Social Media Effects

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Social Media: The Rise of Depression and Anxiety

It is no mystery that today's society is technologically advanced and that practically

everyone has a mobile phone or other handheld electronic gadgets of some kind. People can now

have a wide range of options at their fingertips in a matter of seconds as a result of this

advancement. In recent years, it has been clear that social media adversely affect individuals

resulting in depression and anxiety, particularly in those who use social media for an extended

period on a regular basis. Some believe that this level of social media use is equivalent to an

addiction. As is true of many addictions, the individual who engages in it runs the risk of

acquiring anxiety and depression-related symptoms. This study examines the rise of

depression and anxiety in today's culture, which can be attributed to social media.

The displacement hypothesis claims that excessive involvement in some activities

obstructs participation in other activities that may be more helpful. Although this theory predates

social media, it can help explain why excessive social media usage might be harmful. According

to the idea, every minute spent online takes away time spent on activities that are better for a

person's mental health, such as exercise. This implies that the harm produced by social media is

proportional to the amount of time spent on it, bolstering the claim that "social media is

hazardous to an individual's mental health" (Glaser). This confirms the displacement hypothesis'

description of how social media displaces positive activities, having a negative, monotonic
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influence on mental health, proving and confirming the assertion that social media causes

depression and anxiety.

Excessive use of social media can harm an individual's perception and sense of isolation.

Additionally, individuals are missing out on time that they could be spending on various other

activities, including studying, sleeping, spending quality time with family and friends,

participating in sports, or simply resting. Adolescence is notorious for staying up much past their

typical bedtime, resulting in a lack of proper sleep consistently today. They are continually

inundating their brains with information that must be sorted and processed. It is well accepted

that sleep is necessary for the body and the brain to perform at their best. Sleep deprivation has

also been related to higher incidences of depression in the past. Furthermore, lower academic

performance depression is directly related to the amount of time a student spends on social media

platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Another characteristic of social media use is that it has a significant impact on self-image

and self-worth, which are heavily influenced by body image. The image of the body refers to

how a person views oneself as a whole and what they believe about it, including physical

qualities and attitudes toward it. Many people are preoccupied with their physical attractiveness

and neglect their inherent talents to gain societal acceptance (Glaser). Most of the time, even if

they receive praise or meet society's expectations, it is not enough, so they embark on a quest to

be as perfect as a model or actress, which leads to depression. On social media platforms such as

Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr, diverse male and female models' bodies are

displayed. As a result, if people fail to match social media's expectations, anxiety concerns may

occur, leading to depression.

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Additionally, depression and anxiety does not discriminate against anyone, regardless of

age, religion, or social standing. Nowadays, half of the celebrities suffer from depression and

anxiety, just like everyone else. People are perpetually perplexed by the difference between

sorrow and depression; they believe that a depressed person appears sad, but this is not the case.

Similarly, celebrities appear to be joyful in front of the camera and the media, but they are

suffering on the inside, which is unknown to the public. Even many of them have committed

suicide as a result of depression, which was exacerbated in part by the use of social media

platforms. Additionally, because of today's social media-oriented culture, they may also receive

messages from their detractors who may be disrespectful to them or do something harmful to

their reputation. As a result, celebrities who receive negative comments on social media are

frequently forced to take a break from their careers, leading to depression.

As a result, social media can lead to the development of anxiety and depression-related

symptoms in some individuals. Furthermore, it is stated that the effects of social media usage by

individuals are dependent on whether they utilize it constructively or adversely. Overall,

depression and anxiety are characterized by decreased communication with people, spending

more time alone at home, and having bad thoughts. A depressed person's close friend or family

member can assist them in getting out of their mental disorders by encouraging or motivating

them to use social media constructively. The posts and stories on social media can significantly

impact one's feelings of despair and anxiety. As a result, people must recognize the necessity of

restricting their use of social media and engaging in physical activity to make their minds less

stressed and healthier.

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Work Cited

Glaser, Philip, et al. "Is social media use for networking positive or negative? Offline social

capital and internet addiction as mediators for the relationship between social media use

and mental health." New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online) 47.3 (2018): 12-18.

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