HA-RLE-WS # 5 Assessing General Status and Vital Signs
HA-RLE-WS # 5 Assessing General Status and Vital Signs
HA-RLE-WS # 5 Assessing General Status and Vital Signs
Case Study:
Read the following case study. Then work through the steps of analysing the case study data.
1. First identify abnormal data and strengths in subjective and objective findings;
2. Assemble cue clusters;
3. Draw inferences;
4. Make possible nursing diagnoses;
5. Identify defining characteristics;
6. Confirm or rule out the diagnoses; and
7. Document your conclusions.
Case Study:
Steve Marin is a 36-year-old white man, who comes to the employee health center for
advice. He says he has been under a lot of stress lately. He believes he is drinking too much
coffee (12 cups daily) and smoking more than usual (2 packs daily). He is neatly and
appropriately dressed in a business suit. His posture is erect, and his gait is smooth. His hands
are trembling. He has excess subcutaneous fat, distributed primarily around the waist. Mr. Marin
appears tired, anxious, and hurried. He is cooperative, maintains good eye contact, and
answers questions quickly. His speech is clear but fast paced.
Vital Signs
Oral temperature: 37.04 degrees centigrade
Radial pulse: 92 beats/minute, shallow and somewhat labored
Respirations: 23 breaths/minute
Blood pressure: sitting, right arm 180/112mm Hg; left arm 172/108 mm Hg; standing, 155/100
mm Hg (standing Bp taken in either arm due to similarity of sitting Bps). Denies any pain and
Note: Please secure consent before starting the interview to actual client….
Present History
1. Height?
2. Weight?
3. Fever?
4. Pain? (COLDSPA)
5. Allergies?
6. Present Health Concerns
Past History
1. Weight gains or losses?
Family History
1. Hypertension?
Questions Findings
Overall Impression of the client
1. Observe physical development
(appears to be chronologic age) and
sexual development (appropriate for
gender and age).
Vital signs
1. Gather equipment (thermometer,
sphygmomanometer, stethoscope,
and watch)
Analysis of Data
1. Formulate nursing diagnoses
(wellness, risk, actual).