MILO in2CRICKET Skills 3 - 6
MILO in2CRICKET Skills 3 - 6
MILO in2CRICKET Skills 3 - 6
• Two teams (6ERS vs. THUNDER).
• The cones are spread out across the playing area. Half are upside down (6ERS) and half are
the right way up (THUNDER).
• The aim of the activity is to turn as many of the opposition participant cones to your own
designated cone position and to keep as many in your correct position.
• Cones cannot be protected or kicked. They must be turned using both hands to replicate
the movement patterns of fielding.
• CONNECTIVITY - to determine a winner the cones are counted at the end of the
allocated game time. Connect to maths with your scoring system. Let the participants
estimate who may have won first and then through maths add up the points. Different
coloured cones can resemble different values. Before setting up a new game discuss about
space and distances between the cones.
• Ensure cones are not set up too closely to each other. Spread them out to prevent
participants from bumping into each other.
Teaching Point
• Encourage participants to flip the cones with two hands to replicate the movement
patterns of fielding.
• Participants line up along the same side of the rope.
- If the area has lines marked on the ground you can use them or use court lines if available.
- Each participant has a rubber cricket ball in their hand.
• Challenge the participants and see how many times you can get them to over balance or
make the wrong move in the activity.
• The participants are starting in the ‘out of the water’ position.
• The deliverer then calls “in the water” and the participants then jump over the rope.
• If the deliverer calls “out of the water” then the participants jump back over the rope to
their original position.
• The deliverer will make their calls faster and faster, eventually trying to trick the
participants. If a participant makes a wrong move (over balances or jumps back in the water
or out of the water), they take 3 steps back and complete 8 figure 8s before joining back
into the game.
• Ball Handling is incorporated into the activity amongst the ‘in the water/out of the water”
calls. The deliver may call out the following to add in ball handling into the activity – figure
8s, around your waist, bounce the ball in the ground, yo-yo catching, spin the ball from one
hand to the other, throw clap and catch etc.
• The deliverer can add in participant centred tasks by asking the participants to create
their own ball handling routines for 30secs.
• The second rope can be used for going back and forth with skipping, hopping, side skips,
ground touches or running if you wish to incorporate locomotor movements into the
• Participants do not throw the balls t other participants.
• 6 cones make up a rectangle (large cricket pitch). Line (A) is the YES line. Line (B) is the
WAIT line. Line (C) is the NO line.
• Participants line up on one side (C) facing the opposite line (A) (See image).
The Deliverer calls out one of the three commands: -
YES: the participants run all the way through to the opposite crease line;
NO: The participants remain where they are;
WAIT: The participants move out to the half way line (B).
• Each participant makes a choice if they would like to run with a bat, single stump or
nothing at all.
Teaching Points
• Through questions, get the students to come up with the answers to why it is
communication important when running between wickets.
A: Great communication will prevent run outs in games.
• Teach the participants to use signals when communicating e.g. put up your hand for NO.
• Two teams.
• On ‘go’ the participants from both teams roll or throw underarm over to the opposing
team’s backyard.
• Encourage participants to get the ball to bounce in the ‘safety zone’ before the balls enter
the opposing backyard.
• Balls are thrown continuously until a whistle is blown to stop the game.
• The team with the least amount of balls in their backyard is the winner.
• Mix the teams up for greater social interaction and start a new game.
• Before each game, allow the participants to speak together as a team and come up with
strategies on how they can work collaboratively and win the next round.
• After each round allow the participants to briefly review their round and what worked well
and how they could improve for the next round.
• Add in bowling. Participants who retrieve balls that go behind them generally
automatically walk up or run up to bowl.
• Throwing overarm at a target in pairs.
• Participants are opposite each other and throwing at the target in the middle.
• Pairs minute to win it. Pairs compete against each other. Who can hit the target the most
times within 1 minute?
• Participants then find a new partner and target for the next round.
• Participants rules. For the next few rounds the participants create their own rules e.g. 1
point for hitting the target and 5 points for knocking it over or getting it to flip.
Teaching Points
• Surf, point, bend and throw.
(Stand side on/point at the target/bend throwing elbow/elbow shoulder height/throw)
• Participants are split into two teams.
• On ‘go’ the players from both teams throw (overarm or underarm) the balls at the
Scorcher ball in the middle.
• One team is trying to hit the Scorcher ball and get it to roll across the opposing team’s
rope to win. The other team is doing the same thing by trying to get the Scorcher ball past
the opposing team’s rope.
• Participants can only retrieve balls in their designated area. Under no circumstance can
participants throw the ball or retrieve a ball from the safety zone.
• It’s a skill race. Participants compete.
• 1 ball per participant. Participants start in the middle.
• Participants run choose their own path but must be successful before moving onto
another challenge.
• Participants can roll, throw or bowl at the targets/challenges.
• When participants have completed all the challenges they go to the middle (inside the
rope) and take part in ball handling or catching.
• The first 3 participants to the middle after completing the challenges are the winners.
• After a round, the participants recreate new targets and another race then begins.
• Two - four participants per group. 4 groups per game.
• The game set up has four squares touching front edge corners. This creates a vacant
square in the middle.
• The vacant area in the middle is called no go land.
• Each team is in their square facing their opposition.
• The game initiates when one player from squares (A) & (B) underarms one ball, to bounce
once in the no go land before going into the opposition square (C) & (D).
• The opposition catch the ball returning it in the same fashion.
• Participants rotate the catcher and thrower role. They cannot catch or throw two in a row.
It is important that everyone has an equal go.
• A point is scored when a team drops a ball, a ball doesn’t bounce in or bounces too many
times in the no go land or the ball lands outside the opposition square area.
• In groups of three and in own space or two parallel lines.
• One participant bowls, one is the keeper and one video records or analysis.
• Participants analyse and provide feedback to their partner of their bowling. Use of
technology can be used here to provide video analysis for further feedback.
• The pairs help each other to enhance their movement performances in bowling.
• Participants find a new partner and through innovation create and build a new target to
bowl at.
• Participants analyse and provide feedback to their partner of their bowling. Use of
technology can be used here to provide video analysis for further feedback.
Coaching points
• Walk or run up to bowl.
• Bowl with a straight arm.
Two teams.
Participants must remain in between the cones and rope positioned behind them.
On ‘go’ the players from both teams bowl the rubber cricket balls to the opposite
teams area. The ball must bounce in the safety zone first before entering the
opposing team’s area.
There are various targets in the safety zone for participants to aim at.
Balls are retrieved (fielded) and bowled continuously until the game stops.
The team who score the most points by knocking over the most targets in the middle
wins the game.
• Cones are placed in a straight line and act as goals, 3m apart in front of the keepers.
• Each group competes against each other to see who can be the first team to bowl the ball,
land the ball past the rope and have it go through the goals 10 times.
• Within each group there is two – three participants waiting to bowl (behind the bowler),
one bowler and one wicketkeeper.
• On ‘go’ the bowler bowls the ball and runs down to become the next wicketkeeper. The
wicketkeeper catches the ball and runs the ball up the pitch to the next bowler. The
sequence continues on.
• The first team to finish (10 goals) calls out “HOWZAT.”
• Participant (A) is the bowler. (B) is the wicket keeper. (C) is waiting to bowl.
• Ten sets of stumps are set out in a straight line 2m apart.
• The bowling crease is marked out by cones.
• Two ropes are laid out parallel to each other one 2m from the stumps and the other 3m
from the stumps (this is the target area for the bowlers).
• Participant (A) starts at the back line of the cones and moves with momentum to release
the ball by the second line of cones (crease line). The bowler has one bowl, aiming to land it
between the two ropes with it then ultimately hitting the stumps.
• Once the bowler has bowled everyone changes spots. The bowler becomes the wicket
keeper, the wicket keeper runs the ball up to the new bowler and then waits at the back for
their go.
• Add in a few different races/competitions.
Which group can land the ball between the ropes 10 times first? Call out ‘howzat’ when you’re
Teaching points
• Walk or run up to bowl.
• Bowl with a straight arm.
• Land the ball in between the ropes (channel).
• Participants are put into 10 teams (groups of 3). Participant (A) is the bowler. Participant
(B) is the wicket keeper. Participant (C) is waiting outside the bowling area.
• Ten stumps are set out in a straight line with 2m between each set. The bowling crease is
marked out by rope.
• Lengthen the distance between the stumps and the crease to suit the skill ability level of
the participants.
• The bowler (A) walks or runs up and bowls with a straight arm from the crease line.
The bowler has 1 attempt at bowling and aims to land the ball in the channel (between the
ropes) and hitting the stumps. If the ball lands in the channel (between the ropes) and hits
the stumps, the wicket keeper takes out a single stump and sits is on the ground.
• The wicketkeeper then runs the ball to participant (C) who then bowls.
• All participants rotate after each delivery.
• If the bowler misses the stumps then the wicket keeper leaves the stumps and runs the
ball up to the new bowler.
• When the stumps are hit for the second time, the wicketkeeper takes out a second stump.
When the stumps are hit the third time, the wicket keeper takes out the third stump and
then the base is left on the ground. The bowler then needs to hit the base. When this
happens the wicket keeper puts a stump back in the base.
• The team, who has all stumps removed, hits the base and builds all stumps back to a full set
of wickets wins.
• All children in their own space and at a safe distance away from other participants trying a
variety of different challenges.
Suggested Challenges
• Hit the ball up around a cone and back.
• Hit the ball to self in air & count the number of successive hits.
• Hit the ball to self in air and walk & back around cone.
• Hit the ball through a fun course (made up of cones, hurdles and obstacles) and then
return back to the starting spot.
• Split into groups of four across the large playing area. Within each group there is
1 wicketkeeper, 2 batters, 1 bowler and 1 fielder.
• The ropes act as the batters crease line.
• The batters at the non-strikers end use the cones that act as their crease line.
• The batter hit a moving ball that is either bowled, rolled or underarmed by a bowler.
• Batters should aim to hit into areas without fielders.
• Each batting pair shares 6 balls and if they hit the ball they must run. There are no outs.
• After 6 balls the participants all rotate.
• Wicketkeeper should stand a least 2 metres behind the batter.
• Groups of 4 – 6.
• Participants create their own rules on scoring runs.
• Everyone rotates after 3 deliveries or a wicket (dismissal).
• Cones are set up to create gaps.
• Ensure there is safe distance between the batter and the fielders.
• 3 groups/teams. Batters, bowlers and fielders.
• One team bats whilst other teams fields.
• All batters line up across the batting crease, in line with the cones. Bowlers line up half
way down the pitch, in line with the stumps.
• Bowlers should underarm the ball to the batters.
• All players from batting team hit & then run at the same time between the sets of cones.
• Fielders retrieve the balls and return to the bowlers.
• Batters count the number of runs made before the bowler gets the ball back. Individual
scores are added to get a team total.
• Batters face 3 balls and then become the fielders. Fielders then become the bowlers and
the bowlers become the new batters.
• Team with highest score wins.
• Ensure there is enough room in between each batter.
• Groups of four to five. One participant is the batter, one is the roller/underarm bowler and
the rest are fielders.
• Participants create their own scoring system when hitting the ball through the cones.
• Everyone rotates one spot after the batter has faced 3 balls.
• Groups of 2 – 4.
• The deliver has one large pile of various equipment called which he/she calls the junkyard.
• Each group chooses 3 – 4 items from the junkyard to create their own batting game.
• Participants can bat with single stumps, stump bases or bats etc.
• After 5mins the deliver gets the groups to place their equipment back into the junkyard.
• Participants find a new group of 2 – 4 and pick out 3 – 4 items from the junkyard and
create another game.
• 2 – 4 groups. Each group works in collaboration to create their own game.
• Participants are encouraged to think and use the equipment in different ways.
• 2 – 4 piles of various equipment are placed with plenty of space away from other groups.
• Personal skills, problem solving, fair play and critical and creative thinking all takes place in
within the game.
• Each group has a different focus e.g. fielding/bowling and striking/batting.
• Once the participants have created their game they take part in it for roughly 6 minutes.
• Add in team building/engineering/innovation challenge. The facilitator/teacher gives the
groups 1 minute to see which group can build the highest structure using the equipment.
• After a minute the groups observe each of the towers/structures.
• Each participant then picks up one ball and gets one throw at an opposing group’s
structure to test out its durability/engineering.
• After all throws a group is deemed the winner and receives points.
• Groups then swap over or rotate to another area and work in collaboration to build a new
game with their new equipment.
• The same process takes place e.g. play the game and then build another tower/structure
at the end of play.
• 6 – 8 participants per group.
• Participants create their own game, by having batters, bowlers and fielders.
• Ensure there is enough space in between each game.
Teaching points
• Ask the participants questions like, how can you make this game cricket related?
• Create fun challenges for the participants whilst they take part in their games.
• Encourage bowlers and fielders to try and get the batters out.
• Encourage batters to hit to gaps to score runs.
• Game has a participant centred learning focus.
• Groups of 4 – 6 per game for higher levels of inclusion.
• Allow the participants a few minutes to discuss and work in collaboration to create their
own rules for their game.
• Participants set up their game and start playing.
• After 15mins review their game. Participants then come together for a whole group
discussion and briefly share their ideas and games with other groups.
• Participants then have a few minutes to discuss and implement any changes for their
game e.g. rules, equipment, format and focus.
• Participants set up and play another game.
• Facilitator/school ambassador sets up the grounds. Use ropes and different coloured
cones for a boundary.
• 6 – 12 participants per group.
• Facilitator/school ambassador creates rules on how to score runs.
• Facilitator/school ambassador through questions, asks the participants to create to work
together and create the remainder of the rules to their modified T20 game. Once the rules
have been established the participants take part in their own T20 games.
• Maximum 6 – 8 players per group.
• Two teams. One team bats whilst the other team fields.
• The ball is bowled to the batter who hits the ball into the field of play and then runs
around one of the markers adjacent to the batting stumps
• The fielders must return the ball to the bowler who can bowl the ball at any time.
• Batters can be out two ways - caught or if the bowler hits the stumps by bowling or
underarm bowling.
• The umpire may retire a batter after he/she scores a predetermined number of runs e.g.
• Ensure fielders rotate their positions after a 6 batters for greater levels of engagement and
• After all participants from the batting team have had their go, the teams swap roles. The
batters become the fielders and the fielders now become the new batters.
• Set up stumps 9 – 12m apart. Suit the skill ability level of the participants.
• Organise players into pairs and number each pair.
• Maximum 8 per group (2 batting, 4 fielding, 1 bowling and 1 wicket keeper).
• Each pair bowling/keeper pair bowls 12 balls (6 each).
• Those not batting or bowling are fielding.
• Batters can be ‘out’ Caught or Run Out only.
• If batters go out they do not score from that attempt however they continue to bat.
• When each pair has batted a 2nd innings can begin.
• Highest scoring pair wins.
• 2 teams. One team is batting and one team is fielding. Participants waiting for their bat
take part in a skill zone behind the batting area.
• Participants in the skill zone waiting for their bat can learn through free play by creating
their own game from a pile of equipment.
• One rope is placed in the field behind the bowlers crease line and the fielders must be
behind this rope when a participant is batting.
• The second rope is out in the field. For each ball that is hit past this rope the batting team
get a bonus 4 runs like a boundary in cricket.
• The bowler rolls or underarm throws 6 balls in total (one after the other). 4 scorcher balls
are used in the game.
• The batter attempts to hit the balls out in the field. The fielders cannot move until all the
balls have been delivered. Once this has occurred, the batter then makes as many runs as
possible for their team between the stumps.
• The fielding team cannot cross the designated safety line until all balls have been hit.
• The fielders need to get all the balls (hit and missed) and return them at the feet of the
bowler. The fielding team shouts ‘HOWZAT’ once all the balls have been returned. The
batter then stops running and the team total score count stops.
• Once all batters have had their go, the two teams swap over.
• Divide group ideally into teams of four.
• If group is easy to manage have two games going.
• Place four sets of stumps in diamond formation, appropriately distanced.
• 1 x team of four bats at a time. The remaining teams are wicket keeping, fielding and
• One bowler stands in centre of diamond (four batters) and bowls to any of the 4 x batters
who are ready to hit.
• Ball is hit & all 4 batters must run anticlockwise to next set of stumps to score a run.
• Batters can bowled (ball hits stumps), caught out on the full or run out at any set of
• All batters rotate to next base if out, no runs are scored on a delivery if an out occurs.
• Fielders aim to get batters out in normal cricket manner e.g. running a batter out or
catching, etc.
• Keep each team’s score.