CCEWQ 05 ChlorinationDrinkingWtr
CCEWQ 05 ChlorinationDrinkingWtr
CCEWQ 05 ChlorinationDrinkingWtr
Water Treatment
1. Run water until clear, using an outdoor faucet closest to the well or pressure tank
2. Mix 3 pints of 5% chlorine, per 100 gallons water volume in your well (see table for calculation), with 10
gallons of water in a bucket or pail in the area of the well casing. Add 3 extra pints of bleach to treat household
3. Turn electrical power off to the well pump. Carefully remove the well cap and well seal if necessary. Set
4. Place hose connected to outdoor faucet inside well casing. Turn electrical power back on to the well pump
and turn water on to run to pump.
5. Carefully pour the water and bleach mixture from the bucket or pail down the open well casing. At the same
time, continue to run the water from the hose placed inside the well casing.
6. At each indoor and outdoor faucet, run the water until a chlorine odor is present, and then shut each faucet
7. Continue running water through the hose inside the well casing to recirculate the chlorine treated water. Use
the hose also to wash down the inside of the well casing.
8. After one hour of recirculating the water, shut all faucets off to stop the pump. Disconnect power supply to
pump. Remove circulator hose from well.
9. Disinfect the well cap and seal by rinsing with a chlorine solution. Replace well seal and cap. Allow the well
to stand idle for at least 8 hours and preferably 12 to 24 hours. Avoid using the water during that time.
After the well has idled for the recommended period of time, turn the pump on and run the water using an out-
door faucet and garden hose in an area away from grass and shrubbery until the odor of chlorine disappears.
NB. To determine the amount of chlorine to mix with your well water, you need to know the amount of standing
water in your well. You need to know the distance, in feet between the water level in your well, and the bottom
of the well. This is multiplied by the storage per foot of water (see table). Per 100 gallons of water you need to
use 3 pints of bleach.
If your drilled well is 6” and has 200 feet of standing water, it has 204 x 1.47 = 300 gallons of water. So 9 pints
of bleach need to be added plus 3 pints for the plumbing. That is 12 pints or 1.5 gallons of bleach.
If your well has an unlisted diameter, please contact your local extension office or well driller.
Drilled Well/Pipe Bored Well
Storage per foot of water Storage per foot of water
Diameter (inches) Diameter (inches)
(gal/ft) (gal/ft)
4” 0.653 24” 23.5
6” 1.47 36” 52.9
8” 2.61
Chlorination Guidelines Chlorine pump (see Fig. 1):
• Chlorine solutions lose strength while standing or • commonly used, positive displacement or chemi-
when exposed to air or sunlight. Make fresh solu- cal-feed device,
tions frequently to maintain necessary residual. • adds small amount, of chlorine to the water,
• Maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.3-0.5 mg/l • dose either fixed or varies with water flow rates
after a 10 minute contact time. Measure the resid- • recommended for low and fluctuating water pres-
ual frequently. sure,
• Once the chlorine dosage is increased to meet • chlorine drawn into device then pumped to water
greater demand, do not decrease it. delivery line
• Locate and eliminate the source of contamination
to avoid continuous chlorination. If a water Suction device:
source is available that does not require disinfec- • line from chlorine supply to suction side of water
tion, use it. pump,
• Keep records of pertinent information concerning • chlorine drawn into water held in well pump,
the chlorination system.
• dosage uniformity not assured with this system,
Types of chlorine used in disinfection
Public water systems use chlorine in the gaseous
form, which is considered too dangerous and expen- SUCTION STROKE DELIVERY STROKE
sive for home use. Private systems use liquid chlorine
(sodium hypochlorite) or dry chlorine (calcium hy-
pochlorite). To avoid hardness deposits on equipment,
manufacturers recommend using soft, distilled, or
demineralized water when making up chlorine solu-
Liquid Chlorine Dry Chlorine
• simple, inexpensive mechanism, Ultraviolet radiation (UV)
• requires no electricity, • uses light to kill microorganisms
• vacuum created by water flowing through a tube • lamp has 9-month to 1-year lifetime
draws chlorine into a tank where it mixes with • needs UV sensor to determine germicidal dose
untreated water,
• effective for bacterial contaminants (viruses more
• treated solution fed into water system,
difficult, cysts and worms unaffected)
• chlorine doses not consistently accurate
• advantage in no chemicals added to water
Solid feed unit: • disadvantage in no residual disinfection; cloudy
or turbid water decreases effectiveness
• waste treatment and swimming pool disinfection,
• requires no electricity,
• controlled by flow meter,
device slowly dissolves chlorine tablets to provide • ozone more powerful disinfectant than chlorine
continuous supply of chlorine solution • disadvantage is ozone cannot be purchased, must
be generated on-site
Batch disinfection: • machinery to generate ozone complicated and
• used for fluctuating chlorine demand, difficult to maintain
• three tanks, each holding 2 to 3 days' water sup- • effects of ozonation byproducts not fully under-
ply, alternately filled, treated, and used stood
Disinfection by-products
• two minutes vigorous boiling assures biological
Trihalomethanes (THMS) are chemicals that are
formed, primarily in surface water, when naturally safety
occurring organic materials (humic and fulvic acids • kills all organisms in water (chlorination reduces
from degradation of plant material) combine with free them to safe levels)
chlorine. Some of the THMs present in drinking wa- • practical only as emergency measure
ter are chloroform, bromoform, and bromodichloro- • once boiled, cooled water must be protected from
methane. Since groundwater rarely has high levels of recontamination
humic and fulvic acids, chlorinated private wells con-
tain much lower levels of these chemicals. Pasteurization
THMs are linked to increases in some cancers, but
• uses heat to disinfect but does not boil water
the potential for human exposure to THMs from
drinking water varies with season, contact time, water • flash pasteurization uses high temperature for
temperature, pH, water chemistry and disinfection short time (160 °F, 15 seconds)
method. Although there is a risk from consuming • low-temperature pasteurization uses lower tem-
THMs in chlorinated drinking water, the health haz- perature for longer time (140 °F, 10 minutes)
ards of not disinfecting water are much greater. The
primary standard (maximum contaminant level) for Summary
total THMs in drinking water is 0.080 mg/l or 80 ppb, Chlorination is the most common disinfection method
and activated carbon filtration removes THMs from for public and private drinking water systems. This
water. treatment has limitations and is not suitable for heav-
ily-contaminated wells or springs, or sources where
Other disinfection methods hazardous materials are present. With adequate resid-
Although chlorination is the method of choice for ual chlorine and contact time between the disinfectant
most municipal and private water treatment systems, and the microorganisms, chlorination effectively kills
alternatives do exist. Information about these other many disease-causing bacteria. Additionally, chlorine
disinfection methods is on the right. is inexpensive, easy to control, generally safe to use,
and adapts to municipal or private systems.
Beauman, W.H. "Disinfection Techniques" In: Qual- Manual of individual Water Supply Systems. USEPA
ity of Water for Home and Farm. Proceedings of 3rd Bulletin No. EPA-570/9-82-004. Washington: Oct.
Domestic Water Quality Symposium. ASAE. Feb. 1982.
27-Mar. 1, 1979. St.Louis, MO.
Planning for an Individual Water System. AAVIM
Cantor, K.P., Chlorinated water and cancer: Is there a Bulletin. 4th edition, 1982.
link? Health and Environ. Digest. Vol. 1, No. 6, Jul.
1987. p. I- 3. Private Water Systems Handbook. MWPS. Ames,
Iowa. 1981.
Chlorination of private water supplies. Bruner Bulle-
tin 5687- lR4. Milwaukee. p. 1-4. Rural Water Supply. NYSDOH. 1966.
Disinfection of Private Water Supplies (fact sheet) Ryan, D. Water treatment to combat illness. EPA
Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State Univer- Journal. Dec. 1987. p. 6-8.
sity, Manhattan, Kansas.
Treating Farmstead and Rural Home Water Systems.
Drinking Water Detoxification. M.T.Gillies, ed. Park USDA/ARS Bulletin No. 2248 Washington: U.S.
Ridge, NJ.: Noyes Data Corp. 1978. Government Printing Office. 1977.
Lee, LK. and E.G.Neilsen, The extent and costs of Don’t Be Left in the Dark, New York State Depart-
groundwater contamination by agriculture. j Soil Wa- ment of Health November 2003
ter Conservation, Jul.-Aug. 1987. p. 243-248.
Atiles, J.H and P.F. Vendrell, Disinfecting Your Well
Water: Shock Chlorination, House hold water Quality
Series 4, The University of Georgia’s Cooperative
Extension service, January 2003,
Annelies Heidekamp is an Extension Associate,
Linda Wagenet is a former Extension Associate and
Ann Lemley is Professor and Chair in the Depart-
ment of Textiles and Apparel, College of Human
FACT SHEET 5 Ecology, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853.
SEPTEMBER, 1988 (updated October 2005)