Klooster Man
Klooster Man
Klooster Man
Pages 617–628
Marieke G. M. Kloosterman, PT, MSc;1–2* Govert J. Snoek, MD, PhD;2–3 Mirjam Kouwenhoven, MD;2–3
Anand V. Nene, MD, PhD;2–3 Michiel J. A. Jannink, PhD2,4
Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen,
the Netherlands; 2Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the Netherlands; 3Roessingh Rehabilitation Cen-
ter, Enschede, the Netherlands; 4Laboratory of Biomechanical Engineering, University of Twente, Faculty of Engineer-
ing Technology, Enschede, the Netherlands
Nine subjects with a CSCI (at least 1 year since
injury) were recruited from a local rehabilitation center. Figure 1.
Inclusion criteria for participation were motor injury Freebal device for gravity compensation of upper limb. Source: Stienen
level C5–C7 (cervical) and age between 18 and 65 years. AH, Hekman EE, Van der Helm FC, Prange GB, Jannink MJ, Aalsma
AM, Van der Kooij H. Freebal: Dedicated gravity compensation for the
Exclusion criteria were extreme shoulder pain, contrac- upper extremities. In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE 10th International
tures of the upper limb, and/or spasticity preventing per- Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics; 2007 Jun 13–15; Noordwijk
formance of the required tasks. All subjects were assessed aan Zee, the Netherlands. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE Press. p. 804–8.
according to the standard neurological classification [16]. DOI:10.1109/ICORR.2007.4428517
During the measurements, subjects sat in their own
wheelchairs (one subject was not wheelchair-dependent
and sat on a normal chair) in front of a height adjustable
table. In the starting position, subjects sat with their fore-
arm flat on the tabletop, elbow flexed at 90°, and hand on
the starting dot. Subjects performed two goal-directed
movements with and without the Freebal:
1. Maximal reaching task. This task consisted of three
maximum reaches in front of the subjects, without
gliding the hand and arm along the tabletop.
2. Reach and retrieval task. Subjects were instructed to
move at their own comfortable speed between a start-
ing dot and target dot on the table for 30 seconds. Both
dots were 10 cm in diameter, and the distance between
the dots was 35 cm (Figure 2(a)).
Kinematics were recorded with a 3-D optical move-
ment tracking system with six cameras (Vicon Nexus
1.3.109, Oxford Metrics Ltd; Oxford, United Kingdom). Figure 2.
Reflective markers were placed on 10 bony landmarks of (a) Tabletop with start and target dots and (b) experimental setup. S =
the arm and trunk: processus spinosus of the seventh cer- starting dot, T = target dot.
vical and eighth thoracic vertebra, incisura jugularis, pro-
cessus xiphoideus, acromioclavicular joint, medial and
lateral epicondyle, radial and ulnar styloid, and distal replaced missing marker trajectories over a short period
head third metacarpal (Figure 2(b)). Six cameras at (less than 10 samples) by linear interpolation. If data
100 Hz recorded the 3-D marker trajectories. The acro- were missing for longer periods or at the end of the reach
mion marker was used for estimating the glenohumeral or retrieval movement, the movement cycle was removed.
rotation center. Scapular motion was disregarded because Marker position data were converted to limb seg-
scapular motion was not likely to participate in the ante- ments data according to the guidelines of the Interna-
flexion movement if the angle of elevation remains tional Society of Biomechanics [18]; thereafter, joint
below 60°. angles were calculated with Euler rotation. The elbow
The marker trajectories were visually inspected for joint angle (Figure 3(a)) was specified as the angle
recording errors and missing marker data. If one trunk between the longitudinal axis of the upper arm and the
marker was missing, we replaced it using the Vicon forearm (full elbow extension was defined as 0°; forearm
BodyBuilder model (Metrics Ltd; Oxford, United King- perpendicular to upper arm, 90°). We calculated two
dom). This model estimated the position of the missing angles to describe the position of the upper arm related to
marker by the position of the other three markers. We the thorax: (1) the angle of elevation (Figure 3(b)),
Figure 3.
Representations of calculated angles to express position of elbow and shoulder in accordance with recommendations of International Society of
Biomechanics: (a) elbow angle (), (b) angle of elevation (), and (c) plane of elevation ().
defined as the angle between the upper arm and trunk preparation, and recording protocol were in accordance
(upper arm parallel with thorax, 0°; upper arm parallel with the SENIAM guidelines [19].
with horizontal; 90°), and (2) the plane of elevation (Fig- sEMG signals were synchronized with the marker
ure 3(c)), defined as the angle between the thorax and the trajectories (Figure 4). The time axis was normalized
upper arm in the transversal plane (arm extended forward, from 0 to 100 percent: reach 0 to 50 percent and retrieval
0°; arm extended to the lateral, –90°). 51 to 100 percent.
For the maximal reaching task, we compared the We converted the band-pass filtered sEMG signals to
maximum elbow extension with and without gravity smooth rectified sEMG using a second-order Butterworth
compensation. To quantify the differences between the filter with frequency at 25 Hz. To visualize the differ-
reach and retrieval task with and without gravity com- ences in smooth rectified sEMG, we plotted movement
pensation, we derived joint rotations (in degrees) of the trajectories (averaged data over all cycles) for two subjects
angles just mentioned and parameters of the movement with and without gravity compensation plotted in the same
cycles (mean duration of one movement cycle, number of graph (Figure 5). Changes in the amplitude of muscle
repetitions within 30 seconds). Cycle parameters were activation during movements with gravity compensation
averaged over all movement cycles within a series; the were expressed as a percentage of the change of the area
first two cycles were excluded for analysis. A movement under the curve of the same movement without gravity
cycle consisted of two parts, namely reach (maximum to compensation. The area under the curve is calculated as
minimum elbow angle) and retrieval (minimum to maxi- the integral of the smooth rectified sEMG.
mum elbow angle). Timing of muscle activation was analyzed visually.
The primary investigator assessed the sEMG recordings,
Electromyography and a coauthor with extensive experience in sEMG analysis
Bipolar sEMG of eight superficial muscles (descend- checked it.
ing parts of the trapezius, anterior and posterior parts of
the deltoid, pectoralis major, long head of the biceps, Statistical Analysis
long head and lateral head of the triceps, and latissimus This study had an explorative character; therefore,
dorsi) was recorded with circular, wet gel, silver/silver- the effect of gravity compensation was described separately
chloride electrodes (ARBO, type S93SG, Tyco/Health- for each individual subject. Because of the small sample
care Deutschland; Neustadt/Donau, Germany) at a sam- size and a heterogeneous population, a Wilcoxon signed
ple frequency of 1,000 Hz. Electrode placement, skin rank test was performed and the median or ranges were
Figure 4.
Elbow and shoulder joint angles (°) during 15 s repetitive reach and retrieval tasks with Freebal, performed by subject with identification number 2,
simultaneously displayed with smooth rectified surface electromyography values (microvolt) of eight measured muscles.
Figure 5.
Mean muscle activation pattern of reach and retrieval task with and without Freebal (Fb). Conditions with (dotted line) and without (solid line)
gravity compensation were plotted in same graph. Smooth rectified surface electromyography (sEMG) (microvolt) of eight measured muscles and
corresponding joint angles (°) was plotted against average movement cycle, divided into reach (1%–50%) and retrieval (51%–100%). (a) Activation
patterns of subject with identification (ID) number 9. Amplitude of sEMG of antigravity muscles decreased with use of Fb, except descending part of
trapezius. (b) Activation pattern of subject with ID number 2. Amplitude of sEMG of antigravity muscles decreased and amplitude of sEMG in
triceps increased with use of Fb.
found. From the Wilcoxon test, the test statistic T (smallest Kinematics
of the two sums of ranks), its significance (p), and the Movement parameters are presented in Table 2. During
effect size (r) were reported. the maximal reaching task with and without gravity com-
pensation, the maximum elbow angle was significantly
lower with gravity compensation (median 33.3°) than
without gravity compensation (median 29.4°), T = 2, p =
Subjects 0.021, r = –0.77.
A complete data set was available for nine partici- During the reach and retrieval task with gravity com-
pants. The physical characteristics of each of the nine pensation, all subjects showed decreased elbow extension
subjects are displayed in Table 1. (range 0.1°–11.0°). At the shoulder joint, seven subjects
Table 1.
Physical characteristics of subjects (N = 9).
Subject ID Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sex M M M M F M F M M
Age (yr) 28 55 47 59 39 40 26 53 36
Time Since Injury (mo) 58 29 282 209 66 221 161 170 198
Motor Level of Lesion C5 C6 C6 C6 C5 C5 C6 C6 C7
ASIA Impairment Scale A C B D B C A A A
Measured Arm R L R L R L L L R
ASIA Motor Score of Measured Arm (MRC score)
C5 (elbow flexors) 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5
C6 (wrist extensors) 0 4 4 4 5 2 5 5 5
C7 (elbow extensors) 0 2 0 5 4 4 0 0 3
C8 (finger extensors) 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0
T1 (finger abductors) 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
ASIA = American Spinal Injury Association, C = cervical (fifth to eighth vertebra), F = female, ID = identification, L = left, M = male, MRC = Medical Research
Council, R = right, T = thoracic.
had decreased plane (0.3°–6.9°) and six subjects had 3. In three of the five subjects with active triceps function
reduced angle of elevation (0.1°–15.1°). The movement (MRC score of at least 2), the amplitude of sEMG in
times increased in four subjects (range 0.1–0.4 s), the long head of triceps increased (25.2%, 1.2%, and
decreased in two subjects (0.2–0.4 s), and remained the 16.9%) and decreased in the other two subjects (16.4%
same in three subjects. None of these parameters differs and 56.6%). On a group level, a significant difference
significantly between movements performed with and between the conditions with and without gravity com-
without gravity compensation (elbow extension: T = 2, p = pensation was found for the following muscles:
0.214, r = –0.41; shoulder plane of elevation: T = 3, p = descending part of trapezius during reach: T = 1, p =
0.767, r = –0.10; shoulder angle of elevation: T = 4, p = 0.038, r = –0.69; posterior part of deltoid during reach: T =
0.515, r = –0.22; and cycle duration: T = 2, p = 0.484, r = 1, p = 0.015, r = –0.81, and during retrieval: T = 0, p =
–0.23). 0.008, r = –0.89; and anterior part of deltoid and long
head biceps for reach as well as retrieval: T = 0, p =
Electromyography 0.008, r = –0.89.
Based on the plotted smooth rectified sEMG (Figure 5) Within subjects, the timing of muscle activation did
and calculated differences (in terms of percentage) in the not change visibly with gravity compensation. With
areas under the curves (Table 2), we made three observa- respect to the patterns of timing between subjects, we
tions: found various different patterns. Some alternating activa-
1. With gravity compensation, the amplitude of the tion patterns were found between agonists and antagonists.
sEMG decreased especially in the antigravity muscles. All subjects with at least some triceps function showed
In six subjects, amplitude of the sEMG decreased in an alternating activation pattern between the long head of
the descending part of the trapezius (range 17.5%– biceps and triceps (Figure 6(a)). We found a simulta-
60.6%) and increased in three subjects (4.1%, 6.5%, neous activation pattern in four subjects between the acti-
and 59.7%). In all subjects, amplitude of the sEMG vation of the anterior and posterior parts of the deltoid
was decreased in the posterior part of deltoid (range: muscle (Figure 6(b)) and in six subjects between the ante-
12.8%–54.1%), the anterior part of deltoid (17.4%– rior part of deltoid and pectoral muscles (Figure 6(c)).
73.6%), and the long head of biceps (22.9%–80.0%). Furthermore, the descending part of the trapezius
2. In four subjects (identification numbers 1, 3, 7, and 8) was used in various different patterns. In one subject, an
without triceps activity (Medical Research Council alternating activation pattern between the anterior and
[MRC] score of 0), sEMG activity was recorded dur- posterior parts of the deltoid occurred, and in another
ing flexion of the elbow. subject, an alternating activation pattern between the
Table 2.
Influence of gravity compensation on kinematic parameters during maximal reaching task on kinematic and surface electromyography (sEMG)
parameters during reach and retrieval task of participants (N = 9) with and without Freebal (Fb).
Subject ID Number
Task Fb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maximal Reach
No 47.9 19.0 47.5 36.9 22.3 24.3 21.1 46.2 29.4
Elbow Angle (°)
Yes 52.2 20.8 47.4 36.1 25.3 28.8 23.6 49.4 33.3
Reach and Retrieval
Angles of Elbow and Shoulder at Target Dot (°)
No 47.5 29.0 47.8 54.9 40.4 25.7 43.1 56.7 36.6
Elbow Angle
Yes 57.5 29.4 58.8 64.0 47.5 32.9 43.2 65.3 39.6
No –71.6 –42.7 –50.0 –66.4 –49.3 –39.8 –43.3 –56.7 –54.0
Plane of Elevation
Yes –64.7 –40.3 –49.7 –66.7 –48.4 –50.5 –41.4 –54.7 –51.2
No 30.6 23.0 37.8 51.3 29.1 27.2 44.6 44.7 40.4
Angle of Elevation
Yes 15.5 30.3 34.2 40.5 31.8 32.2 35.3 44.6 39.5
Parameters of Movement Cycles
No 2.7 2.1 1.4 2.4 1.3 1.6 1.5 2.9 1.3
Cycle Duration (s)
Yes 3.1 2.2 1.4 2.0 1.3 1.6 1.6 2.7 1.4
No 11 14 21 13 23 19 20 10 23
Repetitions (n in 30 s)
Yes 10 14 21 15 23 19 19 11 21
sEMG Parameters: Change of Area Under Curve (%)*
Descending Part of Trapezius — –17.5 –41.2 4.1 –60.6 –46.8 –48.3 59.7 6.5 –19.3
Posterior Part of Deltoid — –43.0 –54.1 –29.5 –16.0 –47.2 –26.1 –32.9 –26.3 –12.8
Anterior Part of Deltoid — –54.5 –31.9 –17.4 –73.6 –27.0 –33.2 –39.8 –30.6 –31.6
Pectoralis Major — –30.4 –51.2 –14.7 –40.6 –38.1 –11.3 –4.2 –39.0 22.2
Long Head Biceps — –57.0 –78.0 –42.9 –80.0 –41.6 –52.7 –44.4 –26.4 –22.9
Lateral Head Triceps — –55.7 46.6 –37.3 –24.8 –10.7 115.5 –43.4 –29.6 –13.8
Long Head Triceps — –47.2 25.2 –37.7 1.2 –16.4 –56.6 12.1 –24.5 16.9
Latissimus Dorsi — –17.5 –6.6 –13.1 –28.6 –23.5 –17.8 –5.5 45.4 –4.8
*Negative value means decrease in area under curve during movement with Fb, compared with same movement without Fb.
ID = identification.
posterior parts of the deltoid solely. These two combina- sEMG characteristics of the upper limb during goal-
tions were also observed in a simultaneous pattern: in one directed movements of subjects with a CSCI.
subject, the descending part of the trapezius and anterior With gravity compensation, most of the subjects
and posterior parts of the deltoid were simultaneously showed less elbow extension and movement execution
activated, and in another subject, the descending part of the closer to the midline. Based on previous studies with
trapezius was activated with the posterior deltoid solely. stroke patients, one can expect that gravity compensation
increases range of motion of the upper limb [12,14] because
of the positive effect on pathological muscle synergies
DISCUSSION between shoulder abduction and elbow flexion [14]. In
patients with a CSCI, this pathological coupling does
The objective of the present study was to study the not occur. However, an effect on kinematics is expected
influence of gravity compensation on kinematics and because less muscle force is necessary to overcome
one cannot differentiate between activity because of in CSCI. A larger study is needed to firmly conclude
stretch and voluntary motor activity [24]. whether training with gravity compensation is clinically
A large variety in muscle activation patterns was relevent.
seen between subjects because of heterogeneity of the
study population. After a CSCI, the functional anatomy
of the upper limb had to be redefined. Muscle synergies ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
as seen in nondisabled subjects are often inappropriate
for subjects with a CSCI [20]. The central nervous sys- Author Contributions:
Study concept and design: G. J. Snoek, M. Kouwenhoven, A. V. Nene,
tem is challenged to use a motor strategy to adjust to the
M. J. A. Jannink.
new functional anatomy and biomechanics, with a Recruitment of study population: G. J. Snoek, M. Kouwenhoven,
reduced repertoire of innervated muscles to deal with the A. V. Nene.
mechanics [21], leading to different movement patterns Data collection and analysis: M. G. M. Kloosterman,
between subjects with a CSCI [20]. M. Kouwenhoven.
Interpretation of data: M. G. M. Kloosterman, G. J. Snoek,
To our knowledge, our study was the first explorative
M. Kouwenhoven, A. V. Nene, M. J. A. Jannink.
study about the effect of gravity compensation on kine- Drafting of manuscript: M. G. M. Kloosterman.
matics and sEMG in subjects with a CSCI. Another type Critical revision of manuscript: G. J. Snoek, M. Kouwenhoven,
of arm support by subjects with a CSCI was studied by A. V. Nene, M. J. A. Jannink.
Atkins et al. [7]. They reported about the effect of mobile Financial Disclosures: The authors have declared that no competing
arm support on ADLs. Based on Delphi questionnaires, interests exist.
Funding/Support: This material was based on work supported by the
they concluded that some ADLs were possible with the
Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ) Overijssel and Gelderland, the
use of a mobile arm support, which without the use of Netherlands, grant 1-5160. The study sponsor was not involved in any
such a device, patients with very weak biceps and deltoid aspect of this research.
muscles were unable to perform. Additional Contributions: Ms. Kloosterman is now only affiliated
Besides being used for compensating lost functions, with Roessingh Research and Development, Enschede, the
gravity compensation can be used for training purposes. Institutional Review: The study was approved by the local medical
Further studies should be performed with a larger popula- ethics committee. Subjects provided written informed consent before
tion because of the small effect size, especially on kine- being admitted to the study.
matic parameters, and should be able to test the following Participant Follow-Up: The authors do not plan to inform partici-
hypotheses: (1) patients with an MRC score of at least 2 pants of the publication of this study.
in the triceps muscle can train their primary agonists of
the shoulder and elbow in goal-directed movements more
intensively and, (2) for patients without active triceps REFERENCES
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