Atha Corporation Presentation
Atha Corporation Presentation
Atha Corporation Presentation
The current goal of our company is clear to everyone that we aim at doubling the sales.
However, though a good goal, it seems to come with some negative implications on some of us
workers, while also posing new needs. Notably, job satisfaction rate seem to decline due to the
double sales requirements, making workforce retention somehow hard, while also it becomes
hard for new hirers to accept the current offers. This is evident from the observation that the
company has already lost two of members to competitors. Also, the company has issues with its
new hirers, after two already declined the current offers. Overall concerns include workload,
salaries, unequal compensation, and absence of employees’ benefits. This creates a need for
more appropriate approaches. The presentation develop a plan on solving the issues, while
Managing workforce retention and promoting job satisfaction for new hirers’ calls for
strategic actions. One role of leaders in an organization are mandated is to ensure reduces
workforce turnover, hence seeking to promote their retention (Selden & Sowa, 2015). Maslow’s
motivation in the hierarchy of needs, indicated the need for leaders to satisfy fundamental needs
of the employees if retention is to be ensured (Huitt, 2007). Also, another role of leadership is
and good recruitment procedures are significantly important. The plan encompasses retention
and hiring techniques, which will play a role in retaining the current workforce and also in
attracting new employees, all vital to attainment of company double sale goals.
I. Retention Approaches
There are two critical measures the company should use to promote employees retentions.
The first approach is affording employees’ compensation, and the second is employees’
a. Compensation
Compensation in this case mean paying the employee cash for the work they have
accomplished (Frey, 2007). In this case, as the leaders of the company, there is a need that as
we seek to double our sales, we also re-consider our employees’ salaries for the added work.
In case the company current position does not allow salary addition, then the leadership can
think of using other compensation approaches such as bonuses, paid time leaves, retirement
plans, commission, or other incentives. Doing so will help ensure job satisfaction and
motivate the employees towards the company goal, without having to lose them.
b. Benefits
The second approach the company needs to use to increase the employees retention is to
afford benefits. Current complain is lack of benefits. Notably, Sengupta et al., (2012) indicates
that workers benefits in other words perks, are a major consideration for them when it comes to
employment. Workers mostly prefers jobs that afford them leaves, particularly the maternity
leave, without having to lose their jobs. If the company we could accommodate this approach, it
is almost a guarantee that we shall feel as workers significantly motivated and satisfied in the
current job.
II. Hiring
The other issue noted in our company those in hiring. One of the positions in our current
organizational chart is the composition. However, this is not enough as our company seem to
lack some important hiring positions, including training and communication of the company
values and culture, which again are key to workers retention and motivation. This I feel then
a. Training
Breaugh (2013) indicate that Recruitment through trainings can play a vital role in
influencing turnover, and a realistic job preview promotes retention of the new hires. That said
then, it creates a need that the company the leaders organize a program in which new hires will
first get trained before getting into the job. This training can include highlighting of procedures
before getting into jobs, taking a walk to understand the company structure, and training on the
company vision, mission, and practices. This will play a vital role in promoting retention and job
Another approach that will play a role in promoting workforce retention is first
communicating the organization values and culture (Killingsworth, 2012). This is critical in that
new hires who are not up to the task can leave the job before getting on board, while ensuring to
emphasize the expected behaviors of the new hires. Therefore, if we as the workers are trained
early concerning the company values and practices, it would mean that we are prepared before
getting on board both physically and mentally. This helps evade the possibility of leaving the
job, which would be in the case where we do not understand the culture and values.
Performance Measures
Having developed a plan on how the company will play a role in retaining us as workers,
there is a need to suggest how progress and success shall be evaluated. There are two ways that I
suggest to be used. The first one is that leaders should assess the number of leaving employees
after the application of the plan during and compare it to the current situations. The second
approach is assessing the changes in the number of sales after the application of the plan.
Increased number of sales would show a motivated workforce, hence indicates job satisfaction,
which is vital to retention. Else is assessing the retention of the new hirers after their recruitment,
which should be high after plan execution. This metric will enable the company to explore the