Isoflav USDA
Isoflav USDA
Isoflav USDA
Release 1.4
Prepared by the
Nutrient Data Laboratory
Food Composition Laboratory
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
April 2007
Isfl_tbl - Analytical Isoflavone Values for Foods.........................................................3
CBF_tbl - Analytical Coumestrol, Biochanin A, Formononetin values for Foods ......4
Isfl_ref - Isoflavones References ..................................................................................4
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods .................5
A Table for Coumestrol, Formononetin and Biochanin A .............................................22
Sources of Data ...............................................................................................................24
Release 1.1 contains a few minor corrections to descriptions for infant formulas.
Release 1.2 contains corrections to the values for formononetin and biochanin A
in red clover.
Release 1.3 contains corrections to one infant formula and adds data for another.
Release 1.4 contains corrections to the values for soybean butter; soy flour, full
fat, roasted; soybeans, immature seeds, raw (Edamame); and soybeans, mature
seeds, dry roasted (soy nuts).
We have recently issued the corrected version as “USDA-Iowa State University Database
on the Isoflavone Content of Foods, Release 1.4”. If you have downloaded an earlier
release before April 18, 2007; we recommend that you replace it with Release 1.4.
The development of the database for Isoflavones, one of the families of phytoestrogens,
in foods was a collaborative effort between the Food Composition Laboratory (FCL), and
the Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL) of ARS/USDA and the Department of Food Science
and Human Nutrition of the Iowa State University (ISU). Many scientists are interested in
isoflavones because of their weak estrogenic and other biological properties. The main
dietary sources of isoflavones are soybeans and soyfoods. Some other food legumes
contain very small amounts of isoflavones.
Data for isoflavone contents of foods were collected from scientific articles published in
refereed journals. In addition, isoflavones data were generated by extensive sampling of
soy-containing foods and subsequent analysis at the Iowa State University. Data for only
the most prominent isoflavones, Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein and their glucosides were
evaluated using the expert system described by Mangels, et al (J. Am. Diet. Assoc.
93:284-296, 1993) for five general categories: analytical method, analytical quality
control, number of samples, sample handling and sampling plan. The analytical method
described by Murphy, et al (J. Agric. Food Chem. 45:4635-4638, 1997) was used as the
reference method for evaluating analytical methodologies in the published articles.
Although acid addition to extraction solvent and use of internal standard to adjust
analytical errors due to work-up procedures are highly recommended, only few studies
have used these procedures. Since this is the first database on isoflavones, the
methodology criteria for inclusion in the database were relaxed so as to include as many
foods as possible.
The glucoside forms of the isoflavones are converted to free forms (aglycone) to be
absorbed by the gut and exert their potentially protective effects (Murphy, et al, J. Agric.
Food Chem. 45:4635-4638, 1997). Therefore, we have converted the values for
glucoside forms into aglycone (free) forms by using appropriate ratios of molecular
weights and have added them to their respective free form values to generate mean values
for each aglycone form: Daidzein, Genistein and Glycitein. Simple addition of free and
glucoside forms of isoflavone concentrations without this correction will overestimate
true isoflavone aglycone concentration by almost a factor of two (Wang and Murphy, J.
Agric. Food Chem. 42:1666-1673, 1994; 44:2377-2383, 1996).
Values expressed on a dry weight basis were converted to wet weight basis either by
using given moisture content or by assuming commonly expected moisture content for
that particular food. The table contains mean values, standard errors of the means (SEM),
minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) values for individual aglycone forms: Daidzein,
Genistein and Glycitein and the total isoflavone content. The totals are given if values
were available for at least Daidzein and Genistein. The values for total isoflavones may
not agree with the simple addition of the mean individual values. Several articles did not
report Glycitein values. Glycitein contributes about 5%-10% to the total content. For
example: soy flour full fat (NDB No. 16115), daidzein mean was calculated from 20
values (#S), genistein mean from 21 values, glycitein mean from 7 values, and total
isoflavones mean from 20 values. Reinli and Block (Nutr. Cancer 26:123-148, 1996)
summarized values for daidzein and genistein available prior to 1996. However, values
for glycitein were not included because of the lack of data on the estrogenic activity of
glycitein. Preliminary evidence suggests that glycitein has as potent an estrogen activity
as daidzein and genistein (Song et al, J. Agric. Food Chem, 1999 In press). Each mean is
assigned a Confidence Code (CC) of a, b, or c. The Confidence code is an indicator of
relative quality of the data and the reliability of a given mean value. A confidence Code
of “a” indicates considerable reliability, due either to a few exemplary studies or to a
large number of studies of varying quality.
The user is reminded that the variety, the crop year and the location affect the isoflavone
contents of the soybeans (Wang and Murphy, J. Agric. Food Chem.,42:1674-1677,1994)
and contribute to the large variability in the isoflavone contents of soybeans, as well as,
soyfoods. The soybean varieties, therefore, were divided into ‘food quality’ (NDB
no.16108) and ‘commodity grade’ (NDB no. 99091) for U.S. varieties. Japanese (NDB
no. 99092) and Korean (NDB no. 99093) varieties were also separated from the U.S.
varieties. The method of extracting proteins (alcohol vs aqueous) in the processing of
various soy products also affects the isoflavone contents; alcohol extraction reducing the
contents significantly.
The isoflavone database is typical of small data sets which can be developed for food
components of recent scientific interest. A review of the numbers of studies which
contributed acceptable data reveals that for most foods, one study contributes the values
for each isoflavone. For example, daidzein values for 73 foods were derived from single
studies. It should be noted that one study may have reported values for one or more
foods. Furthermore, a single study may have analyzed multiple samples for a single
Coumestrol (the most common coumestan), though not an isoflavone, has a similar
structure and competes with estradiol for cytoplasmic receptors in mammary tumor cells.
Biochanin A and formononetin, 4-methyl ether derivatives of genistein and daidzein
respectively, are reduced to genistein and daidzein by the gut bacteria.. These three
compounds share the estrogenic/antiestrogenic, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities
of the prominent isoflavones (Mazur et al. Anal. Biochem. 233(2):169-180, 1996).
Very few articles contained values for these three compounds. Therefore a separate table
for their contents in foods was prepared.
Isfl_tbl - Analytical Isoflavone Values for Foods
The NDB number is a five-digit numerical code used in the USDA Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference, the electronic version of Agriculture Handbook No. 8, which can be
downloaded from this site. Foods in the Isoflavone Database which do not have
corresponding entries in the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, are given
tentative NDB numbers starting with ‘99---”. For more information on these files contact
the Nutrient Data Laboratory, 4700 River Road, Unit 89, Riverdale, MD 20737. Tel. 301-
Values in the Total isoflavones column may not agree with the simple additions of the
mean individual isoflavone values. Several articles did not report Glycitein values.
Glycitein contributes only about 5% to 10% of the total content. Therefore if an article
reported values for at least Daidzein and Genistein, then the total value for that food was
#S is the total number of means/individual values used to compute the data in the
Isoflavones Database. In the scientific literature each value can be a mean of many
values (depending on the number of samples used in the study) or an individual value.
Furthermore there may be more than one value for a single food in one reference. As a
result, the total number of references may not equal #S. Since the data have been
compiled from various sources, #S does not necessarily equal “n” in statistical terms.
The Confidence Code designated as a, b, or c is a general indicator of the quality of the
data (a=best). The procedure for determining confidence codes is described in Mangels,
et al. (J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 93:284-296, 1993).
Documentation for each reference can be found in the Isfl_ref file.
This work was partially supported by a grant from the U.S. Army Medical R & D
Command (MM 4529EVM).
CBF_tble contains individual values for Coumestrol, Biochanin A and Formononetin for
41 foods. The fields in this table: NDB, and Ref. No. are the same as in the file, Isfl_tbl.
Isfl_ref provides a list of 38 references from which values for the Isoflavones Database
were obtained. The reference numbers from the reference file correspond with the Ref.
No. Column. All references list authors, title, journal citation and the foods and
isoflavones analyzed.
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 5
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
99001 9-grain bread Daidzein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 19
Genistein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 19
11001 Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, Daidzein 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 b 11, 21
Genistein 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 b 11, 21
Glycitein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Total Isofl. 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 b 11, 21
99003 Alfalfa seeds, sprouted, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
raw, mixed with clover
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
seeds, sprouted, raw
Glycitein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
16104 Bacon, meatless Daidzein 2.80 1 2.80 2.80 c 36
Genistein 6.90 1 6.90 6.90 c 36
Glycitein 2.40 1 2.40 2.40 c 36
Total Isofl. 12.10 1 12.10 12.10 c 36
16014 Beans, black, mature Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
seeds, raw
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
16024 Beans, great northern, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
mature seeds, raw
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
16028 Beans, kidney, all types, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
mature seeds, cooked,
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
boiled, without salt
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
16027 Beans, kidney, all types, Daidzein 0.02 2 0.01 0.02 b 17
mature seeds, raw
Genistein 0.04 2 0.02 0.06 b 17
Total Isofl. 0.06 2 0.03 0.08 b 17
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 6
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
16033 Beans, kidney, red, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
mature seeds, cooked,
boiled, without salt
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
16052 Broadbeans (fava beans), Daidzein 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 17
mature seeds, raw
Genistein 0.00 2 0.00 0.00 c 12, 17
Total Isofl. 0.03 1 0.03 0.03 c 17
99008 Broadbeans, fried Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
Genistein 1.29 1 1.29 1.29 c 11
Total Isofl. 1.29 1 1.29 1.29 c 11
16056 Chickpeas (garbanzo Daidzein 0.04 2 0.00 0.08 c 11, 17
beans, bengal gram),
Genistein 0.06 2 0.00 0.12 c 11, 17
mature seeds, raw
Total Isofl. 0.10 2 0.00 0.20 c 11, 17
99009 Clover sprouts, raw Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
Genistein 0.35 1 0.35 0.35 c 11
Total Isofl. 0.35 1 0.35 0.35 c 11
99010 Country rye bread, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
16062 Cowpeas, common Daidzein 0.01 2 0.00 0.03 c 11, 17
(blackeyes, crowder,
Genistein 0.02 2 0.00 0.03 c 11, 17
southern), mature seeds,
raw Total Isofl. 0.03 2 0.00 0.06 c 11, 17
18216 Crackers, crispbread, rye Daidzein 0.01 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 b 19
Genistein 0.01 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 b 19
Total Isofl. 0.01 0.00 3 0.00 0.02 b 19
12220 Flax seed, raw Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
16173 Frichick (meatless Daidzein 4.35 1 4.35 4.35 c 21
chicken nuggets), canned,
Genistein 9.35 1 9.35 9.35 c 21
Glycitein 0.90 1 0.90 0.90 c 21
Total Isofl. 14.60 1 14.60 14.60 c 21
16172 Frichick (meatless Daidzein 3.45 1 3.45 3.45 c 21
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 8
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
chicken nuggets), canned, Genistein 7.90 1 7.90 7.90 c 21
Glycitein 0.85 1 0.85 0.85 c 21
Total Isofl. 12.20 1 12.20 12.20 c 21
22125 GREEN GIANT, Daidzein 2.95 1 2.95 2.95 c 21
Genistein 5.28 1 5.28 5.28 c 21
Original Flavor, All
Vegetable Protein Patties, Glycitein 1.07 1 1.07 1.07 c 21
Total Isofl. 9.30 1 9.30 9.30 c 21
22117 GREEN GIANT, Daidzein 2.58 1 2.58 2.58 c 21
Genistein 4.68 1 4.68 4.68 c 21
Original Flavor, All
Vegetable Protein Patties, Glycitein 0.95 1 0.95 0.95 c 21
frozen, prepared
Total Isofl. 8.22 1 8.22 8.22 c 21
03931 Infant formula, Daidzein 7.23 2 7.15 7.30 b 22, 23
Genistein 14.75 2 14.50 15.00 b 22, 23
powder, soy formula, not
reconstituted Glycitein 3.00 2 2.95 3.05 b 22, 23
Total Isofl. 25.00 2 24.90 25.10 b 22, 23
03863 Infant formula, MEAD Daidzein 8.08 2 6.50 9.65 b 22, 23
Genistein 13.90 2 12.80 15.00 b 22, 23
soy, with iron, powder,
not reconstituted Glycitein 3.12 2 2.93 3.30 b 22, 23
Total Isofl. 25.09 2 22.23 27.95 b 22, 23
03824 Infant formula, MEAD Daidzein 1.10 1 1.10 1.10 c 26
Genistein 2.22 1 2.22 2.22 c 26
with iron, liquid
concentrate, not Total Isofl. 6.03 2 3.32 8.75 c 26, 31
03826 Infant formula, MEAD Daidzein 7.05 2 6.90 7.20 b 22, 23
Genistein 14.94 2 14.45 15.43 b 22, 23
with iron, powder, not
reconstituted Glycitein 2.95 2 2.83 3.07 b 22, 23
Total Isofl. 24.94 2 24.18 25.70 b 22, 23
03823 Infant formula, MEAD Daidzein 1.71 1 1.71 1.71 c 32
Genistein 2.18 1 2.18 2.18 c 32
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 9
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
with iron, ready-to-feed Total Isofl. 3.89 1 3.89 3.89 c 32
03843 Infant formula, ROSS, Daidzein 6.03 2 6.03 6.03 b 22, 23
ISOMIL, with iron,
Genistein 12.23 2 11.43 13.03 b 22, 23
powder, not
reconstituted Glycitein 2.73 2 2.70 2.77 b 22, 23
Total Isofl. 20.99 2 20.16 21.83 b 22, 23
99112 Infant formula, ROSS, Daidzein 0.78 1 0.78 0.78 39
ISOMIL, with iron,
Genistein 1.58 1 1.58 1.58 39
powder, reconstituted
from powder, as fed Glycitein 0.35 1 0.35 0.35 39
Total Isofl. 2.71 1 2.71 2.71 39
03841 Infant formula, ROSS, Daidzein 1.91 1 1.91 1.91 c 32
ISOMIL, with iron, ready-
Genistein 2.26 1 2.26 2.26 c 32
Total Isofl. 4.17 1 4.17 4.17 c 32
03891 Infant formula, WYETH- Daidzein 1.02 2 0.79 1.25 b 22, 26
Genistein 2.82 2 2.19 3.45 b 22, 26
with iron, liquid
concentrate, not Glycitein 0.35 1 0.35 0.35 c 22
Total Isofl. 4.02 2 2.98 5.05 b 22, 26
03893 Infant formula, WYETH- Daidzein 5.70 1 5.70 5.70 c 22
Genistein 13.55 1 13.55 13.55 c 22
with iron, powder, not
reconstituted Glycitein 2.05 1 2.05 2.05 c 22
Total Isofl. 26.00 2 21.30 30.70 b 22, 31
03890 Infant formula, WYETH- Daidzein 0.75 1 0.75 0.75 c 23
Genistein 1.60 1 1.60 1.60 c 23
with iron, ready-to-feed
Glycitein 0.28 1 0.28 0.28 c 23
Total Isofl. 2.63 1 2.63 2.63 c 23
99018 Instant beverage, soy, Daidzein 40.07 6.19 6 29.50 70.00 a 5, 36, 38
powder, not reconstituted
Genistein 62.18 2.78 6 55.00 73.15 a 5, 36, 38
Glycitein 10.90 0.14 4 10.50 11.10 b 36
Total Isofl. 109.51 4.11 6 100.10 125.00 a 5, 36, 38
99019 Kala chana, mature seeds, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 10
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
raw Genistein 0.64 1 0.64 0.64 c 11
Total Isofl. 0.64 1 0.64 0.64 c 11
99020 Lapacho tea (Tecoma Daidzein 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 19
Genistein 0.03 1 0.03 0.03 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.05 1 0.05 0.05 c 19
16069 Lentils, mature seeds, raw Daidzein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 b 11, 17
Genistein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 b 11, 17
Total Isofl. 0.01 0.01 3 0.00 0.02 b 11, 17
16072 Lima beans, large, mature Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
seeds, cooked, boiled,
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
without salt
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
16071 Lima beans, large, mature Daidzein 0.02 2 0.00 0.04 c 11, 17
seeds, raw
Genistein 0.01 2 0.00 0.01 c 11, 17
Total Isofl. 0.03 2 0.00 0.05 c 11, 17
16074 Lima beans, thin seeded Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
(baby), mature seeds, raw
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 11
16112 Miso Daidzein 16.13 4.36 7 7.10 36.64 a 5, 15, 21, 36
Genistein 24.56 4.23 9 11.70 52.39 a 5, 12, 15, 21,
Glycitein 2.87 0.47 3 2.30 3.80 b 21, 36
Total Isofl. 42.55 9.18 7 22.70 89.20 a 5, 15, 21, 36
99002 Miso soup mix, dry Daidzein 24.93 2 20.75 29.11 c 5
Genistein 35.46 2 33.69 37.24 c 5
Total Isofl. 60.39 2 54.44 66.35 c 5
16080 Mung beans, mature Daidzein 0.01 2 0.00 0.01 c 11, 17
seeds, raw
Genistein 0.18 2 0.00 0.37 c 11, 17
Total Isofl. 0.19 2 0.00 0.38 c 11, 17
16083 Mungo beans, mature Daidzein 0.01 2 0.00 0.02 c 11, 17
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 11
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
seeds, raw Genistein 0.01 2 0.00 0.03 c 11, 17
Total Isofl. 0.03 2 0.00 0.05 c 11, 17
16113 Natto (soybeans, boiled Daidzein 21.85 2.69 5 16.02 31.46 a 21, 24
and fermented)
Genistein 29.04 3.01 7 21.52 42.53 a 12, 21, 24
Glycitein 8.17 1.21 5 6.89 13.01 a 21, 24
Total Isofl. 58.93 7.38 5 46.40 86.99 a 21, 24
42299 Oil, canola and soybean Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Glycitein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
04044 Oil, soybean, salad or Daidzein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 a 21
Genistein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 a 21
Glycitein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 a 21
Total Isofl. 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 a 21
16087 Peanuts, all types, raw Daidzein 0.03 2 0.01 0.05 b 17
Genistein 0.24 2 0.08 0.39 b 17
Total Isofl. 0.26 2 0.13 0.39 b 17
16085 Peas, split, mature seeds, Daidzein 2.42 2.42 3 0.00 7.26 b 11, 17
Genistein 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.01 b 11, 17
Total Isofl. 2.42 2.42 3 0.00 7.26 b 11, 17
16101 Pigeon peas (red gram), Daidzein 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 17
mature seeds, raw
Genistein 0.54 1 0.54 0.54 c 17
Total Isofl. 0.56 1 0.56 0.56 c 17
19015 Snacks, granola bars, Daidzein 0.05 1 0.05 0.05 c 19
hard, plain
Genistein 0.08 1 0.08 0.08 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.13 1 0.13 0.13 c 19
99105 Soybean butter, full fat, Daidzein 22.00 1 22.00 22.00 c 24
Worthington Foods, Inc.
Genistein 30.00 1 30.00 30.00 c 24
Glycitein 5.00 1 5.00 5.00 c 24
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 12
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
Total Isofl. 57.00 1 57.00 57.00 c 24
99042 Soy cheese, unspecified Daidzein 11.24 2 1.38 21.10 c 5, 10
Genistein 20.08 2 1.95 38.20 c 5, 10
Total Isofl. 31.32 2 3.33 59.30 c 5, 10
99041 Soy cheese, cheddar Daidzein 1.80 2 0.20 3.40 c 36
Genistein 2.25 2 0.50 4.00 c 36
Glycitein 3.10 2 2.70 3.50 c 36
Total Isofl. 7.15 2 3.40 10.90 c 36
99054 Soy cheese, mozzarella Daidzein 1.10 1 1.10 1.10 c 36
Genistein 3.60 1 3.60 3.60 c 36
Glycitein 3.00 1 3.00 3.00 c 36
Total Isofl. 7.70 1 7.70 7.70 c 36
99056 Soy cheese, parmesan Daidzein 1.50 1 1.50 1.50 c 36
Genistein 0.80 1 0.80 0.80 c 36
Glycitein 4.10 1 4.10 4.10 c 36
Total Isofl. 6.40 1 6.40 6.40 c 36
99043 Soy drink Daidzein 2.41 2 0.70 4.12 c 6, 26
Genistein 4.60 2 2.10 7.10 c 6, 26
Total Isofl. 7.01 2 2.80 11.22 c 6, 26
99045 Soy fiber Daidzein 18.80 2 16.58 21.03 c 5, 20
Genistein 21.68 2 17.11 26.26 c 5, 20
Glycitein 7.90 1 7.90 7.90 c 20
Total Isofl. 44.43 2 38.13 50.73 c 5, 20
99080 Soy flour (textured) Daidzein 59.62 12.18 8 1.65 123.25 a 20, 26, 32, 36
Genistein 78.90 14.75 8 2.75 144.02 a 20, 26, 32, 36
Glycitein 20.19 2.87 4 15.60 28.28 b 20, 36
Total Isofl. 148.61 28.71 8 4.40 295.55 a 20, 26, 32, 36
16117 Soy flour, defatted Daidzein 57.47 9.28 9 22.60 93.90 a 5, 27, 28, 33,
35, 36
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 13
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
Genistein 71.21 5.54 9 46.51 100.54 a 5, 27, 28, 33,
35, 36
Glycitein 7.55 1.82 3 3.95 9.89 c 33, 35, 36
Total Isofl. 131.19 11.25 9 73.72 168.09 a 5, 27, 28, 33,
35, 36
16115 Soy flour, full-fat, raw Daidzein 71.19 6.95 20 18.20 130.92 a 7, 10, 11, 19,
20, 25, 26, 28,
Genistein 96.83 7.38 21 6.39 145.23 a 7, 10, 11, 19,
20, 25, 26, 28,
Glycitein 16.18 2.65 7 4.80 24.83 a 7, 10, 20, 25,
Total Isofl. 177.89 12.57 20 59.80 264.84 a 7, 10, 11, 19,
20, 25, 26, 28,
16116 Soy flour, full-fat, roasted Daidzein 99.27 10.01 3 87.65 119.20 c 1, 5, 21
Genistein 98.75 16.21 3 70.74 126.90 c 1, 5, 21
Glycitein 16.40 2 14.40 18.40 c 1, 21
Total Isofl. 208.95 37.29 3 161.70 260.50 c 1, 5, 21
99111 Soy hot dog, frozen, Daidzein 3.40 1 3.40 3.40 c 36
Genistein 8.20 1 8.20 8.20 c 36
Glycitein 3.40 1 3.40 3.40 c 36
Total Isofl. 15.00 1 15.00 15.00 c 36
16119 Soy meal, defatted, raw Daidzein 57.47 1 57.47 57.47 c 34
Genistein 68.35 1 68.35 68.35 c 34
Total Isofl. 125.82 1 125.82 125.82 c 34
16120 Soymilk, fluid Daidzein 4.45 0.75 14 1.14 9.84 a 1, 5, 10, 14,
15, 16, 21, 34,
Genistein 6.06 0.84 16 1.12 11.28 a 1, 5, 10, 12,
14, 15, 16, 21,
34, 35
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 14
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
Glycitein 0.56 0.09 5 0.36 0.86 a 1, 21, 35
Total Isofl. 9.65 1.76 14 1.26 21.13 a 1, 5, 10, 14,
15, 16, 21, 34,
99014 Soymilk, iced Daidzein 1.90 2 0.34 3.45 c 5
Genistein 2.81 2 1.78 3.85 c 5
Total Isofl. 4.71 2 2.12 7.31 c 5
99096 Soymilk skin or film (Foo Daidzein 18.20 1 18.20 18.20 c 10
jook or yuba), cooked
Genistein 32.50 1 32.50 32.50 c 10
Total Isofl. 50.70 1 50.70 50.70 c 10
99053 Soymilk skin or film (Foo Daidzein 79.88 2 43.76 116.00 c 10, 34
jook or yuba), raw
Genistein 104.80 2 77.91 131.70 c 10, 34
Glycitein 18.40 1 18.40 18.40 c 10
Total Isofl. 193.88 2 121.66 266.10 c 10, 34
99049 Soy noodles, flat Daidzein 0.90 1 0.90 0.90 c 36
Genistein 3.70 1 3.70 3.70 c 36
Glycitein 3.90 1 3.90 3.90 c 36
Total Isofl. 8.50 1 8.50 8.50 c 36
99038 Soy paste Daidzein 15.03 3.79 6 3.00 27.20 a 5, 34, 36
Genistein 15.21 4.87 6 0.31 29.98 a 5, 34, 36
Glycitein 7.70 1 7.70 7.70 c 36
Total Isofl. 31.52 9.26 6 3.31 59.40 a 5, 34, 36
99060 Soy protein concentrate, Daidzein 43.04 24.04 3 16.68 91.05 b 5, 20
aqueous washed
Genistein 55.59 10.60 3 40.29 75.95 b 5, 20
Glycitein 5.16 2 4.27 6.05 c 20
Total Isofl. 102.07 32.82 3 61.23 167.00 b 5, 20
16121 Soy protein concentrate, Daidzein 6.83 3.68 5 0.79 21.09 a 5, 20, 26
produced by alcohol
Genistein 5.33 1.69 5 1.29 10.73 a 5, 20, 26
Glycitein 1.57 1 1.57 1.57 c 20
Total Isofl. 12.47 5.24 5 2.08 31.82 a 5, 20, 26
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 15
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
16122 Soy protein isolate Daidzein 33.59 5.99 14 7.70 68.89 a 1, 4, 5, 10, 20,
30, 33, 35, 36
Genistein 59.62 6.68 14 27.17 105.10 a 1, 4, 5, 10, 20,
30, 33, 35, 36
Glycitein 9.47 1.81 11 5.40 26.40 a 1, 4, 20, 30,
35, 36
Total Isofl. 97.43 11.11 14 46.50 199.25 a 1, 4, 5, 10, 20,
30, 33, 35, 36
16125 Soy sauce made from Daidzein 0.10 1 0.10 0.10 c 21
hydrolyzed vegetable
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Glycitein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 21
Total Isofl. 0.10 1 0.10 0.10 c 21
16123 Soy sauce made from soy Daidzein 0.93 0.24 3 0.60 1.40 b 5, 21, 34
and wheat (shoyu)
Genistein 0.82 0.21 5 0.30 1.54 a 5, 12, 21, 34
Glycitein 0.45 1 0.45 0.45 c 21
Total Isofl. 1.64 0.33 3 1.27 2.30 b 5, 21, 34
99063 Soy-based liquid formula Daidzein 0.14 1 0.14 0.14 c 6
for adults, ROSS,
Genistein 0.40 1 0.40 0.40 c 6
Total Isofl. 0.54 1 0.54 0.54 c 6
99064 Soy-based liquid formula Daidzein 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 6
for adults, ROSS,
Genistein 0.06 1 0.06 0.06 c 6
Total Isofl. 0.08 1 0.08 0.08 c 6
99065 Soy-based liquid formula Daidzein 0.03 1 0.03 0.03 c 6
for adults, ROSS,
Genistein 0.31 1 0.31 0.31 c 6
Total Isofl. 0.34 1 0.34 0.34 c 6
99072 Soybean chips Daidzein 26.71 1 26.71 26.71 c 5
Genistein 27.45 1 27.45 27.45 c 5
Total Isofl. 54.16 1 54.16 54.16 c 5
43299 Soybean curd cheese Daidzein 9.00 1 9.00 9.00 c 10
Genistein 19.20 1 19.20 19.20 c 10
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 16
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
Total Isofl. 28.20 1 28.20 28.20 c 10
99034 Soybean, curd, fermented Daidzein 14.30 1 14.30 14.30 c 36
Genistein 22.40 1 22.40 22.40 c 36
Glycitein 2.30 1 2.30 2.30 c 36
Total Isofl. 39.00 1 39.00 39.00 c 36
99030 Soybeans, Brazil, raw Daidzein 20.16 3.03 6 9.89 30.48 b 2
Genistein 67.47 13.40 6 28.28 110.98 b 2
Total Isofl. 87.63 14.51 6 42.54 141.46 b 2
99092 Soybeans, Japan, raw Daidzein 34.52 11.49 7 13.40 100.65 a 11, 37
Genistein 64.78 13.04 8 13.00 138.24 a 11, 37
Glycitein 13.78 1.64 6 9.10 20.40 b 37
Total Isofl. 118.51 22.16 7 68.80 238.89 a 11, 37
99093 Soybeans, Korea, raw Daidzein 72.68 6.12 18 21.00 124.20 a 3
Genistein 72.31 5.71 18 24.80 110.70 a 3
Total Isofl. 144.99 10.73 18 45.80 231.70 a 3
99040 Soybeans, Taiwan, raw Daidzein 28.21 1 28.21 28.21 c 11
Genistein 31.54 1 31.54 31.54 c 11
Total Isofl. 59.75 1 59.75 59.75 c 11
99035 Soybeans, flakes, defatted Daidzein 36.97 8.61 9 13.92 88.04 a 7, 8, 14, 29,
Genistein 85.69 14.67 9 44.41 156.06 a 7, 8, 14, 29,
Glycitein 14.23 2 1.71 26.76 c 7, 29
Total Isofl. 125.82 22.76 9 61.34 244.10 a 7, 8, 14, 29,
99036 Soybeans, flakes, full-fat Daidzein 48.23 2 22.10 74.35 c 7, 32
Genistein 79.98 2 28.00 131.96 c 7, 32
Glycitein 1.57 1 1.57 1.57 c 7
Total Isofl. 128.99 2 50.10 207.89 c 7, 32
11451 Soybeans, immature, Daidzein 6.85 1 6.85 6.85 c 11
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 17
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
cooked, boiled, drained, Genistein 6.94 1 6.94 6.94 c 11
without salt
Total Isofl. 13.79 1 13.79 13.79 c 11
11450 Soybeans, immature, Daidzein 9.27 1.62 3 6.62 12.20 c 10, 11, 24
seeds, raw (includes
Genistein 9.84 2.46 3 5.94 14.40 c 10, 11, 24
Glycitein 4.29 1 1.29 4.29 c 24
Total Isofl. 20.54 3.13 3 16.85 26.60 c 10, 11, 24
99100 Soybeans, green, mature Daidzein 67.79 4.58 4 54.60 75.35 b 24, 36
seeds, raw
Genistein 72.51 6.84 4 62.65 91.72 b 24, 36
Glycitein 10.88 2.98 4 6.72 19.69 b 24, 36
Total Isofl. 151.17 12.00 4 135.40 186.76 b 24, 36
16109 Soybeans, mature cooked, Daidzein 26.95 1 26.95 26.95 c 11
boiled, without salt
Genistein 27.71 1 27.71 27.71 c 11
Total Isofl. 54.66 1 54.66 54.66 c 11
16111 Soybeans, mature seeds, Daidzein 67.45 13.76 7 53.60 86.00 a 5, 10, 11, 24,
dry roasted (includes soy 36
Genistein 94.76 17.55 8 86.90 110.55 a 5, 10, 11, 12,
24, 36
Glycitein 13.36 11.87 5 0.00 30.70 a 10, 24, 36
Total Isofl. 176.94 16.69 7 151.00 201.90 a 5, 10, 11, 24,
16108 Soybeans, mature seeds, Daidzein 46.64 5.42 22 9.88 91.30 a 9, 10, 11, 17,
raw (US, food quality) 35, 36, 37
Genistein 73.76 6.80 22 20.67 134.10 a 9, 10, 11, 17,
35, 36, 37
Glycitein 10.88 0.74 16 4.80 16.70 a 10, 35, 36, 37
Total Isofl. 128.35 11.66 22 36.20 220.90 a 9, 10, 11, 17,
35, 36, 37
99091 Soybeans, mature seeds, Daidzein 52.20 5.30 14 20.74 79.23 a 7, 11, 34, 37
raw (US, commodity
Genistein 91.71 9.26 14 42.79 150.10 a 7, 11, 34, 37
Glycitein 12.07 1.41 11 4.22 18.14 a 7, 37
Total Isofl. 153.40 14.80 14 71.93 237.00 a 7, 11, 34, 37
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 18
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
11452 Soybeans, mature seeds, Daidzein 19.12 2.70 3 13.78 22.50 c 10, 34
sprouted, raw
Genistein 21.60 5.60 3 11.25 30.50 c 10, 34
Total Isofl. 40.71 8.25 3 25.03 53.00 c 10, 34
16167 Soylinks, frozen, cooked, Daidzein 0.75 1 0.75 0.75 c 21
Genistein 2.70 1 2.70 2.70 c 21
Glycitein 0.30 1 0.30 0.30 c 21
Total Isofl. 3.75 1 3.75 3.75 c 21
16166 Soylinks, frozen,raw, Daidzein 1.18 1 1.18 1.18 c 21
Genistein 2.45 1 2.45 2.45 c 21
Glycitein 0.30 1 0.30 0.30 c 21
Total Isofl. 3.93 1 3.93 3.93 c 21
02019 Spices, fenugreek seed Daidzein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 17
Genistein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 17
Total Isofl. 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 c 17
12036 Sunflower seed kernels, Daidzein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Genistein 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
Total Isofl. 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 c 19
99107 Tea, green, Japan Daidzein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 18
Genistein 0.04 1 0.04 0.04 c 18
Total Isofl. 0.05 1 0.05 0.05 c 18
99106 Tea, jasmine, Twinings Daidzein 0.01 1 0.01 0.01 c 18
Genistein 0.03 1 0.03 0.03 c 18
Total Isofl. 0.04 1 0.04 0.04 c 18
16114 Tempeh Daidzein 17.59 3.13 6 4.67 27.30 a 5, 13, 21, 26,
35, 36
Genistein 24.85 5.47 6 1.11 39.77 a 5, 13, 21, 26,
35, 36
Glycitein 2.10 0.67 3 0.90 3.20 b 21, 35, 36
Total Isofl. 43.52 8.34 6 6.88 62.50 a 5, 13, 21, 26,
35, 36
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 19
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
99081 Tempeh burger Daidzein 6.40 1 6.40 6.40 c 36
Genistein 19.60 1 19.60 19.60 c 36
Glycitein 3.00 1 3.00 3.00 c 36
Total Isofl. 29.00 1 29.00 29.00 c 36
16174 Tempeh, cooked Daidzein 19.25 1 19.25 19.25 c 21
Genistein 31.55 1 31.55 31.55 c 21
Glycitein 2.20 1 2.20 2.20 c 21
Total Isofl. 53.00 1 53.00 53.00 c 21
16162 Tofu, MORI-NU, silken, Daidzein 11.13 2 8.55 13.71 b 5, 21
Genistein 15.58 2 12.85 18.31 b 5, 21
Glycitein 2.40 1 2.40 2.40 c 21
Total Isofl. 27.91 2 23.80 32.02 b 5, 21
16128 Tofu, dried-frozen Daidzein 25.34 1 25.34 25.34 c 34
(koyadofu, kori tofu, or
Genistein 42.15 1 42.15 42.15 c 34
tung tou-fu)
Total Isofl. 67.49 1 67.49 67.49 c 34
99084 Tofu, AZUMAYA, extra Daidzein 8.00 1 8.00 8.00 c 21
firm, cooked (steamed)
Genistein 12.75 1 12.75 12.75 c 21
Glycitein 1.95 1 1.95 1.95 c 21
Total Isofl. 22.70 1 22.70 22.70 c 21
99083 Tofu, AZUMAYA, extra Daidzein 8.23 2 7.35 9.10 b 21
firm, prepared with nigari
Genistein 12.45 2 11.10 13.80 b 21
Glycitein 1.95 2 1.70 2.20 b 21
Total Isofl. 22.63 2 20.15 25.10 b 21
99085 Tofu, AZUMAYA, firm, Daidzein 12.80 1 12.80 12.80 c 21
Genistein 16.15 1 16.15 16.15 c 21
Glycitein 2.40 1 2.40 2.40 c 21
Total Isofl. 31.35 1 31.35 31.35 c 21
16126 Tofu, firm, prepared with Daidzein 9.44 1.68 6 2.90 14.55 a 6, 21, 34
calcium sulfate and nigari
Genistein 13.35 2.00 7 4.96 21.26 a 6, 12, 21, 34
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 20
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
Glycitein 2.08 0.15 4 1.70 2.40 a 21
Total Isofl. 24.74 3.77 6 7.85 34.55 a 6, 21, 34
16129 Tofu, fried (aburage) Daidzein 17.83 2.60 4 12.20 24.70 b 10, 21
Genistein 28.00 3.41 4 19.00 35.10 b 10, 21
Glycitein 3.37 1.07 3 1.60 5.30 b 10, 21
Total Isofl. 48.35 6.06 4 36.90 65.10 b 10, 21
16130 Tofu, okara Daidzein 5.39 2 0.57 10.20 c 21, 35
Genistein 6.48 2 1.95 11.00 c 21, 35
Glycitein 1.64 2 1.09 2.20 c 21, 35
Total Isofl. 13.51 2 3.61 23.40 c 21, 35
99097 Tofu, pressed (Tau kwa), Daidzein 13.60 1 13.60 13.60 c 10
Genistein 13.90 1 13.90 13.90 c 10
Glycitein 2.00 1 2.00 2.00 c 10
Total Isofl. 29.50 1 29.50 29.50 c 10
16427 Tofu, raw, regular, Daidzein 9.02 2.86 4 1.15 14.60 b 6, 11, 35, 36
prepared with calcium
Genistein 13.60 3.61 4 2.89 18.66 b 6, 11, 35, 36
Glycitein 1.98 2 1.05 2.90 c 35, 36
Total Isofl. 23.61 6.33 4 5.09 33.70 b 6, 11, 35, 36
16132 Tofu, salted and Daidzein 14.29 2 3.58 25.00 c 10, 34
fermented (fuyu)
Genistein 16.38 2 3.96 28.80 c 10, 34
Glycitein 5.00 1 5.00 5.00 c 10
Total Isofl. 33.17 2 7.54 58.80 c 10, 34
99086 Tofu, soft, VITASOY- Daidzein 8.59 1 8.59 8.59 c 6
Genistein 20.65 1 20.65 20.65 c 6
Total Isofl. 29.24 1 29.24 29.24 c 6
16127 Tofu, soft, prepared with Daidzein 11.99 2.69 7 3.44 25.80 a 6, 10, 21, 34
calcium sulfate and nigari
Genistein 18.23 3.77 7 5.26 37.70 a 6, 10, 21, 34
Glycitein 2.03 0.28 3 1.70 2.60 b 10, 21
Total Isofl. 31.10 6.19 7 8.70 63.50 a 6, 10, 21, 34
USDA-Iowa State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of Foods - Release 1-4, 2007 21
(Units = mg/100 g edible portion for Mean, Standard error of the mean (SEM), Min, and Max; #S = the total number
of means/individual values; CC=Confidence code)
NDB Description NutrDesc Mean SEM #S Min Max CC Reference No.
43476 Tofu, yogurt Daidzein 5.70 1 5.70 5.70 c 36
Genistein 9.40 1 9.40 9.40 c 36
Glycitein 1.20 1 1.20 1.20 c 36
Total Isofl. 16.30 1 16.30 16.30 c 36
23501 USDA Commodity, beef Daidzein 0.67 0.15 5 0.30 1.05 a 21
patties with VPP, frozen,
Genistein 1.09 0.19 5 0.50 1.65 a 21
Glycitein 0.10 0.03 5 0.00 0.20 a 21
Total Isofl. 1.86 0.35 5 0.90 2.90 a 21
23506 USDA Commodity, beef Daidzein 0.35 0.07 5 0.20 0.55 a 21
patties with VPP, frozen,
Genistein 0.77 0.12 5 0.35 1.10 a 21
Glycitein 0.02 0.02 5 0.00 0.10 a 21
Total Isofl. 1.14 0.20 5 0.55 1.75 a 21
22126 WORTHINGTON Daidzein 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 c 21
Genistein 2.05 1 2.05 2.05 c 21
BIG FRANKS, meatless
franks, canned Glycitein 0.30 1 0.30 0.30 c 21
Total Isofl. 3.35 1 3.35 3.35 c 21
22116 WORTHINGTON Daidzein 1.35 1 1.35 1.35 c 21
BIG FRANKS, meatless Genistein 2.00 1 2.00 2.00 c 21
franks, canned, prepared Glycitein 0.40 1 0.40 0.40 c 21
Total Isofl. 3.75 1 3.75 3.75 c 21
BIOCHANIN A ( mg/100g)
NDB N0. Food description Ref. No. Coumestrol Formononetin Biochanin A
6. Dwyer, J. T., Goldin, B. R., Saul, N., Gualtieri, L., Barakat, S. and Adlercreutz, H.
Tofu and soy drinks contain phytoestrogens.
J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 94, 1994, p.739-743.
tofu (Kikkoman), tofu (Nasoya soft), tofu (Vitasoy silken), soy drink(first alternative), soy based
formulas ( Jevity isotonic, Enrich, Glucerna)
Daidzein, Genistein
9. Fenner, G. P.
Low-temperature treatment of soybean (Glycine max) isoflavonoid aglycon extracts improves
gas chromatgraphic resolution.
J. Agric. Food Chem., 44(12), 1996, p.3727-3729.
Soybean meal (glycine max)
Daidzein, Genistein
garbanzo (dry), kidney beans (cooked), pinto beans (dry), white navy beans (dry), small lima
beans (dry), great northern beans (dry), pink beans (dry), blackeyed beans (dry), yellow split
beans (dry), mung beans (dry), red beans (boiled), lentils, urad dahl, masur dahl
Daidzein, Genistein, Coumestrol, Formononetin, Biochanin-A
12. Fukutake, M., Takahashi, M., Ishida, K., Kawamura, H., Sugimura, T., and
Wakabayashi, K.
Quantification of genistein and genistin in soybeans and soybean products.
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 34(5), 1996, p.457-461.
Soybeans, soy nuts, fava beans, soy powder, soymilk, tofu, miso, natto, soy sauce
16. Lu, L. W., Grady, J. J., Marshall, M. V., Ramanujam, V. M. S., and Anderson, K. E.
Altered time course of urinary daidzein and genistein excretion during chronic soya diet in
healthy males.
Nutr. Cancer, 24, 1995, p.311-323.
soymilk (Banyan Foods)
Daidzein, Genistein
17. Mazur, W.M., Duke, J. A., Wähälä, k., Rasku, S., and Adlercreutz, H.
Isoflavonoids and lignans in legumes: Nutritional and health aspects in humans.
Nutritional Biochemistry, 9, 1998, p.193-200.
soy beans (Centennial, dry) ,soy beans (INIAP, dry), soy beans (Santa rosa, dry), soy beans
(Chapman, dry), kidney beans (dry), red kidney beans (dry), pinto beans (dry), navy beans
(Haricot, dry), White kidney beans (dry), lima beans (dry), American groundnuts (dry), pigeon
peas (dry), chickpeas (Bengal gram, dry), spilt peas (green, yellow, chana dahl, dry), fenugreek,
broad beans (dry), black gram(dry), cowpeas (blackeyed peas, dry), mung beans (green gram,
dry), peanuts (groundnuts, dry), lentil (dry)
Daidzein, Genistein, Coumestrol, Formononetin, Biochanin-A, lignans (SECO, Matairesinol)
18. Mazur, W. M., Wähälä, K., Rasku, S., Salakka, A., Hase, T., and Adlercreutz, H.
Lignan and isoflavonoid concentrations in tea and coffee.
Brit. J. Nutr., 79(1), 1998, p.37-45.
Jasmine tea, green tea (Japan).
Daidzein, Genistein, Coumestrol, lignans (SECO, Matairesinol)
19. Mazur, W., Fotsis, T., Wähälä, K., Ojala, S., Salakka, A. and Adlercreutz, H.
Isotope dilution gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the determination of
isoflavonoids, coumestrol, and lignans in food samples.
Anal. Biochem., 233(2), 1996, p.169-180.
granola candy bar (USA), 9-grain bread, crisp bread, Finn crisp bread, sunflower seeds, country
rye bread, lapacho tea (Tacoma heptaphylla), flax seed, soy flour (soyolk flour, Spillers, UK)
Daidzein, Genistein, Coumestrol, Formononetin, Biochanin-A, lignans (SECO, Matairesinol)
21. Murphy, P. A., Song. T., Buseman, G., Barua, K., Beecher, G. R., Trainer, D., and
Holden, J.
Isoflavones in retail and institutional soy foods.
J. Agric. Food Chem. In press.
Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein
Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein
25. Naim, M., Gestetner, B., Zilkah, S., Birk, Y., and Bondi, A.
Soybean isoflavones, characterization, determination, and antifungal activity.
J. Agric. Food Chem., 22, 1976, p.806-810.
soybean flour (Wayne var.-1969)
Daidzein, Genistein, glycitein
27. Padgette, S. R., Taylor, N. B., Nida, D. L., Bailey, M. R., MacDonald, J., Holden, L. R., and
Fuchs, R. L.
The composition of glyphosate-tolerant soybean seeds is equivalent to that of conventional
J. Nutr., 126(3), 1996, p.702-716.
soybean meal (A5403, Asgrow maturity group V, 1993)
Daidzein, Genistein
Source of antioxidant activity of soybeans and soy products.
J. Food Sci., 44, 1979, p.1720-1722.
soybeans, Corsoy var., Glycine max
Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein,Cinnamic acids (Chlorogenic, Caffeic, p-coumeric, Ferulic)
33. Wang, C., Ma, Q., Pagadala, S., Sherrad, MS., and Krishnan, PG.
Changes of isoflavones during processing of soy protein isolates.
J. Am. Oil Chemists Society, 75(3), 1998, p.337-341.
Soy flour (defatted), soy protein isolate (made in lab)
Daidzein, Genistein, Glycitein
34. Wang, G., Kuan, S. S., Francis, O. J., Ware, G. M., and Carman, A. S.
A simplified HPLC method for the determination of phytoestrogens in soybean and its processed
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soybeans, defatted soy meal, tofu-hard, tofu-soft, tofu-dry-spiced, soymilk skin(film), soymilk,
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