Vit D3
Vit D3
Vit D3
Comparison of Analysis of Vitamin D in Foods
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A method for analysis of vitamin D3 in commonly fortified foods and in fish, which contains endogenous
vitamin D3, was developed by combining the best aspects of two official methods. The ethyl ether/
petroleum ether extraction procedure from AOAC 992.26 was combined with the chromatographic
separation and use of an internal standard (vitamin D2) from AOAC 2002.05 to produce a method
that was applicable to a variety of food samples. Results for skim milk, orange juice, breakfast cereal,
salmon, a diluted USP reference standard (vitamin D3 in peanut oil), and processed cheese are
presented. Results indicated that UV detection was adequate in most cases, but the absence of
interfering species must be determined in each food by mass spectrometry. Selected ion monitoring
(SIM) atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry (MS) was shown to produce
statistically indistinguishable results compared to UV detection for the skim milk, orange juice,
multigrain cereal, and salmon samples. The processed cheese exhibited interferences that precluded
quantification of vitamin D3 by UV detection, and therefore, only SIM APCI-MS data for that sample
were valid.
INTRODUCTION 21, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
(or required in the case of infant formula) vitamin D fortification
According to the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements,
of milk and milk products (21 CFR 131), enriched corn meal,
“Laboratory and animal evidence as well as epidemiologic data
farina, and rice (21 CFR 137), macaroni and noodle products
suggest that vitamin D status could affect cancer risk. Strong
(21 CFR 139), margarine (21 CFR 166), fruit juices, meal
biological and mechanistic bases indicate that vitamin D plays
replacement bars, and cheese (21 CFR 172.380), Olestra-
a role in the prevention of colon, prostate, and breast cancers.”
(1). Recent reports (2-4) have shown that vitamin D may have containing foods (21 CFR 172.867), and infant formula (21 CFR
a protective effect against prostate cancer, breast cancer, 107.100). These foods, therefore, require analysis of their
colorectal cancer, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and vitamin D content to ensure that the levels in the food are within
other types of cancer. Unfortunately, studies have shown that a the limits imposed by the CFR (16, 17).
relatively high proportion of the population has inadequate or There are 7,413 foods listed in the USDA National Nutrient
deficient levels of vitamin D (5-8). These findings have led to Database for Standard Reference, SR21 (18). Of the foods in
increased attention and debate over how much vitamin D is the database, 641 have values listed for vitamin D content. Of
considered adequate (8-10), and what is the best source from those, only 47 foods have concentrations determined from
which to obtain it. This discussion has naturally given rise to independent analytical data. The remainder of the values were
increased interest in knowing the amount of vitamin D in the calculated from the manufacturer’s label claim, taken from
foods that we consume, which is essential to epidemiological tabulated values in the literature, estimated from the ingredient
studies and controlled feeding trials. list, imputed from the concentration in a similar food, or based
Very few foods naturally contain a substantial amount of on the manufacturer’s analysis. Of the 47 foods having data
vitamin D; natural sources include fish (11-13), cod liver oil obtained from independent chemical analysis, just 27 had
(14), and certain mushrooms (vitamin D2) (15). Instead, most nonzero values for vitamin D. Thus, only 27 of the 7,413 foods
dietary vitamin D comes from fortified foods, in which in the USDA National Nutrient Database have nonzero levels
manufacturers add specific levels of the nutrient during process- of vitamin D determined from independent analytical data,
ing. According to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title indicating a paucity of objective analytical data for the vitamin
D content of foods commonly consumed as part of the American
* Corresponding author. Phone: 301-504-9357. Fax: 301-504-8314. diet. Additional discussion of the need for vitamin D values in
E-mail: [email protected]. the USDA National Nutrient Database is found elsewhere (19).
10.1021/jf803398u This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 2009 by the American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/27/2009
2136 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 Byrdwell
Part of the reason for the lack of analytical data is that the 992.26 combined with the internal standard, NP-HPLC and RP-HPLC
methods used for analysis of vitamin D are labor-intensive, separations from AOAC 2002.05, to give a single versatile method
tedious, and time-consuming. A recent review provided a that was applicable to a wide variety of samples.
summary of applications to milk and infant formula (20). Most Chemicals and Samples. HPLC or spectrophotometric grade
solvents were purchased from Fisher Scientific, Inc. (Fairlawn, NJ) and
methods for vitamin D analysis have several common charac-
were used without further purification. The petroleum ether was low-
teristics, beginning with a saponification procedure to break boiling (30-60 °C, Fisher #E139-S4). Homogenized control composites
down complex lipids such as triacylglycerols, which interfere (27) of commercially available foods plus a diluted USP standard were
with the analysis, into fatty acids (20, 21). Then, most methods prepared by the Food Analysis Laboratory Control Center in the
employ a liquid/liquid extraction to isolate vitamin D. Next, Biochemistry Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
analysis is typically carried out using at least two chromatog- University. These samples were used as control materials and analyzed
raphy steps: (i) a normal-phase high performance liquid chro- in a collaborative study comparing results among laboratories using
matography (NP-HPLC) semipreparative, or cleanup, separation standard methods (23). These samples were (1) skim milk commercially
followed by (ii) a reversed-phase (RP) HPLC analytical separa- fortified with vitamin D3; (2) orange juice without pulp, fortified with
tion that is used for quantification. Since it was believed that calcium and vitamins A, B1 (thiamin), C, D3, and E; (3) a multigrain
ready-to-eat cereal fortified with vitamin D3; (4) canned Alaskan red
vitamin D2 is much less physiologically active than vitamin D3
sockeye salmon; and (5) processed American cheese. Additionally, a
(22), most manufacturers fortify with vitamin D3. Because most USP vitamin D3 standard (USP #1711504), diluted 1:100 in peanut
foods contain no vitamin D2 either naturally or by fortification, oil, as well as the peanut oil diluant blank, were analyzed. The original
vitamin D2 is an appropriate and often used internal standard USP standard as received was specified to contain 0.2% cholecalciferol,
for the determination of vitamin D3. However, in cases where or 8,000,000 IU/100 g, in peanut oil. A 0.1511 g portion of the standard
the presence of vitamin D2 is suspected or possible, its absence was combined thoroughly with 99.8780 g of peanut oil to give a sample
must first be verified experimentally by analysis of a sample that was 0.0003021% vitamin D3 by mass, which equated to 12,084.36
with no vitamin D2 internal standard added. IU/100 g (1 µg ) 40 IU; 0.0003021% ) 0.0003021 g/100 g ) 302.1
µg/100 g ) 12,084 IU/100 g). All samples were stored at -60 ( 5 °C
In this study, a combined method was used to address the under nitrogen and in darkness prior to analysis.
shortfall of available information on vitamin D content in foods. Extraction. Samples were extracted using the ethyl ether/petroleum
As part of a collaborative effort between six laboratories, we ether extraction given in AOAC method 992.26 (25), as recently
undertook analysis of foods recognized as important dietary reported (23). The method was modified to include 1.0 mL of 0.5 µg/
sources of vitamin D by the National Food and Nutrient Analysis mL vitamin D2 in ethanol added as an internal standard to most samples
Program (NFNAP). The results of the interlab comparison have (milk, orange juice, cereal, processed cheese, and blank). Salmon
recently been published (23) and discussed elsewhere (24). The contained a higher level of endogenous vitamin D3; therefore, 4.0 mL
samples were (1) skim milk; (2) orange juice; (3) a multigrain of 0.5 µg/mL vitamin D2 were added to those samples as the internal
ready-to-eat cereal; (4) canned Alaskan red sockeye salmon; standard. The USP diluted standard contained a higher level of vitamin
D3 (12,000 IU/100 g = 3.0 ug/mL); therefore, 6.0 mL of 0.5 µg/mL
(5) a USP standard diluted in peanut oil; and (6) processed
vitamin D2 were added to those samples as the internal standard. Five
cheese slices. Here, we show a comparison of UV data to mass subsamples of each material were analyzed, except for cereal, which
spectrometry data and point out the benefits and pitfalls of was based on four replicates.
vitamin D analysis for these foods using the combined method. The sample weight for most samples (except salmon and the diluted
USP sample) was calculated to contain approximately 12 IU of vitamin
D3, based on the label claim. The sample was weighed in a 250 mL
Erlenmeyer flask with a ground glass neck, 1.0 mL of the internal
Prior to analysis of the samples described herein, we tested two standard (or amount given above) was added by volumetric pipet, and
officially approved extraction and analysis methods for vitamin D, 400 mg ascorbic acid (as antioxidant) was added. Fifteen milliliters of
AOAC Official Method 992.26 (25) and AOAC Official Method ethanol was added, and the sample was swirled thoroughly to mix.
2002.05 (26). Like many other methods, these procedures used either The requisite amount of KOH was added, as a solid to milk and orange
an ether/petroleum ether extraction (AOAC 992.26) or a heptane juice samples, and as a 1 M solution to solid samples. The sample
extraction (AOAC 2002.05). Hexane is also a very common extraction sizes and amounts of KOH were as follows: (1) skim milk, ∼30 mL )
solvent (20). Orange juice samples produced an intractable emulsion ∼29.5 g, 7.5 g of KOH; (2) orange juice, 30 mL ) ∼30.5 g, 7.5 g of
layer when heptane was used as the extraction solvent. The same KOH; (3) cereal, ∼9 g, 135 mL of 1 M KOH; (4) salmon ∼ 10 g, 135
samples produced clean distinct layers with no emulsion when ether/ mL of 1 M KOH; (5) processed cheese, ∼9 g, 135 mL of 1 M KOH;
petroleum ether was used. For other samples, the two extraction solvent (6) diluted USP standard, ∼1 g, 135 mL of 1 M KOH; (7) blank peanut
systems provided comparable results. Since we wanted a single method oil, ∼1 g, 135 mL of 1 M KOH. The flask was swirled until the solid
that would be applicable to the widest range of samples, we selected KOH was dissolved in the liquid sample, or the solid sample was
the ether/petroleum ether extraction procedure from AOAC 992.26 for thoroughly suspended in liquid. The mixture was put onto a refluxing
analysis of the samples in the collaborative study. However, AOAC condenser and lowered into a water bath at 75 °C. After 30 min, the
992.26 is an external standard method; therefore, the procedure was sample was removed and placed into ice water to rapidly cool to room
modified to include 1.0 mL of 0.5 µg/mL vitamin D2 added as an temperature.
internal standard prior to saponification or extraction of vitamin D3, The sample was transferred to a 500 mL separatory funnel, with a
which is similar to the 0.8 µg/mL used in AOAC 2002.05. 5 mL ethanol rinse. One hundred thirty milliliters of ethyl ether was
The NP-HPLC procedure from AOAC Method 992.26 used a flow added to the funnel, which was stoppered and shaken vigorously for at
rate of 2 mL/min for the separation of vitamin D from other species, least 1 min. Next, 130 mL of petroleum ether was added to the funnel,
followed by a column wash at 4 mL/min to elute remaining peaks. which was again stoppered and shaken vigorously for at least 1 min.
The RP-HPLC procedure used a flow rate of 3 mL/min. However, The shaking during extraction needed to be sufficiently vigorous to
AOAC Method 2002.05 used a flow rate of 1.5 mL/min for the NP- ensure complete extraction of vitamin D3. The samples were allowed
HPLC semipreparative step and 1.3 mL/min for the RP-HPLC to stand to separate. Swirling aided the separation of the two layers.
separation used for quantification. Because AOAC 2002.05 used lower The lower layer was drained and discarded. Fifty milliliters of deionized
flow rates and therefore less solvent and lower backpressure, we (D.I.) water was added to the flask, which was stoppered and shaken
incorporated the NP and RP HPLC separations from this method for for >30 s. The samples were allowed to stand to separate. The lower
our analysis. Thus, our procedure incorporated the best features of two layer was drained to waste. Another 50 mL of D.I. water was added to
Official Methods, the ether/petroleum ether extraction from AOAC the flask, which was stoppered and shaken for >30 s. The samples
UV and MS Analysis of Foods J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 2137
were allowed to stand to separate and the lower layer was drained to of 1 s, and the acquisition rate was 10 Hz. The solvent system was
waste. Fifteen milliliters of ethanol were added to the flask and shaken, isocratic mobile phase 3 for 20 min on an Inertsil ODS-2 column, 25.0
and then a third wash of 50 mL D.I. water was added to the flask, cm × 4.6 mm and 5 µm particle size (Inertsil, GL Sciences, Torrance,
stoppered, shaken, and allowed to separate. The lower layer was drained CA) at a flow rate of 1.3 mL/min.
to waste. The remaining ether layer was collected in a 500 mL flat- Quantification was based on integration of the areas under the peaks
bottom round flask. This was then decanted into a clean 500 mL round- in the UV 265 nm chromatogram from the DAD. DAD UV results
bottom flask. This flask was put onto a rotary evaporator (Buchi, Flawil, were then compared to results obtained by the mass spectrometer.
Switzerland) and taken to dryness with the water bath at 45 °C. Fifty Mass Spectrometry. Tandem sector quadrupole mass spectrometry
milliliters of acetone was added to the flask, and it was again taken to was used as an auxiliary detection method on the RP-HPLC system.
dryness. The mass spectrometer was a TSQ 7000 mass spectrometer (Finnigan
The sample was then dissolved in 10 mL of ethyl ether, with swirling, MAT, now Thermo Fisher Scientific Corp., San Jose, CA) operating
and transferred to a prerinsed 50 mL centrifuge tube. The round-bottom in Q3 SIM mode, using the [M + H]+ at m/z 397.3 and the [M + H
flask was rinsed with two more 10 mL portions of ethyl ether, which - H2O]+ ion at m/z 379.3 for the vitamin D2 internal standard, and the
were combined in the centrifuge tube. The ether solution was evaporated [M + H]+ at m/z 385.3 and the [M + H - H2O]+ ion at m/z 367.3 for
to dryness under ultra high purity N2 on an N-Evap evaporator vitamin D3, with a scan time of 0.5 s per ion and 1.0 m/z peak width.
(Organomation, Northborough, MA). The sample was reconstituted in The total area for each analyte was the sum of the integrated areas of
1.0 mL of hexane. Even with a large amount of KOH, high fat samples the [M + H]+ and the [M + H - H2O]+ ions. The RP-HPLC was
such as salmon and processed cheese did not saponify completely, coupled to the TSQ 7000 via an APCI source, with the vaporizer heater
resulting in an oily extract. This condition did not interfere with the at 250 °C, the sheath and auxiliary gases at 40 psi and 10 mL/min,
analyses since the oily mixture contained mostly diacylglycerols (based respectively, and the corona current at 5.0 µA. Flow after the DAD
on unpublished full-scan MS analysis), which did not hinder the was split via a tee, with 0.63 mL/min going to the APCI source of the
chromatography of vitamin D. TSQ7000 mass spectrometer, and 0.67 mL/min going to waste or to a
High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The two chromato- second mass spectrometer. In some experiments (e.g., RP-HPLC
graphic separations from AOAC Official Method 2002.05 (26) were analysis of processed cheese), data were also obtained on an LCQ Deca
used. The first was a normal-phase preparative HPLC separation on a XP ion trap mass spectrometer (Thermo Electron Corp., now Thermo
25.0 cm × 4.6 mm, 5 µm, silica column (Inertsil, GL Sciences, Fisher Scientific Corp., San Jose, CA), in parallel, operated in full scan
Torrance, CA). It was conducted on an Agilent 1200 system consisting mode. In those experiments, APCI was performed on the ion trap mass
of a quaternary pump with a membrane degasser, an autosampler with spectrometer using the same parameters as those listed for the TSQ7000
extended volume injection option, a diode array detector (DAD) SL, instrument.
and a 35900E analog-to-digital converter for acquisition of signal from Calculations. Internal standard quantification was based on the
an Alltech ELSD 800 (Alltech Associates, Deerfield, IL) evaporative response factor, RF, determined from the ratio of the integrated area
light scattering detector (ELSD). Two solvent programs were used, from vitamin D3 to that of vitamin D2 in a standard solution composed
which were the same except that one included a column wash after of equal amounts, 0.8 ug/mL each, of vitamin D2 and D3: RF ) (area
vitamin D eluted. The method without the column wash was used to D3std/area D2std). The response factor from the standard was then applied
analyze a pure vitamin D retention time standard that was run each to the food samples. The calculated amount of vitamin D3 in a sample
day to establish the elution time of the collected analyte peak, while was given from the equation:
( )
the method with the column wash was used for food sample extracts.
Both programs began with isocratic mobile phase 1, composed of 0.5% area D3
isopropanol (IPA)/2.0% methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE)/48.75% cyclo- × µgD2IS
area D2
hexane/48.75% n-heptane. For standards, only isocratic mobile phase Vitamin D3 (µg) )
1 was used for 25 min. For samples, isocratic mobile phase 1 was used RF
for 25 min, after which the column was washed with mobile phase 2, Each sequence of runs was set up as a bracketed sequence to run
consisting of 20% IPA/80% n-heptane. The gradient for samples was two replicates of the 0.8 ug/mL standard solution, followed by eight
as follows: 0 to 25 min, 100% mobile phase 1; 25 to 35 min, linear sample runs, followed by one more standard run, followed by eight
gradient to 100% mobile phase 2; 35 to 55 min, 100% mobile phase 2; more sample runs, finished with two more standard runs. Thus, each
55 to 75 min, linear gradient back to mobile phase 1; and 75 to 85 sequence of runs had five standard runs and 16 sample runs. The
min, equilibrate in 100% mobile phase 1. It was important to allow samples were quantified using the average response factor for the
sufficient time for the column to re-equilibrate between runs, to avoid five standard runs obtained on the same day as the sample runs.
inconsistent retention times. The flow rate was 1.3 mL/min throughout. The value determined for each sample extraction replicate was based
The injection volume was 450 µL, which allowed two injections plus on the average of eight analytical (RP-HPLC) runs, and the value
waste for each 1.0 mL sample. Flow after the DAD went to the fraction assigned to each food was the average of five replicate extractions,
collector or ELSD. The diverter valve on the fraction collector sent unless otherwise noted in Table 1.
eluate to the ELSD except during the fraction time window. The vitamin Statistical Analysis. There were four primary potential sources for
D eluted at ∼17.5 min, and the fraction was collected from 16 to 19 variance: (1) sample to sample variance, (2) saponification/extraction
min in a 13 mm test tube. The fraction time was adjusted slightly, on to saponification/extraction variance, (3) NP-HPLC fraction to NP-
the basis of the elution time of analyte in a standard solution. Fractions HPLC fraction variance, and (4) RP-HPLC run to RP-HPLC run
were taken to dryness by inserting the test tube into a 50 mL long- variance. The samples obtained from FALCC were aliquots from large
neck round-bottom flask on a rotary evaporator. The fractions were homogeneous lots and therefore were theoretically all the same sample
reconstituted in 650 µL of mobile phase 3, consisting of 20% methanol within a sample type (27). Therefore, the first type of variance, sample
(MeOH)/80% acetonitrile (ACN). The reconstituted fraction was to sample variance within a particular food control material, was
transferred to two autosampler vials containing limited volume inserts, considered negligible. Due to the length and complexity of the sample
which allowed four 100 µL injections plus waste for each fraction preparation method, the saponification/extraction to saponification/
collected. extraction variance was expected to be the primary source of variance
The reversed-phase HPLC was carried out using a Thermo Separation in the results. The variance in the last two potential sources was also
Products (San Jose, CA) chromatograph consisting of a P4000 assessed. Single factor analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was
quaternary pump with membrane degasser, AS3000 autosampler, performed for comparison of the average vitamin D3 contents of
UV6000 DAD, and a UV2000 dual channel detector operated in single extracts, using Microsoft Excel with optional data analysis tools
channel mode at 265 nm. The full-scan spectra were obtained from installed. The Student’s t-test, performed using Microsoft Excel
190-400 nm, with a bandwidth of 1 nm and an acquisition rate of 1 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA), was used to determine whether the
Hz. The single channel detection at 265 nm on the DAD was performed results from NP-HPLC fractions of the same extract were statistically
at 10 Hz with a 9 nm bandwidth. The UV 2000 detector had a risetime significantly different. The maximum or minimum values from the eight
2138 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 Byrdwell
Table 1. Quantification of Food Samples by Ultraviolet (UV) Detection and (Figure 3F), except that the magnitude of the signal from the
Selected Ion Monitoring Mass Spectrometry (MS) Detectiona DAD was much larger due to its larger path length and the
diminished sensitivity of the dual channel detector due to its
skim orange spiked processed
age. This indicated that the dual channel detector was adequate
milk juice cereal salmon peanut oil cheese
for quantitative analysis of vitamin D in most samples, as long
UV Detection
as the absence of interfering species was confirmed.
IU/100 g mean 43.1 51.7 135 887 11220 847
std dev 1.7 4.4 12 16 360 74 The average UV response factor across all runs used for
%RSD 4.0% 8.6% 9.3% 1.8% 3.2% 8.7% quantification of all samples reported here was 1.0260 ( 0.0089
MS Detection (n ) 119), RSD ) 0.87%, indicating that vitamin D3 gave a
IU/100 g mean 45.7 54.0 142.9 889 12100 289 slightly higher response than vitamin D2 at 265 nm. The average
std dev 3.2 4.7 8.7 79 980 27 APCI-MS response factor across all runs used for quantification
%RSD 6.9% 8.7% 6.1% 8.9% 8.1% 9.5%
n)5 n)5 n)4 n)5 n)5 n)5
of all samples reported here was 1.2479 ( 0.1392 (n ) 119),
label claim or 41.1a 40.8b 138c 763 ( 33d 12084e 190c RSD ) 11.16%, showing that vitamin D3 gave ∼25% more
literature value signal by APCI-MS than an equal amount of vitamin D2.
From the internal standard calculation given in the previous
First nonsignificant figure shown. b Label claim based on observed approximate section, the amount of vitamin D3, in micrograms, in the samples
density of 1.028 g/mL. c Label claim based on observed approximate density of was determined. This was divided by the sample weight and
1.037 g/mL. d Label claim based on weight. e Literature value taken from National
scaled to 100 g to give a value for µg/100 g, which was then
Nutrient Database SR21 (18) for “Fish, salmon, sockeye, canned, drained solids
with bone”, NDB #15087. f Concentration calculated from the value provided by
converted to IU/100 g since these are the units reported in the
supplier, mass of standard used, and mass of peanut oil diluant (approximate National Nutrient Databank. The calculated results were inde-
1:100 dilution of commercial USP sample). pendent of the reconstituted volume of the sample or the
injection volume. This was beneficial for samples containing
individual RP-HPLC runs for each of the five sample replicates were large amounts of fat, such as salmon and the USP reference
tested as outliers using the Q-test at the 95% level (Q95% ) 0.526, sample. For these samples, an oily residue was produced by
n ) 8). saponification and extraction, instead of a solid residue, which
gave a volume of more than 1.0 mL when 1.0 mL of hexane
RESULTS was added. In such samples, the triacylglycerols were decom-
posed; therefore, they no longer interfered with the chroma-
Figure 1 shows the NP-HPLC separation of the extract from
tography of vitamin D, but some diacylglycerols and other oily
skim milk. Panel A of this figure shows the sizes of the peaks
partial decomposition products remained, which did not affect
of interest, relative to full scale. Panel B shows the peak of
the calculation of the amounts of vitamin D3 in the samples.
interest at 17.626 min, labeled with an arrow, which was
collected by a fraction collector. Figure 2 shows the NP-HPLC The amount of vitamin D3 calculated for five replicate
separation of extracts of (A) orange juice, (B) Alaskan red extractions of skim milk was 43.1 ( 1.7 IU/100 g (1 IU )
sockeye salmon extract, (C) multigrain cereal extract, and (D) 0.25 µg) from UV (265 nm) detection, for a RSD ) 4.0%, as
processed cheese. Three-minute fractions (16:00 to 19:00) shown in Table 1. The value obtained from the simultaneous
centered on the peak of interest (∼17.5 min) were taken. The SIM APCI-MS analysis was 45.7 ( 3.2 IU/100 g, for RSD )
chromatogram of the Alaskan salmon extract was comparatively 6.9%. The label claim value was 41.1 IU/100 g, on the basis of
simple and indicated that the fraction from this sample contained the observed approximate density of skim milk of 1.028 g/mL.
almost exclusively vitamin D. The chromatograms of orange These values indicated that the amount of vitamin D3 in the
juice and cereal were more complex and indicated that portions skim milk met the label claim, with a small expected overage
of other nearby peaks were included in the three minute fraction to account for storage and shelf life. The mean values obtained
collected for these samples. The processed cheese chromatogram by MS detection were statistically indistinguishable (p ) 0.16)
indicated that a variety of components coeluted during the time from those obtained by UV detection, on the basis of a Student’s
interval collected and that the peak of interest was smaller than t-test (two-sample assuming unequal variances).
other peaks that contributed to the collected fraction. This Typical chromatograms used for the quantification of the other
fraction gave results that differed from those of fractions from samples are shown in Figure 4. The determined amounts of
other materials. vitamin D3 in orange juice (Figure 4A), multigrain breakfast
The collected fractions were evaporated to dryness and cereal (Figure 4B), Alaskan red sockeye salmon (Figure 4C),
reconstituted in the mobile phase used for RP-HPLC. The RP- diluted USP sample (Figure 4D), and processed cheese (Figure
HPLC system separated vitamin D2 from vitamin D3 and the 4E) are given in Table 1. The amount of vitamin D3 in orange
resulting peaks were integrated separately for quantification juice was 51.7 ( 4.4 IU/100 g as determined by UV detection,
using three different detectors. Typical results obtained for skim which was statistically indistinguishable (p ) 0.45) from the
milk from the three detectors are shown in Figure 3. Figure value of 54.0 ( 4.7 IU/100 g as determined by MS detection
3A shows the total ion current chromatogram (TIC) for the sum (Table 1). Both methods indicated that this orange juice
of the four ions used for SIM analysis by MS. Figure 3B,C contained ∼25% more vitamin D3 than the label claim (40.8
show the chromatograms for the two sets of ions used for IU/100 g). Similarly, the results for multigrain breakfast cereal
vitamin D2 and D3, respectively. Figure 3D shows the output by UV were within the range given by the standard deviation
from an older dual channel UV detector operated in single for the value determined by MS (Table 1) (p ) 0.35). In this
channel mode at 265 nm, while Figure 3E shows the detector case, the label claim was within the range determined by both
output for the DAD in full scan mode from 190 to 400 nm. techniques. The amounts of vitamin D3 determined by both UV
Figure 3F shows the single channel output (265 nm) from the and MS detection for Alaskan sockeye salmon were 887 ( 16
DAD that was used for quantitative analysis. The dual channel and 889 ( 79, respectively, and were statistically indistinguish-
detector (Figure 3D) produced the same chromatographic able (p ) 0.97). These values can be compared to the value of
profiles as the DAD detector operated in single channel mode 763 ( 33 IU/100 g for a similar salmon product listed in the
UV and MS Analysis of Foods J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 2139
Figure 1. Separation of skim milk control sample by NP-HPLC on silica column. (A) Full-scale chromatogram showing the relative sizes of all peaks;
(B) chromatogram showing peaks magnified for clarity. The vitamin D peak at 17.626 min (indicated by arrow) was collected and further analyzed by
current release of the USDA National Nutrient Database for 100 g), within the variability of the analytical method. The
Standard Reference, SR21 (18). additional amount above the label claim likely includes overage
The diluted USP standard was the only sample for which a necessary to account for product storage and shelf life.
theoretical known value could be calculated. The original The results given above indicated that for most samples,
concentration was listed as 0.2% cholecalciferol, or 8,000,000 quantification based on UV detection was perfectly adequate,
IU/100 g, and the diluted standard as analyzed was 0.0003021% and in most cases produced lower standard deviation than the
vitamin D3 (12084 IU/100 g). The assayed concentration for results obtained by SIM APCI-MS. However, the results
the diluted USP sample obtained by UV detection, 11,220 IU/ indicated that some samples (i.e., processed cheese) produced
100 g, Figure 4D, was lower than the value obtained by MS erroneous results by UV detection, which could go unrecognized
detection, 12,100 IU/100 g, although this difference was not without the use of MS as a confirmatory technique.
statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (p ) 0.12), Using orange juice #NFY0603U2 RP-HPLC runs as an
on the basis of the Student’s t-test. Although the MS data example, the average limit of detection by UV detection,
appeared to be more accurate than the UV results, the lack of LODUV, was 1.19 ( 0.39 IU/100 g (n ) 8) or 0.0147 ( 0.0048
significant figures in the value given for the USP standard µg/mL injected, while the LODMS was 4.7 ( 1.3 IU/100 g (n
precluded a rigorous comparison. ) 8) or 0.058 ( 0.016 µg/mL injected, at 3 times the peak-to-
The results for processed cheese showed the greatest dis- peak noise for a typical peak width of 0.7 min by UV and 1.0
crepancy in the comparison of UV versus MS results. The size min by MS. The average limit of quantitation by UV detection,
of the vitamin D3 peak in Figure 4E indicated that processed LOQUV, was 4.0 ( 1.3 IU/100 g (n ) 8) or 0.049 ( 0.016
cheese contained a very large amount of vitamin D3. The µg/mL, while the LOQMS was 15.7 ( 4.4 IU/100 g (n ) 8) or
calculated value from this peak was 847 ( 74 IU/100 g, which 0.194 ( 0.055 µg/mL, at 10 times the peak-to-peak noise for
was more than four times the label claim value. The MS results typical peak widths.
in Figure 5 provided insight into the reason for the very large Further Statistical Analysis. The three primary sources for
peak that eluted at the time expected for vitamin D3. The SIM analytical variability were (1) extraction to extraction variability,
ion chromatogram for the ions used for quantification of vitamin (2) NP-HPLC fraction to fraction variability, and (3) RP-HPLC
D2 showed the peak at 12.22 min (12.12 min by UV, which run to run variability. The relative magnitudes of the variance
preceded the MS detector in series) in Figure 5, as expected, from each factor can be seen using orange juice data as an
but also showed a large peak at 12.87 min that overlapped the example. Table 2 shows the values for quantification from each
vitamin D3 peak at 12.80 min. While these peaks were easily individual run for orange juice, divided into groups of four that
distinguished by MS, they were overlapped and indistinguishable each represent the four RP-HPLC runs that resulted from the
by UV detection, leading to dramatic overestimation of the collection of one fraction from the NP-HPLC system. Each
amount of vitamin D3. Consequently, the MS data were used sample extract gave enough of the sample for two NP-HPLC
for quantification of the amount of vitamin D3 in processed runs; therefore, two fractions were collected (indicated as #1
cheese. The value determined by SIM APCI-MS was 289 ( and #2 in Table 2). The run to run variability by UV detection
27 IU/100 g, which was much closer to the label value (190. was very low, with an average RSD of 0.71% across all 10
IU/100 g), and was near the upper end of the range based on fractions. Furthermore, the Student’s t-test indicated that the
CFR 21 172.380 (c)(5), which allows 81 IU per 30 g (270. IU/ average values from the two fractions from each extract were
2140 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 Byrdwell
Figure 2. NP-HPLC chromatograms of food sample extracts. (A) Orange juice; (B) Alaskan red sockeye salmon; (C) multigrain cereal; (D) processed
American cheese.
statistically indistinguishable (p > 0.05) by UV detection for statistically different (p , 0.05, t ) 13.12, tcrit ) 2.57). This
all except one extract. Extract NFY0603U1 gave values of 55.27 explained why the RSD for this sample in Table 1 (2.49%)
( 0.21 and 57.86 ( 0.34 for the two fractions, which were was higher than those of the other orange juice extracts, although
UV and MS Analysis of Foods J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 2141
Figure 3. Mass spectrometry and UV RP-HPLC chromatograms of the skim milk extract fraction shown in Figure 1. (A) Total ion current (TIC) chromatogram;
(B) ion chromatogram of m/z 379.3 and m/z 397.3 corresponding to vitamin D2; (C) ion chromatogram of m/z 367.3 and m/z 385.3 corresponding to
vitamin D3; (D) single channel UV detector at 265 nm; (E) total scan (190-400 nm) chromatogram from the diode array detector (DAD); (F) single
channel (265 nm) chromatogram from DAD.
each of the two fractions for that sample had very low RSD RP-HPLC run to run variability by UV detection was usually
(0.37% and 0.58%). Analysis of variance indicated that the mean below 1%. Similar trends were observed for all other fractions
square variance between groups (fractions) was 71.64, whereas and extracts.
the within group variance was 0.17. This indicated that the run The data by mass spectrometry showed poorer reproduc-
to run variability was less than the fraction to fraction variability. ibility. The RP-HPLC run to run variability was much higher,
The agreement between pairs of fractions indicated that the with an average RSD of 17%. The fraction to fraction values
fraction to fraction variability was less than the extract to extract showed an average RSD of 9.4%. Thus, the run to run
total variability, which was seen in Table 1 to be 8.6% RSD variability was at least as large as the fraction to fraction
for the orange juice extracts. Thus, analysis of variance indicated variability. Table 1 indicates that the extract to extract
that the variability could be attributed to, in decreasing order, variability was 8.7%. ANOVA indicated that the mean square
(1) extraction to extraction variability, (2) NP-HPLC fraction variance within groups (run to run) was 95.8, while between
to fraction variability, and (3) RP-HPLC run to run variability. group (fraction to fraction) mean square variance was 100.
2142 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 Byrdwell
Figure 4. RP-HPLC separation with DAD single channel UV detection at 265 nm. (A) Orange juice extract fraction (see Figure 2A); (B) multigrain cereal
extract fraction (see Figure 2C); (C) Alaskan red sockeye salmon extract fraction (see Figure 2B); (D) diluted USP standard; (E) processed cheese slice
extract fraction (see Figure 2D). The vitamin D2 internal standard eluted at 12.1 to12.2 min and vitamin D3 eluted at 12.7 to12.8 min.
Figure 5. RP-HPLC separation of processed cheese extract fraction with detection by UV/vis spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. (A) Total scan DAD
chromatogram; (B) ion chromatogram of m/z 379.3 and m/z 397.3 corresponding to vitamin D2; (C) ion chromatogram of m/z 367.3 and m/z 385.3
corresponding to vitamin D3.
Table 2. Quantification of Individual Runs (Rows) and Fractions (Columns) of Orange Juice Extracts by Ultraviolet (UV) Detection and Selected Ion
Monitoring Mass Spectrometry (MS) Detection (IU/100g)a
NFY060 3TZ#1 3TZ#2 3U0#1 3U0#2 3U1#1 3U1#2 3U2#1 3U2#2 3U3#1 3U3#2
UV Detection
46.07 45.18 48.97 49.12 55.25 58.24 55.41 55.24 51.51 51.81
46.68 45.57 48.99 48.95 55.22 58.04 55.19 55.45 51.50 51.68
45.36 46.14 49.86 49.67 55.55 57.59 55.13 54.87 51.51 51.58
45.48 44.34 49.80 50.00 55.05 57.55 55.29 55.65 51.64 51.54
mean 45.90 45.31 49.40 49.44 55.27 57.86 55.26 55.30 51.54 51.66
SD 0.61 0.76 0.49 0.49 0.21 0.34 0.12 0.33 0.07 0.12
%RSD 1.3% 1.7% 1.0% 0.98% 0.37% 0.58% 0.22% 0.60% 0.13% 0.24%
MS Detection
48.3 43.8 58.7 54.4 61.5 65.6 79.3 49.9 56.4 51.5
47.4 49.9 53.9 42.3 61.1 47.9 52.6 49.1 77.1
64.3 55.6 46.6 54.3 52.2 53.2 71.0 55.4 61.7 50.9
38.3 37.4 46.4 41.0 46.9 57.2 51.7 74.4 53.3 46.5
mean 50 46.7 50.6 50.9 50.7 59.3 62 58 55.1 57
SD 11 7.8 7.0 6.6 8.3 5.3 15 11 5.3 14
% RSD 22% 17% 14% 13% 16% 9.0% 24% 19% 9.6% 25%
First nonsignificant figure shown. b Value Q-tested out at the 95% confidence level.
conclusively indicated that there were interfering species present the total absorbance of full-spectrum UV scans for processed
that produced ions homologous with vitamin D2. Since we cheese, showed a peak immediately preceding and overlapped
obtained full-spectrum UV data (190-400 nm) in addition to with vitamin D2, which was not evident in the single channel
the single wavelength detection, it was possible to examine the chromatogram in Figure 4E. Obviously, some of the species
full spectra across the peaks in question. The full UV spectrum that produced peaks in the full scan UV chromatogram did not
at 12.8 min was noticeably different from that of the vitamin have absorbance maxima at 265 nm and therefore were not
D3 calibration standard (not shown). The spectrum did not have predominant in the single channel chromatogram. These data
an absorbance maximum at 265 nm, as expected for vitamin suggest that the absence of interfering species must be confirmed
D3, but instead the maximum occurred at 249 nm, and the for each sample before the data from UV detection alone can
spectral profile was clearly distinguishable from that of the be considered reliable. Mass spectrometry proved most con-
authentic analyte. Thus, even in the absence of MS data, full- clusive for discrimination of the analyte from interference, but
scan UV data indicated the presence of one or more interfering full scan UV spectra also indicated the presence of an overlapped
species. Furthermore, Figure 5A, which is a chromatogram of substance. Therefore, even the lower cost DAD UV detection
2144 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 Byrdwell
Figure 6. Extracted ion chromatograms (EICs) and mass spectrum from RP-HPLC APCI-MS of processed cheese. (A) EIC of m/z 379.3 and m/z 397.3
for vitamin D2; (B) EIC of m/z 367.3 and m/z 385.3 for vitamin D3; (C) EIC of m/z 625.3; (D) EIC of m/z 651.3; (E) EIC of m/z 711.1; (F) EIC of m/z
737.1; (G) mass spectrum averaged across the vitamin D3 peak in Figure 6A.
can be useful to indicate the presence of interfering substances, due to the much wider range of masses scanned during the duty
as long as full scan data are acquired in combination with the cycle of the mass spectrometer. At the very least, both the [M
targeted single channel detection. Because of this, the dual + H]+ and the [M + H - H2O]+ ions should be used for SIM
channel detector operated in single wavelength mode is con- analysis since the ratio of these provides some confirmation of
sidered the least reliable, the DAD UV detector operated in the purity of the analyte. In processed cheese, the interfering
combination full-scan and single wavelength modes is consid- molecule that eluted at the same time as vitamin D3 (Figures
ered more reliable, and detection by SIM APCI-MS proved most 5B and 6A) gave a much larger dehydrated protonated molecule
conclusive. ion at m/z 379, relative to the protonated molecule at m/z 397,
SIM APCI-MS cannot, however, be considered the best
than authentic vitamin D2, whereas vitamin D3 (Figures 5C and
possible detection method. It was beneficial that the interfering
6B) gave a dehydrated protonated molecule ion at m/z 367 in
species that coeluted with vitamin D3 produced ions at m/z 379
and m/z 379 that were homologous with vitamin D2 and essentially the same proportion as the calibration standard.
therefore produced a large peak from the SIM analysis using Dimartino (28) recently reported the analysis of vitamin D
the four ions selected for the internal standard and the analyte in processed cheese, in which the value appeared to be
(Figures 5B and 6A). However, if the interfering molecule was statistically indistinguishable from the value reported here, on
not structurally similar, SIM analysis using these ions would the basis of a manual interpolation of the figure. However, since
not have been conclusive. Instead, full-scan MS detection is no specific value for the sample was provided, the report cannot
more reliable to detect all potential interfering species. However, be discussed in detail. The author used SIM APCI-MS for the
full scan MS usually provides a poorer S/N than SIM analysis, analysis of cheese and other foods and mentioned that only one
UV and MS Analysis of Foods J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 57, No. 6, 2009 2145
ion each for vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 could be used because normal-phase high performance liquid chromatography; RP,
of the presence of interfering species. reversed-phase; RSD, relative standard deviation; SIM, selected
One approach that has been previously reported is the use of ion monitoring; TIC, total ion current chromatogram; UV,
dual parallel mass spectrometers for simultaneous analysis of ultraviolet; USP, United States Pharmacopeia.
the eluate from a single chromatographic system (29). In the
past, this has been used to obtain information from comple- SAFETY
mentary ionization techniques, such as APCI and electrospray Diethyl ether is highly flammable, and extra care must be
ionization (ESI) simultaneously from the same analyte. How- taken to avoid sparks or sources of ignition.
ever, the approach that was applied here was the combination
of SIM APCI-MS analysis, which is best for quantification, with ACKNOWLEDGMENT
full scan APCI-MS for qualitative analysis.
The benefit of full scan spectra can be seen in Figure 6. I thank Dr. Katherine Phillips and Amy Rasor at the Food
Figure 6G shows a mass spectrum across the vitamin D3 peak Analysis Laboratory Control Center in the Department of
from processed cheese, obtained on an ion trap mass spectrom- Biochemistry at Virginia Tech for preparation of the sample
eter in parallel with SIM analysis on the tandem sector composite homogenates, and Katherine Phillips for assistance
quadrupole instrument. Figures 6A and B show extracted ion in manuscript preparation.
chromatograms (EICs) extracted out of the full scan data that
represent the same ions (m/z 367.3 and m/z 385.3 for vitamin LITERATURE CITED
D3, and m/z 379.3 and m/z 397.3 for vitamin D2) as those used
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