Lp5 Ro TVL He BPP Ncii Grade 11 q1 Edited

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Name of Student:
Date: WEEK 5
Activity Title: Baking Temperature Control, Temperature During
Fermentation and Proofing of Dough, and Conversion of
degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit


Baking is a way to uniformly heat foods in an enclosed space. For sweet treats and
bread baked goods, baking turns a raw dough or batter into golden products with irresistible
contrasting flavors and textures created by the exterior crust and crumbly or chewy centers.

Part of the science of baking is understanding the process of what happens to the
fats, sugar, proteins, starches, and gasses while in the oven. If something is baked at a low
temperature, the process takes place more slowly and evenly throughout the product with
less overlap in processes.

The gentle rise in temperature allows the external part of what you’re baking to react
in similar fashion to the inside. Conversely, batter placed in a high-temperature oven will
have a number of processes going on in quick succession and with an uneven distribution.
In this scenario, the recipe will undergo all of the steps more quickly than the internal
portions. It all depends on your desired end taste and texture.


Temperature control plays a crucial role in:

 Time management
 Product consistency
 Crust, crumb, and flavor characteristics
 Shelf life

Temperature of dough during mixing

"Baking, The Art and Science", by Schunemann and Treu, has a good amount of
information relative to the consequences of mixing at too high or low a temperature.
Schunemann and Treu indicate that the intensity and duration of the mixing process effects

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the optimal dough temperature. Since slow-speed mixers are susceptible to faster dough
maturation, keeping the dough cool leads to the best results. High-speed mixers lead to
dough that ages more slowly. In this case, the higher friction (discussed below)
compensates for any temperature adjustment. Since yeast activity is greatly reduced at
lower temperatures, dough prepared under cool conditions tends to ferment more slowly.

Dough Properties:

Excessively Cool Conditions  Excessively Warm Conditions

Matures slowly and remains "green" Matures quickly and gets "old" very fast.
or "young" for a long time.
Is moist. Is dry and tends to form a skin.
Is sticky and runny. Firms up very quickly.
Is not firm, but rather, "flows". Turns "short" (less elastic) very rapidly.
  Loses fermentation stability

Base Temperature Calculation

How is the temperature of the dough controlled? By using the base temperature
calculation. The factors that influence dough temperature are the ambient temperature, the
temperature of the flour, the temperature of the water, and the temperature resulting from
the action of kneading (manual) or mixing (mechanical).

Temperature During Fermentation and Proofing of Dough

1. Primary Fermentation (Bulk Fermentation)

Primary fermentation is also referred to as bulk fermentation. Activity of the ferment, be it

baker’s yeast or levain (sourdough), is one of the primary factors in the process of dough
development during primary fermentation. Consequently, temperature plays a vital role in
determining the time within which dough development or maturation is achieved for a
formula with a specific ferment level. It is customary to adjust the ferment quantity, or
fermentation time, or both, with changes in dough temperature, whether those changes are
introduced intentionally or unintentionally. Practicing bakers, in both commercial and home
settings, are familiar with these relationships and make appropriate adjustments.

The following tables entitled Dough Conditions during Fermentation, and Quality of the Final
Product, are offered as a simplified reference to help determine the causes of defects or
faults resulting from inadequate temperature conditions during fermentation.

Dough Conditions during Fermentation

Excessively Cool Conditions Excessively Warm Conditions

Dough does not attain enough

Dough reaches the peak of its gassing power during
gassing power during fermentation
mixing or during make-up
and proofing
Dough is rigid, tough, and flat Dough lacks elasticity, breaks when stretched, and

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  becomes dry

Quality of the Final Product:

Excessively Cool Dough Excessively Warm Dough

Volume is reduced Volume is reduced

Crust is dark and hard Crust is pale and whitish
Bread has irregular holes or breaks Bread has large cells with thick walls
Crumb dries out quickly. Crumb is dry, crumbly and, at times, sour tasting
Crumb is uneven, dense in the
Crumb is gray
center or open outside
Aroma and flavor are poor Aroma and flavor are poor
Shelf life is reduced Shelf life is reduced

2. Intermediate Proof (Benching or Bench Time)

Intermediate proof is also referred to as benching or bench time. It is a period of rest

between the work carried out by dividing and rounding (an activity during which dough
temperature becomes evenly distributed), and final shaping. The purpose of this rest period
is to allow the dough to become sufficiently soft, extensible, and relaxed to perform well
during shaping, and to further fermentation development. During intermediate proof, the
activity of the ferment continues to generate carbon dioxide. The extent of the activity
depends primarily upon the dough temperature, and the length of time involved. The result of
the activity is that the gas bubbles in the dough begin to increase in size. For this reason,
this period can be used to influence the structure of the final product. An adequate
intermediate proof is thought of as critical in the development of products with an open cell
structure. Provided there is limited structural modification, and degassing is minimized during
final shaping, a longer intermediate proof time, e.g. 15 minutes or more, will result in a more
open cell structure in the final product. The temperature during intermediate proof should be
consistent with the temperature during primary fermentation.

3. Secondary Fermentation (Proofing/Final Proof)

Secondary Fermentation is also referred to as proofing or final proof. It is the period that
follows shaping and precedes baking. The purpose of proofing is to obtain maximum dough
development by allowing the shaped dough to relax and expand to produce an aerated
piece of dough which, when baked, produces the desired shape and volume. During
proofing, the structure of the final product is set. Proofing temperatures generally occur
within a range of 22°C to 29°C (72°F to 85°F), depending upon the formula and final product.
Many commercial bakers have access to programmable equipment referred to as "proofers"
or "proofing cabinets," which allow for the ultimate control of such factors as temperature,
time, and humidity. Those bakers who do not employ specialized equipment, and those of us
baking at home, tend to identify areas within our environment in which the temperature is
naturally or easily controlled, and devise makeshift techniques to influence humidity.

If the dough is proofed at an improper temperature, or if there are fluctuations in

temperature during proofing, the following defects or faults may occur: The dough may

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become too cool, resulting in a final product that is small and compact, with a dense crumb
structure. The dough may form a skin, inhibiting expansion during proofing and baking, and
causing a pale, dull, and thick crust.

Temperature during Baking:

Although the definition of "baked" is considered arbitrary by some, a range in

temperature from 93°C to 96°C (200°F to 205°F), at the center of a lean dough at the end of
baking, is the generally accepted standard. This is the temperature necessary for the
structure throughout the final product to be adequately rigid. For a rich dough, the standard
is 82°C to 87°C (180°F to 190°F).

Two processes determine baking temperature. One is the expansion of gas cells,
and the other is the coagulation of gluten and gelatinization of starch. Coagulation is
described as the aggregation of protein macromolecules into clumps or aggregates of
semisolid material. Gelatinization is described as the swelling of starch granules when
heated in the presence of water. Too low an oven temperature will cause the dough to
expand to its greatest extent before the gluten and starch have had an opportunity to set.
The dough will then collapse into a flat, dense mass. Too hot an oven will cause the protein
and starch in the outer layers to set too quickly. The crust, prematurely formed, will prevent
further expansion.

Lean dough is usually baked at 218°C to 232°C (425°F to 450°F), while rich dough is
usually baked at 176°C to 190°C (350°F to 375°F). Rich dough is baked at lower
temperatures than lean dough so that the baking process is more gradual, and the surface
of the dough doesn't brown before the interior has set. If desired, once the shape of the
dough has set and the crust has become firmer, the temperature of the oven can be reduced
to allow the crust to thicken as the center finishes baking.

Size matters here as it does in cooking, and opposite strategies are called for to
properly bake small and large dough pieces. A small piece must be baked quickly in a hot
oven so that the crust can fully form and brown without the crumb becoming dehydrated. A
large piece must be baked slowly in a cooler oven so that the crust does not become overly
thick and dark before the center of the crumb is adequately cooked.

A variety of reactions occur as the dough gathers internal heat. Yeast activity is
decreased at 49ºC (120ºF), and yeast cells are destroyed within the range of 57°C to 60°C
(135°F to 140°F). The first process which determines baking temperature (the expansion of
gas cells) occurs within this temperature range. During this period, yeast activity in the form
of the production of carbon dioxide and the expansion of gas volume as the dough heats up,
work in concert to swell the dough and produce oven spring. This generally occurs within the
first 7 to 10 minutes of baking. At approximately 60°C to 71°C (140°F to 160°F), the second
of the process’ occurs, namely, the coagulation of the protein and the gelatinization of the
starch. As the center of the dough continues to gather internal heat to a temperature just
below that of boiling, the gluten and starch, and the semiliquid form of dough, solidifies into
the final product.

Browning reactions occur only after the water contained in the dough has reached
the boiling point and follow the drying out of its surface. Browning is due to the following
three factors: the caramelization of the sugars, the dextrinization of the starch, and the
Maillard reaction. Caramelization occurs when the sugar gives up water and carbon dioxide,
changing the structure of the sugar and its taste. Dry heat causes the change of starch into
dextrin’s (dextrinization) which imparts flavor and increases digestibility. The Maillard

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reaction is the result of an interaction between amino acids and carbohydrates in which an
aromatically perceived substance is formed. When the Maillard reaction takes place at a
high temperature, it results in desirable aromas and flavors, but when it takes place at lower
temperatures, it results in flat, gluey, and cardboard-like flavors. The browning of the surface
of the dough improves both the color and taste of the final product. Even though these
reactions are limited to the hot, dry crust, the flavor of the entire final product is affected,
because the products of these reactions are diffused inward toward the center of the dough.
Distinctions in flavor can be made between light colored and dark colored final products.
Dark colored final products are more flavorful. Once the final product is removed from the
oven, it is necessary to allow it to cool on racks. This facilitates the evaporation of the steam
generated during baking and the ultimate hardening of the crust.

Dough Conditions during Baking - Quality of the Final Product

Excessive Top or Bottom Heat

Excessive Top Heat Excessive Bottom Heat

Separation of the crust from the crumb with irregular

Wide, flat shape and a hard base
swelling on the surface
Crust is too dark Crust is pale

Excessively Cool or Hot Oven

Excessively Cool Oven Excessively Warm Oven

Separation of the crust from the

Crust is irregular, torn crumb with irregular swelling on the
Crust is pale, dry, thick Crust is dark, red, and hard
Volume is excessive or deficient Volume is poor
Crumb is gray and dull Crumb is dry
Texture is poor, crumbly Texture is poor, crumbly
Shelf life is reduced Shelf life is reduced

Underbaked or Overbaked
Underbaked  Overbaked

Crust is pale Crust is dark

Aroma and flavor are poor Aroma and flavor are poor

Why is oven temperature important?

Oven temperature is one of the key baking parameters. It can be measured, modified, and
controlled in order to influence process conditions directly, thereby affecting a product’s final


Description of Thermostat Setting Fahrenheit (0F) Centigrade 0C
Oven Electric Gas
Cool 200 200 90
Very Slow 250 250 120

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Slow 300-325 300 150-160
Moderately Slow 325-350 325 160-170
Moderate 350-375 350 170-190
Moderately Hot 375-400 375 190-200
Hot 400-450 400 200-230
Very Hot 450-500 450 230-260

Review from Grade 7&8 lesson; Formula in the conversion of 0C to 0F

C = 0F – 32 x 5/9 0
F= 0
C x 9/5 + 32.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Know baking temperature control and conversion.

2. Discuss baking temperature during fermentation and proofing.
3. Convert degrees Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit and vis-a-vis


Activity 1. Direction: Give your answer to the following statements:

1. The dough temperature is controlled by _____________________.

2. ___________________ is referred to us as the primary bulk fermentation.

3. ___________________ is a period of rest between the works carried out by dividing

and rounding and final shaping.

4. The secondary fermentation temperature ranges from ________________.

5. The generally accepted standard temperature at the center of lean dough at the end
of baking is from ________________.

Activity 2. ESSAY TYPE. Answer the following questions considering the given
rubrics (10 points each).
1. Why oven temperature is important?
2. Does ingredients temperature matter in baking?
3. Why it is important to follow the correct oven temperature and baking time?
4. What part of the oven is the hottest?

Activity 3. Directions: Use the formula in converting degrees Centigrade to degrees

Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Centigrade. Show your computation. (10 points each)

C = 0F – 32 x 5 0
F= 0
C x 9 + 32
9 5

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1. 150 degrees 0C to 0F

2. 350 degrees 0F to 0C

3. 125 degrees 0C to 0F

4. 250 degrees 0F to 0C

5. 95 degrees 0C to 0F

Note: Please write your computation in an Answer sheet together with the Activity 1
and 2. (Make it a simple portfolio.)


CRITERIA You made it! Impressive! Just Okay! Try Again! Score

Relevance All ideas are Most ideas are Some ideas are Few ideas are
related to the related(4-points) related (3- related (2
topic-( 5 points) points) points)

Coherence Ideas are well Most of Ideas are Some Ideas are Ideas are
organized (5 ) well organized well organized illogically
(4) (3) arranged (2)
Correct Committed 1 to Committed 6 to Committed 11 to Committed
Usage 5 errors(5) 10 errors(4) 20 errors (3) more than 20

Neatness of Work is very Readable but Readable but Not readable

Work neat and contains some has many and has many
readable (5) erasures(4) erasures(3) erasures(2)


Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2(hint) Activity 1.3

1. By using the base 1. High/low temp 1. 3020F
temperature calculation 2. develop proper 2. 1770C
2. Primary Fermentation structure in baked 3. 2570F
3. Intermediate Proofing products 4. 1210C5.
4. 720F – 850F 3. Overcooked/not 5. 2030F
5. 2000F - 2050F completely baked
4. top


Department of Education. 2016. "Bread and Pastry Production Manual, 1st Edition ." pp. 25-30.

RO_TVL-HE-BPP NC II_Grade 11-12_Q1_LP 5

Gavin, Jessica. 2018. Jessica Gavin Culinary Scientist. December 3. Accessed August 16, 2021.

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RO_TVL-HE-BPP NC II_Grade 11-12_Q1_LP 5


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