DEATH It is not accidental, nor should be analyzed rather it belongs to humanity’s facticity (limitations).
ENTELECHY It means that nothing happens by chance.
FEUDALISM It is the way of life in the Middle Ages which means property or “possession”.
GLOBALIZATION It began in the West in the 15 th century as an accompaniment to the new ideas of the Renaissance and then
the Enlightenment.
HAPPINESS It is the highest level of success.
MEDIEVAL PERIOD It is sometimes referred to as the Dark Age.
POLICY MAKING One of the most important consequences of the application of knowledge from Plato’s Republic to human
PRIMARY REFLECTION This method looks at the world or at any object as a problem, detached from the self and fragment.
RENAISSANCE PERIOD It is the period in which leadership in art and literature reached their peak which resulted in the
revival of ancient philosophy and European philosophers turning from supernatural to natural or rational explanations of the
SECONDARY REFLECTION It is an ingathering, a recollection, a pulling together of the scattered fragments of our experience.
According to Jean Paul Sartre, the human person desires to be God; the desire to exist as a being that has its sufficient ground
in itself (en sui causa).
According to Martin Heidegger, humankind is a conversation, which is more than just an idle talk but a dialog.
According to Socrates, happiness is impossible without moral virtue.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, human beings have the unique power to change themselves and the things around them for
the better.
Eternal law is the decree of God that governs all creation.
Morality was based on healthy self-assertion, not self-abasement and the renunciation of the instincts.
Negative attitudes of the family and community toward PWDs may add to their poor academic and vocational outcomes.
Poverty is multi-dimensional.
The characteristic tendency of the second period is frequently called the Age of Empiricism.
The human person who tries to escape obligations and strives to be en-soi is acting on bad faith (mauvais foi).
The Medieval Period is sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages but it was nonetheless a time of preparation.
The most common measure of the underprivileged is income poverty.
The mutual transferring of rights is called a contract and is the basis of the notion of moral obligation and duty.
Understanding freedom is part of humanity’s transcendence.
Virtue is not something to be taught or acquired through education, but rather it is merely an awakening of the seeds of good
deeds that lay dormant in the mind and heart of a person.
ARISTOTLE He stated that the imperative quality of a judgment of practical intellect is meaningless apart from will.
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS He altered not only the geography but the politics of the world forever.
GABRIEL MARCEL Philosophy has the tension (the essence of drama) and the harmony (that is the essence of music).
genuine dialog.
JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU Philosopher who said that women should be educated to please and be useful to men.
JEAN PAUL SARTRE According to this philosopher, the human person has the desire to be God.
KURT JASPER His philosophy places the person’s temporal existence in the face of the transcendent God, an absolute
MARTIN BUBER AND KAROL WOJTYLA They believed in the notion of concrete experience / existence of the human person
and that one must not lose the sight of one’s self in concrete experience.
MARTIN BUBER For him, human person attains fulfillment in the realm of the interpersonal, in meeting the other, through a
MARTIN HEIDEGGER Humankind is a conversation, which is more than just an idle talk but a dialog.
MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT She stated women must be united to men in wisdom and rationality.
NIETZSCHE He analyzed the art of Athenian tragedy as the product of the Greeks’ deep and non-evasive thinking about the
meaning of life in the face of extreme vulnerability.
PLATO For him, contemplation means that the mind is in communion with the universal and eternal ideas.
SCHOPENHAUER He begins with the predicament of the self with its struggles and its destiny: What am I? What shall I do with
my life?
SOCRATES He believes that knowing oneself is a condition to solve the present problem.
THOMAS HOBBES His first law of nature is to seek peace which immediately suggests a second law which is to divest oneself
of certain rights to achieve peace.
FOUR GOOD THINGS OF A MEANINGFUL LIFE: pursue a purpose or goal; seek to understand self and situation; take personal
responsibility; and enjoy the process and the journey
FOURFOLD CLASSIFICATION OF LAW: eternal, human, natural, divine
REACTIONS OF PARENTS HAVING PWD’S IN THE FAMILY: shock, bewilderment, sorrow, anger, guilt, feeling of impotence,
fear of the future