Sanitizing Stored Water Supplies: Guide W-101
Sanitizing Stored Water Supplies: Guide W-101
Sanitizing Stored Water Supplies: Guide W-101
Guide W-101
Craig Runyan1
Extension Water Resource Specialist, Department of Extension Plant Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
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Sanitizing Procedure Maintenance Tips
In a clean quart container about half full of water, put 1 to • When well disinfection is practiced on a recom-
1½ fluid ounces (2–3 tablespoons) of a standard unscented, mended annual schedule, basic cleaning of the
non-detergent household chlorine bleach (5.25% concen- water storage tank should be done on the same
tration) for every 500 gallons of water to be treated. Pour schedule. If water is derived from sources other
the bleach solution directly into the storage tank. Distribute than a well (rain-harvested or surface water, etc.),
the bleach solution throughout the tank by stirring or mixing the stored water supply should be sanitized every
with a clean pole or paddle. Two to three minutes of thorough six months or more frequently.
mixing should suffice.
• Sediment in a water tank will contribute to
Example solution mix: For 1,700 gallons of water to be buildup of microflora and fauna. Draining and
treated at the rate of 1¼ fl oz/500 gal removing sediment buildup from a tank will help
to keep water clean and safe.
1,700 gallons × 1.25 fl oz/500 gal =
4.25 fl oz chlorine bleach • A whole house or point of use water filtration
system is advisable when using stored water for
domestic purposes. Relatively inexpensive
Close the tank lid and all other openings. Let stand a mini- cartridge filters are commercially available at
mum of eight hours after stirring, before using. If stirring and most hardware and home improvement stores.
mixing the solution in the tank is not possible, let the treat- Dual (sediment and activated charcoal) filtration
ment stand for 24 hours. devices are more effective.
This rate of chlorine for disinfection will provide good
results for fresh, relatively clear water. It will not work as • Restrict tank access by varmints, birds and other
effectively on water that is murky or cloudy and containing undesirable characters. Keep tank lids closed at all
abundant suspended solids. Shock treatment or other prac- times and locked if necessary.
tices should be considered for highly turbid water. For
recommendations, contact your county Extension agent.
Lauer, William C. (2006). Disinfection of Pipelines and Storage
Post-Treatment Precautions Facilities Field Guide. Denver, CO: American Water Works
Do not use the treated water for drinking until the smell of Association
chlorine has disappeared. This will take 1 to 2 days depending Division of Environmental Health. Water Storage Tank Main-
on ambient temperature, wind conditions, etc. Volatilization tenance (Drinking Water Program publication). Fairbanks:
of the chlorine will occur sooner with the tank lids removed. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
However, subsequent contamination from rodents, birds, or Fogt, Robert (2009, June). Public presentation, notes provid-
airborne sources should be considered. Boiling or cooking ed by New Mexico Environment Department, Drinking
with chlorinated water will usually volatilize the chlorine, Water Bureau.
rendering it tasteless and safe for most people.
People sensitive or allergic to chlorine should avoid
primary contact with the treated water until all the smell
has disappeared.
Some desirable plants may be affected by chlorinated water
used for irrigation.
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