7. The main component of the tunica media of the medium sized arteries
a. Elastic fibers.
b. Smooth muscle fibers.
c. Collagen fibers.
d. Reticular fibers.
8. Metarterioles:
a. Are connections between arterioles and venules.
b. Are surrounded by sphincter of elastic fibers at their initial segment.
c. Are lateral branches of capillaries.
d. Are the regulator of the blood flow to the capillaries.
10. Longitudinally arranged smooth muscle fibers in the IVC are present
a. Tunica intima.
b. Tunica media.
c. Tunica adventitia.
d. Perivascular space.
13. The Basilar artery is characterized by:
a. Thin tunica media.
b. Clear external elastic lamina.
c. Thick tunica adventitia.
d. Thin internal elastic lamina.
19. Venules are characterized by:
a. Clear internal elastic lamina.
b. Endothelium resting on thick basal lamina.
c. Thick subendothelial C.T.
d. Absent external elastic lamina.
5. Blood sinusoids are common in
a. Brain.
b. Stomach.
c. Endocrine glands.
d. Skin.
7. The main component of the tunica media of the medium sized arteries
a. Elastic fibers.
b. Smooth muscle fibers.
c. Collagen fibers.
d. Reticular fibers.
8. Metarterioles
a. Are connections between arterioles and venules.
b. Are surrounded by sphincter of elastic fibers at their initial segment.
c. Are lateral branches of capillaries.
d. Are the regulator of the blood flow to the capillaries.
10. Longitudinally arranged smooth muscle fibers in the IVC are present
a. Tunica intima.
b. Tunica media.
c. Tunica adventitia.
d. Perivascular space.
11.Medium-sized veins have:
a. Thick tunica media.
b. Narrow lumen.
c. Clear internal elastic lamina.
d. Thick tunica adventitia.
17. Arterioles are characterized by:
a. Thick subendothelial C.T.
b. Prominent internal elastic lamina.
c. Endothelium resting on thin basal lamina.
d. Thick tunica adventitia.
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