NBS Learning Scenario MOOC - Felix Zarzuelo Pelaez

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Restoring and conserving green spaces in the city
Félix Zarzuelo Peláez
The project, a collaborative effort between different students from different levels, aims to raise
awareness of the range of benefits nature-based solutions will bring to the region.
Plant nursery - Nature-based Solutions - gray infrastructure - climate risks - permeable green
Introduction (leave this section as it is)

“Nature-based solutions (NBS) are solutions that are inspired and

supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide
environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience.
Such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features
and processes into cities, landscapes, and seascapes, through locally
adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions. Nature-based
solutions must therefore benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a
range of ecosystem services.” https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-

To use this Learning Scenario more effectively, teachers are encouraged to:
 Check out the list of recent EU publications on Nature-Based solutions
 Read about Nature-based solutions: Transforming cities, enhancing well-being (also
available as a PDF)
 Contact local NBS practitioners or scientists working in their area (they can be found
through Oppla).
 Use the “Ask Oppla” service to request help in case of any technical/scientific question on


Table of summary

Subject List all the subjects that this learning scenario is intended for. If this is an
interdisciplinary lesson, list multiple subjects.
Arts, Crafts, english lenguage, biology and science
Topic Indicate below which of the nine NBS topics your learning scenario addresses:
1. Understanding NBS
2. Climate mitigation and adaptation;
3. Water management;
4. Disaster Risk Reduction;

The Nature Based Solutions project is funded by the European Commission. The European Commission support to
this document does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the
European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained
Table of summary
5. Green spaces and urban regeneration;
6. Public health, well-being and air quality;
7. Participatory planning and governance;
8. Social justice and social cohesion;
9. Economic opportunities and green jobs

Age of students 13-15 years

Preparation time 30’

Teaching time 30’

Online teaching List here all the links of online tools, applications and support documents that you will
material use during the lesson, such as: Padlet, Kahoot, Canva, etc.

Offline teaching List here all the offline tools, such as: paper, glue, etc.
material Paper, colores markers, city plan and a smartphone

NBS resources used List here links ALL of the NBS resources used for this learning scenario.

Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your
work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations
under the identical terms. This is the license used by Wikipedia and is recommended for
materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed
Integration into the curriculum
Detail in a few sentences how the topic of the learning scenario will fit into your national curriculum.

In our country, as it is in most of European Countries, we use Inclusive Education strategies to integrate nature into
the education period successfully. Moreover in our Arts and Crafts classes we mainly focus on cultural values of
societies to learn and teach the topics, issues more actively. That is why that learning scenario will fit in our national
curriculum in an effective way.
Aim of the lesson
Describe in 1-2 sentences what you would like to achieve with your students by the end of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson the students will recognize the impact of nature on cities, understand the effects of migration
on individuals and the whole society, demostrate the understanding of the psychological and sociological effects of
regeneration, categorize the changes in multi-cultural societies and assess the importance of harmony in multi-
cultural societies.

Outcome of the lesson
Describe in 1-2 sentences what kind of outcome the lesson will have. This can be a tangible end-product or any other
particular outcome.

They will also improve their digital skills by designing a presentation via Prezi about what we have learned on the
attributions of multi-culturalism to the societies, evaluate the data using mindmap application
(https://www.mindmapping.com/) and writing personal reports on padlet (https://padlet.com/)
The students will experience the flipped classroom methodology and the blended learning (an approach to education
that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based
classroom methods), as well.
List the relevant trends that the lesson incorporates: http://www.allourideas.org/trendiez/results

Flipped Clasroom, Blended Learning, Digital Learning

21st century skills
Add here how the learning scenario corresponds to 21 st century skills. To find out more: http://www.p21.org/our-
work/p21-framework .

The skills the students will develop and demonstrate within the scenario:
- The students will know more about the Europeana Projects and its priorities
- The students will recognize the impact of nature on the societies and the changes it lead in many ways
- The students will acquire critical thinking skills while researching the effects and impacts of regeneration on
individiuals and societies and playing “My name is…” activity
- The students will use ICT tools during both preparation and implementation stage of the Learning Scenario
(weschool- padlet- prezi –quizlet, etc)
- They will experience the flipped classroom and blended learning enriched with ICT tools and digital learning
Describe here in detail all the activities during the lesson and the time they require. Remember, that your learning
scenario needs to relate to nature-based solutions. If you are using any external documents, please scroll to the end
of the document and add them to the Annex. Add more rows to the table if needed.

Name of
Procedure Time

Before the lesson plan is implemented the learners will be given a week for preparation. They
- search the Europeana Platform
Preparation week
- search other online sites for extra informations related to topic
- join the online classroom the teacher will create on WeSchool (https://www.weschool.com/)
And add the materials and documents they will have found within the week
- work in groups of three and each member of the group will focus on one of the topics:
Regeneration and Art, Regeneration and Music, Regeneration and Science
- try to find the best examples of the people or events under each of the subtopics and share
Explore on the WeSchool classroom week
- prepare a presentation using Prezi and share the link on WeSchool
(preparation and explore activities will be done outside the classroom and last for a week – at
least one hour a day will be spent )
In the classroom: 1st lesson
Presentation - All the groups will present what they have learnt about the Urban Regeneration and its 20’
effects to the individuals and societies (20 minutes at most)
“ My name is “ activity: Each group will choose a green space of their neighbourhood and
create a story to that name in 5 minutes and then tell the name and story to the class. (Here
Practice the aim is to reflect their understanding of regeneration, its psychological and sociological 20’
effects on individuals (by the way one of the students will videotape the activity to make a
videos of the lesson)
2nd lesson
- each group will use mindmap to categorize the effects and impacts of regeneration green 15’
& Categorizing
spaces and then share the link on WeSchool
each students will write their personal reports related to the lesson on padlet and then share
Reflecting 10’
the link on WeSchool
the groups will take a quiz (prepared by the teacher beforehand) to see what they have learnt
Assessment about green spaces in the city and its effects on societies from quizlet platform 15’
Evaluation - Evaluate the lesson, techniques and methods used. 5’

Describe here the assessment method of the lesson, if any. For example, if you plan on assessing your students with
a quiz, include here questions and answer options with color-coding the correct answers.

The teacher will prepare an online quiz using quizlet beforehand and perform the activity in class. The questions will measure how much
understanding they have improved towards the diversity in Green Spaces. So there will be more than one answer to some of the questions.
With that quiz activity we will try to recognize how wide thetopic is and how subjective it is, which means we all should improve a mutual
understanding toward the Regeneration and culture issue.

On the other hands; The students are required to write personal reports on padlet for a self assessment. Self assessment is much more
important than a formal assessment tool to sustain the lifelong learning.

As a last step, all the students will discuss the effectiveness of the methods and the techniques used in the last 5 minutes of the lesson to give
a feedback to the teacher.

Student feedback
Add here the method with which your students will be able to give you feedback and discuss the lesson.

At first students found the topic so wide but after searching it and seeing the richness of the issues in green spaces caused by regeneration,
they really showed great interest to the tasks. They especially stated that they liked Europeana platform and the stories related to the
regeneration published on the platform.

Teacher’s remarks
Add here your comments and evaluation AFTER the implementation of this lesson if you have time to test it,
otherwise leave blank.

In the week of implementation both the teacher and the students thought that the topic is so wide at first but after starting to work on the topic
both parties recognized that all the elements to be covered are very essential parts of the diversity and inclusion.

Since the scenario focuses on inclusion and diversity it was integrated into the curriculum of the National Education easily. Moreover, the
scenario consisted of some traditional and some innovative teaching and learning methods it included 21st century teaching and learning skills
as well.

While using Weschool, padlet, and some verbal evaluation ways, the teacher had a chance to assess the study of students during the
preparatory week, and also the students had a chance to express their ideas and comments on the LS and tits implementation methods and
ways .

About the NBS project (leave this section as it is)

The NBS MOOC, coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN), is part of the NBS pilots initiated and funded by the
European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The LS and MOOC are based on the EC-
funded Learning Scenarios developed by EUN (www.eun.org) with the support of PPMI (www.ppmi.lt/en), and
organised with the support of VO EUROPE (https://www.vo-group.be/en). The MOOC is also supported by Scientix,
funded from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme – project Scientix 4 (Grant Agreement
N. 101000063). The content is the sole responsibility of the organiser and it does not represent the opinion of the
European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.

Find out more about nature-based solutions: https://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index.cfm?pg=nbs

Add here any annex (e.g. questions for quizzes). If you have more than one Annex, copy the title below and it will
move to a new page by itself.

1 How and why the NBS Atlas was developed?

2 When was the Urban Nature Atlas developed?

3 How the project defined nature-based solutions?

4 Why these 100 cities are included in the database?

5 Will other cities be included later?

6 Have you also collected information about other aspects of the cases presented in the Urban Nature Atlas?

7 What are the main findings, emerging from the database?

8 How information about the cases was collected?

9 The database includes information about the sustainability challenges addressed. How did the data collectors confirm that these challenges
were addressed?

10 The database includes information about monitoring practices, but in many cases the answer is “unknown”. How did the data collectors
confirm that a project did/does not have monitoring activities?

11 Some of the cases presented in the database appear in the same place e.g. in middle of the city. Are they at the correct location?

12 Was the collected data verified?

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