The Fathers of The Church. A New Translation. Volume 31.

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Fathers of the Church*

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Stirs of the Chorea.





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The Catholic University of America
Editorial Director


Fordham University The Catholic University of America


The Catholic University of America Villanova University


The Catholic University of America St. Anselm's Priory


The Catholic University of America Queens College


Translated by


New York



Censor Librorum



Archbishop of New York

April 20, 1956

Copyright, 1956 by
475 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y.

All rights reserved

Lithography by Bishop Litho, Inc.

U. S. A.


all of these titles may be
applied simultaneously or in
succession to St. Caesarius, Bishop of Aries in the
firsthalf of the sixth century. The life of Caesarius is known
chiefly through a two-book biography written by contem-
poraries. Cyprian, Firminus, and Viventius, all bishops, wrote
the first book, which describes the first
years and early
development of Caesarius, taking him into his episcopate.
Messianus, a priest, and Stephanus, a deacon, continued the
account, including details of Caesarius' manner of life and
of his later years.
Caesarius was born about 470 in Burgundy, at Chalon-
sur-Saone, the Cabillonum of Caesar's commentaries. His
deeply Christian parents spiritually grounded him through the
example of their own staunchly Catholic lives. Materially, they
must have possessed at least moderate means, for at the age
of seven Caesarius already was able to satisfy his compassion
for the poor, often giving his own clothes to the needy he
encountered. 1

1 Vita 1.3 (ed. G. Morin, Caesarii opera omnia, 296-345). The Vita is
also editedm Migne, PL 67.1001-1042, and in Monumenta Germaniae
Historica, Scr. rer. Merov. 3.457-501 (ed. B. Krusch)
. A
divergent sec-
tion division in Migne will be indicated by a reference in the form,
e.g., Vita 1.41 (22 PL) .


Little more is knownchildhood and youth of

of the
Caesarius except that at the age of eighteen, without the
knowledge of his parents and family, he approached Bishop
Sylvester, begging for admission to the clergy* His request
was granted, and since the custom of clerics living in com-
munity was not adopted in Gaul until the following century,
he doubtless continued to live at home except during the
hours of duty. 3
Filled with zeal and love of God, he resolved, after serving
the Church for two years in Chalon, to become a stranger to
both his native land and his family. Accompanied by a single
servant, he fled to Lerins, seeking the life of the cloister.
There he was received by Abbot Porcarius, and soon became
throughly imbued with the principles and ideals of monastic
life. During the
ensuing years Caesarius gave an example of
the true religious spirit ever careful in observance, prompt
in the performance of religious exercises, devout in labor,

outstanding in humility, singular in the practice of charity.

Because of his capable performance of duties, Caesarius
was appointed cellerarius of the monastery. Strict in the ful-
fillment of the duties of this office, he displayed tender care
for the sick and aged, but maintained firmness in his dealings
with the more vigorous members of the community. Some of
the latter resented his rigidity in the distribution of material

supplies and, finding themselves unable to sway him, prevailed

upon the abbot to remove him. Finding thus an opportunity
2 Ibid. 1.4.
3 A. Malnory, Saint Cesaire 3. For other complete
biographical accounts,
cf. C. F. Arnold, Caesarius von Arelate and M. Chaillan, Saint
Cesaire. The former is an extended treatment of the life of Caesarius,
replete with details and voluminous background information; the latter
is not so
heavily weighted, and offers many descriptive and
personal comments. Although now sixty years old, Malnory 's biography
according to Dom
of Caesarius continues to be the authoritative and,
Morin, 'still remains the best guide for anyone seeking a just idea of
the personality of Caesarius, and of the
part which he plays in the
organization of the Gallo-Frankish Church' (Revue Benedictine, 44
(1932) , 8 n. 1)

to devote himself more assiduously to reading, mortification

and prayer, he joyfully took advantage of So great was

his zeal for self-mortification and the practice of virtue that

end of a happy
soon, at the stay in Lerins of five or six years,
became weakened and exhausted, and
his physical strength
he was sent to Aries to recover his impaired health. 4 Here
he heard the African rhetorician Pomerius advocate the
reading of secular literature. At first he followed this advice,

but, terrified in his sleep

by the vision of a
dragon biting him,
Caesarius completely renounced the wicked wisdom of the
world.' This renunciation and 'premature break with the

study of literary models' was responsible, according to Mal-

nory, for 'a certain lack of experience in the art of writing.'
At this time, about 499, Eonius was Bishop of Aries. Having

met Caesarius, the elderly prelate desired to welcome him

into the ranks of his own clergy. Consequently, he applied
to Porcarius for permission to do so, and soon had the

pleasure of ordaining Caesarius deacon and then priest. After

ordination, Caesarius was sent to reform a suburban mon-
astery. Serving almost in the capacity
of abbot, the saintly

young guided by the principles he had learned at

Lerins, successfully directed the community for more than
three years. Seeing in him an ideal successor, Bishop Eonius,
toward the end of his life, summoned the clergy and people
of Aries and sought their approval of his choice. Moreover,
Church policy of those times, he
in accord with the also

secured ratification by the appropriate temporal authorities.

Thus it happened that, at the death of Eonius, Caesarius was
immediately appointed to succeed him. It is related that when
it was time for his elevation to the episcopacy, the bishop-

elect could not be found. Conforming to an almost mandatory

of persons called to
precedent that emphasized the humility
4 Vita 1.4-7,9.
5 Malnory, op. cit. 18.

the office of bishop, Caesarius simulated flight, and was found

hidden in a cemetery. 6
As Bishop of Aries (from 503), Caesarius is, in the words
of Bardenhewer: 'a type of those active, self-sacrificing

prelates of southern Gaul who, during the dissolution of the

imperial power in the West, saved Christian civilization from
total ruin, by grafting it
upon the new political life of the
barbarian conquerors. His episcopal city of Aries, where he
lived and labored for forty years, was admirably adapted
for such a mission, being the political meeting place of

Ostrogoths and Visigoths, Franks and Burgundians. It was

here in stirring times, alive with important social and religious
problems, that Caesarius labored as a shepherd of souls,
reformer of ecclesiastical discipline, and popular preacher of
practical Christianity.' After an abundantly fruitful career in
the service of God and men, the bishop died, on August 27,
In addition to his preaching, Caesarius' activities as bishop

may be considered, in general, as belonging either to ad-

ministration or to the field of theology. As part of his ad-
ministrative duties with the temporal powers
fell his relations

and with Rome, poor and for

his unremitting care for the

prisoners, the founding of a monastery for women, and

various accomplishments effected through the councils over
which he presided or which were dominated by his thought
and personality. His contributions in the realm of theology,
while neither so numerous nor so original, are still worthy
of mention.
The episcopate of Caesarius was exercised under three
political regimes: the Visigoth, under Alaric II, until 507;
the Ostrogoth, under Theodoric, from 508 to 536; and the
Prankish after 536. At the opening of the sixth century, Aries

6 Vita 1.10-14 (lif. PL); G. de Plinval, DHGE 12.186.

7 O. Bardenhewer, Pattology 611.
8 Vita 2.48 (34 PL) . For 543 as the year of the death of Caesarius, see
Malnory, op. cit. 282, Some other writers have preferred 542.

was dependent upon the Arian Visigoth princes, masters of

southern Gaul, who looked on Caesarius with
suspicion be-
cause of his Burgundian affinity. Forced to to Bordeaux go
(505) in order to clear himself, Caesarius returned fully
satisfied with the results of his visit. In the ensuing Ostrogoth
government, Theodoric, likewise an Arian, brought the bishop
to Ravenna on a false charge of treason in 513, but Caesarius
went away covered with honors and in the possession of a
number of valuable privileges for his see. With this welcome

support Caesarius was able henceforth to convoke and preside

over councils without hindrance. 9 In political matters he
proclaimed always and everywhere that it was imperative to
obey kings and temporal powers in their just prescriptions,
but the false doctrine of the Arians he despised. It is only
natural, then, that in the victory of the Prankish kingdom in
536 Caesarius hailed with joy the ascendancy of a Catholic
prince. If in reality he had appreciated for twenty years the
liberalism of Theodoric, he knew only too well the Arian
fanaticism of the Gothic military elements. The coming of
Childebert was at least in this respect a guarantee and a
The civil privilege of supremacy that metropolitan cities
of the imperial provinces enjoyed over individual cities had
been extended to the ecclesiastical domain. Consequently,
from the beginning of his elevation to the episcopate, Caesa-
rius, as metropolitan of Aries, was at the head of a province
which contained twenty-seven bishoprics. If he had shown
himself a docile subject of the temporal powers in matters
where his conscience allowed him to do so, he was no less
an obedient servant of the Pope; and it was at the latter' s

9 F. Cayre", Manual of Patrology II 200.

10 Vita 1.23 (17 PL); 2.45 (32 PL) .

11 On the attitude of Caesarius toward the respective governments of

Theodoric and Childebert cf. G. Bardy, X'attitude politique de saint
Cdsaire d'Arles,' Revue d'histoire de I'eglise de France, 33 (1947) , 241-
256, and de Plinval, DHGE 12.193.
12 Chaillan, op. cit. 59, 63.

of Theodoric in
request that, after release from the custody
Ravenna, in 514, Caesarius journeyed to Rome. Among
several privileges he obtained there from Pope Symmachus,

perhaps the most was the restoration of Aries to

the primacy of Gaul. This prerogative essentially consisted in
a general supervision of ecclesiastical affairs in Gaul and
Spain, the convocation of councils,
and the right to deliver
sealed credentials to the clergy and bishops going from these
countries to the Pope.
Additional honors were conferred by Pope Symmachus.
To Caesarius was the rare privilege of wearing the
in our day, but then the
pallium, the insignia of archbishops
special insignia reserved for Popes. To this distinction the
Pope added, for the deacons of the Church at Aries, that of

being able to wear the dalmatic, as the deacons

at Rome were

privileged to do.
One of the primary concerns of the bishop was care for
the poor and the in his diocese. As a result of
repeated barbarian conflicts, devastation
and misery pre-
vailed. In these victims of war the pastoral zeal of Caesarius
found a fertile field for the exercise of his abundant charity.
As early as the days of Alaric II, Caesarius had profited by
his friendly relations with the governing power to obtain
money for the ransom of captives. Subsequently, during the
reign of Theodoric, the redemption of prisoners
was again
one of the acts of mercy he assiduously practised. Finding
the resources of his see insufficient for their needs, Caesarius
used even the treasures of the Church to help prisoners and
to feed and clothe the poor. Chalices, patens, chandeliers and
church ornaments of various kinds were used for this purpose,
while his personal larder was emptied to feed the hungry.
Housing, too, was a problem; the ex-captives were so

13 Vita 1.38 (27 PL) .

14 P. Lejay, DTC 2.2.2169.

15 Vita 1.42 (30 PL) .

16 Vita 1.20 (15 PL) ; 1.32 (23 PL) .


merous that even the episcopal dwelling was used to house

them. Catholics, non-Catholics, Christians, and non-Christians
were all treated alike; no distinction in creed or observance
was made among those who received these benefits. Finally,
the temporal powers, impressed by his example of universal
charity, gave Caesarius appreciable assistance for this work
as a token of royal gratitude. 17

Moreover, when he was summoned to Ravenna in 513 on

a second false charge of treason, Caesarius so impressed the
reigning Theodoric that the latter not only unconditionally
released him, but also dowered him with costly silver. Mindful
of his poor and suffering people, Caesarius sold the silver,

using the purchase price to ransom captives and relieve the

distressed. In admiration and wonder at this unprecedented
generosity, the king publicly lauded the bishop's self-sacrific-
ing goodness, thus prompting many wealthy senators and
influential men to help in the charitable enterprise. The
needs and wants of his flock, especially those most in need
of material or spiritual assistance, were ever a primary con-
cern of the zealous pastor and pontiff.
An important innovation at Aries was the construction
of a monastery for women, no easy task, as Chaillan makes
clear: 'Difficult and perilous was the creation of monastic
centers for women at this time ; all the more did the man of
God persevere in this work. It was necessary to flee from the
solitude of the mountains, to foresee an invasion of bar-

barians, to guard against the gross passions of the peasants,

to help with the expenses of maintenance. . Men could
. .

organize their own resources, defend themselves, earn their

daily bread by cultivating the earth;

but women had to look
for protectors in order to group themselves in communities.'
The monastery of St. John, founded by Caesarius about the
year 510, knew many trials in its beginnings,
and it was not

17 Malnory, op. cit. 97.

18 Vita 1.37-38 (26-27 PL) .

19 Chaillan, op. cit. 209.


solidly established until almost the year 524. It was one of

the first monasteries for women mentioned in the authentic
documents of Gaul, and apparently the very first in the
city of Aries. Ruined before its completion by ravaging
Franks and Burgundians, the monastery, which in fact was
originally located outside the city, had to be rebuilt later in
more peaceful times. Another monastery was built next to
the metropolitan church, intended to serve as a refuge in
case of future wars. The suburban convent was completed
in 513, under the title of St. John, but the name was later
changed to that of its founder. Even before the death of
Caesarius the convent was transferred to the city.
In the realm of ecclesiastical legislation, Caesarius exercised
a preponderating influence in the decisions of the Councils
of Agde (506), Aries (524), Carpentras (527), Orange and
Vaison (529), and Marseilles (533) These councils were con-

voked or presided over by Caesarius as bishop, and, while their

Acts are not, strictly speaking, to be considered his own work,
the canons issuing from them were formulated by him or, at
least, published under his revision or direction.
While the other councils treated the organization and
government of the churches and the life of the clergy, the
Council of Orange was concerned with a dogmatic question
and was the most important of all. Its canons were officially
approved by Pope Boniface (531) and thus received the
force oflaw in the universal Church. It is most memorable
because one of its pronouncements on dogma has become a
rule faith. The council decided definitively the great

quarrel over grace which had raged among Gallic theologians

for over a century. Caesarius and others taught that 'nature
and free-will, left to themselves, are incapable of accomplish-
ing and even of beginning the supernatural work of salvation,
and that God is the primary and necessary agent who creates

20 For the history of the monastery cf. C. Lambot, 'La regie,' Revue
Benedictine; 41 (1929) , 334; Vita 1.28, 35 (20, 25 PL) ;
Malnory, op.
cit. 257-259.

in us the first desire of good and brings about its effective

The statutes of the Council of Agde (506), the first to be
influenced by Caesarius, chiefly concerned the clergy and
only secondarily referred to the laity, 'considering, doubtless,
that the faithful will be worth only as much as the clergy
A definition of ecclesiastical jurisdiction was made,
guaranteeing both clergy and laity against abuse of power by
bishops, a situation due in large part to unworthy appoint-
ments and control by temporal powers. 23 Specific regulations
for the clergy were made, particular insistence being given
to the obligations of chastity. Age requirements for major
orders were fixed, and candidates for admission to Holy
Orders had to have familiarized themselves with both Old
and New Testaments. 24 An important pronouncement re-
ferred to Church property and to its administration by
ecclesiastics as stewards, not owners. 25
The prescription con-
cerning the reception of Holy Communion was directed to
the laity. A
special canon was promulgated which charged
anyone who did not receive Holy Communion at Christmas,
Easter, and Pentecost with apostasy. This seems to have been
the starting point of subsequent legislation on this question. 26
It is with right that Morin hailed the work of the Council
of Agde as the beginning of new times for the whole Church
of Gaul. 27
The Council of Aries was convoked for the dedication of
a church. Special attention was paid to rural churches, for
parish services had spread beyond the cities. Caesarius favored

21 J. Tixeront, History of Dogmas II 300; G. Bardy, Dictionnaire de spiri-

tualite 2.420-421.
22 Malnory, op. cit. 72
23 For Caesarius and the political bearings of the Council of Agde, cf.
E. F. Brunck, 'Caesarius of Aries and the Lex Romana Visigothorum,'
Studi in onore di Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz . (Naples [1953]) I 201-217.
. . ,

24 Malnory, op. cit. 76, 79; cf. Vita 1.56 (43 PL) .

25 Malnory, op. cit. 80-85.

26 Tixeront, op. cit. 370-371; cf. H. G. J. Beck, Pastoral Care of Souls 165.
27 Morin, Caesarii opera omnia II 36.

country parishes and chapels, but he ever insisted on an

absolutely regular, priestly life for his curates.
Legislation concerning the administration of parish revenues
was the work of the Council of Carpentras. Here again can
be observed the prudence and also the evangelical spirit of
the great bishop.
The Council of Vaison (529) established the manner of

parish organization and control within the diocese. Schools

were ordered for the training of young boys in ecclesiastical
duties a forerunner of present-day seminaries. Moreover,
priests were charged with preaching in church, contrary to
Roman usage, which made preaching the prerogative of
bishops alone. In fact, it was directed that, if the priest
could not perform this duty for some reason, sermons of the
Fathers were to be read to the people by a deacon. Several
liturgical innovations resulted from this council also: more
frequent recitation of the Kyrie eleison at Mass and in the
divine Office; the singing of the threefold Sanctus, not at

public Masses only, but at all Masses; the addition of the

'sicut era? to the Gloria Patri, expressly in opposition to
heretics; and the mention in church of the name of the
Pope. Other innovations in the sphere of liturgy owe their
origin to Caesarius, The laity were encouraged to attend the
daily recitation of Terce, Sext, and None as chanted by
clerics in his basilica, and he even urged antiphonal recitation
of the Office, providing for lay participation. For this purpose
he prepared a kind of popular liturgical formulary. 31
The last of the councils which knew the dominating
influence of Caesarius was held at Marseilles in 533 to

28 Chaillan, op. dt. 155-156.

29 Morin, Caesarii opera omnia II 63.
50 Ibid. 85; for additional information on the
right of priests to preach
(verbum faciendi potestas) cf. Beck, op, dt. 267-271.

31 Vita 1.15, 19 (13, 15 PL) On Caesarius and the

liturgy, cf de Plinval,
DHGE 12.189; Lambot, Dictionnaire de droit canonique 3.274-277;
K. Berg, Die Werke des hi. Caesarius von Aries als liturgiegeschichtliche
Quelle (Diss., Rome 1946) .

decide the case of a bishop who had

given scandaL Sub-
sequent councils were held at Auvergne (533), and at Orleans
in 533, 538, and 541. These latter assemblies were not
attended in person by the prelate of Aries because of illness
and his advanced years.
If,for all their importance, the canons of the councils
guided by Caesarius are not to be considered as part of the
bishop's literary output, we yet have, besides his sermons, a
not inconsiderable body of other extant writings to mention
here: several letters, his rules for religious, various opuscula

pertaining to theology or Scripture, and finally a last will or

During the forty years of his episcopacy, Caesarius must
have engaged in considerable correspondence, but only three of
his letters have been preserved.
A very brief one, to Ruricius,
Bishop of Limoges, complains of that prelate's absence from
the Council of Agde. Longer are two letters addressed by
Caesarius to his sister, Caesaria, and to the religious com-
munity at Aries over which she presided as abbess. These
compositions form a valuable supplement to the rule that
the bishop composed for them. Certain administrative acts in
epistolary or quasi-epistolary form have been handed down
as annexes to the letters of other writers. In a letter addressed
to Caesarius by Pope Symmachus in 513 the Pontiff renews
the validity of certain regulations as Caesarius had requested
32 Malnory, op. cit. 163-164.
33 Dom Morin includes in his edition (II 33-96) the Concilia a Caesario
habita, but those texts are not grouped with Caesarius' works by Dom
E. Dekkers, Clavis patrum latinorum (= Sacris erudiri 3 [1951] 176-
177) Morin 's edition may now be taken to embrace the entire corpus

of Caesarius' works, and calls for a revision of such lists as those in

Lejay, DTC
2.2.2170-2171, and Bardy, Dictionnaire de spiritualite
2.421-422; cf. de Plinval, DHGE 12.193-195, and Berg, op. cit. 6-9.
34 For the texts of the three letters cf. Morin, Caesani opera omnia II
5-7, 129-144; of those to Symmachus, ibid. 10-14; to John II, ibid.
23-28; to Agroetius, ibid. 65-66. The letter on humility was later cast in
sermon form; cf. Morin's Sermo 233. The letters of other writers ad-
dressed to Caesarius are in Morin II 3-32.
35 Cf. de Plinval, 'C&arie (Sainte) ,' DHGE 12-212-215.

him to do. The form which Caesarius had put his requests

preserved as an annex to the Pope's

(postulata] is
A similar exemplum libelli petitorii is attached to another
letter of of the year 514. Vigorous declarations
in the matter of the condemned Bishop of Riez, Contume-
liosus, Caesarius to a letter of Pope John II
appended by
in 534. A letter to
Agroetius (Agricius), Bishop
of Antibes,
in connection with the Council of Carpentras, was issued by
Caesarius and other bishops attending the council. Mention
may be made of a composition on humility, addressed to
a group of monks, that is sometimes called a letter and did
in fact as such. If his own letters reflect only a
small part of his activity, there is a somewhat broader cover-
to Caesarius by
age in the fifteen or sixteen letters addressed
fellow bishops and by Popes (from Symmachus to Vigilius).

Among Caesarius' non-homiletic writings, his rules for

religious, especially the
one for virgins (begun in 512 and
completed in 534), are of particular importance. In
with his usual procedure, Caesarius adopted many portions
of the rule of St. Augustine. Everywhere free use of the
source is evident, sometimes in long extracts, but more often
in short phrases and striking expressions. However, there is

always simplification and clarification, in an endeavor to

reach the intellectual level of those for whom he wrote. 36

Two short treatises,
On Grace and On the Mystery of the
Holy Trinity, were apologetic and propagandist, directed
against the Arian heretics. The De gratia gives ample
of the mind and style of Caesarius, so there is no doubt about
authorship even though the doctrine explained is pre-emi-

36 Lambot, art. cit. 335. The rule foi men is published by Dom Morin
Caesani opera omnia II 149-155. Apart from his final text (ibid.
101-129) the Rule for Virgins, together with related writings, is

conveniently read in Morin's earlier edition: Florilegium Patristicwm

34 (Bonn 1933) .

37 Morin, ibid. II 159-180; cf. his article in Revue Benedictine, 46 (1934) ,


nently that of Augustine. The De mysterio sanctae Trinitatis

likewise bears the unmistakable
impress of Caesarius, using
the same style and arrangement of words which are found in
other works of his. Similarly directed
against heresy was the
Breviarium fidei adversus hereticos. This could have been
written by Caesarius, but there still is no conclusive evidence
that it was. It was excerpted from works of
Pelagius, and others, but in some portions, especially at the
end, the hand of Caesarius is clearly visible. 38 During the
greatest part of his episcopate the city of Aries was subject
to barbarians of Arian profession, so that the
bishop realized
position. The
the necessity of maintaining the Church's
Expositio in Apocalypsim, as the title is a commentary
on the Apocalypse of the New Testament. Some scholars have
denied the work to Caesarius, but Morin reclaims it for him. 39
Brief mention should also be made of a canonical collection,
the Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua, whose origin is still discussed. 40
It might seem from this cursory view of the activities of
the primate of Aries as administrator and theologian that
these expressions of holy zeal might well comprehend all his
labors. Yet,none of these reveals Caesarius at his best. It is as
a preacher that he is most widely known and his worth most
fittingly appraised. The sermons
of Caesarius, long obscured
or lost among the collections of other writers, give us the
most adequate picture of Caesarius in all the fullness of his

Pre-eminently a pastor of souls, with nothing of the

speculative in his temperament, Caesarius in his preaching
affords moral inspiration rather than strict dogmatic prin-

38 Morin, ibid. II 181-208; also, his article in Revue d'histoire ecclesia-

stique, 35 (1939) , 35-53.
39 Morin, ibid. 210-277; cf. de Plinval, DHGE
12.194; also, Morin, article
in Revue Benedictine, 45 (1933), 43-61.
40 Arnold, op. cit. 8 n. 1, declared further research was needed; Malnory,
op. cit 50-62, decidedly claims it for Caesarius,
while Dom Morin in
Revue Benedictine, 30 (1913) 334-342, says that it definitely does not

belong to him.

ciples. Most of his sermons were written for the average
Christian,and they are remarkable for the numerous similes
drawn from nature and the common daily life of his time.
Exceedingly simple in style, they show no straining after
rhetorical effect. They are the utterances of a man who is
deeply concerned to make the sacred teachings penetrate the

spirit. Caesarius never loses sight of those to whom he speaks.

He enters into their habitual preoccupations, frequently draw-
ing from them vivid illustrations. He knows the impatience
and restlessness of his hearers; that is why he foregoes long and
learned discourses and limits his sermons to a quarter of an
hour. Moreover, he realizes that among his listeners the
learned are few, and therefore he assumes the simple language
of the majority, language clear and free from ornamentation.
'His only desire is to do good, and when he finds in one
of his predecessors ideas or expressions
capable of instructing
and edifying his flock, he does not hesitate to use them.' 42 That
is the reason why many of his sermons for many centuries
lost their identity with him. St. Augustine in particular was
adopted and adapted, but Caesarius also made use of other
authors. The borrowed sermons are not always
literally; the Bishop of Aries did not hesitate to change and
revise them in order to suit them to the needs of his people.
His plan in preaching was not at all
complicated. There
usually an easy and familiar introduction, a short exposition

which does not undertake to explain anything more than a

few plain truths in a practical way, followed by a conclusion
which summarizes the subject for the understanding or im-
presses its moral lesson upon the heart.
The subject matter of the sermons is wide and varied.
Many of them deal with the principles of Christian
41 J. Riviere, 'La doctrine de la C&aire d'Arles/
Redemption chez saint
Bulletin de litterature ecclestastique, 44
(1944) , 51.
42 Bardy, 'La predication/ Revue d'historie de I'e&lise de France, 29
(1943), 227.

the different classes of sinners, the principal vices of the day

in particular, adultery, concubinage, drunkenness, neglect of
obligations, superstitious practices surviving
paganism. Some emphasize the different seasons and feasts
of the liturgical year; others explain passages from the Old
and New Testaments normally, those passages that had
been read in the liturgy for the day; and still others are
directed to religious men and women.
Following the plan of the Latin text established by
Morin, the discourses in this translation are divided into five
groups: sermons or admonitions on various topics,
on Scripture, seasonal sermons, sermons on the saints, and

sermons to monks. The present volume comprises only the

admonitions (1-80), placed first by Morin because they most
unmistakably bear the impress of the bishop's character,
because the two principal early collections consist of very
little else.Asecond volume will embrace the Scriptural dis-
and a of
courses (81-186); third, the three last categories
sermons (187-238).
The doctrine or theology of Caesarius is not original. It
embraces the ideas of his forerunners and contemporaries
of Riez, Ful-
Origen, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, Faustus
and others. He have drawn
might the substance of
his sermons from his own depths, but he rarely does so.
Full of humble veneration for the Fathers in general, and for
useless to emulate
St.Augustine in particular, he considered it
them, and without the least trace of literary pride he simply
his own use the riches of other writers. There
adapted to
is a rusticity to his homilies and a disdain for secular learning
which mark him as a man who cared little for the niceties
of language. Yet strangely enough, sometime in his career,
Caesarius is known to have taught the elements of Latin
the Milanese Abbot Florianus. It is this last apparent
tradiction of a prelate unconcerned with secular letters yet

bothering to teach the

fundamentals of a learned tongue

which cautions the historian about dismissing as unlettered

the south Gallic episcopate of the 6th century.'
The sermons of Caesarius, which are the effective expression
of his ministry, are valuable alike to the theologian, the

historian, and the philologist. In them are carefully drawn

the elements of belief practice which characterized the
Catholic Church in sixth-century Gaul; profuse illustrations
and examples which would have been meaningful to his
audience give a clear picture of the life and historical details
of that era; and finally, his language his Latinity although
little known, still deserves to be so. 'If Caesarius keeps himself
to the old Roman tradition, we must realize also that, placed

chronologically in the milieu which saw the European nations

born, he began with them to speak something of their future
Not satisfied with preaching the word of God himself,
Caesarius persistently enjoined the preaching office upon his
fellow bishops and even his priests. However, it was becoming
more and more difficult to find in the ranks of the clergy men
instructed well to replace the bishop habitually in
the ministry of preaching. In providing a substitute Caesarius
showed respect for canonical legislation. was careful to He
deacons had the right to read the Gospel
recall that simple
in church. Could not priests, then, all the more justly and
even if they were not very well instructed, simply read to
the people sermons drawn from the Fathers and Doctors of
the Church? Thus
was that Caesarius caused to be formed

collections of popular sermons, in part borrowed from other

ecclesiastical writers and partly written by himself.
The aims Caesarius set before himself in this matter and
the methods he followed are best set forth by Dom Morin :

*. . . the zeal of the holy bishop extended far beyond his own
43 Beck, op. cit. 13-14.
44 Morin, 'Quelques raretes philologiqiies,' Archivum, 11 (1936), 5.
45 Bardy, Dictionnaire de spiritualite 2 424.

episcopal city; he felt that the rural people especially had

great need of the benefits of preaching. More than that, he
gave thought to the other dioceses on this [the northern] side
of the Alps, even the most distant, and he asked himself how
he could bring even to these the indispensable nourishment
of the word of God. Then he hit upon an original idea.
Connected with his episcopal residence he had a sort of
seminary where he educated some young clerics in the practice
of ecclesiastical virtues and the study of the sacred sciences.
Several of these disciples so distinguished themelves that
eager disputes arose about securing them for vacant episcopal
sees. With the help of these aspirants to the clerical career

he set up within the shadow of the cathedral of St. Stephen

a veritable library workshop, for the purpose of compiling as
many collections of sermons as possible, to be broadcast in
every direction. The more accomplished students were as-
signed the task of extracting from the writings of the Fathers,
especially from St. Augustine, those passages best suited to
the instruction of the people. Then the bishop would touch

up this material, abridging the uselessly wordy passages and

bringing light into the obscure ones, so that there remained
only what was practical and intelligible to all. After that he
would add a preface and a peroration in his own style,
generally very short. Sometimes he would even insert some
products of "his own small self," as he put it, and those
assuredly were the best of all. Then he would make up
collections of fifteen, sermons, or even more. .
twenty or fifty
. .

We still have some of the prefaces or "humble suggestions,"
to use his favorite expression, which Caesarius placed at the

beginning of his collections; they have a singularly delightful

flavor. Therein the holy bishop implored everyone into whose
hands these books should come, not only to read them them-
selves but to them on to others, to transcribe them onto
instead of
parchment and, if they could, in better writing,

keeping them jealously locked up in their bookcases because

of their lovely bindings, ..
Finally the good bishop begged

his readers to be lenient with his copyists: they were only

beginners and many mistakes of transcribing may have crept
in. They would please be good enough to pardon these
mistakes but at the same time be careful to correct them

according to new copies which are to be made.

'As Caesarius was the pope's vicar in Gaul and in part of

Spain, every bishop who went to Rome had to pass through

Aries and obtain from him letters of recommendation. He

adroitly took advantage of this to force upon them one or

more of his collections of homilies, demanding of them a
promise to have them read in the church. If someone
happened to object that it was not permitted to simple
priests, and still less to deacons, to exercise the office of

preaching, he had his answer all ready: "What!" he would

say, "our holy ministers have the power of reading to the
people the holy Gospels and writings of the Apostles, but
they may not read the most beautiful passages from the
holy Fathers or the writings of my own small self?" That is

why, through a pious ruse, he did not hesitate to place at

the head of his sermons, even of those which were really his
own, the name of some Doctor or Father of the Church by
whom he had been more or less inspired. And hence the
great difficulty later on of discovering in the libraries the
collections that are due to him; except for two or three they
are almost never under his name. His language, however, is
an expert will recognize it at first glance,
so characteristic that
even though only a few lines in the collection are by him.
'Thus it came about that collections transcribed through
the labors of Caesarius spread almost immediately into Gaul,

Spain and other cisalpine countries. In Spanish Tarragona

they were put to good use as the so-called Homilies of Toledo,
which were read at Mass in the Visigoth liturgy. In Great

Britain a number
of them were soon translated into
Saxon. And was with these collections that the great mis-

sionary bishops from the seventh to the ninth centuries, St.

Dwen, St. Eloi in Flanders, St. Pirmin in Suabia, St. Boniface
in Germany, drew the barbarian nations to whom they
Drought the benefits of Christian civilization away from their
pagan superstitions and led them, little by little, to the
Dractice of evangelical morality. 946
judge by the number and country of origin of the
manuscripts that contain sermons of Caesarius, they must have
enjoyed an exceptional vogue, first almost everywhere in
:entral Europe, from the sixth to the twelfth
century, then
in milieux from the fourteenth to the sixteenth
:entury. Such widely diffused writings did not long await
printing. The editio princeps dates from 1508, and the six-
teenth century alone brought forth four other editions. Those

responsible for these early endeavors did not measure up to

the ticklish problems of both higher and lower criticism
involved in editing Caesarius, but the late seventeenth century
saw a notable advance. In their edition of the sermons falsely
attributed to St. Augustine (1683), the Benedictines of the

Congregation of Saint-Maur, exhibiting their customary acu-

te Morin, 'The Homilies/ Orate Fratres, 14 (1939-1940) , 484-486. Cf.
also Vita 1.55 (42-43 PL) and R. J. Deferrari, 'St. Augustine's Method
of ... Sermons/ American Journal of Philology, 43 (1922) ,103.
Collections of fifteen and fifty sermons are identified by Morin in
Revue Benedictine, 16 (1899) . He explains there that the collection of
fifteen 'Epistles of St. Augustine* are actually sermons of Caesarius;
just as the bishop called the divine writings 'letters sent from the
heavenly Father/ so these, too, were called 'epistles/ Moreover, 'the
pseudo-Augustinian collection of the Quinquagtnta homiliae was
really formed by Caesarius, whose posthumous role in the moral and
religious education of the European nations has not been appreciated
untilnow for its true worth' (pp. 242-243) . Cf. also his article, ibid.,
9 (1892) , 52. For the subsequent influence of Caesarius, cf. Morin,
'Les editions des sermons/ Revue Benedictine, 43 (1931) , 23; Mal-
nory, op. cit. 242-244; Deferrari, art. cit., 103; de Plinval, DHGE
17 Morin, 'Studia Caesariana/ Revue Benedictine, 23 (1906), 371-372.

men, printed and correctly attributed more than a hundred

of these misplaced works to Caesarius. Yet even this achieve-
ment fell far short of the edition of the sermons of Caesarius
collected and submitted to recension in their own right that
the situation required. It was not until almost 200 years
after the completion of the Maurist effort that a project was
set in foot thatwas to yield the long looked-for edition that
of Dom
Germain Morin, O.S.B., printed at Maredsous,
Belgium, in two volumes in 1937.
The amount of work spent by Dom Morin on his edition
of the sermons was enormous. As a beginning, he copied the
text of sermons which the best critics had judged as authentic

productions of Caesarius. Then he studied all the catalogues

of manuscripts which he had at his disposal, noting those
which bore the name of the bishop. However, this was far
from satisfactory, 'and he found it necessary to search among
the multitude of sermon manuscripts for collections which,
under the most diverse identifications, or even without any
indication of author at all, might have proceeded from the
workroom of Aries. Collections of this sort could be met in
almost the libraries of any importance, and therefore it

was necessary for Dom

Morin to go in person through the
principal deposits of Europe. Methodically and with patient
perseverance he inspected all the documents connected with
Western homiletics in the period from St. Augustine to St.
Gregory the Great an immense task which filled fifty years.
48 A third volume, containing the Opera varia, actually Volume II of
the edition, appeared in 1942, just 1,400 years after the death of St.
Caesarius Just as Pope Pius XI fostered the publication of the
earlier part of the edition, so his successor graciously supported the
terminal phase of the work, granting financial aid both for the
printing of 1942 and, when it all but perished in the war, for a
reprint (1949) . Dom Morin acknowledges that the suggestion to
undertake the arduous task came from Rev. Dr. Thomas Bouquillon,
then a guest at Maredsous, and later on the faculty of The Catholic
University of America.

Dom Morin indicated the degrees of originality in the ser-

mons by an elaborate methodology in the Latin edition. ( 1 )
Sermons that are almost wholly the work of Caesarius were
printed in fullsize type; (2) those which show a minimum of
Caesarius' own work (such as an exordium or closing for-

mula) were distinguished by being printed in type of reduced

size; (3) those borrowed from other sources, but exhibiting
the style and thought of Caesarius to an appreciable extent,
were printed in regular type, but set off by a dagger (f ), In
this edition, sermons of the last two classifications are distin-
guished by an asterisk (*). Not included in the present edi-
tion are those sermons which once were accepted as Caesarian,
but have been rejected by Dom Morin.
Any study of the Biblical text reflected in the sermons of
Caesarius should now be made against the material assembled
at the Abbey of Beuron for the edition of the Vetus Latina
and now published for the book of Genesis. Earlier studies
have already shown that Caesarius is sometimes a witness to
non-Vulgate text and to one of the older psalters as against
the Gallican. The Bibical text actually adopted by Caesarius
sometimes precludes the use, in translation, of any standard
English version. Where possible, however, and in conformity
with the general policy of the series, Challoner's revision of
the Douay edition of the Old Testament (except in Genesis)
has been followed; for Genesis and for all the New Testament,
the version issued by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
has been adhered to so far as possible.

49 These are Sermons 3, 9, 11, 20, 21, 62, and 63 (set in small t>pe in
Morin's edition) and Nos. 10, 18, 24, 28, 58, and 70 (which he distin-

guished by a prefixed dagger) .

50 Freiburg im Br. 1951-1954 (four fascicules) a preliminary fascicule


(1949) listed the sigla employed

in the edition for manuscripts and
51 Cf. Lejay, 'La regie,' Revue Biblique, 4 (1895) , 607; Morin, art. cit.,

Revue Benddictine, 16 (1899) , 293.




Sancti Caesarii espiscopi Arelatensis opera omnia nunc primum in

unum ed G. Morin, 2 vols. (Maredsous 1937-1942)

Sancti Caesarii Arelatensis Sermones editio altera (reprint of Vol. I

. . .

of Morin's edition, in Corpus Christianorum 103-104, Turnholt

1953) .-Except for the Preface, the pagination of
the original
edition is indicated in the reprint, and this pagination is used
in referring to the body of the edition. In references to the
Preface the pages of both editions are cited, those of the reprint
in parenthesis.

Other Works;

d'Ales, A., 'Les "Sermones" de saint C&aire d'Arles/ Recherches de

science religieuse, 28 (1938) , 315-384.
Arnold, C. F., Caesarius von Arelate und die gallische Kirche seiner
Zeit (Leipzig 1894) .
Bardenhewer, O., Patrology, tr.
by T. J. Shahan (St. Louis 1908) .
Bardy, G., 'L'attitude politique de saint G&aire d'Arles/ Revue
d'histoire de Veglise de France, 33 (1947) , 241-256.
, 'Ce"saire (Saint) ,' in M. Viller et al. (ed.) Dictiannaire

de spiritualite 2 (Paris 1953) 420-429 (in fasc. 8 [19381) .

, 'La predication de saint Ce*saire d'Arles/ Revue d'histoire

de Veglise de France, 29 (1943) , 201-236.
Beck, H. G. J., The Pastoral Care of Souls in South-East France
during the Sixth Century (Rome 1950) .

Cayre, F., Manual of Patrology, tr. by H. Howitt, II (Paris 1940) .

Chaillan, M., Saint Cesavre (in series Les Saints; Paris 1912) .

Deferrari, R. J., 'St. Augustine's Method of Composing and Delivering

Sermons/ American Journal of Philology, 43 (1922), 97-123,
Frank, R. M., 'An Etymology of agios in a Work of Caesarius of
Aries/ Traditio, 8 (1952) 387-389.

Lambot, C., 'Cesaire d'Arles (Regies de saint-)/ Dictionnaire de

droit canonique 3 (Paris 1942) , 260-278.
, 'La regie de saint Augustin et saint C&aire/ Revue
Benedictine, 41 (1929) , 333-341.
Lejay, P., 'Cesaire d'Arles/ in A. Vacant et al. (ed.) , Dictionnaire de
theologie catholique (DTC) 2.2 (Paris 1932) 2168-2185.
'Notes d'ancienne litte*rature chre*tienne: Les sermons de
C&aire d'Arles/ Revue Biblique, 4 (1895) 593-610.
Malnory, A., Saint Cesaire eveque d'Arles 503-54) (Paris 1894) .

Morin, G., 'Le "Breviarium fidei" contre les Ariens produit de

1'atelier de Cesaire d'Arles?' Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique, 35
(1939), 35-53.
'Comment j'ai fait mon edition des oeuvres de saint

Cesaire d'Arles/ Nouvelle Revue de Hongrie, 31 [7] (1938),

, 'Le commentaire homiletique de saint Cesaire sur
1' Apocalypse/ Revue Benedictine, 45 (1933) 43-61. ,

'Critique des sermons attribues a Fauste de Riez/ Revue


Benedictine, 9 (1892), 49-61.

, 'Les editions des sermons de saint Cesaire d'Arles du
XVIe siecle jusqu'& nos jours/ Revue Benedictine, 43 (1931) ,
, 'The Homilies of St. Caesarius of Aries/ Orate Fratres,
14 (1939-1940), 481-486.
*Un nouveau recueil in6itt d'homelies de saint Cesaire

d'Arles/ Revue Benedictine, 16 (1899) 241-260, 289-305, 337-344.


'Mes principes et ma methode pour la future Edition de


saint Cesaire/ Revue Benedictine, 10 (1893) 62-77. ,

'Problemes relatifs a la Regie de saint Cesaire d'Arles


pour les moniales/ Revue Benedictine, 44 (1932) 5-20. ,

'Quelques raretes philologiques dans les ecrits de


Cesaire d'Arles/ Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 11 (1936) 5-14. ,

, 'Les "Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua" sont-ils de saint Cesaire

d'Arles?' Revue Benedictine, 30 (1913) 334-342.

, 'Studia Caesariana: Nouvelle s&rie d'inedits tir^e du

manuscrit 3 d'Epinal/ Revue Benedictine, 23 (1906) , 350-372.
,*Le trait^ de saint Cesaire d'Arles "De mysterio sanctae
Trmitatis," Revue Benedictine, 46 (1934) , 190-205.

de Plinval, G., 'Cesaire d'Arles/ in A. Baudrillart et al. (ed.) ,

Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographic ecclesiastiques (DHGE)
12 (Paris 1953) 186-196.
Riviere, J., Xa doctrine de la Redemption chez saint Cesaire d'Arles/
Bulletin de litterature eccl&iastique, 44 (1944) 3-20. ,

Tixeront, J,, History of Dogmas (St. Louis 1916) .


Sermon Page

1 The Humble Advice of a Sinner 3

2 A Suggestion about Reading 24
*3 The Athanasian Creed 26
4 How the Word of God Should Be Desired ... 28
5 Severity in Preaching Should Be Longed For ... 32
6 People Should Be Eager to Hear Divine Lessons , 38
7 How Good It Is to Read the Scriptures .... 45
8 On Perseverance in Reading 49
*9 An Instruction on the Creed 54
*10 On the Catholic Faith 59
*11 Why Christ Redeemed Man through His Passion . 62
12 An Exposition of Faith 67
13 On the Full Practice of a Christian Life .... 74
14 On the Same 79
15 It Is Not Enough for Eternal Welfare Merely to
Avoid Evil 83
16 The Qualities of Good and Bad Christians ... 87
17 St.Augustine's Sermon on Charity
*18 His Sermon on Good Works, Despair, and the
Crow's Voice 93
19 His Sermon on the Christian Life and the Sacra-
ments 98
*20 A Letter of St. Fatalis on Christian Life .... 103


*21 St. Augustine on the Many Steps in Perfect Charity
22 On 114
23 On the Same H8
*24 A Selection from St. Augustine on Charity ... 123
25 On Divine and Human Mercy 127
26 On Almsgiving and Heavenly Mercy 131

27 On the Parable of the Elm and the Vine .... 135

*28 On Works of Mercy 140
29 On Love of One's Neighbor and of Enemies . . 144
30 Three Kinds of Alms by Which Sins Can Be Re-
deemed 148
31 St. Sal vian on Almsgiving 152
32 On Almsgivers Who Persist in Sinning .... 158
33 On Tithes 162
34 On Love of Parents and on Giving Tithes ... 167
35 On the Lord's Prayer and Love of Enemies . . 171
36 On Love of Enemies 176
37 On the Same 182
38 St. Augustine on Love of Enemies 189
39 On the Criteria by Which We Shall Be Judged and
on Love of Enemies 194
40 Why Just and Holy Men Have Punished Sinners . 200
41 On Lust and on Martyrdom 203
42 A Reproof of Adultery and of Concubinage . . 208
43 On Conjugal Chastity 214
44 On Chastity, Abortion, and Abstinence before the
Celebration of Church Feasts 220
45 On the Avoidance of Shameful Thoughts ... 226
46 On Avoiding the Vice of Drunkenness .... 231
47 On the Same 238
48 The Scriptures Have Always Blessed the Humble,
but Cursed the Proud 243

Sermon Page

49 How theWidows, Orphans, and the Poor in Scrip-

ture Are to Be Interpreted 250
50 On Seeking Health of Soul and on Soothsayers . 253
51 On Accepting Barrenness 256
52 On Martyrs, Eclipses, Abortions, and Phylacteries 259
53 The Shrines of Idols Should Be Destroyed ... 263
54 On Omens, Seers, and Fortune-Tellers .... 265
55 On Sins Resulting from Drunkenness and on
55ASt. Augustine on Injustice and Bribery among
56 St. Faustus on Judgment Day and on Penance . . 279
57 On Remaining Aware of the Judgment .... 281
*58 St. Faustus on Remaining Aware of Our Sins, the

Judgment, and Eternal Happiness 285

59 St. Augustine on the Confession of Sins .... 290
60 The Difference between Penance Performed Con-
tinually and That Accepted in Sickness or at Death 295
61 A Man Should Constantly Do Penance for His Sins
and Not Defer This to the End of His Life . . 299
*62 On Repentance 303
*63 St. Augustine on Repentance 305
64 On Repentance 307
65 On the Same 311
66 The Saints and the Ancient Fathers on Repentance 316
67 Advice to Those Who Do Public Penance . . . 318
68 A Reproof of Penitents 322
69 The Times of the Christians Were Foretold in
Scripture; On the Brazen Serpent and on the Ten
Virgins 324
*70 Our Tribulations Ought to Be Imputed to Our
Sins 330

Sermon Page

71 On the Same, with Something about Ananias . . 334

72 Ephrem's Admonition on Prayer and Idle Gossip 338
73 On Remaining in Church until the Completion
of Mass 342
74 On the Same 346
75 In Praise of Chanting the Psalms 349
76 On Genuflecting or Bowing the Head at the
Blessing 352
77 Ephrem's Admonition on the Same 355
78 On Observing Silence in Church 360
79 On a Man Possessed by the Devil 363
80 On Making Greater Efforts to Pray in Church . . 366


Translated by


Cardinal Stritch College

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sermon 1



AS A CAREFUL EXAMINER I were to pay attention to

sinful negligences and
my simplicity or ignor-
ance, perhaps I would scarcely dare urge something
good to simple people in parishes, because of that Scriptural

writing which says: Tirst cast out the beam from thy own
eye . . .' and 'he who teaches another does not teach himself.'
Although these words terrify me exceedingly, something still
greater was said: 'Thou wicked servant, why didst thou
not entrust my money with the money-changers in a bank,
so that I onmy return might have gotten it with interest?'
When I reflect on these facts I fear that perhaps I will be
guilty of a double crime, if I neither advise you nor fulfill
them in deed. Therefore, as an unprofitable merchant, with

1 This
is the
longest and most serious of the sermons, with Caesarius
indicating to his fellow bishops what they should do and preach. It
highly probable that this appeal was never spoken, but passed from
diocese to diocese as a kind of circular letter. Cf. A. d'AJes, Xes
"Sermones" de saint C&aire d'Arles,' Recherches de science religieuse,
28 (1938) 335 n. 1.
2 Matt. 7.5; Rom. 2.21.
3 Cf. Luke 19.22,23.

as capable
all humility and reverence I presume to offer you,
and efficient traders of Christ, pearls of the Lord. These

pearls, moreover, this idle, strange, ignorant, lazy, stupid

individual could not use to his own
due to sloth. profit,

Thus, when the Lord repays and gives you an unfading

crown for making huge profits, may remission of sins be
granted to me through your intercession.
(2) With this preliminary greeting I suggest
with all
humility what is worthily due to your holiness. I adjure you
by God whom you serve without sin, that you may forgive
my presumption which comes to you through God's goodness
with true humility and perfect charity toward you, and accept
my entreaties with the kindly spirit God has conferred upon
you. In this extended sermon do not dare speak as a master

teaching his pupils, as a swift man advising a slow one, but

with charity as an inferior to a superior who may be simple
and ignorant. But I pray that you will be eager to accomplish
still greater
things, over and above what we believe you have
already accomplished through the goodness of God. By your
pious teaching for the salvation of souls preserve and increase
the useful and necessary custom of a daily Scripture reading
at your holy banquet and when preaching the word in
church. If this custom does not already exist, under Christ's

inspiration may it be begun through your holy zeal.

(3) If we consider with a devout and attentive heart the
grave responsibility and immense burden which weighs down
the shoulders of all priests, what the Lord especially warns
through the Prophet is not a light matter. 'Cry, cease not,'
He says to priests, 'lift
up thy voice like a trumpet,' and if :

thou give warning to the wicked of his wickedness, thou hast

delivered thy soul. But if thou declare it not to him, the
. . .

same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require
his blood at thy hand'; 5 while the
Apostle says: 'remember
4 Isa. 581.
5 Ezech. 3.19,18.

that for three years night and day I did not cease with tears
to admonish every one of you.' Who would not consider these

words with great order to absolve himself in God's

fear, if in
sight this very Apostle both day and night preached the
Lord's word to the people entrusted to his care, while we
neglect to minister to the Lord's sheep the salt of truth?
Fearing this, the Apostle adds the following words: 'I am
innocent of the blood of all. 37 Of what blood did the Apostle
say he was innocent? Of none other than that about which
the Prophet addresses these terrible words to us: 'If thou
declare not to the wicked his iniquity, I will require his
blood at thy hand,' 8 the blood of souls, of course, not of
bodies. Finally, the Apostle added the saying: l
am innocent
of the blood of all.' As though he were asked of what blood
he was innocent, he adds: I have not shrunk from declaring
to you the whole counsel of God.' Therefore, like a spiritual,

heavenly trumpet he declares to his disciple with great

solicitude, saying: 'I charge thee, in the sight of God and

Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead by his
coming and by kingdom.' Now, as if
his you were asking why
he uttered such a dreadful request, he continues to say:
Treach the word, be urgent in season, out of season.' What
does in season, out of season' mean, except in season for
those who are willing, out of season for the unwilling? Truth
must be given to those who wish it, and must be pressed
upon those who do not.
(4) I mention this because we ought to fear lest some
our sons may stand against us on the day of judgment,
saying that they were not forbidden the unlawful or
moned by The Apostle says elsewhere: 'Be
us to the lawful.
diligent in reading, in exhortation and in teaching'; 'work

6 Acts 20.31.
7 Acts 20.26.
8 Ezech. 3.18.
9 Acts 20.26,27.
10 2 Tim. 4.1,2.

as a preacher of the gospel.' Moreover, he exclaims in an

awesome manner: e No one serving as God's soldier entangles
himself in worldly affairs, that he may please him whose
approval he has secured/ Therefore, respecting the words,
"The burdens of the world have made them miserable,' 12 let
us lessen our worldly obligations as much as we can if they
cannot be cut off entirely. Thus we may continually devote
ourselves to pious reading and be able to fulfill what our
Lord advised blessed Peter when He said three times: Teed
my sheep.' Hence, bishops are said to be watchmen because
they have been placed in a higher position, as if on the top
of the citadel of the Church, and have been established on
the altar, and so should be solicitous for the city and the
field of God, that is, the entire Church,
guarding not only
the wide expanse of the gates, that is, by salutary preaching

prohibiting serious sins, but also watching the rear doors

and little rabbit-holes. In other words, they should continually
advise the detection and cleansing of slight offenses which
daily creep up, by means of fasting, alms, and prayer. Like
most zealous cultivators of souls, from their higher
they should carefully inspect the Lord's vineyard in the
manner of secular vine-dressers, and defend it from
beasts or birds or any kind of savage, foul animals. Now, if
it does not please us that our vine-dressers in the
itselfor out of it eat, drink, or sleep as much as
they want,
and do not guard the vineyard entrusted to them
by keeping
awake or defend it by condemning or frightening intruders,
how, then, do we think we can please God if we do
not strive with all solicitude by
preaching, warning, and
rebuking to defend the Lord's flock, the spiritual vineyard of
souls, as we already said, from most wicked beasts and birds,
that is, from the Devil and his angels?
11 1 Tim.4.13; 2 Tim. 4.5; 2.4.
12 The source of this quotation is unknown, but it occurs frequently in
the sermons of Caesarius.
13 John 21.17.

(5) For this reason we ought to fear lest the harsh rebuke
of the Prophet be addressed to us: 'Dumb dogs are not able
to bark/ By the barking of dogs and the shepherd's staff the
fury of wolves is to be warded off. Now, it is certain that
priests are not only ordained to be stewards of fields and
cultivators of land, but also to exercise the spiritual cultivation
which the Apostle surely spoke when he said
of souls, that of :

'I have planted, Apollos watered.' Again he said: 'We are

God's helpers, you are God's tillage.' 15 With great fear these
facts ought to be considered by all the Lord's priests, who
cannot be ignorant of the divine law and canonical regula-
tions, according to what the Apostle says: 'If anyone belongs

to the Lord, he knows what I say; but if

anyone ignores this,
he shall be ignored.' 16 For this reason, what the Lord says
through the Prophet is to be feared exceedingly: 'Therefore
is my people led away
captive, because they had not knowl-
edge'; moreover: 'he that turneth away his ears from hear-
ing the law of the Lord, his prayer shall be an abomination,; 18
'the lips of the priest shall keep knowledge.' Now, it is

written concerning the garments of priests that when entering

the temple they should have gold bells on the edge of their
vestments. What else mean but that when entering
does this
the church the Lord should not stop shouting,
all priests of

that is, preaching about the last things, namely, the end of
the world and the future judgment. By ceaselessly proclaiming
the rewards of the just and the punishments of sinners, they
may arouse the good to better things and recall the wicked
from their sinful actions through fear of the future judgment.
(6) With this kind of cultivation bishops should always
be occupied. Many are found who can plant in order or till

14 Isa. 56.10.
15 1 Cor. 3.6,9.
16 1 Cor. 14.37,38.
17 Isa. 5 13.
18 Prov. 28.9.

the fields, but few and rare are the people

who can provide
nourishment for souls. In fact, hardly anyone is found
except priests of the Lord, upon
whom this task is proved
to have been enjoined by our Lord. This alone the priest
should do by himself, for without him it cannot be done. If
we we can find lay people and junior clerics
really look
capable of tilling the soil, working it,
and exercising the
cultivation which is necessary for land, so that we may con-
to the duties
tinually strive to engage and devote ourselves
for which we were ordained, fearing what was mentioned
above: The burdens of the world have made them miserable.*
(7) Someone may say: Therefore are we not to be so-
licitous about the care of the churches? We ought to be
solicitous for our earthly substance, but not excessively; we
should so manage the earthly substance that its ordering can-
not diminish or remove the care of souls. Perhaps at this
point the reply will again be given: Those are foolish words;
if I do not arrange my little land myself, I will suffer want

and can give nothing to the poor, especially since I find no

useful individual who can settle it in stead. my
allege We
this 'to make excuses in sins/ and we say we cannot do
what we are unwilling to perform. I am certain that before
the tribunal of Christ this excuse will not be able to exonerate
be gathered in the field so important is it
us. Finally, let less ;

that more be gathered in the soul by love and instruction.

However, someone may say: With what am I to give alms,
if I am
not personally solicitous for my land? Be solicitous by
managing it for two or three hours, but not by constantly
doing so, because of that secular but true sentence in which
it is said: 'Our hearts do not admit two cares.' Moreover,
'The man who loveswhat is not expedient will not love what
expedient,' and the Lord in particular says in the Gospel:
19 Mai. 2.7.
20 Ps. 140.4.
21 Juvenal, Satires 7.65.
22 The origin of this quotation is unknown.

no man can serve two masters.' 23
Therefore, it is to be
believed that for this very reason in the Old Law priests and
levites were not given possessions on earth, so that they

might ceaselessly be engaged in teaching. However, since we

cannot live without possessions, let us at least not be so
involved in them that we cannot devote ourselves to the word
of God.

(8) We cannot give very generous alms, you say. I ask

your piety to consider carefully what I am suggesting. As
you well know, there are two kinds of alms one is to extend

a mouthful to the hungry; the other is to give instruction to

the ignorant. If you have abundant means to show material
kindness, thanks be to God; but if you have not the means
to feed the body, refresh souls with the word of God. It is

especially befitting priests to give alms for the soul, that is,
the food of doctrine. Should a priest, because of the nourish*
ment of instruction, be able to give less bodily food or have
none at all to give, a layman, a pagan, sometimes even a Jew
or someone else will do so; but should the priest fail to give
instruction, a layman would not dare to do so even if he
possessed it. Now, although I am a negligent, weak sinner,
I presume in my littleness and humility to be a guarantee to
all priests that if, out of love for teaching they are con-
tinually engaged in reading and prayer, they will never lack
the means of distributing material alms. The Lord promises
this in the Gospel when He
says: 'Seek first the kingdom of
God, and all these things shall be given you besides.' There-
fore, let a man give spiritual goods, and let us see whether
sufficient material goods will ever be wanting to him. Finally,
let us hold Christ to the bond of His promise, for He has

pledged what I mentioned above: 'Seek first. .' If a man .

has both doctrine and material wealth, so that both kinds of

almsgiving are possible for him, thanks be to God; but if he
23 Matt. 6.24.
24 Cf. Matt. 6.33.

has less material substance, the alms of souls, that is, spiritual
instruction, is sufficient for him. Therefore, I beg you, and
with great humility I add that whenever it is necessary to
hurry out into the field, let us try not to stay there
too long.
Let us, rather, like good servants and useful farmers of Christ

hasten to the spiritual field and heavenly vineyard, that is,

to the city or church entrusted to us by God.

(9) Someone may say: I devote so much time and energy

to physical labor because I want to give more generous alms
to the poor. Now, I judge no man, yet I fear that perhaps
it israther presumption if some people seem to be busy with
cultivating the land more in order to prepare banquets than
to distribute alms. However, we who are most devout servants
of the Lord should fear with all our strength lest that exceed-
ingly harsh and dreadful sentence be addressed to us: 'Thou
wicked servant, why didst thou not put my money
in a bank,
so that I on my return might have gotten with interest?525

May the Lord avert from us what follows: As for the un-
profitable servant, cast him forth into the darkness/ Behold
what kind of sentence will be spoken to those priests who refuse
to preach.

(10) Therefore; in order that we may merit to be freed

from the evil hearing and to be just in eternal memory, let
us preach the word of God as much as we can, every Sunday
at all times, as well as on the major feasts. Not
only in
church, but, as I mentioned above, even at a banquet we
should have the sacred text read over again; in conversation,
at an
assembly, on the road, or wherever we are, let us hasten
to reject idle
gossip and biting jokes and to speak the word
of the Lord to the hearts of the faithful. Thus, from good soil,
we may merit to gather fruit a hundred-fold, sixty-fold, or
thirty-fold, and from the field entrusted to our care there will
not be thorns and tares tied together to be burned, but wheat

25 Luke 19.22,23.
26 Matt. 25,30.

be gathered to be happily stored in the heavenly barn.

Let us listen to what that unprofitable servant who was un-
willing to double the talent he had received dared to reply
He hid thy talent in the earth.' 27
it his lord's I
coming. says:
What does this mean, 'I hid it in the earth/ except that the
kvord of God was suffocated by worldly occupations? Thus
LS fulfilled what we read: 'The earthly habitation presseth
iown the mind that museth upon many things.' It is also
:o be feared that what written in the Gospel concerning

the thorns and the seed of the word may happen in us: 'The
thorns grew up,' it says, that is, the cares of this world, 'and
:hoked' what was sown.
(11) However, most devout servants of the Lord, if we
:arefully heed the lessons which are read at the consecration
Df bishops, we have a means of arousing ourselves to the

greatest compunction. What Gospel text is it, except the one

[ mentioned a little while ago? 'Peter, Peter,' it says, 'feed my
and again: 'feed my sheep.' 30 Did Christ say: Cultivate

.he vineyards by your presence, arrange the country estates
yourself, exercise the cultivation of land? He did not say this,
Dut 'Feed my sheep.' Now, what kind of a prophetic text is

read at the consecration of a bishop? It is this: have made 'I

.hee a watchman to the house of Israel.' It did not say a
steward of vineyards or country estates, or the manager of
[ields; doubtless, it is a watchman of souls.

(12) Perhaps someone will say: I am not eloquent, so I

:annot explain anything concerning sacred Scripture. Even if
:his be true, God does not require of us what we are unable to

io.So definite is it that this does not harm priests that, even
some possess worldly eloquence, there is no need of pontifical

anguage, which scarcely reaches the understanding of even

>7 Matt. 25.25.
>8 Wisd. 9.15.
>9 Matt. 13.7.
JO John 21.17.
Jl Ezech. 3.17.

a few people. Can anyone not reveal or discuss with fitting

eloquence obscure passages of the Old and
New Testament,
and sound the depths of sacred Scripture? Doubtless, if he
will he can censure and reprove adulterers, he can admonish
the proud. What presbyter is there, I will not say bishop, who
cannot say to his people Do, not bear false witness, because

it is written : 'A false witness shall not be unpunished' ;
do not
lie, for we read: 'the mouth that belieth killeth the soul.'
Do not swear, as it is said 'A man that sweareth much shall

with iniquity 34 do not envy one another, for it is

be filled ;

written: 'by the envy of the devil death came into the
world.' Be not proud, because it is written: 'God resists the
proud, but gives grace to the humble'; do not harbor
hatred in your heart, for it is written: 'everyone who hates
his brother is a murderer, and walks in the darkness.' Let
no one with wicked daring and impious temerity force another
man at his banquet to drink more than is proper, because it
is written: 'drunkards will not
possess the kingdom of God.'
Who is there unable to advise that no one should want to
see or allow to come to his own feast or that of another
dissolute singers, players, or magicians who are harmful to

chastity and virtue? Moreover, since 'on these two command-

ments depend the whole Law and
the Prophets,' love of
God and of neighbor who
there unable to say: 'thou

shalt love God' and 'thou shalt love thy neighbor' ; 40 besides,
'do not to another what you do not want done to you'; 41
and: 'all
things whatsoever you wish men to do to you, so
32 Prov. 195.
33 Wisd. 1.11.
34 Eccli. 23 12.
35 Wisd 2.24.
36 James 4.6
37 1
John 3.15; 2.11.
38 1 Cor. 6.10.
39 Matt. 22.40.
40 Matt. 22.37,39.
41 There is no Scriptural source for this quotation; it occurs
again later
in the sermons.

also do you to them'? Now, all these truths and similar ones
not only bishops of the Lord in cities but also presbyters
and deacons in parishes can and should frequently preach.
Furthermore, who
is unable to say that no one should pay

vows to a observe omens, summon enchanters, or consult


magicians and seers? No one should follow the wicked custom

of the pagans and consider on what day he should set out on
a journey or on what day he should return to his own home,
for I fear that not only the laity but, what is worse, even some

religious are overcome by this wicked practice. cannot Who

say: Let no one slander another if he does not want to suffer
the same things, for 'Whoever speaketh ill to his brother will
be destroyed'? 43 No one should hang phylacteries, diabolical
magic signs, or any kind of charms on himself or his property.
Let no one try to crush a good case by accepting bribes. No
woman should take potions for purposes of abortion, because
she should not doubt that before the tribunal of Christ she
will have to plead as many cases as the number of those she
killed already born or still conceived. Is anyone unable
to warn that no woman should accept a potion to prevent

conception or to condemn within herself the nature which

God wanted to be fruitful? Indeed, she will be held guilty
of as many murders as the number of those she might have
conceived or borne, and unless suitable penance saves her
she will be condemned to eternal death in hell. If a woman
does not want to bear children she should enter upon a pious
agreement with her husband, for only the abstinence of a
Christian woman is chastity. Who is so simple that he cannot
say: Come to church earlier, bring the offerings to be con-
secrated on the altar, visit the sick, strangers, wash
the feet of your guests, visit those who are in prison? is Who
unable to advise that, as often as the sacred solemnities

approach, chastity with one's own wife should be observed

42 Cf. Luke 631.

43 Cf. Prov. 20.13.

several days preceding, so that the altar of the Lord may be

approached with an upright and pure conscience? Indeed, if a
man communicates without chastity, he will receive judgment
where he might have had a remedy. Who cannot testify that
neither on the solemnities of the saints nor at any other time
should a man get drunk or in a wicked fashion dare to sing
shameful songs, dance, or pantomine devilishly? Who is there
unable to advise against harboring hatred or anger against a
neighbor or friend, because of what is written: 'He who 9

hates his brother is in the darkness, and walks in the darkness,

and again: 'everyone who hates his brother is a murderer'?
Who cannot say that, according to the Lord's precept, tithes
of and profits should be offered to the Church for
all fruits

distribution among the poor, and that each one should invite
the poor and strangers to his banquet more frequently than
the rich and dissolute? Virginity should be observed by boys
and girls; the Creed and Lord's Prayer should be kept in
mind by all Christians; moderation should be observed
throughout Lent and to the end of Easter.
(13) do not know whether there is any bishop, pres-

byter, or even a deacon who cannot preach in church or

advise everywhere these truths and many others like them.
No eloquence or great memory is sought here where a simple
admonition in ordinary language is understood to be neces-
sary. If anyone takes away our earthly substance, we presume
to bring in the most powerful judges and scholars of rhetoric
to intervene with the highest authority, so that we may be
able to recover our material possessions from the usurper.
And still we say that we are unable to admonish in common
speech our exceedingly simple congregation Why do we cry

out for the land? Because we love the land. Why do we not
shout in church? I have not dared to say it, but the truth
compels me not to keep silent. We do not cry out thus in
church because we do not love the people entrusted to our

44 1 John 2.11; 3.15.


care. For this reason I fear that in the midst of future punish-
ment we will cry out without any remedy, if we are unwilling
to shout with profit in church. If anyone passing by saw an
animal of yours endangered by an attack of wolves and kept
silence without offering any defense, I think you would blame
him and say he is not your friend. However, we very fre-
quently see the sheep of our Lord struck by the poison of
envy, suffocated in the slough of dissipation, or immersed in
the sewer of drunkenness, or guilty of any of the other crimes.
Now, how will we stand in the Lord's sight if we do not
shout or stop them, if we do not to the best of our
strive to recall them from the pit of perdition and the abyss
of vices by rebuke, punishment if necessary, or censure?
(14) For, regarding that which in many of us most
frequently comes in opposition to the precepts of all the
canons, what priest is there who cannot tell himself and
admonish others with humility and with profit that no cleric
should be ordained from among the laity unless his conversion
shall have preceded several years space of one
or, at least, the
year? Moreover, no one whomarried a second time, no

public penitent, and no husband involved in a mixed marriage

should receive the honor of the clerical office. Now, according
to the holy Roman, Oriental, and African most salutary cus-
tom, it has been decided that no one should be ordained
deacon or priest before the age of thirty. Still, is there anyone
who cannot tell himself and others with charity that, according
to the Council of Agde, in which, because of evil practices,
a subdistinction was made, that no deacon may be ordained
at least before the age of twenty-five?

(15) If, perchance, it is difficult for some of my lords the

bishops themselves to preach, why should they not introduce

the ancient custom of the saints which is still observed with
profit today in parts of the Orient, whereby sermons are
read in church for the salvation of souls? Are we perhaps to
think that some of you might disdain even to enjoin this upon

since we
your priests? May God not suffer us to believe this,
should not even suspect it. We should rather believe that all
zeal after the example of blessed
priests are filled with holy
Moses, and say with a clear conscience: 'Who would grant
us that the people might prophesy!'
all I say in truth that,
even if all the priests who could do this are lacking, it is not
unsuitable or unbecoming for a deacon to be charged to read
the sermons of the holy Fathers publicly in church. If any
deacon is worthy to read what Christ said, he should not be
considered unworthy to read what St. Hilary, St. Ambrose,
Augustine, or the rest of the Fathers preached. Do
St. we
strive always to give material alms ourselves, and still under
God's inspiration not endeaver to dispense something of our
own at least through others? If bodily alms are considered

acceptable to God even when distributed through the hands

of servants, alms of the soul also may doubtless be judged

very pleasing to Him even if ministered to the people through

the service of priests or deacons. As our Lord said: 'Not by
bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes
forth from the mouth of God.' 46 Now, if the Apostle said
concerning both good and bad priests: 'Provided only that,
whether of necessity or freely, Christ is being proclaimed,'
how much more so is this true if we cannot ourselves or
should not through others serve the food of life to Christ's
sheep? Indeed, if we do not endeavor to fulfill our obligation
of preaching, either ourselves or through some of our brethren,
it is to be feared that what the Lord threatens in terrible

words through His Prophet may be fulfilled in us: 'I will

send forth a famine into the land not a famine of bread, nor

a thirst of water, but a famine of hearing the word of God.' 48

Since, according to the testimony of the Gospel, we and our
servants have received a measure of wheat that is to be

45 Num. 11.29.
46 Matt. 4.4.
47 Phil. 1.18.
48 Cf. Amos 8.11.

dispensed, will we be able to allege at the Lord's

what excuse
coming, then, if we have neglected to distribute what was
entrusted to our care? We ought to fear that the souls of as
many as have perished through a famine of the word of God
due to our negligence will be required of our souls at the day
of judgment. As the Prophet says: I will require his blood
at thy hand. Now, if our holy Fathers of old with such
great zeal and pious labor wrote innumerable volumes for the
benefit of all the churches, how will we appear among or
before them if we neglect to distribute to our children what
we been compiled by them? If we have not the power
find has
to compose our own books, should we at any rate be slothful
u> this respect, that we do not ourselves or through our
fellow servants make known in public for the salvation of
souls what we find already written
by the holy Fathers? I speak
the truth to your piety; I am
very much afraid that the
sermons and countless volumes of the holy Fathers, which
they composed with great effort and prepared for distribution
by all priests, will be produced before the tribunal of the

eternal Judge. If we cannot gather spiritual fruits through

our own labor, it is just that we dispense with holy zeal and
most fervent charity those which have been collected by
others. Since the Lord threatens that, because of the sins of
the people, 'I will cause it to rain upon one city and cause it
not to rain upon another city , 50 we ought to strive with

great care that we may not be that city upon which the rain
of the word of God either does not come at all or, at least,
only late and rarely. Without any doubt, if the dew or rain of
the word of God is provided too late, the fruits of souls will
be the same as earthly fruits which do not receive rain. So
that you may understand it better, the divine word declares
that the word of God is compared to dew and rain when it

is said : 'Let my speech be awaited as the rain, and my words

49 Ezech. 3.18.
50 Amos 4.7.

For, if all of us men wish to have refreshing

as the dew.
waters in our gardens, and if there are no waters in them,
we draw them from the sea with great effort, in order to
provide vegetables for our bodies,
how much more solicitous
should we be for the Lord's garden, that is, the Church of
God, that the dry places be watered and the hard softened
by the rivers of sacred Scripture and the spiritual streams
or fountains of the ancient Fathers, so that afterwards what
is harmful may be uprooted and what is useful planted?

According to the Apostle Paul, whose successors, although

less capable, we are seen to be: l have planted, Apollos
watered, but God
has given the growth.' Therefore, with
God's help, let us do what belongs to us, let us continually
plant and water; if we thus fulfill our duty, God
will confer

His favor.
(16) If we notice carefully, we will realize that what our
Lord said to the blessed Apostles also refers to us: 'You are
the light of the world, He says, 'And no one lights a lamp
and puts it under the measure, but upon the lamp-stand, so
as to give light to all in the house.' Now, if bodily eyes
which are in the head refuse to show the way to the rest of
the members, the whole body walks in darkness. Similarly, if
priests, who seem to have the function of eyes in the body of
Christ the Head, have been put upon a lamp-stand in the
Church but are unwilling to shine in God's house and have
ceased to show the light of doctrine to the whole Church, it
is to be feared that some of the
people may become involved
in the darkness of error and fall into some abyss of sin. The
fact that the Lord said His word is a lamp is not a trite

utterance, for we read: Thy word is a lamp to my feet,

O Lord.'
Now, profits of the present world are understood
in the nature of a measure. Who, indeed, puts a lamp under
51 Deut. 32.2.
52 1 Cor. 3.6.
53 Matt. 5.14,15.
54 Ps. H8.105.

a measure, except the person who darkens the light of

doctrine with the profits of material advantages and fears
to preach the truth lest he have less of the
temporal possessions
he desires? Thus, a man puts a lamp under a measure if he
prefers material to spiritual gains.
(17) Who is ignorant of the fact that everyone has an
interior and an exterior man? For this reason, whenever we
invite people to a banquet it is
proper for us to read over a
divine lesson or strive to say something holy to sustain the
soul, just as we arrange the service of food to refresh the
body. For, since the soul ought to be the mistress and the
body likeher servant, it is not right for the maid to be
satiated with many dainties even to the point of surfeit, while
the mistress is not fed with the sweetness of the word of

God. The man who endeavors both to offer souls divine

reading and to give bodies a frugal, moderate banquet feeds
both the interior and the exterior man. Thus is fulfilled, as
was already mentioned above, what the Lord said in the
Gospel: 'Not by bread alone does man live, but. ,' .I say
this in fear, because I am certain that, just as the body dies
without earthly food, so the soul dies without the word of
God. What is worse, there are many who incur considerable
expenses to prepare excessively costly, delightful feasts, thereby
failing to give the soul what it needs by holy conversation
and lacking the means of giving to the poor as generously as
they should. At these banquets they not only refuse to offer
sacred reading to feed the soul, but sometimes they are
either busy with idle conversation, for which an account must
be rendered on judgment day, or they do not fear and blush
to say themselves or willingly to hear from others calumnies,

buffoonery, or obscene talk. Is it not enough for an unhappy

soul that it is not fed with the sweetness of the word of God,
without in addition being inebriated with the deadly poison
of vice? Lastly, even if the soul does not receive something

55 Matt. 4.4.

should there be forced upon it the

whereby to live, why
means of death?
(18) Therefore, with God's help we
can and should
observe these facts and always teach them to others. Our

master Peter very clearly taught us what we ought to be and

how we ought to act, when he ordained St. Clement. Since
that writing is known to all priests throughout the world, it
is not proper for us to quote it too long to your pious
hearts. However, we thought a short passage from this letter
should be inserted. If we are willing to listen carefully, doubt-
less we can find abundant means of devoting ourselves to

God, of engaging in reading or teaching. Among other things

blessed Peter said to St. Clement: 'You now should
renounce all worldly preoccupations. Do not become involved
in matters of worldly business; no longer pledge yourself as

surety; do not become a legal advocate, for today

does not will to ordain you as a judge of secular matters. If
you are choked with the cares of ordinary men you will have
no time for the word of God or to distinguish good from
evil in accord with the laws of truth.' A little farther on we
read: 'Your piety subject to reproach, if you neglect to

study the word of God and take upon yourself worldly cares' ;
and again: 'if
you are excessively preoccupied with worldly
cares, you deceive both yourself and those who listen to you.'

(19) Pious souls of the Lord, what the Lord admonishes

us is not to be considered merely in passing, for He says 'Be :

holy because I am holy.' 57 Although this term properly belongs

to all the Christian people, according to what blessed Peter

says: 'You, however, are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,

a holy this term seems particularly to apply to all
a special way. In all the letters which are addressed
priests in
to the Lord's priests by any men whatsoever, it is

56 Apocryphal letter of Clement to Tames.

57 Lev. 11.44.
5S 1 Peter 2.9.

indicated that they are holy. Since, then, this term is

to us, we ought to inquire what precisely is its meaning.
It is only through Greek that the interpretation of this word
'holy' can be discovered. For agios is the Greek for 'holy,'
and agios has the meaning 'not of the earth. Therefore,
if we are more solicitous for heavenly things than for those
of earth, this term is not
unfittingly applied to us. However,
if we seem to spend a greater part of our life in material
activities than in sacred reading or spiritual instruction, I
do not know whether we can calmly accept this term. So, in
order that this holy name may not be applied to us unto
judgment, let us with Christ's help endeavor to fulfill what
the interpretation of the word means, so that we may be

holy, that is, not earthly. Then will be what the

fulfilled in us

Apostle says 'If you have risen with Christ .

: mind not the . .

Moreover, 'The Lord is near. Have
things that are on earth.'
no anxiety, but in every prayer and supplication,' 61 and again:
'I would have you free from care.' If, in the words of the

Apostle, this should continually be observed even by people

in the world, with how great zeal, with how great diligence
and fear should it be fulfilled by all priests? Indeed, many
titles are fittingly applied to priests: we are called shepherds,

pilots, and bishops. If we truly are shepherds, we ought


provide spiritual pastures for the Lord's flock. If we are pilots,

59 The translation of this sentence is based upon a reading found by

Dom Lambot in an 11th-century Bordeaux manuscript (which he has
prepared for Corpus Chris tianorum. The Bordeaux reading, clearly
superior to the only manuscript reading known to Dom
Morin (who
recognized it to be faulty) , runs as follows: 'Sanctus enim graece

dicitur agius: agius interpretatur "non terremus." As R. M. Frank (in

Traditio, 8 [1952] 387-389) discerned even from the faulty reading in
Morin's text, Caesarius, possibly following Origen, is arguing from a
popular etymology which sees the Creek (h) agios made up of
a ('not')
and ge ('earth') There is a similar etymology in St. Thomas Aquinas,

T. II-II q. 81
S. a. 8.
60 Col. 3.1,2.
61 Phil. 4.5,6.
62 1 Cor. 7.32.

we should with God's help direct the ship of the Church in

life, vigorously and courageously,
the midst of the waves of this
so that without any error we may be able to enter the port
of paradise in a straight course, after all the waves and
storms. Now, a bishop is interpreted as an inspector on a lofty
site.Therefore, since we have been placed in a higher position,
let us with the Lord's help and great diligence fulfill the
obligations of our title and always be solicitous for the Lord's
'sheep, fearing what the Lord proclaims in dreadful words
concerning priests and abbots: 'I will require my flock at the
hand of the shepherds'; 63 'that which was broken you have
not strengthened, neither have you sought that which was
lost, and what was whole and healthy you have destroyed.'
Since we have been appointed by the Lord, as I already
indicated above, to direct the ship of His Church, let us with
His help and the direction of the two Testaments so govern
the ship of His Church that we may not through some neg-
ligence turn aside either to the right or to the left, but may
without effort keep a straight course of life in the midst of the

great dangers of this world. Just as any ship cannot gather

earthly profits without many labors, so the ship of the Church
cannot obtain the gains and joy of the eternal fatherland with-
out many just as pilots of ships, if they
tribulations. For,
fail to be because of an excessive desire for sleep or false
sense of security and do not show the sailors what they should
do, immediately suffer shipwreck, so unless the Church's pilots
with all vigilance teach, terrify, sometimes even censure, and
occasionally punish lightly, at times even threatening the
day of judgment with severity, and thus show how to keep
the straight path of eternal life, it is to be feared that they
will receive judgment where they might have had a remedy.
For this reason, with the inspiration and assistance of the
Lord, let us endeavor as far as it lies in our power to inform
by word and example the people entrusted to our care. Then,
63 Ezech. 34.10.
64 Cf. Ezech. 34.4.

when we come before the tribunal of the eternal Judge, we

may merit to say with confidence: 'Behold, Lord, I and my
children whom thou hast given me.' 65
(20) Now, someone may say: I lack a memory, and have
not the eloquence to preach the word of God. I am afraid,
pious souls of the Lord, that perchance this excuse will not
be able to protect us at that dreadful judgment. We know
very well that by preference our Lord did not choose learned
men or orators, but unlettered fishermen and shepherds, poor
and obscure men, to preach the word of God. For this
reason, even a priest possesses fine-flowing worldly elo-

quence, as I already mentioned above, it is not at all proper if

he wants to speak in church in such a way that his admonition
cannot reach all of the Lord's flock, as it should, but only
a few learned men. Therefore, all my priests of the Lord
should preach to the people in simple, ordinary language
which all the people can grasp, fulfilling what the Apostle
says: 'I became all things to all men, that I might gain all.'

Moreover, according to the holy and salutary advice of St.

Jerome: 'When a priest preaches he ought to arouse groans
of compunction rather than applause.' 67 Your holiness should
carefully notice, too, that not without great fear should we
reflect and consider that in the Gospel we have deserved to
be called 'the salt of the earth.' 68 Now, what should be
understood as salt except the teaching of priests, and what as
the earth but the people entrusted to them? Therefore, with
God's help, we ought to labor as much as we can so that we
may not, perchance, merit to be tasteless salt if may the
divine goodness not permit it we are excessively impeded by

earthly occupations and take the salt of doctrine away from

Christ's flock. Moreover, we should not consider without great
fear that He did not say the unsavory salt should be thrown

65 Isa. 8.18.
66 1 Cor. 9.22.
67 Cf. Jerome, to Nepotian, Ep. 52 n. 8.
68 Matt. 5.13.

into the fields or gardens where sterile earth is accustomed to

be made savory with decayed matter, but that it is good for
no purpose and is to be thrown into the street to be trodden
on by the feet of the unworthy. Almost similar to this idea
is the one in which we read: 'If one man shall sin against
another ... he shall pray. ,' .

(21) However, I beseech you, and I adjure you by God

whom you serve without sin, that you may forgive my pre-

sumption. I am certain that my exceedingly simple words can

bring roughness to your learned ears, or even produce disgust.

Yet, if anyone cares to listen to me willingly and patiently and
will believe in the Trinity which is God, true and genuine,
he will find the One who can repay eternal rewards for his

pious consent and generous obedience. By suggesting these

truths I am eager to absolve myself in the sight of God.
However, I am certain that I will not have to endure any
shame for mentioning them, before the tribunal of the eternal

Judge where they will be testimony for both me and others.

This advice and plea proceeds, indeed, from true humility and
perfect charity.

Sermon 2


I beg and exhort with great humility that whoever receives

this little book in his hands should both read it frequently
himself and instil it into others, as well as giving it to them
to read and transcribe. Thus a man may receive a double
reward from the Lord as a result of his own progress and
that of others. I mention this fact, because many
people, and
perhaps pious ones, want to keep their numerous books shining
and beautifully bound; they keep them locked up in chests,

69 1 Sam. 235.

so that they may not read them themselves or give them to

others to read. They do not know
that it is of no advantage to
have books and not read them because of worldly hindrances.
If a book is well covered and shining but not read, it does
not make the soul bright; but one which is continually read,
and because of the fact that it is often unrolled is not
beautiful on the outside, makes a soul beautiful within.

Preface to the Book of Sermons

With the intuition of paternal devotion and the solicitude

of any pastor we have written in this littlebook simple
admonitions that are necessary for parishes. These the holy
presbyters or deacons should read
on the major feasts to the
people entrusted to them. By taking care to do this with a
kindly spirit, I have absolved my conscience in God's sight.
If through negligence presbyters or deacons fail to read these
sermons to the people, they should realize that they will plead
their case with me before the tribunal of Christ, when both
for the
they and I will render an account to the eternal Judge
flock committed to our care. Therefore, each year review this

little book with all diligence, so that you may absolve yourself
in the sight of both God and men. Now, it was necessary to
make more books out of these simple admonitions; so, if they
do not displease you, you can and should copy them in better
handwriting and on parchment, according to your
They may also be given to other parishes for transcription, so
that you may receive a double reward as a result of the pro-

gress of others as well as your

own. Moreover, because it is
and much so, that not only the clergy
necesssary, very
also the laity know the Catholic faith well, we have especially
written what the Fathers have defined as the Catholic
faith. This we should both read frequently ourselves and
others. Now, since our secretaries are still be-
impress upon

ideas more or
ginners, if you find anything in the writing or
Correct the
less than is necessary, with charity be indulgent.
text as it needs and bid it be copied in better handwriting.

*Sermon 3 l


Whoever wants to be saved, brethren, above all must know

and adhere to the Catholic faith. If anyone does not keep it
whole and intact, doubtless he will perish forever. Moreover,
this is the Catholic faith which we preach and believe. We
adore one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity. There
is no confusion of
persons nor a separation of substance, which
is one in the Trinity. For the person of the Father is one,
that of the Son another, and that of the Holy Spirit still
another. However, the divine nature of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit is one, their glory equal, their majesty co-eternal.
As the Father is, so the Son and, likewise, the Holy Spirit.
Uncreated the Father, uncreated is the Son, uncreated is

the Holy Spirit. Immeasurable is the Father, immeasurable

is the Son, immeasurable is the Holy Spirit. Eternal is the
Father, eternal is the Son, eternal is the Holy Spirit. Still,
they are not three eternal beings, but one; similarly, they are
not three uncreated, immeasurable beings, but one uncreated,
immeasurable being. Likewise, omnipotent is the Father,
omnipotent is the Son, omnipotent is the Holy Spirit; not three
omnipotent gods, but one omnipotent God. So, the Father
is God, the Son is God, the
Holy Spirit is God; yet, they
are not three gods, but one God. In like manner, the Father
is Lord, the Son is Lord, the Holy Spirit is Lord; yet, not
I For sermons marked thus with an asterisk Caesarius drew, to
extents,upon pre-existing works, according to Dom Morin; cf. Intro-
duction, p. xxv.

three lords, but one Lord. Now, just as we are compelled by

Christian truth to confess each Person singly God and Lord,
so we are forbidden religion to say three gods
by the Catholic
or lords. The Father was madeor created or begotten by no
one. The Son was begotten by the Father alone, not made or
created. The Holy Spirit was not made or created or begotten,
but proceeds from the Father and the Son. Therefore, there
is one Father, not three Fathers; there is one Son, not three

Sons; there is one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits. More-
over, in this Trinity there is nothing first or last, nothing
greater or lesser, but all three Persons are co-eternal with
each other, are co-equal. Thus, as was already said, in all

things the Trinity in unity and unity in the Trinity must be

adored. Anyone, then, who wishes to be saved must feel thus
about the Trinity. Equally necessary is it for eternal life and
everlasting salvation that each one faithfully believe in the
Incarnation of our Lord Jesus 'Christ. Correct is our faith if

we believe and Lord Jesus Christ, the Son

confess that our
of God, is equally God and man. As God, He was begotten
of the substance of the Father before the world, and as man
He was born of the substance of His Mother in time. He is
perfect God and perfect man, living with a rational soul and
human body. Equal to the Father in His divinity, He
a is

less than the Father in His humanity. Although both God and
man, Christ is one, not two. Moreover, He is not one by a
changing of His divinity into flesh, but by the taking on of
a confusion of
humanity in God. He is entirely one, not by
as a rational
substance, but by unity of person. Indeed, just
soul and a body are one man, so God and man are one Christ.
The same person who suffered for our salvation descended into
hell, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the

right hand of God the Father. From there He shall come to

At His coming men must
judge the living and the dead.

rise with their bodies to render an account of their

deeds. Those who have lived well will go into eternal life;

is the
those evil, into eternal fire. This
who have done
Catholic faith: unless each one faithfully and firmly believes
it he cannot be saved.

Sermon 4



(1) Among the other beatitudeswhich our Lord and

Saviour deigned to mention in the Gospel He added this one,
saying: 'Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice,
for they shall be satisfied.' Blessed are those to whom God has
been pleased to grant this remarkable hunger and desirable
thirst. But how does one hunger after justice, brethren? We

hunger after justice if we are willing to hear the word of

God with patience and love, for of such food it has been
said: They that eat me yet hunger: and they that drink me
yet For, although action is better than the possession

of knowledge, it is necessary to know before acting; one

must know what he wishes to accomplish. Finally, listen to
Scripture saying: 'Every one who does not learn justice on
earth will not practice the truth,' and again: 'zeal will take
hold of an ignorant people, and the adversary consume them
like fire.' Now, in this passage fire is called an adversary
because it is recognized as proceeding, not from Christ's side,
but from that of the Devil. And again: 'Learn justice, you
inhabitants of the earth.' It is clear, then, that the man who
wishes to learn justice hungers for it; therefore, we must first
learn it, that afterwards we may fulfill it. In order that by
God's grace this beatitude may be fulfilled in you, if, in truth,

1 Matt. 5.6.
2 Eccli. 24.29.
3 Cf. Isa. 26.10,11,9.

as we you hunger and thirst after justice, as often as

God's word preached to you only at intervals, do not

expect that we should instil it into you of our own accord.

You yourselves should devoutly and eagerly demand it of us

as something rightly your due.
(2) we were always willing to speak of our own
Now, if

accord and you refused to demand it of us when we sometimes

delayed, perhaps we might be considered troublesome by those
who do not know our danger. However, anyone who knows
how heavy a weight hangs upon the neck of priests realizes
that, even if we preach the word of the Lord continuously,
we give less than is due. The Holy Spirit indeed bears witness
to priests in the Prophet's words: 'Cry, cease not.' He did not
say: Cry after a few days, but: 'Cry, cease not; lift up thy
voice like a trumpet, and show my
people their sins.' And
again: thou declare not to the wicked his iniquity, I will

require his blood at thy hand,' 5 The Apostle says: 'Remember

that for three years night and day I did not cease with tears
to admonish every one of you.' If, in order to acquit himself
in God's sight, the Apostle preached the word of God by

day and by night, what will happen to us who scarcely provide

spiritual pastures for the flock entrusted to us, even after many
days? For this reason Paul gives the same evidence when he
says 'I charge thee, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus, who

will judge the living and the dead by his coming and by his

kingdom.' And as if there were a question as to why he

prefixed such a dreadful plea, he proceeds to add: 'Preach
the word, be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, entreat,
rebuke.' What does 'in season, out of season' mean, except
'in season' for those who are willing, 'out of season' for those
who are not? The word of God must be offered to those who
are willing to listen; it must be forced upon those who are

4 Isa. 58.1.
5 Ezech. 3.18.
6 Acts 20.31.
7 2 Tim. 4.1,2.

averse to Otherwise, they might stand against us before


the tribunal of Christ and say that they were not warned by
us, and the blood of their souls be required at our hands.
Therefore, to consider with great fear and trembling
we ought
and dread, that terrible sentence be directed to us which

that servant who refused to double the talent he had received

deserved to hear: Wicked and slothful servant! didst Why
thou not put my money in a bank, so that I on my return
might have gotten it with interest?' What
followed? May
God spare us this! 'As for the unprofitable servant,
He said, 3

'cast him forth into the darkness outside, where there will be
the weeping, and the gnashing of teeth.' 'Why didst thou
not put my money in a bank?' By the money, dearly beloved,
isunderstood nothing else than what is preached in church.
The bankers who ought to receive the money are none other
than the Christian people. For, just as it will be a serious sin
not to put our Lord's money on the counter of your heart, so,
on the other hand, a not inconsiderable danger threatens each
one of you who refuses to double by good deeds what he
has received in word.
(3) Since, therefore, you realize both your and our dan-
ger, as often as it
happens that you receive the word of God
with some delay, bear it with difficulty just as if the substance
of daily nourishment were taken from your body. Indeed, our
bodily hunger should not be greater than that of the soul, for,
the more worthy we consider our soul, the greater anxiety we
should have for its nourishment. Now, if the body is refreshed
twice a day, why should anyone think it troublesome or
foolish if the word of God is preached to the soul every seven

days? Just as the body is refreshed by earthly food, so also the

soul is fed by the word of God. Therefore, as often as it is
offered to you with some delay, by your
holy importunity rouse
our sluggishness and demand what is rightly your due.
(4) Now, in the Church priests seem to bear a likeness
8 Matt. 25.26,30; Luke 19.23.

to cows, while the Christian fulfill the type of calves.

Cows run about through the fields and meadows, go around
the vineyards and olive gardens, to prepare the food of milk
for their calves by eating grasses and leaves. In like manner,

priests,by continually reading the word of God, ought to

pluck flowers from the varied mountains of holy Scripture.
As a result of this they will be able to offer spiritual milk to
their children, so as to be able to have a part with the

Apostle Paul, who said: I fed you with milk, not with solid
food." Not unfittingly, dearly beloved, do priests seem to bear
a likeness to cows. Just as a cow has two udders to nurse her
calf, so also priestsought to feed the Christian people with
the two udders of the Old and New Testaments. Moreover,
consider, brethren, and see that not only do carnal cows
come to their calves, but the calves also go to meet them.
They strike the udders of their mother with their heads in
such a way that, sometimes, if the calves are quite large, they
seem to lift the bodies of their mothers up from the ground.
However, the cows willingly accept this injury, for they
desire to see the growth of their calves. Good priests, too,
should devoutly desire and long for their sons to disturb them
by continual questions concerning the salvation of their souls.
While divine grace is bestowed upon the sons who are knock-
ing, an eternal reward is prepared for the priests who reveal
the secrets of holy Scripture. For this reason, then, I say
that this likeness should be preserved both in us and in you.
We always want to feel that desirable restlessness on your part,
provided that we may deserve to see your souls grow in the
love of Christ. Therefore, as it is expedient for us to prepare

spiritual food by gathering the flowers of the Scriptures, so

it is necessary for you to seek it with great eagerness. Just as
calves go after the udders of their mothers with a strong
attack in order to be able to draw the necessary food from

9 l Cor. 3.2.

deep down in them, so also the Christian people should con-

as the udders of holy Church,
tinually appeal to their priests,
by devout questions. Thus they may acquire the food

salvation and provide for themselves the necessary nourish-

are willing to
ment of their souls.perchance, the priests

offer it only haphazardly, and the people, occupied with too

many distractions of this world, scorn to ask for it, may there
not be fulfilled what was written: I will send forth a famine
into the land not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water,

but of hearing the word of the Lord.'

We believe that
through God's mercy the desire of reading and preaching will
mercifully be given to us, and to you
the longing to listen.
Thus may we be able to give a good account of our preaching
before the tribunal of the eternal Judge. May you also, by
your gentle obedience and perseverance in good works, deserve
to arrive at eternal rewards, with the help of Him who lives

and reigns.

Sermon 5



(1) As often as it is necessary for both your and my

salvation that I preach some hard and harsh truths,
beloved, you ought to consider my danger and accept it with
calmness and patience. Harsh preaching provides remedies
for souls that are sick, and
arranges adornments for the
healthy. What the Holy Spirit threatens the Lord's priests
through the Prophet is not a slight matter. 'If thou declare
10 Amos 8.11.,

1 Ezech. 3.18.

not to the wicked his iniquity/ He says, 'I will require his
blood at thy hand/ 1 and again: 'cry, cease not; lift
up thy
voice like a trumpet, and show my people their sins.' The
negligent priest is further addressed in the terrible words of
the Gospel: 'Wicked servant! Why didst thou not put my
money in a bank, so that I on my return might have gotten
5 c
it with interest? Afterwards we read: As for the unprofit-
able servant, cast him forth into the darkness outside, where
there will be the weeping, and the gnashing of teeth.' 3
Behold the sentence a careless priest will endure, if he is

unwilling to preach the word of God continually. For this

reason, dearly beloved, I absolve my conscience in the sight

of God as often as I mention with humility a few words for
the salvation of your soul. Indeed, I fear and shudder at the

example of Heli, the priest, for, when he heard that his sons
were committing adultery, he pretended to kill them or to
suspend them from communion, but only gently admonished
them, saying: 'My sons, it is no good report that I hear about
you. If one man shall sin against another, the priest will pray
for him; but if the priest himself sin, who shall pray for
him?' 4 Now, in spite of this admonition, he fell backwards
from his stool and died of a broken neck, and his name was
blotted out of the book of life, because he did not punish
his sons with great severity. Moreover, on one day 30,000

persons were killed, including his two sons, and the ark of the
covenant was taken by the enemy. Behold how great was the
evil done through the negligence of a priest who did not fear
what was said above: 'If thou declare not to the wicked his
iniquity, I will require his blood at thy hand/ This terrible
sentence causes me overwhelming fear, compelling me to be
burdensome to you and to shout more frequently. Now, since
you have heard with how heavy a blow a careless priest was
2 Isa. 58.1.
3 Luke 19.23,30.
4 1 Sam. 2.24,25.

struck, let us see priest Phinees

what the deserved to hear
from the Lord because he exercised holy severity. When he
had killed two adulterers together by striking them with one
blow, he merited to hear the Lord say: Thinees the priest,
moved with my zeal, turned away my wrath that I might
not destroy the people.' In the psalm it is further written
of him: Thinees stood up, and prayed: and the slaughter
ceased. And it was reputed to him unto justice, from
generation to generation for evermore.'
(2) When sinners are rebuked for their crimes,
what is
worse, they do not all accept it with humility and obedience.
Many do not blush to reply with most insolent boldness, say-
ing: Am I the only one who did this? Have not those people,
and those, done similar things or worse? Do not even the
clergy with major orders commit such sins? Unhappy
A crowd of miserable people is a comfort to you. Can the
individual sinner be tormented any less if immense crowds
of sinners begin to be tortured in eternal punishment with
him? How much better it would be for each one to flee the
evil of his sins and exclaim in humble confession: I said:

O Lord, be thou merciful to my soul, for I have

me. Heal
sinned against thee,' and: I know my iniquity, and my sin
always before me.' For the good of his soul he should
follow the examples of those who were honestly converted
after many sins, rather than propose for imitation those who
will suffer endless punishment after brief joy.

(3) With impioustemerity, slanderous and careless souls

are inclined to despair of God's justice, saying that many

people who commit the same or perhaps worse sins suffer no

evil in thisworld but remain healthy and wealthy in every
kind of good fortune. O
unfortunate and extremely deplorable
presumption! Do the proud and wicked souls who commit
5 Num. 25.11.
6 Ps. 105.30,31.
7 Ps. 40.5; 50.5.

serious sinsseem happy to you because they suffer no evil in

this world? Listen to what the
Scriptures say about such men:
They are not in the labors of men: neither shall they be
scourged with other men. Therefore their pride hath held
them fast: they are covered with their iniquity and their
wickedness. Their iniquity hath come forth, as it were from
fatness.'They are not scourged at all in this world, because
they are reserved for eternal punishment due to the excessive
number of their sins. They cannot be punished in this short
time, for they require endless torture. Now, our Lord and
God, who does not punish these men in His justice, does not
cease to exercise His children with diverse tribulations, as
we read: God scourges every son whom he receives/ 9 and:
'those whom I love I rebuke and chastise/ 10 If He scourges
every son He receives, then if He does not chastise a man
He does not accept Him. If He chastises all whom He
loves, He does not love a man if He does not chastise him.
The power of God does not effect this, but the wickedness
of men merits to suffer it, according to what is written:
'He who is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he who is just,
let him be just still.'

(4) If a man thinks he sins less in comparison with

those who are worse, he should reflect upon these facts more

diligently and attentively. While his sinful soul is still con-

tained in that frail little body, he should provide for himself
remedies that will remain forever. If, perchance, it
him be clothed in purple and fine linen and in the midst of
wealth and luxury to be a slave to pleasure and dissipation,
afterwards in the flames of hell he will have to ask in vain
for a drop of consolation. When the wicked hear these
truths, likemadmen who have lost their sense of reason they
8 Cf. Ps. 72.5-7.
9 Heb. 12.6.
10 Apoc. 3.19.
11 Apoc. 22.11.

are accustomed to envy and ridicule those who preach them

with great effort. Let them laugh as much as they want; they
have the Lord answering for us: 'Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.' They also have the Lord saying:
'Woe to you who laugh now! for you shall mourn and
weep. Woe to you who are filled! for you shall hunger.'
Let the proud laugh at us; let us with shouting and groaning
both day and night implore God's mercy for their salvation,
unworthy though we may be. We trust in the ineffable good-
ness of God that He will deign to punish them immediately as
His children, so that by this rebuke they may be recalled
from the abyss of all sins. Then, by performing suitable
penance, they may merit to receive eternal rewards with the
saints. Moreover, this can in truth happen, if without any
delay the sinner has recourse to the remedies of repentance.
(5) You know, brethren, how heavy a burden threatens
the lives of priests, of whom will be required the souls of all
men. Since, as we mentioned
above, you have seen what evil
the careless
priest Heli incurred and what glory Phinees
received in the Lord's reward because he was moved by God's
zeal, willingly accept, as you usually do, what is preached to
you, even if it sometimes seems bitter and harsh. You know
very well that doctors do not always offer the sick pleasant
potions, but, frequently, bitter and harsh ones; sometimes they
even have to cut certain members with an iron instrument or
burn them by cautery. All this the sick patiently endure,
because they desire to recover continued health after brief
distress. We, too, who are seen to be some sort of
doctors, though unworthy ones, must not always prescribe
what is flattering and tender, but, sometimes, what is harsh
and severe for those who appear sick in soul. Now, just as
harmful fluids are eliminated by an exceedingly bitter potion,

12 Matt. 5.5.
13 Luke 6.25.

so the worst habits of sin are diminished by harsh reproof.

When bodily doctors refuse to come to the sick, dearly
beloved, they are begged with great humility, and rewards and
giftsare promised, even though it is doubtful whether their
remedies will be beneficial How is it, then, that we who in
no way at all despair of spiritual healing and seek neither
earthly reward nor temporal gains should be despised in this

way? We speak of our own

accord, and desire to find nothing
but repentance and amendment in those who are sick. It is
uncertain whether a physical doctor can relieve a sick man;
however, if spiritual medicine is willingly received, without
any doubt the soul is revived even if it was wounded by many
sins or was dead. Since bodily health is sought with such great

expense and so much pain, why is not the health of souls will-
ingly sought by men when it is granted without any expense?
Why is this, brethren? Because there are many people who ex-
ert greater care for their body than for their soul. They should,
however, devote greater solicitude to the soul where the image
of God exists. For, when the body which is loved so much
now begins to be devoured by worms in the grave, the soul
will be presented to God by the angels in heaven. Then, if it
has been good, the soul will be crowned, while if it was wicked
it willbe cast into the darkness outside. From this darkness
let us attentively pray that God's mercy will deign to free us.

Sermon 6







( 1 ) We
thank God, dearly beloved, that in the midst of
so many occupations He has deigned to bring us before
your holy charity. Divine Mercy knows that even if we could
come before you twice or three times each year we still could
not satisfy our longing. What father is there who does not
desire to see his children
frequently, especially if they are good
and faithful? God grant to your prayers both that you
may be able to find some good in us whom you have received
with such charity, and that we may always see in you reasons
to rejoice more fully. Therefore, since we thank God as
much as we can for the presence of your charity, let us
speak of our common salvation as the Lord gives us the
power to do. When we say something of profit for your soul,
dearly beloved, let no one try to excuse himself by saying: I
have no time to read, and for this reason I cannot know or

God's precepts. Let no one further say: I am illiterate,


so, I carry out less of the Lord's commands, it will not


be considered my fault. This excuse is vain and useless,

beloved brethren. In the first place, even if a man is unable
to read the divine lessons because he does not know letters,
he can still willingly listen to someone else read them. If a
man is literate, is it possible that he cannot find books in
which he may read over the sacred Scriptures? Let us remove
from ourselves foolish gossip and biting jokes; let us reject
idle and dissolute conversation as much as we can. Then let
us see whether enough time remains for us to devote to
divine reading. Let us avoid those luxurious lunches which

occupy us even until evening; let us despise the dinners which

sometimes carry us along, even unwillingly, into the middle of
the night. On these occasions our body is weakened by
drunkenness, while the soul is probably wounded by obscene
conversation or buffoonery, and may even die. Let us shun
these evil occupations which weaken both the soul and the

body, and we will see what time remains for us to think about
something for the salvation of our soul.
(2) When the nights are rather long, who is there able
to sleep so much that he cannot either read himself or listen
to others read the sacred text for at least three hours? The

very people who cannot read the divine lessons, as was

already said, exert themselves even to the middle of the
night in order to get drunk. Now, if we want to please God
and to think more carefully of the salvation of our soul, we
ought to love sobriety and flee far from drunkenness as the
pit of hell. Listen, I beseech you, brethren; I will say some-
thing about which you are not ignorant. Weknow that some
merchants who are illiterate look for literate mercenaries;
although they themselves do not know letters, they acquire
immense profits by having others write
their ideas. Now, if
those who are unlearned hire literate mercenaries in order to
obtain earthly wealth, why do not you, whoever you are that

is illiterate, seek with the price of reward someone to read

over the sacred Scriptures for you, so that you may be able
to acquire eternal rewards through them? It is definitely a

fact, brethren, that anyone who diligently seeks

this believes

that will profit him for eternity. However, if a

it neither man
will read the text himself nor willingly listen to others do so,
he does not believe that he can derive any good at all from it.
Therefore, I beg and exhort you, dearly beloved, if any of
you know letters, read the sacred Scriptures rather frequently;
those of you who do not should listen with attentive ears
when others read it. The light and eternal food of the soul
nothing else but the word God, without which the soul
can neither see nor live. Just as our body dies if it does not
receive food, so, too, our soul is killed if it does not receive
the word of God.
(3) Someone may say: I am a farmer and continually
engaged in earthly matters; I can neither listen to nor read
the divine lessons. How many men and women in the
country remember and repeatedly sing diabolical, shameful
love songs! These things which the Devil teaches they can
remember and say; are they unable to keep in mind what
Christ shows them? How much more quickly and to better
advantage, how much more profitably could these men and
women from the farm learn the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, a
few antiphons or the fiftieth and ninetieth Psalms? By getting
and remembering these and saying them rather frequently
they might have a means of uniting their soul to God and
freeing it from the Devil. Just as shameful songs send a man
into the darkness of the Devil, so holy songs show him the

light of Christ. Therefore, let no one say: I cannot remember

anything of what is read in church. Doubtless, if you really
wanted to, you could; begin to wish it, and you will under-
stand at once. Now, in order that no one will be able to
excuse himself from good works, by the grace of God I want
to suggest toyou the reason.

(4) The care of our soul, dearly beloved, is very much

like earthly cultivation. Just as in land which is tilled some
things are torn out and others are completely uprooted in
order that what is good may be sown, so this should also
be the case in our soul. Vices should be uprooted and
virtues planted; what is harmful should be torn out and
what is useful inserted. Pride should be torn out, humility
planted; avarice thrown away, mercy kept; dissipation de-
spised, chastity loved. Just as you cannot plant good things in
your land unless you remove what is evil, so you cannot plant
the holy shoots of virtues in your soul unless you tear out the
thorns and thistles of vice. I beseech you to tell me, whoever
you are who said a little while ago that you could not fulfill
God's precepts because you did not know how to read tell
me, who showed you how to provide for your vineyard, at
what time to plant new shoots? Who taught you this, unless
you saw or heard or questioned the best cultivators as to how
you should work your farm? Why, then, are you not as
solicitous for your soul as you are for your estate?
(5) I beseech you to notice, brethren, that there are two
kinds of fields; one belongs to God, the other to man. You
possess your farm, and God has His; yours is your land,
God's your soul. Is it right for you to cultivate your farm

and leave God's deserted? If you till your land and do not
till your soul,
you are willing to settle your farm and to leave
God's deserted. Is this just, brethren? Does God deserve this
from us, that we should neglect our soul which He loved so
much? Whydo you not attend to your neglected soul and
bewail it, you take care of your cultivated farm and
just as
rejoice over it? We will live in this
world off of the land of
our farm but a few days, while we will live in heaven forever
as a result of caring for our soul. For this reason we should
devote the greater part of our energy there, that is, to our
soul. God has deigned to entrust to us our soul as his farm,
with the idea that we should cultivate it eagerly. Therefore,

with God's help let us labor with all our strength, so that
when God wishes to come to his field, that is, to our soul,
He may find it cultivated, arranged, and all in order. May
He find a harvest, not thorns; wine, not vinegar; wheat,
rather than cockle. If He finds everything pleasing to His
eyes, He will repay us with eternal rewards; but if He

everything neglected and full of thorns, He will relegate us

to eternal fire with the same thorns of our deeds.
(6) This is the reason, brethren,why we suffer frequent
tribulations and distress: God somehow retaliates. We are
unwilling to love our soul which He loves; He allows the
farm which we love to perish. For a long time our soul had
remained deserted because of many vices and sins, just as
our land would remain long neglected by the enemy. Since
we did not love the soul which God loved, we lost everything
we were fond of in this world. For this reason, dearly beloved,
let us learn to love our soul more than the body, eternal

things more than transitory ones. Everything we do for the

body will perish; only what each one stores up in heaven
for the salvation of his soul will not be able to disappear.

Therefore, let no one excuse himself and say he does not

know letters, and for this reason cannot fulfill God's precepts.
What God requires of us is not something great or hard or
difficult. Eternal justice proclaims to you in your conscience:

Govern your heart as you do your fields; cultivate your soul

as you do your farm. Just as you remove superfluous shoots
from your vine, so take evil affections from your soul. You cut
off of your vine what is harmful cut out of your soul what

is evil. If a man
does not consider his vine for a year, that
year it
produces fruit more abundantly but afterwards remains
sterile without any fruit. Similarly, if a man does not remove

evil thoughts and desires from his soul, he seems to bear

fruit in the year of his life that he lives in this world as the
result of his plunder and deceit, but afterwards he will remain
sterile forever. Since he has not produced the right fruit,

eternal fire will torturehim without mercy like excessive

unproductive branches, as the Lord Himself said: 'But the
chaff he will burn up with 1
unquenchable fire.' Now, on
your vine you cut off all superfluous buds and leave
two or three that are proper. Likewise, in your soul you
should with the sword of the Holy
Spirit and the sickle of
the Cross cut out all longings which consider or desire the
goods of another with evil intent, and keep only that wherein
justice and mercy are perceived.
(7) You know, dearly beloved, what practice is observed
when land is cultivated. First, thorns are pulled out and
stones thrown away. Next, the soil itself is ploughed, harrowed,
and dragged; then, in proper order, seed is sown in every
fourth or fifth furrow. Thus it should also happen in our
soul, beloved brethren. First, the thorns should be torn out,
that is, evil thoughts. Next, the stones should be removed,
all malice and harshness
that is, ought to be taken away.
Then, our heart should be broken up and cultivated by the
plough of the Gospel and the ploughshare of the Cross:
shattered by repentance, softened by almsgiving, and pre-
pared by charity for the Lord's sowing. When the soil of our
heart has been cleared and well cultivated, it can with joy
receive the seed of the word of God and bring forth fruit,
not only thirty-fold, but even sixty- and a hundred-fold.
Now, there are three professions in the holy Catholic
Church: there are virgins, widows, and the married. Virgins
produce the hundred-fold, widows the sixty-fold, and the
married thirty-fold. One bears more, another less, but they
are all kept in the heavenly barn and happily enjoy eternal
Therefore, while the virgins think of Mary, the widows

consider Anne, and married women reflect upon Susanna,

they should imitate the chastity of those women in this life
so that they may merit to be united and associated with them
in eternity. Good virgins, who want to be such not only in
1 Matt. 3.12.

body but also in heart and tongue, are united to holy Mary
with the rest of the army of virgins. Good widows, not
voluptuous, loquacious, inquisitive, envious, haughty ones,
serve God as blessed Anne did by fasting, almsgiving, and

prayers, and together

with St. Anne are united with the
many thousands of widows. Moreover, married women who
have observed mutual and have neither known any-

thing outside of themselves nor even themselves except with

the desire for children, if they continually give alms and
observe God's precepts as well as they can, will merit happily
to be associated with holy Job, Sara, and Susanna, along
with the patriarchs and prophets.
(8) beseech, you, dearly beloved, always call to mind

and remember what we have mentioned for the salvation of

your soul. Do not accept only in passing; our sermon

ought to fasten its roots in your heart, so that at the time of

retribution happily bear the fruits of eternal life. If
it may a
man can retain all that we say, he should thank God, and
always teach others what he remembers. If he cannot re-
member the whole, let him remember some part. If one
cannot retain the whole, then let each one remember three
or four thoughts. If one then tells another what he heard,
by informing each other you can not only remember it all
but even with Christ's help fulfill it in deed. One may say
to another I heard my bishop talking about chastity. Another

may say: I remember that he preached on almsgiving. Still

another says There has remained in my mind what he said

about cultivating our soul like we till our land. Another may
report: I recall that my bishop said that a man who knows
lettersshould be eager to read sacred Scripture, and one who
does not should look for someone and ask him to read God's
precepts to him so that with God's help he may fulfill
was read. Again, another may say: I heard my bishop say that
just as merchants who are illiterate hire learned mercenaries
so that they may acquire wealth, so Christians should seek,

ask, and
necessary, pay for someone to read the sacred

Scriptures to them; that just as a trader gets money by

having someone else read, so Christians should obtain eternal
life in this way. If this and admonish each other, you
you do
can both live
devoutly in this world and afterwards attain
to the bliss of eternal life. If you immediately forget all that

you heard from the bishop as soon as you leave church, you
have come to church without profit and return to your home
empty and without fruit. Far be this from you, brethren;
may there rather be fulfilled in you what is written: 'Blessed
are they that keep judgment and do justice at all times.'
Moreover, 'The mercy of the Lord is from eternity and unto
eternity upon them that fear him: and his justice unto
children's children to such as keep his covenant, and are
mindful of his commandments, to do them.' 3 the Lord May
in His goodness bring you to this mercy.

Sermon 7



1 )
the goodness of Christ, dearly beloved, may
you so receive the sacred text with an eager and thirsting
heart that you may give us spiritual joy as the result of your
faithful obedience. If you want the sacred writings to become
sweet to you and the divine precepts to profit you as they
should, withdraw from worldly occupations for several hours to
reread the divine words in your homes and to dedicate your-
selves entirely to God's mercy. Then will happily be fulfilled in.

2 PS. 105.3.
3 Ps. 102.17,18.

you what is written concerning the blessed, that 1

'On the law
of the Lord he shall meditate day and night.' Moreover,
'Blessed are they that search his testimonies: that seek him
with their whole heart/ and: words have I hidden in
not sin against thee.' Just as the man
my heart, that I may
who hides God's words in his heart does not sin, as you have
heard, so the one who does not hide them does not cease
sin. Now, it is not enough for merchants to acquire profits

from just one source of income; they provide more means of

increasing their substance, and farmers try to
sow different
kinds of seeds in order to be able to provide enough food for
themselves and their family. How much more, then, should
it not suffice for
your spiritual profit that you hear the divine
lessons in church, but among your company at home you
should engage in sacred reading, even several hours, at night,
when the days are short. Thus, in the storehouse of your
heart you may be able to prepare spiritual wheat and to
store pearls of the Scriptures in the treasury of your souls.

Then, when we come before the tribunal of the eternal Judge

on the last day, as the Apostle says: We shall be found

clothed, and not naked.'
(2) Notice carefully, beloved brethren, that the sacred
Scriptures have been transmitted to us like letters from our
heavenly country. Our country is paradise, and our parents
are the patriarchs, prophets, apostles and martyrs; the angels
are its citizens, Christ is our King. When Adam sinned, we
were all as though thrown into the exile of this world. How-
ever, since our King is more kind and merciful than can be

imagined or expressed; He deigned to send us through the

and prophets sacred writings as letters of invitation
summoning us to the eternal and excellent country. Although
human frailty in a rebellious spirit despised His writings, He
1 PS. 1.2.
2 Ps. 118.2,11.
3 2 Cor. 5.3.

deigned to come down Himself, to free us from the tyranny

and pride of the Devil, and by the example of His meekness
to rouse us to true humility, by the sufferings of His Passion
to free us from the power of our ancient Enemy, to descend
into hell to rescue the saints of old who were being held
subject to original sin, to ascend on high, to send the
Spirit from heaven to strengthen us against the snares of the
Devil, and to direct His 'Apostles to preach the kingdom of
God throughout the world. Moreover, He found us not only
proud but impious, slaves not only to original, but also to
actual, sins; yet He forgave us everything, without anyone
asking it. Not only did Christ fail to oppress us with chains
and shackles in order that we might perform laborious tasks,
as we deserved, but in His ineffable goodness He kindly and

mercifully invited us to reign with Him.

(3) Since this is true, dearly beloved, what do servants
think of themselves when they dare to despise the Lord's
precepts, not even condescending to reread the letters of in-
vitation whereby He asks them to the blessedness of His

kingdom? If any one of us sends a letter to his administrator

and he in turn not only fails to do what is commanded but
even refuses to read over the orders, that man deserves to
receive punishment, not pardon; imprisonment, not freedom.

Similarly, one who refuses to read the sacred writings which

have been transmitted from the eternal country should fear
that he perhaps will not receive eternal rewards and even not
escape endless punishment. So dangerous is it for us not to
read the divine precepts that the Prophet mournfully ex-
claims: 'Therefore is my people led away captive, because
they had not knowledge.' 'If anyone ignores this, he shall be
ignored.' Doubtless, if a man fails to seek God in this world

through the sacred lessons, God will refuse to recognize him in

eternal bliss. He ought to fear that, when he is shut outside

4 Isa. 5.13.
5 1 Cor. 14.38.

he I know you
merit to hear:
with the foolish virgins, may
me, ye workers of
not, I know you not'; 'depart from
know you not, I know
iniquity/ What does this mean, 'I

you not'? How can God not know those whom He sends into
the fire? Probably for this reason, as has already been
said, because they are unwilling to know Him by reading in
this world, God will disdain to recognize them on the day
of judgment. What is written in the Book of Solomon we

ought to read with great anxiety and fear, not with

ference: He that hardeneth his ears from hearing the law,
shall be an abomination.' A man should first be
his prayer
willing to listen to God, if he wants to be heard by Him.
Indeed, with what boldness does he want God to hear him
when he despises God so much that he refuses to read His
(4) Howis it,
my brethren, that some Christians and,
what isworse, even clerics, at times, when they are about to
make a journey, order bread, wine, oil, and different items
to be provided for themselves, but, while such great prepara-
tions are being made for his earthly journey so that his body

may live, a man does not bother to read a single book to

refresh his soul both here and forever? While he possesses two
men within him, an interior one made to the image of God
and an exterior one formed from the slime of the earth, man
seems to show so much solicitude for the body which will be
devoured by worms in the grave. However, the inner man
which was made to the image of God is known to be tortured
like a worthless slave by hunger and thirst, without the
nourishment of God's word. He neglects God to such an
extent that he scorns and despises His image within himself.
(5) As we think over these facts wisely and usefully,
dearly beloved, let us strive to put an end to all idle

6 Cf. Matt. 25.12.

7 Luke 13.27.
8 Prov. 28.9.

calumnies, and buffoonery as much as we can. With all our

strength let us flee from the hindrances of this world and
seek some hours when we can devote ourselves to prayer or
reading for the salvation of our souls. Thus may be fulfilled
in us what is written: 'They that are learned shall shine as
stars May He deign to grant this, who
for all eternity.' 9

together with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns
God world without end. Amen.

Sermon 8


1 ) I beseech you, beloved brethren, be eager to engage
in divine reading whatever hours you can. Moreover, since
what a man procures in this life by reading or good works
will be the food of his soul forever, let no one try to excuse
himself by saying he has not learned letters at all. If those who
are illiterate love God in truth, they look for learned people
who can read the sacred Scriptures to them. This we have
learned even illiterate merchants do, for they hire literate
mercenaries and through their reading or writing acquire
great profits. Now, if men do this for earthly wealth, how
much more should we do it for the sake of eternal life? It often
happens that a learned person may be poor in food or
clothing, while one who does not know letters has more
abundant wealth. The illiterate man who abounds in earthly

goods summons the poor learned one and they mutually give
each other what they need. The one by reading feeds the
other with the sweet word of God, while the other by giving
material substance does not allow his neighbor to suffer want.
The learned man should satisfy the soul of the rich man,
9 Dan. 12.3.

while the latter should warm of the poor man with

the body
him with
earthly food. If this is
clothing and refresh
with charity, there will be fulfilled what is written: The rich

and have met one another: the Lord is the maker of

them both/ 1 Being pressed down with a heavy burden by
the rich man was unable
possessing more than was necessary,
to walk, while the poor man perhaps was learned but was
For this
because of not having the necessities of life.
reason, there was holy sharing on
the part of both
While the rich man gave the poor material wealth from his

poor man imparted the sacred lessons

to the
possessions, the
rich, and they both happily reach the eternal country on the
road of this life. them what was written
There took place in :

He who had much had who had little
nothing over, and he
had not less'; 2 and further: 'every valley shall be filled, and
every mountain and hill shall be brought low,
and the
crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways smooth.
Then the rich provide for themselves a level road to eternal
life, when they give generous
alms to the poor from the
possessions which the Lord has given them beyond what is
necessary for their livelihood.
(2) When we summon some people to the pursuit of
reading, they try to excuse themselves by saying that because
of military service or some household arrangement it is

impossible for them to be engaged in the divine lessons. I

can prove to such people in truth that they falsely pretend
to excuse themselves with these words. Indeed, when the

days are short, those who do not prolong their luxurious,

delightful dinners by inebriating themselves until the middle
of the night can read enough after the crow of the cock.
Moreover, when at their banquets they are eager to feed
between drinks and courses
their bodies with material food,

1 Prov. 22.2.
2 2 Cor. 8.15.
3 Luke 3.5.

they could hold a book and satisfy their souls with the sweet
word of God. In this way there will be fulfilled in them
what the Lord Himself said: 'Not by bread alone does man
live, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of
God. 54 He
did not say that earthly food should not be taken,
but did declare that a man should not only have his body
satisfied with temporal food, but should also feed his soul
with spiritual nourishment. Now, the whole human race
possesses both an interior and an exterior man the inner one

made to the image of God; the outer one formed from the
slime of the earth.Where is the justice, then, in the exterior
man who was made of earth being sustained rather often
with many delicacies and satisfied even twice a day, when the
interior man who was created to the image of God sometimes
is not nourished for many days or even months (so much the
worse) with the food of God's word to feed the soul? For
this reason, it is to be feared that some careless, ignorant

persons receive the divine word with such dislike because their
soul has been so weakened through hunger for the word of
God thatcan neither pluck its own
it food nor even take it.

If a man
has eaten sour grapes, his teeth become over-
sensitive and he cannot take bread. So, too, if for a long time
a man is fed on the iniquity of this world, its excesses, or idle
gossip, he scorns and refuses the sweet
divine lesson even when
it is Such a man cannot say with the Prophet: 'How
sweet are thy words to my palate, O Lord!'

the body
(3) This likeness is clearly recognized in eyes of
or heart. Light food for the eyes, so that, when they suffer

from inflammation or harmful fluids, the eyes cannot receive

their food. Similarly, whenever the eyes of the heart are
oppressed by bad habits, they not only are unable
to receive
the light of God's word, but, further, are tortured with
excessive pain if it is forced upon them. Since no man,
4 Matt. 4.4.
5 Ps. 118.103.

whether good or bad, can be empty, if a man fills his soul

with love of the world he cannot receive the sweetness of
Christ. Such people are like vases full of mud which cannot
take precious liquid,or like a thorny field which does not
nourish but chokes the seeds sown in it. The pious, spiritual
soul, on the contrary, protects itself from
all evil by daily

prayer, fasts, and almsgiving, stops wandering,

and hastens
to admit the sacred lesson into its burning, thirsting soul.
What divine Wisdom foretold of Itself is fulfilled in such a

soul: 'They that eat me, shall yet hunger: and they that drink
me shall yet thirst/ 6 Therefore consider at once, brethren, and
carefully notice that the man who frequently
reads or listens
to sacred Scripture speaks with God. See, then, whether the
Devil can overtake him when heperceives him
in constant
conversation with God. However, if a man neglects to do
this, with what boldness or with what feelings does he
God will grant him an eternal reward, when he refuses to

speak with Him in this world through the divine text?

(4) Now, consider what I am going to say, because it

pertains to the subject of which we are speaking. Our mind
seems to have the likeness of those mill-stones which are
continually turned by the force of water, for, just as those
stones cannot be quiet, so, too, human minds are never en-

tirely at rest. However, with God's help it lies in our power

to determine what we will devise in those mill-stones or in
our minds. If you put wheat into it, that rocky stone will
grind it, but if you put in chaff, mud, or thorns, it doubtless

is reduced to flour. Similarly, if we send holy, pious thoughts

into the mill of our mind which cannot be idle, we grind

spiritual wheat, as it were, with which we prepare a banquet

for Christ, who deigns to remain and dine with us. However,
ifwe introduce thoughts that are idle and in no way edifying,
we grind chaff, as it were. If we admit thoughts which lead
to quarrels, avarice, or wickedness, out of thorns and thistles

6 EcclL 24.29.

we prepare a sort of flour on which the Devil feeds. More-

over, if we think of something lustful or dissolute, we provide
ourselves with food from the mire or a sewer. Everyone should
know that what he has
willed to grind in the mill of his
heart in this world will supply his food afterwards in the
future life. For this reason, let each one examine his own
mind continually yields to
conscience. If he realizes that his

thoughts of pride, avarice, or dissipation, he should hasten

to throw out what is evil and to think
continually of what
holy and pleasing to God.
(5) And the Lord said in the Gospel: 'Do not seek the
food that perishes, but for that which endures unto life ever-
lasting/ body food every day that it
Just as you give your
will not grow weak, good works
so are the daily nourishment
of your soul. The body is fed with food, the spirit is sustained
with pious works. Do not deny to your soul which will live
forever what you grant to your body which is going to die.
All who are esteemed under the title of the
priesthood are
called angels through the testimony of the
Prophet, who says :

*The lips of the priest keep knowledge, and they shall seek
the law at his mouth because he is the angel of the "Lord

of hosts.' 8 Perhaps a man possesses no bread to extend as an

alms to the needy, but still greater is what a man who has
a tongue is able to give. It is more important to refresh a
mind that will live forever with the food of the word than
to satisfy with earthly food the stomach of a
body that is going
to die. Therefore, brethren, do not take from your
the alms of the word. Paul says: lf we have sown for you

is it a
spiritual things, great matter if we reap from you carnal
things?" 'Do good to the just, and thou shalt find great
recompense: and if not of him, assuredly of God. It is good
that thou shouldst hold up the just, yea and from him with-

7 Cf. John 6.27.

8 Mai. 2.7.
9 1 Cor. 9.11.
10 Eccli. 12.2.

draw not thy hand: for he that feareth God neglecteth

nothing.' For this reason Ibeseech you with fatherly solici-
tude, equally admonishing and exhorting you, as was already
said, to endeavor continually to read the sacred lessons your-
selves or willingly to listen to others read them. By thus
always thinking over in the treasury of your heart what is

just and holy, youprepare for your souls an eternal

spiritual food that will bring you endless bliss. Christ does not
lie when He
says in the person of His Apostle: 'What a
man sows, that he will also reap. With God's help let us
endeavor to continually plant in the field of our heart by
reading, praying, and performing good works those deeds
whereof we may reap a harvest of justice and mercy on the
future day of retribution. Then will be fulfilled in us what is
written: 'Going, they went and wept,
casting their seeds.
But coming, they shall come with joyfulness,
carrying their
sheaves. To this happiness may the good Lord lead you,
who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and
reigns world without end. Amen.

*Sermon 9



The faith and life of a Christian, dearly beloved, is the

expression and obligation of the whole Creed. It is faith at
present, life in the future; faith on the road, life in our
fatherland; faith in hope, life in reality; faith in the battle, life
in the
kingdom; faith in action, life in recompense. Thus,
11 Eccle. 7.19.
12 Gal. 6.8
13 Ps. 125.6.

if a man
has faith with good works in this world, he will
receive eternal life in the one to come. For this reason, at the

beginning of the Creed we find l believe in God/ and after-


wards, at the end: 'eternal life.' Therefore, dearly beloved,

the Creed is like an exceedingly beautiful building which is
well begun; it has a very firm foundation, and an immortal
summit, for it has God at the beginning and eternal life at
the end. God is the foundation; eternal life, the summit.
Faith, dearly beloved, is the entrance to life, the beginning
of the road, the foundation of salvation. If a man thinks he
grasps the sacred mysteries more by understanding than by
belief, he someone leaving the road and seeking a by-
is like

path, building an edifice without a foundation, or searching

for an entrance through a closed wall. When the weak mind
cannot grasp a heavenly secret, the salutary compendium of
faith must be applied. Therefore, let us explain the entire

depth of the heart's belief in the words of that life-giving song.

It begins thus:
I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven
and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ,His only-begotten, eternal Son.
He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died,
and was buried.
He descended into hell.

On the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended

into heaven.
He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From thence He shall come to judge the living and the
I believe in the Holy the holy Catholic Church,
The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
Life everlasting. Amen.

A creed is not only written on tablets, dearly beloved, but

kept in memory in the heart, and for this reason it is
helpful to repeat what should never be forgotten. 'I believe
in God the Father almighty.
As yourcharity well knows, beloved brethren, the faith of
all Christians rests in the Trinity. For this reason we repeat
this verse of the Creed a third time for you, since the very num-
ber of repetitions is suitable as a sign of the Trinity: 'I believe
in God the Father almighty.'
Dearly beloved, turn your attention to the whole Creed
which you have just heard. Thus may the seed of the word
find ready furrows in which to be able to plant with profit,
fasten its roots firmly, and at the time of retribution produce
abundant fruits of justice. Thus, the beginning of the Creed
the Father almighty. When you
has: l believe in God
hear God, understand a substance without beginning or end.
When you hear the Father, understand the Father of the Son.
By this very title whereby God is called Father, the Son is
shown to exist equally with the Father. Now, how God the
Father begot the Son I do not want you to discuss. God is
to be believed the Father of His only-begotten Son our Lord,
but the matter is not to be discussed; it is not right for a
servant to reason about the birth of his master. God the
Father declared from heaven: 'This is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased; hear him.' The
Father says it is
His Son and commands us to hear Him; now, who would
deny that what Truth says is true?
There follows: C I believe in Jesus Christ, His only-begotten,
eternal Son.' The word for the name Jesus is from Hebrew
and means Saviour among us. Christ is named after chrism,
that is, an anointing. The only-begotten,' it
says. Christ is
the only-begotten to the Father as brightness is to fire,
to the brave, and wisdom to the wise. 'Conceived of the
Holy Spirit,' it says. For this reason the Holy Spirit is called

I Matt. 17.5.

the creator of the temple of the Lord's flesh.

Begin now to
understand from this the majesty of the Holy Spirit. Indeed,
the Gospel says: The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and
the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. 92 There-
fore, behold the Trinity co-operating with each other. The
Holy Spirit is said to come upon and the power
the Virgin,
of the Most High shall overshadow thee.' What is the power
of the Most High, except Christ Himself who is 'the power
of God and the wisdom of God'?

Now, if you wish, these words which have been spoken

may suffice for your charity. Tomorrow, in accord with your
pious custom, you will more conveniently hear what remains,
through the service of our brethren. May God Himself deign
to grant this.
'He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,' it says. Let us inves-
tigate, beloved brethren, why the authors of the Creed judged
it necessary to insert the name even of Pilate himself.
Apparently for this reason, because there would be many
Antichrists. It is to prevent any heresy from saying there is
another Christ, since it is agreed that He was the one whom
the Creed reported to have suffered under Pilate.
'He was crucified, died, and was buried, and the third
day He arose.' Although the Gospels have most clearly
testifiedconcerning the evident fact of the Lord's Resurrec-
tion, which was further proved a reality by many men, the
Apostle preached that the Saviour 'arose' from the dead 'on
the third day.' If He had risen on the same day He died, or in
the night which followed, some people would scarcely believe
that He truly died. So, you see, the postponement of the
Resurrection was a confirmation of His death; conversely,
the truth of His death was the authority of reason. Unless you
show me that a man has been bent down, you will not
2 Luke 1.35.
3 1 Cor. 1.24.

convince me that he has been raised up; on the other hand,

you will easily prove he was stretched out in sleep, if you show
that he has been aroused. 'And that he appeared to Cephas,
and after that to the Eleven; then he was seen by more than
hundred brethren at one time.' O wonderful, inestimable

goodness of the Lord! He thought it would not strengthen

the faith of the Church enough if all the Apostles saw Him
after the Resurrection unless He would show Himself to
the crowds who stood around.
There follows in the Creed: 'He ascended into heaven,
sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty.' The

right hand of God is not corporeally indicated here, beloved

brethren, because the divine majesty is not designated in
human form. Therefore, the Son is said to sit at the right
hand of the Father because no left-handedness is found in
Him. Now, since in sacred Scripture what is on the right
always refers to the better things and what is on the left
pertains to the worse, for this reason there is in God a right
hand, that is, the good, and so we can conjecture there is a
left, that is, evil. 'From thence' we say, 'He shall come to
judge the living and the dead.'
'I Holy Spirit.' To exclude the miserable
believe in the
lies end of its text the Creed now honors
of all heretics, at the
the Holy Spirit with the same word of faith with which it
honored the Father and Son at its beginning. It says I believe :

in the Holy Spirit.' Lest He suffer the insult of an inferior

being, He rightly shows that the fullness of the Godhead is

equally claimed in Him, as well as the dignity of the Father

and Son. In the Holy Trinity nothing is to be believed greater
or lesser, for, when one is called greater, something is indicated
as lacking in the lesser. If anyone asserts that one
thing in
the divine nature is greater and another lesser, there is an
insult to the majesty which is considered
greater; since the
power and dignity of the Trinity is equal, whatever is taken
4 1 Cor. 15.5,6.

away from one doubtless is taken from the entire Godhead.

believe/ it says, in the holy Catholic Church, the com-
munion of saints, the resurrection of the
body, life everlasting.
Amen.' Life everlasting was well attached at the end of the
Creed, for faith in the Creed has the reward of eternity.
In this way the order of the Creed is the ascending order of
salvation: if each one
faithfully comes to its summit, he will
certainly possess the pivot of eternal salvation under the
guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom
is honor and

might for ever and ever.

*Sermon 10


(1)1 beg and exhort you, dearly beloved, if anyone wants

to be saved, let him learn the true Catholic faith, firmly
adhere to it, and preserve it inviolate. Therefore, each one

should see to that he believes in the Father, the Son, and


the Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, the
Holy Spirit is God; and
yet not three gods, but only one. As is
the Father, so is the Son and so is the Holy Spirit. However,
every one of the faithful should believe that the Son is equal
to the Father in divinity but inferior to Him
in the humanity
of His body which He assumed from ours; the Holy Spirit,
in turn, proceeds from them both. Therefore, dearly beloved,
believe in God the Father almighty and in Jesus Christ, His

only-begotten Son and our Lord. Believe that He was con-

ceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary who was
a virgin before childbirth and remained one ever after it,
continuing without any contagion or stain of sin. Moreover,
believe that Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate for our sins,
believe that He was crucified, believe that He died and

was buried, believe that He descended into hell to fetter the

Devil, to free the souls of the just who were being kept under
guard, and to take them with
Him to the heavenly paradise.
Believe that He arose from the dead on the third day, showing
us the manner of our resurrection. Believe that He ascended

into heaven with the body He had assumed from ours, believe
that He sits at the right hand of the Father, believe that He
will come to judge the living and the dead. Believe in the
Holy Spirit, believe holy Catholic Church, believe
in the
the communion of saints, believe in the resurrection of the
of sins, believe also in eternal
body, believe in the forgiveness
of Christ,
(2)Therefore, if anyone wants to be a disciple
he should keep His commandments and love humility as He
Himself said: 'Learn from me, for I am meek and humble
Why 'of heart,' I ask? Because there are many who
of heart.
seem to be humble outwardly, but within are full of the
swelling of pride. Christ 'humbled
himself for us, 'taking the
nature of a slave, becoming obedient to death, even to death
on a cross.' For us, brethren, and to take away our sins,

He assumed human flesh, was born of a virgin, laid in a

manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes,
by the

and defiled with

Jews persecuted by them, seized, scourged,
crowned with thorns, fastened with nails, pierced
with a lance, hung on a cross, given vinegar with gall to
drink, and reputed among the wicked. Besides, dearly beloved,
He all these things to free us from the jaws of hell.
Therefore, since the Lord bore so many and such great things
for us, we ought to follow in His footsteps and imitate the

example of the saints if we want to reach Him. The Lord

says in the Gospel: 'If anyone wishes to come after me, let
him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me, and

1 Matt. 11.29.

2 Phil. 2.7,8.
3 Luke 9.23.

elsewhere go, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and

come, follow me.' The holy martyrs, dearly beloved, followed
in His footsteps and drank the chalice of suffering which He
drank. The Apostle Peter was crucified for the name of

Christ, Paul was beheaded, Stephen was stoned, and how

many others suffered thus for His name.
(3) For this reason, brethren, crucify and 'mortify your
members which are on earth,' 5 in order that you may please
Him who created you. One who was proud should be humble ;

the unbelieving, faithful; the dissolute, chaste; the robber,

worthy; the drunkard, sober; the sleepy, vigilant; the avari-
cious, generous; the deceitful, kind in speech. The detractor
or envious person should be upright and kind; one who
sometimes came late to church should now hasten there more
frequently. Let each one redeem himself with abundant
a fire, so alms resisteth
almsgiving, for, 'As water quencheth
Distribute among the churches and the poor every
year tithes of all the fruits you gather.
Love fasting; avoid
gluttony and drunkenness. Feed the hungry, give drink to
the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick, and seek those

who are in prison. Receive strangers in your homes, wash

their feet, and dry them with linen, kiss them tenderly, and
beds for them. Let no one commit theft or murder
or adultery or perjury, or bear false witness. Every man
should honor his father and mother that he may live long
on earth. Let him cherish God more than himself and love
of the
his neighbor as himself. If anyone has committed any
aforementioned offenses, he should quickly amend his life,

make his confession, perform true penance, and then his sins
be forgiven him. If are to do what I have
will you willing
brethren, you will merit pardon for your sins and
obtain eternal life: with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and world without end. Amen.

4 Matt. 19.21.
6 Eccli. 3.33.
5 Col. 3.5.

^Sermon 11



(1) This idea affects many people, dearly beloved; such a

thought sends many men of little learning into anxiety. For

people say: Why did our Lord Jesus Christ, the power and
wisdom of the Father, effect the salvation of man, not by
His divine power and sole might, but by physical humiliation
and human struggle? Surely, He could have overthrown the
Devil and freed man from that
tyranny by His heavenly power
and majesty? some people why God did not
It disturbs

destroy death by His word, since He is taught to have given

life in the beginning with a word. What is the reason why

life, when lost, could not be restored by the same Majesty

who created it when it did not yet exist? What need was
there for Christ our Lord to accept His exceedingly difficult

Passion, when He could have freed the human race by His

powerful word? Why did He assume His incarnation, infancy,

the course of life, insult, the cross, death, and burial for the
restoration of man?
(2) Men
with little knowledge say these things. Without
any doubt, our Lord could have triumphed over the Devil
and freed man from that domination by His divine authority.
Of course He could have; but reason resisted it, justice did
not allow it, and before God these are greater than every
virtue and all power. If these qualities are praised in men,
how much more so in God, who is the author and examiner
of reason and was God's purpose to recover man,
justice? It
to restore him was deceived by the Devil.
to eternity after he

Now, here it must be remembered that mercy does not destroy

justice; goodness does not remove equity. If God had struck
down the Devil by His power and majesty and thus saved man

from his jaws, there would have been power, but not justice.
The Enemy of the human race could have said: 'O Lord,
you are just and true; in your goodness you made man,
just as you once created me a good angel, not bad. Both to
man and to me you gave the faculty of a free will. You gave
legislation with the threatening statement that anyone who
would touch what was forbidden would die in death. I
destroyed myself through voluntary malice, then I advised
man to do evil. I encouraged but did not compel him,
because I could not force one who possessed freedom of
his own will. Moreover, was heeded more than your word
was observed. By your judgment we received sentences de-
served by our merits: I, an eternal curse; man, death and
terrible punishment with me. Man united himself to me by
his own will; he estranged himself from you with the same

will, not unwillingly. He is mine. Because of sin we were

destined alike for punishment; if he is torn away from me it
is not
justice, but violence. It is not a favor, but an injury;
not mercy, but robbery. If man was unwilling to live when
he could, why should he be brought back to life unwillingly?
I presume to say, just Judge, that it is not proper to have
different sentences in one case. Finally, if you want man to
be saved by indulgence alone, all justice and reason ceasing,
we both should be saved, both he who perished and I who

destroyed him.
(3) Would not this word of the Devil seem just and
reasonable to God who has done and always does everything
justlyand reasonably? In order that this impious voice might
find no room and all God's actions might appear just and
reasonable, that power came down from heaven. He did
not come to tear man away from the Devil by His power,
but, observing equity in all things, as the Lord Himself
mentioned to John the Baptist when the latter was excusing
himself at the time of Christ's baptism: 'Let it be so now,

for so becomes us to fulfill all justice/ 1 For this reason,


then, our Lord and Saviour came in the likeness of sinful

flesh,' as the Apostle teaches, and bore all things, though
without sin Himself. By taking upon Himself flesh from a
sinful substance, while remaining without sin, He thus fulfilled
justice and condemned sin in the body. This fact is proved

by His conflict with the spirit in the desert, for the Devil is
not overcome by the divine Majesty, but by a reminder of
the commandment, by fasting, and by a legal reply. The
different temptations of the Pharisees further proved it, for
they often attacked our Lord. By doing good even though
they were ungrateful, not resisting injury, overcoming insult
with patience, and malice with kindness, all justice surely is
fulfilled and every sin condemned. As a result of this, our
Lord declared: The prince of the world is coming, and in
me he has nothing.' 3 Therefore, this is the first victory, that
a body could appear sinless though taken from a sinful race.
Thus, sin could be condemned in the very body in which
it had
thought it could reign; instead, that which had once
been overcome would now conquer. If His divinity alone had
been victorious, it would not have been a source of great
confusion to the Devil, nor would corporeal men have had
confidence in the triumph.
(4) Let us see now what the cross had to do, since on it
the sin of the world was taken away, death destroyed, and
the Devil conquered. Certainly, as far as formal justice goes,
the cross is not deserved except by sinners. Both God's law
and that of the world are known to decree the cross for those
who are criminally guilty. Therefore, because the Devil hur-
ried about working through Judas, the kings of the earth,
and the leaders of the Jews who 'assembled together' with
Pilate 'against the Lord and against his Christ,' 4 Christ is

1 Matt. 3.15.
2 Rom. 8.3.
3 John 14.30.
4 Acts 426.

condemned to death. The innocent One is condemned, as

the Prophet says in has the just man
the psalm: Tor what
done?' Moreover, "they will hunt after the soul of the just,
and will condemn innocent blood. 96 There is condemned a
person who was guilty of not even a slight sin, for no serpent
could make a mark on this rock. He suffered with patience
the insults, blows, crown of thorns, scarlet robe, and the
other mockery enumerated in the Gospel. Although guiltless,
He endured it in order that filled with patience He might
come to the cross as a sheep for sacrifice.' 7 Although He

could have returned the injury to His adversaries, He bore

it all with kindness. Christ
supported those mighty men, as
David sings, as a man without help,' 8 although He might

have avenged Himself by His divine majesty. Since He had

completely dried up the fig tree with a word, if He had
wanted to chide, all flesh which was valued as hay could much
more easily have been dried up. Indeed, if those men who had
come to seize Christ fell backward when they were kindly
asked: 'Whom seek ye? and became as if dead, what would
have happened if He had wanted to rebuke them? However,
He fulfilled the mystery of the cross, the reason for His coming
into the world. By this means the handwriting of sin was
removed, and the power of the Enemy, as if allured by the
hook of the cross, was seized. While justice and reason were
preserved, the Devil lost the booty
which he was holding.
This is what we must believe happened. Christ our
Lord, without any guilt or blame, was subject to the sentence
of punishment; a sinless, innocent man was crucified. The
Devil became through the death of the blameless One.
He became blameworthy by unduly inflicting the cross upon
the just One. Christ's death profited man, for by taking death

5 PS. 10.4.
6 Ps. 93.21.
7 Isa. 53.7.
8 Ps. 87.5.
9 John 18.4.

upon Himself Christ paid what Adam owed to God. Truly

He became a sacrifice for the sin of men and their progeny,
as blessed Paul declares : 'Christ loved us and delivered him-
self up for us an offering and a sacrifice to God to ascend in
fragrant odor.' Original sin could not have easily been
forgiven, if a victim had not been offered for it, if that
sacred blood of propitiation had not been shed. Even then
the words in Exodus were not vainly said of our Lord: I
shall see the blood, and shall protect you.' That figure of the
lamb represented this Passion of Christ our Lord. Blood is

given for blood, death for death, a victim for sin, and thus
the Devil lost what he held. To him it is now rightly said:
'You have no excuses, Enemy. The first Adam sinned, but I,
the new Adam, did not receive the stain of sin. The very
flesh which you had made subject to sin through your seduc-
tion has now conquered you by My justice. Let My justice
benefit the sinner, let the death unduly imposed upon Me pro-
fit the debtor. You can no
longer keep man in eternal death,
for through Me he has conquered, overcome, and broken you.

Truly, you have not been conquered by power, but by justice;

not by domination, but, rather, by equity.' Thus the Enemy
gave up what he had swallowed, and what he held was justly
taken from him, because he had unjustly dared to attack
what in no way belonged to him.

(6) Behold, dearly beloved, as I believe, the reason has

been given why our Lord and Saviour freed the human race
from the power of the Devil: not by power, but by humility;
not by violence, but by justice. Therefore, since the divine
mercy has bestowed upon us so many benefits without any
preceding merits on our part, let us with His help labor as
much as we can that the grace of such goodness may bring
progress, not judgment, for us.

10 Eph. 5.2.
11 Exod. 12.13.

Sermon 12



(1) In all the divine lessons, dearly beloved, faith is

lauded with many praises; in fact, not only sacred Scripture
but also the entire human race ceaselessly extols it. Would
that it were praised by the lives of men as it is
praised with
the tongue As it is preached with the mouth, so may it be

observed wholeheartedly; as it is uttered with the lips, so

may it be fulfilled in deed. So great is the virtue of faith that
even those who refuse to keep it still presume to praise it.
Truly deservedly is faith extolled, for without it no good
work is ever
begun or completed, according to what is written :

'Without faith it is impossible for anyone to please God.' 1

In the person of Christ and the Church it is said concerning
it: 'Come, my neighbor from the beginning of faith.' The
Apostle Paul commended it individually in that list in which
he praised all the saints of old: 'By faith Abel, by faith
Henoch, by faith Noe, by faith Abraham pleased God/ and
so forth. Concerning this the Lord Himself said in the
4 c

Gospel: 'Thy faith has saved thee,' and again: if thou

believest, all things are possible to him who believes/ and:
you have faith even like a mustard seed, you will say to this

mulberry tree, "Be uprooted, and be transplanted," and it

willobey you.' Although the virtue of faith is commended
with so much praise, the essence of its name is not known
by many. Faith received its name from a fact, that is, from
1 Cf. Heb. 11.6.
2 Cant. 4.8 (Septuagint) .

3 Heb, 11.4-40.
4 Luke 17.19.
5 Mark 9.22.
6 Cf. Luke 17.6.

something which is done, and in it is contained the strength

of all human as well as divine things. Therefore, even if a
man says verbally and with many oaths that he possesses
faith, if he is unwilling to fulfill in deed what he says verbally
that he believes, that is not faith. Faith, as I said, derives its

name from a fact.

2 )
Let us see what a man
should do if he wants to keep
his faith intact. Doubtless, he should trust with all his heart
that what is the exceedingly firm foundation of the Christian
religion namely, what God promises and what He
is true,
threatens. Then, indeed, a man can understand the word
faith and realize more fully its power, if he keeps before his

eyes those two facts: the reward of eternal life and the
penalty of endless punishment. Since it does no good to
believe in one and doubt about the other, each one should
examine his heart with great diligence to see whether he
faithfully believes. Perhaps a man knows that in these two
matters he possesses true faith, maintaining* with a firm
heart that the just will receive glory after their good deeds,
while the unjust will suffer endless punishment after their
while faithfully believing these truths, he strives with
evil. If,

hiswhole mind to perform good works so that he may arrive

at the reward, and to avoid evil so that he may escape

punishment, a man should rejoice that he is keeping an

upright faith. Moreover, he should give thanks to God and
with His help endeavor to persevere in the very work. There-
fore, brethren, if you will carefully pay attention to this, you
can realize more fully the name and power of faith. Because
name from a fact, as I said before, if you
faith received its

say a thousand times that you have faith but refuse to fulfill
in deed what you promise in words, it is not faith at all.

Moreover, if you claim to believe in the reward which God

promises and the punishment which He threatens and still,
as was said, refuse to act in such a
way as to escape endless
punishment and obtain eternal rewards, there is no faith at

all in you. Not only does it fail to benefit you to say in words
that you are believing, but it even does you much harm. It
is better for a man not to
promise than to be unwilling to
fulfill what he has
promised. The name of faith alone cannot
free you. Instead, as was said already, you will be doubly
guilty if you refuse to carry out what you have promised
verbally, for the
Holy Spirit proclaims to you through James:
Taith without works is dead.'
(3) Although a man ought to fulfill everything he pro-
mises if possible, that first excellent promise which we make
to God at the time when we are reborn in baptism we should
especially safeguard with His help. We
are asked at baptism
whether we will renounce the Devil, his pomps, and his
works; we freely answer that we will renounce them. Since
infants can by no means confess this themselves, their parents
stand as surety for them. Therefore, if we faithfully observe
what is the first and fundamental
fact of the Christian religion,
it is certain that with God's help we will be able to do the
However, if we neglect to fulfill what we promise to God,

I do not know whether we will be able to preserve the faith

which operates among men. Now, if we dangerously make a
promise to an influential man when we neglect to carry it out,
how much more dangerously do we make a promise to God
and then not pay it? We fear a man so much because we
dread death or material loss; we refuse to give God what
we promise because we are entirely without fear for the
death of our soul. Where is that Gospel text which says: 'Do
not be afraid of those who kill the body* But rather be afraid
of him who, after he has killed, has power to send it to hell ? 8
Therefore, what is promised to God should be done first of
all,in order that what is promised to men may be fulfilled.
Let each one examine his own conscience. If he sees that he
has kept his promise and knows that he has renounced the

7 James 2.26.
8 Cf. Matt. 10.28.

Devil with his pomps both in word and in deed, he should

rejoice that he has kept his faith

whole. However, let him
be secure concerning the past in such a way that he is
solicitous for the future, who has begun but
because not he
'he who has persevered to the end be saved.' Let no one

believe, perchance that faith can only be shattered by mortal


sins. What difference does it make whether a man strikes

and kills himself with a larger or smaller sword? Anyone who

says this should notice that faith can even be endangered by
idle talk, of which the Lord said an account must be rendered
on the day of judgment. Moreover, 'Whoever says to his
brother, "Raca," or "Thou fool!" shall be liable to the fire
of Gehenna.'
Therefore, as was already said, let each one consider
what he promised in the sacrament of baptism. Since he
made a pact with the Lord, let him see whether he has
violated it in any way. When the question was asked:
you renounce the devil, his pomps, and his works?' then the
priest offered a contract for approval. When the individual
answered: do renounce them,' 11 it was approved. For this

reason, as was said above, if we refuse to do what we have

promised to God, I do not know whether we will be able to
preserve fidelity to men. Now, we have promised to renounce
the Devil with his pomps and works. Almost no one is
ignorant of what the Devil's pomps are, yet it is necessary
for us to mention them at some length. All furious, bloody,
or shameful spectacles are pomps of the Devil. To be a slave
to gluttony or drunkenness, to subject one's unfortunate soul
to lust or dissipation, certainly belongs to the Devil's pomps,
because in such actions his will is fulfilled. What need is
there to say concerning adultery, murder, robbery, and false

testimony that they are part of the Devil's pomp and works,

9 Matt. 10.22.
10 Matt, 5.22.
11 These are some of the words belonging to the ceremonial of baptism.

since no man can be ignorant of the fact? There is no doubt

that to observe omens and to summon charmers, sorcerers,
soothsayers, or seers belongs entirely to the pomp and works of
the Devil. For this reason, since few people can be found who
happily are free from all these things, each one, as I already
said, should return to his own conscience. While his soul is
yet contained in this poor body he should hasten to redeem
or correct through repentance, almsgiving, and especially the
forgiveness of his enemies, whatever of these aforementioned
vices he knows has been or is present in himself. With God's

help let him strive so to cure past wounds that he may never
again presume to commit anything whereby he might be
wounded anew.
(5) Let no one vainly deceive himself by saying: I believe

in God's mercy, that the faith and baptism which Imy have
received will never die. You believe rightly, if you have done
what you promised. If you have kept the pact which you
entered upon with the Lord, rest assured that your faith and
baptism will not perish. However, if you have not fulfilled
deed what you promised in word, with what boldness or with
what kind of a conscience do you feel sure that your baptism
will not perish, since you have not kept your contract? Listen
to the Lord's words saying: 'What does it avail you to call
me, "Lord, Lord," and not to practise the things that I say?'
and again 'He who has my commandments and keeps them,

he it is who loves me,' and: 'not everyone who says to me,

"Lord, Lord," shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he
who does the will of my Father in heaven/ Carefully
notice that, according to the lines quoted above, it does a
man no good to say that he possesses faith, if he neglects to
fulfill in deed what he promises in word. As the Scriptures
defer not to pay it.
say: 'If thou hast vowed anything to God,
For an unfaithful and foolish promise displeaseth him. It is
much better not to vow than after a vow not to perform

12 Luke 6.46; John 14.21; Matt. 7.21.


the things promised.'

In order that we may understand
these facts clearly from our relations with our servants, let
someone tell me whether it is enough for him if his servant

to commend
says all day that he is his lord and ceases not
him with praises, but refuses to do what has been commanded.
Therefore, if words without deeds do not please us, how
much more can faith without works fail to benefit us in the
we must fear someone believes
sight of God? Above all,

so strongly that he will receive God's mercy that he does not

dread His justice. If a man does this, he has no faith. Likewise,
if he dreads God's justice so much that he despairs
of His
God not merciful but
mercy, there is no faith. Since is only
also let us believe in both. Let us not despair of His
nor love His mercy so
mercy because we fear His justice,
much that we disregard His justice. Therefore, we should
neither hope wrongly nor despair wickedly. A man who hopes
without penance and good
wrongly thinks he can merit mercy
works; one who wickedly does not believe he will
receive mercy even after the performance of good
Therefore, above all, we should consider and fear lest we
believe that faith without good works can suffice for us. Let
us fear the words of the Apostle James: j ust as the bod y

without the soul is dead, so faith also without works is dead,'
and further: thou believest that there is one God. Thou

dost well. The devils also believe, and tremble.' See, breth-

ren, the Apostle says that

a man who believes and does not
act has the faith of demons. Now if one who believes but
fails to act is called similar to demons, it is for you to judge
what hope a man can have if he does not believe. The
demons believe God exists, but they do not perform what
He commands; this man is proved not to believe, because he
is unwilling to fulfill in deed what he seems to promise in word.

13 Eccle. 5 3,4.
14 Cf. James 2.26. The text has 'amma'; the Vulgate has 'spintu.'
15 James 2-19.

(6) Now
I want to
speak to your charity briefly, so that
you may be able to understand more fully the works of faith
and its virtue. The whole virtue of faith seems to consist in
two things: one, as was already said, that we believe most
firmly that what God promises is true; the other, that it is
fixed in our minds that what God threatens is not false.
Believe with your whole heart and mind that after good
works you will receive the reward which is promised; similarly,
without any hesitation believe that, if you have done evil,
you will suffer endless punishment. Then you may know that
your faith is entire, on condition that you fulfill by deeds
what you believe in your heart, and without any delay turn
away from evil to do good. In turning from evil you believe
there punishment; in doing good you believe that you will

attain to a reward. Know, however, that it does not benefit

you to believe the one and doubt the other. It is profitable
to turn away from evil only if a man immediately does good.
Likewise, it is advantageous to do good only if one completely
turns away from evil. I have mentioned this because there are
many people who seem to give alms as the result of robbery
and fraud, yet are unwilling to desist from these evils. As I
have said, dearly beloved, it is profitable for
you to avoid
evil ifyou know that you are doing what pleases God. Then
you can devoutly believe a reward will be given to you because
of your good works, if with God's help you begin to refrain
entirely from evil. Indeed, if you want to
do good and evil
at the same time, what can it avail to build up on one side
and to destroy on the other, to rob one man and to clothe
another? To such men the Lord says in the Gospel: 'Either
make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad
16 'As a dog is
and its fruit bad.' Moreover, Solomon says:
hateful when he returneth to his vomit, so also the sinner,

when he returneth to his sin';

while in prophecy we read:

16 Matt. 12.33.
17 Prov. 26.11.

to the sinner that goeth on the earth two ways' ;
woe and
elsewhere: 'no man can serve two masters.' Therefore, as
we have said rather often above, since faith receives its name
from a fact or something which is done, a man says with
confidence that he believes if he is willing to fulfill in deed
what he has said he believes. The whole virtue of faith, as
was said, is to believe both what God promises and what He
in us, let us
threatens. Now, if we want perfect faith to abide
avoid evil in fear of punishment, and let us strive with all our

the desire for reward. Then we

strength to do good through
will not be forced to endure eternal punishment with un-
believers and the wicked, but will merit to obtain unending
reward along with the faithful who persevere in good works.
May He deign to grant this, who, together with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 13


( beg you, dearly beloved, to consider more carefully

1 ) I

why we are Christians and bear the cross of Christ on our

forehead. We
to know that it is not enough for us
that we have received the name of Christian, if we do not
perform the works of a Christian. As the Lord Himself said
in the Gospel: 'What does it profit you to call me, "Lord,
Lord," when you do not practise the things that I say?' If
you say a thousand times that you are a Christian and con-

tinually sign yourself with the cross of Christ but do

not give
alms according to your means, your title of Christian can

18 Eccli. 2.14.
19 Matt. 6.24.

1 Luke 6.46.

profit you not at all. The and His cross are a

sign of Christ
great thing, and for this reason something great and precious
should be signified by so precious a mark. Now, of what
advantage is it to make a seal with a gold ring, when you
store rotten chaff interiorly? What is the good of putting
the sign of Christ on our forehead and lips, when within we
hide sins and offenses in our soul? When a man who is
guilty of bad thoughts, words, or actions refuses to
his life, but signs himself, his sin is not lessened but increased.
When many men go out to commit theft or adultery, if they
strike their foot they sign themselves, but they do not withdraw
from their evil deed. The miserable men do not know that

they are shutting in demons, rather than excluding them. If a

man endeavors with God's help to reject sins and vices, always
to think is right, he justly puts the sign of the
and do what
cross on his lips, for he tries to do things which merit the

sign of Christ. It is written that

'The kingdom of God is
2 c
not in word, but in power'; and again: faith without works
Therefore, in order that we may bear the name
is dead.'

Christian as a remedy, not unto judgment, let us turn over to

within our power.
good works while the remedies are still
help you may be able
In order that with God's to
do this, keep peace yourself and recall to harmony those who
are at variance. Avoid falsehood, dread perjury as perpetual
death, do not bear false witness or
commit theft. Above all,
as already said above, give alms to the poor according
to be consecrated on the altar;
your means. Present offerings
a man of means should blush to share in the offering
another. Those who can should give candles or oil which can
be put in lamps. Remember the Creed and the Lord's Prayer
it to your children. I do not know
yourself, and teach
he refuses to
what boldness a man says he is a Christian, if

learn the few lines of the Creed and the Lord's Prayer.

2 1 Cor. 4.20.
3 James 2.26.

Remember that you stood as surety before God for the sons

you received in baptism, so always reprove and rebuke those

whom you adopted at the font just as you do those who
were born of you, so that they may live chastely, justly, and
soberly. Do you yourself live in
such a way that, if your
children want to imitate you, they will not burn
with you in
the firebut together with you obtain eternal rewards. Those
who hear cases should decide them justly and not accept
bribes at the expense of the innocent, for gifts blind the
hearts of the wise, and change the words of the just.' Other-
wise, while are
they money, they may lose their
soul. No one obtains unjust profit without a just loss. Where
the gain is, the loss: a gain in the money coffer, but
there is

a loss in the conscience. Let no one get drunk; moreover, no

one should force another to drink more than is proper at
his feast,lest he lose both his own soul and that of his

neighbor through intoxication.

If the unfortunate Jews
(3) Go to church every Sunday.
celebrate the sabbath with such great devotion that they
no work on it, how much more should Christians
devote themselves to God alone on Sunday and go to church

for the sake of the salvation of their soul? When you come
to church, pray for your sins; do not engage in quarrels or
does this when he comes to
provoke scandals. If a man
church, by his arguing he wounds himself
where he might
heal himself by prayer. While you are standing in church, do
not engage in idle conversation but listen patiently to the
divine lessons. If a wants to talk idly in church, he will
have to render an evil account both for himself and others,
because he neither listens to the word of God himself nor
allows others to do so. Pay tithes to the church out of your
little profits. One who has been proud should
be humble;
one who was an adulterer should be chaste. If a man used to
commit theft or attack the property of another, he should

4 Deut. 16.19.

begin to give to the poor out of his own earthly substance.

One who was envious should be kind; the irascible, patient.
If a man has committed an injury he should seek pardon at

once, and likewise immediately forgive one from whom he

has suffered an injury. As soon as some infirmity overtakes
him, a sick man should receive the Body and Blood of Christ,
humbly and devoutly ask the presbyters for blessed oil, and
anoint his body with it. Thus will be fulfilled in him what
we read: 'Is any one among you sick? Let him bring in the
presbyters, and let them pray over him, anointing
him with
oil. And the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the

Lord will raise him up, and if he be in sins, they shall be

brethren, that a man hastens to the
forgiven him.' See to it,

church in infirmity, will merit to receive both bodily

and he
health and the remission of his sins. Since we can find a
doublegood in church, why do miserable men try to bring
numerous evils upon themselves through charmers, fountains,

trees, diabolical phylacteries, sorcerers, soothsayers, seers or

(4) As we already said before, always
admonish your
children and all your household to live chastely, justly, and

soberly. Moreover, arouse

them to good works by example
rather than by words. Above all, wherever you are, whether
at home, on the road, at a banquet, or at an assembly, do
not utter shameful, dissolute words. Rather, continually ad-
monish your neighbors and friends to endeavor to say what
is good and honorable. Otherwise, perhaps, by calumny,
the chorus on the holy festivals, or singing
speech, leading
dissolute, disgraceful songs, they may
be seen to inflict wounds
themselves with their own tongue which should
praising God.
The unfortunate, miserable people who neither
before the
fear nor blush to execute dances and pantomimes
even if they come to church as
very churches of the saints,
because that kind of
Christians, return from it as pagans,

5 James 5.14,15.

dancing has carried over from pagan practice. See what kind
of a Christian a man is if he has come to church to pray, but

neglects prayers and does not blush to utter impious words of

the pagans. Consider, moreover, whether it is right for dis-
solute songs, like poison of the Devil, to proceed from a
Christian's mouth into which Christ's Body enters. Above all,
do to others what you want to suffer from them; do not
treat them
as you are unwilling to be treated by others. If

you will observe this, you can free your souls from all sin,
because even a man who is not learned can and should
remember these two sentences, and with God's help fulfill
them in deed.
(5) Now, I believe that the unfortunate practices which
have remained from the profane customs of the pagans have
under God's inspiration been removed from these places be-
cause of your reproaches. However, if you still know some
people who practice that most sordid and disgraceful
act of
masquerading hags and stags, rebuke them so harshly
as old
that they will repent of having committed the wicked deed.
If, when the moon is darkened, you know
that some people
still shout, admonish them, telling them what a grave sin

they are committing, for in wicked boldness they are con-

fident that by and sorcery they can protect the
their shouts
moon which is darkened at certain times by the Lord's bid-
ding. Moreover, if you still see men fulfilling vows to fountains
or trees, and, as was already said, consulting sorcerers, seers,
or charmers, hanging devilish phylacteries, magic signs, herbs,
or charms on themselves or their family, rebuke them harshly,
telling them that one who does
this evil loses the sacrament

of baptism. Since we have heard that some men and women

are so much deceived by the Devil that they do no work or
weaving on Thursday, we assert before God and His angels
that anyone who wants to do this will be condemned to the
place where the Devil will burn him, unless he corrects his

6 As done in some pagan celebrations on New Year's Day.


grave sin by prolonged hard penance. I do not doubt that

those most unfortunate and miserable people who refuse to
work on Thursday in Jove's honor neither fear nor blush to
do so on Sunday. Therefore, rebuke most harshly those whom
you know do this. If they refuse to amend their life, do not
allow them to have conversation with you or to come to
your banquet. Moreover, if it is
your affair, even whip them
so that they may at least fear physical blows, if they do not
think about the salvation of their soul. As we think of our
danger, dearly beloved, on our part we advise you with
paternal solicitude. If you willingly hear us, you will both
give us joy and arrive happily yourselves at the kingdom. May
He deign to grant this, who, together with the Father and
the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 14


(l\ Your and devotion have given us great joy,


dearly beloved. The more attentively we see you come to

church, the more joyfully we exjilt and give thanks to God
because He deigns to take possession of your heart in such
a way that we derive great joy from your manner of living.
I beseech you to observe in your hearts what you show in
the body. You know, brethren, that all men have the habit
of wanting to show off their new clothes, if possible, or at
least bright ones, when they come to church on the holy
feasts. If a man has an old tunic he procures a new one,
in order that he may go to church well-dressed; if he has
a dirty one he hurries and washes it; if it is torn he tries to
mend it. The purpose is that nothing about him may appear
torn or dirty to human eyes when he goes among men.
What we do with regard to our bodies is good and pleasing,

but you know it is wrong if we do not do the same thing in our

souls.Therefore, just as you fix your body, fix your soul. Do
not let your body wear bright garments in the sight of men
while soul is
your in the of the angels. You fear a
filthy sight
spot on your clothing: see to it that whatever is dirty in
your soul is washed with the tears of repentance. If anything
is black, let it be made white by almsgiving; if anything is
defiled by dissipation, let it be washed clean by chastity. If
it be repaired by good
anything in the soul is broken, let
and if is let it be restored by prayer.
works; anything lost,

It does us no good to adorn ourselves outwardly in various

sins. What
ways if inwardly we soil our soul with many
benefit is derived from adorning the servant and disgracing
the mistress, in other words, in fixing the body and robbing
the soul of good works? Of course we feed the body, although,
whether we will or no, in a few years worms are going to
devour it in the grave. The soul, however, which we look
down upon and despise, is to appear before God and the
Then be really in disgrace, if it has
angels in heaven. it will

by dissipation or avarice. Therefore I beseech you,

defiled itself

brethren, let us think of the salvation of our soul as

as we can. For our body in this world let us keep only what is
sufficient, namely, simple fare and proper clothing.
Let us
entrust whatever will be better and more useful for our soul
to heaven, 'where neither moth nor rust consumes, nor
Indeed, what we keep for our
thieves break in and steal.'

bodies in dissipation in this life we lose either during our

lifetime, or at least immediately after our death.

(2) When you assemble in church, let each one give in

offering to the poor whatever he can. Moreover,

strangers in your dwellings with great kindness; do

what you
can for them, and wash their feet. Above all, visit the sick,
and, if any people are in disagreement, with all your might
recall them to peace and harmony. Thus, at the day of
1 Matt. 6.20.

judgment that desirable word may be addressed to you:

I was hungry, and you gave me to eat,'
and all the rest.
Let no one keep in his heart hatred for his neighbor, but
love, instead, for if a man feels hatred toward even one
person he cannot be at peace with God. A man's prayer is
not heard by God as long as anger is stored up in his soul.
Let that be enough for you, whatever God gives you as the
result of your just labors. Let no one commit theft, or bear
false witness, for it A false witness shall not be
is written:

unpunished.' no one
Let commit adultery, because the

Apostle exclaims: Adulterers will not possess the kingdom

of God.' And further on 'Every sin that a man commits is

outside the body, but fornicators sin against their body.' 5 No

one should do to another what he does not want done to
himself, and he should do to others as he wants done to
himself. One who has vowed virginity to God should, with
His help, keep that promise. Moreover, he should live cau-
tiously and carefully, lest he perish through some unbecoming
familiarity or cause others to do so. Virginity is destroyed in
a moment's time, and it cannot be restored in a hundred
years. A man or woman who wants to marry should observe
virginity until united in marriage. If they are first corrupted,
they come to marriage dead, because as soon as adultery is
committed the soul is strangled and dies. Any men before

they take wives, or girls before they take husbands, whom

the Devil has incited to corrupt themselves before marriage,
afterwards are so held down by the Devil himself that they
can only with difficulty, or not at all, preserve untainted
their chastity.

(3) Above all, give tithes of all your profits to the church
for the clergy and the poor; from the nine-tenths which
remains in your possession, give alms. By this means redeem

2 Matt. 25.35.
3 Prov. 19.5.
4 1 Cor. 6.9,10.

5 Cf. 1 Cor. 6.18.


your sins and prepare for yourself eternal rewards. Accustom

yourself neither to commit perjury nor to swear, because
Scripture says: A man that sweareth much shall be filled
with iniquity: and a scourge shall not depart from his house' ;

while the Lord says: 'Do not swear at all. But let your
' 7
speech be, "Yes, yes; No, no." Do not curse, because the
Apostle says: 'Nor will the evil-tongued possess the kingdom
of God.' Do not slander, for it is written: 'Whoever speaketh

ill to his brother will be
destroyed.' Do not lie to one another,
because The mouth that belieth killeth the soul. Likewise,
be not arrogant toward your parents or neighbors, because
'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.' 11 When
you come to church, present the offering which is to be con-
secrated on the altar. Indeed, there are many devout poor

people who frequently present offerings in church; although

they scarcely have the means to live, still they do not come
without some On the other hand, there are some rich
men who give nothing to the poor, make no offering to the

church, and do not blush to share in the offering presented

by the poor. These men receive judgment rather than a
remedy. Therefore, while there is still time, such people ought
to correct and amend their lives.

(4) I also advise you to destroy all the temples which

you find. Do not make vows to trees or pray to fountains.

Avoid enchanters as poison of the Devil. Do not hang on
yourself and your family diabolical phylacteries, magic letters,
amber charms, and herbs. Whoever does this evil should not
doubt that he has committed a sacrilege. If anyone knows
that near his home there are altars or a temple or profane
trees where religious promises are made, he should be eager

6 Eccii. 23.12.
7 Matt. 5.34,37.
8 I Cor. 6.10.
9 According to the editor, Dom Morin, a free translation of Prov. 20.13.
10 Wisd. 1.11.
11 James 4.6.

to destroy them by pulling or cutting them down. If anyone

fails to do this, on judgment day he will have to render the
whole account for the souls of however many come there and
commit dreadful crimes. Notice, brethren, that we proclaim
in the hearing of God and His
angels: Do not despise your
herald, if you want to escape your Judge. We give you the
advice we have, and may the powerful Lord
deign to instil
it into your hearts, who lives and
reigns with the Father and
the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

Sermon 15



(1) There are many people, dearly beloved, who think

that this alone is sufficient for eternal life, that
they do no
evil. Therefore, all who,
perchance, deceive themselves with
this false assurance should
clearly understand that the mere
avoidance of evil is not enough for any Christian unless he
does as much good as he can. He who said 'Turn from away
evil,' do good/ 1 The Gospel gives us the same
also said 'and
advice in terrible words: 'Every tree that is not bringing
forth good fruit is to be cut down and thrown into the
fire.' It does not say the tree that brings forth evil fruit, but
'that is not bringing forth good fruit.' From this you can
realize what hope the man who does evil will have, since
the one who does no good will be cut down and cast into
the fire. Therefore, the Lord says: 'He who has my com-
mandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me'; and:
1 Ps. 33.15.
2 Matt. 3.10.

'What does it avail that you call me, "Lord, Lord/' and do
not practise the things that I say?'

(2) Someone may

say: Although I have given nothing
of my possessions, have not taken the goods of another;
I will be secure on the day of judgment. Listen carefully,
and do not deceive yourself with false assurance. What did
the Lord say? 'When the Son of Man shall come in his
majesty, before him will be gathered all the nations, and he
will separate them one from another, as the shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats. Then he will say to those on his
right hand, "Come, blessed, take possession of the kingdom;
for I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and

you gave me to drink." But to those on his left hand he will

say, "Depart from me, accursed ones, into everlasting fire;

for I was hungry and you did not give me to eat, I was
Carefully heed what He
thirsty and you gave me
no drink."
said. He
does not say: Come, ye blessed, take possession of
the kingdom because you did not take the goods of another,
but because you gave alms of your possessions. Likewise, He
will not say to those on His left: Depart from me, accursed
ones, into everlasting fire because you cheated another, but
because you did not give of your earthly substance to the
poor. I beseech you, brethren, carefully note that sentence
and, as I have advised, retain it in your memory. If one who
has not given his wealth to the poor is cast into the fire,
where do you think the man who attacks the property of
another by fraud will be cast? If the man who has not
clothed the naked is thrown into the fire, imagine the fate
of one who has robbed clothing. Therefore, I would like the
man who believes it is sufficient not to have done evil, even
if he has done no
good, to tell me whether he would like to
be treated by his servant the way he treats his Lord? Is he
willing to have his servant do no good at all, as well as no

3 John 14.21; Luke 6.46.

4 Matt. 25.31,32,34,35,41,42.

wrong? We all desire our servants not only to avoid the

evil we forbid, but also to fulfill the good we command. Now,
although your servant will be seriously guilty if he steals
your animals, he will not be without fault if he wills to care
for them but negligently. It is not right that we do to our
Lord what we are unwilling to suffer from our servant. We
have not created our slaves nor do we feed them as with our
substance, but God both created and feeds us; nevertheless,
we want the servants we have not created to obey us with
great diligence. Therefore, it is just that we who exercise
dominion over our subjects should recognize our legitimate
Lord. We have mentioned all this, brethren, in order that
we may realize from the example of our servants that it is
not enough for us to avoid evil if we are unwilling to do good.
(3) Those who think it sufficient for them to
avoid evil

usually say: If only I would merit to be found at the day

of my was when I went forth from the
death the same as I

sacrament of baptism! Indeed, it is a fine thing for a man

to be found cleansed from all evil on the day of judgment,
but it is he has not progressed in good works.
a grave wrong if

To be as he was when he went from the sacrament of

baptism is sufficient only for the
man who departs from this
life immediately after receiving the sacrament,
for he has

not had time to perform good works. However, for the man

who has had a lifetime, and a to be able to do

long one,
without he also wills to be
good, it is not enough to be
evil if

without good works. I would like to question the man who

wants to be found at his death the same as he was the time
he merited to receive the sacrament of baptism (although it
from evil, still it is a grave
is good to be always cleansed
If he has planted a vine in
wrong not to advance in virtue).
his field, would he want it to be the same after ten years as
it was the day he planted it? If he has planted an olive tree,
let us see whether it would please him if after several years it

is the same as when he

it. If a son is born to him,

let him consider whether he wants him after five years to

continue in the smallness and ageof infancy. Since no one

is pleased with such things, just
as a man grieves over a
vineyard or olive tree or son that shows no growth, so he
should grieve if he recognizes that he has made no progress

since the time he was reborn in Christ. We ought to know most

surely that just as we want
our possessions, whether in flocks
or fruits of the field, to and grow in good qualities, so
our God doubtless desires and expects of us that as His own
should bear grapes rather
special vine the Christian people
than thorns. Then there will not be said of it what you often

sing in the canticle: 'I planted a vineyard, and I looked that

it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.'
Since, as the Apostle says, although we were
wild olives we
were grafted into the good olive tree, we should with God's
so that we may say with the
help persist in good works,
as a fruitful olive tree in the house of the
Prophet: 'But I, 6
Lord, have hoped in the mercy of my God.'
Therefore, I implore what we mentioned above,
sufficient for him to
brethren, that none of you think it
avoid evil. With all the strength he has, each one should
turn aside from evil in order that he may do good, and hear
the Lord say in the Gospel: 'What does it avail that you
call me, "Lord, Lord," and do not practise the things
I say?' and: you love me, keep my commandments.'
well what
Through the goodness of God you know very
Christ commanded in the Gospel: 'Love your enemies, do
who hate so that you may be children of
good to those you,
moreover: 'nevertheless give alms; and behold,
your Father';
all things are clean to you.' Let us also hear blessed James
freely proclaim on this subject:
Tor just as the body without
5 Isa. 5.2.
6 Ps. 51.10.
7 Luke 6.46; John 14.15.
8 Matt. 5.44,45.
9 Luke 11.41.

the soul dead, so faith also without works is dead.'

Therefore, with all our strength, dearly beloved, let us do

what is good; let us not be satisfied to be as we were at the
time we received the sacrament of baptism. By baptism we
were freed from all evils, but with God's grace we ought to
be filled with all virtues by a good life. If we rely on the
sacrament of baptism alone, without good works, the unclean
spirit who was driven out of us by the grace of Christ may
return. Then, when he finds us without good works, he may
bring with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself,
and our last state will become worse than our first. Therefore,
dearly beloved, in conformity with your usual pious custom
willingly accept these words and reflect upon them rather
carefully. If you do not trust in faith alone but also in good
works, you will be able to refrain from evil deeds in such a
way that with Christ's help you may continually exercise
yourself in good works. Then you will happily merit to hear
with joy and exultation that blessed, desirable word: 'Come,
blessed, take possession of the kingdom which was prepared
for you from the foundation of the world.' May He deign
to grant this, who lives and reigns world without end. Amen*

Sermon 16


1 ) We rejoice, dearly beloved, and give thanks to God,
because in accordance with our desires we have deserved to
find you safe and sound. Truly, brethren, a father justly and

rightly rejoices whenever he finds his sons

in bodily health
and devout fear of God. Moreover, because the divine pity

10 James 2.26.
11 Matt. 25.34.

has now
given us a twofold joy in your
and our well-being, it
is our duty to suggest to your charity whatever pertains
to the
to de-
progress of your souls. It is imperative, dearly beloved,
sire with the mind's whole effort to seek or realize why
we are

Christians,and why we wear the cross of Christ on our fore-

heads. Know and understand, brethren, that we have not be-
come Christians only in order that we may be solicitous for life.
Thus, the Apostle says: 'If only in view we have
with this life
had hope in Christ, we are of all men the most to be pitied.'
Anyone who thinks of nothing but this life is like the
and flocks. For what do animals seek except eating, drinking,
wantonness, and sleep? Like them are men who think more
of their bodies than of their souls, who prefer gluttony and
chastity and justice. You ought
to to know,
that we have become Christians in order to think
always of the future life and an eternal reward. We are to
labor more for the soul than for the body, because the body
will be ours in the world for only a few years, while the

soul, if we live well, will reign forever in heaven. If,

(though God forbid it!), we perform evil works and strive

more for bodily pleasure than the salvation of our souls, I fear
that when good Christians along with the angels receive
eternal life we (heaven forbid!) will be cast into hell

(2) It is not enough for us, brethren, that we have

received the name of Christian, if we do not perform good
works. Indeed, to be called a Christian is profitable for one
who loves chastity, avoids drunkenness, detests pride, and

repels envy as the poison of the Devil. That man is really a

Christian who does not commit theft, does not bear false
witness, neither nor forswears, nor commits adultery.

Such a man comes

to church quite frequently, and does not

enjoy his profits without first giving something to God. Every

year he gives tithes to be spent for the poor, pays respect to his
priests, and loves all men as himself, with hatred for none.

1 1 Cor. 15.19.

Not only is such a

person a good Christian, but Christ
Himself dwells in him, so that he fears deceitful values and
false measures as a sword of the Devil. He is a good Christian

who, when he comes to church, presents the offering which

placed on the altar, and according to his means extends to
the poor either a piece of silver or a morsel of bread. He
welcomes strangers in his home, washes the feet of his guests,
not only fails to stir up quarrels, but even recalls the discordant

to harmony. Moreover, he bestows honor and the love of

true charity upon his parents and elders. By the example of
his pious life and by spoken advice he teaches his sons and

neighbors to live purely and prudently. That man is a good

Christian who, as often as the sacred feasts come around, in
order that he may receive Holy Communion more serenely,
observes chastity with his wife during the few preceding days,
that he may presume to approach the Lord's altar with a
free and serene conscience because of his chaste body and
pure heart.He himself remembers the Creed and the Lord's
Prayer, and he also teaches his sons and daughters faithfully
to keep them in mind.

(3) Behold, brethren, you have heard the qualities of

good Christians. Therefore, let us strive as much as we can,
with God's help, that the name of Christian may not be
false in us and the sacraments of Christ suffer no injury. Let

us, instead, always think of Christian works in our hearts

and fulfill them in deed. Truly, what kind of a Christian is he
who scarcely ever comes to church and, when he does come,
does not stand in the church to pray for his sins but makes
excuses or stirs up quarrels and strife? Moreover, if there is

an opportunity he drinks to excess, and when he has become

drunk gets up like a madman or maniac to dance in a
devilish manner, to pantomine, and to sing disgraceful, di&-

solute, love songs. Such a man does not hesitate to commit

theft, or fear to commit adultery, bear false witness, curse,
or commit perjury. Whoever perform such actions, whether

men or receive the name of Christian and the sacra-

ment of baptism, not as a remedy, but to their own judgment.
Unless these people do penance, they will perish forever.
(4) Behold, brethren,
we are showing you the qualities
imitate those whom
of good Christians and of bad. Therefore,
you see are good; those whom you
are evil, reprimand,

and rebuke them so that you may have a double

reward for your own progress and their amendment. May
and gentle,
those, then, who are good, chaste, sober, humble,
in their good works; may those
persevere with God's help
who do evil correct themselves at once before their souls
from this life. If die without repentance they do
not enter into life,
From this punish-
but are cast into death.
ment may the good Lord deign to free us, who, together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without
end. Amen.

Sermon 17



(1) We bless our God, dearly beloved,

and render
abundant thanks to Him because in accordance with our
desires we have merited to find you safe and sound. Indeed,
He is a kind Lord who knows the secrets of the heart and
realizes that we experience no greater joy in this world than
when we know that both in heart and in body you are
healthy and perfect in the fear and love of Christ. Thus,
be sure, the Apostle spoke: This is our joy and our crown,
if you stand Moreover, because we ought
fast in the Lord.'
to rejoice more over the salvation of a soul than over bodily

1 Phil. 4.1.

health, let us talk about eternal happiness so far as the Lord

(2) When the Gospel was read a little while ago, our
conscience trembled violently and our whole heart was shaken
with excessive fear. Although the reward of the just afforded
us consolation, still, because we know our negligences, the
punishment of sinners instilled a great fear in us. For we
heard the Lord say concerning Himself: 'When the Son of
Man shall come in his majesty, he will sit on the throne of
his glory; and before him will be gathered all the nations,
and he will separate them one from another, as the shepherd
separates the sheep from the goats; and he will set the sheep
on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then he will say
to those who will stand on his right hand, "Come, blessed
of my Father, take possession of the kingdom which was

prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I

was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me to drink." But to those who will be on his left hand
he will say, "Depart from me, accursed ones, into the ever-
lasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you did not give me to eat, I was
thirsty and you gave me no drink." And later He says:

'These will go into everlasting punishment, but the just into

everlasting life.'

(3) Who would not tremble violently at these words,

dearly beloved? Whose conscience does not feel an intolerable
jolt? I say truly, brethren, that anyone who does not awaken
at such thunder is evidently not
asleep, but dead. Indeed,
we have heard the irrevocable sentences: the one which the
never to depart from heaven; and the other
just will hear,
which sinners will hear, never to leave hell. However, the
kind and merciful Lord did not utter these sentences to lead
us to despair, but to make us watchful and careful. Since He
2 Matt. 25.31-35, 41-42.
3 Matt. 25.46.

willed to warn us before the lapse of so many years, He wants

to find us ready See, indeed, how He wants
when He comes.
to move you as He exclaims: Look out! Anyone who wants
to aim an arrow at another does not shout to him Look out : !

A man wants to shoot an arrow in such a way that the one

who to be struck not it except when he is unable
is may
to avoid death. An ordinarily wicked, hostile man does this,

but God, who is and kind, is not like that. Since the
beginning of the world He has stretched out the bow of His

power, and still He has never

aimed an arrow.
(4) However, we should not be without anxiety, dearly
beloved, because we know that He is keeping His patience
for such a long time. The fact that such great things happen
in the world and He still does not avenge them indicates
patience, not carelessness. God has not lost His power, but
preserving us for repentance. Yet, the longer
He awaits
your amendment, the harsher will be your punishment if

you refuse to amend. God indeed holds the sword, and He

wishes to strike sin; we, on the contrary, defend our sins
because we love them. Thus, we who should be the accusers
of our sins become their defenders. Truly, dearly beloved,
God does not want to kill the sinner, but his sin. Like a good
doctor He wants to strike the disease, not the person who is

ill. But, worse, we often despise the doctor and love

what is

our sickness: we love our sin and despise God. Sin, indeed,
is like this, a dragon, a viper; but concerning the Lord it is

written: Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk: and
thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon.' We,
on the other hand, embrace our sins like lions and dragons.
But our God, who wants to punish sin and save the sinner,
daily exclaims to man: Cast off your sin from you and without
you it will die. If you refuse tothrow aside your sin you will
perish with it, for sin cannot go unpunished. God wants to
kill sin, not to strike the sinner.

4 Ps. 90.13.

(5) God exclaims to you: Cast off your sin from you. For
I madeyou, but you yourself made your sin. Indeed, I do
not want to kill you whom I made, but the sin which
made yourself. I am willing to free you
from your captivity
and to kill your enemy; I want to drive
away your sickness,
to rescue you who are ill. You,
however, love and embrace
your sin: that which might have perished without you is
going to perish with you. Because you might have received
heaven if your sin had perished, by keeping it you will suffer
eternal punishment. What greater kindness could be conceived
or described, dearly beloved, than that of our Lord God?
Before the lapse of so many years He
deigns to warn us what
we should seek after, what avoid. The Lord has willed to
reveal to the whole world the sentence which will be
on judgment day.

*Sermon 18



( While we admonish you rather frequently concerning

1 )

good works, we know that some of us are disinclined to

justice and almsgiving, but are disposed to dissipation or
avarice. We
almost suspect that such people do not have any
fear of a future judgment.
Truly, brethren, when we see
careless, tepid Christians neither avoiding sin nor providing
eternal rewards for themselves
by good works, what remains
but to suppose that they do not believe rewards will be
to the good and punishments meted out to the wicked
by the
just judgment of God? Indeed, brethren, we realize that a
man in truth fears His judgment, if we see him engaged in
good works. However, if men do not try to perform good
works and if they pretend not to have time for
reading or

prayer, what advantage is it to them that they claim faith in

words, when they are proved to destroy the truth by their
deeds? The Apostle James says: 'What will it profit, my breth-
ren, if a man says he has faith, but does not have works? Can
the faith save him? And if a brother or a sister be naked and in
want and one of you say to them, "Go in
of daily food,

peace, be warmed and filled," yet you do not give them

what is necessary for the body, what will it profit? So faith
too, unless it has works, is dead in itself.' Now, the Lord
speaks to such men, rebuking all their infidelity: incredulous O
men, if you do not believe what I have promised, consider
what I have done. Heaven and earth did not exist; I spoke,
and they were made. You, to whom I have given promises,
did not exist, and you were created. Did I make you when
you did not exist, only to deceive you now that you live?

Therefore, listen to what I say, and believe you will receive

what have promised.

(2) It is a weak, sickly, perfidious, cowardly, disconnected,

paralyzing, mean, disagreeable thought that closes the gates of
the mind when daily sins are thought to be passing. One
passes away today, another will pass tomorrow, and again
another the next day. You keep on adding to tomorrow and
another tomorrow but neglect to be converted, and do you
not fear that sudden death may overtake you? Are not men
suddenly carried off in death? Why do you see to it that you
put off doing penance and neglect to seek divine mercy? In
truth, you say: Conversion is a good thing. If it is good, let
it be done at once. If it is a
good thing to accept quickly, is it
bad to accept now? Tell me, why do you admit it is a good
thing but do not hasten to receive it? Perhaps you will tell me:
God has made me secure. How did He do that? Because it is
written: 'On what day soever the sinner and the unjust is
converted, all his iniquities I shall
forget.' Behold when God
James 2.14-17.
2 Cf. Ezech. 18.21,22.

made me had ten sins, today

secure. Yesterday I fifteen,
perhaps twenty tomorrow. Since what the Lord said is true,
whenever I am converted He and
will forget all my past sins
my iniquities. Why
all do you frighten me? God has promised
me pardon, and will you make me despair? I cannot deny that
God promised this; why, then, will you not be converted
today? Because, if I am converted later, He has promised to
forgive me more then just as He would less today. O your
security !
Certainly you made me secure. I see that by God's
word pardon is indeed promised to you; but who promised
you tomorrow? Therefore, let each one be converted to God

as He says: 'Be ye converted, seek God; and when you have

found him, let the wicked forsake his way. 53 Be converted,
you who hope presumptuously.
(3) There are two vices of the human race, whereby some
men perish through hope and others through despair. Now,
it is no wonder that a man perishes
through despair, but it
is more marvelous that he does so by hope. For this reason

let us see and briefly consider who is lost by hope, who

through despair, and what remedy God offers to them both.

A man perishes from despair when he says: I know my evil
deeds, I realize my crimes; how can it be that God will
forgive me for what I have done? He perishes by despair
when he says: What is the good of what you say? I will do
now whatever I can: I will lose whatever I fail to do. God
will condemn me for one sin just as well as for many; so, if
I will not have that life, I do not want to lose this one. So,

why should I not follow my wishes? Why not fulfill my

passions? This man is lost through despair. Another man fears
the abyss of despair and begins to perish through hope. How?
In the way I mentioned a little while ago. Whenever I am
converted, he God says, to forgive me everything; I
hope in His mercy, because He will pardon me all. He post-
pones it from day to day, and suddenly the final day of his
3 Isa. 55.6,7.

death comes; the deferring is

gone, and damnation remains.
(4) Scriptures speak to both classes. You would
perish through despair? Listen to the Lord say 'I desire not :

the death of the wicked, as much as that he be converted

and live.' You wished to die? Return and live. If God wanted
you to perish, He would
take you away when you were
sinning. Since you have sinned so much and still live, you
are invited to repentance. These words God speaks to you if

you despair: I desire not the death of the wicked.' Even if

you want your death, I do not. You did not make yourself,
but by despair you have perished, God, however, created
you when you did not exist, afterwards sought you when you
were lost, found you through the Blood of His Son, and
redeemed you. He Himself exclaims to you Return from the :

abyss of despair. Return, because I desire not the death of

the wicked, as much as that he be converted and live/ You
have begun to return from the abyss of despair, but now
stand as though in the middle path; I do not want you to go
in the opposite direction. Do not lose confidence through

despair over your sins, but do not trust in a longer life.

Therefore, be converted. Tomorrow I shall be converted, he
says. Why not today? What is the matter with tomorrow?
Rather, what is
wrong with today? I know that my life will be
a long one. I am sure God did not promise that to you. Did
an astrologer perhaps promise you a long life, looking for
someone to perish with him?
(5) I grant your life will be long.
Finally, then, I say:
If it is be a good one; if it be short, let it also be
long, let it
good. Now, who would tolerate a long bad lunch? You do
not want one, nor do you want to have a long bad dinner;
do you want to have a long bad life? However, men have so
little regard for their life that they refuse to have
bad but it. Our life is our business; our reputation belongs to
others. If you buy a country estate, you look for a good one.

4 Ezech. 18.32.

You want to marry, so you choose a good wife. When you wish
sons to be born to you, you desire good ones. Lastly, to speak
of the commonest things, if you buy shoes, you do not want
bad ones. Yet you love a bad life? Why does your life, which
is the only thing you want to be bad, offend you, with the
result that among everything good you alone are bad?

(6) However, tell me, brother, do you know how long

you are going to live? Or, when you read that you will receive
pardon you amend your life, do you also read anywhere

there that a long life is promised to you? Did you, perchance,

make an agreement with death? I grant that you will live a

hundred years, and even add ten times a hundred. What will
profit? Adam himself, if he were still living today, would
have lived few years, because they all had to come to an end.
Therefore, be corrected, be ready, and you will not fear the
last day as a thief who will enter your house when you are
asleep. Therefore, listen, you who wanted to perish through
despair. Listen to Scripture whenever you
want to do so

For it says: l desire not the death of the wicked, as

much as that he be converted and live.' If you have been
converted from despair, listen in such a way that you may
return from perverse hope and be established in good hope.
Hear what Lord says 5 to you if you hope wrongly and
not to be converted
procrastinate from day to day: 'Delay
to God, and defer it not from day to day.' These are God's
words, not mine. You have not heard them from me,

along with you I hear: 'Delay not to

be converted to God/
You, however, reply: Tomorrow, tomorrow. crow-like O
word Just as the raven sent out from
the ark did not return,
and has now grown old and says: Cras, eras. It is a crow-like
voice: a white head, but a black heart. Cras, eras, is the voice
of the crow. The raven did not return to the ark; the dove
did. Therefore, let the noise of the crow perish, let
the sigh

of the dove be present. The one who advises you exclaims:

5 Eccli. 5.8,9.

'Delay not to be converted to God, and defer it not from

day to day. For his wrath shall come on a sudden, and in
the time of vengeance he will destroy thee.'

(7) Now, if we
upon these truths with great fear
and solicitude, dearly beloved, and with God's help turn our
souls to the healing of repentance and the remedies of alms-

giving, we will happily come before the tribunal of Christ to

be crowned, not condemned with the help of our Lord Jesus

Christ, to whom is glory and might for ever and ever. Amen.

Sermon 19


1 )
Dearly beloved, I bless God who has deigned to give
me opportunity of deserving to see your charity. For a

long time I had been yearning to meet you, but the various
needs of the times did not allow the fulfillment of desire my
until now. With God's help I rejoice at the sight of you,
especially because I have merited to find you safe and sound.
For this reason we suggest what I must say and you should
willingly hear concerning the salvation of your soul, so that
you may always realize that you are Christians and wear the
sign of Christ on your forehead, because we have not been
made for the misfortunes of this world but for eternal hap-
piness. Therefore, let us think thus of earthly advantages, so
that we may labor all the more for the salvation of our souls.
Our body, indeed, will be ours only a few years in this world;
our we live purely and justly, will after the resurrection
soul, if
always be with the angels in heaven and will reign forever
with Christ. Let us hasten, then, to do as much good as we
can, so that we may happily deserve to reach that eternal land.
(2) Since capital crimes that is, murder, adultery, theft,

and bearing false witness not only throw men out of heaven
but even cast them into hell, let us repair the rest of our

daily sins, which are neverlacking, by constant almsgiving

and forgiveness of our enemies who may have sinned against
us. anyone commits an injury, let him immediately ask

pardon of the person he has injured. Likewise, the one who

has been wronged should immediately forgive, in order that
we may safely say in the Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive us, O Lord,
our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.' 1 Let each one come
to church with an alms according to his means. If someone
cannot give more, let him at least give a piece of silver to a
poor man. Whoever can should give new clothes to the poor;
whoever cannot, should at least give something old. Should
thisbe impossible, a man should give bread to the hungry, so
that he may deserve to hear what was said in the Gospel:
'Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom;
for I was hungry and you gave me to eat; I was naked and
you covered me.' Above all, receive strangers, wash the
feet of your guests. Moreover, possess peace yourselves, and
recall to harmony those whom you know are enemies or dis-

cordant. Let the very little profits which by God's gift you
will derive from your just labors be enough for you. Let not
one of you keep envy toward another in his heart, for it is
c 3
written: By the envy of the devil death came into the world/
No one, then, should superabound in gain, lest, perchance,
while he is acquiring earthly substance he might lose his soul.
Let no one bear false witness, for it is written: A false witness

shall not be unpunished. Let no one feel hatred, for it is
written: 'Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer.
No one should curse another, because it is written: The
1 Matt. 6.12.

2 Matt. 25.34-36.
3 Wisd. 2.24.
4 Prov. 19.5.
5 1 John 3.15.

the kingdom of God. 'Let no
evil-tongued will not possess
in a because this is a serious
one overreach anyone matter/
When pronounce a
(3) you hear cases, just judgment.
not accept bribes at the expense of the innocent, lest, per-
in exchange for such
chance, you incur the loss of your soul
a gain. Refuse false, deceitful measures as the poison of the

Devil. As the sacred feasts approach, observe chastity with

your wives for several days preceding, so that you may

conscience. When
approach the Lord's altar with a peaceful
or offense. Do
you come to church, do not provoke quarrels
not drink to the point of drunkenness. Do not sing dissolute
it is not proper that devilish
songs for dancing, because
words be uttered by your mouth into which the Eucharistic
Christ has entered. While standing in church, devoutly pray
for your sins and listen in silence and quiet to the divine
lessons which are read. Do not talk uselessly in church, because
a person who is willing to be occupied with idle gossip incurs
guilt for himself and others when he neither listens himself to
God's teaching nor permits others to do so. Above
all, give

tithes ofyour profits to the church,

for that
it is
just God who
has given you everything should receive one-tenth in alms for
the poor. He has said: 'As long as you did it for one of the
least of these, did it for me.'
you You yourselves learn
especially the Creed
and Lord's Prayer, and teach them to
your children. Indeed, Ido not know whether a person should
even be called a Christian if he neglects to learn the few

words of the Creed. Perhaps someone will say that he cannot

remember it. How great is the misery of the human race, if
both men and women can learn dissolute songs, and do not
blush to say them to their own and others' sin, but their
conscience cannot learn these few words !

6 1 Cor. 6.10.

7 Cf. I Thess. 4.6.

8 Matt. 25.40.

(4) When you come to church, present the offering which

is to be consecrated on the altar. If a man has the means
and makes no offering, with what feelings will he dare to
share in the offering which the poor have given? Above all,

pay respect to your priests. Do not speak ill of one another,

for it is written: 'Whosoever speaketh ill will be removed
from the land of the living.' 9 Let no one under any persuasion
worship before an idol or drink to those things which are
sacrificed to idols. A man who
baptized ought to avoid
what is
profane. one No
should dare to marry his aunt or
cousin or his wife's sister, for it would be wrong for us to

perish through evil dissipation arising from diabolical pleasure.

Let no one in any sickness dare to summon or question sorcer-
ers or seersor magicians in wicked pleasure. No one should
hang phylacteries or charms on themselves or their possessions.
If anyone does this evil, he destroys the effect of the sacrament
of baptism, unless repentance saves him. Let no one dare to
observe ritual in Jove's honor on Thursday by not performing
any work. I beseech you, brethren, that no man or woman
ever do this, lest the Lord judge him to be among pagans
rather than among Christians. For such a person in a sac-

rilegiousmanner transfers to Jove's day what ought to be

observed on Sunday.
(5) Further, as often as some infirmity comes upon a
man, he should hurry back to the church. Let him receive
the Body and Blood of Christ, be anointed by the presbyters
with consecrated oil, and ask these presbyters and deacons to
pray over him in Christ's
name. If he does this, he will
receive not only bodily health, but also the forgiveness of
sins. Thus the Lord Himself deigned to promise through the
'Is any one among you sick? Let him
Apostle James, saying:
of the church, and let them pray over
bring in the presbyters

9 Prov. 20.13.
10 James 5.14,15.

him, anointing him with oil. And the prayer will save the
sick man, and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him.'
then, should a man kill his soul with sorcerers and
seers,enchanters and diabolical phylacteries, when he can
heal both his soul and his body by the prayer of the priest
and consecrated oil? Bodily sickness is related to health of
heart, and God scourges in this world those whom He loves.

Even health returns rather slowly to the infirm, let us not


murmur against God, but give thanks to Him. He deigns so

to chastise us sickness in this world, in order that He
the future Many are sick
give us eternal rewards in
without harm to themselves, for, while they are well in body,
they do not cease to think about robberies and riotous living,
but as often as we are ill we do penance more, give alms, and
attain to eternal rewards. Therefore, whether health comes to
the sick quickly or slowly, us always be grateful, because

He knows what is
necessary for us when it is better for us to
be sick and when healthy. Presuming upon your kindness,
in accord with my
give this advice to all your daughters,
fatherly solicitude: that no woman take medicine for purposes
of abortion, or her children after they are conceived or

born. However many children she conceives, let her nurse

them herself or give them to others for support. As many as
she kills, of so many she will be the guilty murderess on the

day of judgment.
(6) Dearly beloved, always remember what belongs to
God, and keep that lesson ever in your heart and mind. Thus
you will deserve to receive eternal rewards in the future life
for it, and to hear on judgment day the words: 'Come, blessed
of my Father, take possession of the kingdom which was
u with
prepared for you from the foundation of the world' :
the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and

power for ever and ever. Amen.

U Matt. 25.34.

*Sermon 20



exhort you, my children, and I admonish you with
1 ) I

paternal devotion to think more carefully of the salvation of

your soul, fearing what is written: The burdens of the world

have made them miserable.' 1 Let us get rid of everything
contrary, I beseech you, before the scourge is changed into
a sword. Let the king enter his bedroom, that is, let Christ
enter your heart. Let the bridegroom have an open approach
to his bride; that is, let Christ have one to your souls. Let us
receive Him into the bedroom of our heart, so that He may
receive us into the happiness of His kingdom. The Apostles,
who were models of religious observance, invite us to follow
and imitate them. They summon us, on the condition that
we may reign with them in heaven if we suffer with them on
earth. They were not separated from Christ by torments; we
are separated from Him by idle gossip or detraction. They did
not yield to dangers, but we are overcome by pleasures. In
order to begin following Christ they despised all their own
goods. They were generous with their own wealth;
we are
avaricious in what does not belong to us. Let us omit the

contrary things that are not ours, and let us follow

what is ours. Let it not be annoying for us to hear with
good will what is profitable. If we live by the spirit, let

clingto the of Christ.

footsteps If we follow Him, Christ

ought to appear in our actions, for every

tree is known by
its fruit. Therefore, weplease God if we do the things of the

spirit. But,if we seek the things of the body, we cannot please

(2) Do not deceive yourself, brother; I do not wish that

1 The source of this quotation is unknown.


you be led astray by feigned and false justice. The kingdom

of God is not in name, but in virtue. Something great cannot
be acquired without labor. I do not know how a negligent
soul can come to Christ who is in heaven when, instead, he
follows a leader who was thrown out of heaven. Since both
we ourselves and our possessions belong to Him, why do we
not serve Christ in such a way that we may in no way serve
the Devil? Why are we not so good that we cannot be at all
evil? Why not so fair that we may be in no way abominable?

Why not so healthy that we may be not at all weak? Can

He who gave us life be unable to give us nourishment now?
Or can He not grant us a tunic, since He made our body?
We fail in obedience to God more than He does in favors
toward us. He has more to rebuke in me than I have to
grieve over in Him. The reader shouts, the priest preaches,
the deacon proclaims silent teaching; we still murmur about
calumnies and strifes. The fist strikes the breast in such a way
that not even in church does the hand rest from the injustice
of evil. What
the benefit of striking your breast if you do

not reject the sins which are shut up inside? It does not
profit a man to be punished for his sins if he returns to them
again. If are always performing the actions of a man,
when do we intend to do the things of God? And, what is
worse, there aremany people who rejoice in the titles of the
just ofand
Christians, but are not just before the eyes of the
Lord* Many are called holy in comparison with those who are
worse, but every man
be at once what he is called
will not

by men, but what he proved by God; not what he is


established as in name, but what he is felt in conscience.

How many seem to be [innocent] of seizing what belongs to
another, not because they do not wish, but because they
cannot. . In them is found that crow-like voice: Cras,

eras tomorrow I shall be converted. God does not seek

2 There is a lacuna in the text here. The editors supply 'innocent/ as

it seems tobe justified by the context.

procrastination in the voice of a crow, but confession in the

coo of a dove.
(3) Someone will say: I am
young, a long time of life
still remains for me. When Ireach mature age, then it will
be necessary for me to think about fear of my Lord. Of
course I intend to return to Him sometime. This life is not
mine. I lost the life I had received, and was acquired by

the Blood of my Lord. Since I have been bought at a great

price, I cannot do my own will. He who deserved everything
did not have a place to rest His head; I desire everything,
although nothing is due to me. How can a rich man become
a soldier in that land where the poor man is commander?
Why is it that our fathers were so solicitious, while we are
so secure? They were in tears, so. that they might arrive at
joy; we, on the contrary, live in joy, with the result that we
will attain to tears. I do not know how we will be like them
in heaven, for we appear unlike them in all respects on earth:
different in actions, different in food, different in clothing,
and different in thought. They lived in hunger, we in luxury;

they in cold, we in heat; they in hair-cloth, we in finery.

Although great, our old people proved their faith by holy
works; are innocent in words, they were in virtue. How-
ever, no one is innocent in the sight of God, except the man
who is pure of heart. In His presence no one is just unless he
fulfills His commands, not only loving hjs neighbor but
wholeheartedly loving his enemy. God expects to find inno-
cence and justice in* a man both interiorly and exteriorly.
Come to the Lord with both your heart and your body. Let
before His wrath receives
piety summon you to His service,
you into punishment. Moreover, when you daily say: Today
is ended, tomorrow I shall be living, do you not know how

suddenly God's wrath comes?

(4) Do not delay to be converted
to the Lord, brethren,
for there are some who plan for conversion but postpone it.
We confess our faith to no purpose; they always do so with

Now, it is easy to say: I know God, I believe in Him,

I love Him, I fear Him, I serve Him. A man does not know

Him if he fails to believe in Him. He does not believe in

Him if he does not love Him. He does not love Him if he
does not fear Him, He does not fear Him if he does not
Him and he does not serve Him if
serve ;
he despises Him in

many things. The kingdom of God is within you/ pro-

claims the Lord. The arms of the Gospel are not burdensome,
but light, to those who are willing. Therefore realize, brother,
that the kingdom of God does not consist in name only, but
in virtue. So, be simple, pure, and strong in faith like

holy Abraham, that you may fulfill all of God's

Through the intercession of the saints may He deign to
remove perversity entirely
from us, so that we may be engaged
in worldly actions only for the sake of food and clothing.

Thus, the greater part of our life will remain in which we

can seek what is profitable eternally for our souls by devoting
ourselves to reading and prayer. May our Lord Himself deign
to grant this, who, together with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

*Sermon 21



(1) We are admonished in both the Old and the New

Testament, dearly beloved, how we should observe perfect

charity. Our Lord Himself said in

the Gospel: Thou shalt

3 Luke 17.21.

love thy neighbor as thyself.' For this reason let us discourse
for a little while on the love of one man for another, since the
affections of men are perverse. If a man loves himself per-
versely, he also loves his neighbor perversely; if he loves
himself correctly, he also loves another correctly. There are,
indeed, shameful, abominable loves; for example, the affec-
tions of adulterers, seducers, or the impure. All laws, both
human and divine, detest evil affections; so, remove unlawful
ones and let us seek those that are lawful.
(2) Licit love arises from marriage, although this is still

carnal, foryou see that it is common to the herds.

sparrows which sing have mates and make nests; they hatch
eggs and nourish their young. Although this lawful love clearly
exists in men, you see that it is carnal. The second kind of
love that of one's children, but this, too, is still carnal.
is A
person who loves his children is not worthy of praise, but one
who does not is certainly detestable. Am
I to praise as great

in a man what I see in a tiger? Serpents love their young;

so lions and wolves. Therefore, do not think it a great
are still
thing that you love your sons; in this affection you
would be
compared to serpents; so, if you did not love, you
I am now speaking of honorable
surpassed by the snakes.
loves,for I have excluded those which are shameful Another
kind of love, that of seems peculiar to men, if not
habitual. However, the love which extends beyond kindred
if a man
is greater than that which is held between them, for,

loves his he still loves

his own blood. He should
love others who are not his kindred, even adopting the

stranger; then his love

is much more extensive. It increases

so much that it goes from spouse to children, from


to relations, from kindred to strangers, from strangers to

reach this point, it has many
enemies. However, that it may
(3) Therefore consider what I wiU say concerning fnend-

1 Matt. 22.39.

There are friends excepting the friendship which

should not even be called that because it arises from an evil
conscience: there are men who commit evil together and
seem to be united thus because joined by an evil conscience
but excepting this abominable friendship, there is a kind which
is still carnal. Because of the habit of living together, speaking

together, a man may

and associating
become sad if he is
deserted by the friend with whom he was
accustomed to
speak and associate. together, walk
Two men may come
with each other for several days and then no longer wish to
be separated. Now, this pleasure of friendship is certainly
it further because we are seeking the steps
fine; let us discuss
whether we have arrived at friendship such
of love. Let us see
as I mentioned. This friendship is one of habit, not of reason,
and the herds have it, too. Two horses eat together and
long for each other. If some day the one should go ahead,
the other hurries after, as though desiring his friend. He is

with difficulty guided by a rider, and until he arrives urges

ahead upon his own impulse. He settles down when he reaches
the one who went ahead; he carried his burden, but was

urged on by the weight of love; then he came as if to his

own place, and stopped. This friendship of habit still exists

in herds; let us rise higher than this. There is another higher

type of friendship which belongs to reason, not habit, whereby
we love a man because of faith and a mutual friendly dis-
position in this mortal life. Whatever we find higher than
this is divine. If a man begins to love God, he will love

nothing in man except Him.

(4) Now, your charity first see how spontaneous the

love of friendship ought to be. You should not possess or

love a friend in order that he may give you something. If

you do love him so he will give you money or some temporal

advantage, you do not love him, but what he offers. friend A
must be loved without recompense, for himself and not for
anything else. If, then, the rule of friendship urges you to

love without return, how must God be loved without reward,

since He orders you to love men? Nothing is more agreeable
than God. In a man there are things which offend, but
through friendship you force yourself to tolerate what is
displeasing in aman on account of friendship. Since, then,
you should not destroy friendship with a man because of
things which can be tolerated, by what things should friend-
ship with God be compelled to be dissolved by you? You
will find nothing more agreeable than
God, for in Him there
is nothing to offend you, provided you do not offend Him.
There is
nothing finer, nothing sweeter than God. Now you
are going to tell me: I do not see Him; how am I to love one
whom I do not see? Behold how you may learn to love one
whom you do not see. I will show you how you may try to
see what you cannot behold with these eyes. See, now, you
love a friend; what do you love in him? You love him without

any return. Perhaps that friend of yours, to omit other facts,

is an old man; for you can have an old man as a friend.
What do you love in the old man? A crooked body, a white
head, the wrinkles on his forehead, his drawn jaw? If it is
the body which you see, compared with old age nothing is
so ugly; yet you love something, even if you do not love the

body which you see because it is ugly. How do you see what
you love? For if I were to ask you: Why do you love? you
would answer me: The man is faithful. Therefore, you love
fidelity. If you love fidelity, God
is seen with the same eyes

with which fidelity is perceived. For this reason begin to

love God, and you will love man for His sake.
(5) Listen to a great testimony. The Devil certainly

the accuser of the saints. Since in the presence of such a

Judge he cannot force Him to make a mistake, he is unable

to bring false charges against us. He knows to whom he is
he cannot say anything false against
talking. Therefore, since
us, he looks for something true to say. For
this reason, our

Adversary, who envies us the kingdom of heaven and does


not want us to be there where he was thrown down, says:

'Doth Job worship God in vain'? We are urged by our

of reward, for, when

Adversary to worship God without hope
he was looking for something to accuse, he thought he had
found something great when he said: 'Doth Job worship

God in vain?' He did not see Job's heart, but only his riches.
We ought to be careful not to love God for the sake of a

reward. What reward is there for which you are going to love
God? What kind of a reward is it that God will give you?

Whatever else He gives is always less than Himself. You do

not worship spontaneously in order that you may receive
something from Him. Worship
Him without hope of return
and you will receive Himself, because God is reserving Himself
love what He made, what
for you to enjoy. Now, if you
must He be who made it? If the world is beautiful, what
must be the Author of the world? Therefore, tear your heart
to the
away from the love of creatures so that you may cling
Creator, and then you may say what is
written in the psalm:
*But good for me to adhere to my God.'
it is

(6) Now, if you desert the One who made you and love

the things He made, by this desertion you are an adulterer.

Thus the Epistle of James pr6claims calling men adulterers.

Why adulterers? You ask why? 'Adulterers,' he says, do you

not know that the friendship of this world is enmity with
God? Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of this world
becomes an enemy of God.' He explained why he said
'adulterers.' The soul that deserts its Creator to love a creature
is an adulterer. Nothing is more chaste or more delightful than

love of Him; if He abandoned and another embraced, you


become unclean. O soul, in order that you may be worthy of

His embrace, let go of those other things and cling to Him
without expectation of reward. Then it is that the Psalmist

2 Job 1,9.
3 Ps. 72.28.
4 James 4,4.

3 c

says: But it is
good for me to adhere to my God.' In the
previous verse he spoke thus: Thou hast destroyed all them
that are disloyal to thee.' Then, as if he would show what
is, good for me to adhere to
he added : 'But it is

my God. I desire
nothing but Him; to cling to Him is

my good, my good without any hope of return. For this reason

grace is so named, because it
certainly is gratis. Therefore,
when you have begun to love God spontaneously, there is
reason for assurance that you love your friend thus and that,
moreover, you love him so that with you he may love God.
Notice that ordinary friendship with which we began, and
note, too, the progress we have made through it. husband A
loves his wife, and the wife her husband; doubtless, he wants
her to be well and she him. She wants to keep him safe and
happy. In addition, she loves him because she herself wants
to be safe and happy; what she wishes for herself she also
desires for him. She loves her children; in fact, who wants
to have her children anything but well? She loves a friend,
and who wants a friend to be anything but safe? For this
reason, if anything happens to him she trembles with fear,
becomes sad, is disturbed, and hurries so it will not happen;
if it does, she loudly bewails it. What does she want, then?

To have him well Therefore, everyone wants the


object of his affection to be well, only he understands what


true well-being is, he will begin to love it in himself and be

compelled to love it also in his friend.
(7) If you are looking for God with bodily eyes, behold
the three children freed from fire; if you seek Him with the
fire. The one
eyes of faith, see the Machabees crowned in
kind of safety is to be loved; the other, enjoyed. The latter
must be used, for it is transitory. What doctors call well-being,
brethren, is not the true kind. We
are soothed in a way, but
sickness is perpetual in the frailty of our flesh. Do you think a
man is sick when he has a fever and is well when he is hungry?
5 Ps. 72.27,28.

He is well,said. Do you want to see how great an evil

it is

it is to
hunger? Leave him without medicine for seven days,
and he dies; but, because you daily supply a remedy, he
lives. Now, the remedy for hunger is food; for thirst, drink;

for weariness, rest; for sitting too much, walking around;

for excessive walking, sitting down; for fatigue, sleep; for too
much sleep, staying awake. Now, consider how weak the
human body is; if a man makes use of the assistance I
mentioned and continues to do so, he becomes weak. Hunger-
ing, you sought the help of
food. Here is the food. You eat
and are refreshed; the more you are refreshed, the weaker
you become. You were looking for assistance in thirst; if you
drink much, you who were bothered by thirst are choked
from drinking a great deal. You have become tired from
walking and want to sit down; sit down forever, and see
whether you will not grow weary. Therefore, no matter what
a man applies for the purpose of driving away something else,
if he continues in it he grows weak.
(8) What kind of well-being is this, brethren, if it is

transitory, frail, perishable, and empty? Truly, as it is said:

Tor what is your life? It is a mist that appears for a little


He who in this life loves his soul loses it;

and he who hates his soul in this world keeps it unto life
everlasting.' What is life you
everlasting? True well-being. If
see the friend you loved in this world in order that he
be well, love him now because of that well-being which is
eternal since you now long for it. Moreover, whatever you
wish to give your friend now wish to give for this purpose, that
he may possess salvation with you. For you love justice and
you want him to be just; you love to be near God and want
him to be there, too; you love eternal life, and desire him to
reign there with you forever. You see that enemy of yours
persecuting you; the fact that he does so is wrong. You
6 James 4.15.
7 Cf. John 12.25.

should temper your anger toward him, for he has a fever in

his soul. Now, a friend in the world loves a man like his
own life and wants to drive a fever from this friend whom
he loves like himself for the sake of present health. Thus,
you should love whomever you do for the sake of eternal life.
When you find anger, indignation, hatred, or iniquity in him,

try to drive out this disease of the soul as a worldly friend

removes bodily disease. Indeed, love him for this very purpose,
to make him what you and there will be perfect charity
in you. If you discover
love your spouse, your child, your

relative, your neighbor, the stranger, your enemy, for this

same purpose, and you will have perfect charity. If this is
true, you conquer the world, and the prince of this world is
driven away. You have heard what the Lord said: 8 'The
prince of the world has been cast out,' because He was to
suffer and through His passion bring love to men; 'Greater
love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his
friends.' Therefore, He first loved us in order that He might
be loved in return; He died first for all men so that no one
might fear to die in His name. He cast out the Devil in order
that He might build up charity in the hearts of men. Out
where? Out of the hearts of men. Ambition brought him in,
so charity threw him out.

(9) As we very carefully think over the steps of charity

mentioned above, brethren, let us not return evil for good to
the Lord. By His coming Christ fettered the strong one, that
is, the Devil, and removed from his power all of us who were

his vessels. Now that we have been cleansed from all evil by
His grace, let us strive to be filled with all virtues, fearing
what the Lord Himself said: 'When the unclean spirit has
gone out of a man, he roams through waterless places in
search of a resting place and finds none. Returning after this
and finding the house which he had left empty, he takes with
him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and the last
8 John 12.31; 15.13.

state of that man becomes worse than the first.' 9 Therefore, in

order that we may not suffer such a fate, let us labor as much
as we can to introduce virtues in place of our vices, so that
we may be able to obtain God's mercy.

Sermon 22


we could
present ourselves more frequently to your

charity, dearly beloved, with Christ's help we could infuse

into your pious souls, if not abundant rivulets, at least tiny

drops from the copious fountains of sacred Scripture. Thus,

the fertile and fruitful soil of your heart might receive the
rain of the word of God, and so produce a rich harvest of
good works* Then, at His coming, the Lord would rejoice to
find in the field of your heart not only thirty-, but even

sixty-fold fruits, and one hundred-fold, and with these fruits

He might prepare a storehouse in heaven, not a fire in hell.
However, since we are impeded by many occupations, even
though we cannot present our humility to you as you would
wish, with God's help we wish to instil in you something
brief by a sermon, yet sufficiently long for the
advantage of
souk And in this brief message, if you attend diligently, you
can discover what is advantageous for your soul. What is
this brief but
long thing that can satisfy man? The Apostle
tells us: 'The purpose of this
charge is charity from a pure
heart and a good conscience and faith 1
unfeigned.' Notice,
brethren. What can be found shorter in words yet more noble
in action than charity from a pure heart, and a good con-
9 Cf. Luke II. 24,26.

1 1 Tim. 1.5.

science, and an unfeigned faith? This brief word is pleasant,

so that you will remember it; it is sweet, that you may
devoutly preserve it. What is sweeter than charity, dearly
beloved? If anyone does not know it, he should taste it and

see.What, then, should a man taste if he wants to perceive

the sweetness of charity? Listen, brethren, to the Apostle
when he says: c God is love.' 2 What is sweeter, brethren? If
anyone does not know it, let him hear the Psalmist say:
O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet.'
Therefore, 'God is
love/ so that, if a man possesses charity, God abides in him
and he in God.
(2) If you possess charity, you have God; and if you
have God, what do you not possess? If a rich man does not
have charity, what does he have? If a poor man has charity,
what does he lack? Perhaps you think that he is a rich man
whose coffers are full of gold, and he is not rich whose
conscience is full of God, That isnot true, brethren. A man
really seems to be rich, if God deigns to dwell in him. Now,
what can you be ignorant of in the Scriptures if charity,
that is, God, begins to take possession of you? What good
works can you fail to perform, if you deserve to carry the
fountain of good works in your heart? What adversary will
you fear, if you merit the possession of God, your King, within
you? Therefore, dearly beloved, keep and preserve the sweet
and salutary bond of charity. Above all, observe true charity,
not the kind that is spoken only with the lips and is not kept
in the heart, but that which is uttered with the mouth and

continually preserved in the heart.

Thus may be fulfilled in
us what the Apostle says: 'Being rooted and grounded in
4 all good things, so
love.' Now, just as charity
is the root of
'Covetousness is the root of all evils.' As there can never

2 1 John 4.8.
3 Ps. 33.9.
4 Eph. 3.17.
5 1 Tim. 6.10.

be anything evil in charity, so nothing good can ever be

found in the desire for money.
are planted in two fields by two
(3) These two roots
farmers, dearly beloved. Christ plants the one in the hearts
of the
of the good; the Devil plants the other in the hearts
bad. No evil from the root of charity, and no good
from that of avarice. The Gospel speaks the truth when these
two roots are mentioned and described as follows: 'Every

tree bears but the bad tree bears bad fruit ;

good good fruit,
a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad
tree bear good fruit.' This thought is not mine, brethren, but

there be such an abundance of charity in

the Lord's. May
you that extends to your enemies as well as to your friends,

for, truly, the son of charity loves his enemies in accord with
the Lord's command. Now, since you have heard the praise
of charity and the reproach of avarice, let each one take
of his heart. If a man perceives
thought and consider the field
rejoice and with all
in he should the vigilance
charity himself,
of his heart preserve its holy sprouts. However, if he discovers
with Christ's
any shoot of avarice in the field of his heart,
help he should root it out and implant charity. As long as a
forth good
man unwilling to do this, he cannot bring

fruit.Moreover, since he does not produce good fruit, the

Lord says of him in the Gospel: 'Every tree that does not
bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.' If it
does not please you to bring forth the sweet fruits of charity,
should you not fear the fire because of the thorns of your
not bear good fruit is cut down and
sins? 'Every tree that does
thrown into the As long as you do not change the root

you cannot produce right fruit. Therefore, to no purpose

you promise what is good with your lips, for you cannot
fulfill it as long as the root of goodness is not kept in your
heart. Thus, the two farmers are wont to plant those two
roots, as we mentioned above. Christ plants one in the hearts

6 Matt. 7.17-19.

of the faithful; the Devil plants the other in the hearts of the

proud. Thus, one is planted in heaven; the other, in hell.

(4) But someone says: If it is planted in the hearts of
the faithful, surely the faithful seem to be still in the world;
how, then, is that root planted in heaven? Do you want to
know how? The hearts of the faithful are heaven, for they
are daily lifted up there when the priest says: 'Lift up your
hearts.' Then they all reply We have lifted them up to the

Lord'; in the words of the Apostle: 'but our citizenship is
in heaven.' if the
Therefore, citizenship of the faithful is in
heaven, when true charity is in them the root of charity is

planted in heaven. On
the contrary, the root of avarice which
is in the hearts of the
proud is planted in hell, because these
men always desire earthly possessions, incline toward them,
love them, and place all their hope in the earth.
(5) Although this is true, proud sinners should not
despair nor the humble just glory in anything as though by
their own merits. If the just presume, they quickly lose the
root of charity; while if sinners are converted to repentance

and uproot avarice, they immediately receive the grafting of

charity. Therefore, the good should preserve what they have
received through God's gift, and the wicked should strive to
recover what they have unhappily lost. No one should defer
the performance of penance and the obtaining of sweet
charity until the time when he begins to leave this life. He
should not reserve himself for this, as though he will have
recourse to the remedy of repentance in his old age, because
he does not know 'What the day to come may bring forth.'
With what boldness does he put off his salvation to old age,
when he cannot be certain of the space of one day? Therefore,
if we do not want to fear death, we should always be ready.

Then, when the Lord bids us come from this world we may
7 These are words of the priest before the Preface of the Mass and the
response thcieto.
8 Phil. 3.20.
9 Prov. 27.1.

come before the sight of the eternal Judge with a clear and
free conscience; not with despair, but with joy. There we
will happily be able to hear: 'Well done, good and faithful

servant; because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I

will set thee over many; enter into the joy of thy master.'

May the Lord who lives and reigns in His goodness bring
us to this joy.

Sermon 23



( 1 ) This fact, especially, makes us mention so frequently

the value of true charity, dearly beloved, the fact that it is
the special and peculiar command of the Lord Himself.
Truly, nothing sweeter can be imagined, and with God's
help nothing easier or more fruitful can be done. This is true
in our soul if the will does not introduce something evil, for
then iniquity does not know where to find a place; moreover,
if 'Covetousness is the root of all evils' does not apply there,
charity, the root of all virtues, cannot be lacking. The first
and eminent reason for divine mercy is because charity itself
is diffused by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of all Christians
in such a way they wish they can continually observe
that if

it and unceasingly be satiated with its sweetness. Now, con-

traries are wont to be cured by contraries, and nothing is so
adverse and contrary to charity, which is the foundation of
all virtues, as avarice, which is the root of all evils. Since both

10 Matt. 2531.

1 1 Tim. 6.10.

of these cannot exist together truly, sweetness- is incompatible

with bitterness, light with darkness, and life with death
whoever recognizes the domination of the root of avarice in
himself should implore God's aid to
uproot ambition and
implant charity. If anyone does this, he will fulfill all of God's
precepts with joy and exultation. As often as some bitterness
of the world comes upon him, the sweetness of
charity does
not allow it to overpower him; true charity instils the delights
of all the heavenly goods in such a way that it makes him
bear patiently the bitterness of earthly things. The second
reason is that. the burden of charity is so light that it usually
does not weigh a person down but lifts him up. One who
wishes to observe with Christ's help, as he learns it from

Him, will not feel any weariness from hastening on foot or

working with his hands, nor will he toil in carrying heavy
burdens on his shoulders. As long as a man exercises himself
in difficult works with an affection of charity, the sweetness
of his love does not allow him to labor, because what is
burdensome for one who does not love is sweet and light for
a lover.
(2) Let each one keep a good will and love all men as
himself. Moreover, he should want others to be treated as he
himself wishes to be treated by them. He should pray for the
good that they be protected by the Lord; for the mediocre,
that they may become better; for the wicked, that they may
quickly be corrected. In all sinners he should hate their vices
rather than the men themselves, and, like good doctors, hate
the disease but not the sick person. One who hates the
individuals rather than their vices in the case of sinners or
enemies wants them either to be punished in the present life
or burned in eternal fire in the world to come. How damnable
and detestable this practice is, your pious charity clearly
knows. Good Christians, however, want all their enemies to
be corrected rather than lost, and in unspeakable kindness
endeavor to curse neither those nor any others according to

what is written: 'Nor will the evil-tongued possess the king-

dom ot God. 52 A man should never swear, because it is
A man that sweareth much shall be filled with
iniquity: not depart from his house.'
and a scourge shall
What is said about a scourge not departing from his house is
to be understood, not of his earthly home, but of his soul
which is the temple of God. A
man should also never lie,
because we read: The mouth that belieth killeth the soul'
e 5
and thou wilt destroy all that speak a lie.' Justice should be
exercised according to the words, 'Blessed are they that keep

judgment and do justice at all times.'

A man should hasten
to observe chastity with his whole heart, because chastity
makes men like the angels. All these facts which I have
mentioned are short so that they can be remembered, and
are so sweet and delightful that with God's help they should
be fulfilled in deed.
(3) all these works of true and perfect
Realize that in
charity, as we have said, nothing is to be done with the
hands or feet, so no one can attempt to excuse himself because
of impossibility or infirmity. Since avarice is more distasteful
than every bitterness and charity is more delightful than any
sweetness, why do men want to carry the hard and harsh
yoke of avarice at the cost of such great perils and labors,
and shake off from their necks the sweet burden and light
yoke of Christ? In reply to what I have suggested to your
charity, no one can offer any kind of a plausible excuse by
saying he cannot It is not said to him
fulfill it. Fast more :

than you can, keep vigils more than you are able; it is not
imposed upon him that he should abstain from wine or
meat, if the infirmity of his body does not allow it. Moreover,
2 1 Cor. 6.10.
3 Eccli. 23.12.
4 Wisd. 1.11.
5 Ps. 5.7.
6 Ps. 105.3.

if he cannot be perfect he is not compelled to sell all his

possessions and
give to the poor; and if he is unable to remain
a virgin he is not forced to the point of not being permitted
to marry. In all these matters which pertain to
physical fatigue
no Christian is coerced contrary to his will. One who can
fulfillthem should thank God; one who cannot, should
practice true charity and in this he will have all things.
Without those good works which were mentioned above,
charity sufficient for a man, but all those good works without

charity cannot benefit him at all. I am saying all this again

and again, dearly beloved, so that you may recognize more
fully that no one can excuse himself for inability to fulfill
God's commands. Even if he tries to excuse himself of those
things in which the body labors, he cannot allege that with
God's help he cannot perform any of those things in which
the virtue of the soul consists; especially charity, which con-
tains all virtues. Therefore, one who refuses to observe true

charity finds nothing to attribute to others, but only to himself.

(4) For this reason, dearly beloved, keep the sweet and
salutary bond of charity, without which the rich man is poor,
and with which the poor man is rich. If a rich man does
not possess charity, what does he have? If a poor man has
charity, what does he not possess? If, as John the Evangelist
says: God is love,' what can the poor man lack if through
c 7

charity he deserves to possess God? On the contrary, how

can earthly wealth profit the rich man if he does not merit
to possess Him? Therefore, love and observe charity, dearly
beloved, for without it no one will ever see God. Do not
deceive yourselves without charity, even if you have per-
formed all the other good works; rather, fear what is written:
'Whoever keeps the whole Law, but offends in one point, has
become guilty in all.' 8 What is this one point, except true and
perfect charity? Concerning it the Apostle says again: The
7 1 John 4.8.
8 James 2.10.

whole Law is fulfilled in one word in you: Thou shalt love

thy neighbor as thyself.' Thatall other works without charity
avail nothing is freely proclaimed by the Apostle: lf I dis-
tribute all goods to feed the poor, and if I deliver
my body my
to be burned, yet do not have charity, it profits me nothing.'
Since it is true charity which loves all men, if a man recognizes
that he harbors hatred for even one person, he should hasten
to throw out this bitter gall in order that he may merit to
receive in himself sweet charity. Indeed, neither fasts nor

vigils nor prayers nor alms nor faith nor virginity

can help
a man without charity. The Apostle advises us concerning
this virtue when he says: 'Being rooted and grounded in
love.' Since charity is the root of all virtues, it is most clearly
understood that just as a beautiful, delightful tree that is full
of flowers and fruits loses its beauty if it has not a living root,
so the Christian who shows the presence of other good works
as though on his branches, but presumes on them without
charity and refuses to have that root of charity, will remain
barren without any fruit.

(5) True charity is patient in adversities, moderate in

prosperity. It is strong in difficult sufferings, cheerful in good
works, very secure in temptation, most pleasant among true
brothers, exceedingly patient among the false, innocent in
the midst of treachery, groaning amid wickedness, breathing
freely in the presence of truth; chaste in Susanna toward her
husband, in Anna after her husband's death, and in Mary
beside her husband; humble in the obedience of Peter, free
in the convictions of Paul; human in the confession of the

Christians, divine in the forgiveness of Christ. True charity,

dearly beloved, is the soul of all the Scriptures, the excellence
of prophecy, the support of knowledge, the fruit of faith, the
riches of the poor, the life of the dying. Therefore, faithfully

9 Gal. 5.14.
10 1 Cor. 13.3.

11 Eph. 3.17.

preserve it, love it with your whole heart and all the strength
of your soul,
continually adhere to it, for it is delightful and
more pleasant than all sweetness. Its
company does not entail
bitterness, its conversation bears no deceit. If you are willing
to observe
wholeheartedly, it will make you joyfully fulfill

God's commands in this life and obtain eternal rewards in

the world to come. May He
deign to grant this, who, together
with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, lives and world reigns
without end. Amen.

*Sermon 24



can learn clearly how we should love each other,
dearly beloved, from the health and sickness of our bodily
members. If we are willing to love each other as the members
of our body love each other, perfect charity can be preserved
in us. Consider and see what happens physically in us: how
all members rejoice when the head is well, and all the
other members are pleased with each one individually. Con-
versely, if one member suffers some injury, all the members
suffer with it. Behold, the foot has a thorn. Now, what is
farther from the
eyes than the foot? It is far away in position,
yet very close in the affection of its charity. A
thorn pricks and
affects a very small area on the foot, but see how all the
members turn to it. First the back bends down, and all the
members devote themselves to it. Do the eyes stop looking?
Do the ears cease listening? Perhaps those who see where it

is say: Behold, there it is.

Immediately, the ears hear this
and follow the advice; the eyes look, and the hands work
there. As I said, the whole body is bent to it, and nothing
in man fails to help. The wound is only in the foot, but
everything in man working. Was everything pricked? Notice.

Does everything suffer pain? The hand is sound, the eyes,

the head, all the other members, even the foot itself is
pain is felt only where it is pricked. Therefore, not all the
members experienced a common calamity, but through sym-
pathetic charity all come to help and all want to give aid.
Thus is fulfilled what the Apostle says: lf one member
suffers, all the members suffer with it, or if one member
glories, all the members rejoice with it.'
(2) What then? Someone possesses the gift of God in
virtues.You do not have it; do not envy, lest you be cut off
from the body. See, brethren: one who envies is like a wound
or ulcer or abscess. Are you unwilling to rejoice with one
who has been glorified? The heavenly Physician sees in you
the disease of envy, and He will cut you off from the body,
so do not envy. What should you do? Rejoice. Do not say
in your mind: If I were a Christian and really belonged to
God I could do what another is doing. That is as if the ear
would say: If I belonged to the body I could see the sun
and the moon. Neither the ear nor the hand has that faculty,
but each one does what it can and all the members serve
each other in harmony. Therefore, do you also rejoice with
the man to whom God has given some special grace, for you
can do in him what you are unable to do yourself. Perhaps
that man has virginity; love him, and it is yours. Again, you

may have greater patience; if he loves you, it is his. Another

can keep long vigils; if you do not envy him, his zeal is yours.
Perhaps you can fast more; if he loves you, your fasting is
his. For this reason you
possess certain qualities in another;
you are not thus in your own right, but by charity*
1 1 Cor. 12.26.

(3) Consider, brethren, and see the example of our Lord,

who made us pilgrims and commanded us to reach the
heavenly City by running along the path of charity* Can
anyone say that the Lord was sick here? What does it mean
when He says: 'I was sick, and you did not visit me'? What
does it mean, except what they themselves confess: 'When
did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or in
prison, and did not minister to thee?' Although He sits in
heaven, He suffers with His toiling members, because He is
the head of the members and of the whole body: 'As long
as you did not do it for one of my least ones, you did not do
it for me.'Moreover, He was certainly in heaven when He
made the preacher Paul out of the persecutor. He had com-
passion and incorporated him into His whole body when He
said: 'Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute me?' 3 Was Saul,

then, persecuting Him in heaven? What does it mean: 'Why

does thou persecute me?' Saul was persecuting the Christians;
was he persecuting Christ who was sitting in heaven? Because
He was in the Christians, suffering with all the members,
what He says was true 'If one member suffers, all the mem-

bers suffer with it.' So, why does He say: 'Saul, Saul, why
dost thou persecute me?' Certainly I now am in heaven;
however, when you persecute My least members you persecute
Me, for I still suffer persecution in My members.
(4) Notice, brethren, what we ourselves often do. Observe
that when people are standing and there is a crowd, if some-
one steps on another's foot the tongue says: You are stepping
on me. Was it stepped on? Why, then, does it shout: You are

stepping on me? The other might reply: You are free, O

tongue, you keep your words in your mouth; if I stepped on
you, was on your foot. No, you stepped on me, charity

says. You stepped on me, says the compassion

of unity and the
bond of association. As I began to say, all the envious who

2 Matt. 25.43-45.
3 Acts 9.4.

rejoice in the tribulations of others, especially of their enemies,

should realize that they are decayed, separated, dead members
and thus without any feeling. When they abandon the other
members they have no feeling, because they are without sense.
Our sense is one faith, brethren; our health is united charity.
Let us keep faith like a sense, and let us hold on to charity
like health. Although different members have different gifts,
they should all be held in unity of charity, for all deserve to
follow the Head. Our Head is in heaven; let us strive here
to carry one another's burdens, for all the members are to

go where the Head has gone. Certainly you heard us say a

little while ago that the Lord exclaimed from heaven: 'Saul,

Saul, dost thou persecute me?'

(5) ask you, brethren, if our Lord and Saviour who

committed no sin deigned to love us sinners with so much

affection thatHe asserts He suffers whatever we suffer, why
do not we who are not without sin and who could redeem
our sins by charity love with such a perfect love? Then, if
anyone sustains an injury we would suffer with him in loving
charity, while we would accept the good of another as though
we ourselves received it, and we would so rejoice, thanking
God on behalf of the one who received it. Behold, as we said,
someone suffers tribulation or a loss. If you grieve for him,

you belong to the body of the Church; if you do not, you are
cut off. For if charity, which unites and vivifies all the mem-
bers of the Church, sees you rejoice at the misfortune of
another, immediately cut you off from the body.
it will

Therefore, perhaps you do not now grieve because you have

been cut off; if you were there, doubtless you would feel sad.

Reflect, brethren, and carefully notice that as long as a

member belongs to the body it can grieve; as soon as it is
it can neither
cut off, grieve nor experience any feeling.
Indeed, if a hand or some other member is cut off from the
body, that hand feels nothing even if the entire body is later
divided into many parts, because it has been separated and

disjoined from the rest of the members. Such is the condition of

the Christian who not only does not
grieve, but, what is worse,
perhaps even rejoices over the losses or afflictions or even the
death of another. Because he is far removed from the
body, he
does not keep sympathetic love in his heart. However, if we
want to observe true and perfect charity, let us strive to love all
men as ourselves. Then, since Christ is our Head and we have
deserved to be His members, when He appears in His glory,
if we in harmonious charity like His true and
perfect members
love all men as ourselves without any deceitful malice or envy,
we will merit to appear with Him in glory.

Sermon 25




When the Gospel was read just now, we heard our
Lord and Saviour say: 'Blessed are the merciful, for they
shall obtain mercy. Sweet is the word mercy, dearly beloved;
and if the mere name, how much more so the reality?
Although all men desire to possess it, what is worse, not all
live in such a way as to deserve it, for all want to receive it
but few are willing to grant it. O man, with what feelings do
you want to find what you neglect to give? If a man desires
to obtain mercy in heaven, he should bestow it in this world.

Therefore, since all want mercy, dearly beloved, let us make

her our patron in this life so that she may free us in the
lifeto come. Mercy abides in heaven, but it is reached by
the exercise of it on earth. Thus the Scriptures tell us: 'O
Lord, thy mercy is in heaven. There is, then, both an earthly

1 Matt 5.7.
2 Ps. 35.6.

and a heavenly mercy, the one human and the other divine.
What human mercy? It is to care for the miseries of the

poor. And what is divine mercy? Doubtless, it is that which

grants forgiveness of sins. Whatever human mercy gives on
the way, divine mercy repays in the heavenly country. In
this world God is cold and hungry in the person of all his

poor, for He said: 'As long as you did it for one of these,

the least of rny brethren, you did it for me.' Therefore, God
who deigns to give from heaven wants to receive on earth.
What kind of creatures are we if we want to take when God
gives, but are unwilling to give when He asks it? If a poor
man hungers, Christ is in need, as He Himself said:
I was
hungry, and you did not give me to eat.' Do
not, then, despise
the miseries of the poor, if you want to hope for the forgiveness
of your sins without anxiety. Christ hungers now, brethren,
for in the person of all the poor He Himself deigns to hunger
and thirst; moreover, He repays in heaven whatever He
receives earth. I ask you, brethren, what do you desire
or seek when you come to church? What, except mercy?
Therefore, grant earthly mercy and you will receive the
heavenly. The poor man asks something of you, and you ask
of God; he seeks a mouthful, you want eternal life. Give to
the poor, in order that you may merit to receive from Christ;
listen to Him say: 'Give, and it shall be given to you.' 4 I do
not know with what feelings you want to receive what you
are unwilling to give. Therefore, when you come to church
offer alms of some kind to the poor in proportion to your
means. One who can should bring silver; if he cannot, let
him give wine. If a man does not even possess this, he might
give a mouthful to the hungry; if he has not the whole, some
portion. Thus may be fulfilled the Lord's admonition
through the Prophet: 'Deal thy bread to the hungry.' He
3 Matt. 25.40,42.
4 Luke 6.38.
5 Isa. 58.7.

did not say: Give all, lest perhaps you might become poor
and have nothing more to give.

(2) If we carefully heed the fact that Christ hungers in

the person of the poor, brethren, it will be profitable for us.
God allowed poor people to be in the world in order that
every man might have the means of redeeming his sins. If
there were no poor, no one would give alms and no one would
receive pardon. God could have made all men rich, but He
wanted to assist us through the misery of the poor. Thus,
the poor by patience and the rich by almsgiving may merit
the grace of God. Truly, the want of the poor is of service
to us. Finally, if you wisely understand and carefully weigh
the balance of your heart, what you receive from the poor
incomparably greater than what you give. Listen and see:
a coin and a kingdom. What comparison is there, brother?
You give the poor a coin and receive a kingdom from Christ;
you bestow a mouthful and are given eternal life; you offer
clothes andChrist grants you the forgiveness of your sins.
Therefore, let us not despise the poor, brethren, but let us
desire them all the more and of our own accord hasten to
lavish ourselves upon them. The misery of the poor is the
remedy of the rich, as the Lord said: 'Nevertheless, give alms;

and behold, all things are clean to you and later: 'sell what
you have and give alms. Moreover, the Holy Spirit exclaims
through the Prophet: As water quencheth a fire, so
and again: 'shut alms in the heart of
destroyeth sins ; up 57
the poor, and it shall obtain help for thee against all evil.

Therefore, let us exercise mercy, brethren, and with Christ's

as we mentioned above in
help keep the bond of His care 5

the words: 'Give, and it shall be given to you and again: ;

'blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.' In

proportion to his means, each

one should endeavor not to
come to church empty-handed, for if he desires to receive he

6 Luke 11.41; 12.33.

7 Eccli. 3.33; 29.15.

should also give something. If a man can, he should cover

the poor with new clothes; if he cannot, he should offer
old. If a person feels incapable of this, he should extend a
mouthful or welcome a stranger, give him a bed, and wash

his feet. Thus he may deserve to hear from Christ: Come,

blessed, take possession of the kingdom; for I was hungry

and you gave me to eat, I was a stranger and you took me in.'

No one be able to excuse himself from giving alms, dearly


beloved, because Christ has promised a reward for a cup of

cold water.
(3) As I have frequently mentioned, there are two kinds
of alms: the one good, but the other better; the one that you
extend a mouthful to the poor; the other that you immediately
forgive a brother who has offended you. With the Lord's
help let us hasten to fulfill both types, in order that we may
be able to obtain eternal forgiveness and the true mercy of
Christ. He Himself has told us: 'If you forgive, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you your offenses; but if you do not
forgive, neither will your Father forgive you your offenses.'
At another time the Holy Spirit exclaims: 'Man to man
reserveth anger, and doth he seek remedy of God? He hath
no mercy on a man like himself, and doth he ask mercy of
God?' 10 Likewise, blessed John says: 'He who hates his
brother is a murderer'; and again: 'he who hates his brother
is in the darkness, and walks in the darkness, and he does
not know whither he goes; because the darkness has blinded
his eyes/ Therefore, dearly beloved, in order that we may
be able to avoid eternal evils and obtain perpetual
things, let us hasten as much as we can and as long as we
live, both to possess ourselves and to impart to others the two
kinds of alms which I mentioned above. Then we may be
8 Matt. 25.3435.
9 Matt. 6.14-15.
10 Ct Ecdi. 28.3-5.
11 1 John 3.15; 2.11.

able to say with assurance on judgment day: Give, O Lord,

because we have given; we have done what You commanded,
do You fulfill
May He deign to grant
what You promised.
this, who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives
and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 26



(1) When the Gospel was read, dearly beloved, among

the rest of the beatitudes which divine goodness grants to
men, or, rather, to good men, we heard the Lord preach the
rewards of mercy. Thus He spoke: 'Blessed are the merciful,
5 1
for they shall obtain mercy ; in another place: 'judgment is
without mercy to him who has not shown mercy ; 2 and again
C 3
we read: I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' The Psalmist
likewise asserts: 'Acceptable is the man that sheweth mercy
and lendeth. The
just shall be in everlasting remembrance:
he shall not fear the evil hearing.' Surely, dearly beloved,

you have heard the commendations and praise of mercy.

Desire and long forit, seek it, and when you find it hold on

to world that it may not despise you in the

tightly in this

man, beloved brethren, hopes that when

life to come. Every

he comes to the day of judgment he will find mercy there.

Now, if we all desire it, if all men want to find mercy in
the future, let us make
our patron in this life that it

may deign to welcome and defend us in the future. If we

at us in its own?
despise it in our land, how can it deign to look

1 Matt. 5.7.
2 James 2.13.
3 Matt. 12.7.
4 Ps. 111.5,7.

(2) Every man who knows he is going to plead his case

before an earthly judge, dearly beloved, seeks useful witnesses
for himself and tries to provide skilled advocates. Thus a man

prepares himself when he is going to plead his case before

a judge whom he can circumvent, surprise, or deceive, avert
from justice by eloquent arguments, perhaps corrupt by
bribes, or pervert by false praise and fictitious flattery. If a
man so prepares himself to plead his case before man, how
much more should we do, then, since we are going to plead
our case before the eternal Judge who knows not
only our
actions but even our words; nay, even our
thoughts and the
secrets of our hearts? He does not need any witness nor does
He seek arguments, for to His eyes: 'All
things are naked
and open.' Since we are about to plead our cases before such
a judge, let us make mercy our
patron, so that it may deign to
plead our case and even intercede on our behalf. As we read
in the Psalms: *O Lord, thy mercy is in heaven.' 6 There is
the mercy which is attained by
mercy on earth. Therefore,
dearly beloved, let us hasten while we can to make
mercy our patron in this world. Let us endeavor to love it
as much as we can, and to
pay it worthy honor. Let it be our
advocate and our patron, as I said above.
May it deign to
plead our case before the tribunal of the eternal Judge, inter-
cede for us itself, and present us to the eternal
Judge. If it
comes there with us, it will defend us
against the Devil's
accusations and lead us to eternal bliss.
(3) This is the heavenly mercy which will say on the
of judgment: Come, blessed of
my Father, take possession of
the kingdom; for I was hungry and you gave me to eat/ 7
and so forth.What is this heavenly mercy? True heavenly
mercy is Christ our Lord. How sweet and good is the mercy
which of its own accord came down from heaven
5 Heb. 4.13.
6 Ps. 35.6.
7 Matt. 25.34,35.

no one asked it, and humbled itself in order to lift us up.

He was wounded in order to heal our wounds; He died to
free us from everlasting death. He descended into hell to
shatter the jaws and ulcerated heart of hell and to
bring back
to heaven the booty which the Devil had carried away. He
ascended into heaven to lift our hopes on high. Who could
worthily praise such mercy? Who could extol such goodness
with commendation? Nor was He merely satisfied to
come down, taste death, and rise again for us. In addition,
He promised to be with us to the end of the world, as He

says in the Gospel: Behold, I am

with you all days, even
unto the consummation of the world.' 8 See the Lord's good-
ness, brethren: now He is seated at the right hand of His
Father in heaven, and still He deigns to work with us in the
world. He does not disdain to hunger with us, to thirst, to
suffer cold, to travel, even to die or be cast into prison with
us.Or is what we are suggesting perhaps not true, brethren?
Let us ask the Lord Himself, and in His goodness He will

deign to explain this more fully. l was thirsty, He says; 'I


was a stranger, I was sick, I was in prison and you came to

me.' See the great love with which He treats us, for He

deigns to bear all those things in His ineffable charity. For

that is true heavenly mercy whereby Christ our Lord made

you, since you did not exist; sought you, when you were lost;
and redeemed you, when you had cruelly sold yourself. There-
fore, since we have been sought and found, dearly beloved,
let us seek Him who loved us so much that He even graciously
welcomed the death of the cross for us.
(4) But what am I saying? Let us seek Him. If only we
were willing to be found by Him as we know we are daily
sought by Him. He it is who said: The Son of Man came to
seek and to save what was lost.' Christ deigns to pour Him-

8 Matt. 28.20.
9 Cf. Matt. 25.55,36.
10 Luke 19.10.

self upon men daily, but, so much the worse, all are not
willing toopen the door of their heart. Why is this? Doubtless
because they do works of darkness; for this reason they are
unwilling to receive the light, as the Lord Himself says in
the Gospel: 'Everyone who does evil hates the light, and
does not come to the light.' 11 All the humble and meek who
live well willingly accept the light of Christ. All who are

wicked, proud, and avaricious reject Christ daily from their

hearts, even with insult; what is worse, they not only reject
Him but even crucify Him. Such people, the Apostle infers,
are 'crucifying again in themselves Christ.' 12 Therefore I
admonish you, brethren, and I beg and beseech each one of
you to examine his own conscience. Since evil works repel
Christ from a man, each one should with God's
help cleanse
whatever he finds defiled in himself. He should illuminate
what is dark, restore what was lost, and with the help of
Christ Himself revive by repentance what was dead. Then if
Christ comes He will find a
place to rest, where, as it is

written, He may deign to dine and remain. Those who

recognize that they have a good and pure conscience should
with God's help preserve His gifts and benefits as well as
can. Moreover,
they should always be solicitous lest the
Devil find some he deceive their
approach whereby may
souls by his subtle
(5) Behold, dearly beloved, Christ comes, as I began to
say before, that is, heavenly mercy daily comes to the door
of your house; not
only spiritually to your soul, but even
physically to your home. Doubtless, Christ comes as often as
a poor man approaches
you, for He said: 'As long as you did
it for one of these, the least of
my brethren, you did it for
me.' Therefore, do not let your heart be hardened; extend
a coin to Christ, from whom
you desire to receive a kingdom.
11 John 3.20.
12 Heb. 6.6.
13 Matt. 25.40.

Offer a mouthful to Him from whom you expect life welcome ;

Him to
your lodging, that He may receive you in His

paradise; give Him alms, in order that He may repay you with
eternal life. With what feelings do you wish to reign with
Him in heaven, when you disdain to extend alms to Him in
this world? If you welcome Him in His sojourning He will
receive you into His bliss, but if you reject Him here in your
country He will also reject and despise you in His glory, and
then will be fulfilled in you what the Psalmist says: Lord,
in thy city thou shalt bring their image to nothing.' 14 If in
our city, that is, in this life, we consider God's image as noth-
ing, we ought to fear that in His City, that is, in eternal life,
He reduce our image to nothing. Therefore, as I said,

brethren, make mercy your patron. Then, when before the

tribunal of the eternal Judge, the avaricious will hear: 'Depart
from me, accursed ones, into the everlasting fire,' this happy
and desirable word may be directed to you for the generosity
of your mercy: 'Come, blessed, take possession of the king-
dom.' 15 May the Lord in His goodness bring you to this.

Sermon 27


(1) We 1
have proposed to us in a certain book, dearly
beloved, a parable of the elm and the vine. Anyone who
reads it
carefully will find in it much edification for his soul.
For the elm tree and the vine appear sufficiently com-

plementary to each other. Indeed, although the elm tree is

14 Ps. 72.20.
15 Matt. 25.41,34.

1 See The Shepherd of Hermas, trans, in The Apostolic Fathers, Vol. I

of this series.

pleasing and stands aloft, it is shown to bear no fruit, but

the vine, small and lowly, admittedly is full of fruit; however,
unless this fruit is lifted on high by some tree, it withers and
dies on the earth. Now, if the elm extends its branches and
by lifting up the vine adorns itself, the vine is freed from
decay. Let us carefully observe why parable has been
drawn. The elm tree signifies the rich man in this world.
Just as that tree is lofty and pleasing and rich in moisture,
yet void of fruit, so also any rich man of this world, even if
he be elevated with honors and appear pleasing and delightful
for many reasons, will remain without the fruits of eternal
life if he does not humbly extend the arms of his alms like
most devoted branches, toward the vine, that is, toward
Christ's poor. The vine further signifies God's servants, abbots,

monks, or devout clerics, who are absorbed in God, con-

tinually following His teaching, as well as any others who,
like these
despising the world, serve God both day and night.
By this service men are thought to bear rich fruit in eternal
happiness. Thus, the rich men of this world abound in this
life and the poor of Christ in heaven. What, then, is to take
place in order that the elm tree may not remain without
fruit or the vine wither on the
ground? This situation can
result that, just as the elm tree extends its branches and
raises up or supports the vine, so the rich man in this life
may stretch out his branches, that is, hands full of the fruits
of his field, and support Christ's if he does
poor. Moreover,
this in this life, he doubtlessbe repaid abundantly by
those same poor people come.
in the life to
2 ) Let not the rich man be filled with scorn or consider
that he has suffered a wrong because he has been
to a tree, but let him listen to the Lord
saying: The good
tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.' And
let him fear still more what follows:
'Every tree that does
not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.'

2 Matt. 7.17,19.

Therefore, let him stretch forth his hands to give alms, in

order that he may be able to escape eternal hell-fire. Let
every rich man fear the example of that fruitless, barren tree,
that is, the man who was clothed in purple and fine
For, as the tree he was pleasing and lofty in the world, but
because he did not extend the branches of his mercy to
Lazarus, he deserved to endure flames in hell. There he
asked a drop of water from the very one to whom he had
refused a crumb of bread. Therefore, let these facts be con-
sidered by the rich who are unwilling to be deprived of their

goods as long as they have them. They should not act this
way if they do not want to suffer a similar fate. The man
we are talking about was rich; rich, too, are these other

wealthy men to whom we are now speaking. They all go

under the same title; let them beware
of falling into the
same condition. Since these are the facts, if those who are
rich have shown fruitless, niggardly hands in giving alms and
refuse to give the necessities of life to God's servants who
are occupied in keeping vigils, reading, and praying, they
are become like a sterile elm tree which neglects to support
the vine. Moreover, since the rich have given nothing to
Christ's poor, these latter must be exercised more than usual
in earthly occupations. And while they are busy with these

worldly activities they are occupied less with prayer, reading,

fasting, and watching, with the result that their
fruit neces-

sarily diminishes to a certain extent, just

as if it were a vine

lying on the ground. Thus, they are sufficient only for their
own welfare but bestow nothing upon the rich. Indeed, when
the blessed Apostle Paul reminded the worldly rich of this

in order to support Christ's poor, he spoke as though to a

tree concerning a vine, that is, he addressed the rich on
behalf of Christ's poor: 'May your abundance supply their
want, that their abundance may, in its turn, make up what

you lack.' In order that everyone may understand this fact,

we ought to explain it more clearly.

(3) The worldly rich have an abundance of wealth in
this life, Christ's poor abound in eternal life in heaven.

Therefore, the rich should spend their money in this world

so that they may receive eternal life in heaven. The worldly
rich copiously store up grain, wine, olive oil in their granary
or cellar; Christ's poor, by praying, watching, and fasting,
put aside spiritual treasures in heaven. Consequently, the
rich men of this world should make the servants of God
partakers of their earthly wealth, in order that they themselves
may become co-heirs in the heavenly treasure. When on
numerous occasions the worldly rich are too much involved
in earthly activities, they cannot watch or read and pray or
fast as much as they should. On
this account there is reason
to fear that perhaps they do not offer enough reparation for
their sins or do not store up as much in the heavenly treasury
as they should, Christ's poor, however, by their continual
devotion to God abound in these fruits. Accordingly, the
rich should not be lazy in spending their earthly treasures if

they desire to possess heavenly ones. Christ, indeed, who

bestows His on
all men, condescends to suffer
gifts privations,
hunger, and cold in the person of His poor. Therefore, no
one should hesitate to give to the poor, for the hand of the
poor is Christ's treasury; what he receives on earth he stores
up in heaven. Thus also the Lord Himself has said 'As long :

as you did it for one of the least of these, you did it for me.'*
Let us listen to the Apostle when he says:
He who sows
5 c

sparingly will also reap sparingly'; and a little later: do good

to all men, but especially to those who are of the household

3 2 Cor. 8.14.
4 Matt. 25.40.
5 2 Cor. 9.6.
6 Gal. 6.10.

of the faith. Who are of the household of the faith, brethren,
if not good clerics, monks, and all other servants of God who
flee the hindrances of this life, are devoted to God, engaged

in reading and prayer? According to our means we must

give to all who ask, but to God's servants who are ashamed
to ask we must
give even if they have not asked. Let us then
strive, dearly beloved, to act in such a way that we may be
able to be spared the evil hearing. What will be that con-
demnation? 'Depart from me, accursed ones, into the ever-
devil and his angels.
lasting fire which was prepared for the
For I was hungry, and you did not give me to eat. I beg
you, brethren, do not listen to this heedlessly
and carelessly,
to take
but with God's help strive with all your might not
what belongs to another. Rather, give more generously of
your goods to Christ's poor, continually meditating
of heart and saying to yourself: If one who
does not give of his own riches is cast into hell, where do
to another
you suppose one who takes something that belongs
will be cast? Therefore, let not that terrible, frightful word
to us: "Depart from me, accursed
against avarice be directed
ones, into the everlasting fire.' May
we rather, because of
our charity, deserve to hear that desirable word: 'Come,
blessed, take possession of
the kingdom which was prepared
for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry

and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave

me to
Likewise, let that word of the Lord releasing us
to us: 'Well done, good and faithful
happily be directed 9
of thy master.' With the help
servant, enter into the joy
Christ, to whom
is honor and glory for
of our Lord Jesus
ever and ever. Amen,

7 Matt.25.41,42.
8 Matt. 25.34-35.
9 Matt. 25.21.

*Sermon 28



(1) I beseech you, brethren, to consider more carefully

mercy toward the poor, and to do good works while there
is still time for mercy, since the time of judgment is going

to come. Could our Lord God deceive us on the subject of

judgment day if He has deceived us in no other matter?

Notice carefully, my brethren, and see that all the things

promised to us in sacred Scripture have now almost been

fulfilled. God promised there that His Son would come in

the flesh, andhas happened. He promised that He would


suffer, that He would rise from the dead, and it has happened;
it was
promised that He would ascend into heaven, and it
has happened. It was promised that in His name the nations
would and it has happened. It was promised that in
His name idols would be destroyed, and it has happened. It
was foretold that crowds would separate from the Church,
that heresies and schisms would originate, and lo, it has

happened. Therefore, if all these promises were fulfilled,

could God lie only about the day of judgment? Believe me,
brethren, that is going to come to pass, too, just as all those
others did* Now, God not only made Himself our debtor,
but He also has written our surety. The security of His
promises is read in church. Suppose He says: Why do you

doubt that I shall pay the last farthing? Settle your account
with Me. Let us see what I owe. Although I showed Myself a
recompenser in such great matters, have I not done more
than I ought in the least details? What do I owe? It is quite
incredible, all that I have already done in order that My
Son might share your death with you. Will He not give you
His life, since He wished to share your death in common

with you? He bore yourHe, then, deny His good

ills; will
things to you? The Son of God
died for us, brethren; if,
perchance, you do not believe it, believe the works. What
we now see was not yet before the eyes of the
disciples; when
they beheld Christ after the Resurrection they did not see
the Church spread throughout the world. They saw the
Head, but believed about the body; we see the body, so let
us believe about the Head.
(2) When we consider this rather carefully, dearly be-
loved, let us change to a better life while the remedies are
stillwithin our power. The rich should not be proud, but
should distribute alms more generously, lest,
perhaps, if they
refuse to give a crumb they may later long without reason
for a drop of water. The poor should not
despair or murmur,
but always give thanks to God. They should not desire or seek
to have the luxuries of the wealthy, but patiently endure
their sufficiency or poverty in this world that they may merit
to be lifted up with Lazarus in heaven. Let us reflect, dearly
beloved, and let us fear what the Lord told us in the Gospels
concerning that most vain rich man. He admonishes us not
to wish to imitate such things. That rich man for whom 'the
land brought forth abundant crops' was ruined by his
abundance more than by his poverty. 'And he began to take
thought within himself, saying, "What shall I do, for I have
no room to store my crops?" When he was excited over

his close straits, a plan at length occurred to him, but a

foolish one, for not prudence but avarice discovered it. l
will pull down small old barns and build new larger ones,
and I will fill
them; and I will say to my soul, Soul, thou
hast many good things, be satisfied, rejoice. But the Lord
said to him: Thou fool, in that you seemed to yourself wise.
What did you say? I will say to my soul: Thou hast many
good things, be satisfied. This night thy soul shall be taken from
thee; and the things that thou hast provided, whose will they

1 Cf. Luke 12.16-20.


be?' 'For what does it profit a man, if he gain the whole

world, but suffer the loss of his own soul?' Therefore, 'the
ransom of a man's life are his riches. That vain and foolish
man did not really have wealth, for he did not redeem his
soul by almsgiving. He stored up perishable fruits; perishable
fruits, he stored up, along with which he, too, shall
I say,

gives nothing to the Lord to whom

perish. If he he is going,
what will be his feeling at the judgment when he begins to
hear: I was hungry, and you did not give me to eat'? He
6 4

wanted to satisfy his soul with superfluous, excessive feasting,

and his pride despised the empty stomachs of so many poor
people. He did not realize that the stomachs of the poor
were safer than his barns. Indeed, what he put in his barns
might have been taken away by thieves, but what he gave on
earth, storing it up in the stomachs of the poor, was kept
more safely for him in heaven.
(3) In order that with God's help we may be able to
fulfill the Lord's
precepts, let us endeavor to perform the two
kinds of almsgiving let us not only give bread to the hungry,

but us also promptly forgive those who injure us.

let We
learn from our Lord's teaching in the Gospel how we should

impart the remedies of true charity to our enemies, even

though they do not ask it. He tells us: 'If thy brother sin
against thee, show him his fault, between thee and him
alone.' If you neglect to do this, you are all the worse. That

person did the injury and by doing so struck himself with a

grave wound; are you going to scorn the wound of your
brother? You see that he is perishing or has perished, and will
you disregard him? By keeping silence you are worse than
he was in reviling you. Therefore, when someone sins against
us let us exercise great anxiety, but not for ourselves. It is
noble to forget insults; so forget your injury, but not the

2 Matt. 16.26.
3 Prov. 13.8.
4 Matt. 25.42.
5 Cf. Matt. 18.15.

wound of your brother. Therefore, 'show him his fault, be-

tween thee and him alone,'
continuing to correct him, but
sparing him shame. Through shame, perhaps, he begins to
defend his sin; then you only make him worse
by wishing to
correct him. Therefore, show him his
fault, between thee
and him alone. If he listen to thee, thou hast won thy
brother/ for he would have perished if you had not done so.
'If he do not listen to
thee, but defends his sin as if justice,
'take with thee two or three more so that on the word of two
or three witnesses every word may be confirmed. And if he
refuse to hear them, appeal to the
Church, but if he refuse
to hear even the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen
and the publican.' Do not count such a man among your
brothers, but still do not cease to care about the salvation of
his soul. Wedo not consider heathens, that is, Gentiles and
publicans, as our brothers, yet we are always seeking the
salvation of their souls. Therefore, we have heard the Lord

advising, even commanding, solicitude for them, because He

adds immediately: 'Amen I say to you, whatever you bind on
earth shall be bound also in heaven.' 6 You have
begun to
consider your brother as a publican. Bind him upon earth,
but see that you do it justly, for justice shatters unjust bonds.
When you correct and reconcile your brother, you have
loosed him on earth; when he is loosed on earth, he will also
be loosed in heaven. You give much to him, not to
because he harmed himself much, not you.
(4) Therefore, dearly beloved, if happily you listen and
store this up in the treasury of your memory and conscience
in accord with your usual
pious practice, you will clearly
understand how we can and should love our enemies as well
as our friends. And when you have done this with Christ's
help, you will shout toGod in the Lord's Prayer with full
assurance: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our

6 Cf. Matt. 18.16-18.


Then He who gave you security by saying in the
Gospel: 'If you forgive men their offenses, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you your offenses/ will doubtless
reply: 'Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the
kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
world'; since you have observed well my Gospel precept,
have a share in my kingdom. To Him honor and might,

together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without

Sermon 29



(1) From my own sentiments, dearly beloved, I know

how much your charity longs for us. Although you would
like to see my
poor self all the time, I would wish your and
my desires to be by the sight of you even more

frequently possible. However, we ought to endure with


patience what we cannot remedy in view of the necessity of

circumstances. Still, even if for many reasons we cannot see
each other bodily, we are always united in charity and holy
affection. For this reason,
physical separation can do no harm
if there is a
true, sincere union of minds. That charity is real
which is wont to unite and
join people in spirit even though
they are separated physically. Indeed, two people who love
each other with a holy affection are so united
by a binding
charity that they can never be separated, even if one is in
the east and the other in the west. Hear the
Apostle extol
true and perfect
charity when he 'If I should
says: speak
7 Matt. 6.12.
8 Matt, 6.14.
9 Matt. 25.34.

with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have

me so forth. A little later he
charity, it
profits nothing,' and
adds: 'Charity is is kind,' and all the rest. Now,
although the Apostle Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, ex-
plained his preaching sufficiently, still, because charity is the
sweet and salutary bond of minds, let us like little children
examine it as well as we can.
(2)Great are the riches of charity, dearly beloved; with-
out it, man is poor, while a poor man with it is rich.
a rich
If a rich man does not possess charity, what has he? Earthly
substance of any size without charity is useless and vain;
charity is full even though it possesses nothing of material
wealth. If a man owns abundant riches but there is no true
charity in him, he can do no good with them, for without the
true mother and teacher of the heavenly virtues a man has
no idea what he should do or when, and how much he
should give. Let each one strive as far as he can to possess
charity, so that he may have light, so that he may have oil.

Charity is
compared to oil: just as oil is known to be better
than all liquids, so charity is evidently more noble than all
the virtues. If a man
has infinite riches but no charity, it is
the same he possessed many lamps and torches without
as if

oil. If you light a

lamp or torch with no oil, it can smoke and
give a bad odor, but it cannot produce light. Similarly, one
who possesses riches without charity can burn with anger or
smoke with pride or have the foul odor of avarice; without
charity, utterly impossible to produce light. If you possess
it is

charity,even though you have much wealth, she will know

what to do with it. Charity knows best to whom to extend
alms and what amount, what to give and what to hold back.
She knows how much to store up for the soul in heaven and
how much to reserve for the body in the world. Charity is a
very good arranger, brethren; she knows well how to harvest
in summer in order to have something in winter. In other

1 1 Cor. 13.1,3,4.

words, she knows how to distribute alms in this life in order

to find them in the life to come. Hold on to charity, brethren,
because without it whatever good there is in a man avails
(3) Indeed, brethren, practice true charity. What is true

charity? That which loves all men like itself. True charity it

iswhich reaches out to enemies as well as to friends. Let no

one deceive himself, brethren; if a man does not possess this
charity he will not be able to see God or deserve to hear:
'Come, blessed of my Father, take possession of the kingdom.
Surely you perceive that, of all the virtues, our Lord in the
Gospel lesson named none but almsgiving which works with
charity.He was silent concerning the branches; He mentioned
only the root when He said 'Come, blessed, take possession

of the kingdom; for I was hungry and you gave me to eat.' 2

Again the Lord says: 'Nevertheless, give alms; and behold,

all things are clean to you.' Every man who desires to
possess charity in the future life should make it his patron in
this world, and then he will find it his friend for ever. Just as
a tree,however beautiful and fruitful, cannot live without a
root, sono good works can endure without charity. This is
what the Apostle means when he says: 'Being rooted and
grounded in love.

(4) Let us possess such great charity, brethren, that we

can love all men with our whole hearts. If you love all man-
kind as yourself, there will not remain a door
whereby sin
can enter into you. You close all the Devil's
approaches to
your soul if you love all men as yourself. Truly, brethren, how
can a man injure another if he loves him as himself? Therefore
love, and do what you will; love with all your heart, and
practice toward your neighbor whatever you wish. If you
become angry, it will be sweet because it
proceeds from
2 Matt. 25.34,35.
3 Luke 11.41.
4 Eph. 3.17.

charity; if
you reprove, it is kind; if
you punish and even
scourge, it is
acceptable. Why is this, brethren? Because there
is true love when you reprove and you throw punish. Even if

someone out of the church, bitterness seems to rave

on your
lips, but kindness is preserved in your heart; you do not hate

your brother as an enemy, but you punish his sin like a

disease. On the
contrary, there are some people who are in
the habit of uttering sweet words with their
lips in false
flattery, while they foster deceit and bitterness in their heart.
But you, dearly beloved, should hold on to true charity and
avoid everything false. Listen to the Apostle when he says:
'Charity, from a pure heart and a good conscience and faith
unfeigned.' For
my part, brethren, when I speak of charity
I cannot beWhy? Because charity is exceedingly kind.
The man who possesses it knows what I am saying, while one
who does not will probably ridicule and despise me. Why
does he ridicule? Because he has not tasted how sweet charity
is. Therefore, let him taste and see how sweet the Lord is, for
'God is love.' What issweeter than God, brethren? If anyone
does not know, let him listen to the Prophet saying what I
mentioned a little while ago :
'Taste, and see that the Lord is
sweet. Oh, how happy and blessed is the soul which merits
to possess charity!
Charity, brethren, is drink to the thirsty,
food to the hungry, pleasure for those placed in bitterness,
true and acceptable consolation for the sad, a haven for those
who are wavering, a path for the erring, a country for
strangers. Therefore, brethren, hold on to it and love it with
all your heart. If
you are lovers, love charity; if you are strong,
overcome passion; if you are strangers, desire a country. If
you are willing to keep it, charity will guide you in this life
and lead you to the kingdom: with the help of our Lord
who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
5 1 Tim. 1.5.
6 1
John 4.8.
7 Ps. 339.

Sermon 30



1 )
The kind and merciful Lord, dearly beloved, deigns
to provide occasions and opportunities in many ways, whereby
we can redeem our sins without great labor and difficulty.
Since He sees men without the strength to fast for their sins
or unable to abstain from meat or wine, the poverty of the
poor gives the wealthy an opportunity to sell their earthly
goods and distribute them to the poor. This secures abundant
fruits, for by generously bestowing their superfluities upon

poor men they obtain the remission of their sins. What can
be so good and delightful, so easy and ready at hand, dearly
beloved, as to strive to redeem your sins by giving alms out
of what God has deigned to give you more than you need? God
does not command you to spend what
is necessary for yourself
or your family, for of the Apostle says
this I do not mean

that the relief of others should become your burden,' 1 God

does not need to spend your superfluities on Himself, but He
wants to keep them for you in eternal bliss. Indeed, He
wanted the poor to be so in order that the rich might have a
means of redeeming their sins. God could have made all men
rich,but he wanted to provide the rich with an opportunity
for showing mercy. Not for their own merit do the few rich

gain more than they need and the many poor people not
acquire even what they need. This is the cleverness of divine
mercy, as I said before, so that while the poor patiently bear
forgiveness of their sins, and
their poverty they may obtain
the rich, in turn, while
they mercifully distribute their super-
fluities, they may redeem their offenses and attain eternal

I 2 Cor. 8.13.

(2) Consider, dearly beloved, and see that no excuse can

remain whereby we say that we could not have redeemed our
sins. Perhaps you can
say that you are unable to afflict your
body with fasting and vigils, or that you cannot abstain from
wine or meat. But can you say that whatever God has given
you more than you need you cannot give to the poor for your
sins? Perhaps you will reply and say : With the extra amount
God has given me I want to buy silver and to provide precious
ornaments for my children. To such a man I respond: You
buy ornaments, indeed, but you do not redeem your sins.
Now, not only are the tithes which we possess not ours but
destined for the church, but whatever we have received from
God more than we need should be distributed to the poor.
If, then, we reserve for our pleasures and vanities what was

assigned to them, we will have to render an account on judg-

ment day for the souls of as many poor people as have died
through hunger or nakedness in the places where we are.
(3) There is still another kind of alms whereby we may
redeem our sins without any physical labor. Even if a man
is so poor that he does not possess any gold or grain or wine
or oil to give material alms, it is impossible that he will not
sustain any injury from men so that he may wholeheartedly
forgive all his enemies. Thus, no sin will remain to gnaw at
his conscience, and he can say with assurance in the Lord's
Prayer: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.'
Then will be fulfilled in him what Christ deigned to promise
lf you forgive men their offenses, your
in theGospel:
heavenly Father will also forgive you your offenses'; and:

'give, and it shall be given to you; forgive,

and you shall be
forgiven.' Understand, dearly beloved, that in this just as in
that other kind of almsgiving which we mentioned before, no
one can excuse himself or give the reason that he cannot fulfill

2 Matt. 6.12.
3 Matt. 6 14.
4 Luke 6.3837.

it. This alms whereby we forgive those who injure us is not

offered from the cellar or granary or shrine, but from the

treasury of the heart. Of this the Lord Himself says: The

good man from the good treasure of his heart brings forth
things.' Many poor people can
excuse themselves from

giving those things which we mentioned before gold, silver,

grain, wine, and oil but with what boldness or what kind of
a conscience will any man say he cannot possess the alms
which is bestowed from the heart?
(4) Therefore, since we have no reason to excuse our-
selves, the man to whom God has given more than he needs
should redeem his sins out of his superfluity. If a man is unable
to redeem captives or feed and clothe the poor, he should not
harbor in his heart hatred for anyone. Not only should he
fail to return evil for evil, but he should love his enemies and
not cease to pray for them. Thus he may be sure of the
promise and mercy of our Lord, and with a clear conscience
he can say before the tribunal of Christ: Give, Lord, O
because I have given; forgive, because I have forgiven. How-
ever, there remains the condition that after he has begun to
redeem by such alms, since slight offenses are never
his sins

wanting to him, which he may redeem daily, a man should

not commit serious sins. According to what is written: He

that washeth himself after touching the dead, if he toucheth

him, again, what doth his washing avail?' and: 'as a dog
that returneth to his vomit is hateful, so is the sinner that
returneth to his sin.'

(5) Now, we are suggesting these two kinds of

almsgiving, someone may say: Behold, I possess no earthly
substance to give to the poor, nor do I suffer any injury
which I can forgive and thus redeem my sins; what am I to
do, since I do not have these things and still cannot fast from

5 Matt. 12.35.
6 Eccli. 34.30.
7 Cf. Prov. 26.11.

wine or abstain from meat? If anyone says this, I could tell

him that what he claims is false. In this world no one can
be found who never suffers
injury from another. However,
let us grant his
assertion; let us still be satisfied that we will
show him a third kind of alms which so precludes all excuses
that no one can be found to
oppose it. Behold, you have said
that you do not acquire abundant
profits whereby you might
provide food and clothing for the poor. Further, you do not
sustain injuries which you should
forgive your enemies. There-
fore, you are in doubt because you do not possess the means
of redeeming your sins. Then learn and
faithfully observe
the admirable and excellent third kind of alms. Have
will, love all men as yourself, pray for everyone, and desire the
same thing for them as for yourself, in order that the angels

you: Teace to men of good will.' Since

may proclaim to

good will itself is charity, if you wish to possess it the following

will be you: "Charity covers a multitude of sins.'
fulfilled in

Realize, then, that all your excuses and contradiction are

removed. Indeed, you cannot say that you are unable to
possess good will; it is possible for you not to be willing, but
you can never prove it is impossible.
(6) Let us strive not to accept such great benefits and
such excellent remedies of our Lord and Saviour with
negligence, but with His help let us endeavor faithfully to
observe them. Thus we will not only merit to receive pardon
for our sins, but even to arrive at eternal rewards. This
admonition on the two kinds of alms which were mentioned
second and third is so clear that it does not need any
explanation. By the first we forgive those who injure us,
praying for our enemies and loving them with our whole
heart; in the second we try to make God propitious to us
through good will and charity which covers a multitude of
sins.' However, the alms we first mentioned you can with
8 Cf. Luke 2.14.
9 1 Peter 4.8.

God's help perform with joy and gladness, if you are willing
to heed my advice. By it we can, under the Lord's inspiration,
both redeem our sins and procure eternal rewards with what-
ever God has given us more than we need. Whenever you
gather the harvest or vintage, calculate your expenses
those of all who pertain to you and include what you will put
into your purse. Then, of what remains, because it was not

really given to you, as was already said,

but was transmitted
to you for distribution among the poor, set it all aside or as
much as God inspires your heart to give. The result thus will
be as though you had put it in God's hand. If, as we believe,
you are willing to do this devoutly, your soul will not only
not be exasperated and saddened by the captives and poor
who come to you, but will even rejoice and be glad. With
the greatest willingness you will bestow what you set aside
for the necessities of the poor out of love for God, and there
will be fulfilled in you the words: 'God loves a cheerful
510 11
giver, and: 'he that giveth to the poor shall never want.'
Likewise 'As water quencheth a flaming fire, so alms resisteth

sins'; and as the Lord Himself says in the Gospel: 'Never-
theless, give alms; and behold, things are clean to you.'

May He deign to grant this, who, together with the Father

and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end.

Sermon 31



(1) I have warned your charity, dearly beloved, and

10 2 Cor. 9.7.
11 Prov. 28.27.
12 Cf. Eccli. 3.33.
13 Luke 11.41.

have presumed to give you advice on

almsgiving. Although
by God's inspiration our admonition has been to profitable
many, I fear that there are some who give less than they can
or perhaps nothing at all. Someone
may say: I am poor,
therefore I cannot give alms. In order that no
poor person
might be able to excuse himself, our Lord and Saviour pro-
mised to reward a cup of cold water. Then you say: I am
poor. If you have nothing more in your earthly substance
than what is sufficient for you in reasonable, moderate food
and clothing, good will alone can suffice for you. However,
I ask you to question your conscience carefully, lest,
you sometimes lose in drunkenness what you might have
acquired and given in alms. You may gluttonously strive to
waste on earth what you should have stored up in heaven.
Perhaps because we procure delights, prepare luxurious orna-
ments, and provide a larger weight of silver than is necessary,
we do not have something which we might be able to spend
on the poor as a remedy for our souls. Furthermore, while our
precious clothes are often destroyed by moths, the poor may
not even merit to receive our superfluous garments. Now, if
all these hindrances do not weigh down our soul and we

have only enough for ourselves and our family, we will not
appear guilty if we do not distribute alms to the poor. How-
ever, as I already said, if luxury frequently consumes what
mercy might have put in the heavenly treasury, let us correct
our lives while there is time. Let us endeavor with all our
strength to fulfill what we have not done up to now or perhaps
have done less than we should.

(2) If we work
for the body, dearly beloved, let us also
work for our soul. If we hasten for the body, satisfy it, adorn
it, even though in a few years worms will devour it in the

grave, how much more should we not disdain our soul which
in heaven? Let us consider,
presented to God and the angels
brethren, that when the body is satisfied with abundant

delights and corrupted with too much wine, the nourishment


of dissipation is served and the food of worms provided. I be-

seech you, brethren, look at the graves of the rich, and as often
as you pass them reflect and carefully see where their riches
are, where their ornaments, rings, earrings, precious diadems,
the vanity of honors, the pleasure of dissipation, their mad or
bloody or shameful spectacles. Certainly they have all passed
like a shadow, and, unless repentance came to the rescue, only
endless reproaches and crimes have remained. Consider more
carefullyand behold the graves of the proud; realize that
nothing has remained in them but only ashes and the stinking
remains of worms. Notice this carefully, man, and say to
yourself, tell yourself: O
miserable soul, that man
once ran
after pleasure and was a slave to lust while he lived in this

world; see, nothing now is left him but stinking, horrible

dust. If you are willing man, those dry bones can
to listen,

preach to you. The dust of another cries out to you from the
grave: Why, unhappy soul, do you run about so much for
the sake of worldly pleasure? Why do you bend your miserable
neck to pride and dissipation? Why do you surrender yourself
to the service of exceedingly cruel masters, that is, to your
vices and sins? The dead shouts to you from the grave : Look
at me, and recognize yourself; consider my bones, and so let
your dissipation and avarice shudder for you. What you
are, I was; what I am, you will be. If vanity remained in
me, do not let iniquity consume you; if dissipation corrupted
me, let chastity adorn you. See my dust, and abandon your
evil desires. With these words, then, the dead shouts to us
from the grave. Therefore, with the Lord's help, let us strive
as hard as we can that the wounds of others may bring us

health, and that the death of those who are lost may be
profitable for our salvation. However, this is the best thing
that can happen, if we are more solicitous for our soul than
for our body, so that, when our flesh has begun to be devoured

by worms in the grave, our soul, adorned with good works,

may be taken up into heaven by the angels. If concupiscence

of the flesh deceives us, we will suffer the double destruction

of soul and body, for, while the
body rots in the grave, our
soul will suffer torments in hell. Behold the
preaching which
the ashes and bones dead daily proclaim to us.
of the

(3)Therefore, Christian soul, as you hear and read these

things be assisted by the advice of holy Daniel when he says:
'Accept my counsel, and redeem thou thy sins with alms.'
If you do not willingly hear this advice,
you will knock at the
door of heaven in vain. O
soul which dwells within frail walls
of flesh, be vigilant, pray, seek, ask, knock. Be vigilant, I

repeat, by seeking, pray by asking, knock by working. If you

are vigilant and seek Him the Lord will answer you and say:
'Here am. 32 If you pass through fire the flame will
I not burn
you, for the Lord is with you. 'As water quencheth a fire, so
alms destroyeth sins.' 3 Therefore, if you open your hands to
the poor, Christ will also open to you His doors so that you

may enter as the possessor of paradise. If, perchance, you

think that the end of the world will come later, at least
consider your end. Behold, the world fails little by little; all
the good things that existed are withdrawn; evils which did
not exist now come. Every day what God's word predicted is

fulfilled, and still man

not changed. Therefore, take our

advice while you still have your ransom in your hands. Give
to yourself out of your own riches while they are yours,
because what you possess is fragile and what you care for
belongs to others. Consider the price your Lord paid

you He
: shed His own Blood. He considered you precious, for
He bought you at such a dear price,

(4) Avoid the example of the rich man who was

in purple, brethren, whose dogs were appeased by the wounds
of Lazarus although he did not receive a crumb from the
table of the rich man. After not such a long time their places

1 Dan. 4.24.
2 Isa. 58.9.
3 Eccli. 3.83.

were changed: the poor man bought

happiness with his
indigence, the rich man bought punishment with his wealth.
Lazarus was lifted up to Abraham's bosom by the angels;
Dives was brought to the depths of hell. From his position
the rich man saw the poor, or, rather, the now poor man saw
the rich. He who had refused a crumb now longs for a drop
of water. Therefore, the rich who are unwilling to redeem
themselves with their wealth should reflect, lest they suffer
something similar. The man of whom we are now speaking
was rich; rich, too, are those we are now addressing. They
all come under the same title; let them beware of falling
into thesame condition. The rich man clothed in purple and
Lazarus with his sores exchanged places: the rich man lost
what he had, the poor man began to be what he was not. The
rich man had left full storerooms in the world, and in his

burning fever he asked a drop of water in hell, but could

not obtain it. Notice, brethren: the entire body of the rich
man is consumed in the flames of hell, but his tongue alone is

specially tortured. Doubtless, he feels more intense flames

his tongue, because by speaking haughtily with it he had

despised the poor. That very tongue which had refused to say
alms should be given to the poor is burned more severely in
the flames of hell. He shouted, saying: 'Father Abraham, send
Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool my tongue.'
rich man, with what boldness do you ask a drop of water,
when you refused to extend acrumb? You could justly de-
mand it now you had
if given something. O goods of the
world which are evil in hell Fire came to serve the rich man,

and torturers to obey him in his cruelty. He endures the

harsh attendants of hell. He is tormented and shouts: O just
and innocent judge, these punishments are now balanced
against my sins! If only I might suffer evils doubly or even
fourfold for the time in my life when I had good things !
do you hold me bound in fire for so many thousands of years?

4 Luke 1624.

I am tied with the fetters of

my sins, so that I cannot escape.
Minute by minute I am pricked so that I feel
pain. The fire
rages in me, yet spares me; it tortures, but preserves me; it
does not punish all of me, but is cruel when it does not. After
these doleful words, it doubtless What can
might be replied:
I do for you? You did not alms which
give might extinguish
the punishment for your sins. Scripture shouted to
you, but
you did not listen; the Prophets were not silent, the Apostle
preached, the Gospel thundered. The punishment of the
wicked was announced, the reward of the just promised again
and again. While you thought you could hold on to the
shadows and clouds of this world, you rejected the divine
precepts as foolish Let the poor intercede in your

behalf, and whatever

I will grant you ask. However, by a just
judgment recompense you, for 'Judgment is without mercy
to him who has not shown mercy.' My justice can give you

nothing except what your works deserve. To no purpose do

you cry out, now that you are dead and in the power of
another, for when you had opportunities and saw Me in the
person of the poor, you were blind.
(5) My brethren, formed by the hand of God and bought
together with me at a precious price, heed the advice of our
Lord God and fulfill the wish of your bishop, so that with
him you may receive an inheritance in the kingdom of your
father. From a slave you have become a friend; disregard
your being born and regard your being reborn; fulfill your
destiny with Christ. Since He has prepared
eternal rewards
for you, why should He not receive a part of your earthly
substance? Why should He not receive tithes, since He has
conferred the whole? In exchange for an earthly inheritance
God offers heaven, for He says: 6 'Come, blessed, take posses-
sion of the kingdom, for I was hungry and you gave me to eat.'

If you faithfully and generously give alms, then you will

5 James 2 13.
6 Matt. 25.34,35,37,40.

happily be able to say: 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry or

thirsty, and ministered to thee?' What is this that the faithful
debtor does while the creditors excuse themselves? Then the
Father, your Lord and friend, with whomyou have made a

heavenly bargain, will reply to you: As long as you did

it for one of the least of my brethren, you did it for me."
I do not deny that I received; I repay. I took earthly posses-
sions, I requite with heavenly ones; I received transitory
things, I will restore eternal ones. I took what belonged to
me, I now give you Myself. I will grant an eternal reward
and a kingdom on the right side, not because you have not
sinned, but because you have redeemed your sins with alms.
I beseech you, brethren, that this admonition, or, rather, our

advice, may be
received in your souls and so profit you in
your earthly pilgrimage that before the tribunal of the eter-
nal Judge pardon may be granted to me for
my kind ad-
monition, and eternal glory bestowed on you for your
generosity in almsgiving: with the help of our Lord Jesus
Christ to whom is honor.

Sermon 32



1 ) I beseech you, brethren, carefully reflect so that
may dread as much as you can and be on your guard lest
the cruel Enemy of the human race overtake you, as he
commonly deceives the careless and negligent with his wicked
cunning. He
such a foolish security in
robbers, and adulterers that although they commit sins
day they believe that they redeem them by daily almsgiving.
They suppose that God accepts a bribe after the custom of

corrupt judges and forgives their sin. To be sure, He accepts

the gift and is pleased with the alms, but only on condition
that the sinner also offer his soul when he gives his money
to God. But I ask you, brethren, where is the
justice in a
man insultingly giving God money in almsgiving while hand-
ing his soul over to the Devil in avarice? In the money he
offers God the image of the emperor, but in himself he gives
the Devil the image of God. This is not what the Lord com-
manded in the Gospel when He said 'Render to Caesar the

things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are
God's.' 1 What else did He seem to say except that, just as

you give Caesar his own image in the coin, so you should
give God His image in yourself? If a man gives generous alms
but does not turn away from serious sin, I fear, and fear
greatly, that deceiving himself with a false security he will
both lose his money and fail to redeem his sins. Therefore,
no one should think that daily alms counteracts his daily
(2) It is one thing to change one's life; another, to
cover it. To change one's means to refrain from serious

sins; to cover it over means to redeem the slight offenses,

without which we cannot live, by daily alms. Then, indeed,
as I already said above, more generous alms free the soul,
if the sinner abandons his
deadly vices. However, if, as was
said before, a man gives his earthly substance to God but
offers his soul to the Devil, there is fulfilled in him what is
written: *He that washeth himself after touching the dead, if
he toucheth him again, what doth his washing avail?' 2 The
Apostle Peter likewise exclaims: 'If after escaping the defile-
ments of the world they are again entangled therein and over-
come, their latter state has become worse for them than the
former.' Consider, brethren, blessed Peter's testimony to

1 Matt. 22.21.

2 Eccli. 34.30.
3 2 Peter 2,20,22.

sinners that, if have begun to redeem their sins

after they

they return to the slough of vice, their latter state becomes

worse than the former* What the same Apostle Peter adds
also refers to such people: 'A dog returns to his vomit, and
a sow even after washing wallows in the mire/ This fact
Solomon warns us about more clearly and in more terrible

words: 'As a dog that returneth to his vomit is hateful, so

is the sinner that returneth to his sins. The Lord confirms
this in the Gospel when He says: 'Behold, thou art cured.
Sin no more, lest something worse befall thee/ Again, Solo-
mon gives testimony of the same truth:

son, hast thou My

sinned? Do so no more: but for thy former sins also pray
that they may be forgiven thee.' Clearly, this was said
concerning serious sin, not the slight offenses without which
we cannot live. For this reason it is written in the Gospel:
'When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he roams
through waterless places in search of a resting place, and
finds none. After this he returns and finds his house which
he left swept. Then he takes seven other spirits more evil
than himself; and the last state of that man becomes worse
than the first.' This is what happens to people who try
toredeem serious sin by almsgiving but return again to the
same vices; just as the alms cleanses their soul, so dissipation
defiles it. Indeed, if a man frequently washes his garments
but repeatedly dips them in mud, I do not know how he
can wear them on a feast, especially since the Apostle says
concerning Christ; 'He prepared for himself the Church, not
having spot or wrinkle/ If no one can enter eternal life
with a spot or wrinkle, with what kind of a conscience does
the man who is overwhelmed with serious sins expect to
4 Cf. Prov. 26.11.
5 John 5.14.
6 Eccli. 21.1.
1 Luke 11,24-26.
8 Eph. 5.27.

enter, unless he cleanses himself by amendment of life and

the distribution of alms?
(3)Carefully heed what I am saying, dearly beloved,
lestsomeone perhaps misunderstand and think I mean that
almsgiving cannot benefit the sinner. Far be it from us, breth-
ren; not only do we admit that it is helpful, but it is very
much so. The condition is,however, that the one who dis-
tributes alms for his sins should cease to commit such grave
offenses, and at the Lord's bidding give alms in such a way
that he disdains to be a slave to sin. I would like to mention
to your
charity a comparison on this subject. I ask you,
brethren, would any one of us like his servant to repay the
wages he receives for his labors by continually serving our
enemies and never leaving their companionship? I am sure
I know no one who could tolerate it. Therefore, it is not
right foryou to do to your Lord what you are unwilling
to sufferfrom your servant. Thus, when we give money to
the poor, let us offer our soul to God, as we have often
mentioned before, so that where our treasure is there our
heart may also be. Why does God ask iis for money? Surely,
because He knows that we love it very much and continually
think about it, for where our money is there is our heart.

God, moreover, exhorts us to store up treasures in heaven

by alms for the poor, so that our hearts may follow whither
we have sent ahead our treasure. Then, when the priest
says: 'Lift up your hearts,' we may with a clear conscience
reply that we have lifted them up to the Lord.
(4) Now, someone may say: I am young; I cannot
overcome my passions and conquer lust. If you cannot control
yourself, listen to the Apostle when he says: 'It is better to
marry than to burn.' Since it is lawful to marry but un-
lawful to have concubines and commit adultery, why do
you want to do what is unlawful and refuse the lawful?
9 One of the prayers of the priest before the Preface of the Mass.
10 1 Cor. 7.9.

No one should avoid what is unlawful more than the man

who rejected what was lawful. Now I tell you truly, brethren,
that according to God this never was, is not now, and never
will be lawful. What is worse, those sins have become so
habitual and such important people commit them that they
are believed to be permissible. If no man wants his wife to
practice adulterous concubinage before marriage but all
men want to marry virgins, with what daring, with what
kind of a conscience, do they not blush to have concubines
before marriage? How can a man want his wife to be chaste,
when he himself is defiled? If, according to sacred Scripture :

The soul that sinneth, the same shall die,' 11 how can any-
one want to marry a person that is alive when he himself
is dead? Now, as and worst
I already said, this pernicious
habit is cultivated by many men
without any fear of God,
with the result that it is not even considered a sin. Perhaps
someone will say that it is lawful for men but not for women,
because the number of those doing it has made it lawful
for men. However, for Christians whatever is unlawful for
women is not, never was, and never will be lawful for men.
Therefore, I beseech all who realize they have done this not
to become angry at me, but at themselves. Let them think
more about correcting themselves than of contradicting or
persecuting us, so that when judgment day comes they may
obtain the remission of their sins even if they do not merit
to receive a crown.

Sermon 33



) Through Christ's goodness, dearly beloved, the days
11 Ezech. 18.20.

are almost here when we should gather the harvest. With

thanksgiving to God who has given, let us consider the
question of offering or, rather, paying tithes. Our God who
has deigned to give us all condescends to ask of us in return
tithes which doubtless will benefit us, not Himself. Thus He
has promised through the Prophet, all the tithes
saying: 'Bring
into my storehouse that there may be meat in my house : and
try me in this, saith the Lord, if I open not unto you the
flood-gates of heaven, and give you fruits even to abun-
dance.' See, we have shown you how the tithes benefit us
rather than God. Besides, it is written elsewhere: The earth is
the Lord's and the fullness thereof: the world and all they that
dwell therein.' 2 If, therefore, the earth is the Lord's and the
fullness thereof,we are His servants and farmers, and I do
not know how we can fail to recognize Him as the owner.
Again, He
says: 'The ox knoweth his owner and the ass
his master's crib: but Israel hath not known me and my
people hath not understood.'
foolish man, what evil does
God command, that He does not deserve to be heard? Thus
He speaks: 'Thou shalt not delay to offer to me the first-fruits
from thy threshing-floor and winepress.' 4 If it is a sin to
delay paying, how much worse not to give at all? Again,
is it

He says: 'Honor the Lord thy God with thy just labors,
and give him of the fruits of thy justice; that thy barns shall
be filled with grain, and thy presses shall run over with wine.' 5
Now, you do not freely give what you will immediately re-
ceive again with much
interest. You ask, perhaps, who will

profit accepts, when He is going to return it.

by what God
You ask, again, who will benefit by what is given to the
poor. If you have faith, it benefits you; if you doubt, you
have lost it. Indeed, dearly beloved, tithes are the tribute

1 Mai. 3.10.
2 Ps, 23.1.
3 Isa. 1.3.
4 Cf. Exod. 22.29.
5 Prov. 3.9,10.

of souls that are poor. Give contributions to the needy, pre-

sent offerings to the priests. If you do not possess the tithes
of earthly fruits as the farmer does, whatever your talents

procure for you belongs to God. He asks for tithes from the
source of our livelihood. Pay tithes of military service, busi-
ness, or a trade. We
pay one thing for material goods, the
other for the enjoyment of life. Therefore, man, acknowl-O
edge the fact that you have possessions, the fact that you
merited to be born. Thus speaks the Lord: 'Each one will
give to God tithes and the first-fruits for the redemption of
their souls, and they will not suffer disease or disaster.' 6
Behold, you have in sacred Scripture your Lord's security,
whereby He promises you that if you give tithes you will not
only receive an abundance of fruits, but will also obtain
bodily health. Thy threshing-floors shall be filled with grain,
and thy presses also shall run over with wine. And they will
not suffer disease or disaster.' 7 Since by the payment of
tithesyou can merit earthly and heavenly gifts, why do you
cheat yourself of a double blessing through avarice?
(2) Listen, then, impious man. You know that every-
thing you receive belongs to God; will you not give the
Creator of all things something of His own? The Lord God
not in want; He does not demand a
recompense, but honor.

He does not require you to pay back something of yours.

He and tithes, and do you refuse? Avari-
asks the first-fruits
cious man, what would you do if He had taken nine-tenths
for Himself and left you the tithes? Surely, this
happened when the meager harvest failed because your
blessing of rain was withdrawn, or when hail struck your
vintage or frost killed it. Why does this happen, greedy cal-
culator? The nine-tenths were taken from
you because you
refused to pay tithes. The fact remains, of that course, you
did not give it, but God exacted it. This is our Lord's ex-
6 Exod. 30.12.
7 Prov. 3.10; Exod. 30.12.

ceedingly just practice. If you deny Him the tithes, you are
brought down to it. As it is written: Thus speaks the Lord:

Tithes of your field and the first-fruits of your land are with
you. I see you, and you think you are deceiving me. Within,
in your treasure and in your house, there will be
You will give to a wicked soldier what you are unwilling
to give to the priest. Be converted even now, says the Lord
almighty: that I may open unto you the flood-gates of
heaven, and pour you out my blessing; and the fruits of your
land shall not be spoiled, nor shall the vine in your field
grow weak, and all nations shall call you blessed.' God is
always ready to do good, but man's wickedness prevents it,
because he wishes that everything be given him from the Lord
God, but is unwilling to offer anything of what he seems to
possess. Now, suppose God should say: Of course you are
Mine, man, for I made you. Mine is the earth which you

cultivate, Mine the seeds you sow. The animals which you
work are Mine; Mine are the rain and showers, the blasts of
the winds are Mine, Mine is the heat of the sun. Since all the
elements of life are Mine, you who only put your hands to
them deserve merely Now, although almighty God

kindly feeds us and gives an ample reward to man for his

little labor, He claims
only tithes for Himself and gives the
whole to us.

(3) Ungrateful cheat and fraud, with the divine voice

I summon you. Behold, the year has come to the end; repay
the Lord who gave you your increase. Redeem yourself,
man, while you still live; redeem yourself while you can.
Redeem yourself, I repeat, while you have the price in your
hands. Redeem yourself, lest greedy death overtake you and
you lose at the same time both your life and your wealth.
Without reason you leave this to your wife, for she will prob-
ably have another husband. Without reason you leave this
to your husband, O
woman, for he doubtless will take another
8 Cf. Mai. 3.8-12.

wife without delay. In vain do you lavish your attention

upon relatives and friends. After your death no one will
piously redeem you, you refused to ransom yourself

during life. Remove from your necks,

the weight of avarice
despise that cruel mistress which burdens you with a heavy
yoke and does not permit you to take up the yoke of Christ.
Just as the yoke of avarice usually forces a man down into
hell, so Christ's yoke raises him up to heaven. Tithes are duly
demanded. If a man withholds them, he attacks the possessions
of another. Before the tribunal of the eternal Judge a man
will appear guilty of as many murders as the number of poor
people who have died of hunger where he lived, because he
refused to pay tithes, for he reserves for his own use the
possessions assigned to the poor by our Lord. Therefore, if
a man wishes to obtain a reward and to merit the forgiveness
of his sins, he should be eager to pay tithes and to give alms
even from the remaining nine-tenths. With the exception of
moderate food and reasonable clothing, the rest of the nine-
tenths should not be set aside for dissipation, but should be
stored in the heavenly treasury through alms given to the

poor. Whatever God grants us that is more than we need He

does not give to us in particular, but through us He transmits
it to be distributed to others. If we refuse to be
generous, we
attack the possessions of another.
(4) We
desire to celebrate joyfully the nativity of St.

John the Baptist, just as we do the other feasts that come

around. Since that illustrious feast is coming soon, let us all
observe perfect chastity and honesty the several days pre-
ceding, in order that we may be able to celebrate the feast with
joy and may merit to approach the Lord with a clear and
upright conscience. I beseech and adjure you by the dreadful
day of judgment to admonish your neighbors, your household,
and all who are related to you, and to reprove them severely

out of zeal for God. Let no one on the feast of St. John dare
to bathe in the fountains or marshes or rivers either at night or

early in the morning; that wretched custom still remains from

pagan observances. Although not only souls but, so much
the worse, bodies very frequently die as a result of that
bathing, people who are unconcerned over the salvation of
their soul do not even fear bodily death. However, we trust
in God's mercy that through your reproofs very few or
practically no one will dare to commit this evil any more.
We likewise admonish you, brethren, not to allow your house-
hold to sing shameful, dissolute songs which are opposed to
chastity and upright living. Indeed, it is not right for a
mouth into which the Eucharistic Christ enters, to sing dis-
solute love songs. If you willingly listen as you usually do,
and with Christ's help strive to fulfill this, you will joyfully
celebrate the feasts of the saints with a pure heart and chaste

body in this world, and in the life to come you will happily
obtain their companionship : with the help of our Lord Jesus
Christ, to whom is honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Sermon 34


As we read the Prophets, dearly beloved, we find the
1 )

Lord advising us always to love and honor our parents, and

if it
happens that they are distressed by poverty, we should c

relieve their necessities as far as we can. Truly we read: lf

thou shalt see one naked, cover him, and despise not the mem-
bers of thy own seed.' Here the members of our seed are to be

understood as our parents. Now, someone may say: Who

would hate his parents, that the Lord through His Prophet
warns us as concerning a great matter? Doubtless, the
Holy Spirit knew, brethren, that when some men attain

1 Cf. Isa. 58.7.


honors or riches which they have sought everywhere they

despise their poor parents so much that they even refuse to
look at them. Anyone who does this should not doubt that
he has committed sin, and a serious one. It may even happen
that through riches and pride a man commits great sins and
faults, while his parents in their poverty retain humility,
simplicity, and justice. With what kind of a conscience does
such a man disdain to care for his innocent, good parents,
when he a wicked sinner? Therefore, if anyone is wealthy

while his relatives are poor, he should first provide for their
necessities,and then distribute alms to poor strangers. Indeed,
if you do not give to the rest of the poor someone else will,
but, if you are not generous to your poor parents, it is difficult
for another to give liberally to them.

(2) The just and proper order of almsgiving is that first

you should provide for yourself and your family sufficient,
moderate food and clothing, but nothing rich or luxurious;
secondly, as I said, you should generously give whatever you
can to those of your relatives who are poor; and, thirdly, you
should not allow your servants and maids to be hungry or
cold. Whatever God has given you beyond this, except your
food and clothing, you should not store up in earthly treasure
*where thieves break in and steal,' but in heaven, so that
c 2
where thy treasure is, there thy heart also may be.' Then,
when the priest says: 'Lift up your hearts,' we may reply
with confidence and in truth:
We have lifted them up to the
Lord.' With the exception of moderate, reasonable food and

clothing, whatever God has conferred upon you as the result

of military service or agriculture He did not give to you in

particular, but He transmitted it through you to be spent upon

the poor. You know that, if you are unwilling to give, you take
away what belongs to another because, as I said, only what

reasonably suffices for ourselves and our family is really ours.

2 Matt. 6.19,21.

God has sent everything over and above that for distribution
among the poor.
(3) Now, we ought not give merely but should
distribute faithfully and transmit to others whatever remains
of the nine-tenths after we have and taken care of
paid taxes
our expenses. If we do this, what we give is truly ours; if we
do not, what we hold back is not ours, nor will we who seem
to cling to it be our own masters. Moreover, brethren, I do not
understand with what feelings we do not even offer tithes of
the whole amount we have received. If God wanted to balance
the account He might say: I made the earth which you are
cultivating;you who cultivate it and your servants I created;
I made
the animals which help you cultivate; the heat of the
sun I give, and I dispense rain at the proper seasons; when
you sow, I even give you seed to scatter. If you will settle a
just account, you ought to keep one-tenth for yourself and
give Me do not ask, for I want to be mer-
nine-tenths. This I
ciful. I am furnishing you an
example, so that you may have
pity on the poor just as I have pity on you. If God wanted
to settle a just account with us, brethren, is there anything
we could say in reply? Although He admonishes us on this
subject in many places of Scripture, God especially proclaims
it in
warning through the Apostle's words: 'Having food
and sufficient clothing, with these let us be content. But those
who seek to become rich fall into temptation and a snare
of the devil and into and harmful desires, which
many useless

plunge men and

into destructiondamnation. For covetous-
ness is the root of all evils, and some in their eagerness to get
rich have strayed from the faith and have involved themselves
in many troubles. But thou, O man of God, flee these things;
but pursue justice, godliness, faith/ and the rest. I ask you,
brethren, if are silent concerning the rest of the Scriptures,
is not this one thought of the Apostle enough for a Christian?
Indeed, if a man does not arise from the sleep of avarice at the

3 1 Tim. 6.8-11.

sound of such thunder, we must consider him, not asleep, but

(4) Therefore, brethren, because due to the frailty of
our flesh we are continually tormented and pricked by many
sins like flies buzzing around, let us hasten to the haven of
God's mercy in the storms and tempests of this
rnidst of the
world. Perhaps someone will ask how he can arrive there.
Let him hear Christ saying: 'Blessed are the merciful, for
they shall obtain mercy'; and later: 'give alms, and behold,
all things are clean to you.' According to the Apostle's
thought which we ought to keep always before our eyes, if
we want to escape from the sea of this world we should be
satisfied to have a reasonable amount of food and clothing,
but nothing rich or luxurious. If God grants us anything
further we should not refuse it to the use of the poor, for
through us it clearly is transmitted to them. If we do not
relinquish what is superfluous we attack the possessions of
another. Moreover, as many poor as have died through hunger
with our knowledge will testify against us before the tribunal
of Christ.

(5)Since there are two kinds of almsgiving, one whereby

we give to the poor and another whereby we forgive our
neighbors or brothers as often as they injure us, let us with
God's help perform both, because one cannot benefit us with-
out the other. If you extend alms to the poor but do not
pardon a person who injures you, it is of no avail. Contrari-
wise, too, if you forgive those who wrong you but refuse to
give the needy whatever you can, the one cannot benefit you
without the other. Now, brethren, let us provide these two
kinds of almsgiving for ourselves as the oarage of spiritual
wings. Thus despising the desire for earthly possessions,
unimpeded by and freed from them, we may happily be able
on the wings of virtue like spiritual doves and reach
to fly

4 Matt. 5.7.
5 Luke 11.41.

the royal country of that

heavenly Jerusalem, This is what
the Psalmist longs and prays for when he
says: 'Who will give
me wings like a dove, and I will fly and be at rest?' 6
(6) It is certain, brethren, that, unless each one strives
to free the wings of his soul from the
glue of sin and the
excessive hindrances and snares of the
world, he can never
arrive at true rest. Although even with God's help we cannot
entirely remove the impediments of the world from our hearts,
let us strive as much as our strengh permits to control or cut
off some of them, we may have a few hours to devote
so that
ourselves to reading and prayer. If earthly preoccupations
wholly distract us, it must be feared that the following may
happen to us: The burdens of this world have made them
miserable.' With the Lord's help let us rather strive for the
fulfillment in us, at least in part, of what is written concern-

ing the just man: 'On the law of the Lord he shall meditate
day and night.' May the Lord in His mercy deign to grant
this to your holy charity, to whom is honor and might, to-

gether with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without
end. Amen.

Sermon 35


As often as we celebrate any sacred feasts, dearly

beloved, and prepare to receive Holy Communion, you
know with what disposition we should come. Before we come,
you are well aware of what we should first say to God in 1
prayer: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.'

6 Ps. 54.7.
7 The source of this quotation is unknown.
8 Ps. 1.2.

1 Matt. 6.12.

See to that you grant forgiveness, for you will come to


those words in the prayer. How

are you going to say them?
Or will you, perhaps, not do so? Finally, I ask: Are you
saying them or not? You hate your brother and say: 'Forgive
us as we also forgive.' You will answer: I do not say them.
You pray, and do not say them? Listen, and pay close
attention. Soon you are to pray; grant forgiveness from your
heart. Do you want to quarrel with your enemy? First quarrel
with your own heart. Say to your heart: Do not hate. If
you still feel hatred, say to your soul: Do not hate. How
shall I pray? How shall I say: 'Forgive us our debts'? This
we can say, indeed, but how are we to say what follows as :

we also forgive'? Where is your faith? Faith derived its name

from what happens. What you say is to happen, too: aswe
also forgive.' You are unwilling to forgive, and your soul is
sad because you are telling it to hate nothing. Say to it, in
turn: 2 'Why art thou sad?' Do not ruin me by hatred. 'Why
dost thou trouble me? Hope in God.' You grow faint, you
pant, you are wounded with grief, you cannot remove the
hatred from your heart. 'Hope in God.' He is the
He hung on the cross for you and still is not an avenger. Why
do you want to take vengeance? For that is why you bear
hatred, in order to get revenge. Look at Him hanging on the
cross and with. His Blood
effecting a cure for you in your
weakness. Do you want revenge? Look at Christ
there and listen to Him pray: 'Father,
forgive them for they
do not know what they are 3
(2) However, you say to me: He could do it, but I
cannot; I am a man, He is God. If you cannot imitate
Christ, why did the blessed Apostle Peter say: 'Christ also
has suffered for you, leaving you an
example that you may
follow in his steps'? 4 And why did the
Apostle Paul exclaim:
2 Ps. 41.6.
3 Luke 23.34.
4 1 Peter 2.21.

'Be you imitators of God, as 5

very dear children'? Moreover,
why did our Lord Himself say: 'Learn from me, for I am
meek and humble of heart'? 6 To plead in our own defense
we say that we cannot do what we are completely unwilling
to do. It is true that we cannot imitate Christ in all
You cannot imitate Him in raising the dead to life and
performing other virtues, but you can imitate Christ in
meekness and humility of heart. Be kind and merciful; possess
true charity; love not only your friends, but
your enemies.
If you do this you will follow in the footsteps of your Lord.
Do you still say that you cannot fulfill any of those things I
mentioned being kind and merciful, observing chastity, and
loving all men as oneself? Indeed, if we set our minds
to it, we can do all of them with God's help. When a man
comes before the tribunal of Christ it will be utterly impossible
to make excuses, for no one could know our
capabilities better
than He who gave them to us. Moreover, God who is just
could not command the impossible, and in His goodness He
will not condemn a man for what was unavoidable. Now,
if we say that we cannot fulfill Christ's commands, we assert
that He
gave orders that were too harsh and impossible of
fulfillment. It would be better to
say in all humility with the
Prophet: Thou art just, O Lord: and thy judgment is
just.' Thou we are wicked; Thou, merciful, we,
art good,
hard-hearted. When we say this let us pray with our whole
heart that He may give us the ability to carry out His
(3) Now, all those things which I mentioned before,
dearly beloved to scorn the desires of this world, to observe

perfect charity toward all men, to love not only friends but

also enemies can be accomplished with God's help, provided

that we try to uproot from our hearts unlawful desires, the

5 Eph. 5.1.
6 Matt. 11.29.
7 Ps. 118.137.

mother of all vices. Indeed, when the root is removed all the

branches are at once reduced to nothing. If we pay close

attention, brethren, we see in truth that, although
needs are taken care of by small, insignificant things, the
frenzy of desire is never satisfied by any gains or possessions.
The the abundance of things, the more the need of
them sure, we see some people who have
littlemoney rejoice in small gains. Later on, however, when
they begin to have an abundance of silver and gold, if you
offer them something small they now refuse it. You would
think they were already satisfied, but that is false. larger A
amount of money does not close the jaws of avarice, but
stretches them still wider; does not give pleasing moisture,
but kindles the flame. They refuse a cup because they thirst
for a river. Therefore, is a man to be called richer or poorer
if he wants to
possess things so as not to feel any need, but
has them only to need them still more?
(4) Truly, the fault does not with the silver and gold.
Let a kind man find a treasure. Through the prompting of
kindness is not hospitality offered to strangers, are not the
hungry fed, the naked clothed, the needy helped, captives
ransomed, churches built, the weary refreshed, the contentious
appeased, those who have suffered shipwreck repaired, the
sick cured, material wealth distributed on earth, and
riches stored up in heaven? Who does this sort of
The good, kind man. With what? Silver and gold. Whom
does he serve? The One who said; The
gold is mine, and
the silver is mine/ 8 Behold, you have heard what
good arises
from gold when a good man possesses it. On the other
let gold be in the hands of an evil man and see what
harm he does. He oppresses his inferiors, torments
his neighbors in order to rob
them, corrupts the courts, pro-
vokes quarrels and scandals,
despises the lowly, looks down
upon his parents, loves dissipation, scorns chastity and mercy.
8 Agg. 2.9.

How does this happen? Because gold was given to a wicked

man. Thus, by abusing God's gifts he will receive judgment
from what might have been a source of remedy. In the words
of the Apostle James: 'Come now, you rich, weep and howl
over your miseries which will come upon you. Your riches
have rotted, and your garments have become moth-eaten.
Your gold and silver are rusted; and their rust will be a
witness against you, and will devour your flesh as fire does."
Know well, dearly beloved, that riches cannot harm a good
man because he spends them kindly; likewise, they cannot help
the wicked as long as he keeps them avariciously or wastes
them in dissipation.

(5) Therefore, dearly beloved, let us learn to love God

with our whole heart, and let us begin to love all men as
ourselves. If we do this, no strife over earthly possessions, no

scandal, no quarrels will be able to separate us from the love

of God and of our neighbor. Indeed, how will it be possible
for anyone to do wrong if he loves all men as himself with
perfect charity? Love all men with your whole heart, and do
whatever you wish. Love those who are just because they are
good, and pray that they will ever become better. Love also
those who are wicked because they are men, and hate the fact
that they are evil. Moreover, always desire that God in His
goodness may convert them to good works. If, then, you long
to possess the riches of perfect
charity, you will consider the
pleasures of earthly desires as nothing. Truly, what does the
rich man have if he does not
possess charity? Or what does
the poor man lack, if he
possesses charity? Therefore, let us
seek after the riches of charity with all our
might. If by
God's gift we have merited to obtain them, let us despise the
riches of this world as filth. Then we will happily arrive at
where there are true riches, with the help of our
eternal bliss
Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and power.
9 James 5.1-3.

Sermon 36


In the sacred books, dearly beloved, the Holy Spirit
1 )

has so arranged it that spiritual ornaments are not able to be

lacking for the' healthy, and remedies for the
sick. Recog-

nizing this fact, under the Lord's inspiration I have endeav-

ored to provide for you the unique and special remedy of
souls as a spiritual antidote. For this reason I gathered a few
flowers as well as I could from the delightful branches of
sacred Scripture, to provide remedies for the sick, as I said,
and to provide very precious pearls from, the heavenly
treasury to heal the wounds of sins. The first and principal
remedy for the soul that is sick is to preserve sweet charity,
whereby it is possible to love enemies as well as friends.
Therefore, we have chosen as well as possible a few thoughts
from both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture, on
fraternal love of enemies. Here we see how the devout
Christian may believe, remember, observe, and with God's

help fulfill in deed this excellent charity. If anyone accepts

our words on faith without discussion, he will receive pardon
for his sins and with the assistance of God arrive at the bliss
of eternal life.

(2) First of all, we must consider and imitate with all our
strength the charity of the saints of old toward their enemies.
What great charity there was in blessed Jacob, for he preferred
to flee to distant lands from his brother who hated him rather
than repay with hatred. Not knowing how to hate, he did
know how to escape his brother; later, he returned and
honored him with many gifts, thus appeasing him.
we must notice how kind was the charity of blessed
toward his enemies: in return for the crime of murder he
did not requite his wicked, hostile brothers with bitter hate

but sweet charity. Indeed, he kissed them one by one, and

wept over them one by one. Without repaying them with any
evil, he even restored good things, loving them always with
the love of their living father and dead brother. Moreover,
when the rebellious people often wanted to stone as well as

despise Moses, mindful of divine charity he prayed to the

Lord them, exclaiming: lf thou forgive not the sin of
thy people, strike me out of the book that thou hast written.'
Even in the Old Testament we find it written: The paths
of the wicked who remember an injury are unto death' ; 'be
not mindful of the injury of thy neighbor'; and again: 'if
thou see the ass of thy enemy lie in the mire, thou shalt not
pass by unless thou first lift him up/ At this point, each one
should diligently consider that if it is not right to leave the
ass of an enemy in the mud, how much more should we not
hate or disregard a man who is made to the image of God?
Blessed Job also faithfully observed true and perfect charity
even toward his enemies, so that he could rejoice and say to
the Lord with a clear conscience: lf I have been glad at
the downfall of my enemy, and have rejoiced that evil had
found him, or have said in my heart: It is well.' 5
(3) Moreover, although blessed David was adorned with
many virtues, no action united him more closely to God than
his love for enemies. His enemy cursed him to his face, yet
he preferred to spare him and reserve him for the judgment
of God rather than satisfy his own wrath. So true and un-

feigned was his love that he wept for his very adversaries,
and punished anyone who dared to kill them. Thus, he
could say with assurance what all men ought to say with

attentive, trembling souls: lf I have rendered to them that

repaid me evils, let me deservedly fall empty before my
1 Exod. 32.32.
2 Prov. 12.28.
3 Lev. 19.18.
4 Exod. 23.5.
5 Job 31.29.

enemies. Let the enemy pursue my soul, and take it, and
tread it down, and bring down my glory to the dust.' See
to what kind of a curse a man condemns himself, if he

despises God's commands concerning

love of enemies and
does not fear to foster hatred in his heart. Therefore, we
ought to consider with what boldness or with what kind of a
conscience a man
can utter that verse, if he repays his
enemies evil for evil Through Solomon, too, the Holy Spirit
proclaims: 'When thy enemy shall fall, be not glad, lest God
see, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from
him. 57 Surely, if the Lord turns His anger away from that
man. He will direct it against the one who rejoices in the

calamity of his enemy, according to the words: He that

rejoiceth at another man's ruin shall not be unpunished/
On the same subject we read 'Man to man reserveth anger,

and doth he seek remedy of God? He hath no mercy on a man

like himself; he that is but flesh nourisheth
anger, and doth
he ask forgiveness of God? Who shall obtain pardon for his

(4) Indeed, it is recorded in the Old Testament: Thou

shalt love thy neighbor, and shalt hate 10
thy enemy.' However,
if a man wants to
grasp the meaning of the sacred writing
with sound comprehension, he understands the sentence in
this way: He should love
every man as his friend and hate
the Devil as his enemy. This can be fulfilled in an evil
for in the
person who is bad you have both a neighbor and
an enemy. Because he is aman he is your neighbor; because
he is evil he
is not
only your enemy but also his own enemy.
Therefore, love the body and soul in him, that is, your
neighbor created by God; hate the evil which the Devil intro-
duced with his consent. If
you do this with a devout and
6 PS. 7,5,6.
7 Prov. 24.17,18.
8 Prov. 17.5.
9 EcclL 28.3-5.
10 Cf. Matt. 5.45.

pious mind, you will act like a heavenly doctor who hates
the disease but loves the sick man.
(5) The Holy Spirit speaks in the same manner through
Solomon: 'If thy enemy be hungry, him to eat: if he
thirst, give him to drink; doing this thou shalt heap coals of
fire upon At this point we must watch carefully,
his head.'

lest, perchance, we make wounds out of the remedies for us

if we do not understand it well. Some people are even
inclined to take this precept as if to satisfy their wrath.
Indeed, they say within themselves: Behold I will feed my
enemy, so he may burn for ever. May God keep an idea of
this sort far from our minds This point ought to be accepted

as the saints and ancient fathers have explained it under the

guidance of the Holy Spirit. 'If thy enemy be hungry, give

him to eat,' and so forth; for by doing this thou shalt heap
coals of fire upon his head/ The head in man is understood
as his rational sense, and when this sense withdraws from the
heat of charity and becomes cold, as it is written: 'Because
iniquity has abounded, the charity of many will grow cold,'
it is necessary that he know what is contrary to his salvation,

and that he be an enemy to whom he ought to have been a

friend. Therefore, theHoly Spirit urges men who are holy
and burning with the fire of charity to cure such a madman,
for He says: Thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.'
When you piously do good to your enemy, however wicked
and cruel, savage and unfeeling he may be, he at length
sometimes blushes and grieves, beginning to repent of what
he has done. Then, when he has begun to do penance, his
rational sense, that is, his head, begins to be kindled with
the fire of charity. One who before was inclined to harbor
wrath against you like a cold maniac now begins to love you
with his whole heart through being kindled with spiritual
warmth arising from your kindness. See how the holy Fathers
11 Prov. 25.21 ,22.
12 Cf. Matt. 24.12.

have said this point of Scripture is to be understood. Far be

it from the mind of a Catholic to try to bestow some good on

his enemy with the intention of wanting the other person to

be burned in eternal fire for this kindness. Therefore, we
should consider it with great precautions of faith, and should
fear that we may follow the killing letter instead of loving
the vivifying spirit.
With great fear, dearly beloved, we ought to consider
what the Holy Spirit said terrifyingly in the psalm. When He
summons the heavenly Jerusalem, that is, the congregation
of all the saints who will reign with Christ, to praise the
Lord and says: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem/ He adds:

'who hath placed peace in thy borders. Therefore, as you
see, that heavenly Jerusalem has walls made of peace. If a
man possesses such peace and charity that he loves all men,
praying for the good that they may become better and for
the wicked that they may quickly correct themselves, he will
merit to find the doors of the heavenly Jerusalem open, on
whatever side he wishes to enter. However, if a man is
unwilling to possess such charity as Christ preached and the
Apostle taught, he will find the doors of Jerusalem closed on
all sides. Because he refuses to
keep the oil of charity, when
the doors of the bridegroom are closed,
together with the
foolish virgins he will hear that dreadful word: 'Amen I say
to you, Ido not know whence you are/ 14 Just as the heavenly
Jerusalem will open its doors to the five virgins who had
the oil of charity, so that they may enter into the
joy of their
Lord, so on the contrary it will close them to those who
come without charity and repel them in an endless separation.
Then will be fulfilled what is written in the psalm concerning
that Jerusalem: 'Because he hath strengthened the bolts of
thy gates.' When the doors are closed and the bolts
13 PS. 147.12,14.
14 Matt. 25.12.
15 Ps. 147.13.

no friend will ever depart and no enemy will ever be able to

enter; for, as the just will never leave their glory, so also the
sinner will never be able to be freed from punishment.
(7) Therefore, if we want the divine Goodness to deign
to free us from those evils so that we may happily deserve to
enter the heavenly Jerusalem, let us labor with all our
strength that what the Apostle said 16 may be fulfilled in us:
'Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribula-
tion, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or danger, or the
sword?' Also, that further word: Tor I am sure that neither
death, nor nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor

height, nor depth, nor things present, nor things to come, nor
any other creature will be able to separate us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord,' Behold, just as

you have heard, such great and terrible things could not
separate the blessed Apostle and apostolic men from the
charity of God. For this reason it is deplorable that, although
they could not be separated from the charity of God even by
torments, we are sometimes separated by idle tales. Moreover,
because of a very slight insult and the slander of some miser-
able man we abandon charity to such an extent that we do
not speak to him for many days, perhaps even months and
years, and refuse to come to the same banquet. Furthermore,
we do not notice that when we hate someone we close the
walls of the heavenly Jerusalem against ourselves, so that no

approach remains for us through which we may enter. Since

that City has God as an inhabitant, and in the words of
John the Evangelist, 'God is love,' with what boldness and
what kind of a conscience will a man presume to approach
Him who is Charity, if he has refused to observe it?
(8) When I frequently repeat these things to you with
paternal devotion, dearly beloved, I absolve my conscience
in God's sight. Because there will be no one who can truly

16 Rom. 8.35,38,39.
17 1 John 4.8.

excuse himself for inability to observe true peace and charity,

let us pray God's mercy with all our strength that He may
without which
deign to bestow and instil in us that charity
no one will ever see God. May we never be separated from
His love or pleasure by any torments or losses or persecutions.
If you wish, there is no need for us to weary you any
with a longer sermon; what we have said at present may
suffice for your charity. With God's pleasure you may now
like clean animals chew over what you have heard by holy

thoughts, and determine how with his assistance you

fulfill them in your souls. Then, w hat follows
on love of
enemies you more conveniently hear without physical

weariness, either tomorrow or, certainly, on Sunday: with

the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and
glory world without end. Amen.

Sermon 37


(1) I know and believe that your charity wisely under-

stands that it is not without reason that I admonish you so
often concerning the true and perfect I do this
because I realize that there is no medicine so salutary and
efficacious for the wounds of all sins. Added to this is the
fact that, although the remedy of true and perfect charity is so
great, no one found who could not possess it with God's help.

In other good works one sometimes may offer an excuse of

one sort or another, but in possessing love no one can excuse
himself. Someone may say to me: I cannot fast. Is there

anyone who can say: I cannot love? He may say: Because of

my bodily infirmity I cannot abstain from wine or meat. Can
anyone say: I cannot love? He may say he cannot observe

virginity, sell all his goods and give to the poor. But cart
anyone say: I cannot love my enemies and be indulgent to
those who have sinned against me? Let no one delude himself,
beloved brethren, because God fails no one. Indeed,
there are many things which we cannot do because of human
weakness in a physical sense, with God's help we doubtless
can, if we honestly wish it, possess charity in our hearts.
There are many things which we often cannot give out of
our granary or storehouse or cellar; but with regard to the
treasure of our heart it is mean and disgraceful if we seem
to offer any excuse. For in doing this our feet are not wearied
in running, our eyes in seeing, our ears in hearing, or our
hands with working, so that we may attempt to excuse our-
selves on the grounds of fatigue. It is not said to us: Go to
the east, and look for charity; sail to the west, and you will
find love. Rather, we are bidden to return within our own
hearts from which anger usually shuts us out, as the Prophet
says: 'Return, ye transgressors, to the heart/ As I have
already said, what the Lord repeatedly asks of us is not
found in distant lands; He sends us within, into our own
hearts. For He has placed within us that which He wants, in
which consists the perfection of charity in the will and
goodness of soul. This will and goodness the angels proclaimed
to the shepherds: Teace on earth among men of good will.'

Therefore, because we will be able to offer no excuse before

the tribunal of Christ, let us strive with all our might with
God's help that goodness may prevail in our hearts more
than wickedness, patience more than anger, kindness more
than envy, humility more than pride; and to end this whole
discussion briefly the sweetness of charity will take possession
of our whole heart in such a way that bitter hatred will be
able to find no room in us.
(2) But someone says: I cannot in any way love my
1 Isa. 46.8.
2 Luke 2.14.

enemies. In all of holy Scripture God has told you that you

can, but you reply to the contrary that you cannot. Consider,
now, whether God or you should be believed. Therefore,
because truth cannot lie, let human weakness now abandon
its vain excuses. He who is just could not command the
impossible, nor is He who is pious likely to condemn a man
for something unavoidable. Why do we uselessly pretend?
No one knows our capabilities better than He who gave
them to us. Consider the many men and women, illustrious
boys and delicate girls, who calmly endured flames and fire
and swords and wild beasts for Christ. Then can we say we
cannot endure the reproaches of foolish men? Sometimes, in
return for very slight losses which we incur through the malice
of the wicked, we avenge our wrongs, if possible, even to the
death of their perpetrator. Therefore, I do not know with
what countenance or conscience we desire to have a share
in eternal beatitude with all the saints, for we do not consent
to follow their example in even the least matters.
(3) Moreover, there are some people who think that the
testimony of the Scriptures is a defense against the divine
wrath. They say that it is written: 'My soul loves one that
loves it,' so that while they incorrectly understand the divine

authority, they w ound r

themselves with the remedy. Let your
charity heed how this should and could be understood. 'My

soul, it says, 'loves one that loves it.'

Although this should
be felt toward men according to the letter, it should more
certainly be understood concerning God, because no one loves
us better than He does. If, indeed, only the good are to be
loved, what will we say concerning God, about whom it is
written: 'God so loved the world that he gave his only-
begotten Son'? What good had the world done that God
should love it so? Christ our Lord indeed came to all men,
not only the wicked, but also those who were dead
3 Cf. Prov. 8.17.
4 John 3.16.

though we were such, 'He loved us

original sin. But, even
and delivered himself up
for us. In this way He loved even
those who did not love Him, as the Apostle Paul says:
'Christ died for the wicked. With unutterable devotion He
gave this example to the whole human race, saying: 'Learn
from me, for I am meek and humble 7
of heart.' The same
command is
given by the blessed Apostle Peter: 'Christ also
has suffered for us, leaving you an example that you may
follow in his steps.' What example of the Lord are we to
follow? To revive the dead? To walk on the sea? Not at all;
but that we be meek and humble of heart; that we love, not
only our friends, but also our enemies. It says: That you
may follow in his steps.' Likewise, blessed John the Evangelist

says: 'He who says that he abides in Christ ought himself

also to walk just as he walked.
How did Christ walk? When
stretched upon the cross He
prayed thus for His enemies:
'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are
doing. Our enemies indeed are mad and possessed by a
contrary spirit, so that in order to persecute us they suffer
a still greater persecution from the Devil. For this reason we
ought to pray that they will be freed rather than condemned.
Thus, indeed, acted blessed Stephen, who was the first
gloriously to follow Christ's example. When he was struck
with showers of hard rocks he stood up and prayed for
himself, and then, falling upon his knees in front of his

enemies, cried out with all his strength: Lord Jesus Christ,
do not lay this sin against them.' 11 If, then, we think that we
cannot imitate our Lord, let us at least imitate our fellow
servant. Let us also imitate blessed James, who likewise, when
5 Eph. 5.2.
6 Rom. 5.6.
7 Matt. 11.29.
8 Cf. 1 Peter 2.21.
9 1 John 2.6.
10 Luke 23.34.
11 Acts 7.60.

he was stoned by the Jews, fell upon his knees and prayed
for his persecutors.

(4) In the Gospel, too, our Lord did not give us counsel,
but a command, to love our enemies. Counsel is one thing;
a command, quite another. Counsel is given to observe
virginity, to abstain from wine and meat, to sell all one's
goods and give to the poor; but a command is given to
observe justice, to avoid evil and do good. Finally, it is said
of virginity: 'Let him accept it who can.' Concerning
justice, however, it is not said: Let whoever can, do it, but:
'Every tree that is not bringing forth good fruit is to be cut
down and thrown into the fire.'
Anyone who willingly listens
to counsel and fulfills it will possess great glory, but anyone
who does not fulfill a command cannot
escape punishment
unless he has recourse to repentance. Thus the Lord has
commanded: 14 'Love your enemies, do good to those who
hate you, and pray for those who persecute and calumniate
you.' Moreover, if you ask what reward you will receive,
listen to what follows: So that you may be children of your
Father who is in heaven.' Notice that if we do not love our
enemies, we cannot be sons of God. Now with what kind of
a spirit do we say in prayer: 'Our Father who art in
heaven'? Or with what kind of a conscience can we say:
'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors'?
(5) And still someone says: I hear one repeating the
Scriptures: 'My soul loves one that loves it.* Do you love
your children and parents? So does a robber love, a lion
loves, so a dragon loves, bears love, and so do wolves love
If, then, we do not love those who love us, if we despise our
children or parents, we are worse than lions and the above-
mentioned beasts. Moreover, if we love only those who love

12 Matt. 19.12.
13 Matt. 3.10.
14 Matt. 5.44,45.
15 Matt. 6.9,12.
16 Cf. Prov. 8.17.

us, we apparently are in no way different from the very

animals. Just as our Lord Himself said 'For if you love those

who love you, what reward shall you have? Do not even the
publicans do that? And if you salute your brethren only,
what are you doing more than others? Do not even the
Gentiles do that?' 17 Therefore, as you see for yourselves, those
who love only their friends in this respect are still like the
publicans and pagans. In order, then, that we may be superior
to the pagans and animals, let us love also our enemies and
adversaries. Let us, then, fear what the Lord said in the
Gospel: 'Wicked servant! I forgave thee all the debt,
because thou didst entreat me. Shouldst not thou also have
had pity on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee?'
And furthermore 'He handed him over to the torturers until

he should pay that was due to him. So also,' says the Lord,

'my heavenly Father will do to you, if you do not each forgive

your brothers from your hearts.' In another passage of Scrip-

ture the Lord Himself says: 19 'By this will all men know
that you are my you have love for one another.*
disciples, if
And again: This my commandment, that you love one

another.' Still another quotation reads: 'Whoever keeps the

whole Law, but offends in one point, has become guilty in
all.' What is this one thing, unless what we said above:
'A new commandment I give you, that you love one another'?
What, I repeat, is this one thing, unless what the Apostle says:
The whole Law is fulfilled in one word: Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself? However, lest, perchance, anyone say
that this passage is not to be understood thus, let him hear
the Apostle again crying out with glorious words concerning
this command: 'And if I deliver my body to be burned, yet

17 Matt. 5.46,47.
18 Matt. 18.32-35.
19 John 13.35; 15.12.
20 James 2.10.
21 Gal. 5.14.

do not have charity, it
nothing.' profits me
It is genuine,
true charity which extends, not only to friends, but even to
enemies, just as our Lord is admitted to have such love for
the human race that He allows His rain to fall and His sun
daily to rise, not only upon the good, but even upon the
(6) Above all, we ought to recall and remember with
great reverence and fear what the Lord said in the Gospel:
'If you forgive men their offenses,
your heavenly Father will
also forgive you your offenses. But you do not forgive men, if
neither will your Father forgive you your offenses. The
Apostle preaches the same thing when he says:
To no
man render evil for evil. Bless those who persecute you; bless
and do not curse/ Likewise: 'Be not overcome by evil, but
overcome evil with good'; and again: not rendering evil for
evil,or abuse for abuse, but contrariwise, blessing.' Blessed

John the Evangelist, too, who leaned on the Lord's breast, thus
admonishes us in his Epistle: 26 Everyone who hates his
brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer has
eternal abiding in him.' Furthermore: He who says that

he is in the light, and hates his brother is in the darkness, and

walks in the darkness, and he does not know whither he goes;
because the darkness has blinded his eyes.' In this way we
ought to receive everyone as a brother. Blessed John further

says: lf anyone says, "I love God," and hates his brother,
he is For how can he who does not love his brother,
a liar.

whom sees, love God, whom he does not see?' However,

this discourse is long enough. There are, indeed, innumerable

passages, in both the Old and the New Testaments, which

seem to confirm by the strongest evidence the matter about
which we are speaking. It would take too long, though, to

22 1 Cor. 13.3.
23 Matt. 6.14,15.
24 Rom. 12.17,14,21.
25 1 Peter 3.9.
26 1
John 3.15; 2.9,11; 4.20.

bring them all to the ears of your charity. Holy souls accept
even small things as great because in reality greater quantity
profit one whom small things profit,
will never be able to
but great things do not profit. For this reason, dearly beloved,
considering what has already been said a number of times,
that 'The whole Law is fulfilled in us in one word: Thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,' 27 love not only your friends,
but also your enemies. If anyone is unwilling to fulfill this,
other good works will not be able to benefit him. Therefore,
forgive all your enemies in such a way that you may be
able to say with a clear conscience in prayer: 'Forgive us our
debts, as we also forgive our debtors.' May He deign to
grant this, who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 38



(1) Frequently in the Gospel, dearly beloved, we have

heard the Lord say: 'Love your enemies, do good to those
who hate you.' 1 Why did the Lord say: 'Love your enemies,'
except because we would have to suffer them? Someone says :

Who can love his enemies? Formerly, your God who never
was wicked loved you when you were; even if you are not
wicked now, you were at some time or other. There is no
just man but was a sinner, as we frequently
chant: 'Blessed

27 Gal. 5.14.
28 Matt. 6.12.

1 Matt. 5.44.

are they whose iniquities are forgiven.'

We do not say:
Blessed are they who have committed no sin, but 'Blessed
are they whose iniquities are forgiven.* If you look for some-
one who has not committed any, you will not find him. How,
then, will any one be blessed? He will
if his sin is forgiven,

if what he has committed is covered. If your sin

has already
been pardoned, the person who is attacking you is not yet
others before you were justified;
just. You, too, persecuted

you were lost, and you have been found. The one who opposes
will also be found, and then he will not trouble you.
Do not imagine that you have become as you are through
your own merits, because God's grace
made you so. If you
consider well, you will perceive that God is powerful and
that He made the one whom you seem to yourself to hate

to yourself: Great
(2) As though you are just, you say
is God's patience which allows such a man to live. If only
afraid you blame Him
you said merely this much But I am

say: Why is God pleased

besides when to spare such
men? Can men do such evil, and still live? Someone else

says: O God, why does

that man live, when he says such
He does not notice what
things and censures your justice?
he saying, but pays attention
is to what another doing. is

the man who displeases you does not rebuke God

or hurl such insults at Him as you are doing. Consider that
God, wants to spare no evil; what will He do with
like you,
where He
you who cannot exist without sin? Do you not see
will find you? Therefore, ask Him not only to spare others,
but yourself, too. This, brethren, is the inherent quality all
the wicked possess: they do not want God to spare the unjust,
but they do not realize what they are themselves in this very
matter that they desire. But I am just, you say. If God had
not spared you when you were unjust, how would you have
attained justice? Or did you, perhaps, want God to be

2 Ps. 31.1.

patient with you until you would arrive at a state of justice?

Since God extended the bridge of His
mercy so that you
might cross, do you now want Him to withdraw it so that
another cannot?
(3) Therefore, dearly beloved, let us love our enemies.
Perhaps the man who is your friend today will commit such
sins that he cannot be with you in eternal life, 'For thou
knowest not what tomorrow may bring forth.' 3 On the
contrary, your enemy may be converted to repentance in
such a way that he merits to be your fellow citizen in that
heavenly Jerusalem; in fact, he might even become greater
than you. This should not seem difficult to you. Let us
examine the Scriptures, and in them we will be able to
understand this more clearly. At first, the Apostle Paul was a
wicked enemy of the Christians; he carried them off, plun-
dered their property, and raged. He was present the time
the martyr Stephen was stoned. His hands did not touch the
martyr, but he stoned him with the hands of all. He kept
everyone's garments so they would not be impeded by them
and could throw the rocks with free hands, and thus he
committed the crime in the hands of all. See how at one
word of the Lord he became a preacher instead of a per-
secutor. He surpassed those whom he had hated, for not all
the Christians he persecuted were such as he became. Not
even all the Apostles were what he became. So, you see, it is
possible for one who is your enemy today not only to
be your
friendand brother in grace, but even to surpass you and
become better.
(4) Dearly beloved, do you not think that all those
Christians whom Saul persecuted prayed for him? Certainly,
if they knew Christ and were Christians, if they realized that

the Lord Jesus Himself died for sinners. He did not die for
the faithful, but He died to make the faithful. I beseech you,
brethren, listen carefully. What is it that our Lord and

3 Cf. Prov. 27.1.


Saviour, who offered His death for unbelievers, reserved for

the faithful? Consider, further, that those whom the Apostle
Paul was persecuting knew well the mercy of God. They
understood that Saul the persecutor could become a preacher,
and so they prayed for him, and their prayers were heard.
He was pursuing, but they overcame him; rather, they
killed him and did so by praying for him. How? Behold,
with one word the persecutor is thrown to the ground. When
he arose he was no longer a persecutor, but a preacher; the
persecutor was dead. Look for the persecutor but you will
not find him, because he has risen. Therefore, they overcame
him by prayer more than he did with his persecution. Do

you, also, brethren, pray for your enemies that God may
overcome them, that is, that He may slay their wickedness
which is hateful to you. Thus, God will not kill what He
created, but what they themselves made for themselves. 'Man'
and 'a sinner* are two names; in these two names look for
what God created and what the Devil caused by his per-
suasion. Man was made by God; sin was originated by man

upon the Devil's advice. Which of the two persecutes you?

Indeed, if you lead a good life, no one persecutes you except
the evil man; therefore, not man, but a sinner, troubles you.
Pray for the man, that God may destroy the sinner. When
the sinner is dead he will not oppose you; in fact, he who
persecuted you when he was dead in sin will comfort you
when he is alive.
(5) I implore you by the mercy of our Lord that this be
not difficult for you, for we have no other hope but in
forgiveness of the injury men have done to us. Let no one
deceive us we owe no other greater sacrifice to God than to

do good to men, even to the wicked. God says to you: I do

not grow because of you, but you do because of me. I want
a sacrifice that will benefit man, and thus I will receive what
will be for your good. You may say : I have nothing to give
to the needy; I cannot fast frequently and abstain from wine

or meat.Can you tell me you cannot practice charity? That it

iswhose possession increases in proportion as it is spent. Let
go of what you were clinging to, lest He in whom you have
nothing to forgive may hold something against you. 'Forgive,
and you shall be forgiven; give, and it shall be given to you/ 4
Realize that there are two kinds of alms, dearly beloved: one
of the heart, the other of money. Alms of the heart is to

forgive whatever injury you have suffered. Sometimes you

look for something to give to the poor and have nothing; but
forgive the sinner as often as you will, and it always comes
back to you. It is possible that at times you will not have

gold, silver, clothing, grain, wine, or oil to give to the poor.

However, you can never excuse yourself from loving all men
and doing to others what you want them to do to you, even
forgiving your enemies. If you have nothing in the cellar
the granary to give, you can offer something from the

treasury of your heart. Now, since good will, and that alone,
suffices for all men, and alms of the heart is much greater
than material alms, who could offer the shadow of an excuse?
Notice this, the alms of charity without earthly
wealth is
enough, but an alms which is given materially but
not with a kindly heart is not at all satisfactory. As you see,
love of enemies are sufficient
dearly beloved, charity and the
and more than to obtain the remission of sins, even
if earthly riches be lacking. Therefore, we will have no
excuse in the matter on the day of judgment. No one will be
able to say that he did not have the means of redeeming
his sins.
For this reason let us endeavor to love all men with
our whole heart, praying that the good may
become better
and persevere in and that the wicked may
good works,
amend their lives. Let us fear the Lord's threat when
He said: 'If you do not forgive men their offenses, neither

4 Luke 6.37,38.

will your Father forgive you your offenses.' However, with
His help let us strive still more for the fulfillment in us of the
words: 'Give, and it shall be given to you; forgive, and you
shall be forgiven.' 6 According to the Lord's statement which
we mentioned before, 'If you forgive men their offenses,
your heavenly Father will also forgive you your offenses,' we
have in our power the criterion by which we shall be judged
on the day of judgment. Let us forgive all our enemies, so
that we may be able to say with a clear conscience in the
Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our
debtors.' May He deign to grant this, who, together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without
end. Amen.

Sermon 39





(1) Knowing that the human race with its weaknesses

cannot pass through this present life without sin, the good
and merciful Lord deigned to provide such remedies as not
only the rich, but also the poor, can apply to the wounds of
their sins. What are these remedies? They are two, concerning
which the Lord said: 'Give, and it shall be given to you;

5 Matt. 6.15.
6 Luke 6.58,37.
7 Matt. 6.14.
8 Matt. 6.12.

forgive, and you shall be forgiven.' 'Give,

and it shall be given
to you' refers to the alms which are
given to the hungry, the
naked, and captives. 'Forgive, and you shall be forgiven'
indicates the alms
whereby we forgive all our enemies. Even
if a poor man wanted to excuse himself because he cannot
feed the hungry, clothe the naked, or free the he captive,
could in no wise say in truth that he cannot
forgive his
enemies or adversaries. In order that he
may say with a clear
conscience in the Lord's Prayer those which the
wise heavenly Judge dictated to us:
Torgive us our debts, as
we also forgive our debtors,' let him listen with fear to that
sentence in the Gospel: c if
you forgive men their offenses,
your heavenly Father will also forgive you your offenses.
But if you do not forgive men, neither will
your Father forgive
offenses.' We are treated
you your very kindly, for it is put
in our power how we will be
judged on the last day. If you
forgive, you will be forgiven; if you do not, neither will you
be pardoned.
But someone will say: I cannot
(2) forgive my enemies.
Ifyou have no sin for God to forgive, then
perhaps you might
say you are unwilling to forgive your neighbor. However, if
you have sinned against God incomparably more than any
man has sinned against you,
why do you not forgive the
slight offense when the Lord commands it, in order that
God may deign to forgive your many sins? God has not told
you: Fast more than you can, abstain from wine or meat,
weaken yourselves by more
frequent vigils, sail to the east or
the west under infinite trials and labors. None of these
imposed upon However, we are commanded to search

carefully the confines of our conscience and not have hatred

for any man in the world, thus
fulfilling what the Lord
Himself said: A11 things whatever would that men
1 Luke 6.38,37.
2 Matt. 6.12,14,15.

should do to you, even so do you also to them.' Now, since
there is no one who does not desire forgiveness for the wrongs
he has committed against God or man, why do we not treat
we would be treated, in order that what the Apostle
others as

saysmay come to pass: 'The whole Law is fulfilled in one

word: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself'? 4 Why should
we deceive ourselves with a false security, thinking that even
if we refuse to
forgive our neighbor we can merit to receive
pardon for our sins? With great fear we ought to consider that
terrible and dreadful sentence
of our Lord which the cruel
servant deserved to hear: 'Wicked servant! I forgave thee
all the debt, because thou didst entreat me. Shouldst not thou

also have had pity on thy fellow-servant, even as I had

on thee?' What happened then? 'He handed him over, it 9

says, to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to
him.' In order to impress this
upon those who came later,
He added: 'So also my hea-venly Father will do to you, if
you do not each forgive your brother from your hearts. Since

by wholeheartedly forgiving our brothers we can without any

physical labor merit the pardon of all our sins, what excuse
will we have on
judgment day if we neglect to perform what
we could very easily do with God's help? Doubtless, our Lord
will carry out His sentence in our
regard, so that with the
same judgment whereby we have judged others He will also
judge us, and in the measure in which we have forgiven our
neighbors He will in turn us.
If anyone refuses to
do so, he closes the gates of divine
mercy upon himself.
(3) All the good works which a man has performed will
be in vain if he does not possess a
genuine charity which
extends to his enemies as well as to his friends. The blessed
Apostle Paul, in whose person Christ speaks, does not lie when
he says: 'If I distribute all
my goods to feed the poor, and if
3 Matt. 7.12.
4 Gal. 5.14.
5 Matt. 18.32-35.

I deliver my body to be burned, yet do not have charity, it

profits me nothing.' Now, since 'Covetousness is the root of

all evils,' and is the root of all
charity good, what does it
profit a man ifhe possesses a thousand branches with flowers
or the finest and most delicious fruits, if the root in him is
not alive and true? Just as when the root of avarice is torn
out all the branches immediately become dry and perish, so,
if the root of charity in a man is destroyed by hatred or

anger, nothing will remain in him to arrive at eternal life.

(4) If anyone keeps the above-mentioned evils in his
heart and thinks he can redeem his sins by abundant alms-
giving, he should listen to the Lord saying in the Gospel:
If thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there remem-
berest that thy brother has anything against thee, go first to
be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy
gift.' This statement shows clearly that the offering of
sacrifice or almsgiving is of no avail unless reconciliation with
an enemy have preceded. God Himself has told us in
the Gospel that He
will not hear our prayer if wish to keep
hatred in our heart. 'He who has my commandments and
keeps them, he it is who loves me,' and 'what does it profit
that you call me, "Lord, Lord," and do not practise the
things that I say?' What are the things that the Lord claims
to have mentioned in particular? Surely, those which pertain
to peace and harmony. 'Love your enemies, do good to those
who hate you'; moreover: 'peace I leave with you, my peace
I give to you'; and: 'by this will all men know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one another.' Now, if we
give alms generously but according to Christ's precepts do
not forgive our enemies, we offer our earthly substance to
God but subject our soul to the Adversary. Consider whether
6 1 Cor. 13.3.
7 1 Tim. 6.10.
8 Matt. 5.23,24.
9 John 14.21; Luke 6.46.
10 Matt. 5.44; John 14.27; 13.35.

this division is
just and pleasing to God. He does not want
our goods so much as our selves, but, because He knows that
we love our earthly wealth very much, He desires the offering
of what we love. Thus, in accord with His teaching may our
heart follow where our treasure has
gone ahead. Then,
when the priest says: 'Lift up your hearts,' we can with a
clear conscience say that we have lifted them
up to the Lord.
(5) Who
would not tremble at that sentence 11 of the
blessed Apostle John which we have frequently mentioned
and should constantly repeat? 'Everyone who hates his
brother,' he says, 'is a murderer.' 'He who says that he is in
the light, and hates his brother, is in the darkness still' and :

'He who hates his brother is in the darkness, and walks in the
darkness, and he does not know whither he goes; because
the darkness has blinded his
eyes'; and this: The paths of
those who retain the injury of those who have wronged them
are in death. 512 Since, to the facts we mentioned
above, no shadow of any excuse remains for us, let us with
God's help strive with all our
might to fulfill His commands,
in order to merit His
promises. Moreover, that we not may
lose the other
good works which we perform under God's
inspiration, let us faithfully practice charity as the mother of
all good works. In order that
you might understand more
fully and clearly what we suggested above, I thought of
a little something pertinent to the from the works of
St. Augustine. Thus, it will be proved very clearly that no
one can merit God's mercy if he
despises the two precepts of
charity, and neglects to forgive his enemies with all his heart.
(6) When the holy Bishop
Augustine was discussing the
paralytic who had been sick for
thirty-eight years, he said:
By the number forty, dearly beloved, the course and tenor of
our life is
mystically designated in sacred Scripture. Before
Easter, which signifies the present life, we observe a
11 1
John 3.15; 2.9,11.
12 Prov. 12.28
(Septuagint) .

fast so that we may be able to celebrate

joyfully the Easter
which represents eternal life. Moses fasted thus for forty days
and so did Elias, while our Lord and Saviour consecrated
a fast of forty days. Moreover, the Jewish
people remained
in the desert for forty years after they deserved to be freed
from Egypt. Therefore, as you see, dearly beloved, that
number forty seems to represent a figure of good Christians
and of all the saints. That weak man, however, of whom we
read in the Gospel that he was lying down, seems to
the human race. Since he lay sick for
thirty-eight years, two
less than that number
forty we mentioned above, let us
consider the nature of those two which were lacking to the
consecrated number. What are they, brethren, except the
two precepts of charity: love of God and of neighbor? They
are such that without them everything else is worthless. If a
man any good works including virginity and even
martyrdom, but does not have those two upon which 'depend
the whole Law and the Prophets,' 13 he lies weak and para-
lyzed. Then
Christ came and by the grace of the Holy Spirit

taught us two things that we should love God and that we


should love a neighbor. Finally, He gave the two denarii for

the man who had among robbers, and He spent two

days among Samaritans, to strengthen them in love of God

and their neighbor. Moreover, as a type of the Church that
widow threw two coins into the treasury, and the Lord
chose to preach charity to two disciples. As we said, the
human race did not deserve to have them before the coming
of Christ. Notice, brethren, that the Lord mentioned two

things, evidently those which seemed to be lacking. 'Rise,

take up thy pallet.' That sick man lacked two things. What
does 'rise' mean, except love the Lord? For, if a man loves

God, he lifts up Furthermore, what is it to take

his heart.

up thy pallet,' unless to love your neighbor? Thus, love of

13 Matt. 22.40.
14 John 5.8.

neighbor is designated in taking up the pallet. The Apostle


says: Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfill

the law of Christ.' If, then, your brother has been overtaken
in something, let him be carried by you; if you are overcome,
let him sustain you. Therefore 'rise' and love God; take

thy pallet' and love your neighbor, that is, bear his burden

in order that you may find rest. These two elements were
necessary for the human race, but men could not possess
them alone. Therefore, 'The charity of God is poured forth
in our hearts/ not by ourselves, but 'by the Holy
Spirit who
has been given to us ; 16 with the help of Him who lives
reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Sermon 40



(1) The judgments of God are often hidden, dearly

beloved, but they are never unjust. Since we read that some
sinners were punished in the
present life by holy men, we
ought to see with simple, pure faith why this was done.
Examples show to all the fact that in the Old Testament sin
was punished corporally as often as suitable punishments were
imposed. However, no one did this because of his own wrath,
but leaders or judges
punished most justly to inspire fear in
the rest of the
people. In truth, blessed Moses, of whom we
read that 'He was a man meek above all 1
men,' when he
came down from the mountain and saw the
people sacrificing
to idols, ordered 3,000 be killed. This was not to
people to
15 Gal. 6.2.
16 Rom. 5.5.

1 Num. 12.3.

satisfy his own wrath, but to avenge the wrong done to

God, so that others who saw it might never commit such sins.
In order that we may understand in what spirit he issued
this command, upon returninghome he prayed, saying: c lf
thou forgive not thy people their sin, strike me out of the
book that thou hast written.' 2 Behold true and perfect charity:
he ordered the death of a few people in order to save 600,000,
with the women and children excepted. If he had not been
aroused with zeal for God to punish a few men, God's
would have destroyed them all. With a sword in his own
hand the blessed priest Phinees also killed one of the chiefs
who was lying with a strange woman, and the Lord Himself
testifies in what spirit he did this: Thinees moved with my
zeal turned away my wrath,
that I might not destroy all the
people.' Truly, his action was not due to carnal hatred, but
to zeal and divine love; for his purpose was not revenge, but
to free the people from God's wrath.

2) We
know that blessed Elias also did the same thing.

When the haughty and wicked king had directed a captain

of fifty and his soldiers, ordering him to come to him, blessed
Elias grieved over the perversion of the people. Because the

impious ruler had persuaded them to worship idols, in the

name of the Holy Spirit the Prophet told fire to come down
from heaven and consume them, so that the rest of the
people might be cured in soul after seeing these struck down
bodily. Since no spiritual remedy was
effective among them,
the Holy Spirit through the mouth of Elias ordered another
officer of fifty, who had come haughtily, to be killed together
with his soldiers. With what piety the Holy Spirit did this, or
with what mind Elias, is shown by the humility of that
officer who came thirdly. Here we clearly see that the divine

Mercy would have granted forgiveness at once, if human

2 Exod. 32.32.
3 Cf. Num. 25.11.
4 Cf. 4 Kings 1.9-14.

weakness had humbled itself in the first place. Now, we are

not to think that they had been sent to Elias to kill him, but,
rather, to summon him to the king. Therefore, blessed Elias
did not satisfy his own anger, but rather avenged God's injury.
He also did this to the idolatrous priests on Mount Garmel
when he ordered them all killed so that, when the false
religion with its teachers was destroyed, there might be room
for the true religion in men's hearts. Blessed Elias is not
believed to have done this entirely with his own strength, but

by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now, you would like to


know the character of Elias when the grace of the

Holy Spirit
left him for a little while to try him he could not endure the
threats of a harlot, but fled into the desert for forty days.
Thus, one who had closed up the heavens with a word and
had caused avenging flames to come from above when God's
grace and the Holy Spirit supported him could not stand the
word of a harlot. I have mentioned this in order that we

might realize that not Elias, but the Holy Spirit operating
through him, did all this. Therefore, it is wrong to suppose
that Elias wanted to be avenged in those whom he had killed.
(3) We
ought to consider this same fact in the case of
when wicked youths shouted at him: Go up,
Eliseus, for,
thou bald head; go up, thou bald head,' 5 the Holy Spirit
who dwelt in him commanded two bears to go up and tear
to pieces forty-two boys. Thishappened in mystery, signifying
the Lord's Passion when the mocking Jews shouted: 'Let
him be crucified, let him be crucified/ 6 just as the others had
exclaimed: 'Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head,
that is, go up to the cross on Calvary. However, according to
the text, only a few were struck, so that the majority might
be cured. Now, because the Jews not only despised but even
hated the Prophets, they were struck with such a blow in
order that they might recognize the power of the Holy Spirit.

5 4 Kings 2.23.
6 Matt. 27.23.

That they were still

unwilling to amend their lives the Holy
Spirit proclaims elsewhere in prophecy: I have struck your
children, and you have not received correction.' 7 If, then, the
Holy Spirit effected this, it is wrong to attribute it to blessed
Eliseus, because, being in truth but a man, he could not
possess such great power without the Holy Spirit. Now, if we
attribute it to Eliseus, we seem to dare to dispute the just
judgment of God.
(4) we think that this happened only in the Old
Testament, look at that most blessed and meek Apostle
Peter and see what the Holy Spirit did through him in the
case of Ananias and Saphira. 8 Again, this was not done to

avenge the blessed Apostle, who

apparently suffered no
personal injury, but through his lips the Holy Spirit cut off
at its very roots the worst example of infidelity that sprang

up. When we reflect on all these facts spiritually and devoutly,

letus suspect nothing wrong in this holy zeal and judgment
of the just. Our Lord and Saviour Himself deigns to show
them to us, who, together with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 41



(1) Let no one say, dearly beloved, that the contests of

the martyrs are impossible in our day, for even times of peace
have their martyrs. As we have frequently mentioned, to
soften one's anger, to avoid lust, to exercise justice, to despise
avarice, to humble pride, are all a large part of martyrdom.

7 Jer. 2.30.
8 Cf. Acts 5.1-11.

Not unfittingly do we include scorn of avarice, the softening

of wrath, and the avoidance of lust. Avarice should be
despised because it procures unjust gains for us in order to
win us, for we would be our own masters if we had no such
profits. Like a fire, avarice is to be contemned, for the more
gets the more wants. Anger, too, should be softened,

because it ensnares those who do wrong more than those

who suffer Moreover, the Apostle Paul clearly proves our

advice to avoid lust. In his preaching on resistance to all

vices, when he spoke against lust he did not merely tell us

to resist it, but he said: Tlee immorality. With God's help
we should resist the other vices, but overcome lust by flight.

Thus, we also read elsewhere in sacred Scripture: Gaze not

upon the face of a virgin, lest her beauty be a stumbling-block
to thee/ In order that blessed Joseph might escape an un-
chaste mistress, he left the garment with which he had been
caught, and fled. Therefore, if you want to be victorious,
exercise flight in opposition to the attacks of lust, and do
not be ashamed to flee if you desire to obtain the palm of
but especially priests
chastity. All Christians, dearly beloved,
and monks > should fly from unbecoming, shameful intimacy,
for, without any doubt, a man who is unwilling to avoid
familiarity will quickly fall down into ruin.
(2) Perhaps some careless soul who is not solicitous about
the salvation of his soul says in turn: Behold, I indulge in
intimacy with strange women, and still I keep the adornments
Such presumption is unfortunate and exceedingly
of chastity.

dangerous, for many have been overcome while they thought

themselves to be victorious. But someone else says: I live
among strange women, and I exercise self-control; I want to
have something to overcome. What does it mean to say that
I want to have something to overcome,
except that I want to
live close to ruin? If you say you continually want to hold
1 1 Cor. 6.18.

2 Eccli. 9.5.

the attacks of lust captive as your adversary, see to it that

your captive does not begin to prevail against you, so that you
incur eternal shame where you thought you were obtaining
triumph! Among all the struggles of Christians, those in-
volving chastity are the most difficult, for the battle is a
daily one and victory rare. Chastity has a troublesome enemy
which must be overcome and feared daily. Therefore, as
we have already said, no one should deceive himself with a
false security or dangerously presume upon his own strength,
but should, instead, listen to the Apostle when he says: Tlee
immorality.' David, a very holy man under a thousand cir-
cumstances, saw a naked woman and immediately com-
mitted murder and adultery. Still, some men think they can
live in the same house with strange women and yet win the

triumph of chastity, not realizing that they are doubly guilty

in God's sight by exposing themselves to danger and giving
others an exampleof wicked familiarity. All who have
imitated this foolishness and lost the honor of chastity by
shameful familiarity will ask their souls on judgment day of
those who have given them the pernicious example.
(3) On
the other hand, dearly beloved, this fatal allure-
ment of the Devil's helpers, who neither fear nor blush to
familiarity, should not deceive
us by their example.
Let implore God's help that He may
us, instead, continually
snare of the hunters,' for we
deign to free us 'from the
know that in the midst of these vices which we mentioned
for daily
above, Christians do not lack the opportunity
and justice,
martyrdom. Now, if Christ is chastity, truth,
them is His persecutor, so
just as one who plots against
who wants to defend and observe them both in himself and
others will be a martyr. And so a man who loves these

with all the strength of his soul, and strives by word and
and whenever truth or
example to make others love them,
or are in
he steps
in as much as he

3 Ps. 90.3.

can, and endeavors defend them to the best of his


ability he one but several crowns as the

will receive not
Lord's recompense. In order that with God's help we, too,
may deserve to obtain this, let each one strive to avoid
familiarity or secret intercourse, not only with strange women
but even with our maid-servants or the daughter or foster
child or servant of our neighbors. The lower the status of
these women, the easier is their fall. Solomon warns us
against familiarity with such people when he says: 'Can a
man hide fire in his bosom, and his garments not burn? Or
can he walk upon hot coals, and his feet not be burnt?' and
again: 'the price of a harlot is scarce the half of one loaf:
but thewoman catcheth the precious soul of a man.' Oh, how
great is and how deplorable the perversity,
the wickedness
when a dissolute man for the
sake of momentary lustful
pleasure sells to the Devil the soul which Christ redeemed
with His Blood Truly lamentable and miserable is the condi-

tion whereby what brings delight passes away at once, while

what causes torture endures without end. The assault of
passion disappears in a moment, but the shame of the un-
fortunate soul abides.
(4) another says: I am a young man; I will do what

I please and do penance afterwards. In other words: I will

strike myself with a sharp sword and then go to a doctor.
He does not know that a wound is received in a moment, but
that the body scarcely restored to its former health even

after a long time. does not the adulterer who says he

will do penance fear that a sudden attack of fever may come
later and carry him off unexpectedly, and then the pleasure
will be lost, to be followed by eternal damnation? Concerning
miserable lust, of which we spoke before, we must believe
the words of the Prophet that: As a hammer it has been
destroyed throughout the world/ Although after the coming
4 Cf. Prov, 627,28,26.
5 Cf. Jer> 50.23.

of our Lord Jesus Christ, in countless monasteries that hammer

seemed, as it were, allayed by priests and even laymen who
observed chastity, there are many more (all the worse!) who
are daily destroyed by that hammer than are freed from
its destructive blow.
Therefore, I beg you again and again to
think it over carefully, and to fear with all your
might the
words our Lord spoke in the Gospel: 'Anyone who even
looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery
with her in his heart.' 6
(5) So, as we have
we must curb secret familiarity
and careless
guarding of the eyes, not only with strange
women but also with our own servants, lest there be fulfilled
in us the dreadful words uttered by our Lord through the

Prophet: Death is come into your souls through your win-

dows.' Now, through what windows does death enter our
souls, except the sight of our eyes and the hearing of our
ears? If with your tongue you command a friend or servant
to bring you a harlot, through your mouth the sword of
eternal death enters your soul. If you willingly listen to evil
counsel, you
ifdo not repel a calumniator or one who speaks
evil or the man who sings shameful songs, death enters your
soul through the windows of your ears. By the Lord's words,

'Anyone who even looks with lust at a woman has already

committed adultery with her in his heart,' we understand
that full consent to an act will be regarded as the performance
of it. Thus, when a man looks at a woman lustfully, the
of his heart through
poison of death pours into the depths
the window of his body. Even though such a thought does not
fulfill its some circumstance Intervenes, the
intention because
Lord condemn it as a sin of deed. In this
will nevertheless

case, the woman with whom he wanted to exercise lust

remains chaste, while the man is held as an adulterer at
heart. Let us listen to the Prophet when he says: 'With all

6 Matt. 5.28.
7 Cf. Jer. 9.21.

watchfulness keep thy heart,' and: 'turn away my eyes that

they may not behold vanity.' When a man seizes coals of

but immediately throws them away they do not hurt him,


but if he wants to
keep them longer he cannot get rid of
them without injury. Similarly, if a man gazes lustfully and
by lingering over it allows the evil of lust in his heart to get
a hold on his thoughts, he cannot shake them, off without

injury to his soul. Therefore, let us continually cry with the

Prophet: 'My eyes are ever towards the Lord: for he shall
pluck my feet out of the snare. May he deign to grant this,
who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns
world without end. Amen.

Sermon 42



(1) I beseech you, brethren, that we more carefully

heed the cause of our salvation. In order that we may be
able to escape all the evils which we read about the future

judgment and may merit happily to reach that bliss which

was promised, let us with God's help endeavor to
apply the
whole attention of our minds, as far as we can, to observe
charity, justice, mercy, and chastity. Thus we will be carried
to the royal land of
paradise as if in a heavenly, spiritual
chariot. Meanwhile, let us
go there in spirit, so that when
the day of judgment comes we
may follow bodily. Then the
words of the Apostle may be fulfilled in us: 1 c But our

8 Prov. 4.23; Ps. 118.37.

9 Ps. 24.15.

1 Phil. 3.20; Col. 3.4.


citizenship is in heaven'; and

the following:
also when
Christ, your life, shall appear, then you too will appear with
him in glory.' Therefore, let us love none of those four virtues
less than we should. What profit is there in seeming to

possess charity, you if Or

are unwilling to exercise justice?
how can it
help you to say you show mercy, when you hate

yourself by not observing chastity, according to what

written: 'He that loveth iniquity hateth his own soul'?

(2) Because we know that very few people are willing

to practice chastity, we will now advise your charity more
on this subject, for it is written: 'Neither forni-
nor the effeminate, nor sodomites will possess the

kingdom of God'; moreover: 'neither adulterers nor drunk-

ards will possess the kingdom of God.' But, what is worse,
there are many who, although they seem to have wives, yet,
due to the Devil's persuasion, refuse to preserve their chastity.
Neither fearing God nor respecting men, they are inflamed
with such lustful passion that they do not fear or blush to
commit adultery with their own servants or those of another,
or even with strange wives or daughters. It was just, brethren,
that our frequent, repeated admonitions should have profited
such men, so that they would not injure themselves with the
remedy, and might not kill themselves at the very source
The the
true life. reproof will tend to glory for
obedient, but to punishment for the disobedient. Since those

men, as I said, neither regard God nor fear men, do you

who devoutly practice faith and chastity
under Christ's

inspiration rebuke once or twice

and even a third time those
whom youknow commit such wicked sins. If they are un-
willing to listen, do not hold
conversation with them or
invite them to your banquet, or eat with them at the table of
not even
another; as the Apostle says: 'With such a one

2 PS. 10.6.
3 1 Cor. 6.9,10.

take food.' Perhaps then they may blush, when they see
themselves condemned by good, God-fearing men. If my
suggestion is not followed and a man knows that his brother

or neighbor is committing adultery but refuses to reprove

him, he will be a partner in the sin. According to Scripture :

lf thou didst see a thief thou didst run with him and with :

adulterers thou hast been a partaker'; as the Apostle says:
*and not only they that do them, but they also that consent
to them that do them.
Men who do not rebuke adulterers
themselves or secretly bring them to the priest's attention
make us suspect that the reason for the lack of reproof is
that they commit similar sins. For my part, it is sufficient if
I cry out with great grief of soul and endless groaning; but
if you want to be free from your own sins and those of
another, do not spare such people. If they refuse to listen
when you admonish them frequently in secret, bring it to the

knowledge of our humble person. In the Gospel our Lord

said the same thing about sinners: 'Show him his fault
between thee and him alone. If he listen to thee, thou hast
won thy brother. But if he do not listen to thee, appeal to
5 e
the Church, that is, inform the priest. lf he refuse to hear
the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the
publican/ What is worse, sometimes those who commit such
sinsnot only are not corrected, but are even flattered and
amiably received by some. Thus, their wicked vices are
fostered and committed without any fear or shame. However,
we ought to fear what is written concerning Achan, who had
stolen the golden rule from Jericho. Because of one man's
sin God's anger was vented upon all the people, nor did it
leave them until the one who had committed the evil was
stoned at the Lord's command.
(3) Since those we are speaking about want their wives

4 Cf. 1 Cor. 5,11.

5 Ps. 49.18.
6 Rom. 1.32 (Douay) .

7 Matt. 18.15-17.

to be chaste, with what kind of a conscience do

they commit
wicked adultery, thereby asserting that what is not lawful for
their wives
perfectly licit for themselves? As though God

gave two commandments, one for men and another for

women If anyone does this, let him tell us with what sanction

he acts, for all adultery is punished by both divine and human

law. This vice is not forbidden because
many people commit
it. In fact, the less it is restricted by men, the more severely
punished by the divine Judge.
it is How
is it that some men
are so insolent that they cruel vice is lawful for men
but not for women? They do not reflect that men and women
have been redeemed equally by Christ's Blood, have been
cleansed by the very same baptism, approach the Lord's altar

together, and that with God

to receive His Body and Blood
there is no distinction of male or female. God is not a
respecter of persons.' Therefore, what is unlawful for women
similarly never was and never can be lawful for men. How-
ever, the unfortunate practice has been introduced whereby
a wife who is found with her man-servant is punished, but if
a man wallows in the sewer of lust with many maids, not
only is he not punished, but he is even praised by his
associates. Moreover, telling each other who has done most
of this sort of thing, they admit it with laughter and most
foolish jeering. On judgment day their laughter will be
turned into wailing, and their jests will be changed into
wounds. But men who do this do not fear or believe at all
in the future judgment.

(4) With a clear conscience I proclaim and testify that

if a married man commits adultery and is not saved by long
penance together with abundant almsgiving, nor desists from
the very sin, if he suddenly dies as usually happens, he will
perish for ever. The name of Christian
will not benefit him,
for he has committed what Christ forbade as well as failing
to carry out the Lord's commands. If it is a sin for a man to

8 Acts 10.54.

be intimate with his wife except through a desire for children,

what can men think or what hope can they promise them-
selves,if, being married, they commit adultery? By this means

they descend to the depths of hell, refusing to hear the Apostle

when he says: c The time is short; it remains that those who
have wives be as if and 'every one of you
they had none' ;

learn how
to possess his vessel in holiness and honor, not in
the passion of lust like the Gentiles who have no hope.'
Consider that men who use their wives except with the desire
for children cannot be without sin unless they continually

give alms. Now, if this is said concerning legitimate marriage,

what do you think will be the fate on judgment day of those
who dare to commit open or secret adultery without a

thought of fear of God? Of these it is written: God will

judge and adulterers/
sinners while the Apostle says in
the words quoted above: nor will adulterers possess the
kingdom of God.' What benefit do you derive, unhappy
soul, from the fact that you are called a Christian, if by your
sin of adultery you shall merit to be excluded from the

kingdom of God?
(5) Thus I beg and exhort your charity, dearly beloved,
that those who intend to marry observe virginity until their
wedding. Just as no one wants to marry a wife who has been
violated, so no one should defile himself by adulterous associa-
tions before marriage. What is worse, a great many have
concubines before their marriage. Since their number is

large, bishop cannot excommunicate them all, but he

tolerates them with groans and many sighs, hoping the good
and merciful Lord will grant them fruitful repentance, in
order that they may be able to obtain forgiveness. Now be-
cause this evil has become so habitual that it is not even con-

9 1 Cor. 7.29.
10 Cf. 1 Thess, 4.4,5,12.

11 Heb. 13.4.
12 1 Cor. 6.9,10.

I proclaim before God and His

sidered a sin, behold
angels that
any one who keeps a concubine either before or after his mar-
riage commits adultery. Still worse is the adultery of a man
who publicly does
it without
any shame, as if with sanction,
although no reason permits it. Finally, we realize that
considerable sin arises from the fact that children conceived
by concubines are born as slaves, not free men. Therefore,
even if they obtain their liberty, no law or order allows them
to receive inheritance from their father. Consider whether
there can be an absence of sin, when the honor of noble
birth is humbled to such an extent that slaves are born of
noble parents. So grave a sin is it that in Rome, if a man
wants to marry, but realizes he is not a virgin, he may not
dare to go within to receive the nuptial blessing. See how
it is, if he does not merit to receive a
serious blessing with the
one he desires to marry.
(6) I fear that when we mention these facts, some of
you may become angry at us instead of at yourselves. Our
sermon is proposed to your charity as a mirror. Just as when
a lady looks in a mirror she corrects whatever she sees
crooked but does not break the mirror, so as each one of you
recognizes his own hideousness in the sermon, it is more proper
for him to amend his life than to become angry at the

preaching which is like a mirror. Similarly, if men receive

any blows, they are more anxious to care for their wounds
than to despise the remedy. Therefore, let no one sin doubly
by wilful anger against these spiritual remedies, but, instead,

patiently and even willingly hear our words. If a man is

willing to accept salutary reproof, he already shows that he is

willing to turn away from sin at least in part. Moreover, i

a man displeased with his vices, surely that which is good


will please him, for the farther he is removed from vices the
closer he approaches virtue. May He deign to grant this,

who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns
world without end. Amen.

Sermon 43



) When we commend the good of chastity as something
fitting and proper, dearly beloved, perhaps some young men
who are still We are young, we
of vigorous age are saying:
cannot restrain ourselves. We
can and should reply to these
people that perhaps they are unable to observe chastity because
they eat more than is proper and take more wine than they
should, are unwilling to avoid familiarity with women, and
neither fear nor blush to keep suspicious company. Men of
this kind should listen to the
Apostle when he says: Tlee
immorality,' and: 'do not be drunk with wine, for in that
5 2
isdebauchery while Solomon asserts: "Wine and women

make even wise men fall off, and rebuke the prudent.' 3
Those who say they are unable to observe chastity should
tell us whether
they are married, or not. If they are, why
do they not heed what the Lord says in the Gospel: 'All
things whatever you would that men should do to you, even
so do you also to them.' Why do they not observe toward their
wives the fidelity they desire to receive from them? Since
a man receives his name from manliness, and a woman hers
from weakness, that is, from frailty, why does anyone want
his wife to be victorious against cruel, bestial lust, when he
himself is overcome and falls at the first assault of it?
(2) At this point, perhaps, those who are not married
say they can excuse themselves because they have no wives
to whom they owe fidelity; for this reason,
they are unable
to control themselves. To those who attempt to allege this
1 1 Cor. 6.18.
2 Eph. 5.18.
3 Eccli. 19.2.
4 Matt. 7.12.

false and miserable excuse it can and should be replied

most justly that no one should avoid what is unlawful more
than the man who has rejected what was permitted. Although
you might marry and in the face of the authority of all the
Scriptures never commit adultery, why do you not with God's
grace accept what is lawful, but dare to offend God and
commit what is unlawful? I would like to know whether those
who have no wives, and neither fear nor blush to commit
adultery before they are joined in wedlock, would want their
spouses to be violated by adulterers before they
come to
marriage. Since there is no one who would patiently accept
this, why does not each one observe toward
his spouse the

fidelity he wants observed by her? Why does he desire to

take a as his wife, when he is corrupted? Why does
he wish to be united to a wife who is alive, when he is dead
in soul because of adultery, according to what is written:
The soul that sinneth, the same shall die'? 5 Moreover, the
Apostle exclaims in terrible words: God will judge the

immoral and and: 'adulterers will not possess
the kingdom of God.' Furthermore: 'They are all adulterers,
their hearts like an oven.' 8
Perhaps some think that unlawful for women to
it is
commit fornication before marriage, but lawful for men. What
is worse, these exceedingly grave evils that are worthy of

punishment are committed by many

men without any fear
of the Lord, and in fact they have become so habitual on

the part of many that they are considered common

as serious Now, in the
slight, no longer regarded

Catholic faith, whatever is not lawful for women is equally

unlawful for men. Man and woman were redeemed together

are called
for one price, the precious blood of Christ; they
to one and are assembled in one body of the Church.

5 Ezech. 18.20.
6 Heb. 13.4.
1 I Cor. 6.9.
8 Osee 7.4.

They receive the sacrament of baptism together, approach

the altar to receive the Body and Blood of Christ at the same
time, and the same precepts are given to both sexes. Since
this true, with what boldness, or with what kind of a

conscience, do men think that they may do alone with

impunity what is unlawful for both men and women? Those
who dare to do this should know for certain that if they do
not quickly amend their lives and perform fruitful penance,
if they are suddenly snatched from this life an eternal fire

will torture them without any remedy.

(4) How is it that many men do not blush to take

concubines before marriage, and then afterwards dismiss them
to claim lawful wives? They argue with themselves that first
they seek unjust riches and unfair gains as the result of many
calumnies and robbery, but afterwards, contrary to reason,
they marry wives who are more noble and richer than them-
selves. Behold with what evils they bind themselves, since

they unhappily desire to serve avarice and passion as well as

dissipation. Therefore, before God and His angels I attest
and declare that God has always forbidden these vices and
they have never been pleasing to Him; above all, it never
has been and never will be lawful in Christian times to keep
concubines. What is worse, many men do this with the
authority of the forum, but not of heaven; not at the
bidding of justice, but under the control of lust. The Apostle
says even to those who have wives: 9 'The time is short; it

remains that those who have

wives be as if they had none';
and: 'abstain for a time, that you may give yourselves to
prayer.' How, then, is it permissible to have adulterous con-
cubines, when even those who are married are commanded
to observe chastity? For this reason I freely proclaim again
and again that one who dares to keep a concubine before his
legitimate marriagecommits a worse sin than the man who
commits adultery. One who commits adultery still wants to

9 1 Cor. 7.293.

do this serious
wrong secretly, for he either fears or blushes to
do in public; but one who
publicly has a concubine with
insolent boldness believes he can
freely do this damnable
thing in the sight of all the people.
(5) Now, perhaps those who are not stained with this
sin will say: Why are not those who commit it
from communion with the Church? This great crime is not
so punished by priests because it is committed by so
If only one or two or four or five presumed to do this evil,

they could and should not only be suspended from com-

munion, but even separated from the conversation and
banquets of Christian people, as the Apostle says: 'With such
a one do not even take food,' 10 However, as was already said,
the number of those who commit the sin prevents the priests
of the Lord from segregating them. Still, good priests do
what they can, striving with perfect charity to pray and sigh
continually, together with uttering moans and groans. Thus,
by advice and prayer in their behalf they may sometime be
able to recall to repentance those against whom they cannot
exercise severity or ecclesiastical discipline because of their

large number. Therefore, I beg and exhort you again and

again in like manner that anyone who desires to marry should
observe virginity up to the time of marriage, just as he wants
to find his wife a virgin. So grave an evil is it to be violated
before marriage that when the wedding has come a man
does not deserve to receive the blessing with his spouse, and
there is fulfilled in him what we read: He would not have

blessing and it shall be far from him.' 11 If the remedy of

repentance does not save him, consider what will become of
him or to what kind of a sentence a man will have to be
subject at the future judgment, if in this life he has
unworthy to receive a blessing with his wife.
(6) Now listen, brethren if unmarried men who keep
10 1 Cor. 5.11.
11 Ps. 108.18.

concubines or commit adultery are in such grave danger,

what do those unhappy men think who have wives and
commit adultery, in insane fury or cruel misery despairing of
God's judgment? Surely, they neither fear the punishments
of hell nor wish for eternal rewards. If they had and
believed in God they would dread the coming judgment with
fearand trembling. It is evident that they trust men but not
God, for publicly where men see them they shun adultery,
but in secret where God sees they are entirely without fear.
If they had just a spark of faith they would not dare to commit

adultery in the sight of their Lord, just as they do not allow

their servants to offend in their presence. Of such men the

Holy Spirit exclaims through the Prophet: 'The fool hath

said in his heart: There is no God.' It is certain that a

man does not believe in God if he fears to do publicly in

the presence of men what he does secretly in darkness before
the face of God. Does not the unhappy man know that 'The
countenance of the Lordis
against them that do evil things:
remembrance of them from the earth'?
to cut off the

(7) But perhaps someone says: How can I observe

chastity when I am separated from my wife for so many
years under the compulsion of business or at the bidding of
the king? To him it can be replied most justly that he should
return to his wife. When I give this answer to a merchant,
he may tell me that if he loses his business he will not have
a means of livelihood. A soldier says: If I desert the army,
I will incur the king's wrath. To such men it can truly be
said that, if he fears the king and for this reason does not
return to hisown wife, he God and not
should also fear
touch another woman. Just as a king can kill a man if he
deserts the army and returns to his wife unbidden, so God
can condemn with eternal punishment the man who commits
adultery when far from his wife. I ask you, brethren, if on

12 Ps. 13.1.
13 Ps. 33,17.

account of business needs or the king's command a man is

separated from his wife for a month or even a long time, why
is not
chastity observed during that length of time for
the sake of God and his soul? Business or the orders of a
king require a man not to know his wife for so many days;
do not love of God and His command require that another
woman be not touched? If men observe this because of
business profits or a king's command but neglect it for
God's sake, they should know that all who do so will not be
spared the evil hearing when they stand before the tribunal of
Christ. Unless repentance shall have saved them, it will be
said to them: 'Depart from me, accursed ones, into the ever-
lasting fire.
(8) How that sometimes a very brave man goes forth
is it

to battle and perhaps kills at least ten of the enemy; then

as a result of his victory he takes a young girl as booty and

by being united to her in adultery kills his own soul with the
sword of sin? Consider how great an evil it is that a man
appears more cruel in himself by killing his own soul through
in a
dissipation than by killing the bodies of his adversaries
carnal victory. Truly sad and pitiful it is, as I already said,
for a man who has overcome ten adversaries to be conquered

by a single woman if he kills that many enemies bodily but

strangled in heart by one girl. An
exceedingly grave evil
it is if a strong man who is not conquered by the sword is
overpowered by lust; if soft, alluring things ruin a man
whom hard things could not overcome. Thus, one who dis-
dains to be a captive or slave of men may merit to be the
slave of sin. Moreover, it is more disgraceful to be a slave

mentally than physically, according to

what is written: Tor
also he is the slave/
by whatever a man is overcome, of this
this to you, dearly beloved, I
(9) If I would not say
would have to render an account of your souls on the day

14 Matt. 25.41.
15 2 Peter 2.19.

of judgment. If a man wants to become angry at me rather

than amend his life, he will not have the means of excusing
himself through ignorance before the tribunal of the eternal

Judge. He cannot say he was not admonished or prohibited

from those evils or to what is pleasing to God by
frequent reproaches and admonitions. However, we trust in
the Lord's mercy that He will deign to inspire the negligent
to become angry at themselves or their sins rather than at
the remedies of the priest. Then, like sick people who seek

bodily health from physical doctors, they may desire remedies

for their souls from spiritual ones. We are confident that
the divine mercy will grant that they will strive to make us

rejoice over their amendment and with the help

of our Lord
will merit happily to obtain an eternal reward.

Sermon 44



(1) You give me great joy, dearly beloved, when you

come to church with such devout faith on the feasts of the
martyrs. However, if with God's help you want to perfect
spiritually your progress and our joy, under God's inspiration
observe such peace and charity among yourselves that you
harbor hatred for no one in your hearts. Pray for the good,
that they may always become better; continually plead for
the wicked, that they may be quickly corrected. Moreover
in accord with the Lord's teaching: 'All things whatever you
would that men should do to you, even so do you also to

them. 51
Then peace, justice, and mercy are observed in truth,
when we not only do evil to no man, but also strive to help
wherever we can. Therefore, if with Christ's help we faithfully
do this, imitating the blessed martyrs in these noble, excellent
works which we mentioned above, we will also be able to
have a share with them in eternal bliss. Without
any doubt
the holy martyrs will surely intercede for us, when they
recognize something of their virtues in us. Above all, with
God's help observe chastity, according to what is written:
Nor will adulterers possess the kingdom of God', 2 and:
God will judge the immoral and adulterers.' 3 Young men
and women who are going to be joined in marriage should
observe virginity until their marriage. If they are corrupted
by adultery before their lawful union, they come to their
wedding but evidently dead in soul, for it is
alive physically
written: 'The soul that sinneth, the same shall die.'
(2) No woman should take drugs for purposes of abortion,
nor should she kill her children that have been conceived or
are already born. If anyone does this, she should know that
before Christ's tribunal she will have to plead her case in
the presence of those she has killed. Moreover, women should
not take diabolical draughts with the purpose of not being
able to conceive children. A woman who does this ought to
realize that she will be guilty of as many murders as the
number of children she might have borne. I would like to
know whether a woman of nobility who takes deadly drugs
to prevent conception wants her maids or tenants to do so.
Just as every woman wants slaves born for her so that they
may serve her, so she herself should nurse all the children
she conceives, or entrust them to others for rearing. Other-
wise, she may refuse to conceive children or, what is more
serious, be willing to kill souls which might have been good
1 Matt. 7.12.
2 1 Cor. 6.9.

3 Heb. 13.4.
4 Ezech. 18.20.

Christians. Now, with what kind of a conscience does she

desire slaves to be born of her servants, when she herself
refuses to bear children who might become Christians?

(3) As often as you come to church and wish to receive

the sacraments of Christ on a feast, observe chastity several
days before it, so that you may be able to approach the
Lord's altar with a peaceful conscience. Devoutly practice this
also throughout Lent, even to the end of the Pasch, so that
the Easter solemnity may find you pure and chaste. In fact,
a good Christian should not only observe chastity for a few
days before he communicates, but he should never know
his wife except from the desire for children. A man takes a
wife for the procreation of children, not for the sake of lust.
Even the marriage rite mentions this: 'For the procreation of
children,' it says. Notice that it does not say for the sake
of lust, but 'for the procreation of children.' I would like to
know, dearly beloved, what kind of a harvest a man could
if he sowed his field in one
gather year as often as he is
overcome by dissipation and abuses his wife without any
who are unwilling to control
desire for children. If those
themselves plowed and sowed repeatedly their land which
was already sown, let us see in what kind of fruit
would As you well know, no land can produce
proper fruit ifsown frequently in one year. Why, then,
it is

does a man do with his

body what he does not want done
with his field?

(4) Now, someone says: I am young; I can in no way

control myself. Perhaps you do not control
yourself because
you eat more than is necessary, and drink more wine than
you should. Perhaps you even occupy your mind with
shameful thoughts, neither
fearing nor blushing to willingly
and frequently utter dissolute words or to hear them from
others. With God's
help begin to restrain your gluttonous
desires, and to occupy your mind and
your tongue with
5 These are words from one of the Orations in the
marriage ceremony.

chaste thoughts and upright words. You will see that, if

God you, you will be able to observe chastity. If no

bodily infirmity hinders you, do not mind fasting rather

often or rising a little earlier for church, so that you may

guard your soul against the stains of lust. If in spite of your

faithful obedience you see yourself exhausted by assaults of
the flesh, and if several times you are persuaded to know
your wife without any desire for children, give alms every
day according to your means, for we read: 'As water
quencheth a fire, so alms destroyeth sins.' Moreover, grant
full pardon to all who
may have offended you, for this is a
great and salutary remedy against all sins. Thus, what was
defiled by incontinence may be cleansed
by fasting and
almsgiving, but most of all by the forgiveness of enemies.
(5) However, you say: It is no sin to know one's wife
except with the desire for children. So great a sin is it, that
the repentant Prophet exclaims: I was conceived in
and in sins did my mother conceive me.' So, too, we read
in the Old Testament that, when the Jewish people were
about to approach Mount Sinai, it was said to them in the
Lord's teaching: and be ready against the
'Be sanctified,
third day, and come not near your wives/ 8 and: c if
any man
be defiled in a dream by night, let him not eat of the flesh
of the sacrifice of salvation, lest his soul be cut off from his
people.' which happens to us even un-
If after defilement

willingly we may
not communicate unless compunction and
almsgiving come first, and fasting, too, if infirmity does not
prevent it, who can say that there is no sin if we do such
things intentionally when we are wide awake? Finally, when
women marry, they do not dare to enter church for thirty
days; men should do the same in like manner.

6 Eccli. 3.33.
7 Ps. 50.7.
8 Exod. 19.15.
9 Deut. 23.10; Lev. 7.20.

(6) But, you say: Of course it is a sin, but only a
one. Indeed, we do not say that it is a capital offense.

However, if it is practiced too frequently and not redeemed

by or alms, it makes the soul very unclean. Do not
despise your sins because they are small; be afraid because
they are so numerous. Truly, drops of rain are small, but
they rivers, drag along heavy weights, and lift up trees

along with their roots. I would like to know whether you who

say that it is a small sin, as often as you commit such sins

would want to suffer slight blows on your body, spots or rents

in your clothes? If you do not agree to the blows on your

body and the rents or spots on your clothes, with what kind
of a conscience do you not fear to do the same thing to your
soul? Therefore, one who does this loves his clothing and
body more than his soul.Now, since we have all been created
interiorly in our soul according to God's image, as often as
we say or do something shameful we defile God's image.
Consider, then, whether this is becoming or proper for you.
I say truly, brethren, that God does not deserve this of us,
that His image in us should suffer insult through evil con-

cupiscence. Since no man wants to come to church with his

tunic covered with dirt, I do not know with what kind of a
conscience he dares to approach the altar with his soul
defiled by dissipation.
Evidently, he does not fear what the
Apostle said: 'Whoever partakes of the body and blood of
the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the body and the blood
of the Lord. 510 If we blush and fear to touch the Eucharist
with dirty hands, we should fear much more to receive the
same Eucharist within a polluted soul. As I mentioned, we
have been created in our soul according to God's
Now, if you put your image on a tablet of wood or stone,
and someone impudently wanted to shatter that image with
stones or to stain it with dirt, I wonder whether
you would
not take up arms against him, I ask you, if are so jealous
10 C, 1 Cor. 11.27.

of your image that was painted on a lifeless tablet, what

kind of an injury do you suppose God suffers when His
living image in us is defiled by dissipation? Therefore, if we
do not restrain ourselves for our own sake, let us do so for
the sake of God's image according to which we have been
(7) Above all, no one should know his wife when Sunday
or other feasts come around. Similar precautions should be
taken as often as women menstruate, for the Prophet says:
*Do not come near to a menstruous woman/ 11 If a man is
aware that his wife is in this condition but refuses to control
himself on a Sunday or feast, the children who are then
conceived will be born as lepers, or epileptics, or perhaps
even demoniacs. Lepers are commonly born, not of wise men
who observe chastity on feasts and other days, but especially
of farmers who do not know how to control themselves.

Truly, brethren, if animals without intellect do not touch

each other except at a fixed and proper time, how much
more should men who have been created according to God's
image observe this? What is worse, there are some dissolute
or drunken men who sometimes do not even spare their
wives when they are pregnant. Therefore, if they do not
amend their lives, we are to consider them worse than
animals. Such men the Apostle addresses when he says:
'Every one of you learn how to possess his vessel in holiness
and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who
have no hope.' 12 Because what is worse, many do not observe
proper chastity with their own wives, they should give
abundant alms, as I and forgive all their
said above,
enemies. Thus, as we mentioned, what has become defiled
by dissipation may be cleansed by constant almsgiving.
(8) I beseech you to be indulgent with me, brethren,
since it is for the salvation of your souls that I appear to

11 Ezech. 18.6.
12 1 Thess. 4.4,5.

advise you on these matters with great fear and trembling

and even with shame. It is right for me to say them, moreover,
and necessary for you to hear them. So, wherever you are, tell
each other everything you have heard from us, and admonish
each other with charity. Just as I will be guilty before the
tribunal of Christ if I do not warn you, so if through neg-
ligence you do not admonish men in my stead you ought to
fear that you will also have to render an account of them.
However, we trust in God's mercy that He will inspire you
so to live that the Lord may repay you with a double reward
in this world and in the next, because of your life pleasing to
God and your efforts for the salvation of others. May He
deign to grant this, who, together with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 45



(1) We read in sacred Scripture, dearly beloved, that

holy counsel should keep those who are solicitous for their
soul's salvation, as the divine Word puts it: 'Holy counsel
shall keep thee.' If holy counsel keeps a soul, that which is
unholy not only fails to keep it but even kills it. Perhaps
someone says: Who can always be thinking of God and
eternal bliss, since all men must be solicitous for food, clothing,
and the management of their household? God does not bid
us be free from all anxiety over the present life, for he
lf any man will not work,
instructs us through His Apostle :

1 Prov. 2.11.

neither let him The same Apostle repeats the idea with

himself when he says: We worked night and

reference to
day so that we might not burden any of you.' 3 Since God
especially advises reasonable thought of food and clothing,
so long as avarice and ambition which usually serve dissipation
are not linked with it, any action or thought is most rightly
considered holy. The only provision is that those preoccupa-
tions should not be so excessive that they do not allow us to
have time for God, according to the words: The burdens
of the world have made them miserable.' 4 Since bodily
necessities are satisfied with little, while ambition is never

appeased even if it obtains the whole world, let us reject

wicked thoughts which spring from the poisonous root of
passion. Let us, on the other hand, love only those which will
help us obtain an eternal reward, so that what was said
before may be fulfilled in us: 'Holy counsel shall keep thee.'
Now, since two kinds of thoughts, good and bad, continually
try to insinuate themselves into our hearts, with God's help
let us strive with our whole heart and soul to admit those

which are holy, so that we may exclude lustful, disgraceful

ones. Perhaps someone says: 'Bad, shameful thoughts have
become so habitual in my heart that I cannot dispel them
in any way. Now, it is a known fact that love is overcome by
love. Let us begin to love good thoughts, and God will
immediately deign to free us from those which are evil. Let
purity take possession of the place which a lustful, mean
thought held in our heart; let mercy restore what avarice
ravaged; let humility rebuild what pride destroyed. Let the
sweetness of charity and goodness compose the soul which
malice and envy had struck with snake-like poison.
(2) The fact that we should not admit wicked thoughts
into our hearts can be proved by clear examples. Notice, I

2 2 Thess. 3.10.
3 1 Thess. 2.9.
4 The source of this quotation is not known.
5 Prov. 2.11.

beg you, that if someone spits or coughs on our clothing they

fill us with such horror that we are unwilling to look at it

or even to touch it with our fingertips. Now if

spittle on our
garments, which is directed there without any sin, causes us
horror, what kind of horror do you think lustful thoughts
which the Devil instils into our souls inspire in God?
Moreover, if we shudder at spittle or phlegm which we
accept unwillingly, how much more shouldwe with God's
help more swiftly reject the evil thoughts which we willingly
allow to remain in our hearts? Consider further that if into
God's temple, which is made of wood and stone, anyone
brings pigs or dogs, or throws mud, or spreads dung, we are
so offended that we want the person who was guilty of such
is true, what do we think of
negligence scourged* Since this
ourselves our souls which are living temples of God
if into
we admit wicked or malicious thoughts which are much
worse than dung, and thus inflict insults upon God who
deigns to dwell in us? Therefore, although it is much more
necessary for us to endeavor to preserve our souls from the
uncleanness of sins, we want to keep both God's and
our garments free from any defilement. Tell me this, I beseech
you. If at any gathering of people a notorious harlot should
seek with outstretched arms to be embraced or
kissed, would
you patiently and willingly allow it, or would you not repel
her with your arms and
spit in her face, fearing that perhaps
those who see
may think she did it from force of habit?
It is certainthat not only good, honorable men do not allow
this to
happen, but even those who are slaves to dissipation
in secret shrink from a harlot's embraces in the
sight of men,
for they fear men's
reproaches in public more than God's
presence in secret. If, then, because of the judgment of men
no one is be kissed publicly by harlots,
willing to why do we
not only frequently admit the vilest
harlots, that is, wicked,
shameful thoughts, into the secrets of our
conscience, but
even allow them to stay for a considerable time?

(3) There is another comparison which we ought to

consider prudently. Notice this, brethren, that if anyone
picks up a hand, even a large one, but throws
live coal in his
it away at burn or even pain; but
once, he will not feel the
if he keeps it even for a moment, he cannot throw it away

without injury. Why do we not fear concerning evil thoughts

in our hearts what we observe with regard to living coals on
our body? Here is still another fact in proof of what we have
said. Tellme, I beg you, whether there is any man willing to
stand over a recess or sewer full of worms and stir up their
rottenness? Now, compare the odor of a sewer and bad
thoughts, and which one can exhale the greater stench.
If you judge correctly and well, the bad thoughts return an

incomparably more offensive odor than does a sewer, because

it is a stench of the soul while the other is a
physical one.
Doubtless, as much better as the soul is than the body, so
much the greater stench results from filthy thoughts in the
soul than from material recesses or sewers. Therefore, just as
we do not want our bodies to remain a long time in a place
full of stench, so letus not allow wicked, filthy thoughts to
remain even a moment in our souls or our senses.
(4) Because among other thoughts anger, ambition and
dissipation especially try continually to steal into our hearts,
if with Christ's
help we want to repel them let us strive to
fill our minds with
holy thoughts. We have many examples
in Scripture in which our Lord promises us the rewards of
the saints and threatens us with the punishments of sinners.
His purpose is that the just may persevere in goodness and
the wicked be recalled from their vices. If we ourselves are
willing to read them frequently or gladly listen to others
read them, bad thoughts will never be able to overtake us.
Since this is true, dearly beloved, we can and should consider
with great shame that, although we are unwilling to allow a
spark of fire to enter the chest where our clothes are, we not
only allow the flames of anger interiorly to enter the chest of

our conscience by bad thoughts, but by false admiration even

stir them up to a greater blaze. What excuse
provoke and
willwe have before God if we love our clothes more than
our soul? What is asked of us, beloved brethren, is neither

burdensome, nor hard, nor impossible. Although we ought to

preserve our souls incomparably more than our garments,
man shows considerable progress if he guards his soul in such
a way that it will not be defiled by wicked, shameful thoughts,
just as he protects his clothing from destruction by
moths or
mice. I beseech you, brethren, what evil has been merited by
our soul which is made to God's image, that we are unwilling
to apply care to it in proportion to the thought we seem to

give to our clothes? Moreover, since human eyes see our bodies,
but the eyes of the angels behold our souls, I do not know with
what kind of conscience we adorn and arrange with precious

giftsour body which in a few days or years worms will devour

in the sepulchre, while we fail to adorn with good works our
soul which must appear before God and the angels in heaven.

(5) Therefore, let us change for the better and provide

for our bodies moderate, sufficient food and clothing. Then by
alms for the poor let us store up for our soul in eternal bliss
all that we can of better
things. Indeed, if we think more of
our body than of our soul, when we come to the nuptial ban-
quet unadorned with good works but, rather, wrapped in the
dirty rags of vice, it may be said to us Triend, how earnest

thou in hither not having on a wedding garment?' 6 May the

Lord avert from us what follows: Bind his hands and feet,

and cast him into the exterior darkness where there is

and gnashing of teeth. Behold the sentence a man will deserve
to hear if he adorns his body through vanity and dissipation
but refuses to adorn his soul with good works for the sake of
eternal life. However, we believe that in His mercy God will
deign to inspire us with His help to keep our hearts unharmed
6 Matt. 22.12,13.

by bad thoughts and to preserve our body shining with purity

and moderation. Then, when we merit to appear before the
tribunal of the eternal Judge, we will not deserve to receive

punishment for our evil actions, but eternal rewards for our
good deeds: with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, who,
together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns
world without end. Amen.

Sermon 46



(1) Through the goodness of Christ, dearly beloved, I

believe that you dread the vice of drunkenness as a pit of
hell, and are unwilling not only to drink to excess yourselves,
but also to encourage or compel others to do so. Nevertheless,
it can
happen that some careless souls may be unwilling to
remain sober. You, then, who always give temperate banquets,
do not recall to your injury the fact that we must also
reprove those other men who are drunkards. Indeed, dearly
beloved, although the vice of drunkenness is serious and
exceedingly hateful to God, it has spread into the daily life
of men throughout the world because of the example of many,
with the result that men who refuse to acknowledge God's

precepts no longer think or believe that it is a sin. The

matter has reached a point where they ridicule at their
banquets men who can drink less, and in their harmful
friendship do not blush to encourage men to take more
drink than they should. A person who forces another to
saturate himself with excessive drink would cause less harm
by wounding body with a sword than
his if he kills his soul
with drunkenness.

(2) Our bodies, indeed, are earthly. Now, just as when

rain is too heavy and lasts too long the earth is flooded and
resolves itself into mud, with the result that no cultivation
is our body, when it is saturated with too
possible, so also
much drink, cannot receive spiritual cultivation or produce
the necessary fruits of the soul. Therefore, just as everyone
wants enough rain in the fields to be able to cultivate them
and rejoice in an abundance of fruits, so also in the soil of
the body they should drink only what is proper. Otherwise,
through excessive drinking the soil of the body will be turned
into a marsh, and be more capable of producing the worms
and serpents of vices than the fruits of good works. Truly,
all drunkards are what the marshes seem to be. Your charity

knows well what springs up in swamps. Everything that grows

there is known to bear no fruit. Snakes and leeches are

produced there, frogs, and different kinds of worms which

might cause horror rather than offer something to serve as
food. The very grasses and trees which usually spring up in

swamps or along the banks seem to have no use except to be

burned up each year. Notice that whatever arises from
drunkenness is also ready for the fire.
(3) Such is the nature of all drunkards, as I said before.
Their lunches are prolonged until night, their dinners the
morning star beholds. Even when they seem to be thirsty they
cannot stand up, and their senses are heavy, and blunt
as of men already buried. Lastly, in their drunkenness they
often do not know themselves or others.
They cannot walk
or stand, and are able to say or hear nothing at all that is
sensible. Frequently, they are not ashamed to gorge themselves
to the extent of vomiting, and to drink in measure without
measure. Indeed, larger cups are provided, and there is a
contest according to a fixed rule for
drinking; then whoever
wins merits praise for his crime. Thence arise and
disputes, after that they twist their limbs in horrible dances,
and because of it adultery and sometimes murders are com-

mitted. Whenever men drink too much

they are as if relaxed
in paralysis, so that
they cannot walk on their feet and are
carried to bed by others in a most
disgraceful fashion. There
is a mist before their
eyes, dizziness, headache, a ruddy com-
plexion, trembling of the limbs, an insensibility of soul and
mind. In such men are fulfilled the words: Who hath woe?
Who hath tumults? Who hath wrath? Who hath contentions?
Who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of eyes?
Surely they that pass their time in wine, investigate where
there is drink, and study to drink off their 1
(4) However, men who want to be like this try miserably
to excuse themselves.
They say: My
friend will be unpleasant
if I do not give him *as much as he wants to drink
when I
invitehim to a banquet. Do not have a friend who is willing
to make you
displeasing to God, for he is both his own enemy
and yours. If you make yourself and someone else intoxicated,
you will have a man
as your friend, but God as an enemy.
Now, consider well whether
it is right to
separate yourself
from God by uniting yourself to a drunkard. Finally, do not
compel or force him, but leave it in his power to drink as
much as he pleases. Then if he wants to get drunk, he will
perish alone and not both of
you will sin. Oh, the misery of the
human race ! How many are found compelling drunkards and
the intemperate to drink to excess, while
they neglect to give
even one cup to the poor who ask for it at the door. They
do not that what they evidently force upon the

intemperate, Christ should be receiving in the person of the

poor, for He has said: 'As long as you did it for one of
my brethren, you did it for me. When
these, the least of
men of this kind bury others in excessive drink, they say to
the poor who beg an alms: Go, go on, God will give to you.
To be sure, when the man walks on, another man does give
him an alms.Why, then, does he say: Go, go on, and God
1 Prov. 23.29,30.
2 Matt. 25.40.

will give to you, unless he means: Go to a man who has a

God and he will give to you? Thus, he admits in his own

words that God is not in him to inspire him to offer something
to the poor. I beseech you, dearly beloved, to listen carefully.
Notice that when horses or other animals are brought to
water, even if they are kept there for a long time they refuse
to drink any more after their thirst has been satisfied; in
fact, they cannot do so. Now, the drunkards should stop to
think whether they are to be considered worse than animals.
Although animals refuse to drink any more than is necessary,
men take three or four times as much as they should. The
refreshment they might have enjoyed reasonably on three or
four days men hasten to ruin, or rather to waste, in one day
by their big sin. If only they wasted the drink but did not
perish themselves!
(5 ) The extent of the evil of drunkenness is
clearly shown
in the case of Lot and his daughters. When
he was drunk
with wine, he lay with his daughters and was not aware of it.
Pharao, too, in a state of intoxication had the master-baker
hung on a cross. Moreover, the Jewish people of whom we
read The people sat down to eat, and drink, and they rose

up to play, drank too much wine and afterwards demanded
the building of idols. In honor of these images they began to
dance and to twist their limbs frantically in all kinds of
gestures. Herod, also, as soon as he became heated from too
much wine, ordered St. John the Baptist to be killed as the
reward of a single girl's dancing. What might still arise from
the vice of drunkenness the Holy Spirit affirms in the words
of Solomon: 'Wine and women make wise men fall
off, and
3 4
shall rebuke the prudent ;
and again: 'Look not upon the
wine when yellow, when the color thereof shineth in the
it is

glass. It goeth in pleasantly: but in the end, it will bite like

a snake, and will spread abroad poison like a basilisk. Thy
3 ExocL 32.6.
4 Eccli. 19.2.

eyes shall behold strange women: and thy heart shall utter
perverse things.' The Apostle Paul also admonishes us against
the vice of drunkenness when he says 'Do not be drunk with

wine, for in that is debauchery.' Again and again we have
shown you clearly by the evidence of sacred Scripture the
evil of drunkenness for those who love it. In the Book of
Solomon we read 'He that loveth wine and fat things shall

not be rich.' 7 Moreover: 'Give not wine to kings: because

there is no secret where drunkenness reigneth: and lest they
drink and forget the judgments of God, and pervert the
cause of the children of the poor.' 8 Similarly: 9 'A workman
that is a drunkard shall not be rich'; and: if thou drink
wine moderately, thou shalt be sober finally: 'Wine was

created from the beginning to make men joyful, and not to

make them drunk. Wine taken with moderation is the joy
of the soul and the heart. Wine taken with excess is infirmity
of the soul and the body; it raiseth quarrels, and wrath, and
many ruins. Wine taken with excess is bitterness of the soul.
Drunkenness is heat, the stumbling-block of the fool, lessening
strength and causing wounds.'
(6) Now, when we give this advice, perhaps drunkards
will get angry and murmur against us. However, although
there are sure to be some who get angry, there will be
many who through God's goodness willingly listen to this
salutary advice. By the mercy of God these men will be
freed from their serious sin. On
the other hand, may those
who get angry when we speak against their friend and constant
companion, drunkenness, freely listen to us. We must assert
that if the drunkard does not do penance for his vice, but

persists in it until death, he will surely perish forever,

because the Holy Spirit does not lie when He says through

5 Prov. 23.31-33.
6 Eph. 5.18.
7 Prov. 21.17.
8 Prov. 31.4,5.
9 Eccli. 19.1; 31.32; 31.35-40.

the Apostle: 'Nor will drunkards possess the kingdom of

God. 910 So, then, drunkards would do better if they became
angry at themselves instead of at us. With God's help they
ought to hasten, while there is still time for repentance, to
shake themselves free from the muddy dregs and the sewer
of drunkenness. Then, with the Lord assisting them, they
should arise as fast as they can and with all their strength
beseech the Lord in the words of the Prophet: 11 'Draw me
out of the mire, that I may not stick fast,' and, further: let
not the tempest of water drown me, nor the deep swallow
me up: and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.'
Drunkenness, indeed, like a pit of hell, violently takes over
all whom it attracts, unless suitable penance and subsequent
amendment save them. Moreover, it does not allow them
ever to return from the dark pit of hell to the light of
ness and sobriety.

(7) We
ought to understand and realize above all that
men do not become drunkards in a single day. With the
encouragement and compelling force of those who are most
cruel enemies rather than friends,
they gradually add one or
two cups a day to the usual amount of drink. As soon as
they put this into daily practice, the passion of drunkenness
takes such a strong hold on them that it makes them
all the time. However, if a man wants to
get rid of this
vice, he should return to the light of sobrietyby gradually
decreasing the amount of drink, just as he arrived at the
darkness of vice by adding to it at certain intervals. If he
tried toremove all at once what he took in excess, he would
begin to burn up with thirst and cry out most bitterly that
he preferred to die rather than
give up his habit of getting
drunk* Furthermore, he does not understand that it would
be much better for him to die
bodily than to kill his soul
with drunkenness. Therefore, as I
already said, to avoid the
10 1 Cor. 6 10,
11 Ps. 68.15,16.

excessive heat of passion and to free himself from serious

sin, let him take away something of the excess in drink at
definite times, and in this way return to a reasonable habit
of drinking. If a man decreases the amount gradually, as we
said, he will both be freed from his vice and will not endure
the unbearable burning of passion.
(8) By giving this advice, dearly beloved, I satisfy my
obligation before God. If anyone scorns to hear me and
either is himself disposed to drink or wants to encourage and

compel others to do so at his banquets, he will be guilty on

his own and their account at the day of judgment. Moreover,
because, what worse, even some clerics who should pro-

hibit it, themselves force others to drink to excess, they should

from this very moment begin to correct themselves and
reprove others. Then, when they appear before the tribunal
of they will not incur punishment for their own
drunkenness or that of others. Instead, by amending their
own lives and ceaselessly rebuking others they may merit to
obtain an eternal reward. I especially entreat youand adjure
you by the day of judgment to reject from your feasts the
poison of the Devil. By this I mean the shameful practice
whereby three men are accustomed to drink in great measure
without measure, whether willingly or not, whenever they
give a banquet for each other. That is an unfortunate
practice which is still retained from pagan practice. If anyone
consents to it at his own feast or that of another, he may
be sure that he has sacrificed himself to the Devil. Not only
is the soul killed by this kind of drinking, but the body is
weakened, too. However, I believe that in His mercy God will
inspire you to acquire such a horror of this sad and shameful
vice, that you will never allow it to happen. May whatever
would have been lost through drunkenness now avail to refresh
the poor, with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives
and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and
ever. Amen.

Sermon 47


(1) With paternal devotion, dearly beloved, I have fre-

quently reminded your charity that you should avoid and
flee from the evil of drunkenness as a pit of hell Although
our reproof helped many, there are still quite a few men
who God nor respect those who are honorable
neither fear
and These people drink so much that they must by

vomiting relieve their stomach, which is overloaded with

excessive drink. Like ships that are shattered and wrecked,

they are harassed by dreadful waves of drunkenness, so that

they neither know where they are nor can say or hear anything
at all which is reasonable. Such is their nature that, when

they satiate themselves with too much wine, these miserable,

drunken creatures ridicule and censure those who reasonably
want to drink only in moderation. They say: Blush and be
ashamed Why can't you drink as we do? They say, indeed,

that the others are not men. consider the misery of those
who are drunk.
They say they are men when they lie in the
sewer of drunkenness, while the others, because
they stand
upright and sober, are not. Those lying prostrate are men?
Those who stand up straight are not men? One who has
overcome drunkenness is blamed, while one who has been
overcome by it is praised. The sober man who has control
over himself and others is ridiculed, while the drunken man
who does not know himself or others is not ridiculed; indeed,
he is not even deplored.
(2) Drunken persons usually want to excuse themselves
by saying: Someone more powerful forced me to dring too
much, and I could not do otherwise at his banquet or the
king's. We allege that, 'to make excuses in sins/ 1 when we
1 Ps. 140.4.

say we could not do what we do not want to fulfill. Our

reluctance is at fault, while we allege our inability. Even if
you arrived at the point where it is said to you: You will
either drink or die, it would be better for your body to be
killed in sobriety than for your soul to die
through drunken-
ness. However, that excuse is given falsely. Truly, kings and
leaders of every kind are, through the goodness of God,
Christlike and prudent. Because they are sober and fear God
with their whole heart, if they saw you determined through
fear of God not to consent to become drunk, perhaps they
would seem to get angry at the time, but afterwards they
would defend you with great admiration, saying: How we
treated him, with what threats and terrors we harassed him,

yet could not tear him away from sobriety God, too, who
we !

sees you unwilling to become drunk, out of love for Him,

will Himself grant you the favor of those who seemed to

encourage or compel you to drink too much. Let no one say,

dearly beloved, that there are no martyrs in these days;
martyrs are born every day. A martyr, indeed, is a witness.
Therefore, if anyone bears witness to the truth and judges
all cases with justice, God will consider as martyrdom every-
thing that he endures in testimony of the truth and justice.
Similarly, if a man resists drunkenness and with God's help
wishes to persevere, suffering tribulations for that purpose,
God will count all these things toward the glory of martyrdom.
( Moreover, dearly beloved, if a man has many servants,
3 )

I would like to know whether he wants one of them to be a

drunkard? Doubtless, there is no one who has ever wished it
or will do so. With what feelings, with what kind of a
conscience, then, will a man who does not want to have a
drunken servant be willing to get drunk himself? Behold,
you possess a servant as one of God's gifts, and God has you
as His servant. Just as you want your servant to obey you, so

you, too, should serve your Lord. Tell me, I beg you, whether
it seems just to you that you should possess a sober servant,

when God has a drunken one? If, then, you think you are
worthy of the obedience of a sober servant, do you think God
unworthy of such a servant in you? Therefore, listen to this
carefully, dearly beloved, and reflect
that it is not just for
us to do to God what we are unwilling to have happen to us.
Perhaps you will say: How do I do to God what I
do not
want done to me? Listen how: You do not like to have a
drunken servant, but you are unwilling to serve God in

(4-) For this reason, dearly beloved, men get drunk so
is only a small
readily, because they think that drunkenness
sin or none at all. For this ignorance, however, priests

especially will render an account on the day of judgment if

they refuse to preach continually to the people entrusted to
their care what great evils arise from drunkenness. If, then,
a man thinks that drunkenness is a small sin and does not
amend his life by doing penance for it, he will be tortured

by punishment without any relief, along with adul-

terers and murderers. As you well know, the blessed Apostle
said long ago: 'Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor the
effeminate, nor sodomites, nor the covetous, nor adulterers,
nor drunkards will possess the kingdom of God/ 2 Notice that
he linked drunkards with fornicators and idolaters and
sodomites and adulterers. Again, we read 'Do not be drunk

with wine, for in that is debauchery.' 3 Therefore, let each

one determine and inwardly consider that drunkenness is a
serious sin; then it will never or only with difficulty be able
to overcome him. Not only in the future life are men to be
tormented for drunkenness, but even in the present one
they are often harassed by many infirmities. Those who do
not think about the salvation of their soul may fear bodily
disease. Those who do not fear the punishments of hell
dread cataracts and mists before their eyes, dizziness of the

2 1 Cor. 6.9,10.
3 Eph. 5.18.

head, or a trembling of their limbs. Moreover, we say this

not only to the laity, but also to the clergy, for (so much
the worse!) there are many even in the
higher ranks of the
clergy who, although they should continually preach to
others the good of sobriety, fail to do this. In fact, they do
not blush or fear to get drunk and even to cause others to
do so. If there are any of this kind, let them realize and
bewail it, because if
they are unwilling to amend they will
have to endure eternal punishments both for themselves and
for others.

(5) When the banquet is ended and their thirst satisfied,

they cannot and should not drink any more. However, as if
starting all over again, together with any people who may
have come unexpectedly at that hour, they begin to drink
under various pretexts. They drink not only in the name of
living men, but even of the angels and the rest of the older
saints, thinking that they are paying them the highest honor

by burying themselves in excessive drink in their name. They

do not know that no one inflicts so serious an injury upon the
holy angels or saintly men as those who, by drinking in their
name, clearly kill their own souls by drunkenness. There are
some people who for this reason alone order things to be
made very salty, in order that by this very seasoning they

may be able to bury themselves in excessive intoxication. It

is not a matter for wonder or grief that pagans who do not
know God do this, because they have no hope in God and
observe the ancient customs of their fathers. Christians, how-
ever, God has brought back from darkness to the light and
from death to life, and all the Scriptures cry out to them to
flee from drunkenness and to love sobriety. Why, then, do

they imitate the exceedingly shameful drunkenness of those

from whose treachery they have merited by God's grace to
be freed? Therefore I beseech you, and by the dreadful day
of judgment I adjure you to fly with the Lord's help from
the evil of drunkenness as far as you can. Let it begin to be

a source of shame to you that until now you have been

willing to show yourselves like heathens and pagans in dis-
graceful drunkenness. Since by God's goodness you are unlike
them in faith, you should not be like them at all in drunken-
ness.Indeed, even if Christians do not commit other sins,
drunkenness alone, if
repeated, casts men into the depths of

hell,unless amendment and repentance save them. As we

read: 'Drunkards will not possess the kingdom of God.' But
someone says: I do not want the kingdom of God; I only
want to rest. Let no one deceive himself,
obtain eternal
brethren, for there are two places, but not a third. If a man
does not merit to reign with Christ, without any doubt he
will perish with the Devil.

(6) Finally, anyone who becomes a spiritual enemy of

his friend by offering excessive drink clearly both weakens
his body and kills his soul. It would be better to recall that
friend to a banquet on two or three days, out of what he
forces him that one day to take beyond what he should. With
the drink whereby he weakens him on one day by excess, he

might refresh him on the other days by a satisfying portion.

Thus, he would not waste the drink or deceive his friend.
Or surely, whatever gluttony by excessive drinking will lose,
might still better be given as an alms for the poor. Thus the
body would be refreshed by drinking in a moderate fashion,
and the soul's redemption might be procured through mercy
to the poor. Indeed, we have not uttered this reproof for the
benefit of those who are honorable and sober, for we know
that through God's goodness many people prepare frugal,
moderate banquets. Therefore, you who out of love for God
drink only what you ought make it your business that what
the drunkards lose on earth you will store up in heaven by
almsgiving. Let it not be enough for you that you are
honorable and sober, but as far as you are able reprove and
rebuke drunkards in such a way that they may never drink

4 1 Cor. 6.10.

excessively in your presence. When you love sobriety and by

your advice recall others from the perdition of drunkenness
you prepare a double reward for yourself in eternal happiness,
through your own salvation and that of others.
(7) How sad and shameful it is, dearly beloved, that
some country folks, when they have had wine or held other
feasts, are said to invite their neighbors and relatives to drink
as if to a wedding feast.As a result, they bury themselves in
excessive drunkenness, and do not return to their own homes
after this gloomy drinking spree before draining the whole
draught which the host had. What he might have used to
refresh himself and his entire
family in a reasonable manner
for two or three months he consumes in four or five
days by
sad and shameful drinking.
Dearly beloved, when with
humility and great love I give you this advice in accord
with my paternal solicitude, I satisfy my conscience before
God. Whoever willingly listens to me and devoutly tries to
fulfill what I have
preached will have an eternal reward. If
anyone despises it, let him fear that he will endure unending
punishment. However, we trust in the mercy of God that all
drunkards will return, with the grace of God, from the evil
of drunkenness to the good of sobriety. Thus they will both
give us joy and will merit to arrive happily at their eternal
reward. Amen.

Sermon 48



(1) In sacred Scripture, dearly beloved, the poor are

unceasingly blessed, while sinners seem worthy of reproach.
Therefore, first of all, as you realize from your frequent

reading and chanting, will suggest to your charity a few


sentences in which the Scriptures bless the poor; then I will

mention what we read concerning sinners. Of the poor it is
said: This poor man cried and the Lord heard him.' And
again: 'Blessing I will bless her widow: I will satisfy her poor
with bread.' 2 Again 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs

Again: To thee is the poor man

is the kingdom of heaven.'
thou wilt be a helper to the orphan.' And again: Tor

the Lord hath heard the poor.' Conversely, of sinners we


read: The wicked shall be turned into hell, all the nations.'
Again: "Because the wicked shall perish. And again: 'Break
thou the arm of the sinner and of the malignant.' 8 Again:
*In the hand of the Lord there is a cup of strong wine full of
the sinners of the earth shall drink of it.' And
mixture; all

again: 'I will break all the horns of sinners.' 10 In all the

Scriptures sentences of this kind abound, in which the poor

are praised, whereas harsh words are directed to sinners.
(2) Since this is true, perhaps someone considers and
says: How is the command given to us in sacred Scripture:
'Bless and do not and 'nor the evil-tongued will
possess the kingdom of God,' and 'bless those who persecute
you'? How
can the same Scriptures which forbid us to do
so, curse so often? Those curses, dearly beloved, are not spoken
by a person desiring their fulfillment, but merely foretelling
the fact. They do not want this to befall sinners, but, because

1 PS. 33.7.
2 Ps. 131.15.
3 Matt. 5.3.
4 Ps. 9b.I4,
5 Ps. 68.34.
6 Ps. 9,18.
7 Ps. 36.20.
8 Ps. 9b.l5.
9 Ps. 74.9.
10 Ps. 74,11.
11 Rom. 12.14.
12 1 Cor. 6.10.
13 Rom, 12.14.

they doubtless will come to pass, these curses are proven to

be prophecies. If, then, sinners
recognize that they are such,
they should quickly have recourse to the healing remedies
of repentance if they want to be blessed rather than cursed

by the sacred Scriptures. If, perchance, they persevere in

their sins and death overtakes them unexpectedly, all the
curses which are found in Scripture since the beginning of the
world may befall them, so that they cannot be freed from
everlasting punishment.
(3) However, brethren, when the poor are blessed and
sinners cursed in sacred Scripture, one who
carefully notes
the meaning realizes that it does not refer to all sinners or
to all the ragged poor. In the sinners whom
Scripture seems
to curse we do not understand all sinners, but
only the proud,
who not only do wrong but even do not blush to defend
their evil with impudent boldness. These are the people of
whom it is written 'Let the proud be ashamed, because they

have done unjustly towards me.' 14 And this: Thou wilt bring
down the eyes of the proud, 315 and The proud did iniquitously
16 17
altogether,' and 'God resisteth the proud.' Innumerable
are the testimonies of this sort in which the
arrogance of
the proud is designated. Therefore, whenever you hear sinners
cursed in Scripture, understand it the as I
concerning proud,
said, that is, those who defend their sins. Likewise, as often
as you hear the poor praised, do not consider it with
to all the poor, but only those Christians who are meek and
humble of heart. Of these it is written: 'Upon shall whom
my spirit rest, but upon the humble and meek, upon him
that trembleth at my words?'
(4) Indeed, many poor people are irascible and proud,
so that it does not benefit them to be poor in earthly wealth
since they are rich in vices and evil habits. Moreover, many
14 Ps. 118.78.
15 Ps. 17.28.
16 Ps. 118.51.
17 Prov. 3.34.

rich people are humble and gentle, of whom we read:

'Blessed the man that hath not gone after gold, nor put
his trust in treasures,' and this: 'he hath distributed, he
hath given to the poor: his justice remaineth for ever and
How does the lack of riches benefit a poor man if
he has the desire for possessions? The Apostle does not con-
demn one who possesses riches, but one who longs for them,
when he says: 'Those who seek to become rich fall into
temptation and a snare of the devil.' Therefore, what is
the benefit of not possessing wealth, if a man burns with
ambition? How, I repeat, is it profitable for a poor man to
be poor, as long as he prefers to be proud rather than to be
humble? Moreover, how can abundant riches harm a man,
if he
possesses perfect humility? Such a man does not desire
to be a slave to dissipation because of his money, but wishes
with all his heart to give alms and to observe humility and
meekness. In short, as I said, all the Scriptures praise the
humble poor and reprove the haughty rich. An eternal reward
promised the poor, while endless punishment is threatened
to the proud rich in these words: 'Render a reward to the
proud,' and 'God will abolish the memory of the proud, 923
and 'pride is hateful before God.' If, perchance, there is
someone who glories in his religious practices and good works
without humility, he should pay careful attention and tremble
with fear, because pride deposed an archangel from heaven.
If so great a creature was cast down, do you who are dust
and ashes hope to rise to heaven in pride? Therefore, each
one should examine his conscience and, if he perceives that
the vice of pride dominates him, he should have recourse to
the remedy of humility. If anyone wishes to persevere to the
18 Isa. 66.2.
19 Eccli. 31.8.
20 Ps. 111.9.
21 1 Tim. 6.9.
22 Ps, 93.2.
23 Eccli. 10.21.
24 Eccli. 10.7.

end of his life in pride, he will have to endure the punishments

of hell together with the Devil whom
he imitates, for we
read: They that trust in pride shall fall.' 25 If those who
have less money and
are poor want the blessing of all the
Scriptures tobe applied to them, they should observe true
humility and hear the Lord saying: 'Learn from me, for I
am meek and humble of heart.' 26 Furthermore, let them fear
what is written: 'Before the Lord every man that exalteth
his own unclean/ 27 From what I have mentioned
heart is

you realize clearly that it does not help the poor to be so if

they refuse to be humble, while the fact that they are rich
does not harm the wealthy if they endeavor to exercise
humility, mercy, and justice.
(5) There are two kinds of men, the humble and the
proud, and, like two peoples, they have been established in

two the beginning of the world. One of these is

cities since

called Jerusalem, which is interpreted as the vision of peace,

while the other is Babylon, which is interpreted as confusion.
Christ' builds the one; the Devil, the other. Now, all those
who wish to persevere in pride belong to Babylon; those
who will remain in humility- belong to Jerusalem. All the
saints and the Scriptures have and continue to bless
those who are humble, T>o good, O Lord, to
in the words:
those that are good, and to the upright of heart.' However,
those who are proud have been and continue to be cursed.

Therefore, as I have said, let each one turn to his own

conscience. If a man perceives the root of pride to be
dominant in himself, while he can and the time for doing
good is within his power, he should with God's help

as fast as possible;
uproot the pride and implant humility
for he knows definitely that all the good works he has
performed cannot benefit him as long as the swelling of pride

25 Prov. 11.28.
26 Matt. 11.29.
27 Prov. 16.5.
28 Ps. 124.4.

remains. Let him not be content merely to lift up its branches

as were, by a false and feigned humility, but let him try to

tear the root out of his heart if he wants to please Him who

deigns to inspect the heart. If a man refuses to do this, he

will be subject to the curses of all the Scriptures, and there
will be fulfilled in him the words: The Lord who is just
and He
will cut the necks of sinners' shall rain snares of
fire upon sinners.'

(6) When sinners hear this sentence they should tremble

and say: If the just Lord will cut the necks of sinners, how
can we who are sinners escape? Far be it from them to despair
of the Lord's goodness, for the divine Mercy immediately
welcomes us if repentance and amendment follow. Moreover,
in this instance He wanted proud sinners to be signified,
because they defend their sins. They are even praised by their

colleagues and are told You : have acted well and prudently.
You are glad to reply in this way and to defend yourself
because you seem to have overcome man. You do not bewail
the fact that you have been conquered by the vice of pride.
How much better it would be to follow the humble Christ
than through pride to be trodden on by the feet of the Devil.
'The Lord will cut the necks of sinners. Learn from the
member in which they are struck that we should not and
cannot think of all sinners, but only of the proud. We do not
read: 'The Lord who is just will cut the hands or the feet
of sinners, but the necks of sinners.' Why is this? Because all
the proud are stiff-necked. Therefore, realize that only the
proud will be struck with this blow, Those who are humble
should thank God and remain in humility to the end of
their lives. Thus, the blessing of the angels and patriarchs
and prophets and apostles and all the Scriptures will come
upon them, as is given to all who persevere in humility.
With those blessings they will reach eternal rewards, while
29 Ps. 128.4.
30 Ps. 10.7.

there will be fulfilled in

them the words: The blessing of the
Lord upon
is the head of the
Those who recognize that
the tyranny of pride rules them should, as we
suggested before,
reject the surge of arrogance which destroyed the Lord's
temple within their very selves, and should hasten to establish
a foundation of true humility within their hearts. By this

humility they will merit to rise to

glory, since by pride they
had fallen into ruin.

(7) While we are talking about cursing the evil of pride

and seeking the virtue of humility, perhaps someone reflects
and says: Why is it that in this sermon mention is made of
only those two things and nothing is said about charity, the
foundation of all good things, and avarice, the root of all
evils? We include them in this sermon, dearly beloved,

because, truly, those two cannot exist without these two.

Avarice never could or can be found without pride, or
charity without humility. Therefore, the man who praises
humility also advocates charity which is its source; on the
contrary, one who rebukes pride at the same time condemns
avarice which is its necessary
complement. Charity and
humility are, as were, two wings by which humble souls are

lifted up to heaven, and if one is lacking the other is of no

benefit. Similarly, on the opposite side, avarice and pride are
like two fetters by which the unhappy souls of the haughty

by God's just judgment descend into the depths of hell, even

though they are lifted up with pride. Therefore, whenever
you hear the praises of humility in sacred Scripture or in
any kind of preaching, recognize in it a commendation of
charity. Likewise, on the other hand, understand
the reproach
of pride as a condemnation of avarice. Moreover, since pride
is born of avarice and humility springs from charity, they are

joined so closely to each other that each mother cannot

exist without her daughter. If a man desires to be freed from
the vice of pride, he should first try to destroy avarice from

31 Prov. 10.6.

which it originates. So, on the contrary, if a man continually

wishes to obtain true humility, he should endeavor faithfully

to observe charity, its mother. With all our strength let us

beg God's mercy to deign to free us from the

vice of pride

and and in
avarice, to bestow upon us the virtue of
humility and charity. Thus, we may not
descend into hell
the Devil who is the author of pride, but may
by imitating
merit to ascend into heaven by following Christ, the teacher
of humility. May He deign to grant this, who, together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without
end. Amen.

Sermon 49



1 ) In sacred Scripture, dearly beloved, widows, orphans,
and the poor are frequently mentioned with benediction, as
we read in the psalms: 'Blessing I will bless her widow, and
I will satisfy her poor with bread'; furthermore: 'He will
'this poor man
support the fatherless and the widow' and
cried and the Lord heard him.'
When you hear all this,
understand it as concerning the entire Catholic Church, and
concerning all in the holy Church who are good, humble,
merciful, just, modest, chaste, and sober. Although God takes
care of widows, orphans, and the poor, and willingly hears
them if they are humble, in sacred Scripture the entire Chufch
interpreted in their likeness. All who
is live in such a way as

to obtain eternal life are always blessed like the widow, the

poor, or the orphan. Why is the Church regarded as a

widow except that Christ her husband seems to be absent?
That spouse, I say, of whom the Apostle says to the Church:

1 Ps. 131.15; 145.9; 33.7.


'I betrothed
you to one spouse, that I might present you a
every man love his wife,
chaste virgin to Christ/ and: 'let
just as Christ also loved the Church.' Why is the Church
considered poor, except because she is humble and does not
place her hopes in the honors or wealth of this world but in
the Lord God alone? Of this we read: 'Blessed are the
in spirit, for theirs is the 3
kingdom of heaven.' is the
Church represented by orphans unless because our Lord and
Saviour Himself has said: 'Call no one on earth
your father;
for one is your Father, who is in heaven.' 4
Now, just as
orphans who have no father to be proud of are humble, so
also in the Church, are not the good necessarily and willingly
humble and mild? Even if such men
possess honors or wealth
of this world they do not show it
haughtily, for they do not
place their hopes in uncertain riches. For this reason they are
solicitous for the poor as well as for themselves.
They seem
to be stewards rather than possessors of their riches, and
from theirown resources feed even themselves reasonably
among the rest of the poor.
(2) So, then, under the title of widows, orphans, and the
poor the Church is understood of those who are good, just
as those who are wicked are designated by the name of sinners
and the proud. All who are proud should realize that since
the beginning of the world they have been, are, and should
be rebuked in all kinds of publications. However, in both the
Old and New Testaments all the humble and mild have
been, are, and should be blessed, because He does not lie
when He says: 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
humble.' 5 Everywhere in Scripture you hear it said: 'The
wicked shall be turned into hell,' and: 'because the wicked
shall perish,' 'let their eyes be darkened that they see not.'

2 2 Cor. 11.2; Eph. 5.25.

3 Matt. 5.3.
4 Matt. 23.9.
5 James 4.6.
6 Ps. 9.18; 36.20; 68.24.

As often as you hear these and similar \vords recited of sinners,

understand that they do not refer to everyone but only to the
proud and those who merely pretend to do penance. As we
read in the psalms: Thou wilt save the humble people, but
wilt bring down the eyes of the proud/ and: 'let the proud
be ashamed, because they have done unjustly towards me.'
(3) Let us be poor, brethren, that is, meek and humble;
let us also be fellow widows of the one of whom we read:

'Blessing I will bless her widow.* Let

us have no resource but
in God, so that we may be poor in spirit, of whom it
added: l will satisfy her poor with bread.'
On the other
hand, the Apostle says of the rich: 'Charge the rich of this
world not to be proud, or to trust in the uncertainty of their
What, then, should they do
riches, but in the living God/
with their riches? That follows: 'Let them be rich in good
works, giving readily, sharing with others, and thus providing
for themselves a good foundation against the time to come,
in order that they may lay hold on the true life.' As long
as they do not seize the true life, they are poor; as soon as
they do, they will be rich. You ought to know, dearly beloved,
that all who wish to lead a good life are rich in Christ;
likewise, all who are humble of heart and practice a twofold
charity God counts among His poor, even if they possess
riches in this world. Indeed, blessed Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
even Joseph, David, and many other saints of the Old Testa-
ment were rich, and their riches did not harm them. In the
New Testament, too, Zachaeus was rich, as well as Cornelius
a centurion; also wealthy was that other centurion of whom
C 11
the Lord have not found so great a faith in Israel.'
said: I

Although these men were rich, they deserved to be counted

among God's poor and blessed and to receive eternal happi-
7 Ps. 17,28; 118.78.
8 Ps. 131.15.
9 Cf. 1 Tim. 6.17.
10 1 Tim. 6.18,19.
11 Matt. 8.10.

ness,because they did not place their

hopes in their riches
but in the living God. On the
contrary, many ragged poor
people are inflamed with too much ambition and are fre-
quently lifted up with a spirit of pride as far as they can.
Now, just as riches cannot harm those who do not rely on
them, so poverty cannot help those who are daily tortured
with the desire for possessions. Dearly beloved, let us be
humble, so that we may have fulfilled in us the words:
'Blessed are the poor in for theirs
spirit, is the kingdom of
heaven.' May He deign to grant this, to whom are honor
and power, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
world without end. Amen.

Sermon 50



1 ) You know, dearly beloved, that all men seek bodily
health, but this we should acknowledge, that, although health
of body is good, health of the heart is much better. Con-

sequently, all Christians should always pray especially that

God will deign to grant them health of soul because of their
devout life. We should pray for bodily health, but doubly
and many more times for health of soul. Not too much
harm is done if the flesh is weak in this life; it is of utmost
importance that the soul rise unstained to heaven. Indeed,
the person who feels anxiety for his bodily health alone is
like the animals and wild beasts. What is still worse, how

many there are who grieve if they begin to grow infirm in

body. However, ifthey are not only wounded, but even die
in soul, they not feel it at all and do not grieve If only !

they would run to the church even when they are sick in

12 Matt. 5.3.

body and ask for healing from the mercy of Christ. What is

deplorable is that there are some who seek soothsayers in

every kind of infirmity.They consult seers and divines, sum-
mon enchanters, and hang diabolical phylacteries and magic
letters on themselves. Often enough they receive charms
even from priests and religious, who, however, are not really
religious or clerics but the Devil's helpers. See, brethren,
I plead with you not to consent to accept these wicked
objects, even if they are
offered by clerics. There is no remedy
of Christ in them, but the poison of the Devil which will
cure your body but will kill your poor soul with the sword
of infidelity. Even if you are told that the phylacteries contain

holy facts and divine lessons, let no one

believe it or expect
health to come to him from them. If some people have
recovered their health by these charms, it was the Devil's

cunning that did it. Sometimes he has taken away bodily

infirmity because he has already killed the soul.
The Devil,
indeed, does not want to kill the body as much as the soul.

To try us he sometimes is permitted to strike our bodies

with some infirmity; then, when we later agree to enchanters
and phylacteries, he may our soul. For this reason the

phylacteries sometimes seem have power and beneficial


effects; when the Devil has affected the soul with its consent,
then he ceases to trouble the body. Anyone who makes these

phylacteries or asks to have them made, as well as all those

who consent to it have become pagans, and unless they

perform sufficient penance they cannot escape punishment.

However, brethren, ask health from Christ who is the true
Light. Hurry to church, be anointed with holy oil, and
receive the Eucharistic Christ. If you do this, you will receive

health of soul as well as of body.

(2 ) Let us reflect with a penetrating mind, dearly beloved,
and by a careful investigation let us examine our actions,
lest, perchance, the Evil Spirit secretly insinuate himself into
our souls.Even if he cannot openly seduce us, let him not

deceive us by the outward appearance of

goodness. Truly,
'he has a thousand ways of and he uses them
all for the deception of mankind. 'We are not unaware of his
devices,' says the Apostle. Christ Himself rebuked the Phar-
iseeswho wore phylacteries when He said: Tor they widen
their phylacteries and enlarge their tassels.' 3 It would be
better to keep the words of God in one's heart than to wear
them in writing on one's neck. Indeed, concerning those who
carry their bonds it is said: 'Such as turn aside into bonds,
the Lord shall lead out with the workers of iniquity.' 4 Again
we read: 'Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see
God.' Truly, it will be eternal
happiness and a happy eternity
to behold in perpetual vision Christ as God with His saints
in glory, and to praise Him unceasingly. Then may there be
fulfilled in us the words: 'The God of gods shall be seen in
Sion' and 'blessed are they that dwell in thy house, Lord: O
they shall praise thee for ever and ever.'
(3) Above all, brethren, do not consent to use deceitful
values and false measures to trick your neighbors or friends,
because it is written: 'With what measure you measure, it
shall be measured to you.' Moreover, when you hear cases,
render a just decision and do not accept bribes at the expense
of the innocent; lest, while you are acquiring material gains,
you lose eternal rewards. When you stand in church do not
busy yourself inidle gossip with your neighbor. What is worse,
there are people, some men but especially women, who talk
so much in church that they neither hear the word of God
themselves nor allow others to do so. Whoever does this

will have to render an account on judgment day both for

themselves and others. Remember, further, that you are

Vergil, Aeneid 7.338.
2 2 Cor. 2.11.
3 Matt. 23.5.
4 Ps. 124.5.
5 Matt. 5.8.
6 Ps. 83.8,5.
7 Matt. 7.2.

responsible beforeGod for the sons you adopt at baptism.

Therefore, you should always reprove and rebuke them, so
that they may strive to observe whatever belongs to justice
and sobriety, and even mercy. Arouse them to
good works by example as well as by words, so that by
imitating what is just and pleasing to God in you, they may
merit to arrive with you at eternal rewards.
(4) I repeatedly exhort you, dearly beloved, I urge you
with paternal devotion, and with all my strength I beg all
who are among you to practice at all times devout and

happy perseverance in good works. As we read : 'He who has

persevered to the end will be saved.' If there are those

among you who realize that they are doing evil, they should
and amend their lives. Then, when judgment day
comes, by perseverance in good after amending their evil they
may also reach eternal rewards, with the help of Him who
with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns world
without end. Amen.

Sermon 51



(1) Some men and women, dearly beloved, when they

see that they have no children in their married life, often
become too sad. To make matters worse, they often are pre-
vailed upon to believe that they can have children like the
sap of trees, not from God
but from some kind of impious
drug. If anyone, deceived by a friend of the Devil, has done
this, he should do penance with great compunction of heart;
whoever with the Lord's help has not done so should see to
it that he never does. Not only should a man refrain from it

8 Matt.

himself, but to the best of his ability by his salutary advice he

should not allow others to do it either. If God does not want
to give them children, devout Christians should not suffer
too much mental anxiety. When God grants children we
should thank Him, and He does not give them we should

nevertheless thank Him, because He knows best what is good

for us.

(2) Many people have children to their own harm, and

many are without them for their own good. Although this is
not universal, there are very many who condemn their
children's souls to eternal poverty while they store up too
much treasure for them on earth. Because they want to leave
their children rich in thisworld by robbery and fraud, they
not only neglect to distribute alms but also try to seize their
neighbor's wealth. It is to be feared that although their
children abound in their riches in this world, they themselves
will be destroyed by eternal punishment. The Gospel account
tells us what happened in the case of the rich man who was
clothed in purple and left his brothers wealthy. That man
who had been rich in this world and had robbed his brothers
of wealth asked in his burning thirst for a drop of
all their

comfort when he was in hell, and he could not obtain it.

Now, all those who have no children, or, at least, almost all
of them, since they have no one to whom they will leave
their earthly wealth, constantly redeem their souls by the

generosity of their alms. When they pass from this world to

eternal bliss, they will be without anxiety, and freed from
evil will deserve to hear: 'Come, blessed, take possession of
the kingdom, for I was hungry and you gave me to eat.'
(3) No one should be sad or grieve over his lack of
children when he sees so many priests, monks, or religious
persevere in God's service to the end of their lives without
earthly children. They a greater crown and more
will receive

glory because they have willed to be physically barren,


1 Cf. Matt. 25.34,35.


ing what Christ proclaimed through His Apostle : lt remains

that those who have wives be as if they had none. The time is
short; I would have you free from care.' Those who practice
physical sterility should observe fruitfulness in souls, and
those who cannot have earthly sons should endeavor to beget

spiritual ones. All our deeds are our sons; hence, if we

perform good works every day we will not lack spiritual sons.
These sons of ours not only will never die, but furthermore
will not allow their parents to die eternally. However, when
earthly sons reach manhood it is difficult for most of them
not to desire the death of their parents. We have not said
this because we believe that all children are wicked, nor do
we want to persuade anyone who is married to be unwilling
to have children. As we mentioned above, whether God wants
to give us children or not we should thank Him, because He
knows best what is good for us.
(4) Therefore, those to whom God is unwilling to give
children should not try to have them by means of herbs or
magic signs or evil charms. It is
becoming and proper for
Christians especially not to seem to fight against the dis-

pensation of Christ by cruel, wicked boldness. Just as women

whom God wants to bear more children should not take
medicines to prevent their conception, so those whom God
wishes to remain sterile should desire and seek this gift from
God alone. They should always leave it to divine Providence,

asking in their prayers that God in His goodness may deign to

grant what is best for them. Those women whom God wants
to bear children should take care of all that are conceived,
or give them to someone else to rear. As many as they kill
after they are already conceived or born, before the tribunal
of the eternal Judge they will be held guilty of so many
murders. If women attempt to kill the children within them
by evil medicines, and themselves die in the act, they become
2 1 Cor. 7.29,32.

on their own: suicide, spiritual adultery,

guilty of three crimes
and murder unborn child. Therefore, women do
of the
wrong when they seek to have children by means of evil
drugs. They sin still more grievously when they kill the
children who are already conceived or born, and when
taking impious drugs to prevent conception they condemn
in themselves the naturewhich God wanted to be fruitful.
Let them not doubt that they have committed as many mur-
number of the children they might have begotten.
ders as the

(5) Therefore, let us consider the words of the Apostle:

'We do not know what we should pray for as we ought.'
Let us always entrust ourselves to God's judgment and
mercy, and not strive to have contrary to His will what He
does not want to give. Thus, while we seek the comfort of
earthly children, let us not lose eternal rewards. Let us, then,
continually say with our whole hearts in the Lord's Prayer:
Thy be done on earth, as it is in heaven.' If we

devoutly put our hopes in God's providence, we win His

favor in this life and will confidently appear before Him
with a clear conscience in the life to come. May He deign to
grant this, to whom is honor and glory world without end.

Sermon 52



(1) have freqently admonished you,

I repeat again as I

dearly beloved, that no one of you should think that martyrs

cannot live in our times. Martyr is a Greek word, which in

3 Rom. 8.26.
4 Matt. 6.10.

Latin means a witness. As we have often said, anyone who

bears witness to Christ for the sake of justice is without
doubt a martyr. Likewise, anyone who resists the champions
of dissipation and persecutors of chastity out of love for
God will receive the crown of martyrdom. Therefore, there
are martyrs even in our day. If a man reproves evil-doers
with justice and charity, or warns against the indiscriminate
taking of oaths, perjury, calumny, and slander, he will be
Christ's martyr by giving testimony to the things which

please God. Moreover, one who restrains men from observing

omens, wearing phylacteries, or consulting magicians and
seers Is known to bear testimony to Christ when he speaks

against these temptations of the Devil

(2) Besides, dearly beloved, the temptation of our Adver-
sary is when foolish men think that days and
not slight
months, the sun and the moon, should be worshiped. What
is worse, so true is what we are talking about that not only

in other places but in this very city there are said to be some
unfortunate women who refuse to spin or weave on Thursday
in honor of Jove. In such people baptism is violated and
the sacraments of Christ suffer injury.
(3) How is it that foolish men think they should, as it

were, help the moon in its eclipse? When its shining orb is

covered at certain times by a natural condition of the air or

is suffused with the nearby heat of the
setting sun, they
think that there is some conflict of incantations against
heaven. This they imagine they can overcome by the sound
of a trumpet or the ridiculous tinkling of bells that are

violently shaken, through the vain persuasion of pagans

believing they make the moon friendly to themselves by their
wicked shouting. Now, since at God's bidding it renders
service to rational man, why does man render foolish obedi-
ence toit, God? Let every wise and pious
to the insult of
man, we beg you, avoid and detest these errors, or, rather,

this madness, this shameful mockery. If the substance of this

heavenly body inferior to you,
why do you fear to offend
it silence?
by your If it is
superior to you, why do you think
itneeds your help?
(4) Does not the Devil clearly exercise his deceits still
further, dearly beloved, when he persuades some women, after
they have had two or three children, to kill either any more
or those already born, by
taking an abortion draught?
Apparently, such women fear that if they have more children
they cannot become rich. For, what else must they think when
they do this, except that God will not be able to feed or
direct those whom He has commanded to be born? Perhaps
some are killed who could serve God better or obey those
same parents with a perfect love. Instead, by an impious,
murderous practice women take poisonous draughts to trans-
mit incomplete life and premature death to their children
through their generative organs. By such an exigency they
drink a cup of bereavement with the cruel drug. sad O
persuasion! They maintain that the poison which has been
transmitted through their drinking is unconnected with them.
Moreover, they do not realize that they conceive in sterility
the child which they receive in death, because it was conceived
in their flesh. However, if there is not yet found a tiny infant
that could be killed within the womb of its mother, it is no less
true that even the natural power [of generation] within the
woman destroyed. Why unhappy mother
is or, rather, not
even the step-mother of a new-born son why did you seek,
from outside, remedies that would be harmful for eternity?
You possess within you more salutary remedies, if you wish.
You do not want to have a child? Settle a pious agreement
with your husband; let him agree to an end of child-bearing in
accord with the virtue of chastity. Only the sterility of a very
pious wife is chastity.
(5) Dearly beloved, it is also due to the deadly cleverness
of the hidden Persecutor, as we have said before, that

mothers in grief and terror hasten when their sons are

troubled with various trials or infirmities. What is worse,
the author of
they do not entreat the Church's remedy,
salvation and the Eucharistic Christ. Nor, as it is written that
they should, do they ask the priests to anoint them with

oil, or place all their hopes in God. They act in the opposite
manner, so that while they seek bodily health they effect the
death of souls. If only they would seek that health from the
to themselves:
simple skill of doctors! However, they say
Let us consult that soothsayer, seer, oracle, or witch. Let us
sacrifice a garment of the sick person, a girdle that can be
seenand measured. Let us offer some magic letters, let us
hang some charms on his neck. In all this the Devil has one
aim either to cruelly kill the children by abortion, or to heal

them still more cruelly by the charms.

(6) Sometimes, women who are apparently wise Chris-
tians, when their children are sick, reply to nurses or other
women through whom the Devil suggests these practices: I
mixed up in such things, because it is read in
will not get
church: 'You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the
cup of devils; you cannot be partakers of the table of the
Lord and of the table of devils.' 1 Then, as if excusing herself,
such a woman says: Go, and do as you know how; no
expenses from our storehouse will be denied you. As if by
these words she could be held innocent of such a detestible
crime This is not the case. Not only the mother who permits

it, but also the others who consent to it, incur the guilt of
as the Apostle says: Not only they who do these things,

but they also who consent to those who do them.' If you
are willing to listen carefully, both men and women, and
faithfullyendeavor to avoid and flee from all the snares of
the Devil, with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ you will
be able to arrive at eternal happiness with a clear conscience.

1 1 Cor. 1020,21.

2 Cf. Rom, 1.32,


Sermon 53


) It is a source of pleasure to us, dearly beloved, to
see you faithfully coming to church, and for thiswe give the
greatest thanks to God. Truly, this is becoming and proper
for Christians, to hasten like good sons to their mother the
Church with the greatest longing and true piety. But, although
we rejoice at this, dearly beloved, to see you hasten faithfully
to church, we are sad and we grieve because we know that
some of you rather frequently go over to the ancient worship
of idols like the pagans who have no God or grace of
baptism. We have heard that some of you make vows to
trees, pray to fountains, and practice diabolical augury.
Because of this there is such sorrow in our hearts that we
cannot receive any consolation. What is worse, there are some
unfortunate and miserable people who not only are unwilling
to destroy the shrines of the pagans but even are not afraid
or ashamed to build up those which have been destroyed.
Moreover, if anyone with a thought of God wants to burn
the wood of those shrines or to tear to pieces and destroy
the diabolical altars, they become angry, rave with fury, and
are excited with excessive frenzy. They even go so far as to
dare to strike those who out of love for God are trying to
overthrow the wicked idols; perhaps they do not even hesitate
to plan their death. What are these unfortunate, miserable

people doing! They are deserting the light and running to

darkness; they reject God and embrace the Devil. They
desert life while they follow after death; by repudiating Christ
did these miserable
they proceed to impiety. Why, then,
come to church? Why did they receive the sacrament
afterwards intended to return to the
of baptism if they
in them is fulfilled what was
profanation of idols? Truly

written: The dog is returned to his vomit: and the pig to

They do not fear what the Lord
his wallowing in the mire.'
said through His Prophet: 'He that sacrificeth to gods shall
be put to death, save only to the Lord'; moreover, in the
psalms: 'All the gods of the Gentiles are devils, but the
Lord made the heavens'; and again: 'Let them be all
confounded that adore graven things, and that glory in
their idols.'

(2) Therefore, brethren, whoever you are who have not

done such wrong to the loving Christ, see to it that you
never do so. Be careful lest those desperate, wicked men
overwhelm you, and lest after Christ's sacraments you return
to the poison of the Devil. Rather, rebuke whomever you

recognize as such, admonish them quite harshly, chide them

quite severely. If they are not corrected, strike them if you
can; if they are not corrected thus, pull their hair. If they

continue, tie them with bonds of iron, so that a chain


may hold those whom Christ's grace does not hold. Then,
do not them to restore the shrine, but endeavor to
tear to piecesand destroy them wherever they are. Cut the
impious wood down to the roots, break up the altars of the
Devil. Moreover, know this, dearly beloved, that when he
is every man is separated from the following
army of the Devil. However, if later on there is a return to
the practice of that impiety which we mentioned before,
Christ is immediately deserted and the Devil again takes
hold. It would have been a less serious matter not to come
to Christ than afterwards to desert Him, according to what
the Apostle Peter says about the matter: lt were better for
them not to have known the way of justice than, having
known it, to turn back.*

(3) We are saying, brethren, what is expedient for you.

1 2 Peter 2.22.

2 Exod. 22.20.
3 Ps. 95.5; 96.7.
4 2 Peter 2.21.

Eternal punishment will torture without

any remedy whoever
unwilling to observe this. Some like to get drunk, some to
commit adultery, others to entice the innocent, but afterwards
they will not like to burn in eternal flames. Look, brethren,
observe what we are saying, for no one can say that he was
not warned. See how we shout and
testify and preach; do
not despise your herald if you want to avoid the
However, concerning God's mercy, we believe that He in-
tends to give perseverance in good works to
you, the faithful.
Those who have committed some impiety He will inspire to
hasten to do penance. Thus, by persevering in good after
having been reformed from evil they will equally deserve to
arrive at eternal bliss: with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ
who lives and reigns world without end.

Sermon 54



1 ) You well know, dearly beloved, that I have frequently
exhorted you with paternal solicitude, advising and proclaim-
ing that you should by no means observe those wicked
practices of the pagans. However, as I hear reported of
many, our admonition has not profited some individuals. If
I do not speak about it I will have to render an evil account
on judgment day for both of us, and I, together with you,
will have to endure eternal punishments. Therefore, I acquit
myself before God if I admonish you repeatedly and assert
that none of you should consult sorcerers, seers, or sooth-

sayers, questioning them for any reason or infirmity. No one


should summoncharmers, for if a man does this evil he

immediately loses the sacrament of baptism, becoming at once
impious and pagan. Unless generous almsgiving together with
hard, prolonged penance saves him, such a man will perish
forever. Likewise, do not observe omens or pay attention to

singing birds when you are on the road, nor dare to announce
devilish prophecies as a result of their song. No one should
set any store on certain days for leaving home and certain
days for returning again, because God made all the days. As
Scripture says: 'And there was made the first day,' also a
second and third in like manner, then a fourth, a fifth, a
sixth,and a sabbath; and 'God made all very good.' 2 And
do not pin any faith on or pay any attention to the both
impious and ridiculous [interpretation of] sneezes. As often
as there is need for
you to hurry, sign yourself in the name
of Christ, devoutly recite the Creed or Lord's
Prayer, and
go on your way secure in God's help.
(2) If under God's inspiration you scorn and despise all
those impious practices, the Devil will not this
accept willingly.
When he sees you leave his friendship and society,
the evil with which he deceived
you, he is going to do other
villainy to you, perhaps cause some infirmity or take away
one of your animals through disease or
wandering. God
allows this to happen to find out whether
you are coming
to Him with devotion, the Devil's
wholeheartedly despising
inventions, and whether His love or the loss of an animal
has more weight with you. If with
your whole strength and
complete fidelity you despise the wickedness which the Devil
inspires, God will deign to keep the Devil himself from
attacking you and he will never be able to deceive
you with
However, even if men who are careless and
his cleverness.

swayed, with weak wills and a tepid faith, begin, they

do not persevere in the works of God. When
they refrain
1 Cf. Gen. 1.5.

2 Gen. LSI.

from the evil practices that have been indicated and allow
even one of the Devil's tricks, they immediately
repent of
their God and abandonment of the Devil's
conversion to
inventions. Such men return again to the observance of omens,
as dogs to their vomit. You, however, to whom God has
wisdom and true faith, should despise with all your heart the
illusions of the Devil, and
faithfully be converted to God.
Then you will patiently and courageously endure whatever
the Devil wishes to send you, saying with blessed Job: The
Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath
pleased the Lord, so is it done.' With the Apostle, too, you
may say with a firm and generous heart 'Who shall separate

us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or persecution,

or distress, or hunger, or nakedness, or the sword, or danger?'
Good Christians are not separated from Christ even by
torture. Tepid and careless ones, however, are sometimes
separated from Him by idle tales; if they suffer even a slight
loss they are immediately scandalized, dare to murmur against
God, and return to their impious, detestable omens.
(3) Perhaps someone says: What are we to do, for the
magicians and seers often announce true omens to us? Con-
cerning this the Scriptures warn and advise us: Even if they
tell you the truth, do not believe them, Tor the Lord your

God trieth you, whether you fear him, or not. 35 Again you
say Sometimes many would run the risk even of death from

the bite of a snake or some infirmity if there were no magi-

cians. It is true, dearly beloved, that God permits this to the
Devil, as I alreadymentioned above, to try Christian people.
Thus, when they sometimes are able to recover from sickness

by these impious remedies, men see some truth in them

and afterwards more readily believe the Devil. However, if a
man wants to practice the Christian religion with all his

3 Job 1.21.
4 Rom. 8.35.
5 Deut. 13.5.

heart, he should despise all these things with all the strength
of his soul, fearing the Apostle's rebuke: 'You are observing

days and seasons; I fear for you, lest perhaps I have


among you in vain.'

Behold, the Apostle says that one who
observes ornens receives his teaching to no purpose. Therefore,
avoid the Devil's tricks as much as you can.
(4) Above all, brethren, know that the Devil cannot
injure you, those who belong to you, your animals, or the
rest of your earthly substance even in small matters, unless
he receives his power from God. Just as he did not dare to

destroy the wealth of holy Job without the Lord's permission,

so we read in the Gospel that when the demons were driven
out of men they asked to be allowed to enter swine. I beseech
you to consider this, brethren. If the demons did not dare
to enter swine without receiving the Lord's permission, who
would be so perfidious as to believe they can harm good
Christians in any way unless God allows it in His providence?
God permits this for two reasons: either to try us, if we are
good, or to punish us, if we are sinners. However, if a man
patiently endures the dispensation of the Lord and, as I
already said, when he loses something says: The Lord gave,
and the Lord hath taken away. As it hath pleased the Lord,
so is it
done; blessed be the name of the Lord' he will
receive a crown for his patience that is pleasing to God if he
is just, and
forgiveness if he is a sinner. Notice, brethren,
that when the Devil had
destroyed all the earthly substance
of blessed Job, Job did not
say: The Lord gave, the Devil
hath taken away, but The Lord
gave, and the Lord hath
taken away.' That holy man was
unwilling to give the Devil
the glory of being able to take
away anything that the Lord
had not permitted him to remove. Since the Devil could not
have injured the children, youths,
camels, asses, or sheep of
blessed Job before the Lord
gave His permission, why do we
6 Gal. 4.10,11.
7 Job 1.21.

think that he can do to Christians more than the divine

power allows in its and
just secret

(5) Therefore, since we believe most certainly that we

can lose nothing but what God allows to be taken away, let
us cling to His mercy with all our heart, and after faithfully
abandoning impious observances let us always presume upon
His help. If a man believes in the aforementioned evils
magicians, seers, soothsayers, phylacteries, and other omens
profits him nothing even if he fasts, prays, continually
runs to church, gives generous alms, and afflicts his body
with every sort of mortification, as long as he does not aban-
don those impious practices. That impious, wicked observance
ruins and destroys all those good actions to such an extent
that they cannot profit men when they wish to exercise good
\vorks along with those evils. What the Apostle says is true:
*A little leaven ferments the whole lump,' and you cannot
drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils; you cannot
be partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of
devils.' Moreover, the Lord says in the Gospel:
No man
can serve two masters/ Therefore, Christians should not
fulfill vows to trees or adore
fountains, if by God's grace they
desire to be free from eternal punishment. So, if a man has

any kind of shrines on his land or in his country house, trees

or altars near his estate where miserable men are wont to
fulfill such vows, if he does not
destroy them and cut them
down, he will doubtless be a participant in those impious
practices which are carried on there. How is it that when
those trees where vows were fulfilled are cut down no one
takes the wood of them for his hearth? See the misery and
foolishness of men they pay honor to a dead tree, but
the commands of the living God. They do not dare to
throw the branches of a tree into the hearth, but by their
wickedness they cast themselves into hell. If anyone does not
8 1 Cor. 5.6; 10.20,21.
9 Matt. 6.24.

practice this evil, he

should rejoice and thank God, faithfully

striving to persevere in good

works. However, if anyone has
surrendered himself as the Devil's captive by these devilish
practices,he should do penance with all his heart. He should
evils in all horror, so
flee and despise those aforementioned
that God may grant him pardon and make him arrive at
eternal bliss for the glory of His name.

(6) It further occurs to me that some people, through

either simplicity or ignorance or, what is certainly more

likely, gluttony, do not fear or blush to eat of that impious

food and those wicked sacrifices which are still offered
according to the custom of the pagans. For this reason I
exhort you, and before God and His angels I proclaim, that
you should not come to those devilish banquets which are
held at a shrine or fountains or trees. Moreover, anything if

from them comes shudder and reject

to you, if you saw it as
the Devil himself; refuse it in such a way that you do not

permit anything from such an impious feast to be brought

into your home. As the Apostle says: 'You cannot drink the

cup of the Lord and the cup of devils; you cannot be

partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of devils.'
Although some are accustomed to say: I sign myself and
then eat, no one should presume to do this. If a man signs
himself on the lips and puts a sword into his heart, then,
just as the body is slain with a sword, so the soul is killed
by that evil food. However, we trust in God's mercy that He
will deign to inspire you to do what is
right, so that the
wickedness of the Devil may never overtake you in omens
or the other impious practices and prophecies which were
mentioned above. Thus, you will place all your hope in God,
seeing that you never return to those abominable evils which
are included above : with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to whom is honor and might for ever and ever. Amen.

10 1 Cor, 10.20,21.

Sermon 55



) It is a source of great joy to me, dearly beloved, and
I thank God that you come to church with pious devotion
on the holy feasts. Although we
rejoice at your devotion
through God's goodness, there are many more whose ruin
causes us sorrow. I am speaking of those who desire to quarrel
rather than to pray when they come to church. When they
ought to be receiving the divine lessons in church with
attentive ears and entire devotion, they strive to plead cases
outside and to assail one another with different tricks. Some-
times, what
worse, they are inflamed with excessive wrath,

quarrel bitterly, and hurl disgraceful insults and accusations

at each other; at times, they even fight each other with
fistsand boots. It would be better for such people not to
come to church than to provoke the divine wrath against
themselves by such evils. Although they come to church
with but slight offenses, they return from it with many sins.
Therefore, although my soul rejoices at your devotion, I beg
you who are good and sober, who exercise justice, love
chastity, and practice mercy, to be indulgent with me and
bear with patience the fact that I must reprove the careless
and tepid. When these latter come to a solemnity they are
so busy with idle gossip that they do not receive the divine
lessons in church with a devout heart.

(2) There are some people who come to the birthday

festivals ofthe martyrs for this sole purpose, that they may
destroy themselves and ruin others by intoxication, dancing,
singing shameful songs, leading the choral dance, and pan-
tomiming in a devilish fashion. While they should be doing

the work
of Christ they are attempting to fulfill the service
of the Devil.Not love of God but love of dissipation brings
such people to the feast, because they do not prepare them-
selves to give an example of good works or for the remedy
of faith, but for the poisonous snare of the Devil. If anyone
wants to look for and imitate these men, they condemn
themselves to eternal punishment.
(3) There are also some who wish to plead or hear
cases on the birthday of the saints or some other feast; what
isworse, they do so not in true charity but for the sake of
avarice or ambition. Of course, cases must be pleaded and
weighed with justice, but on other days and at another time,
not on the solemnity of the saints when all men should have
time for God and engage in prayer rather than assail each
other in different quarrels. Some accept little gifts and pres-
ents, and endeavor to corrupt just cases, as the Prophet says:
Tutting darkness for light, and light for darkness: saying
what is sweet is bitter, and what is bitter, sweet.' Therefore,
they hear cases and decide them unjustly. They accept earthly
gifts and loseeternal rewards; gaining money, they lose

eternity. O miserable man, if you have done this or do it or

attempt it, you pay attention to what you are acquiring but
do not notice what you lose. By acquiring gold you offend
God, for while your money coffer is filled your conscience is
weakened. In a few days or years your soul will leave your
body; then the gold will remain in the coffer, but your
unfortunate soul will descend into hell. However, if you had
judged justly, refusing unhappily to serve avarice or dissipa-
tion, your soul would be lifted up to the kingdom full of
God and your money box would stay in the world without
gold. Therefore I beseech you, brethren, and I adjure you by
Him who redeemed you with His precious Blood, observe
justice in every case with all your strength, and think more
carefully of the salvation of your soul.

l Isa. 5.20.

(4) When you come to church, do not busy yourself with

things in which you may acquire more sins. Do not be

occupied with disputes but with prayer, so that you may

not offend God by quarreling but may obtain His grace by
prayer. Do not drink in measure without measure; do not
efface your names from heaven by drinking under pretexts.
What worse, there are many people who not only get

drunk themselves but also beg others to drink more than is

proper; moreover (so much the worse!), even some of the
clergy do this. O unhappy soul, it is not enough for you that
you yourself perish; in addition, you also destroy others. It is
not enough for you that you sink down in the sewer of
drunkenness; you drag still others along with you. It does not
suffice fora miserable drunken man to plunge himself into
the slough of intoxication, without attempting to involve
others with him. Do not commit this evil, brethren, do not!
Listen to the Apostle when he says: 'Nor will drunkards
2 c

possess the kingdom of God,' and again: do not be drunk

with wine, for in that is debauchery.' As often as you come to
church for the feasts of the martyrs, store up in heaven by

almsgiving what you used to squander through gluttony or

drunkenness. When you come to a festivity or to Mass and
stand in church, listen with joy and devotion to the divine
lessons; moreover, remember what you hear and with God's
help endeavor to fulfill it. Do not busy yourself with idle
gossip in church, and do not engage in useless conversation.
Indeed, there are many, especially some women, who chatter
idly in church so much that they neither hear the divine
lessons themselves nor allow others to do so. Women who
do this will have to render anaccount to the Lord both
for themselves and others. Above all, do not plead or hear
cases on feast days. And as often as this is done at other
times, as I said, each one should see to it that he does not

2 1 Cor. 6.10.
3 Eph. 5.18.

change the just case of another into his own evil punishment
by accepting bribes. If anyone gives unjust decisions he will
receive a pecuniary gain but incur the loss of his soul; for
he comes to hear the case innocent but departs guilty. man A
who does this should not deceive himself, for in him is fulfilled

what we read: 'With what judgment you judge, you shall

be judged.'
(5) Perhaps when we preach these truths some people
will get angry at us and say The very ones who preach this

fail to observe it; even bishops, priests, and deacons do many

such things. Indeed, brethren, this sometimes is true. So much
the worse, even clerics who are accustomed to get drunk do
not blush to corrupt just cases, plead them on feasts, quarrel,
and engage in business transactions. However, are they all to
be condemned because a few wicked ones are found? We
are not proclaiming these truths only to the laity who are
in the world, but also to the clergy, and even to ourselves.
We censure ourselves so that if we have ever done this we
may now amend our lives and never do so again, repenting
of the past in such a way that we will
always be solicitous
for the future. When you tell me that I refuse to
what I preach, you accuse me, to be sure, but you do not
excuse yourself. However, even if I do not it, I still
admonish you, for I do not want to be guilty of a double
charge on judgment day. At the table of your heart I offer
you the divine Law as if it were the money of my Lord;
when Christ comes He will demand interest. Concerning
careless priests, such as I am, the Lord
spoke to the people:
'What they command you, do. But do not act
according to
their works, for they talk but do 5
nothing.' For my part,
although I do not what is right, I impress upon your ears
the precepts of our Lord and Saviour.
However, God is
powerful, so that when we pray He will grant you to willingly

4 Matt. 12.
5 Matt. 23.3.

hear what we say, and He will enable us to fulfill what we

preach to you: who
with the Father and the Holy Spirit
lives and reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 55A 1



1 ) a source of great joy to me, dearly beloved, and
It is

I thank that you come to church with pious devotion on

the holy feasts. Although we rejoice at your devotion through
God's goodness, there are many more whose ruin causes us
sorrow. I am speaking of those who
desire to quarrel and

revel, to get angry and plead cases, rather than to pray when
they come to church. And all this happens at a time when
they ought to be receiving the divine lessons in church with
attentive ears and entire devotion and piety. Sometimes . . .

even, whatworse, they are inflamed with excessive wrath


and hurl disgraceful insults and accusations at each other.

It would have been better for these people not to have been
born than provoke the divine wrath by such evils. Although

they come to church with but slight offenses, they return from
it with many sins. Therefore, although my soul rejoices at

your devotion, I beg you who fear God, who desire to

escape eternal hell, are sober, exercise justice, love chastity,

and practice mercy, to be indulgent with
me and bear me
with patience. I must warn the careless and tepid that by
flattery they are preparing themselves so the Devil may
dwell in them and encourage them to pervert and destroy
themselves. What is worse, when they are fettered to many
sins the Devil even leads them to hell. These poor men had
1 Another version of the previous sermon, taken from Ms. T.

come toperform a work of Christ, and they are attempting

to fulfill the service of the Devil. Not love of Christ but love
of dissipation brings such people to the feast, for they have
not come to a vow^ but have determined to insult God

and the saints. These miserable creatures do not know that

eternal punishment awaits them. For this reason, I beseech

you through the majesty of our Lord to grieve with me so

that they may amend their lives and not perish.
(2) There are some judges or chief men who wish to
plead or hear cases on the birthday of the saints or some other
feast. What is worse, they do not do so in justice or charity,
but for the sake of avarice and ambition. Of course, cases
must be pleaded and weighed with justice, but on other days
and at another time, not on a solemnity of the saints when
all men should have time for God and
engage in prayer.
There are some judges who accept small gifts in order to
destroy or sell justice. They do not realize that by those small
gifts they are carried to hell. They take what belongs to
another with joy, with the result that they lose their own
souls. They do not understand the voice of the Devil
I support them, that is, I support them with gifts. It would
be better to receive eternal life justly without such tokens
than to incur endless punishment with unjust talents. Truly
the holy Apostle asserts that the wages of sin is death. Devout
soul, if you do this, I beg you to amend your life before the
one who will carry you off comes and there will be no one
to rescue you. Such people accept earthly gifts, while they
lose eternal rewards. Therefore, all of
you who have done
this or do it or attempt it, pay attention to what
you are
acquiring but do not notice what you lose. You consider
gold beautiful, but do not fear the foul and fetid fires of
hell. While you make gold your patron you arouse the wrath

of God's majesty, for your money coffer is filled and

soul weakened. In a few years or days your soul will leave

your body. Then the gold may remain in the coffer, while

your unfortunate soul descends to eternal punishment. If you

had judged justly, refusing to serve avarice or
unhappily, your holy and chaste soul would be lifted up to
the kingdom, and your money box would
stay in the world
without gold.
(3) I beseech you, and I exhort you through Him who
redeemed you with His precious Blood, to help yourselves
while you can. Free yourselves from the Devil's seduction
while you are still alive. Think more diligently of the salvation
of your soul while you have the time, and through alms
send ahead something that you may possess forever. You will
be demanded of me, and all the saints of the Church will
maintain with me that these words proclaimed the truth to
you. Therefore, do not be occupied with disputes, do not get
drunk or efface your names from heaven by drinking under
pretexts. What is worse, there are many people who not
only get drunk themselves, but also beg others to drink more
than is proper. Moreover (so much the worse!), even some
of the clergy do this. O unhappy soul, is it not enough for

you that you yourself perish? So you also destroy others? Do

not keep concubines, and do not commit adultery or fornica-
tion, because 'Neither drunkards nor adulterers will possess
the kingdom of God.' Therefore, dearly beloved, listen to
the word of the Lord of majesty, who has commanded us
to fear these things and to observe His holy precepts, in order
that we may live forever through our Lord Jesus Christ. He
Himself wants no one to be lost. For this reason He proclaims
through His sacred Scriptures that no one should make
himself perish through gluttony, dissipation, or deceitfulness.
As often as you come to church for the feast of the martyrs,
storeup in heaven by amendment and almsgiving what you
used to squander through gluttony or drunkenness. When
you come to church do not busy yourself with gossip, for one
who does this will have to be punished in his tongue. If a
2 1 Cor. 6.10.

man talks to another in church he cannot obtain interiorly

what he asks for himself. Therefore, heed this admonition
if you want to
escape hell.
(4) Perhaps, when we preach these truths, some people
will get angry at us and say: The very ones who preach this
fail to observe it: evendo many such things. What
is worse, this sometimes There are priests who are
is true.
accustomed to get drunk, corrupt just cases, and do not
blush to quarrel. Such men do not know that they are not
priests, but impostors. Therefore, let us, both clergy and laity,
hasten to amend our lives. We suggest this now before the
one who will carry you off comes and there will be no one
to save you, before the fire surrounds you without anyone to
extinguish it. For this reason, dearly beloved, listen, and let

each one be converted from his evil ways. May we repent of

the past in such a way that we are always solicitous for the
future. When you tell me that I refuse to practice what I

preach, you accuse me, to be sure, but you do not excuse

yourself. However, even if I do not commit these faults I
stilladmonish you, for I do not want to be guilty of a double
charge on judgment day. At the table of your heart I offer
you the divine Law, for when Christ comes He will demand
interest for the money entrusted to me.
Concerning careless
priests like myself, the Lord said to the people: 'All things
that they command you, do. But do not act according to
their works; for they talk but do
nothing.' For my part,
although I do not what is right, I impress upon your ears the
precepts of our Lord and Saviour. However, the Lord is
powerful, so that when we pray He will grant you to willingly
hear what we say, and He will enable us to fulfill what we
preach: with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ who lives
and reigns world without end. Amen.

3 Matt. 23.3.

Sermon 56



(1) I exhort you as I have frequently done, dearly

beloved, to endeavor always to think of the day of our death
and the terrible, dreadful judgment. No more useful remedy
for the wounds of can be found than for each one to
all sins

think of the hour will leave this world. How can a

when he
person dare to commit serious sin if at every moment he
thinks he might be departing from this life? Thus, Scripture

says: 'Remember, son, that death is not slow/ and 'remember

If a man carefully
thy last things, and let enmity cease.
heeds how difficult his examination will be before the tribunal
of Christ, when 'everyone' will be treated 'according to his
conduct,' his own sins and faults will not be able to cause
him pleasure. When all the people are gathered together before
that dreadful Judge, what will be 'the weeping, and the
gnashing of teeth' on the part of a wicked, greedy adulterer?
When the multitude of the just are placed at the King's
right hand for glory, the sinner will see himself plunged into
the depths of hell without any hope of pity or pardon, and
in darkness separated from the blessed light of the saints.

Going down into the endless depths of the abyss which forces
him to enter its jaws, he will behold eternal punishment and

eternal death, though he himself is destined never to die. In

vain will he ask for mercy from the poor he has despised in

1 Ecdi. 14.12; 28.6.

2 Matt. 16.27.
3 Matt. 8.12.

this life. To no avail will he plead for the

tip of the finger
of Lazarus to touch his parched lips and refresh him in his

burning fever. When he sees the glory of the poor, how the
miserable man will wish he had subjected himself to the
rigors of poverty and had suffered the trials which came to
him in life, so that he would not merit to receive these
eternal punishments!

(2) In order that we may not deserve to hear such a

harsh and terrible sentence before the tribunal of the eternal
Judge, us examine our consciences while through God's

goodness it is still within our power to do so. If we see that

there still are some sins and offenses not yet purified by

almsgiving and prayer, under the direction of Christ let us

hasten to overcome the waves of sin and enter the harbor of
repentance. Moreover, if because of the repeated tempests of
sin we discover anything in the skiff of our soul broken
through pride or shattered by avarice, or destroyed by
dissipation, let us hasten to Let us always
settle or repair it.

be zealous to remove the dregs of vice, for past sins are not
harmful if they displease us. Just as none of the just is
good unless he perseveres to the end, so no sinner
can be harmed by his sins if he has recourse to the remedy
of almsgiving and the healing of repentance before departing
from this life.

(3) Now, since we cannot know when or at what time

we will be taken from this world, let us hasten without any
procrastination or delay to go from the left side to the right,
We should not trust our health or our years; a man who is
always uncertain of his life is also swift to apply the remedy
of his salvation. The same One who gave us assurance by
the words,
On what day soever the sinner converted, all
his iniquities will be forgiven,' also wanted to make us
careful when He said: 'delay not to be converted to the

4 Ezech. 18.21 32.


Lord: and defer it not from day to day.' 5 Perhaps, when we

call everyone to penance in general, someone will reflect
and say I am young and married, how can I cut
my hair
or assume the religious habit? When we
preach thus, dearly
beloved, we are not saying that young married men should
change their customary habit rather than their manner of
life. How can a married man be harmed if he is
willing to
change his evil habits to good and noble works, and if by
almsgiving, fasting, and prayer he is anxious to restore the
wounds of his sins to their former healthy condition? For
such a man it is enough to have a true conversion without any
change of garments. However, the clothes of a religious with-
out good works not only could bring no remedy, but would
even suffer the just judgment of God. Therefore, while the
remedy is still within our power, let us be converted to better
things. Let us destroy death by dying to sin, and let us acquire
true life by the merits of a good one: with the help of our
Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and might, together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sermon 57



1 )beseech you, dearly beloved, and I exhort you with

great humility that no one of you get angry at me or think

that I am unreasonable or foolish when I frequently and
the fearful and dreadful
purposely strive to impress upon you
day of judgment. If anyone is displeased by this he should
consider my danger and hear the Lord threaten priests in

the terrible words of the Prophet: lf thou declare not to

5 Eccli. 5.8.

the wicked his iniquity, I will require his blood at thy hand.'
In another place He says: 'Cry, cease not, lift up thy voice
like a trumpet, and shew my people their wicked doings.'
Perhaps someone says: Why are these harsh words repeated
so constantly? Because it is better to endure this slight

unpleasantness now, and later to attain eternal pleasure,

to possess a false joy here and there to suffer endless punish-
ment. Listen, brethren, not to me but to the Lord when He
says in the Gospel: 'Blessed are they who mourn, for they
shall be comforted'; 'Woe to you who laugh now! for you
shall mourn and Moreover, notice that physicians of
the body, whenever patients who are physically ill come to
them, take away everything that seemed agreeable. What is
pleasant for a well man is
forbidden. For example, they do
not allow the person to take anything cold, or sometimes
they are compelled to drink very bitter medicines,
and wounds
are cut with exceedingly rough or sharp instru-
ments. Whatearthly doctors do for the sake of bodily health,
for the salvation of souls.
spiritual physicians try to practice
(2) When I consider these facts, dearly beloved, and
when have to render an account
I realize fully that I shall
before the tribunal of the eternal Judge concerning both
remedies that
your and my salvation, I choose to prescribe
are harsh, indeed, but for your own good. Thus, in company
with the angels, may I afterwards merit to rejoice with you
in perpetual health of soul. I am not repeating these words
because I feel that you do not willingly listen to our admoni-
tions. However, it is necessary for both your and my salvation
that I preach frequently, and so I am eager to arouse your
minds concerning the dreadful judgment and the desirable
reward. Then, with the Lord's help, you will prepare the
holy receptacle of your heart, as you have always done,
1 Ezech. 3.18.
2 Isa. 58.1.
3 Matt. 5.5.
4 Luke 6.25.

store up a spiritual harvest. Whenever we preach something

hard we do not do so because we believe that
you have done
something of the sort, but we denounce things that you have
not done, in order to be able to cure those matters in which
you may have been overcome. It often happens that we fear
to do great wrongs, but more quickly fail to
guard against
slight ones. Just as theriaca is drunk to ward off poisons from
the body, so austere preaching is done to serve as an antidote
for souls.

(3) It is certain, dearly beloved, that if we always consider

God's benefits toward us, which He conferred without any
preceding merits on our part, sin will not have dominion
over us, or, if it does overtake us, it will be corrected at once
by repentance. Truly, who could conceive, much less express
in words, the great goodness of our God toward us? He made
us when we did not exist, He later restored us to life when
we had perished. He suffered death, He delivered us by His
precious Blood, He descended into hell, He snatched us
from the jaws of and He promised us eternal
eternal death,
rewards. When we devoutly and piously consider all these
things, dearly beloved, we should with His help hasten

repay these benefits as far as we can. Let us not return evil

for good, but let us strive to the best of our ability faithfully
to obey His will. Let us endeavor to have His precepts avail
as a remedy for us by our compliance with them, rather than
redound to our judgment because of our transgressions.
(4) What will we do on the dreadful day
of judgment,
Lord throne of
dearly beloved, when the will sit upon the
His majesty, surrounded by the light of the heavenly hosts?
The world will tremble with fear and angels' trumpets will
is raised up from the heart of
play before Him as mankind
the earth and from his former ashes. Each one's conscience

will be there to testify, while the punishment of sinners

the reward of the are
just placed before the sight of all. Then
the Lord, now more just than merciful, will begin to demand

an account of each one's life. With the severity of a judge

He willbegin to accuse those who have been guilty of

despising His mercy: With My own hands I made you out
of the slime of the earth, O
man. I put the breath of life into
your material body, I deigned to confer upon you My image
and likeness, I placed you in the delights of paradise. But
despising Mylife-giving commandments, you preferred to
follow the Deceiver rather than your Lord. However, I will
omit those first details. Afterwards, moved by pity because
you were driven from paradise by your sin and bound with
the chains of death, I entered a virginal womb to be born
without destroying that virginity. I was placed in a manger
and lay there covered with swaddling clothes, suffering the
outrages of infancy and human pain to become like you, in
order that I might make you like Me. Then I bore the blows
and spittle of those who mocked Me, and I drank vinegar
mixed with gall. I was beaten with scourges, crowned with
thorns, fastened to a cross, pierced with wounds, and died in
agony, in order that you might be saved from death. Behold
the imprints of the nails by which I hung affixed to the
cross; behold My side pierced with wounds. I took upon
Myself your sufferings to give you My glory; I took your
death that you might live forever. I lay buried in a sepulchre
so that you might reign in heaven. Why
did you destroy
what I did for you? Why, ungrateful soul, did you reject the

gifts of your redemption? I am not complaining about My

death, but give back to Me your life, in return for which I
surrendered Mine. Give Me that life of yours which you
continually kill by the wounds of your sins. Why did you
defile with the filth of dissipation the dwelling which I con-
secrated for Myself in you? Why did you stain My body
with shameful allurements? Why did you torture Me with
the cross of your sins, a far heavier one than that on which
I hung long ago? Indeed, the cross of your offenses, upon
which I hang unwillingly, is much heavier than the one I

willingly ascended to die in your stead, out of pity for you.

Although I am
unchangeable, I became man for you;
although unable to suffer, I deigned to do so for you. You,
on the contrary, despised God in your fellow man, health of
soul in the sick, reconciliation on the
way, pardon in your
judge, life in the cross, and healing in punishment. Since
even after all your sins you were unwilling to have recourse
to the remedy of repentance, you will not deserve to be
freed from the evil hearing, but will have to hear with those
who are like you: 'Depart from me, accursed ones, into the
everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his
angels.' Then you will go down into the eternal fire of hell,
together with him whom you preferred to Me, because you
were captivated by the pleasant snares and false goods of life.
(5) In order that we may be able to avoid this terrible
reproach, let us without any excuses have recourse to the
remedy of repentance whenever any sins overtake us. Then
we will merit to be freed from the evil hearing and to obtain
eternal forgiveness, with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to
whom is honor and might, together with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.

^Sermon 58



(1) When the divine lesson was read just now, dearest
brethren, we heard the blessed Apostle admonish us in
dreadful yet salutary words when he said: A11 of us must
be made manifest before the tribunal of Christ, so that each
one may receive what he has won through the body, according

5 Matt. 25.41.

to his works, whether good or evil.' This the Lord also
announced in the Gospel, saying: 'The Son of is to Man
come with his angels in glory; and then he will render to
everyone according to his works.' I beg you to notice care-
fully,dearly beloved, and to tremble as I do because He did
not say that He will render to every man according to His
own mercy, but 'according to his works.' Here He is merciful;
there, just. The fact that He does not punish sinners im-
mediately indicates patience, not indifference. He has not
lost His power, but He spares us for repentance. Therefore,
we should be very much afraid that the longer He waits
for our amendment, the more severely He will punish us if

we are unwilling to be corrected. Since this is true, dearly

beloved, we ought to know and understand that nothing is

more salutary for us than to despise the pleasures of present

things think, rather, of the time when we will leave this
world. On
the last day of our life we will lay aside the
tabernacle of our body, which will again be restored on the
day of resurrection when together with it we will receive
eithergood or evil, according as we have lived.
(2) Therefore I exhort you, brethren, to think daily about
what our condition will be on judgment day when we are

presented in the sight of the most pure angels and must give
the eternal Judge an account based on the evidence of our
conscience. It is certain that when his days of trial are ended
man have to stand up before himself and behold his
soul in the mirror of his heart, while witnesses will be brought

against him, not from outside, but within his very soul. Not
the evidence of strangers will be produced, but that which is
only too familiar, namely, his own works. His faults and sins
will be lined up before his unhappy soul to overcome him
with their evidence and to confound him with their knowl-
edge. In the words of Scripture: 'I will reprove thee, and

1 2 Cor. 5.10.
2 Matt. 16.27.

set it before thy face/ 3 If a man amend

neglects to his life
while he may, he will first be
punished with confusion before
the people in heaven. Then his
soul, which recently only
pretended to heal the infection of its sins by the fruitful
performance of penance, will remain wounded forever and
without any remedy before that dreadful tribunal.
(3) Since this is true, we would do well to consider
whether we should not repent of our sins now as we will then
without any remedy. May we now behold and shudder at
our hideousness and sins as we will see them then. Oh, if we
could only see with our bodily eyes the appearance of a
sinful souland bring before our eyes the look of our con-
science If this were possible, we cannot describe the eagerness

and fear with which we would be constrained to rearrange

what is disfigured, to wash away the stains, and to heal our
wounds. Now, since we cannot look with our bodily eyes, let
us see with the eyes of our heart, as well as we can, and let
each one of us place our conscience before the gaze of the
inner man. Let us rebuke ourselves and account to ourselves
for our daily Let each soul speak in the depths of his

heart and
say: Let us see whether this day has been spent
without sin of envy or detraction or murmuring; let us see
whether today I have done only what is conducive to the
progress of my soul. I think that today I have lied or yielded
to anger or concupiscence; I have not done good to anyone
or sighed in fear of eternal death. Who
can give me back
this day, which I have wasted in frivolities and in harmful

thoughts? Thus, brethren, let us be sorry 'upon our beds,'*

that is, in our hearts, for all our failings. Let us condemn
ourselves by daily accusing ourselves to our Judge. Moreover,
as long as we
are in the flesh let us with the Lord's help

fight against it; let us

overcome our self-will and evil in-
clinations. Then, when by a happy exchange that most
3 Ps. 49.21.
4 Ps. 4.5.

desirable and blessed day is transformed into eternal life, the

Lord's word will be fulfilled: 'Men will be
as angels,' and

again: 'then the just will shine forth like the sun in the
kingdom of their Father/
(4) Do you realize what the splendor of souls will be
when the light of the body will possess the brightness of the
sun? Indeed, when we reach that blessed state there will be
no sadness or fear or infirmity or death. There will be no
human weakness to keep us from serving God, no opposition
of the miserable flesh to contradict us, no further need to

fight. There will come that time, I say, when no

of food or sleep will be desired, no weariness from fasting
felt,no restlessness of the flesh or temptation of the Enemy
feared. thrust down into the depths of
With our Adversary
hell, we enjoy this happiness of not having the will
will first
or the power to commit any more sin. When sin and misery
and grief are ended, innocence and joy and happiness will
completely hold sway. Inferior souls will not fear misery or
the more fortunate, envy; for, when all wickedness is com-
pletely destroyed and annihilated, the charity of the angels
will enter men's hearts. Having recovered their bodies, men
in their heavenly state will mix with the angels and shine
without any bodily infirmity. They will therefore experience
no further surprise at the infinite virtue of their Lord, nor
will they suffer any defect at the endless joy of their own
praises. Among the immense benefits of our God we will enjoy

perfect happiness, so that we will never tire of giving thanks

to Him for having made us His co-heirs when He said:
'Come, blessed, take possession of the kingdom which was
prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'
(5) See what happiness a man will lose if he refuses to
amend his life while there is still time for repentance. Such
a man does not redeem himself by his own merits while they

5 Matt. 22.30; 13.43.

6 Matt. 25.34.

are still
turning the remedy in his wounds, submits
his, but,
his unfortunate neck to avarice and wickedness. However,
brethren, we for whom such happiness is prepared in heaven
should with God's help scorn to serve sin. As long as we
have the time and it is still within our power, let us reject
false and transitory things in order to deserve to receive those
which are truly good. Let us be emptied of vice and filled with
virtue, for no one can receive goodness if he is unwilling to
free himself from evil. Vases that are filled with mud cannot
take or hold the substance of pure liquid; similarly, a thorny
field does not nourish the seeds that are sown in it but
chokes them, unless it has been cultivated by the industry of

the planter. As it is written: 'The kind Holy Spirit will not

dwell in a body subject to sins.' 7 While we sail on the
stormy sea of this world let us hasten to drain the dregs of our
vices, so that we may arrive at the land of paradise. May
our soul, adorned with good works like a ship full of various
wares, thus deserve to cast its anchor in the harbor of
eternal blissand join the company of the angels. There,
freed 'from the evil hearing,' may we deserve to hear those
desirable words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant;
because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set
thee over many; enter into the joy of thy master,' with the
help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and might
for ever and ever. Amen.
7 Wisd. 1.4.
8 Ps. 111.7.
9 Matt. 25.21.

Sermon 59



( 1 ) In all the sacred writings, dearly beloved, we are told

in a useful and salutary manner that we should continually
and humbly confess our sins both to God and to His holy,

God-fearing servants. Thus the Holy Spirit advises us through

the Apostle James, saying: 'Confess your sins to one another,
and pray for one another, that you may be saved.' 1 The
Psalmist, too, exclaims:'Give praise to the Lord, for he is

good/ and I said I will confess against myself my injustice

to the Lord, and thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my
heart.' Just as we can never be without the wounds of sins,
so we should never lack the remedy of confession. God wants
us to confess our sins, not because He Himself cannot know
them, but because the Devil longs to find something to
charge us with before the tribunal of the eternal Judge and
wants us to defend rather than to acknowledge our sins. Our
God, on the contrary, because He is good and merciful,
wants us to confess them in this world so we will not be
confounded by them later on in the world to come. If we
confess our sins, He spares us; if we acknowledge them, He

forgives. The first man was not told: Confess your sin be-
cause he had not committed anything to confess. He was told
not to sin. However, he did not obey, but sinned; consequently,

1 James 5.16.
2 Ps. 117.1; 31.5.

we mortals are born in the

bondage of sin. Since our misery
spread through the weakness of the human race, we are
told: Confess your sin.
Now, just as the Serpent then told
man not to observe the command not to sin, so he now
urges man not to obey the words: Confess your sin. As he
then made the one who was standing fall, so he now tries to

prevent the one who has fallen from rising. In opposition to

the charms and snares with which he wants to
impede our
return, let us follow salutary teaching. Let us do this to
oppose him who wants to prevent our confession of sin,
because he knows that, as we have fallen through pride, we
cannot return except by humility. He was our leader on the
road of pride; let us now follow Christ, our leader, to
(2) Through astrologers and Manichaeans that Serpent
tells man that as man
he should not confess a sin. By the
astrologers it is said: Does a man commit sin? The stars
were set that way; man had to do the wrong. Therefore it is
asserted by the astrologers that a star makes man sin, that
he does not do so by himself. In this way blasphemy is aimed
at God because He is the creator of the stars. When a man
is unwilling to blame himself for his actions, he accuses God

by whom man was made. A similar idea is suggested by

certain Manichaeans: You do not sin; the race of darkness
commits sin, but you have no guilt. The soul is told this and
lifted up to such a degree of pride that it thinks it does not
commit sin. This does not remove, but doubles, the sin.
Moreover, many people avoid confessing their sins by accusing
Satan himself and saying they themselves have done no
wrong. When some persons are rebuked and it is said to
them: Why did you do it? they reply that the Devil did it.
nothing that gives the Devil more joy than when
There is a
man says he made him commit sin. When a man says: The
Devil did it he does not accuse himself, and so long as he
refuses to confess his sins he does not deserve to receive pardon.

He The Devil did it as though the Devil really

dragged him into it or exercised violence. The Devil can
persuade and urge a man, but he cannot compel him at all.
(3) Since with God's help it is in your power to decide
whether you will consent to the Devil, why do you not think
of obeying God rather than Satan? If you had to decide
alone and God were silent, you might have an excuse. But,
since both God and your conscience contradict you, and
through sacred Scripture you hear in church that you should
not do wrong, why do you choose death and desert life? Why
do you prefer to follow the Devil in wickedness rather than
to obey Christ who invites you to eternal life? I ask you,

dearly beloved, why does the Devil induce you to sin, when
God has put it in man's power not to consent to Satan? God,
in a way, instructs us on the right hand and the Devil
seduces us on the left, while man is placed in the middle.

Why does he incline his heart toward the Devil? Why does
he not rather lift it
up to God? The Devil does not harm us
by using but merely
force, by his persuasions; he cannot
extort consent from us, but can only ask for it. Let us not
help the Devil, and we will conquer him. Indeed, he only
gives advice, but with God's help it is for us to either choose
or reject his suggestions.
(4) Listen to something else. When a man says that he
was seduced by Satan, he partly confessed by saying he was
seduced. However, he denies that he did anything by saying:
I did nothing, the Devil did it. Adam tried to do that, too. He
wanted to excuse himself by using the woman; the woman in
turn wanted to excuse herself with the
Serpent. The Lord
God, however, who gave man his free will and by His

teaching strengthened him against the Serpent's poison, did

not listen to those excuses. Besides, He had given the woman
to be taught by her husband, not to teach him. Both of
their wills were so constituted and created free in such a way
there were a refusal to yield to the
Serpent, con-
that, if

founded in his error he would leave them and man would

remain strengthened in the Lord, his Creator. We have
spoken evil words; the Serpent now wants to persuade us to
excuse our sins. Before, he made you do
something blame-
worthy; now, he wants to make you excuse your guilt. If you
had confessed, God was ready to welcome you as though
into an open
fold; by making excuses you close the fold, you
shut in the sin and exclude forgiveness of it. See what you
have done. The sin has not been removed, as I said before,
but the remedy for it has been cut off. God would have had
to cure you with forgiveness if you had confessed your guilt.
You are looking for an excuse for yourself, but He is not
seeking someone to punish in your stead.
(5) Therefore, tell your pious heart what I mentioned a
little while ago:
I said: O
Lord, be thou merciful to me.'
I said'? Because of the Manichaeans who

Why did I add:

say: You do not commit sin. Exclaim: I said: Lord, be
thou merciful to me heal my soul, for I
: have sinned against
God will heal you if only you admit your wound. You
lie under the physician's hands; patiently implore His aid.

If He bathes, or burns, or cuts it, bear it calmly; do not even

pay any attention to it, provided you are cured. Moreover, you
will be cured if you present yourself to the doctor. Not that
He does not see you if you hide, but confession is the very
beginning of restoration to health.
(6) 'The just man shall correct me in mercy,
and shall
reprove me: but let not the oil of the sinner fatten my head/*
What does this mean? It would be better for me if the just
man who sees my sin would correct me, not spare me, tell

me that I have done wrong, be furious over my sin, in order

to free me from it. He would seem to speak harshly, but

within he would be gentle in mercy, according to the words :
The just man shall correct me in mercy, and shall reprove
5 PS. 40.5.
4 Ps. 140.5.

me.' When the just man and shouts and rages,

thus reproves
he shows mercy, for from his paternal pity and
it all arises
not hostile cruelty. Moreover, since he does not want you
to die in sin, he loves you all the more when he cuts; he is

unwilling to allow your other members to decay from the

rottenness of sin. He draws a blade, but do not be afraid or
dread it. The knife is not applied against you, but against
your wound. That is why it is said: 'The just man shall
correct me in mercy, and shall reprove me: but let not the
oil of the sinner fatten my head.'
7 )
What is the oil of the sinner but the adulation of a
flatterer? If anyone sharply rebukes another, he seems to rave
at his sin and freely to tell him what evil he has done. If the
other person, perchance, imitates the one who is chiding him,
he will also get angry at his sin. For this reason it is said:
Be ye angry and sin not: the things you say in your hearts,
be sorry for them upon your beds.' 5 If the truth is spoken,
perhaps a man will be converted. Suppose another man comes
to him and flatters him by saying: Why, you have acted in
a praiseworthy fashion. Tor the sinner is praised in the
desires of his soul: and the unjust man is blessed.' If he is

dissolute, he is called happy; if he is avaricious, it is said that

he saves his money. He takes revenge on an enemy even
though we are told: 'Forgive, and you shall be forgiven,'
and he is called strong. Consider the other words which
flatterers use, deceitful speech, although it bears the name of

praise: that is the ointment of the sinner. Moreover, let us

listen to the Prophet when he says: 'My people, they that
call you same deceive you and destroy the paths
blessed, the
of your feet.' Therefore, when anyone's sin is freely mentioned
by another and even flattered, if a third person sees it and
asks what happened, are we not wont to answer: He spoke

5 Ps. 4.5.
6 Ps. 9b.3.
7 Luke 6.37.
8 Cf. Isa. 5.12.

the truth to him and did not flatter? What did the first
person do? He anointed the head of his neighbor and
withdrew. Now, if we are true spiritual physicians, brethren,
and attend carefully to the remedy of your souls, we should
not flatter anyone, nor should you do so to us. Let us
confess our sins, not excuse them. You have done wrong and
are guilty; confess it, and you will be forgiven. However, if
you say: I did not do it as often as you attempt to make
excuses for the truth your sin remains in you and you are
guilty. Besides, you are guilty not only of the sin which you
committed, but also of pride because you refused to confess
May the Lord deign to free us from this sin, who,
together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and
reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 60



(1) Many and sons are anxiously con-

of our brothers
cerned whether a man who repents in sickness and im-
mediately dies can obtain complete forgiveness. Not only are
there inquiries on the subject, but even contentions marked
with considerable animosity. Some say that one who repents
thus is forgiven entirely, while others say it does no good. I

would like to suggest briefly to your charity what seems to

be the fact of the matter according to the teaching of the
holy Fathers. It can be fittingly believed that this sudden
repentance is achieved in three ways. The first and foremost
is for a Christian not to commit serious sins, and if, perchance,

he does so, to repent and wash them away by good works

without later returning to the same offenses. He should give
tithes of his profits, and with whatever remains of the
nine-tenths after he has provided for his own necessities he
should redeem the slight sins which daily overtake him.
Moreover, he should observe the charity which loves enemies
as well as friends. If a man is willing to fulfill this, he will
die well because he has always fruitfully and devoutly done
it. If he
penance even though he does not formally receive
does repent when he is about to die and shares the substance
of his wealth with Christ and his children, we believe that he
will not only obtain forgiveness of his sins but will also receive
eternal rewards.
( 2 )
The second type of the aforementioned repentance is
that of a man who throughout his life perhaps commits
serious sins as well as small offenses, but does so through
of for-
ignorance rather than through a presumptuous hope
giveness.Such a man should not give way to sin with the
idea of reserving himself for sudden repentance, but at his
death seek repentance with moans and groans, at the same
time definitely resolving to perform fruitful penance with
all his heart and strength as long as he lives, provided
he survives. Furthermore, he should entirely return whatever
he knows he has taken dishonestly, in accord with the
Prophet's advice repairing
the robbery.He should also whole-
enemies and
all his share a portion of his
heartedly forgive
earthly substance with Christ
and his sons, while in sickness
he should order generous alms to be distributed according
to his means. If a man is willing to perform these things

faithfully with a humble and contrite heart, we can and

should believe that the Lord will deign to forgive his sins, as
the Prophet says: 'On what day soever the sinner is converted,
all his will be forgiven/ and 'on what day soever
iniquities 2
shall be saved.'
you are converted, groaning, you
1 Cf. Ezech. 18.21.
2 Cf. Isa. 30.15.

(3) It seems that the third manner of repentance is that

of one who always leads a bad life and reserves repentance
for theend of his life. Such a man sins in the presumptuous
hope and belief that all his sins will be forgiven by that
sudden repentance. He does not duly return what he took
unjustly, or forgive his enemies wholeheartedly, or mentally
resolve that if he survives he will do penance all his life with

great compunction and humility, or allot a portion of his

substance to Christ and his children for the redemption of
a man repents and departs from this life without
his sins. If
the remedies which we mentioned above, we hesitate to say
what will happen to him, but the Lord has told us very

definitely in the Gospel: 'If you do not forgive men their

offenses, neither will your Father forgive you your offenses' ;
moreover: 'give, and it shall be given to you; forgive, and you
shall be forgiven.' How can a sinner be forgiven if he has

been unwilling to forgive? Or how shall something be given

to one who has not been generous? Furthermore, the Lord
will say concerning those who have not given alms: "Depart
from me, accursed ones, into the everlasting fire which was
prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and
you did not give me to eat,'
and so forth. Now, if one who
has not given alms with his wealth is cast into the fire, what
will become of the penitent who not only gave nothing of
hisown money but even refuses duly to return the goods of
another which he has taken unjustly? If such a man asks for
pardon and he has enough life left to be able
to receive it,

I can grant it, but I cannot give him perfect security.

However, God who knows the consciences of all men will
judge each one according to his merits, and He
knows with
what faith and intention of soul he has sought repentance.
I fear that such a penitent will not have in his conscience

3 Matt. 6.15.
4 Luke 6.38,37.
5 Matt. 25.41,42.

any good works to show, because, even if we cannot see the

heart, in the Gospel statement By their fruits you will know


them/ although we cannot see whether what we mentioned


above is fulfilled interiorly. Since this is true, who will hinder

our belief that one whom we know
to have been lacking in
from life in a fine condition?
good works did not depart this

See, I have explained to your hearts my views on sudden

repentance. If any further doubt arises in your minds con-
cerning what we have said, we would like very much to have
you request an explanation with full confidence.
(4) Leaving uncertainties and doubts, dearly beloved, let
us with our strength consider more carefully that penance

which is
performed by goodChristians throughout their
lives in disapproval of all serious sins and in continual
atonement for slight offenses. If we perform it all our lives
together with good works, perfect security is promised to us
in God's mercy. Since all men want to
repent at the end of
their lives, but we see a very few merit it as
they wish, why
do we not daily do penance, so that, possessing certainty, we
may be freed from uncertainty and doubt? How many who
thought they would repent at the end of their lives have
been overcome by sudden disaster or
perhaps drowned in a
shipwreck or killed by lightning or a bloody blow or struck
down by the sickness called apoplexy in such a way that they
could not seek repentance; in fact, could not even make the
Sign of the Cross or say the Lord's Prayer! Since human
weakness is subject to such misfortunes,
exceedingly dangerous
is the
presumption of reserving ourselves for repentance at a
later date when we do not
possess a single day of our life in
our power. With fear and
trembling, then, let us hear the
Lord speak to us through the
Prophet and warn us with
pious exhortation: 'Delay not to be converted to the Lord,
and defer it not from day to 7
The same One who
6 Matt. 7.16.
7 Eccli. 5.8.

promised : 'On what day soever you are converted, groaning,

you shall be saved,' 8 also said: 'Delay not to be converted
to the Lord.' 9 With God's help we can obtain this if we
continually pray that the good Lord may deign to inspire
us quickly to flee from all sin and
indefatigably to perform
good works. We should not desire what belongs to another
or commit serious sins, and
by forgiving our enemies and
alms to the poor we should
continually redeem the slight
offenses which we cannot avoid.
Moreover, according to
our strength we ought to
engage frequently in fasting, vigils,
and prayers with perfect charity, visit the sick and seek those
in prison, welcome
strangers, not only humbly washing their
feet but also
generously supplying their necessities as far as
we can. Finally, we should not
only observe peace with all
men ourselves, but likewise should recall the discordant to
harmony. If the day of our death finds us faithfully engaged
in these good works, even if we
repent at the very hour of
death, as I said before, we will depart from this life with
confidence. Then, with the Lord's
help, we will be able not
only to escape punishment but even to arrive happily at
eternal life.

Sermon 61



I beseech you, dearly beloved,

(1) patiently and even
willingly accept my fatherly words as you usually do. Through
God's goodness you know that since it is not for some
8 Cf. Isa. 30.15.
9 Eccli. 5.8.

for you I must say and you

gain but out of perfect love
must hear this, I will strive to advise you with great humility
and fear. Moreover, dearly beloved, since not only slight sins
but even greater offenses try to overtake
us day and night,
letus not reserve ourselves for a repentance which is accepted
at the end of life, but as long as we live let us endeavor to do

penance daily. This practice should be observed continuously,

not only by the laity and clerics, but even by priests and
monks. Indeed, a bishop who does penance every day can
pray for me, but one who presumes upon his dignity
to do will have to find someone to
sanctity, refusing penance,
pray for him. Since we cannot spend a day without sin,
is the sense of gradually piling up slight offenses and thus

making endless streams out of tiny drops? Despair arises from

a multitude of sins which are heaped up for some time,
according to the words: 'The wicked man, when he is
come into the depth of sins, contemneth.' 1 Of course, you are
all well aware that we can more easily uproot them when they
are still young than cut them off when they are firm.
(2) To take an example from something that is daily
before our eyes: Who is so useless and slothful today that
he does not have his house swept every day? Who would
allow his horses always to stand on their dung? I exhort
you, brethren, to learn great matters from the smallest. Let it
not seem unfitting to you that we mentioned sweeping a
house. The Lord Himself spoke of this incident in the Gospel,
for the woman who had lost the drachma deserved to find
it as soon as she
swept house. In the drachma is recognized
a coin, and on the coin is seen the image of the emperor.
Therefore, just as when the house is swept the image of the
emperor found on the drachma, so the image of the

Creator is recognized in the soul when it is freed from the

dirt of vice by fruitful repentance. For this reason, dearly

beloved, realize that, as I said before, what I suggest is not

1 Prov. 18.3.

difficultor hard to understand. This I beg, that just as we

clean our house by sweeping in order to please the eyes of
our friends, so with God's help let us cleanse our soul from
all sinsso it will not displease the eyes of the angels. Into
the dwelling of our soul not only angels but the Lord of the
angels deigns to come, as He said: 'Behold, I stand at the
door and knock. If any man rises and opens to me, I will
2 3
come him and will sup with him, and he with me
in to ;
and: my Father and I will come to him and make our
abode with him.' 3 How happy the soul which has been willing
to cleanse the house of his heart from the defilement of sin
and to fill it with holy and just works, so that the Lord may
to do
delight to dwell in it Therefore, let us not be ashamed

in our souls what we order done in our homes or stables.

Just as it is right to have our stables cleaned every day so

the horses will not suffer injury, so it would be exceedingly
unfair and cruel to take greater care of our animals than
of our souls.
(3) I am
adding this in order that your dear heart may
not accept with disgust. I want to give you a clear

example of the things we are talking about. Just as our

homes or stables do not cause us horror or trouble if they
are cleaned every day, so if our slighter offenses are atoned
for daily they cannot cause despair or grief. However, if we
are negligent in purging them, just as stables which are not
cleaned for a long time putrefy and the dung causes a
horrible stench, so that not only men but even the animals
cannot stand it, this also happens to man. If he carelessly
lets the filth of sin pile up in his soul by his evil deeds for a
and not only
long time, neglects to cleanse it by good works,
will God not deign to visit him, but the sinner himself will
not be able to stand it. Finally, careless souls, whose hearts
are torn to pieces by many sins as if by wild beasts and

2 Apoc. 3.20.
3 John 14.23.

pierced as if by poisonous thorns, are accustomed to say to

those who are like themselves: You know we are sad and
anxious, so come, let us deceive ourselves by going to the
circus or theater, or playing dice, or exercising ourselves in
some sort of hunting. Such people seek comfort from the
world outside because they do not deserve to receive that
which is given by God from within the soul. Then, when
they return to their consciences after much calumny or
robbery or wretched spectacles or dangerous hunting, because
they added rather than took away grief by that very exercise,
they cannot live or rest in themselves at all, but are occupied
with the struggles of sin. By pride they are torn to pieces as if
by lions, by envy they are pierced as by the bite of vipers,
through anger they burn with a cruel fire, and by cruelty
they are seized with an attack of rage. Through robbery they
are as if eaten by the teeth of wolves, in dissipation and
drunkenness they wallow as in filthy sewers; so while they

go from the cruel theatres to their more cruel consciences,

from bad to worse, they cannot find rest in themselves. Weary
from the torments of vice, how much better they could apply
themselves to the divine lessons where they would find real
freedom from care and complete comfort. Frequenting the
threshold of the saints they could beg their help against vice,
and by devoting themselves to fasting, prayer, and almsgiving
strive to punish rather than to nourish or increase their sins.
With the cruel army of vice routed from their hearts, they
could hasten with strength to true rest, that is, to
all their

Christ, and hear Him say in most merciful words: 'Come to

me, all you who labor and are burdened, and you will find
rest for your souls.'
(4) If anyone is willing to do this with humility and
devotion, he will be able to go from a heavy storm to
tranquility, from the most cruel barbaric land to the region
of true peace. However, if there are some who are confident

4 Matt. 11.2829.

that they are immune from the aforementioned

evils, and
because they do not confess serious sins
glory in a dangerous
self-assurance as if in
innocence, let them fear an abundance
of slight offenses. Like an intense itch or the
annoyance of
flies and fleas, it
may torture and torment them so that they
cannot even live with themselves. Just as we fear cruel,
deadly beasts which usually kill with one attack, and dread
the tiny insects which can annoy us, so with God's
help let
us redeem both our serious sins and the slight offenses without
which we cannot live. We can do this by almsgiving and
prayers, but most of all by the whole-hearted love of our
enemies. If we reserve our repentance and atonement for
our sins and offenses until the end of our life, we ought to
fear that an unexpected death may overtake us and not

permit us to reach that sudden moment of repentance which

we deferred with fatal self-assurance. Therefore, let us fear
what is written:
'Delay not to be converted to the Lord: and
defer it O man, why do you put it
not from day to day.' 5
off from day to day, and fail, instead, to fear that perhaps
today you have your last day? If you willingly accept our
advice as you usually do, dearly beloved, also think about it
continually with an anxious and vigilant heart, so that you
may be able to live with a good conscience in this life and
happily arrive at eternal bliss in the life to come: with the
help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and might
for ever and ever.

*Sermon 62


We often notice, dearly beloved, that some of you turn

away from communion with the Church. I realize that this

5 Eccli. 5.8.

happens because of a consciousness of serious and great sins.

Therefore I advise you, dearly beloved, that this is a wicked
and doubly unwholesome idea, because men who do this
both heap up a burden of sins and lose the reward of eternal
salvation. This means both to add to one's guilt and to
avoid the remedy. For this reason I beg you, beloved brethren,
and Iurge you, anyone of you, conscious of his sins,

considers himself unworthy of communion with the Church,

that he make himself worthy. You say: can anyone How
make himself worthy? How, unless he abandon his former
erroneous ways and seek repentance? He who was defiled by
the filth of his sins may be cleansed by the satisfaction of
confession. Let him not wait to seek penance until the last
moment of his life, when he may no longer be able to fulfill

it. That sort of idea is foolish, dearly beloved. The sinner

cannot ask for penance unless he will perform it. Merely
:he word of the penitent does not suffice to wipe out sins,
Decause in satisfaction for great sins not only words but
actions are sought. Of course, even at the very last moment
Denance is given because it cannot be denied. However, we
:annot be a guarantee that one who has thus sought it deserves
o be absolved. Indeed, how can one who is exhausted do
Denance, established as he is at the very end of his life?

Sow can he do penance when he can no longer offer works

)f satisfaction for himself? Therefore, the
penance which is
isked by the weak is weak; the penance which is asked by a
nan only when he is sick is sickly; that which is sought by a
nan only when dying, it, too, I fear, will die. For this reason,

learly beloved, letanyone who wishes to find God's mercy

lopenance in this world while he is in good health, in order
hat he may be saved in the world to come. With the help
f our Lord Jesus Christ, who together with the Father and

he Holy Spirit lives and reigns for ever and ever.


*Sermon 63


1 ) God myself, I appeal to your fear of Him in
His sight, brethren. One who does not fear God, but despises
me because I do, acts to his own harm. Therefore, listen to
what I am going to say. I am certain that if a baptized
person lives without any grave sin (I do not dare to say
without sin, for who is without sin?), but if he does live
without any grave sin, and has only sins which may daily
be forgiven by the prayer: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also
if he does what he wants God to do to
forgive our debtors' ;

him, then, when he comes to the end of his days, he does

not finish his life but passes from this life to another. The
change is from a life of labor to one of rest, from a miserable
life to a happy one, from time to eternity. Whether such a

man has recourse to baptism of his own volition or whether

he is
baptized when his life is in danger, he goes to the Lord
in rest when he dies. However, a man who is baptized but
who later deserts and sacrament commits sin
violates the
and repels God from Still, if he does penance

wholeheartedly, in a true spirit of repentance,

then when
God who saw the heart of David beholds him, even if he is

rebuked by the Prophet and exclaims before God's terrible


threats: 'I have sinned/ he will immediately hear: the Lord

hath taken away thy sin.' How powerful those three words

are! They are but three, 'I have sinned, yet in those three
words the flame of the heart's sacrifice goes up to heaven.
For this reason the man who really does penance to be released
from the bonds with which he was fettered and separated

1 Matt. 6.12.
2 2 Kings. 12.13.

from Christ's body, if he lives well after repenting and dies

after being reconciled to God, goes to the Lord. Such

a man
where he will not be of the kingdom
proceeds to rest, deprived
of God but will be separatedfrom the Devil's followers. If a
man consents to repent in the last stages of illness and then
his reconciliation, I
goes forth, that is, leaves the body after
admit that we do not deny him what he seeks, but I do not
dare to say that he died well. I do not presume or promise to
say it, or deceive you or lie or assure you. The man who
faithfully lives well surely dies well. If he is baptized in time,

he dies with assurance. If a man does penance while he is

in good health, if he is reconciled and later lives well, he
is secure.

(2) You say: What does it mean to live well? Instruct us

on this point, good priest, so that we may know. You who
have performed penance and are living until now, you say
you do not know whether God will pardon your deeds,
whether He will forgive your sins on judgment day. You
give us no assurance in this regard. What does it mean to
repentance? Teach us. I will tell you Refrain
live well after :

from drunkenness, concupiscence, theft, bad talk, immoderate

laughter, and idle words, for which men will have to render
an account on judgment day. See how I mentioned slight
offenses but omitted the serious and injurious ones. This, too,
I say: A
man should keep himself from these vices not only
after repentance but before it, while he is still in
good health,
for no one knows whether he will be able to
repent and
confess his sins to God and the priest. That is
why I said
a good life is
necessary before repentance, and a better one
after it.

If a man repents and is reconciled at the last

I am
not sure whether he will die secure. I can
give penance,
but not assurance. Listen to what I
say, for I must explain it
more clearly lest anyone misunderstand. Will such a
be condemned? I do not say that, but he will not be set free.

What are you telling me, holy bishop? What am I telling you?
I do not know. I have said I will not presume or promise, and
I know nothing further of God's will. Do you want to be
free from doubt, brother? Do you want to avoid uncertainty?
Do penance while you are still healthy. If you really repent
in good health, when your last day comes hasten to be
reconciled. If you do this you are safe. Do you want me to

say why you are safe? Because you did penance when you
might have sinned. Behold, I have told you why you are
safe. If you are willing to do penance when you can no

longer sin, your sins have left you, but not you them. How
do you know, you say, whether God will have mercy and
forgive me my sins? You say with truth, brethren, how do I
know? That is why I give you a penance, because I do not
know. Moreover, he says: Then entrust my case to God. Why
do you compel me with words and leave me to God my judge?
I entrust you to the judgment of Him to whom I commend
myself. If I thought that penance would not help you, I
would not give it to you. Similarly, if I knew it would
benefit would not advise or terrify you. There are two
you I

possibilities you will be forgiven or you will not. Which

: either
of these will be for you I do not know.
However, I do give
uncertainty go and keep certainty; honestly
this advice: Let
do penance as long as you live. Then when you come to
God's judgment you will not be confounded it but brought
into Hiskingdom.

Sermon 64



1 Beloved brethren, whenever someone

( )
happens to fall
into some serious sin or fault, as human weakness
does, he

should neither despair because God is just nor be pre-

sumptuous because He is merciful. He should
fear His justice
in order to obtain mercy, and he should have confidence in
His mercy in such a way that he dreads His justice. The

longer God has to wait for our amendment, the more severely
He punishes us if we think about turning to Him
too late.
A poultice or clamp is best applied to
wounds when they
are still fresh, for health is quickly restored if the wound is
not allowed to fester from a long-standing burn. But someone
says: I will have recourse to the healing of repentance when
I reach old age. Why is human weakness presumptuous,
when it does not hold even one day of life in its power? How
many expected to enjoy a long life and death took them away
so suddenly that they could not attain even momentary repent-
ance! We are ashamed to do penance for but a short time,
and do not fear the suffering of eternal punishments without
any end. O
unhappy man You do not blush over the wound

itself, but you are ashamed of the binding of the wound. Sin
is your wound,
repentance the binding of the wound. When
you are unwilling to do penance you doubtless merely pretend
to apply a remedy to your wounds, not
knowing that an open
wound much more foul and inspires greater horror than

failure towash the feet of guests as we promised at baptism,

if a
remedy were applied and the injury covered.
(2) Remember, brethren, even if we have not been
overtaken by serious sins, there are small offenses which
much the worse!) we do not attend to or at least
regard as
of no
consequence. If all these were added together, I cannot
imagine what amount of good works would be enough to
outweigh them. Let us consider the faults we have committed
since we reached the age of reason:
swearing, perjury, cursing,
calumny,idle gossip,
hatred, anger, envy, evil desires, gluttony,
too much
sleep, mean thoughts, concupiscence of the eyes,
pleasure of the ears, afflicting the poor,
visiting Christ in
prison too late or reluctantly, neglect in
receiving strangers,

visiting the sickmore rarely than we should, negligence in

using our energy to restore the discordant to harmony, the

desire to eat at times of fasting, preoccupation with idle

gossip when we are standing in church and the divine lessons

are read, frequent distractions while chanting the psalms or
praying, the repeated use at banquets of language that is
not good but evil. Suppose we were to gather into one sum the
almost countless similar offenses which we have committed
since the age of reason. Even though they would not add up
as serious sins, how many and what kind of good works
could redeem them if God's justice and severity were not
appeased by the divine mercy supplementing our humble and
contrite penance with the addition of
generous alms in pro-
portion to our means? Since these offenses which I mentioned
weigh us down and no man can live without them, and, in
fact, perhaps even serious ones overtake us, I do not know
how we can conscientiously assume a dangerous attitude of
security. With fatal we neglect to seek the
remedy repentance, and while we are exhausted by
countless waves on the sea of this world, we wait a
long time
to seek the haven of
penance. We
do not realize that despair
arises from a multitude of
sins, and as a result of despair the
reins of sin are relaxed without
any regard. Then are fulfilled
the words: The wicked man when he is come into the
depths of sins, contemneth.' 1
(3)Again, someone says: When I reach old age or am
hopelessly ill with some great infirmity, then I will do penance.
We will not say, of course, that such repentance cannot be
of advantage. It
certainly can be if one performs it along
with generous almsgiving and the
forgiveness of all his
enemies, asking pardon in turn of all he may have injured.
If the man survives, he should think it over with all
his heart
and as long as he lives do penance
humbly and devoutly with
moans and groans and abundant
almsgiving. However, you
1 Prov. 18.3.

who are a wise man, reflect whether under these circumstances

it is
right to serve your
sins and vices throughout your life,

and then rise up to seek life when you

are already half-dead.
Do you want to be treated thus by your servant, so that while

young and strong he serves your enemies and is only willing

to return to serve you when he reaches old age? Therefore,
it is not just to do to your Lord what you are unwilling to
take from your servant. We know many men, indeed, who
when they were in good health often said they earnestly
wanted to do penance, but because they were unwilling to
do so immediately they died without this remedy. Truly, the
sinner, too, may be struck with this punishment, that since
during his lifetime he forgot God at his death he forgets
himself. It is doubtful whether a man who is unwilling to

seek a remedy for his soul when he could will deserve to

obtain it later, even if he is willing.
(4) Therefore, dearly beloved, let us think wisely and
profitably of judgment and the day of giving an account,
while with groans and sighs we mourn over our serious sins
and faults as long as we live. Moreover, by continual prayer
and more generous alms let us atone for the small sins we
have committed in the past or now ceaselessly commit. Since
the daily wounds of sin do not cease, so let the remedies of
our alms and prayers never fail, for, if we
punish ourselves
by our own severity, we forestall the sentence of our future
Judge. God grants immediate forgiveness to the man who
does not spare himself because of his sins. For this reason the
person who cuts himself off from communion because of his
guiltcannot be separated from the altar in heaven,
to the words:
'Say first to your that
iniquities youare
justified/ you acknowledge your sins God will forgive you.

So, let no one despair, but, likewise, let no one entertain

presumptuous hope. The man who believes that even if he
does penance for his sins the divine
mercy will not forgive him
2 Cf. Prov. 18.17.

wrongly despairs, while one who defers the remedy of repent-

ance to a much later day is presumptuous. Just as it is said
to those who despair: 'On what day soever the sinner is
converted, all his iniquities will be forgotten,' so it is said
to the presumptuous: 'delay not to be converted to the
Lord. Letall men
carefully heed these words, dearly beloved
both men and women, religious and lay, young and old,
boys and girls. Avoiding fatal self-assurance, let us daily strive
to apply to our sins the
remedy of repentance, fearing what is
written: 'Remember that death is not slow/ 5 If we faithfully
do this, when we come before the tribunal of the eternal
Judge we happily will not receive the sentence of damnation,
but with joy and exultation will be given eternal rewards.

Sermon 65


(1) Dearly beloved, I plead with any of you who may

have been overcome by the Devil's
cunning and who
through human weakness may have become involved in
capital crimes. If anyone, in thewords of the Apostle, has
destroyed God's temple within him by violating himself, let
him not despair of God's mercy. Let him arise at once from
his iniquity, lest he bury himself in the ruins of habitual sin.
Truly, not the sinner but he who perseveres in sin is hateful
and an abomination to the Lord. So that no one
may lack
confidence in the divine
forgiveness, our Lord like a very
kind father consoles us through the words of the
I desire not the death of the
sinner, but that he be converted

3 Cf. Ezech. 18.21.

4 Eccli. 5.8.
5 Eccli. 14.2.

and live,' and again: The wickedness of the wicked

not hurt him, in what day soever he shall turn from his
wickedness/ Still, even though His mercy is so great toward
all men, it is profitable for us not to delay in turning to the

Lord, and not to heap up sin upon sin. Moreover, we can

also recognize infirmities of souls in the very wounds and
fractures of the body. If a foot or hand is broken, it ordinarily
can be restored to its former usefulness after some trouble.
However, if limbs are broken in the same place a second or
third time or even more, your heart can understand with what

pains these breaks would have to be healed. Even after long

and repeated treatments the limbs can hardly be restored to'
their former condition. A similar situation must be recognized
as existing in fractures or wounds
of the soul. If a person sins
once or even twice, then without any excuses has recourse to
the healing of penance, he will recover his former
condition without any delay. But if he begins to add sin

upon sin and

prefers to acquire an infection by concealing
or defending the wounds of his soul rather than cure them
by confession and the performance of penance, it is to be
feared that these words of the Apostle wiU be fulfilled in him:
'Dost thou not know that the goodness of God is meant to
lead thee to repentance? But
according to thy hardness and
unrepentant heart, thou dost treasure up to thyself wrath on
the day of wrath and of the revelation of the iust judgment
of God.'

(2) Perhaps someone thinks that he has committed such

grievous sins that he no longer can merit God's mercy. Let
this be far from the
thoughts of all sinners. Whoever you are,
O man, you look at the multitude of
your sins and you do
not see the almighty power of the divine
Physician. Although
God would like to show mercy because He is
good, and He
can because He is omnipotent, man closes the door of divine

1 Ezech. 33.11,12.
2 Rom. 2.4,5.

mercy to his soul when he believes that God is either unwilling

or unable to have pity on him. He does not believe that

God good or almighty. No one should despair of divine

mercy hundred sins, nor even after a thousand. Rather,

after a
he should show his confidence by hastening to regain God's
favor without any delay. Indeed, if a man develops a habit
of sin, even if he wants to he can no longer free himself
from the snares of the Devil. David, who through divine
mercy merited to become both a king and a prophet, even
after such a great favor was overtaken to such an extent that
he committed both adultery and murder. However, he did
not reserve himself to take refuge in the healing of repentance
in his old age. Immediately covering himself with a hairshirt
and sprinkling his head with ashes, he did penance with loud
groaning and lamenting; thus was fulfilled what he himself
had said in the psalms: 'Every night I will wash my bed:
I will water my couch with my tears.' Similarly: 'I did eat
ashes likebread, and mingled my drink with weeping.'
Because he did not delay with fatal indifference the per-
formance of his penance, he summoned God's mercy upon
himself. Not only did he fail to lose his kingdom, but he even
merited to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. But perhaps
there someone who
says: I am
in military service, I am
married, so how can I do penance? Just as if when we
advised penance we were saying that each one should be
anxious to tear out his hair and not get rid of his sins, and
should rip off his clothing rather than his evil habits If anyone !

attempts to deceive rather than to excuse himself by this

kind of pretence, let him notice that neither the dignity of
his position nor the fineness of his garments could prevent
King David from doing penance.
(3) Achab was another wicked king, concerning whom
the Scriptures tell us that there was no other like him who

3 Ps, 6.7; 101.10.


sold himself to do evil inthe sight of the Lord. After he

was perverted by his wife Jezabel and became hateful to God
he had Naboth of Jezreel stoned to death
because he wanted
to have his vineyard, but was reproved for this by holy Elias.

Thereupon, Achab rent his garments, put on a hairshirt,

with bowed head did penance. For this reason the word of
God immediately came to Elias, saying: 'Hast thou not seen
Achab humbled before me? Because he hath humbled himself
for my not bring the evil in his days.' Remember,
sake, I will
brethren, that although he was wicked he did not wait a long
time to do penance; he did not hesitate to offer to God the
sacrificeof a humble and contrite heart. Moreover, if
he had persevered afterwards in the humility in which he
began, the mercy of God would never have left him. King
Manasses, too, as we read in the Scriptures, was so wicked
and impious that it is said he filled all Jerusalem with his
iniquity. However, when he was led into captivity and put
in chains, by doing penance with great humility he obtained
the grace of God to the point of deserving afterwards to be
counted among the friends of God. Likewise, the harlot who
washed the Lord's feet with her tears and dried them with
her hair; as soon as she knew that the divine Physician had
come she went of her own accord to the house, although she
had not been invited. Then she who had been bold before
for her destruction became still bolder for her
wherefore she deserved to hear that her sins were forgiven.
Nor did she defer the performance of until the end
of her life. She wanted to leave her wicked ways while she
still had the
power to sin, so that her will and not her inability
would keep her from committing adultery,
(4) We could find in sacred Scripture many more men
who did penance after countless crimes and
thereby called
down the mercy of God. Moreover, these people not
4 3 Kings 21.29.

returned to their former condition, but even became better.

However, since it would take too long to mention them all,
these four that we have named are quite sufficient to make us
realize that God who forgave David such a serious sin,
who spared the wicked King Achab, who counted Manasses
among His friends when he did penance for his countless sins,
and who forgave the harlot everything after she washed His
feet with her tears and dried them with her hair the same
God who forgave such dreadful sinners is ready to forgive us,
too, if we but turn to Him. Not only is He willing to forgive
us our sins, but even to give us eternal happiness. As we
consider this, dearly beloved, let us with God's help work as
hard as we can not to any crimes and especially the

capital sins steal into our lives. If someone has already been

brought to this evil condition by the Devil's cunning, he

ought to procure a remedy for his needs before those sins

acquire strength through daily practice. With loud weeping

and groaning let him hasten to be reconciled to God. He
should not be ashamed to do penance, for he was not ashamed
to perform deeds that demand
repentance. Let him hasten
to restore God's image by good works, so that he
in his soul

may deserve to be recognized among His sons by the Father,

and may not be excluded from eternal bliss or thrown out
of the wedding
banquet, and with bound hands and feet cast
into the exterior darkness where there is
weeping and gnashing
of teeth. If by the medicine of
penance, humility, and com-
punction he is restored to his former health of soul and is
adorned with the pearls of good works, he will merit to
hear: 'Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the
joy of thy master.' Amen.
5 Matt. 25.23.

Sermon 66



I have frequently exhorted you, beloved brethren,

and do so again and again, that if anyone knows he has
been tossed by the storm of passion on the sea of wickedness
away from the shore of self-control and has incurred the
shipwreck of his purity, he should swiftly take hold of the
confession of his sins as the plank of a shattered ship. By this
means he can escape the deep abyss of wickedness and reach
the harbor of repentance, where he can fasten his anchor of

hope in a safer place and restore his lost salvation. Each one
should bewail his condition as though he were dead, and
utter loud lamentations over his lifeless soul. Just as a mother
is accustomed to
weep her heart out over an only son who
has died, so we should pour forth the whole weight of our
grief over our only soul which has been killed by the sword
of sin, so that it
perhaps may be revived by a warm faith and
the healing potion of tears. Above all, as I have repeatedly
said, the sinner should watch carefully and see to it that he
does not give alms to satisfy for his sins but does not give up
the sins themselves. Let him fear the words of the
lf I distribute all my goods to feed the poor, yet do not have
charity, it
profits me nothing.'
(2) But someone says: How can a man be judged not to
possess charity when he gives so much to the poor? I reply:
How can he preserve charity in his soul when he is cruel to
it and kills himself? The Holy Spirit does not lie when He
1 1 Cor. 13.3.

says: Thesoul that sinneth, the same shall die.' If we kill


our souls every time that we commit adultery or murder, how

can it profit us to be kind to others when we are evidently
wicked to ourselves? By giving alms we feed another's body,
but by committing sin we strangle our soul. Therefore, as I
have frequently advised, let us give alms to satisfy for our
grave sins, but in such a spirit that we will never return to
those sins. We must not trust our health or our years; one
who is uncertain of his life is always slow in seeking remedies
for his salvation. If the opportunity to repent is postponed
in this way when it is within our power, how much it will be
desired when it is lost !

(3) Since only in an uncertain, short lifetime that

it is

we are permitted to take care of our stains, wash away our

faults, remedy the past, take thought of the future, and undo
the wrong that has been done, let us strive with all our might
that our life be reckoned as a gain for eternal life, that it do
not avail unto death but unto salvation. Thus the groans
which discover the our hearts and punish the faults in
sins in
our lives will be efficacious. May our weeping and the grief
of our healing repentance leave nothing untouched or uncured
which might rise up against us at the day of judgment or
after some time reappear to accuse our guilty conscience. Let
us hasten to offer the Lord a corrected life, before it is taken

away. By dying to sin let us remove death and by the merits

of our lives obtain true life, not storing up the remedies of

repentance for the days of old age. The One who said: 'If the
wicked at any time is converted and groans, all his iniquities
shall not be remembered/ 3 also said: 'delay not to be con-
verted to the Lord.' 4 If the first promise made you feel secure,
the other plea should give you reason to worry. Listen to the

2 Ezech, 18.20.
3 Ezech. 18.21,22.
4 Eccli. 5.8.

Scriptures saying: 'Remember, son,
that death is not slow,
and 'say not: The mercy of the Lord is great, he will forgive
the multitude of my sins. Mercy and wrath are with him,
wrath looketh upon sinners,' that is, those who
and his

persevere in their sins. If we heed this faithfully

and carefully,
and have recourse to the healing of repentance without delay,
we will be able to escape everlasting punishment and happily
to obtain eternal rewards.

Sermon 67


(1) Whenever we see some of our brothers or sisters

performing public penance, by God's inspiration, dearly be-

loved, we can and should stir up great compunction in our
hearts. Who would not rejoice and be glad, giving thanks
to God to the best of his ability, when he sees a sinner angry
over his sins and proclaiming this in a loud voice? Indeed,
what he formerly defended with the greatest insolence he
now begins to blame in a salutary manner. He has now begun
to be united with God, because he no longer wants to defend
his sins, but to punish them. Moreover, since God detests

sin, as soon as a man begins to hate it also by despising and

turning aside from his faults he is united to God. As a matter

of fact, one who does public penance could have
privately. However, after considering the multitude of his
sins, he feels that he is not strong enough to oppose his great
vices alone, and so he wants to solicit the assistance of all
the people. In like manner, when a
vineyard has become
barren through neglect, a man invites his neighbors and
friends, and on a certain day the whole crowd assembles to

5 Eccli. 14.12.
6 Ecdi. 5.6,7.

repair the damage, because with the help of many hands

what cannot be repaired by one accomplished. For this

reason a man who wants to perform public penance, assembles

a congregation, as it were, so that, aided by the prayers of all
the people, he may be able to tear out the thorns and briers
of his sins. Thus, with God's help, a harvest of virtue may
be able to spring up, so that the vineyard of his heart which
had been accustomed to grow thorns, not grapes, may begin
to produce the sweetness of spiritual wine. Nor should we
regard with indifference the fact that the penitent is covered
with a hairshirt. Because the hairshirt is made of goat's hair
and goats represent sin, the penitent publicly confesses that
he is not a lamb but a goat. By these signs he proclaims
aloud Look at me, everyone, and shed pious tears for me in

my misery. Know that I am interiorly what I am on the

outside, for I do not want to appear outwardly just and
conceal within my soul injustice and robbery. Like the
publican, I lie on the ground and do not dare to lift my
eyes to heaven, but humbly lift up the wounds and swellings
of my sins to the divine Physician for healing. Therefore, I
beg you all to
implore His mercy upon me, so that He may
deign to bring back to life the rottenness of my sins, and
restore me to true health. I am afraid that what the Lord
said about hypocrites might be fulfilled in me: 'They come
to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves,'
and so, as I said, I am
showing myself outwardly as I know I
am inside. Because, hitherto, I was adorned outwardly with
precious garments while my soul was covered with the
leprosy of sin, now, wearing a hairshirt and earnestly desiring
repentance, I ask that through your prayers I may merit to
be freed from the paralysis of my sins. Therefore, I beg you
again and again, since by God's inspiration you know how to
weep with those who weep, may your pious souls be aroused
to weeping and groaning to obtain the remission of my sins.

l Matt. 7.15.

1 am certain that your holy prayers can obtain this for me

from our most merciful Judge.
(2) I speak the truth, brethren, I say that a man
must be thought wicked and inhuman he does not sympa-

thize with one who seeks repentance in this manner, and does
not hasten to pray earnestly in his behalf. Moreover, the Lord
has said: 'All things whatever you would that men should
do to you, even so do you also to them; for this is the Law
and the Prophets/ 2 Therefore, what we wish to receive from
others if we are disposed to do public penance we should
hasten to do for others with our whole heart and soul. What
did we want when we deserved to seek the remedy of repent-
ance, except that everyone should endeavor to implore divine
mercy for us? For this reason, we should with perfect charity
confer upon others what we desire to receive from them,
according to the words: 'Confess your sins to one another,
and pray for one another, that you may be saved,' 3 and:
*a brother helping his brother shall be exalted/ 4
If, then, we
are willing to act devoutly with perfect charity, we can and
should believe most firmly that the ineffable goodness of the
Lord will deign to hear us. Since He Himself has said: lf c

two or three shall agree on earth about anything at all for

which they ask, it shall be done for them, 35 can the good and
merciful Lord who promised to hear two or three fail to
hear all the people praying for the forgiveness of a penitent?
Far be it from us to believe but
slightly in His ineffable
mercy. We
should, instead, believe with our whole heart that
He hears us when we pray kindly and devoutly in behalf of
our repentant brethren, for He invited petition when He
said in the Gospel: 'Ask, and you shall receive/ 6 Notice,

brethren, that one who seeks repentance pleads for excom-

2 Matt. 7.12.
3 James 5.16.
4 Prov. 18.19.
5 Matt, 18.19.
6 John 16.24.

munication, for, when he receives his penance, he is covered

with a hairshirt and thrown outside. Now he asks for excom-
munication, because he considers himself unworthy to receive
his Eucharistic Lord. Furthermore, he wants to be excluded
from the altar for some time in order that he may merit to
arrive with a clear conscience at the altar in heaven. Lastly,
with great reverence he asks to be separated from Christ's
Body and Blood like a guilty, evil individual,
so that by this

humiliation he may approach communion at the heavenly


Although one who devoutly does penance with com-

punction of heart and contrition, dearly beloved, should have
confidence in the intercession of all the people, nevertheless,

using his strength and with

all God's help, he should be
solicitous for his own salvation. He should not say in his
heart: See, everyone has prayed for my sins, so now I can
and should be from wbrry. Far be such thoughts, much
less such words, from one who does penance. Let his con-
fidence in the prayers of others be such, as far as he can with
God's help, that he exercises himself in good works in
fasting, or almsgiving, or prayer,
or humility, or charity, or
visiting the sick, or reconciling
the discordant, or receiving

foreigners, or humbly washing the feet of holy strangers, or

refraining from slander and other evil speech. Unless infirmity

demands it, he should not drink wine. If this is impossible

because of old age or some stomach disorder, let him heed

the words of the Apostle: 'Use a little wine for thy stomach's
sake.' There are some penitents who want to be reconciled

that a
immediately, so that they may eat meat. It is certain
man does not accept his penance with true compunction, if
he desires or dares to eat meat without the compulsion of
infirmity. Therefore, even when a penitent has been reconciled
he should not take meat if he can have vegetables or beans
or fish, at his own or his neighbor's table. I mention this

7 1 Tim. 5.23.

because some penitents (so much the worse!) eat meat very
eagerly, and often drink wine to excess. Our poor bodies
should be fed prudently lest sinbe committed again by
drunkenness and gluttony, and then the fact that we seemed
to repent will profit us little or not at all. Therefore, with
God's help, let us use all our strength not to be carelessly
injured when God's mercy has restored us to
health after the
wounds of our sins. May He deign to grant this, who lives
and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without
end. Amen.

Sermon 68


(1) any of you do penance with compunction and


devotion, brethren, I ask you not to take offense, because our

sermon today is addressed to penitents who are careless. You
who are called penitents in name but not in intention, in
but not in deeds, should listen. I fear that you are ashamed

even to be called by the name of penitents, for you think this

does you an injury rather than bring a cure. Tell me, I
beseech you, how do you claim to do penance when you
daily do things which demand repentance? How do you
suppose you will obtain pardon when you go to church more
rarely than a worldly person? You do not sweep the church
with your hands; you do not open your home to strangers
or bring the poor who are without a home under your roof;
you do not seek those who are in prison or visit the sick, nor
do you condescend to wash the feet of pious strangers; you
do not restrain your mind from concupiscence or your flesh
from lust or your greediness from pleasure. Why, you do not
know what fasting is; you are not satisfied with just enough
food, but must be stuffed with more sumptuous fare and

corrupted by drunkenness. When this is finished, you have

time for worldly or shameful gossip and scandal; and rightly
so, for, just as charity is delighted with fasting, so hatred
takes pleasure in luxury. In the midst of all this, you have no

thought of amendment, nor sorrow in confessing your sins.

You go along happy, carefree, and proud, thinking that you
are living while the soul in your body is I will not say
dead but buried. The soul which gives itself up to pleasures,'
c 1
says the Apostle, dead while it is still alive.'

(2) See what you have come to, most wretched and
pitiable soul. You have made a tomb of yourself, as the Lord
says in the Gospel: 'Whited sepulchres outwardly, but within
full of dead men's bones. Or in the words of the Psalmist:
Their throat is an open sepulchre.' 3 Truly, those jaws are
like those of a dead man, for they never or only with

difficulty deign to speak God's praises. Therefore, we advise

you words of a shepherd but groaning with paternal
in the

affection, because almost every day we observe with sadness

many people carried off in death without correcting their
lives. Moreover, we know that there no opportunity to

make satisfaction in hell, for the Prophet says: 'And who

shall And in the words of the
confess to thee in hell?'

Apostle: 'All of usmust be made manifest before the tribunal

of Christ, so that each one may receive what he has won
through the body, according to his works, whether good or
5 6
evil.' 'While we have time, let us do good to all men.'
Let us redeem our sins by our fasting, prayers, and tears.
Following the advice of our Lord Himself, let us grieve over
ourselves as though dead, for He deigned to teach us repent-
ance and to promise forgiveness when He said: 'Blessed are

1 Tim. 5.6.
2 Matt. 23.27.
3 Ps. 5.11.
4 Ps. 6.6.
5 2 Cor. 5.10.
6 Gal. 6.10.

they who now mourn, for they shall be comforted.
us not do to another what we do not want to suffer, but let

us confer desire to receive from them.

on others what we
The Lord Himself 'Do not to another what you do
tells us:

things whatever you would

not want done to you/ and all

that men should do to you, even so do you also to them for ;

this is the Law and the Prophets.'

Then we will fulfill the

teaching of the psalms: Turn away from

evil good: and do
seek after peace and pursue it.' Observing this, it is at all
times becoming for us to cleanse and sanctify the stains on
our souls by good works, and every day to settle our offenses.
lust away from
Especially in these times we should keep
from our feasts, and vice from our minds.
marriage, gluttony
Then, just as the body abstains from eating, so may the soul
fast from sin. Through God's goodness, then, may we with
chaste body and pious heart be able to celebrate the day we
long for without any reproaches of conscience, through our
Lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon 69



1 ) In all the sacred Scriptures, dearly beloved, the times
of the Christians were foretold. This, too, came to pass, that

kings of the earth who persecuted the Christians because of

idols destroyed the idols later for the sake of Christ. Then all

power was subject to the yoke of Christ, so that what was

7 Matt. 5.5.
8 This not a quotation from Scripture.
9 Matt. 7.12.
10 Ps. 33.15.

written might be fulfilled:'I have destroyed them. What
does this mean, I have destroyed them'? I have avenged
myself on them. Christ's Body says: I have avenged myself
on my How has He avenged Himself? By killing
error in them and reviving their faith. Whatever it was in
all wicked and perverse men who
persecuted Christians was
destroyed. When a man persecutes you, do not pay any
attention to the form which God made or the soul which
God breathed into him. What God created does not persecute
you, but the malice which man made. Everything that God
created praises Him. You have heard in the 'Canticle of
Blessings' read on every feast that all things praise God,
everything in heaven and on earth: angels, men, stars, trees
of the earth, rivers, and seas. Whatever God created in
heaven, on earth, or in the sea praises Him. Have you ever
heard, then, that avarice praises God? Have you ever heard
that drunkenness praises God? Have you ever heard that
dissipation praisesGod? Have you ever heard that heresies
praise God? Why do all these things not praise God? Because

they were not created by Him. A tree preserves what was

created, but destroys what was lifted up in him. If man
safeguarded in himself the good which God created, that is,
His image, he would always praise God by his life as well as
with his tongue. Thus, our times were predicted, but it was
foretold that there would be schisms in our day. Therefore,
just as that Church fought against the Devil, so also this
Church fights.
(2) Does the struggle against the Devil ever cease? The
Devil is called a lion and a dragon: a lion because of his
violence, a dragon for his treachery. A lion rages openly, but
a dragon secretly lies in wait. In the early days the Church
fought against the lion; now, her battle is with the dragon*
But as the lion was conquered, so the dragon is conquered.
What is the strength of a lion against that lion of which it is

1 Ps. 117.10.

written: The lion of Juda has overcome'?
the tribe of

Moreover, what is the strength of a dragon against the death

of the Lord who hung a serpent on a cross? He triumphed
over death which the Devil had craftily inflicted upon man.
When Moses in the desert fastened a serpent up on the
cross, everyone who had been bitten by a serpent and looked

upon this one was cured. Similarly, everyone who has been
bitten by the craft of Satan should look upon Christ hanging
on the cross, for there death was slain. The Lord always lives,
but He was clothed with death in order to kill it. Death
could not die, except in life. Just as bitterness does not
disappear except in sweetness, nor cold except in warmth,
so death is not dead except in life. What is life? Our Christ.

So life was clothed with death. He was crucified, He was

slain, He died, and arose again in the fullness of life. Death
destroyed and completely swallowed up, now that life has
arisen, so that the Apostle could say of Him: know c
that Christ dies now no more, and death shall no longer
have dominion over him.' 3 When death first had dominion
over Him, it was only with His consent. The lion's companion
opposes Him with arrogance; then the one by whom He was
judged lifted up his neck anc} said: 'Dost thou not answer
me?' The roaring of the lion was furious, the neck of the
serpent is swollen with pride; but listen to the reply of the
lamb who knows how to slay the lion. Hear that death had
dominion over Him with His consent, for Christ answered
in turn: Thou wouldst have no power at all over me were

given thee from heaven.' Who gave him this power

it not

from above? God. Who is God? The Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit. Therefore, in order that man may have

power against God, he has received power from God Himself

to judge God; the hidden God, the manifest man.

2 Apoc. 5.5.
5 Rom. 6.9.
4 John 19.10,11.

(3) In order that with God's help we may conquer the

lionand dragon we mentioned above, let us with great fear
and trembling keep before our eyes what the Apostle Peter
says: 'Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about
seeking something to devour.' The Apostle also admonishes
us concerning the dragon, that we should beware of him with
all anxiety: Tor I have
espoused you to one husband, that
I may present you as a chaste
virgin to Christ. But I fear
lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtlety, so your
minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in
Christ.' Therefore, when you experience some public tri-
bulation, understand it as the madness and raging of the
lion; when evil desires arouse you to avarice or dissipation
with their clever seductions, recognize the flattery of the
dragon. So, if you want to preserve a right faith with fidelity,
be strong against the lion's raging in adversity; if you desire
to keep your soul's virginity untainted, guard against the

flattery of the dragon as much as you can. Otherwise, if you

are careless, you may allow the five senses which you possess
to be corrupted by the serpent the way the five virgins were.
Whenever there is something beautiful to see, sweet to taste,

flattering to hear, pleasant to smell, or soft to touch, if we

are careless about it we allow the purity of our soul to be
corrupted by the evil desires which overtake it. Then is

fulfilled in us what the Prophet says: 'Death is entered

through your windows.' Indeed, through our five senses, as
through doors, either death or life enters our soul.
(4) With the Lord's help let us be like those five wise

virgins who, as we read in the Gospel, carried oil in their

lamps.' Let us see to it as far as we can that we are not
found among those foolish virgins who congratulated them-

5 1 Peter 5.8.

6 Cf. 2 Cor. 11.2,3.

7 Jer. 9.21.
8 Matt. 25.4.

selves their bodily integrity alone, but lost the purity of

their souls through the corruption of their five senses. They
did not carry with them, so they are told: Go, and buy for
yourselves from those who sell.'
Oil in this instance is flattery
and human sell Those virgins are
praise; all flatterers
called foolish because they sought praise from without and did
not possess it within their own conscience. They did not carry
oil with them because they wanted to have praise
on the
own conscience. What
tongue of another and not
in their
was the reply given to those foolish virgins? 'Lest there may
as the Apostle says: I do not even

not be enough for us ;

judge my own self.'
Our conscience trembles under the
examination of God's judgment, and fears that, although it
seems upright to itself, the rule of justice may go beyond
its treasure and what seemed straight now appear crooked.
How much less, then, dearly beloved,
should we care about
the judgments of other men about us, whether good or bad?
We ought not rejoice too much when
we can be praised
for our efforts, nor be excessively sad when we are blamed;
false praisecannot crown us, nor false blame condemn us.
As long as we live here we cannot judge ourselves rightly, I
do not say as to what we will be tomorrow, but even what
we are today. much less, then, should we be moved
by the judgments of others than by our own conscience which
bears testimony to our lives? Indeed, our glory should be in
our conscience.
(5) Therefore, brethren, let your charity take notice that
I am saying what I want, that which
is especially necessary

in the daily trials of the Catholic Church. Although it is not

as I wish, it is as the Lord gave me the power to speak and
willed that I should. The Church lives in the midst of trials,

grows among them, perseveres through them, and


9 Cf. Matt 25.9.

10 Ibid.
11 1 Cor. 4.5.

in them. Moreover, when she succeeds, rest follows labor;

temptation withdraws and blessing remains. I exhort you,
brethren, to listen to this with profit. Hold on to it, chew it
over in your mind and feed upon it; let not what is just now
entrusted to your memory depart from your mouth. The
memory of man is stomach of cattle. You know that,
like the

according to the Law, animals which do not chew their cud

are considered unclean; those which do so are clean and
have a split hoof which is necessary for distinguishing truth
and falsehood. The split hoof is useful for the discovery of what
is right and what is wrong. Ruminating applies to those who
later think over what they have heard or remembered. Indeed,
we eat and transmit the thought into our memory, as though
into the stomach. What do cattle do when they chew their
cud? What was thrown into the manger and is stored up in
its stomach is
brought back to the mouth and the cattle rests
in its sweet taste. I have mentioned this in order to
urge you
not to be like the unclean animals. The latter take something
into the stomach but do not chew it afterwards, so the
whole sweet flavor passes away. What is stored away does
not benefit you unless its savor returns to your mouth. Hear
this thought clearly and expressly stated in another sentence.
What has been said obscurely in a symbolic manner con-
cerning ruminating animals is explained clearly elsewhere so
that we may understand its meaning: 'A treasure to be
desired resteth in the mouth of the wise man, but the fool
swalloweth it.' 12

12 Cf. Prov. 21.20.


*Sermon 70



1 ) As often as adversities come, dearly beloved, or when
by God's just judgment hostility or dryness
or death is

imposed, we should attribute this to our sins rather than to

God's injustice. In the words of the Apostle: 'God who
inflicts punishment is not unjust.' The world is indeed
harassed by the evil lives and statements of many men. This
attack upon the good and the bad is just like when mud and
an ointment are blown on the same wind; the one exhales
a foul odor, while the other has a sweet fragrance. In order
that everyone may understand this, I will reveal it more
explicitly to your charity. Good and bad people are two urns,
one of which contains rottenness, the other precious spices.
When they are blown by the same fan, the urn which has
spices gives forth a desirable fragrance, while the one which
is a sewer returns an unbearable stench. Similarly, both
and bad people are troubled, but are distinguished by the
penetrating judgment of God. Whenever tribulation comes
to the world, the good like a holy vessel thank God who
has deigned to chastise them; those who are proud, dissolute,
or avaricious on the contrary blaspheme and murmur against
God, saying: O
God, what great evil have we done that we
should suffer such calamities? Therefore, even if the good
die in the midst of adversities, they will end a life full of
labors and miseries, but will receive eternal life from which
'sorrow and mourning shall flee away.' 2 Unfaithful souk
refuse to believe this, and while fettered with love for this
life, they cannot keep it but lose it by their infidelity. What
1 Cf. Rom. 3.5.
2 Isa. 35.10.

are you doing? What are

you concerned about? The world
being driven on, is it not? Yes, and you, also, lovers of the
world, are being driven on to go out, and to come to what
you do not want to but must. As often as you by bad
actions or perchance by impious practices consult seers and
magicians, questioning sorcerers and soothsayers, you think
you are avoiding the evils of this world. You cannot escape
them, and, what is worse, they make you commit your sins.
I do not say this
insultingly, but with groans and grief.
Behold, I will place before your eyes the evils which occur.
If anyone in a proud, rebellious spirit refuses to amend his
life, there will be fulfilled in him what we read: 'He who is

filthy, let him be filthy still; but he who is just will do what
is more
just; and he who is holy will do what is more holy.'
The hope of good men is not placed in this world, for 'Hope
that is seen,' says the Apostle, 'is not
hope.' Since hope which
is seen is mundane, it is turned into bitterness. Truly, the
world has given lovers a bitter potion to drink.
its mis- O
fortune of the human race! The world is bitter and it is
loved; how do you
suppose it would be loved if it were sweet?
(2) Truth addresses you lovers of the world. Where is
that which you loved? Where is that which you considered
great? Where is that which you were unwilling to renounce?
Where are all those estates? Where, those brilliant cities?
Is it not true that the more harshly cities were chastised, the

more unwilling they were to accept the discipline of reproof,

even though other provinces had been corrected? These facts
are stated with grief rather than insult, for a soul cannot be
insensible to such calamities if the affection of sympathy
moves him. If only they were heeded, the truths would be
regarded with great affection. But since dire calamity struck
our eyes at the time of the siege and now afflicts them in
time of death, and scarcely anyone survives to care for the

3 Cf. Apoc. 22.11.

4 Rom. 8.24.

bodies of men who have died and need burial, consider also
those evils which we have borne through the just judgment
of God, when entire provinces were led into captivity, mothers
of families abducted, pregnant women carried off, little

children torn from arms and thrown into the road, half-dead,
while their nurses are not permitted to keep living children
or to bury the dead. On all sides there is great agony and
grief.One bewails her little child thrown to the birds and
dogs; another fears to offend her
barbarian master. Fear and
horror equally continue to torture hearts. Burdens are placed
on their shoulders; their spirit is worn out from great torments,
their body exhausted by heavy Wicked savage power

especially demanded of such women who knew she

that one
was mistress of many slaves suddenly grieved that she was a
servant of the barbarians and without wealth. Thus was ful-
filled in us what we hear from David the Prophet: Thou hast

sold thy people for no price: and there was no reckoning in the
exchange of them.' The barbarians demanded hard services
of delicate, noble women without any compassionate pity.
While we see and behold such calamities, the noise of their
shouting rises to our ears from those who lost their husbands
or parents in that siege. Is the flesh of men unfeeling, even
if stony feelings are found insome men? Who would not
grieve upon hearing and seeing this, and in the person of
those who were struck bewail himself rather than them?
Therefore we can say with the Prophet: 'Who will give
water to my head and a fountain of tears to my eyes, and
I will weep day and night for the wounded of the daughter of

eyes of men fail when they regard the dead,

my people?' The
not only of bodies, but also of souls. As Christians, we are
speaking to Christians; the better part of man grieves over
the better part which was carried away. We
know that in
the devastation many were snatched out of this life without

5 Ps. 43.13,
6 Jer. 9.1.

the sacrament of baptism, and in the midst of those vessels

of wrath their souls were left unrepentant. What more

appropriate grief, what more noble lamentation, can be

found when the anger of almighty God is aroused so much
that He repels even 'His tabernacle where he dwelt among
men'? 7 Moreover, He who 'has not spared even his own
Son but has delivered him for us all' 8 did not notice the
price of such blood. He saw everything violated in our
hearts, His temple in His condescension, with the result that
neither truth nor justice nor charity could abide there. There-
fore, He
did not hesitate to hand over to the enemy the very
which the sacraments of the faithful were celebrated,
vessels in
and spared no church or priest or consecrated virgin or city.
(3) However, dearly beloved, we whom the Lord does
not spare because of our merits but still reserves for repent-
ance should not consider without great fear that we are all
shown an example every time punishments are inflicted
upon men. Therefore, the death of others should profit
toward our salvation, their tribulations should be a correction
for us, and out blows we should apply remedies for
of their
our wounds. Truly, divine Goodness has not spared us because
of our merits, as I already said, but He has mercifully saved
us for repentance. Therefore, let us fear what the Lord
said in the Gospel: 'Do you think that these Galileans were
worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they have
suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent,
if we are
you will all perish in the same manner." Indeed,
willing punish ourselves by doing penance,
to God will
one who
immediately deign to have mercy on us. Thus,
used to be dissolute should be chaste; the proud, humble;
the envious, kind; the man who was accustomed to seize the
should begin to give
goods of another by deceit or

7 PS, 77.60.
8 Rom. 8.32.
9 Luke 13.23.

more generous alms of his own money. What the Lord asks
of us, dearly beloved, is exceedingly delightful. He does not
tell us: Fast more than
you can, and keep vigils longer than
your strength allows. He does not advise: Abstain from wine
or meat. None of these does He require, but He deigns to en-
join what all men with His grace can do without great effort.
I ask you, brethren, what is the difficulty of striving for
humility, observing charity, loving justice, preserving chastity,
wishing all men what each one desires for himself? Truly,

as He Tor my yoke is easy, and my burden light.' 10


Now, what is worse, many men want to carry the exceedingly

hard and bitter yoke of avarice with much difficulty, and
refuse to impose the sweet yoke and light burden of Christ

upon their shoulders. They prefer to sink under a heavy

load with many sins rather than to take up the yoke of
Christ which can lift them up to heaven. As we wisely and

devoutly reflect upon these matters, dearly beloved, let us

put off the hard and harsh yoke of avarice from our necks,
and put upon our shoulders the exceedingly sweet yoke of
Christ, so that we may lift up our citizenship to heaven,
according to the Apostle, and appear with Christ in glory.
May He deign to grant this, who, together with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end.

Sermon 71



(1) I think that no one among you is so foolish, dearly

beloved, that he cannot see that the great evils of our day,
the great miseries with which we are
constantly worn out and
10 Matt. 11.30.

afflicted, are the just deserts of our sins. That is the reason for
almost everything that happens or afflicts us in this world.
However, let us in accord with the advice of the Prophet turn
aside from evil and do good; let us seek after peace and
pursue it. The more we realize that that day is
which is described by the blessed Apostle when he says: ln
the last days iniquity will abound, and the charity of the
many grow cold/ the more carefully and faithfully let
us beg God to bring us back from habitual sin. As soon as
avarice, cunning, and injustice abound, falling away from the
goodness of liberality, fraternal charity, which formerly was
preserved in the love of Christ, grows cold. In the days of
the Apostles fraternal charity spread rapidly, but now so
much ambition and injustice are increasing on all sides that
you will scarcely find even a few souls who abound in good
works. The Apostle advised all rich men to be of this kind
when he said: 'Be rich in good works.' 2 He wanted it
understood that a rich man in the Church is one who is
rich inGod, one who out of love for Him and fear of His
judgments is enriched because he piously gave his wealth to
the poor and needy, confident thatwhat he has given away is
not Distresses and scourges
lost. are the resources of men,
which, produced and kept there beyond need, on the death
of the master are left to those who, even though they are
considered rich in this age because of the variety of their
clothes and possessions, are poor in justice and piety in the

eyes of the Church. When too little is done for the poor in
view of what each one is able, neither this which is given
brings satisfaction nor, certainly, that which is kept back.
(2) Thus, when Ananias, as we read in the Acts of the
Apostles, sold his inheritance and thought he could rightly
offer part of the money and deny a part for distribution by
the Apostles, he lost both the money he presented and that
1 Matt, 24.12.
2 1 Tim. 6.18.

which he withheld. Indeed, he equally lost both his money

and his salvation. Since he took away part of what he had
Let man,
promised he was condemned as a wicked fraud.
who makes promises to God in the sacrament of baptism,
take notice. I beg you to remember, dearly beloved, what
your sponsor who received you at the holy font promised that
you would become. See the abundance; nay, more, on all
sides there are foreigners and captives, strangers seeking alms
and shelter. Do what you have promised, so that what was
said to Ananias may not be said to you: Thou hast not
lied to men, but to God.' Avarice is a great evil, dearly
beloved; in fact, it is the source of all evils, as the Apostle

says: 'Covetousness is the root of all evils, and some in their

eagerness to get rich have strayed from the faith.' You
know someone who is too stingy is dishonest when he
refuses to give more than he ought of his own wealth or

money to the poor, or when he envies the possessions of

another. If any of you are like this, consider what you can
do in God's sight if you have broken your word. In former
days, those who joined the faith sold their homes and
property and stored them up in heaven, where they cannot
perish through any enmity, by offering the Apostles all the
money to be distributed for the benefit of the poor. we Now
do not even give tithes of our little inheritance. Moreover, if
the Lord bids us sell in order thatwe may have something
to give to the
poor, we buy instead, and increase what we
perhaps acquired unjustly from the labors of another. So
dull has become the
vigor of our faith, so weak its virtue!
For this reason the Lord said, when He foresaw our
'When the Son of Man comes, will he find, do
you think,
faith on the earth?'

(3) We see His prediction verified to such an extent,

3 Acts 5.4.
4 1 Tim. 6.10.

5 Luke 18.8.

dearly beloved, that there is no more fidelity in the fear of

God, in laws of justice, in charity, or in good works. Blessed
Paul foretold this when he said: e ln the last
days dangerous
times will come. Men will be lovers of
self, covetous, haughty,

proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, cri-

minal, heartless, faithless, slanderers, incontinent, merciless,
unkind, treacherous, stubborn, puffed up with pride, loving
pleasure more than God/ 6 Therefore, let us consider, dearly
beloved, whether almost the whole world is not filled with
these vices. Why? We
reply: Because no one has any fear of
the future or trembles within himself over the
day of the
Lord and God's wrath, the
punishment prepared for un-
believers,and the eternal torments to come for the unfaithful.
If our conscience feared these
heavenly commands or thought
they referred to us, we surely would be on guard; and if we
were on guard, we would
escape those things. So, let us
rouse ourselves from our
sleep as much as we can with the
Lord's help, and after
shaking off the slothfulness of our
wicked life let us be alert to hear and to observe the Lord's
precepts. Let us be what He commanded us to be when
He said : 'Let your lions be
girt about and your lamps burning,
and you yourselves like men waiting for their master's return
from the wedding; so that when he comes and
knocks, they
may open to him. Blessed are those servants whom the
master, on his return, shall find watching.' If, then, we keep

the commands which I mentioned and love the Lord's

precepts, we cannot be overcome by the deceitful Devil while

we are asleep. Instead, we shall
reign like faithful, vigilant
servants under the
guidance of Christ who lives and reigns
world without end. Amen.

6 2 Tim. 3.14.
7 Luke 12.35-37.

Sermon 72


(1) Although in many respects, dearly beloved, through

God's goodness your life makes us happy and we frequently
rejoice at your progress, there is some advice
which your
hearts should hear. For this reason I beg you to accept our
advice gladly, as is your custom. Again I rejoice, dearly
beloved, and thank God because I see you devoutly hurry to
church to hear the divine lessons. However, if you want to
improve your progress and complete our joy/ you ought to
assemble sooner. If his infirmities do not hold a man down
in prolonged nights, not without guilt of soul does he come

late for service. I ask you, brethren, if pedlars or goldsmiths or

carpenters or other artisans awake early

to procure bodily

necessities, we not get up before dawn to go to

church so that we may merit to receive forgiveness of our
sins? If merchants usually look out for material gain, why
should we not be alert out of love for eternal life? People
sometimes expose themselves to winds and storms and sail
from east to west and back again, encountering many dangers,
at times even suffering the bitterest hunger and thirst. If men
ills for the sake of
patiently suffer these perishable wealth,
why should we be ashamed to watch out for eternal life?
Therefore I beseech you to come earlier, and when you do
come strive to occupy yourselves with prayer or chanting of
the psalms rather than idle or worldly gossip. If a person
who comes to church wants to engage in useless conversation,
it would bebetter for him not to have come, for while he is
busy with useless talking he himself does not pray nor does
he allow others to pray or listen to the divine lessons. Even
if a man of this sort comes to church with but
sins, he
returns home with a greater one. In the very place where he

might have secured a remedy for himself and others by

chanting and prayer he has taken pains to injure himself by
idle conversation.

(2) As often as we apply ourselves to dearly

beloved, we should above
pray in silence and quiet. If a
man wants to pray aloud he seems to take the fruit of prayer
away from those who are standing near him. Only moans and
sighs and groans should be heard. Indeed, our prayer ought
to be like that of
holy Anna, the mother of blessed Samuel,
of whom it is written that 'She prayed,
shedding many tears,
and only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard at all.'

Let everyone hear and imitate this,

especially those who pray
aloud without any embarrassment and in such a
fashion that they do not allow those near them to
Therefore, let us pray, as I said, with sighs and moans and
groans, in accord with the words of the Prophet: "I roared
with the groaning of my heart. 52 Let us
pray, I repeat, not
with a loud voice, but with our hearts out to God.
(3) When we
pray, dearly beloved, let us with the Lord's
help strive as much as we can not to allow any extraneous
thoughts to creep into our minds, lest we have one thing in
our hearts and utter another with our lips. Let not our
tongues pray to God while our thoughts are busy with different
interests and far from the sense of the prayer, for then we
should commit a fault in the very place where we might re-
ceive a remedy. Indeed, if you wanted to discuss some necessary
business with a powerful individual and then suddenly turned
aside and broke middle of the conversation to busy
off in the

yourself with buffoonery, what kind of an insult do you

suppose you would be inflicting? In fact, how much anger do
you suppose you would arouse in that man? Although when
we speak to men we apply ourselves with all the attention of
our minds so as not to seem to insult them by thinking of

1 1 1.10,13.
2 Ps. 37.9.

else, we do not follow

this practice when we
to God in While we discuss the misery of our sins in
the presence of His majesty, we are completely unashamed
to allow our senses slavishly to wander here and there and to
draw our unhappy minds away from the sight of the divine
before prostrating
majesty by many occupations. Therefore,
yourselves in each one of you should with God's help
remove all useless thoughts from the mind's attention. If our
soul is on fire with love for the Holy Spirit it will consume

every vice with the fire of compunction and prayer and dispel
all wandering, fleeting fancies, so that only virtues and

holy exercises will find room in our hearts.

(4) What a man attentively thinks of at the time of prayer,

dearest brethren, that he has set up as a kind of god in his
it as his god and
heart, and he seems to keep it and worship
lord. This fact inspires in me unbearable pain and trembling,
whenever a mind in the very act of prayer is carried away
to various worldly occupations. The man seems to discuss one

thing in words, but is be far away in thought,

clearly seen to
as though when we speak to should God we
think of anything
else except with our whole heart and soul and mind to ask
for the forgiveness of our sins and His grace. For example,
if the thought of the forum overtakes a man in prayer and he

continues to think about it, he worships the forum. If there

comes to him the thought of the house he is building or
repairing and he keeps it before his eyes, he worships that.
Or suppose a man of his vineyards or garden or

something else; whatever he holds before the eyes of his

heart he will have as his god in prayer. I will not even mention
evil or shameful or impure thoughts. So, I beg you to consider,

dearly beloved, and see how harsh that captivity is which

directs the whole attention of the mind to the earth or the
walls of a house or stones while the tongue seems to be
conversing with God. If it is shameful for things which we
may lawfully think of or behold at another time to creep

into our prayer, how wrong do you suppose it will be to

think in prayer about matters which even at other times are
unlawfully considered? In other words, if when we are bowed
in prayer we set before the eyes of our hearts avarice or hatred
or anger or dissipation or adultery or other similar vices?
Therefore, dearly beloved, let us beseech the Lord from the
bottom of our hearts to deign to free us from this deception
of the Devil and to grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
(5) Therefore, I exhort you again and again, dearly
beloved, if
you cannot
entirely avoid this captivity of soul,
at least let us with the Lord's help try as hard as we can to
succumb to it only after some struggle, lest, perchance, while
we think of something else through negligence when praying,
as a result we find offense with God, from whom we might
have obtained grace. Let us also pray, brethren, not only for
ourselves but for all Christians everywhere; let us implore
God's mercy upon our enemies as well as our friends. More-
over, as the blessed Apostle says: 'We do not know what we
should pray for as we ought, 93 so let us entreat this for
ourselves and everybody else, that God may deign to grant
what He knows is best for our soul. Above all, let us say the
Lord's Prayer, brethren, for surely He will gladly hear the
prayer which He Himself composed in His ineffable goodness.
If under God's inspiration you willingly heed as you this

usually do, and strive to fulfill it as far as

gives God
you the
strength, you will cause us to rejoice, dearly beloved, and will
prepare for yourselves a kingdom: with the help of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who reigns.

3 Rom. 8.26.

Sermon 73



1 ) I beg and exhort you with paternal devotion, dearly
beloved, that as often as Mass is celebrated, either on Sunday
or other important holydays, no one should leave church
until the divine mystery is completed. Although there are

many people whose faith and piety give us reason to rejoice,

there are still more who think less about the salvation of their
souls. These latter leave church as soon as the divine lessons
have been read; in fact, while the lessons are being read, some
of them are so busy with idle and worldly gossip that they
neither hear it themselves nor allow others to do so. We

might blame such people less if they did not come to church,
because they clearly offend God all the more in the very

place where they might have merited forgiveness of their sins.

(2) Therefore I ask you, brethren, to hear the suggestion
of our humility not only patiently, but even willingly. If you
take careful notice you will realize that Mass is not over
when the divine lessons are read in church, but when the
gift-offering is made, when the Lord's Body and Blood are
consecrated. By yourselves you can read in your own homes
the lessons or prophecies or apostolic writings or the Gospels,
or you can listen to others while they read them. However,
you cannot hear or see the consecration of Christ's Body and
Blood anywhere except in the house of God. Therefore,
anyone who wants to offer the whole Mass with profit to
his soul ought to remain in church,
prostrate and with com-
punction of heart, until the Lord's Prayer is said and the
blessing imparted to the people. When the majority of the
people in fact, what is worse, almost all of them leave

church as soon as the lessons have been recited, to whom will

the priest say: 'Lift 1
up your hearts'? Moreover, how can
they reply that they have lifted them up when they go down
into the streets both in
body and in heart? Or how will they be
able to shout with
trembling and with joy: 'Holy, holy, holy,
blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord'? 2
when the Lord's Prayer is said, who will be able to exclaim
with humility and truth: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also
forgive our debtors'? Indeed, even those who remain in
church utter the Lord's Prayer with their to their own
judgment rather than as a remedy if they have not forgiven
debts to their debtors and are shown to have failed to fulfill it
in deed. Moreover, to no
purpose do they say: 'Deliver us
from evil,' when they themselves do not cease to return evil
for evil. If, then, those who are in church are in
danger if
they refuse to fulfill what they promise, what are those to
think whom either insatiable desire or
worldly affection keeps
so involved that it does not allow them to remain in church

for the space of one hour? It is not

enough for them that
throughout the week they are continually occupied with their
needs or, perhaps more truly, with their desires. Still, after an
hour or two, in which they seem to be
present in church more
in body than in
spirit, turning their backs on the sacrifices and
God's priests, they return without
delay to embrace worldly
pleasure. These people do not know what they are looking for
or what they are
leaving. They follow darkness and desert the
light; they embrace shadows and despise the truth. They lose
the sweetness of Christ and seek the bitterness of the
they love vanity and look for falsehood. Truly, one who is in a
hurry to leave church does not know the good that is ac-
complished in the celebration of Mass.
(3) If a king or some influential person had invited

1 One of the prayers before the Preface of the Mass.

2 The opening words of the Canon of the Mass.
3 Matt. 6.12,13.

them to a repast, I wonder whether they would dare to

finished even if no person
depart before the entire meal was ;

detained them, their would.

gluttony Why do we not leave
the banquet of a man until it is over except that we want to

probably necessary and

fill our stomachs more than is fear to

hurt a man? Why do we quickly leave a spiritual and divine

some become
banquet? I fear to mention it lest, perchance,

angry, yet I will speak because of the

imminent danger both
to me and to you. We do this because we neither care for the
soul's food, nor fear God, nor respect man. However, through
God's mercy not all here present are guilty; many are found
to remain in church with great devotion until the blessing is
not only for
imparted to the people and to pray humbly,
themselves, but also for others. God, who has given them
such devotion so that they remain in church, will also grant
them a reward. On the other hand, those who are careless will
be condemned in His just judgment. Therefore, brethren,
admonish those who are unwilling to say the Lord's Prayer
and receive the blessing. Do not cease to rebuke them, telling
them and definitely threatening them that
it does them no
good to hear the divine lessons if they depart before the
sacred mysteries are finished. However, we cannot and should
not blame those who are occupied in works of public necessity
and those who are prevented from remaining through some
to whether
infirmity. But let them examine their conscience, as
necessity or their own will holds them back.
(4) Therefore, again and again I beg and beseech you,
that every Sunday, and especially on the major feasts, that
no one leave church until the divine mysteries are completed
with the exception, of course, of those we mentioned before
who might be prevented by serious infirmity or public neces-
sityfrom remaining any longer. I speak truly, brethren; it is
shameless and excessively wicked for Christians not to have
the reverence for the Lord's day which the Jews are seen to
observe on the Sabbath. Since the latter unfortunate people

observe the Sabbath in such a

way that they do not dare to
do any secular work on it, how much more should those who
'were redeemed, not with gold or silver, but with the
blood of Christ 54 pay attention to their
price and devote
themselves to God on the day of His resurrection,
more diligently of the salvation of their souls? Finally, if

throughout the Lord's day we neglect to engage in reading

and prayer, we sin, and not lightly. How wrong it is if we
do not have the patience to stay in church for the space of
an hour or two while the divine mysteries are celebrated. What
is worse, love for this world so permeates us that its
shadows and the pleasure of worldly desires constantly draw
us to vain and false joys which
produce real grief.
(5) For this reason I repeatedly beg you:
Let none of

you leave church until the divine mysteries have been cele-
brated entirely. Remain in church in such a way that no
one may desire to be busy with idle or worldly gossip. I advise

you what I must say and you should

you humbly and tell

hear: The man who despises the herald will face the judge.

However, if a man willingly listens and strives to fulfill what

I have asked, I believe that out of God's mercy glorious
rewards will be given to him both in this life and the next.
On the other hand, whoever wishes to despise me will not
be able to excuse himself before the tribunal of Christ by
evil or that he was
saying that he was not prohibited from
not called by continual warnings to what is holy and pleasing
to God. In God's mercy, however, we trust that you wiU not
incur judgment for contempt, but that, instead, you will
reach the kingdom through willing obedience, with the help
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the Father and the Holy
for ever and ever. Amen.
Spirit, lives and reigns

4 1 Peter 1.18.

Sermon 74



(1) If you were willing to find out and carefully hear

what grief and bitterness there is in my soul when I see you
unwilling to stay for the entire Mass, dearly beloved, you
might have pity on both yourselves and me. Surely, those who
understand what is taking place in church when the divine
mystery is being celebrated realize the evil they do who with-
out great necessity depart from church when the Mass is
not yet finished. Therefore, if you want to free me from
tribulation of soul and to absolve yourselves from sin, do not
despise my
plea. Fear, rather, what the Lord has said about
priests: 'He who hears you hears me; and he who rejects you
rejects me/ Whoever is neither afraid nor ashamed to leave
the church quickly, although the Mass is not
yet over, let
him not doubt that he sins doubly, for he both leaves the
sacred mystery and insults and saddens the who is priest
we humbly invited you to perform
solicitous for his welfare. If
some difficult worldly task we are sure that
your charity would
obey us. However, when we call you, not to earthly, but to
heavenly pursuits, not to temporal ones, but to those which
will benefit your soul forever, we are not
looking for any
passing gain, but invite you to heavenly treasures. Consider,
then, in what danger they remain who pretend to render
obedience to us. Indeed, dearly beloved, when you leave
church I do not grieve so much because
you make me suffer
any physical loss, but because I want you to be perfect I
you are offending God so grievously.
realize that

(2) Therefore, again and again I beg you that when

1 Luke 10.16.

you come to church, because we who are the Lord's least

worthy representatives invite you to a banquet that is not
earthly where human food is administered, but to a heavenly
spiritual banquet where the bread of angels is set before you,
do not your Lord's banquet, so that He may
reject or despise
not despise you in the blessedness of His kingdom. Indeed,
you ought to fear that sentence in the Gospel where the Lord
said that those who had been invited to the
wedding feast
and scorned to come were unworthy and He commanded
others to be invited. It should not be considered with indif-
ference, but should be feared, that those who were
to come because of worldly
preoccupations were judged un-
worthy by the very words of the Lord. Therefore, in order
that this may not be said of us, also, let us, as I have already

implored, have patience for the space of one or two hours

until the food of souls is put on that
spiritual table and the
spiritual sacramental species are consecrated. Moreover, since
when the prayers are finished the Lord's blessing is bestowed

upon you, not by a man but through a man, receive the

heavenly dew
of divine blessing with a grateful and loving

soul, prostrate body, and contrite heart, in order that accord-

ing to the Lord's promise it may become in you

fountain A
of water, springing up unto life
(3)Various different occupations prevent all from re-
maining in church: bodily infirmity holds one, general needs
another, their own whim binds still others and draws them
away like captives. How many even now in the marketplaces

or in the halls of the basilicas have time either for lawsuits

or business! How many in the entrances of the basilicas or
in the tribunals are occupied with gossip or idle conversation !
No small number of clerics sometimes may be found among
them! What kind of benefit can they derive from sacred

Scripture when they do not even allow the sound of it to

2 John 4.14.

reach their ears? Rather that saying fulfilled in them: 'Like


the deaf asps that stop their ears: so that they do not hear
the voice* of Scriptures 'charming her.' Therefore do you
upon whom God
has deigned to bestow His fear and love,
when you come to church with great compunction, frequently
reproach those who are unwilling or, perchance, unable to
come here. Warn them and give them salutary advice to
fear what is written: "The burdens of this world have made
them miserable.' 4 Indeed, we do not say that they should not
be anxious about food and clothing. But we do say this, that
for the space of one or two hours, while the sacred lessons
are read or the divine mysteries celebrated, they should not
leave the church. Let them labor in behalf of their souls only
as much as they strive in behalf of their bodies. Although

they ought to provide for their souls much more than they
do for their bodies because what has been made according
to the image of God is better than what was formed from the
slime of the earth this much we do
advise at present, that
they strive to
provide equally for them what they need. Let
them prepare for the body what is sufficient for the short time
in this world, and for the soul what it needs forever in

(4)Therefore I beg you, dearly beloved, that what you
gladly hear in this preaching under the Lord's inspiration,
wherever you are, zealously carry all that you have heard to
your neighbors or relatives who either cannot come to church
with you or, what is worse, perhaps will not, as well as to
those who, though they do come, leave
quickly. Then, just as
I will be guilty if I to to
neglect speak you, so you, also, if
you do not retain in your memory what you have heard in
order to teach it to others,
ought to fear that you will have
to give an account for them. Therefore, with the Lord inspir-
ing you, strive to fulfill what the Apostle says: 'If a person
3 Cf. PS. 57.5,6.
4 The source for this quotation is unknown.

caught doing something wrong, you who are spiritual
instruct such a one in a spirit of meekness.' 5 The same
Apostle also preaches not only to the clergy but to the laity
and to women, saying: 'Reprove the irregular, comfort the
fainthearted, support the weak. Provided that you are willing
to rebuke one another in
charity in case of sin, the Enemy
will be able to take you
by surprise only with difficulty or not
at all. If he does take you by surprise, the evil which was done
easily amended and corrected. Then is fulfilled in you
what was written:
A brother who helps his brother will be
exalted,' and again: 'he who causes a sinner to be brought
back from his misguided way will save his soul from death,
and will cover a multitude of sins. 38 With the help of our
Lord Jesus Christ, to whom is honor and might, together with
the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

Sermon 75



(1) I cannot express in words the joy the Lord has

granted me because of your holy and faithful devotion. For
many years my mind had yearned for this, and I had longed
with allthe intensity of my heart for the good Lord to

inspire you with chanting the psalms. There-

this practice of

fore, I bless God and thank Him as well as I can because He

has deigned to fulfill my desire. Indeed, although I had
wanted you to chant the psalms as they did in neighboring

5 Gal. 6,1.
6 1 Thess. 5.14.
7 Cf. Prov. 18.19.
8 James 5.20.

cities, God inspired your minds to do it even better, with the

help of the Lord. What, then, should I do in the midst of
joy, except beg the Lord
this with all my might to deign to
bestow a completion of this as He has granted the beginning.
In His goodness may He grant happy perseverance to those
who have adopted the holy practice of singing the psalms.
Moreover, because not he who begins but He who has

persevered will be saved/ enkindle in yourselves by continual
prayer and compunction of heart the fire of divine love as
much as you can. Let not the flame of charity which has
begun to burn devoutly in your hearts grow cold through
some negligence.
(2) Above all, strive by holy thoughts, as well as by
prayers, to fulfill in daily life what you chant orally; and
may the Holy Spirit who speaks to you through your lips
also deign to dwell in your hearts. It is truly good and
pleasing enough to God when the tongue devoutly chants
the psalms, but it will be still better if your life is in harmony
with the words on your tongue. Our words and our lives
should be in agreement. Let not our words bear testimony
against our evil habits, and let not our tongue refute our
lives.If one thing is uttered with our mouth and
elseappears in our actions, what the tongue seems to build
up our evil life immediately
destroys. For your part, brethren,
may the sense of the passage hold your attention as well as
the pleasantness of the sound. Just as the sound of the words

pleases your ears, so may the meaning of the selection become

sweet to your heart, just as it is written: 'How sweet are
words to my palate, O Lord!' 2 and further: The words of
the Lord are more to be desired than
gold and many precious
stones: and sweeter than 3
honey and the honeycomb.' If,
when a person chants the psalms, he only pays attention to
1 Matt. 10,22.
2 Ps. 118.103.
3 Ps. 18.11.

the sweetness of the sounds and the

arrangement of the
words, but does not heed what should be understood in them,
his ears receive
passing nourishment, but the word of God
does not reach his heart. In a certain sense he chews on

pure wax, but does not taste the sweetness of the honey at all.

(3) As I suggested above, brethren, heed especially the

inner meaning of the psalms. When any one of you chants
the line of the psalm, 'Let the proud be ashamed, because
they have done unjustly towards me,' he should try to avoid
pride, in order to merit escaping eternal confusion. As we
chant: Thouwilt destroy all them that are disloyal to thee,'

we should endeavor to avoid all evil concupiscence. When we

sing: 'Blessed is the man that shall meditate on the law of
the Lord day and
night,' let us reject useless occupations,

stinging jests, idle and wicked conversations, as the poison

of the Devil. Let us frequently read over and over again the
divine lessons, or, if we cannot read them ourselves, let us
often and eagerly listen to others read them. One of the

psalms that recurs a number of times says: If I have rendered

to them that repaid me evils, let me deservedly fall empty
before my enemies. Let the enemy pursue my soul, and take
it, and tread
down my life on the earth, and bring down my
glory to the dust/ As often as we repeat these words,
let us

not seem to utter a dire curse against ourselves. Let us

return evil for evil to no one, so that we may say with a
clear conscience: 'Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive
our debtors.' Now, since it would take too long to repeat
everything that we have said about three or four sins, namely,
pride, fornication, and hatred, let us feel the same about all
the other vices. As often as sinners are condemned in the

4 PS. 118.78.
5 Ps. 72.27.
6 Ps. 1.2.
7 Ps. 7.5,6.
8 Matt. 6.12.

psalms let us strive to avoid sin, so that we will not seem to

be condemning ourselves with our own lips. Moreover, when-
ever the just, the merciful, the good, the chaste, or the
humble are praised in the psalms, let us with God's help
endeavor to be such. Then the blessing which is addressed to
them will also be conferred on us through the divine mercy.
Again and again I beg and beseech you: whenever you
chant the psalms, consider more carefully what should be
understood and practiced interiorly. Thus, while your tongue
praises the Lord, the blessing of God will come to your souls:
with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns world without end. Amen.

Sermon 76



(1) I beg and admonish you with fatherly devotion,

dearly beloved, that as often as prayer is said anyone who
cannot genuflect because of some infirmity should at least
not hesitate to bend his back or bow his head. What
does do you to sing the psalms well if, when you stop

singing, you refuse to get down on your knees before God?

Let each one who has ceased
chanting pray and entreat God
with all humility, so that what he utters with the
lips he may
deserve with God's help to fulfill in deed. As
singing the
psalms, brethren, is like sowing a field, so praying is like
one who sows burying and
covering the ground again by
cultivating it. If the one who sows a field only pretends to
cover it
by ploughing, the birds come and carry off everything
that seemed to have been sown. Likewise, unless the one

who scatters the seeds of the word of God in his heart

chanting or reading afterwards stores them up in his heart
by prayer and in a way buries them, the birds come that
is, the fleeting, useless, idle thoughts of this world and carry
off what had been sown in the heart. Therefore, whenever a
person stops singing, let him not
stop praying if he wants a
harvest of divine mercy to grow in the field of his heart.
(2) Moreover, as often as you pray at the altar, brethren,
I exhort you to bow your heads, lest, indeed, there be
fulfilled in you, you want to pray standing, what was

written concerning the pharisee who

prayed standing. Indeed,
the publican was more pleasing to God as he bent down and
accused himself of his sins than that pharisee who stood and
extolled his own merits. Notice this, brethren, lest, perhaps,
while some are praying others may be busy with idle gossip.
Let them not wound themselves with the remedy or destroy
themselves there where they might have been freed. Anyone
who does this will render an evil account at the day of
judgment, both for himself and for those he involves. This,
too, I both advise and urge, brethren, that as often as you
are told to bow down for the blessing it may not be a burden
for you to incline your heads. Truly, you are not bowing to
a man but to God.
(3) Although I rejoice greatly, dearly beloved, because
of your fervent devotion, there are some, though few, who
come late to the vigils and leave just as soon as the recitation
of theword of God has begun. These people I beg you to
admonish and by your holy and wholesome advice to arouse
them to imitation of you. How long a time is it,
my brethren,
that we are seen to keepthem occupied? You yourselves see
that it is the length of scarcely half an hour. Moreover, in
order that we may not detain the poor or craftsmen from
their labors, whenever there is to be a sermon we have the
fiftieth psalm said quickly so that the departure from church

not later. Now,

may always take place at the usual time and
I ask you, brethren, if in the midst of such great occupations
and intolerable labors we do not mind hurrying through
different volumes of Scripture and zealously providing spiritual
remedies for you, why should it be annoying for you to
receive it when we do not mind giving it? Since any sermon
that is delivered works as a remedy for the obedient and
unto judgment for the negligent, each one will do well will-
ingly to receive the rain of the word of God in the field of
his heart. perchance, a man should have pretended to
receive the waters of salvation, he afterwards would have to
seek for a drop of consolation in the midst of the flames of
hell. I say that we ought to desire that rain, dearly beloved,
of which Moses says: 'Let my speech be awaited as the rain.
True it is, dearly beloved, that the soul which often refuses to
hear the word of God is like the earthly harvest when it
receives rain too late after the lapse of many months. More-
over, God's law is not only rain but light, according to what
is written: Thy word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord.'

Therefore, whoever refuses to accept the light of God's word

ought to fear that he may have to endure eternal darkness.
However, we believe that through God's mercy even the
negligent are to be aroused to the fervor of your faith by holy
admonition and punishment that is pleasing to God. Thus
may we be able to experience a double joy at your and their
salvation: through the help of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who,
with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and
world without end. Amen.

1 Deut. 32.2.
2 Ps. 118,105.

Sermon 77



exhort and admonish you,

(1) dearly beloved, that
whenever the priest prays at the altar or when the deacon in-
tones the prayer in a loud voice,
you devoutly bow your bodies
as well as your hearts. I have
carefully noted that when the
deacon says the usual flectamus genua, most of the people
frequently remain standing like straight columns. This is not
at all proper or right for Christians who are
praying in
church, because the deacon does not pray for us but for you.
Since those words are addressed to you in particular and
most of all to the negligent, it is for you to devoutly obey
them. Let that prayer become a remedy for those who obey
it, but evidence against those who do not, according to the
words: 'Cursed be he that doth the work of God carelessly.
We ought to fear and perfectly accomplish what the

Apostle said: 'Be assiduous in prayer, being wakeful therein/ 2

and pray without ceasing. In all things give thanks.' 3 More-
over, the Lord advises: 'Watch and pray, that you may not
enter into temptation,' and 'they must always pray and not
lose heart.' Therefore, if a man cannot bend his knees because
of some infirmity, he should at least not be ashamed to bend
his back and bow his head* He should recall that by this
act of humility the publican who dared not lift his eyes to
heaven obtained God's mercy, for with his head cast down
he struck his breast and like a severe judge lashed his hidden

1 Jer. 48.10.

2 Col. 4.2.
3 Thess. 5.17,18.

4 Matt. 26.41.
5 Luke 18.1.

Therefore, he deserved to hear the Lord deign

sins. to say

concerning him: 'This publican went back to his home

justified ratherthan that pharisee; for everyone who exalts
himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall
be exalted/ 6 This example of the pharisee should be con-
sidered with fear, lest, like the one who prayed standing, he
should not deserve to be heard.
(2) Perhaps there are some who are unwilling to bend
their knees, because they think they are guilty of no serious
sins. Far be such a thought from the minds of Christians!
The man who does not think he is sinning grievously sins all
the more dangerously, for he risks defeat most of all when
he does not feel that he is being attacked. But someone says:
Who is there who does not think he is a sinner? Doubtless,
one who does not prostrate himself and bow down in prayer
to seek a remedy for his soul does not think he sins grievously.

Perhaps someone else fears that he will harm, his precious

clothes. One who is afraid of staining his clothes in prayer
should fear, instead, that his soul will remain defiled if he
does not pray. Our soul should be worth much more than
our tunic, so that it is
greatly to be feared that the soul may
be stained by many sins and negligences, while one's clothes
are kept bright.
(3) If those who do
not bend the knee or who refuse to
bow were asking a king or judge or a powerful
their heads

person for something they need very badly, I would like to

know whether they would beg for it carelessly and indifferently
with head erect. When we ask an earthly man for
materialwe bow almost to the earth in humility, but when
we beg God for the remission of our sins and eternal rest we
do not deign even to bow our heads. This is not what we
read of blessed Elias and Eliseus or the other
holy people, of
whom it is said that they frequently prostrated themselves on
the ground to pray to God with all contrition. Of our Lord

6 Luke 18.14.

Himself the Gospel writes that,

falling on the ground, He
prayed in such a way that drops of blood issued from Him.
What did Christ need, that He prayed like this? He needed
nothing, but by His example He gave us the remedy of
prayer. Mercy prays, while misery does not; Charity prays,
but iniquity refuses to be humbled. The Physician
Himself on the ground to pray, while the sick man does not
bow down; Innocence prays, but wickedness does not. He
'Who did no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth,'

prays, while the guilty soul does not prostrate himself for
his numerous sins. The Judge prays and wishes to be merciful,
but the culprit does not pray that he merit to receive
forgiveness. The One who will judge prays, while the one
who is to be judged refuses to do so. Provided that no
infirmity hinders him, then, let no one be ashamed to pro-
strate himself on the ground and humble himself in
(4) We ought to go to church as to a living fountain or
a spiritual river, brethren, so that we may receive the living
water about which the Lord said: 'He who thirsts, let him
come and drink. He who believes in me, from his belly shall
flow rivers of living water,' 8 and he who drinks of the water

that I will give him shall never thirst; but it shall become in
him a fountain of water, springing up unto life everlasting."
Therefore, the man who faithfully comes to church runs
happily to that fountain. Just as a man cannot drink from
an earthly fountain or material river if he refuses to bend
down, so no one can draw living water from Christ, the
living fountain or the river of the Holy Spirit, unless he is
willing to bow down in humility. As it is written: 'God
resists the proud, but gives
grace to the humble.'
(5) I exhort you in a similar manner, dearly beloved.
Whenever the deacon proclaims that you should bow down
7 1 Peter 2.22.
8 Cf. John 7.37,38.
9 John 4.13,14.
10 James 4.6.

for the blessing, devoutly incline your bodies and your heads,
because the benediction is not given to you by a man although
through him. Do not notice whether the one who gives
it is

negligent, but look at God who sends it, for the blessing you
receive is known to be a heavenly dew and rain. In the words
of Moses: 'Let my speech be awaited as the rain, and my
words as the dew.' 11 You know very well, brethren, that if
rain falls on a mountain that is too perpendicular, it im-
mediately runs into the valley. Therefore, those who
humbly bow down to receive the blessing act like valleys and
receive the rain of divine benediction, exemplifying the words:

'Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall
be brought low.' What is meant by 'Every valley shall be
except 'he
filled' who humbles himself shall be exalted*? 13
Furthermore, what does 'Every mountain and hill shall be
brought low' mean unless 'he who exalts himself shall be
humbled'? 14 Those who prefer to stand and talk idly in
church rather than to chant the psalms refuse to bend the
knee in prayer or bow their head for the blessing.
(6) Therefore I beg you, brethren, willingly receive our
advice, or, rather, our pleas, as is your custom. When you
come to church do only what should be done in church,
namely, pray or chant the psalms; for by prayer you may be
able to receive forgiveness of your sins, and by
reciting the
psalms you may be able to obtain spiritual joy. If a man is
preoccupied with foolish and unsuitable conversation in
church, he evidently offers or forces poison or a sword upon
the rest of the people when he does not listen to the word of
God himself or permit others to do so. On judgment day
such people will have to render an account of their own
destruction and that of others. Just as those who
chant and humbly pray will receive glory for themselves and
11 Deut. 32.2.
12 Luke 35.
13 Luke 14.11.
14 Ibid.

all to whom
they have given the example of a good life, so
those who, on the contrary, have given an example of
destruction instead of edification will have to suffer
ment for themselves and others. If a man neglects to chant,
he should at least be quiet and observe silence, in order not
to harm others by his bad example even if he does not edify
himself. What the Lord said in the Gospel should inspire us
with fear: 'Of every idle word men speak, they shall give
account on the day of judgment.' 15 I ask you, brethren, if it
wrong for men to engage in idle conversation outside of
church, what kind of a sin do you suppose it is to do so in
(7) The Devil, dearly beloved, usually attacks us most of
all when he sees that we are armed against him with spiritual
weapons. Because he cannot keep us from attending church
physically, he tries to preoccupy us with useless thoughts in
church and to engage us in idle conversation. By this vain
and shallow, even biting, talk and through these base thoughts
he can take from us the fruits of the divine lesson or the
remedy of our prayer. Thus, we stand in church only in body,
but are far from the sight of the divine Majesty with our
heart and thoughts. Therefore, with God's help let us fight
against his snares with all our might, according to the words
of the blessed Apostle Peter: Tour adversary the devil, as
a roaring lion, goes about seeking someone to devour. Resist
him, steadfast in the faith.' And elsewhere we read: 'Be
subject to God, but resist the devil, and he will flee from
you.' Therefore, I beg you, dearly beloved, let us fight as
hard as we can with the Lord's help against that most harsh
captivity of soul.Let us avoid, especially in church, idle
gossip which we know
is blameworthy outside of church

as the Devil's poison. Moreover, as often as the deacon

15 Matt. 12.36.
16 1 Peter 5.8,9.
17 James 4.7.

announces that you should bend the knee in prayer or bow

your heads for the blessing, do it devoutly and with true
to be freed from
humility. By prayer your hearts will merit
all evil, and by receiving benediction they will be filled with
spiritual gifts: with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to
whom is honor and might, together with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

Sermon 78


(1) A gave you some advice with

few days ago I

paternal anxiety and devotion, because of those whose feet

hurt them or those who suffer some physical ailment. In a
way when their sufferings are prolonged or, at
I asked that,

least, when somewhat long lessons are read, those who cannot
stand should sit down in humility and silence, and listen
attentively to what is read. Now, however, some of our
daughters think that all or, surely, most of them even
those who are physically strong, should often do so. Indeed,
when the word of God has begun to be recited, they want to
lie down as
they would in their beds. If only they would
merely lie down and with thirsting hearts hear the word of
God in silence! Then they would not be so greatly occupied
with idle tales that they themselves do not hear, or allow
others to hear, what is
being preached. Therefore, I beg you,
venerable daughters, and I exhort you with
fatherly care that,
whenever the lessons are read or the word of God is
no one lie down on the ground, unless, perchance, a
serious illness compels it. Even then no one should lie down,
but sit
up and listen attentively and with eager heart to the
words that are preached.

(2) I ask, you, brothers and sisters tell me: What seems
greater to you, the word of God or the Body of Christ? If
you will give a true reply, you surely must say that the
former is no less than the latter. Therefore, with as great
anxiety as we show when Christ's Body is ministered to us,

lest nothing fall out of our hands onto the ground, with as
great anxiety we should
see to it that God's word which is

dispensed to us may not perish from our hearts because we

are thinking or talking about something else. The person who
hears the word of God with inattention is surely no less
guiltythan one who allows Christ's Body to fall on the
ground through his own carelessness.
(3) Still, I would like to know if, at the hour when

the word of God has begun to be preached, we were to give

very precious jewels, earrings, or gold rings whether our
daughters would stand and take them. Doubtless, they would
most eagerly take what was offered to them. However, because
we cannot and should not offer bodily ornament, we are not
willingly heard. Yet it is not just that we who administer
spiritual riches should be judged useless. If anyone willingly
hears the word of God, he should not doubt that he has
received 'earrings' for his soul, transmitted from the land of
paradise. If a man is encouraged to give something to the
poor, whenever he extends his hands in almsgiving he receives
bracelets given by Christ. Truly, as the pleasure-loving flesh
is adorned for a short time with earthly ornaments so that
may please carnal eyes to its own ruin or that of others
who are filled with lust, so a holy soul is adorned by divine
words as with the spiritual and eternal pearls of good works.
Thus happily adorned, it may attain to the company of its
heavenly spouse and the nuptial banquet, and will not have
said to it what is written in the Gospel: 'Friend, how didst
thou come in here without a wedding garment?' Then he
will not be naked and despoiled of the ornaments of good

1 Matt. 22.12,13; 25.21.


works or deserve to hear: 'Bind his hands and feet and cast
him forth into the darkness outside, where there will be the

weeping, and the gnashing of teeth.' Instead, because of its

adornment of good works, that desirable word will be ad-
dressed to it: 'Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into
the joy of thy master.'
(4) I beg you, daughters, listen carefully to the words
which are spoken by us. If a mother wanted to adorn her
daughter and the girl would look in scorn at the ornaments,
often bend down and move restlessly from side to side so that
her mother could not dress her as she wished, would she not
be justly rebuked and slapped? Consider me the mother of
your souls, who wants to adorn you in such a way that no
spot or wrinkle may appear in you before the tribunal of the
eternal Judge. Desiring to provide for your souls not
ornaments but also medicines, I want to sew up the tears,
mend the rips, heal the wounds,wash away the spots, repair
the and adorn with spiritual pearls that which is
sound. If I do not hesitate to give them, why should
receive them scornfully? Since
earthly, temporal adornments
of the body are procured dearly if no one is found to
them, how much more just is it, then, that you receive with
perfect charity eternal ornaments for your souls, which are
offered without any cost we have
although acquired them
with great labor? When we provide you with
pearls from
the land of paradise, we seek no other reward in this life
except to see you listen patiently and willingly to the words
that are addressed to you and,
according to your strength,
with God's help, fulfill them in
your actions.
(5) Beloved brethren and venerable daughters, we are
not saying these things because we believe that
you do not
accept the word of God willingly. Through the goodness of
God our soul exults and rejoices over your submission more
than can be imagined or thought. Still, because we want
to rise continually to better
things, we presume to admonish

you with paternal solicitude even with regard to the things

which you do perfectly. Moreover, since not all men or women
would come to the vigils today, I
beg you, sons and daughters,
faithfully to report what has been said to you to those who
were absent. Thus you may obtain a reward, not
only for your
own amendment, but for that of others as well.

Sermon 79



1 ) When Mass was being celebrated last Sunday, dearly
beloved, that raving demoniac caused considerable fear
among the people. It is certain, brethren, that scarcely
anyone will be found who does not shudder and tremble with
fear at sight of an unfortunate man thus tormented by the
Devil. However, would be incumbent upon piety and perfect

charity to fear less and pray more for such a person. If you
wish, beloved brethren, with God's help we can show you
when you can be free from fear of a demoniac. You will
never fear the Devil in the body of another if you do not
possess him in your own soul. In fact, holy and perfect men
not only should not fear those who are possessed by the
Devil, but even should themselves be feared by the demoniacs
or, rather, by the very demons, with great trembling. If we
fear the Devil in the body of another so much, how much
should we be afraid that we may nourish him in our hearts
by bad actions? Every man, beloved brethren, feeds either
Christ or the Devil at the banquet of his heart. If he is

willing to observe justice, peace, chastity, mercy, and charity,

he doubtless feeds and refreshes Christ within him, according
to the words: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any

man opens the door to me, I will come in to him and will
sup with him.' Behold, it is proved to you how and with

what kind of food a pious soul feeds and refreshes Christ. On

the contrary, a man who wilfully loves pride, malice, envy,
dissipation, and other similar evils should not doubt that he
invigorating the Devil and preparing desirable pleasures for
him through such vices. Anyone can tell from his actions what
kind of a guest he deserves to receive in his heart. It is certain
that you will merit to have guests according to the nature of
the feast you prepare. Many people dread the Devil in the

body of another but neglect to fear him in their own heart.

Everyone who loves pride is filled with the Devil, and if he
willingly harbors envy along with the pride he is subject to
two demons; if he commits
further, adultery besides envy,
he is
possessed by three devils. If, in addition to these evils, a
man wishes to love falsehood, he is subdued and overwhelmed
by a whole legion of devils, for a man has as many devils as
the number of vices he possesses. Finally, after the unclean
spirit in the Gospel had departed and by God's grace the
man had merited to be freed from the one demon of
because he refused to introduce virtues in
place of his vices
that unclean
spirit returned and brought with him seven
spirits more wicked than himself. Then were fulfilled the
words: Tor by whatever a man is
overcome, of this also he
2 e
is and everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.' 3
the slave,

(2) Perhaps someone says: How can it happen that one

who sins in his flesh by dissipation
possesses the Devil in his
soul? What
we have said, dearly beloved, we will
prove with
evidence from sacred
Scripture. Listen to the Scriptures saying
that the proud man is filled with the Devil:
'Every man that
exalteth his own heart is unclean in the 4
sight of God,' and
Apoc. 330.
2 2 Peter 2.19.
3 John 8.34.
4 Cf. Prov. 16.5.

'allpride is the beginning of falling off from God.' What
does it mean to fall off from God, except to
depart from
Him? Moreover, if a man is
separated from God, he is

necessarily united to the Devil. Furthermore, Scripture says

that the envious man cannot be without a Devil: 'By the
envy of the devil, death came into the world: and they
follow him that are of his side.' The canonical writings attest
no less that the fornicator is also enslaved by the Devil, for
the Prophet says: 'You have been deceived by the spirit of
fornication.'The fact that no liar can be without an evil
spirit is evidenced by Scripture, too: Thou wilt destroy all
that speak a lie,' 8
and again: 'the mouth that belieth killeth
the soul.' 9 In the
Book of Kings we read that the evil spirit
said to the Lord: 'I will deceive Achab. And the Lord said
to him: By what means? And he answered: I will go forth
and be a lying spirit in the mouth of his prophets. And the
Lord said: Thou shalt deceive him, and shalt prevail.' 10 We
should believe that the case is similar with all the other
serious sins and offenses, because no one commits them
without the Devil's prompting.
(3) Therefore, brethren, since we feel that we are subject
to many and offenses, why are we to depair? Far be
such a thought from Christian people Indeed, we should not

despair, but neither should we persevere in those sins with

harmful assurance. The same One who said: 'When thou
shalt be converted and groan aloud, thou shalt be saved,'
also said: 'delay not to be converted to the Lord, and defer
it not from day to day.'
A soothing poultice or clamp is best
5 Eccli. 10.14.
6 Wisd. 2.24,25.
7 Osee 4.12.
8 Ps. 5.7.
9 Wisd. 1.11.
10 3 Kings 22.21,22.
11 Ezech. 33.12.
12 Eccli. 5.8.

applied to wounds that are still fresh, for a wound

which has
not been allowed to become infected is quickly healed. There-
fore, as soon as any one of us has contracted the wound of

sin, he should have recourse to the remedies of repentance with

speed before the injury putrefies and acquires a bad
all odor
from long-standing. If sin is allowed to get control, it is
known to emit a most offensive stench to the saints and all
who fear God. Therefore, with God's help let us work hard to
correct or destroy all our sins, so that virtues may take the

place of the vices. Let humility occupy the position which

pride held; let almsgiving keep the one avarice was ravaging;
let chastity cleanse and restore dissipation was defiling.
Let benevolence take possession of the man whom envy held
down, and where deceit appeared let truth hold sway. If
with Christ's help we endeavor to do this, brethren, not only
will we not fear the demons in the bodies of others, but with
God's grace we will also rout and dispel them far from our
own hearts with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom

is honor and
glory world without end. Amen.

Sermon 80



(1) I exhort you, dearly beloved, as often as you come

to church put idle conversation and worldly gossip far from

you; moreover, hear the divine lessons with an eager and

longing heart. Whoever neglects to pray or to sing when he
comes to church, it would be better for such a man not to
have come. Whoever does something that he should not have
done in church, although he seems to be present in body, he
is far
away in spirit. What is worse, he does not sin alone or

in only one matter when he does not listen to the divine

lessons himself and does not
permit others to do so. Doubtless,
he will have to suffer punishment in proportion to the number
of people for whom he affords an occasion of sin. This I say
to everyone, brethren, both men and women,
religious and
lay, those among the congregation and those at the altar. If
anyone wants to say something to his friend, there is sufficient
time for conversation after he has left church. Do not busy
yourselves with foolish gossip; do not seek death in the
house of life. Do not injure yourself in the very place where
you ought to receive healing. Instead, prepare faithfully the

receptacle of your heart for the living waters that flow into
it, that is, for the Lord's lessons. Thus may be fulfilled in

you what the Lord says: 'He who believes in me, from his
belly shall flow rivers of living water.'
(2) Brethren, let us now cry out in church that we may
not cry out to no purpose in hell. Let us listen to the Prophet
when he says: 'Sing praises to our God, sing ye.' 2 Whoever
can sing let him sing; whoever cannot, let him interiorly
thank God in his heart and rejoice with those who do sing.
Moreover, let him observe silence in such a way that he may
not hinder by his talking those who are singing. 'Cry, cease
not,' says the Prophet, 'lift up thy voice like a trumpet.' Let
us, too, lift up our voices by singing or praying in church, so
that our adversary, the Devil, may depart in confusion at
the holy sound. If not in deed, then surely in thought or word
the Devil usually creeps up to those who are silent or speak of
idle,useless matters. When they are singing or praying he
can in no way take advantage by his cunning of those whom
he sees engaged mentally or vocally in God's praises.
(3) Therefore, dearly beloved, when we enter church we
ought to fight for Christ rather than his adversary; we ought
1 Cf. John 7.38.
2 Ps. 46.7.
3 Isa. 58.1.

to serve rather than the world. Whoever prays and sings

faithfully in church is proved to offer to God an odor of

sweetness, as it were, from the sacred thurible of the heart.

On the other hand, anyone who delights in being engaged
in common gossip is known to exhale an exceedingly foul
odor. Truly, brethren, according to the words of the Gospel:
'Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.' If
you listen carefully, you can learn from this what kind of
character each one possesses. If Christ dwells in a heart, either
devout prayer is formed in words of the
his breast or the
Psalmist are on However, if there is neither devout
his lips.

prayer in a heart nor the words of the Psalmist on his lips, not
Christ, but the Adversary, abides in that heart. Then is
fulfilled that saying of the Lord: 'How can you speak good

things, when you are evil?' This means: How can you speak

with your lips a good thing that you do not possess in your
heart? Just as in those other people who strive to sing and
pray there is fulfilled the saying of our Lord and Saviour:
'The good man from the good treasure of his heart brings
forth that which is good,' 6 therefore, according to the Apostle,
*Let us offer' to our Lord 'the fruit of lips praising his name.'
Let Him who dwells in our hearts speak also on our lips. Let
our tongue render service to Him whom our soul serves, so
that we may deserve to say with the Prophet: 'I will bless
the Lord at all times: his praise shall be always in my mouth.' 8
May Christ the Lord in His goodness deign to fulfill this in
us, to whom is honor and power world without end. Amen.

4 Matt. 12.34.
5 Ibid.
6 Luke 6.45.
7 Heb. 13.15.
8 Ps. 33.2.

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