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Slayer Class

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Skilled at tracking down targets, slayers are consummate hunters, living for the chase and the

deadly stroke that brings it to a close. Slayers spend most of their time honing their weapon
skills, studying the habits and anatomy of foes, and practicing combat maneuvers.

Role: The slayer is elusive, and good at finding the opportune time and location to strike.
Combining the deadliest talents of rangers and rogues, a slayer’s abilities are all about getting
into combat, dealing with a target, and then getting back out again.

Alignment: Typically True Neutral to Lawful/Neutral Evil, Slayers often live by their own moral
codes to justify taking up assassinations or bounty hunting, and are aware that reckless actions
lead to messy jobs that require a lot of hassle and coin to clean up.

Hit Die: d8

Saving Throws: Wisdom and Strength

Starting Wealth:
4d4 × 10 gp (average 80 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp
or less.


Starting Equipment:
Leather Armor
1 martial or simple weapon or 2 martial or simple weapons
1 Longbow with a quiver of 20 arrows or 1 Light Crossbow with a quiver of 20 bolts
An Explorer's Pack or A Dungeoneer's Pack
A pouch containing 5gp
Slayer Class Features

Level 1: Proficiencies
Choose proficiency in 3 of the following skills
Acrobatics (Dex), Deception (Cha), Medicine (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Insight
(Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Athletics (Str)

You also gain the following proficiencies with your class

Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Studied Target:
As a Slayer, you are an expert at tracking and killing those you designate as your
target(s). At level 1, you can spend 1 minute to study an opponent you can see, and gain the
following Studied Target Benefits: +1 to all attack rolls against the target(s), advantage on
survival and investigation checks made to track your target(s), advantage on perception checks to
see potentially hidden targets. These benefits remain in effect until either the opponent is dead,
the slayer does not have direct line of sight for more than 1 hour, or the slayer studies a new

(Note, changed from movement to studying with time because infinite use gaining bonus to hit is
ridiculous. As this will make the extra damage from sneak attack even easier to get. This
encourages stealth as a slayer and studying your foe before engaging. As such out of combat
benefits have been significantly buffed to just grant advantage on the checks by taking a minute
to study them. At 18th level the feature is upgrades to only need a single action. Being able to mid
combat in a group battle choose to not move and immediately gain a permanent +1-3 to hit
instantly is way too strong with no cost besides movement)

Level 2: Expose Weakness

At second level, you become a master of hitting enemies specifically where it hurts. You
gain the Expose Weakness feature, and can do so once per turn on any weapon attack, adding an
additional d4/d6 to your weapons damage. If your target is not studied by you the extra damage
uses a d4, if the target is studied by you the damage uses a d6. The dice count increases every 4
levels, please refer to the table. If you have any source disadvantage on the attack roll you can
not use Expose Weakness.
Slayer Level Expose Weakness Dice

2 1d4/1d6

6 2d4/2d6
10 3d4/3d6

14 4d4/4d6

18 5d4/5d6

Level 3: Subclass choice and Subclass Feature and Gain Slayer Talents
At 3rd level, choose a subclass from the following list: Stalker, Hunter, Vigilante, Magus
Your choice will grant access to subclass specific talents or other unique abilities

Slayer Talents: Slayer Talents takes your studies of your foe to a new level. These features will
allow you to do extra things to your foes when you successfully study them. You gain 2 talents
of you choice immediately at 3rd level, an gain an additional talent at 10th and 17th level.

Level 4: ASI/Feat

Level 5: Extra Attack

Whenever you make the attack action, you may attack twice instead of once.

Level 6: Studied Target / Expose Weakness Increase

At 6th level, you may study up to 2 targets you can see, and to hit attack bonus increases
to +2
Expose Weakness Increases to 2d4/2d6

Level 7: Evasion

Level 8: ASI/Feat

Level 9: Subclass Feature

Level 10: Expose Weakness Increase

Expose Weakness Increases to 3d4/3d6

Level 11: Vicious Study - Add Studied Target Bonus to the Save DC of Slayer Abilities against
Studied Targets

Level 12: ASI/Feat

Level 13: Subclass Feature

Level 14: Studied Target / Expose Weakness Increase
At 14th level, you may study up to 3 targets you can see, and to hit attack bonus increases
to +3
Expose Weakness Increases to 4d4/4d6

Level 15: Critical Study - Crit on 19 and 20 against Studied Targets when making Weapon
Attacks against them

Level 16: ASI/Feat

Level 17: Subclass Feature

Level 18: Studied Target / Expose Weakness Increase

At 18th level, your mastery of studying your foes has quickened. You may study your
foes using only a single action, and may study and keep track of up to 4 at once.
Expose Weakness Increases to 5d4/5d6

Level 19: ASI/Feat

Level 20: Master Slayer or [Subclass] Talent (Master)
At 20th level, the slayer becomes a master at capturing or killing his studied targets. As
an action, he can make a single attack against a studied target, choosing one of the following

knock unconscious for 5d6 minutes, or paralyze for 1d4 rounds.

If the attack succeeds, the target takes damage normally and must succeed at a Constitution
saving throw or suffer the additional effect. The DC for this save is 8 + proficiency bonus + the
slayer’s Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever the weapon used benefits from. Whether or
not the target succeeds, it cannot be targeted by this ability again (by any slayer) for 24 hours.

(If the target is immune to either of these effects and fails the constitution saving throw, it instead
takes an additional 5d6 damage from the blow to the head) – (note, added due to the majority of
endgame monsters and really really nasty things you may face at this level being largely immune
to both these conditions)
General Slayer Talents

Blood Reader - Learn the remaining hit points of Studied Target(s) as a Bonus Action. This only
works against Creatures that have blood.
You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifiers per Short or Long Rest

Slowed Strike - Studied Target(s) that are damaged by your Expose Weakness have their
movement reduced by 10ft until the start of your next turn.

Inform Allies (Req. 10th level Slayer) - In exchange for 1 Studied Target, you may offer a
weapon attack bonus equal to your current Studied Target Bonus to Allies, but only if the enemy
they are attacking is your Studied Target. This bonus lasts 1 minute and requires concentration,
and may be used a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per short or long rest. The
number of allies this can affect is equal to 1- your studied target bonus.

Death Drinker - When slaying a Studied Target, gain temporary hit points equal to half your
Slayer level (rounded up) plus your Wisdom Modifier.
You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier per Short or Long Rest

Studied Defense - Gain a bonus to AC equal to 1/2 (rounded up) your current Studied Target
Bonus against incoming weapon attacks from Studied Targets

Jaguar’s Take Down - When you deal expose weakness damage, you can attempt to trip your
opponent. They must make a Dexterity Saving throw with a DC of 8 + prof bonus + Wisdom
modifier. This must be done using a melee weapon. You may do this a number of times equal to
your Wisdom Modifier per Short or Long Rest

Jaguar’s Protection - When you deal expose weakness damage, you draw the target’s attention
away from the slayer's allies. The affected enemy has disadvantage on attack rolls made against
anyone other than the slayer until the start of your next turn. You may do this a number of times
equal to your Wisdom Modifier per Short or Long Rest

Jaguar’s Pounce – When your Studied Foe attempts to flee you may pursue them and strike them
where its most vulnerable. Attacks of opportunity have advantage and you may follow your
target and hit them where they finish instead of striking immediately.
Slayer Subclasses

While all Slayers are adept and evading their enemies and striking from the shadows,
Stalkers are true masters of the night. Able to sneak past even the most well-trained Royal
Guard, and shoot the head off a king from a mile away, Stalkers are in their element when no one
knows they’re watching from the shadows. Most Stalkers find work in Assassination groups, or
running large scale Thieves Guilds, and while they do tend to be cold and secretive, Stalkers
often stop at nothing to keep their assets and allies safe, eliminating any who would threaten
them before they get the chance.

Stalker Talents

Silver Tongued Stalker - Gain Expertise in one of the following skills: Deception, Performance,
Persuasion, Intimidation.
Prerequisite - Having Proficiency in the chosen skill

Stalker’s Training - Gain Expertise in one of the following skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth,
Sleight of Hand
Prerequisite - Having Proficiency in the chosen skill

Stalker’s Slip I - When a Studied Target you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your
reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.
You may do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Short or Long Rest

Pocket Sand - Make an Unarmed Attack against a Studied Targets. On success, the Slayer will
throw a handful of dirt or sand at the Studied Targets eyes, and they are blinded until the start of
your next turn.
You may do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Short or Long Rest
Stalker Talents (Advanced)

Marksman's Shot - While making a Ranged Weapon attack against a Studied Target, you
increase the Critical Threat Range by 1.

Stalker’s Slip II - Gain the Rogue Evasion feature: You can nimbly dodge out of the way of
certain area effects, such as an ancient red dragon’s fiery breath or an ice storm spell. When you
are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if
you fail
Prerequisite: Stalker’s Slip I

Sharp Mind - Gain proficiency in Intelligence Saving Throws

Glass Powder - Make an Unarmed Attack against a Studied Target. On success, the Slayer will
throw a handful of crushed glass at the Studied Targets eyes, and they are blinded for 1d4 rounds
and suffer 2d4 piercing damage at the start of its turn.
Prerequisite: Pocket Sand
You may do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Short or Long Rest

Stalker Talent (Master)

Charged Sneak Attack -

After spending much time stalking various prey, concealing yourself from even the most
watchful eyes, and striking your targets like a pit viper, your talents and skills have become
second nature to you. You rarely even need to think before acting, as your muscle memory alone
does most of the work for you, be it stepping without a sound, dodging the most perilous of
attacks, or sinking your dagger into the hearts of your foes.

You are able to change your sneak attack damage to one of the following damage types, and can
change the type over a short or long rest:
Fire, Ice, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Acid
While most Slayers rely on their keen senses and wits in battle, Hunter’s rely solely on
their combat training to cut down even the largest of foes. Hunters are the rarest of Slayers,
originating from the Country of Mannon, and are fueled by a mysterious Ritual all Hunter’s
undergo. In the field, Hunters are cold and calculated, showing little emotion beyond a deep
seated disgust and hatred for their enemies. Onlookers think of Hunters as superstitious fanatics,
as the stories they tell are of never before documented monsters and horrible arcane creatures.

Hunter Progression

3rd Level –

Firearm Proficiency – Gain proficiency with firearms, and the knowledge on how to craft your
own ammo (must have the raw materials to do so and tinkerer’s tools, checks made using
tinker’s tools to craft ammo are made as if you had proficiency with them)

Nocturnal Nature – Gain Darkvision up to 30ft, if you already possess Darkvision it is extended
to 60 ft. and advantage on Stealth Checks to sneak or hide while in Dim Light.

9th Level –

Firearm Expertise - Gain the ability to hold a Pistol in the off hand with any 1h melee weapon in
the main hand, or a Long Firearm in the main hand and a Light melee weapon in the off hand.
You may make a Bonus Action attack with the Off Hand weapon after attacking with the main
hand weapon at least once that turn.

13th Level -
Refined Blood Ministration - Once per day, you can increase either Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution by 2 at the cost of -1 Wisdom and Charisma. This effect lasts 10 minutes, and
cannot be repeated for 24 hours.

Rally - As a Reaction upon being hit, make a single weapon attack against the creature that hit
you, and regain Temporary Hit Points equal to 1/2 the damage you dealt.
You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier per Short or Long Rest

17th Level -

Visceral Attack - Add Studied Target Bonus to Damage rolls made with weapons against your
Studied Foe
20th level - Hunter Talent (Master) (WiP)
First Hunters Stance -
You spent years training under the Hunters tutelage, honing your style so that it might
become your own. Even still, after countless battles, the tales of your predecessor and founder of
your order whisper in your ears, how he wielded a Grim Reapers Scythe in one hand, and a rifle
in the off hand, reaping and blasting foes like a one man army.

Gain the ability to hold any one handed weapon in the Main Hand, and a Long Firearm in the off
hand. You may use either weapon to make your Attack Action, and the other for an optional
Bonus Action Attack.

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