Drills &: Sample Practice Plans
Drills &: Sample Practice Plans
Drills &: Sample Practice Plans
Table of Contents
Letter to Coaches ………………………………………………………………………...3
YMCA Philosophy………………………………………………………….……………….4
Practice Plan ….…………………..………………………………………………………..5
Coaches During …………………..………………………………………………………..6
Warm Up …………………………………….………………………………………………..7
Fitness and Coordination ..….……….………………………………………………..8
Passing ………………….....………………………………………………………………..12-13
Goal Keeping (5-7 yr olds)…….………………………………………………………16
Sample Practices ……………………………………………………………………….…17-18
Additional Recourses ……………………………………………………………….…19
Contact Information
KJ Johnson, Sports Director: 916.452.9622 EXT. 119 or [email protected]
Dear Volunteer Coach,
The YMCA of Superior California welcomes you to the Youth Sports Program! A goal of
the Sacramento YMCA is for all youth sports participants, both parents and children, to
have an enjoyable sporting experience. Skill development is the main component of all
YMCA Youth Sports. Non-competitive games (except 10-13 yr olds score will be kept)
are a part of every season, and each child will play an equal amount of time in every
game. (as close as possible based on roster of team) Of course, a FUN and friendly
environment is characteristic of all YMCA programs.
Thank you for volunteering your time to coach in our youth sports leagues! By
volunteering, you are clearly aware of how important you role is to the children in these
programs. Our sports leagues are volunteer driven, and without you they would not be
It is our goal to provide a safe and fun program for all. Achieving this goal begins with
ensuring all our volunteers are adequately screened. To ensure that all children in our
programs we ask that you get fingerprinted every three years.
Thank you in advance for taking the time and volunteering. Your time and volunteerism is
greatly appreciated! Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you, and enjoy
the Season!
KJ Johnson
Sports Director
Sacramento Area
Giving Explanations
Clear and concise
Short and to the point
Done with enthusiasm
Showing Demonstrations
Clearly seen by all
Repeated multiple times from all angels
Make sure all get to try same amount of times
Make sure to have all eyes on you during demonstrations
Coaches During…..
Recruit parents to help with practice
Always be positive, encouraging and constructive
Plan ahead of time for practice
Arrive early to bond with players and parents
Things to remind players of during game play
Begin each practice with a 5 to 10 minutes of warm-up activities to get players loosened
up and ready to go.
Fitness and Coordination Drills
1. Sprint/ Jog
Jog Sprint
2. Relay Race: Break players into 2 teams. Have players line up on the goal line.
Relay race examples: running, bunny hops, skipping, dribbling etc.
3. Simon Says (“Coaches says”)
4. Line Sprints: Start at goal line, Sprint to the goal box, then back to goal line, Mid field
and back, goal box on opposite side and back, goal line and back.
5. Jumping over Cones: Set 3-5 cones. Players jump over the cones or can zig-zag
through cones.
6. Zig-Zag: Without ball, player 1 zig-zags through cones, player 2 passes ball to player
1. Player 1 kicks ball into goal.
7. *Intermediate players Box Run
4. Sprint
3. Shuffle 1. Shuffle
2. Back Pedal
How to Teach Dribbling
Foundation touches
The player starts working on foundation touches...
Coaches’ Cue:
Using the inside of the feet, tap the ball back and forth.
“Knees bent”
Keep the ankle locked and toe slightly up.
“keep the ball close”
The knees should be bent.
“eyes up”
Arms out for balance.
Dribbling Drills
1) Red Light, Green Light: Each player is lined up, with a soccer ball. Have them dribble
when you say GREEN LIGHT, YELLOW LIGHT: slow, RED LIGHT; stop. Try to trick them by
saying purple light, blue light, pink light, ect
2) Bee Sting: All the kids are little bees and their job is to sting the coach. The way they
do that is by kicking the ball and hitting the coach with it the soccer ball.
3) Sharks and Minnows: Pick a kid (or 2 depending on the class size) to be the sharks.
Have the rest of the kids be minnows line up on the base line with a ball. The point of the
game is for the minnows to dribble the ball across the gym without the sharks taking their
soccer ball. If a shark took their soccer ball they become sharks as well. Keep going until
all the minnows have been the sharks (Play a few times)
4) Zig-Zag Cone Dribbling: Place about 5 cones out in a zig-zag pattern. Have each kid
dribble to each cone. Wait till each kid is at least at the 3rd or 4th cone before the next
one goes.
*dribble zig-zag with one foot (they will be forced to use inside and outside of foot)
5) Beehive: Set up cones in a circle. Each player has a ball, in the beehive. Players dribble
inside field randomly using correct techniques and avoiding other players. Players should
practice inside and outside foot dribbling, stopping changing direction and pace, and
maintaining control while in the beehive. The players try to kick other players out of the
beehive, while keeping there own ball. If a players ball is kick out of the beehive then
there out.
6) Follow the leader: Have players pair up, each player with a ball. Leader dribbles while
second player follows, also dribbling. Remind players to keep their heads up. Encourage
creative dribbling - changes in direction, pace, and technique. Stress control and change
leaders frequently.
7) One-on-One: Players pair up, each couple with a ball in a grid. Player with the ball is
"on the attack" and the other player is the defender. The attacking player tries to dribble
to any of the cones (aside from the one behind her/her) and touch the cone with the ball.
Defending player tries to prevent this. Players switch possession of ball when attacker
accomplishes her goal or when ball goes out of bounds.
8) Clean up my room: Scatter all the soccer ball around the field. Have the players line up
near the goal. When coach yells “GO”, players run and get a soccer ball, dribble to the goal
and score.
9) Colors: Have 3-4 different colored cones scattered around the field. Have the players
start in the middle of the field with a soccer ball. Every time the coaches yells a color the
players dribbles there ball to the color cone.
Dribbling Drills
10) Monster Invasion: Tell the players that a Monster is coming to try to steal their pet
ball and that they must keep it away from the Monster by dribbling it around the field
(tell them they must stay inside the field). The Coach or a parent is the monster. Ideas:
drag your leg like Frankenstein, make monster noises, make a face, and say things like
"Don't let me get your ball!!" But don't actually scare them. The idea is just to have them
try to get away. Don't catch the players, just have fun. This is a SoccerHelp.com practice
game that is a drill.
11) Play a basic soccer dribbling concentration game...the soccer coach assigns numbers
to each soccer skill...
How to Teach Passing
Passing Drills
1. Partner Pass: Players partner up. The pairs should line up 3-5 feet apart from each
other. Facing each other, passing the soccer ball to each other.
2. Monkey in the Middle: Have player in groups of 3-4. The object of the game is for
the players on the outside to pass the ball to each other. One player in the middle,
there goal is to steal the ball.
3. Passing Relay Race: Divide players into 2 teams. Set up cones in two straight lines.
Have players at each cone. The players will pass the ball down the line. Forward then
4. Battleship: For this drill, have players in pairs. Each pair will have a soccer ball. Each
player should be about 5 feet away from each other. Place a cone in the middle
between the 2 players with a ball on top. The object of the game is for the player to
hit the ball of the cone.
5. Hot Potato Pass: In this drill, one player is positioned at the center of the circle with
a soccer ball. All the other players circle around the one player in the middle. On the
coaches command the player in the key passes the ball to the player, that player
immediately passes back to the player in the center. This back and forth passing
continues clock wise. A new player then assumes the center position.
6. Shuffle Pass: Player line up in two lines on the baseline about 5-6 feet apart from
one another. Players will shuffle to other side passing back and forth.
7. Angle Pass: Forces players to trap in a certain direction and utilize control. Have one
player at each cone. Player1 would pass to Player 2, after player 1 runs to the cone
they passed to. Player 2 receives the pass from player 1 then passes to the next
cone, after passing will follow the pass. This concept will be very important in the
Pa Pa
ss ss
How to Teach Shooting
Shooting uses the same technical elements as passing, with the important difference
being that the goal is to pass the ball beyond the goalkeeper.
Shooting Drills
1) Pig in a Blanket: Spilt into two teams, number off the kids (1,2,3,4). Each team will line
up on separate sides of the field., laying or sitting down. Coach will call a number “1, 2, 3,
or 4” The number that is called out the two players would jump up and run around the
goal and get the ball and turn and shot into the goal.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
2. Obstacle course: Use cones to dribble through, run to you and score. (Add parents to
be obstacles)
3. Aim: Block off sections of the goal to teach them where to shoot low to corners is a
good start. The coach will go into the goal, stand on the left side and say “if I’m over
here, where should you shoot?” Begin slow then move faster into a game pace.
How to Teach Throw-ins
Throw-In Rules:
Ball must come back over the head (referees usually look to see if the ball goes back
past the ears)
Both feet must be in contact with the ground when the ball is released
1. Step forward with one foot in the direction of the throw, and drag the toe of the
trailing foot as the ball is thrown.
2. Stand with both feet firmly planted and throw the ball in.
1.Secure the ball with both hands, ensure that the index fingers and thumbs are as
close as possible (almost forming a "W" or "U" shape with fingers on the ball). Fingers
should be spread to maintain control of the ball.
2.Bring the ball over the head behind the ears with your arms loose and elbows bent
and flared out.
3.Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart with one foot in front
of the other (start at a standstill first, then add 1 step, then 2, and so on). If you
prefer, place your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart.
4.Bring your head, neck, shoulders and trunk back, bending at the knees.
Goal Keeping (5-7 year olds only)
1. Catching: Pair up all players. Have them practice throwing and catching the ball.
2. Shooting/Goalie drill: Have one player be a goalie and the others shooting the ball.
After a few attempt switch goalies.
3. Follow the leader: Pair up all players, each pair with two flat cones. Place cones 5
paces apart. Players face each other across an imaginary line between the two cones;
one player is the leader, the other is the follower. Leader uses good footwork and
attempts to touch just outside either of the cones before the follower can touch just
inside; if they are successful, they get a point. After a set length of time (30 sec for
younger players, 60 sec for older), rest, and then switch leader and follower.
4. Two Goalies: Two goalies line up facing each other about 10 feet apart. Each take
turns attempting to throw the ball past the other into the goal. The receiving goalie
attempts to stop the ball and the throw it back to the other goalie.
5. Color Coded Shots: Place four differently-colored cones, bibs or other objects around
the goal, about 16-18 yards away from the goal. At least one should be close to the
goal line. At each cone, there is a shooter and several balls. Goalie starts at one
goalpost. The coach calls a color. The keeper must quickly find that color object, and
make the save. Coach calls next color, and so on until the keeper has faced four shots.
Then rotate goalie.
*Note In hot weather, do not put on goalkeeper jersey on a player. Pennies will be
provide on hot days.
Drill Comments
Warm Ups & Conditioning Running, Speed walking (to 5-10 minutes
the other side and back)
Hopping (like a bunny rabbit)
(to the other side and back)
Skipping (to the other side
and back)
Bar crawl (to one side, then
do crab walk back)
Running (to the other side
Dribbling Drills Introduce Dribbling 10-15 minutes
Red Light, Green Light
Bee Sting
Shooting Drills Introduce shooting 10-15 minutes
Dribble down and shoot
Passing Drills Introduce passing 10-15 minutes
Partner passing
Monkey in the middle
Drill Comments
Warm Ups & Conditioning Running (to the other 5-10 minutes
side and back)
Skipping (to the oth-
er side and back)
Running (to the other
side and back)
High knees (to the
other side and back)
Lungs (lung half
court, then run and
Dribbling Drills Review Dribbling 10-15 minutes
Dribbling around cones
Clean Up My Room
Goalie (5-7 year olds) Introduce goal keeping 10 minutes
Passing Drills Review passing 10-15 minutes
Partner passing
Shooting Drills 10-15 minutes
Review Shooting
Additional Practice Resources: