightly with glycerine.
2. Insert end plug (B1) into one end of steps 1-3.
11. Follow steps 4-5 using coupler (G) to
the vessel (A) until it is slightly past
join elements as they are being
snap ring groove.
inserted into vessel.
Multiple Element Assembly
3. Install snap ring (E) making sure it is
12. Place second adaptor on product
fully seated in snap ring groove. This
7. Follow steps 1-3 using end plug B2 water tube on brine seal end of last
is reject end of vessel.
and D2. element.
4. Lubricate element u-cup brine seal
8. Insert O-ring (J) into adaptor (F). 13. Follow step 6 using end plug B2.
with glycerine.
Lubricate lightly with glycerine.
5.5 A.S.I.
Pressure Vessel
End Plug Assembly e. Connect the adaptor and the hub Vessel Assembly
(Picture 8) and mount these in the
The assembly of the complete 4" “End plug plate (Picture 9). 1. Insert assembled end plug into either
Plug Kit” (Picture 1) is carried out in the end of vessel (L) about ¼ inch past
f. Now the complete End plug kit can be
following way: shear ring groove inside vessel.
put together (Picture 9).
a. Place all items (Picture 2) in a clean 2. Insert segmented shear ring (E) into
place and ensure that all O-rings etc. g. To keep the parts together you mount
groove so spaces between segments
are in good condition. Otherwise the snap ring in the groove of the hub
are aligned with holes in bearing
change them. (Picture 1).
place. Install three end plug screws
b. Mount the pressure port (B) in the You are now ready to start the el- (H) and tighten completely. This is re-
bearing plate (D), push it forward until ement mounting in the pressure ves- ject end of vessel.
the segmented retaining ring (F) can sel.
3. Insert element into the other end of
be mounted (Picture 3) and pull the NB: Normally it is easier to grease the vessel.
pipe back again until the rings are O-rings before assembly, but for this
flush with the surface (Picture 4). 4. Install feed end plug assembly in the
purpose never use any kind of silicone
same manner as reject end plug and
c. Mount the O-rings in the hub (inside products as this will ruin the mem-
secure end plug screws.
and outside) (Picture 5) in the plug branes (extremely low fluxes).
plate (inside and outside) (Picture 6), 5. For multiple element vessels, follow
and in the adaptor, if more than 1 ele- same assembly procedure except a
ment (Picture 7). slightly different hub (A) is used with
adaptor (M) on both ends of vessel.
d. The adaptor (Picture 7) is only used in Element product water tubes are joi-
vessels with more than 1 element. ned with external coupler (N) as ele-
ments are inserted into vessel.
A 2 Hub
B 2 Port
C 2 Plug Plate
D 2 Bearing Plate
E 2 Segmented Shear Ring
F 2 Segmented Retaining Ring
G 2 Snap Ring
H 6 End Plug Screw
I 2 Plug Seal
J 4 Port-Hub Seal
K 2 PWT Seal
Q 2 End Plug Kit contains A through K
A 2 Hub
B-J Same as Single Element Vessel
K 2 Adaptor Seal
M 2 Adaptor
N One less than number of Elements Coupler
O 2 per Coupler O-Ring
P 2 PWT Seal
R 2 End Plug Kit contains A through K
S 2 Strap
T 2 Pad
not shown
Picture 1: Disconnecting Ports Picture 2: Securing Screw 12 Removal Picture 3: Key Segment Removal
Picture 4: End Plug Removal Picture 5: Installing Thrust Ring 16 Picture 6: Tapping Securing Ring 11 into Position
Picture 7: Removing Port Nut 7 (left-hand threaded) Picture 8: Pressing out Permeate Port 6 Picture 9: Removing Port Retainer Set 5
Picture 10: Removing Port Seals 9 Picture 11: End Plug Disassembled Picture 12: Installing Seals
Picture 13: Installing Feed/Concentrate Port 4 Picture 14: Installing Port Retainer Set 5 Picture 15: Installing Permeate Port 6
➧ Installing the Vessel Item Quantity Required Description P/N
400 PSI
600 PSI
1,000 PSI
Mount pressure vessel with drain holes down 1 1 Shell not sold separately
on horizontal members. Support vessels
2 2 Bearing Plate 81114 81162 81161
using saddles 13 and strap assembly 14 at
distance S, recommended central span for 3 2 Sealing Plate 81115 81115 81115
two-point support. Tighten hold-down straps 4 2 Feed/Concentrate Port 81116 81116 81152
until snug. Provide overpressure protection 5 2 Port Retainer Set 81117 81117 81117
for vessel set at not more than 105 % of
6 2 Permeate Port 81118 81118 81153
design pressure.
7 2 Port Nut 81119 81119 81119
➧ Opening the Vessel 8 2 End Plug Seal 81120 81120 81120
9 4 Port Seal (2-225) 80476 80476 80476
Read Precautions. 10 2 Locking Ring Set 81121 81121 81154
11 2 Securing Ring 81122 81122 81122
Relieve pressure from vessel. Disconnect
vessel ports from piping manifolds (Picture 1). 12 6 Securing Screw 81123 81123 81123
13 2 Saddle 81124 81155 81074
A. Use an Allen wrench to remove securing
screws 12 from securing ring 11 (Picture 14 2 Strap Assembly 81125 81125 81125
2). As each screw is removed, thread it 15 2 Adaptor 81126 81126 81156
into the adjacent hole until it contacts 16 1 Thrust Ring 81127 81127 81127
bearing plate 2.
17 2 Adaptor O-Ring (2-221) 80477 80477 80477
B. After transferring securing screws 12, 18 4 PWT O-Ring (2-119) 80478 80478 80478
tap face of bearing plate 2 with a cushio- 19 One less than Coupler 81283 81283 81282
ned mallet or hammer and wood block to number of Elements
free locking ring set 10.
CAUTION: Do not strike ports 4, 6; this 20 4 per Coupler Coupler O-Rings (2-119) 80478 80478 80478
could cause severe damage. Pressure Vessel Complete is avaliable in sizes to house on to seven FILMTEC elements. ®
Do not make rigid piping connections to ports Length and Assembly Weight
or clamp vessel to restrict expansion of shell
under pressure. At design pressure, expan- PVE-8 pressure vessels are available in 3
sion will be 0.5 mm (0.02 in) in diameter and pressure ratings: 28 bar (400 PSI), 41 bar
13 mm (0.5 in) in length for a six-element (600 PSI) and 69 bar (1,000 PSI), and in
vessel. sizes to house one to seven FILMTEC®
elements. The length L, the central span S
Do not hang piping manifolds from ports or for 2-part support and the empty weight of all
use vessel to support other components. 8-inch vessels is given in the following
Branch connection piping may be supported tables:
between the header and port. Maximum
weight of branch piping: feed/concentrate –
7 kg (16 lbs); permeate – 4 kg (8 lbs). Table
6. System Operation
6.1 Introduction
Pre-Start-Up Check
Pre-Start-Up Checklist
❒ Corrosion resistant materials of construction are used for all equipment including piping and wetted parts of pumps
❒ All piping and equipment is compatible with designed pressure
❒ All piping and equipment is compatible with designed pH range (cleaning)
❒ All piping and equipment is protected against galvanic corrosion
❒ Media filters are backwashed and rinsed
❒ New/clean cartridge filter is installed directly upstream of the high pressure pump
❒ Feed line, including RO feed manifold, is purged and flushed, before pressure vessels are connected
❒ Chemical addition points are properly located
❒ Check valves are properly installed in chemical addition lines
❒ Provisions exist for proper mixing of chemicals in the feed stream
❒ Provisions exist for preventing the RO system from operating when the dosage pumps are shut down
❒ Provisions exist for preventing the dosage pumps from operating when the RO system is shut down
❒ If chlorine is used, provisions exist to ensure complete chlorine removal prior to the membranes
❒ Planned instrumentation allows proper operation and monitoring of the pretreatment and RO system (see Section 4.12.5)
❒ Planned instrumentation is installed
❒ Instrumentation is calibrated
❒ Pressure relief protection is installed and correctly set
❒ Provisions exist for preventing the product pressure from exceeding the feed/brine pressure more than 0.3 bar (5 PSI) at any
❒ Interlocks, time delay relays and alarms are properly set
❒ Provisions exist for sampling permeate from individual modules
❒ Provisions exist for sampling feed, permeate and reject streams from each array and the total plant permeate stream
❒ Pressure vessels are properly piped both for operation and cleaning mode
❒ Pressure vessels are secured to the rack or frame
❒ Precautions as given in Section 5, Assembly and Loading of Pressure Vessels, are taken
❒ Membranes are protected from temperature extremes (freezing, direct sunlight, heater exhaust, etc.)
❒ Pumps are ready for operation (lubricated, proper rotation)
❒ Fittings are tight
❒ Permeate line is open
❒ Permeate flow is directed to drain
❒ Reject flow control valve is in open position
❒ Feed flow valve is throttled and/or pump bypass valve is partly open to limit feed flow to less than 50 % of operating feed flow
6.2.3 Typical Start-Up Sequence e. After the system has been flu-
Start-Up Sequence shed for a minimum of 30 minu-
a. Before initiating the start-up tes, close the feed pressure
Proper start-up of reverse osmosis sequence, thoroughly rinse the control valve.
(RO) water treatment systems is pretreatment section to flush out
essential to prepare the membranes debris and other contaminants f. Ensure that the concentrate
for operating service and to prevent without letting the feed enter the control valve is open.
membrane damage due to elements. Follow the Pre-Start- g. Slowly crack open the feed
overfeeding or hydraulic shock.
up check described in Section pressure control valve (feed
Following the proper start-up
sequence also helps ensure that 6.2.2. pressure should be less than
system operating parameters b. Check all valves to ensure that 0.4 MPa/60 psi).
conform to design specifications so settings are correct. The feed h. Start the high pressure pump.
that system water quality and pressure control and concentrate
productivity goals can be achieved. i. Slowly open the feed pressure
control valves should be fully
Measurement of initial system control valve, increasing the feed
performance is an important part of open.
pressure and feed flow rate to
the start-up process. Documented c. Use low pressure water at a low the membrane elements until the
results of this evaluation serve as flow rate to flush the air out of the design concentrate flow is
benchmarks against which ongoing elements and pressure vessels. reached. The feed pressure in-
system operating performance can
Flush at a gauge pressure of crease to the elements should be
be measured.
0.2 - 0.4 MPa (30 to 60 psi). All less than 0.07 MPa (10 psi) per
Before initiating system start up permeate and concentrate flows second. Continue to send all
procedures, membrane pretreat- should be directed to an appro- permeate and concentrate flows
ment, loading of the membrane ved waste collection drain during to an approved waste collection
elements, instrument calibration, flushing. drain.
and other system checks should be
completed. Following is the recom- d. During the flushing operation,
mended RO system start up check all pipe connections and
sequence: valves for leaks. Tighten con-
nections where necessary.
Typical RO System
6.3 Operation Start-Up 6.4 Shutdown • The elements do not dry out.
Dry elements will irreversibly
Once an RO membrane system has When the RO membrane system is lose flux.
been started up, ideally it should be shut down, the feed pressure control
kept running at constant conditions. valve is slowly closed, and the • The system is adequately
In reality, RO plants have to be shut concentrate control valve is slowly protected against micro-
down and restarted more or less opened, before the high pressure biological growth, or regular
frequently. Each start/stop cycle pump is switched off. Then the flushing is carried out every
means pressure and flow changes, system must be flushed with either 24 hours.
thus mechanical stress to the permeate water or high quality feed
membrane elements. Therefore, the water, to remove the high salt • When applicable, the system
start/stop frequency should be concentration from the modules until is protected against tempera-
minimized, and the regular concentrate conductivity matches ture extremes.
operation start-up sequence should feed water conductivity. Flushing is
be as smooth as possible. In done at low pressure (about 3 bar/
principle, the same sequence is 40 PSI). A high feed flow is The RO train can be stopped for
recommended as for the initial start- beneficial for a cleaning effect; 24 hours without preservation
up. Most important is a slow feed however a pressure drop of 1.4 bar and precautions for microbiological
pressure increase, especially for (20 PSI) per element or 4.1 bar (60 fouling.
sea water plants. PSI) per multi-element vessel must
not be exceeded. If feedwater for flushing every 24
hours is not available, preservation
The checks before and during start-
with chemicals is necessary for
up can be performed as a routine The water used for flushing shall
longer stops than 48 hours. Please
and partly be automated. The valves contain no chemicals used for the
refer to Section 8.3 for details.
can be operated by programmable pretreatment. Especially the scale
motors. The calibration of inhibitors must be absent. Therefore
instruments, the function of alarms the antiscalant dosing is stopped
and of safety devices, corrosion before flushing and also sulfuric acid
prevention and leak-free operation dosing.
have to be checked on a regular
basis. After flushing the system, the feed
valve(s) is (are) closed completely. If
the concentrate line ends into a
drain below the level of the pressure
vessels, then an air break has to be
employed in the concentrate line at
a position higher than the highest
pressure vessel. Otherwise the
vessels might be emptied by a
syphoning effect.
6.5 Adjustment of Operation tank may be used to allow a more permeate TDS is not exceeded.
Parameters constant operation. Alternatively, increasing
temperature can be compensated
6.5.1 Reducing the feed pressure is by taking a number of pressure
Introduction another way to reduce the permeate vessels out of service. By reducing
flow. Preferably, this is done by using the active membrane area, the feed
An RO membrane system is a speed controlled pump in order to pressure and the permeate TDS are
save energy. Normally, the system kept about constant. A system
designed on the basis of a defined
set of data such as the permeate recovery is kept constant when the analysis has to be run to make sure
flow, feedwater composition and permeate flow is reduced. It has to that maximum element permeate
be ensured by a system analysis flows are not exceeded. When some
temperature. In reality, the plant
operation has to be flexible to using the computer program, that vessels are taken out of service,
respond to changing needs or single element recoveries do not they have to be properly isolated
exceed their limits (see Section 4, and preserved.
changing conditions.
System Design). During low flow
operation, the system salt rejection is An increase in the feedwater salinity
6.5.2 lower than during design flow can be compensated by increasing
Brackish Water operation. Also, you must be certain the feed pressure up to the
that minimum concentrate flows are maximum. If further pressure
The normal way of operating maintained during low flow operation. increase is not possible, than a
brackish water RO plants is to keep lowered permeate flow and system
the flows and thus the recovery The net permeate flow can also be recovery has to be accepted. A
constant at the design values. Any reduced by recycling the excess lower feedwater salinity allows to
change in the membrane flux, e.g. permeate back to the feedwater. decrease the feed pressure and/or
by temperature or fouling, are This allows to keep the hydraulic to increase the system recovery
compensated by adjusting the feed and pressure conditions for the and/or to increase the permeate
pressure. However, the maximum membranes about constant. The flow.
specified feed pressure must not be permeate quality is improved during
exceeded, nor should too much this operation, and the recycled The adjustment of the permeate
fouling be tolerated (for cleaning, permeate has a cleaning effect on capacity to reduced needs is
please refer to Section 7). the membranes. normally accomplished by
sufficiently dimensional permeate
If the feedwater analysis changes 6.5.3 tanks.
such that the scaling potential Sea Water
increases, the system recovery has Big plants are split up into a number
to be decreased, or other measures In principle, the operation of identical trains. Then the number
have to be taken to cope with the parameters of sea water plants are of trains in service can be adjusted
new situation. Please refer to adjusted the same way as in to the needs.
Section 3, Water Chemistry and brackish water applications.
Pretreatment. However, the maximum allowed
feed pressure of 6.9 MPa (1000 PSI)
The most common situation is that and the permeate TDS are often the
the permeate capacity of the plant limiting factors.
has to be adjusted to the needs.
Normally, the capacity is designed Decreasing feedwater temperature
to meet the peak needs. Operating can be compensated by increasing
with overcapacity is generally not the feed pressure up to the
recommended. Thus, adjustment maximum. Once the maximum
means lowering the design pressure is reached, a further
permeate output. The easiest way is decreasing temperature causes the
to shut the plant down when no permeate flow to decrease.
permeate is needed. A high start/ Increasing temperature is
stop frequency, however, can lower compensated by lowering the feed
the performance and the lifetime of pressure. This is only possible,
the membranes. A permeate buffer however, as far as the tolerated
6.6 Record Keeping • Date, time and hours of operation. • Any unusual incidents, for ex-
ample, upsets in SDI, pH and
• Pressure drop per cartridge and
6.6.1 pressure and shutdowns.
per array.
• Complete water analysis of the
• Feed, permeate and concentrate
In order to be able to follow the feed, permeate and concentrate
pressure of each array.
performance of the RO unit, it is streams and the raw water at
necessary that all relevant data are • Permeate and concentrate flows start-up and every week there-
collected, recorded and kept on file. of each array. after.
Apart from keeping track of the
performance, the logsheets are also • Conductivity of the feed, per- The water analysis shall include:
valuable tools for troubleshooting, meate and concentrate streams
and are needed in the cases of for each array. Permeate con- · Calcium
warranty claims. ductivity of each pressure vessel · Magnesium
This chapter is for general guidance · Sodium
• TDS of feed, permeate and
only and must not be used in place · Potassium
of the operating manual for a concentrate streams for each
particular plant. Site-dependent array. The TDS is calculated · Strontium
factors prevent specific recom- from the water analysis. It can
mendations for all record keeping. also be calculated from the · Barium
Thus, only the more general record conductivity (at 25°C) EC25 and · Iron (total, dissolved and
keeping is covered here. an appropriate K factor: ferrous)
TDS = K EC25 · Aluminium (total and dis
Start-Up Report The K factor has to be determi- solved)
ned for each specific stream. · Bicarbonate
• Provide a complete description of Typical K factors are shown in
the RO plant. This can be Table 2 5). · Sulfate
done using a flow diagram and · Chloride
• pH of the feed, permeate and
equipment, instrumentation, and
concentrate streams. · Nitrate
material list to show water
source, pretreatment system, RO • Silt Density Index (SDI) or turbi- · Fluoride
configuration and posttreatment dity of the RO feed stream, or
system. both. · Phosphate (total)
• Give results of checking accor- • Water temperature of the feed · Silica (dissolved)
ding to check list (Section 6.2.2). stream. · Total dissolved solids
• Provide calibration curves of all • Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) · Conductivity
gauges and meters based on of the concentrate stream from
manufacturers' recommendations. the last array (for concentrate · pH
streams < 10,000 mg/l TDS). · TOC
• Record initial performance of
RO and pretreatment system as • Stiff and Davis Stability Index
provided below. (S&DSI) of the concentrate Table 1: Factors for Estimating
stream from the last array TDS from Conductivity
(for concentrate streams >10,000
6.6.3 Water EC251 (mS/m) K
RO Operating Data
Permeate 0.1-1 0.50
• Calibration of all gauges and
The following data must be recorded meters based on manufacturer’s 30-80 0.55
and logged into an appropriate recommendations as to method Sea water 4,500-6,000 0.70
logsheet at least once per shift, and frequency but no less fre-
unless otherwise stated (see Table 2 Concentrate 6,500-8,500 0.75
quent than once every three
for an example). 1 EC25 does not include the conductivity caused by
months. dissolved CO2 (see 10.4 page3)
Per Shift
Train #
Operating hours
Feed Array 1
Feed Array 2
Array 1
Array 2
Recovery (%)
Salt Passage (%)
Raw Water
Cl2 (mg/l)
Turbidity (NTU)
Temperature (°C)
Refill (l)
Consumption (g/m3)
Normal- Inhibitor
Refill (l)
Consumption (g/m3)
Permeate flow (gpm)
Maintenance Log
Normalization with reference to the The temperature correction factor follows the formula:
designed (or warranted) system TCF = EXP [2640 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≥ 25°C
performance is useful to verify that
the plant gives the specified (or = EXP [3480 x {1 / 298 – 1 / (273 + T)}]; T ≤ 25°C
warranted) performance.
where T = temperature as °C.
Normalization with reference to the
initial system performance is useful
to show up any performance As standard conditions, we take either the design values or the conditions at
changes between day one and the initial performance as given in the start-up report, so that a fixed reference
actual date. point is available.
This procedure is strongly For the osmotic pressure, different formulas are available in the literature. A
recommended, because it allows an valid and practical short approximation is:
early identification of potential
problems (e.g. scaling or fouling) Cfc x (T + 320)
when the normalized data are πfc = ———————— bar for Cfc < 20000 mg/l
recorded daily. Corrective measures
are much more promising when and
taken early. (0.0117 x Cfc ) – 34 T + 320
π fc = ————————— x ——— bar for Cfc > 20000 mg/l
A computer program called 14.23 345
FTNORM is available for normalizing
operating data and graphing Reg with Cfc = concentration of the feed-concentrate
parameters including normalized
permeate flow and salt passage as
well as pressure drop. This program
is available from Dow field sellers as
Form No. 60900163 and requires
Excel® software. Alternatively, the
measured plant performance at
operating conditions can be trans-
ferred to standard (reference) condi-
tions by the following calculations:
April 1995 Technical Manual Page 11
FILMTEC System Operation
ln ——
Cfc = Cf x ————
product flow
where Y = recovery ratio = ——————
feed flow
∆ Po
Pf – —— – Pp – πfc + πp
o 2 o o o Cfc
Cp = Cp —————————————— x ——— s (2)
s o
∆P Cfc
Pf – ——s – Pp – πfc + πp o
s 2 s s s
➧ Values of Start-Up:
∆ Ps
—— = 1.5 bar (181.5 psi)
Cf = 1986 mg/l
ln ———
1 - 0.75
Cfc = 1986 x ————— = 3671 mg/l
∆ Po
—— = 2 bar (29 psi)
Cf = 2292 mg/l
ln ———
1 - 0.72
Cfc = 2292 x ————— = 4052 mg/l
Compared to the start-up conditions, the plant has lost 1.6 % capacity. This is
very good for a period of 3 months. Cleaning is not yet necessary.
= 77 mg/l
Compared to the initial 83 mg/l, the salt rejection has slightly improved. Such
behavior is typical for the initial phase.
6.8 Control of Micro- 2. After a clarifier, settling pond, done according to the biological
biological Activity sludge contact unit or similar loading of the raw water, the
sedimentation process. efficiency of the continuous
Biofouling is one of the most breakpoint chlorination, and the
common and most severe problems 3. After filtration units (sand, multi-
specific characteristics of each
in the operation of RO systems. media, activated carbon or
individual plant design.
Especially for plants using surface other).
water or bacteriologically In this sense, it is also recom-
contaminated water as feed source, 4. After dechlorination (normally
mended that the backwash of the
it is of paramount importance to after cartridge filtration).
media filters be done with suf-
control the microbiological activity. A 5. Concentrate stream. ficiently chlorinated water.
properly designed and operated
pretreatment is a prerequisite (see 6. Permeate stream. In general terms, the water used
Section 3.6: Biological Fouling for disinfection, flushing and to
The frequency of sampling and
Prevention). prepare cleaning solutions
analysis depends on the risk of
biofouling. For surface water plants, should be of good quality and
A complete procedure for sampling
a daily check of the feed water (point free of biological life.
and analysis should be part of the
operating discipline, so that any 4) and a weekly check of all points is • The components of the pretreat-
increase of the microbiological recommended.
ment system such as pipes,
activity can be responded to at an manifolds, filters and retention
early stage. The methods to assess System Checking
tanks should be opaque to sun-
the biological fouling potential are Before start-up and whenever
problems related to microbiological light to avoid enhancing the
described in Section 3.6.2.
activity are suspected, the following biological growth.
The sampling of microbiological checks should be carried out: • All piping, tanks, manifolds as
activity can be done using pre-
• In case intermediate open basins well as the retention tanks, filters
sterilized sampling containers, or
coupons, such as Millipore or or tanks are used, provisions etc.; i.e. the whole pretreatment
Robbin biofilm samplers or other should be made to ensure proper system shall be disinfected
dynamic simulations of disinfection at that open source previous to each start-up,
microbiological activity and its and the part of the system down- following shutdown times as well
distribution in the real system. stream from it. as periodically when the RO plant
is being operated continuously. A
If the lab equipment needed for • If intermediate sealed tanks are good way to do it is by dynamic
analysis of the microbiological used, their air breathing or venti- breakpoint chlorination of the
samples is not available at the RO- lation systems should be equip- system with the exception of the
plant site, an adequate lab should ped with bacteria retaining de-
be found to perform the needed RO section. In this case RO
vices (e.g. HEMA filters). section and in particular the
• Blind long pieces of piping FT30 membranes shall be pro-
If the analysis cannot be done at the should be avoided by design, tected from chlorine. The best
site, the samples should be put in and when unavoidable, should way to protect them, is to physi-
the refrigerator and the analysis be periodically disinfected. cally isolate the RO section from
performed within 8 hours of the rest by using a flange. For
sampling. • Stand-by devices with large these cases, a drain should be
surfaces, like sand or cartridge installed at a low point close to
Sampling Points filters should be avoided. If they the flange.
Adequate sampling points should be are not avoidable, drains should
provided to make a microbiological be installed to discharge the • Adequate chemicals for storage,
balance and control in the plant disinfection chemicals after the cleaning and disinfection should
possible. The minimum number of devices have been disinfected, always be available at the RO
sampling points required are listed plant site.
below: and before connecting them to
1. Intake (surface) or well, before the active system.
chlorination if any. The periodic disinfection of the
pretreatment system should be
6.9 References
1) Youngberg, D.A.: Start-up of an RO/DI Pure Water System. Ultrapure Water, March/April 1986, 46-50.
2) ASTM D4472-89: Standard Guide for Record Keeping for Reverse Osmosis Systems.
3) ASTM D4516-85 (Reapproved 1989): Standard Practice for Standardizing Reverse Osmosis Performance Data.
4) ASTM D4195-88: Standard Guide for Water Analysis for Reverse Osmosis Application.
5) Walton, V.R.G.: Electrical Conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids – What is Their Precise Relationship?
Desalination, 72 (1989) 275-292.
7.4 Cleaning Equipment B. Volume in Pipes, Assume 50 ft for the flows and pressures given in
Length Total, SCH 80 Pipe Table 1, making allowances for
The equipment for cleaning is shown pressure drops in the piping and
in the cleaning system flow diagram Vp = π r2 x L across the cartridge filter. The pump
(Figure 1). The pH of cleaning should be constructed of 316 SS or
solutions used with FILMTEC® 3.14 (50 mm)2 x (30 m) non-metallic composite polyesters.
elements can be in the range of 1 to = 236 l
12, and therefore non-corrosive Appropriate valves, flow meters, and
materials should be used in the pressure gauge should be installed
cleaning system. Vct = V8 + Vp = 1600 l + 236 l to adequately control the flow.
Service lines may be either hard
The mixing tank should be = 1836 l piped or portable hoses. In either
constructed of polypropylene or case, the flow rate should be less
fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP). Therefore, the cleaning tank should than 10 ft/sec.
The tank should be provided with a be about 450 gal.
removable cover and a temperature The cleaning pump should be sized
The cleaning procedure is more
effective when performed at an
elevated temperature. It is not
recommended to use a cleaning
temperature below 15°C (59°F)
because of the very slow cleaning
rate at low temperatures. In addition,
chemicals such as sodium lauryl
sulfate might precipitate at low
temperatures. Cooling may also be
required to avoid overheating, so
heating/cooling requirements must
be considered during the design.
A rough rule of thumb in sizing a
cleaning tank is to use
approximately the empty pressure
vessel volume and then add the
volume of the feed and return hoses
or pipes.
For example, to clean eight 8-inch
diameter pressure vessels with six
elements per vessel, the following
calculations would apply (for TANK Chemical Mixing Tank.
polypropylene or FRP
Differential Pressure Gauge
Flow Indicator
conversion of U.S. units into metric IH Immersion Heater (may be replaced FT Flow Transmitter (optional)
by cooling coil for some site locations PI Pressure Indicator
units see Section 10.7). TI Temperature Indicator V1 Pump Recirculation Valve, CPVC
TC Temperature Control V2 Flow Control Valve. CPVC
LLS Lower Level Switch to shut off pump V3 Concentrate Valve, CPVC 3 way valve
SS Security Screen – 100 mesh V4 Permeate Velve, CPVC 3 way valve
A. Volume in Vessels PUMP Low Pressure Pump, 316 SS or V5 Permeate Inlet Valve, CPVC
non-metallic composite V6 Tank Drain Valve, PVC or CPVC
CF Cartridge Filter, 5–10 micron V7 Purge Valve, SS, PVC or CPVC
V1 = π r2 x L polypropylene with PVC, FRP
or SS housing.
7.5 Cleaning Procedure difficult fouling an extended soak 7. Flush out. RO permeate or good
period is beneficial; soak the quality water (filtered, SDI < 3,
There are eight steps in the cleaning elements overnight for 10-15 free of bacteria and chlorine,
of reverse osmosis modules: hours. To maintain a high tempe- conductivity < 10,000 µS/cm) is
1. Prepare and mix the appropriate rature during an extended soak used for flushing out the residual
cleaning solution, and check pH period, use a slow recirculation cleaning solution. To prevent
of the solution. Ensure that all rate (about 10% of that shown in precipitation, the minimum flush
chemicals are dissolved and Table 1). out temperature is 20°C. Before
well-mixed before circulating the starting up the plant with normal
5. High flow pumping. Feed the
solution to the elements. Any operating pressures and flows,
cleaning solution at the rates
cleaning solution must be clear. the bulk of the cleaning solution
shown in Table 1 for 30-60 minu-
must be flushed from the ele-
2. Low flow pumping. Pump tes. The high flow rate flushes
mixed, preheated cleaning solu- out the foulants removed from
tion to the vessel at conditions of the membrane surface by the 8. Rinse out. The RO plant is
low flow rate (about half of that cleaning. If the elements are started up again resuming nor-
shown in Table 1) and low pres- heavily fouled, which should mal operating conditions. As
sure to displace the process never happen, a flow rate which cleaning chemicals will be pre-
water. Adjust flow rate and pres- is 50% higher than shown in sent on the permeate side after
sure by valves V1 and V2. Use Table 1 may aid cleaning. At cleaning, the permeate must be
only enough pressure to com- higher flow rates excessive discharged to drain for at least
pensate for the pressure drop pressure drop may be a problem. 10 minutes (or until the required
from feed to concentrate. The The maximum recommended permeate quality is obtained)
pressure should be low enough drops are 1.4 bar (20 PSI) per when starting up after cleaning.
that essentially no permeate is element or 4.1 bar (60 PSI) per When another cleaning cycle
produced. A low pressure mini- multi-element vessel, whichever with another cleaning chemical is
mizes redeposition of dirt on the value is more limiting. For 8" to follow, make sure that the
membrane. Dump the concen- elements, the direction of flow permeate side of the module is
trate, as necessary to prevent during cleaning must be the rinsed out as well. Otherwise a
dilution of the cleaning solution. same as during normal operation chemical reaction with the fol-
to avoid telescoping of the ele- lowing cleaning chemical may
3. Recycle. After the process water ments. happen.
is displaced, cleaning solution
will be present in the concentrate
stream. Then recycle the concen- Table 1: Recommended Feed Flow Rate per Pressure Vessel
trate to the cleaning solution tank during High Flow Rate Recirculation
and allow the temperature to
stabilize. Observe the turbidity of Element Diameter Feed Flow Rate per PV
(in) (GPM) (m3/h)
alkaline or detergent solutions to
judge efficiency. If the cleaning 2.5 3-5 0.7 - 1.1
solution colors or becomes 4 8 - 10 1.8 - 2.3
turbid, restart with a freshly pre-
pared cleaning solution. Check 8 30 - 40 7-9
the pH during acid cleaning. The
acid is consumed when it 6. Drain the spent cleaning solution During the rinse out step, the
dissolves inorganic precipitates. out of the system. Recommenda- operating parameters should be
So if the pH increases more than tion: Take a sample of the spent noted to judge the cleaning
0.5 pH units, add more acid. and of the fresh cleaning soluti- efficiency and to decide if ano-
on. From the results of a chemi- ther cleaning is required.
4. Soak. Turn the pump off and cal analysis, you can determine
allow the elements to soak. the amount of substances remo-
Sometimes a soak period of ved from the membrane ele-
about 1 hour is sufficient. For ments.
Cleaner 0.1% (W) 0.1% (W) 0.1% STP 0.2% (W) 0.5% (W) 2.0% (W) 0.2% (W) 1.0% (W)
NaOh and NaOH and and 1.0% HCI H2PO4 Citric Acid NH2SO3H Na2S2O4
pH 12,30°C pH 12,30°C Na4EDTA or
max. or 1.0% (W) max. or 0.025%& 0.1% TSP and
Na4EDTA and Na-DDS and 1.0% Na4EDTA
Foulant pH 12,30°C max pH 12,30°C max
Inorganic Salts
(for example, Cac3,
CaS4, BaSO4) best OK OK OK
Silica OK
1. (W) denotes weight percent of active 2. Cleaning chemical symbols, in order used: phosphate (Na 3PO 4 X 12H2 O); HCl is
ingredient. NaOH is sodium hydroxide; Na-EDTA hydrochloric acid; H3PO4 is phosphoric
is the sodium salt of ethylene diamine acid; citric acid is C 3H 4(OH)(CO2H 3);
tetraacetic acid; Na-DDS is sodium salt of NH2SO3H is sulfamic acid; Na2S2O4 is
dodecylsulfate; STP is sodium sodium hydrosulfite.
triphosphate (Na5P3O10); TSP is trisodium
ARGO-Bioclean 511, Argo Scientific Filtrapure, Acid Monarch 972-0-1 (5% soak test)
ARGO-Bioclean 882, Argo Scientific Filtrapure TF Monarch 972-0-2 (5% s.t.)
ARGO-IPA 403, Argo Scientific Floclean 403, FMC Monarch 972-0-3 (5% s.t.)
ARGO-IPA 411, Argo Scientific Floclean 411, FMC Monarch 2024-11-7 (0.5%)
ARGO-AES 510, Argo Scientific Gambro WRO Monarch Enzyme Cleaner 96
ARROW-TREAT 2100 Henkel P3-ultrasil 10 (1% soak test)
Henkel P3-ultrasil 70 MT 1000 F, BF Goodrich
ARROW-TREAT 2200 Henkel P3-ultrasil 75 (1% soak test) MT 2000 F, BF Goodrich
ARROW-TREAT 2300 Jal/Nas 30 0.1% + 0.1NaOH MT 2100, BF Goodrich
KL 2000, King-Lee MT 3000 F, BF Goodrich
Dia 707, Argo Scientific KL 3000, King-Lee MT 4000, BF Goodrich
Diamite-FT, King-Lee Klenzade KX-6713B
Diamite-FT, Antimicrobial, King Lee Mic Chem Cleaner (4% soak test) Scaleclean 87, Grace
Divos 115, Diversey Wyandotte
Feedmate 151, Grace
Test concentration was double the recommended strength unless otherwise stated.
However, their effectiveness as Table 1: Brand Name Biocides with limited FT30 Compatiblity
disinfectants at low concentrations is (for intermittent use)
limited. These compounds can also
slowly damage the membrane, since Biocide Max. Concentration Supplier
they are in equilibrium with small (20-25°C)
amounts of free chlorine. When
used, the pH must be <8. Rogun 881 200 ppm Argo Scientific
Bactipal SN 1%, pH < 4 Seppic
7.7.5 Dow Antimicrobial 7287 200 ppm Dow Chemical
Other Disinfectants Minncare 1%, pH < 4 Minntech
Renalin 1%, pH < 4 Minntech
Iodine, quaternary germicides,
and phenolic compounds cause
flux losses and are not
recommended for use as
disinfectants. Table 2: FT30 Compatible Brand Name Biocides
7.8 Cleaning and Dis- Examples of cleaning processes tailored to specific situations are given
infection Programs below. The list is not meant to be complete.
➧ A. Situation: Organic Fouling, no Biofouling
Different degrees of cleaning Cleaning: Soft Alkaline
processes can be applied to FT30
membrane depending on the a. Follow instructions in Section 7.3 and 7.4. Clean each array separately.
foulants. These cleaning processes b. Flush with permeate or good quality water 1 for 5 minutes.
range from a simple flushing with c. Prepare cleaning solution: Na-EDTA (0.2%)
prefiltered water up to a complicated NaOH (< 0.1%, pH 11)
cleaning program including different Na-Laurylsulfate (0.1-0.2%) 2
harsh cleaning chemicals and d. Circulate about 1 hour.
disinfectants. Cleaning processes e. Soak 2-6 hours 3.
may be ranked in the following f. Drain the cleaning solution out of the system.
g. Flush with permeate or good quality water for 5 min.
1. Forward flush with pretreated
raw water (high feed flow, low
Notes: · Measure temperature and pH before and during each of the indicated
feed pressure). steps.
2. Cleaning with permeate. · Limit temperature to 30°C (86°F).
· Prepare cleaning solution with permeate or good quality water 1.
3a.Cleaning with sodium hydrosulfite,
· Restart the RO plant within 10 hours after finishing the cleaning, or, in
acid or alkaline at pH well within
cases of prolonged shutdown, preserve the membranes.
the limits.
3b.Disinfection with formaldehyde or
➧ B. Situation: Organic Fouling, Biofouling Expected
fully approved biocide. Cleaning: Soft Alkaline and Disinfection
4a.Cleaning with acid or alkaline at a. Follow instructions in Section 7.3 and 7.4. Clean each array separately.
pH limits. b. Flush with permeate or good quality water 1 for 5 minutes.
4b.Disinfection with hydrogen perox- c. Prepare cleaning solution: Na-EDTA (0.2%)
ide. NaOH (< 0.1%, pH 11)
Na-Laurylsulfate (0.1-0.2%) 2
5. Cleaning with formulations con- d. Circulate about 1 hour.
taining EDTA. e. Soak 2-6 hours 3.
6. Cleaning program with different f. Drain the cleaning solution out of the system.
cleaning chemicals and/or dis- g. Flush with permeate or good quality water for 5 min.
infectants. A cleaning/disinfection h. Prepare a 0.5-1% formaldehyde 4 solution.
program may include soft or i. Circulate about 45-60 minutes.
harsh chemicals. j. Drain formaldehyde solution out of system.
When the optimum cleaning process k. Flush the plant with permeate or good quality water 1 for about 10 to 15 minutes.
is to be selected, the following has
to be considered: Notes: · Measure temperature and pH before and during each of the indicated
• Minimize impact on the environ-
· Limit temperature to 30°C (86°F).
ment by spent cleaning solutions
· Prepare cleaning solution with permeate or good quality water 1.
(e.g. EDTA, biocides).
· Restart the RO plant within 10 hours after finishing the cleaning, or, in
• Optimize foulants removing cases of prolonged shutdown, preserve the membranes.
• Minimize impact on membranes 1 Filtered water, SDI < 3, free of bacteria and chlorine, conductivity < 10,000 µs/cm.
2 Na-Laurylsulfate improves cleaning, but it can be omitted in case it is not available.
(prefer mild chemicals).
3 The soaking time can be reduced to about 2 hours if the cleaning solution is recirculated every
• Minimize cleaning costs. 30 minutes for about 10-30 minutes.
Refer to Section 7.7.2 for cautions when using formaldehyde with FT30 membrane.
Notes: · Measure and record temperature and pH before and during each of the
indicated steps.
· Prepare cleaning solution with permeate or good quality water 1.
· In case the pH of the freshly prepared cleaning solution increases by more
than 1 pH unit during recirculation (e.g. from pH 2.5 to pH 3.8 after 5
minutes recycle), please adjust the pH to the original one by carefully
adding concentrated cleaning chemical.
Sodium hexa meta phosphate can precipitate as calcium phosphate, when hydrolyzed.
1 Filtered water, SDI < 3, free of bacteria, conductivity < 10,000 µS/cm.
Notes: · Measure temperature and pH before and during each of the indicated
· Limit temperature to 30°C (86°F).
· Prepare cleaning solution with permeate or good quality water 1.
· Restart the RO plant within 10 hours after finishing the cleaning, or, in
cases of prolonged shutdown, preserve the membranes.
Filtered water, SDI < 3, free of bacteria and chlorine, conductivity < 10,000 µs/cm.
2 Na-Laurylsulfate improves cleaning, but it can be omitted in case it is not available.
3 The soaking time can be reduced to about 2 hours if the cleaning solution is recirculated every
30 minutes for about 10-30 minutes.
Refer to Section 7.7.2 for cautions when using formaldehyde with FT30 membrane.
8.1 General
9. Troubleshooting
9.2 Localization of range. Notice that from one array to Figure 1). This can be accomplished
High Salt Passage the next the average permeate TDS by removing the vessel’s product
usually increases, because for manifolds or by removing the
A loss in salt rejection may be example the second array is fed with opposite end cap’s product plug.
uniform throughout the system or it the concentrate from the first array. When the product manifolds remain
could be limited to the front or to the To determine the salt passage of all in place, it must be ensured that no
tail end of the system. It could be a modules from their permeate TDS, permeate from other vessels can
general plant failure or it could be the TDS of the feed stream to each influence the probing.
limited to one or few individual array must also be measured. The
vessels. Therefore, all individual salt passage is the ratio of the While the RO system is operating at
vessel TDS values have to be permeate TDS to the feed TDS. normal operating conditions, water is
checked. A well-designed system Then the high salt passage of the diverted from the permeate stream
contains a sample port located in the system can be assigned to the first of the vessel in question. A few
permeate stream from each vessel. or the last array, or to individual minutes should be allowed to rinse
Care must be taken during sampling vessels. out the tubing and allow the RO
to avoid mixing of the permeate system to equilibrate. The TDS of
sample with permeate from other If one pressure vessel shows a the permeate sample from the
vessels. All permeate samples are significantly higher permeate TDS tubing can then be measured with a
then tested for their concentration of than the other vessels of the same hand-held meter and the data be
dissolved solids with a TDS meter. array, then this vessel should be recorded. This measurement should
probed. Probing involves the reflect the TDS of the permeate
The permeate samples of all insertion of a plastic tube (approx. being produced by the FILMTEC®
pressure vessels in the same array 1/4" for 8" module) into the full element at that position.
should give readings in the same length of the permeate tube (see
The tubing is then pulled out to the eliminates water leakage at the
next element and another sample is point of entry (see Figure 2). In
taken. This sample represents a addition a short piece (2 inches) of
blend of the permeates of the first very supple thin wall gum rubber
and of the second element. The tubing which fits snugly over the end
tubing is then withdrawn in further of the nylon probe tubing and
increments to obtain a conductivity protrudes approximately 1/2 inch will
profile (see Figure 1). The sampling prevent hangups at the product tube
locations should be at the middle of adaptors and the product tube inter-
the element and at the ends of the connectors.
element (to check coupler/adaptor
O-rings). The tube can be marked
so that the desired sampling
locations can easily be accessed.
Product Tube Probing
apparatus for spiral wound * NOTE:
membrane elements 1/ INCH BORE THROUGH THE BODY AND
9.3 Element Analysis This test, also called a vacuum test, exchanger system to maintain the
is useful as a screening procedure feed solution at 25±1°C, a booster
9.3.1 and is not intended as a means of pump, a high pressure pump, and a
Sample Selection absolute verification of leaks. Only reverse osmosis device. A detailed
leaks which are significant enough description is given in ASTM D4194-
When the causes of a plant to prevent the element from holding 89 3). A sodium chloride solution is
performance loss are not known, or a vacuum are detected. used as feed water. Permeate and
when they have to be confirmed, a. Drain the element. concentrate are recycled back to the
one or more elements of the system feed tank.
have to be analyzed individually. b. Seal one end of the permeate
The element(s) which should be tube with a suitable leak-tight cap The NaCl concentration and the
analyzed are those with a step (not necessary for TW30-1512, feed pressure are given in the
increase in the conductivity profile. TW30-1812, and TW30-4611 Standard Test Conditions in the
elements). Connect the other end Technical Bulletin of the relevant
When there is a general plant FILMTEC element. The feed flow
of the permeate tube to a vacu-
failure, a front-end element or a tail- rate should be adjusted to obtain the
um gauge and a valved vacuum element recovery as indicated in the
end element should be selected, source.
depending on where the problem is mentioned Standard Test
located. Typical front-end problems c. Evacuate the element to 100 to Conditions. The feed water pH
are fouling problems; typical tail-end 300 mbar absolute pressure. should be adjusted to a pH of 8 by
problems are scaling problems. adding HCl or NaOH.
Close the isolation valve and
When the problem cannot be observe the reading on the vacu-
localized, an element from both The following data are recorded one
um gauge. Note the rate at which hour after start-up, and repeated 2
ends of the system should be taken.
the vacuum decays. A rapid to 3 hours after start-up, and hourly
Sampling a second element from a decay (greater than 200 mbar thereafter until three successive
neighbor position is advisable when per minute) will indicate the permeate flow rates (corrected to
cleaning tests are planned. Then presence of a leak. 25°C) and salt passages agree
one of the elements can be used to within 5% (relative):
d. Slowly release the vacuum and
analyze the fouling layer and to • Feed, concentrate, and permeate
allow the element to reach
perform lab scale cleaning tests, the pressures
results of which can then be applied atmospheric pressure before
to the other element. disconnecting. • Permeate and concentrate flows
(use calibrated flow meters or a
9.3.2 9.3.3 calibrated volume container and
Leak Test Standard Test stopwatch)
9.4 Causes and Possible causes are discussed in detailed in Section 9.4.3, High
Corrective Measures the next section. Differential Pressure.
Telescoping damage can be
9.4.1 Normal Permeate Flow identified by probing and confirmed
High Salt Passage High salt passage at normal permeate by a leak test (Section 9.3.2).
flow may have different causes. Replace the damaged element(s) High Permeate Flow and correct the causes.
a. Membrane Oxidation a. Leaking O-Ring
A high salt passage in combination c. Membrane Surface Abrasion
Leaking O-rings can be detected by This is not an individual element
with a higher than normal permeate the probing technique (Section 9.2).
flow is mostly due to oxidation failure, but the front-end elements
Inspect O-rings of couplers, are typically most affected by
damage. When free chlorine, adaptors, and end plugs for correct
bromine, ozone, or other oxidizing crystalline or sharp-edged metallic
installation and as-new condition. suspended solids in the feed water.
chemicals are present in the Replace old and damaged O-rings.
incoming water, the front end Check the incoming water for such
O-rings may leak after exposure to particles. Microscopic inspection of
elements are typically more affected certain chemicals, or to mechanical
than the others. A neutral to alkaline the membrane surface will also
stress, e.g. element movement reveal the damage. No corrective
pH favors the attack to the caused by water hammer.
membrane. action is possible. The pretreatment
Sometimes, O-rings have simply not must be changed to cope with this
been installed, or they have been problem. Ensure that no particles
Oxidation damage may also occur improperly installed or moved out of
by disinfecting with oxidizing agents, are released from the high pressure
their proper location during element piping. Afterwards all damaged
when pH and temperature limits are loading.
not observed (see Section 7.7). In membranes must be replaced.
this case, a uniform damage is
likely. b. Telescoping d. Permeate Backpressure
FILMTEC elements can be When the permeate pressure
A FILMTEC® element with oxidation mechanically damaged by an effect exceeds the feed/concentrate
damaged membrane is still mecha- called telescoping, where the outer pressure by more than 0.3 bar (5 PSI)
nically intact when tested with the membrane layers of the element at any time, the membrane may
vacuum test (see Section 9.3.2). unravel and extend downstream tear. The damage can be identified
The chemical membrane damage past the remaining layers. A modest by probing. It is confirmed by the
can be made visible by a dye test on telescoping does not necessarily leak test (Section 9.3.2) and a visual
the element or on membrane damage the membrane, but in more inspection.
coupons (see Section 9.3.5). severe cases the glue line and/or
Autopsy of one element and the membrane can be ruptured. When a leaf of a backpressure
analysis of the membrane can be damaged element is unrolled, the
used to confirm oxidation damage. Telescoping is caused by excessive outer membrane typically shows
No corrective action is possible. All creases parallel to the permeate
pressure drop from feed to
damaged elements must be tube, usually close to the outer glue
concentrate. Eight inch elements are
replaced. more critical because of their greater line. The rupture of the membrane
occurs mostly in the edges between
feed side area. Make sure that a
b. Leak the feed-sided glue line, the outer
thrust ring is used with eight inch
Severe mechanical damage of the elements to support the elements’ glue line, and the concentrate-sided
element or of the permeate tubing glue line.
outer diameters. Elements with
can allow feed or concentrate to smaller diameter are supported by
penetrate into the permeate, their permeate tubing.
especially when working at high
pressures. The vacuum test will The operating conditions that lead to
show a distinct positive response. excessive pressure drop are
Salt Passage: Low Salt Passage trolytes, which are sometimes used
normal or even low at the beginning, a. Compaction in the pretreatment.
increasing when fouling becomes Membrane compaction is typically
massive. associated with low permeate flow Analyse the incoming water for oil
and improved salt rejection. and organic matter, and check the
High counts of microorganisms in Although the FT30 membrane SDI filter and the cartridge filter for
water samples taken from the feed, shows little compaction when organic deposits. Conduct SDI and
concentrate, or permeate stream operated properly, significant TOC measurements on a more
indicate the beginning or the compaction might occur under frequent basis. Improve the
presence of biofouling. For proper following conditions: pretreatment accordingly (see
microbiological monitoring see Section 3.7, Prevention of Fouling
• high feed pressure
Section 6.8 (Control of by Organics).
Microbiological Activity). When • high temperature
biofouling is suspected, the system An oil fouling can be removed with
should be checked according to the • water hammer an alkaline cleaning agent, for
items described in Section 6.8. Water hammer can occur when the example NaOH (pH 12) or Henkel
high pressure pump is started with P3-ultrasil 10.
Corrective measures include the air in the system.
installation or optimization of the Cationic polyelectrolytes may be
pretreatment system to cope with Membrane compaction can be cleaned off at an acidic pH, if it is
the fouling potential of the raw water evidenced by a special membrane not a precipitation product with other
(see Section 3.6, Biological Fouling thickness measurement. Often, compounds, e.g. antiscalants.
Prevention). In order to clean the intrusions of the membrane into the
membranes effectively it is important permeate channel spacer fabric are Cleaning with alcohol has also
that the whole plant, including visible. Thus, the permeate flow is proven effective in removing
pretreatment, is disinfected. Chlorine not only restricted by the compaction adsorbed organic films.
can be used to disinfect the of the polyamide or the polysulfone
pretreatment line. Cleaning and layer, but also by the reduced cross- High Salt Passage
disinfection of the membranes is section of the permeate spacer that Low permeate flow in combination
described in Section 7. An is available for permeate flow. with high salt passage has already
incomplete cleaning and disinfection been discussed in Section
will result in rapid re-contamination. Damaged elements must be Whether the loss of permeate flow
replaced, or additional elements or the loss of salt rejection occurs
b. Aged Preservation Solution must be added at the tail-end of the first depends on the specific type of
Elements or RO systems preserved system. fouling/scaling layer and cannot be
in a bisulfite solution can also categorized.
become biologically fouled, if the
preservation solution is too old, too b. Organic Fouling
warm, or oxidized by oxygen. An The adsorption of organic matter
present in the feed water on the High Differential Pressure
alkaline cleaning usually helps to
restore the permeate flow. membrane surface causes flux loss,
especially in the first array. In many High differential pressure, also
cases, the adsorption layer acts as called pressure drop or ∆p from feed
c. Incomplete Wetting to concentrate, causes a high force
FILMTEC® elements that have been an additional barrier for dissolved
salts, or plugs pinholes of the in flow direction on the feed side of
allowed to dry out, may have a too the element. This force has to be
membrane, resulting in a lower salt
low permeate flow, because the fine taken by the permeate tubes and, in
pores of the polysulfone layer are passage. Organics with a high
molecular mass and with hydro- the case of 8" elements, by the
not wetted. The techniques to re-wet fiberglass shells of adjacent
phobic or cationic groups can
dry membranes are described in elements in the same vessel. The
Section 8.2.1. produce such an effect. Examples
are oil traces or cationic polyelec- stress on the last element in the
vessel is the highest: it has to bear exceeded. It can also occur when a. Bypass in Cartridge Filters
the sum of the forces created by the the feed pressure builds up too fast Cartridge filters have to protect the
pressure drops of upstream during start-up (water hammer). The RO system from large debris that
elements. effect is dramatically increased with can physically block the flow
a foulant being present, especially a channels in the lead-end elements.
The upper limit of the differential biofilm causes a high pressure drop. Such blocking can happen when
pressure per multi-element vessel is cartridge filters are loosely installed
4.1 bar (60 PSI), per single element Water hammer, a hydraulic shock to in their housing, connected without
1.4 bar (20 PSI). When these limits the membrane element, can also using interconnectors, or completely
are exceeded, even for a very short happen when the system is started forgotten.
time, the FILMTEC® elements might up before all air has been flushed
be mechanically damaged. out. This could be the case at initial Sometimes cartridge filters will
Elements smaller than 8" will start-up or at operational start-ups, deteriorate while in operation due to
become telescoped, and even the when the system has been allowed hydraulic shock or the presence of
endcaps can be forced out of the to drain. Ensure that the pressure incompatible materials. Cellulose-
wrapping. vessels are not under vacuum when based filters should be avoided,
the plant is shut down (e.g. by because they may deteriorate and
installation of a vacuum breaker). In plug the FILMTEC elements.
Eight-inch elements will break at the starting up a partially empty RO
weakest point of their fiberglass system, the pump may behave as if b. Pretreatment Media Filter
shell, which is where the endcap is it had little or no backpressure. It will Breakthrough
connected to the roll. Luckily, the suck water at great velocities, thus Occasionally, some of the finer
damage to the fiberglass shell does hammering the elements. Also the media from sand, multimedia,
not normally affect the membrane high pressure pump can be carbon, weak acid cation exchange
performance. Even elements with damaged by cavitation. resin, or diatomaceous earth
membrane and feedspacer pretreatment filters may break
protruding out of the cracked shell The feed-to-concentrate differential through into the RO feedwater.
have kept their good performance. pressure is a measure of the Cartridge filters should catch most of
resistance to the hydraulic flow of the larger particles; but certain types
Although fiberglass cracking is, up to water through the system. It is very of fine media, such as carbon fines
a certain degree, not more than a dependent on the flowrates through and diatomaceous earth, can pass
cosmetic problem, it does indicate the element flow channels and on right through a five micron nominally
that the differential pressure has the water temperature. It is therefore rated cartridge filter and physically
been too high. This might have suggested that the permeate and plug the lead elements.
further implications such as flux loss concentrate flowrates be maintained
or salt passage increase. as constant as possible in order to Chemical cleaning is difficult, it can
notice and monitor any element be tried to rinse out the deposits
An increase in differential pressure plugging that is causing an increase with detergents. Separate single-
at constant flow rates is usually due in differential pressure. element cleaning is recommended
to the presence of debris, foulants, to avoid the transport of removed
or scale within the element flow The knowledge of the extent and the particles into other elements.
channels (feed spacer). It usually location of the differential pressure Diatomaceous earth filters should be
comes together with a decreasing increase provides a valuable tool to taken off-line when such problems
permeate flow, and the causes for identify the cause(s) of a problem. are encountered. Soft carbons made
that have been discussed in Section Therefore it is useful to monitor the from coal should be replaced by
9.4.2. differential pressure across each coconut-shell-based carbons with a
array as well as the overall feed-to- hardness rating of 95 or better. New
concentrate differential pressure. media should be sufficiently
An excessive pressure drop occurs Some of the common causes and backwashed to remove fines before
when the recommended feed flow prevention of high differential the bed is put into service.
rates (Table 1 ot Section 4.1) are pressure are discussed below.
9.5 References
10. Addendum
10.1 Terminology
Permeate: The portion of the feed which passes through the membrane, also called product.
Permeate channel spacer: Fabric that mechanically supports the membrane and drains the permeate to the permeate
Permeate collector fabric: See Permeate channel spacer.
Permeate flux: Permeate flow rate per unit membrane area, expressed communly as l/m2 h (or GFD)
Plant capacity: Production of permeate per unit time, expressed as m3/day or m3/h (GPD, MGD).
Pressure vessel: The vessel containing the individual elements.
Product water: See Permeate.
Raw water: Untreated water from wells, surface sources or the sea.
Recovery: Y is the ratio of product quantity (or product stream) over the feed quantity (or feed stream),
given as fraction or in percent.
Reject: See Concentrate.
Rejection: The ability of the membrane to hinder certain elements from passing through. Expressed
as 1 minus the ratio between the concentration in the product and the feed.
Reverse Osmosis: A pressure driven membrane operation in which the solvent is transferred through the
membrane and the dissolved solutes are retained by the same membrane.
Retentate: See Concentrate.
RO train: One of two or more complete RO installations operating in parallel.
SBS: Sodium bisulfite.
SDI: Silt Density Index.
S&DSI: Stiff and Davis Saturation Index.
SHMP: Sodium hexametaphosphate.
SMBS: Sodium meta bisulfite.
Scaling: Deposition of solids on the membrane surface, due to exceeding the solubility product of
the salt in question.
System salt passage: SPs is the concentration of a compound in the permeate related to its concentration in the
feed water, also called apparent salt passage.
TBC: Total Bacteria Count.
TDS: Total dissolved solids, usually expressed as mg/l or ppm (parts per million).
TOC: Total organic carbon.
TRC: Total Residual Chlorine.
TSS: Total suspended solids.
Telescoping: Lengthwise displacement of the membrane inside the RO element.
µmhos/cm ppm µmhos/cm ppm µmhos/cm ppm µmhos/cm ppm µmhos/cm ppm µmhos/cm ppm
10 5 500 247 990 495 2075 1047 4100 2136 8800 4767
20 9 510 252 1000 500 2125 1073 4200 2191 8900 4823
30 14 520 257 1020 510 2150 1085 4300 2245 9000 4879
40 19 530 262 1040 520 2175 1098 4400 2300 9100 4935
60 28 550 272 1080 540 2200 1111 4500 2356 9200 4991
70 33 560 277 1100 550 2225 1124 4600 2412 9216 5000
80 38 570 282 1120 561 2250 1137 4700 2468 9300 5047
90 42 580 287 1140 571 2275 1140 4800 2524 9400 5103
100 47 590 292 1160 581 2300 1162 4900 2580 9500 5159
110 52 600 297 1180 591 2325 1175 5000 2636 9600 5215
120 57 610 302 1200 601 2350 1188 5100 2692 9700 5271
130 61 620 307 1220 611 2375 1200 5200 2748 9800 5327
140 66 630 312 1240 621 2400 1213 5300 2805 9900 5383
150 71 640 317 1260 632 2425 1226 5400 2861 10000 5439
160 75 650 323 1280 642 2450 1239 5500 2917 10200 5551
170 80 660 328 1300 652 2475 1251 5600 2973 10400 5664
180 85 670 333 1320 662 2500 1264 5700 3029 10600 5776
190 90 680 338 1340 672 2550 1290 5800 3085 10800 5888
200 95 690 343 1360 682 2600 1315 5900 3141 11000 6000
210 100 700 348 1380 692 2650 1344 6000 3197 11200 6122
220 105 710 353 1400 702 2700 1371 6100 3253 11400 6243
230 110 720 358 1420 713 2750 1398 6200 3309 11600 6364
240 115 730 363 1440 723 2800 1426 6300 3365 11800 6485
250 120 740 368 1460 733 2850 1453 6400 3421 12000 6607
260 125 750 373 1480 743 2900 1480 6500 3477 12200 6728
270 130 760 378 1500 754 2950 1508 6600 3533 12400 6843
280 135 770 383 1525 766 3000 1535 6700 3589 12600 6970
290 140 780 388 1550 770 3050 1562 6800 3645 12800 7091
300 145 790 393 1575 792 3100 1589 6900 3701 13000 7213
310 150 800 399 1600 805 3150 1617 7000 3758 13200 7334
320 155 810 404 1625 817 3200 1644 7100 3814 13400 7455
330 160 820 409 1650 830 3250 1671 7200 3870 13600 7576
340 165 830 414 1675 843 3300 1699 7300 3926 13800 7898
350 171 840 419 1700 856 3350 1726 7400 3982 14000 7819
360 176 850 424 1725 868 3400 1753 7500 4038 14200 7940
370 181 860 429 1750 881 3450 1781 7600 4094 14400 8061
380 186 870 434 1775 894 3500 1808 7700 4150 14600 8182
390 191 880 439 1800 907 3550 1835 7800 4206 14800 8304
400 196 890 444 1825 920 3600 1863 7900 4262 15000 8425
410 201 900 449 1850 932 3650 1899 8000 4318 15250 8576
420 206 910 454 1875 945 3700 1917 8100 4374 15500 8728
430 211 920 459 1900 958 3750 1945 8200 4430 15750 8879
440 216 930 464 1925 971 3800 1972 8300 4486 16000 9031
450 221 940 469 1950 983 3850 1999 8400 4542 16250 9182
460 226 950 474 1975 996 3900 2027 8500 4598 16500 9334
470 231 960 480 2000 1000 3950 2054 8600 4654 16750 9486
480 236 970 485 2025 1022 4000 2081 8700 4710 17000 9637
490 241 980 490 2050 1034
10.4 Conductivity of Solutions, Acids, Alkalies and Salts 25°C Expressed as µS/cm per meq/l
The graph below and the graph on the following page Table 1: Conductivity correction factors
relate the conductivity of a solution containing one
given chemical to the concentration of this chemical. 0°C 18 25 50°C
(32°F) (64°F) (77°F) (122°F)
The conductivity of solutions at other temperatures can HCl 0.66 0.89 1.00 1.37
be calculated by multiplying conductivities at 25°C
H2SO4 0.66 0.87 1.00 1.38
(77°F) with the correction factors in the following table.
These factors are only valid for diluted solutions as they NaCl 0.53 0.86 1.00 1.57
presuppose total ionic dissociation of the chemical. NaOH 0.54 0.89 1.00 1.51
KOH 0.55 0.89 1.00 1.50
16 NH3
Conductivity, µS/cm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Concentration, g/m (mg/l)
The following table gives conversion factors for the conversion of concentration units of ionic species given as gram of
the ion per liter (g/l) into equivalent per liter (eq/l) or of gram of CaCO3 equivalents per liter (g CaCO3/l).
Positive Ions
Aluminium Al+++ 27.0 9.0 5.56 0.111
Ammonium NH4+ 18.0 18.0 2.78 0.0556
Barium Ba++ 137.4 68.7 0.73 0.0146
Calcium Ca++ 40.1 20.0 2.50 0.0500
Copper Cu++ 63.6 31.8 1.57 0.0314
Hydrogen H+ 1.0 1.0 50.0 1.0000
Ferrous Iron Fe++ 55.8 27.9 1.79 0.0358
Ferric Iron Fe+++ 55.8 18.6 2.69 0.0538
Magnesium Mg++ 24.3 12.2 4.10 0.0820
Manganese Mn++ 54.9 27.5 1.82 0.0364
Potassium K+ 39.1 39.1 1.28 0.0256
Sodium Na+ 23.0 23.0 2.18 0.0435
Negative Ions
Bicarbonate HCO3 61.0 61.0 0.82 0.0164
Carbonate CO3 60.0 30.0 1.67 0.0333
Chloride Cl 35.5 35.5 1.41 0.0282
Fluoride F 19.0 19.0 2.63 0.0526
Iodide I 126.9 126.9 0.39 0.0079
Hydroxide OH 17.0 17.0 2.94 0.0588
Nitrate NO3 62.0 62.0 0.81 0.0161
– ––
Phosphate (tri-basic) PO4 95.0 31.7 1.58 0.0315
Phosphate (di-basic) HPO4 96.0 48.0 1.04 0.0208
Phosphate (mono-basic) H2PO4 97.0 97.0 0.52 0.0103
Sulfate SO4 96.1 48.0 1.04 0.0208
Bisulfate HSO4 97.1 97.1 0.52 0.0103
Sulfite SO3 80.1 40.0 1.25 0.0250
Bisulfite HSO3 81.1 81.1 0.62 0.0123
Sulfide S 32.1 16.0 3.13 0.0625
Neutral 1
Carbondioxide CO2 44.0 44.0 1.14 0.0227
Silica SiO2 60.0 60.0 0.83 0.0167
Ammonia NH3 17.0 17.0 2.94 0.0588
Calculations based on conversion to monovalent species
Magnesium sulfate
Sodium chloride
Lithium chloride
Ethyl alcohol
Zinc sulfate
Sea water
Osmotic pressure (MPa)
Increasing molecular
5 10 15 20 25 30
Concentration in water (% by weight)
10.11 Chemical Compatibility Process for Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes Used in Water