Advocacy Project Proposal Group 3
Advocacy Project Proposal Group 3
Advocacy Project Proposal Group 3
Legazpi City
Title: “Learning Online: “Promoting Quality Education in the New Type of Learning
Denniel LLanera
Joshua Santos
Rona Bersola
Ariane Esquivel
Macy Gamit
Learning Online: “Promoting Quality Education in the New Type of
II. Introduction
A quality education is one that provides all learners with capabilities they require to
face-to-face classes to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 situation. In our life there
have been many changes. Schools and Universities have been closed down including
Bicol University and that has affected students' education. Students, their parents, and
educators around the world are feeling the extraordinary ripple effect of the novel
coronavirus as schools are shutting down and quarantine methods are being ordered to
students dwelling in different situation. Obviously, they're concerned that we will be late
specifically to the students of Bicol University. The bueños' social status where belong
to higher class and mostly in middle and in lower class. It shows that, not all are capable
to adopt this mode of learning. For the fact that they don't have same situation and
unfortunately, all bueños have no choice, so they must do something in able to join
online class. It is fortunate to have professors that conduct asynchronous and even
synchronous, they need to understand the students' problem. Due to some reason like
having poor connection. But it's not only about the capability's issue that they are
increased screen time,” Oyoque and Brown said in an email. “(Students) may
also included in their mental health, the lack of financial and some of personal
problems. These past month ago a three student in our region died to an unexpected
illness that took a wrong turn, who committed suicide and the reason was the online
class. The first case was a 19-year-old female student from Sto. Domingo, Albay. The
reason financial and she was stress on it as their family's income isn't high. Second, a
21-year-old male from Sto. Domingo, Albay again. His mothaer believed that being not
enrolled was the reason behind of his departure. Also, she was not fully aware that his
son suffered from depression. Third, it happened this past month of September. A 21-
year-old female from Iriga City committed suicide where her parents don't know that she
have problems. It said, gadget and internet connection was the recent problem which
gives difficult on her online class. So these issues is alarming and we should take any
actions. We don't want let it happen to some of bueños, which is there are hindrances in
this new of education system that leads to mental health problem. This advocacy will be
the voice of bueños that no one should left. Where the unfortunate and unprivileged
As the primary key to ensuring the quality of online education, instructors need to
adjust their attitudes to teach online, understand what qualifications are needed, and
know what they could do ensure the quality of online education instruction. As Deubel
(2003) has argued an instructor’s attitude, motivation, and true commitment affect much
of the quality of online education instruction. High quality online education instruction
instructional techniques, put them all into practices, and generate the most suitable
III. Objectives:
In this part of the proposal, the objectives that the proponents’ want to achieve
- Educate individuals about Education and its impact in their lives despite the effects of
this pandemic.
- Diminish academic pressure and stress among students.
- Enhance the interaction among students and the faculty despite the hindrances of this
- Emphatize every learners’ situation which can also lead to sustainable projects for
In this methods and strategies, it will show how we will promote our advocacy,
what will be our objectives and what platform we will use to advertise it. Using method
and strategies, it will show what ways we will do to achieve our objectives.
present the
2 . Promote Texts and images This will be With these tools,
digital and showing how to promoted with the it will be easy to
social medias.
3. Promote Videos showing the This will be These tools will
to provide the
correct time or
suitable point to
end their task.
students. students.
7. Enhance the Videos showing the The content will be These tools are
8. Improve Advices from a This will be Through these
10. Educate the importance of with the use of tools are very
is a right. easily to
V. Tasking
This section of the project will show the proponents contribution in making the
objective and contents. The information are utilized for all the messages,
• Franklin Banayao videos, statements and especially the graphic diagram. The
He assigned for the revision before the device used in the task. He
• Joshua Santos assigned to do the compilation and collection of the ideas, and facilitate
the social media platforms to be used for the conveying of the advocacy.
Moreover he will be the one who upload the advocacy (via Facebook
• Denniel LLanera They are assigned in implementation of the project objectives depends
• Rona Bersola on how the proponents want to deliver the advocacy. As well as they are
• Ariane Esquivel interpretations of the ideas through diagrams, factual graphs ,
• Macy Gamit statements, and including the social media platforms that we use. In
addition they are prepare to make the editing for all contents to be attach
or publish.
VI. Evaluation/Reflection
We heard a lot of news about status of students dealing with the new normal
education system. Many problems and issues occur and it continues to rise that may
lead to sudden decision such us to give up and cease on what they are facing now. This
project's purpose is to achieve and to obtain the main goal of this advocacy as it has
said in the title, “Promoting Quality Education in the New Type of Learning Modalities
Amidst Pandemic.” The proponents want to have fair and equal condition for the fact
that we students are the future leaders. Also, the proponents deeply believed that
students are willing to learn and they are hoping for a better education system to feel
like it’s still normal (like face to face class) despite the fact that we are all in this new
type of learning.
No one actually knows when will the end of this pandemic and there is no
assurance for some students if they'll still pursue their online classes until it last. So with
Constitution Article XIV Section 1, that “The state shall protect and promote the right of
all citizens to quality education. Make such education accessible to all.” As citizens of
the country, we have seen how blind the government was, about the education system
treat to all the students—privileged or not. The proponents aim to give priority to discuss
the adversities that are still experiencing by students and make ways on how to build
quality education.
University to reach out their concerns regarding this new normal education. In addition,
this advocacy wants to acknowledge not just the essence of quality education, but also,
the mental health awareness and financial problem, that the government and other
The proponents will also be benefited in this project. Aside from being involved in
raising and addressing the problems, it will also enhance our critical thinking,
The goals of our advocacy aren’t easy to achieve. We, the proponents from Bicol
University, and the other students in our university will be the target audience, the
University's Student Council would be a great help. They can help us meet the goals of
this advocacy project since they can target lots of individuals. Yes, the proponents are
still students. But, as the future of this society, everyone must do their part in showing
that the students are seeking for help and that the government must hear our concerns
so that they can have a better education system that will surely be accessible for all.