Fairfax Youth Survey Grade 6

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2021 6th Grade Survey_- 8/30/21 5:44 PM Page 1

baa aab

( )
( 80. People in my family often insult or yell at 85. Knowing how to say "no" when someone
( )
each other. wants me to do things I know are wrong or
dangerous is … Youth Survey of 6th Grade Students )
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!! )
( 81. During the past 30 days, how often did you ~ Not at all like me Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study. These questions ask your opinion about a number of )
( go hungry because there was not enough ~ A little like me )
( ~ Somewhat like me things concerning you, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, and your community. )
food in your home?
( ~ Quite like me )
( ~ Never ~ Very much like me DO NOT write your name on this survey. Your individual answers to the survey are anonymous, )
( ~ Rarely )

( ~ Sometimes which means that no one will know how you answered. Student answers will be summarized in a )
86. Thinking through the possible good and
( ~ Most of the time bad results of different choices before I report that will not include anyone’s name. This survey is completely voluntary. You can skip any )
( ~ Always make decisions is … questions that you do not want to answer. )
( )
( The next section asks about your experiences related ~ Not at all like me )
( to civic engagement. ~ A little like me Be sure to read the instructions below before you begin. Thank you very much. )
( ~ Somewhat like me )
( During the last 12 months, how many times ~ Quite like me )
( have you: ~ Very much like me INSTRUCTIONS )
( )
( 82. …been a leader in a group or organization? 1. This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. )
How much do you agree or disagree with the
( following statements?: )
( ~ Never 2. All of the questions should be answered by marking one of the answer spaces unless the )
( ~ Once 87. I get along well with students who are )
( ~ Twice directions tell you that you may choose more than one. If you do not find an answer that fits )
different from me.
( ~ 3-4 times exactly, use the one that comes closest. If any question does not apply to you, or you are not )
( ~ 5 or more times ~ Strongly Agree sure what it means, just leave it blank. )
( ~ Agree )
( 83. …helped make sure that all people are ~ Not Sure )
( treated fairly? ~ Disagree 3. For questions that have the following answers: NO!! no yes YES!! )
( ~ Strongly Disagree )
( ~ Never )
( ~ Once Mark the big YES!! if you think the statement is DEFINITELY TRUE for you. )
88. I know how to disagree without starting an
( ~ Twice argument or fight. Mark the little yes if you think the statement is MOSTLY TRUE for you. )
( ~ 3-4 times Mark the little no if you think the statement is MOSTLY NOT TRUE for you. )
( ~ 5 or more times ~ Strongly Agree )
( ~ Agree Mark the big NO!! if you think the statement is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE for you. )
( Think about the people who know you well. How ~ Not Sure )
( do you think they would rate you on each of these? ~ Disagree Example: Chocolate is the best ice cream flavor. )
( ~ Strongly Disagree )
( People who know me would say this: ~@@@~@@@~@@@!@@
NO!! no yes YES!! )
( 89. How honest were you in filling out this )
( 84. Giving up when things get hard for me is … survey?
4. Your answers will be read automatically by a scanner and computer. Please follow these )
( instructions carefully. )
( ~ Not at all like me ~ I was very honest )
( ~ A little like me ~ I was honest pretty much of the time )
( ~ Somewhat like me ~ I was honest some of the time MARKING INSTRUCTIONS )
( ~ Quite like me ~ I was honest once in a while )
( ~ Very much like me ~ I was not honest at all a. Use a No. 2 pencil or a blue or black pen only. )
( This kind of mark will work: )

( b. Do not use pens with ink that soaks through the paper. Correct Mark )
( )
( ~@~@!@~@~ )
c. Make solid marks that fill the response completely.
( These kinds of marks will NOT work: )
( This is the end of the survey. d. Make no stray marks on this form.
Incorrect Marks )
( v y w x
~@~@~@~@~ )
( Thank you for participating. )
( )
( )
( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
(] ] ]]] 8
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2021 6th Grade Survey_- 8/30/21 5:44 PM Page 2

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( )
( These questions ask for some 8. Has your parent or guardian ever served in 67. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, 74. …drink a can, bottle, or glass of a sugar- )
( the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, used other illegal drugs (not counting sweetened beverage such as lemonade, )
( general information about the people Coast Guard, Space Force, National Guard, alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana)? sweetened tea or coffee drinks, flavored )
( completing the survey. and Reserves)? milk, Snapple, or Sunny Delight? (Do not )
( ~Yes ~No )
~Yes count soda or pop, sports drinks, energy
( Please mark the response that best 68. During the past 30 days, on how many days drinks, or 100% fruit juice.) )
( ~No )
did you use other illegal drugs (not counting
( describes you. ~Not Sure
alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana)?
~I did not drink sugar-sweetened beverages during )
( 1. How old are you? the past 7 days )
( ~None ~6-9 days ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
~10 or younger 9. Do you have someone in your family (like a ~1-2 days ~10 or more days ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days
( parent, brother, sister) who is currently in the )
( ~ 11 ~3-5 days ~1 time per day )
~ 12 military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, ~2 times per day
( Coast Guard, Space Force, National Guard, How easy or hard would it be for you to get: )

( ~ 13 ~3 times per day )

~ 14 or older and Reserves)? ~4 or more times per day

( 69. …beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, )
( ~Yes
~No vodka, whiskey, or gin)? 75. ...did you drink a can, bottle, or glass of an )
( 2. What grade are you in? energy drink, such as Red Bull or Jolt? (Do )
( ~Not Sure ~Very hard ~Sort of easy
~5th ~Sort of hard ~ºVery easy not count diet energy drinks or sports drinks )
( ~6th such as Gatorade or PowerAde.) )
( ~7th
The next section asks about your experiences at
70. …some cigarettes? )
( school. ~I did not drink energy drinks during the past 7 days )
( ~Very hard ~Sort of easy ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( 3. Are you: ~Sort of hard ~Very easy ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
10. Putting them all together, what were your ~1 time per day
( ~Female grades like last year? The next section asks about food you ate or drank )
( ~Male ~2 times per day )
~Mostly Fs during the past 7 days. Think about all the meals and ~3 times per day
( snacks you had from the time you got up until you )
( 4. What do you consider yourself to be? ~Mostly Ds ~4 or more times per day )
~Mostly Cs went to bed. Be sure to include food you ate at
( Select ONE only. home, at school, at restaurants, or anywhere else. 76. ...drink a can, bottle, or glass of a sports )
( ~Mostly Bs
~Hispanic or Latino ~Mostly As drink, such as Gatorade or PowerAde? (Do )
( not count low-calorie sports drinks such as )
( ~Not Hispanic nor Latino During the past 7 days, how many times did you: )
Propel or G2.)
( 11. I think sometimes it is okay to cheat at school. )
( 5. What do you consider yourself to be? 71. …eat fruit? Do not count fruit juice. ~I did not drink sports drinks during the past 7 days )
( Select ONE OR MORE. ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~I did not eat fruit during the past 7 days ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( ~American Indian or Alaskan native ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
( ~Asian ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days ~1 time per day )
How much do you agree or disagree with the ~2 times per day
( ~Black or African-American following? ~1 time per day )
( ~Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ~2 times per day ~3 times per day )
( ~White ~3 times per day ~4 or more times per day )
12. I can do well in school if I want to.
( ~4 or more times per day )
( 6. Think of where you live most of the time. ~Strongly Agree The next few questions ask about your family. When )
( Which of the following people live there ~Agree 72. …eat vegetables? answering these questions, please think about the )
( with you? Choose ALL that apply. ~Not Sure ~I did not eat vegetables during the past 7 days people you consider to be your family; for example, )
( ~Disagree ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days parents, stepparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. )
( ~Mother ~Other adults ~Strongly Disagree ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
( ~ Father ~Sister(s) ~1 time per day
77. How many times have you changed homes )
( ~ Stepmother ~Brother(s) ~2 times per day
since kindergarten? )
~ Stepfather ~Stepsister(s) 13. I feel safe at my school.
( ~None )

~3 times per day
( ~ Grandmother(s) ~Stepbrother(s) ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~4 or more times per day ~1-2 times )
( ~ Grandfather(s) ~Other children ~3-4 times )
( ~ Foster parent 73. …drink a can, bottle, or glass of soda or ~5-6 times )
14. My teacher notices when I am doing a good pop (such as Coke, Pepsi, or Sprite)? Do not
( job and lets me know about it. ~7 or more times )
( 7. What language do you use most often at include diet soda or diet pop. )
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!! 78. My parents ask me what I think before most )
home? ~I did not drink soda or pop during the past 7 days family decisions affecting me are made.
( ~Amharic ~Korean ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( ~Arabic ~Spanish 15. The school lets my parents know when I have ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days ~NO!! ~no ~yes ~YES!! )
( ~Chinese ~Urdu done something well. ~1 time per day )
( 79. If I had a personal problem, I could ask my )
~English ~Vietnamese ~2 times per day mom or dad for help.
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~3 times per day )
( ~Farsi ~Other ~NO!! ~no ~yes ~YES!! )
~4 or more times per day
( )
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( )
(51.…smoke marijuana regularly? 59. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, The next section asks about your feelings and How important is each of the following to you )
( had more than a sip or two of beer, wine, or experiences in other parts of your life. in your life? )
( ~No risk Remember, your answers are confidential. )
~Slight risk hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey,
( or gin)? 23. … Accepting responsibility for my actions )
( ~Moderate risk )
~Great risk ~Yes ~No 16. During the past 12 months, did you ever when I make a mistake or get in trouble.
( )
( 52. …take one or two drinks of an alcoholic feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for ~ Extremely Important )
( 60. During the past 30 days, on how many days two weeks or more in a row that you ~ Quite Important )
beverage (beer, wine, liquor) nearly every day? did you drink beer, wine, or hard liquor? stopped doing some usual activities?
( ~ Not Sure )
( ~ No risk
~None ~Yes ~No ~ Somewhat Important )

( ~Slight risk ~1-2 days ~ Not Important )
( ~Moderate risk ~3-5 days )
( ~Great risk 17. Stress means a situation in which a person )
~6-9 days feels tense, restless, nervous, or anxious, or is 24. … Doing my best even when I have to do a )
( 53. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? ~10 or more days job I don't like.
( unable to sleep at night because their mind is )
( ~Never troubled all the time. Within the last 30 days, ~ Extremely Important )
61. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, how often have you felt this kind of stress?
( ~Once or twice smoked marijuana? ~ Quite Important )
( ~Once in a while but not regularly ~None of the time ~ Not Sure )
~Regularly in the past ~Yes ~No ~A little of the time
( ~ Somewhat Important )
( ~Regularly now ~Some of the time ~ Not Important )
62. During the past 30 days, on how many
( 54. How often have you smoked cigarettes days did you use marijuana? ~Most of the time )
( during the past 30 days? ~All of the time How much do you agree or disagree with the )
( ~None )
~ ~ following?
( Not at all 1-2 days )
( ~ ~ 18. I ignore rules that get in my way.
25. … When things don't go well for me, I am )
Less than one cigarette per day 3-5 days
( ~ ~ ~ Very false good at finding a way to make things better. )
One to five cigarettes per day 6-9 days
( ~ About one-half pack per day ~ 10 or more days ~ Somewhat false )
( ~ About one pack per day ~ Somewhat true ~ Strongly Agree )
( ~More than one pack per day 63. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, ~ Very true ~ Agree )
( 55. To “vape” is to use a device such as a sniffed glue, breathed (huffed) the contents ~ Not Sure )
( of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other ~ Disagree )
vape-pen, an e-cigarette, an e-hookah, or e- gases or sprays in order to get high? 19. There are lots of adults in my neighborhood
( vaporizer to inhale a mist or vapor into the ~ Strongly Disagree )
( I could talk to about something important. )
lungs. Have you ever vaped? ~Yes ~No
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
26. … I feel as if I can solve most problems in )
( ~Yes ~No 64. During the past 30 days, on how many days )
my life.
( On how many occasions (if any) have you: did you sniff glue, breathe (huff) the contents )
( 20. My neighbors notice when I am doing a ~ Strongly Agree )
of an aerosol spray can, or inhale other gases good job and let me know about it.
( 56. …vaped nicotine during the past 30 days? or sprays in order to get high? ~ Agree )
( ~None ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!! ~ Not Sure )
( ~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions ~ Disagree )
~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~ 1-2 days
( ~ 3-5 days ~ Strongly Disagree )
( ~3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions During the past 30 days, on how many days did )
~6-9 occasions ~ 6-9 days you:
( ~10 or more days 27. …I have much in life to be thankful for. )
( 57. …vaped marijuana during the past 30 days? )
( 21. …carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or ~ Strongly Agree )
~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions 65. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, club?
( used cabeniferol (“cabbies”)? ~ Agree )
( ~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~@@@@@@@@~
0 days 4 or 5 days ~ Not Sure )
( ~3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions ~Yes ~No ~@@@@@@@@~
1 day 6 or more days ~ Disagree )
( ~ 6-9 occasions ~ 2 or 3 days ~ Strongly Disagree )
( 58. …vaped flavoring, without any nicotine or 66. During the past 30 days, on how many days )

( did you use cabeniferol (“cabbies”)? )
marijuana in it during the past 30 days?? 22. …carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or
( ~None )
( ~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions club on school property? )
~1-2 days
( ~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~3-5 days ~@@@@@@@@~
0 days 4 or 5 days )
( ~ 3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions ~6-9 days ~@@@@@@@@~
1 day 6 or more days )
( ~6-9 occasions ~10 or more days ~ 2 or 3 days )
( )
( )
( )
( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
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( )
( How much do you do the following when you 33. …staying after school to participate in a The next section asks about things you might have done, 45. How often did a parent or adult in your )
( have a problem of any kind? team, club, program, etc.? or that might have happened to you. Some of the home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt )
( questions are about bullying. Bullying is when 1 or you in any way? Do not include spanking. )
( 28. I try to find different solutions to the ~ None more students tease, threaten, spread rumors about, hit, )
( ~ Half hour or less shove, or hurt another student over and over again. ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
problem. ~ Between a half hour and an hour ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times
( Bullying is any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is )
( ~ A lot ~ 1 hour intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; ~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ Sometimes ~ 2 hours involves a real or perceived power imbalance between ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ A little ~ 3 hours or more the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated )
( ~ Never Cyberbullying is electronic bullying, such as )
over time or causes severe emotional trauma. It is not
( through e-mail, chat rooms, texting, Instagram, )
34. …participating in a team, club, program, etc. bullying when 2 students of about the same strength or
( How many times have you: Facebook, or other social media. )
somewhere other than at school? power argue or fight or tease each other in a friendly
( way. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, )

( 29. …participated in school or non-school- ~ None 46. How many times in the past year have you )

horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.

( ~ Half hour or less been cyberbullied by a student who attends )
based activities after the regular school day ~ Between a half hour and an hour your school?
( ended (e.g., sports, clubs, art or music Remember, your answers are confidential. )
( ~ 1 hour ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
groups, student government, scouting, etc.)? ~ 2 hours
( 38. During the past 12 months, have you ever ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~ Never ~ 3 hours or more ~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
bullied someone else on school property?
( ~ I’ve done it, but not in the past year ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ Less than once a month ~Yes ~No )
On an average school day, how many hours do
( ~ About once a month you: 39. During the past 12 months, have you ever 47. How many times in the past year have you )
( ~ Two or three times a month bullied someone else away from school cyberbullied a student attending your school? )
( ~ Once a week or more 35. …watch TV? property? ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
( ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( 30. …volunteered to do community service? ~ Not at all ~Yes ~No )
~ Less than 1 hour per day ~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times
( ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ Never ~ 1 hour per day During the past 12 months, have you ever: )
( ~ I’ve done it, but not in the past year ~ 2 hours per day )
~ 3 hours per day 40. …been bullied on school property? 48. Do you agree or disagree that harassment
( ~ Less than once a month and bullying by other students is a problem )
( ~ About once a month ~ 4 hours per day ~Yes ~No )
~ 5 or more hours per day at your school?
( ~ Two or three times a month )
( ~ Once a week or more 41. …been bullied away from school property? ~Strongly Agree )
( ~Yes ~No ~Agree )
36. …play video or computer games or use a ~Neutral
( On an average school day, how many hours do computer for something that is not school )
( you spend: 42. How many times in the past year have you ~Disagree )
work? (Count time spent playing games, said something bad about someone's race or ~Strongly Disagree
( watching videos, texting, or using social media )
( 31. …doing homework outside of school? culture? )
on your smartphone, computer, Xbox,
( PlayStation, iPad, or other tablet.) ~Never ~10 to 19 times The next section asks about your experiences with )
( ~ None ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. )
( ~ Half hour or less ~ Not at all ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ Between a half hour and an hour ~ Less than 1 hour per day ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
~ 1 hour per day How much do you think people risk harming
( ~ 1 hour themselves (physically or in other ways) if they: )
( ~ 2 hours ~ 2 hours per day How many times in the past year has anyone )
( ~ 3 hours or more ~ 3 hours per day done any of the following TO YOU:
~ 4 hours per day 49. …smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per )
( day? )
( 32. …going to work? ~ 5 or more hours per day 43. …said something bad about your race or )
( culture? ~No risk )

( ~ None ~Never ~10 to 19 times ~Slight risk )
37. During the past 7 days, on how many days ~Moderate risk
( ~ Half hour or less were you physically active for a total of at ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~ Between a half hour and an hour ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times ~Great risk )
least 60 minutes per day?
( ~ 1 hour Add up all the time you spend in any kind of ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ 2 hours 50. …try marijuana once or twice? )
physical activity that increases your heart rate 44. How many times in the past year has a
( ~ 3 hours or more and makes you breathe hard some of the time. ~No risk )
( parent or adult in your household bullied, )
taunted, ridiculed, or teased you? ~Slight risk
( ~@@@@@@~
0 days 4 days
~Moderate risk )
( ~@@@@@@~
1 day 5 days ~Never ~10 to 19 times ~Great risk )
( ~@@@@@@~
2 days 6 days ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~@@@@@@~
3 days 7 days ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( )
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( )
( How much do you do the following when you 33. …staying after school to participate in a The next section asks about things you might have done, 45. How often did a parent or adult in your )
( have a problem of any kind? team, club, program, etc.? or that might have happened to you. Some of the home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt )
( questions are about bullying. Bullying is when 1 or you in any way? Do not include spanking. )
( 28. I try to find different solutions to the ~ None more students tease, threaten, spread rumors about, hit, )
( ~ Half hour or less shove, or hurt another student over and over again. ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
problem. ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times
( ~ Between a half hour and an hour Bullying is any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is )
( ~ A lot ~ 1 hour intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; ~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ Sometimes ~ 2 hours involves a real or perceived power imbalance between ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ A little ~ 3 hours or more the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated )
( ~ Never Cyberbullying is electronic bullying, such as )
over time or causes severe emotional trauma. It is not
( through e-mail, chat rooms, texting, Instagram, )
34. …participating in a team, club, program, etc. bullying when 2 students of about the same strength or
( How many times have you: Facebook, or other social media. )
somewhere other than at school? power argue or fight or tease each other in a friendly
( way. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, )

( 29. …participated in school or non-school- ~ None 46. How many times in the past year have you )
horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
( ~ Half hour or less been cyberbullied by a student who attends )
based activities after the regular school day your school?
( ended (e.g., sports, clubs, art or music ~ Between a half hour and an hour Remember, your answers are confidential. )
( groups, student government, scouting, etc.)? ~ 1 hour ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
( ~ 2 hours 38. During the past 12 months, have you ever ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~ Never ~ 3 hours or more bullied someone else on school property? ~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ I’ve done it, but not in the past year ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ Less than once a month ~Yes ~No )
On an average school day, how many hours do
( ~ About once a month you: 39. During the past 12 months, have you ever 47. How many times in the past year have you )
( ~ Two or three times a month bullied someone else away from school cyberbullied a student attending your school? )
( ~ Once a week or more 35. …watch TV? property? ~Never ~10 to 19 times )
( ~1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( 30. …volunteered to do community service? ~ Not at all ~Yes ~No )
~3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times
( ~ Less than 1 hour per day ~6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ Never ~ 1 hour per day During the past 12 months, have you ever: )
( ~ I’ve done it, but not in the past year ~ 2 hours per day 48. Do you agree or disagree that harassment )
( ~ Less than once a month ~ 3 hours per day 40. …been bullied on school property?
and bullying by other students is a problem )
( ~ About once a month ~ 4 hours per day ~Yes ~No at your school? )
( ~ Two or three times a month ~ 5 or more hours per day )
( ~ Once a week or more 41. …been bullied away from school property? ~Strongly Agree )
( ~Yes ~No ~Agree )
36. …play video or computer games or use a ~Neutral
( On an average school day, how many hours do computer for something that is not school )
( you spend: 42. How many times in the past year have you ~Disagree )
work? (Count time spent playing games, said something bad about someone's race or ~Strongly Disagree
( watching videos, texting, or using social media )
( 31. …doing homework outside of school? culture? )
on your smartphone, computer, Xbox,
( PlayStation, iPad, or other tablet.) ~Never ~10 to 19 times The next section asks about your experiences with )
( ~ None ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. )
( ~ Half hour or less ~ Not at all ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ Between a half hour and an hour ~ Less than 1 hour per day ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times How much do you think people risk harming )
( ~ 1 hour ~ 1 hour per day themselves (physically or in other ways) if they: )
( ~ 2 hours ~ 2 hours per day How many times in the past year has anyone )
( ~ 3 hours or more ~ 3 hours per day done any of the following TO YOU:
49. …smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per )
( ~ 4 hours per day day? )
( 32. …going to work? ~ 5 or more hours per day 43. …said something bad about your race or )
( culture? ~No risk )

b ab
( ~ None ~Never ~10 to 19 times ~Slight risk )
37. During the past 7 days, on how many days ~Moderate risk
( ~ Half hour or less were you physically active for a total of at ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~ Between a half hour and an hour ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times ~Great risk )
least 60 minutes per day?
( ~ 1 hour Add up all the time you spend in any kind of ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( ~ 2 hours 50. …try marijuana once or twice? )
physical activity that increases your heart rate 44. How many times in the past year has a
( ~ 3 hours or more and makes you breathe hard some of the time. ~No risk )
( parent or adult in your household bullied, )
taunted, ridiculed, or teased you? ~Slight risk
( ~@@@@@@~
0 days 4 days
~Moderate risk )
( ~@@@@@@~ 5 days
1 day ~Never ~10 to 19 times ~Great risk )
( ~@@@@@@~
2 days 6 days ~ 1 to 2 times ~20 to 29 times )
( ~@@@@@@~ 7 days
3 days ~ 3 to 5 times ~30 to 39 times )
( ~ 6 to 9 times ~40 or more times )
( )
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( )
(51.…smoke marijuana regularly? 59. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, The next section asks about your feelings and How important is each of the following to you )
( had more than a sip or two of beer, wine, or experiences in other parts of your life. in your life? )
( ~No risk Remember, your answers are confidential. )
~Slight risk hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey,
( or gin)? 23. … Accepting responsibility for my actions )
( ~Moderate risk )
~Great risk ~Yes ~No 16. During the past 12 months, did you ever when I make a mistake or get in trouble.
( )
( 52. …take one or two drinks of an alcoholic feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for ~ Extremely Important )
( 60. During the past 30 days, on how many days two weeks or more in a row that you ~ Quite Important )
beverage (beer, wine, liquor) nearly every day? did you drink beer, wine, or hard liquor? stopped doing some usual activities?
( ~ Not Sure )
( ~ No risk
~None ~Yes ~No ~ Somewhat Important )

( ~Slight risk ~ Not Important )

~1-2 days
( ~Moderate risk ~3-5 days )
( ~Great risk 17. Stress means a situation in which a person )
~6-9 days feels tense, restless, nervous, or anxious, or is 24. … Doing my best even when I have to do a )
( 53. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? ~10 or more days job I don't like.
( unable to sleep at night because their mind is )
( ~Never troubled all the time. Within the last 30 days, ~ Extremely Important )
61. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, how often have you felt this kind of stress?
( ~Once or twice smoked marijuana? ~ Quite Important )
( ~Once in a while but not regularly ~None of the time ~ Not Sure )
~Regularly in the past ~Yes ~No ~A little of the time
( ~ Somewhat Important )
( ~Regularly now ~Some of the time ~ Not Important )
62. During the past 30 days, on how many
( 54. How often have you smoked cigarettes days did you use marijuana? ~Most of the time )
( during the past 30 days? ~All of the time How much do you agree or disagree with the )
( ~None )
~ ~ following?
( Not at all 1-2 days )
( ~ ~ 18. I ignore rules that get in my way.
25. … When things don't go well for me, I am )
Less than one cigarette per day 3-5 days
( ~ ~ ~ Very false good at finding a way to make things better. )
One to five cigarettes per day 6-9 days
( ~ About one-half pack per day ~ 10 or more days ~ Somewhat false )
( ~ About one pack per day ~ Somewhat true ~ Strongly Agree )
( ~More than one pack per day 63. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, ~ Very true ~ Agree )
( 55. To “vape” is to use a device such as a sniffed glue, breathed (huffed) the contents ~ Not Sure )
( of an aerosol spray can, or inhaled other ~ Disagree )
vape-pen, an e-cigarette, an e-hookah, or e- gases or sprays in order to get high? 19. There are lots of adults in my neighborhood
( vaporizer to inhale a mist or vapor into the ~ Strongly Disagree )
( I could talk to about something important. )
lungs. Have you ever vaped? ~Yes ~No
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
26. … I feel as if I can solve most problems in )
( ~Yes ~No 64. During the past 30 days, on how many days )
my life.
( On how many occasions (if any) have you: did you sniff glue, breathe (huff) the contents )
( 20. My neighbors notice when I am doing a ~ Strongly Agree )
of an aerosol spray can, or inhale other gases good job and let me know about it.
( 56. …vaped nicotine during the past 30 days? or sprays in order to get high? ~ Agree )
( ~None ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!! ~ Not Sure )
( ~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions ~ Disagree )
~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~ 1-2 days
( ~ 3-5 days ~ Strongly Disagree )
( ~3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions During the past 30 days, on how many days did )
~6-9 occasions ~ 6-9 days you:
( ~10 or more days 27. …I have much in life to be thankful for. )
( 57. …vaped marijuana during the past 30 days? )
( 21. …carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or ~ Strongly Agree )
~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions 65. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, club?
( used cabeniferol (“cabbies”)? ~ Agree )
( ~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~@@@@@@@@~
0 days 4 or 5 days ~ Not Sure )
( ~3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions ~Yes ~No ~@@@@@@@@~
1 day 6 or more days ~ Disagree )
( ~ 6-9 occasions ~ 2 or 3 days ~ Strongly Disagree )
( 58. …vaped flavoring, without any nicotine or 66. During the past 30 days, on how many days )

( did you use cabeniferol (“cabbies”)? )
marijuana in it during the past 30 days?? 22. …carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or
( ~None )
( ~0 occasions ~10-19 occasions club on school property? )
~1-2 days
( ~1-2 occasions ~20-39 occasions ~3-5 days ~@@@@@@@@~
0 days 4 or 5 days )
( ~ 3-5 occasions ~40 or more occasions ~6-9 days ~@@@@@@@@~
1 day 6 or more days )
( ~6-9 occasions ~10 or more days ~ 2 or 3 days )
( )
( )
( )
( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
(] ] ]]] ] 6
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2021 6th Grade Survey_- 8/30/21 5:44 PM Page 2

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( )
( These questions ask for some 8. Has your parent or guardian ever served in 67. Have you ever, even once in your lifetime, 74. …drink a can, bottle, or glass of a sugar- )
( the military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, used other illegal drugs (not counting sweetened beverage such as lemonade, )
( general information about the people Coast Guard, Space Force, National Guard, alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana)? sweetened tea or coffee drinks, flavored )
( completing the survey. and Reserves)? milk, Snapple, or Sunny Delight? (Do not )
( ~Yes ~No )
~Yes count soda or pop, sports drinks, energy
( Please mark the response that best 68. During the past 30 days, on how many days drinks, or 100% fruit juice.) )
( ~No )
did you use other illegal drugs (not counting
( describes you. ~Not Sure
alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana)?
~I did not drink sugar-sweetened beverages during )
( 1. How old are you? the past 7 days )
( ~None ~6-9 days ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
~10 or younger 9. Do you have someone in your family (like a ~1-2 days ~10 or more days ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days
( parent, brother, sister) who is currently in the )
( ~ 11 ~3-5 days ~1 time per day )
~ 12 military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, ~2 times per day
( Coast Guard, Space Force, National Guard, How easy or hard would it be for you to get: )

( ~ 13 ~3 times per day )
~ 14 or older and Reserves)? ~4 or more times per day
( 69. …beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, )
( ~Yes
~No vodka, whiskey, or gin)? 75. ...did you drink a can, bottle, or glass of an )
( 2. What grade are you in? energy drink, such as Red Bull or Jolt? (Do )
( ~Not Sure ~Very hard ~Sort of easy
~5th ~Sort of hard ~ Very easy not count diet energy drinks or sports drinks )
( ~6th such as Gatorade or PowerAde.) )
( ~7th
The next section asks about your experiences at
70. …some cigarettes? )
( school. ~I did not drink energy drinks during the past 7 days )
( ~Very hard ~Sort of easy ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( 3. Are you: ~Sort of hard ~Very easy ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
10. Putting them all together, what were your ~1 time per day
( ~Female grades like last year? The next section asks about food you ate or drank )
( ~Mle ~2 times per day )
~Mostly Fs during the past 7 days. Think about all the meals and ~3 times per day
( snacks you had from the time you got up until you )
( 4. What do you consider yourself to be? ~Mostly Ds ~4 or more times per day )
~Mostly Cs went to bed. Be sure to include food you ate at
( Select ONE only. home, at school, at restaurants, or anywhere else. 76. ...drink a can, bottle, or glass of a sports )
( ~Mostly Bs
~Hispanic or Latino ~Mostly As drink, such as Gatorade or PowerAde? (Do )
( not count low-calorie sports drinks such as )
( ~Not Hispanic nor Latino During the past 7 days, how many times did you: )
Propel or G2.)
( 11. I think sometimes it is okay to cheat at school. )
( 5. What do you consider yourself to be? 71. …eat fruit? Do not count fruit juice. ~I did not drink sports drinks during the past 7 days )
( Select ONE OR MORE. ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~I did not eat fruit during the past 7 days ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( ~American Indian or Alaskan native ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
( ~Asian ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days ~1 time per day )
How much do you agree or disagree with the ~2 times per day
( ~Black or African-American following? ~1 time per day )
( ~Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ~2 times per day ~3 times per day )
( ~White ~3 times per day ~4 or more times per day )
12. I can do well in school if I want to.
( ~4 or more times per day )
( 6. Think of where you live most of the time. ~Strongly Agree The next few questions ask about your family. When )
( Which of the following people live there ~Agree 72. …eat vegetables? answering these questions, please think about the )
( with you? Choose ALL that apply. ~Not Sure ~I did not eat vegetables during the past 7 days people you consider to be your family; for example, )
( ~Disagree ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days parents, stepparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. )
( ~Mother ~Other adults ~Strongly Disagree ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days )
( ~ Father ~Sister(s) ~1 time per day
77. How many times have you changed homes )
( ~ Stepmother ~Brother(s) ~2 times per day
since kindergarten? )
~ Stepfather ~Stepsister(s) 13. I feel safe at my school.
( ~None )

~3 times per day

( ~ Grandmother(s) ~Stepbrother(s) ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~4 or more times per day ~1-2 times )
( ~ Grandfather(s) ~Other children ~3-4 times )
( ~ Foster parent 73. …drink a can, bottle, or glass of soda or ~5-6 times )
14. My teacher notices when I am doing a good pop (such as Coke, Pepsi, or Sprite)? Do not
( job and lets me know about it. ~7 or more times )
( 7. What language do you use most often at include diet soda or diet pop. )
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!! 78. My parents ask me what I think before most )
home? ~I did not drink soda or pop during the past 7 days family decisions affecting me are made.
( ~Amharic ~Korean ~1 to 3 times during the past 7 days )
( ~Arabic ~Spanish 15. The school lets my parents know when I have ~4 to 6 times during the past 7 days ~NO!! ~no ~yes ~YES!! )
( ~Chinese ~Urdu done something well. ~1 time per day )
( 79. If I had a personal problem, I could ask my )
~English ~Vietnamese ~2 times per day mom or dad for help.
( ~@@@@~@@@@~@@@@~
NO!! no yes YES!!
~3 times per day )
( ~Farsi ~Other ~NO!! ~no ~yes ~YES!! )
~4 or more times per day
( )
(] ] ]]] ] 2
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2021 6th Grade Survey_- 8/30/21 5:44 PM Page 1

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( )
( 80. People in my family often insult or yell at 85. Knowing how to say "no" when someone
( )
each other.
wants me to do things I know are wrong or
dangerous is … Youth Survey of 6th Grade Students )
( NO!! no yes YES!! )
( 81. During the past 30 days, how often did you ~ Not at all like me
~ A little like me Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study. These questions ask your opinion about a number of )
( go hungry because there was not enough )
( ~ Somewhat like me things concerning you, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, and your community. )
food in your home? ~ Quite like me
( )
( ~ Never ~ Very much like me )
~ DO NOT write your name on this survey. Your individual answers to the survey are anonymous,
( Rarely )

( ~ Sometimes which means that no one will know how you answered. Student answers will be summarized in a )

~ Most of the time 86. Thinking through the possible good and
( bad results of different choices before I report that will not include anyone’s name. This survey is completely voluntary. You can skip any )
( ~ Always )
make decisions is … questions that you do not want to answer.
( )
( The next section asks about your experiences related ~ Not at all like me )
( to civic engagement. ~ A little like me Be sure to read the instructions below before you begin. Thank you very much. )
( ~ Somewhat like me )
( During the last 12 months, how many times ~ Quite like me )
( have you: ~ Very much like me INSTRUCTIONS )
( )
( 82. …been a leader in a group or organization? 1. This is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. )
How much do you agree or disagree with the
( following statements?: )
( ~ Never )
~ Once 2. All of the questions should be answered by marking one of the answer spaces unless the
( 87. I get along well with students who are )
( ~ Twice directions tell you that you may choose more than one. If you do not find an answer that fits )
~ 3-4 times different from me.
( exactly, use the one that comes closest. If any question does not apply to you, or you are not )
( ~ 5 or more times ~ Strongly Agree )
~ Agree sure what it means, just leave it blank.
( )
( 83. …helped make sure that all people are ~ Not Sure )
( ~ Disagree 3. For questions that have the following answers: NO!! no yes YES!! )
treated fairly? ~ Strongly Disagree
( )
( ~ Never )
( ~ Once Mark the big YES!! if you think the statement is DEFINITELY TRUE for you. )
~ Twice 88. I know how to disagree without starting an
( argument or fight. Mark the little yes if you think the statement is MOSTLY TRUE for you. )
( ~ 3-4 times )
~ 5 or more times ~ Strongly Agree Mark the little no if you think the statement is MOSTLY NOT TRUE for you.
( )
( ~ Agree Mark the big NO!! if you think the statement is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE for you. )
( Think about the people who know you well. How ~ Not Sure )
( do you think they would rate you on each of these? ~ Disagree Example: Chocolate is the best ice cream flavor. )
( ~ Strongly Disagree )
( People who know me would say this: ~@@@~@@@~@@@!@@
NO!! no yes YES!! )
( 89. How honest were you in filling out this )
( 84. Giving up when things get hard for me is … survey?
4. Your answers will be read automatically by a scanner and computer. Please follow these )
( instructions carefully. )
( ~ Not at all like me ~ I was very honest )
( ~ A little like me ~ I was honest pretty much of the time )
( ~ Somewhat like me ~ I was honest some of the time )
~ ~ I was honest once in a while MARKING INSTRUCTIONS
( Quite like me )
( ~ Very much like me ~ I was not honest at all )
a. Use a No. 2 pencil or a blue or black pen only.
( This kind of mark will work: )

( b. Do not use pens with ink that soaks through the paper. Correct Mark )
( )
( ~@~@!@~@~ )
c. Make solid marks that fill the response completely.
( These kinds of marks will NOT work: )
( This is the end of the survey. d. Make no stray marks on this form.
Incorrect Marks )
( v y w x
~@~@~@~@~ )
( Thank you for participating. )
( )
( )
( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )
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