Siggayo, Alondra L. BSED-Filipino (LE-5)
Siggayo, Alondra L. BSED-Filipino (LE-5)
Siggayo, Alondra L. BSED-Filipino (LE-5)
Grade/Year Level: 10
It is said that students should not study only for scores nor grades. Students should study
most of all for learning. It is possible for students to obtain high scores and good grades but did
not really learn that much. What is ideal is for students to get high scores and good grades
because they really learned a lot. Our word of employment, scholarship grants, etc. still look at
grades as criteria for hiring and screening for scholarship. So grades have pragmatic value.
Therefore, it is best that students work for good grades that genuinely reflect level of mastery.
Review the policy guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the k to 12 Basic Education
Program in DO 8 s. 2015 and the Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in DepEd Order 31 s.2020. The grading system of the
DepEd is contained in the said DepEd Orders.
Students’ progress and grades are reported to parents through Report Card, Parents’
Teachers conference and written conferences
(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resources Teacher in
scoring assessment tasks, computing grades and reporting grades to parents and
guardians, please take note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked in
the next step of this Learning Episode(NOTICE).
1. Confer with your Resource Teacher about scoring students’ assessment tasks, grade
computation and reporting. This may also be done face-to-face or online.
Reference: Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning In An Actual Environment
Maria Lucas, PhD. Milagros Borabo, PhD. Purita Bilbao, EdD. Brenda Corpuz, PhD
2. Ask your Resource Teacher what you can do to assist him/her in the scoring of students’
assessment tasks’ grade computation and preparation for reporting in the Parents ‘Teachers
Individual Output