Граматика компекс
Граматика компекс
Граматика компекс
1. We saw her crossing the street. 2. I noticed her open the book. 3. The students saw the plane land. 4. I
heard them sing this song. 5. We noticed him stand up and leave the room. 6. Everybody heard you tell it.
7. They saw me run home. 8. The mother felt the child cry.
1. I want you to do it today. 2. I would like you to come to the meeting today. 3. His father wants him to
become a doctor. 4. I don't like him speak so slowly. 5. I want you to stay here. 6. I don't want you to go to
the cinema today.
1. We hope him to come on Wednesday. 2. I didn't think you are late. 3. Are you consider her to be a good
organizer? 4. The doctors hope him to recover soon. 5. The scientists consider this city to be built in the 12
century. 6. We hope our volleyball team to win the match.
1. The teacher made us learn that poem by heart 2. What did make you go there in such bad weather? 3.
We’ll make him clean the room. 4. The rain made me stay here. 5. I'm not making you do it.
1. It is said him to be living in Kyiv right now. 2. It is said him to be live in Kyiv. 3. It is reported the Polish
delegation to have arrived in Kyiv. 4. It is believed that this fortress was built in the X century. 5. It is
believed him to be a very educated man. 6. It’s said him to be the best sportsmen in the school. 7. It is
known her to have studied some foreign languages.
1. The train was heard to come. 2. She was noticed to enter the shop every morning. 3. It was heard her to
be singing in the neighbor room. 4 He wasn’t seen to be angry. 5. The plain was seen to fly so hight in the
1. She seems to know French. 2. Your letter seems to receive. 3. I was seem them not to listen to him. 4.
We happened to meet in Poltava. 5. He runned out to be a good mathemacian. 6. Obviously, you have
forgotten to do it.
1. Mary made Tom wash his hands and face again. "I want you to be clean," she said. 2. "I want the floor
washed by the evening," said my mother. 3. He heard her sigh in her sleep. 4. She was so busy think she did
not notice me enter. 5. We wanted them to tell us something about themselves. 6. I had a new dress made
last week. 7. When I was a child, I liked mother to sing songs to me. 8. She felt somebody come up to her,
but did not turn. 9. The boy watched the mechanic repairing the refrigerator. 10. David heard the doctor
leave his mother's room and go downstairs. 11. Nobody saw Jim enter the house. Nobody expected him to
come so early. 12. "I want everybody to be happy," she said. 13. "You cannot make me give you the child,"
said Miss Betsy. 14. Sid saw Tom jump out of the window. 15. I know your father to be very tall. 16. Have
you ever seen him dancе a waltz?
1. Father did not want Nick to read this book. 2. I hate things to be broken. 3. She wants to have her hair
cut. 4. I don't like Kate to sing this song. 5. Everybody knows her to be very brave. 6. I expected you to do
your homework. 7. Did you see anybody speak to him? 8. She watched the children playing lotto. 9. His
mother made him go to bed. 10. Have you had your photo taken? 11. I want the dinner to be cooked in
time. 12. Did she want him to give her a ride? 13. I know him to be (the) captain of a big ship. 14. She felt
tears roll down her cheeks. 15.My friends wouldn’t like her to think they didn’t appreciate what she did. 16.
I heard my crystal vase break.
1. I want to make a new dress. 2. I want these words to be remembered. 3. The rain made us stay at home.
4. We watched the ship sailing off. 5. I hate animals to be beaten. 6. Did you see anybody fall? 7. Everybody
knows him to be a coward. 8. Where do you take your photos ? 9. I expected you to come in the evening.
10. I don't like you to bring bad marks. 11. I expect my father to bring me the books. 12. Mother did not
want me to go to the cinema. 13. I felt something touch my hair. 14. We often heard them arguing. 15. She
wanted him to understand it. 16. He wanted to leave early, but his boss made him to stay.
1. I did not expect you to be angry. 2. I don't like the children to stay alone. 3. I expect the letter to come
tomorrow. 4. The doctor made me take the medicine. 5. Has your mother had a new dress made? 6. I hate
keys to be lost. 7. I want the dictation to be written well. 8. When did you have your photo taken? 9. Vira
heard something heavy fall on the floor. 10. We know him to be a great musician. 11. He watched us
playing chess. 12. Bad weather made us return home 13. Did you see anybody fighting with him? 14. I did
not want you to stay in the yard. 15. We want our children to grow active and energetic. 16. She would like
him to come.
1. I want you to be more attentive. 2. I made her learn this poem by heart. 3. They didn't expect us to take
part in the discussion. 4. She hates people to treat animals cruelly. 5. The noise of the plane flying high in
the sky made him look up. 6. We had better enter the house: I don't want you to catch cold. 7. I want this
play to be staged at our school theatre. 8. Where do you have your hair cut? 9. I saw the children running
towards the river. 10. I know her to be the best pupil. 11. She heard somebody enter the room. 12. I should
like you to spend the summer with us. 13. This movie (film) star had her Mersedes stolen last week. 14. We
expected the delegation to come at the end of the week. 15. We notice two men acting suspiciously. 16. I
heard my crystal vase smash.
1.me feel — Complex Object. 2. you to say — Complex Object. 3.my father leave — Complex Object. 4. his
door open — Complex Object. 5. us sleep — Complex Object. 6. a chap spend — Complex Object. 7. it to be
— Complex Object. 8. him to come back — Complex Object. 9. somebody touch — Complex Object.10. it to
be done — Complex Object. 11. She ... to notice — Complex Subject. 12. The number... to be — Complex
Subject. 13. He ... to be — Complex Subject. 14. Lady Franklin ... to expect — Complex Subject. 15. The
boy ... to repeat — Complex Subject. 16. Professor Lee... to join — Complex Subject. 17. He... to say —
Complex Subject; the door ... to be shut — Complex Object.
1. Я чувствую себя как-то странно из-за таблеток, которые дал мне мой врач. 2. Я хочу, чтобы ты
сказала себе: «Он умер смертью храбрых, служа своей стране, и мы должны им гордиться». 3. Я
видел, как отец вышел из дома в то самое утро. Уже теряя сознание, он услышал, как его дверь
открылась и тотчас же закрылась опять. 5. Джордж был уверен, что благодаря свежему воздуху и
физической нагрузке мы будем спать как убитые. 6. Никогда не видел, чтобы человек тратил столько
времени на изучение рентгеновских снимков/радиограмм. 7. Я думал, что это сигнал начинать. 8. Мы
не ожидали, что он вернется так быстро, и теперь гадали, что стряслось. 9. Она почувствовала, как
кто-то ласково коснулся ее рукой. 10. Я бы хотел, чтобы это было проделано как мо>. но незаметнее,
не привлекая внимания. 11. Она, похоже, не замечала его холодного тона. 12. Оказалось, что дом,
адрес которого мне дали/к которому меня направили, стоит несколько на отшибе, задом к реке. 13.
«Кажется, он спит, миледи», — сказал дворецкий. 14. Леди Фрэнклин, похоже, ожидала ответа. 15.
Мальчика заставили повторить свой рассказ дважды. 16. Предполагалось, что профессор Ли
присоединится к экспедиции в Северной Африке, но он заболел. 17. Было слышно, как он сказал, что
будет дождь, и велел закрыть дверь на балкон.
1. The teacher made me repeat it all over again. 2. You needn't ask for permission, I let you take my books
whenever you like. 3. Will you help me (to) move the table? 4. He is expected to arrive in a few days. 5. Xou
seem to know these places very well. 6. You had better make a note of it. 7. I heard the door open and saw
a shadow move across the floor. 8. He told me to try to do it once again. 9. I'd rather walk a little before
going to bed. 10. There is nothing to do but (/o) wait till somebody comes to let us out. 11. You ought not
to show your feelings. 12. Why not wait a little longer? 13. I felt her shiver with cold. 14. We should love
you to stay with us. 15. You are not to mention this to anyone. 16. We got Mother to cut up some
sandwiches. 17. Rose wanted them to stop laughing, wanted the curtain to come down. 18. I'll have to go
there. 19. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you. 20. She helped me(fo) get over my fear. 21.
Look here, Jane, why be so cross? 22. He was seen to make a note of it. 23. What made you deceive me?
24. He was not able to explain anything.