Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Arsenic From Water by Electrocoagulation/ Otation Continuous Ow Reactor
Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Arsenic From Water by Electrocoagulation/ Otation Continuous Ow Reactor
Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Arsenic From Water by Electrocoagulation/ Otation Continuous Ow Reactor
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The performance of the laboratory scale electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) reactor in removing high con-
Received 20 February 2012 centrations of natural organic matter (NOM) and arsenic from groundwater was analyzed in this study.
Received in revised form 25 July 2012 An ECF reactor with bipolar plate aluminum electrodes was operated in the horizontal continuous flow
Accepted 28 July 2012
mode. Electrochemical and flow variables were optimized to examine ECF reactor contaminants removal
Available online 7 August 2012
efficiency. The optimum conditions for the process were identified as groundwater initial pH 5, flow
rate = 4.3 l/h, inter electrode distance = 2.8 cm, current density = 5.78 mA/cm2 , A/V ratio = 0.248 cm−1 . The
NOM removal according to UV254 absorbance and dissolved organic matter (DOC) reached highest values
of 77% and 71% respectively, relative to the raw groundwater. Arsenic removal was 85% (6.2 g As/l) rel-
Arsenic removal ative to raw groundwater, satisfying the drinking water standards. The specific reactor electrical energy
Natural organic matter consumption was 17.5 kWh/kg Al. The specific aluminum electrode consumption was 66 g Al/m3 . Accord-
ing to the obtained results, ECF in horizontal continuous flow mode is an energy efficient process to
remove NOM and arsenic from groundwater.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction adsorbents and/or the formation of a complex with the target sub-
stances [2]. Recently, that presence of NOM in surface water was
Natural organic matter (NOM) in water is a major concern reported to negatively influence removal of As(V) by electrocoag-
and should be removed from drinking water from a number ulation/flotation (EFC) treatment [3].
of reasons. NOM affects organoleptic properties of water (color, Coagulation using metal based coagulants is the essential pro-
taste and odor); reacts with most disinfectants used in water cess in the conventional treatment of drinking water [4]. In this
treatment, thus reducing their disinfection power, influencing process coagulating agents and other additives are dosed to pro-
disinfectant demand and disinfection process design; produces dis- duce larger aggregates which can be separated physically. The
infection by-products (DBPs) of various kinds, affects the stability process depends on variety of factors, including but not limited
and removal of inorganic particles; heavily influences coagulant to, pH, coagulant type and dosage and the type and concentration
demand; affects corrosion processes; and affects biostability and of NOM. This is a multi stage process that requires considerable
biological regrowth in distributions systems [1]. NOM often reduces land area and continual supply of chemicals. A more cost-effective
the removal of target substances through its adsorption onto method to clean a wide range of polluted water on site and with
minimum additives is required for sustainable water management
[1]. ECF has been suggested as an alternative. It is the process
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +381 63 7599130; fax: +381 21 485 2728. whereby a sacrificial metal anode doses treated water electrochem-
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Mohora). ically, while the cathode reaction provides afford hydrogen which
0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
258 E. Mohora et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 235–236 (2012) 257–264
is involved in the flotation process. ECF is characteristic for its ease Table 1
Characteristics of the raw groundwater.
of operation, reduced production of sludge, the floc formed tends to
be much larger, less maintenance and no need for handling chem- Parameters No. of measurements (n) Value ±
icals [5–7]. ECF has attracted great attention as an eco-friendly pH 10 7.4 ± 0.3
and efficient process, although it has some demerits, such as the Conductivity (S/cm) 10 1310 ± 36
need to replace electrodes at regular intervals due to their disso- DOC (mg C/l) 30 9.31 ± 0.51
lution, high cost of electricity, anode passivation and hydroxides UV254 (cm−1 ) 30 0.444 ± 0.026
SUVA (l mg−1 m−1 ) 30 4.64 ± 0.11
which may tend to solubilize in some cases [8]. Recent technical
Arsenic (g/l) 15 5.4 ± 16.4
improvements, combined with the growing need for small scale
– standard deviation based on n measurements.
decentralized water and waste water treatment facilities, have led
to a re-evolution of the ECF [9]. A literature survey indicates that
most of the studies on NOM removal by ECF process have been car- 1730 SB, 0–30 V, 0–3 A), ampere-meter, voltmeter, and sampling
ried out in batch treatment mode using model water [10–13]. Only setup. The electrode dimensions were 14 cm × 13 cm × 0.3 cm and
modest attention has been paid to the ECF treatment of ground- aluminum purity was 99.5%. The distances between the plate elec-
water containing a high NOM concentration and in the continuous trodes varied from 1.2 cm to 2.8 cm, and were numbered in the
flow mode. reactor from 3 to 5.
Arsenic is classified as a Group I carcinogenic substances to In general, each experimental run lasted for 90 min. During the
humans based on epidemiological evidence [14]. The World Health experiments, raw groundwater from the water tank was pumped
organization (WHO) has established 10 g/l as maximum arsenic into the EFC reactor by centrifugal pump. The reactor operated at
concentration for drinking water [15]. Arsenic in groundwater flow rates 4.3 l/h, 6.4 l/h and 10.3 l/h. In order to minimize elec-
occurs in two oxidation states As(III) (arsenite) and As(V) (arse- trode oxidation and passivation, the direction of the power supply
nate). As(III) is more mobile in groundwater and 25–60 times was changed at 90 min time intervals. Due to the geometry of the
more toxic than As(V). Various treatment technologies have been laboratory ECF reactor used, within the single unit coagulation,
applied to remove arsenic including coagulation with precipi- flocculation, flotation and settling occurred in parallel. The treated
tation with iron and aluminum salts, adsorption onto activated groundwater was collected after a desired period of time from the
alumina, activated carbon and activated bauxite, ion exchange and reactor effluent flow and filtered through Whatman No: 42 filter
reverse osmosis. Those technologies showed a medium to low paper before analyses. Effluent groundwater samples were ana-
As(III) removal efficiency and also required pH regulation as it influ- lyzed for NOM, Astotal , pH and temperature. Before and after each
ences arsenic speciation and surface change of adsorbents. Authors experimental run electrodes weight was measured.
thus recommended to oxidize As(III) to As(V) for effective arsenic
removal. However, in the presence of NOM the oxidation step
applied prior to As(III) removal could lead to the formation of toxic 2.3. Analytical methods and calculations
oxidation by products [16]. ECF is offering advantage to oxidize
As(III) in As(V) and improve its removal without required oxidation 2.3.1. NOM analyses
step [3]. Literature results on arsenic removal by ECF showed that UV254 absorbance measurements were performed before and
5 out of 7 studies were based on batch processes [2]. Most of them after ECF treatment in accordance with standard methods [20] by
have used model water and there are only 2 studies concerning UNICAM SP600 UV spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 254 nm
groundwater polluted by arsenic [17,18]. with a 1 cm quartz cell.
Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate After filtration through a 0.45 m membrane filter, the ground-
treatability of groundwater with a high concentration of NOM and water samples were analyzed before and after ECF treatment for
arsenic using an ECF reactor in horizontal continuous flow mode DOC content using an Elementar LiquiTOCII, with oxidation by com-
with bipolar plate aluminum electrodes. The effects of different bustion at 850 ◦ C.
ECF reactor operational parameters on NOM and As removal effi-
ciency like inter-electrode distance, A/V ratio, the initial pH of the 2.3.2. Arsenic analyses
raw groundwater, current density, electrode passivation and the Arsenic analyses were carried by Atomic Absorption Spec-
flow rate were studied, with the goal of optimizing reactor removal troscopy (PerkinElmer AAnalyst 700) according to the standard
efficiency rate for specific energy and electrode consumption. method EPA 7010 (Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spec-
trophotometry, Rev. 0, Feb. 2007).
2. Materials and methods
2.2. Experimental setup and procedure
2.3.4. Calculations
NOM removal efficiency was calculated as:
C0 − Ct
(%) = × 100 (1)
where C0 – initial concentration, Ct – concentration after ECF treat-
ment time t. The ECF reactor electrical energy consumption (E) was
calculated using the commonly used equation:
E = UItECF (2)
CE = × 100 (4)
mt 3.2. Effect of initial groundwater pH
The calculation is based on the comparison of experimental
It has been reported that the initial pH of the treated water is
weight loss of the aluminum electrodes me during ECF treat-
important operating factor influencing NOM removal efficiency by
ment and the theoretical amount of aluminum dissolution mt
ECF [23]. The effect may be twofold, first on the distribution of
according to Faraday’s law. The specific electrical energy consump-
aluminum hydrolysis product and secondly, the effect of a passi-
tion (Seec ) is calculated as a function of aluminum electrode weight
vation layer formed especially in the high initial pH of the anode
consumption during ECF in kWh/kg Al [21,22]
surface [24,25]. To examine this effect, raw groundwater samples
nFU were adjusted to the desired pH by adding sodium hydroxide or
Seec = . (5)
MCE × 3.6 × 103 hydrochloric acid. The ECF treatment was carried out at constant
applied potential of 20 V, flow rate 3.6 l/h, interelectrode distance
3. Results and discussion 1.2 cm, and groundwater conductivity of 1284 S/cm.
The results obtained (Fig. 3) indicate that at initial groundwa-
3.1. A/V ratio effect ter pH 5.0, the ECF reactor took approximately 10 min to achieve
a steady state based on UV254 absorbance and approximately
The ratio between the total active electrode area (A) and the 50 min based on DOC. The initial groundwater specific ultravio-
volume of groundwater in the reactor (V) is (crude) measure of the let absorbance (SUVA) at 254 nm value was 4.64 ± 0.11 l mg−1 m−1
potential for delivering coagulant and bubbles to the ECF system (Table 1). This indicates that a large part of the NOM present in the
(on a volumetric bases) [27]. It was reported that an optimal reac- raw groundwater consists of hydrophobic organic compounds with
tor operating current density exists for a fixed A/V ratio [21]. The high molecular masses and a high degree of aromaticity, which can
effect of A/V ratio on NOM removal efficiency was studied between be easily removed by coagulation [1,28–31]. The remainder of the
0.12 cm−1 and 0.31 cm−1 by adding electrodes to the ECF reac- DOC is harder to remove, and thus takes longer to reach a steady
tor from 3 to 5, and the groundwater volume was kept constant. state. The average value of NOM removal efficiency achieved based
The ECF treatment was carried out at the constant applied poten- on UV254 absorbance and DOC for the reactor steady state was 74%
tial of 20 V, flow rate 4.3 l/h, inter-electrode distance of 1.2 cm, and 66%, respectively. However, at initial groundwater pH of 7.0,
initial pH 7.7, and groundwater conductivity of 1270 S/cm. The the EFC reactor took approximately 60 min to achieve a relatively
results obtained (Fig. 2) show that increasing the A/V ratio above steady state treatment regime. The NOM removal efficiency for
value of 0.248 cm−1 or addition of more than four electrodes into the reactor steady state regime time based on UV254 absorbance
the ECF reactor does not improve NOM removal efficiency. This and DOC was 63% and 54% respectively. These results confirm
is associated with the considerable decrease of the operating cur- previously reported studies performed with the model waters con-
rent density as a consequence of A/V ratio increase for the constant taining high NOM concentration and in batch treatment mode, that
potential applied during experimental run. For A/V ratio value the ECF process is more efficient when the initial treated water pH
0.248 cm−1 the ECF reactor in its steady state achieved the high- is adjusted to 5 [10–13]. Therefore, for the following experimental
est NOM removal efficiency of 60% (relative to raw groundwater) work the pH value of the raw groundwater was adjusted to 5.
based on UV254 absorbance.
The obtained results demonstrate that additional electrodes in 3.3. Effect of inter electrode distance (d)
the ECF reactor for the constant applied potential do not assure a
steady increase in the NOM removal efficiency. Therefore, the most NOM removal efficiency and energy consumption was analyzed
favorable A/V ratio of 0.248 cm−1 , or four aluminum electrodes in as a function of inter electrode distance (d). The inter electrode
the ECF reactor, was selected for the following experimental work. distance varied at values of d = 1.2 cm, 2.0 cm and 2.8 cm. The ECF
260 E. Mohora et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 235–236 (2012) 257–264
Fig. 3. Variation of DOC (a) and UV254 absorbance (b) as a function of ini-
tial groundwater pH value and time. The ECF treatment was carried out at
U = 20 V, Q = 3.6 l/h, d = 1.2 cm, conductivity (pH = 7.0) = 1284 S/cm, conductivity
(pH = 5.0) = 1750 S/cm, A/V = 0.248 cm−1 , DOC0 = 9.31 ± 0.51 mg C/l.
Fig. 7. Variation of treated groundwater pH as a function of the operat- Fig. 8. Effect of flow rate on ECF reactor NOM removal efficiency based on
ing current density and ECF treatment time. The ECF treatment was carried UV254 absorbance as a function of treatment time. The ECF treatment was carried
out at Q = 6.4 l/h, d = 2.8 cm, A/V = 0.248 cm−1 , pH 5.0, conductivity = 1750 S/cm, out at d = 2.8 cm, A/V = 0.248 cm−1 , pH 5.0, U = 17 V, i = 5.78 mA/cm2 , conductiv-
DOC0 = 9.31 ± 0.51 mg C/l. ity = 1750 S/cm, DOC0 = 9.31 mg C/l.
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