CARLISLE WATERPROOFING Internationalgeomanual 2002

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Table of Contents
August 2002

Part I General

1.01 Description ....................................................................................................................................................3

1.02 Quality Assurance .........................................................................................................................................3
1.03 Submittals......................................................................................................................................................4
1.04 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling.......................................................................................................4
1.05 Job Conditions...............................................................................................................................................4
1.06 Warranty........................................................................................................................................................5

Part II Products

2.01 General ..........................................................................................................................................................5

2.02 Membrane......................................................................................................................................................5
2.03 Flashing .........................................................................................................................................................8
2.04 Cleaners, Primers, Adhesives and Sealants ...................................................................................................8
2.05 Fastening Components ..................................................................................................................................9
2.06 Other Products...............................................................................................................................................9

Part III Execution

3.01 General ........................................................................................................................................................10

3.02 Substrate Preparation...................................................................................................................................10
3.03 Application of Liquid Waterproofing Membrane (Where Applicable).......................................................10
3.04 Application of Separation Layer .................................................................................................................11
3.05 Application of Sure-Seal 1.5 mm Thick Non-Reinforced EPDM Membrane............................................11
3.06 Application of FleeceBACK AFX Membrane (Optional)...........................................................................12
3.07 EPDM Membrane Splicing .........................................................................................................................12
3.08 Membrane Flashing .....................................................................................................................................13
3.09 Flashing Terminations .................................................................................................................................14
3.10 Application of Protection Layer ..................................................................................................................14

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002

August 2002

This specification outlines Carlisle's Sure-Seal® Underground Tanking System requirements and is intended for use as a guideline
for architects/engineers when specifying an underground/tanking waterproofing assembly. While the specification contains
specific installation details pertaining to various methods of membrane termination, contractors may reference other Carlisle
technical publications for in-depth application procedures. Additional information pertaining to field splicing, membrane bonding
and flashing of various penetrations can be found in the “Application” Section of the Carlisle Sure-Seal Adhered Roofing System



The Sure-Seal Underground Tanking System incorporates 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick Sure-Seal, black, non-reinforced or reinforced
EPDM membrane. The membrane is loose laid over a geotextile separator sheet on the horizontal grade. On the vertical grade
and over the geotextile separator sheet, the membrane can be mechanically fastened to a peripheral wall or directly adhered. In
some applications, FleeceBACK AFX membrane can be installed horizontally and vertically in conjunction with CCW 500 Hot
Rubberized Asphalt or CCW 525 Cold Applied Liquid Waterproofing Membrane. (As an option the Sure-Seal EPDM membrane
can be installed on top of the CCW membranes).

All membrane splices shall be a minimum of 150 mm (6 inches) wide and assembled with Sure-Seal EP-95 Splicing Cement, In-
Seam Sealant™ and Lap Sealant. As an option, Sure-Seal Pressure-Sensitive Flashing (150 mm in width) can be used as an
overlayment to membrane splices.


A. The Sure-Seal 1.5 mm (.060”) thick, non-reinforced EPDM membrane meets ASTM D6134-97, Standard Specification for
Vulcanized Rubber Sheets Used in Waterproofing Systems.

Tensile Strength ASTM D412, Die C

Elongation, Ultimate ASTM D412, Die C
Tensile Set ASTM D412, Method A, Die C, % Elongation
Tear Resistance ASTM D624, Die C
Brittleness Temperature ASTM D746
Linear Dimensional Change ASTM D1204, 166 h @ 240º F ± 4º F
Water Absorption ASTM D471, @ 70º C ± 2º C (158º F ± 4º F) for 166 h
Factory Seam Strength ASTM D816, Modified Method B, 1” wide, 2”/min.
Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E96, Procedure B W relative humidity of 45% @ 70º F ± 4º F
Hardness Durometer A ASTM D2240
Resistance to Soil Burial ASTM D3083
Resistance to Heat Aging ASTM D573, Properties after 166 h @ 240º F ± 4º F
Test Resistance to Puncture ASTM E154

Refer to the physical property chart included in the “Product Section” for actual values achieved.

B. This Underground Tanking System must be installed by an Authorized Applicator and in compliance with Carlisle’s
installation details and project specification as approved by Carlisle. Deviations from Carlisle's details or approved
specification shall be secured in writing prior to commencement of work

C. Prior to installation, project shop drawings may be submitted to the manufacturer for review and approval. Copies of the
approved shop drawing should be made available to the project architect/engineer upon request.

D. Comply with applicable regulatory requirements and applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and laws.
600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 3
E. On-site technical assistance is available for a charge. Projects where technical assistance is required must have a
manufacturer’s approved drawing.


A. To ensure compliance with the applicable design criteria, project drawings, specification and pertinent details may be
submitted for Carlisle’s review.

B. Requests for certification and/or formal drawing approval must be accompanied by a copy of the project specification and
details. Shop drawings of maximum size 43 cm x 56 cm (17” x 22”) are preferred.

C. Substitution of a non-Carlisle supplied product is permitted upon review and approval. Samples of the product along with
technical literature may be forwarded to Carlisle for consideration.


A. Deliver materials to the job site in the original, unopened containers labeled with the manufacturer's name, brand name and
installation instructions.

B. Job site storage temperatures in excess of 32°C (90°F) may affect shelf life of curable materials (i.e., adhesive, sealants and

C. When sealants or cleaners are exposed to lower temperatures, restore to minimum 16°C (60°F) before use.


A. The EPDM membrane resists a wide variety of chemicals. Depending upon level of concentration and temperature, the
membrane performance will vary. The chemical resistance chart of Sure-Seal EPDM shows compatibility of the membrane
with various chemicals that normally exist in the soil. Should there be severe soil conditions not shown in the chart, a soil test
shall be reviewed by Carlisle for compatibility.

B. Comply with applicable codes and regulations pertaining to the operation and storage of heavy equipment.

C. Coordination between various trades is essential to avoid unnecessary traffic over sections of already installed membrane to
prevent damage to the waterproofing membrane.

D. Do not install membrane onto low melting point asphalt (ASTM D 312 Type I and II) with a softening point below 85°C

E. Do not allow waste products (i.e., petroleum, grease, oil, solvents, vegetable or mineral oil, animal fat) or direct steam venting
to come in contact with the waterproofing membrane.

F. Do not expose membrane and accessories to constant temperatures in excess of 82°C (180°F).

G. Prior to the use of any product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Bulletin for cautions and warnings.
Store adhesives, sealants and cleaners away from all sources of heat, flame or sparks. Do not use in confined or unventilated

H. Cold temperatures will not restrict installation of the Sure-Seal Underground Tanking System. Follow specified precautions
for storage of materials. Expose only enough cements/adhesives to be used within a 4 hour period.

I. Splicing and bonding surfaces should be dry and clean.

J. Substrate shall be free of ponded water, ice or snow.

K. Coordinate waterproofing work with other trades. The applicator shall have sole right of access to the specified areas for the
time needed to complete the application and allow the membrane to cure adequately.
600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 4
L. Maintain work area neat and orderly condition, removing empty containers, rags and debris daily from the site.


A 20 year Membrane Material Warranty is available for a charge. The Material Warranty will cover normal deterioration and is


The components of this Underground Tanking System are to be products of Carlisle or accepted by Carlisle as compatible. The
installation, performance or integrity of products by others, when selected by the specifier and accepted as compatible by
Carlisle, is not the responsibility of Carlisle.


A. Sure-Seal (black) 1.5 mm (.060”) thick non-reinforced EPDM (Ethylene, Propylene, Diene Terpolymer) membrane;
maximum 15.2 m (50') wide, maximum 30.5 m (100') long which meets ASTM D6134-97. Sure-Seal 1.1 mm (.045”) thick
non-reinforced membrane is also available in 61 m (200’) lengths.


Physical Property Test Method SPEC. (Pass) Typical
Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 412 ±10 ±10
Tensile Strength, min, psi (MPa) ASTM D 412 1305 (9) 1630 (11.2)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 350 520
Tear Resistance, min, lbf/in (kN/m) ASTM D 624
175 (30.6) 230 (40.3)
(Die C)
Factory Seam Strength, min. Modified Membrane Membrane
ASTM D 816 Rupture Rupture
Resistance to Heat Aging* ASTM D 573
Properties after 4 weeks @ 240° F (116° C)
Tensile Strength, min, psi (MPa) ASTM D 412 1205 (8.3) 1500 (10.3)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 225 310
Tear Resistance, min, lbf/in (kN/m) ASTM D 624 150 (26.3) 215 (37.6)
Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 ±1.0 -0.4
Ozone Resistance*
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm
ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104°F (40° C)
Specimen is at 50% strain
Brittleness Temp., max, deg. F (deg. C)* ASTM D 746 -75 (-59) -85 (-65)
Resistance to Water Absorption*
After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (70°C) ASTM D 471 +4.0 +2.0
Change in mass, max, %
Water Vapor Permeance* ASTM E 96
0.1 .05
max, perm (Proc. B or BW)
Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) Weathering*
No Cracks No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 7560 kJ/m2 total radiant exposure at .70 W/m ASTM D G-26
No Crazing No Crazing
irradiance, 176°F (80º C) black panel temp.

* Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or the complexity of the test. However, all tests are run on a statistical basis to
ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting.

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 5

B. Sure-Seal (black) 1.5 mm (.060”) thick reinforced EPDM (Ethylene, Propylene, Diene Terpolymer) membrane;
maximum 3.1 m (10') wide, maximum 30.5 m (100') long that meets ASTM D4637-96.


Physical Property Test Method SPEC.(Pass) Typical

Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 751 ±10 ±10
Thickness Over Scrim, min, in. (mm) ASTM D 4637 .015 (.381) .045"-.016 (.406)
Annex .060"-.020 (.508)
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N) ASTM D 751 90 (400) 180 (800)
Grab Method
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 751 250 ** 500 **
Grab Method
Tear Strength, min, lbf(N) ASTM D 751 10 (45) 30 (132)
B Tongue Tear
Brittleness point, max, deg. F (deg. C) * ASTM D 2137 -49 (-45) -75 (-59)
Resistance to Heat Aging * ASTM D 573
Properties after 4 weeks @ 240°F
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N) ASTM D 751 80 (355) 175 (780)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 751 200 ** 250 **
Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 ±1.0 -0.7
Ozone Resistance*
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104° F
Specimen wrapped around 3" mandrel
Resistance to Water Absorption*
After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (70°C) ASTM D 471 +4.0 ** +2.0 **
Change in mass, max, %
Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) Weathering* ASTM G-26 No Cracks No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 7560 kJ/m total radiant exposure at No Crazing No Crazing
.70 W/m rradiance, 176°F (80°C) black panel temperature
* Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or the complexity of the test. However, all tests are run
on a statistical basis to ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting.
** Specimens to be prepared from coating rubber compound, vulcanized in a similar method to the reinforced product.

C. FleeceBACK AFX Membrane (optional membrane occasionally specified for use with CCW 500 Liquid Applied
Membrane): 1.1 mm (45 mils) thick Sure-Seal (black) non-reinforced EPDM laminated to 212 grams (7.5 ounce) per .83
square meter (1 square yard), non-woven polyester, polypropylene blended fleece-backing resulting in a total finished sheet
thickness of 2.3 mm (90 mils). A selvage edge is provided on one edge along the length of the membrane for membrane
splicing. Membrane is available in widths of 3 m (10 feet) and lengths of 15.2 or 30 m (50 or 100 feet) and conforms to
ASTM Standard D4637-96, Type III (Fabric-backed membrane) with the following physical properties:

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 6

Physical Property Test Method SPEC.(Pass) Typical
Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 751 ±10 ±10
ASTM D4637
Thickness over Fleece, min, in. (mm) .030 (.762) .045 (1.143)
2 2
Weight 1b/ft (kg/m ) 0.29 (1.4)
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N) ASTM D751
90 (400) 200 (890)
Grab Method
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 300 ** 500 **
ASTM D 751
Tearing Strength, min, lbf (N) 10 (45) 45 (200)
B Tongue Tear
Brittleness point, max, °F (°C) ASTM D 2137 -49 (-45) -75 (-59)
Resistance to Heat Aging * ASTM D 573
Properties after 4 weeks @ 240°F (116°C) for Sure-Seal
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N) ASTM D 751 80 (355) 200 (890)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 200 ** 310 **
Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 ±1.0 -0.7
Ozone Resistance *
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm
ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104°F (40°C)
Specimen wrapped around 3 inch (7.5 cm) mandrel
Resistance to Water Absorption *
After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (70°C) ASTM D 471 4.0 ** 2.0 **
Change in mass, max, %
Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) Weathering *
No Cracks No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 7560 kJ/m total radiant exposure at 0.70 ASTM G 26
No Crazing No Crazing
W/m , 176°F (80°C) black panel temperature
Dynamic Puncture Resistance (foot pounds) ASTM D 5635 >35
* Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or the complexity of the test. However, all tests are run on a
statistical basis to ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting.
** Specimens prepared from coating rubber compound.

C. CCW-525 (Cold Applied) Liquid Waterproofing Membrane (optional membrane used when specified): A liquid-applied,
single-component, moisture cured, elastomeric, coal-tar free, modified polyurethane which cures to form a flexible,
monolithic, waterproof membrane on vertical or horizontal surfaces, above or below grade. Applied on vertical surfaces using
a trowel or roller, and on horizontal surfaces using a notched squeegee (self-leveling). The membrane has tenacious adhesion
to concrete substrates preventing lateral water migration. The average thickness is 1.4 mm (.055”). Packaged in 19 l (5
gallon) pails or 208 l (55 gallon) drums.

Property Test Method Typical

Composition Modified Polyurethane
Color - Black
Tack Free Time * - 16 hours
Cure Time * - 36 hours
Solids Content ASTM D 1353 85+/-2%
Horizontal ASTM D 2240 35 Shore A
Vertical ASTM D 2240 42 Shore A
Horizontal ASTM D 412 500%
Vertical ASTM D 412 500%
Horizontal ASTM D 412 350 psi (2.4 MPa)
Vertical ASTM D 412 350 psi (2.4 MPa)
Modulus at 100% Elongation ASTM D 412 75 psi (0.52 MPa)
Permeability (60 mils thick) ASTM D 1653 0.10 perms
Adhesion to Primed Concrete ASTM D 903 20 lbs/in width (3.6 kg/cm width)

• Values typical at standard conditions: 24°C (75°F), 50% RH.

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 7

D. CCW 500 (Hot Rubberized Asphalt) Liquid Waterproofing Membrane (optional membrane used in conjunction with
FleeceBACK AFX Membrane when specified): A single-component, rubberized asphalt compound that forms a tough,
flexible, thick waterproofing membrane. Used in conjunction with FleeceBACK AFX membrane. It’s rubber-like properties
provide a self-healing characteristic which helps ensure waterproofing integrity. It adheres to any vertical or horizontal
surface to assure water will not migrate beneath the membrane in the event of physical damage. Packaged in 20.4 kg (45
pound) blocks, one block per carton, 64 cartons per pallet.

Property Test Method Typical

Solids Content ASTM D 1353 100%
Flow ASTM D 1191 140°F, 0 mm
@ 77°F – Avg. 76
Penetration (1/10th mm) ASTM D 1191
@ 122°F – Avg. 159
Flash Point ASTM D 92 568°F
Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E 96(E) 0.02 perms
Toughness CGSB-37.50-M89 27J
Ratio of Toughness to peak load CGSB-37.50-M89 .12
Adhesion CGSB-37.50-M89 Pass
Softening ASTM D 36 208°F
Viscosity 3 seconds 980 cps @ 400°F
Water Absorption 96 hrs. – 0.05 g
(max. 0.35 g (gain))
Pinholing CGSB-37.50-M89 No visible pinholes
Low temperature flexibility CGSB-37.50-M89 No cracks or loss of adhesion
Low temperature crack bridging CGSB-37.50-M89 No cracks, splitting or loss of adhesion
CGSB-37.50-M89 No change in viscosity, penetration, flow or
Heat stability
low temperature after aging.
Resistance to mild acids No effect
Minimum ambient temperature for application 0°F


A. Sure-Seal Uncured EPDM Elastoform Flashing®: An easily formed, 1.5 mm (.060") thick Sure-Seal (black) uncured
EPDM membrane available in widths of 15.2 cm, 22.9 cm, 30.5 cm, and 45.7 cm (6", 9", 12" and 18") and lengths of
30.5 m (100'). Sure-Seal Elastoform Flashing is also available in a 61 cm (24") width.

B. Sure-Seal Pressure-Sensitive Uncured Flashing: A 150 mm (6”) wide, .040" thick uncured EPDM Flashing laminated to a
30 mil pre-applied adhesive tape used to overlay splices if required.


A. Sure-Seal Splice Cleaner or Weathered Membrane Cleaner: A black, solvent-based cleaner used to remove dust, dirt or
other contaminants prior to applying Splicing Cement and Lap Sealant.

B. Sure-Seal EP-95 Splicing Cement: A black, high-strength, butyl-based contact cement that is used for splicing adjoining
sections of EPDM membrane (cured or uncured).

C. Sure-Seal In-Seam Sealant: A one-part, gun-consistency sealant applied in adhesive splices between cured Sure-Seal
EPDM membrane sections.

D. Sure-Seal Lap Sealant: A black, heavy-bodied material (trowel or gun-consistency) used to seal the exposed edges of a
membrane splice. A pre-formed Lap Sealant tool is included in each carton of Lap Sealant.

E. Sure-Seal SecurTAPE™: A 7.6 cm (3 inch) wide by 30.5 m (100 foot) long splice tape used to splice adjoining sheets
together. Complies with the U.S. South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1168.

F. Sure-Seal HP-250 Primer: A solvent-based primer used to prepare the surface of EPDM membrane for application of Splice
Tape or Pressure-Sensitive products. This Primer can also be used in conjunction with EP-95 Splicing Cement in lieu of
Splice Cleaner or Weathered Membrane Cleaner.

G. CCW-550 Primer: A single component, solvent-based bituminous primer especially designed to promote adhesion of the
CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Membrane by preparing the concrete surface. Packaged in 19 l (5 gallon) pails and 208 l (55
gallon) drums
600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 8
H. Sure-Seal 90-8-30A Bonding Adhesive: A high-strength, yellow colored, synthetic rubber adhesive used for bonding Sure-
Seal EPDM membranes to various surfaces.

I. Water Cut-Off Mastic: A one-component, low viscosity, self-wetting, Butyl blend mastic used as a sealing agent between
the EPDM membrane or Elastoform® Flashing and applicable substrates.

J. CCW-201 Sealant: A multi-component, chemical curing, low modulus, non-sag, polyurethane sealant specially formulated
for dynamically moving joints. The sealant is used at all expansion joints and at the base of walls in conjunction with CCW
500 Hot Rubberized Asphalt and CCW-525 (Cold Applied) Liquid Waterproofing Membranes in high water table conditions
and is designed to provide long term performance +50% movement capability and excellent weathering characteristics.


A. Termination Bar: A 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide and 2.5 mm (.098 inch) thick extruded aluminum bar pre-punched 15.2 cm (6
inches) on center which incorporates a sealant ledge to support Lap Sealant and provide increased stability for membrane

B. HP CD-10 Concrete Spike: A hammer-driven, non-threaded, black epoxy electro-deposition coated (E-Coat) fastener for
use with structural concrete rated 211 kg/cm2 (3,000 psi) or greater.

C. HD 14-10 Concrete Fastener: A #14 threaded fastener used for minimum 211 kg/cm2 (3,000 psi) structural concrete.


A. HP Splice Wipes: Used in conjunction with Splice Cleaners or HP-250 Primer to clean membrane prior to splicing or
applying Lap Sealant.

B. Protection Fabric: A non-woven, polypropylene, geotextile fabric that is used as a protection layer above the waterproofing
membrane and as a separation below the membrane. The fabric acts as a filter through which water passes to promote
drainage. Material weight when used as a separation layer shall be 150 g/m2 and 250 g/m2 when used as a protection layer.

C. Sure-Board (Protection Board): A 3 mm (1/8”) thick, non-compressible, lightweight and flexible protection board used for
maximum protection of waterproofing membrane during and after backfilling. The Sure-Board is available in 125 cm x 250
cm (4 x 8 feet).

D. Water Swelling Waterbar (by others): Used to provide efficient waterproofing of construction joints. When in contact
with water, the waterbar will slowly increase in volume (20% to 200% depending on water salt concentration). The swelling
action (limited to the side exposed to water) will cause the waterbar to profile itself into the joint filling all cavities and
effectively stop water seepage. For added safety, wider joints can be filled using 2 waterbars. The Water Swelling Waterbar
is used at the top of pilings around rebars and other joints in the peripheral walls.

E. Capillary Waterproofing Compound (by others): A dry mixture compound that forms a waterproofing System when
mixed with water. The compound is applied directly to concrete in areas where general waterproofing is required and ensures
a permanent solution to water leakage or seepage. The formation and development of insoluble crystals into water bearing
capillaries effectively blocks the further passage of water and ensures water tightness. The product is used to treat the top of
the piling to effectively ensure water tightness around reinforcing bars and at angle changes where high hydrostatic pressure
may promote seepage during installation.

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 9



A. Refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Bulletins for cautions and warnings.

B. Comply with the manufacturer’s published instructions for the installation of the Underground Tanking System including
proper substrate preparation, jobsite considerations and weather restrictions.


A. On horizontal applications, new concrete blinding shall be relatively even and water cured, with a light-hair broom finish and
in place for a minimum of 72 hours.

B. Sweep all loose debris from the concrete blinding tanking substrate prior to application of waterproofing membrane.

C. Remove splatters, fins, ridges or other projections to provide a level vertical or horizontal surface. Fill holes, honeycombs,
rock pockets, spalls or other voids and indentations with approved concrete patching compound.

D. Grind or fill surface at cold joints where each concrete pour is at a different plane to provide a smooth and level surface.

E. All surfaces shall be structurally sound, dry and free of dust, dirt and frost. Non-approved curing agents or other
contaminates that may affect adhesion of the membrane must also be removed.

F. On peripheral walls, when specified, apply capillary waterproofing treatment to all vertical surfaces to facilitate proper
membrane adhesion.

G. In lieu of capillary waterproofing treatment of walls, a liquid waterproofing membrane can be specified in conjunction with
EPDM membrane in special conditions. When a liquid waterproofing membrane is specified, mix CCW-201 Sealant and
apply to all expansion joints and at the base of walls to form a 45° cant.


Liquid Waterproofing Membrane is used in conjunction with FleeceBACK AFX membrane as an option to Sure-Seal EPDM.
The project architect/engineer may select either CCW-500 Hot Rubberized Asphalt or CCW-525 Cold Applied Liquid
Waterproofing Membrane.

A. CCW-500 Hot Applied Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

1. Melt blocks of CCW-500 in a twin wall kettle with continuous agitation.

CAUTION: Do not exceed maximum safe operating temperature of 204° C (400° F). Use with adequate ventilation.
Workers must use proper protection to prevent burns.

2. Apply a thin, even coat of CCW-550 Primer over the entire surface to receive waterproofing. Apply at the rate of 123-
183 m2 (400 – 600 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon). Allow the primer to dry.

Note: Liquid membrane will not properly adhere to wet primer.

3. Apply CCW-500 Hot Applied Membrane to the primed surface at a rate of 1.86 m2 (20 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon)
for a 3.8 mm (150 mil) system or 1.67 m2 (18 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon) for thicker systems.

4. Allow liquid membrane to cure for a 24 hour period at 24° C (75° F) prior to installation of EPDM membrane. Protect the
liquid applied membrane with a protection board if the EPDM membrane will not be installed after a 24 hour curing time.

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 10

B. CCW-525 Cold Applied Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

1. Using a notched squeegee, apply CCW-525 horizontal self-leveling grade waterproofing over the smoothly finished,
plain, concrete blinding at a rate of 2.3 m2 (25 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon) to achieve an average thickness of 1.4
mm (.055 inches).

CAUTION: CCW-525 is a combustible liquid and vapor. Keep away from heat and flame. Use only with adequate
ventilation. Avoid contact with the eyes or skin, especially open breaks in the skin.

2. Once the membrane has cured for a period of 36 hours at 24° C (75° F), install Sure-Seal 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick non-
reinforced EPDM membrane as outlined in Paragraph 3.05 below. Protect the liquid applied membrane with a protection
board if the EPDM membrane will not be installed after a 36 hour curing time.


A. A geotextile separation layer (150 g/m2 minimum) can be used in lieu of cold or hot liquid waterproofing below the

B. Install the geotextile fabric loose laid over the concrete blinding substrate and overlap adjoining sheets a minimum of 15 cm
(6 inches).


A. Substrate must be clean, smooth, dry and free of projections (i.e., fins, sharp edges), contaminants, foreign material, oil and

B. Unroll EPDM membrane without stretching and allow to relax approximately 1/2 hour.

C. Horizontal membrane application

1. The membrane shall be installed loose-laid over the geotextile fabric or the liquid waterproofing membrane.

2. Membrane overlap shall be 15 cm (6 inches) to provide for the minimum splice width. Refer to Paragraph 3.06 for
membrane splicing procedures.

D. Vertical membrane application

The membrane can be adhered or loose laid with mechanical fastening to the substrate.

1. For mechanically fastened membrane, the membrane shall be secured every 3 m (10 feet) vertically with Sure-Seal
Termination Bars or with a horizontal RUSS (Reinforced Universal Securement Strip).

Sure-Seal Termination Bars shall be installed in conjunction with Sure-Seal Water Cut-Off Mastic and fastened utilizing
Concrete Fasteners spaced a maximum of 30 cm (12 inches) on center.

2. For adhered membrane:

a. Stir Bonding Adhesive thoroughly scraping the sides and the bottom of the can (minimum 5 minutes stirring is
recommended). Bonding surfaces must be dry and clean.

b. Apply 90-8-30A Bonding Adhesive evenly, without globs or puddles with a plastic core medium nap paint roller. A
23 cm (9 inch) roller will easily fit into the 19 l (5 gallon) containers.

c. Apply 90-8-30A Bonding Adhesive to both the membrane sheet and the substrate to achieve continuous coating of
both surfaces at a coverage rate of approximately 11.2 m2 (120 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon) per one surface
(membrane or substrate) or approximately 5.6 m2 (60 square feet) per 3.78 l (1 gallon) per finished surface (includes
coverage on both membrane and substrate).

If a mechanical sprayer is used to apply Bonding Adhesive, the adhesive must be rolled after spraying with a plastic
core medium nap paint roller to provide continuous coverage.
600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 11
CAUTION: Due to solvent flash off, condensation may form on freshly applied Bonding Adhesive when the
ambient temperature is near the dew point. If condensation develops, possible surface
contamination may occur and the application of Bonding Adhesive must be discontinued. Allow
the surface to dry and apply a thin freshener coat at the coverage rate that is approximately half of
the coverage rate stated above to the previously coated surface when conditions allow for

d. Allow adhesive to dry until it is tacky but will not string or stick to a dry finger touch.

e. Roll the coated membrane into the coated substrate while avoiding wrinkles.

f. Brush down the bonded half of the membrane sheet, immediately after rolling the membrane sheet into the adhesive,
with a soft bristle push broom to achieve maximum contact.

g. Install adjoining membrane sheets in the same manner, overlapping edges approximately 15 cm (6 inches) to
provide for the minimum splice width.


A. FleeceBACK AFX membrane in conjunction with Liquid Waterproofing Membrane can be used as an option in lieu of Sure-
Seal EPDM.

B. When positioning FleeceBACK AFX membrane along the length for splice tape or adhesive splices. At end laps, butt edges
of membrane together and overlay with 6 inch wide Pressure-Sensitive Cured Cover Strip.


A. Adhesive splices must be a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) wide.

B. Remove dirt or excess dust from the mating surfaces of the overlapping sheets by wiping with Sure-Seal HP Splice Wipes or
clean natural fiber rags. The splice area of both membrane sheets must be cleaned by scrubbing with Splice Wipes or clean
natural fiber rags saturated with Sure-Seal Splice Cleaner, Weathered Membrane Cleaner or HP-250 Primer. Extra cleaning is
required along a factory seam that intersects a splice area.

C. When cleaning the membrane surface as stated above, check the membrane surfaces to verify adequate cleaning procedures
are maintained. Both sides of the Sure-Seal EPDM membrane must be solid black in color with no streaking. Hold the top
membrane sheet back as the cleaning and scrubbing process continues along the length of the splice so that both mating
surfaces may be cleaned at approximately the same time.

Stir Splicing Cement thoroughly scraping sides and bottom of the can (minimum 5 minutes stirring is recommended).
Properly stirred Sure-Seal EP-95 Splicing Cement will have a solid black appearance with no heavier black material
remaining on the bottom or sides of the can. Membrane surfaces must be visibly dry and clean as stated previously.

D. Apply Splicing Cement to both mating surfaces with the 10.5 cm (4 inch) wide, 13 mm (1/2 inch) medium nap roller
(provided in each carton of Splicing Cement). Apply cement smoothly, continuously and relatively even to achieve a heavy

1. Do not allow the cement to glob or puddle.

2. When a roller cannot be effectively used (at angle changes, corners, etc.), a 13 mm (1/2 inch) thick paint brush may be
used to apply Splicing Cement; however, the Splicing Cement must be applied to achieve a smooth surface without
brush marks.

Note: When temperatures are expected to fall below 5° C (40° F), the use of a paintbrush must be limited (angle
changes and corners) since brush marks will not bleed out.

3. One 3.78 l (1 gallon) container of Splicing Cement, applied in a heavy, relatively even coat, will achieve the approximate
coverage rate of 23 m (75 linear feet).

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 12

F. Allow the cement to dry until it is tacky but will not string or stick to a dry finger touch and will not move when pushed with
a dry finger.

G. Do not allow the splicing cement to over-dry before mating the two surfaces (over-dried Spicing Cement will not be
tacky). If splice over-drying occurs, apply a thin freshener coat of Splicing Cement over the dried cement at half the coverage
rate listed above. To avoid over-drying, Carlisle recommends using a minimum two-man installation procedure for splices
longer than 3 m (10 feet).

H. Due to solvent flash off, condensation may form on freshly applied Splicing Cement when the ambient temperature is near the
dew point. If condensation develops, the application of Splicing Cement must be discontinued since proper adhesion will not
be achieved. Allow the surface to dry and apply a thin freshener coat of Splicing Cement as stated above to the previously
coated surface when conditions allow.

I. Just prior to closing the splice, apply a bead of In-Seam Sealant™ approximately 3 to 6 mm (1/8 to 1/4 inch) in diameter
along the center of the splice. Do not allow In-Seam Sealant to become overly dry.

1. Approximately 23 m (75 linear feet) of coverage per tube can be achieved when a minimum 3 mm (1/8") diameter bead
of In-Seam Sealant is applied.

2. Maintain a continuous bead of In-Seam Sealant on all membrane splices including at splice intersections. Refer to
appropriate detail.

3. During splice cleaning procedures, Sure-Seal HP Splice Wipes contaminated with In-Seam Sealant cannot be reused for
the application of Splice Cleaner or Primer.

J. Roll the top membrane sheet onto the mating surface. Take care not to stretch or wrinkle the membrane sheet to avoid a
fishmouth in the field splice.

K. Assemble the seam with hand pressure by wiping toward the splice edge.

L. Immediately roll the splice with a 5 cm (2 inch) wide steel roller, using positive pressure, toward the outer edge of the
splice. DO NOT ROLL PARALLEL TO THE SPLICE EDGE. On a completed splice, the In-Seam Sealant must remain
evident and be sensitive to the touch.
M. For projects that incorporate FleeceBACK AFX membrane, overlay all field splices with 15 cm (6 inch) wide Pressure-
Sensitive Flashing or 15 cm (6 inch) wide non-reinforced EPDM membrane.

N. If the use of Pressure-Sensitive Tape is preferred for splicing in lieu of adhesive, refer to Carlisle technical publications for
specific installation procedures.


A. At concrete pile base, break weak concrete layer of pile head to face and level.

B. Use wire brush to remove concrete residue from the steel reinforcing bars at the top of the pile and around dewatering

C. Using a high-pressure water jetting process thoroughly clean areas at pile base, top of piles, dewatering pipes and other
locations using potable type clean water.

D. Where applicable, apply capillary waterproofing treatment in accordance with project specification and details.

E. At the base of the pile, adhere a 15 cm (6 inch) wide, 1 mm (.045 inch) thick reinforced EPDM membrane strip at the
angle change and adhere the waterproofing membrane to the strip as well as the side of the pile. Secure the membrane on
top of the pile base with Termination Bars, concrete anchors and Water Cut-Off Mastic as shown on the appropriate

F. At the top of pile head, treat the top surface with two slurry coats of capillary waterproofing compound in an approximate
20 cm (8 inch) wide area. If applicable, extend the liquid applied membrane (CCW 500 or 525) over the top of the pile

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 13

G. Around dewatering pipes and steel reinforcing bars at top of piles and other locations where specified, tightly position
water-swelling waterbar in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Several options are available to terminate membrane around the top of the pile head depending upon application type and
hydrostatic pressure. Carlisle may be contacted for alternate methods of termination.


A watertight termination shall be achieved at the top of the wall flashing above anticipated water table. The termination may
consist of a 2.5 cm (1 inch) by 2.5 mm (.098 inch) thick extruded aluminum bar pre-punched 15 cm (6 inches) on center. Non-
threaded, hammer driven fasteners and Water Cut-Off Mastic are used to achieve constant compression and a watertight seal
directly against the concrete surface. A continuous bead of Lap Sealant shall be applied along the edge of the membrane/flashing
to serve as a secondary seal.

Surface mounted reglets or other methods of termination may be utilized in lieu of compression bars. Carlisle may be consulted
concerning appropriate termination details.


A. A geotextile protection layer (250 g/m2) shall be installed loose-laid over the horizontal EPDM membrane and overlap
adjoining sheets a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches).

B. Carlisle 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick Sure-Board shall be spot bonded to the vertical EPDM membrane using Sure-Seal Bonding

C. A 5 cm (2 inch) thick horizontal concrete protection screed or a vertical concrete wall shall be poured over the protection
layer to complete the application. Refer to applicable detail.

Copyright 2002
Carlisle SynTec Incorporated
Sure-Seal, In-Seam Sealant, SecurTape and Elastoform
are Trademarks of Carlisle SynTec Incorporated.

Carlisle SynTec Incorporated, P.O. Box 7000, Carlisle, PA 17013-0925

Phone: 800-479-6832

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 14

Table of Contents
August 2002


UTS-01 Horizontal Application – Typical Assembly Schematic of Pre-Formed Waterproofing

UTS-02 Horizontal Application – Optional Assembly Schematic of Pre-Formed Waterproofing
UTS-03 Vertical Application – Typical Assembly Schematic of Pre-Formed Waterproofing
UTS-04 Vertical Application – Optional Assembly Schematic of Pre-Formed Waterproofing


UTS-05 Peripheral Wall Waterproofing

UTS-05A Vertical Application – Table Membrane Termination at Top of Wall
UTS-05B Vertical Application – Mechanically Fastened Membrane on Wall
UTS-05C Vertical Application – Membrane Securement at Base of Wall
UTS-06 Peripheral Wall Waterproofing
UTS-06A Vertical Application – Optional Membrane Termination at Top of Wall
UTS-06B Vertical Application – Optional Mechanically Fastened Membrane on Wall
UTS-06C Vertical Application – Optional Membrane Reinforced at Base of Wall


UTS-07 Membrane Splice With Splicing Cement – Conventional/Pre-Formed Waterproofing

UTS-08 Membrane Splice With Splicing Cement and Overlayment – Conventional/Pre-Formed Waterproofing
UTS-09 Membrane Splice With SecurTAPE - Conventional/Pre-Formed Waterproofing

600427 – Underground Tanking – 8/2002 15

ctio NT SYST
Sure-Seal® EPDM and Geomembrane™
Water Containment and Lining System

Table of Contents
April 2003

Part I General

1.01 Description ....................................................................................................................................................3

1.02 Quality Assurance .........................................................................................................................................4
1.03 Submittals......................................................................................................................................................5
1.04 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling.......................................................................................................5
1.05 Job Conditions...............................................................................................................................................5
1.06 Warranty........................................................................................................................................................6

Part II Products

2.01 General ..........................................................................................................................................................6

2.02 Membrane......................................................................................................................................................6
2.03 Flashing .........................................................................................................................................................8
2.04 Cleaners, Primers, Adhesives and Sealants ...................................................................................................9
2.05 Fastening Components ................................................................................................................................10
2.06 Other Products.............................................................................................................................................10
2.07 Related Equipment ......................................................................................................................................11

Part III Execution

3.01 General ........................................................................................................................................................12

3.02 Substrate Preparation...................................................................................................................................12
3.03 Geomembrane Application..........................................................................................................................13
A. Tank Lining...........................................................................................................................................13
B. Reservoirs, Ponds, etc. ..........................................................................................................................14
D. Hot Air Welding Procedures.................................................................................................................14
3.04 Sure-Seal EPDM Membrane Application ...................................................................................................16
A. General..................................................................................................................................................16
B. EPDM Membrane Adhesive Splicing...................................................................................................16
C. EPDM Membrane SecurTAPE Splicing...............................................................................................18
D. Terminations and Floating Covers........................................................................................................19

Sure-Seal® EPDM and Geomembrane™
Water Containment and Lining System
April 2003

This specification outlines Carlisle's Sure-Seal and Geomembrane Water Containment and Lining System
requirements and is intended for use as a guideline by developers, engineers and other design professionals when
specifying a lining material for water containment or tanks. While the specification contains specific installation
details pertaining to various methods of membrane termination, contractors may reference other Carlisle technical
publications for in-depth application procedures.



This Sure-Seal EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment System utilize the Sure-Seal EPDM membrane or the
Geomembrane as liners for reservoirs, ponds, canals and other irrigation and water management systems. Both
membranes (depending on type and thickness) can also be utilized for floating covers associated with such water
containment systems. In this specification, the use of the Geomembrane has been extended into lining of structural
concrete tanks. Confinement and lack of ventilation that is generally associated with tank waterproofing and lining
applications, make the use of the EPDM impracticable due to possible fume accumulation resulting from adhesives
flash off.

CAUTION: This Water Containment and Lining System shall not be utilized for containment of hazardous waste
(poisonous, toxic, corrosive, flammable, etc.).

A. Water Containment Systems (Reservoirs, Ponds, Canals and Irrigation Systems)

1. The Sure-Seal Water Containment System incorporates 1.1 mm (.045 inch) or 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick
Sure-Seal, black, non-reinforced or reinforced EPDM membrane loose-laid directly over compacted soil or
over a geotextile separator sheet (339 g/m2 -10 oz/square yard) placed over structural concrete or mud slabs.
Adjoining sheets of EPDM membrane are spliced together using Splicing Cement, In-Seam Sealant™ and Lap
Sealant or SecurTAPE™/Primer. All membrane splices shall be a minimum of 150 mm (6 inches) wide.

Notes: For reservoirs with side slopes exceeding 30 degrees or those with floating covers, a reinforced 1.1 mm
(.045 inch) or 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick EPDM membrane shall be used.

The Sure-Seal EPDM Water Containment Lining Systems is not intended for use as a liner for fishponds.
Contact Carlisle for special membranes available.

2. The Geomembrane Water Containment System incorporates .8 mm (.036”), 1.1 mm (.045”) or 1.5 mm
(.060 inch) thick scrim-reinforced, white, tan or black, Thermoplastic Polypropylene geomembrane loose-laid
directly over compacted soil or over a geotextile separator sheet when installed over structural concrete.
Adjoining sheets of Geomembrane membrane are overlapped and joined together with a minimum 40 mm (1-
1/2 inch) wide hot air weld or 80 mm (3 inches) double weld.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 3

B. Tank Lining System

The Geomembrane Tank Lining System incorporates 1.1 mm (.045”) or 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick scrim-
reinforced, white, tan or black, Thermoplastic Polypropylene Geomembrane installed loose-laid on the horizontal
plane and mechanically fastened on the sides of the tank. On the horizontal plane over smooth surface structural
concrete, the geomembrane 3.7 m (12 foot) wide is loose-laid over a 339 g/m2 (10 oz/square yard) geotextile
separator sheet. On the sides of the tank, 1.2 m (4 foot) or 1.8 m (6 foot) wide section of membrane is
mechanically fastened with the Sure-Seal Termination Bar and Nail-In Fasteners to the smooth structural concrete
wall. Adjoining sheets of Geomembrane membrane are overlapped and joined together with a minimum 40 mm
(1-1/2 inch) wide single hot air weld or 80 mm (3 inches) double weld.

C. Construction details pertaining to the installation of this system have been designated as follows:

1. EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment System designated with “L” for lining of systems ponds,
canals, reservoirs, etc. Tanks are excluded.

2. Geomembrane Tank Lining System designated with “TL” for lining of structural concrete tanks.


The Sure-Seal EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment and Lining System is recommended for use in
reservoirs, decorative ponds, storage tanks, fire protection and water storage system, irrigation canals, etc.

CAUTION: This Water Containment and Lining System shall not be utilized for containment of hazardous waste
(poisonous, toxic, corrosive, flammable, etc.).

A. The Sure-Seal EPDM membrane meets ASTM D6134-97, Standard Specification for Vulcanized Rubber Sheets
Used in Waterproofing Systems.

Tensile Strength ASTM D412, Die C

Elongation, Ultimate ASTM D412, Die C
Tensile Set ASTM D412, Method A, Die C, % Elongation
Tear Resistance ASTM D624, Die C
Brittleness Temperature ASTM D746
Linear Dimensional Change ASTM D1204, 166 h @ 240º F ± 4º F
Water Absorption ASTM D471, @ 70º C ± 2º C (158º F ± 4º F) for 166 h
Factory Seam Strength ASTM D816, Modified Method B, 1” wide, 2”/min.
Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E96, Procedure B W relative humidity of 45% @ 70º F ± 4º F
Hardness Durometer A ASTM D2240
Resistance to Soil Burial ASTM D3083
Resistance to Heat Aging ASTM D573, Properties after 166 h @ 240º F ± 4º F
Test Resistance to Puncture ASTM E154

B. The Sure-Seal EPDM membrane meets the Institut Pasteur de Lille test Afnor XP-P 41250-1 approval as a
liner in potable water systems (Reference: MAT 97-003 – July 97).

C. The Geomembrane is available in two grades; potable water or industrial grade. The potable grade (available in
black only) was tested by NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) International and meets the requirements of
ANSI/NSF Standard 61 for Drinking Water System Components Health Effects.

D. This Sure-Seal EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment and Lining System must be installed by an
Authorized Applicator and in compliance with Carlisle’s installation details and project specification as approved
by Carlisle. Deviations from Carlisle's details or approved specification shall be secured in writing prior to
commencement of work.

E. Comply with applicable regulatory requirements and applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and laws.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 4

F. On-site technical assistance is available for a charge. Projects where technical assistance is required must have a
manufacturer’s approved drawing.


A. To ensure compliance with the applicable design criteria, project drawings, specification and pertinent details may
be submitted for Carlisle’s review.

B. Requests for certification and/or formal drawing approval must be accompanied by a copy of the project
specification and details. Shop drawings of maximum size 43 cm x 56 cm (17” x 22”) are preferred.

C. Substitution of a non-Carlisle supplied product is permitted upon review and approval. Samples of the product
along with technical literature may be forwarded to Carlisle for consideration.


A. Deliver materials to the job site in the original, unopened containers labeled with the manufacturer's name, brand
name and installation instructions.

B. Job site storage temperatures in excess of 32°C (90°F) may affect shelf life of curable materials (i.e., sealants and

C. When sealants or cleaners are exposed to lower temperatures, restore to minimum 16°C (60°F) before use.

D. Store Geomembrane in the original undisturbed plastic wrap in a cool, shaded area and cover with light-colored,
breathable tarpaulins. Geomembrane that has been exposed to the elements for approximately 7 days must be
prepared with Weathered Membrane Cleaner prior to hot air welding.


A. The Geomembrane and Sure-Seal EPDM membranes resist a wide variety of chemicals. Depending upon level of
concentration and temperature, the membrane performance will vary. Carlisle may be contacted to determine of
compatibility of either membrane with a specific chemical.

B. Comply with applicable codes and regulations pertaining to the operation and storage of heavy equipment.

C. Coordination between various trades is essential to avoid unnecessary traffic over sections of already installed
membrane to prevent damage to the membrane.

D. Do not allow waste products (i.e., petroleum, grease, oil, solvents, vegetable or mineral oil, animal fat) or direct
steam venting to come in contact with the membrane.

E. Do not expose Geomembrane and accessories to constant temperatures in excess of 49°C (120°F). Do not
expose EPDM membrane and accessories to constant temperatures in excess of 82°C (180°F).

F. Prior to the use of any product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Bulletin for cautions
and warnings. Store adhesives, sealants and cleaners away from all sources of heat, flame or sparks. Do not use
in confined or unventilated areas.

G. Cold temperatures will not restrict installation of the Sure-Seal EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment and
Lining System. Follow specified precautions for storage of materials.

H. Splicing surfaces should be dry and clean.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 5

I. Substrate shall be free of ponded water, ice or snow.

J. Coordinate work with other trades.

K. Maintain work area neat and orderly condition, removing empty containers, rags and debris daily from the site.


A Material Warranty is available for a charge. The warranty covers normal deterioration due to weathering and is pro-
rated. Contact Carlisle for warranty samples and applicable terms.



The components of this EPDM and Geomembrane Water Containment and Lining System are to be products of
Carlisle or accepted by Carlisle as compatible. The installation, performance or integrity of products by others, when
selected by the specifier and accepted as compatible by Carlisle, is not the responsibility of Carlisle.


A. Sure-Seal (black) 1.1 mm (.045”) and 1.5 mm (.060”) thick non-reinforced EPDM (Ethylene, Propylene,
Diene Terpolymer) membrane; maximum 15 m (50') wide, maximum 30 m (100') long which meets ASTM
D6134-97. Used for lining of water containment systems (i.e., reservoirs, ponds, canals, irrigation trenches, etc.).
Not for use for fishponds, floating covers and ponds with side slopes greater than 30°.
Physical Property Test Method SPEC.(Pass) .045" .060"
Standard FR
Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 412 ±10 ±10 ±10
Tensile Strength, min, psi (MPa) ASTM D 412 1305 (9) 1630 (11.2) 1630 (11.2)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 350 520 520
ASTM D 624
Tear Resistance, min, lbf/in (kN/m) 175 (30.6) 230 (40.3) 230 (40.3)
(Die C)
Modified Membrane Membrane Membrane
Factory Seam Strength, min.
ASTM D 816 Rupture Rupture Rupture
Resistance to Heat Aging* ASTM D 573
Properties after 4 weeks @ 240°F (116°C)
Tensile Strength, min, psi (MPa) ASTM D 412 1205 (8.3) 1500 (10.3) 1500 (10.3)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 412 225 310 310
Tear Resistance, min, lbf/in (kN/m) ASTM D 624 150 (26.3) 215 (37.6) 215 (37.6)
Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 ±1.0 -0.4 -0.4
Ozone Resistance*
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm
ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104°F (40°C)
Specimen is at 50% strain
Brittleness Temp., max, deg. F (deg. C)* ASTM D 746 -75 (-59) -85 (-65) -85 (-65)
Resistance to Water Absorption*
After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (70°C) ASTM D 471 +4.0 +2.0 +2.0
Change in mass, max, %
Water Vapor Permeance* ASTM E 96
max, perm (Proc. B or 0.1 .05 .05
Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) Weathering*
No Cracks No Cracks No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 7560 kJ/m2 total radiant exposure at .70 ASTM G-26
No Crazing No Crazing No Crazing
W/m5 irradiance, 176°F (80º C) black panel temp.
* Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or the complexity of the test. However, all tests are run on a
statistical basis to ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 6

B. Sure-Seal (black) 1.1 mm (.045”) and 1.5 mm (.060”) thick reinforced EPDM (Ethylene, Propylene,
Diene Terpolymer) membrane; maximum 3.3 m (10') wide, maximum 30 m (100') long which meets ASTM
D6134-97. The reinforced with polyester fabric which meets ASTM D4637 and ANSI/RMA IPR-2.

Used for lining of water containment systems (i.e., reservoirs, ponds, canals, irrigation trenches, including
ponds with side slopes greater than 30°, as well as floating covers.). The use of this Sure-Seal EPDM
membrane is not intended for lining of fishponds.

Physical Property Test Method SPEC.(Pass) Typical

Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 751 ±10 ±10
ASTM D 4637 .015 (.381) .045"-.016 (.406)
Thickness Over Scrim, min, in. (mm)
Annex .060"-.020 (.508)
ASTM D 751 90 (400) 180 (800)
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N)
Grab Method
ASTM D 751 250 ** 500 **
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % Grab Method

ASTM D 751
Tear Strength, min, lbf(N) 10 (45) 30 (132)
B Tongue Tear
Brittleness Temp., max, deg. F (deg. C) * ASTM D 2137 -49 (-45) -75 (-59)
Resistance to Heat Aging * ASTM D 573
Properties after 4 weeks @ 240°F
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (N) ASTM D 751 80 (355) 175 (780)
Elongation, Ultimate, min, % ASTM D 751 200 ** 250 **
Linear Dimensional Change, max, % ASTM D 1204 ±1.0 -0.7
Ozone Resistance*
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm
ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104° F
Specimen wrapped around 3" mandrel
Resistance to Water Absorption*
After 7 days immersion @ 158°F (70°C) ASTM D 471 +4.0 ** +2.0 **
Change in mass, max, %
Resistance to Outdoor (Ultraviolet) Weathering*
No Cracks No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 7560 kJ/m2total radiant exposure at ASTM G-26
2 No Crazing No Crazing
.70 W/m rradiance, 176°F (80°C) black panel temperature
* Not a Quality Control Test due to the time required for the test or the complexity of the test. However, all tests are run
on a statistical basis to ensure overall long-term performance of the sheeting.

** Specimens to be prepared from coating rubber compound, vulcanized in a similar method to the reinforced product.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 7

C. Geomembrane - a reinforced 0.8 mm (.036 inch), 1.1 mm (.045 inch), 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick
Thermoplastic Polypropylene geomembrane conforming to the following physical properties. Membrane
sheets for 0.8 and 1.1 mm thick are available in rolls 3.7 m (12 feet) wide and 189 m (600 feet) long and for
1.5 mm thick 3.7 m (12 feet) wide and 122 m (400 feet) long. Geomembrane is available in black, tan or
white. Used for buried or exposed Geomembrane applications.

1. 1.1 or 1.5 mm thick membrane are required for lining of tanks (vertical or horizontal applications) and for use
as floating covers for ponds reservoirs or canals.

2. For potable water applications, black geomembrane meeting ANSI/NSF Standard 61 must be used.

Reinforced Geomembrane
Physical Property Test Property Of Property After Aging1
Method Unaged Sheet 28 days @ 158 °F

Tolerance on nominal thickness, % ASTM D 751 ± 10

.036 inch nominal 0.034 (0.864)
.045 inch nominal 0.041 (1.041)
.060 inch nominal 0.054 (1.371
Thickness over scrim, in. (mm) ASTM D 4637
Optical Method
0.0311 (0.279)
.036 inch nominal
0.013 (1.330)
.045 inch nominal
0.018 (1.457)
.060 inch nominal
350 (2.4) min. 350 (2.4) min.
Hydrostatic resistance, lbf (kN) ASTM D 751 400 (2.8) typical - .036 400 (2.8) typical - .036
(Mullen burst) Procedure A 450 (3.1) typical - .045 450 (3.1) typical - .04
500 (3.4) typical - .060 500 (3.4) typical - .060
ASTM D 751 250 (1.1) min. 250 (1.1) min.
Breaking strength, lbf (kN)
Grab Method 300 (1.3) typical 300 (1.3) typical
Elongation at break of fabric, % ASTM D 751 25 typical 25 typical
ASTM D 5884 55 (245) min. 55 (245) min.
Tearing strength, lbf (N)
Tongue Tear 100 (445) typical 100 (445) typical
ASTM D 2136
-40 (-40) max.
Low temperature flexibility, °F ( °C) 1/8 in. mandrel
-50 (-46) typical
4 hour @ temp.
+/- 1.0 max.
Linear Dimensional Change (shrinkage), % ASTM D 1204
- 0.5 typical
Ozone resistance, 100 pphm, 168 hours ASTM D 1149 No cracks No cracks
Resistance to water (distilled) absorption ASTM D 471
1.0 max.
After 30 days immersion 122 °F (50 °C) (coating
0.5 typical
Change in mass, % compound)
Field seam strength, lbf/in. (kN/m) 40 (7.0) min.
ASTM D 1876
Seam tested in peel 60 (10.5) typical
0.10 max.
Water vapor permeance, Perms ASTM E 96
0.05 typical
Puncture resistance, lbf (N) 250 (1110) min. 250 (1110) min.
FTM 101C
.036 & .045 in. nominal 300 (1330) typical 300 (1330) typical
Method 2031
.060 in. nominal 350 (1560) typical 350 (1560) typical
Resistance to xenon-arc weathering 1 ASTM G 155 No cracks
Xenon-Arc, 10,080 kJ/m2 total radiant 0.70 W/m2 No loss of breaking
exposure, visual condition at 10X 80° C B.P.T. or tearing strength
Approximately equivalent to 8,000 hours exposure at 0.35 W/m2 irradiance


A. Sure-Seal Pressure-Sensitive Uncured Flashing: A nominal 1 mm (40 mil) black, uncured EPDM membrane
laminated to a nominal 30 mil cured, pre-applied adhesive tape. Available in 23 cm (9 inch) widths and 15.3 m
600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 8
(50 feet) long rolls used to flash inlet or outlet pipes, overflow drains in conjunction with EPDM water
containment systems. Also used to provide a compression seal with stainless steel compression bars in
Geomembrane tank lining applications.

B. Sure-Seal Uncured EPDM Elastoform Flashing®: an easily formed, 1.5 mm (.060”) thick uncured EPDM
membrane available in widths of 15, 23, 30, 50, and 60 cm (6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 inches) and lengths of 30 m (100
feet). Used for flashing of inlet/outlet pipes and overflow drains.

C. GeoFlash – 1 mm (.040 inch) or 3 mm (.120 inch) thick non-reinforced flashing available in white, tan and black
in rolls 6’ x 50’ (1.8 m x 15 m). The 1 mm thick flashing is used to overlay hot air welded seams and the 3 mm
thick flashing is used to terminate around inlet/outlet pipes, overflow drains and to form inside/outside corners in
tank lining applications.


A. Weathered Membrane Cleaner: Used to prepare Geomembrane or Sure-Seal EPDM membranes that have been
exposed to the elements for approximately 7 days to remove surface oxidation and general construction dirt prior
to hot air welding of the Geomembrane or prior to primer application and splicing of the Sure-Seal EPDM
membrane. The Weathered Membrane Cleaner is applied at an approximate coverage rate of 37 m2 (400 square
feet) per gallon (one surface).

Note: If the Weathered Membrane Cleaner is used in conjunction with the Sure-Seal EPDM membrane, Sure-
Seal Splice Cleaner is not required prior to application of Splicing Cement. When SecurTAPE is used
for splicing, HP-250 Primer must be applied after cleaning the membrane with the Weathered Membrane

B. Welding Rod: 5 mm (3/16 inch) diameter polypropylene rod, available in white, tan and black, used in
conjunction with a extrusion welder to seal exposed scrim along cut edges of Geomembrane, intersections
between hot air welded seams and all flashing details. One 5.4 kg (12 pound) spool per box contains
approximately 305 m (1000 feet) of welding rod.

C. Water Cut-Off Mastic: For use with Sure-Seal EPDM membrane to prevent moisture migration at compression
drains and beneath metal termination bars. Applied at a coverage rate of approximately 3 m (10 feet) per tube or
30 m (100 feet) per 3.78 liters (1 gallon).

D. 90-8-30 A Bonding Adhesive: A high-strength, yellow colored, synthetic rubber adhesive used for bonding
Sure-Seal EPDM membrane to various surfaces. Applied at a coverage rate of approximately 5.6 square meters
(60 square feet) per 3.78 liters (1 gallon) per finished surface (includes coverage on both surfaces).

E. Sure-Weld Bonding Adhesive: A high-strength, synthetic rubber adhesive used for bonding Geomembrane to
various surfaces. The adhesive is applied to both the membrane and the substrate at a coverage rate of
approximately 5.6 square meters (60 square feet) per 3.78 liters (1 gallon) per finished surface (includes coverage
on both surfaces).

F. Sure-Seal Splice Cleaner: A solvent-based cleaner used in conjunction with Sure-Seal EPDM membrane to
remove dust, dirt or other contaminants prior to applying Splicing Cement and Lap Sealant.

G. Splicing Cement: A high-strength, butyl based contact cement that is used in conjunction with Sure-Seal EPDM
membrane for splicing adjoining membranes or flashings.

H. In-Seam Sealant: A one-part, gun consistency sealant applied in adhesive splices between cured Sure-Seal
EPDM membrane sections.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 9

I. Sure-Seal Lap Sealant: A heavy-bodied material (trowel or gun-consistency) used to seal the exposed edges of a
Sure-Seal EPDM membrane splice. A pre-formed Lap Sealant tool is included in each carton of Lap Sealant.

J. PT 304 Sealant: A single-component, moisture-curing, gun-grade, multi-purpose construction sealant used to

seal above termination bars at a coverage rate of approximately 3 m (10 feet) per tube or 30 m (100 feet) per

K. Sure-Seal SecurTAPE™: A 15 cm (6 inch) wide by 30 m (100 feet) long splice tape used for splicing adjoining
sections of Sure-Seal EPDM membrane. The tape is also available in 7.5 cm (3 inches) wide by 30 m (100 feet)
long for use in conjunction with Geomembrane as terminations around pipes and overflow drains.

L. Sure-Seal HP-250 Primer: A solvent-based primer used to prepare the surface of Sure-Seal EPDM membrane
for application of Splice Tape. This Primer can also be used in conjunction with EP-95 Splicing Cement in lieu of
Splice Cleaner and in tank lining applications to prime concrete surfaces to which a compression termination
utilizing Pressure-Sensitive Flashing is utilized.


A. Sure-Seal Termination Bar: A 25 mm (1 inch) wide and 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick extruded aluminum bar pre-
punched 150 mm (6 inches) on center used for securement of geomembrane on vertical surfaces of structural
concrete tanks.

B. Termination Bar Nail-In Fastener: A 3.2 cm (1-1/4 inch) long expansion anchor with threaded drive pin used
for fastening Sure-Seal Termination Bar to concrete walls. The fastener is set by hammering the drive pin into
place; removal can be accomplished by unscrewing the pin using a screw driver or drill.

C. HP CD-10 Concrete Spike: A hammer-driven, non-threaded, black epoxy electro-deposition coated (E-Coat)
fastener for use with structural concrete rated 211 kg/cm2 (3,000 psi) or greater.

D. HD 14-10 Concrete Fastener: A #14 threaded fastener used for minimum 211 kg/cm2 (3,000 psi) structural


A. Stainless Steel Termination Bar (by others): A 50 mm (2 inch) wide and 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick bar pre-
punched 150 mm (6 inches) on center to be used in conjunction with stainless steel fasteners as a membrane
termination against structural concrete surfaces in tanks or around edges of ponds.

a. B. Protection Fabric: A non-woven 339 g/m2 (10 oz/square yard), polypropylene, geotextile fabric that is used as a
protection layer to separate between a loose-laid membrane and the structural concrete substrate.

Physical Properties
Property Test Method Protection Fabric
Unit Weight ASTM D 5261 339 g/m2
Grab Tensile Strength ASTM D 4632 1.11 kN
Grab Tensile Elongation ASTM D 4632 50%
Mullen Burst ASTM D 3786 3584 kPa
Puncture ASTM D 4833 0.730 kN
Trapezoid Tear ASTM D 4533 0.445 kN
UV Resistance2 ASTM D 4355 70% @ 500 hrs.
Roll Width - 4.57 m
Roll Length - 54.8 or 182.8 m

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 10


A. Generator/Electrical Requirements (for application of Geomembrane)

Power supplies do not typically provide the proper amount of power necessary for consistent hot air welding. The
use of a portable generator conforming to the following guidelines is strongly advised.

1. A minimum 6500 watt generator with a minimum output of 210 volts is required for one Automatic Hot
Air Welding Machine. Reduced power availability will result if additional equipment is connected to the
generator and may result in faulty hot air welded seams. GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) protection is
recommended. Additional generators will be required for operating other power tools and hand held hot air

Electrical cords (3 conductor) of the maximum length indicated must be used with the corresponding wire as
listed below:
Maximum Length Wire Size
15 m (50 foot) #12
30m (100 foot) #10
90 m (300 foot) #8

2. A minimum 3,000 watt generator may be used to power a maximum of two hand held welders as long as
no other equipment is connected. This generator should service a minimum of 110 volts and be GFI (Ground
Fault Interrupter) protected.

Electrical cords (3 conductor) of the maximum length indicated must be used with the corresponding wire as
listed below:

Maximum Length Wire Size

15 m (50 foot) #14
30 m (100 foot) #12

For extension cords longer than 30 m (100 feet), consult an electrician or electrical contractor to ensure proper
size of generator and wire.

B. Automatic Hot Air Welding Machine:

An electrically powered, self-propelled device that utilizes an electrical resistance heating element or heater and
fan-forced super heated air to weld Geomembrane seams.

1. Welding speed: The speed of the welding machine must be no faster than necessary to produce a good hot air
weld, and will vary according to environmental conditions.

2. Temperature recommendations: Operating temperature is approximately 538° C (1000° F) at a #8 temperature

setting. Geomembrane will not “bleed out” (membrane begins to flow out from edge).

C. Hot Air Hand Welder:

1. An electrically powered, hand-held device that utilizes an electrical resistance heating element or heater and
fan-forced super heated air to hot air weld Geomembrane and flashing. A hand-held silicone rubber roller is
used in conjunction with the welder to apply the pressure that fuses the heated membrane surfaces to each

2. The hand-held welder is typically used to repair seams, or when the use of the automatic hot air welding
machine is inappropriate (such as flashing penetrations and on vertical surfaces).
600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 11
D. Extrusion Welder – Driven by an electric motor, a 5 mm (3/16 inch) diameter, polypropylene welding rod is fed
into the extruder barrel via a rod feed block. The welding rod passes through a heated barrel and is converted to a
molten state before exiting the extruder nozzle. The molten is deposited on the preheated membrane surface and
into a welding shoe. The welding rods are used to seal exposed scrim along cut edges of Geomembrane,
intersections between hot air welded seams and all flashing details.

E. Seam Prober: Probing of hot air welded seam is essential to ensure the continuous watertight seal at “T” joints
and intersections between hot air welded seams and pipe penetrations. The use of a cotter pin puller is the
recommended tool.

F. Silicone Rubber Roller: A 40 mm (1-1/2 inch) wide rubber roller used for rolling hot air hand welded membrane
seams and flashing.



A. Refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Bulletins for cautions and warnings.

B. Comply with the manufacturer’s published instructions for the installation of the Sure-Seal EPDM and
Geomembrane Water Containment and Lining System including proper substrate preparation, jobsite
considerations and weather restrictions.


A. Earth-Dug Reservoirs

1. Excavate to the designated water depth in addition to a minimum of 60 cm (2 feet) of free board (distance
between the top of the reservoir and the anticipated water level typically determined by the designer) to
prevent possible water overflow.

2. During excavation, boulders, cobbles and gravel shall be removed. A relatively smooth substrate shall be
achieved by compacting a mixture of medium (.4 to 2 mm) and coarse (2 to 5 mm) sand (mixture 65% to 35%
respectively). Finer grades of sand, silt or clay can be used if available. Compact mixture to 95% Modified
Proctor in accordance with ASTM D 1557.

3. Soil condition should be evaluated and slopes shall be provided in the base to preclude gas entrapment. If
necessary, a relief mechanism through or beneath the liner shall be incorporated by the designer.

4. Surrounding the earth dug reservoir, excavate a continuous trench 30 cm x 30 cm (12” x 12”) minimum
approximately 60 cm (2 feet) from the top edge of the reservoir.

B. Structural Concrete Tanks or Reservoirs

1. For structural concrete tanks or reservoir, new structural concrete shall be relatively even and water cured,
with a smooth broom finish and in place for a minimum of 72 hours.

2. Sweep all loose debris from the structural concrete substrate prior to application of the membrane.

3. Remove splatters, fins, ridges or other projections to provide a level vertical or horizontal surface. Fill holes,
honeycombs, rock pockets, spalls or other voids and indentations with approved concrete patching compound.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 12

4. Grind or fill surface at cold joints where each concrete pour is at a different plane to provide a smooth and
level surface.

5. All surfaces shall be structurally sound, dry and free of dust, dirt and frost.

3.03 GEOMEMRANE APPLICATION (For Tank Lining, Reservoirs, Ponds, Canals and Floating Covers, etc.)

Only 1.1 or 1.5 mm thick Geomembrane may be used for lining of structural concrete tanks and as floating covers for
ponds reservoirs or canals. Applications where the Geomembrane is used in conjunction with potable water, black
geomembrane (potable grade) meeting ANSI/NSF Standard 61 must be used.

A protective layer of geotextile fabric 339 g/m2 (10 oz/square yard) is required as a separator when installing the
Geomembrane over structural concrete.

A. Tank Lining

To avoid possible damage of the Geomembrane on horizontal surfaces, begin the installation on the vertical
surfaces, starting from the top of the wall working toward the bottom. Periodically, remove construction debris,
dust, fins and concrete particulate resulting from fastening membrane on the vertical walls.

1. Cut the Geomembrane into 1.2 m (4 foot) or 1.8 m (6 foot) widths and fasten horizontally using Sure-Seal
Termination Bars and Termination Bar Nail-In, Carlisle CD-10 Concrete Spike or HD 14-10 Threaded
Concrete Fasteners 30 cm (12 inches) on center.

If pre-drilling of the structural concrete is to be avoided, Carlisle HD14-10 Threaded Fasteners or

pneumatic fasteners may be specified.

2. Following Carlisle’s Detail TL-1, fasten consecutive Geomembrane sections and overlap adjoining
membrane as shown.

3. Weld overlapping membrane with a Hand Held Welder and apply welding rods to conceal exposed scrim.

4. To terminate the membrane along the top of the wall, prime the concrete surface and install the Sure-Seal
Pressure-Sensitive Flashing. Fasten the Geomembrane using 6 mm x 50 mm (1/4 inch x 2 inch) stainless
steel bar and stainless steel fasteners to achieve constant compression against the Pressure-Sensitive

5. After removal of accumulated debris on the horizontal surface of the tank, loose lay the geotextile fabric
overlapping edges approximately 30 cm (12 inches). Extend fabric up the vertical sides of the tank
approximately 5 cm (2 inches).

6. Install Geomembrane loose-laid over the protection fabric overlapping adjoining membrane sheets
approximately 40 mm (1-1/2 inches) or 100 mm (3-3/4 inches) to accommodate for a single or a double
hot air weld.

7. Form all inside corners using 3 mm (.12 inches) thick GeoFlash Flashing and seal all edges with welding
rods after probing the seams.

8. Overlay hot air welded seams, if necessary, using 1 mm (.040 inches) non-reinforced GeoFlash Flashing
and seal edges on all sides with welding rods.

9. Inlet/outlet pipes and overflow drains should be terminated in accordance with the Carlisle applicable
details using the 3 mm (.12 inches) thick GeoFlash Flashing.
B. Reservoirs, Ponds, etc.
600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 13
1. For earth-dug or reservoirs with structural concrete substrates, follow substrate preparation outlined in Article
3.02. Comply with specifier’s requirements concerning the appropriate Geomembrane type, color and

2. Position 3.7 m (12 feet) wide Geomembrane loose-laid directly over the properly prepared substrate or in
conjunction with geotextile fabric.

3. Adjoining sheets of geotextile fabric, if used, must be overlapped approximately 30 cm (12 inches).
Geomembrane may be overlapped a minimum of 50 mm (2 inches) or 120 mm (4-1/2 inches) to accommodate
for a single or double weld of 40 mm (1-1/2 inches) for each weld.

4. Using the appropriate Automatic Heat Weld, weld the Geomembrane in accordance with welding procedures
outlined in Paragraph 3.03.C.

5. Terminate membrane into an earth-dug trench surrounding the perimeter of the reservoir or pond. Reservoirs
with a structural concrete substrate, may be terminated using a mechanical bar termination consisting of 6 mm
x 50 mm (1/4 inch x 2 inch) stainless steel or aluminum bar fastened with an appropriate fastener to maintain
constant compression on the Water Cut-Off Mastic. Refer to Detail L1-B.

Note: Sure-Seal Pressure-Sensitive Flashing in conjunction with Sure-Seal HP Primer may be used as a
substitution to the Water Cut-Off Mastic when terminating the Geomembrane. PT 304 Sealant
should also be used to seal the edge of the membrane against the structural concrete.

6. Flash all penetrations through the Geomembrane with 3 mm (.12 inch) thick GeoFlash and seal all edges
with welding rods.

7. For ponds and reservoirs with floating covers, the cover must be sized accordingly to avoid stretching when
water levels drop. Drains connected to outlet pipes should also be incorporated at each corner to prevent
accumulation of rainwater that may promote insect infestation.

Note: Geomembrane .8 mm (.036 inch) thick, is not recommended for use as a floating cover. Use either
1.1 mm (.045 inch) or 1.5 mm (.060 inch) thick Geomembrane.

C. Hot Air Welding Procedures

Use appropriate Automatic Hot Air Welding Machine to achieve a single or double weld as required by the
specifier. On vertical surfaces of the tank or when working on slopes greater than 30 degrees, hand held welders
should be used.

1. Check the surfaces of the Geomembrane to be hot air welded to ensure they are properly prepared.

2. The surfaces to be hot air welded must be clean. Membrane overlaps that become contaminated with field dirt
may be cleaned with warm soapy (non-abrasive soap) water, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a
clean HP Splice Wipe.

3. Weathered Membrane Cleaner must be used to remove surface oxidation (may result after 7 days of exposure
to the elements) of Geomembrane that may occur with exposure to heat and sunlight. Field dirt that may have
contaminated overlaps may also be removed with the Weathered Membrane Cleaner.

a. Apply Weathered Membrane Cleaner to the surface of the membrane which has been exposed using a
clean HP Splice Wipe or other white rag and wipe along the direction of the seam.

If natural fiber rags are used, they must be white to prevent fabric dye from discoloring the membrane.
600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 14
Prior to hot air welding, wipe the surface where Weathered Membrane Cleaner has been applied
with a clean, dry HP Splice Wipe or other white rag to remove cleaner residue.

b. Weathered Membrane Cleaner will achieve approximately 183 m (600 linear feet), one surface, of
coverage per 3.78 liters (1 gallon) for a standard hot air welded splice area.

4. Hot Air Welder Set Up

a. Before the machine is connected to the power source, make sure it is switched off to prevent a power
surge that could damage the unit. Turn the unit on and allow the blower/heater unit to warm up for
approximately 5 to 10 minutes to reach operating temperature.

b. Clean the heat nozzle with a wire brush to remove any build-up of membrane, as needed.

c. To extend the life of the heating element of the Hot Air Welding Equipment, always turn the temperature
adjustment down so the welder can cool prior to switching the machine off.

d. Follow all care and maintenance instructions recommended by the respective manufacturer.

e. It is recommended that two Automatic Hot Air Welding Machines and two generators be available at the
project site in the event of mechanical failure.

5. Membrane Welding

a. Prepare the Automatic Hot Air Welding Machine and allow it to warm for approximately 5 to 10 minutes
to reach operating temperature.

b. Position the Automatic Hot Air Welding Machine properly prior to seaming with the guide handle
pointing in the same direction the machine will move along the seam.

c. Lift the overlapping membrane sheet and insert the blower nozzle of the Automatic Hot Air Welding
Machine between the overlap. Immediately begin moving the machine along the seam to prevent burning
the membrane.

d. Proceed along the seam ensuring that the small guide wheel in front of the machine aligns with the edge
of the top membrane sheet. Guide the machine from the front only.

CAUTION: Ensure the power cord has plenty of slack to prevent dragging the machine off course
(which could result from a tightly stretched cord).

e. At all splice intersections, roll the seam with a silicone roller to ensure a continuous hot air welded seam
(the membrane should be creased into any membrane step-off with the edge of the silicone roller). A
false weld may result due to surface irregularities created by multiple thicknesses of Geomembrane

f. To remove the Automatic Hot Air Welding Machine from the finished splice, stop the movement of the
machine and immediately remove the nozzle from the seam area.

g. Mark the end of the hot air welded seam with a water-soluble marker for easy identification. A Hand
Held Welder will be necessary to complete the weld in the area between where the Automatic Hot Air
Welding Machine is stopped and restarted.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 15

6. Seam Testing

A cotter pin puller is recommended to be used to probe all single hot air welded seams. Double hot air
welded seams should be tested using pressurized air that is forced between the two hot air welds. Probing
and air testing of all seams must be done once hot air welds have thoroughly cooled.

7. Welding Rod Extrusion

Using an extrusion welder, apply welding rods to all cut edges of reinforced membrane where the scrim is
exposed and to all splice intersections as well as flashing details.

3.04 SURE-SEAL EPDM MEMBRANE APPLICATION (For Reservoirs and Ponds only)

A. General

1. Reinforced Sure-Seal EPDM membrane shall be used for lining of ponds with side slopes exceeding 30° and
assembling of floating covers. Ponds with side slopes less than 30° may incorporate the use of a non-
reinforced membrane.

2. Prior to liner installation, complete all excavation work inside and around the perimeter of the pond or
reservoir. Refer to Article 3.02, Substrate Preparation in this section for applicable requirements.

3. Ensure the substrate is clean, smooth, dry and free of projections (i.e., fins, sharp edges), contaminants,
foreign material, oil and grease.

4. Where applicable over structural concrete substrates, install 339 g/m2 (10 oz/square yard) geotextile fabric
loose-laid with adjoining sheets overlapped approximate 30 cm (12 inches). Extend fabric up the sides of
pond as shown in the applicable Carlisle Detail.

5. Unroll EPDM membrane without stretching and allow to relax approximately 1/2 hour. Overlap adjoining
membrane sheets approximately 17 - 20 cm (7 - 8 inches) in order to achieve a 15 cm (6 inch) wide
minimum splice.

6. Assemble splices using either EP-95 Splicing Cement or 15 cm (6 inch) wide SecurTAPE.

B. EPDM Membrane Adhesive Splicing

1. Remove dirt or excess dust from the mating surfaces of the overlapping sheets by wiping with Sure-Seal HP
Splice Wipes or clean natural fiber rags. The splice area of both membrane sheets must be cleaned by
scrubbing with Splice Wipes or clean natural fiber rags saturated with Sure-Seal Splice Cleaner, Weathered
Membrane Cleaner or HP-250 Primer. Extra cleaning is required along a factory seam that intersects a splice

2. When cleaning the membrane surface as stated above, check the membrane surfaces to verify adequate
cleaning procedures are maintained. Both sides of the Sure-Seal EPDM membrane must be solid black in
color with no streaking. Hold the top membrane sheet back as the cleaning and scrubbing process continues
along the length of the splice so that both mating surfaces may be cleaned at approximately the same time.

3. Stir Splicing Cement thoroughly scraping the sides and the bottom of the can (minimum 5 minutes stirring
is recommended). Properly stirred Sure-Seal EP-95 Splicing Cement will have a solid black appearance with
no heavier black material remaining on the bottom or sides of the can. Membrane surfaces must be visibly
dry and clean as stated previously.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 16

4. Apply Splicing Cement to both mating surfaces with the 10.5 cm (4 inch) wide, 13 mm (1/2 inch) medium
nap roller (provided in each carton of Splicing Cement). Apply cement smoothly, continuously and relatively
even to achieve a heavy coat.

a. Do not allow the cement to glob or puddle.

b. When a roller cannot be effectively used (at angle changes, corners, etc.), a 13 mm (1/2 inch) thick
paint brush may be used to apply Splicing Cement; however, the Splicing Cement must be applied to
achieve a smooth surface without brush marks.

Note: When temperatures are expected to fall below 5° C (40° F), the use of a paintbrush must be
limited (angle changes and corners) since brush marks will not bleed out.

c. One-gallon container of Splicing Cement, applied in a heavy, relatively even coat, will achieve the
approximate coverage rate of 23 m (75 linear feet).

5. Allow the cement to dry until it is tacky but will not string or stick to a dry finger touch and will not move
when pushed with a dry finger.

6. Do not allow the splicing cement to over-dry before mating the two surfaces (over-dried Spicing Cement
will not be tacky). If splice over-drying occurs, apply a thin freshener coat of Splicing Cement over the dried
cement at half the coverage rate listed above. To avoid over-drying, Carlisle recommends using a minimum
two-man installation procedure for splices longer than 3 m (10 feet).

7. Due to solvent flash off, condensation may form on freshly applied Splicing Cement when the ambient
temperature is near the dew point. If condensation develops, the application of Splicing Cement must be
discontinued since proper adhesion will not be achieved. Allow the surface to dry and apply a thin freshener
coat of Splicing Cement as stated above to the previously coated surface when conditions allow.

8. Just prior to closing the splice, apply a bead of In-Seam Sealant™ approximately 3 to 6 mm (1/8 to 1/4 inch)
in diameter along the center of the splice. Do not allow In-Seam Sealant to become overly dry.

a. Approximately 23 m (75 linear feet) of coverage per tube can be achieved when a minimum 3 mm (1/8")
diameter bead of In-Seam Sealant is applied.

b. Maintain a continuous bead of In-Seam Sealant on all membrane splices including at splice intersections.
Refer to appropriate detail.

c. During splice cleaning procedures, Sure-Seal HP Splice Wipes contaminated with In-Seam Sealant
cannot be reused for the application of Splice Cleaner or Primer.

9. Roll the top membrane sheet onto the mating surface. Take care not to stretch or wrinkle the membrane
sheet to avoid a fishmouth in the field splice.

10. Assemble the seam with hand pressure by wiping toward the splice edge.

11. Immediately roll the splice with a 5 cm (2 inch) wide steel roller, using positive pressure, toward the outer
edge of the splice. DO NOT ROLL PARALLEL TO THE SPLICE EDGE. On a completed splice, the In-
Seam Sealant must remain evident and be sensitive to the touch.

12. Wait at least 2 hours and apply a 5/16" (minimum 1/4") diameter bead of Lap Sealant to completely cover the
splice edge. When a 5/16" diameter bead of Lap Sealant is applied, approximately 22 linear feet of coverage
per tube can be achieved. Feather the Lap Sealant with the specially preformed tool or nozzle (included in the
Lap Sealant cartons) so the high point or crown of the Lap Sealant is located over edge of splice.
600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 17
C. EPDM Membrane SecurTAPE Splicing

Tape splices must be a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) wide using 6" wide SecurTAPE extending 3 mm (1/8
inch) minimum to 13 mm (1/2 inch) maximum beyond the splice edge. Prior to SecurTAPE application, the
splice area must be primed with Sure-Seal HP-250 Primer. In warmer temperatures, it is recommended to keep
SecurTape in a shaded area out of direct sunlight.

1. At membrane overlaps, mark the bottom sheets with an indelible marker 13 mm (1/2inch) from the top sheet
edge. The pre-marked line on the membrane edge can also be used as a guide for positioning splice tape.

Apply Primer to achieve a thin, even coat on both membrane surfaces. Splice area must be uniform in
color, streak-free and free of globs or puddles.

a. HP-250 Primer shall be applied with HP Splice Wipes. As an option, Sure-Seal Primer Pads can be
used to apply HP-250 Primer.

Note: Primer Pads clean approximately 15 m (50 linear feet) for a 15 - 20 cm (6" - 8") wide splice
area. Pads can be flipped over and used for another 15 m (50 linear feet) of splice.

b. Hycron® Gloves (available from Carlisle) are required for hand protection when primer is used.

2. The coverage rate for HP-250 Primer is approximately 23 m2 (250 square feet) per gallon. This equates to
approximately 90 m (300 linear feet) per gallon for a completed 8 cm (3 inch) wide splice area (primer
applied on 13 cm (5 inches) wide area on both membrane surfaces).

3. Allow Primer to dry until tacky but does not transfer to a dry finger touch.

Note: Due to solvent flash-off, condensation may form on freshly applied HP-250 Primer when the
ambient temperature is near the dew point. If condensation develops, the application of Primer
and SecurTAPE must be discontinued since proper adhesion will not be achieved. Allow the
primer surface to dry and apply a thin freshener coat of HP-250 Primer to the previously coated
surface and apply SecurTAPE when conditions allow.

4. Unroll approximately 1 m (3 feet) of SecurTAPE. Align release film with marked line and press tape down
to bottom sheet using firm, even, hand pressure. Continue for the length of the splice. Tape roll ends must
be overlapped 2.5 cm (1 inch). Allow top sheet to rest on release film on backside of tape.

Note: Tape placement is critical to obtain a minimum splice width of 15 cm (6 inches). A minimum of 3
mm (1/8 inch) to a maximum of 13 mm (1/2 inch) of tape must extend beyond the splice edge.

5. Pull release film from SecurTAPE beneath the top membrane sheet and allow the top sheet to fall freely
onto exposed tape.

6. Press the top sheet onto the tape using firm, even, hand pressure across the splice towards the splice edge.

7. Immediately roll the splice with a 5 cm (2 inches) wide steel roller, using positive pressure. Roll across the
splice edge, not parallel to it.

8. Install a 15 cm (6 inches) wide section (with rounded corners) of Sure-Seal Pressure-Sensitive Flashing or
Sure-Seal Elastoform Flashing over all splice intersections and seal edges of flashing with Lap Sealant.

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 18

D. Terminations and Floating Covers

Terminate membrane into an earth-dug trench surrounding the perimeter of the reservoir or pond. Reservoirs with
a structural concrete substrate, may be terminated using a mechanical bar termination consisting of 6 mm x 50 mm
(1/4 inch x 2 inch) stainless steel or aluminum bar fastened with an appropriate fastener to maintain constant
compression on the Water Cut-Off Mastic. Refer to Detail L1-B.

1. Flash all penetrations according to the applicable detail using either Sure-Seal Uncured Elastoform Flashing
or Sure-Seal Uncured Pressure-Sensitive.

2. For ponds and reservoirs with floating covers, the floating covers must assembled using 1.1 (.045”) or 1.5
(.060”) thick reinforce Sure-Seal EPDM.

3. The floating covers must be terminated into a burial trench around the perimeter of the pond or reservoir and
sized according to prevent stretching when water levels drop.

4. Drains connected to outlet pipes should also be incorporated at each corner to prevent accumulation of
rainwater that may promote insect infestation.

Copyright 2003
Carlisle SynTec Incorporated
Carlisle, Sure-Seal, Sure-Weld, Geomembrane, SecurTAPE and Elastoform Flashing
are Trademarks of Carlisle SynTec Incorporated

Carlisle SynTec Incorporated, P.O. Box 7000, Carlisle, PA 17013-0925


600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 19

Sure-Seal® EPDM and Geomembrane™
Water Containment and Lining System
Table of Contents
April 2003


Membrane Application
L-1-A Membrane Application – Earthen Base
L-1-B Membrane Application – Concrete Base

Membrane Splices
L-2-A EPDM Membrane Adhesive Splice
L-2-B EPDM Membrane Tape Splice
L-2-C/TL-2 Geomembrane Splice

Other Details
L-3 Floating Cover Drain Detail
L-4 Pipe Terminations Through Liner
L-5 Inlet/Outlet Through Liner
L-6 Gas Vent Detail
L-7 Reservoir Leak Detection System

TL-1 Membrane Securement
L-2-C/TL-2 Geomembrane Splice
TL-3 Inside Corner Fabrication
TL-4 Field Fabricated Pipe Flashing

600236– Water Containment and Lining–4/2003 20

t io ING SY
Table of Contents
August 2002

Part I General

1.01 Description ............................................................................................................................................. ............3

1.02 Quality Assurance .................................................................................................................................. ............3
1.03 Submittals ............................................................................................................................................... ............3
1.04 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling................................................................................................ ............3
1.05 Job Conditions........................................................................................................................................ ............4
1.06 Warranty ................................................................................................................................................. ............4

Part II Products and Related Equipment

2.01 General ................................................................................................................................................... ............4

2.02 Membrane............................................................................................................................................... ............4
2.03 Other Materials....................................................................................................................................... ............5
2.04 Related Equipment ................................................................................................................................. ............6

Part III Execution

3.01 General ................................................................................................................................................... ............7

3.02 Installation .............................................................................................................................................. ............7
A. CCW Sure-Drain-V Drainage Board Installation ............................................................................... ............7
B. Wedge Welding Set-Up ...................................................................................................................... ............7
C. Sure-Weld Membrane Installation ...................................................................................................... ............8
D. Membrane Flashing ............................................................................................................................ ............9


T-001 Tunnel Cross Section

T-002 Waterproofing Membrane “Tab”
T-003 “Tab” Spacing
T-004 Tunnel Air Shaft
T-005 Electrical Conduit Penetration

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing – 8/2002

August 2002

This specification outlines requirements for Carlisle's Tunnel Waterproofing System and is intended for use by
engineers and waterproofing contractors involved with design or installation of underground tunnels.



This Tunnel Waterproofing System consists of 1.5 mm (.060”) thick 2.4 m (8 feet) wide scrim-reinforced Sure-
Weld™ Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) membrane installed in conjunction with CCW Sure-Drain. The Sure-Drain
underlayment is anchored to structural concrete shell of the tunnel and the membrane is fastened through tabs hot air
welded to the backside of the membrane approximately 1.2 m (4 feet) on center. Both underlayment and the
membrane are fastened with pneumatic fasteners and 5 cm (2 inch) diameter heavy galvanized or stainless steel plates.
Consecutive sheets of Sure-Weld membrane are overlapped a minimum of 10 cm (4 inches) and hot air welded using
an Automatic Wedge Welding Machine resulting in a double weld 30 mm (1-1/4 inch) wide each.


A. The Sure-Weld membrane meets ASTM E-108 as a Class A, B or C external fire rating, Underwriters
Laboratories (UL) 790 and UL 263 (ASTM E 119) “Fire Test of Building Construction and Materials” with an
exposure rating of 1300° F 704° C (1300° F) internal temperature and external temperature of 176° C (350° F).

B. This system must be installed by an Authorized Contractor in compliance with project specification and drawings.
Any deviations made from this published specification must be approved by Carlisle.

C. Prior to installation, project shop drawings may be submitted to the manufacturer for review.

D. Comply with applicable regulatory requirements, applicable codes, ordinances and laws.

E. On-site technical assistance is available for a charge. Projects where technical assistance is required must have a
manufacturer’s approved drawing.


A. To ensure compliance with the applicable design criteria, project drawings, specification and pertinent details may
be submitted for Carlisle’s review.

B. Requests for certification and/or formal drawing approval must be accompanied by a copy of the project
specification and details. Shop drawings of maximum size 43 cm x 56 cm (17” x 22”) are preferred.

C. Substitution of a non-Carlisle supplied product is permitted upon review and approval. Samples of the product
along with technical literature may be forwarded to Carlisle for consideration.


A. Deliver materials to the job site in the original, unopened containers labeled with the manufacturer's name, brand
name and installation instructions.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

B. Job site storage temperatures in excess of 32°C (90°F) may affect shelf life of curable materials (i.e., adhesive,
sealants and cleaners).

C. When sealants or cleaners are exposed to lower temperatures, restore to a minimum of 16°C (60°F) before use.


A. Comply with applicable codes and regulations pertaining to the operation and storage of heavy equipment.

B. Coordination between various trades is essential to prevent damage to the waterproofing membrane.

C. Do not allow waste products (i.e., petroleum, grease, oil, solvents) or direct steam venting to come in contact with
the waterproofing membrane.

D. Do not expose membrane and accessories to constant temperatures in excess of 82°C (180°F).

E. Prior to the use of any product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Bulletin for cautions
and warnings. Store adhesives, sealants and cleaners away from all sources of heat, flame or sparks.

F. Cold temperatures will not restrict the installation of this system. Follow specified precautions for storage of

G. Coordinate waterproofing work with other trades. The contractor shall have sole right of access to the specified
areas for the time needed to complete the application.

H. Maintain work area in a neat and orderly condition, removing empty containers, rags and debris daily from the


A 20 year Membrane Material Warranty is available for a charge. The Material Warranty will cover normal
deterioration and is pro-rated.



The components of this tunnel waterproofing system are to be products of Carlisle or accepted by Carlisle as
compatible. The installation, performance or integrity of products by others, when selected by the specifier and
accepted by Carlisle, is expressly disclaimed by Carlisle.


Sure-Weld, white, reinforced 1.5 mm (.060") thick Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) membrane is used for this system.
Membrane is available in widths of 2.4 m (8') and lengths of 30 m (100'). See membrane physical properties, below.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

Property of Property
Property (Metric-SI Units) Test Method
Unaged Sheet After Aging (1)
Tolerance on Nominal Thickness, % ASTM D 751 ±10 ±10
ASTM D 4637 0.015 (0.381) Min.
Thickness Over Scrim, min, in. (mm)
Optical Method 0.018 (0.457) Typ.
Solar Reflectance (albedo X 100), % ASTM E 903 White - 80 Typ.
ASTM D 751 225 (1.0) Min. 225 (1.0) Min
Breaking Strength, min, lbf (kN)
Grab Method 340 (1.5) Typ. 340 (1.5) Typ.
Elongation at Break of Fabric, min, % ASTM D 751 25 Typ. 25 Typ.
ASTM D 751 55 (245) Min. 55 (245) Min.
Tearing Strength, min, lbf (N) 8" by 8" speciman
B Tongue Tear 130 (578) Typ. 130 (578) Typ.
-40 (-40) Min.
Brittleness Point, max, ΕF (ΕC) ASTM D 2137
-50 (-46) Typ.
+/- 1.0 Max.
Linear Dimensional Change (shrinkage), % ASTM D 1204
-0.5 Typ.
Ozone Resistance*
Condition after exposure to 100 pphm ASTM D 1149 No Cracks No Cracks
Ozone in air for 168 hours @ 104° F (40°C)
Specimen wrapped around 3 in. mandrel
Resistance to Water Absorption* 4.0 Max.
ASTM D 471
After 7 days immersion @ 158° F (70°C) Change in mass, max, % 2.0 Typ.
Resistance to microbial surface growth, rating (1 is very poor, 10 is no ASTM D 3274 9 - 10 Typ.
growth) 2 yr. S. Florida
40 (7.0) Min.
Field seam strength, lbf/in. (kN/m) Seam tested in peel ASTM D1876
60 (10.5) Typ.
0.10 Max.
Water vapor permeance, Perms ASTM E 96
0.05 Typ.
FTM 101C 250 (1110) Min. 250 (1110) Min.
Puncture resistance, lbf (N)
Method 2031 300 (1330) Typ. 300 (1330) Typ.
Resistance to xenon-arc Weathering2 ASTM G 26 No Cracks
Xenon-Arc, 5040 kJ/m5 total radiant exposure 0.70 W/m5 No loss of breaking
visual condition at 10X 90°C B.P.T. or tearing strength
(1) Aging conditions are 28 days at 240° F (116° C) equivalent to 400 days at 176° F (80° C) for breaking strength, elongation, tearing strength, linear
dimensional change, ozone and puncture resistance.
(2) Approximately equivalent to 8000 hours exposure at 158° F (70° C) black panel temperature. 12/98


A. CCW Sure-Drain-V Drainage Composite Board: A high-impact polystyrene core covered on one side with a
non-woven, needle-punched polypropylene filter fabric and on the other with a solid polymeric film. Available
in rolls of 1.2 m (4 feet) by 15 m (50 feet)

B. Sure-Weld Flashing: Sure-Weld non-reinforced flashing is available in rolls 30 cm (12 inches) and 60 cm (24
inches) wide by 15 m (50 feet) long. Flashing is used for splice intersections and electrical conduit penetrations.

C. Water Cut-Off Mastic: Used as a mastic to prevent moisture migration at membrane and flashing terminations
with a coverage rate of approximately 3 m (10 feet) per tube or 30 m (100 feet) per 3.78 l (1gallon).

D. CCW-102C Sealant: Used to seal membrane at termination bars with a coverage rate of approximately 3 m (10
feet) per tube.

E. Weathered Membrane Cleaner: Used to prepare membrane that has been exposed to the elements for
approximately 7 days prior to hot air welding at an approximate coverage rate of 300 m (1000 linear feet) per
3.78 l (1 gallon) on a 10 cm (4 inch) wide surface.

F. Water Swelling Waterbar (by others): Used to provide efficient waterproofing of construction joints. When
in contact with water, the waterbar will slowly increase in volume (20% to 200% depending on water salt
concentration). The swelling action (limited to the side exposed to water) will cause the waterbar to profile itself
into the joint filling all cavities and effectively stop water seepage. For added safety, wider joints can be filled
using 2 waterbars. The Water Swelling Waterbar is used at the base of electrical conduits engaging through the
shotcrete substructure and at any other joints or gaps.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

G. Aerosmith® 144 Series Fasteners and Plates: A fastener used for the securement of the Drainage Board and
the Sure-Weld Waterproofing Membrane available in lengths up to 65 mm (2-1/2 inches) with 4 mm (.14 inch)
shank diameter and head size of 8 mm (5/16 inch). Fasteners and Plates are available in steel or stainless steel.
Listed below is a fastener performance chart based on 19 mm or 25 mm fastener penetrations into concrete from
141 kg/cm2 to 211 kg/cm2. The fasteners are installed in conjunction with heavy galvanized or stainless steel
plates that are 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter.

Installed in
Installed in Stone Agregate Concrete Lightweight
Fastener Requirements Agregate Concrete
141 kg/cm2 211 kg/cm2 280 kg/cm2 211 kg/cm2
(2000 psi) (3000 psi) (4000 psi) (3000 psi)
Shank Dia. Min.
Series Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear Tension Shear
19 mm 20 kg 36 kg 32 kg 52 kg 41 kg 66 kg 36 kg 39 kg
(3/4 Inch) (45 (80 (70 (115 (90 (145 (80 (85
4 mm
144 pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds)
Fasteners 25 mm 50 kg 75 kg 79 kg 84 kg 107 kg 93 kg 65 kg 69 kg
(1 Inch) (110 (165 (175 (185 (235 (205 (143 (152
pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds) pounds)

I. Inside/Outside Corners: A pre-molded corner flashing used for outside corners of air shafts.


A. Generator/Electrical Requirements

Power supplies do not typically provide the proper amount of power necessary for consistent hot air welding.
The use of a portable generator conforming to the following guidelines is strongly advised.

1. A minimum 6500 watt generator with a minimum output of 210 volts is required for one Automatic Hot
Air Welding Machine. Reduced power availability will result if additional equipment is connected to the
generator and may result in faulty hot air welded seams. GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) protection is
recommended. Additional generators will be required for operating other power tools and hand held hot air

2. Electrical cords (3 conductor) of the maximum length indicated must be used with the corresponding wire
as listed below:
Maximum Length Wire Size
15 m (50 foot) #12
30m (100 foot) #10
90 m (300 foot) #8

3. A minimum 3,000 watt generator may be used to power a maximum of two hand held welders as long as
no other equipment is connected. This generator should service a minimum of 110 volts and be GFI
(Ground Fault Interrupter) protected.

Electrical cords (3 conductor) of the maximum length indicated must be used with the corresponding wire
as listed below:
Maximum Length Wire Size
15 m (50 foot) #14
30 m (100 foot) #12

For extension cords longer than 30 m (100 feet), consult an electrician or electrical contractor to ensure
proper size of generator and wire.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

B. Automatic Wedge Welding Machine: A lightweight, approximately 7 kg (15.75 pounds) welding machine
with a maximum temperature output of 420° C (788° F) capable of delivering a double hot air weld 30 mm (1-
1/4 inch) wide each. The Automatic Wedge Welding Machine is manufactured by Leister and could be
furnished by Carlisle. A welding seam test kit should be made available on site to ensure the integrity of the
double welded seam. Consult a Leister Manufacturer Representative for appropriate test kit and recommended
air pressure.

C. Hot Air Hand Welder: An electrically powered, hand-held device that utilizes an electrical resistance heating
element or heater and fan-forced super heated air to hot air weld Sure-Weld membrane and flashing. A hand-
held silicone rubber roller is used in conjunction with the welder to apply the pressure that fuses the heated
membrane surfaces to each other. The hand-held welder is typically used for seam overlays at “T” joints and
flashing of electrical conduits and around tunnel airshafts.

D. Seam Prober: Probing of hot air welded seams overlays is essential to ensure the continuous watertight seal at
“T” joints and intersections between hot air welded seams and other penetrations (i.e., electrical conduit, air
shafts, etc.). The use of a cotter pin puller is the recommended tool.

E. Silicone Rubber Roller: A 40 mm (1-1/2 inch) wide rubber roller used for rolling hot air welded overlays at “T”
joints, patches and flashing at airshafts and electrical conduits.

F. Aerosmith Fastening System: A pneumatic fastening tool able to deliver 40 fasteners per minute into concrete
surfaces with compressive strength up to 352 k/cm2 (5000 psi) with a minimum fastener penetration of 19 mm
(3/4 inch)



Prior to commencement of the work, manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets, Technical Data Bulletins and
product labels should be referenced for cautions and warnings and specific installation requirements.

Comply with shotcrete manufacturer’s published specification to ensure proper curing of the substructure prior to the
installation of the CCW Sure-Drain and the Sure-Weld Membrane.


A. CCW Sure-Drain-V Drainage Board Installation

1. Unroll and place CCW Sure-Drain with the geotextile filter fabric side against the tunnel substructure. The
drainage board can be installed horizontally or vertically.

2. At end rolls, peal back filter fabric and overlap two rows of dimples approximately 40 mm (1-1/2 inches) and
press to interlock the panels.

3. Along the length of the drainage board, position drainage panels so the side of the panel with a flange
overlaps the side of the panel without a flange.

4. Fasten drainage board with pneumatic fasteners and fastening plates 1.2 m (4 feet) on center in all directions.

B. Wedge Welding Set Up

Due to a variety of heat welding equipment available, manufacturer’s operating instructions and safety procedures
should be referenced. Listed below are additional recommendations intended to extend life expectancy of welders
and ensure safe operation.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

1. Before the machine is connected to the power source, make sure it is switched off to prevent a power surge
that could damage the unit. Turn the unit on and allow the blower/heater unit to warm up for approximately
5 to 10 minutes to reach operating temperature.

2. Clean the heat nozzle with a wire brush to remove any build-up of membrane, as needed.

3. To extend the life of the heating element of the Hot Air Welding Equipment, always turn the temperature
adjustment down so the welder can cool prior to switching the machine off.

4. Follow all care and maintenance instructions recommended by the respective manufacturer.

5. It is recommended that two Automatic Hot Air Welding Machines and two generators be available at the
project site in the event of mechanical failure.

C. Sure-Weld Membrane Installation

The installation of the Sure-Weld membrane can be accomplished with a continuous sheet or multiple sheets.
This can be determined by calculating the length of the tunnel arc.

1. Unroll Sure-Weld Membrane and cut to proper length if necessary.

2. With the black side of the membrane up, chalk lines so tabs, 15 cm (6 inches) wide and 23 cm (9 inches) long,
can be positioned and welded at 1.2 m (4 feet) on center in all directions across the field of the sheet and 60
cm (24 inches) from all edges.

3. Using a hand held welder, weld one end of each tab approximately 40 mm (1-1/2 inches) in width to the back
side of the membrane.

4. Position the back side of the membrane against the previously installed drainage board extending one end of
the membrane into the drainage pit.

5. Working from the bottom, begin securing the each row of tabs by fastening through the center of the tab with
pneumatic fasteners and fastening plates.

6. Prior to proceeding with the next row of tabs, fold the end of the tab over fastener head and plates to protect
membrane against abrasion.

7. Working upward, secure consecutive rows until all tabs are secured.

8. With an overlap of 10 cm (4 inches), install adjacent membrane in a similar fashion. Install consecutive
sheets prior to welding.

7. Weld adjoining membranes with a Hot Air Wedge Welder to achieve a double hot air weld 30 mm (1-1/4
inch) wide each.

Note: Follow manufacturer’s operating procedures and published instructions to achieve proper
temperature output and welding speed. It is advisable to perform various test welds prior to seaming
consecutive membrane sheets.

8. Membrane that has been exposed to the elements for approximately 7 days must be prepared with Weathered
Membrane Cleaner as follows.

a. Using a Scotch Brite Pad and Weathered Membrane Cleaner, scrub the area to be welded. (The cleaner
will become white with membrane residue during this step of the procedure.

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

b. Clean all residue from the area to be welded with a HP Splice Wipe or clean natural fiber (cotton) rag.

c. Weld the cleaned material together with an appropriate hot air welder.

9. Using a compatible test kit and compressed air, examine every seem for defects in the double weld. Defected
areas should be repaired using a patch of reinforced membrane large enough to extend 5 cm (2 inches) beyond
the defective area. Intersections between the reinforced patch and the hot air welded seam in the membrane
should be overlaid with Sure-Weld Flashing.

D. Membrane Flashing

1. Ensure tight fitting between electrical conduits, tunnel air shafts and any other gaps by installing Water
Swelling Bar in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Flash electrical conduit using uncured non-reinforced Sure-Weld membrane. Refer to Detail T-005.

3. All intersections shall be overlaid with Sure-Weld non-reinforced flashing.

4. Around air shafts additional fasteners and plates shall be incorporated to mechanically secure the membrane
approximately 30 cm (12 inches) on center. Sure-Weld Reinforced Membrane shall be used to flash the
sidewall of the air shaft extending approximately 5 cm (2 inches) past the plates. Against the sidewall of the
air shaft the Sure-Weld membrane is terminated using a 6 mm x 50 mm (1/4 inch x 2 inch) Termination Bar
and pneumatic fasteners. Seal the end of the air shaft flashing with CCW-102C Sealant as shown on Detail T-

Copyright 2002 Carlisle Incorporated

Carlisle and Sure-Weld are Trademarks of Carlisle SynTec Incorporated.
Aerosmith is a Trademark of Aerosmith Fastening Systems
Leister is a Copyright of Leister Process Technologies

Carlisle SynTec Incorporated

P. O. Box 7000, Carlisle, PA 17013

600245 – Tunnel Waterproofing 8/2002

tio ER SY
Erosion Control Liner System
G U I D E - S P E C
February, 2002

This GUIDE-SPEC is a brief outline of Carlisle's Sure-Weld 2. Projects where the FleeceBACK Membrane is
FleeceBACK Erosion Control System requirements and is expected to come in direct contact with petroleum
intended for use as a submittal with a bid package. Additional based products or other chemicals.
information pertaining to heat welding procedures and equipment
can be referenced in the “Application” Section of the Carlisle B. Projects where an inspection by Carlisle will be required, a
Sure-Weld Mechanically-Fastened Specification. shop drawing must be approved by Carlisle.


A. Deliver materials to the job site in the original, unopened
containers labeled with the manufacturer's name, brand
The Sure-Weld FleeceBACK Erosion Control System incorporates
name and installation instructions.
12’ wide .060” thick gray or tan Sure-Weld membrane laminated
to a 55 mil non-woven polyester fleece-backing. The 115 mil
thick membrane is installed directly over compacted fill treated B. Job site storage temperatures in excess of 90°F may affect
with herbicide to prevent weed growth. Individual sheets of shelf life of curable materials (i.e., adhesive, sealants and
membrane are anchored with #5 deformed reinforcing bars shop cleaners).
welded to 1/8” x 5” x 5” steel plates. The anchoring plates are
spaced 3’ or 5’ on center depending on the location and the C When sealants or cleaners are exposed to lower
reinforcing bars are embedded in the soil approximately 24” deep. temperatures, restore to a minimum of 60°F before use.
Adjoining sheets are heat welded together then seams are
overlaid with the 6” wide Pressure-Sensitive TPO Cover Strip. D. Sure-Weld FleeceBACK Membrane should be stored in its
Around the perimeter, the Erosion Control membrane is extended original plastic wrap or be covered to protect from moisture.
2’ into a trench and backfilled.
A. Comply with owner requirements concerning restrictions
A. This system must be installed by a Carlisle Authorized pertaining to compaction equipment and structural load
Applicator in compliance with Carlisle’s installation details capacity. Herbicides used to treat compacted fill must be
and project specification as approved by Carlisle. approved by the owner and applied in compliance with
Deviations made from Carlisle's details or approved respective manufacturer’s instructions within applicable
specification shall be secured in writing prior to local codes.
commencement of the work.
B. This system shall not be applied on projects where the slope
B. Project specifications and details shall be submitted for exceeds 18 inches in on horizontal foot. When the slope
Carlisle’s approval prior to proceeding with the Erosion exceeds 5” per horizontal foot, use of an automatic welding
Control Membrane installation. machine may be more difficult. A hand held welder should
be specified or membrane sheets be positioned perpendicular
C. Upon completion of the installation, an inspection by a to the slope.
Technical Representative of Carlisle may be requested to
ascertain the system has been installed according to C. Existing erosion control membrane and anchoring devices
Carlisle's specifications and details. must be removed prior to installation of new material.

1.03 SUBMITTALS D. Coordination between various trades is essential to avoid

unnecessary traffic over sections of already installed
A. To ensure compliance with Carlisle's warranty requirements, membrane to prevent damage to the membrane.
the following projects should be forwarded to Carlisle for
review prior to installation, preferably prior to bid. 1.06 WARRANTY
1. Projects located in a wind zone of 90 mph or greater.
A 10 year Membrane Material Warranty is available for a
charge on commercial projects. approximate coverage rate of 600 linear feet per gallon on a
4” wide surface.
H. Termination Bars – a 1” wide and .098” thick extruded
2.01 GENERAL aluminum bar pre-punched 6” on center which incorporates a
sealant ledge to support Lap Sealant and provide increased
The components of this Erosion Control System are to be products stability for membrane termination.
of Carlisle or accepted by Carlisle as compatible. The installation,
performance or integrity of products by others, when selected by I. Water Cut-Off Mastic – Used as a mastic to prevent
moisture migration at compression terminations and beneath
the specifier and accepted as compatible by Carlisle, is not the
certain metal edgings (at a coverage rate of approximately
responsibility of Carlisle and is expressly disclaimed by the
10’ per tube or 100’ per gallon).
Carlisle Warranty.
J. HD 14-10 Concrete Fastener/Seam Fastening Plate – A
2.02 MEMBRANE #14 threaded fastener used in conjunction with the 2”
diameter metal fastening plate to secure the FleeceBACK
Sure-Weld FleeceBACK Membrane incorporates gray or tan
membrane at angle changes.
.060” thick Sure-Weld TPO membrane laminated to a 55 mil non-
woven polyester fleece-backing. The 115 mil thick membrane is
K. Erosion Control Anchors (not supplied by Carlisle) - Used
available in widths of 12' and lengths of 50’ or 100'. A selvage
to anchor the Erosion Control Membrane. The anchors are
edge (fleece-backing is discontinued) is provided on one edge
fabricated of #5 deformed reinforcing bar (ASTM A615) and
along the length of the membrane for hot air welding. Membrane
welded top plate (ASTM A36). The reinforcing bar shall be
is also available in white.
24” in length and the top plate 5” x 5” x 1/8” thick with
rounded corners.
A. Sure-Weld Reinforced and Non-Reinforced Flashing –
The non-reinforced flashing is available in rolls 12” and 24”
wide by 50’ long. Flashing is used for irregular details and
field fabricated pipe details. The reinforced flashing is
available in 4’ and 6’ by 100’ rolls and is used for flashing A. When feasible, begin the application at the highest point and
perimeter wall details and in conjunction with Pressure- work to the lowest point to prevent moisture infiltration and
Sensitive Cover Strip when overlaying end laps. minimize construction traffic on completed sections. This
will include completion of all flashings and terminations.
B. Pressure Sensitive Cover Strips - A 6” wide, 45 mil
reinforced Sure-Weld TPO membrane laminated to a B. Follow criteria outlined in the "Application" Section of the
Pressure-Sensitive, non-staining, cream colored tape. The Sure-Weld Mechanically-Fastened Roofing System
cover strip is designed for stripping hot air welded seams, Specification concerning membrane placement, heat welding
metal edging and end laps between fleece backed membranes. procedures and heat welding equipment.
The product is available in tan, gray or white and is used in
conjunction with HP-250 Primer. 3.02 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION

C. HP-250 Primer – A primer used to prepare the surface of the A. All vegetation and/or organic material shall be removed
membrane for the application of the Pressure-Sensitive Cover from the earth fill and eroded crevices are backfilled.
B. Fill any cracks or crevices in the earth fill with sand as
D. Sure-Weld Adhesive – A high-strength, synthetic rubber required and compact earth fill in accordance with project
adhesive used for bonding Sure-Weld membrane to various specification to form an overburden.
surfaces. The adhesive is applied to both the membrane and
the substrate at a coverage rate of approximately 60 square C. Prior to placement of the erosion control material, the earth
feet per gallon per finished surface (includes coverage on fill shall be treated with an approved herbicide. Comply
both surfaces). with owner’s requirements in documenting and recording
pesticide application and consult with membrane
E. CCW-2C Sealant – Used to attach the protective layer of manufacturer regarding the incompatibility.
FleeceBACK membrane over steel plates in those locations
where .060” thick reinforced membrane is used as flashing. D. Along all edges of the overburden, dig a 2’ deep x 1’ wide
The coverage rate is approximately 20 plates per tube. trench below the finished grade to terminate the erosion
control membrane.
F. Cut Edge Sealant – Use to seal cut edges of Sure-Weld E. Structural concrete walls where .060” thick reinforced Sure-
membrane. A coverage rate of approximately 90 linear feet Weld membrane is used as termination to erosion control
per tube can be achieved when a 1/8” diameter bead is membrane shall be smooth, free of fins and protrusions.
applied. Existing flashing or mechanical fasteners must be removed.

G. Weathered Membrane Cleaner – Used to prepare the 3.03 MEMBRANE INSTALLATION

membrane that has been exposed to the elements for
approximately 7 days prior to hot air welding at an
600422 EROSION CONTROL – 2/2002
Refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Bonding Adhesive may be eliminated for flashing
Data Bulletins for cautions and warnings. heights 18" or less.

A. Ensure the compacted fill/overburden is free of fins, 3. At angle changes, turn the FleeceBACK membrane
protrusions and other sharp objects. approximately 3” to 4” into the vertical surface and
fasten with HD 14-10 Fasteners and 2” diameter Seam
B. Unroll consecutive rolls of Sure-Weld FleeceBACK Fastening Plates. Other fasteners may be permited upon
membrane (fleece side down), overlap approximately 11” review by Carlisle.
(with selvage edge on top) and allow to relax for
approximately 1/2 hour. 4. Extend and adhere .060” thick Sure-Weld Membrane
used for wall flashing across the FleeceBACK
C. At the overlapping, along a line located 5” away from the membrane over the first row of anchors and heat weld as
bottom edge (where the fleece extends to the outer edge) of shown in the appropriate detail.
the membrane, install earth anchors 5’ on center in the field
membrane and 3’ on center in the perimeter membranes 5. When using the Pressure-Sensitive Cover Strip to
(first membrane parallel to trench and surrounding overlay metal edging flanges or fasteners/plates, Carlisle
structures). Weathered Membrane Cleaner is used to clean surfaces
as needed. Apply Carlisle HP-250 Primer prior to
Note: Earth anchors within the end laps shall always applying Pressure-Sensitive Cover Strip.
be postioned 3’ on center.
6. Terminate the flashing in accordance with the
D. Membrane Splicing – Hot Air Welding appropriate SW-9 Termination Detail.

1. Along the length of the membrane (at selvage edges), D. Other Related Work
hot air weld membrane sheets a minimum of 1-1/2” with
an Automated Hot Air Welding Machine or Hot Air 1. Walkways are required for all traffic concentration
Hand Welder and silicone roller. Refer to the Sure- points regardless of traffic frequency. Walkways are
Weld FleeceBACK Adhered Roofing System also required if regular maintenance (once a month or
Specification, Part II “Application”, for specific hot air more) is necessary to service equipment.
welding procedures.
a. Sure-Weld Heat Weldable Walkway Rolls are
2. Membrane that has been exposed to the elements for required when walkway pads are specified and are
approximately 7 days must be prepared by scrubbing the heat welded to the Sure-Weld Membrane.
splice area with a Scotch Brite Pad and Carlisle
Weathered Membrane Cleaner. Clean all residue from b. When concrete pavers are used, they shall be loose
the prepared splice area with a HP Splice Wipe or clean laid and installed in conjunction with a slip sheet of
natural fiber (cotton) rag prior to welding. Along the reinforced membrane or two layers of HP
selvege edges, prime the heat welded splices with HP- Protective Mat. Concrete pavers are not
250 Primer and overlay with 6” wide Pressure-Sensitive recommended when the roof slope is greater than
Cover Stip (centered along the splice edge). 2” per 1 horizontal foot.

3. At end laps, prime the overlapping area with HP-250 c. Sure-Seal Interlocking Rubber Pavers, 24" X 24" X
Primer and overlay with 6” wide Pressure-Sensitive 2", weighing approximately 6 pounds per square
Cover Strip (centered along the splice edge). Using a foot, may be loose laid directly over the membrane.
12” wide Sure-Weld Reinforced Membrane, overlay the Installation instruction sheets are available from
previously installed Pressure-Sensitive Cover Strip and Carlisle.
heat weld a cured .060” thick membrane to the Sure-
Weld FleeceBACK material on both sides and apply a Note: Walkways are considered a maintenance
bead of Cut Edge Sealant. Refer to applicable end lap item and are excluded from the Carlisle
detail. Warranty.

C. Membrane Flashing 2. Copings, counterflashing and other metal work, not

supplied by Carlisle, shall be fastened to prevent metal
1. Flash all walls and curbs with Sure-Weld reinforced from pulling free or buckling and sealed to prevent
membrane. Non-Reinforced membrane shall be limited moisture from entering the roofing system or building.
to inside and outside corners, field fabricated pipe seals,
scuppers and Sealant Pockets where the use of
premolded accessories are not practical.

2. On vertical surfaces, such as walls, curbs and pipes,

Bonding Adhesive is not required when the flashing Attach copies of the applicable Carlisle Details that pertain to
height is 12" or less and the membrane is terminated the individual project to complete a bid package submittal.
under a metal counterflashing (nailed). When a coping
or termination bar is used for vertical terminations,

600422 EROSION CONTROL – 2/2002

Carlisle SynTec Incorporated © 2005 Carlisle SynTec Incorporated

P.O. Box 7000 • Carlisle, PA 17013 Printed in the U.S.A.
Phone: 717-245-7140
Fax: 717-245-7115
Email: [email protected]

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