Kerja Kas Jie
Kerja Kas Jie
Kerja Kas Jie
Electro process is applied for water and wastewater quality improvement usually based on
electrocoagulation. It is a simple and effective method for water and wastewater treatment. It
is an intention of this paper to present on a report of a study using electro process to improve
wastewater quality, based on removals of colour, COD and suspended solids. A reactor made
of a beaker, consists of iron plates as electrodes, a liter of solution sample, applied current
2 2
density of between 35 A/m and 200 A/m , with duration of between 5 minutes and 40
minutes. From the study it was shown that the reactor can remove colour, COD and SS by
more than 80%, 80% and 30% respectively, with optimum duration of between 15 minutes
and 30 minutes. The study also has shown that current density and duration were the most
influent factors besides concentration of the solution sample.
Keywords :
Electro process, Iron electrode, Decolourization, COD removal, Suspended solids.
1. Introduction
Treatment that used electro process has been tested successfully to treat others
wastewater such as restaurant wastewater and urban wastewater. Basically when
electricity was used in the treatment, electrolysis process occurred. It is based on
applying an electric current through the wastewater to be treated by using electrodes.
Anode is a sacrificial metal (usually iron) electrode that withdraws electron from the
electrode material, which result in release of Fe(II)- ions into the bulk solution. Iron upon
oxidation produced iron hydroxides that remains in aqueous stream as a gelatinous
suspensions removed the pollutant by complexation or electrostatic attraction (Daneshvar
et al., 2004). Then cathode produces H2 gas from water and cause the floc form to be
floated at the surface (Zee, 2002). Organic compound from dyes react through a
combination of electrochemical reduction, electrocoagulation and electrofloatation
reactions (Ching et al., 2005).
The used of electro process in treating wastewater have been in existence for many
years. It has been practiced since 20th century to treat wastewater but with limited success
(Daneshvar et al., 2004). At that time, the technology was primitive, electric power was
expensive, and wastewater does not appear to be a major treat to the environment
(Abraham and Freeman, 1996). Numerous methods for electrolytic treatment have been
developed since then. However, in the last decade it has been increasing used in South
America and Europe.
Electro process has been tested successfully for treating varian of wastewater
samples such as restaurant wastewater, urban wastewater, defluoridation of water,
separation of aqueous, suspension of ultrafine particle, and removal of nitrate from water
(Alinsafi et al., 2004). According to Abraham and Freeman (1996), this process able to
removed BOD, COD, total organic carbon, total dissolved solid, total suspended solids,
and heavy metal such as chromium, copper, molybdenum and zinc. However, the
performances of this approach in treating textile wastewater are not well defined.
This process is based on principles involving responses of water contaminants to
strong electric fields. Basically it is the combination of electrolysis and coagulation
method. Compare to conventional coagulation this process has advantages in removing
small colloidal particles, have lager probability of being coagulated because of electric
field that set them in motion and produce low sludge. Generally, treatment of coloured
wastewater is highly in cost. However, this process offers low cost for operating and
maintenance (Ching et al., 2005). Furthermore, the equipment is simple and easy to be
operated (Alinsafi et al., 2004).
Electro process involved the formation of flocs of metal hydroxides within the
effluent to be cleaned by electro-dissolution of soluble anodes. This process will be
destabilizing and aggregating fine particles (Chen et al., 2000). In the mean time, tiny
hydrogen bubble produced at the cathode induce the floatation of most flocs, and helping
successfully separate particle from wastewater (Alinsafi et al., 2004). Three main
processes occur during the process, electrolytic reactions at the surface of electrodes,
formation of coagulant in aqueous phase, adsorption of soluble or colloidal pollutants on
coagulants, and removal by sedimentation or floatation (Alinsafi et al., 2004).
Floc size and density significantly influence the performance of liquid/solid
separation processes. Large and dense flocs may be preferable since they have high
sedimentation velocities and are more easily dewatered. Chemical dosing with metal ions
(iron or aluminum) is often used in primary treatments to remove colloids from
wastewater, but new technologies as electrocoagulation are suspectible to produce flocs
of higher size and density (Larue and Vorobiev, 2003).
In order to optimise the treatment process several parameter such as size, shape, and
distance between electrode, current density, pH, reaction time should be properly selected
(Alinsafi et al., 2004). It is important to select properly the condition of parameter to
ensure the cost for treatment and removal efficiency according to the needs.
There were many type of electrode in term of material, size, shape and arrangement.
Each different type of electrode affecting the process differently. Study done by
Daneshvar (2004), showed that electrocoagulation with several electrodes was more
effective compare to simple cell. The shape of electrode such as plate and rod gave
different affect to the process. Plate electrode has more surface area compare to rod
electrode. Distance between electrodes is important. The distance of electrode used by
Ching (2005) was 1 mm distance, while Alinsafi et al. (2004) used 2 mm and Chen
et al. (2000) used 3mm. Basically the most suitable condition of parameter for the process
are depending on the wastewater property that required to be treated.
Aluminum or iron are usually used as electrodes and their cations are generated by
dissolution of sacrificial anodes upon the application of a direct current. Aluminum (Al)
is usually used for water treatment and iron (Fe) for wastewater treatment (Carmona, et
al., 2006). Kobya et al. (2003), has been investigated EC technologies to treatment of
textile wastewaters using iron and aluminum electrode materials. The results show that
iron is superior to aluminum as sacrificial electrode material, from COD removal
efficiency and energy consumption points.
For settling test, each after electro process, the treated wastewater were degassed
under low stirring speed with an impeller velocity 30 rpm. Afterwards, the treated
wastewater were placed in graduated sedimentation columns of 5 cm internal diameter
and 1 m height (Figure 2).
2.3. Analysis
All the analysis was focusing on the performance of the electric energy that was
connected to iron and steel electrode under the influence of duration, current density and
concentration. The performance of the process was assessed based on the percentage of
decolourisation, absorbance, COD and suspended solids removal.
The initial and final absorbance of a sample was determined by using UV/VIS
spectrophotometer Jasco model 7800 in the ultraviolet region of 200 to 1100 nm
wavelength to make quantitative analysis. While the colour removal was determined at
480 nm wavelength using DR/4000 (Hach) spectrophotometer.
COD was determined according to the Standard Methods for Examination of Water
and Wastewater (APHA, 2002) and analysed using UV-Vis HACH DR/4000
spectrophotometer (HACH Method 8000).
To determine SS, the wastewater samples were filtered through a standard GF/F
glass fibre filter. The residual retained on the filter was then oven dried at 1050C to a
constant weight (APHA Method 2540 D).
The percentage of removal after electro processes were assessed using the following
CR (%) 0 x 100 (1)
Where C0 and C are concentrations of wastewater before and after electro process in
ADMI or mg/L, respectively.
Whereas the percentage of absorbance removal represent to Lamberts Law, was
determined by using formula below:
AR (%) 0 x 100 (2)
Where A0 and A are initial and final absorbance, respectively.
Hence, the loss of particles due to coagulation after treatment process, as follows:
a ( b e kt ) (3)
Where k is kinetic constant ; a and b are constant values.
Absorbance removal
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
R em o v al Pe rce n tag e ( %) .
30 Decolourization
20 Absorbance removal
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Based on previous test 100 mg/1 had been chosen as a fixed concentration for
further test. Further test was required, in order to ensure the value of current density and
duration obtained previously able to give more then 90% decolourisation and absorbance
removal. The range of current density used for this test was from 120 A/m2 to 240 A/m 2.
Results of the test are shown in Table C. From the result, the percentage of absorbance
removal and decolourisation was more then 90% for each range of current density, this
proved that the range of current density used was suitable. When the concentration was
less then 100 mg/1 the percentage of absorbance removal increased because the amount
of dye was less.
COD Rem oval Efficiency .
DC Current = 0.5A
0.3 Current density=35.1 A/m2
0.2 Current
DC Current density=
= 0.65A 45.6 A/m2
0.1 Current
DC Current density=
= 0.8A 56.2 A/m2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
In this process, electrocoagulation involves two stages which are destabilization and
aggregation. The first stage is usually short, whereas the second stage is relatively long.
From Figure 5 explainable that metal ions as destabilization agent are produced at the
anode through electrochemical reactions.
The effluent appeared greenish first and then turned yellow and turbid. This green
and yellow colour must have resulted from Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions generated during the EC
process. Fe2+ is the common ion generated in situ of electrolysis of iron electrode. It has
relatively high solubility at acidic or neutral conditions and can be oxidised easily into
Fe3+ by dissolved oxygen in water.
On the other hand, interelectrode distance (d) have a significant effect on the
efficiency of COD and turbidity removal. The effects of interelectrode distance depicted
in the curves of relationship between treatment time and COD removal in Figure 6. In
this figure, the optimum of COD removal efficiency for the distance of 14 mm and 50
mm (80% and 77%) is reached at 30 min and 50 min of treatment time, respectively.
C OD Remo val Effi cien cy . 0.9 0.80
0.75 0.74 0.77
0.8 0.71
0.7 0.62 0.63
0.5 0.44
0.2 0.15
10 20 30 40 50
distance = 14 mm
distance = 50 mm
Treatment Time (min)
C OD Remo val Effi ci en cy .
0.3 T reatment T ime = 10 min
Figure 7. Influence of the current density on the removal of COD efficiency (d= 14 mm)
SS re mo v al ( %)
C/Co = -0.3336(-1.9975-exp(-0.0154t))
DC Current
Current dens: 35.1 A/m2
: 0.5A
0.2 C/Co = -0.7138(-0.4006-exp(-0.0719t))
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
Settling time (min)
The current density was increasing the amount of absorbance removal and colour
removal was increasing. 160 A/m2 of current density was the most suitable value to
achieve 80% of absorbance removal and colour removal. The efficiency of
decolourisation for 100 mg/1 to 200 mg/1 concentration was able to increase up to more
than 95% of colour removal and more than 88% of absorbance removal when duration
was 18 minutes and current density was 120 A/m2.
The removal efficiencies of COD and SS were high, more than 80% and 30%,
respectively. The optimal COD removal (> 75%) at current density of 56.1 A/m 2 and
70.2 A/m2 is reached at 30 min of electro process. The suspended particles removal
efficiency is as high as 31.86% on 24 hours of settling time. The kinetics of the COD and
turbidity removal were described by the empirical formulation and fit to data.
In general, the results was obtained from the curves of treatment time and settling
time, explain that the electro process can enhances the settling velocity of suspended
solids and removal of colour and COD. It mean that the electro process can remove the
suspended solids, colour and COD from water and wastewater to improve its quality.
The authors are grateful for the financial support IRPA Grant : VOT 74146, by the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) . We also wish to thank the
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia.
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