Photo Story - NG Swan Ti
Photo Story - NG Swan Ti
Photo Story - NG Swan Ti
Workshop Fotografi
Road to Indonesia Butuh Anak Muda Seri ITB
“How to Make a Powerful Photo Story”
▪ Studi di STIE Malangkucecwara, jurusan
▪ Bekerja di perusahaan manufaktur industri
makanan dan minuman selama 10 tahun.
▪ Memulai karier sebagai fotografer pada 2002. Di
awal menekuni dunia fotografi, ia terpilih untuk
mengikuti lokakarya yang diselenggarakan oleh
World Press Photo Foundation dan “i see”
(Imaging Centre) di Jakarta (2002), dan Asia-
Europe Foundation dan World Press Photo di
Amsterdam (2003).
▪ Membagi waktu sebagai fotografer dan
Managing Director PannaFoto Institute, lembaga
pendidikan fotografi dan visual storytelling
berbasis kemampuan berpikir kritis.
PHOTO STORY adalah ….
Telling stories with pictures
How does a picture story differ from a collection of pictures on a topic? A picture story
has a theme. Not only are the individual pictures in the story about one subject, but
they also help to support one central theme.
LIFE formula for visual variety
A wide-angle or aerial Focuses on one activity One element, like a Either a dramatic, tight
person’s hands or an headshot or a person in
shot to establish the or group. intricate detail of a his or her
scene. building. environmental setting.
Peope conversing or in A summary of the situation A how-to, before and A closer that would end
with all the key storytelling after, or a series with a the story.
action. elements beginning, middle and
– often called the decisive end (the sequence
moment. gives the essay a sense
of action)
Proyek Personal Katolik:
fotografi sebagai medium untuk
mengeksplorasi agama dan iman
sebagai elemen identitas saya,
yang terlahir di Indonesia
Mari menyusun kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat!
country W. by
essay the
Eugene photo
The landmark photo essay Country Doctor, by W. Eugene Smith
Quoted Magnum Photos website:
Although he was only a member of Magnum for four years between 1955 and 58, acclaimed
photographer W. Eugene Smith had a lasting impact on both the agency and photojournalism in
general. Smith compared his mode of working to that of a playwright; the powerful narrative
structures of his photo essays set a new benchmark for the genre. His series, The Country Doctor,
shot on assignment for Life Magazine in 1948, documents the everyday life of Dr Ernest Guy
Ceriani, a GP tasked with providing 24-hour medical care to over 2,000 people in the small town of
Kremmling, in the Rocky Mountains. The story was important at the time for drawing attention to the
national shortage of country doctors and the impact of this on remote communities. Today the
photoessay is widely regarded as representing a definitive moment in the history of
"He would always be present. He would always be in the shadows. I
would make the introduction and then go about my business as if he
were just a door knob"
- Dr Ernest Ceriani
Terima kasih!