Arcos de Movilidad Biomeca

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Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

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Functional range of motion in the upper extremity and trunk joints: Nine T
functional everyday tasks with inertial sensors
Mert Doğana, , Mertcan Koçakb, Özge Onursal Kılınça, Fatma Ayvata, Gülşah Sütçüa,

Ender Ayvata, Muhammed Kılınça, Özgür Ünverc, Sibel Aksu Yıldırıma

Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Izmır Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey
Department of Machine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


Keywords: Background: Functional range of motion is defined as the required range of motions for individuals to maintain
Activities of daily living maximal independence, along with optimal conditions for activities of daily living. Intervention plans for re-
Inertial sensors habilitation are directed towards the acquisition of anatomical range of motion. However, this isn’t always
Tasks and performance analysis possible based on person’s etiology, prognosis, or severity of disease.
Functional range of motion
Research question: The aim of this study is to determine functional range of motion during different unilateral,
Kinematics of the upper extremity and trunk
bilateral symmetrical and bimanual asymmetrical tasks of activities of daily living.
Methods: Participants completed nine basic activities of daily living (hand to head, hanging jacket, eating, wallet
placement to back pocket, washing hands and face, removing belt, water pouring, brushing teeth) linked ac-
cording to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, while joint kinematics of the trunk
and upper extremity were recorded with inertial measurement units. Peak values of mean joint angles were
determined for each activities of daily living. MVN BIOMECH Awinda MTW2-3A7G6 sensors (Xsens
Technologies B.V. Enschede, Netherlands) were used for 3D kinematic analysis of activities.
Results: Forty-six healthy subjects (right-dominant) were included in this study. Range of motion requirements
of all activities were defined 37.85° extension, 91.18° flexion, 1.25° adduction, 39.45° abduction, 63.6° internal
rotation, 21.8° external rotation in the dominant shoulder, 124.17° flexion in the dominant elbow, 40.29° ex-
tension, 23.66° flexion, 18.31° supination, 12.56° pronation, 18.27 ulnar deviation and, 18.36° radial deviation
in the dominant wrist. Maximum trunk range of motions were found to be 29.75° flexion in C7-T1, 10.74° flexion
in T12-L1, and 24.16° flexion in L5-S1.
Significance: It is thought that the results of this research will contribute to the determination of normative data
needed for surgical interventions, technological rehabilitation devices and task-spesific rehabilitation programs
which based patient's motor skill level.

1. Introduction Intervention plans for rehabilitation usually directed towards the

acquisition of anatomical maximal RoM of joints [2]. But, it is not al-
The normal kinematic features of basic activities of daily living ways possible in relation to etiology, prognosis, or severity of the dis-
(ADLs) such as eating, drinking, personal care, functional mobility, ease such as burn injury, muscle shortness, tendon or ligament con-
wearing depend on range of motion (RoM), speed, efficacy, accuracy, tractures, pain, muscle tone disorders, adhesive capsulitis, bone
smoothness and coordination between the joints of the trunk and upper fractures, plexus lesions, rheumatoid arthritis, and others [2–9]. All of
extremity [1]. Especially, RoM in all directions are essential for ADLs. these informations reveal the need to determine the functional RoMs
When ADLs were impeded due to decreased RoM, these ADLs were defined as required maximal range of motion without limitations while
performed by using compensatory movement or assistance of other performing different daily tasks [10].
peoples and adaptive instruments [2]. Therefore, maintaining or re- Kinematic analysis is an objective method for evaluating of func-
storing RoM is the main objectives of many rehabilitation practices [2]. tional RoM to describe the extremities and trunk movements during

Corresponding author at: Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University, 06100 Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (M. Doğan).
Received 18 December 2018; Received in revised form 1 February 2019; Accepted 24 February 2019
0966-6362/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Doğan, et al. Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

ADLs [10,11]. In previous studies, electromagnetic systems [5,12,13] Xsens MVN Studio 4.6 was used to follow the IMU orientations with
and optical systems [14–18] were used for determining functional respect to an earth-based coordinate frame [28]. The biomechanical
RoMs of upper extremity joints. These systems can be provide valid, model of this system associated with a model from Optotrak motion-
reliable, detailed and objective measurements [19] but spesific mate- based system [29,30]. Thus, this system able to quantify joint kine-
rials of these systems have difficult accessibility because of materials matics of complex movements [20]. Gloves, vests, and velcro tapes
are relatively expensive, non-portable and require a well-trained bio- were used to affix sensors to upper extremity and trunk for an effective
mechanical expertise. Therefore, the usability of these systems is not analysis.
common in clinical practice, and clinicans do not have access to ob- The participant was asked to stand N-Pose for calibration process, as
jective data for evaluating patient’s impairment or motor performance. intructions in MVN BIOMECH user manual. Measurements were eval-
A more accessible methods needed to evaluate RoM in clinics [20]. In uated for individuals in an anatomical position, performing activity,
this respect, inertial measurement units (IMUs) are used to evaluate the and then returning to the anatomical position. Each measurement was
performance of the upper limb motor function during ADLs in the lit- repeated three times with 60 s intervals. The mean values of kinematic
erature [20–23]. Furthermore, potential solutions of IMUs allows to data determined each individual’s functional RoM of joints. The joint
determine kinematics without being restricted to laboratory area and angle definitions followed by the International Society of Biomechanics
clinicians who inexperienced in the field of biomechanics can evaluate [31]. Characteristics of materials, as well as their measurements, were
individuals easily in clinical settings [20]. IMUs are portable and more standardized for every individual.
cheaper than camera based motion-capture systems. Also, the validity
of joint kinematic assesments of IMUs has been confirmed with respect 2.3. Activities
to optoelectronic motion analysis systems [20,24–26].
In previous studies, shoulder and elbow joint RoMs were analyzed Nine ADLs were selected by examining the studies in the literature
for 66 different ADL tasks which 40 focused personal care, seven on [12,13,32,33] and associated clinical experience of study group with
feeding, and the rest on variety of daily, leisure, and work activities [2]. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
According to our knowledge, functional RoMs of the upper extremity subdomains. ICF linking process was constructed by three PhD phy-
and spesific trunk joints were not evaluated together. Additionally, siotherapist and they followed Cieza et al.’s linking rules [34]. Within
there is no study investigating the kinematic properties of bimanual the scope of the study unilateral; hand to head (HTH), hanging jacket
asymmetric activities (e.g. water pouring, removing belt, teeth (HJ), eating (EAT), wallet placement to back pocket (WPBP), bilateral
brushing) which right and left upper extremities have different tasks at symmetric; washing hands and face (WHeWF), and bimanual asym-
the same time. In this context, the purpose of present study is to define metric; removing belt (RB), water pouring (WPo), brushing teeth (BT)
the functional RoM of the upper limbs and trunk joints in healthy in- activities were evaluated. Activity selection criteria showed in Table 1.
dividuals during unilateral (hand to head, hanging jacket, eating and
wallet placement to back pocket) and bilateral-bimanual (washing face 2.3.1. Unilateral activities
and hands, remove belt, brushing teeth, water pouring) functional ev-
eryday tasks. • Hand to head: Participants were asked to touch their right hand to
the center point of their head.
2. Material and methods • Hanging jacket: Participants were asked to hang a standard jacket
to 175 cm height hanger and they were positioned 30 cm opposite
2.1. Participants the center of hanger.
• Eating: Participants were asked to sit in an upright position on
The individuals who are 20–40 years old, right dominant, have 45 cm height chair. The plate and spoon were placed 15 cm forward
painless upper extremity and trunk movement were included in this on 75 cm height table. The participants were asked to take the spoon
study. The individuals who have diagnosed the neurological or ortho- 3 times to their mouths with their right hands.
pedic problem that prevents upper extremity and trunk movements • Wallet placement to back pocket: The wallet was placed 15 cm
were excluded. This study was conducted in the Hacettepe University, forward on 75 cm high table. The participants were asked to take
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Physiotherapy and wallet and put their back pocket.
Rehabilitation, Technological Rehabilitation Research Laboratory.
Written informed consent was obtained from all participants, as ap- 2.3.2. Bilateral symmetric activities
proved by the Ethics Committee of the Hacettepe University (KA-
17051). Physical and demographic characteristics (age, weight, height, • Washing face and hands: A basin was laid on 75 cm high table for
body mass index, flare length, distance between right and left acro- representing the washbowl. The participants were asked to do these
mion) of the participants were all recorded. activities in a similar way as they did in daily life. However, water
was not used performing the activities. Each participant washed his
2.2. Experimental protocol hands three times. The WF activity was performed in same protocol.

MVN BIOMECH Awinda MTW2-3A7G6 sensors (Xsens Technologies 2.3.3. Bimanual asymmetric activities
B.V. Enschede, Netherlands) were used for 3D kinematic analysis of
activities. IMUs consist of a triaxial accelerometer, triaxial magnet- • Removing belt: Each participant was asked to wear the appropriate
ometer and triaxial gyroscope. A kalman filter (Xsens Kalman Filter, belt and stand anatomical position. The participants were asked to
XKF) was used to generate 3D reconstruction for body segment position remove belt using both hands and keep it in the right hand.
and orientation. These sensors tend to yield valid and reliable results • Brushing teeth: The toothpaste and toothbrush were placed on the
compared to optical motion analysis systems, which had been accepted shelf of 125 cm height. The distance between toothpaste and
as the gold standard in prior studies of biomechanical analysis toothbrush was 15 cm and they placed parallel to each other. Firstly,
[20,24–27]. the participants were asked to take toothbrush with right hand and
Bilateral shoulder, elbow, wrist, and C7-T1, T12-L1, L5-S1 joint take toothpaste with left hand on the shelf. Secondly, the partici-
kinematic data were recorded with IMU sensors, wireless station and pants were asked to squeeze toothpaste into toothbrush and put

M. Doğan, et al. Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

toothpaste on the shelf. Thirdly, the participants were asked to

Similiar, Aizawa et al. [12], Magermans et al. [5], van Andel et al. [8]
brush three times circularly with toothbrush on their right hand and
put toothbrush on the shelf.
• Water pouring: The pitcher and glass were placed on the 45 cm
high table. The distance between pitcher and glass was 15 cm.
Pitcher filled with 1 L of water. Firstly, the participants were asked
to lean forward to take pitcher (with right hand) and glass (with left
hand) to upward simultaneously. Secondly, the participants were
asked to fill the glass with water from pitcher. Lastly, the partici-
pants were asked to put glass and pitcher to table.

2.4. Statistical analysis

Similiar, van Andel et al. [8]

Statistical analysis was performed with the MATLAB R2016a

(MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). The weighted linear regression method
Magermans et al. [5]

Bible et al. [44,45]

Aizawa et al [12].

was used for normalization, while descriptive statistics were given with
Inada et al. [33]
Referred Article

mean ± standard deviation (X ± SD).

3. Results


Forty-six (22 males, 24 females) healthy subjects were included. The

mean age was found to be 25,74 ± 4,18 years. The mean height and
d5301, Regulation defecation.

flare length was found to be 171,22 ± 8,22 and 170,60 ± 10,16 cm.
d5100, Washing body parts.
d5100, Washing body parts.
d5401, Taking off clothes.

The mean length between bilateral acromions was found to be

d5201, Caring for teeth.
d5202, Caring for hair.
Linked ICF Parameters

32,91 ± 3,84 cm. The mean weight was found to be 67,33 ± 15,11 kg
and the mean body mass index was found to be 22,73 ± 3,55 kg / m2.
d560, Drinking.
d540, Dressing.

The maximum angles and functional RoMs of the unilateral tasks,

d550, Eating.

bimanual asymmetrical activities, bilateral symmetrical tasks, are

shown in Tables 2–4. The functional extension/flexion range of joints
showed in Fig. 1.
With this study, lateral flexion of T12-L1 joint and rotation of C7-T1,
L5-S1 and shoulder joints showed highest RoM degrees in HJ; the lat-
Toilet Hygiene, Functional Mobility

eral flexion of C7-T1 and L5-S1 joints were highest in WPBP. The ulnar/
Eating and Functional Mobility

radial deviation range of the wrist was highest in WPo. The abduction/
Personal Care and Hygiene

adduction range of the dominant shoulder, pronation/supination range

of the dominant wrist, and flexion/extension range of dominant elbow
Functional Mobility

were highest in BT (Table 3).

The pronation/supination range of the dominant elbow was highest
Personal Care

Personal Care
Personal Care
Related ADL

in WH and flexion/extension range of C7-T1 joint was highest RB,


flexion/extension range of T12-L1, L5-S1, and dominant wrist joints


were highest in WF. Also, functional RoMs of dominant and non-

dominant extremities were found similiar in bilateral symmetrical tasks
(Table 4).
Bimanuel Asymmetrical /Multi Motor Tasks
Bimanuel Asymmetrical /Multi Motor Tasks

4. Discussion
Unilateral/ Outside Visibility Area

Studies evaluating the upper extremity kinematic characteristics of

daily living activities in healthy individuals play an important role in
establishing the reference values needed for accurate and objective
Bimanuel asymmetrical
Unilateral / Head over
Unilateral / Head over

Bilateral/ Symmetrical
Bilateral/ Symmetrical

determination of activity limitations in various diseases [2,8]. There-

Unilateral / Sitting

fore, studies are needed to evaluate upper extremity activities under

different conditions in the literature. Also trunk stabilization plays
fundamental role for the quality and accuracy of upper extremity
Activity selection protocols and ICF linking.

movements [35,36]. Most of the previous studies, ignoring this situa-


tion, the only upper extremity kinematics investigated [2,17,33,37]. In

this respect, this study differs from literature in terms of investigate the
trunk and upper extremity movements with IMU sensors.
Wallet placement to back pocket

The activities included in previous studies were chosen according to

different approaches. The activities were selected from the parameters
of the functional evaluation scales [12,13,18], patients’ feedbacks
[38,39], and pilot or previous studies in the literature [11,40,41]. In
this study, activities were selected from the previous studies, and
Washing hands
Hanging jacket

Brushing teeth
Removing belt

Water Pouring
Hand to head

Washing face

clinical experience of the research team, and activities are associated

with the sub-domains of ICF. For this reason, this is the first study in
Table 1


which ICF linking is used systematically in kinematic research.

In the previous studies, the activities were evaluated in the

M. Doğan, et al. Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

Table 2
Functional range of motions of dominant extremity and trunk during unilateral tasks.
Joints Activities Right (+) / Left (-) Lateral Flexion Right (+) / Left (-) Axial Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)

Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

C7-T1 HTH 0,22 1,27 3,13 1,81 2,91 −0,47 1,74 1,06 1,97 1,53 19,3 2,86 20,68 3,13 1,38
HJ −0,94 1,32 2,35 1,8 3,29 −5,4 3,7 1,57 2,56 6,97 9,96 3,66 14,68 3,87 4,72
EAT −0,2 1,36 2,46 2,13 2,66 −0,55 1,78 0,05 2,7 0,6 15,52 3 18,31 3,53 2,79
WPBP −0,49 0,97 3,6 2,62 4,09 −3,89 2,29 0,56 2,45 4,45 18,25 3,91 23,49 5,52 5,24
T12-L1 HTH −0,55 0,39 0,06 0,29 0,61 −0,34 0,73 −0,06 0,74 0,28 0,88 0,66 1,08 0,63 0,2
HJ −1,42 1,05 0,39 0,57 1,81 0,66 1 2,59 1,27 1,93 0,54 1,21 1,07 1,13 0,53
EAT −0,17 0,83 0,46 0,7 0,63 −0,05 0,92 0,31 1,06 0,36 5,05 2,06 8,63 1,9 3,58
WPBP −0,5 0,79 0,8 0,91 1,3 −0,76 1,17 1,96 1,02 2,72 1,01 0,76 3,36 1,18 2,35
L5-S1 HTH −1,23 0,88 0,13 0,64 1,37 −0,77 1,65 −0,14 1,66 0,63 1,97 1,49 2,43 1,41 0,46
HJ −3,22 2,33 0,85 1,31 4,08 1,48 2,25 5,81 2,87 4,33 1,13 2,76 2,41 2,54 1,28
EAT −0,44 1,85 1,01 1,55 1,45 −0,05 2,07 0,66 2,41 0,71 11,38 4,64 19,43 4,3 8,05
WPBP −1,06 1,74 1,65 2,02 2,71 −1,75 2,63 4,47 2,3 6,22 2,27 1,71 7,58 2,65 5,31
Shoulder Abduction (+) / Adduction (-) Internal (+) / External (-) Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right HTH 9,57 4,33 38,89 10,89 29,32 −13,09 8,63 55,4 18,5 68,49 4,85 5,47 89,88 21,33 85,03
HJ 8,17 5,26 30,21 12,77 22,04 −13,71 11,89 63,62 16,51 77,33 −6,9 7,92 91,18 14,24 98,08
EAT 10,27 5,05 31,84 10,16 21,57 −9,82 10,11 21,4 12,78 31,22 4,41 7,04 46,03 14,99 41,62
WPBP 9,28 3,87 22,7 8,33 13,42 −21,77 12,41 20,97 14,18 42,74 −37,85 10,68 21,52 15,25 59,37
Wrist and Elbow Ulnar (+) / Radial (-) Deviation Pronation (+) / Supination (-) Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right Wrist HTH 2,81 5,63 5,55 7,43 2,74 −18,31 11,75 −11,45 10,16 6,86 −9,05 9,09 7,8 11,23 16,85
HJ −9,74 9,12 8,86 10,69 18,6 −13,72 13,43 7,1 10,68 20,82 −28,96 15,53 −9,05 15,99 19,91
EAT −1,98 10,4 5,9 11,58 7,88 −15,45 13,68 −1,41 11,2 14,04 −40,29 12,61 −12,46 10,63 27,83
WPBP −1,87 8,88 4,85 8,86 6,71 −18,19 12,78 3,27 17,57 21,46 −30 14,29 −4,36 23,66 25,64
Right Elbow HTH * * * * * 22,6 16,03 55,09 18,44 32,49 8,56 7,66 110,9 22,48 102,34
HJ * * * * * 14,58 17,2 83,87 24,78 69,29 10,13 8,63 91,67 20,81 81,54
EAT * * * * * 18,68 16,91 67,23 22,71 48,55 13,84 9,07 120,6 16,81 106,76
WPBP * * * * * 14,8 18,35 107,93 23,89 93,13 11,43 7,48 50,83 35,9 39,4

HTH: Hand to head, HJ: Hanging jacket, EAT: Eating, WPBP: Wallet placement to back pocket, *: Not analyzed.

Table 3
Functional range of motions of dominant extremity and trunk during bimanual asymmetrical tasks.
Joints Activities Right (+) / Left (-) Lateral Flexion Right (+) / Left (-) Axial Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)

Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

C7-T1 RB 0,01 1,19 2,03 2,16 2,02 −0,19 1,84 0,31 2,08 0,5 17,52 3,44 29,75 5,58 12,23
WPo −0,98 2,32 0,67 1,97 1,65 −0,36 1,31 1,51 1,29 1,87 18,95 4,07 23,68 3,51 4,73
BT −1,01 1,1 0,84 1,67 1,85 1,26 2,23 2,12 2,43 0,86 17,12 3,13 20,62 3,58 3,5
T12-L1 RB 0,17 0,5 0,35 0,44 0,18 0,35 0,58 0,79 0,99 0,44 1,4 1,56 3,23 2,29 1,83
WPo −1,34 0,81 −0,01 0,66 1,33 −0,04 0,34 0,4 0,62 0,44 1,21 0,75 6,26 2,43 5,05
BT −0,57 0,42 0,05 0,29 0,62 0,34 0,87 0,69 0,84 0,35 0,8 0,71 1,55 0,95 0,75
L5-S1 RB 0,35 1,15 0,78 0,96 0,43 0,79 1,3 1,77 2,22 0,98 3,16 3,51 7,27 5,15 4,11
WPo −3,04 1,83 −0,01 1,44 3,03 −0,1 0,76 0,85 1,4 0,95 2,72 1,69 14,09 5,47 11,37
BT −1,3 0,97 0,11 0,66 1,41 0,74 1,96 1,53 1,89 0,79 1,79 1,59 3,48 2,14 1,69
Shoulders Abduction (+) / Adduction (-) Internal (+) / External (-) Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right RB 9,23 5,01 19,4 5,91 10,17 −12,76 12,45 9,68 12,76 22,44 −11,86 10,61 2,13 10,56 13,99
WPo 8,55 3,94 27,16 10,36 18,61 −12,32 8,22 20,99 10,58 33,31 1,52 4,84 35,92 9,85 34,4
BT 8,19 4,08 39,45 10,68 31,26 −10,47 9,16 24,98 13,76 35,45 −1,18 6,78 55,01 14,4 56,19
Left RB 10,08 4,49 19,64 5,57 9,56 −8,96 10,7 12,02 13,01 20,98 −6,76 9,61 5,83 8,39 12,59
WPo 822 4,9 11,82 6,36 3,6 −9,11 9 23,38 10,8 32,49 2,84 4,25 32,36 12,79 29,52
BT 9,18 4,08 23,98 11,5 14,8 −15,82 10,26 21,67 13,55 37,49 −1,41 5,05 42,49 13,92 43,9
Wrists Ulnar (+) / Radial (-) Deviation Pronation (+) / Supination (-) Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right RB −8,69 9,04 5,69 9,28 14,38 −13,95 13,72 3,78 12,83 17,73 −19,18 13,2 −3,94 13,24 15,24
WPo −11,68 9,38 16,96 8,96 28,64 −17,76 11,43 9,5 12,37 27,26 −24,94 11,22 −9,59 8,97 15,35
BT −18,27 9,71 2,59 8,53 20,86 −14,78 11,45 12,56 11,92 27,34 −18,09 13,39 −5,9 11,48 12,19
Left RB −9,51 10,56 3,1 5,88 12,61 −16,41 13,28 3,47 12,37 19,88 −13,08 14,32 1,92 13,36 15
WPo 3,12 4,51 20,93 11,71 17,81 −17,63 11,26 1,71 6,58 19,34 −27,06 10,11 −7,21 7,97 19,85
BT −21,43 12,17 2,9 8,59 24,33 −17,65 11,25 12,63 10,24 30,28 −14,62 12,33 −5,3 14,34 9,32
Elbows Ulnar (+) / Radial (-) Deviation Pronation (+) / Supination (-) Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right RB * * * * * 16,64 17,12 81,09 24,97 64,45 10,26 8,8 63,96 18,78 53,7
WPo * * * * * 24,73 15,68 114,15 16,18 89,42 11,5 7,16 76,05 15,58 64,55
BT * * * * * 18,5 15,58 108,47 24,36 89,97 10,45 8,43 124,17 11,28 113,72
Left RB * * * * * 20,51 18,57 92,77 24,95 72,26 9,27 7,35 61,02 22,27 51,75
WPo * * * * * 22,81 15,52 114,05 14,64 91,24 10,61 7,28 56,83 16,04 46,22
BT * * * * * 26,82 17,73 112,63 23,73 85,81 8,52 6,83 87,69 14,59 79,17

RB: Removing Belt, WPo: Water Pouring, BT: Brushing Teeth, *: Not analyzed.

M. Doğan, et al. Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

Table 4
Functional range of motions of dominant extremity and trunk during bilateral symmetrical tasks.
Joints Activities Right (+) / Left (-) Lateral Flexion Right (+) / Left (-) Axial Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)

Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum Range

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

C7-T1 WH 0,02 1,21 1,2 2,38 1,18 −0,24 1,63 0,32 1,39 0,56 17,26 3,34 21,54 3,9 4,28
WF −0,13 1,28 1,77 2,03 1,9 −0,77 1,88 0,08 2,2 0,85 11,37 4,36 20,5 3,54 9,13
T12-L1 WH 0,02 0,36 0,13 0,63 0,11 0,07 0,39 0,76 0,73 0,69 0,59 0,95 7,6 1,93 7,01
WF 0,09 0,34 0,29 0,79 0,2 0,04 0,4 1,04 0,94 1 0,86 1,11 10,74 1,65 9,88
L5-S1 WH −0,02 0,86 0,21 1,35 0,23 0,16 0,88 1,7 1,68 1,54 1,32 2,14 17,1 4,35 15,78
WF 0,09 0,86 0,57 1,63 0,48 0,09 0,9 2,34 2,06 2,25 1,93 2,5 24,16 3,72 22,23
Shoulders Abduction (+) / Adduction (-) Internal (+) / External (-) Rotation Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right WH 8,37 4,26 13,95 7,32 5,58 −12,06 8,02 31,08 10,87 43,14 −3,94 5,39 44,37 11,53 48,31
WF −1,25 7,22 14,03 9,9 15,28 −11,92 8,13 37,19 11,39 49,11 −3,51 5,69 57,49 14,76 61
Left WH 6,93 6,23 13,02 6,8 6,09 −12,49 8,94 30,75 10,44 43,24 −0,56 4,58 44,85 11,29 45,41
WF −2,52 7,92 13,92 10,16 16,44 −10,93 8,63 37,5 12,02 48,43 −0,07 4,93 56,43 13,04 56,5
Wrists Ulnar (+) / Radial (-) Deviation Pronation (+) / Supination (-) Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right WH 2,19 6,02 8,58 12,69 6,39 −16,77 10,96 −0,72 12,93 16,05 −18,49 14,68 −7,89 22,56 10,6
WF 3,19 5,82 18,36 10,63 15,17 −17,06 11,81 −6,49 11,36 10,57 −39,6 13,07 −10,14 10,3 29,46
Left WH 0,53 8,15 8,48 15,92 7,95 −18,89 11,85 −5,2 9,89 13,69 −17,09 14,76 −3,55 19,4 13,54
WF 3,69 4,99 17,28 12,83 13,59 −18,76 11,18 −10,81 9,16 7,95 −37,8 15,79 −7,31 8,62 30,49
Elbows Ulnar (+) / Radial (-) Deviation Pronation (+) / Supination (-) Flexion (+) / Extension (-)
Right WH * * * * * 23,6 18,54 101,89 35,94 78,29 10,98 8,6 64,07 15,12 53,09
WF * * * * * 25,6 18,68 93,52 22,82 67,92 12,19 9,01 119,8 15,7 107,61
Left WH * * * * * 22,44 17,68 95,92 41,11 73,48 9,43 7,72 61,88 15,84 52,45
WF * * * * * 23,73 17,63 90,23 25,56 66,5 9,78 8,04 119,73 16,17 109,95

WF: Washing Face, WH: Washing Hands. *: Not analyzed.

Fig. 1. Joint's functional range of motion on flexion/extension movement.

unilateral pattern including the daily life requirements of personal care, largely based on the use of two upper extremities [42]. It is known that
nutrition, functional mobility and communication [2,10]. However, bilateral extremities perform different functions simultaneously in a
from functional point of view; most of the activities in our daily life complementary manner. Besides the unilateral upper extremity kine-
involve the simultaneous use of both hands in sametime. For example; matics, there is a need for the assessment of symmetrical and asym-
shopping, dressing, cooking, driving, keyboard writing activities are metrical bimanual activities for determine the targets for rehabilitation

M. Doğan, et al. Gait & Posture 70 (2019) 141–147

correctly. In this respect, this study is the first to evaluate the trunk and skill level, and to determine requirements of normative data for sup-
upper extremity joints concurrently with IMU sensors during bilateral portive technological rehabilitation approaches.
symmetrical (WH, WF) and bimanual asymmetrical activities (WPo, RB,
CT). Fundings
In a comprehensive review of the literature, the functional RoMs in
the shoulder joint were approximately 62° extension, 142° extension/ This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
flexion, 115° abduction, and 127° adduction [2]. In previous studies, agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
functional RoMs were found 121°-135.7° flexion, 53° supination and
13°-120° pronation in the elbow joint and 50° extension, 45° flexion, 23- Declaration of interest
40° ulnar deviation, and 15°-28° radial deviation in the wrist joint
[5,32,43]. A few studies assessed functional RoMs of cervical and None.
lumbar joints during ADLs [44,45]. According to Bible et al. cervical
functional RoMs during the 15 ADLs were 13° extension 32° flexion, 9°- Author contributions
21° lateral bending, and 13°-57° axial rotation [44] and lumbar func-
tional RoMs were 3° extension, 49° flexion, 2°-11°lateral bending, and MD contribute to kinematic analysis of the nine ADLs. MeK con-
2°-7° axial rotation [45]. In these studies, multi-joint RoMs were de- tributed to analysis of data. MD, SAY, MuK, OU and EA contributed to
scribed. Each joint was not examined separately, and it is not known the study design and plan. MD, GS, OOK and FA contributed to the
which joint belongs to the ROM. In this respect, this study measured the interpretation of the date and creation of the manuscript. All authors
trunk from different levels for the first time and gave more detailed confirmed and approved the final manuscript.
results compared to the literature. Furthermore, functional RoMs of
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