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34. Orem - Health wellness is the integrity of the individual, illness results in the person's inability to maintain self-care
35. Orem - Nursing Nursing is the giving of direct assistance to persons who are unable to meet their own self-care needs, developed through nursing education
and experiences
36. Orem - Person • Humans with physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social components, meeting self-care needs through learned behavior
37. Partly Compensatory - Both nurse and patient perform care measures, either manipulation or ambulatory task
- Either the patient or the nurse may have the major role in the performance of care
38. Profession - Based in everyday human experiences and responses to one another
- Uses knowledge to respond to specific human needs
39. Supportive Educative - Is able to perform or can and should learn to perform self-care measures but unable to do so without assistance
system - The patient is doing all the self-care activities
- The nurse promotes the client as self-care agent
40. Theory of Culture Care The study and practice focused on comparative cultural care (caring) values, beliefs, and practices of individuals or groups of similar or
Diversity and Universality different cultures with the goal of culture specific and universal nursing care in promoting health or well-being or to help people face
unfavorable human conditions, illness or death in culturally meaningful ways
41. Theory of nursing system the assessment of the self care needs and self care activities of the individual
42. Theory of self-care ability to initiate and perform activities independently where the patient, being sick or not is able to do self-activities, and daily routines
43. Theory of self-care incapability or limitation in providing continuous effective self-care
44. Wholly Compensated - Done when the patient is unable to engage in those self-care actions, requiring self-directed and controlled ambulation and manipulative movement
Care or the medical prescription to refrain such activity
22. Communication The nurse utilizes principles of communication in the care of clients/families and communities
23. Compassion Provide Structure
24. Compassion Promote sweetness
25. Compassion show how to be gentle
26. Compassion Enforce rules
27. Compassion Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.
28. Compassion Expect her to help
29. Compassion is when you see that someone needs help and you want to help them.
30. Competence The quality of being competent; adequacy; possession of required skill, knowledge, qualification, or capacity.
31. Confidence is generally described as a state of being certain, either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct, or that a chosen course of action is the
best or most effective
32. Conscience The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong
33. Conscience Conformity to one's own sense of right conduct
34. Conscience A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncement
35. Cultural heritage Physical or "tangible cultural heritage" includes buildings and historic places, monuments, artifacts, etc., that are considered worthy of
preservation for the future. These include objects significant to the archaeology, architecture, science or technology of a specific
36. Developmental Categorize a person's behaviours or tasks into approximate age ranges or in terms that describe the features of an age group.
37. Developmental Allow nurses to describe typical behaviours of an individual within a certain group, explain the significance of those behaviours,
Theory predict behaviours that might occur in given situation, and provide rationale to control behavioural manifestations.
38. dignity the state of being worthy of honor or respect.
39. Emotional refers to our emotional and mental states, our thoughts and feelings. It involves awareness and acceptance of a wide range of feelings in
(Psychological) oneself and others, the ability to express emotions, to function independently and to cope with the challenges of daily stressors.
40. Empowering Cluster of key areas of responsibility that mandate compliance to the standards of legal, ethico-moral responsibilities and personal and
professional development
41. Enabling Cluster of key areas of responsibility that provide support to effective and efficient performance of patient care competencies including
management of resources and environment and record management
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42. Enhancing Cluster of key areas of responsibility that ensures safe and quality nursing care to include research and quality improvement
43. Ethico-moral The nurse observes ethico-moral considerations in the practice of the profession.
44. General Systems A system is ever changing, and any change in one part affects the whole
45. General Systems A system is more than the sum of its parts
46. General Systems A system must be goal oriented
47. Health Education The nurse utilizes principles in teaching/learning in addressing the health problems of the clients/family/significant others
48. Human Dignity When this concept is associated with the adjective "human", it is used to signify that all human beings possess inherent worth and
deserve unconditional respect, regardless of age, sex, health status, social or ethnic origin, political ideas, religion, or criminal history.
49. Human Dignity In nursing you are taught to treat all patients with dignity, you are to treat each person as equal and not refuse care to anyone
regardless of their past or other factors. You treat each patient as you would treat your own loved ones if you were to care for
50. Integrity Nurses provide an environment of openness; they are honest in their approach to one another and those they serve.
51. Integrity is the basing of one's actions on an internally consistent framework of principles.
52. Integrity Nurses also behave honestly, fairly, and ethically are truthful. They are truthful, trustworthy, and fair in all efforts, while
holding themselves to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct.
53. Kurt Lewin developed the classic theory of change
54. Legal Responsibilities The nurse adheres to practice in accordance with the laws, policies and guidelines affecting nursing.
55. Love and Belonging Needs It includes giving and receiving affection, attaining a place in a group, and maintaining the feeling of belonging.
56. Love of Country It's always good to love your country. After all, it's where you live.
57. Love of God For god so loved (agape) the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but
have eternal life. (john 3:16)
58. Love of God The bible indicates that love is from god. In fact, the bible says "god is love.". Love is one of the primary characteristics of
god. Likewise, god has endowed us with the capacity for love. This capacity for love is one of the ways in which we are
"created in the image of god."
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59. Love of People The Essential Teaching Of Jesus: "Love All People As Yourself
60. Love of People Respect for the Dignity of Each Person Regardless of Race, Creed, Color & Gender
61. Management of Resources Includes managerial and supervisory skills that enhance nursing care delivery to protect clients, family, significant others.
and Environment
62. Maslow's hierarchy provides a framework for recognizing and prioritizing basic needs.
63. Mental (Intellectual) refers to your ability to think and learn from life experience, being open to new ideas, and the ability of one to question and
evaluate information.
64. Natural Heritage is also an important part of a culture, encompassing the countryside and natural environment, including flora and fauna,
scientifically know as biodiversity
65. Needs Model/Theory People must meet lower level needs to some degree before they can address higher level needs.
66. Nomos Determination or Law
67. Patient care competencies Cluster of key areas of responsibility that include safe and quality care, communication, health education and collaboration and
68. Personal and Professional The nurse accepts responsibility for one's personal and professional development in the practice of nursing.
69. Physical State of well-being void of disease or illness
70. Physiological Needs Fundamental motivating forces and provide the base for Maslow's pyramid
71. Physiological Needs Oxygen, food, water, elimination, activity, rest, temperature, maintenance, and sexuality are essential for existence.
72. Quality Improvement The nurse participates in activities towards quality care management that will ensure quality patient care.
73. Records Management The nurse maintains accurate and updated documentation of patient care.
74. Refreeze is establishing the change as a new habit, so it now becomes the "standard operating procedure." Without some process of
refreezing, it is easy to backslide into the old ways.
75. Research Advances the discipline of nursing, helps develop nursing knowledge and improves nursing care
76. Safe and Quality Nursing Promotes achievement of client outcome by providing nursing care that enhances the care delivery in any setting and across the
Care life span in order to protect client, family, significant others and other health care personnel.
77. Safety and Security Needs The person needs to feel safe, both in the physical environment and in relationships.
78. Self-actualization needs is the innate need to realize fully all of one's abilities and qualities, that is, to maximize one's potential.
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79. Self-Esteem Needs The individual needs both self-esteem and esteem from others.
80. Social the ability to interact effectively with other people and the social environment, to develop satisfying interpersonal relation
developing positive independent relationships with others, and practicing healthy sexual behaviors.
81. Social Justice Nurses are required to uphold freedom of choice in their patients' care, while upholding their dignity.
82. Social Justice refers to the concept of a society in which justice is achieved in every aspect of society, rather than merely the administrat
83. Spiritual It is essential component is a belief in some meaning or order in the universe, a higher power that gives greater significanc
achieve their full potential.
84. Systems Includes purpose, content, and process, breaking t the "whole" and analyzing the parts.
85. Systems The relationships between the parts of the whole are examined to learn how they work together.
86. Systems It provides another approach for studying individuals in their environments and is used by many disciplines.
87. Unfreeze involves finding methods of making it possible for people to let go of an old pattern that was counterproductive
88. Von developed general systems theory
1. Benner Formulated levels of competency in nursing practice
2. Betty Neuman Systems Model
3. Care provider Provides care and comfort
4. Client Advocate Nurse defends client's right
5. Communicator Communication facilitates understanding
6. Counselor Helps clients to cope with stress
7. Dorothea Orem Self Care Deficit Theory in Nursing
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7) legal
26. environment 1) perceptual: intercepted & interpreted w/ sense organ
2) operational: affects physically (ex: microorganism)
3) operational: form cultural patterns & spiritual existence
27. Environmental Theory - formulated due to lack of sanitation
28. Excellence and power of clinical nursing practice Novice
Advanced Beginner
-likelihood of action
38. Health (WHO) states of complete physical, mental, & social well being
- not merely the absence of diseases
39. Holography - everything is a whole in 1 context & part in another
- person is a spiritual & cultural being
- based on qualitative research: grounded theory
40. human body -mind, body, and spirit
-health: implies wholeness & holiness
41. Illness impaired or diminished functioning
42. Illness as a Reparative Process control environment, control illness
43. International Council for Nursing - 1899, first organization for health professionals
44. Jean Watson - Theory of Human Caring: practice of nursing is caring
45. KSA Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
46. Marilyn Anne Ray - Theory of Bureaucrating Caring
- Organizational Cultures
47. Myra Lavine nursing is a human interaction
48. National Career Progression Program legal basis: Board of Nursing Resolution No.22
49. Nurses Week celebrated during the last week of October
- signed by the President Carlos P. Garcia
50. Nursing - Art & science of caring
- promotion & restoration of health
- prevention of illness
- alteration of suffering
- assisting clients to face death
51. Nursing Education: Major shifts 1) from covering abstract knowledge to emphasizing teaching for particular situation
2) separation between clinical classroom teaching to integration of these components
3) critical thinking to clinical reasoning
4) from emphasizing socialization & role-taking to professional identity formation
52. Nursing Paradigm -nursing
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53. OHNAP workers
54. organismic response 1) flight or fight
- most primitive response
- activated when individuals are threatened
2) inflammatory response
- way of healing
- removal of unwanted irritant or pathogens
3) response to stress
- Hans Selye
- general adaptation syndrome
4) perceptual awareness
- individuals experience on their environment
55. ORNAP operating room
56. performance appraisal-evaluation performance determined by only consensual validation of expert judges & assessments of the outcomes of
the situation
57. Philosophy is caring - care is trinity: relational, practical, & moral simultaneously
- caring requires education and training
58. RENAP dialysis (re-renal)
59. sovereign life utterance beyond human control influence
1. adaptive Anything that has a positive influence on the health and well-being
response of people
2. Arlene B Miller Co-author of Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing,
which proposes a Judeo-Christian model of caring
3. Betty Neuman Developed one of the most popular and widely used health systems
4. borrowed Theories borrowed by one discipline from another discipline;
theories previously the primary basis of nursing
5. comfort theory Recent theory being used as a basis for nursing practice and a
foundation for nursing research; developed by Katherine Kolcaba
6. culture care Theory designed to help nurses provide culturally congruent,
competent, and safe care in a multicultural world
7. developmental Theory focusing on the person as a developmental being with needs
needs theory that could be met by health care professionals, including nurses and
8. Dorothea Orem Believed that life, health, and well-being are maintained by
activities that people initiate on their own, such as breathing and
eating; focused on nursing as a way to restore self-care in patients
9. Florence The first nursing theorist; worked on a developmental needs theory
10. health promotion Mid-range theory that focuses on variables known to impact health
model behavior
11. Hildegard Peplau Nurse whose Interpersonal Relations in Nursing: A Conceptual
Frame of Reference for Psychodynamic Nursing (1952) focuses on
developmental needs of patients, but even more on interpersonal
relationships by using a psychological model; worked on an
interpersonal theory
12. Imogene King Developed the goal attainment model, which focused on three
interacting systems: personal, interpersonal, and social
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TFN reviewer
1. 3rd order of St. Francis st elizabeth joined this order during 1228
2. accordance with legal principles and the code of ethics in making personal responsibility 1 ; beginning nurse's role on client care
and professional judgement
3. Alexander II father of st elizabeth
4. applies the research process in improving client care responsibility 2 ; beginning nurse's role on research
5. barber-surgeon st martin was once a
6. charity, piety, simplicity, serving the poor and sick st Elizabeth's values
7. collaborative relationship with colleagues to enhance nursing core services responsibility 4 ; beginning nurse's role on client care
8. Compassion we are sensitive to the needs of others
9. Competence seek enhancement on the quality of the nursing education and practice through local and
international updates
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10. Competency integration of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that underpin effective performance
11. Core competency elements of competency that contribute to and build a key area of responsibility
12. Dec 4 1579 st. martin born on
13. deliver health programs and services effectively to specific client groups responsibility 3 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
14. demonstrates ability to lead and supervise satff responsibility 5 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
15. demonstrates accountability for safe nursing practice responsibility 2 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
16. demonstrates management and leadership skill to provide safe and quality responsibility 1 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
17. Doctor Angelicus St thomas is also called
18. dumb ox st thomas was called as an insult
19. engages in nursing or health related research responsibility 1 ; beginning nurse's role on research
20. evaluate research study utilizing guidelines in the conduct of a written responsibility 2 ; beginning nurse's role on research
research critique
21. excellence culture of excellence continuously commit to achieve higher level of quality
22. Fortitude courage, the control of responses made to difficulties and dangers
23. Holistic care totality of a person
24. honesty, loyalty, tolerance justice related to
25. Innovation encourage creative and critical thinking, new ideas and research
26. integrity through honest and genuine care for the individual, family and community
27. Jan 28, 1255 st thomas was born on
28. Jan 28 or Mar 7 feast day of st thomas aquinas
29. judgement, reliability prudence related to
30. Jul 18, 1323 st thomas was canonized on
31. july 7, 1207 st elizabeth was born on
32. Justice quality of being correct, righteous, fair and impartial
33. Landulf of Aquino father of st thomas
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34. Leadership empower students to become productive, efficient and be of service to others
35. Ludwig IV husband of st elizabeth
36. Maintains complete up to date recording and reporting responsibility 3 ; beginning nurse's role on client care
37. manages a community based on health facilitiy responsibility 4 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
38. Master Conrad of Malburg st elizabeth agreed to complete obedience to her confessor
39. May 6, 1962 st martin canonized by and on
40. May 27, 1235 canonuzed st elizabeth on
41. motivation, resourcefulness fortitude related to
42. Nov 3 feastday of st martin
43. Nov 3 1639 st. martin died on
44. Nov 17 feast day of st elizabeth
45. Oct 29 1835 Pope Gregory XVI st martin beatified on and by
46. Pope gregory IX canonized st elizabeth
47. Pope John XXII st thomas canonized by
48. Profession requiring specialized knowledge acquired through long and intensive academic preparation
49. Profession founded upon the theoretical structure of the science or knowledge of that discipline and the
accompanying practice abilities
50. professional and personal growth and development responsibility 5 ; beginning nurse's role on client care
51. Prudence the basis for the exercise of sound judgement in practical matters ; sticking to your
52. Respect treat everyone with utmost dignity in the light of catholic faith
53. self-control temperance related ro
54. St albertus the great st thomas studied under
55. St. Elizabeth Patron of nursing ; a paradigm of charity, healing and piety
56. St Francis st elizabeth lived her life mirroring his
57. St. Martin de Porres Patron of Public Health and Social Justice
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58. St. Rose of Lima and St. Juan Macias st. martin was friends with
59. St. Thomas Aquinas Patron of Catholic universities, college and schools
60. st. thomas aquinas italian dominican friar and priest
61. studious, critical thinker, prayerful, humility, morally upright values of st. thomas aquinas
62. Summa theologica and summa contra gentiles 2 works of st thomas
63. Temperance rational control of life's essential functions and basic emotional drive ; in control of critical
64. theodora mother of st thomas
65. to promote good health principle
66. utilizes appropriate mechanisms for networking, linkage building and responsibility 6 ; beginning nurse's role on management and leadership
67. utilizes the nursing process in the interdisciplinary care of clients responsibility 2 ; beginning nurse's role on client care