Statcon - Finals Notes
Statcon - Finals Notes
Statcon - Finals Notes
Use of the word “shall,” “must,” or “ought” o When required by the context
These words are words of command, or by the intention of
these indicate legislative intent to make legislature.
the law mandatory. o It shall be construed merely as
When used in a statute or regulation permissive when no public
expresses what is mandatory. benefit or private right requires
Used in an imperative sense and not in that it be given an imperative
a directory sense. meaning.
o The use of the “must” and Use of the “Or”
“shall” is not always imperative, It is a disjunctive term signifying
it may be consistent with disassociation and independence of one
discretion. thing from each of the other things
o If the language of a statute enumerated.
reveals that legislative intent The use of the word between two
intends it to be directory it phrases connotes that either phrase
should be given that meaning. serves as a qualifying phrase.
Test to determine if “shall” is “Or” may also mean “and”
mandatory or discretionary o When the spirit or context of
o The is test is to whether non- the law demands it
compliance with what is The word “or” may also be used to say
required will result in the nullity “that is to say”
of the act. If it does, then it is o Giving the same significance to
mandatory, otherwise the word that precedes it or
discretionary. comes after it
o It is not always disjunctive and
Use of “may” is sometimes interpretative or
It denotes that it is directory nature expository of the preceding
Permissive only and operates to confer word
discretion The word “or” may also mean
“May” construed as “shall” successively
o Where the statute provides for o This connotes an order or
the doing of some act which is succession of the terms
required by justice or public enumerated
authority, or where it vests a
public body with authority to Use of the word “And”
take such action which “And” in statutory construction implies
concerns the public interest or conjunction, joinder, or union.
rights of individuals. It does not mean “or”.
“Shall” construed as “may” It may mean “or” as an exception
Use of “And/Or”
This term means that effect shall be
given to both the conjunctive ‘and,’ and
the disjunctive ‘or.’
That one word or the other may be
taken accordingly as one or the other
will best effectuate the purpose
intended by legislature.
This term is used to avoid a
construction which by the use of the
disjunctive ‘or’ alone will exclude the
combination of several alternative or by
the use of the conjunctive ‘and’ will
exclude the efficacy of any one of the
alternatives standing alone.