Awareness and Usage of Search Engines Among The Students Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science Coimbatore: A Study
Awareness and Usage of Search Engines Among The Students Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science Coimbatore: A Study
Awareness and Usage of Search Engines Among The Students Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science Coimbatore: A Study
Winter 1-3-2019
Dr.P. Gomathi
Assistant Professor,DLIS,Periyar University,Salem,Tamil Nadu,India
Assistant professor Department of Library and Information Science, Periyar University, Salem
The study awareness and used of search engines by students Sri Ramakrishna college of arts and science
Coimbatore. Total 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly students of SRCAS Coimbatore. The
investigator could collect questionnaires from only 259 out of 300 respondents. This constitutes 86.33 per
cent (259/300) of the total answer. Mostly 66% of the respondents are usage Google search engine for
their principle.39% of the respondents are usage the search engine mostly for judgment thesis works. The
trainers need particular awareness of the university establishment. Particular training program should be
designed for them.
1. Introduction
Search engines have develop into an essential part of our in status situation. Increasingly they are
replacing the position of libraries in facilitate information finding and access. Google has become
identical with investigate. Recent data specify that Google has become the search border of choice for
many faculty and students to lecture to their information requirements, far beyond their employ of library
catalogs or additional online citation database. A worldwide survey (OCLC, 2005) reports that 89 percent
of in order searches undertaken by college students begin with a search engine and Google is the crushing
favorite (68 percent).
The reason of this research is to investigate the search engine experience of students and faculty as they
look for information to hold their education, teaching, and research. The study offers a holistic viewpoint
by investigative use behaviors inside the situation of supported processes and probable outcomes inside
an educational location. Picture on many data congregation methods, we combine qualitative and
quantitative information to exemplify the located and objective ambitious nature of information gathering
and utilization procedure.
1.1. Definition
Vangie Beal defines Search engines are program that search documents for particular keywords and
precedes a list of the documents wherever the keywords be found. A search engine is actually a universal
group of programs; however, the term is often used to specially explain systems like Google, Bing and
Yahoo! Search that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web.
2. Review of Literature
Pius Tom Umoren (2016) - This study examined library Search Engines and Gateways for effective legal
education, implication for the University of Calabar Law Library. The sample
Population consisted of levels three and four students who are registered in the Law Library. A structured
questionnaire was employed for collection of data. The study was designed to determine the extent of
availability and utilization of library search engines for information access and retrieval for effective
acquisition of legal knowledge in 10 core law courses. The study revealed that the major problems that
militated against availability and use of the search engines in the Faculty of Law Library included lack of
regular subscription for access and erratic power supply.Ashwini Nag &Khaiser Nikam (2016)- This
paper discusses the possible usage of the (IoT). In particular, we consider cloud computing, magic mirror
and pressure pad sensor using wireless sensor network (WSN). Considering these, we proposed an
approach to improve library facilities and providing patron friendly system. This system is a step towards
a smart library.Kirana kumaret al. (2016)- In this paper, information search strategies and search
techniques, importance of search preparation and the application of search techniques are
discussed.Nowadays availability of Information over the internet is massive. To make maximum use of
these information and to avoid disturbance while pointing the relevant information, the user should have
search skills that include being familiar with search techniques. The use of search techniques and
strategies aims at helping the user retrieve relevant and required quality information. Peerzada
Mohammad Iqbal & Abdul Majid Baba(2016)- The paper evaluates a forecasting study on four search
engines viz., Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Baidu in order to generate projected data to on collection of data
series, using result fluctuation on simple keyword “Dublincore” in the field of Library and Information
Science. Data was collected on daily basis for about 100 Days to generate 50 days of projected data using
time series analysis, and latter by trend projecting method which reveal that Bing shows a positive secular
trend while Google, Yahoo! and Baidu show a downward or negative secular trend.Natarajan &Bezawit
(2016) -The aim of this study was to analyze the ethical usage of internet facility of information science
jimma university ethical advantage of students had gained through the usage of internet facilities and to
find out the websites were using computer lab. Most of the students are using search engine like Google,
ask, yahoo. It is found that internet facilities have profound effects on ethics of internet usage further like
improving learning skills. Akparobore Daniel & Palmer Judith (2015) -The study investigated the
awareness, use and impediments of search engines by undergraduate students in Delta State University,
Abraka. A descriptive study design was used for the study. The population comprised of the students in
the Faculty of Social Sciences in Delta State University. The sample of the study was 154. Three research
questions guided the study and two hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significant. One instrument titled
search engine use questionnaire (SEUQ) was used for data collection. Percentages and mean rating were
used to answer research questions. ANOVA was used to test hypotheses. The major findings of the study
include: Undergraduate students awareness of search engines was low in Delta State University, the test
for hypotheses showed that there was a significant difference from the respondents awareness of search
engines according to their departments; Google was the most frequently used search engine by the
undergraduate students in Faculty of Social Sciences. The finding also revealed that information overload
was the greatest challenge the undergraduate students encountered. Based on the findings, the implication
of the study revealed more practical aspects of search engines to be employed to promote greater
awareness needed to improve the use of search engines.
Divya & Pillai (2015) -Investigate the use of internet tools and services by the research scholars of the
University of Kerala. The studies revealed that majority of the respondents are under age group of 26-30.
Mainly use of internet for e-journal access and research purpose and most of the time they are using
internet for organizing and maintenance of information using Google, yahoo and AltaVista search
3.1 Methodology
This study is a significant study in which the sample was chosen by means of random Sampling.
A survey was used as a method of collecting the data. The data analysis is descriptive in nature.
A structured questionnaire designed to collect the data from the Arts & Science College students
in Coimbatore. Questions were designed to analysis perception on willing towards depositing the
usage of search engine in the areas of support, convenience, humane meaning helpful impact of
self-archiving, specialized gratitude, Pre-print culture, Authority of other actors, Conservation,
Publishers' policies prohibiting self-archiving, Support (Extra time & Endeavor) and Economic
incentive. 259 samples were collected from students.
4. Analysis and Interpretation
Table No: 1
Distribution of the respondents by gender
The table no 1 shows the gender wise distribution of the respondents. It is incidental that
majorities (53.7%) of the respondents were male and 46.3% of the respondents were female.
Distribution of the respondents by gender
Table No: 2
Distribution of the respondents by Age
Sl. No Age No of Respondents Percentage
1 17-20 Years 124 47.9
2 21-24 Years 135 52.1
Total 259 100
The table no 2 shows the distribution of the respondents by age. It is clear from the table those
majorities (52.1 %) of the respondents were in the age group o f 21-24. Around 47.9% of the
respondents were in the age group of 17-20.
Table No: 3
Distribution of the respondents by courses
Sl. No courses No of Respondents Percentage
1 UG 114 44.0
2 PG 96 37.1
3 MPHIL 39 15.1
4 PHD 10 3.9
Total 259 100
The table no 3 shows the distribution of the respondents by the courses. it is clear that 44% of the
respondents are doing UG, 37% of the respondents are doing PG degree, 15% respondents are
doing M.Phil and balance 4% of the respondents are Ph.D research scholars
Chart: 2
Table No: 5
The table no 5 shows It is clear from the above table that 25% of the respondents are having
above 3 years experience in using search engine, 34% are having 1-2 years experience in using
search engine, 10% % of the respondents are having less than 1 years experience in using search
engine, 14% respondents are having less than 6 months experience in using search engine and
balance 16% respondents are having less than 1 month experience only.
Table No: 6
Quality of Search Engine
Sl. No Quality of search engine No of Respondents Percentage
1 Very good 104 40.2
2 Good 95 36.7
3 Moderate 39 15.1
4 Poor 17 6.6
5 Very Poor 4 1.5
Total 259 100.0
The table no 6 shows It is clear from the above table that 40% of the respondents are stating that
their search engine quality was very good. And 36.7% of the respondents said that the quality of
their search engine was good to use, 15% of the respondents said that moderate, and 7 % of the
respondents state that their search engine quality was poor and finally balance 2 % of the
respondents stated that their search engine quality was very poor.
Table 7
Main Usage of Search Engine
Sl. No Main usage of search No of Respondents Percentage
1 Finding thesis 102 39.4
2 Finding conference 83 32.0
3 Finding Reports 52 20.1
4 Using community of 17 6.6
5 Using discussion list 5 1.9
Total 259 100.0
The table no 7 From the above table that 39% of the respondents are using search engine for their
thesis purpose, 32% of the respondents are using search engine for finding conferences details
and 20% of the respondents are used to find the report details. 6.6% of the respondents are using
for community of science and 2% of the respondents are using search engine for preparing
discussion list.
2. Cross Tabulation
Table 2.1
Age with gender
Sl. No Age Male Female Total
1 17-20 Count 66 58 124
Years % within 47.5% 48.3% 47.9%
2 21-24 Count 73 62 135
years % within 52.5% 51.7% 52.1%
female respondents are coming under 17-20 years age category and 51.7% female respondents
are coming under 21-24 years age category.
Table 2.2
Age with Course
Course Total
Sl. No Age UG PG M.phil Ph.d
1 17-20 Count 59 43 18 4 124
years % within 51.8% 44.8% 46.2% 40.0% 47.9%
2 21-24 Count
55 53 21 6 135
years % within
48.2% 55.2% 53.8% 60.0% 52.1%
Table 2.3
Age with usage of Search Engine
21-24 Count
2 85 49 1 135
years % within
49.7% 62.0% 12.5% 52.3%
Total Count
171 79 8 258
% within
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
It is clear from above table that 50% of the respondents are using Google search engine and they
are coming under 17-20 years age group and 50% respondents are coming under 21-24 years
group. By using yahoo as search engine there38% respondents are coming under 17-20 years and
balance 62% respondents are coming under 21—24 years age group. By using as search
engine there 88% respondents are coming under 17-20 years and balance 12% respondents are
coming under 21—24 years age group.
Table 2.4
Age with Search Engine Experience
From above table that in above 3 years experience category there are 44% of the respondents are
17-20 years and 56% of the respondents are under 21-24 years age category. And 1-2 years
experience category there are 50% of the respondents are 17-20 years and 50% of the
respondents are under 21-24 years age category, less than 1 year experience category there are
56% of the respondents are 17-20 years and 44% of the respondents are under 21-24 years age
category. And less than six month experience category there are 36% of the respondents are 17-
20 years and 64% of the respondents are under 21-24 years age category, less than 1 month
experience category there are 55% of the respondents are 17-20 years and 45% of the
respondents are under 21-24 years age category.
Table 2.5
Gender with Search Engine Main Usage
From above table search engine main usage are specified. In that for finding thesis from the
internet 46% are male and 54% are female. And for finding conferences from the internet 57%
are male and 43% are female. Then for finding reports from the internet62% are male and38%
are female. And for community sciences from the internet 53% are male and 47% are female.
Finally for using discussion list from the internet 80% are male and 20% are female category.
H0: There is no significant relationship between age of the respondents and total usage of search
H1: There is a significant relationship between age of the respondents and total usage of search
Age of the Respondents and Total Usage of Search Engine
It is clear from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value. So
the null hypothesis was accepted. Hence there is no significant relationship between age of the
respondents and total usage of the respondents.
H0: There is no significant relationship between gender of the respondents and total usage of
search engine.
H1: There is a significant relationship between gender of the respondents and total usage of
search engine.
Gender of the Respondents and Total Usage of Search Engine
It is clear from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value. So
the null hypothesis was accepted. Hence there is no significant relationship between gender of
the respondents and total usage of the respondents.
H0: There is no significant relationship between course of the respondents and total usage of
search engine.
H1: There is a significant relationship between course of the respondents and total usage of
search engine.
Course of the Respondents and Total Usage of Search Engine
H0: There is no significant relationship between search engine type of the respondents and total
usage of search engine.
H1: There is a significant relationship between search engine type of the respondents and total
usage of search engine.
❖ More than 52% of the respondents are coming under 21-24 years category.
❖ 54% of the respondents are male category
❖ Probably 44% of the respondents are doing their UG degree from the college.
❖ Mostly 66% of the respondents are usage Google search engine for their purpose.
❖ 34% of the respondents are having 1-2 years experience on using search engine.
❖ 40% of the respondents stating that quality of their search engine were very good.
❖ 39% of the respondents are using the search engine mainly for finding thesis works.
❖ Age, gender of the respondents are does not have any significant relationship between
total usage of search engine.
❖ Search engine type, Search engine quality are having significant relationship with total
usage of search engine.
❖ Search engine using time, search engine experience, and search engine main purpose are
having significant relationship with total usage of search engine.
Search engine use among college Students the survey clearly shows that students are making use
of the Internet for course related reading and research needs. And some students are
using for attributed to entertainment. Ease of work and time saving are the reasons of Internet
use among university students. It is worth pointing out that students are less likely to go and
seek help from the library staff, support staff, or attend Internet training classes. The colleges
should arrange training programs to orientate the students and teachers to the hidden
potential of this technology. Modules on basic and advanced searching techniques should be
included in the curricula of all departments. Teachers and staff can encourage Internet usage
among students. The trainers need special attention of the university authorities. Specialized
training program should be planned for them. Academic cooperation should also be
promoted through the sharing of educational resources among colleges.
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