Warlord Class Description

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You are a master of battle-field tactics and a

natural leader. You can issue orders a
CLASS FEATURES number of times per long rest equal to your
As a warlord, you gain the following class proficiency bonus. Each time you do so, you
features. may choose from the following tactics:
• When an ally is targeted for an attack
HIT POINTS roll by an enemy, you may issue a
Hit Dice: 1d10 per warlord level warning or quick defensive strategy.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your The attacker gains disadvantage on
Constitution modifier the attack.
Hit Points at Higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + • When an ally is saving versus an
your Constitution modifier per warlord level effect, you may issue a warning or
after 1st quick defensive strategy. The ally
gains advantage on the saving throw.
PROFICIENCIES • When an ally rolls an attack, you can
Armor: All armor, shields issue tactical advice. That ally may
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons choose beforehand to add your
Tools: None proficiency bonus to either their
attack roll or damage roll.
Saving Throws: Strength, Charisma • When an ally is moving into position
Skills: Choose four skills from Athletics, to attack or defend, you issue tactical
History (Military Tactics), Insight, advice. That ally may move an
Perception, Intimidation, Persuasion additional 10' during that movement.
Tactics may only affect allies that the
EQUIPMENT warlord can see and is aware of, and that can
You start with the following equipment, in hear the warlord. In addition, the warlord
addition to the equipment granted by your may use the tactics himself; however this still
background: counts toward the number of uses per long
• (a) breastplate or (b) ring mail or (c) rest.
chain mail
• (a) a one-handed martial weapon and INSPIRING PRESENCE
a shield or (b) a two-handed martial Beginning at 2nd level, whenever the warlord
weapon kills an enemy, all allies that can see the
• (a) two javelins or (b) two handaxes warlord regain hit points equal to the
or (c) a light hammer warlord's proficiency bonus.
• (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a
dungeoneer’s pack LEAD BY EXAMPLE
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever the warlord
LORD OF WAR scores a critical hit, all allies that can see the
You look, act, and dress the part of a warlord gain his proficiency bonus as a
fearsome and talented lord of war. Any time bonus to damage on their next attack roll.
you are equipped with medium or heavy
armor and are armed with a martial weapon, DEMORALIZING TAUNT
you gain advantage on all intimidation, Beginning at 4rd level, the warlord can
performance, and persuasion checks. attempt to demoralize sentient enemy
combatants by yelling various taunts and
jeers at them. Each group of enemies must
make an intelligence save versus the victorious, the morale of the remaining
warlord’s intimidation skill. Any group of enemies is broken and they surrender or
enemies failing the save gains disadvantage scatter without a fight. Should any allies of
to all attack rolls and saving throws for 1 the warlord interfere with the single combat,
round. You can use this feature once per all enemy combatants get one free round of
long rest; at level 8, twice; level 12, three combat with advantage on all attack rolls.
times; level 16, four times. This counts as an
intimidation check and is influenced by the WAR BAND
Lord of War ability. Beginning at 8th level, the warlord's fame
begins to attract warriors as part of his
RALLYING CRY personal war band. The warlord can gain a
Beginning at 5th level, the warlord can utter maximum of his proficiency bonus +
a rallying cry. All allies within 30' that can charisma bonus warriors in his war band. No
see or hear the warlord gain 2d6 temporary more than 2 may join per month, and they
hit points and advantage on their next save arrive as 1d4-1 (minimum 1) level fighters of
versus any kind of demoralizing spell or the same alignment as the warlord. These
effect. You cannot use this feature again until followers are drawn to the warlord seeking
you finish a long rest. Every 3rd level, add wealth and fame; they will begin to desert
1d6 temporary hit points. At 10th level, you the warlord if they are idle for more than 2
can use this feature twice between long rests, months without successful combat or being
and three times between long rests starting paid the equivalent of a comfortable lifestyle.
at 15th level. As long as these needs are met, the war band
act as utterly loyal followers to the warlord.
Beginning at 6th level, the warlord has Level Prof. Bonus Features
gained such notoriety that at the mention of 1 +2 Lord of War, Tactician
his name or unveiling of his standard (battle 2 +2 Inspiring Presence
standard or shield emblem) any enemy 3 +2 Lead by Example
combatant of half level or less than the 4 +2 Ability Score, Demoralizing Taunt
warlord must save vs the warlord's 5 +3 Rallying Cry, Extra Attack
intimidate or attack the warlord with 6 +3 Battle Renown
disadvantage for the remainder of the fight. 7 +3 Combat Challenge
This only affects sentient creatures that 8 +3 Ability Score, War Band
would have reason to know of the warlord's 9 +4
prowess. At 12th level enemy combatants of 10 +4
half level or less than the warlord surrender 11 +4 Extra Attack (2)
or flee on a failed save. 12 +4 Ability Score
13 +5
Beginning at 7th level, the warlord is such a 15 +5
presence on the battlefield that he may issue 16 +5 Ability Score
a challenge to the leader of a group of 17 +6
sentient enemies. The leader must roll an 18 +6
intelligence check against a persuasion 19 +6 Ability Score
attempt by the warlord. This check is 20 +6 Extra Attack (3)
influenced by the Lord of War ability. If the
warlord succeeds, he and the enemy leader
must fight single combat. If the warlord is

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