Australia: Medical Education
Australia: Medical Education
Australia: Medical Education
Country profile
Australians will gleefully show you a postcard proving that their national boundaries encompass the whole of western
Europe when the two are superposed. Yet the complaint “But we are a small country” is heard frequently. Both are
true: a vast country but with a population of only 19 million. This western democracy, with waning European ties, is
set geographically and economically in the Asia-Pacific region. Distinguished in her contributions to medical research
and innovative in her medical education Australia offers excellent health care. Australians are as frank about the
problems as they are generous with their time (and hospitality) in showing the visitor the many strengths. This the
last of The Lancet’s “Country profiles” tries to capture those strengths and weaknesses, via 14 people. That list
leaves unacknowledged many others who helped shape the project. Most notable of these is Prof Roger V Short,
in Melbourne.
Medical education
Pat Buckley, John Marley, Jeffrey Robinson,
Deborah Turnbull
Successive Commonwealth governments have considered
that Australia has an excess of doctors. The current
administration has proposed a reduction in medical
student entry from over 1200 (panel) a year to 1000. Not
surprisingly, the medical schools oppose this reduction,
especially since accurate workforce data are not available.
Special entry schemes are offered for disadvantaged
students, and the University of Newcastle has four places
for Aborigines; to date 27 Aborigines are registered as
medical practitioners in Australia.
The medical schools used to reserve almost all places for
applicants from their own states. Following a legal
challenge in 1990, medical education is now a national
process. This change has led many to question the
Government’s decision to investigate establishment of a
medical school at James Cook University, Townsville, in courses offered by Flinders, Sydney, and Queensland are
the hope that this new school would provide more doctors kept under review as the first students proceed through.
for rural Queensland. If this school is established, Darwin Australia’s medical schools offer a six-year (Adelaide,
in the Northern Territory and Canberra in the Australian Monash, New South Wales, Tasmania, Western
Capital Territory might press for undergraduate medical Australia) or a five-year (Newcastle) undergraduate
schools. The James Cook venture could be an expensive course or a four-year graduate course (Flinders,
and unnecessary precedent since clinical schools of other Queensland, Sydney). The University of Melbourne will
universities are already in place in those areas and now that be introducing dual school-leaver and graduate streams
existing schools are being asked to reduce numbers. from 2000. The programme for graduates will be 4!s
Two reports (the Karmel report of 1973 and the 1988 years; school-leavers will graduate in medicine after 6
Doherty report) have had a significant and lasting impact years with an additional BMedSc. In 1988 the Higher
on medical education in Australia. They encouraged a Education Contribution Scheme was introduced and
diverse approach to the undergraduate medical medical students pay $Au5593 per year or repay their
curriculum. The recommendations placed as much value debt when their income rises above a threshold. Several
on skills and attitudinal development as on knowledge, medical schools have places for fee-paying students from
and highlighted the desirability of early clinical exposure. overseas—eg, Adelaide’s has both the government-
Medical schools were encouraged to consider alternative sponsored Malaysian Assisted Tertiary Education
methods of student selection and to develop innovative Scheme and overseas fee-paying students.
curricula—and to evaluate the outcomes of both. There have been significant changes in student
Also the Australian Medical Council now reviews selection. All three graduate-entry courses select students
curricula with accreditation visits to every medical school by a ranking process based on a combination of the
every ten years or more often, and all ten schools have candidate’s prior degree, performances in the Graduate
now been through this process. Major changes to a Australian Medical Schools Admissions Test, and a
curriculum may initiate a full review by the AMC of the structured interview. Since one of the aims of graduate
education offered. For example, the new graduate courses is to attract candidates from a wide variety of
backgrounds the first degree can be from many
Lancet 1998; 351: 1569–78 disciplines.
Enrolment in final-year medicine in 1997 Since 1996 provider numbers have been available only to
doctors in recognised postgraduate training schemes or to
Medical school Enrolment
those who have completed training—ie, postgraduate
Adelaide 99 training is now compulsory for all branches of medicine.
Flinders 73 The Australian Medical Association protested vigorously,
Melbourne 166
claiming that many junior doctors would be unemployed;
Monash 134
Newcastle 55 and the AMA led industrial action, effectively against its
New South Wales 158 own policy, which was that doctors should have
Queensland 214 postgraduate training. There has been no unemployment;
Sydney 204 indeed, training programmes are undersubscribed and
Tasmania 52 there is a shortage of doctors in small rural communities
Western Australia 106 and specialist services in country centres.
Total 1261 Postgraduate colleges have been progressively
introducing objective selection processes to choose
The undergraduate schools (except for New South applicants for training programmes. Further training lasts
Wales and Tasmania) select through a process which up to seven years after graduation, and to stay on the
variously includes a threshold matriculation score, a specialist register a doctor must participate in college-
medical admissions test, and a structured interview or approved further education.
oral assessment. The University of Newcastle has been a There is a widening gap between the requirement that
world leader in objectively evaluated selection. hospitals provide 24 hour services by junior doctors and
Candidates applying there must have a matriculation the employment conditions of those doctors (which have
score in the top 10%. They sit the Undergraduate reduced the number of hours worked) and their need for
Medicine Admissions Test (also used by Adelaide, training.
Melbourne, and Western Australia) which assesses logical Australia is examining options for the funding of
reasoning, problem solving, and critical thinking. Top- healthcare, realising that the only way to cap expenditure
ranked candidates, in a ratio of 3–4 for each place in a fee-for-service system is not to have such a system.
available, then attend a structured interview by teams of Coordinated-care trials are in progress and general
trained faculty and community assessors who rate practice has made tentative moves towards a mix of free-
candidates independently against established criteria. A for-service and block allocations (“blended”) payments
poor interview and a very high matriculation score for doctors. The Commonwealth and state/territory split
identify those likely to withdraw or to be excluded from in funding encourages cost shifting. It has even been
the course while a high rank at interview predicts success. suggested that the Commonwealth takes over
In the 1980s, there was almost unlimited entry for responsibility for all public hospitals. Our medical schools
foreign medical graduates, subject to their passing an will thus have to prepare graduates for an ever-changing
examination set by the AMC or satisfying a specialist work environment. Crucial, for the patient and taxpayer,
medical college. Sudden restrictions, introduced in 1992 will be graduates who promote evidence-based care
and lasting three years, limited entry to the final stages of which is responsive to community needs and who are
the clinical examination to the first 200 candidates in the committed to an equitable health service.
first AMC’s stage of the examination. This stranded 280
candidates who could no longer complete the process.
Equally suddenly, in 1998, the Minister of Health has Mixed heritage, uncertain
announced funding for further training of these
candidates, and he is negotiating with medical schools to
future in healthcare
provide a limited number of places for 1–3 years’ training. Stephen R Leeder
The new undergraduate courses make greater use of In the slang of horse-racing, there is a phrase which well
self-directed learning, problem solving, and describes Australia’s healthcare arrangements—“two bob
communication skills, and they expose students to a each way”, meaning to back the same horse for a win and
variety of experiences which relate to contemporary a place—you are not confident the horse will win, so you
practice in Australia (eg, aboriginal health and primary put some of your money on it to finish second or third.
health care). Newcastle has developed a problem-based Australians have much the same approach to the way
curriculum with an emphasis on integration of basic money is invested in the healthcare system.
science and medical science and community relevance. The Australian healthcare system accounts for about
Several studies have compared Newcastle graduates with 8·5% of gross domestic product, is said to be our third
those from Sydney and New South Wales, which were, at largest employer, costs $Au35–40 billion (depending on
the time, using traditional discipline-based curricula. what is included), is administered by both the states and
Newcastle graduates were at least as competent clinically territories and the Commonwealth (federal) Government,
as their peers and did much better on interpersonal and and is paid for in the ratio of 2 to 1 from the public and
organisational skills. They had enhanced communication the private purse. Public insurance (Medicare) is
skills; they were more positive about community designed to ensure open access to public hospital,
medicine but were not necessarily more likely to be general, and specialist care; private insurance does the
engaged in preventive medicine; and GPs who had same but for patients who may prefer treatment in a
graduated from Newcastle reported better quality of life private hospital. In short, Australia has a very mixed,
than their colleagues from the traditional schools. disintegrated, and confusing system, and patients,
Practice outside hospital in Australia, whether as a doctors, and visitors alike are shocked that it works at all,
specialist or a GP, is reimbursed by Medicare, and doctors let alone seemingly so well. It is probably fortunate, then,
need a provider number so that their patients can claim. that the public health system, excellent food supply, and
general levels of prosperity create, by international of great interest for their potential to overcome some of
standards, a very good place to live if you wish to be these difficulties.
healthy. The health of Aboriginal people is an appalling Recently the states have diverged in the way they have
exception, their health status being dramatically below delivered public hospital care. Victoria has cut back
that of the majority of the community. substantially on public hospital investment and used case-
The Australian system has its origins in UK healthcare mix funding and private capital investment in
delivery before the NHS (1948) and it was only in 1961 combination with regional rationalisation to achieve its
that the Australian Medical Association was formed to goals. Other states have followed one or more of these
replace the British Medical Association. Many senior trends. Some states have area or regional devolution;
clinicians trained as specialists in Britain. Training shifted others follow a more centralised model. For some States
to the USA in the past 30 years so American accents and equity of access matters more than it does for others.
interests in technology have been imported, as has a US Three major challenges present themselves for the
style commitment to laboratory research and a modest future of health services in Australia.
interest in case mixes. Most public health practice has a First, the disintegrated and splintered nature of the
continued link to the UK, especially in epidemiology. system is at odds with microeconomic reform and good
Medical education was Scottish in style but with the management. The challenge will be to sustain an interest
advent of graduate medical-school entry there now is a in quality, the use of evidence, and a concern with health
distinct US and Canadian flavour. gain in an environment which, if not led professionally,
The biggest change in living memory was the will be driven to change by those with tight fiscal agendas
introduction 14 years ago of universal health insurance, relating to the use of public resources. A system such as
the premium being paid through taxation (a this, with hospital admission rates that are among the
Commonwealth responsibility). This has proved popular world’s highest, is ripe for takeover. Will the health
and durable and now has bipartisan political support. professionals, especially doctors, learn the lessons of
Visits to general practitioners can be charged to Medicare managed care from the USA and cease to be reticent in
on a fee-for-service basis. Some general practitioners participating in policy development?
charge the full fee and patients then seek reimbursement Second, barriers that separate private and public,
(say about 80%) from Medicare; others bill Medicare Commonwealth and state must be dissolved. New
directly. Waiting lists impede entry to public hospitals for coalitions—for example, using private capital to fund new
elective surgery but emergency care is excellent. hospitals and technology or collaborative research and
Public hospitals are managed by the six states and the development—need to be defined if Australian healthcare
Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. is to move in harmony with the current political and
They receive money from the Commonwealth specifically economic trends of western society towards decreased
for this purpose and also make a substantial contribution public-sector financing.
from their own general revenues which include Third, the relation of healthcare to an evolving sense of
Commonwealth general grants and state sales and what it means to be a 21st century civil society requires
gambling taxes. To cover public health, a “Medicare much better quality political debate and leadership than we
agreement” is transacted every five years with complex have seen to date. The medical professional organisations
choreography, trumpeting, offers, walkouts, and other have yet to face the future; they are marching backwards.
theatricals as state health ministers and their premiers Politicians need to lead and not strut around carrying
battle with the Commonwelath. Medicare is supported signposts such as “waiting lists” and “Medicare” and
partly by a Medicare levy, which is an explicit element in “financing”. Currently there is an activist federal Minister
personal tax contributing about one-ninth (roughly the of Health determined to face up to the need for reform,
same as the amount raised by private health insurance) of although whether he will be supported by his government
total costs. This false price signal is a shadowy reminder colleagues remains to be seen. Australia lacks a policy
that healthcare has to be paid for somehow, if not at the statement which says what the healthcare system is for, who
point of use. does what, who is accountable for what and what a
Many elements, such as public hospital expenditure, reasonable set of expectations of it might be. No small task,
are capped, and although prices are controlled for general that one. It is time to make a decision and nominate the
and special services, there is less limitation on volume horses we will bet on for a win.
and hence a perverse incentive to overservice. The
generally uncoordinated nature of the system allows for
major inefficiencies at this level, with patients moving
Medical research
from one professional to another. The Pharmaceutical Warwick P Anderson, Richard G Larkins
Benefits Scheme, which covers drugs prescribed outside Despite its small population, Australia has an excellent
the public hospitals, is also uncapped with regard to record in biomedical and public-health research. It
volume. In an attempt to control volume, copayments produces eight times as many publications in medical
have been progressively introduced here, while not journals as predicted from its population and Australian
tolerated for general-practitioner consultations. Thus scientists have been responsible for some notable
having a prescription dispensed can be far more expensive discoveries. Examples include those of its four Nobel
than seeing the GP who wrote it. This inconsistency does prizewinners in physiology or medicine—Howard Florey,
not seem to bother anyone. Allied health professional Macfarlane Burnet, John Eccles, and Peter Doherty. The
services such as physiotherapy are generally not covered list (panel) is not exhaustive—nor do we claim that it was
by Medicare, thus limiting the use that can be made of Australians alone who contributed to these significant
them as an alternative to drug therapy. Coordinated-care advances—but it does demonstrate that Australia has
trials currently underway with Commonwealth been a real player in the transformation of medical
sponsorship, using GPs as notional fundholders, are thus science and practice in the last part of this century.
which is bigger, wealthier, and healthier than Australia. In contribution is small in absolute terms. Even so, Australia
many of the “tiger economies” of Asia, rural poverty has has had an important role in promoting reform of the
remained virtually unchanged over the last 20 years, and multilateral agencies, and has made substantial
the recent economic problems in several of these contributions to the WHO ARI and malaria programmes.
countries mean that mortality rates will rise sharply, NGO programmes are less likely than government ones
especially in rural areas. to be influenced by political and commercial
Like most developed countries, Australia has considerations, and NGO activities now constitute an
substantially reduced overseas aid in recent years, from important part of Australia’s official aid programme.
0·51% of GNP in 1983 to 0·29% in 1996–97, an Australian NGOs have been good at forging strong
increasing proportion being used for crisis control rather bilateral links in the region. In one interesting
than for more productive long-term development aid. experiment, several of the specialist medical colleges have
The 1993 World Bank report Investing in Health contracted with AusAID to run bilateral aid projects. One
concluded that improved health contributes to economic example is the Papua New Guinea Medical Officer,
development. This is rather like concluding that people Nursing and Allied Health Science Training Project
are a good thing because they contribute to the economy, (MONAHP), which assists in planning and running
but it had the effect that Australian aid in the health programmes that educate health professionals—it helps to
sector increased between 1991 and 1996. train the trainers. MONAHP is administered by the
Australian aid has been given for political and Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
commercial reasons as well as altruistic ones, and Australia used to pay for many Asian students to attend
sometimes aid has been of scant benefit or even her universities under the Colombo Plan. However, the
counterproductive. There has been a sudden switch from government now pressures universities to make a profit
large untied grants for Papua New Guinea to short-term from fee-paying middle-class students from Asia. Despite
project-oriented programmes contracted out to consortia the current economic crisis in Asia, the number of
of private companies and non-governmental overseas students at Australian universities has not yet
organisations. The government aid agency (AusAID), fallen; fewer have come from Hong Kong, Malaysia,
private sector, and NGOs did not have time to prepare Indonesia, and Singapore but there has been an increase
for this change and there were major problems. from other Asian nations.
Vertical programmes, such as the acute respiratory Many doctors from Australian hospitals have visited
infection (pneumonia) control programme, are effective the Asia-Pacific region for short periods, giving lectures
in the short term, but it is now widely accepted that long- or treating patients, and many doctors from the region
term results are better if aid is used to strengthen an have come to Australia for postgraduate training. Some of
integrated health service at the local district level rather the richer Asian countries benefit from these links, but
than to set up many different vertical programmes. they have limited public health benefits for the less
AusAID has substantially increased aid aimed at developed Asia-Pacific countries, and they can even be
improving healthcare at the district level but there should harmful if they emphasise the importance of tertiary-level
be more systematic independent evaluations of these hospital medicine at the expense of primary care.
bilateral aid programmes. Useful contributions to the Medicine in developing countries is just as much a
Asia-Pacific region have been made by applying specialty as cardiology or neurosurgery is in Australia,
Australia’s expertise in managing emerging diseases, such and Australian specialists should not assume that their
as AIDS and hepatitis C, and in addressing the health skills will always be helpful. Expensive procedures that
problems of remote impoverished communities. benefit a few may cause many others to be denied cheap
Many health departments in Asia-Pacific desperately but effective care. The specialists’ motives are usually
need help with the planning and implementation of altruistic, although some Australian hospitals foster links
projects, and Australia could substantially increase its role with Asia in the hope of getting referrals of wealthy fee-
in this sector. There is gross underfunding of research on paying patients who can be treated profitably. The
diseases that predominantly affect people in developing number of people coming to Australia for medical
countries—for example, pneumonia and diarrhoea treatment increased from 1900 in 1991–92 to 4400 in
accounted for 15·4% of the global burden of disease in 1996–97.
1990 but they received only 0·2% of the world’s 40% of Australia lies in the tropics geographically
expenditure on research and development. Australia is speaking. We may have dangerous snakes and spiders not
well established in medical research and should provide found in other westernised areas but tropical diseases and
more support for research projects and research institutes tropical public health are not strong features of Australian
in the region. An encouraging example, funded by medical practice. Where it is a focus of attention—eg,
AusAID, is the support given by Melbourne’s Walter and Queensland and at the Menzies School of International
Eliza Hall Institute to the Eijkman Institute for Medical Health in the Northern Territory—it is outward-looking.
Research in Jakarta, Indonesia. Applied research in fields
such as epidemiology, behaviour, and policy development
is in urgent need of more support.
Aboriginal health
The UN agencies such as WHO and the World Bank Fiona Stanley, Ted Wilkes
may have unwieldy bureaucracies that are slow to change It was Millicent’s story from Western Australia in the
but they play a very important part in promoting an Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s
internationalist approach to world health. Australia 1997 report Bringing them Home, on the “stolen
already gives a higher proportion of its aid to these generation” of Australian indigenous children, which
multilateral agencies than many other countries do, and upset us most. Millicent was removed from her family
there are good reasons for this support to be further group at age 4 and never saw them again. She spent her
increased. Australia’s small economy means that the childhood in an orphanage and was then sent to work as a
In contrast to the support for industry, Government diverse ethnic communities. Together, ABC and SBS
funding of university science and engineering courses and have around 17% of the television audience. The radio
research is continually being eroded. Over the next three industry is large, with many stations in every city. Most
years, $Au98 million in federal Government funding will are commercial with music formats but most cities have a
be cut from scientific research. Compounding this lack of powerful commercial talk station, often featuring
funding is a lack of incentive for students to enter conservative “jocks”. ABC has 20–40% of radio listeners,
engineering and science degree courses. High-school through local stations, a national talk network similar to
graduates know that five years after completing a science the BBC’s Radio 4 (Radio National), a 24-hour news
degree, if they can find a job in their chosen field, they service, and two music networks, one aimed successfully
will at best be earning half the salary of their companions at 18–24-year-olds.
who became lawyers or accountants. Between 1993 and Media gatekeepers in Australia are little different from
1996, enrollments in the State of Victoria in biology, their colleagues elsewhere. News and current affairs
chemistry, and physics fell by 15%. editors and producers are addicted to economics and the
Culturally, R&D in Australia faces formidable barriers. antics of politicians. The public, when asked, nominate
Institutions control most of the funds generated by health, medicine, and science at the top of their interests.
pension schemes and investment and they perceive their ABC Radio and one or two newspapers pioneered
duty to lie in supporting large, well-established science and medical journalism in Australia. ABC Radio
companies and real estate. Wealthy individuals and has had a science unit for 30 years, currently broadcasting
investment institutions understand real estate, industries weekly programmes on science, medicine, and the
such as paper and steel, and the more speculative mining environment and which are turned round in short-form
sector better than they understand the computer and for the 24-hour news service and the youth rock station.
biotechnology industries. This is compounded by a The weekly programmes cover Australian and
shortage of biotechnology and computer sector analysts at international research, policy issues, and the social impact
the broking houses. It is only in the last six months that of science, and they carry an effective stream of
the Australian Stock Exchange has established a investigative reporting. As with public broadcasters
healthcare and biotechnology index. Finally, there is a elsewhere, budgets are shrinking rapidly and the science
common but misplaced deprecation of our ability to unit is now about half the size it was in the early 1980s.
compete in the world technology market. Americans are ABC Television has had a shaky commitment to
quicker to back inventions and have the advantage of a science and rarely runs a regular medical programme. It
large domestic market and Asians can manufacture has only one science outlet, mostly documentary based.
everything more cheaply than we can—so, the thinking In the mistaken belief that outsourcing is cheaper, ABC
goes, Australians cannot compete effectively. Australians Television has been reluctant to guarantee that in-house
do not see themselves as creators of high-technology science production will last much beyond 1998.
added value, despite the fact that many Australian The quality of daily medical news journalism varies but
scientists are world leaders. within a narrower range than you see in the UK or USA.
To enhance Australian industrial science and Australian outlets, at least in news, tend to avoid the
technology, financial institutions and pension funds need depths to which British and US tabloids sink. Every
to allocate a small percentage of their moneys to this commercial television station has at least a national
sector, taking a more long-term view of investment to medical reporter for its news services. One or two are
create pharmaceutical, biotechnology and computer doctors or former nurses, and by and large the networks
industries to supplement the traditional manufacturing have learned that life is easier if they “get it right”.
and mining industries that have recently been hurt by the Current affairs on commercial (“tabloid”) television
Asian financial crisis. channels can be different; in a cut-throat chase for
ratings, anecdote and the need to create dread and
Medicine and the media outrage may substitute for fact.
Most newspapers have medical reporters and The Age
Norman Swan and Sydney Morning Herald have invested in small science
An understanding of medicine in the Australian media units. A few years ago, the common pattern was for the
needs a brief description of the “market”. Australia, like most junior staff to be assigned to the medical round,
the USA, has state-based media with significant national usually for short periods, and the scientists being
elements, especially in television. interviewed would complain that they were always having
Rupert Murdoch, who owns many of the city-based to explain themseleves to “kids who didn’t have a clue”.
papers, including tabloids in Sydney and Melbourne, Nowadays medical journalism is seen as a more attractive
dominates newspapers. The quality press comprises The career option and the relative stability allows journalists
Sydney Morning Herald, The Age (Melbourne), and the to gain confidence and skill. The glamour jobs, though,
Australian Financial Review (all in the Fairfax group) are still in politics and economics, and coveted overseas
while Murdoch’s News Limited publishes The Australian, postings often go to those reporters.
our only national broadsheet. A large proportion of No newspaper in Australia has a health supplement
Australia’s thriving magazine sector is controlled by Kerry similar to those in the better US and European papers.
Packer, through his Australian Consolidated Press Nonetheless, the quality and volume of medical stories
(ACP). The main national newsmagazines are the are reasonably impressive by international standards.
Australian edition of Time and ACP’s Bulletin. Australian medical researchers and clinicians have the
Of the five television stations, three are commercial. same concerns about communicating with the public as
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has one their colleagues overseas do. They do not want to be
channel and carries no advertising or sponsorship. The misquoted; they have no desire to be seen to be media
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) serves Australia’s “groupies” but do recognise the need to let the
immunisation or conscientious objection. years before any doctor graduated, independent of the
year of graduation! The medical profession is not very
You are in favour of evidence-based medicine . . . good at looking forward and coping with change.
Strongly. Actively promoting it and introducing systems For the changes being made in hospitals the evidence
to incorporate it into the policy process. was perhaps post hoc but what has been done with case-
mixes has massively increased productivity in hospitals.
. . . but EBM is a bit like motherhood, who can be Health ministers from other countries are now coming
against it—so what drove you to do it? through my office and saying “This is really interesting,
It may be “motherhood” but that doesn’t mean it’s done. we want to have a look at this. We think this applies to
One should never in politics underestimate the our country”. If I was being critical I would like to have
importance of anecdote. In 1983 I did a three-month seen more work on outcomes. In economic terms the
stint at a cancer hospital in Melbourne, working in the restructuring has been brilliantly post hoc justified but
breast cancer unit. By 1983 we had Veronesi’s evidence there is a sneaking suspicion that outcomes have slipped
that if patients had chemotherapy with mastectomy in a touch. If you look at what we’re doing with
stage 2 disease they had better 5-year results. This was coordinated care, which no examination of Australia
well known at that hospital and they were practising it. would be complete without, we are doing exactly what
Back at my parent teaching hospital no-one had heard of you suggest. We are putting a massive amount of money
Veronesi. We were still doing mastectomies without into trialling systems of better managing chronic illness.
chemotherapy. I was a second-year resident and you can
imagine what success I had in trying to spread this What else would you highlight as health successes?
message. It wasn’t until the early 1990s in Australia that What Australia has done well is to marry a reasonably
chemotherapy became routine. I never quite got over that large private sector with public sector provision. Despite
experience. It is massively in the public interest if we can the fact that there is much in the newspapers about
incorporate science into clinical practice. drop-outs from private health insurance, we still have the
No country in the world does not in some way have to third largest private sector in the OECD and about $1 in
try and ration the health dollar. I find the notion of trying 3 in healthcare comes through the private sector. Austria
to make allocative decisions on science far more is slightly ahead and the USA is vastly ahead. And we
attractive. If you make them on politics you either make it have managed to have a high degree of cost control, as
on the basis of whoever screams loudest or on the basis of distinct from individual provider control—and you have
whoever has access to the minister. to have that. Any system has to be affordable otherwise
eventually it implodes. I think Australia’s success has
How do you cope with patient pressure where it is been to have a mixed system of public and successful
“anti” the evidence? private provision while not going the way of the USA
I make sure I have a group of eminent scientists standing and having that lead to massive cost blow-outs.
somewhere between me and the bullets! I also think we do well on information. Through the
We have worked hard in this country to have an Health Insurance Commission we probably have the best
approach that is free of politics. The area which is the
information system in the world.
focus for some of my attention at the moment is hepatitis
One challenge is to find ways to make our federation
C. On any sort of rational economic analysis hepatitis C
work better although there is no evidence that our
demands more attention from government; it demands
system has many more problems than, say, Canada’s.
more research funding, just as HIV did 12 or 13 years
Our relative success internationally doesn’t seem to
ago. Left to the devices of politics and the marketplace
make the medical profession any happier with life.
hepatitis C will be a catastrophe. We are trying to act
ahead of catastrophe, and trying to use the HIV model of Contributors
community consultation and involvement, and taking an Jeffrey Robinson (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
approach based on science. University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005) with
Pat Buckley, John Marly, and Deborah Turnbull have a special
interest in medical education and the evaluation of its methods.
Why was an EBM approach not brought to bear on Stephen R Leeder (Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney,
policy changes such as hospital restructuring? NSW 2006) is dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney.
Hospitals are run by state governments. I’m happy to Warwick P Anderson and Richard G Larkins chair, respectively, the
NHMRC’s Research Committee and the National Health and Medical
comment but what we are talking about is not a Research Council (GPO Box 9848, Canberra, ACT 2601).
Commonwealth matter. The medical profession in Frank Shann (professor of critical care at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s
Australia has a huge difficulty at the moment. Health is Hospital, Parkville, Victoria 3052) formerly worked in Papua New
Guinea, East Timor, and Kenya.
undergoing massive change. One of the best thinkers on Fiona Stanley (TVW Telethon Institute of Child Health Research, PO
health in this country was in my office about 12 months Box 855, West Perth, Western Australia 6872) is Variety Club professor
ago and he told me he had come to the conclusion that in of paediatrics, University of Western Australia, Perth; Ted Wilkes directs
the Perth Aboriginal Medical Service and the Western Australian
the next 15 years health would undergo about as much Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations.
change as Australian banking had in the previous 15. His Alan Finkel is chief executive officer of Axon Instruments (1101 Chess
worry was that doctors would have as much influence on Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, USA and 6 Wallace Avenue, Toorak,
the outcome as bank clerks had had. Victoria 3142); Leon Serry is managing director of Circadian
Technologies Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria.
He may be right. My observation of my former Norman Swan (PO Box K637, Haymarket, NSW 2000) is presenter of
profession is that the golden age of medicine was two ABC Radio National’s The Health Report.