Infrastructures Bore Pile Indonesia

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Risk Management of Bored Piling Construction on Sandy Soils
with Real-Time Cost Control
Pedro Mata 1, *, Paula F. Silva 1 and Fernando F. S. Pinho 2

1 GeoBioTec, Department of Earth Sciences, NOVA School of Science and Technology, FCT Nova,
NOVA University of Lisbon, Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal; [email protected]
2 CERIS, Department of Civil Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology, FCT Nova,
NOVA University of Lisbon, Campus de Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: In a global society, in which geotechnical projects are increasingly designed in a country
other than the one where construction takes place, geotechnical risk management must be extended
to cover infrastructure works, which are smaller than dams and tunnels, for example, since there is
a significant impact on works budget imponderables. Therefore, a risk management methodology
based on the likelihood of the occurrence of certain events and their economic consequences is
proposed, which is applicable to bored piles (Kelly drilled) in coarse soils, easy to use, and simple to
implement since the initial stage of construction. Of 12 case studies of construction works involving
bored piles (Kelly drilled) carried out in Luanda (Angola), two selected examples involving the
proposed risk methodology on sandy soil layers with interbedded clays are discussed. Subsequently,
whether the overall foundation contract budget is affected by assessed risk is determined, and what

influence it has on the budget in the light of mitigating factors and associated real costs. This method
 intended to encourage the adaptation of sustainable risk management in bored piles construction
Citation: Mata, P.; Silva, P.F.; Pinho, by the site project managers, involving risk analysis concurrently with budgetary review. Though
F.F.S. Risk Management of Bored the level of assessed technical risk may be acceptable, overall costs associated with the contract in
Piling Construction on Sandy Soils question may not be acceptable.
with Real-Time Cost Control.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77. https:// Keywords: risk management; bored piling; Kelly drilled; sandy soils; construction stage; activity- based costing (ABC)

Academic Editors: S. Sonny Kim,

Jongwan Eun and Soonkie Nam

1. Introduction
Received: 14 April 2021
Accepted: 17 May 2021
To achieve a sustainable building process, a rigorous economic and technical analysis
Published: 20 May 2021
is required in all design steps. One of the most widely used tools in geotechnics field
consists of management of risks associated with a project, including the construction stage.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Since the 900 s of the 20th century, designers, contractors, and contracting organizations
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
started to adopt risk management in large-scale construction structures, to avoid delays
published maps and institutional affil- and budgets deviations and to reduce the associated insurance costs of which a large
iations. portion of it is generally allocated to the construction of deep piling [1], required to
cover geological/geotechnical (hereafter referred to as geological), technical and human
risks [2–6].
Nevertheless, there is still a disparity in the implementation of this tool between
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
the design [7–9] and operational stages [2] for less technical complexity projects as foun-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
dations infrastructures, in contrast to large-scale structures [3,10,11], like dams [12] or
This article is an open access article
tunnels [13,14]. While excavated piling works involving bored piles are usually regarded
distributed under the terms and as less important construction works, they account for a huge portion of the overall special
conditions of the Creative Commons (deep) foundations costs. This is made worse in developing countries due to a lack of
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// specialized human and technical resources, with projects being carried out that have often been designed in a different country, while the conduct of risk management at the construc-
4.0/). tion stage is still comparatively rare [15]. In small-scale projects, managers and designers

Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77.

Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 2 of 22

are often not aware of the potential hazards at the construction stage. Most technicians are
unaware of the economic risks of the project or how they both relate. Ahmed et al. [16]
report that excavation projects risks cannot be evaluated only by systematic engineering
calculations, which also applies to the construction of deep foundations and the associated
decision-making should be promptly implemented.
Chapman [4] found that about 20% of delays experienced in deep foundations works
in London were due to ground problems, 41% of which in the construction stage and
57% at the operational stage. Since some of such delays were due to inadequate project
design and/or poor execution, risk analysis at the construction stage could significantly
reduce problems that may arise at the operational stage. It is assumed by most designers
that, although the level of uncertainty of a geotechnical project is significant, it may be
acceptable, often leaving the contractor to adapt the project to real on-site conditions.
The aim of risk analysis is to support the decision-making process, providing plausible
scenarios [11] and is part of the rational management of economic, natural, human and
technical resources, backing the need for risk management at the construction stage of deep
foundations [17]. Stuedlein and Reddy [8] address the risk of performing piles, as well as
their quantification through reliability models based on tests and limit states. However,
despite considering the risk in construction, this study focuses on the consequences at
operational stage but not at the piling construction. Bles et al. [7] refer to risks and events
that may occur at design and construction stages, emphasizing the lack of a structured
plan to their approach. Gransberg et al. [18] analyze the risk associated with foundations,
from the contractor and the contracting authorities angle, comparing their risk profiles,
advantages and limitations of this approach. Though Gransberg et al. [18] approach the
theme at construction stage, they do not analyzed it from the economic perspective of the
site project manager. The manager must also deal with risks to safeguard the sustainability
of the deep foundation project while maintaining a constant interaction between the
concepts of economic vulnerability, hazard, consequence and risk [11].
It is therefore essential that site project managers are provided with the tools they need
to make effective decisions and that they know the factors that affect safety and costs. Risk
management at the construction stage of deep foundation works [19–22], mostly involving
bored piles [5,6,23,24], is not yet widely conducted, even less so in conjunction with the
management of the cost of individual activities (activity-based costing-ABC), as defined
by Cooper and Kaplan [25]. This is mainly due to: (i) the low economic value of deep
foundations as compared with other types of engineering works, where risk management
is already conducted at this stage, and (ii) the short duration of piling construction stage.
The use of site works risk management may increase value to the stakeholder, as suggested
by Räikkönen [26].
Considering the above, the relevance of geological, technical and human risks man-
agement, at the piles construction process, and its interaction with real-time cost control is
necessary by assessing: (i) what is “acceptable” [10,27], according to the existing knowledge
of the site work context; and (ii) the different costs-benefits for each potential measure, to
mitigate unacceptable risks that could support the decision making of whether to mitigate
or incur those risks [28].
In this context and considering ISO 31000 [29] definitions of risk, stakeholder, event,
consequence and likelihood, a risk management methodology is presented to be used
at the construction stage of bored piles in sands, using the Kelly technique and a semi-
quantitative method for risk evaluation. The objective is to use an easy management
that the construction team, particularly the site project manager, can implement at the
construction stage. To test the proposed methodology, two case studies are presented.
These studies are part of a larger research that includes a set of 12 case studies, involving a
total of 48,061 m of bored piles in sandy soils with interbedded clays (with less than 1 m of
thickness), above the groundwater level and in a nonseismic region. The methodology was
implemented on-site, at those works, whether at the beginning or along the construction
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22

Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 3 of 22
of thickness), above the groundwater level and in a nonseismic region. The methodology
was implemented on-site, at those works, whether at the beginning or along the
construction stage, by the first author, who managed them all with a clear improvement
stage, bytechnical
in both the first author, who managed
and financial them all with a clear improvement in both technical
and financial performances.
2. Risk Associated with Bored Piles Construction
2. Risk Associated with Bored Piles Construction
The risk management presented hereafter is carried out through two approaches
The risk management presented hereafter is carried out through two approaches
normally separated at piling work sites: the technical angle and the economic angle.
normally separated at piling work sites: the technical angle and the economic angle.
Nevertheless, in the end, both approaches become construction costs. The associated risks
Nevertheless, in the end, both approaches become construction costs. The associated
to betodealt
risks be dealtwith by by
with both
these perspectives
perspectiveshave havepotential
joint hazards that may
hazards that maybe be
geological, human, or technical.
geological, human, or technical.
Often technicians(site
(site project
project managers)
managers) andand managers
managers (company
(company executives)
executives) havehave
different approaches about the subject. The managers deal with
ferent approaches about the subject. The managers deal with the economic aspect through the economic aspect
through financing
financing contracts [30]contracts
while[30] while technicians
technicians take care of take
thecare of the construction
construction planning and planning
and management. As projects are executed aiming the return
agement. As projects are executed aiming the return on invested capital, contributing to on invested capital,
the sustainability to the sustainability
of companies andofresources
companies and resources
involved as well asinvolved as well asofthe
the development a
development of a sustainable economy, both technicians and managers
sustainable economy, both technicians and managers must collaborate at risk management must collaborate
at arisk
of management
geotechnical of a particularly
project, geotechnicalatproject, particularlystage,
the construction at thetoconstruction stage, to
achieve a technical-
achieve a technical-economical return that is financially sustainable
economical return that is financially sustainable and measurable, making it imperative to and measurable,
make it imperative
decisions to make
properly, easilydecisions
and rapidlyproperly,
[31]. Oneasily and rapidly
the ongoing [31]. On the
construction ongoing
stage, risk
construction must
management stage,integrate
risk management
mitigating and/ormust corrective
integrate mitigating
measures inand/orcase of corrective
an event
measures in case
manifestation; thisof anallow
will eventformanifestation;
the immediate thisexecution,
will allowdue fortothe
reduced timeexecution,
due to the reduced time available. However, these measures
able. However, these measures should be designed and prepared specifically for each should be designed and
project specifically for each project [21,32].
After the
After the delivery
delivery of the bored pile pile project
project to tothe
of theproject
budgetand and planning,
planning, and geotechnical
geotechnical report)
report) should
shouldbe be
reviewed andanalyzed
inspectionof ofthethetender
budgetand andthethepremises
productionbudget budgetand andrisk
managementplan plan
should bedrawn
drawnup. up.These
documentsare areinterdependent
interdependentas aspresented

Figure Interdependencebetween
planning, budget
budget and
and risk
risk management
management at the
at the construction
construction stage.
The construction plan influences the budget, as supplementary execution time would
construction costs,plan
as well as for the
influences therisk management
budget, plan, whereexecution
as supplementary additional construc-
time would
tion time would imply further likelihood of hazard exposure, while
involve additional costs, as well as for the risk management plan, where additional different construction
construction correspond
time would to different hazards.
imply further The risk
likelihood of management
hazard exposure, plan whileinfluences the
construction plan: to eliminate or mitigate a risk, one may have
construction techniques correspond to different hazards. The risk management plan to change the production
influencesand thethe budget. The
construction budget
plan: limits both
to eliminate construction
or mitigate plan
a risk, one(asmay it may
havehave to be
to change
the productionto betimetable
accomplish) andasthewell as the The
budget. risk budget
managementlimits plan, because in most
both construction planof(as
pile projects, this risk plan is not considered in the tendering budget.
may have to be accelerated to be accomplish) as well as the risk management plan, because
The of
in most site team
the pileusually
this riskthe operations
plan budget whose
is not considered in thecontent
tendering only has signifi-
canceThefor the accounting management. It is not usually binding
site team usually analyze the operations budget whose content only has on the decision-making
process at construction,
significance and it is only
for the accounting relevant after
management. It isa not
certain eventbinding
usually that producedon the adecision-
cost; this is due to the lack of a risk management plan. Thus, it will
making process at construction, and it is only relevant after a certain event that produced be necessary to con-
sider the budget
a certain cost; this and its interaction
is due to the lackwith the risk
of a risk management
management plan. plan,
Thus, as itit will
can beprovide the
justification for an acceptable risk for a single pile to be mitigated at the
to consider the budget and its interaction with the risk management plan, as it can provide construction stage
when considering the total piling to execute.
Construction re-budgets are specific to each company, as they must be comparable
with analytical accounting, which aims to know: (i) the costs of the activity; (ii) the weight
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 4 of 22

in the company’s balance sheet; (iii) to plan, control, and forecast spending and revenues
and understand the expected results.
This way, construction re-budgeting and analytical accounting must have the same
accounting premises, for managing both the cost, profit, or investment. The costs should
be obtained by ABC [25] because only in this way can one perceive what are the nature
of the costs that influence each construction activity (for example, to know the value
of each material in concreting). Simultaneously at the construction stage, an easy and
quick to use risk management plan must be implemented, based upon possible real costs
and/or investments; both must be assessed—the cost is permanently integrated on site
construction budget and the investment will contribute for the company’s assets, usually
being accounted for as a rental applied to the site by using such asset.
The tendering team must also use ABC as defined by the company accounting consid-
ering the simplifications of Kaplan and Anderson [33] to be comparable with construction
budgets and allow a direct view of economic deviations. Part of the risk analysis at the
construction stage should be defined and implemented by the site project manager.

3. Proposed Methodology and Its Justification

The proposed methodology (Figure 2) is to be applied on site either at the beginning
or during the development of the construction works.
The procedure starts with hazard identification that includes the main potential
hazards that might be encountered in soils at bored piling construction sites. According to
the research carried out, events were analyzed in 117,657 m of piles in coarse soils in Angola,
all coordinated by the first author, and the potential hazards sources of damages at the
construction stage of bored piles with casing or bentonite support fluids were assembled
according to the following typologies:
- Geological hazards: as a potential source of consequences, the uncertainties of the
geological environment have significant implications for construction. If there are
enough small variations in lithology or groundwater level not considered in the
project, it can lead to the rethink of the entire construction process and the need
to review the project. Adequate site investigation is the best way to avoid them;
however, it is important to define the acceptable cost for the information obtained.
Nevertheless, imponderable situations, intrinsic to geology, may still happen because
it is not affordable to have a survey at each pile to be built [17];
- Human hazards: events that have as a potential source of damage to the works the site
operatives. Their training and skills are relevant for the construction of foundations—
for example, continuous education and training for operatives directly or indirectly
involved at works is key to the successful use of bentonite suspensions. Local culture
directly influences productivity and the acceptability of risks [34,35], so it is necessary
to know local customs to maximize productivity. Human error was not considered, as
in the case studies consulted it was not identified so their associated likelihood is too
low or null;
- Technical hazards: events that have as a potential source of consequence the inade-
quacy or incapacity of the equipment. The availability of equipment is conditioned by
the resources of the contracting company, but also by geographical location because it
is possible that a company may have the necessary means, but they are not available
For each technical, geological, and human risk detected related to the soils and con-
struction techniques identified in those thousands of meters of built piles, it was evaluated
the associated likelihood and assessed their inherent damages, that is their financial impact,
according to the percentage of the construction cost.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 5 of 22
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 22

Risk management at
construction stage


Event trees to assess the construction piling

risks and their magnitude (based on the Risk
likelihood of hazard potencial) analyses &

ABC cost control & decisionmaking

Incur the risk Most likely Least likely Mitigate the risk

Decision on
No budget No budget
deviation risk
deviation deviation
has an mitigation
during the during the
work work or corrective

Best way out fault tree events to

assess construction corrective

Continuation of
the work


Figure 2.
Figure 2. Schematic
managementprocedure at at
procedure construction stage
construction of bored
stage pilespiles
of bored (Kelly

For each
With thesetechnical, geological,
elements and and human
information risk detected
from accounting a fewrelated to the
checklists soils
where and
construction techniques identified in those thousands of meters of built
rated. One for the identification of potential common hazards of bored piles (Kelly method) piles, it was
(Table 1) andthe
twoassociated likelihood
other for the specific and assessed
hazards their
of piles inherent
using damages,
bentonite that is
fluids (Table 2) their
financial impact, according to the percentage of the construction cost.
piles with casing (Table 3). These are exemplificative models; each technician should adapt
them With thesetheir
and make elements
own forandtheinformation from accounting
site and company a fewwould
where the work checklists where
take place,
namely withOnethe for theofidentification
help other expertsoffrom potential
his/hercommon hazards
company. of bored
Ideally, thesepiles (Kelly
should be (Table
two other for the
preparation specific
of the site forhazards of piles
foundation worksusing bentonite
and pile fluids
and 2) and piles
reviewed whilewith casing
drilling the(Table 3). These are exemplificative models; each technician
first pile.
should adapt them and make their own for the site and company where the work would
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 6 of 22

Table 1. Example of common hazards checklist at construction of bored piles (Kelly method).

Hazards Yes/No N/A

Are there, visibly, constraints to the execution of the work?
Does the geotechnical report exist, and is it accessible?
Does the project replicate the characteristics of the ground
identified in the geotechnical report and confirmed on site?
Geological & Geotechnical (G&G)
Does the drilled ground correspond to those listed in the
geotechnical report?
Are there any gravels, cobbles, cimmented layers or blocks at the
Do the contacts with the foundation layer present any known
Does the drilling reached the projected depth for the foundation
Does the project mention a groundwater table?
If so, is the groundwater level in accordance with the geotechnical
Is there a variation in the groundwater table while pile
Is it possible to comply with regulatory or design tolerances, in the
case of more restrictive ones?
Do the site operatives have the basic needs of life met?
Is there a Health and Safety Plan implemented on site applied to
the foundations construction?
Do the site operatives have a specific Health and Safety plan at
work (HSW) training for the work to be carried out?
Does the site operatives team have the right size?

Are equipment operators duly qualified to use it?

Is there a permanent technician on site who can interpret the
project and the geotechnical report?
Is there a technician on site with knowledge of cost control
Is shift work planned?
Is the team able to extend working hours in case it is necessary to
finish a pile?
Is the intersection of anthropic structures planned in the project?
If there are anthropic structures, are they identified and located in
the project?
Are all the non permanent works dully contemplated at the

Is there an Integrated Construction Management Plan?

Is there an Equipment Maintenance Plan?
Are the equipment on site dimensioned to work with possible
adverse weather conditions?
Does the contractor/sub-contractor have experience in the type of
construction technique adopted at the project?
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 7 of 22

Table 1. Cont.

Hazards Yes/No N/A

Does the contractor/sub-contractor have the means to replace
equipment in case of failure?
Does the executing entity have its own means of repairing
equipment locally?
Are there cutting tools suitable for the ground listed in the
geotechnical report?
Are there cutting tools suitable for all the types of strata to be
In the event of a punctual extension of the work or the existence of
shifts, are the suitable means of lighting ensured?
Is there a document describing work procedures?
Is there an Inspection and Testing Plan for the works?
Is there an Inspection and Testing Plan for the equipment?
Is there an Inspection and Testing Sheet for the equipment?
Is there a tender budget with ABC?
Is there an operations budget with ABC?
Economic and Financial

If there are tender and operations budget, are they directly

If there is an operations budget, is it directly comparable with
Is there a signed contract reflecting the assumptions of the
geotechnical report and the project?
Is the performance obtained considered in the production budget?
Is there a clause in the contract to assign the responsibility of
financial losses? Which/To whom?
N/A—not applicable.

Table 2. Example of explicit potential hazards checklist for the execution of bored piles (Kelly method)
with bentonite suspensions.

Hazards Yes/No N/A

Are there clays lenses/layers that may contaminate bentonite

suspension by increasing its density?

Is there brackish or salt water?

Do the site operatives master the skills and knowledge of

construction piles with bentonite suspensions?

Is the bentonite method the most suitable?


If not, where the designers approached to study/aprove an

Is the equipment availabe on-site the most suitable to use with
bentonites suspensions?
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 8 of 22

Table 3. Example of explicit potential hazards checklist for bored piles (Kelly method) using casing.

Hazards Yes/No N/A

Humans G&G
Are there any sands with an artesian groundwater level?

Do the site operatives master the skills and knowledge of

construction piles using casing technique?

Is the casing method the most suitable?


If not, where the designers approached to study/aprove an

Is the equipment availabe on-site the most suitable to use casing

Polymer suspensions were not considered because they are not used in Angola due
to their high costs. Though there are some other events that could affect the normal
progression of the work in sandy soil like the presence of layers or groundwaters with salts
and the effect of ties among others, these are not included in this study because there had
not been occurrences in the analyzed study cases, making it impossible to calculate their
associated likelihood.
Table 4 presents the construction hazards that occurred in 48,061 m of bored piles (Kelly
method) using casing or with bentonite support fluids in coarse soils with intercalations of
clay layers (<1 m of thickness) in Angola. The considered cases correspond to hazards that
were detected and registered on-sites of each of the case studies allowing to calculate the
likelihoods of their associated events and determine the inherent risk class.

Table 4. Main potential hazards of bored piles (Kelly method) using casing or with bentonite support
fluids at construction stage.

Execution Construction Hazards

Technique Geological Human Technical
(i) Gravel or blocks
With bentonite
(ii) Contaminant clay layers
support fluids (vi) Poor (vii) Inadequacy of
(iii) Brackish or saltwater
knowledge of the the method or
(iv) Rock layers or blocks technique equipment
Using casing (v) Sands with artesian

i. The presence of gravel, pebbles or blocks is a geological hazard in the execution of
piles with bentonite suspensions due to two reasons that may occur simultaneously,
or independently: the loss of bentonite and/or the incapacity of bentonite to behave
as a thixotropic fluid and form a cake, ensuring the stability of the bored walls
when crossing these coarse soils.
ii. Clay interception is a geological hazard in bored piles with bentonite support fluids
whenever these soils contaminate the mud (by addiction), causing its density to
increase and making impossible to pump the mud to desanding and/or decreasing
the mud thixotropy.
iii. The presence of brackish or saltwater is a geological hazard in piling with bentonite
slurry since these salts will react with bentonite suspension inducing flocculation
and affecting the mud thixotropy negatively.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 9 of 22

iv. The existence of cemented layers (rocks) or blocks is a geological hazard in the
execution of bored piles with casing when their strength prevents the casing pro-
v. Artesian groundwater levels in sands are a geological hazard in the execution of
bored piles with casing when it causes the coarse soils to ascend inside the casing,
preventing their cleaning.
vi. The site operatives often lack skills in construction of bored piles with casing or
bentonite support fluids giving rise to quality problems of the pile executed.
vii. For both types of aforementioned bored pile technics, the inadequacy of the method
or equipment used is a technical hazard that manifests itself whenever the equip-
ment or method available for the work is not suitable for the site or when the
equipment is sub/oversized for the work to be carried out, negatively influencing
the budget.
Any of these hazards will be associated at least with one triggering event that has a
given probability of occurring. However, and in the specific case of construction of bored
piles (Kelly method), there are no published tables for those probabilities. Thus, the concept
of likelihood was used in this research, which mathematically describes the conditional
probability of a result face to a data set, that in this study is the number of occurrences
verified in 24,903 m of executed piles.
The likelihood of events that trigger these hazards must be assessed as well as the asso-
ciated damages by applying event tree analysis to evaluate the risk magnitude (risk analyses
and evaluation). At present and until the realization of databases of event occurrences
in piling, as it has already been done for tunnels or dams, each technician/construction
company based on their cases and experience, should elaborate the corresponding tables
for likelihoods. This is the way used to deal with assumptions. Rozell [35] highlights “this
is tricky because there is no systematic list of value assumptions in risk analysis to consult.
Even if there was such a list, it would be controversial—value judgments are difficult
to recognize”. Table 5 thus present the values proposed for bored piles (Kelly method)
verified on a set of sites works and intersecting coarse soils in Angola.

Table 5. Likelihood of events occurrences associated with bored piles (Kelly method) in coarse soils
with interbedded of clays in Angola.

Likelihood Class Occurrences in 24,903 m of Piles

Very common 5 >40
Frequent 4 20 a 40
Occasional 3 10 a 20
Rare 2 4 a 10
Very rare or null 1 <4

The definition of the number of events to which a given probability is possible will
designate the above-mentioned likelihood class (5 to 1) in a purely quantitative way. This
study deals with construction risks, R, by calculating their magnitude (Equation (1)) by
multiplying the likelihood of the occurrence of a consequence, v, by the economic impact
of the inherent damage (or consequence) class, d.

R=v×d (1)

A classification based on the economic accounting of damages was introduced (Table 6),
but it may differ depending on the company in which they are used. The values and classi-
fication of the consequences adopted are based on the real cost percentage of the associate
mitigation or corrective solution adopted at the several case studies and relative to the
construction cost, which is the monetary value of the execution of the work, without any de-
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 10 of 22

viations from the tender budget. Experience shows that there are companies that calculate
costs based on factual cost and others that evaluate them as a percentage of production.

Table 6. Consequence classes of financial impact according to the percentage (%) of the impact on
the construction cost.

Construction Cost (%) Consequence Classes

>100 6
80 to 100 5
60 to 79 4
40 to 59 3
20 to 39 2
1 to 19 1

Table 7 lists the potential consequences and their economic impact for bored piles
(Kelly technique) using casing and the potential consequences identified for bored piles
with bentonite mud include Table 8. When the percentage of cost covers more than one
class of consequence, one should go for the worst-case scenario, according to Cox [36], to
keep with the risk matrix weak consistency (Table 9), as low as it is reasonably possible.
The consequences with economic impact listed in both Tables 7 and 8 and their meaning
are the following ones:
(i) “Drilling halted”: when changing the construction method or adjusting or replacing
the equipment, the work must be stopped.
(ii) “Sand inclusions” can occur while concreting when the sand lodged inside the casing
is not completely dragged out in front of the concrete, thus forming sand inclusions
in the pile. This situation can only be verified after the end of the pile construction
through quality control by pile dynamic integrity tests (PIT), sonic tests or core
(iii) “Impediment to construction”: the construction process must be stopped until new
solutions are approved.
(iv) “Rebar uplift”: while concreting operation, at the removal of casing sections, the
reinforcement rises with the upward movement of the casing.
(v) “Loss of productivity”: production yield is lower than estimated.
(vi) “Incomplete or non-existent registration of the event occurred”: no document is
drawn up for the events that gave rise to the consequence.
(vii) “Lost of a pile”: when element collapses after completion of excavation.
(viii) “Collapse of the pile” when the pile collapses while excavating.
(ix) “Impediment or difficulty in mud pumping”: bentonite support fluid becomes more
viscous making it difficult or preventing its pumping for recycling.
(x) “Concrete overconsumption” the volume of concrete used in concreting of the pile is
higher than that considered in the tendering budget.
In theory, the economic implication is already contemplated in the definition of risk,
since it is the value of the consequence; however, the risk evaluated corresponds, in this
approach, to four risk magnitudes that are defined according to fundaments of the Project
Management Institute [37] applied to bored piles (Table 9): acceptable; significant; high
and intolerable.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 11 of 22

Table 7. Consequence classes of financial impact for bored piles (Kelly method) using casing.

Construction Cost
Damage Consequence Classes
(i) Drilling halted 65 to >100 6
(ii) Sand inclusions 20 to 100
(iii) Impediment to construction 50 to 85
(iv) Rebar uplift 25 to 65 4
(v) Loss of productivity
(vi) Incomplete or inexistent 1 to 10 1
register of an event occurred

Table 8. Consequence classes of financial impact for bored piles (Kelly method) with bentonite
support fluids.

Construction Cost
Damage Consequence Classes
(i) Drilling halted 75 to >100 6
(vii) Lost of a pile 100 5
(iii) Impediment to construction 20 to 75 4
(viii) Collapse of the pile 40 to 55 3
(ix) Impediment or difficulty in mud pumping 15 to 35
(x) Concrete overconsumption 10 to 25
(v) Loss of productivity 1 to 15
(vi) Incomplete or inexistent register of an
1 to 10
event occurred

Table 9. Magnitude classification of singular risks.

Consequence Classes
Likelihood 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 2 4 6 8 10 12
3 3 6 9 12 15 18
4 4 8 12 16 20 24
5 5 10 15 20 25 30
Acceptable Significant High Intolerable

Afterwards, the site project manager must perform the ABC cost control that will
substantiate his decision making according to two risk scenarios: (i) incur, or (ii) mitigate
the risk. If it is decided to incur the risk, two scenarios may occur at site: (i) nothing
happens (no occurrences), the pile work is successfully concluded without any deviation
to the work budget; or (ii) an event arise with the subsequent deviation to the construction
budget. In this last scenario, a best way-out [32] solution based on a set of proposed actions
to eliminate or mitigate the risk should be used to evaluate the corrective measures to be
implemented and the associate costs. On the other hand, if one chose to mitigate the risk,
one would also have two alternative settings like those related to incurring the risk, but the
difference would be the decrease in the likelihood of an occurrence (decision on whether
to use a mitigate measure or a corrective measure). Nevertheless, economic cost is never
considered in an explicit, clear, and valued way as a decision-making tool as it is proposed
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 12 of 22

In the presence of an acceptable risk, but with a high likelihood, it is advisable to

examine the economic implication of a set of piles. Economic classifications were attributed
to the same risk nomenclatures at four levels to obtain ease of reading, comparison and
understanding. These levels should be identified by the economic margin of the projects
under consideration and, where the margin is consumed, with the economic implication,
and the risk should be considered intolerable. However, the concept of “intolerable”
depends on the internal policies of each company.
For example, consider a set piles where the bored walls present small collapses
while drilling, but stays stable for concreting. This event often happens on clayey sands
when drilling with muds of controlled density, namely with bentonite, on diameters
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW
larger than 600 mm. This risk is acceptable at the construction stage and can induce 12 of
overconsumption of concrete. However, when considering the whole project, this can have
a considerable impact on the budget and may result in an intolerable economic implication.
the riskthe risk technically
being being technically acceptable
acceptable for a single
for a single pile, itpile,
shouldit should be mitigated
be mitigated or even
or even elim-
eliminated for the overall set of similar piles due to economic reasons.
inated for the overall set of similar piles due to economic reasons. The construction risk The construction
risk analysis
analysis without
without the inherent
the inherent cost controls
cost controls with budget
with budget forecastforecast for the complete
for the complete construc-
construction work, would not give the necessary emphasis to
tion work, would not give the necessary emphasis to such a situation and would such a situation and would
lead to
lead to a financial
a financial loss. loss.
proposeda amethodology
methodologythat thatwill
ininananinteractive manner with planning at construction stage, enabling
interactive manner with planning at construction stage, enabling decisions decisions also based
on economic
based implications
on economic with immediate
implications forecasts. forecasts.
with immediate Figure 3 showsFigurethis dynamic
3 shows thisfor bored
piles (Kellypiles
for bored method)(Kellythat includes
method) thatFigure
includes1 and the 1associated
Figure ABC costABC
and the associated control, which
cost control,
involves checking the magnitude of the risk and consequent updating
which involves checking the magnitude of the risk and consequent updating of the con- of the construction
budget. Tender budget deviations and the economic implications should always be exam-
struction budget. Tender budget deviations and the economic implications should always
ined before decision making: (i) take the risk, (ii) eliminate it or (iii) mitigate it. The work
be examined before decision making: (i) take the risk, (ii) eliminate it or (iii) mitigate it.
must be re-budgeted, according to the decision made. Then, the risk interaction process
The work must be re-budgeted, according to the decision made. Then, the risk interaction
resumes. Using a continuous interaction, as presented, in real time requires that the work
process resumes. Using a continuous interaction, as presented, in real time requires that
(pilling) be accompanied by a project and contract that accepts progressive modifications
the work (pilling) be accompanied by a project and contract that accepts progressive mod-
as suggested by Eurocode 7 [38] and Spross [39].
ifications as suggested by Eurocode 7 [38] and Spross [39].



Decision on eventual Cost control

risk mitigation (ABC )

Analysis of
Risk value
deviations from
tender budget

Figure Interactionbetween
implicationofof risk
risk and
and the
the interdependence
interdependence of of con-
tion planning,
planning, budgetbudget and
and risk risk management.

This methodologywas wastested
and whileconstructing
(Angola),a anonseismic

4. Application of the Methodology at Two Site Works in Luanda (Angola)

4.1. Case Study 1—Talatona Church
This example of implementation of the methodology corresponds to the construction
of foundations to a building of about 2000 m2 that had between one and three floors lo-
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 13 of 22

4. Application of the Methodology at Two Site Works in Luanda (Angola)

4.1. Case Study 1—Talatona Church
This example of implementation of the methodology corresponds to the construction
of foundations to a building of about 2000 m2 that had between one and three floors located
in Luanda (Angola), and having no confinements surrounding the site (Figure 4). The
ground was made up of coarse sandy soils with some clay layers intercalations (less than
1 m in thickness), and no groundwater table was detected during the project. The report
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22
endorsed two types of piles diameter, 600 mm and 800 mm, with lengths varying between
11.5 and 17.0 m.

Figure Talatonachurch

This caserefers
mmin indiameter
and unfold
unfold during
machine ofof
summarizedin inTable
10. The
contracted deadlineforforthe

Table 10.Resume

Equipment Mobilization
Mobilization Mobilization/Demobilization(un)
Mobilization/Demobilization(un) 11
Total ofofpiles
Total piles(un)
(un) 54
Total length of piles (m) 817.00
Total length of piles (m) 817.00
Total drilling with bentonite mud (m) 481.00
Total drilling with bentonite mud (m) 481.00
Piles executed
executed Daily drilling with bentonite mud average
(m)Daily drilling with bentonite mud average (m) 43.73
Total drillingusing
drilling using casing
casing (m)
(m) 336.00
usingcasing average(m/day)
casing average (m/day) 35.37
Total margin
Total margin(%)(%) 29.17
Cost control
control Tendering
Tendering margin (%)
margin (%) 34.97

4.1.1. PotentialHazards
AssociatedRisk RiskAnalyses
According thegeneral
information,the thesoil
thus previous
excavations and piles tend to fall while concreting. Prior to the work start, the production
excavations and piles tend to fall while concreting. Prior to the work start, the production
team, coordinatedby bythe
carried out
out the
the hazard
hazard checklists
checklists (Tables
(Tables 11 and
and 3),
not detecting any high or intolerable risk for drilling with Kelly method using casing;
not detecting any high or intolerable risk for drilling with Kelly method using casing; the the
necessary equipmentwaswasmobilized
During the execution of the work, it was found that the information provided by the
general contractor was inaccurate and it was realized that the soil did not collapse accord-
ing to the information received. Therefore, a new checklist was made, and it was identified
the “Inadequacy of method or equipment” hazard (Table 4, vii) which generated the event
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 14 of 22
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 22

During the execution of the work, it was found that the information provided by
A risk contractor
the general assessmentwas wasinaccurate
then performed corresponding
and it was realized thattothe
did notofcollapse
technique to
according of the
bored piles (Kelly
information method)Therefore,
received. using casing to bentonite
a new checklistor polymer
was made,support flu-
and it was
ids, which
identified thewould allow better
“Inadequacy performance
of method for the
or equipment” conditions
hazard (Table 4,atvii)
site, and which
the event the event tree of
“Impediment or Figure
decrease5. of drilling performance”.
The event trees used are a little different from the ones applied in the tunnels or dams.
4.1.2. Risk
It starts byAnalyses
defining and Evaluation
the event that could generate the consequence. The figure consists of
threeAcolumns for the event
risk assessment was “Preventing
then performedor decreasing the drilling
corresponding to theperformance”: “Likeli-
exchange of drilling
hood”; and
technique ofinherent
bored piles“Consequence”
(Kelly method)and using
casing risk magnitude”.
to bentonite Each of the
or polymer listed
fluids, is already
which would accompanied
allow by their classes
better performance for the (Table 9). The
conditions risksite,
at the magnitudes
and which are
matches byevent
tree (1).
of Figure 5.

Figure Boredpiles
of the
the method
method or equipment”.
or equipment”.

For event
the eventtrees used are a little
“Impediment different
or decrease in from theperformance”,
drilling ones applied in thethe tunnels is
likelihood or2
(Table It 5),starts
and the by associated
defining the event “Loss
damage that could generate the
of productivity” is consequence.
labeled as classThe figure7,
1 (Table
consists of three columns
v); but likelihood for the
is 1 (Table event
5) for the “Preventing or decreasing
inherent consequence the drilling
of “Drilling performance”:
halted”, classified
as 6 (Table 7, and inherent
i); the “Consequence”
risk magnitudes (Tableand “Associated
9) are classified risk magnitude”.
as tolerable-2 Each of the
and significant-6,
listed consequences is already accompanied by their classes (Table 9). The risk magnitudes
are obtained by Equation
In this case, (1). halted” was not detailed because the likelihood was 1, even
the “drilling
For the event “Impediment
for a significant risk, but the stopped or decrease in drilling
work would performance”,
happen the likelihood
only at a single pile and not is 2in
(Table 5), and the associated damage “Loss of productivity” is labeled as
all of those that were selected to incur this risk. Based on the scheme of Figure 5, the risk class 1 (Table 7, v);
but likelihood is 1 (Table 5) for the inherent consequence of “Drilling
register for this work is presented in Table 11, that states that there was a construction halted”, classified
as 6 (Tablehazard
technical 7, i); theofrisk magnitudes
“Inadequacy (Table
of the 9) are classified
equipment” tolerable-2
as vii)
(Table 4, that may and significant-6,
cause an event
of “decreasing drilling performance” in which the likelihood of the occurrence was rare,
value In2,this
andcase, the “drilling
the associate halted” was
consequence not detailed
would because
be the “loss the likelihood
of productivity”, value 1, it
was 1; even
for a significant risk, but
obtained an acceptable risk class-2.the stopped work would happen only at a single pile and not
in all of those that were selected to incur this risk. Based on the scheme of Figure 5, the
Tableregister for this
11. Example of work is presented
risk register in Tableof11,
for the change that states
executive thatfor
process there wasbuilding
Benfica a construction
piles. hazard of “Inadequacy of the equipment” (Table 4, vii) that may cause an event
of “decreasing drilling performance” in which the likelihood of the occurrence was rare,
value Hazard
2, and the associateEvent consequence would Likelihood
be the “lossConsequence
of productivity”, Risk Magnitude
value 1; it was
Technical: Decreased
obtained an acceptable risk class-2. 1 (Loss of
Inadequacy of drilling 2 (Rare) 2 (Acceptable)
equipment performance
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 15 of 22

Table 11. Example of risk register for the change of executive process for Benfica building bored

Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW Hazard Event Likelihood Consequence Risk
15 Magnitude
of 22
Technical: Decreased
1 (Loss of
Inadequacy of drilling 2 (Rare) 2 (Acceptable)
equipment performance
4.1.3. Contingency Measures and Discussion
line with these results
Contingency and considering
Measures and Discussion that only technical risk analysis for a single
pile would be done, it was found that it
In line with these results and considering would take that
about 26 days
only (based
technical riskon the first
analysis for10a single
days average performance of the construction work) exceeding the planned
pile would be done, it was found that it would take about 26 days (based on the first 10 days 13 days. How-
ever, when the performance
average control of costs andconstruction
of the the forecast completion
work) exceedingof work thewith an “acceptable”
planned 13 days. However,
risk was extended
when to all of
the control thecosts
andit was pointedcompletion
the forecast out a deviation
of workfrom thean
with planned budget.
“acceptable” risk was
Therefore, it was decided to change the construction process based on the
extended to all the piles, it was pointed out a deviation from the planned budget. Therefore,risk pile assess-
ment and howdecided
it was the execution
to changeof allthe
bored piles withprocess
construction casingsbased
wouldon affect the final
the risk pile budget—
assessment and
it was forecasted a diminished margin of profit provided
how the execution of all bored piles with casings would affect the final by the cost control carried out. was
The solution adopted was the construction of the remaining piles with
forecasted a diminished margin of profit provided by the cost control carried out. The bentonite support
fluid. The workadopted
solution was completed
was thewith 23 boredof
construction piles
the with casingpiles
remaining and 31 piles
with using benton-
bentonite support fluid.
ite support fluids,was
The work all 800 mm in diameter.
completed with 23 bored piles with casing and 31 piles using bentonite
Figure 6 shows
support fluids,thatall a800
mm in diameter.growth occurred on the 10th day of work: 34 m of
piles with casing
Figuredone6 showsin 6 that
h against 34 m of piles
a productivity using
growth bentonite
occurred on muds built
the 10th dayinof3 work:
h, after34 m of
piles with casing done in 6 h against 34 m of piles using bentonite muds built to
of the change in piling execution technique. Since this change ought in be
3 h, after
previously approved byofthe
implementation theclient,
change it in
was onlyexecution
piling implemented at the Since
technique. 10th day. The daily
this change ought to
piles construction
approvedwas 33.6client,
by the m/dayit and waswent to 64.4 m/day.atNevertheless,
only implemented the 10th day. theThe daily
work ended
average with
of an operational
piles construction margin
was lower than the
33.6 m/day andtendering
went to 64.4one of about Nevertheless,
m/day. 4%, which the
would work
have been
endedconsiderably higher ifmargin
with an operational it would had than
lower not been decided to
the tendering change
one the 4%,
of about pil- which
ing process. have been
final considerably
average of pileshigher if it would
construction washad47.3not beenand
m/day, decided to change
the contract the piling
completed in 17 working days. If the complete risk assessment had not been implemented were
process. The final average of piles construction was 47.3 m/day, and the contract
and considering in 17 working
the days. of
initial mean If the
pilescomplete risk assessment
construction was 33.6 m/day,had not been implemented
it would have
taken 25.5 considering daysthat the initial
to complete themeanwork,ofwhich
piles would
construction was 33.6 to
have amounted m/day,
an addi-it would
tional 50% 25.5of
the time working days to complete the work, which would have amounted to an
the contract.
additional 50% of the time of the contract.

Comulated performance (m)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Working days

Comulated performance without technique change (forecast from the tenth day
based on the average performance from ABC cost control)

Figure 6. Production evolution graph on site at Talatona, Luanda.

Figure 6. Production evolution graph on site at Talatona, Luanda.
In synthesis, it can be considered that if risk management had not been implemented,
the following would have happened:
In synthesis, it can be considered that if risk management had not been implemented,

the followingWith the have
would application of the proposed methodology, the work took 17 days, if risk
management had not been applied it would have taken 25.5 days, e.g., 1.5 more time.
• With the application of the proposed methodology, the work took 17 days, if risk
management had not been applied it would have taken 25.5 days, e.g., 1.5 more time.
• The additional 7.5 days would correspond to a direct increase in cost, except for in-
cluded material costs for works where there is a 20% increase (value obtained from
the accounting).
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 22
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 16 of 22

• Using the absolute values of the invoicing (I) and the costs (c) of the accounting, it
• The
have the7.5 days
final would
margin for correspond
25.5 days (mfto25.5a) direct increase
= f − 1.4× in cost,
(c17), which except for
included material costs for
to (I − 1.4× (c17))/I = 0.83%. works where there is a 20% increase (value obtained from
the accounting).
One can conclude that if this methodology had not been applied, the result of the
• Such increase would have raised the cost (c) in the contract of the first 17 days (c17 ).
work would have been less 0.83%, which was much lower than the one obtained.
The cost of the work for the 25.5 days (c25.5 ) would be (c25.5 ) = 1.4 × (c17 ).
• Using the absolute values of the invoicing (I) and the costs (c) of the accounting, it
4.2. Case 2—Viaduct Nelito Soares
would have the final margin for 25.5 days (mf25.5 ) = f − 1.4 × (c17 ), which corresponds
to (I −second
1.4 × selected
(c17 ))/I =case study refers to the piling construction for viaduct located
on the east exit of Luanda, that was also supervised by the first author. The viaduct had
One can conclude that if this methodology had not been applied, the result of the
144 piles with lengths between 26.5 m and 27.5 m in sands with some interbedded clays
work would have been less 0.83%, which was much lower than the one obtained.
with less than 1 m in thickness. The bored piling construction technics foresee the use of
4.2. supportedNelito
Case 2—Viaduct fluidsSoares
and casing with Kelly bar equipped drilling machines (Figure
7), of 15 and 28 Ton of torque [40,41].
The second selected case study refers to the piling construction for viaduct located
This site was confined on all fronts by the Luanda-Catete road, which is the busiest
on the east exit of Luanda, that was also supervised by the first author. The viaduct had
road in Angola, with more than 1,000,000 commuters per day. During the contract, the
144 piles with lengths between 26.5 m and 27.5 m in sands with some interbedded clays
general contractor had to detour traffic for three times. This situation conditioned both
with less than 1 m in thickness. The bored piling construction technics foresee the use of
the work, due to the constant movement of equipment, and the mobility of the commuters.
bentonite supported fluids and casing with Kelly bar equipped drilling machines (Figure 7),
However, they were the client’s responsibility, which is why they are not discussed here-
of 15 and 28 Ton of torque [40,41].
after. The work took place between February and May 2017.

Figure Mainview
the Nelito
Nelito Soares
Soares viaduct
viaduct site
site and
and equipment.

The site
This main waschallenge
confined in on
thisallwork was
fronts bythe
the execution time. The
Luanda-Catete road,deadline
which istothe
road m Angola,
of piles inwith
3 months,
more thanwas very tight to
1,000,000 be carried per
commuters outday.
cased piles. The project
the contract, the
defined that the piles should be cased in the vicinity of an existing buried
general contractor had to detour traffic for three times. This situation conditioned both the conduit and
work, withtobentonite mudsmovement
the constant outside theofinfluence
equipment, area and
of this
mobility of theThe proposed
methodology was implemented by the foundations sub-contractor since the
However, they were the client’s responsibility, which is why they are not discussed hereafter.beginning of
the piling works, but at the first two piles
The work took place between February and May 2017. some sand balls inclusions were detected in the
of the
main piles (Figurein
challenge 8).this
This situation
work was thewasexecution
managed with the to
The deadline risk assess-
3746 m of piles in 3 months, was very tight to be carried out using cased piles. The project
piles shouldby the drilling
be cased inwere sands and
the vicinity silty
of an sands with
existing increased
buried conduitden-
sity in depth. The groundwater table was found between 8 and 10 m of
bored with bentonite muds outside the influence area of this infrastructure. The proposeddepth, depending
on the level drilled.
methodology was implemented by the foundations sub-contractor since the beginning of
the piling works, but at the first two piles some sand balls inclusions were detected in the
shaft of the piles (Figure 8). This situation was promptly managed with the risk assessment.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 17 of 22
Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 22

Figure Detailof

The 12intercepted
soils summarizeby thethe
works performed.
drilling were sands and silty sands with increased density
in depth. The groundwater table was found between 8 and 10 m of depth, depending on
the 12.drilled.
level Resume of pile works performed at viaduct Nelito Soares, Luanda.
Table 12 summarize the works performed.
Equipment Mobilization Mobilization/Demobilization(un) 2
Total of piles (un) 144
Table 12. Resume of pile works performed at viaduct Nelito Soares, Luanda.
Total length of piles (m) 3839.85
Equipment Mobilization Mobilization/Demobilization(un)
Total drilling with bentonite mud (m) 2
Piles executed Daily
Total drilling with bentonite mud average
of piles (un) 144
Total length of piles (m) 3839.85
Total drilling using casing (m)
Total drilling with bentonite mud (m) 1243.45
Piles executed Daily drilling using casing average (m/day) 35.03
Daily drilling with bentonite mud average (m) 35.03
Total margin (%) 39.48
Cost control Total drilling using casing (m) 1243.45
Tendering margin (%) 30.12
Daily drilling using casing average (m/day) 35.03
4.2.1. Potential Hazards Identification and(%)
Total margin Associated Risk Analyses 39.48
Cost control
As mentioned before, it was Tendering margin
verified (%)
the presence 30.12
of sand balls with diameters be-
tween 0.10 and 0.15 m, flowing to the pile top, while cleaning the concrete. Apparently,
4.2.1. was no reason
this, and the and
foreman did notRisk
Associated register it due to the lack of expla-
As mentioned before, it was verified the presence of sand ballson
for it. Using similar checklists to the ones exemplified Tables
with 1 and between
diameters 2, it was
0.10 and 0.15 m, flowing to the pile top, while cleaning the concrete. Apparently, there(Table
determinate that this was an human hazard—“Poor knowledge of the technique” was
4, vi).
no reason for this, and the foreman did not register it due to the lack of explanation for it.
Using similar checklists to the ones exemplified on Tables 1 and 2, it was determinate that
this wasRisk
an Analyses and Evaluation
human hazard—“Poor knowledge of the technique” (Table 4, vi).
The event tree developed follows a similar approach as the one of Figure 5 but ap-
pliedRisk Analyses
to the specific and Evaluation
occurrence. This human hazard induces the event of “Unable to solve
the events”
The eventthat could
tree induced
developed two kind
follows of damages
a similar with
approach as likelihoods (Table5 5)
the one of Figure ofapplied
but 2 and 3,
to the specific “Lost of productivity”
occurrence. This human and/or “Incomplete
hazard induces theorevent
inexistent registertoofsolve
of “Unable an event
events” that(Table
v and vi,two
respectively), both labelled
kind of damages as class 1. The
with likelihoods risks
(Table 5) magnitudes
of 2 and 3,
(Table 9) are“Lost
respectively: considered as acceptable
of productivity” (classes
and/or 2 and 3) fororone
“Incomplete single pile
inexistent (Figure
register 9). event
of an
Table 13 presents the risk register for this work.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 18 of 22

Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW

occurred” 18 of 22
(Table 7, v and vi, respectively), both labelled as class 1. The risks magnitudes
(Table 9) are considered as acceptable (classes 2 and 3) for one single pile (Figure 9).

Figure Boredpiles
technique”.of technique”.

TableTable 13 presents
13. Example theregister
of risk risk register for thisofwork.
for the change executive process for bored piles at Nelito Soa-
res viaduct.
Table 13. Example of risk register for the change of executive process for bored piles at Nelito Soares
Hazard Event Likelihood Consequence
Hazard Event 3
Likelihood 1
Consequence Risk Magnitude
Poor Unable to
(occasional) or (Loss of productivity
1 and/or
knowledge of solve the 3 3 (Acceptable)
Poor Unable to 2 (Loss of productivity
Incomplete or inexistent
the technique events (occasional) or
knowledge of solve the (rare)2 and/or Incomplete
register or
of the event) 3 (Acceptable)
the technique events inexistent register of
the event)
4.2.3. Contingency Measures and Discussion

4.2.3. It was decidedMeasures

Contingency to sustainand
risk and continue with the contract. The risk assessment
was not preceded by an immediate action. Hereupon, a best way-out solution was needed.
It was decided to sustain the risk and continue with the contract. The risk assessment
The occurrence was a consequence of “Incomplete or inexistent register of an event” but
was not preceded by an immediate action. Hereupon, a best way-out solution was needed.
the alert for this situation led the site project manager to investigate the matter. It was
The occurrence was a consequence of “Incomplete or inexistent register of an event” but
concluded that the underlying motive was the removing of the concrete column with ex-
the alert for this situation led the site project manager to investigate the matter. It was
cessive speed, which caused a suction effect of the sand into the pile, resulting in the afore-
concluded that the underlying motive was the removing of the concrete column with
mentioned sand balls in the shaft of the piles. However, as it was made the ABC cost
excessive speed, which caused a suction effect of the sand into the pile, resulting in the
control, it was found that this could lead to a deviation on the budget due to the eventual
aforementioned sand balls in the shaft of the piles. However, as it was made the ABC cost
pile repair. Therefore, it was decided that the site operatives needed extra training on the
control, it was found that this could lead to a deviation on the budget due to the eventual
subject, which was implemented and the damage stop occurring.
pile repair. Therefore, it was decided that the site operatives needed extra training on the
Due to this situation, 20% of the piles were tested with cross-hole tests and the re-
subject, which was implemented and the damage stop occurring.
Due to80% with
this sonic tests,
situation, 20%allofofthethem with
piles weresuccess.
testedThe withtimely risk assessment
cross-hole also
tests and the
allowed the
remaining 80%work
with tosonic
be concluded with
tests, all of thema positive deviation
with success. Thefrom
assessment also
Assuming that the risk was not managed, but that the
allowed the work to be concluded with a positive deviation from the budget. damage of the sand balls de-
scribed above would
Assuming that the berisk
was not at the construction
managed, but that stage,
damage aofsignificative per-
the sand balls
centage of the work carried out—for example, it will be considered 10%;
described above would be detected at the construction stage, affecting a significative there would have
been a direct
percentage increase
of the of 10% out—for
work carried in the costs. With the
example, final
it will be profits and 10%;
considered construction costs,
there would
have been afrom accounting
direct increase ofadding
10% in the cost by
the costs. 10%,
With theitfinal
is possible to extrapolate
profits and constructionthat the
margin of the cost of work without risk management would be 32.92%, which would be
lower than the one obtained 39.01%.
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 19 of 22

Infrastructures 2021, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 22

obtained from accounting adding the cost by 10%, it is possible to extrapolate that the
margin of the cost of work without risk management would be 32.92%, which would be
than the10one obtained
compares the39.01%.
(tender, operation and without risk management) margins
results, in percentage terms, (tender,
Figure 10 compares the of the 12operation andanalyzed
case studies without during
risk management)
the researchmargins
(A–J, in-
results, in percentage terms, of the 12 case studies analyzed during
cluding the two cases previously detailed) showing the positive financial the research
outcomes (A–J,
including the two cases
to risk management previously detailed)
implementation showing the stage:
at the construction positive
tend to beduesig-
to risk management
nificantly implementation
positive and higher than the atones
the construction stage: the
that would probably bemargins
obtainedtend topro-
if the be
significantly positive and higher than
posed risk management was not implemented. the ones that would probably be obtained if the
proposed risk management was not implemented.

Figure 10.Margins
Figure10. Margins(in

The constructionofofbored boredpiles
support fluids,has
uncertainties that
that areare difficult
difficult or impossible
or impossible to determine
to determine be-
fore work
work begins.begins.
They mayThey bemay be of geological,
of geological, geotechnical,
geotechnical, human, orhuman,
technicalor origin;
technical origin;
atherefore, a risk management
risk management at the construction
at the construction stage isfor
stage is essential essential for the sustainability
the effective effective sustain- of
abilityworks. In fact,
of those works.the Inemphasis
fact, theshould be placed
emphasis shouldonbethe need on
placed for the
management and
for risk man-
not on theand
agement sizenot
of the
on project.
the size of the project.
this context, aaconstruction
constructionrisk riskmanagement
management methodology,
methodology, based
based onon realreal
and implemented
implemented in real
in real time,time, is presented
is presented forfirst
for the the time.
first time. This methodology
This methodology is based
is based on the
on the construction
construction of simplified
of simplified eventand
event trees, trees,
costand cost control
control based on based
ABCon ABC activities
activities that will
allow will
theallow the verification
verification of the accounting
of the accounting of costs of
nature byand
the and
riskstheof risks
each of each
activity, separately, in real time, and forecasting the final costs of the
separately, in real time, and forecasting the final costs of the work based on the eventual work based on the
eventual mitigation decisions adopted. The proposed methodology
mitigation decisions adopted. The proposed methodology is different from any other pre- is different from any
sented presented before
before since: (i) since:
it is the(i)first
it istime
the first
thattime that potential
potential damages damages
likelihoods likelihoods
are evaluatedare
by analyzing the number of events that occurred at real construction sites and involving
only coarse soils; (ii) it was validated at the construction of more than 48,000 m of bored
Infrastructures 2021, 6, 77 20 of 22

evaluated by analyzing the number of events that occurred at real construction sites and
involving only coarse soils; (ii) it was validated at the construction of more than 48,000 m
of bored piles in sandy soils in Angola, proving its versatility and ease of implementation.
Additionally, as seen in the two case studies presented, it provides economic values to
select between corrective measures whenever they must be implemented by the site project
At the construction stage of piles, there is no doubt in the procedure to implement
risks classified as high or intolerable, as the recommended contingency measures should be
applied. However, when the risks are acceptable or significant, the decision on mitigation
can be doubtful. In this way, the application of cost control with forecast of the impact
on the final budget due to the actions to incur or mitigate the risks can provide the site
project managers with a combined tool to maximize the performance during construction.
From the above, it is concluded that the proposed method, applied to bored piles (Kelly
technique) can alert to an unacceptable increase in costs considering the set of piles to
execute, which implies need to approve mitigating actions to be taken to ensure a final
margin of profit whenever the risk considered for a single pile is acceptable or significant.
The two case studies selected to test this methodology show its ability to provide those
responsible for the work (site project managers) with the ability to manage in real time the
effectiveness of the measures to be implemented, choosing the corrective measures based
on their economic impact. By implementing this type of approach, site project managers
will have a tool to assess the risk and cost of incurring it in real time, contributing to better
and more efficient decisions, particularly if this analysis is automated at each company;
for example, using neural networks, and if the calculation of the probabilities is based on
a database of the various case studies at the company’s curriculum. This is an important
alternative to the traditional approach of developing potential risk context profiles built
upon the practice of a set of experts.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.M. and P.F.S.; methodology, P.M. and P.F.S.; validation,
P.M.; formal analysis, P.M. and P.F.S.; investigation, P.M. and P.F.S.; writing—original draft prepa-
ration, P.M. and P.F.S.; writing—review and editing, P.M., P.F.S. and F.F.S.P.; supervision, P.F.S. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was developed for a Ph.D. dissertation and this publication is supported
by the NOVA Ph.D. in Geological Engineering program as well as FCT projects GeoBioTec/NOVA
UIDP/GEO/04035/2020 and CERIS UIDB/04625/2020.
Data Availability Statement: This manuscript is a part of a PhD research that will become available
at before the end of 2021.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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