Soul Blade Sorcerous Origin (Sorcerer)

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Soul Blade Sorcerous Origin (Sorcerer)

Almost all mortals try their hand at violence sooner or later. Whether it is the simple
swatting of a fly or a career of soldiering, violence is a near universal truth among humanoids.
However some few prove to be truly exceptional. Some few possess the innate potential, the
requisite training and the focus of purpose to carve their name into the history books and
become legends. One of your ancestors was such a person. Perhaps they once dueled a god or
single handedly held the Tarrasque at bay so that a nearby settlement could be evacuated.
Whatever the case may be their incredible skill and legendary feats have altered their bloodline
forever. Soul Blades are the inheritors of this gift, connected to a heritage of martial prowess so
elite as to leave the mundane behind. They have no need to train with weapon or armor, instead
their proficiency with a blade is born into them and augmented by the magic their family
received when that fabled ancestor unwound fate at the tip of a sword.

1​st​- ​Blood Ward:​ At 1​st​ level when you take this bloodline you are able to tap into your innate
martial prowess to defend yourself, provided you aren’t wearing heavy armor or using a shield.
As an action you may grant yourself a number of temporary hit points equal to double your
sorcerer level + your Charisma Modifier (Minimum of 0) until the end of your next short or long
rest. Additionally, while you have these temporary hit points you may also add your Charisma
modifier to your Armor Class. This ability is usable once per short rest.

1​st​- ​Arcane Blade:​ At 1​st​ level you gain proficiency with all martial weapons as well as light and
medium armor.
When you reach 3rd level in this class you gain the ability to infuse residual magic from
spells you cast into your weapon attacks. When you cast a spell which requires concentration
you may spend a sorcery point to make your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 force
damage while you maintain concentration on that spell.

6​th​-​Extra Attack:​ At 6​th​ level you may attack twice instead of once when you take the attack
action on your turn.

14​th​- ​Relentless Focus:​ At 14th level your experience and natural prowess in the art of
concentrating under strain has reached its pinnacle. Your concentration can no longer be
broken while your Blood Ward is active.

18​th​- ​War Form:​ At 18​th​ level you may use a bonus action and expend 5 sorcery points in order
to endow yourself with arcane battle prowess. For the next minute your maximum hit points
increase by 40, you gain advantage on all attack rolls and concentration saves and when you
take the attack action on your turn each creature of your choice within 10ft. of you immediately
suffers 2d10 force damage.
Dervish Martial Archetype (Fighter)

The Dervish is a fighter who emphasizes the use of two weapons to make overwhelm
their foes and leave struggling to keep up. Whether it is through the strength of their arms or
nimble precision all Dervishes make a frightening combination of speed, brutality and grace.

3​rd​- ​Two-Weapon Defense​:​ When you take this archetype at 3​rd​ level your armor class
increases by 1 whenever you’re holding a light or one-handed weapon in each hand.

3​rd​- ​Rend​:​ Starting at 3​rd​ level you gain the ability to pierce a foe with each of your weapons and
draw them away from each other for particularly brutal effect. Once per turn when you hit the
same target with two subsequent melee weapon attacks you may deal an additional 2d6 points
of the weapons damage type. This additional damage goes up to 3d6 at 9th level and again, to
4d6 at 15th.

7​th​- ​Battle Dancer​:​ At 7​th​ level you learn to move like the wind and dance through combat. You
gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill and Dexterity saving throws if you don’t already have it.
Additionally, your move speed increases by 10ft.

10​th​- ​Evasion​:​ ​Beginning at 10th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area
effects, such as an ancient red dragon’s fiery breath or an ​ice storm ​spell. When you are
subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage
if you fail.

15​th​- ​Storm of Steel​:​ At 15​th​ level your blades become an unstoppable whir, when you take the
Attack Action on your turn to make a melee weapon attack you automatically deal 1d6 damage
of that weapon’s type to each creature of your choice within 5 feet of you.

18​th​- ​Overwhelming Assault​:​ At 18​th​ level you deliver your attacks with such brutality and
speed that foes, once struck, struggle to hold you back. After hitting a creature with a melee
weapon attack for the first time on your turn all subsequent attacks against that target are made
with advantage. Additionally,when you make a melee weapon attack with advantage if the result
of the lower of those two dice would still be enough to hit you may choose to push the target 5ft.
away from you in a direction of your choice.
Mystic Champion Primal Path (Barbarian)

All barbarians learn to use their natural gifts for battle, but for some power can be found
in more than just their muscles. Some barbarians find themselves born with both innate magic
and the will to use it. Though focusing through their fury can be difficult and often painful the
Mystic Champion uses magic to stupify any who assume them to be some dumb brute.

3rd-​ ​Spellcasting:​ At 3rd level you learn to tap into your ancestral magic to aid yourself in
Cantrips. ​You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Warlock spell list. You learn an
additional warlock cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
Spell Slots: ​The Mystic Champion Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you
have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a
slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. ​You know three 1st-level warlock spells of your
choice. The Spells Known column of the Mystic Champion Spellcasting table shows when you
learn more warlock spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which
you have spell slots. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the warlock
spells you know with another spell of your choice from the warlock spell list. The new spell must
be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Spellcasting Ability. ​Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, since
the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your
Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an
attack roll with one.

Spell save DC= ​8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier=​ your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

3rd-​ ​Rage Mage​:​ At 3rd level you may concentrate on and cast spells even while raging,
however, the act of concentrating through your rage is so taxing on your mind and body that you
take damage equal to the level of the spell you are concentrating on at the end of each turn in
which you are both raging and concentrating on a spell. This damage can not be avoided or
reduced in any way but doesn’t force you to make concentration saving throws.
Barbarian Cantrips Spells
Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

3​rd 2 3 2 - - -

4​th 2 4 3 - - -

5​th 2 4 3 - - -

6​th 2 4 3 - - -

7​th 2 5 4 2 - -

8​th 2 6 4 2 - -

9​th 2 6 4 2 - -

10​th 3 7 4 3 - -

11​th 3 8 4 3 - -

12​th 3 8 4 3 - -

13​th 3 9 4 3 2 -

14​th 3 10 4 3 2 -

15​th 3 10 4 3 2 -

16​th 3 11 4 3 3 -

17​th 3 11 4 3 3 -

18​th 3 11 4 3 3 -

19​th 3 12 4 3 3 1

20​th 3 13 4 3 3 1
6th-​ ​Mage’s Senses​: ​You may use an action to attune yourself to the arcane energy around
you, allowing you to sense the presence of magic within 60ft. of you. Additionally, you can
sense the school of any magic you detect using this ability. You may use this ability a number of
times equal to your Constitution modifier+1.

10th-​ ​Bloody Fortitude​:​ While both raging and concentrating on a spell you have advantage on
all saving throws.

14th-​ ​Arcane Rage​: ​At 14th level when you use your bonus action to enter a rage on your turn
you may, as part of that same bonus action, cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action.
Marshal Martial Archetype (Fighter)

Sometimes it is not enough to be a conquering warrior, a champion of all that’s right, an

experienced sellsword, or an elite foot soldier. Sometimes the circumstances require a solid
commander of soldiers and situations. Sometimes the circumstances demand a marshal.
Marshals inspire trust in those they lead. They earn that trust by slogging through harsh
landscapes, dangerous battlefields, and haunted catacombs along with those under their
command. With a look, they can see where to best deploy their resources or come up with a
sneaky ruse to fool their enemies. A marshal has a tactician’s mind and a way with words that
can inspire battle-hardened fighters to give it their all when melee breaks out.

3rd- ​Battlefield Lore​:​ You’ve spent your entire life learning to hone your greatest weapon. Your
mind. At 3rd level you gain proficiency in your choice of two of the following skills; Arcana,
History, Insight and Nature.

3rd- ​Tactical Gambits​: ​At 3rd level your keen analytical mind allows you to assess a situation
and develop a plan to capitalize on both your allies strengths as well as your enemies
weaknesses. You gain the ability to use Tactical Gambits once per turn. When you gain this
feature at third level you learn three Gambits of your choice from the list below. You learn one
additional Gambit of your choice at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level in this class. Any Gambit
which requires a saving throw has a DC equal to
8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
You may use two Gambits per short rest and gain one additional use at 7th and 15th level.

● Rub Some Dirt On It- As a reaction when a creature you can see within 30 ft. drops to
half of its total hit points or lower you can use this gambit to allow them to roll one of their
Hit Dice and regain an amount of HP equal to their roll plus your Intelligence modifier, as
if they had recovered them from taking a short rest.
● Ambush- As an action you instruct up to 10 creatures within 15ft. of you how best to
move quickly and quietly in a group and help guide them as you fall into place. You and
each of these creatures gain a bonus to stealth checks equal to your intelligence
modifier (minimum 1) for the duration of this gambit. (Concentration up to 1 hour)
● Coordinate Assault- As a reaction after initiative has been determined but before any
actions have been taken you may choose to rearrange the initiative order of a number of
allies equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum of 2). When you do so, you may
choose to trade any of those creature’s initiative scores with the scores of any other
creatures you have included in the effects of this ability.
● You’re Next- As a reaction when a hostile creature dies within 60 ft. of you, you may
designate a number of creatures equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) with
this Gambit. Each of these creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
of you for up to 1 minute (concentration).
● Hold/Brace- As an action you may select a number of allies equal to your intelligence
modifier. For the duration of this effect (Concentration up to 1 minute) each square
threatened by one of the selected allies costs hostile creatures twice as much movement
to move out of. Additionally, when a hostile creature enters the reach of one of these
allies for the first time on a turn they must make a Dexterity saving throw or provoke an
attack of opportunity from the threatening ally. Any ally affected by this Gambit ends the
effect on themselves early if they voluntarily move from the square they were in when
this Gambit was initially used.
● Focus Fire-​ ​As an action choose a creature you can see within 120 feet of you. This
creature must make a Charisma (Deception) check against your Gambit Save DC.
Should it fail this check, all allies who can see and hear you gain advantage on all
attacks against that creature for 1 minute (concentration).
● Volley- As an action you may select a number of creatures equal to your intelligence
modifier. If these creatures are holding a ranged or thrown weapon they can choose to
immediately make a single attack with said weapon as a reaction.
● Set Watch- This Gambit functions exactly like the “Alarm” spell, except when you use it
you must designate at least one creature to be keeping watch. For each additional
creature designated past the first you may add another 20 foot cube to the area.
Additionally, you must choose the audible alarm option. This feature is not fooled by any
effects (such as Nystul’s Magic Aura) that might be used to trick the Alarm spell.
However, your DM may rule that a creature adequately disguised as one of the creatures
exempt from the alarm may enter without triggering it.
● Steady- As a bonus action on your turn you may select a number of creatures within 90
feet of you. For the next minute (concentration) these creatures gain immunity to the
frightened condition and any effects causing them to be frightened immediately end.

7th- ​Unbreakable Will​: ​At 7th level your absolute focus and mental resilience in battle becomes
a source of inspiration for your allies. Any time you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma
saving throw you may choose to delay the effects of whatever caused you to make the save
until the end of your next turn, at which time you are subject to the full effects normally as if you
had just failed it. This feature is usable a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of 1). Additionally, whenever you and any allies within 30 ft. of you are forced
to make a Wisdom saving throw against the same effect, all of those allies have advantage on
the roll.

10th- ​Heroic Commander​: ​At 10th level whenever you're concentrating on one of your Gambits
you add your intelligence modifier to the damage dealt by your weapon attacks.

15th- ​Improvisational Master​: ​At 15th level when you roll initiative and have no Gambits
remaining, you regain one Gambit.
18th- ​Master Gambit​: ​At 18th level you become a living legend to those who follow you,
learning to push them further than anyone would've thought possible. You learn one of the
following Master Gambits, which may be used once per long rest.

● Inspire Bloodlust- You may activate this Master Gambit as an action. For the next hour
all allies add your intelligence modifier to any damage they deal so long as they can see
or hear you.
● Advise Caution- You may activate this Master Gambit as an action. For the next hour all
attacks made against any allies who can see or hear you are made with disadvantage
and these allies can not be surprised.
● Inner Reserve- As a bonus action you may choose a number of creatures (including
yourself) equal to your intelligence modifier. These creatures all immediately gain the
benefits of a short rest.
Deepwood Sniper (Rogue)

As a Deepwood sniper you excel at finding and exploiting the weak points in an enemy’s
armor. Picking off dangerous foes without ever getting close or being seen. If you get them in
your sights they’d better hope cover is close because nobody outruns your arrows.

3rd- ​Improved Range​: ​At 3rd level your mastery as a marksman and keen sight allows you to
hit targets much further than most could shoot. When you make an attack with a ranged
weapon, you may increase the attack’s normal and long ranges by 10 feet for each level you
have in this class.

3rd- ​Keen Shot​: ​At 3rd level you can use a bonus action to make an investigation check
against a single creature you can see with a DC equal to the target’s Armor Class. If this check
is successful, you gain a bonus equal to your intelligence modifier to all ranged weapon attacks
against the target for 1 minute.

9th- ​Camouflage​: ​Starting at 9th level, you can spend 1 minute creating camouflage for
yourself. You must have access to fresh mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally occurring
materials with which to create your camouflage.

Once you are camouflaged in this way, you can try to hide by pressing yourself up against a
solid surface, such as a tree or wall, that is at least as tall and wide as you are. You gain a +10
bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you remain there without moving or taking
actions. Once you move or take an action or a reaction, you must camouflage yourself again to
gain this benefit.

13th- ​Traceless​:​ At 13th Level you become so skilled at lining up your shots in discrete and
unpredictable ways that making a ranged attack against a creature no longer reveals your
location, instead the creature simply gains advantage on its next Wisdom (Perception) check
made to perceive you hiding in that location. Additionally, while using your Camouflage ability
you are immune to Divination spells and other magical effects which would discern your

17th- ​Line Up the Shot​: ​Starting at 17th Level you become so adept at firing a single fatal shot
that you can cause it to hit additional targets as well. When you hit a creature subjected to your
Keen Shot feature with a ranged weapon attack you may choose to create a line effect 15ft.
long extending down the path the projectile would have traveled. Each creature in that line must
make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC= 8 + proficiency bonus + Dex. Mod.) or take half as much
damage as the attack’s original target.

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