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INTRODUCTION ......................................... S
DESCRIPTION .......................................... 4
INSTALLATION ......................................... IT
OPERATION ........................................... 27
MAINTENANCE ......................................... 31
General ............................................ 32
Trouble-shooting Chart .................................. 32
do notpurportto coverall detailsor vorialionsin equipment nor to providefor everypossible
to be metin connectino
opotafio, or maintenance. Shouldfuriherinformationbe des_'edor _ou/d port/cu/ar
problems arisewhichare not coveredsufficientlyfor file purchaser'spurposes,
the mattershou/dbe referredto the General
Immediately upon receipt, the equipment should The approximate weight of each of the various
1 _. carefully unpacked to avoid damaging the ap- units is as follows:
t Lratus. Particular care should be exercised to APPROX. WEIGHT
I 'event small parts being mislaid or thrown away EQUIPMENT IN POUNDS
i, the packing material. I Enclosed voltage regulator, con-
sisting of items 2, 3,4, 5and6in
As soon as the equipment is unpacked, it should an enclosing case (CR7931-NA) ..... 1600
be examined for any damage that might have been 2 Voltage-regulator panel
sustained in transit. H injury or rough handling is (CR7930-NA) ................ 120
evident, a damage claim should be filed immediately 3 Reactive-ampere limit panel
with the transportation company and the nearest (CR7932-KA) ................ 135
General Electric Apparatus Sales Office should be 4 Control panel (CR?932-CA) ....... 170
notified promptly. 5 Auxiliary panel (CRY932-MA) ..... 300
6 Maximum excitation limit panel
(CR?932-JA) ................. 90
? Manual voltage-adjusting unit
STORAGE (CR7932-HA) ................ 10
8 Control switch (Type SB) ........ 10
9 Voltmeter (Type DD) ........... 10
H the equipment is not to be used as soonas it is 10 Amplidyne motor-generator set
unpacked, it should be stored in a clean, dry place 2-kw, 4-bearing ............. 300
and protected from accidental damage. Particular 3-kw, 4-bearing ............. 3?5
care should be exercised to avoid storing the equip- 3-kw, 4-bearing ............. 500
ment in locations where construction work is in 5-kw, 4-bearing ............. 65{)
progress. 7 1/2-kw, 4-bearing .......... 875
GEI-31260 CR7931-NA101 Voltage Regulator
Caution _.pnase
Nhen the control switch is at ON, the regulator (ay
isconnected to the secondaries of potential trans-
formers whose primaries are connected to the a-c Fig. 1. Linear circuit and its signal voltage--
machine' terminals or bus. If an equalizing reactor load current characteristic
is not used, the potential transformers supply the
regulator with asignalvoltagewhich isdirectly p_o- compensation circuit. This circuit is provided to
portional to the terminal voltage of the machine, vary the single-phase voltage output of the three-
phase response network as a function of the signal
If thee a-c machine is to be operated in parallel frequellcy.._Thus, the frequency-compensation cir-
with0ther machines, an equalizing reactor should be cuit acts to raise or to lower the single-phase out-
connected in one of the transformer secondary lines put voltage with corresponding increases or de-
to the regulator. The equalizingreactorisdescribed creases infrequency. This is necessary as im-
in greater detail in a following section, and connec- portant elements in the remainder of the regulator
lions for this device are shown in Fig. 13. circuit are frequency sensitive.
Linear reactor A2X and one or more capacitors The second, or nonlinear circuit, consists of re-
(A1C1-A1C? inclusive) are connected in parallel sistor A4R, capacitor A2C, saturable reactor Al-
across three-phase response-circuit resistor AIR. SX, variable transformer lVT, and selenium rec-
These elements form a frequency-sensitive circuit tiller A1REC. H this circuit wereconnected across
which should bein resonance at the rated signal fre- a resistor representing the load offered by the
quency. Addttionor removalof trimming capacitors comparison circuit, it would appear as shown in
(A]C2-A1C'I inclusive) permits factory adjustment Fig. 2(a).
)' he circuit to obtain resonance at the proper fre-
ncy. Increasing the capacitance will lower the The characteristic of this circuit is represented
onant frequency and decreasing the capacitance graphically in Fig. 2(b)and 2(c). As the single-phase
raise the resonant frequency. Resistor AIR is voltage increases from zero, the characteristic is
Jvtded with taps for factory adjustment, linear until reactor A1SX begins to saturate. The
voltage at which reactor A1SX will beginto maturate
The combination of linear reactor A2Xand capaci- may be raised by effectively increasing the number
's A1C1-AIC7 inclusive, is called the frequency- of turns in reactor A1SX, as shown in Fig. 2(b). This
GEI-31260 CR7931-NAIO! Voltage Regulator
. _[_,,,_stor ff the outputs of the two circuits are equal, the
,VT -- ..... J voltage at F1 will equal the voltage at F2. It, how-
(o) ever, the output of' the nonlinear circuit is.greater
than that _of the linear Circuit, the iYoitage at_Fff'will
science reactor A1SX begins
and itwill passto asaturate, re-
relatively itslarge T--_ el_r field .ellllerReaetor
Amplldyne A_R AeX jk_A2REC
series combinationof
and reactor A1SX thenresistor A4R, flat
has a very capacitor A2C,
character- / suck{I_, Scoot _
current over
istic with an
a very small increase
appreciable current inrange.
voltage. At The
the _ %? _
.]_' .... --C _-l I
limit of this range, however, the capacitive reac- so)
tance begins to predominate and the characteristic
again slopes Sharply upward. The slopeof theflat A-csignal
portionof the curve may be increased as shown in I /v°ltage
The respective outputs of the linear and nonlinear Fig. 3. Comparison circuit and its signal voltage-
circuits are compared by a comparison circuit. This amplidyne field current characteristic
CR7931-HA101Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
high impedance.
increases ara
less will,
rapid therefore,
rate due t_._jtw
f s cre-a_ing/h_-resistance
fect. will have the ep-'_£e'_-
through the amplidyne field and the amplidyne arx_-.2a -
ture voltage will be of such polarity as to incre_s e Adjustments for frequency compensation, ratio
the a-c machine excitation. This will further :in- of T-transformer IT, voltage-adjustment'range,
'crease the machine terminal voltage and the _-c
signal voltage. As the a-c machine terminal volt_.., voltage level, and sensitivity are the only adjustments
and consequently the signal voltage, approach nor _e,, provided in the regulator. Frequency compensation
nonlinear-circuit reactor A1SX, Fig. 2(a), will b__ and ratio of T-transformer IT arenoproperly
at the factory and should require adjusted
further attention.
to saturate, its impedance will rapidlydecrease,
the output of the nonlinear-circuit will rapidly _nd Voltage-adjustment range, voltage level, and sensi-
crease. Thus at normal voltage the outputs o_- in- tivity are also adjusted at the factory, but further
the adjustment may be required at the time of installa-
linear and nonlinear circuits will be equal ' _ _,s a tion.
result, no current will flow through amplidyne - _-._ -_ela._ :
F1 - F2. The amplidyne armature voltage
. will. _ _._-_-_nen
be zero and will not affect the a-c macnine exci_a---__ion. STABILIZING TRANSFORMER
GEI-31260 CR7931.NA101Voltage Regulator -- i
i -. ,i. a i i i ,i ii
The functionof the underexcitedreactive ampere Both the loss of steady-stai_ e stability charac-
limit circuit, shown in Fig. 21 is to prevent the regu- teristic illustrated in Fig. 4, alnd the underexcited
lator from reducing the a-c machine excitation to reactive ampere limit start po/__t, are functions of
such a low value that the machine would lose steady- terminal voltage of the a-c machine. Therefore, a
state stabfiity. It operates by limiting the under- setting of the underexcited rea.¢tive ampere limit
excited reactive current of the a-c machine establishes the limit start cur_ e for a particular
terminal voltage on the machin_ which will protect
Under normal c)perating conditions, with the regu- against loss of steady-state st:ability for normal
lator and the limit in service, the underexcited re- variations in the terminal voltage ,of the a-c machine.
active current of the a-c machine is less than the
value at which the limit functions, and the limit is The underexcited reactive an_rpere limit circuits
inoperative; however, ff the regulator reduces the include the following:
machine excitation to a sufficiently low value, the
limit immediately becomes operative 'and prevents 1..Reactive ampere sensitiv'e circuit.
the underexcited reactive current from rising ma- 2. Comparison circuit.
terially above the value for which the limit is ad- 3. Voltage-resetting circuit.
justed. The output from the limit circuit ts applied t
to a voltage resetting circuit which recalibrates the These are shown with the volt_ge-regulator cfr-
voltage regulator to hold a higher machine voltage, cults in Fig. 21.
Consequently, the limit will prevent appreciable in-
creases in a-c machine underexcited reactive cur- Reactive Ampere Sensitive Circuit
rent beyond a predetermined value.
Since in many caseg ti_e magnitude of the under- The reactive ampere sensitive circuitobtains its
excited reactive current at which the a-c machine input from one phase of the outpurt of the alternator
would lose steady-state stability, is a fuuc_on of a-c _tential transformers, and one _lternator current
machine active current, the limit can beadjusted so transformer. It is the functionof this circuit to de-
that the value of underexcited reactive current at tect anincrease of the reactive ceil'rent inthe alter- i
which the limit will become operative (the limit start nator beyond a predetermined v_lue in the under- I
point) will decrease as the machine active current excited direction, and t o send a si gnal into the cclm _
CR7931.NA101 Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
where the limit is ready to start. At point d there on StTand B2T ore I on thelimitstart
is no active power load on the machine. The value equal, variabletronsformlr(BiVT}
of the reactive current limit is proportional to the
vector Md and is equal to that limited without the Fig. 8. Ve'_tor c/iagram for reactive-ampere sensitive
reactance of B3X in the circuit since the impedance circuit with some power recaJibration reactance
in the resistor-reactor (B3R-B3X) circuit has been in circuit
· increased by the ratio of Md to M4. At point c, the
power component of voltage across the resistor- of this circuit is to allow the flow of control direct
reactor combination is Mc / and the reactive current current into the voltage-resetting circuit, when the
limited in proportional to cc/. At point b, the power voltage across transformer BlT exceeds that across
Component of voltage across the resistor-reactor B2T.
(B3R-B3X) combination is Mb I and the reactive cur-
rent limited is proportional to bb/. Thus, the re- The comparison circuit consists of bridge-type
active current limited decreases as the active cur- rectifiers B1REC and B2REC together with resistors
rent increases. This amounts to a linear decrease B1R and B2R, capacitors B1C and B2Cand reactors
Of reactive amperes limited as a function of active B1X and B2X, necessary for filtering and rectifier
amperes, preloading. In addition, two inverse voltage-limiting
rectifiers (B3REC) are used to allow a unidirectional
Comparison Circuit flow of control current through the d-c winding of
saturable reactor B1SXonly whenthe voltage across
The voltages from the secondaries of BIT and B2T BlT is greater than the voltage across B2T.
are applied to the comparison circuit. The function / Included in the coml_rison circuit is limit-sensi-
ttvity rheostat B1RH. Increasing the resistance of
rheostat B1RI-I causes the limit to require a greater
Fig. 7. Reactive-ampere limit power recalibration The control current from the comparison circuit
characteristic is applied tothe d-c control coil of saturable reactor
CR7931-NAI01 Voltage Regulator
.GEI_!26 0
the regulator { I
operates to i
maintain Decreased
sensitivity) ac
] I ./
_ ,,. ,
, 0 Underexcitedreactive amperes a
"0 I
Fig. 9. Reactive.ampere limit sensitivityadjustment _ I
characteristic <o ;I
control current in d-c windingof saturablereactorBISX
B1SX in the voltage-resetting circuit. The function
of this circuit is to cause a linear increase of the Fig. 10. Characteristic of voltage.resetting circuit
voltage which the regulator will operate to maintain
as a function of the direct control current of saturable
reactor B1SX. generator potential transformers. The regulator
will require, from the secondaries of the potential
The voltage-resetting circuit consists of satu- transformers, a maximum of approximately three
rable reactor B1SX, supplied from transformer B4T amperes for phase 1 and two amperes for phases 2
and connected to resistor B4R. The reactance of the and 3 without the reactive-ampere limit. The cur-
saturable reactor is an inverse function of its direct rent required by the voltage regulator and the re-
control current. The circuit subtracts a voltage
from the three-phase response-circuit single-phase ' I
output voltage impressed on the voltage-regulator
nonlinear circuit. This resetting voltage appears [
across resistor B4R (through which flows the alter- ---- --'"'"'
nating current from saturable reactor B1SX) and is
proportional to the direct current supplied from the .s
limit comparison circuits. The resetting voltage o
causes an increase in the voltage which the regulator .cO
will operate to maintain. Figure 10 shows the re- E
lation between the voltage across resistor B4R, the o I
resetting voltage for the voltage regulator, and the _
direct control current in saturable reactor B1SX, E
Figure 11 shows the relation between the voltage _ {
which the regulator will operate to maintain and the o
control current in the d-c winding of saturable reactor ._
B1SX for a typical voltage-regulator equipment. OI "'
VOLTAGE REGULATOR Gurrent in d-c winding of saturable reactor BI S X
s,3s oe _ AMPERES IN
$$.4% 1 2 3
90 ....
30 o 2 _
Numbers indicate corresponding winding taps and terminal numbers. EQUALIZING REACTOROR REACTIVE
Percentage figures refer to percentage of total winding between CURRENT COMPENSATOR
respective taps.
to this higher voltage signal, the regulator will act percent line-to-line voltage drop on a three-phase
to reduce excitation, thereby reducing the over- basis at zero power factor.
excited reactive current ff the machine is operating
in parallel with another machine. The equalizing reactor imposes a burden of 120
{ttwo a-c machines are connected throughtrans- volt-amperes on the current transformer at five am-
peres secondary current, and with all the reactance
formers, the equalizing
used as described reactor one
above, instead is windingis
not normally
re- cut in. Approximately 25 volt-amperes is the burden
versedto obtain the opposite effectto thatdescribed encountered in actual practice since it is usually
above. This makes it possible to adjust the trans- necessary to turn in only a few steps of the equalizing
former impedance to an optimum value of 6 or ? reactor for successful parallel operation.
percent on a reactive basis, improving system volt-
age regulation. The equalizing reactors are built with two inde-
pendent windings, as shown in Fig. 13, so that the
If the a-c machine is operating in the under- current and potential transformer secondaries are
excited region, the equalizing reactor will decrease electrically separate and both may be grounded. The
the average three-phase voltage signal presented to unit is enclosed in a perforated steel case with a dead-
the regulator, so that the regulator will act to in- front control panel. '.It is arranged for surface or
crease the excitation and decrease the underexcited bracket mounting.
reactive current. The effect of the equalizing reactor
can be increased by increasing the active reactance LINE-DROP COMPENSATOR OR ACTIVE AND
of the unit appearing in the current-transformer REACTIVE CURRENT COMPENSATOR
secondary circuit. This may be done readily with
the tap switches located on the reactor. In certain special applications, the line-drop com-
pensator is used to reproduce in miniature, at the
The reactor is adjustable in one-volt steps, on regulator, the resistance and reactance between the
the basis of five amperes in the current-transformer a-c machine and some predetermined point in the
secondary, by means of two manually operated tap system. The funcUonof the compensator is to lower
switches. One of the separately adjustable tap the signal voltage to the regulator as the machine
switches gives coarse adjustments and the other fine. load increases, thereby causing the regulator to
The voltage across this winding in the regulator maintain normal voltage at some predetermined point
signal voltage circuit is proportional to the current on the system regardless of changes in the voltage
flowing through the current-transformer secondary drop over the system impedance, between the machine
winding. With five amperes flowing through the and this point.
reactor and with the reactance all cut in, the total_rop
is 24 volts. This is equivalent to about 36 percent In case line-drop compensation is required on
line-to-neutral voltage drop in one signal lead to the regulators equipped with equalizing reactors and
regulator, or an average effect of approximately 12 which control machines that operate in parallel, pro-
_, vision may be made to prevent interference between
_-] _- -
As far as physical
appearance is concerned, this
[ p by energized.
setting of time After
relay a time
2TR, delay determined
the contact by the
TC closes.
r Lower relay LR will be energized and timing motor
1TR will operate to intermittently close and open
----I timer contact 1T1L When contact ltl1 is closed,
I I driving motor M will move the slider of variable
I_egulat°rl I transformer VT, called the_ecalibrating unit, in the
L.. _] "lower" direction, and reduce the number of active
saturable reactor A1SX turns. Timer 1TR may be
Fig. 14. Line-drop compensator connections adjusted to operate motor M intermittently to vary
, the total recalibrating time. Thus the recalibrating
rate may be selected to suit the requirements of
Figure 14 shows the connections for this device individual installations.
whenused with a single machine. Insulating windings
are provided for both the reactor and resistor to per- After recalibrating unit VT has completed its total
mit grounding the currentand potential-transformer traverse in the lower direction, lower limit switch
secondaries separately. It is essential that the cur- LLS will be opened to de-energize driving motor M
rent transformer be in the same phase as the signal- and timer motor TR circuits.
voltage line in which the line-drop compensator is
When the a-c machine armature current is reduced
One compensator, connected in one phase of a. to normal byaction of this maximum excitation limit
three-phase circuit, gives an average of approxi- or due to any other factor, during or following the
mately 12-percent resistance compensation and 12- recalibrating cycle, current-sensitive control relay
percent reactance compensation on a three-phase CRwill operate to de-energize time relay 2TRwhich
basis. Two or three compensators may be used ff de-energizes "lower" relay LI_ and energizes
more compensation is required. "raise" relay RR. This will cause driving motor
M to return recalibrating unit VT to its normal po-
This device imposes a maximum burden of 225 sition at the "raise" position end of the active part
volt-amPei'es with five amperes in the current- of the saturable-reactor A1SX winding. When this
transformer secondary and with the total reactance position is reached, raise limit switch RLS will be
and resistance in the circuit, opened to de-energize driving motor M and the timer
motor 1TR circuits.
Recalibrating unit VT is usually connected to the
General saturable-reactor taps located at the opposite end of
the winding used for the voltage-adjusting unit. The
A maximum excitation limit ls sometimes pro- operation of recalibrating unit VT is in every way
vided for applications where it may be desirable to identical to that of the voltage-adjustingunit, except
CR7931-NA101 Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
that theformer is subject to automatic controlwhile The raise and lower relaysareusuallyeachprovided
the latter is usually controlled manually, with a ll5-volt, a-c coil rated at approximately 0.12
When exciter voltage is to be limited, the control
relay is sensitive to exciter voltage instead of arma- The recalibrating-unit driving motor is normally
ture current, rated at 115 volts, a-c, 0.5 ampere. The total travel
time for the recalibrating unit, with the driving motor
Component Arrangement operating continuously, is 45 seconds for most appli-
cations. The limit operates to reduce the regulator
The limit components are mounted on a steel base voltage level by approximately 10 percent of the
and connected to a terminal board. This assembly normal rated voltage of the regulator.
includes the control relay, raise and lower relays,
motor-operated variable-transformer recalibrating The timer relay 1TR has a 15-second time-cycle.
unit, and the timing relays. The timer motor is rated at 115 volts, a-c, and re-
quires less than 0.1 ampere. The relay may be ad-
Separate instructions for the components are justed to vary the total recalibrating time from a
usually supplied with the equipment, minimum of 90 seconds to a maximum of over 45
minutes. Time relay 2TR provides a time delay that
Ratings canbe adjustable from 3 seconds to 100 seconds. The
relay motor and coil is rated at 110 volts and requires
The current-sensitive type of control relay is less than 0.25 ampere.
equipped with a coil rated at a normal current of 0.5
amperes, 50/60 cycles a-c. The adjustable resistor MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT
C4R in parallel withthe coil provides for adjustment
of the limit current from approximately 2.5 to 5.0 Amplidyne Generator
amperes. At 5.0 amperes it will imposea burden of
approximately seven volt-amperes on the signal- The amplidyne generator i8 normally supplied
current transformer. The voltage-sensitive control with the regulator equipment and auembled in a
relay is usually equipped with a coil rated at 0.5 four-bearing motor-generator set. Ampltd]mes
ampere d-c. An adjustable series resistor is pro- are commonly rated at 2, 3, 5 or 7 1/2 kw, and
vided to permit selection of the limit voltage for 125 or 250 volts d-e, with driving motors rated at
values up to approximately the rating of the exciter. 5, 7 1/2, 15 or 20 hp and 220/440 or 550' volts,
three-phase, 50/60 cycles a-c. Separate instruc-
tions for the ampUdyne are usually supplied withthe
equipment, and additional copies may be secured
upon request.
_) - The ampUdyne
windings. has two
The field and armature leads control-field
are marked
lmSSrOSMER removed
with metaleven after installation
identification is completed.
tags which should not The
_-%,--_comm. ,su_ field leads are connected to a small terminal board
[ (cra mounted on the machine frame and the terminals are
L. _ lB V, A-6 CONTROL. POWER ' marked with the field-lead identification numbers.
. _s_ polarity
and of the ofleads
direction will flow
current depend upon the
through the amplldyne
alS,Y) _ fields, If the Fl-F2 field is energized with the FI
terminal positive, armature terminal C2 will become
Fig. 15. Maximum excitation limit circuit positive. Likewise ff the F3-F4 field is energized
GEI-31260 ¢R7931.NAIO! Voltage Regulator
iiiii iii
with F3 positive, terminal C2 will become positive. For reference purposes, a zero-center d-c volt-
H both fields are simultaneously energized in ap- meter is usually supplied for connection across
posite directions, the amplidyne polarity will depend amplidyne terminals.
upon the resultant ampere turns of the two control
fields. The various control devices are covered by indi-
vidual instructions whi'ch are usually included with
The amplidyne motor-generator set is usually the equipment: Additional copies may be obtained
equipped with an overspeed switch having a normally upon request. Instruction references are generally
closed contact which will open whenthe speed is too given on the device nameplates.
high. This is desirable since overspeeding might
occur if th_ driving motor were disconnected from Variable Transformers
the line so that the amplidyne operates as au unloaded
d-c motor in the exciter-field circuits. The switch Variable transformers are generally used as ad-
contact is rated at 115 volts, 10 amperes a-c; 125 justingunltsat various points inthe regulator equip-
volts, 0.3 ampere d-c; and 250 volts, 0.15 ampere ment. The voltage-adjusting unit is normally a
d-c. manually operated, semiflush-mounted, ll5-volt,
50/60-cycle, 0.69-kva,.singie-phase variable trans-
Control Equipment former. In some cases, however, a surface-mounted,
motor-operated variable transformer is used. This
The regulator equipment usually includes the latter device is usually rated at 230 volts, 50/60
components required forthe control of the regulator cycles, 2.07 kva, single phase, and is driven by a
and the amplidyne generator. Multicontact, dead- U5-volt, 50/60-cycle, 0.5-ampere motor or a 11S-
front, switchboard-type, cam-operated control volt d-c, 0.23-ampere motor. Total travel time for
switches are used for control of the regulator cir- the motor-operated units is 45 seconds. Motor-
cults. These switches are used for transfer and operated units are usually controlled with standard,
control functions, and may be supplied with fixed cam-operated, dead-front switchboard-type control
handles, or with removable handles where protective switches for remote semifiush mounting to permit
interlocking is required, locating the motor-operated unit with the principal
components of the regulator equipment.
A motor starter is provided when the amplidyne
is supplied directly coupled to adriving motor. This The manually operated voltage-adjusting unit is
starter may be equipped with a fusible disconnect provided with a knob and dial. Since the dial is nu-
switch or a circuit breaker. The starter magnetic merically graduated in the clockwise direction, it
switch is a 3-poled-c operated device with overload may be suitable for use only when clockwise rotation
relays. The operating coil may be rated for 125 or for increased voltage is desired. The variable
250 volts d-c. transformer on the reactive ampere limit panel is
ra[ed 115 volts, 50/60 cycles, 0.345 kva, single phase.
A transfer contactor is provided for switching the The maximum excitation limit unit variable trans-
amplidyne into and out of the exciter field circuit, former, which is identical to that used for the motor-
This contactor may be a two-pole double-throw device
with two normally open and two normally closed main
contacts; or it may be a single-pole double-throw Winding Terminals
device with one normally open and one normally $4
_,y_l _-_
closed main contact. In the latter instance, two con- _ l _
tactors are used with interconnected operating coils.
The single-pole device is a latched-in type switch
which will remain closed after the closing coil has Monuo_tyoperatedvoltageadiustingunit
been de-energized, and which can only be opened by
energizing a separate opening coil, This latched-in
·feature is obtained by means of a permanent magnet Znpu*
GEI-31260 CR7931-NAI01 Voltage Regulator
i ii
amplidyne driving motor lines and amplidyne arma- INITIAL OPERATION, TESTING
ture connecttons will be appreciably greater and will AND ADJUSTMENT
vary depending upon the ratings of these units.
It is suggested that disconnect switches be pro-
vided in the a-c supply lines and the control power- If the a-c machine is equipped with a single, inde-
supply lines and that fuses be provided in the latter pendent regulator equipment including an integral
case. Amplidyne driving motors, may, in most motor-amplidyne set, the following tests should be
cases, be connected for either of two voltages and the made. With the a-c machine and exciter out of
proper connections for the appropriate voltage must service and with the amplidyne driving motor power
be made to avoid damaging the motor. Rotation of the supply not energized, the regulator control switch
motor should be investigated to determine that it is shouldbe turned to OFF or MANUAL, and the control
tn the proper direcUon, power supply energized. Under this condition, the
amplidyne driving motor starter magnetic switch, the
undervoltagerelay, and the transfer contactor should
-_POLARITY AND PHASE ROTATION remainde-energized. The control switch maythenbe
turned to TEST. The motor-starter magnetic switch
V_en making connections from the exciter-arma- should be energized and the switch should close, the
ture leads to the voltage regulator, polarity should be undervoltage relay should be energized but the trans-
carefully checked to ascertain that the connections fer contactor should remain in the de-energized
are as shown in the applicable diagram, condition. The switch may then be turned to ON or
AUTO, the transfer contactor should be energized
The ampUd_me-armaturelead marked A1 must be and should operate to place the amplid_me in the
connected to the positive side of the exciter-armature exciter-field circuit. The switch may againbe turned
circuit. Amplidyne-field polarity should be checked to TEST to determine that the transfer contactor will
at the regulator control terminals before the am- be properly de-energized and the motor-starter
plidyne-field leads are connected to the regulator, magnetic switch will remain closed. Turning the
For this purpose it is possible to use a small dry switch to OFF or MANUAL should de-energize the
cell, oralow-voltage d-c supplyfromapotenttometer coilof the magnetic switchand the coil of the under-
or other source which will not deliver a voltage in voltage relay. The undervoltage relay should drop
excess of 10 volts. Amplidyne-armature polarity out in about 1 to 1 1/2 seconds after its coil is de-
should be determined with a portable voltmeter di- energized.
rectly at the machine terminals, rather than with a
remote switchboard instrument, to prevent errors The overspeed-switch circuit should be checked
due to incorrect meter connections, after placing the control switch at ON to energize the
motor-starter magnetic switch and transfer con-
The ampltdyne must be operated disconnected tactor. Disconnect oneoverspeed-switch l_adat the
from the exciter field circuit to make this test, and overspeed-switchterminals on the motor-amplldyne
care should be taken to avoid exceeding the amplidyne set. This should de-energize all three devices. The
field-current and armature-voltage ratings. Po- control switch should be left at ON and the lead re-
larities should be as described on Page 15 under connected; the devices should not be re-energized.
heading "Amplidyne Generator." If discrepancies
exist, the ampUdyne-field leads must be interchanged
to obtainthe correctpolarityat the armature termi- Some installations involve two or more regulator
nals. equipments consisting of normal equipments and
spare equipments for a single or for several a-c
Equalizing-reactor and line-drop compensator machines. In such cases, transfer switches are fre-
polarities must be carefully observed when connec- quentlyprovidedfor selectionoftheproper rngulator.
tions are made. THE CURRENT TRANSFORMERS If these switches are equipped with removable
USED WITH THESE UNITS MUST BE LOCATED handles for protective interlocking, all handles but
IN THE SAME PHASE AS THE SIGNAL VOLTAGE one must be immediately removed and stored in a
PHASE IN WHICH THEY ARE CONNECTED. remote location_to prevent incorrect and dangerous
operation of the regulator equipment. The previously
described tests must then be conducted on each equip-
The phase rotationof the a-c signal-voltage supply ment by turning the transfer switches to the proper
from the a-c machine potential transformers to the positions to place the regulators successively under
regulator equipment must be determined at the T- control of the respective control switches.
connected transformer (IT) terminal board. Phase
rotation should be measured at terminals 1, 2 and 3 Occasionally regulator control ctrcuitsare inter-
at the terminal board, and should be in the order lockedwith exciter circuit breaker opening and clos-
1, 2, S referred to the terminal numbers, ingcontrol circuits, either withor without theuse of
CP.7931-NAI01Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
relays. These circuits must be carefully tested by cause the amplidyne voltage to increase in the boost
operation of the circuit-breaker control switches and direction so that the amplidyne-voltmeter needle
the circuitbreakers themselves to ascertain that all will move up scale from zero and amplidyne terminal
details of operation are correct° C2 willbecome positive withrespect to Al. Turning
the voltage-adjusting unit knob or voltage-adjusting
In general, this type of interlocking is provided to control switch counterclockwise should cause the
prevent placing two regulators in service with one amplldyne voltage to increase in the buck direction,
a-c machine and exciter, to prevent placing a single so thatthe voltmeter will readdownscale from zero
regulator in service with an exciter operating in and amplidyne terminal A1 willbecomepositive with
parallel with a second exciter on the same a-c ma- respect to C2. H the operation of the voltage-ad-
chine field, and to permit closing exciter breakers justing unit must be reversed, it may be changed as
only when the regulator control switches are at the follows after the regulator control switch has been
OFF or MANUAL positions. The regulator diagrams returned to OFF.
must be carefully studied to determine what control
functions are provided, and no further tests should The external connections to the two terminals of
be made until the control circuits have been corn- thevoltagu-regulatorpanelwhichconnecttothewind-
pletely tested, ing of'he voltage-adjusting unit may be interchanged.
(The connection from the voltage-regulator panel to
the slider on the voltage-adjustingunit should notbe
VOLTAGE REGULATOR changed.) The control switch should then be turned
to TEST and the operation of the voltage-adjusting
Preliminary unit rechecked to determine that it is satisfactory.
The regulator should be tested with the a-c ma- It is possible that operation of the voltage-adjust-
chine operating at normal speed and normal voltage, lng unit will have no noticeable effect on the amplt-
and in the case of a generator, at no load and discon- dyne voltage when the regulator is first tested. H
nected from the system, the amplidyne voltage is in the boost direction and
cannot be reduced to zero by operating the voltage-
The underexcited reactive ampere limit should be adjusting unit, it may be caused by either incorrect
removedfromservicebydisconnectingthewirefrom phase sequence or the signal voltage being out of
terminal 4 on the terminal board for saturable re- range. The phase sequence of the regulator signal-
actor B1SXonthe CH7932-KA reactive-ampere limit voltage connections from the potentialtransformers
panel, tothe primary of T-connected transformer 1T may
be incorrect. This should be checked at the T-con-
If a maximum-excitation limit is provided, it nected transformer terminals 1, 2, and 3 with a
should also be discounectedat'the C1R?930-NA volt- phase-rotation meter and should be in the order 1,
age-regulatorterminal board. This may be done by 2, 3 referred to the terminal board. Connections
removing external connections from terminal num- from T-connected transformer 1T to the voltnge-
bers 8, 9 and 10; terminals 9 and 10 should then be regulator panel should also be checked. If the am-
connected together with an external jumper, plldyne voltage is in the buck direction and cannot
be reduced to zero by operation of the voltage-ad-
H an equalizing reactor and/or line-drop corn- justing unit, it may be caused by the signal voltage
pensator are used, they should be connected in the being out of range.
single-voltage circuit and the adjusting knobs for
these units turned to the zero position. T-connected Transformer
GEI-31260 CR7931-NAI01 Voltage Regulator
Measure the a-c voltage between terminals 1 and After this adjustment has been completed, the con-
_ at the primary of transformer AlT on the CRY930- trol switch may be turned to TEST to determine if
NA voltage-regulator panel. (This is the voltage operation is satisfactory. It should be possible to
between wires 3 and 15.) adjust the amplidyne voltage to zero by turning the
voltage-adjusting unit. If the brush arm is appreci-
The ratio of the averaged primary voltage of ably away from the midposition, additional adjust-
transformer 1T to the primary voltage of trans- ment of the regulator voltage level maybe required.
former AlT should be between 1 to 1.02 and 1 to H the brush arm is too far from the midpesition in
1.10. the direction for increasing the amplidyne voltage
toward boost, the number of effective saturable-
If the ratio of these voltages is outside the above reactor turns must be increased. This is equivalent
limits, turn the control switch to OFF, and move the to adjusting the regulator for a higher voltage level.
tap on the secondary of transformer 1T to the next If the brush arm is too far from the midposition in
lower number ff the ratio is too low (less than 1 to thedirectionforincreasingamplidynevoltagetoward
1.10) or to the next higher number ff the ratio is too buck, the number of effective saturable-reactor turns
high (greater than 1 to 1.02). must be decreased, which is equivalent to lowering
the regulator voltage level. Adjustments may be
Turn the control switch to TEST and set the volt- made as previously described, and should only be
age-adjusting unit for zero amplidyne volts. Recheck made with the regulator control switch at OFF.
ratio of transformer voltages and ff necessaryagain
move taps as described until the ratio is between the It may be preferable, however, to delay final
specified limits, voltage-level adjustment of centering the voltage-
adjusting unit since the equalizing reactor and line-
drop compensator may appreciably alter the signal
Voltage Level and Range voltage under loaded a-c machine conditions. This
might make ¥eadjustment of voltage level for a given
Inability to control the amplidyne voltage may also load desirable. Readjustment may also be required
: __be due to the signal voltage falling outside of theregu- following the addition or removal of equalizing re-
lator range. If the amplidynevoltage is too high inthe actors or line-drop compensators.
buck direction, the signal voltage may be too high. If
the amplidyne voltage is too high in the boost df- The range over which the voltage level can be con-
['ection, the signal voltage may be too low. The regu- trolled by thevoltage-adjusting unit maybe increased
lator is normally connected for a signal voltage of by connecting the blue identified wire to a higher
approximately 115 volts, but can be adjusted for numbered terminaland decreasedbyconnectingit to
signal voltages which differ appreciably from this a lower numbered terminal. DO NOT CONNECT
value. After turning the control switch to OFF, this THE BLUE WIRE TO A TEI_MINAL HIGHER THAN
adjustment is made by increasing or decreasing the NO. 5. NOTE: The green wire is normally connected
number of effective nonlinear-circuit saturable- to terminal No. 1.
reactor (A1SX) turns to respectively raise or lower
the regulator voltage level as follows: Additional Control-switch Circuits
The saturable-reactor (A1SX) taps for changing Where additional control, transfer, or exciter-
the number of effective turns are connected to termi- polarity reversing switches are used, the previous
nals of the same number on those voltage-regulator tests should be repeated with these switches for all
terminal boards which are located adjacent to and on operating conditions, to determine that the amplidyne
the same plate as the saturable reactor. Four wires voltage may be controlled with the voltage-adjusting
for outgoing connections from the terminal boards unit when each of the regulator control switches is
are identified by different colored sleeving. The at TEST. This will indicate that all switch connec-
voltage level is determined by the "orange" tdenti- ti.ns are correct.
fled wire. To raise the voltage level, connect the
orange wire to a higher numbered terminal and to Polarity Tests
e_le'_'g'_/_ voltage level connect it to a lower
numbered terminal. "'" Before the regulator is first placed in control of
machine excitation, it is recommended that a final
polarity test be conducted. With the regulator control
NOTE: If a maximum-excitation limit is used, switch at OFF, short circuit the normally open con-
recalibration unit VT is usually connected to the tact on the transfer contactor which is connected
orange and to the red identified wires. To maintain between amplidyne-armature terminal A1 and the
a predetermined range for recalibration unit VT, it exciter-field rheostat, or occasionally between A1
is necessary to move the "red" identified wire an and theposittve exciter-armature leach Thiscan be
equal number of terminals and in the same direction done with a small clip lead, since the shorting con-
as the orange wire. nection will not be required to carry any current.
CR7931-NA!01Voltage Regulator GEI.31260
i ii i i iii i
Connect a d-c voltmeter acrossamplidyne-armature service. Turn both adjusting knobs to zero, and
terminal C2 and the negative exciter-armature lead, operate the a-c machine in the overexcited region.
with the positive voltmeter lead on C2. These con- With the regulator control switch at TEST and the
nections may be made with the a-c machine and ex- ampUdyne voltage adjusted to zero, turn the coarse
citer in operation, if the necessary precautions are reactance-adjustment knob to the right to insert
taken, reactance. The amplidyne voltage should increase
in the boost direction. Return the reactance-adjust-
With the a-c machine operating at normal speed ing knob to zero, and turn the coarse resistance-
and voltage, turn the regulator control switch to adjusting knob to the right to increase resistance.
TEST and adjust the amplidyne-armature voltage to This should also increase the amplidyne voltage in
zero with the voltage-adjusting unit. The voltage theboostdirection. If the amplidyne voltage in-
indicated by the previously connected test voltmeter creases in the buck direction during these tests, the
should be roughly equal to that portion of the exciter compensator potential leads must be interchanged
voltage which appears across the exciter field. Turn and the tests repeated.
the voltage-adjusting unit in the raise direction to e
voltage to provide a maximum change of plus or Resistor A4R, wbichhas aslider adjustable from
minus half of this total change, the back of the panel, is used to decrease regulator
sensitivity. Move the slider on resistor A4R so as
Operation of the voltage regulator may also be to increase its resistance about five ohms. This
tested by changing the resistance of the exciter-field adjustment must be made with the regulator control
rheostat. As the rheostat resistance is decreased, switch at OFF or MANUAL. It should be remem=
the amplidyne voltage should change in the buck bered that a small increase in resistance will pro-
direction, and as resistance ts increased, voltage duce a large change in sensitivity. Therefore, it
should change in the boost direction. No appreciable is desirable to increase resistance in sm nl] steps.
change in exciter voltage should occur. In some cases, in order to obtain stable operation,
it may be necessary to add resistor 9R, per Fig.
Where additional control, transfer or exciter- 21. An alternalive means ofobtalnlng stabieopera.-
polarity reversing switches are used, the previous tion is to remove one or two stabilizers by short-
tests should be repeated with these switches adjusted ing both primary and secondary windings.
for all operating conditions to determine that the a=c
machine excitation may be properly controlled with In general, it is more likely that stability dff-
the regulator. This will indicate that all switch con-
nections are correct, ficulUes will appear at reduced excitation, rather
than at normal or high values of a-c machine excita-
tion current. Hence, it is usually possible to obtain
Regulator Stability saUsfactory stability under loaded conditions, ff
satisfactory stability is obtained at no load.
¢R7931.NA!01 Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
i i i
Decrease the resistance of A4R about five ohms Again turn the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT
by moving the slider. This process may be re- START dial toward zero. The point at which the
peated _f necessary. This adjustment should be amplidyne voltage starts to move from zero is con-
made cautiously with the regulator out of service, sidered the limit-start point. This corresponds to a
reading of app[o_mately 5 milliamperes as indicated
by the test milliammeter_-Co-nt nt_aing the dial
D_creasing resistance will not only increase until the amplidyne voltage is 20 volts boost. H the
sensitivity but may produce stability difficulties amplidyne voltage cannot be incr_se-_d f-'r_'mzero by
which will only appear at low values of a-c machine turning the LIMIT START dial to zero, the limit
excitation current, such as are encountered under polarity maybe reversed. Turn the regulator control
no-load orunderexcited conditions. Changes should switch to OFF andreverse theprimaryconnectionof
therefore, be made carefully, and the stability should transformer B3ffiig. 21) by interchangingat termi-
be checked after each change. H necessary, sensi- hals 1 and 2 the wires that connect to the CR'f932-
tivity may be reduced to increase regulation by in- KA i'eahti_'_--ampere limit panel. Repeat the test
creasing the resistance of the sensitivity-adjusting previously described to determine ff a boost ampU-
resistor as previously described, dyne voltage can be .obtained by turning the LIMIT
fl- _ START dial toward _.ero. THIS TEST MUST GIVE i
Underexcited Reactive Ampere Limit ARE CONDUCTED. With the REACTIVE AMPERE
LIMIT START dial so set that the amplidyne volt-
Limit Polarity age is 20 volts in the boost direction, turn the RE-
After satisfactory operation of the regulator has TION switch in steps from zero toward 9_ If the a-c
been obtained, the reactive ampere limit should be machine is delivering power, the ampljdyne_voltage
tested. Setthe REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT SENSI- should increase in the boost dire-_ion as the switch
TIVITY dial at z_e.r.o. Set the RE'ACTIVE AMPERE isturned toward 9. (See preceding CAUTION note.)
its highest numbered position. Turn the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT POWER
RECALIBRATION switch to zero. Readjust the am-
Set the regulator control switch at OFF, During plidynevoltage to20 voltsboost withthe REACTIVE
the preliminary adjustments of the _gulator, the
wire was disconnected from termina!4/bn the termi- AMPEREwith
the test dial.reactive-ampere
on the Before proceedinglimit
hal board for saturable reactor B1SX_nthe CR7932- circuit, it is necessary to check the polarity of the
KA underexcited reactive ampere limit panel. During reactive-ampere limit stabilizing transformers.
ail limit polarity tests, a test milliammeter (0-10-
100 ma DC) should be connected from terminal 4 During this check observe the test mt!liammeter
on saturable reactor B1SX to the wire that normally carefully. Carefully disconnect one of the primary
connects to terminal 4 on B1SX. leads of a limit stabilizing transformer. (Refer to
the connection diagram supplied with each equip-
Caution ment.)
When setting the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT A careful observationof this test milliammeter is
POWER RECALIBRATION switch at any time necessary when the primary lead is disconnected.
the switch knob should be turned to a definite Correct stabilizing polarity results infest mllliam-
meter needle swinging up scale and then returnin_
position as evidenced by a snap action. _.approximately to its original position, _ Inco_r?ect l
_t_bllizer 10ola_jLv results iff-line test milu_[mmeter
With the machine carrying power load and some / needle first swinging down scale, then up scale, but {
safe value ofunderexcj_Cd._r.eactive ' current_ move I beyond its original position, and finally returnlnEto J
the regulator control switch to TEST, Set the volt- _ approximately its ori_l position, j This should
age-adjusting unit for zero amplidyne volts, Slowly _c'_ll_l¥_plidyne voltage to increase in the _
turn the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START dial direction. Replacing the primary lead should cause
toward zero. At some setting of the dial, the ampli- the ampltdyne voltage to change in the buuckck direction.
dyne voltage will increase in theboo.2_t direction and Do not proceed with the reactive-ampere limit test
the test milliammeter will start to indicate. If the until the polarity of the limit stabilizer is correct.
amplidyne voltage does not increase appreciably
before the dial has been turned to zero, return the Turn the regulator control switch to OFF. Dis-
dial to the highest numbered position. Decrease the connect the test milliammeter and reconnect the wire
a-cmachine excitationtofurtherincreasetheunder- to terminal 4 on the terminal board of saturable
excited current, being careful not to exceed the safe reactor BlSX on the underexctted reactive ampere
operating limit for the machine, limit panel. This is the wire which was disconnected
GEI.31260 CR7931.NAi01 Voltage Regulator
... ,, .. ,
during preliminary adjustments of thevoltage regu- decrease. It should be possibleto adjust the under-
lator, excited reactive current to any value lower than it
was at the limit-start point. Now increase the under-
Initial Operation excited reactive current by turning the voltage-ad-
justing unit to lower the a-c machine voltage. Turning
Turn the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START the voltage-adjusting unit to lower the a-c machine
dial to its highest reading. Readjust the amplidyne voltage causes the amplidyne voltage to increase in
voltage to zero with the voltage-adjusting unit, ff the buckdirection. As the limit-startpointispassed,
necessary. Operate the a-c machine at normal the amplidyne voltage should continue to increase in
vo?_geandwithunderexcitedreactivecurrent. Turn the buck direction, but at a reduced rate, and it
_b_ regulatorcontrolswitchtoONasdiscussedunder should be impossible to raise the reactive current
_'_ _¥RATION." Slowly turn the REACTIVE AM- appreciably above the previously recorded value, no
_?_ L_!T START dial toward zero. At some matter how far the voltage-adjusting unit is turned
point the _rnp_idynevoltage should increase slightly in thedirection to lower voltage.
in the boost direction and the exciter voltage should
increase, causing underexcited reactive current to As a final checkof optimum limit stability, move
decrease. The dial setting at which the underexcited the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START dial until
reactive current starts to dedrease is alsothe limit- the amplidyne voltage is about 20 volts in the boost
start point. H the operation is not as described, direction. Abruptly move the voltage-adjusting unit
immediately remove the regulator from control of a few degrees in the lower direction and observe
the a-c machine by turning the regulator control carefully the amplidynevoltmeter and the reactive-
switch to OFF. Repeat the limit polarity test. Do current ammeter for signs of oscillation. H oscil-
not proceed further until satisfactory operation is lations appear, adjust for optimum stability as previ-
obtained, ously outlined. When the amplidyne voltmeter and
the reactive=current ammeter show only a few oscfi-
With the regulator control switch at ON, and the lations after an abrupt change 0f the voltage-adjusting
·REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START at the limit- unit, the limit stability is satisfactory. Move the
start point, observe the amplidyne voltmeter, the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT SENSITMTY adjust-
exciter voltmeter, and the a-c machine ammeter for merit slowly toward its highest scale reading. Again
signs of oscillation. II oscillation of the reactive check the limit stability.
current or amplidyne voltage appear, remove.the
regulator from control of the a-c machine excitation This completes the initial adjustment of the limit.
by turning the regulator control switch to OFF. Ad- Final adjustment can be made at any time.
just resistance ?R in serieswith the primary of the
limit stabilizing transformers (3ST and 4ST) in 15-
percent steps, first in the direction to decrease re- Final Adjustment
sistance and then in the direction to increase re-
sistance. After each of these adjustments, repeat The final adjustmentof the limit maybe made by
the procedure for putting the limit in service as use of Fig. 18 and 19, unless special calibrationdata
previously described, being very careful to observe are supplied.
the amplidyne and exciter-voltage oscillation and re-
active-current oscillation. The REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START adjust-
ment is determined from Fig. 18. This graph shows
the value of the machine' current-transformer sec-
Note: Adjustment of resistor 7R and con- ondary underexcited reactive current which will
nection of the primaries of stabilizers 3ST cause the limit to operate as a function of dial setting,
and 4ST should be such that the maximum and normal a-c machine potential-transformer sec-
voltage impressed across a stabilizer pri- ondary voltages. Values of voltages differing from
mary will not exceed 90 volts with the a-c those shown onthe graph may be easilytnterpolated.
machine exciter operating at maximum nor- Figure 19 shows the amount by which the limit-start
mai voltage, point will be reduced below the limit-start adjust-
ment as a function of machine current-transformer
secondary active current for various values of the
After stable operation of the reactive-ampere REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT POWER RECALI-
limit has been obtained, check the limit operation BRATION switch (B1SW) setting.
with the regulator in control of the a-c machine exci-
tation. Move the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT The determination of the proper setting of the
START dial to the Hmit-start point and record the underexcited reactive ampere limit should be ar-
reactive current. Decrease the underexcited re- rived at after a study of the steady-state stability
active-ampere load on the a-c machine by operating limit for the particular generator and system in-
the voltage-adjusting unit to raise the a-c machine volved. When the required setting of the limit has
voltage. The underexcited reactive current should been determined by consideration of the desired
/ C931-NmmVolfageRegulator GE!-31260 ii
I N_9
_z _ 2.5 NO.8
__ .o.4
' I_' -- NO.3
O 10 20 30 40 50 SO 7'0 80 ,.Z
Theswitch at thisexample
following given to illustrate the _a ! ACTIVE CURRENT(AMVER_'SECONOAaVOF C.T.)]P )
Iq(A_is 4 amperes andfrom Fig. 18 for 110 volts, calibration from Fig. 19. The result of subtracting
the reactive ampere limit start dial should be set at the value of reactive amperes read in Fig. 19 from
approximately 47. Ip(B) is 4 amperes and Iq(B) is the value of underexcited reactive amperes in Fig.
3 amperes. AIq is Iq(A)-Iq(B) or 4 - 3 = 1 ampere. 18 will be essentially equal to the value of under-
Therefore, from Fig. 19 we observe that for a value excited reactive current to the limit at the limit-
of AIq = 1 ampere and 4 active amperes to the Limit, start point.
the two lines cross on the No. 4 line indicating that
at tap position No. 4.
The polarity of the equalizing reactor is checked
If desired, before making the final adjustment of as described under "Polarity Tests," page 20. Final
the ltmit, the calibration curves (Fig. 18and 19) may adjustmentoftheequalizingreactor canonly be made
be checked in the following manner: after considerable exper fence with the machine oper-
ating under control of the regulator. It is desirable
Place REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT POWER RE- to keep the amount of reactance used to the minimum
CALIBRATION dialatposition No. 8. Place the RE- required for optimum voltage regulation. As an
ACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START dial at its highest initial adjustment, it is frequently desirable to turn
scale position. Put the regulator in control of the the fine-adjustment knob to position No. 4 with the
a-c machine excitation. With the a-c machine carry- coarse knob at zero. Adjustments may be made with
lng some convenient powe_ load at about unity the equalizing-reactor current transformer ener-
power factor, move the REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT gized. When making adjustments, the a-c machine
START dialslowly toward zero. At some position of overexcited reactive current should automatically
the dial, the limit will start to operate. This position decrease as the reactance of the equalizing reactor
will be that which will just start to decrease the ma- is increased.
chine underexcited reactive current, or increase the
overexcited reactive current. LINE-DROP COMPENSATOR
Determine the active and reactive amperes de- The polarity of the line-drop_ :ompensator ts
livered by the machine current transformer to the checkedas described under "Polarity Tests," page
limit. Draw a vertical line from the active-ampere 20. Final adjustment of the compensator must be
sc*ale point in _ig. 19 to the curve for tap 8. Read madeon thebasisof operating experience. Prelimi-
the corresponding reactive amperes recalibration nary adjustment may be made tn accordance with the
of the limit, and the setting of _he REACTIVE AM- known values of resistance and reactance for that
PERE LIMIT START dial. portion of the system over which compensation is
desired. If the voltage at the point which is to be
In Fig. 18, use the dtalsetting andthe proper a-c compensatedgues downas thepewer factor becomes
voltage curveto determine the value of underexcited more lagging and up as the power factor becomes
reactive current for which the limit is set. From less lagging, more reactance and possibly less re-
this value, subtract the reactive-amperes recall- sistance maybe required. Adjustments may be made
bration. The result will be essentially equal to the with the compensator and regulator in service.
_eactive amperes delivered to the limit if the tests- ,,
have been carefully conducted.
Set the reactive-ampere limit adjustments to the First, remove the external test jumper previously
positiousdesired for final operation. If iris desired connected to terminals 9 and 10onthe voltage-regu-
to check the adjustments, the following procedure lator panel terminal board, page 19 and then recon-
may be followed. Place the regulator in control of nect the maximum excitation limit leads to the volt-
the a-c inachine exci_i_Uon. Operate the machine at age-regulator panel as shown in the applicable
the desired power load and at a reactive load which diagram.
should not cause limit operation. Turn the voltage-
adjusting unit in the direction to lower voltage until Energize the maximum excitation limit control
the limit prevents further reduction in machine over- power supply. With the a-c machine operating at
excited reactive current, or increase in underexcited rated speed and voltage, turn the regulator control
reactive current. Determine the value of reactive switch to TEST and adjust the amplidyne voltage to
current and active current supplied by the machine zero. Manually close limit control relay CR with a
current transformer to the limit, small insulated implement, and maintain the relay
in this position. Time Relay 2TR should energize
Knowing the a-c machine voltage and the setting and after a time-delay the contact T.C. will close.
ofthe REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT START dial, de- Lower relay LR and timer motor 1TRshouldbeener-
termine the underexcited reactive current setting gized, and motor-operated recaUbrating unit VT
from Fig. 18. Determine the reactive amperes re- should turn either steadily or intermittently until it
26 ''
GEI.31260 CR7931-HAIO!Voltage ,legulator
¢UAm[HT s* ITC H
S Alibi - sm r - --
iIG_m Drt OH
.... I _L (** ,, I
%c_t_ &nkITUl[ -
L___--- _
I II ..... ....
_vll_ It laOTon
3 ...... fill
, I _ I _ _G_ ' _ __ _v__,uo
L 19) . G) t 5 ,_T *
, -_- r_.',.-_t _
,_1-_-_ .F._ ,,
reaches the extreme lower position, at which time the a-c machine inoperationunder loaded conditions.
it should operate lower limit switch LLS to de-ener- The a-c machine should be operated under manual
gize timer 1TR and the driving-motor circuits. The control, with the reg,alator control switch at TEST
amptidynevoltage should increase in the buck dtrec- and the amplidyne voltage adjusted to zero. The
tion. limit-control signal may then be increased to the
value atwhich the limit should operate, and resistor
Release control relay CR and determine that raise C4R adjusted so that CR closes at this value. Set 1TR
relay RR is energized and timer 1TR and driving and 2TR as required.
motor M operate to return recalibrating unit VT to
the extreme raise position. Raise limit switch RLS
should operate to de-energize driving motor M and EXCITER VOLTAGE RELAY
timer 1TR. The amplidynevoltage should have been
returned to approximately zero during this operation. Where necessary, the exciter voltage relay is
adjusted as follows:
If the amplidyne voltage did not increase in the
buck direction, but increased in the boost direction The regulator is removed from service by turn-
when control relay CR was held closed, the recalt- ing the regulator control switch to the OFF position.
brating unit(VT)connectionsmay be reversed. This Carefully disconnect the wires from the exciter
may be corrected by interchanging the external con- armature toterminals 1 and 2 of the exciter volt_ge
nections at terminals 5 and 7 of the maximum exci- relay panel. Connect a test voltmeter and an aux-
tation limit ugit terminal board. The above tests iliary adjustable d-c supply to terminals 1 and 2 of
should be repeated if this change was required, the relay panel with the positive side of supply con-
nected to terminal 2. Set resistor IR so that relay
The recalibrating time may then be adjusted by CR1 operates when the d-c voltage is approximately
use of timing relay TR. The optimum time will de- 70 percent of the rated exciter armature voltage.
pend upon the particular installation involved and no Disconnect the test voltmeter and auxiliary supply
general statement can be made regarding a desirable and reconnect wires from the exciter armature to
setting. However, a preliminary setting of approxi- terminals 1 and 2 of the relay panel.
mately two minutes is suggested.
For positive exciter polarity, relay CR1 should
The initial time delay may be adjusted by use of not pick up because the current by-l_sses the relay
Time Relay 2TR. Control relay CR and resistor C4R coil and flows through rectifier 1REC. This is shown
must be adjusted to close at the proper point. This in Fig. 17. For negative exciter polarity relay CRI
_ljustment maybe madewith relaycoil CRenergized should pickup because thecurrent flows through the
from a separate a-c or d-c voltage source, or with relay coil due to blocking action of rectifier 1REC.
In attended stations, the a-c machine is generally 2. Turn the regulator control switch to TEST.
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GEI-31260 CR7931-NA101 Voltage Regulator
3. Adjust the amplidyne .voltage to zero with the The regulator may be removed from service and
voltage-adjusting unit. If this cannot be done, do not the a-c machine excitation returned to manual control
proceed further until the trouble has been determined under any load condition. The following procedure
and eliminated, should be used for this purpose:
4. Turn the regulator control switch to ON or 1. Adjust theamplidyne voltage tozero by use of
AUTO. This will place the regulator in control of the exciter field rheostat.
the a-c machine excitation.
2. Turn the regulator control switch to OFF or
5. The terminal voltage or excitation level of the MANUAL.
a-c machine may now be adjusted with the voltage-
adjusting unit as required for the normal operating With the regulator in control, the exciter-field
schedule, rheostat may be adjusted as follows to bring the
amplidyne voltage to zero;
The regulator will successfully control the a-c
machine excitation over the complete load range of 1. If the amplidyne voltage is in the boost direc-
the machine with the exciter-field rheostat at a po- tion, slowly reduce the rheostat resistance until the
sition which will give rated machine voltage at no amplidynevoltage is zero. No apparent change in ex-
load without the regulator _n service, or at a position citer voltage or a-c machine voltage should occur.
which will give rated machine voltage at rated load
without the regulator in service, or any intermediate 2. If the amplidyne voltage is in the buck direc-
position. However, additional excitation system re- tion, slowly increase the rheostat resistance. No
liability may be securedby the proper adjustment of apparent exciter or a-c machine voltage change
the exciter-field rheostat when the regulator is in should occur.
control of machine excitation.
For this purpose, it is recommended that im-
mediately after the regulator has been placed in serv- In cases where a synchronous condensor machine
ice, the field rheostat beadjusted to and maintained is located in an unattended station, the regulator
atapredeterminedposition. This ,position should be may control the machine excitation throughout the
such that the machine excitation will be sufficient entire machine starting cycle and under all operat-
under all normal a-c machine leads to give stable lng conditions, or may be placed in control of ma-
operation and avoid serious operating disturbances c.hixe excitation when the starting cycleis completed
if the excitation system should be suddenly returned by automatic means. The regulator control switch
to manual control through an emergency, resulting in is normally at ON or AUTO and the exciter-field
loss of control by the regulator. It is suggested that rheostat should be adjusted in accordance with in-
thisrheostatpositionbe so selected that withthe ex- structious given under "OPERATIC]_I WITH AT-
citation system under manual control, it will produce TENDED EQUIPMENT".
from three-fourths of rated to rated a-c machine
field current, with preference given to the latter EXCITER POLARITY REVERSAL
value. Where the a-c machine is closely paralleled
with other machines equipped withautomatic voltage INCORRECT POLARITY
regulators, without minimum excitation limits, a po-
sition corresponding to the lower value may be found If when the a-c machine is started at any time, it
more desirable. Rheostats are normally supplied is found that the exciter polarity is reversed, this
with a position switch which may be used in conjunc- condition should be corrected to obtain proper oper-
tion with remote indicating lights to facilitate obtain- ation of the voltage-regulator equipment.
lng the predetermined setting as a normal operating
procedure. Operation with the rheostat at such a The method by which reversed exciter polarity
predetermined position should result in buck ampli- can be corrected depends upon the circuit provided.
dyne voltage at most a-c machine loads, and as a Comments on typical circuits follow: '
result, under most load conditions, sudden return to
manual control will actually cause an increase in UNDEREXCITED REACTIVE AMPERE LIMIT
Regardless of the operating procedure employed The polarizing circuit will vary depending on the
when the regulator is in control of the a-c machine installation. Refer to the elementary diagram sup-
excitation, it is essential that under any sustained load plied with the equipment.
condition a field-rheostat position be_maintained
which will give sufficient excitation in _the event of The voltage-regulator control switch usually has
sudden return to manualeontrol, to permit stable op- five positions: ON, TEST, OFF, INTER, and PO-
eration in the case of a generator and to avoid other LARIZE. The ON, TEST, and OFF positions are the
serious disturbances for all types of a-c machines, same as previously described.
CR7931-NA!01Voltage Regulator GEI-31260
I ii I ii
The exciter shouldbe operated at reduced voltage exciter rheostat at a low-resistance position; or it
with the a-c machine disconnected from the lead or may be done with the exciter in operation, in which
system. Turn the regulator control switch from case the rheostat should be at a higher-resistance
OFF to INTER untilthe amplidyne is running. Then position, and the control switch must be turned to
turnthe regulator control switchto POLARIZE. The OFF as soon as the exciter polarity reverses to
amplidyne voltage should be in the boost direction prevent excessive exciter voltage.
untilthe exciter voltage is reduced tozero and starts
to build up with the proper polarity. The regulator After the exciter polarity is correct reconnect
control switch may then be turned from POLARIZE the amplidyne field Fl-F2. The regulator may then
to OFF. be put in service.
GEI-31260 ¢R793{-NAiOI Voltage Regulator
GENERAL In addition, reference shouldbe made to the instruc-
tions previously given. If any changes in connections
In the event of abnormal operation of any part of are made, the circuits affected shouldbe fully tested,
the regulator equipment, the complete equipment in accordance with the applicable section of these
should be immediately removed from service and instructions, before returning the equipment to
carefully tested to determine the cause of the trouble, service.
Trouble Possible Cause
Regulator operation apparently normal, except that Maximum excltationlimit controlrelay incorrectly,
regulator will not raise a-c machine excitation or adjusted, controlrelay or lower relay stuck in closed
terminal voltage to the desired value, position, recalibrating unit stuck in lower position,
or failure of raise limit switch.
Regulator operation apparently normal, except that Underexctted reactive ampere limit incorrectly ad-
regulator will not reduce excitation to the desired justed.
Sudden change in excitation and reduction of ampli- Opening of amplidyne driving-motor starter switch
dyne voltages to zero (no control of amplidyne volt- due to loss of control power, operation of overload
age possible with voltage-adjusting unit), relays, operation of amplidyne overspeed switch or
failure of control switch.
Sudden increase in excitation and amplidyne boost Open connection in nonlinear circuit due to loose
voltage (no control of amplidyne voltage possible connection,failure of voltage-adjusting unit, failure
with voltage-adjusting unit), of maximum-excitation recalibrating unit, or other
circuit component.
Suddendecrease in excitattonand increasein ampli- Open connection in linear circuit due to loose con-
dyne buck voltage (no control of ampUdyne voltage nection or failure of any circuit component.
possible with voltage-adjusting unit).
Sudden change in excitation (with control of ampll- Transfer contactor open due to coil failure, open
dyne voltage possible by use of voltage-adjusting control circuit, loss of control power, or control-
unit, but no control of excitation possible with con- switch contact failure.
trol switch at ON).
Variation of machine power factor (with system or Incorrect adjustment or failur e of equalizing reactor
load power factor essentially constant), or line-drop compensator, or operation of minimum-
excitation limit.
Erratic fluctuations of amplldyne voltage and exciter Poor contact between variable-transformer winding
voltage during operation of voltage-adjusting unit. and brush or broken brush.
Failure of minimum excitation limit to function at High resistance at brush contact in variable trans-
proper point, former.
Regulator stable at some amplldyne voltages but Improper operation of ampltdyne due to incorrect
unstable at others, brush position.
When ordering renewal parts , address the nearest b. Complete nameplate data appearing on the as*
Apparatus Sales Office _! thG General EleCtric sembly of which the part is a component.
Company and supply the following information:
a. Catalog number stamped on the part andacom- c. If possible, data on original order on which
plete description of part, including its use and loca- equipment wasfirstsupplled, includinga!lnumertcal
tion. references.