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Translate into English the following sentences

1. Ella nunca te contó la verdad. ¿verdad?

2. Ni siquiera admite que se equivoco.

3. Odio comer esa clase de pescado.

4. ¿Es esto lo que esperabas de mí?

5. ¡Dame la otra, la de color rojo!

6. Mientras lo hagas como te han dicho, no tendrás que preocuparte.

7. ¿Puedo contar contigo? Me gustaría que me echases una mano.

8. Trata de averiguarlo lo antes posible.

9. Preferiría hacerlo otro día, hoy no me siento bien.

10. ¿No te parece que ya va siendo hora de que le dejes en paz?

11. Es uno de los más impresionantes que jamás haya visto.

12. Te han dicho que esperes aquí. ¿verdad? Dime entonces que demonios estas haciendo
merodeando por esta zona.

13. ¡Que gran día! ¿Qué te gustaría que hiciésemos?

14. No se atreverán a rechazarlo, no te preocupes.

15. Habría hecho lo posible si me hubiesen dado suficiente tiempo.

Change the following sentences into conditional

1. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it.

2. His own men deserted him; that’s the only reason why he failed.

3. When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back, all except Tom and his brothers, who
decided to go on; that’s how they died.

4. Why did you throw away those newspapers? I hadn’t finished with them.

5. It’s a pity we haven’t a steak to cook over our camp fire.

6. There so many things to be done yet. I don’t think I’ll be able to get it ready by the end of the
Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice
1. People believe that he was killed by terrorists.

2. People must hand in their weapons.

3. When they have widened this street the roar of the traffic will keep residents awake all night.

4. We know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.

5. They didn’t see anyone in the hall.

6. Who wrote it?

7. The lawyer gave him the details of his uncle´s will.

8. Did the idea interest you?

Choose whether these sentences are right or wrong and write each sentence correctly
1. I’ll be back on November.

2. I’ll be surprised if she will pass her exams!

3. Tonight we’ll have a surprise party for Gemma’s birthday!

4. He asked me what was my favourite band.

5. I’ve often got difficulty with phrasal verbs.

6. Have you ever been to Prague? Yes I’ve been there when I was a student.

7. If she hadn’t been so shy she would have accepted our invitation to the party.

8. It’s Sunday. I mustn’t get up.

9. It’s no use to wonder about it once everything is over.

10. She said me she would be slightly late.

11. Her hair is not as long like mine!

12. I have a lot of luggages!

13. Jennifer got her hair done as she was not skilful enough to do it by herself.

14. Emma’s pay increase was very dissapointing.

15. You shouldn’t worry! She’ll do her better.

16. If she turned a blind eye in you might be because she doesn’t like you.

17. She said she had got her car fix but still doesn’t work.

18. He is much too lazy so don’t expect him to help you, no matter what you need.

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