Astm D7522 D7522M 21
Astm D7522 D7522M 21
Astm D7522 D7522M 21
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D7522/D7522M − 21
1.3 This test method is appropriate for use with FRP mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
systems having any fiber orientation or combination of ply 1.11 This international standard was developed in accor-
orientations comprising the FRP laminate. dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
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1.4 This test method is appropriate for use with flat
concrete, concrete masonry, clay masonry, and stone masonry
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
substrates. mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
ASTM D7522/D7522M-21
1.5 This test method is not appropriate for use as an Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
“acceptance” or “proof” wherein the FRP system remaining
intact at a prescribed force is an acceptable result. 2. Referenced Documents
1.6 Pull-off strength measurements depend upon both ma- 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
terial and instrumental parameters. Different adhesion test C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
devices and procedures will give different results and cannot be gregates
directly compared. C1232 Terminology for Masonry
1.7 This test method can be destructive. Spot repairs may be D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
necessary. The test method will result in an exposed cut FRP D3878 Terminology for Composite Materials
section; repair methods must consider the potential for mois- D5229/D5229M Test Method for Moisture Absorption Prop-
ture uptake through this cut section. erties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix
Composite Materials
1.8 Prior to the installation of some adhesively bonded FRP E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
systems, the substrate must be patched. This test method is not E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With
appropriate for determining the pull-off strength of the FRP Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a
Lot or Process
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D30 on
Composite Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D30.10 on
Composites for Civil Structures. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2021. Published February 2021. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as D7522/D7522M – 15. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D7522_D7522M-21. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D7522/D7522M − 21
3. Terminology can affect an individual test result and lead to non-symmetric or
3.1 Definitions—Terminology D3878 defines terms relating mixed-mode failure pattern. Variation in FRP or adhesive
to high-modulus fibers and their composites. Terminology thickness between specimens can cause biased or scattered test
D883 defines terms relating to plastics. Terminology E6 defines results. Improper fixturing of the hole cutter relative to the
terms relating to mechanical testing. Terminology C125 defines specimen can lead to a non-circular hole or damage to the FRP
terms relating to concrete. Terminology C1232 defines terms composite/substrate interface around the perimeter of the hole.
related to masonry. In the event of a conflict between terms, This can cause biased or scattered test results and non-
Terminology D3878 shall have precedence over the other symmetric or mixed-mode failure patterns. Misalignment be-
standards. tween the circular test fixture and the drilled circle can also
lead to biased or scattered test results and non-symmetric or
3.2 Symbols: mixed-mode failure patterns.
D—diameter of the loading fixture.
Fp—pull-off force. 6.2 Adhesion Testing Device—Improper alignment of the
σp—pull-off bond stress. adhesion tester grip (see 7.1.3) can lead to biased or scattered
test results and non-symmetric or mixed-mode failure patterns.
4. Summary of Test Method Variation in the rate of loading between specimens can cause
biased or scattered test results.
4.1 The pull-off test is performed by securing a circular
loading fixture (dolly) normal (perpendicular) to the flat 6.3 Environmental Conditions at Time of Testing—Testing
surface of the FRP laminate with an affixing adhesive. An at non-standard temperature or relative humidity may affect the
adhesion testing device is attached to the loading fixture and test results. Specimens tested in field conditions should be
aligned to apply tension normal to the test surface. The force noted as such.
applied to the loading fixture is gradually increased and 6.4 Location of Test on Masonry Substrate—Inclusion of a
monitored until a plug of material is detached exposing the masonry joint within the cut specimen may affect the test
plane of limiting strength within the system. The nature of the results. Tests including a joint should not be used.
failure is qualified in accordance with the percent of adhesive
iTeh Standards
and cohesive failures, and the actual interfaces and layers
7. Apparatus
involved. The pull-off strength is computed based on the
7.1 Adhesion Test Device, commercially available, or com-
maximum indicated force, the instrument calibration data, and
parable apparatus conforming to the following specifications.
the original surface area stressed. Pull-off strength results using
A specific example of an appropriate commercially available
different devices may vary, as results are sensitive to test device
parameters. Document Preview
tester is provided in Annex A1.
7.1.1 The tester is comprised of detachable circular loading
5. Significance and Use fixtures, screws with spherical heads that are screwed into the
5.1 The pull-off strength of a bonded FRPASTM D7522/D7522M-21
system is an center of a fixture, a socket in the testing assembly that holds
the head of the screw, pressure gage or dynamometer, and a
important performance property that has been used in
mechanical or hydraulic means of applying the force in a
specifications, particularly those for assessing the quality of an
application. This test method serves as a means for uniformly controlled manner.
preparing and testing bonded FRP systems, and evaluating and 7.1.2 Loading Fixtures, having a minimum diameter of
reporting the results. 50 mm [2.0 in.], a flat surface on one end that can be adhered
to the FRP surface and a means of attachment to the tester on
5.2 Variations in results obtained using different devices are the other end.
possible. Therefore, it is recommended that the type of adhe-
7.1.3 Adhesion Tester Grip, having a central grip for engag-
sion test device (including manufacturer and model) be mutu-
ing the loading fixture in a manner such that the resultant force
ally agreed upon between the interested parties.
is normal to the FRP surface (typically achieved with a
5.3 This test method is intended for use in both the field and spherical head bearing).
the laboratory. 7.1.4 Adhesion Tester Base, permitting a uniform bearing
5.4 The basic material properties obtained from this test against the FRP surface to react the test force.
method can be used in the control of the quality of adhesives 7.1.5 Means of moving the grip away from the base in as
and in the theoretical equations for designing FRP systems for smooth and continuous a manner as possible so that a torsion-
external reinforcement to strengthen existing structures. free, co-axial (opposing pull of the grip and push of the base
along the same axis) force results between them.
6. Interferences 7.1.6 Timer, or means of limiting the rate of stress applied to
6.1 Material and Specimen Preparation—Improper prepa- the FRP-substrate interface being tested to less than or equal to
ration of the surface of the composite material before bonding 1 MPa/min [150 psi/min]. A timer is the minimum equipment
the circular loading fixture is known to cause premature when used by the operator along with the force indicator in
failures at this interface. Improper curing of the bonding 7.1.7.
adhesive can also cause failure at this interface. Non-uniform 7.1.7 Force Indicator and Calibration Information, for
FRP or FRP-to-substrate adhesive thickness in one specimen determining the actual force delivered to the loading fixture.
D7522/D7522M − 21
7.2 Loading Fixture Bonding Adhesive, for securing the 11. Procedure
fixture to the FRP laminate such that laminate properties are
11.1 Select a flat measurement site in accordance with the
not affected. The bonding adhesive must have a tensile capacity
sampling schedule.
greater than the expected tensile capacity of the FRP system
and the concrete substrate and be sufficient to mitigate a Failure 11.2 Select a circular loading fixture having a diameter not
Mode A (see 11.12.1). Two component epoxies have been less than 50 mm [2.0 in.]. For FRP bonded to concrete
found to be appropriate. substrates which are known to contain large aggregate sizes, a
7.3 Circular Hole Cutter, having an inside diameter equal to larger fixture may be used.
that of the loading fixture to score through the FRP laminate NOTE 2—The loading fixture diameter is limited by the test device
dimensions and capacity. Little data is available for diameters greater than
into the substrate around the loading fixture. The hole cutter 50 mm regardless of aggregate size; generally a 50 mm diameter test
must not damage the FRP laminate while scoring through it; fixture will be adequate.
therefore, a thin-walled diamond grit hole saw is appropriate.
In most cases, a center drill arbor may be used to facilitate the 11.3 Score through the FRP laminate into the substrate
scoring operation without affecting test results. using a core drill apparatus. The remaining scribed circle (that
is, the inside diameter of the core drill) should be the same
diameter as the loading fixture used. The core shall be drilled
8. Test Specimen Preparation and Sampling
through the bonded FRP and adhesive layers and into the
8.1 The FRP system is applied to the substrate surface in substrate a depth of between 6 mm [0.25 in.] and 12 mm
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedure. [0.50 in.].
The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed as to the 11.3.1 The operator must be aware of existing internal
elapsed time between FRP application and pull-off testing. reinforcement (“rebar”). Under no circumstances should the
8.2 Sampling—Test at least five specimens per test drilled core cut through existing reinforcement.
condition, unless valid results can be gained through the use of 11.3.2 Joints in masonry substrates should not be included
fewer specimens, such as in the case of a designed experiment. in the specimen.
For statistically significant data, the procedures outlined in
iTeh Standards
Practice E122 should be consulted. The method of sampling
shall be reported.
11.4 Prepare the FRP surface for bonding the loading
fixture. Generally, the FRP surface should be cleaned with
solvent, sanded with medium-grit sandpaper, rinsed with
not include joints in masonry(
8.3 Sampling on Masonry Substrates—Specimens should solvent, and allowed to dry.
substrates. NOTE 3—Generally, any surface preparation of the FRP that results in
9. Calibration Document Preview test fixture adhesion sufficient to avoid occurrence of Failure Mode A (see
11.12.1) is adequate.
9.1 The accuracy of all measuring equipment shall have 11.5 Attach the loading fixture with the designated bonding
certified calibrations that are current at the time of use of the adhesive following the manufacturer’s instructions. The bond-
ASTM D7522/D7522M-21
ing adhesive must be permitted to cure sufficiently so that
Failure Mode A (see 11.12.1) does not occur.
10. Conditioning
11.6 Carefully connect the central grip of the adhesion tester
10.1 This testing may be completed to assess a variety of to the loading fixture without bumping, bending, or otherwise
effects, including concrete surface preparation, adhesive curing stressing the sample and connect the assembly to its control
conditions, hygrothermal exposure, and environmental expo- mechanism. For non-horizontal surfaces, support the adhesion
sure (for example, alkaline solution, etc.). In such cases, test tester assembly so that its weight does not contribute to the
specimens should be conditioned as specified in the experi- force exerted in the test.
mental protocol.
11.7 Align the device according to the manufacturer’s
10.2 If not otherwise specified, the recommended pre-test instructions and set the force indicator to zero.
condition is effective moisture equilibrium at a specific relative
humidity as established by Test Method D5229/D5229M; 11.8 Apply manual or mechanized loading so that the
however, if the test requestor does not explicitly specify a continuous grip assembly motion results in a rate of applied
pre-test conditioning environment, no conditioning is required normal stress at the FRP-substrate interface of less than or
and the specimens may be tested as prepared. equal to 1 MPa/min [150 psi/min] until rupture occurs.
10.3 If pre-conditioning is completed, the pre-test specimen 11.9 Record pull-off force measurement and nature of fail-
conditioning process, to include specified environmental expo- ure plane.
sure levels, shall be reported with the test data. 11.10 If a plug of material is detached, label and store the
10.4 If no explicit conditioning process is performed, the test specimen including the attached loading fixture for quali-
specimen conditioning process shall be reported as uncondi- fication of the failed surface in accordance with the experiment
tioned and the moisture content as unknown. protocol.
NOTE 1—The term moisture, as used in Test Method D5229/D5229M,
includes not only the vapor of a liquid and its condensate, but the liquid 11.11 Report any departures from the procedure, such as
itself in large quantities, as for immersion. possible misalignment, hesitations in the force application, etc.
D7522/D7522M − 21
11.12 Failure Modes—The adhesion of the FRP laminate to does not automatically mean that the test result will meet an
the substrate surface is necessary for the member to be able to acceptance criteria; this failure mode is desired since the
transfer force into the FRP. The interface bond and the strength substrate – as the least controllable constituent – should be the
(quality) of the substrate itself are critical. Possible failure “weak link” in the bonded FRP system. An initially degraded
modes in this tension test are shown in Fig. 1 and described substrate or poor surface preparation will lead to low Mode G
below: pull-off strength values. In concrete substrates, the extent of
11.12.1 Failure Mode A: Bonding Adhesive Failure at aggregate failure (as opposed to failure through only the
Loading Fixture is not an acceptable failure mode for this test cement paste) is reported.
and is an indication of the use of an inappropriate bonding 11.12.7 Multiple Layer Laminate Applications have mul-
adhesive system for affixing the loading fixture. tiple planes at which Failure Modes B, C, D, or E may occur.
11.12.2 Failure Mode B: Cohesive Failure in FRP Laminate In this case, the layer at which the failure occurs is reported.
(Fig. 2(a)) is an indication of poor through-thickness properties Typically the layer closest to the concrete is the designated
of the FRP. Such failures may be due to incomplete wet-out of layer (or ply) number 1.
the fibers or plies comprising the laminate. Such failures may
also result from environmental degradation of the FRP material 12. Validation
11.12.3 Failure Modes C and E: Adhesive Failure at Either 12.1 Values for ultimate properties shall not be calculated
Adhesive Interface is an indication of poor adhesion properties for any specimen that breaks at some obvious flaw, unless such
which may result from (a) improper selection (matching) of flaw constitutes a variable being studied.
adhesive for adherend materials; (b) contamination of adhe- 12.2 Reattaching a dolly that has been damaged or exhibited
sive; (c) improper or incomplete cure of adhesive; (d) contami- Failure Mode A shall not be permitted for any specimen.
nation or improper preparation or cleaning of adherend sur-
12.3 A significant fraction of failures in a sample population
faces; or (e) environmental degradation.
exhibiting undesirable failure modes shall be cause to re-
NOTE 4—Mode E is more common that Mode C; this is believed to examine the means of force introduction into the material.
reflect greater variability in concrete surface preparation and the greater
iTeh Standards
likelihood of contamination of this interface during installation.
11.12.4 Failure Mode D: Cohesive Failure in Adhesive is
13. Calculations
unlikely to be observed in conventional FRP applications. If
observed, Mode D is an indication of poor adhesive properties
13.1 Compute and record the pull-off bond strength or
substrate strength as follows:
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likely resulting from contamination, incomplete cure, or envi- 4F p
σp 5 (1)
ronmental degradation. In these cases, however, Modes C or E πD 2
are more likely.
11.12.5 Failure Mode F: Mixed Cohesive Failure in Sub-
ASTM Interface
strate and Adhesive Failure at the Adhesive/substrate D7522/D7522M-21
σp = the pull-off bond strength, MPa [psi],
F p = the pull-off force N [lb], and
is commonly observed in FRP pull-off tests. It is believed that
D = the diameter of the loading fixture, mm [in.].
this failure initiates in the substrate. The failure plane in the
NOTE 5—In some cases, this calculation may be automatically com-
substrate is circuitous; if it reaches the adhesive/substrate
pleted with the adhesion tester force indicator; ensure that calibration
interface, the failure plane is likely to follow the interface plane parameters are correct.
resulting in a mixed mode failure. It is typically observed that
such a failure propagates through the substrate on one “side” of 13.1.1 Statistics—For each series of tests, calculate the
the disk and through the interface on the other (Fig. 2(b)), average, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (in
supporting the described behavior. It is rare to have a mixed percent) of the pull-off strength as follows:
mode failure with the substrate failure interspersed with the
interface failure across the area of the disk. Mode F failures are
x̄ 5 ( x i /n
S D (2)
reported with their proportions of each failure mode (G and E).
11.12.6 Failure Mode G: Cohesive Failure in Substrate
(Fig. 2(c)) is the desired failure mode, representing a sound
s n21 5 (
x i2 2 nx̄ 2 / ~ n 2 1 ! (3)
FRP-adhesive system. Note that obtaining a Mode G failure CV 5 100 3 s n21 /x̄ (4)