David Exaudi Sianipar has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and is currently working as a Production and Quality Control Staff at Samator Gas Industri Balikpapan. He has over 1 month of internship experience in production at PT Petrokimia Gresik. As a production staff, his responsibilities include inputting daily production data, maintenance planning, and ensuring material balances. As quality control staff, he performs tasks such as equipment calibration, product analysis, certification, and customer claims handling. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, SAP software, and has strong skills in multitasking, teamwork, and operating under pressure.
David Exaudi Sianipar has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and is currently working as a Production and Quality Control Staff at Samator Gas Industri Balikpapan. He has over 1 month of internship experience in production at PT Petrokimia Gresik. As a production staff, his responsibilities include inputting daily production data, maintenance planning, and ensuring material balances. As quality control staff, he performs tasks such as equipment calibration, product analysis, certification, and customer claims handling. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, SAP software, and has strong skills in multitasking, teamwork, and operating under pressure.
David Exaudi Sianipar has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and is currently working as a Production and Quality Control Staff at Samator Gas Industri Balikpapan. He has over 1 month of internship experience in production at PT Petrokimia Gresik. As a production staff, his responsibilities include inputting daily production data, maintenance planning, and ensuring material balances. As quality control staff, he performs tasks such as equipment calibration, product analysis, certification, and customer claims handling. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, SAP software, and has strong skills in multitasking, teamwork, and operating under pressure.
David Exaudi Sianipar has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and is currently working as a Production and Quality Control Staff at Samator Gas Industri Balikpapan. He has over 1 month of internship experience in production at PT Petrokimia Gresik. As a production staff, his responsibilities include inputting daily production data, maintenance planning, and ensuring material balances. As quality control staff, he performs tasks such as equipment calibration, product analysis, certification, and customer claims handling. He is proficient in Microsoft Office, SAP software, and has strong skills in multitasking, teamwork, and operating under pressure.
WORKING EXPERIENCE MY EDUCATION INTERNSHIP Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" University Yogyakarta PETROKIMIA GRESIK 1 Month (June 2018) Bachelor of Chemical Engineering | 2013 - 2019 Learnt and studied about production of GPA : 3.38 / 4.00 AlF3 product Mass Balance, Heat Balance and Research : "Pengaruh Variasi sumber Karbon Process Control Philosophy of Glukosa dan Gliserol terhadap jumlah massa Crystallyzer R-3112 dan kadar Lipid pada Kultivasi mikroalga Botryococcus Braunii"
Samator Gas Industri
I am very determined and Balikpapan|November 2019 - still Thesis : "Manufacturer Planning of Chemical motivated to succes in any working Hexamine from Ammonia and Formaldehide" working environment which could As Production Staff : ORGANIZATION give me space to develop. - To input daily data of production gas I have graduated from Chemical HIMPUNAN MAHASISWA TEKNIK KIMIA to SAP Software Samator Gas Industri Engineering Department and i (HMTK) | 2013 - 2019 - Make and input data of Maintenance work as Production Staff in Order on SAP Software Member of HMTK Samator Gas IndustrI Balikpapan. - Make sure balance of Raw Material in 2013 - 2019 I can work under pressure both SAP Software and real data ( Stock Chemical Engineering Fellowship | individual and in a group Opname) 2013 - 2017 - Maker and Production Cylinder gases SKILLS of Oxygen, Argon, Specialty gas such as Member N2 mix with O2, Ar mix with CO2, 2013 - 2015 Microsoft Office Nitrogen and Argon Ultra High Purity The Leader of Equipment & Logistics Multi Tasking - Transfer Liquid of AR, CO2, O2, N2 Division (2015 - 2016) Scilab from Lorry / ISO Tank to Storage Tank The Leadaer of venture fund Division (2016 SAP Software - 2017) Team Work As Quality Control Staff : ISO 9001 : 2015 - Calibration of Servomax, Teledyne SEMINAR Quality Contol 311, Shaw Dew Point analyzer Student Creativity Program-Research - Calibration of Pressure Indicator (PKM-PE) | 2016 LANGUANGE (Bourden Gauge tool ) and make certificate of calibration Monitoring and Evaluation Seminar PKM-PE Bahasa Indonesia - To analyze Purity, Packaging and "BIMO (BATTERY FROM MICROALGAE) : Inovasi English Pressure of product and analyze Purity Baterai Ramah Lingkungan Berbahan dasar of liquid on storage tank Mikroalga yang Dikultivasi dalam Limbah Cair - To analyze Purity of Liquid from Tahu" group before liquid will transfer to MY CONTACT DETAILS Storage Tank ACHIEVMENT - To make confirmation and replay of Student Creativity Program-Research 082152916104 Claim that receive from Costumer and (PKM-PE) | 2016 [email protected] input claim data to SAP Software Samator Gas Industri Funded by Ministry of Research, Technology Pondok Asri Housing Complex NC 17, - Make Certificate Of Conformation and Higher Education Indonesia doing a Manggar, East Balikpapan, Balikpapan Research (COC) and Certificate of Analyze ( COA ) of product Title Research :
TRAINING - Make report of calibration and BIMO (BATTERY FROM MICROALGAE)
analiysys of Gas Bottle Product Inovasi Baterai Ramah Lingkungan Awareness Management System - Inspection and make sure of product Berbahan dasar Mikroalga yang Dikultivasi ISO 9001 : 2015 ( November 2019 ) from vendor in good condition before dalam Limbah Cair Tahu Mass, Volume, Temperature the product sell to costumer - Purging of Cylinder and Lorry Tank Calibration ( Januari 2020 )