Diwali - Shlokas

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Invocatory Verse Adithi

vAgartAviva saMpRktau vAgartha pratipattaye

jagataHpitarau vaMde pArvatIparameshvarau

वागथार्िवव सं पृ�ौ वागथर् प्रितप�ये ।

जगत:िपतरौ वं दे पावर्तीपरमे�रौ ॥
I bow down to Parvati & Parameshwara (Goddess Shakti & Shiva)
who are completely intertwined like sound & its meaning.
Inorder to attain the capability of realizing the mutual relationship
between sound & its meaning
2. Guru Shloka Abinaya

GururBramha GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha

Guru Saakshaat ParaBramha Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha

गु�ब्रर्ह्मा गु�िवर्�ु गुर्�द�वो महे�रः

गु� सा�ात परब्रह्मा त�ै श्रीगुरवे नमः
• “Gu” which means darkness and
• “Ru” which means light

Gu and Ru combine to form “Guru” which means the one who

brings darkness to light.
Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is the Maheshwara (Shiva) .
Parbrahma considerd to be supreme god or Bhagwan. So, Guru is
that Parbhrahma. We bow to *that Guru
3. MahaaGanapati Dharshini

वक्रतु� महाकाय सूयर्कोिट समप्रभ ।

िनिवर्�ं कु � मे दे व सवर्काय�षु सवर्दा ॥

VakratunDa mahAkAya sUryakOTi samaprabha
Nirvighnam kuru mE dEva sarvakArEShu sarvada

This is a prayer to Lord Ganesha..

O Lord ! With a bent trunk & huge body, shining with the
brightness of an array of suns, please make all my actions obstacle
free all the time

शु�ा�रधरं िव�ुं श�शवण� चतुभुर्जम् ।

प्रस�वदनं �ायेत् सवर्िव�ोपशा�ये ॥

O Lord, who is wearing White colored clothes, who is all pervading,
who has four hands.
Who has a peaceful, joyous face we meditate on you, to remove all
the obstacles.
4. Saraswati Shloka Anviti

सर�ित नम�ु�ं वरदे काम�िप�ण ।

िवद्यार�ं क�र�ािम �सिद्धभर्वतु मे सदा ॥

saraswati namastubhyam varade kAmarUpiNi
vidyArambham kariShyAmi siddhir-bhavatu me sadA
Saraswati ! I bow down to you, giver of boons , embodiment of
I’m going to start my pursuit of knowledge, May I always find
5. Baala Mukundha Varshana

करारिव�ेन पदारिव�ं मुखारिव�े िविनवेशय�म् ।

वट� पत्र� पुटे शयानं बालं मुकु�ं मनसा �रािम ॥

karAravindena padAravindaM
mukhAravinde viniveshayantam
vaTasya patrasya puTe shayAnaM
bAlaM mukundaM manasA smarAmi

I meditate upon child form of Mukunda – Baby Krishna, who is

reclining in the sheath of a banyan leaf and who is placing his lotus
like foot, with his lotus like hand onto his lotus like face.
6. Mahishaasura Mardini Anallika & Lakshana
Mahishasura Mardini Stotram is said to bring peace to the devotee
and removes all fear and sadness. The place where Sri Mahishasura
Mardini Stotram is sung every day, I will always be present and
never leave.” The Devi’s proclamation in the 12th chapter of the
Devi Mahatmyam .
ayi girinandini nanditamedini vishvavinodini nandinute
girivaravindhyashirodhinivAsini viShNuvilAsini jiShNunute |
bhagavati he shitikaNThakuTuMbini bhUrikuTuMbini bhUrikRte
jaya jaya he mahiShAsuramardini ramya-kapardini shailasute
7. Nirvaana Shatakam
Intro – Anviti

Nirvaana Shatakam - Vaana means form ; Nirvaana means

formlessness ; Shat means षट 6 . This means we have 6 verses.
Briefly says.. Formlessness is the true identity of each one of us.

These beautiful 6 verses are composed by Adi Shankaracharya,

which is a mantra by itself and has deep sense of meaning and
potent sounds.

Shankarawhile wandering in a forest in search of a Guru, met sage

Who are you ? Asks the Sage …
Shankaracharya comes up with 6 stanzas, demonstrating the
understanding of the true nature of self which is this
Letz sing this beautiful composition..

naca shrOtra-jihvE-naca ghrANa-nEtrE
naca vyOma-bhUmir-na-tEjO-na-vAyuH
chidAnanda rUpaH-shivOham shivOham 1

na cha prANasanjno na vai panchavAyuH

na vA saptadhAturnavA panchakoshaH
na vAk pANipAdam na chopasthapAyU
chidAnandarUpaH shivoham shivoham 2
na me dveSharAgau na me lobhamohau
mado naiva me naiva mAtsaryabhAvaH
na dharmo na chArtho na kAmo na mokShaH
chidAnandarUpaH shivoham shivoham 3

na puNyaM na pApaM na saukhyaM na duHkhaM

na mantro na tIrthaM na vedA na yajnAH
ahaM bhojanaM naiva bhojyaM na bhoktA
chidAnandarUpaH shivoham shivoham 4

na me mRtyushankA na me jAtibhedaH
pitA naiva me naiva mAtA na janma
na bandhurna mitraM gururnaiva shiShyaH
chidAnandarUpaH shivoham shivoham 5

ahaM nirvikalpo nirAkArarUpo

vibhutvAchcha sarvatra sarvendriyANAm
na chAsangatam naiva muktirnameyaH
chidAnandarUpaH shivoham shivoham 6
Verse 1 & 2 – Dharshini
Verse 1 explains - False identification of self with faculties of mind,
sense organs & panchabhootas
I am not my mind, my intellect or my identity;
Neither am I my senses of hearing, taste, smell and sight;
I am not the space, earth, fire or air;
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva.

Verse 2 explains - False identification of self with Praana, Sapta

Datuh, PanchaKosha and Karmendriya
I am neither the prana, nor it's five components of air.
I am neither the seven basic elements of the body, nor the five
layers it is manifest in.
I am not my organs of speech, locomotion, procreation or excretion.
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva

Verse 3 & 4 – Varshana

Verse 3 explains - False identification of self with emotions and
attainments that humans seek.
I have neither aversion and attachment, nor greed and delusion;
I have no sense of possession or vanity;
I am not bound by the pursuits of duty, acquisition, consumption or
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva.
Verse 4explains - False identification of self with various
experiences, tools to transcend one’s limitations, and the
Subject/Object & Verb
I am neither the acts of virtue and vice, nor the states of happiness
and sorrow;
I am not the holy sound, the holy place, the holy word, or the holy
I am neither the act of cosumption, the consumed, nor the
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva.

Verse 5 & 6 Abinaya

Verse 5 explains – False identification of mortality &
caste/difference in birth and relations.
I do not have doubts about my mortality,
and do not discriminate between the differences in birth;
I have no father, Mother or the process of birth and death;
I have no relations, no acquaintances, no Guru and no Disciples;
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva.

Verse 6 explains
I am Changeless and Formless;
I rule over, and permeate All Senses;
I am neither attachment and detachment, nor liberation;
I am the embodiment of eternal bliss. I am Shiva. I am Shiva.

7. Shanti Mantra Aditi

ॐ पूणर्मदः पूणर्िमदं पूणार्�ूणर्मुद�ते ।

पूणर्� पूणर्मादाय पूणर्मेवाव�श�ते ॥

ॐ शा��ः शा��ः शा��ः ॥

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Puurnnam-
Udacyate |

Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

That (source of creation-God) is complete and this (your own self)

is complete as well.
From the completeness, rises another completeness.
If completeness is taken away, from the original completeness, only
completeness remains.
Om, peace, peace, peace.”


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