I. Revise The Following Issues:: To Describe The Phenomena of

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I. Revise the following issues:

Translation Studies – a discipline that studies a process and results of translators’ activity. It
comprises theory, practice, methods, history and didactics of translation/interpreting.

Objectives of Translation Studies

To describe the phenomena of To establish general principles

translating and translation(s) as they by means of which these
manifest themselves in the world of phenomena can be explained
our experience. (J.S. Holmes) and predicted. (J.S. Holmes)

The object of TS – original texts and their translations, the contrast of which provides
researchers with objective data for the development of translation theory.
The subject of TS is the process of translation as a double interpretive and generative

Translation Studies

Linguistics Literary Studies Cultural Studies Information Theory

Communication Theory Logic Sociology

II. Study in details Holmes’s Map of Translation Studies (see Munday J. Introducing
Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. London; New York: Routledge, 2008.
Subchapter 1.4).
Study in details Viktor Koptilov’s scheme of Translation Studies (see Коптілов В.
Перекладознавство як окрема галузь філології / Віктор Коптілов // Мовознавство. –
1971.– № 2. – С. 50 – 57; Коптілов В. Першотвір і переклад : роздуми і спостереження
/ В. Коптілов. – К. : Дніпро, 1972. – 215 с. (с. 199 – 207); Коптілов В.В. Теорія і практика
перекладу: Навч. посіб./ В.В. Коптілов. – К.: Юніверс, 2003. – 280 с. (с. 6-10)).

Compare Holmes’s and Koptilov’s approaches.

III. Decide where you would place the following types of research:
1. I wish to compare a modern translation of the Bible with an older version into
the same target language.
2. I intend to investigate the problems of translating fixed forms of expressions such
as idiom, aphorism and maxim from Ukrainian into English.
3. My aim is to carry out a critical survey of the contents of courses leading to
qualifications in translation and/or interpreting in my country.
James Holmes’s Map of Translation Studies


Translator Translation Translation

Training Aids Criticism

Theoretical Descriptive

Product Process Function

oriented oriented oriented

General Partial

Time Medium Area Rank Text-type Problem

restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted restricted

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