The Fathers of The Church. A New Translation. Volume 46.
The Fathers of The Church. A New Translation. Volume 46.
The Fathers of The Church. A New Translation. Volume 46.
Translated by
Archbishop of Washington
January 7 f 1963
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Copyright 1963 by
All rights reserved
1 On the Hexaemeron 3
2 On the Hexaemeron . 21
3 On the Hexaemeron 37
4 On the Hexaemeron 55
5 On the Hexaemeron 67
6 On the Hexaemeron 83
7 On the Hexaemeron 105
8 On the Hexaemeron 117
9 On the Hexaemeron 135
10 On Psalm 1 151
11 On Psalm 7 165
12 On Psalm 14 181
13 On Psalm 28 193
14 On Psalm 29 213
15 On Psalm 32 227
16 On Psalm 33 247
17 On Psalm 44 275
18 On Psalm 45 297
19 On Psalm 48 311
20 On Psalm 59 333
21 On Psalm 61 341
22 On Psalm 114 351
INDICES -Kf^ 361
HE EXEGETIC WRITINGS usually attributed to St. Basil
include the nine homilies on the Hexaemeron, seven-
teen on the Psalms, and the Commentary on Isaia in
sixteen chapters. These are all found in the 'Opera Sancti
Basilii' of the Patrologia Graeca, Vols. 29-32. Four of the
homilies on the psalms, the first, On Psalm 14, a second one
On Psalm 28, one On Psalm 37, and that On Psalm 115, as well
as the Commentary on Isaia, are placed by the Benedictine
editors in the Appendix 1 Volume
of St. Basil's works,
evident from the fact that he not only imitated and borrowed
from the Hexaemeron of St. Basil, but even inserted passages
from the Greek of St. Basil in his own
directly translated
treatiseon the Hexaemeron. Not so well known is the fact
that he did the same in his expositions of several psalms. 4
St. Jerome and Socrates also praise in their writings the
ficed the literal meaning entirely for the mystic, and Eusebius,
who had accepted the literal meaning equally with the historic,
were St. Basil's masters and models. St. Basil, following them
in his earlier years, used the allegorical method of interpreta-
tion,but found under it a strong moral meaning and, at the
same time, did not sacrifice completely the literal sense. In
the homilies on the Hexaemeron, St. Basil became more inde-
pendent, and held scrupulously to an exact literal interpreta-
tion, while still showing the allegorical meaning in which,
however, with the maturity of age and of talent he tended to
avoid the earlier exaggerations. 12
St. Basil's audience was composed not only of the elite of
abridged his lecture lest they be drawn away too long from
their work,' 14 understood andapplauded his words.
St. had received the best education of the time in
Caesarea, Constantinople, and Athens, and his works reflect
the knowledge of the period in the various branches of learn-
inferiors? How does he differ from that last fish, who with a
'They say that the turtledove, when once separated from her
mate, no longer accepts union with another, but, in memory
of her former spouse remains widowed, refusing marriage with
another. Let the women hear how the chastity of widowhood,
even among irrational creatures, is preferred to the unseemly
multiplicity of marriages/
The infinite wisdom and goodness of God are impressed
upon the people with remarkable clarity in his descriptions
and observations on the various animals. He urges them to
observe carefully and to see that in the almost infinite variety
of plants and animals God has made nothing superfluous and
yet has omitted nothing that is necessary. 'Carnivorous ani-
mals/ he says, 'He has fitted with sharp teeth; there was need
of such for the nature of their food. Those which are only
half equipped with teeth, He provided with many varied
receptacles for the food. Because the food is not ground suf-
He has given them the power to chew
ficiently the first time,
again what has already been swallowed. The camel's neck
. . .
his feet and he may reach the grass on which he lives. The
bear's neck and also that of the lion, tiger, and the other
animals of this family, is short and is buried in the shoulders,
because their food does not come from the grass and they do
not have to bend down to the ground. They are carnivorous
and secure their food by preying upon animals. Not only . . .
you not then fear me, saith the Lord? I have set the sand a
bound for the sea/ Then he adds: 'With the weakest of all
things, sand, the sea irresistible in its violence is bridled. And
yet, what would have
hindered the Red Sea from invading
the whole of Egypt, which was lower than it, and joining with
the other sea adjacent to Egypt, had it not been fettered by the
Texts and Translations:
Gamier, and Maran, Basilii Caesareae Gappadociae Archiepiscopi
Secondary Sources:
Aratus, Phaenomena translated by G. G. Mair (in Loeb Classical
1 Gen. 1.1.
2 Cf, Acts 7.20-22: 'At this time Moses was born, and he was
to God; he was nourished three months in his father's
house, and
when he was exposed, Pharaoh's daughter adopted him and
him up as her own son. And Moses was instructed in all the brought
of the Egyptians.'
$ Cf. Ex. 2.12: 'And when he had looked about this way and that way,
and saw no one there, he slew the Egyptian/
4 Cf. Ex. 2.15: 'But he fled from his sight, and abode in the land of
5 Num. 12.6-8.
6 Cf. Cor, 2.4: 'And my speech and my
preaching were not in the
but in the teachings of the Spirit, whose end is not praise from
those hearing, but the salvation of those taught.
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the
7 Astonishment at the thought checks my utterance.
What shall I say first? Whence shall I begin my narration?
Shall I refute the vanity of the heathens? Or shall I proclaim
our truth? The wise men of the Greeks wrote many works
about nature, but not one account among them remained
unaltered and firmly established, for the later account always
overthrew the preceding one. As a consequence, there is no
need for us to refute their words; they avail mutually for
their own undoing. Those, in fact, who could not recognize
God, did not concede that a rational cause was the author of
the creation of the universe, but they drew their successive
conclusions in a manner in keeping with their initial igno-
rance. For this reason some had recourse to material origins, 8
11 That which is now given in brief in the first state-
ment of the divinely inspired teachings is the preliminary
proclamation of the doctrine concerning the end and the
changing of the world.
'In the beginning God created/ It is absolutely necessary
that things begun in time be also brought to an end in time.
If they have a beginning in time, have no doubt about the end.
a disciple
. , .
of eno at the same time with Aristo, in one place says that the
world is God. Ct also Origen, Contra Celsum 5581: The Greeks
plainly that the whole world is God: the Stoics, that it is the first
god; the followers of Plato, that it is the second; but some of them,
that it is the third/
or the change naturally first begins ... (5) ... and so are the arts,
and of these especially the archetectonic arts [called beginnings].*
stones and groundwork; and next, that there was some sys-
tematic reason directing the orderly arrangement of visible
things, as the word 'the beginning' shows you. Moreover, you
will find that the world was not devised at random or to no
purpose, but to contribute to some useful end and to the great
of all if it is truly a training place for
advantage beings,
rational souls and a school for attaining the knowledge of God,
because through visible and perceptible objects it provides
guidance to the mind for the contemplation of the invisible,
as the Apostle says: 'Since the creation of the world his invis-
ible attributes are clearly seen being understood through
. . .
the things that are made.' 19 * Or, perhaps, the words In the
beginning he created/ were used because of the instantaneous
and timeless act of creation, since the beginning is something
immeasurable and indivisible. As the beginning of the road
is not yet the road, and the beginning of the house, not yet
the house, so also, the beginning of time is not yet time, on the
contrary, not even the least part of it. And, if anyone should
say contentiously that the beginning is time, let him know
that he will be dividing it into parts of time. And these parts
are beginning and middle and end. But, it is entirely ridic-
ulous to think of the beginning of a beginning. Moreover, he
who divides the beginning will make two instead of one, or
rather, many and
unlimited beginnings, since the part which
is divided is
always cut into other parts. In order, therefore,
that we may be taught that the world came into existence
instantaneously at the will of God, it is said: 'In the begin-
ning he created/ Other interpreters of this, giving the mean-
ing more have said: 'God made summarily/ that is,
immediately and in a moment. Such, then, to mention a few
from the many points, is the explanation concerning the begin-
(7) Yet, of the arts some are said to be creative, others prac-
19 Rom. 1.20.
(8) 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth/ An
inquiry into the substance of each of the things
which exist, whether they fall under our contemplation or lie
open to our perception, brings into the explanation a long and
25 Cf. Ibid. 294a: 'Others say the earth rests upon water. This, indeed,
is the oldest theory that has been preserved, and is attributed to Thales
of Miletus. It was supposed to stay still because it floated like wood
and other similar substances, which are so constituted as to rest upon
water but not upon air. As if the same account had not to be given
of the water which carries the earth as of the earth itselfl . .
as air is lighter than water, so is water than earth: how then can they
think that the naturally lighter substance lies below the heavier?'
26 Cf. Ibid.: 'Some have been led to assert that the earth below us is
infinite, saying, with Xenophanes of Colophon, that it has "pushed
its roots to infinity," in order to save the trouble of seeking for the
cause. Hence the sharp rebuke of Empedocles in the words "if the
deeps of the earth are endless and endless the ample ether such is
the vain tale told by many a tongue, poured from the mouths of
those who have seen but little of the whole."
27 Job 38.6.
believe that the sustaining force is called the
pillars thereof/
As 29
pillars. for the saying: 'He hath founded it upon the seas/
what else does it signify than that the water is spread around
the earth on all sides? Now, how does water, which exists as
a fluid and naturally tends to flow downward, remain hanging
without support and never flow away? Yet, you do not con-
sider that the earth, suspended by its own power, provides the
same or even a greater need for a reason, since it has a heavier
nature. Moreover, we must, even if we grant that the earth
stands by its own power and if we say that it rides at anchor
on the water, depart in no way from the thought of true reli-
gion, but admit that all things are kept under control by the
power of the Creator. Therefore, we must say this to ourselves
and to those asking us on what this immense and insupport-
able weight of the earth is propped up: 'In the hand of God
are all the ends of the earth.' 30 This is safest for our own
understanding and is most profitable for our hearers.
(10) Already some of the inquirers into nature say with a
great display of words that the earth remains immovable for
the following reasons: that, because of its holding the middle
any side, necessarily then, it rests upon itself, since the equal
28 Ps. 74.4.
29 Ibid. 23.2.
30 Ibid. 94.4.
31 CL Aristotle, Ibid. 2-B.295b: 'But there are some, Anaximander, for
instance, among the ancients, who say that the earth keeps its place
because of its indifference. Motion upward and downward and side-
ways were all, they thought, equally inappropriate to that which is
set at the centre and indifferently related to every extreme point;
and to move in contrary directions at the same time was impossible:
so it must needs remain still.' Cf. also Plato, Phaedo 108 and 109.
(11) We
might say this same thing also concerning the
heavens, namely, that most verbose treatises have been written
by the wise of the world on the nature of the heavens. Some
have said that it is composed of the four elements, as though
it were
tangible and visible, and that it shares in the nature
of earth because of its solid surface, of fire because it is seen,
BS Cf. Plato, Timaeus $lb: Thus it was that in the midst between fire
and earth God set water and air, and having bestowed upon them so
far as possible a like ratio one towards another air being to water as
fire to air, and water being to earth as air to waterhe joined together
and constructed a Heaven visible and tangible/
to say that the great God is not the author of the formation
of all beings, but, somewhat as a member of a partnership, He
any of the objects now seen existed, having cast about in His
mind and resolved to bring into being things that did not
exist, at one and the same time devised what sort of a world
it should be and created the appropriate matter together with
its form. For the heavens He assigned a nature suitable for
the heavens; and for the plan of the earth He produced a sub-
stance peculiar and destined for it. And fire and water and air
He moulded variously as He wished, and He formed them into
substance when the reason for the existence of each demanded.
The whole world, which consists of diverse parts, He bound
together by an unbroken bond of attraction into one fellow-
ship and harmony, so that objects which are farthest apart
from each other in position seem to have been made one
through affinity. Let those cease, therefore, from their mythical
fictions, who attempt in the weakness of their own reasonings
to measure power incomprehensible to their understanding
and wholly inexpressible in human speech.
(3) 'God
created the heavens and the earth/ 3 not each one
by halves, but the entire heavens and the whole earth, includ-
3 Gen. 1.1.
ing the substance itself with the form. He is not the Inventor
of the shapes, but the Creator of the very nature of all that
exists. Otherwise, let them answer us as to how the active
separated and spread in its allotted place. For this reason, not
only was the earth invisible but it was also unfinished. Excess
of moisture, indeed, is even now a hindrance to productiveness
for the earth. There is, therefore, the same cause both for its
being unseen and for its being unfinished, if, indeed, the fin-
'And darkness/ Moses said, 'was on the face of the
Here, again, are other opportunities for myths and
sources for more impious fabrications, since men pervert the
words according to their own notions. They explain the dark-
ness, not as some unlighted air, as is natural, or a place over-
shadowed by the interposition of a body, or, in short, a place
not preyed upon souls, scattering God's flockl 6 Have not the
4 Ibid. 1,2.
5 1
John 1.5.
6 Cf. Acts 20.29: 'I know that after my departure fierce wolves will get
in among you, and will not spare the flock/
ing which Solomon says: 'The just have light eternal'; and
the Apostle says: 'Rendering thanks to God the Father, who
has made us worthy to share the lot of the saints in light.' 12
If, indeed, the damned are sent 'into the darkness outside,' 13
God created the nature of light, did away with the dark-
ness,put an end to the gloom, brightened up the world,
and bestowed upon all things in general a beautiful and pleas-
ant appearance. The heavens, so long buried in darkness,
appeared, and their beauty was such as even yet our eyes bear
witness to. The air was illumined, or rather, it held the whole
light completely permeating it, sending out dazzling rays in
every direction to its uttermost bounds. It reached upward
15 Ibid. 1.3.
the symmetry of its parts, but from the beauty of its color
alone. And the evening star is the most beautiful of the stars,
not because the parts of which it was formed are proportionate,
but because from it there falls upon our eyes a certain joyous
and delightful brightness. Then, too, the judgment of God
concerning the goodness of light has been made, and He looks
not wholly at the pleasure in the sight but also looks forward
to the future advantage. For, there were not yet eyes able to
discern the beauty in light.
'And God separated the from the darkness/ 17 That is,
God made their natures incapable of mixing and in opposi-
tion, one to the other. For, He divided and separated them
with a very great distinction between them.
(8) 'And God called the light Day and the darkness
Night/ Now, henceforth, after the creation of the sun, it
is day when the air is illuminated by the sun shining on the
hemisphere above the earth, and night is the darkness of the
earth when the sun is hidden. Yet, it was not at that time
according to solar motion, but it was when that first created
light was diffused and again drawn in according to the meas-
ure ordained by God, that day came and night succeeded.
'And there was evening and morning, one day.' 19 Evening,
then, is a common boundaryline of day and night; and
17 Ibid.
18 Gen. 1.5.
19 Ibid. (Septuagint version).
20 Ps, 89.10.
21 Gen. 47.9 (Septuagint version) .
22 Ps. 22.6.
also characteristic of
eternity to turn back upon itself and
express the same idea. If, then, that condition should be called
day, it is one and not many, or, if it should be named age, it
would be unique and not manifold. In order, therefore, to
lead our thoughts to a future life, he called that day 'one/
which an image of eternity, the beginning of days, the con-
with gleams of fire, who has made ready the peace of the future
age with a spiritual and never ending light, illumine your
hearts in a knowledge of the truth, and preserve your life
without offense, allowing you *to walk becomingly as in the
20 in order that
day/ you may shine forth as the sun in the
splendor of the saints for my exultation in the day of Christ,
to whom be glory and power forever. Amen.
26 CL Rom. 13.13: 'Let us walk becomingly as in the day.'
The Firmament
'Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst
Only yesterday we heard
religion to say that the divine will joined with the first impulse
of His intelligence is the Word of God? The Scripture de-
lineates Him in detail in order that it may show that God
wished the creation not only to be accomplished, but also to
be brought to this birth through some co-worker. It could
have related everything fully as it began, 'In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth/ then, 'He created
2 Gen. 1.6.
3 Ibid. 1.3.
(3) Secondly, we
must examine whether this firmament,
which was also called the heavens, is different from the heavens
created in the beginning, and whether, in short, there are two
heavens. The philosophers who have been discussing the
heavens would prefer to give up their tongues rather than to
admit this as truth. They assume that there is one heaven
5 Cf. Cicero, On the Nature of the Gods 1.10.25: 'It was Anaximander's
opinion that the Gods were born; that after a great length o time
they died; and that they are innumerable worlds.'
6 Cf. 2 Cor. 12.2: 'I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago
whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not
know, God knows such a one was caught up to the third heaven."
7 Cf. Ps. 148.4: 'Praise him ye heavens of heavens/
same motion; but, as the whole revolves in one direction, the seven
inner circles move slowly in the other, The spindle turns on
. . .
and height; and the solid body is one which possesses resistance
in addition to its dimensions. It is customary for the Scripture
and again,
And who is deaf, except he who does not hear the Spirit when
He calls so loudly? And who is blind? He who does not
discern such clear arguments concerning the Only-begotten.
'Let there be a firmament/ This is the utterance of the first
and principal Cause. 'God made the firmament/ This is the
testimony of the efficient and creative Power.
(5) Let us, however,
return to our subject in order to con-
tinue the explanation. 'Let it divide the waters/ He said.
The flood of waters which were flowing over the earth in
waves from all sides and were suspended over it, was infinite,
as it seems, so that even the proportion of water compared to
the other elements seemed to be beyond all measure. There-
fore, the deep, it was said previously, surrounded the earth
on all sides. We shall give the reason for the great amount
subsequently. No one of you, assuredly,
not even of those who
have trained their mind extensively and are sharp-sighted in
respect to this perishable and ever flowing
nature will de-
nounce our opinion, as if we were assuming theories impos-
sible and imaginary according to reason, nor will he demand
an account from us of what it is upon which the element of
water has been established. By the same reasoning by which
they draw the earth, which is heavier than water, away from
the extremities and suspend it in the center, they will, I
presume, agree that that boundless water, both because of its
natural motion downward and because of its equilibrium on
all sides, remains motionless around the earth. Therefore,
the immense mass of water was poured around the earth, not
in proportion to it, but exceeding it many times over, since
the mighty Craftsman from the beginning was looking toward
the future and arranging the first things according to the
consequent need. What need was there for the water to
abound to such an
ineffable degree? Because the substance of
fire is
necessary for the universe, not only for the plan of
earthly things, but also for the completion of the universe;
for, the wholewould be incomplete if it fell short in the one
greatest and most vital of all things. Now, these, fire and
how long a timeHe had appointed to the world for its con-
tinuance, and how much had to be set aside from the first for
consumption by the fire. This is the explanation for the
superabundance of water in creation. But surely, no one is
so absolutely unconcerned with the affairs of life that he re-
of fire for the
quires to be taught by his reason the necessity
world, not only because the arts which support life all need
labor with fire, the art of weaving, I mean, and of shoemaking,
and architecture, and farming, but also because neither the
fruits nor the genera-
sprouting of trees nor the ripening of
tion of land or water animals, nor the rearing of these, would
have taken place in the beginning or have endured through
time, if heat were not present. Therefore, the creation of heat
was necessary for the formation and continuance of things
made; and the abundance of moisture is necessary because the
consumption by fire is ceaseless and inevitable.
(6) Look
around all creation and you will see the power
14 Job 36.27 (Septuagint version) .
earth record. From the central regions of the east are the
Bactrus 15 and the Choaspes 16 and the Araxes, 17 from which
the Tanais, 18 separating, pours out into the Palus Maiotis. 39
Besides these, there is the Phasis 20 flowing down from the
Caucasian Mountains, while numberless others flow from the
northern regions into the Euxine Sea. 21 From the western
summer haunts of the sun at the foot of the Pyrenees Moun-
tains are the Tartessus 22 and the Ister, 23 of which the one
empties into
itself the sea beyond the Pillars, but the Jster,
flowing through Europe, pours out into the Euxine Sea. And
what need is there to enumerate the others which the Rhipean
Mountains24 call into existence, those mountains beyond
innermost Scythia? From them comes the Rhone with number-
less other rivers, all of them
navigable, which, flowing past the
western Gauls and Celts and the neighboring barbarians, all
pour out into the western sea. Others flow from the higher
regions of the south through Ethiopia. Some enter the sea
near us; others empty into the sea beyond the part traversed
15 Modern Balkh.
16 Modern Kerkhah.
17 Probably the Volga or Rha, to the situation,
according although
there are several rivers o that name.
18 Don.
19 Sea of Asov.
20 Rion.
21 Black Sea.
22 Guadalquivir.
25 Danube.
24 A fabled mountain range extending across northern
by namely, the Aegon and the Nyses and the one called
26 and also the
Chremetes, Nile, which is not like rivers in its
nature, when it floods Egypt like a sea. 27 Thus the part of the
world which is surrounded by water, being both
inhabited is
of the liquids, from the beginning to the end the same mild
temperature may be preserved. You do not believe in the vast
amount of water, but you do not consider the great quantity of
the heat, which, even if it is insignificant in magnitude, is able,
because of its power, to consume much moisture. It attracts
the moisture lying near it, as the gourd clearly shows, and then
consumes what it has attracted, like the flame of a lamp, which,
drawing the available fuel through its wick, by a quick tran-
sition, burns it to ashes. Who doubts that the ether is firelike
and exceedingly hot? And i it is not restrained within limits
appointed by its Creator, what would prevent it from setting
on fire and burning up everything near it and consuming at
the same time all the moisture in what exists? For this reason
there is aerial water, when the upper region is clouded over
by the rising vapors, which the rivers and fountains and pools
and marshes and all the seas send forth, to prevent the ether
from seizing upon and burning up the universe. Indeed, we
see this sun in the season of summer frequently leaving a wet
and pool-covered land entirely dry and without moisture in
a very brief moment of time. Where, then, is that water? Let
the all-clever ones show us. Is it not evident to all that it was
evaporated and consumed by the heat of the sun? And yet,
they say that the sun is not hot; such is the result of speaking
to them. Now, consider on what sort of proof they lean to
resist the evidence. Since it is white in color, they say, and not
reddish nor yellow, therefore, it is not fiery in nature; more-
over, they also say that its heat results from its rapid whirling
around. 81 What
gain are they providing for themselves from
that statement? That the sun seems to consume none of the
moistures? But I, even though what is said is not true, never-
theless, do not reject it, because it assists me in establishing
31 Cf. Aristotle, op. cit. 1.3.341a: 'Now the sun's motion alone is suf-
ficent to account for the origin of terrestrial warmth and heat. . . .
Besides, the sun, which most of all the stars is considered to be hot,
is really white and not fiery in color.'
Let those consider whether they are not caught in their own
snare,who say that the sea is not in flood from the rivers
because the sun consumes the water, and besides, is left briny
and bitter when the fine and drinkable part has been con-
sumed by the heat, a thing which happens especially because
of the sun's power of separating, which carries off what is light
but leaves what is coarse and earthy, such as mud and sedi-
ment. And because of this there is present in the sea bitter-
ness and brine and the power of drying up. They, who actu-
ally say this about the sea, again changing about, assert that
there is no dimunition of moisture due to the sun.
'And God called the firmament Heaven/ 32 Although
the name 'heavens' refers to the former, yet, in accordance with
its likeness, this firmament also shares its name. have We
observed in many places that the visible region is called the
heavens due to the density and continuity of the air which
32 Gen. 1.8.
clearly comes within our vision and which has a claim to the
name heaven from the word 'seen/ 33 namely, where the
34 and
Scripture says: 'The birds of the heavens/ again, 'the
below the firmament of the heavens/ 35 Such
flying creatures
also the following: 'They mount up to the heavens.' 36 And
33 A wrong etymology. Ace. to Arist. Mu. 400a.7, from oros and ano;
ace. to Plato, Cra. 396c,from oran and ano; but true etymology is
doubtful, cf. Liddell and Scott.
34 Ps. 8.9 (Septuagint version) .
36 Ps. 106.26.
37 Cf. Deut. 33.13-15 (Septuagint version) .
38 Deut. 28.23.
snow. 39 In short, by the same reasoning you can see that every
form of moisture exists in the air above our heads.
And no one compare the simplicity and lack of artifice of
39 Cf. Aristotle, op. cit. 1.11.347a and b: 'So moisture is always raised by
the heat and descends to the earth again when it gets cold. . There
. .
fall three bodies condensed by cold, namely ram, snow, hail. Rain
is due to the cooling of a
great amount of vapour, for the region from
which and the time during which the vapour is collected are consider-
able. . When cloud freezes there is snow, when vapour freezes
And, even if the waters above the heavens are sometimes in-
vited to praise the common Master of the universe,
yet we do
not for this reason consider them to be an intellectual nature.
The heavens are not endowed with life because they 'show
forth the glory of God/ 41 nor is the firmament a
being because it 'declareth the work of his hands.' And, if
someone says that the heavens are speculative powers, and the
firmament, active powers productive of the good, we accept the
expression as neatly said, but we will not concede that it is
altogether true. For, in that case, dew, hoarfrost, cold, and
heat, since they were ordered by Daniel 42 to praise in hymns
the Creator of the universe, will be
intelligent and invisible
natures. The meaning in these words, however,
accepted by
speculative minds, is a fulfillment of the praise of the Creator.
Not only the water which is above the heavens, as if
the first
place in honor because of the pre-eminence added to
it from its excellence, fulfills the praise of God, but, Traise
41 Ps. 18.2.
42 Cf. Dan. 3.64-70.
him,' the psalmist says, 'from the earth, ye dragons, and all ye
43 So that even the deep, which those who speak
allegories relegated to the inferior portion, was not itself
judged deserving of rejection by the psalmist, since it was
admitted to the general chorus of creation; but even it har-
moniously sings a hymn of praise to the Creator through the
language assigned to it.
(10) 'And God saw that it was good/
44 It is not to the
of God that things made by Him afford pleasure, nor is His
any opportunity for sins, nor shall we leave any place in our
hearts for the enemy, if we have God as a dweller in us by our
constant remembrance of Him, to whom be all glory and
adoration, now and always, and for all ages of ages.
45 Rom. 1.20
provided for our other needs, and also that orderly gathering
of it into the appointed places; all this you will clearly see
their places, and the dry land appeared. And God called the
Seas/ 2 How much
dry land Earth and the assembled waters
trouble you caused me in my previous lectures, demanding the
reason for the invisibility of the earth, since color is naturally
present in every body, and every color
is perceptible to the
the water which at that time covered the entire earth. Beholdl
hear now the Scripture explaining itself. 'Let the waters be
gathered and the dry land appear.' The covering was drawn
aside in order that the hitherto invisible might become visible.
Someone may, perhaps, ask this also. First, why does the
Scripture reduce to a command of the Creator that tendency
to flow downward which belongs naturally to water? Because,
as long as the water happens to be lying on a level surface, it is
stable, since it has no place to flow; but, when it finds some
and the water which follows takes over the latter's position.
Thus, the front is always swiftly flowing onward and the on-
coming mass pressing forward; the motion, too, becomes so
much more rapid in proportion to the weight of the down-
ward moving water and the depression of the place to which it
is flowing. If, then, water has this tendency by nature, the
Ecclesiastes, 'All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea doth
not overflow.' 3 It is through the divine command that waters
gathered into one place,' that the sea is enclosed within boun-
daries. Lest the flowing water, spreading beyond the beds
which hold it, always passing on and filling up one place after
another, should continuously flood all the lands, it was ordered
to be gathered into one place. Therefore, the sea, frequently
3 Eccles. 1.7.
4 Jer. 5.22.
the Egyptian Sea 5 and the Indian Ocean, in which is the Red
Sea. Therefore, they ceased their attempt, both he who first
initiated it, Sesostris the Egyptian, and he who afterwards
intended to accomplish it, Darius the Median. 6
I have told these facts in order that we may understand
the force of the command, 'Let the waters be gathered into
one place.' That is, let there be no other gathering apart from
this, but let those once collected remain in the first gathering
(4) He who commanded the waters to be gathered into one
place showed you, then, that there had been many waters
scattered throughout many regions. For, the valleys of the
mountains, intersected by deep chasms, held accumulations of
water, and besides, there were many smooth plains inferior
in extent to none of the vast seas, and countless channels, and
the statement that our explanation of the creation of
the world is contrary to experience, for all the water does not
seem to have run together into one place, many answers can
be given, which are immediately obvious to all. Perhaps, it is
even ridiculous to argue on such points. Surely, they ought
not to cite for us the waters of the marshes and those collected
from thunderstorms, should they, and think that because of
these they are refuting our explanation? But, He called the
encompasses the region near the earth in a mass, so, too, in the
case of water, even if some small accumulations have been
separated, yet there is one gathering which sets the whole
element apart from the rest. The marshy lakes, both those in
the northern parts and those that are around the regions of
the Greeks, spread over Macedonia and the country of the
Bithynians and that of the Palestinians, are, of course, gath-
erings; but at present my discourse is about the greatest of all,
which is even comparable with the earth in extent. No one
will deny that the former hold a great amount of water, but
really, one would not reasonably apply to them the name 'seas/
not even if some have brine and soil as nearly as possible like
the great sea, as the Dead Sea in Judaea and the Serbonian
which extends along the Arabian desert, between Egypt and
Palestine. These are lakes, but the sea, as those who have
travelledaround the earth record, is one. Even if some believe
that the Hyrcanian and the Caspian are enclosed within their
own limits, still, if any attention must be paid to the geog-
raphers* accounts, they are connected with each other by a
passage, and they open, both together, into the great Sea.
8 In
into one place, and the accumulations of the waters, that is,
the gulfs, which were cut off in their own peculiar shape by
the surrounding land, the Lord named seas: North Sea, South
Sea, East Sea, and West Sea, which is still another. And there
are names peculiar to the seas: Euxine Sea, Propontis, Helles-
pont, Aegaean and Ionian, Sardinian Sea and Sicilian, and
the other, Tyrrhenian. In truth, there are countless names of
seas, and to give an exact enumeration of them would be at
present a long and foolish task. For this reason, then, God
named the collections of waters seas. Now, really, the chain
of our reasoning carried us on to this, but, let us return to
the beginning.
'Then God said, "Let the waters be gathered into one
9 He did not
incomplete, muddy and mixed with water, and not yet invested
with its proper form and power. At the same time, lest we
attribute to the sun the cause of the drying of the earth, the
Creator contrived the drying of the earth before the generation
of the sun. Give your attention to the meaning of the Scrip-
ture, that not only the excess water flowed away from the
8 The western part of the present Caspian Sea was called the Caspian
and the eastern part the Hyrcanian. Although Aristotle, Meteorology
2.1.354a, says that the Hyicanian and Caspian seas are distinct from
the ocean and people dwell all around them, both Pliny and Strabo
believed that it was connected with the Northex-n Ocean. Cf. Smith,
Diet, of Gteek and Roman Geography.
9 Gen. 1.9
'And God called the dry land Earth, and the assembled
waters Seas/ 11 Why, also, in the previous words was the state-
ment made, 'Let the waters be gathered into one place, and
let the dry land appear/ and it was not written, *and let the
earth appear'? And then again, 'The dry land appeared, and
God called the dry land Earth? Because dryness is the specific
property, the characteristic, as it were, of the nature of the
substance, but earth is mere name of the body. In fact, just
as reason is characteristic of man, but the word 'man' is indica-
tive of the creature to which the characteristic belongs, so also
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid. 1.10.
absolutely unique and simple and pure. The earth is dry and
cold, the water is cold and moist, the air is moist and warm,
and fire is warm and dry. Thus, through their combining
qualities each receives the faculty
of mixing with the other;
and, in fact, each through a common quality mixes with its
neighboring element, and through the union with that which
is near, it combines with its opposite. For example, earth,
which is both dry and cold, is united with air, since water,
placed between the two, as if grasping with two hands, lays
hold of the elements lying nearby with each of its qualities, to
the coldness of earth and to the humidity of air. Again, air in
the middle position becomes mediator between the contending
natures of water and fire, being joined with water by humidity
and with fire by heat. And fire, being warm and dry in nature,
tion of the sun's rays from the ground and also because the
shadow from the cloud increases the cooling, becomes rain
and enriches the earth. And no one, I am sure, mistrusts
these statements, who
has noticed kettles being heated by a
fire, which, although full of liquid, are frequently left empty
when all is boiled and changed into vapor. Moreover, it is
possible to see the water of the sea boiled by sailors, who,
catching the vapors in sponges, relieve their thirst fairly well
in times of need.
And it good before God, above all, because it encircles
the earth, it is for this reason that the adornment of the earth
is older than the sun, that those who have been misled may
1 Gen. 1.11.
persuaded that before the sun's generation all the earth had
been adorned, they will retract their unbounded admiration
for it, realizing that the sun is later than the grass and plants
In generation.
Was food, then, prepared for the cattle beforehand, while
our race appeared deserving of no forethought? Well, most
certainly, He who prepared pasturage for the cattle and horses
provided wealth and pleasure for you. In fact, He who sus-
tains your flocks increases your assets of life. And what else is
the production of seeds except a preparation for your subsist-
ence. Moreover, many of the plants which still exist among
ing seed/ He says, 'of its own kind.' Therefore, even if some
kind of plant is useful for the other living creatures, not only
the profit they receive passes over to us, but the use of the
seeds also is allotted us. Consequently, this is the meaning of
the words: 'Let the earth bring forth vegetation and the plant
producing seed of its own kind/ The order of the words can
be restored in this way, since the arrangement now seems to be
unsuitable; and the appointed order of the dispensations of
nature will be preserved. For, in the first place there is ger-
2 Cf. Theophrastus, Enquiry into Plants 2.2.1: 'The ways in which trees
and plants in general originate are these: spontaneous giowth, growth
from seed, from a root, from a piece torn off, from a branch or twig,
from the trunk itself; or again, from small pieces into which the
wood is cut up/
the yearly growth, sends out from Its root a certain shoot which
contains the principle of seed for the future plant. Countless
other plants also do this. These, spread all over the earth,
possess in their roots their potential successors. Therefore,
there Is nothing truer than this, that each plant either has
seed or there exists in it some generative power. And this
accounts for the expression *of its own kind/ For, the shoot
of the reed is not productive of an olive tree, but from the
reed comes another reed; and from seeds spring plants related
to the seeds sown. Thus, what was put forth by the earth in its
first generation has been
preserved until the present time,
since the species persisted through constant reproduction.
'Let the earth bring forth/ Reflect, I beg you, that in conse-
ducing seed of its own kind and likeness/ Even to the present
ately with the nutritive are produced the poisonous; with the
grain, the hemlock; with the other edible plants, the hellebore
and leopard's bane and mandrake and poppy juice. What,
then? Shall we
neglect to acknowledge our gratitude for the
useful plants and blame our Creator for those destructive of
our life? Shall we not consider this, that not everything has
been created for our stomach? But, the nourishing plants,
duced, be bloodless? On
the contrary, you have sufficient sense
of your ownguard against destructive things. Is it possible,
tell me, that the sheep and goats know how to escape what is
ways in the heart, they digest the poison swallowed before its
chilling effect has seized upon the vital organs. Hellebore is
food for quails, who escape harm because of their peculiar
constitution. These same plants are sometimes useful to us
also. For instance, with mandrake doctors induce sleep 5 and
with opium they lull violent pains of the body. Some also
have already dulled even their mad appetites with hemlock,
and with hellebore have banished many of the long continued
So, the charge which you thought you had against
the Creator has proved to be for you an additional cause for
'Let the earth bring forth vegetation.' 7
How much
spontaneous provision does He embrace in these words in
5 Cf. Lucian, Ttmon 2. 'And why not, when you lie asleep as if you were
drugged with mandrake?' Cf. also Xenophon, Symposium 2.24: 'Wine
does of a truth moisten the soul and lull our griefs to sleep just as
the mandrake does with men.'
6 Cf. Hippocrates, Aphorisms 4.13-16: 'Persons who are not easily purged
upward by the hellebores, should have their bodies moistened
by plenty of food and rest before taking the draught. When one
takes a draught of hellebore, one should be made to move about,
and indulge less in sleep and repose. .When you wish the hellebore
. .
to act more, move the body, and when to stop, let the patient get
sleep and rest. Hellebore is dangerous to persons whose flesh is
the roots, in the foliage, and in the fruits as well! And how
much more is added
by us through care and farming! God
did not order the earth to yield immediately seed and fruit,
but to germinate and to grow green, and then to reach matur-
ity with seed, so that this first command might be nature's
lesson for the order to be followed thereafter. How, then,
they say, does the earth bring forth seeds of the particular
kind, when, after sowing grain, we frequently gather this black
wheat? This is not a change to another kind, but, as it were,
some disease and defect of the seed. It has not ceased to be
wheat, but has been made black by burning, as it is possible
to learn from the name itself. 8 For, since it was burnt up by
the extreme cold, 9 it has changed to another color and taste.
Yet, again, it is also said that, whenever it obtains suitable
up, those which are wont to rise to the greatest height, the
firs, cedars, cypresses, and pines; likewise, all the shrubs were
immediately thick with leaf and bushy; and the so-called gar-
land plants the rose bushes, myrtles, and laurelsall came into
existence in a moment of time, although they were not previ-
ously upon the earth, each one with its own peculiar nature,
13 The Benedictine editors call attention to the fact that St. Ambrose in
lib. 3 in Hexaem. cap. 11, and St. Augustine in lib. 1 de Genesi contra
Manichacos cap. IB agree with St Basil that the lose at first had no
thorns. However, in lib. 3 de Genesi ad litteram
cap. 18 St. Augustine
has changed his opinion.
14 Cf. Gen. 3.18' 'Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to you/
engrafted by faith on the Church, the branches. Moreover,
He invites us to produce much fruit lest, convicted of sterility,
we be delivered up to the fire; and He constantly compares
the souls of men to vines. 'My beloved had a vineyard* He
says, *on a hill in a fruitful place.' 16 And, *1 planted a vine-
and Evidently, He calls the
yard, put a hedge about it.'
human souls the vineyard, about which He has put as a hedge
the security arising from His commandments and the
of His angels. 'The angel of the Lord shall
encamp round
about them that fear him.' 18 And then He drove in props, as
itwere, for us, 'placing in the Church, first apostles, secondly
prophets, thirdly teachers/ And leading our thoughts upward
15 Cf John 15.1-5.
16 Isa. 5.1.
17 Cf. Malt. 21.33.
18 Ps. 33.8.
19 1 Cor. 12.28.
20 Cf. Luke 13.8: 'But he answeied him and said, "Sir, let it alone this
dig around it and manure it."
But, you also, be 'as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God/ 21
never destitute of hope, but always having about you the rich
assurance of safety through faith. Thus, indeed, you will imi-
tate the eternal verdure of this plant and emulate its fruit-
fulness, bestowing bounteous alms on every occasion.
(7) Let us now return to our examination of the artistic
arrangements of creation. How many kinds of trees grew up
at that time, some fruit-producing, others furnishing material
for roofing, some suitable for shipbuilding, others for burning!
Among these, again, in each tree the arrangement of its vari-
ous parts differs, and both to discover the distinc-
it is difficult
who cut off from the Church by some perverse heresy culti-
ways the root itself, the bark of the trunk, the wood, and the
pith. The same water also becomes a leaf, it
is distributed into
24 On the whole, he who has not learned by experience
the differences of the qualities of the juices will find no word
to describe the active forms of water. Again, how is wine made
in the vine and olive oil in the olive tree from the same
moisture? Furthermore, not only is there the astonishing fact
that the liquid in the one case has been sweetened and in the
other made oily, but also that in the sweet fruits the difference
in quality is inexpressibly varied. The sweetness in the grape-
vine, for instance, is of one sort, but it is of another in the
apple tree, and another in the fig tree, and yet
another in the
date palm. Besides, I want you to employ skill in making this
investigation as to how the same water is now soft
to the palate
24 Pliny, Natural History 37.11: 'One great proof that amber must have
been originally in a liquid state is the fact that, owing to its trans-
parency, certain objects are to be seen within, ants
for example, gnats
and lizards. These, no doubt, must have first adhered to it while
and then, upon its hardening, have remained enclosed within/
juices, their saps, their stalks, their barks, their fruit. And,
in general, whatever long experience, by collecting useful
information from individual incidents, has discovered for us,
this was brought into being by the keen foresight of the Crea-
tor, which from the beginning provided for us. But, may
you, whenever you see cultivated plants or wild ones, water
plants or land plants, flowering or flowerless, recognize gran-
deur in the tiniest thing, continue always in your admiration,
and increase, I pray you, your love for the Creator. Ponder
how He made some trees evergreens and others deciduous, and
of the evergreens, how He made some which lose their leaves
and others which always keep them. Olive trees and pines shed
their leaves, even though they make the change imperceptibly,
so that they never seem to be stripped of their foliage. But,
the date palm is persistent, remaining always, from its first
sprouting until its death, with the same foliage. Then, con-
sider this, how the tamarisk is, as it were, a plant of double
and trees. For, as tops, from the first impulse given to them,
produce successive whirls when they are spun, so also the order
of nature, having received its beginning from that first com-
mand continues to all time thereafter, until it shall reach the
common consummation of all things. Let all of us hasten,
full of fruit and good works to this, in order that, planted in
the house of the Lord, we may flourish in the courts of our
God, 26 in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory and power
forever. Amen.
25 Cf. Jer. 17.5.6. 'Thus saith the Lord: Cuised be the man that trusteth
in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth fiom
the Lord. For he shall be like tamaiic in the desert, and he shall not
see when good shall come.'
26 Cf. Ps 91.14: "They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall
flourish in the courts of the house of our God.'
any time in the clear cool air of the night, while gazing
If, at
of the stars, you conceived
intently at the indescribable beauty
an idea of the Creator of the universewho He is who has
clotted the heavens with such flowers, and why the usefulness
in visible thingsor again, if at
greater than the pleasure
times you observed with sober reflection the wonders of the
day and through visible things you inferred the invisible
Creator, you as a prepared listener and one worthy to
up this
august and blessed assembly. Come, then; for just
as those unaccustomed to the cities are taken by the hand and
led around, so also I myself shall guide you, as strangers, to
the hidden wonders of this great city. In this city in which is
our ancient home, and from which the man-slaying demon
drove us, selling mankind into slavery by his allurements,
here, I say, you will see the first origin of man and death,
which immediately seized upon us and which had been begot-
ten by sin, the first-born offspring of the demon, source of evil.
You will recognize yourself as coming from the earth by
nature, but the work of the divine hands, falling far short of
the animals in strength, but an appointed ruler of the crea-
tures without reason, inferior in physical constitution, but able
I Cf. Acts 3.15: 'But the author of life you killed, whom God has raised
up from the dead.'
conspicuous in creation as a radiant eye; if the contempla-
tion of it is incapable of satisfying us, what will be the beauty
of the Sun If it is a loss to a blind man to be
of justice? 2
unable to look upon this, how great a loss is it to a sinner to
be deprived of the -true Light?
(2) 'And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament
of the heavens for the illumination of the earth, to separate
3 The heavens and the
earth had come first;
species of plants. However, the sun did not yet exist, nor the
moon, lest men might call the sun the first cause and father of
light, and lest they who are ignorant of God might deem it the
producer of what grows from the earth. For this reason, there
was a fourth day, and at that time 'God said, "Let there be
light," . and God made the two lights/ 4 Who spoke and
. .
2 Cf. Mai. 4.2: 'But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice shall
3 Gen. 1.14, 15 (Septuagint version).
4 Ibid. L14, 16.
5 Ibid. 1.14 (Septuagint version) .
This, too, the psalmist testifies when he says: 'The voice of the
Lord dividing the flame of fire/ Whence also in the requital
7 Ex, 3.25.
8 Ps. 28.7.
the side opposite to the light, and in the morning the shadow
is spread out toward the west, but in the evening it turns
back toward the east, while at midday it tends toward the
north, night also withdraws to the part opposite the bright
rays, since it is nothing else by nature than the shadow of the
earth. As in the day the shadow is produced by that which
blocks the light, so night naturally comes when the air about
the earth is overshadowed. This, therefore, is the meaning
of 'God separated the light from the darkness/ since darkness
fled the approach of light when in the first creative activity
the antipathy natural to them was engendered against each
other. But, now He has made the sun master of the
length of
the day; and the moon, whenever it runs its complete orbit, He
has made mistress of the night. For, the lights are then almost
diametrically opposed to each other. When the sun rises above
the horizon, the full moon is borne down out of sight; and
again, when the sun sets, the moon frequently rises up in its
turn from the East. If in its other phases the moonlight does
not correspond exactly with the night, that is of no importance
as regards the preceding words. However, whenever it attains
its own most perfect state, it rules the night, eclipsing the
stars with its own superior light and
splendor, and illuminating
the earth; and it divides the intervals of time equally with
the sun.
(4) 'Let them serve as signs and for the fixing of seasons,
days and years/
The signs given by the luminaries are neces-
9 Gen. 1.15.
10 Ibid.
moisture and when the so-called haloes encircle the sun, these
indicate either anabundance of rain or a violent windstorm; 12
or also, when those which are called mock suns travel around
with the motion of the sun, they are signs of certain aerial
phenomena. So, too, those straight streaks which appear in
the clouds of the color of the rainbow, point to heavy rains
or violent storms or, in short, to a very great change of the
weather. 13
11 Matt. 163.
12 Cf. Aristotle, Meteorology 3.3.372b: 'Sight is reflected in this way [as
a halo around the sun or moon] when air and vapor are condensed
into a cloud and the condensed matter is uniform and consists of
small parts. Hence in itself it is a sign of rain. .. since it shows that
a process of condensation is proceeding which must, when it is carried
to an end, result in rain/
13 Cf, Ibid. 3.6.377b: 'A mock sun is caused by the reflection of sight
to the sun. . .Rods are seen
. . .when there are clouds near the
sun and sight is reflected from some liquid surface to the cloud. . . .
The mock sun is a surer sign of rain than the lods; it indicates, more
than they do, that the air is ripe for the production of water. Further
a mock sun to the south is a surer sign of rain than one to the north,
for the air in the south is readier to turn into water than that in the
found, and not only in which twelfth it is, but also in what
portion of the twelfth, and in which sixtieth into which we
have said the portion was divided, or, to secure absolute pre-
cision, in which sixtieth subdivided from the first sixtieths,
Further, this minute and unfathomable investigation of time,
they say, must be made in the case of each of the planets, so
that it
may be ascertained what relation they had to the fixed
figure they formed with each
stars and what other at the
moment of the birth of the child. Consequently, if it is impos-
sible to find the hour accurately, and the change of even the
what are the results obtained? That one, they say,
will have curly hair and bright eyes, for he has the sign of
the Ram, and that animal has in a certain way such an appear-
ance; but he will also have noble feelings since the ram
possesses leadership, and will be
both bountiful in giving and
capable in acquiring since this animal gives up its wool with-
out pain and is again easily clothed by nature. But, he who
is bora under Taurus, he says, is wretched and servile, since
the bull is under the yoke. He who is born under Scorpio is
wise, are each a twelfth of the circle called the Zodiac, How,
then, can you say that the principal causes for the lives of
human beings start from here, and how can you fashion the
characters of men, when they are being born, from the animals
about us? He who is born under the Ram is generous, not
because that part of the heavens is productive of such a qual-
but because such is the nature of sheep. Why do you
constrain us to believe by the plausibility of the stars and
attempt to persuade us by these bleatings? If, indeed, the
heavens receive and possess such peculiarities of characteristics
from animals, it is itself also subject to external powers, since
its causes depend on the beasts of the field. But, if to say
this is ridiculous, it is much more ridiculous to attempt to
introduce persuasive arguments in our speech from those
things which have nothing in common. These wise sayings
between night and day, and the longer it tarries in the places
above the earth, so much milder a climate does it bring back
in turn. Then comes spring, which causes all plants to bud,
brings returning life to most trees, and preserves the species
for all land and water animals by a series of births. And now,
the sun, moving thence toward the summer solstice in a
northerly direction, offers us the longest days. And, because
19 Gen, 1,14.
through the air a very great distance, it parches the
very air above our heads and dries up all the land, aiding in
this way the seeds to mature and hurrying the fruits of the
trees to ripeness. When the sun is most fiery hot, it causes
22 Ps. 135.8, 9.
23 Gen. 1.16.
greater than the smaller stars, but because they are so Immense
in circumference that the brightness poured forth from them
suffices to light up the heavens and the air, and at the same
time to extend to the earth and the sea. Although they are in
every part of the heavens, rising and setting and occupying
the center, they appear equal to men from all sides, a fact
which affords clear proof of their immense size, because the
whole extent of the earth contributes nothing to their appear-
ing to be larger or smaller. We see things which are situated
somehow rather small,
afar off we approach nearer to
but, as
them, we find out their actual more and more. Now, no
one is nearer to the sun nor farther away, but it shines from
an equal distance on those dwelling in every part of the earth.
The proof is that the Indians and the Britons look upon a
sun of equal size. Neither when it sets does it decrease in size
for those who dwell in the east, nor when it rises does it
seem to you? And how large did one o the immense trading
vessels appear as it was borne with its white sails over the
dark blue sea? Did it not look smaller to you than any dove?
As I have said, therefore, our visual impression, being spent
in the air, becomes faint and is not sufficient for the accurate
perception of the objects viewed. And actually, our sight says
that the greatest mountains, cut by deep chasms, are round
and smooth, since it falls only upon the eminences and is
unable through weakness to enter the hollows between. So,
too, it does not preserve the shapes of the bodies such as they
are, but thinks that the square towers are rounded. Conse-
quently, it is evident from every point that at very great dis-
tances it receives, not a distinct, but a confused image of the
bodies. The light, then, is great, according to the testimony
of Scripture, andinfinitely greater than it appears.
(10) Let be
this for you a clear proof of its magnitude.
compact air about the earth. From this source also the morn-
ing breezes and the dews flow around the earth in clear
weather. Since the earth is so immense, how would it be
possible to illuminate the whole in one moment of time,
unless it sent out its light from a huge circle? Observe, then,
S~Ecdius. 27.12.
HOMILY 6 101
animals and the moistest parts of the sea animals and the piths
of trees. All these things would not be able to change simul-
posal. Do not, then, measure the moon with your eye, but with
your reason, which is much more accurate than the eyes for
the discovery of truth.
Certain ridiculous tales, told in their delirium by drunken
old women, have been spread abroad on all sides; for instance,
that the moon, moved from its proper place by certain magic
tricks, isbeing brought down to the earth. Now,
how will an
enchantment of magicians disturb what the most High Him-
self has firmly founded? And what sort of a place could
26 Cf. 1 Cor. 12.7: 'Now the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every-
one for profit.'
1 Gen. 1.20.
have life.' Now, for the first time an animal was created which
possessed life and sensation. Plants and trees, even if they are
said to live because they share the power of nourishing them-
selves and of growing, yet are not animals nor are they animate.
For this reason, 'Let the earth bring forth crawling creatures/
Every creature able to swim, whether it swims at the surface
command, in fact, both the large and the small were given
existence. 'Let the waters bring forth/ He showed you the
natural kinship of the swimming creatures with water, and
therefore, when the fish are removed from the water for a
HOMILY 7 107
short time, they perish. They do not even have organs for
breathing, so as to draw in this air; but, water is for the swim-
ming species what air is for land animals. And the cause is
evident. We
have lungs, internal organs of loose texture and
many passages, which receive air by the dilation of the chest,
fan away our inner heat, and refresh us; but, for them the
dilation and folding of the gills, which receive the water and
startled. 4 'Let the waters bring forth the different kinds/ The
cetacean is one kind, and the tiny fish is another. Again,
among the fish numberless varieties are distinguished accord-
and form and sizeand qualities of flesh, all differ with the
from each other, the fish are placed in vari-
greatest variations
ous classes. Now, what men who watch for tunneys are able
to enumerate for us the varieties of its species? And yet, they
power produced all things, both small and great alike. Many
are the differences of their modes of life; many also are (he
do, nor do they fix nests or nourish the young with their own
labors; but the water, taking up the egg when it has been laid,
brings forth the living creature. And the method of perpetua-
tion for each species is invariable and is without mixture with
any other nature. There are not such unions as produce mules
on land or such as of some birds which debase their species.
None halfway equipped with teeth, as among us
of the fishes is
all the species are furnished with serried and very sharp
pointed teeth, in order that the food may not slip through in
the long-continued chewing; for, unless it is quickly cut up
and swallowed, it is likely to be carried away by the water
in the process of being ground.
Different foods are assigned for different fish according
to their species.Some feed on slime, others on seaweeds, and
others are content with the plants that grow in the water. The
majority of fish eat one another, and the smaller among them
are food for the larger. If it ever happens that the victor over
a smaller becomes the prey of another, they are both carried
into the one stomach of the last. Now, what else do we men
do in the oppression of our inferiors? How
does he differ from
that last fish, who with a greedy love of riches swallows up
the weak That man held
in the folds of his insatiable avarice?
the possessions of the poorman; you, seizing him, made him a
part of your abundance. You have clearly shown yourself
more unjust than the unjust man and more grasping than the
greedy man. Beware, lest the same end as that of the fish
awaits you somewhere a fishhook, or a snare, or a net. Surely,
if we have committed many unjust deeds, we shall not escape
great/ Nevertheless, there is a certain wisdom among them
and an orderly arrangement. Not only are we
able to bring
charges against the fish, but there is also something worthy of
imitation in them. How is it that all of the different species
of having been allotted a place suitable for them, do
not intrude upon one another, but stay within their own
bounds? No surveyor apportioned the dwellings among them;
they were not surrounded with walls nor divided by boun-
daries; but what was useful for each was definitely and spon-
taneously settled. This bay gives sustenance to certain kinds
of fish and that one, to other kinds; and those that teem here
are scarce elsewhere. No mountain extending upward with
sharp peaks separates them; no river cuts off the means of
crossing; but there is a certain law of nature which allots the
habitat to each kind equally and justly according to its need.
animals rejoice in the sweet waters. For this reason they fre-
far from the sea. There-
quently swim up the rivers and go
fore, they prefer the Euxine Sea to the rest of the bays as a
suitable place for breeding and rearing the young. But, when
their purpose has been satisfactorily accomplished, again, in
13 Let us hear from these
a body they all turn back homeward.
silent animals what the reason is. The North Sea, they say,
is very shallow and, lying exposed to the violence of the winds,
of the
estimating the disturbances of the air by the rising
stars, taught these things to the sea urchin, but the Lord of
the sea and of the winds placed in the small animal a clear
17 Gen. 151.
18 It receives its name, 'echenefs' or 'ship-holder,' from this supposed
would you not possess in this little fish also the same proof of
the power of the Creator? Not only the swordfish, the sawfish,
the dogfish, the whales, and the hammer-headed sharks are to
be feared; but the spike of the sting ray, even when it is dead,
and the sea hare, too, are not less fearful, since they bring
swift and inevitable death. Thus, the Creator wants you to
be kept awake by all things, in order that, through hope in
God, you may escape the harm that comes from them,
But, let us come up from the depths and take refuge on the
land. For, somehow, the wonders of creation, coming upon
us one after another in continuous and quick succession like
waves, have submerged our discourse. And yet, I would not
be surprised if our spirit, though meeting up with greater
wonders on land, would again, like Jona, slip away to the
sea. It seems to me mythat
sermon, lighting upon the num-
berless marvels, has forgotten its proper measure and has had
the same experience as sailors on the sea, who judging their
progress from no fixed point, are ignorant frequently of the
distance they have sailed. Truly, this seems to have happened
in our case, that, as our discourse moved quickly through
creation, we did not perceive the great multitude of creatures
mentioned. But, even though this august assembly is
to listen and the narration of the wonders of the Master is
the palm or the oak or the cypress which had been hidden
somewhere down below in its womb. On the contrary, it is the
bring forth'; not, let it put forth what it has, but, let it acquire
what it does not have, since God is enduing it with the power
of active force. And now, in the same way, 'Let the earth bring
forth the living creature/ not that stored up in it, but that
given to it by God through His command. On the contrary,
1 Gen. 1.24.
2 Ibid. 1.20.
3 Ibid. 1.11.
(2) 'Let the earth bring forth a living creature.' Why does
the earth bring forth a living creature? In order that you may
learn the difference between the soul of a beast and that of
a man. A you will come to know how the soul of
little later
man was formed; now, hear about the soul of the irrational
animals. Since, as it is written, the life of every creature is its
blood, 5 and the blood, when congealed, is wont to change into
flesh, and the flesh, when corrupted, decomposes into earth,
ever but that they were more irrational than fish when
were writing those things, and I
would maintain it most
'Let the earth bring forth living creatures/ Perhaps, many
wonder why, when my sermon was hurrying along without
a break, I was silent for a long time. It is not, however, the
more studious of my audience who are ignorant of the cause
o my speechlessness. Why should they be, who by their
and nods to each other had turned my attention
toward them and had led me on to the thought of things
omitted? For, I had forgotten an entire class of creatures, and
my discourse was nearly
this by no means the least; moreover,
finished, leaving that class almost entirely uninvestigated.
'Let the waters bring forth crawling creatures of different
kinds that have life and winged creatures that fly above the
the winged, and the aquatic. 'Let the waters bring forth/
He says, 'crawling creatures of different kinds that have life,
and winged creatures of different kinds that fly above the
earth under the firmament of the heavens/ Why did He give
winged creatures also their origin from the waters? Because
the flying animals have a certain relationship, as it were, with
those that swim. For, just as the fish cut the water, going
7 Gen. 1.20.
HOMILY 8 121
Common is a sufficient indication to us of
usage, however,
as the distinctions
the specific character of the species, as well
made by the Scripture concerning
the clean and unclean
For instance, the class of carnivora is of one kind
and their constitutionis of a type suitable to their manner of
life, sharp claws, a curved beak, and a swift wing, so that the
prey is easily seized and, being torn to pieces, becomes the food
for its
10 Different from this is the constitution of seed-
and which are nourished
different, that of those
picking birds;
by everything they find. Even among these there are the
greatest diversities.
Some of them are gregarious, except the
birds of prey, which have no social relationship except the
the col-
mating by pairs. Numberless others, however, adopt
lective form of life, for example, pigeons, cranes, starlings,
and jackdaws. Again, among them some are without a com-
mander and are, as it were, autonomous; but others, as the
11 There is
cranes, permit themselves to be ruled by a leader.
still a certain other difference among them, by which some are
nonmigratory and native to the country,
and others are
accustomed to fly very far away and for the most part to
migrate as winter approaches.
Themajority of the birds that are reared
become tame and
domesticated, except the weak ones, which because of their
excessive timidity and fear do not endure the continual annoy-
ance of handling. Some of the birds also like the companion-
as we; others love
ship of man, accepting the same dwellings
the mountains and solitude. But, the greatest difference is
10 Of. Ibid. 8.3.592a: 'Of birds, such as have crooked talons are carniv-
orous without exception, and cannot swallow corn or bread-tood,
even if it be put in their bills in tit-bits.'
11 Cf. Ibid. 9.10.614b: 'They [cranes], furthermore, have a leader in their
flight, and patrols that scream on
the confines of the flock so as to be
heard by all.'
HOMILY 8 123
12 Cf. Ibid. 9.40.624a: 'They say that, if a young swarm go astray, it will
turn back upon its route and by the aid of scent seek out its leader.
It is said that if he is unable to fly he is carried by the swarm, and
that, if this swarm outlives the king for a while and
constructs combs,
no honey is produced and the bees soon die out.'
13 Cf. Ibid. 9.40 626a: 'The kings are the least disposed to show anger
or to inflict a sting.'
14 Cf. Ibid. 9.40.626a: 'Bees that sting die from their inability to extract
the sting without at the same time extracting their intestines. True,
they often recover, if the person stung takes the trouble to press the
sting out; but once it loses its sting the bee must die.'
15 Rom. 12.17, 21.
16 Cf. Prov. 6.8a (Septuagint version) ,
17 Prov* 6.8b (Septuagint version) .
HOMILY 8 125
gence; thus they all reside in these regions at the same time,
and likewise all depart at one signal. Our crows attend them
as bodyguards and escort them, as it seems to me, providing
a certain auxiliary force against hostile birds. And a proof is,
first, that the crows do not appear at all during that time;
18 Cf. Aristotle, Ibid. 9.10.614b: 'When they, the cranes, settle down, the
main body go to sleep with their heads under their wing, standing
first on one leg and then on the other, while their leader with his
head uncovered, keeps a sharp look out, and when he sees anything
of importance signals it with a cry/
The solicitude of the storks for their old would suffice to make
our children devoted to their fathers, if they were willing to
heed it. For, surely, no one at all is so lacking in intelligence
as not to judge it deserving of shame to be inferior in virtue
to irrational birds. They, surrounding their father when from
old age he has shed his feathers, warm him through with their
own feathers; they also procure food in abundance for him19
and furnish powerful aid on the flight, gently lifting him on
each side upontheir wings. This fact has been so commonly
19 Cf. Ibid. 9.13 615b; 'It is a common story of the stork that the old
birds are fed by their grateful progeny/ Cf. also Pliny, Natural
Hutory 1032.
20 Cf. Ibid. 9.7.612b: 'Preeminent intelligence will be seen more in
small creatures than in large ones, as is exemplified in the case of
birds by the nest building of the swallow. In the same way as men
do, the bird mixes mud and chaff together; i it runs short of mud, it
souses its body in water and rolls about in the dry dust with wet
21 Cf. Ibid. 6.5.563a :'If you pick out the eyes of swallow chicks while
they are yet young, the birds will get well again and will see by and
HOMILY 8 127
swallow, how much more will He give to those who call upon
Him with their whole heart?
The halcyon is a sea bird. It is accustomed to build its nest
along the very shores, depositing its eggs in the sand itself; and
it builds its nest almost in the middle of winter, a time when
22 Cf. Ibid. 5.8.542b: 'The halcyon breeds at the season of the winter
solstice. Accordingly, when this season is marked with calm weather,
the name of "halcyon days" is given to the seven days preceding, and
to as many following, the solstice/
23 Cf. Ibid. 9.7.613a: 'The turtledove and the ringdove both have hut
one mate, and let no other come nigh.*
Because of the labor of rearing It, she rejects one which she
has hatched. 24 The lammergeyer, however, as it is said, does
not allow it to perish, but, taking it up, rears it along with
her own nestlings. 25 Such are those parents who expose their
children on a pretext of poverty, or who are unfair to their
offspring in the distribution of the inheritance. For, just as
they have given existence equally to each, so it is just also to
provide them with opportunities for livelihood equally and
impartially. Do not imitate the cruelty of the birds with
crooked talons, who, when they see their own nestlings already
attempting flight, throw them out of the nest, striking and
thrusting with their wings, and for the future take no care of
them. The love of the crow for its offspring is laudable. She
even accompanies them when they have begun to fly and feeds
and nurtures them for a very long time.
Many kinds of birds do not need the union with the males
for conception; but, in other kinds, eggs produced without
(7) 'Let the waters bring forth crawling creatures that have
life and winged creatures that fly above the earth under the
firmament of the heavens/ They were ordered to fly above
the earth because the earth provides nourishment for all, but
under the firmament of the heavens, because, as we previously
defined, the air there is called 'ouranos/ the 'heavens/ derived
from 'orasthai/ be seen/ 27 and it is called 'firmament*
because the air above our heads in comparison with the ether
is somewhat denser and is made thicker
by the vapors rising
from below.
You have, therefore, the heavens adorned, the earth beauti-
fied, the sea abounding in its proper offspring, and the air full
of the birds which fly through it. Everything, which by the
command God was brought forth from nonexistence into
existence, and whatever my discourse has omitted at the
present time so as to avoid a longer delay on these matters and
so that it might not seem to extend beyond measure, may you
who are studious review by yourselves, learning the wisdom
of God in all things, and may you never cease from admiration
nor from giving glory to the Creator for every creature.
You have species of birds which live their life in the dark-
ness of night, and those which fly about in the light of day.
Of those which feed by night there are bats, owls, and night
ravens. Therefore, at any time when sleep does not come,
a reflection on these birds and an examination of their indi-
vidual qualities will suffice to cause you to give glory to the
Creator. How the nightingale keeps awake when she sits on
her eggs, since she does not cease from singing the whole night
28 How the bat is at the same time a
through. quadruped and
a fowl. How alone of the birds it makes use of teeth and pro-
duces offspring like the quadrupeds, yet travels through the
air, raising itself not by wings, but by a kind of skin mem-
27 Wrong etymology. Cf. n. 33, Homily 3.
28 Cf. Pliny, op. cit. 10.43: 'The song of the nightingale is to be heard
without intermission for fifteen days and nights continuously when
the foliage is thickening, as it bursts from the bud.'
29 Cf Livy, 547.2 ff.* 'The geese with their gabbling and clapping of
their wings woke Marcus Manlius, consul of three years before and
a distinguished soldier, who, catching up his weapons and at the
same time calling the rest to arms, strode past his bewildered com-
rades to a Gaul who had already got a foothold on the crest and
dislodged him with a blow from the boss of his shield . and. .
presently the whole company lost their footing and were flung down
headlong to destruction.*
HOMILY 8 131
the remedy for the plague, follows, with its boundless capacity
for devouring them, our benevolent God in His kindness to
man having made its nature insatiable? And what method of
singing the cicada has? How it is, that, though the sound is
produced by which
air they inhale in dilating the chest, they
are more musical at midday? But, in truth, I seem to be left
farther behind in my explanation of the wonders of the
winged creatures than if I had attempted to attain to their
speed on foot.
Whenever you see those winged creatures called insects, such
and wasps (they have been called insects because
as the bees
they appear cut into segments all around), consider that they
do not have respiration or lungs but are completely nourished
in all parts of their bodies by the air. Therefore, if they are
drenched with oil, they perish, since their pores are stopped
up; but, if vinegar is immediately poured on them, the
passages are opened and life is restored again. Our God has
produced neither anything beyond need nor a deficiency of the
necessities of life for
any creature. Again, if you observe those
creatures which are fond of water, you will find that they are
differently constituted. Their feet are not divided like those
of the crow nor hooked like those of the carnivora, but are
broad and membranous so that they may easily swim upon the
water, pushing through the water with the webs of their feet
as if with oars. Now, if you notice how the swan, putting its
neck down into the deep water, brings up food for itself from
below, then you will discover the wisdom of the Creator, in
that He gave it a neck longer than its feet for this reason, that
it might, as if lowering a sort of fishing line,
procure the food
hidden in the deep water. 31
30 Cf. Aristotle, Ibid. 8.27.605b: 'All insects, without exception, die if
they be smeared over with oil.'
31 Cf. Aristotle, On the Parts of Animals 4.12.693a: 'In web-footed birds,
. . the neck is elongated, so as to be suitable for collecting food
32 Gen. 1.24.
33 Cf. Col. 3.4: 'When Christ, your life, shall appear, then you too will
appear with him in glory/
34 Cf. Aristotle, History of Animals 5.19.551b: 'A class of women unwind
and reel off the cocoons of these creatures, and aftewards weave a
fabric with the threads thus unwound.'
HOMILY 8 133
again, causing the first to bear himself proudly and the latter
to be covered with shame. What is the benefit of fasting in
our body while filling our souls with innumerable evils? He
who does not play at dice, but spends his leisure otherwise,
what nonsense does he not utter? What absurdities does he
not listen to? Leisure without the fear of God is, for those who
do not know how to use time, the teacher of wickedness. Per-
haps, some profit will be found in what I have said; but, if not,
at least, because you have been kept occupied here, you have
not sinned. Therefore, to detain you longer is to withdraw
you for a longer time from evils.
35 Ps. 36.4.
36 Ibid. 18.10.
37 Ibid. 18.11.
assembling. The earth welcomed you with its own plants, the
sea with its fish, the air with its birds. The dry land in turn
ready to exhibit treasures equal to these. But, let this be the
end of the morning feasting, lest satiety make you too dull for
the enjoyment of the evening banquet. May He who has filled
allthings with His creation and has left us in all things clear
memorials of His wondrous works fill your hearts with all
spiritual joy, in Christ Jesus
our Lord, to whom be glory and
power forever. Amen.
ently. Yet, however it was, you must not disregard it. Elisha
was by no means rejected as a poor host by his contemporaries,
in spite of the fact that he feasted his friends on wild plants.
I know the laws of allegory, although I did not invent them
of myself, but have met them in the works of others. Those
who do not admit the common meaning of the Scriptures say
that water is not water, but some other nature, and they
explain a plant and a fish according to their opinion. They
describe also the production of reptiles and wild animals,
changing it own notions, just like the dream
according to their
interpreters, who
interpret for their own ends the appear-
ances seen in their dreams. When I hear 'grass/ I think of
grass, and in the same manner
I understand everything as it
is said, a plant, aa wild animal, and an ox. 'Indeed, I
am not ashamed of the gospel/ 1 And, although those who have
written about the world have argued much about the shape
of the earth, whether the earth is a sphere, or a cylinder, or
1 Rom. 1.16.
(2) 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures; cattle and
wild beasts and crawling creatures.' 3 Consider the word of
God moving through all creation,
having begun at that time,
activeup and efficacious until the end, even to
to the present,
the consummation of the world. As a ball, when
pushed by
someone and then meeting with a slope, is borne downward
2 Cf. Aristotle, On the Heavens 2.13.293b, and 294b: 'Some think that it
spherical, others that it is flat and drum-shaped. . . . Anaximenes
and Anaxagoras and Democritus give the flatness of the earth as the
cause of its staying still/ 2.14.297a: 'Its must be
shape necessarily
3 Cf. Gen. 1.24: 'Let the earth
bring forth all kinds of living creatures:
cattle, crawling creatures and wild animals.'
HOMILY 9 137
by its own shape and the inclination o the ground and does
not stop before some level surface receives it, so, too, the
nature of existing objects, set in motion by one command,
passes through creation, without change, by generation and
destruction, preserving the succession of the species through
resemblance, until it reaches the very end. It begets a horse
as the successor of a horse, a lion of a lion, and an eagle of
an eagle; and it continues to preserve each of the animals by
uninterrupted successions until the consummation of the
universe. No length of time causes the specific characteristics
of the animals to be corrupted or extinct, but, as if established
'Let the earth bring forth living creatures.' The herds are
earthy and are bent toward the earth, but man is a heavenly
creature who excels them as much by the excellence of his soul
as by the character of his bodily structure. What is the figure
of the quadrupeds? Their head bends toward the earth and
looks toward their belly and pursues its pleasure in every way.
Your head stands erect toward the heavens; your eyes look
upward, so that, if ever you dishonor yourself by the passions
of the flesh, serving your belly and your lowest parts, 'you are
things that are above, where Christ is/ 6 and with your mind to
be above earthly things. As you have been molded, so dispose
your own life. Keep your citizenship in heaven. Your true
HOMILY 9 139
And the cattle, long enclosed during the winter season, when
the change by their
finally spring approaches, recognizing
natural sensation, look from within the stables toward the
exits, allturning their heads as by one agreement.
Some alert
have observed that the hedgehog has devised two vents
for its hole and, when the north wind is about to blow, it
blocks upthe northern entrance, but, when the south wind
again follows, it passes back to
the northerly one. Now, what
are we men taught by these acts? Not only that the solicitude
of our Creator extends through all things, but also that there
isamong brute beasts a certain sense perception of the future,
so that we should not cling to our present life but should pre-
serve our
all zeal for future time. Will you not be industrious
for your own self, O man? Will you not, after having observed
the example of the ant, lay up in the present age rest to be
enjoyed in the future? In the summertime
the ant hoards up
a supply of food for the winter and it does not, when the
inconveniences of winter are not yet at hand, while away its
time in idleness, but with a sort of relentless zeal it urges itself
11 Ps. 103.24.
12 Cf. Eph. 6.1: 'Children, obey your parents/
13 Eph. 6.4.
among the countless lambs? They have one voice, the same
a like odor among all, as much as reaches our
sense of smell, but, nevertheless, they have a certain sense
The dog is without reason but, nevertheless, he has sense
reactions equivalent to reason, In fact, the dog appears to
have been taught by nature what the wise of the world, who
occupy themselves during life with much study, have solved
with difficulty, I mean the complexities of inference. In track-
ing down a wild beast, if he finds the tracks separated in many
directions, he traverses the paths leading each way and all but
utters the syllogistic statement through his actions: 'Either
HOMILY 9 143
the wild beast went this way/ he says, 'or this, or in that
direction; but, sinceit is neither here nor there, it remains
Does not the gratitude of the dog put to shame any man
who is ungrateful to his benefactors? In fact, many dogs are
said to have died beside their masters, murdered in a lonely
14 Cf. Herodotus, 3.108: 'The lioness, a very strong and bold beast, bears
offspring but once in her life, and then but one cub; for the uterus
comes out with the cub in the act of birth. This is the reason of it:
when the cub first begins to stir in the mother, its claws, much sharper
than those of any other creature, tear the uterus, and as it grows, much
more does it scratch and tear, so that when the hour of birth is near
seldom is any of the uterus left whole.' Aristotle denies this in his
Histoty of Animals 6.31. 579b: 'The lioness brings forth in the spring,
generally two cubs at a time, and six at the very most; but sometimes
only one. The story about the lioness discharging her womb in the act
of parturition is a pure fable, and was merely invented to account for
the scarcity of the animal; . . The Syrian lion bears cubs five times:
five cubs at the first litter, then four, then three, then two, and lastly
one; after this the lioness ceases to bear for the rest of her days.'
will find that the Creator has added nothing superfluous, and
that He has not omitted anything necessary. Carnivorous
animals He has fitted with sharp teeth; there was need of such
for the nature of their food. Those which are only half
equipped with teeth, Heprovided with many varied recep-
tacles for the food. Because the food is not ground sufficiently
He has given them the power to chew again
fine the first time,
what has already been swallowed. Thus, having been finely
ground by the chewing of the cud, it is assimilated by the
animal that is fetding. The first, second, third, and fourth
stomachs in the ruminants do not remain idle, but each
fulfillsa necessary function. 16
Thecamel's neck is long in order that it may be brought
to the level of his feet and he may reach the grass on which
he lives. The bear's neck and also that of the lion, tiger, and
the other animals of this family, is short and is buried in the
shoulders, because their food does not come from the grass
and they do not have to bend down to the ground. They are
carnivorous and secure their food by preying upon animals.
But what is the reason for the elephant's trunk? Because
15 Cf. Herodotus, 3,109: 'When serpents pair, and the male is in the
very act of generation, the female seizes him by the neck, nor lets go
her grip till she have devoured him. Thus the male dies; but the
female is punished for his death; the young avenge their father, and
eat their mother while they are yet within her; nor are they dr6pped
from her till they have devoured her womb. Other snakes that do no
harm to men, lay eggs and hatch out a vast number of young/
16 Cf. Aristotle, ibid. 2.17.507a: 'However, animals present diversities in
the structure of their stomachs. In the first place, of the viviparous
quadrupeds, such of the horned animals as are not equally furnished
with teeth in both jaws are furnished with four such chambers. These
animals, by the way, are those that are said to chew the cud.' Cf. also
On the Parts of Animals 3.14.674b.
HOMILY 9 145
ously and vehemently urge himself on. Since they do not shrink
20 Ps. 138.6,
21 Gen. 1.26.
22 Ibid. 1.13.
The command was not written, 'Let mankind be made/ but
'Let us make mankind/ As long as the one to be taught had
not yet appeared, the preaching of theology was deeply hid-
den; now, when the creation of mankind was expected, faith
was revealed, and the doctrine of truth was more clearly dis-
closed. 'Let us make mankind/ You, O enemy of Christ, hear
Him addressing the companion of His creative activity, 'By
whom also he made the world; who . . .
upholds all things
by the word of his power. 24
in silence, however, does mankind accept the word of
true religion but, just as the wild beasts, which fiercely hate
mankind, when they are enclosed in cages, roar about the
displaying the meanness and savagery
enclosures, of their
nature without being able to satisfy their fury, so also the Jews,
a race hostile to 'truth, being straightened, say that there are
many to whom the word of God is directed. He says to the
angels standing beside Him, 'Let us make mankind.'
It is
of the Son and of the Father to be the same, the form being
23 Ibid. 1.26.
24 Heb. 1.2, 3.
25 Gen, 1.20.
HOMILY 9 149
26 Phil. 3.2.
27 Heb. 1.3.
28 Col. 1.15.
29 John 10.30.
30 Ibid. 14.9.
31 Gen. 1.27.
32 Ibid.
point, be content with what has been said and lay our words
to rest. We have at present employed our speech to arouse
your zeal as much as possible, but, with the help of the Spirit,
we add a more perfect examination of the facts
shall later
1 2 Tim. 3.16. St. Basil begins here his prologue in praise of the psalms,
which includes the first four paragraphs. This prologue is also found
in many manuscripts and editions of St. Augustine's commentaries on
the psalms and was by many attributed to St. Augustine. However, it
has now been shown that the prologue as found in St. Augustine's
works is the prologue of St. Basil's homilies as translated by Rufinus.
It is probably because of this prologue that St. Basil omitted the
psalms, even in the home, and they spread them around in the
market place, and, if perchance, someone becomes exceedingly
wrathful, when he begins to be soothed by the psalm, he
departs with the wrath of his soul immediately
lulled to sleep
3 Ps. 1.1, Also, note the way a man grows hardened in sin he walks in
the ways of the ungodly, stands in the way of sinners, and sits among
the wicked, Cf. n.7 infra,
4 Cf. Aristotle, On the Patts of Animals 3,4.665a: 'For, in sanguineous
animals both heart and liver are visible enough when the body is
only just formed, and while it is still extremely small.' Also 666a: Tor
no sooner is the embryo formed, than its heart is seen in motion as
though it were a living creature, and this before any of the other parts,
it being, as thus shown, the starting-point of their naturem all animals
that have blood.'
HOMILY 10 155
ise of the crop steals away the drudgery from the labors of the
farmers. Therefore, the common Director of our lives, the
great Teacher, the Spirit of truth, wisely and cleverly set forth
the rewards, in order that, rising above the present labors,
we might press on in spirit to the enjoyment of eternal bless-
ings. 'Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel
of the ungodly.' What is
truly good, therefore, is principally
and primarily the most blessed. And that is God. Whence
Paul also, when about to make mention of Christ, said: 'Ac-
frequently becomes the servant of sin for those who use them
point. Why, you say, does the prophet single out only man
and proclaim him happy? Does he not exclude women from
happiness? By no means. For, the virtue o man and woman
is the same, since creation is equally honored in both; there-
5 Cf. Tit. 2:13: 'Looking for the blessed hope and glorious coming of
our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ/
approval in the work itself; and they who are fleeing evil are
to be praised, not if, perhaps, they shun the sin once or twice,
but if they are able to escape the experience of evil entirely.
From the train of my reasoning another difficulty has presented
itself to us. Why does Scripture proclaim as blessed, not him,
7 Ibid. 1.2.
8 Ibid. 36.27.
9 Cf. Gen. 28.12: 'He dreamed that a ladder was set up on the ground
with its top reaching to heaven.'
10 Exod. 20.13-15.
11 Matt. 19.19.
12 Ibid. 19.21.
13 Ibid. 5.41.
on. to perfection through things that are rather easy and more
readily gained.
He put before us three acts which must be guarded against:
walking in the counsel of the ungodly, standing in the way of
sinners, sitting on the chair of pestilences. In accordance with
the nature of things, he set up this order by his words. First,
we take counsel with ourselves; next, we strengthen our reso-
lution; then, we continue unchanged in. what has been deter-
mined. Primarily, therefore, the purity of our mind is to be
deemed blessed, since the resolution in the heart is the root
of the actions of the body. Thus, adultery, first enkindled in
the soul of the lover of pleasure, causes destruction through
the body. Whence, also, the Lord says that the things that
defi'le a man are from within. 14 And, since impiety is prop-
erly called the sin against God, may it never happen that we
admit doubts concerning God
through want of faith. It is
'walking in the counsel of the ungodly/ if you should say in
your heart, 'Is it really God who governs all things? Is God
actually in the heavens, managing each individual thing? Is
there a judgment? Is there a reward for each according to his
work? Why, then, are the just poor, and sinners rich? Why
are these sick, and those in good health? These dishonored,
and those held in esteem? Is not the world borne along with-
out visible cause, and do not some unaccountable circum-
stances allot the lives for each without any order?' If you have
had these thoughts, you have walked in the counsel of the
ungodly. Blessed, therefore, is he who has not admitted any
doubt concerning God, who did not become weak in soul
concerning the present, but awaits that which is promised,
who did not hold any disloyal suspicion about Him who
created us.
'And blessed is that man who has not stood in the way of
sinners/ Life, then, is called a way because each being that
14 Cf. Matt. 15.18: 'But the things that proceed out of the mouth come
from the heart, and it is they that defile a man,'
HOMILY 10 159
first moves his foot, immediately the one after him takes a
Now, what does the expression 'has not stood' mean? While
we men were in our first age, we were neither in sin nor in
virtue was unsusceptible of either condition);
(for the age
but, when
reason was perfected in us, then that happened
which was written: 'But when the commandment came, sin
revived, and I died/ 15 Wicked thoughts, which originate in
our minds from the passions of the flesh, rise up. In truth, if,
when the command came, that is, the power of discernment
of the good, the mind did not prevail over the baser thoughts
but permitted its reason to be enslaved by the passions, sin
revived, but the mind died, suffering death because of its
transgressions. Blessed, therefore, is
he who did not continue
in the way of sinners but passed quickly by better reasoning
to a pious way of life. For, there are two ways opposed to each
other, the one wide and broad, the other narrow and close. 16
And there are two guides, each attempting to turn the traveler
to himself. smooth and downward sloping way has
Now, the
a deceptive guide, a wicked demon, who drags his followers
through pleasure to destruction, but the rough and steep way
has a good angel, who leads his followers through the toils of
virtue to a blessed end.
As long as each of us is a child, pursuing the pleasure of the
moment, he has no care for the future; but, when he has be-
come a man, after his judgment is perfected, he seems, as it
were, to see his life divided for him between virtue and evil,
and frequently turning the eye of his soul upon each, he
separates the analogous traits that belong to each. The life of
the sinner shows all the pleasures of the present age; that
of the just reveals in a slight measure the blessings of the
future alone. And, insofar as the future promises beautiful
rewards, to that extent does the way of those saved offer the
present toilsome works; on the contrary, the pleasant and
15 Rom. 7 9.
16 Cf. Matt. 7.13- 'For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
HOMILY 10 161
Now, I know that some in their youth have sunk
down into the passions of the flesh and have remained in their
sins until their old age because of the habit of evil. As the
swine rolling about in the mire always smear more mud on
themselves, so these bring upon themselves more and more
each day the shame of pleasure. Blessed is it, therefore, not
to have had evil in your mind; but, if through the deceit of
the enemy, you have received in your soul the counsels of
impiety, do not stay in your sin. And, if you have experienced
this, do not become established in evil. So then, 'do not sit
in the chair of pestilence/
If you have understood what Scripture calls a chair, that it
means lasting persistence in evil, examine now of what pesti-
lences it speaks. Those who are skilled in these matters say
that the pestilence, when it touches one man or animal, is
1 Ps. 7.1.
2 Cf. 2 Kings 15-18.
3 2 Kings 17.14.
says, 'is
justified by her children/
8 He also says: 'If a son of
It should not, then, seem strange that the
peace be there/
body was not mentioned, and that the chief
father of his
*O Lord thee have I put my trust; save me/ 10
my God, in
Although the saying, 'O Lord my God, in thee have I put my
trust; save me/ is thought to be a simple prayer and one that
can be offered up rightly by anyone, perhaps such is not the
case. For, he who puts his trust in man or is buoyed up by
some other concerns of life, such as power, or possessions, or
4 Ibid.
5 Cf. 2 Kings 17.15, 16.
6 Cf. 2 Thess. 2.3: 'Unless the man of sin is revealed, the son of
7 John 17.12.
8 Matt. 11 19.
9 Luke 10.6.
10 Ps. 7.2.
HOMILY 11 167
soul like a lion/ You may learn this from the Lord
upon my
Himself who said concerning the time of His passion: 'Now
the prince of this world is coming, and in me he will have
16 He who had committed no sin said that he had
nothing; but, for a man it will be sufficient,
if he dares to
measuring out of equal value on the part of him who has re-
ceived benefits; repayment is a sort of second beginning and
cycle of benefits or evils stored up
for certain ones. In my opin-
ion, since the expression, making, as it were, a re-petition in
place of a petition, requests repayment, it presents some such
meaning as this: the debt of care necessarily owed through
nature to children by their parents, this provide for me. Indeed,
16 John 14.30.
17 Ps. 7.2, 3.
18 Ibid. 7.4-6.
19 Ps. 118.17.
provide for them the means for their livelihood. Such is fre-
enemy pursue my soul, and take it, and tread down my life
on the earth/ 22 The soul of the just man, severing itself from
affection for the body, has its life hidden with Christ in God,
so that it can say like the
Apostle: 'It is now no longer I that
live, but Christ lives in me. And the life that I now live in
the flesh, I live in faith/ 23 But, the soul of the sinner and of
him who lives according to the flesh and is defiled by the
ing upon him who has fallen, and with his feet trampling him
into the ground, that is, trampling the life of him who has
ing to the flesh is said to settle in the dust. He who has gloried
in earthly wealth and who pursues the short-lived honor of
20 Cf. 2 Cor. 12 14: 'For the children should not save up for the parents,
but the parents for the children/
21 Ps. 75.
22 Ibid. 7.6.
23 Gal. 2.20.
24 Ps. 7.6.
'And arise, O
Lord my God, in the precept which thou hast
commanded/ This saying can also be referred to the mystery
of the Resurrection, since the prophet is exhorting the Judge
to arise in order to avenge every sin and to bring to fulfillment
the commands previously laid on us. It can also be accepted
in reference to the state at that time of the affairs of the
The one will be accused only on the ground that he did not
use rightly the salutary inclinations implanted among his
thoughts, but the other, in addition to this, because, although
he obtained much assistance for salvation, through want of
and of attention, in a very short time he betrayed
himself. Similarly also, he who has been trained from the
37 Prov. 14.15.
38 Ps. 7.10.
$9 Cf. 2 Tim. 2.17: 'And their speech spreads like a cancer.'
HOMILY 11 175
40 Ps. 7.10.
41 Ibid.
42 1 Cor. 4.5.
searched to see if he loved God with his whole soul and his
kinship, but "My help is from God. What assistance the Lord
43 Ps. 7.11.
44 Ibid. 33.8.
45 Gn. 48.16.
46 Ps. 7.11.
HOMILY 11 177
every day/
48 The prophet
seems to say this, alluding to those
who are always disturbed at what happens, as if calming the
confusion of men, lest at any time they mistrust His provi-
dence concerning the universe, when they see a father un-
avenged at the rebellion of his son and the wickedness of
Absalom prospering in whatever he proposed. Correcting,
therefore, the foolishness in their thoughts, he testified to
them: 'God is a just judge, strong and
patient: he is not angry
every day/ Not indiscriminately does any of the things that
happen take place, but God measures out in turn to each
person with the measures with which He first measured out
the actions of their life. When I have committed a sin, I
receive in return according to my desert. 'Speak not, then,
griefs which inflame and melt the soul, and fears which
proclaimed to all*
'He hath opened a pit and dug it/ 56 We do not find the
name of 'pit* (lakkos) ever assigned in the divine Scriptures
in the case of something good, nor a 'well' of water (phrear)
in the case of something bad. That into which Joseph was
thrown by his brothers is a pit (lakkos). 57 And there is a
slaughter Trom the firstborn of Pharao unto the
firstborn of
58 And
the captive woman that was in the prison (lakkon)/
in the psalms: T am counted among them that go down to the
pit (lakkon)/
59 And in Jeremia it is said: 'They have for-
saken me, the fountain of living water, and have digged to
themselves cisterns (lakkous) broken cisterns, that can hold
55 1
John 3.8.
56 Ps. 7.16.
57 Gen. 37.24.
58 Exod. 12.29.
59 Ps. 87.5.
60 Jer. 2.13.
61 Cf. Dan. 6.
the wells that the
62 Cf. Gen. 26.15: 'They stopped up at that time all
servants of his father Abraham had digged/
63 Cf. Gen. 26.17-22.
64 Exod. 2.15.
also receive the order from Solomon 65 to drink water from our
own cisterns (angeion) and
from the streams of our wells
And beside the well (peg<) the Savior conversed
with the Samaritan woman concerning the divine mysteries. 66
As to the reason for the pits being assigned among the worse
the better, we think it is this. The
things and the wells among
water in the is something acquired, having fallen from the
streams of water, buried before the places
sky; but, in the wells
were u g out, are revealed when the heaps of earth covering
65 Prov, 5.15.
66 Cf. John 4.6: 'Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus, therefore, wearied
as he was from the journey, was sitting at the well.'
67 Prov. 5.15.
68 Jer. 2.13.
6 Ps. 54.12. The Septuagint version here uses 'kopos' in place of 'tokos/
7 Ibid. 14.5.
8 Matt. 5.42.
HOMILY 12 183
you may pay, why do you not put an end to your present
need from those resources? If you are without means for the
payment, you are treating evil with evil. Do not
take on a
creditor to pester you. Do not endure, like a prey, to be
hunted and tracked down. Borrowing is the beginning of
falsity; an opportunity for ingratitude,
for senseless pride, for
10 Ibid. 5.15.
11 Ibid. 23.27 (Septuagint version).
HOMILY 12 185
tormented, since the interest has increased your poverty
more. At present no one brings a charge against you
an involuntary evil; but, if you are
you are poor; for, this is
liable for interest, there is no one who will
not blame your
Let us not in addition to our involuntary evils Bring
on through our folly a self-chosen evil. It is the act of a child-
ish mind not to adapt oneself according to present
to make trial boldly
stances, but, turning to uncertain hopes,
of a visible and undeniable evil. Plan now how you will make
the payment. Is it from this money which you are receiving?
And, if you reckon the interest, how will you multiply your
on the one hand, it will take
money to such an extent, that
care of your need, and on the other, will make up the com-
and besides the interest. But, you will
plete capital produce
not pay off the loan from what you receive. From elsewhere,
then? Let us not wait for those hopes and let us not go like fish
after the bait. As they swallow down the hook with the food,
in the interest.
so we through the money are entangled
with another wound, nor cures an ill with another ill, nor
Are you rich? Do not borrow. Are you poor? Do not bor-
row. If you are prospering, you have no need of a loan; if
you have nothing, you will not repay the loan. Do
not give
your life over to regret, lest at some time you may esteem
as happy the days before the loan. Let us, the poor, surpass
the rich in this one thing, namely, freedom from care. Let
us laugh at them lying awake while we sleep, and always
engaged and anxious while we are free from care and at ease.
Yet, he who owes is both poor and full of care, sleepless by
(4) You see that the sun is free. Why do you begrudge
freedom of to yourself? No boxer avoids the blows of his
paternal debt. You are not able to leave money to your sons?
Do not deprive them as well of their dignity. Preserve for
them this one thing, the possession of their liberty, the sacred
trust which you received from your parents. No one has ever
been prosecuted for the poverty of his father, but a father's
one of the rich men in the city would promise you the pay-
ment for the others, would you accept his pledge? But, you
do not accept God as the surety for the poor. Give the money,
lying idle, without weighing it down
since it is with additional
charges, and it will be good for both of you. There will be for
you the assurance of its safety because of his custody; for him
receiving it, the advantage from its use. And,
if you are seek-
15 Cf. Luke 6.35: 'But love your enemies; and do good, and lend, not
hoping for any return/
16 Prov. 19.17.
HOMILY 12 191
17 Cf. Isa. 5.20: 'Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put
darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet,
and sweet for bitter/
18 Judges 14.14.
19 Matt. 7.16.
20 Ibid 7.17.
21 Ibid. 5.42.
TWENTY-EIGHTHPSALM has a general title, for it says,
'A psalm of David/ and it has something specific also,
adds, 'at the finishing of the tabernacle/ But,
since it
the going out from the tabernacle does not mean the depar-
ture from the temple; but, the tabernacle for us is this body,
as the Apostle taught us when he said: 'We who are in this
2 And
tabernacle again, the psalm: 'Nor shall the scourge
come near thy dwelling/ 3 And the finishing of the tabernacle
is the departure from this life, for which Scripture bids us to
through his good works will treasure up for himself glory and
honor according to the just requital of the Judge.
In many copies we find added the words, 'Bring to the Lord,
O ye children of God.' 4 And, since indeed not everyone's gift
is acceptable to God, but only his who brings it with a pure
2 2 Cor. 5.4.
3 Ps. 90.10.
4 Ibid. 281.
5 Prov. 19.13 (Septuagint version) .
Lord/ There is no need of a son that you may offer the son
himself, but, if a son is something great, it is proper for the
offering to be something great and worthy of the affection of
a son andof the dignity of the Father. He says: 'Bring the
offspring of rams/ that, when they are offered by you, they may
be changed from the state of offspring of rams into that of
children of God.
(2) The ramis an animal capable of leading, one which
do we, dust and ashes, offer glory to the great Lord? And how
honor? Glory, through our good works, when our works shine
before men, so that men seeing our works give glory to our
Father in heaven. 9 And through temperance and holiness
which is incumbent upon those who profess piety it is possible
7 Ps. 28.2.
8 Cf. Gen. 18.27: Abraham answered,
"I have ventured to speak to the
Lord though I am
but dust and ashes."
9 Cf. Matt. 5.16. 'Even so let your light shine before men, in order
that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in
to the proverb honors God by his just labors and offers to Him
Everyone who discusses divine
the first fruits of his justice.
brings glory and honor to the Lord and who lives a life in
harmony with this contemplation. For, the light of such a man
shines before men, 13 since by word and work and through
through you among the Gentiles/ Again, the Apostle says:
'Dost thou dishonor God by transgressing the Law?' 15 For,
contempt and disregard of the laws is an insult to the Law-
giver. When a house is badly managed, and in it are found
passion and screaming, insolence and mocking laughter, wan-
tonness and profligacy, impurity and licentiousness, the dis-
grace and shame of what happens fall upon him who is its
master. Consequently, we believe that, as in good works God
is honored, so in wicked works the
enemy is honored. When
'I shall take the members of Christ and make them members
of a harlot/ 16 I have transferred the glory from Him who saved
me to him who destroys me. The unbeliever 'changes the glory
of the incorruptible God for an image made like to corruptible
man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things*
on And he who worships and serves the creature more
earth. 17
than the Creator does not bring glory to God, but to the crea-
tures. Therefore, let him who says that a creature is some
great thing and then worships it, know with what party he
himself will be placed.
Let us fear lest, by bringing glory and occasions of exulta-
tion to the devil through our sins, we may be handed over to
everlasting shame with him. That our sin becomes glory for
him who effects it in us, understand by a similitude. When
two generals make an attack upon each other, and one army
wins, its commander receives the glory; but, when the opposing
one is victorious, the honor is in turn transferred to him.
Thus, the Lord is the One honored in your good deeds, but
in your contrary acts His opponent is honored. Do not, I
pray, consider that the enemy is far from you, and do not look
at the leaders from afar, but examine yourself and you will
find all the truth of the similitude. For, when the mind
14 Cf. Rom. 2.24: ' "For the name of God/* as
it is written, "is blasphemed
through you among the Gentiles."
15 Rom. 2.23.
16 1 Cor. 6.15.
17 Rom. 1.23.
18 Ps. 28.2.
19 Cf. Ps. 68.26: 'Let their habitation be made desolate.'
20 John 10.16. 'AuleV translated 'court' in Ps. 28.2, is here translated
21 Ps. 91.14.
HOMILY 13 199
"The voice of the Lordis
upon the waters/ In many places
the word Voice* Therefore, for the
you might find occurring.
sake of understanding what the voice of the Lord is, we should
gather, as far as we
are able, from the divine Scripture what
has been said about the voice; for instance, in the divine warn-
the voice came to him:
ing to Abraham: 'And immediately
23 And in Moses: 'And all the
He shall not be your heir/ people
Again, in Isaia: 'The voice
saw the voice and the flames/
of one saying: Cry/ 25 With us, then, voice is either air which
has been struck or some form which is in the air against which
he who is crying out wishes to strike. Now, what is the voice
of the Lord? Would it be considered the impact on the air?
Or air, which has been struck reaching the hearing of him to
whom the voice comes? Or neither of these, but that this is
a voice of another kind, namely, an image formed by the mind
of -men whom God wishes to hear His own voice, so that they
corresponding to that which
have this fre-
quently occurs in their dreams? Indeed, just as, although the
air is not struck, we keep some recollection of certain words
and sounds occurring in our dreams, not receiving the voice
on our heart
through our hearing, but through the impression
itself, so also we must believe that some such voice from God
appeared in the prophets.
'The voice of the Lord is upon the waters/ As, indeed, in
the clouds, when
regard to the sensible creation, since they
are full of water, produce sound and noise, striking against
each other, 'The voice* it is said, 'of the Lord is upon the
waters/ Then, too, if there should be the noise of waters
if the sea, thrown into
breaking against some barrier, and
confusion by the winds, should seethe and send forth a mighty
sound, these inanimate creatures have voice from the Lord,
22 Ibid. 28.3.
23 Gen. 15.4.
24 Exod. 20.18.
25 Isa. 40.6.
since Scripture shows that every creature all but cries out,
26 Ps. 28.3.
27 Matt. 3.17.
28 Ibid. 28.19.
HOMILY 13 201
touching the earth with a small part of itself, and really such
as that wheel was, about which Ezechiel said: *I saw and be-
hold there was one wheel on the earth attached to the four
living creatures, and their appearance and their form was as
the appearance of Tharsis.' 32
(4) 'The God of majesty hath thundered, the Lord is upon
many waters/ The waters are also the saints, because rivers
flow from within them, 33 that is, spiritual teaching which
refreshes the souls of the hearers. Again, they receive water
which springs up to eternal life, wherefore, it becomes in those
who receive it rightly 'a fountain of water, springing up unto
clouds and the hollows that intervene where their density is inter-
rupted. ... It usually happens that the exhalation that is ejected
is inflamed and burns with a thin and faint fire: this is what we call
30 Cf. Mark 3.17: 'And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother
of James (these he surnamed Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder) .'
31 Ps. 76.19.
32 Cf. Ezech. 1.15 (Septuagint version) .
33 Cf. John 7.38: 'He who believes in me, as the Scripture says, "From
within him there shall flow rivers of living water."
Therefore, the voice of the Lord is not in the weak and dis-
solute soul, but in that which vigorously and powerfully
achieves the good.
'The voice of the Lord in magnificence.' 38 Magnificence is
virtue extraordinarily great. He who performs great actions
becomingly, such a one hears himself called magnificent.
When the soul is not enslaved by the
pride of the flesh, but
assumes a greatness and dignity proper to it because of its
awareness of its attributes received from God, in this soul is
the voice of the Lord. Therefore, they who entertain noble
thoughts of God, contemplating sublimely the reasons for
creation, and being able to comprehend to a certain extent at
least the goodness of God's providence, and who besides are
34 John 4 14.
35 Cf". 3 Kings 18.41-45.
36 Ps. 28.4.
37 Cf. 1 Tim. 1.12: *I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has
strengthened me.'
38 Ps. 28.4.
HOMILY 13 203
in short, will any suffering greatly trouble him, nor will the
sins of paltry and contemptible little men move him, nor the
impurity of the flesh humble him. He is difficult of access to
the humiliating passions, which cannot even look upon him
because of the loftiness of his mind. There is mentioned also
a certain magnificence of God, according to the saying: 'Thy
magnificence is elevated above the heavens.' Those, then,
who give great glory to God, elevate His magnificence.
'The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars/ 40 The
cedar is at times praised by Scripture as a stable tree, free from
decay, fragrant, and adequate for supplying shelter, but at
times it is attacked as unfruitful and hard to bend, so that it
offersa representation of impiety. *I have seen the wicked
41 In
highly exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Libanus/
this sense it is now For 'the voice of the Lord
breaketh the cedars/ As even happens in a magnificent
43 Ibid. 7911.
44 John 15.5.
45 Ps. 28 6
46 Cf. Exod. 3220: '\nd laying hold of the calf which they had made,
he burnt it, and beat it to powder, which he strowed into the water,
and gave theieof to the children of Israel to drink.'
47 Ps. 28.6
48 John 1.29.
49 Acts 8.32; Isa. 53.7.
HOMILY 13 205
prophecy about the animal acting like a free man and not
submitting to men. It has been observed that the Scripture
has used the comparison of the unicorn in both ways, at one
time in praise, at another in censure. 'Deliver/ he says, 'my
soul from the sword . . . and my lowness from the horns of the
unicorns/ 51 He
said these words complaining of the warlike
50 Job 39.10.
51 Ps. 21.21, 22.
52 Ibid. 91.11.
53 Ibid. 148.14.
54 Ibid. 111.9.
55 Ibid. 17.3.
56 Ibid. 28.7.
57 Ct Dan. 3.47-50.
many are the children of the desolate, more than of her that
hath a husband/ 61 ), and being filled with the spirit of the
waters, that which before was desert may be made into pools
of standing water. 'The Lord shall shake the desert of Cades/
Now, the Lord will not shake every desert, but that of Cades,
that is, sanctification. For, Cades is interpreted 'sanctification/
'The voice of the Lord prepareth the stags/ 63 The words
58 Dan. 3.50.
59 Cf. Matt. 25.41: "Depart from me, accursed ones, into the everlasting
fire which was prepared for the devil and his aneels."
60 Ps 28.8.
61 Isa. 54.1.
62 Ps, 28.8.
65 Ibid. 28.9.
HOMILY 13 207
word 'stag' in the Scripture, to take the word for the repre-
sentation of the better power. 'The high hills are for the
harts/ and 'The hart panteth after the fountains of water/ 68
Since, then, every just man has his abode on the heights
'pressing on toward the goal, to the prize of the heavenly
call/ returns to the fresh fountains, searching for the first
sources of theology. But, the hart draws out with the breath-
ing of his mouth the hidden venomous animals, and leads
them out from their hiding places by the force of his breath.
Just as the holy man is called an eagle because he walks on
high and because he is separated very far from the earth, and
a sheep because of his gentleness and the free gift of what he
possesses, and a ram because of his authority, and a dove be-
cause of his innocence, so also, he is called the hart because
of his opposition to wickedness. Therefore Solomon says:
'Let thy dearest hind and most agreeable fawn consort with
showing us that the harts, as mentioned previously,
are suitable in the teaching of theology.
(7) 'The
voice of the Lord prepareth the stags/ When, then,
we see some man of God perfect and prepared, we seek for
profit from intercourse with him. Wherever a stag is present,
all the evil of serpents is banished. The venomous animals do
not endure the odor of this animal and, in truth, when its
horns are burnt for fumigation, they withdraw elsewhere.
'And he will discover the thick woods.' 71 First, the voice of
the Lord prepares the stags, then it discovers the thick woods,
natural spots made dense with wild and unfruitful material,
to which, especially, the venomous animals are wont to flee.
Since, therefore, the stag has already been perfected by the
preparation the Lord, the just man, made like to it,
made by
discovers the thick woods, so that, uncovered and ready, the
71 Ps. 28.9.
72 Matt. 3.10.
73 Heb. 4.12.
HOMILY 13 209
praise, belong to the nature of the good; but, the thick woods,
which the voice o God discovers and reveals in order that
those who think that they will find some useful fruit in them
may not be deceived, belong to the nature of the bad.
'And in his
temple all shall speak his glory/
74 Let
those who
give themselves to long conversations hear the words of the
psalm and take heed. What does the psalm say? He who is
in the temple of God does not speak out abuse nor folly nor
words full of shameful matters, but, 'in his temple all shall
speak his glory/ Holy angels stand by, who write the words;
the Lord is
present, who sees the affections of those entering.
The prayer of each is manifested to God; one seeks heavenly
things affectionately and one seeks them learnedly; one utters
his words perfunctorily with the tips of his lips, but his heart
is far from God. 75 Even though he
prays, he seeks the health
of his flesh, material wealth, and human glory. None of these
should be sought, as Scripture teaches, but, 'in his temple all
shall speak his glory/ 'The heavens show forth the glory of
God/ 76 The praise of God is a duty belonging to angels. This
one duty, referring glory to the Creator, belongs to every army
of heavenly creatures. Every creature, whether silent or utter-
cation, that you may reap crowns and honors and praises in
the kingdom of heaven. This statement, In his temple all
shall his was made not unfittingly in a digression,
speak glory/
because some in the temple of God talk endlessly until their
without profit. Would that it
tongue aches; and these enter
with harm!
might be only without profit and not
Lord maketh the flood to dwell/ 78 A flood is an
(8) 'The
overflow of water which causes all lying below it to disappear
and cleanses all that was previously filthy. Therefore, he calls
the grace of baptism a flood, so that the soul, being washed
well of its sins and rid of the old man, is suitable hence-
forward as a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Further,
what is Psalm agrees with this. For,
said in the Thirty-first
after he has said: 1 have acknowledged my sin, and my injustice
I have not concealed/ and also, Tor this shall every one that
is holy pray to thee/ he brought in, 'And yet in a flood of many
waters, they shall not come nigh unto him/ Indeed, the
sins shall not come nigh to him who received baptism for the
remission of his transgressions through water and the Spirit.
Something akin to this is found in the prophecy of Michea:
77 Gal. 6,7.
78 Ps. 28.10.
79 Ibid. 31.5, 6.
HOMILY 13 211
mercy on us, he will put away our iniquities, and will cast
them into the bottom of the sea/ 80
'And the Lord shall sit king forever/ 81 God is sitting in the
soul which shines from its washing, as if He were making it a
throne for Himself. 'The Lord will give strength to his people:
the Lord will bless his people with peace/ 82 From His erring
people the Lord will take away the strong man and the strong
woman, 83 but to him who acts honestly He gives strength.
everyone who has shall be given/ He who
'to 84
is confirmed in the performance of good works becomes
worthy of the blessing of God. Peace, which is a certain sta-
bility of mind, seems to be the most perfect of blessings, so that
the peaceful man is
distinguished by the calmness of his char-
acter, but, he who is attacked
by his passions has not yet par-
ticipated in the peace from God, which the Lord gave to His
and which, surpassing all understanding, will keep
the souls of the worthy. 85 For this, the Apostle also prays for
the churches, saying: 'Grace and peace be multiplied to you/ 86
80 Mich. 7.19.
81 Ps. 28.10.
82 Ibid. 28.11.
83 Cf. Isa. S.I: Tor behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take
away from Jerusalem, and from Juda the valiant and the strong/
84 Matt. 25.29.
may the peace of God which surpasses all under-
85 Cf. Phil. 4.7: 'And
standing guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.*
86 I Peter 1.2.
eyes away from God because of their shameful deeds and their
acts unworthy of the eyes of God; these, on repenting, say:
'Why turnest thou thy face away?' 6 Besides these, there are
others who have cast out the memory of God and, as it were,
are producing in Him forgetfulness of themselves, and these
upheld/ instead of, 'Thou hast raised me up/ and You have
made me superior to those rising up against me, just as if some
one, taking by the hand a child who was inexperienced in
swimming, would draw him up above the water. He, then,
who by the help of God has raised himself up from a fall,
through gratitude promises God glorification by his good
works. Or, as if someone, by supporting a certain weak
wrestler from a possible fall and making him superior to his
antagonist, provides for the one an opportunity of victory but
deprives the other of the pleasure of his fall. It is not the
afflictions,which are sent upon the saints for a trial, that pro-
cure happiness for our invisible enemies, but, when we refuse
afflictions and our thoughts are anxious, because we have
6 Ibid. 43.24.
7 Ibid.
8 Cl Job 1 and 2.
For this healing, he who was going down from illness into hell
but was led up from hell through the power of Him who over-
throws for our sake the ruler of death, gives thanks to God.
'Thou hast saved me from them that go down into the pit/ 18
Frequently, underground ditches which have been made into
a prison for captives are called pits. Thus, there is the expres-
sion in Exodus: Trom the firstborn of Pharao, unto the first-
born of the captive woman who was in the pit/ 19 But, they
even threw Jerernia also into a pit; 20 and his brothers through
21 Each
jealousy confined Joseph in a pit without water. act,
therefore, either draws us downward by oppressing us with
sin, or lifts us upward by raising us on wings toward God.
the words of the psalm with his mouth, does that one sing
to the Lord; but, all who send up the psalmody from a clean
18 Ibid.
19 Exod.
20 Cf. Jer. 37.15: 'So Jeremia went into the house of the prison, and
into the dungeon: and Jeremia remained there many days.'
21 Cf. Gen. 37.24: 'They seized him and threw him into the cistern,
which was empty and dry/
22 Ps. 17.34.
23 Ibid. 29.5.
the Scrip-
singing, although, in truth they are not singing. For,
ture invites the saint to the singing o psalms. 'A bad tree
cannot bear good fruit/ 24 nor a bad heart utter words of life.
Therefore, 'make the tree good and its fruits good/ Cleanse
your hearts, in order that you may bear fruit in the spirit and
polluted with the uncleanness of the flesh, you had become for-
getful of the holiness of Him who made you. For the atone-
ment of your sins, confess your former actions which were not
rightly performed.
Tor wrath is in his indignation; and life in his good will/ 27
First, he mentioned something depressing, wrath in the indig-
nation of God; then, something brighter, life in His good will.
This seems to be tautology to those who are not able to attain
to an exact understanding of the meanings, since the prophet
28 Rom. 2.5.
29 Deut. 32.39.
30 Cf. Ibid.
31 Ps. 29.6.
forted/ 32 'Blessed are they who weep, for they shall laugh/ 33
the days of their life, which is
They, therefore, who spend
already at its consummation
and declining toward its setting,
in weeping for their sins, these will be glad in that true
which is approaching. 'They that sow in tears shall reap
in joy/ 34 of course, in the future.
'And in my abundance I said: I shall never be moved/
3 **
As the prosperity of a city is dependent upon the supply of
goods for sale in the market, and as we say that a country is
much fruit, so also there is a cer-
prosperous which produces
tain prosperity of the soul when it has been filled
with works
kind. It is first for it to be laboriously
of every necessary
cultivated, and then to be enriched by
the plentiful streams
32 Matt. 5.5.
33 Luke 6.2L
54 Ps. 125 5.
35 Ibid. 29.7.
36 Cf. Matt. 13,23: 'He bears fruit and yields in one case a hundredfold,
in another sixtyfold, and in another thirtyfold.'
37 Deut. 28.5.
38 Ps. 29.8.
HOMILY 14 221
above: 'Life is in his good will/ so, now, he extols God through
his thanksgiving, saying: In thy favor, thou gavest strength to
my beauty/ For, was
I beautiful according to nature, but
weak, because I was dead by sin through the treachery of the
serpent. To my beauty, then,
which I received from You at
the beginning of my creation, You added a strength which is
for what is proper. Every soul is beautiful, which
is considered by the standard of its own virtues. But beauty,
body, just as also the traces of the beauty of the soul shine
through in the state of the saint. Accordingly, we must have
anyone asks God for trifling and earthly things, he uses a small
and low voice, which does not reach to the height nor come
to the ears of the Lord.
40 Cant. 4.7.
41 Ps. 29.8.
42 Cf. Phil. 4.7: 'And may the peace of Gad which surpasses all under-
standing guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Tesus.'
45 Ps. 118.60.
44 Ibid. 29.9.
HOMILY 14 223
45 Ibid. 29.10.
46 1 Cor. 9.27.
47 Ps. 29.10.
48 Ibid. 29.11.
49 Rom. 8.8.
Lord may hear us, having mercy on our weakness, and that we
also, rejoicing in the divine assistance, may say, 'Thou hast
turned for me my mourning into joy/ 50 The joy of God is
not found in just any soul but, if some one has mourned much
and deeply his own sin with loud lamentations and continual
weepings, as if he were bewailing his own death, the mourning
of such a one is turned into joy. That it is praiseworthy to
mourn is evident from the boys who sit in the market place,
saying: 'We have sung dirges, and you have not wept; we have
51 The
piped to you, and you have not danced/ flute is a
musical instrument which needs wind for the melody. Where-
fore, I think that every holy prophet was called figuratively a
flute because of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For this
reason he says: 'We have piped to you, and you have not
danced.' The prophetical words, indeed, urge us on to the
rhythmic action of the holy prophecy, which is called dancing.
But, the prophets make lamentation for us, summoning us
to mourn, in order that, becoming aware from the prophetic
words of our own sins, we may bewail our destruction, afflict-
ing our flesh with hardships and toils. By such a person, the
mourning garment, which he put on when bewailing his sin,
is rent, and the tunic of joy is
placed around him and the
cloak of salvation, those bright wedding garments, with which,
if one is adorned, he will not be cast out from the bridal
'Thou hast cut my sackcloth, and hast compassed me with
gladness/ The sackcloth is a help to penance, since it is a
50 Ps. 29.12.
51 Luke 7.32.
52 Ps. 29.12.
53 Luke 10.13.
HOMILY 14 225
may sing to thee, and I may not regret/ He means, 'No longer
shall I do things which deserve the pricking and piercing of
l PS. 32.1.
8 Cf. Isa. 27.1: 'In that day the Lord with his hard, and great, and
strong sword shall visit leviathan the bar serpent, and leviathan the
crooked serpent/
9 Ps. 91.16; 10.8.
10 1 Cor. 12.3.
11 Ps. 32.2.
12 Cf. Rom. 6.19: 'For as you yielded your members as slaves of un-
cleanness and iniquity unto iniquity, so now yield your members as
slaves of justice unto sanctification/
13 Ps. 32.3.
14 Phil. 3.13.
HOMILY 15 231
(3) 'Sing well unto him with a loud noise.' 15 Hear the
command. 'Sing well/ with unwavering mind, with sincere
affection. 'Sing with a loud noise/ Like certain brave soldiers,
after the victory against the enemy, pour forth hymns to the
Author of the victory. 'Take courage/ it is said, 1 have over-
come the world/ 16 What man is capable of fighting against
the evil one, unless, fleeing to the protection of the power of
our Commander in chief, by our faith in Him we smite our
enemy and shoot him with arrows? Therefore, 'sing well with
a loud noise/ But, ;/ie loud noise is a certain inarticulate
sound, when those who are fighting side by side in a war shout
out in unison with each other. Sing, then, in harmony and in
agreement and in union through charity. Now, what should
those say who are singing? 'That the word of the Lord is
right/ Therefore, he first summons the righteous to praise,
since the Word of the Lord is righteous and is destined to be
glorified, who 'was in the beginning with God and was God/
15 Ps. 32.3.
16 John 16.33.
17 Ps. 32.4.
18 John 1.1.
19 Ps. 32.4.
you see the heavens/ he says 'and the order in them, they are
a guide to faith, for through themselves they show the Crafts-
man; and, if you see the orderly arrangement about the earth,
again through these things also your faith in God is increased.
In fact, it is not by acquiring knowledge of God with our
carnal eyes that we believe in Him, but by the power of the
mind we have perceived God through visible
the invisible
the mercy of the Lord, since His judgment is stored up for the
appointed time. Here, then, mercy is apart from judgment;
indeed, He did not come 'in order that He might judge the
world, but that He might save the world/ 26 But there, judg-
ment not apart from mercy because man could not be found
clean from stain, not even if he had lived for only one day. 27
And so, if anyone sees the evil spreading daily and the mortal
race of man, so far as it merits for its sins, deserving of count-
lessdeaths, he will admire the riches of the goodness of God
and of His forbearance and patience. Of course, while we are
on earth, we need mercy. Those in heaven, indeed, merit to
be called happy, not to be pitied. Or, the explanation is, per-
haps, that, because of the sentence laid upon us for sin, it is
we who are called earth, since we hear from God, 'Earth you
we, who are full of the
are, and unto earth you shall return/
mercies of God. For, 'when we were dead by reason of our'
offenses and
'sins/ God, having mercy, 'brought us to life
'By the word of the Lord the heavens were established; and
all the power of them by the mouth/ 30 Where are
spirit of his
those who set at Where are those who
naught the Spirit?
separate It from Where are those who
the creative power?
dissever It from union with the Father and Son? Let them
hear the psalm which says: 'By the word of the Lord the
heavens were established; and all the power of them by the
spirit of his mouth/ The term 'Word/ will not be considered
as this common form of diction which consists of names and
expressions, nor will the Spirit be considered as vapor poured
out in the air; but as the Word, which was in the beginning
with God, 31 and as the Holy Spirit, which has obtained this
26 Cf. John 3.17: Tor God did not send his Son into the world in order
to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.'
27 CL Job 14.4, 5 (Septuagint version).
28 Gen. 3.9.
29 Ephu 2.5.
30 Ps. 32.6.
31 John 1.1.
HOMILY 15 235
appellation as Its own. As, then, the Creator, the Word, firmly
established the heavens, so the Spirit which is from God,
which proceeds from the Father, that is, which is from His
mouth (that you may not judge that It is some external object
or some creature, but may glorify It as having Its substance
from God) brings with It all the powers in Him. Therefore,
all the heavenly power was established by the Spirit; that is,
it has from the assistance of the
Spirit the solidity and firm-
ness and constancy in holiness and in every virtue that is be-
35 Isa. 45.3.
36 Cf. Matt. 9.17: 'Nor do people pour new wine into old wine-skins,
else the skins burst, the wine is spilt, and the skins are ruined. But
world/ it says, 'be in awe of him.' Let them make every move-
ment, as were, whether effected by the mind or by bodily
39 Ibid. 32.9.
40 2 Cor. 5.17.
41 Eph. 2.15.
HOMILY 15 239
42 Ps. 32.10.
43 The silver shekel had the same value as a stater, approximately
seventy-two and a half cents.
44 A cabe was about four pints.
45 Cf. 4 Kings 6.25: 'And there was a great famine in Samaria; and so
long did the siege continue, till the head of an ass was sold for four-
score pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cabe of pigeon's dung,
for five pieces of silver/
remain in our souls firm and steadfast, for the human thoughts
which we formerly held, first to be rejected. Just as he who
intends to write on wax, first smooths it down and thus puts
on whatever forms he wishes, so also the heart which is to
admit clearly the divine words must be made clean of the
opposite thoughts. 'The thoughts of his heart to all genera-
tions/ Since, then, there are two chosen peoples, and two
testaments were given to them according to the saying, 'The
thoughts of his heant to all generations genean kai
47 2 Kings 15.31.
48 Ps. 32.11.
HOMILY 15 241
60 And if 'the heart of the
king is in the hand of
God/ 61 he will not be saved through power of arms, but
through the divine guidance. Now, not any random person
is in the hand of God 3 but he who is worthy of the name of
king. And some have defined the kingly office as lawful author-
or the universal control that is not liable to sin.
*Nor shall the giant be saved by his own great strength/ 62
He calls him a giant who uses physical power and bodily
force. Therefore, neither the king has aid enough from his
soldiery, nor is the strong man able
to suffice for himself
58 Rom. 13.1.
59 Eph. 2.5.
60 1 Cor. 3.7.
61 Prov. 21.1.
62 Ps. 32.16.
63 1 Cor. L27.
64 Ps. 8.3. St. Basil uses the verb in the third person in place of the
65 Ps. 32.17.
(10) 'Behold
the eyes of the Lord are on them that fear
him/ 70
Elsewhere, it says, 'The eyes of the Lord are upon the
here, 'on those that fear him/ When we look upon
71 but
the Lord and our eyes are on Him, so that we say, 'Behold as
the eyes of the servants are on the hands of their masters, so
are our eyes unto the Lord our God/ 72 then, we, as it were,
draw the eye of the Lord to watch over us.
*And on them who hope in his mercy/ 73 The humility of
those who serve the Lord indicates how they hope in His
mercy. He who does not trust in his own good' deeds nor
expects to be justified by his works has, as his only hope of
salvation, the mercies of God. For, when he considers that the
74 refers to each
expression, 'Behold the Lord and his reward/
according to his work, and when he ponders his own evil deeds,
he fears the punishment and cowers beneath the threats.
66 Cl ExocL 14.28: 'And the waters returned, and covered the chariots
and the horsemen of all the army of Pharaoh, who had come into
the sea after them/
67 CL 4 Kings 19.35: 'And it came to pass that night that an angel of
the Lord came, and slew in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and
eighty-five thousand/ Cl also Isa. 37.36.
68 Deut. 17.16.
69 2 Cor. 12.10.
70 Ps. 32.18.
71 Ibid. 33.16.
72 Ibid. 122.2.
73 Ibid. 32.18.
74 Isa. 40.10.
HOMILY 15 245
sistently with these words the Apostle said: 'In all these things
we overcome because of him who has loved us/ 78 and 'Not
only this, but we exult in tribulations also/
For, the psalmist
in saying: 'Our soul waiteth for the Lord/ in order that he
might show that it was not through force nor because he was
oppressed by afflictions that he displayed patience, but that
with all joy he accepts the ill-treatment for the name of the
Lord, says, 'Not only do we endure, but also "In him our
heart shall rejoice, and in his holy name we have trusted."
It is sufficient for us to be named Christians to escape all
abuse from our adversaries. The name of God is said to be
holy, not entirely because it has a certain sanctifying power
in its syllables, but because the whole specific character of God
and the thought contained in what is specially contemplated
concerning Him is holy and pure.
'Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in
75 Cf. Ps. 32.19: 'To deliver their souls from death; and feed them in
76 Ps. 32.20.
77 Ibid. 32.21.
78 Rom. 8.37.
79 Ibid. 5.3.
80 Ps. 32.22.
4 Cf. Exod. 2.5: 'And behold the daughter of Pharao came down to
wash herself in the river/
5 Cf. 3 Kings 3.1: 'And the kingdom was established in the hand of
Solomon, and he made affinity with Pharao the king of Egypt/
6 Cf. Jer. 37.6: 'Behold the army of Pharao, which is come forth to
help you/
7 Gen. 21.22 (Septuagint version) St. Basil uses Thiloch* for 'Phichol/
8 Ibid. 26.8.
HOMILY 16 249
presence?' Having caused himself to be dismissed from there
by these means, he came safely through, Scripture says, to the
cave of Odollam.
Then, because he had been delivered from great danger,
he sent up this prayer of thanksgiving to God who had rescued
him. 'I will bless the Lord at all times/ 10 Having escaped
death, as if he were setting up norms for his life, he molded
his soul to an exact manner of living, so that he ceased at no
time from praise, but referred the beginning of affairs, great
and small, to God. 'I will not think/ he says, 'that anything
was done through my own diligence nor happened through
spontaneous chance but, "I will bless the Lord at all times,"
not only in prosperity of life, but also in precarious times.* The
Apostle, learning from this, says: 'Rejoice always. Pray with-
11 Do
out ceasing. In things give thanks/
all you not see how
great was the love of the man? He did not cease through
impatience at the continuous succession of evils, when he was
not only driven out of his country, away from his relatives,
friends, and possessions, but also when he was handed over to
the enemy by force and was on the point of being torn to
pieces by them.
12 He did not say: 'How long will these con-
tinuous evils last?' He did not cease through impatience ait the
long stretch of tribulations, knowing 'that tribulation works
out endurance, and endurance tried virtue, and tried virtue
13 In
hope/ truth, tribulations are, for those well prepared,
like certain foods and exercises for athletes which lead the
contestant on to the hereditary glory, if, when we are reviled,
we bless; maligned, we entreat; ill-treated, we give thanks;
we 14 indeed shameful
afflicted, glory in our afflictions. It is
9 1 Kings 21.14, 15. St. Basil uses the first person singular instead
of the plural.
10 Ps. 33.2.
11 1 Thess. 5.16-18.
12 Cf. 1 Kings 19-26.
13 Rom. 5.3, 4.
14 Cf. 1 Cor. 4.12, 13: 'We are reviled and we bless, we are persecuted
and we bear with it, we are maligned and we entreat.'
great Lord. Certainly, one who ministers to the King will not
be high-minded because he has been assigned to this particular
rank of the ministry, and having been considered worthy to
serve God, he will not contrive for himself praises from else-
where, will he, as if the call of the Lord did not suffice for all
pre-eminence of glory
and distinction?
Therefore, 'in the Lord shall my soul be praised: let the
meek hear and rejoice/ 25 Since with the help of God, by
deceiving my enemies, he says, I have successfully
the of my countenance,
safety without war, by only changing
'Let the meek hear' that it is possible even for those at peace
to erect a trophy, and for those not fighting to be named
victors. 'And let them to embrace
rejoice/ being strengthened
22 Ps. 33.5.
23 Jer. 9.23, 24. St. Basil changed the order of the words somewhat,
24 Cf. Col. 4.7. 'Our dearest brother and faithful minister and fellow-
servant in the Lord/
25 Ps. 33.3.
these things, he says, that in that difficult time when all the
wrath of the malicious was roused against me and every hand
was armed against me, and I, stripped and unarmed, was
exposed to the enemy, ready for every outrage, even at that
time I was not confounded in my thoughts through fear; I
was not distracted from the thought of God; I did not despair
of my safety; but, I sought the Lord. I not only asked with
a kind of simple and temporal hope in the Lord, but I sought.
Indeed, the meaning of the word 'sought* signifies something
30 Ibid. 6.8.
31 Ibid. 33.5.
32 Ibid. 63.7.
33 Ibid. 33.5.
34 Matt. 7.14,
35 Ps. 33.2.
36 2 Cor. 4.8.
37 Acts 14.21.
38 Rom. 5.3.
39 Cf. Cor. 10.13: 'God is faithful and will not permit you to be
tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also give
you a way out that you may be able to bear it.*
40 Ps, 33.6,
HOMILY 16 255
every man who comes into the world/ 42 does not bestow His
nor for any other creatures that feed by night, so also the light
isby its own nature bright and capable of brightening. How-
ever, all do not share in its brightness. Thus also, 'Everyone
who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light,
that his deeds may not be exposed/ 44 'Come ye, therefore, to
him and be enlightened: and your faces shall not be con-
founded/ 45 Blessed is he, who on the day of the righteous
judgment of God, when the Lord comes to bring to light the
things hidden in darkness and to make manifest the counsels
of hearts, has dared to be subjected to that light of scrutiny
and has returned without cause for shame because of a con-
science undefiled by evil deeds. They, indeed, who do evil
deeds will rise to reproach and to shame, beholding in them-
selves the ugliness and the likenesses of their sins. And, per-
haps, that shame with which the sinners are going to live
forever will be more fearful than the darkness and the eternal
fire,since they have always in their eyes the traces of sin in
their flesh like certain indelible stains, which remain perpetu-
from their soul have chosen poverty. For, nothing that is not
deliberate is to be pronounced blessed. Therefore, every virtue,
but this one especially before all others, is characterized by the
action of the free will. So it is said: 'This poor man cried/
By the demonstrative word for the man who was poor because
of God, and hungry and thirsty and naked, he calls forth your
understanding; 'This poor man/ all but pointing with his
finger; this disciple of Christ. It is possible also to refer this
expression to Christ, who being rich by nature, because all
things belonging to the Father are His, became poor for our
sakes in order that by His poverty we might become rich.
Nearly every work that leads to the blessing, the Lord Him-
selfbegan, setting Himself forth as an example to His disciples.
Return to the blessings and you will find on examining each
that He anticipated the teaching contained in the words by
His deeds. 'Blessed are the meek/ 49 How, then, shall we learn
meekness? 'Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of
heart/ 50'Blessed are the peacemakers/ 51 Who
will teach us
the beauty of peace? The Peacemaker Himself, who makes
47 Matt. 5.3.
48 Cf. 2 Cor. 8.9: 'For you know the graciousness of our Lord
Christ how, being rich, he became poor for your sakes, that by his
poverty you might become rich/
49 Matt. 5.5.
50 Ibid. 11.29.
51 Ibid. 5.9.
52 Cf. Eph. 2.15: 'that of the two he might create in himself one new
HOMILY 16 257
53 Matt. 5.3.
54 Cf. Phil. 2.7: 'but he emptied himself, taking the nature of a slave
and being made like unto men.'
55 John LI6.
56 Ps. 33.8.
57 Cf. Virgil, Georgics IV. 227-230: 'If now their narrow home thou
wouldst unseal, And broach the treasures of the honey-house, With
draught of water first foment thy lips, And spread before thee fumes
of trailing smoke/ (Translation of James Rnoades) .
so also the angel shields from the front and guards the rear
and does not leave the two sides unprotected. For this reason,
*A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy
right hand; but' the stroke of the enemy 'shall not come nigh
thee/ 58 because He will give commands to His angels con-
cerning you.
(6) *O taste, and see that the Lord sweet/ 59 Frequently
apostles did not obtain bodily goods because they did not seek
the Lord; or, if they did seek Him
and failed to obtain such
goods, he will bring a charge against the Scripture itself which
says that they who seek the Lord do not suffer the loss of good.
But, the saints also sought the Lord, and they did not fail
in the knowledge of Him who was sought, nor were
deprived of the blessings stored up in the eternal rest. Con-
65 Cf.Amos 8.11: 'And I will send forth a famine into the land: not a
famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the word of the
HOMILY 16 261
cerning them one might say 'of every good/ For, bodily joys
have more pain than pleasure; marriages involve childlessness,
widowhood, corruption; agriculture, fruitlessness; trade, ship-
wrecks; wealth, plots; luxuries and satiety and continual pleas-
ures, a variety of diseases, as well as sufferings of many kinds.
Paul also sought the Lord and no blessing was wanting to him.
And yet, who could enumerate the annoyances of the body, in
which he lived during his whole life? 'Thrice he was scourged,
once he was stoned, thrice he suffered shipwreck, a night and
a day he was adrift on the sea, in journeyings often ... in
hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in labor and hardships/ 66
in distresses frequently. A
man hungering and thirsting and
being naked and buffeted even to his last hour, surely, was
beside him who has done many wicked deeds throughout his
life and dark angels stand, flashing fire from
certain horrible
their eyes and breathing fire because of the bitterness of their
wills, and with a countenance like the night because of their
dejection and their hatred of man. Then, there is the deep
72 that has no outlet and the
pit and the darkness light without
brightness, which has the power of burning in the darkness but
is deprived of its splendor. Next is the poisonous and flesh-
devouring class of worms, which eat greedily and are never
satiated and cause unbearable pains by their voracity; and
lastly,the severest punishment of all, that eternal reproach
and shame. Fear these things, and being taught by this fear,
check your soul, as with a bit, from its desire for wickedness.
The father promised to teach us this fear of the Lord, and
not to teach indiscriminately, but to teach those who wish to
heed him; not those who have long fallen away, but those who
run to him through a desire of being saved; not 'strangers to
the covenants/ 74 but those who are reconciled through bap-
tism by the word of the adoption of sons. Therefore, he says,
'Come/ that is, 'because of your good deeds approach me,
children/ since you are considered worthy because of your
regeneration to become sons of light. You, who have the
of your heart open, hear; I shall teach you fear of the Lord,
that fear which a while ago our sermon described.
'Who is the man that desireth life: who loveth to see
75 If
good days?' anyone wishes life, he says, he does not live
this common life, which brute but the true life
beasts also live,
which is not cut short by death. Tor, now/ said, 'you have
it is
died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ,
your life, shall appear, then you too will appear with him in
72 Gf. Matt. 8.12: 'But the children of the kingdom will be put forth into
the darkness outside/
73 Cf. Isa. 66.24: 'Their worm shall not die, and their hre shall not
be quenched/
74 Eph. 2.12.
75 Ps. 33.13.
Therefore, Christ is, in truth, life; and our way of
life in Him is true life. In like manner, also, the other days
are good, which the prophet set forth in the promise. 'Who
is the man that desireth life: who loveth to see good days?'
For, the days of this life are evil, since this life, being the
measure of the world, concerning which there is the saying:
'The whole world is in the power of the evil one/ 77 is made
quite like the nature of the world which it measures. But,
these days are parts of this time. Therefore, the Apostle says:
'Making the most of your time, because the days are evil/
Likewise Jacob says: 'The days of my pilgrimage are short and
wretched/ 79 We are not, then, in life, but in death. And so
the Apostle prayed, saying: 'Who will deliver me from the
80 There
body of this death?' is, however, a certain other life,
to which these words call us; and, although at present our days
are evil, yet some others are good, which night does not inter-
76 Col. 3.3, 4.
77 1 John 5.19.
78 Eph. 5.16.
79 Cf. Gen. 47.9: 'The length of my pilgrimage has been one hundred
and thirty years; short and wretched has been my life.'
80 Rom. 7.24.
81 Cf. Apoc. 22.5: 'And night shall be no more, and
they shall have no
need of light of lamp, or light of sun, for the Lord God will shed
light upon them; and they shall reign forever and ever/
82 1 Cor. 7.31.
HOMILY 16 265
'Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking
84 If
guile/ you wish to live in the good days, if you love life,
fulfill the precept of life. 'He who loves me/ He says, 'will
85 The first command
keep my commands/ is, 'Keep thy tongue
from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile/ The most com-
mon and varied sin is that committed through the tongue.
Were you provoked to anger? The tongue is already running
on. Are you possessed by concupiscence? Before all things you
have a tongue, a sort of pimp and promoter, as it were,
assistant to the sin, subduing your neighbors by histrionic arts.
Your tongue is also a weapon for your injustice, not uttering
the words from the heart, but bringing forth those inspired
by deceit. But, what need is there to put in words all the sins
committed through the tongue? Our life is filled with faults
due to the tongue. Obscenity, scurrility, foolish talk, unbe-
coming words, slanders, idle conversation, perjuries, false
your lips from speaking guile; instead, let the whole organ,
which was given to you for the service of speech, have nothing
to do with wicked deeds. Guile is hidden wrongdoing brought
to bear against the neighbor under a pretense of better things.
83 Cf. CoL 2.16, 17: 'Let no one, then, call you to account for what you
eat or drink or in regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.
These are a shadow of things to come/
84 Ps. 33.14.
85 Cf. John 14.23: 'If anyone love me, he will keep my word.*
86 Matt. 12.37.
87 Ps. 33.15.
88 John 14.27.
89 Phil. 3.14.
90 Cf. Phil. 4.7: 'Andmay the peace of God which surpasses all under-
standing guard your hearts/
HOMILY 16 267
one new man, 91 making peace, and 'making peace through the
blood of his cross, whether on earth or in the heavens/ 92
(11) 'The eyes of the Lord are upon the just: and his ears
unto their 93
Just as the saints 'are the body of Christ,
member for member, and God indeed has placed some in the
Church/ 94 as eyes, some as tongues, others taking the place of
hands, and still others that of feet; so also some of the holy
spiritual powers and those which are about the heavenly
places are called the eyes because they are entrusted with our
guardianship, and others ears, because they receive our peti-
tions. Now, therefore, he said that the power which watches
over us and that which is aware of our prayers are eyes and
ears. So, 'the eyes of the Lord are upon the just: and his
earsunto their prayers/ Since every act of the just man is
worthy in the sight of God, and every word, because no just
man speaks idly, is active and efficacious, for this reason these
words say that the just man is always watched over and always
'But the countenance of the Lord is against them that do
91 Cf. Eph. 2.14: Tor he himself is our peace, he it is who has made
both one/
92 Col. 1.20.
93 Ps. 35.16.
94 1 Cor. 12.27, 28.
95 Ps. 33.17.
which threatens the wicked. And yet, the eyes are neither
96 Cf. Exod. 33.20: 'Thou canst not see my face: for man shall not see
me and live.'
97 Matt. 18.10.
98 Luke 20.36.
99 Ps. 33.18.
100 Ibid. 33.19.
HOMILY 16 269
he says, 'they that go far from thee shall perish.' 101 Therefore,
Moses is said to approach to God; 102 and, if anyone else is like
him through manly deeds and good actions he comes near to
God. These words hold openly the prophecy of the coming
of the Lord and are in agreement with the preceding. For,
there was said: 'The countenance of the Lord is against
them that do evil things'; that is, His appearance in the judg-
ment will be for the destruction of all evil. 'The Lord is nigh
unto them that are of a contrite heart/ He announces before-
hand the coming of the Lord in the flesh, which is already near
at hand and not far distant. Let this saying from the prophecy
of Isaia be trustworthy to you: 'The spirit of the Lord is
upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me: he hath sent me
to preach to the meek, to heal the contrite of heart, to preach
release to the captives and sight to the blind/ 103 Since, indeed,
as a doctor he was sent to the contrite of heart, he says, 'The
Lord near/ I say to you, lowly and contrite in spirit,
He who has despised present things and has given himself
to the word of is using his mind for thoughts which
God, and
are above man and more divine, he would be the one who
has a contrite heart and has made it a sacrifice which is not
despised by the Lord. For, 'a contrite and humbled heart, O
God, thou wilt not despise/ 104 Therefore, 'the Lord is nigh
unto them that are of a contrite heart: and he will save the
humble of spirit/ He who has no vanity and is not proud of
anything human, he is the one who is contrite in heart and
humble of spirit. He is humble also, who is walking in sin,
because sin is of all things most humiliating. Wherefore, we
say that she is humbled who is corrupted and has lost the holi-
101 Ibid. 72.27.
102 Cf. Exod. 24.2: 'And Moses alone shall come up to the Lord.*
103 Isa. 61.1.
104 Ps. 50.19.
ears, that these bones of the just, the props of the flesh, will
not be broken because of <the protection, given to them by the
Lord? Or, will only the bones of the just man who is alive
and engaged in life be guarded unbroken? Or, when the bonds
of the body have been loosened, will it happen that there
will be no cause of breaking for the just man? And truly, we
have learned by experience that many bones of the just have
been broken, when some among them handed themselves over
to all forms of punishment for the sake of giving testimony for
Christ. Already the persecutors have broken the legs of some
and have frequently pierced hands and heads with nails. And
yet, who will deny that of all, it is the most just who were
brought to perfection in the testimony?
Perhaps, just as the term man is used for the soul and the
human mind, so also his members are similarly named in
accordance with the members of the flesh; thus, frequently
Scripture names the members of the inner man, for example,
'The eyes of a wise man are in his head/ 114 that is, the hidden
US Ps. 33.21.
114 Eccles.14.
some and enlightening the eyes.' 115 But, what should we say
let him hear'? 116 It is
concerning this: 'He who has ears to hear,
better able to hear the
evident, indeed, that some possess ears
words of God. But, to those who do not have those ears, what
117 Also
does he say? 'Hear, ye deaf, and, ye blind, behold/
118 and 'Thou hast broken
1 opened my mouth, and panted/
the teeth of sinners/ 119 All these things were said in reference
to the faculties which render service for spiritual food and
spiritual doctrines.
Such also is this saying, 'My bowels, my
bowels are in pain/ 120 and this, 'And the foot' of the wise man
'shallnot stumble/ 121 All such expressions are used in refer-
ence to the inner man.
should also be certain
According to the same reasoning there
bones of the inner man in which the bond of union and har-
of the just, not evil by nature, but good. In fact, those who
die together with Christ have come into a good death; and
those who have died to sin have died a good and salutary
death. However, 'the death of the wicked is very evil/ Pun-
ishment follows after them, as also after the rich man who
'clothed himself in purple and fine linen, and who feasted
every day in splendid fashion/
'And they that hate the just shall be guilty/ 128 They also,
who, since they are living in sin, hate the just, are thus con-
victed by the ways of the just man because of their proximity
to the better, as by the straightness of a rule. Since they are
them in the gate, 129 and they loathe holy speech. Also, love
for the first place and love of power have roused many to
hatred of the rulers; sometimes, even ignorance of the reputa-
tion of the just man and of who is a just man. 'The death of
the wicked is very evil.' Or, he even calls all life death, be-
cause the Apostle called this flesh death, when he said: 'Who
will deliverme from the body of this death?' 130 Those who
use this body wickedly and make it the servant of sin prepare
an evil death for themselves.
'The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants: and none of
them that trust in him shall offend/ 131 Since those who were
Lord were being held fast by the captivity
created to serve the
of the enemy, He will redeem their souls by His
blood. Therefore, no one of those who hope in Him will be
found in sin.
129 Gf. Isa. 29.21: 'That made men sin by word, and supplanted him
that reproved them in the gate, and declined in vain fiom the just '
1 'Unto the end, or, as St. Jerome renders it, "victori, to him that
overcometh" which some understand of the chief musician, to whom
they suppose the psalms, which bear the title, were given to be sung;
we rather understand the psalms thus inscribed to refer to Christ,
who is the "end of the law, and the "great conqueror" of death and
hell, and to the New Testament/ Rheims-Douay Bible, Ps. 4, n.l.
2 The sons of Core did not perish with their father in his rebellion
against Moses (cf. Num. 26.11) and later they and their descendants
were appointed to sing before the tabernacle of the Lord (cf. 1 Par.
6.31, 37; also 2 Par. 9.19).
lessened, until, bent down by age, he waits for the last with-
drawal of strength. Accordingly, we are the ones who are
alludes to us men through these
changing and the psalm wisely
Angels do not admit any change.
No one among them is
a child, nor a young man, nor an old man, but in whatever
state they were created in the beginning, in that state they
remain, their substance being preserved pure and inviolate for
them. But, we change in our body, as has been shown, and in
our soul and in the inner man, always shifting our thoughts
with the circumstances. In fact, we are one sort of person
when we are cheerful and when all things in our life are mov-
our becoming
like beasts through a life of
are become as amorous horses/ madly in love
pleasure. 'They
with their neighbors' wives. 3 The deceitful man is compared
to a fox, as Herod was; 4 the shameless man is called a dog, like
Nabel the Carmelian. 5 Do you see the variety and diversity of
our change? Then, admire him who has fittingly adapted this
title to us.
3 Cf. Jer. 5.8: 'They are become as amorous horses and stallions: every
one neighed after his neighbor's wife/
4 Cf. Luke 13.32: 'Certain Pharisees came up, saying to him, "Depart
and be on thy way, for Herod wants to kill thee." And he said to
them, "Go and say to that fox."
5 Cf. 1 Kings 253 (Septuagint version).
HOMILY 17 277
(2) For this very reason, a certain one of the interpreters
seems to me to have handed over beautifully and accurately
the same thought through another title, saying, Tor the lilies/
Tor them that shall be changed/ He thought that
in place of,
it was appropriate to
compare the transitoriness of human
nature with the early death of flowers. But, since this word
has been inflected in the future tense, (it
is said: Tor them
that shall be changed/ as if at some time later this change will
be shown to us) , let us consider whether there is suggested to
us the doctrine of the resurrection, in which a change will be
granted to us, but a change for something better and some-
thing spiritual. 'What sown in corruption/ he says, 'rises in
things desire.
It is not the privilege of any chance person to go forward to
the perfection of love and to learn to know Him who is truly
10 Cf. PhiL 5.13, 14: 'But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind, I
strain forward to what is before, I press on towards the goal, to the
prize of God's heavenly call.'
11 Ps. 76.11.
12 1 Cor. 1S.11.
13 Cf. Phil. 3.13. Cf. n. 10 supra.
14 Matt. 175.
HOMILY 17 279
beloved, but of him who has already 'put off the old man,
which is being corrupted through its deceptive lusts, and has
put on the new man/ which is being renewed that it may be
20 Some have
(3) 'My heart hath uttered a good word.'
already thought that these words were spoken
from the Person
of the Father concerning the Word who was with Him from
the beginning, whom He brought forth, they say, as it were,
from His Heart and His very Vitals; and from a good Heart
there came forth a good Word. But, it seems to me that these
words refer to the person of the prophet, since what follows the
the Father
saying no longer makes the explanation concerning
smooth for us. The Father would not say concerning
His own tongue: 'My tongue is the pen of a scrivener that
writeth swiftly. Thou art beautiful above the sons of men.'
Not, indeed, by a comparison with men does He possess a
superiority of beauty. And continuing, he says: 'Therefore
God, thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness/
He did not say: 1, God, anointed you/ but, 'He anointed you/
so that it is shown from this that the one speaking is another
ing the action of the Holy Spirit which has come upon him?
'My heart hath uttered a good word/ he says. Now, since
and good, the prophet uttered a good word. For 'the good
man from the good treasure* of his heart brings forth the
20 PS. 44.5.
21 Ibid. 44.2, 3.
22 Ibid. 44.8.
23 Cf. John 6.51, 52: 'I am the living bread that has come down from
heaven. . . . and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life
of the world.*
24 Matt. 4.4.
HOMILY 17 281
25 Cf. Matt. 12.35: *The good man from his good treasure brings forth
good things/
26 Prov. 13.25.
27 Cf. Matt. 12.35: 'and the evil man from his evil treasure brings forth
evil things/
28 Cf. 2 Tim. 4.3: 'But having itching ears, they will heap up to them-
selves teachers according to their own lusts/
29 Matt. 12.37.
30 Ps. 44.2.
31 Isa. 43.26 (Septuagint version) .
32 Ps. 44.2.
(4) 'Thou above the sons of men: grace
art ripe in beauty,
Both Aquila and Symmachus
poured abroad in thy
introduce us to this thought; the first saying, 'Thou art
adorned with beauty above the sons of men/ and Symmachus,
'Thou art beautiful with a beauty above the sons of men/
Now, he [David] calls the Lord ripe in beauty when he fixes
his gaze on His divinity. He does not celebrate the beauty
of the flesh. 'And we have seen him, and he had no sightli-
ness, nor beauty, but his appearance was without honor and
45 Ps. 44.8.
46 Phil. 2.8.
47 Cf. 2 Cor. 13.3: "Do you seek a proof of the Christ who speaks in me?'
48 Ps. 44.4.
49 Heb. 4.12.
50 Cf. Exod. 1.5: 'And all the souls that came out of Jacob's thigh were
HOMILY 17 285
51 Cf, John 14.6: 'Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and
the life."
52 CL Ibid. 6.35: 'But Jesus said to them, "I am the bread o life/
5$ Cf. Ibid. 15.5: 'I am the vine, you are the branches/
54 Cf. Ibid. 1.9: 'It was the true light that enlightens every man who
comes into the world/
55 Cf. Matt. 17.1, 2: 'Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James and
his brother John, and led them up a high mountain
by themselves,
and was transfigured before them. And his face shone as the sun,
and his garments became white as snow '
56 Ps. 44.5.
57 Matt. 6.10.
58 Ibid.
59 Ps. 44.5.
60 Matt. 1U9.
61 1 Peter 2.23.
HOMILY 17 287
sharp/ The souls which have received the faith are wounded
by these arrows, and those inflamed with the highest love of
God say with the spouse, 'I languish with love/
65 Indescribable
and inexpressible are the beauty of the Word and the ripeness
of the wisdom and of the comeliness of God in His own image.
Blessed, therefore, are those who are fond of contemplating
true beauty. As if bound to Him through love, and loving
the celestial and blessed love, they forget relatives and friends;
they forget home and all their abundance; and forgetful even
of the bodily necessity to eat and drink, they have clung only
to the divine and pure love. You will understand the sharp
arrows also as those sent out to sow the Gospel in the whole
world, who, because they had spurred themselves on, shone
with works of justice, and they crept subtly into the souls of
those who were being instructed; for, these arrows, sent out
everywhere, were preparing the people to fall under Christ.
However, the phrase seems to me to be restored more con-
62 Ps. 44.6 (Septuagint version) .
63 Eccles. 12.11.
64 Ps. 119.4.
65 Cant. 2.5.
them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like
a potter's vessel.' 69 Things of earth and clay are broken in
kindness toward those who are governed, as it is handed down,
'for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved/ 70
(8) 'Therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the
oil of gladness above thy fellows/ 71 Since it was necessary to
give form to the typical anointing, and the typical high priests
and kings, the flesh of the Lord was anointed with the true
anointing, by the coming of the Holy Spirit into it, which was
he might take away the body of Jesus. And there also came Nicodemus
. ..
bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes/
HOMILY 17 291
thy ear/ Do not run away to stories from the outside, but
accept the voice in the evangelical account. 'Incline
thy ear' to this teaching in order that you may forget those
80 1 John 3.8.
81 Phil. 2.10.
82 Ps. 44.13.
HOMILY 17 293
sees in secret, and who prays and does all things, not to be
seen by men, but to be known to God alone, 84 this man has
all his glory within, even as the king's daughter. And the
golden borders with which the whole is invested and adorned
are within.
Seek nothing with exterior gold and bodily adornment; but
consider the garment as one worthy to adorn him who is
according to the image of his Creator, as the Apostle says:
'Stripping oft the old man, and putting on the new,
one that
isbeing renewed unto perfect knowledge "according to the
85 And he who has
put on 'the heart
when the woof is interwoven with the warp, so when the word
isantecedent, if actions in accordance with the word should be
produced, there would be made a certain most magnificent
garment for the soul which possesses a life of virtue attained
by word and action. But, the borders hang down from the
garment, these also spiritual; therefore, they too are said to
be golden. Since, indeed, the word is greater than the deed,
there is, as it were, a certain border which remains over from
the woven robe according to the action. Certain souls, since
they have not accepted seeds of false doctrines, follow the
spouse of the Lord and because they are following His spouse
they will be led to the King. Let those also who have vowed
virginity to the Lord hear that virgins will be led to the King,
but virgins who are close to the Church, who follow after her,
and who do not wander away from the ecclesiastical discipline.
The virgins 'shall be brought with gladness and rejoicing:
88 Not
they shall be brought into the temple of the king.' those
who through constraint assume virginity, nor those who accept
the chaste life through grief or necessity, but those who in
gladness and rejoicing take delight in so virtuous an act, these
willbe brought to the King, and they will be brought not into
some insignificant place, but into the temple of the King. For,
the sacred vessels, which human use has not defiled, will be
brought into the holy of holies and they will have the right
of entrance into the innermost shrines, where unhallowed feet
do not walk about. And how great a matter it is to be brought
into the temple of the King, the prophet shows when he
for himself and says: 'One thing I have asked of the Lord,
this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the
Lord all the days of my life. That I may see the delight of the
Lord, and may visit his temple/
(12) Instead of thy fathers, sons are born to thee: thou
shalt make them princes over all the earth.'
90 Since
she was
88 Ps. 44.16.
89 Ibid. 264.
90 Ibid. 44.17.
HOMILY 17 295
ingly, they who have been made equal in honor with their
fathers and have received in addition the pre-eminence in all
things through the exercise of virtue, are both sons of the bride
of Christ and are established by their own mother as princes
over the earth. Consider, I pray you, how great is the
power of the queen, that she appoints princes over all the
T shall remember thy name throughout all generations.
Therefore shall people praise thee forever: yea forever and
ever/ 94 After all things else the Scripture, as if in the person
of the Church, says: 'I shall remember thy name throughout
all generations/ And what is the remembrance of the Church?
91 Ibid. 18.5.
92 Matt. 19.28.
93 Gen. 27.29.
94 Ps. 44.18. St. Basil substitutes the first person singular for the third
person in the verbs.
INTO THE END, for the sons of Core, *a Psalm for the
hidden/ 1
This psalm seems to me to contain the prophecy
concerning the end of time. Paul, having knowledge of this
end, says: 'Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom
to God the Father/ 2 Or, since our actions lead us to the end,
each one to the end proper to itself, the good leading toward
happiness, and the base toward eternal condemnation, and
since the counsels delivered by the Spirit in ithis psalm lead
those obeying them good end, therefore it has been
to the
entitled: 'Unto the end/ inasmuch as it is the record of the
teachings for the happy end of human life. Tor the sons of
Core/ This psalm is also said to be for the sons of Core, whom
the Holy Spirit does not separate, since, as with one soul and
one voice, with complete harmony toward each other, they
utter the words of prophecy, while no one of them prophesies
anything at all contrary to the others, but the gift of prophefcy
is given to them equally because of the equality of their mutual
1 PS. 45.1.
2 1 Cor. 15.24.
the means for sin to one who possesses it. In the same manner,
money also has already served some for licentiousness, while
3 Ps. 45.2.
HOMILY 18 299
thing else rather than to God. Is a child sick? You look around
for an enchanter or one who puts superstitious marks on the
necks of the innocent children; or finally, you go to a doctor
and to medicines, having neglected Him who is able to save.
If a dream troubles you, you run to the interpreter of dreams.
And, if you fear an enemy, you cunningly secure some man
as a patron. In short, in every need you contradict yourself
in word, naming God as your refuge; in act, drawing on aid
from useless and vain things. God is the true aid for the right-
eous man. Just as a certain general, equipped with a noble
heavy-armed force, is always ready to give help to an oppressed
district, so God is our Helper and an Ally to everyone who is
waging war against the wiliness of the devil, and He sends out
4 Jer. 17.5.
5 Phil. 4.13.
6 Ps. 89.1.
way and travels the narrow and close one 7 will be found by
tribulations. The prophet formed the statement vividly when
he said: 'In troubles which have found us exceedingly/ For,
they overtake us like living creatures, 'working out endurance,
and through endurance tried virtue, and through tried virtue
hope/ Whence also, the Apostle said: 'Through many tribula-
tions we must enter the kingdom of God/ 9 And 'Many are the
afflictions of the just/ 10 But, he who generously and calmly
endures the trial of affliction will say: 'In all these things we
overcome because of him has loved us/ 11
who And he is so far
from refusing and shrinking from the afflictions that he makes
the excessive evils an occasion of glory, saying: 'And not only
this, but we exult in tribulations also/
(3) 'Therefore we
will not fear, when the earth shall be
troubled; and the mountains shall be removed into the heart
of the sea/ 13The prophet shows the great strength of his con-
fidence in Christ, because, even if all things are turned upside
down, and the earth, being troubled, is overturned, and if the
mountains, leaving their proper sites, are removed to the
middle of the sea, 'We will not fear/ seeing that we have 'God
as our refuge and strength and helper in troubles which have
found us exceedingly/ Whose heart is so undaunted, whose
thoughts are so untroubled, as in such great confusion to direct
7 Cf. Matt 7.13, 14: Tor wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads
to destruction, and many there are who enter that way. How narrow
the gate and close the way that leads to life.'
8 Cf. Rom. 5 3, 4: 'But we exult in tribulations also, knowing that
tribulation works out endurance, and endurance tried virtue, and
tried virtue hope.'
9 Acts 1432.
10 Ps. 33.20.
11 Rom. 8.37.
12 Ibid. 5.3.
13 Ps. 45.3.
HOMILY 18 301
upheaval of the sea, since the mountains are falling into the
midst of the seas. 'Their waters roared and were troubled/
the waters of the seas, of course. Furthermore, the mountains
themselves make a disturbance in the waters, since they are
not established in the sea, but are producing a great turmoil
in the watersby their own
tossing. Accordingly, when the earth
istroubled, and the waters of seas roar and are boiled up from
the depths, and the mountains are removed and endure much
disturbance through the surpassing power of the Lord, then,
he says, our heart is undaunted because it has safe and firm
hopes in God.
'The mountains were troubled with his strength/ 15 You are
also able to understand the meaning of this statement figura-
14 Ibid. 45.4.
15 Ibid.
16 Col. 2.15.
17 Ps. 45.5
18 1 Cor. 13.12.
19 John 7.38.
20 Ibid. 4J3, 14.
HOMILY 18 303
that city through Isaia God has promised: 'I will make thee
to be an everlasting glory, a joy unto generation and genera-
tion, and there shall not be wasting nor destruction in thy
borders, and salvation shall possess thy walls/ 25 Therefore,
having raised the eyes of your soul, seek, in a manner worthy
of things above, what pertains to the city of God. What could
anyone consider as deserving of the happiness in that city,
which the river of God makes joyful, and of which God is the
Craftsman and Creator?
'The most High hath sanctified his own tabernacle/ 26
Perhaps, he is saying that the God-bearing flesh is sanctified
through the union with God* From this you will understand
that the tabernacle of the most High is the manifestation of
God through the flesh.
(5) 'God isin the midst thereof, it shall not be moved: God
will help it in the morning early/ 27 Since God is in the midst
of the city, He will give providing assistance for
it stability,
21 CL Heb. 12.23: 'But you have come Mount Sion, and to the city of
the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the company of many
thousands of angels, and to the Church of the firstborn who are
enrolled in the heavens/
22 1 Cor. 2.9.
3 See note 21 above.
24 Ps. 86.3.
25 Isa. 60.15, 18.
26 Ps. 455.
27 Ibid. 45.6.
it at the first break of dawn. Therefore, the word, 'of the city/
will fiteither Jerusalem above or the Church below, 'The most
sending out equal rays of His providence from all sides to the
limits of the world. Thus, the justice of God is preserved, as
He apportions the same measure of goodness to all. 'God will
help it in the morning early/ Now, the perceptible sun
produces among us the early morning when it rises above the
horizon opposite us, and the Sun of justice 28 produces the
early morning in our soul by the rising of the spiritual light,
making day in him who admits it. 'At night* means we men
are in this time of ignorance. Therefore, having opened wide
our mind, let us receive 'the brightness of his glory/ and let
us be brightly illumined by the everlasting Light, 'God will
light will rise, when the darkness which comes from ignorance
and wickedness is destroyed, early morning will be at hand.
Since, then, light has come into the world in order that he
who walks about in it may not stumble, His help is able to
cause the early morning. Or perhaps, since the Resurrection
was in the dim morning twilight, God will help the city in the
morning early, who on the third day, early on the morning of
the Resurrection gained the victory through death.
28 Cf. Mai. 4.2: 'But unto you that fear my name, the Sun of justice shall
29 Rom. 13.12.
50 Zach. 6.12. St. Basil uses 'dnthropos' in place of 'aner/
HOMILY 18 305
down:' the most High 'uttered his voice, the earth trembled.' 31
Consider, I pray you, that a certain city is the object o plots
by the enemy who are making war on it, while in the mean-
time, many nations are settled around it and the kings are
dividing by each nation; then, that a certain
lot the sceptres of
31 Ps. 45.7.
32 Ibid. 45.8.
33 Matt. 1.23.
34 Exod. 3.6.
end of the earth/ 35 The Scripture invites those who are far
from the word of truth to nearness through knowledge, saying:
'Come and behold/ Just as in the case of bodily eyes great
distances make the perception of visible objects dim, but the
nearer approach of those viewing offers a clear knowledge of
the objects seen, so also in the case of objects of contemplation
in the mind, he who has not been made familiar with God
through His works nor has drawn near to Him is not able to
see His works with the pure eyes of his mind. Therefore,
'Gome/ first approach, then see the works of the Lord which
are prodigious and admirable, by which He struck down and
converted to quiet peacefulness nations, formerly warlike and
factious. 'Gome, children, hearken to me/ 36 and 'Come, all
37 It is the
you who labor and are burdened/ paternal voice
of outstretched arms calling to Himself those who
One with
until then were rebelling. He who has heard the call and has
40 Ibid. 45.11.
41 Cf. Matt. 13.7, 22: 'And other seeds fell among thorns; and the thorns
grew up and choked them. . . And the one sown among the thorns,
that is the man who listens to the word; but the care of this world
and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and it is made fruitless/
42 Cf. Exod. 5.17: 'And he said: You are idle, and therefore you say: Let
us go and sacrifice to the Lord.'
43 Acts 17.21.
50 Rom. 8.31.
51 Cf. Gen. 32.29: 'You shallno longer be called Jacob, but Israel, because
you have contended with God and men, and have triumphed.'
52 Eph 2.14, 15.
that the end was pleasure. For us, however, the end for which
we do all things and toward which we hasten is the blessed
life And this will be attained when we
in the world to come.
are ruled by God. Up to this time nothing better than the
latter idea has been found in rational nature, and to it the
1 PS. 48.1.
2 1 Cor. 15.24.
3 Soph. 3.8, 9 (Septuagint version) .
this heading. Those persons also are in accord with this idea,
4 1 Cor. 15.54.
5 John 16.33.
6 Phil. 2.10.
7 Ps. 48.2, 3.
8 Ibid 18.5.
HOMILY 19 313
classes of life, in order that no one may be left without its aid.
There are three pairs of groups called, in which every race
of men is included pagans and the inhabitants of the world,
earthborn and the sons of men, rich and poor. Whom, then,
has it left out of the audience? Those who are outsiders to the
faith were called through the calling of the pagans. Those who
are inhabitants of the world are those who are in 'the Church.
The earthborn are they who are wise in earthly matters and
cleave to the pleasures of the flesh. The sons of men are they
who exercise some care for and who train their reason, for
reasoning is characteristic of man. The rich and the poor
have their identity known from themselves: the first, exceeding
in the possession of the necessities of life; the second, standing
in want of them.
Since the Physician of souls did not come to call the just,
but the sinners to repentance, 9 in his summons he placed first
in each pair the group that was condemned. For, the pagans
are worse than the inhabitants of the world, but nevertheless,
they were preferred in the summons in order that those who
were ill might first share the aid of the Physician. Again, the
earthborn were placed before the sons of men, and the rich
before the poor. The group which was despaired of and
which held salvation difficult was summoned before the poor.
Such is the kindness of the Physician; He gives a share of aid
to the weaker first.
At the same time the sharing of the summons is a uniting
in peace, so that those who were, up to this time, opposed to
each other because of customs might, through gathering to-
gether, become habituated to each other in love. Let the rich
man know that he has been summoned by the same proclama-
tion as the poor man. 'Both rich and poor together/ he says.
Leaving outside the superiority toward the more needy and the
insolence of wealth, in this way enter into the Church of God.
Let not the rich, then, treat the poor man disdainfully, nor
9 C. Matt. 9.13: Tor I have come to call sinners, not the just/
'With the heart a man believes unto justice, and with the
mouth profession of faith is made unto salvation/ truly, the
action of both in men suggests perfection; therefore, the sen-
tence has the two together in the same place, the
action of the mouth and the attention of the heart. If, indeed,
goodness had not been stored up beforehand in the heart, how
would he who did not possess it in secret bring forth the
treasure through his mouth? And if, having good things in his
it will be
heart, he would not make them public by speech,
said to him: 'Wisdom that is hid, and treasure that is not
seen: what profit is there in them both?' Therefore, for the
profit of others let my mouth speak wisdom, and for our own
progress let my heart
meditate prudence.
'I will incline my ear to a parable; I will open my proposi-
prophet still introduces his own
13 The
tion on the
person, in order that his
words may not be despicable as if
brought forward from human invention. The things that I
teach, he says, from the Spirit, these I proclaim to you, saying
nothing of my own, nothing human;
have been
but, since I
upon the nations/ 15 'in which/ says the prophet, 'his own
devices will beset each/ 16At that time, then, because I have
done nothing lawless on the way of life, I shall not fear the
evil day. For, the signs of sinners will not stand around me
nor beset me, in silent accusation bringing the proof against
me. No one else will stand as accuser except yourself, or your
deeds themselves, each standing near in its own formadultery,
theft, fornicationwith the night, with the manner, with the
own strength. These are the earthborn, who put their trust
body and believe that human
in strength of nature is sufficient
for ably accomplishing what they wish. And you, he says, who
trust in the uncertainty of riches, listen. You have need of ran-
soms that you may be transferred to the freedom of which you
were deprived when conquered by the power of the devil, who
does not free you from his
taking you under his control,
tyranny until, persuaded by
some worthwhile ransom, he
wishes to exchange you. And the ransom must not be of the
same kind as the things which are held in his control, but must
differ greatly, if he would willingly free the captives from
slavery. Therefore, a
brother is not able to ransom you. For,
no man can the devil to remove from his power him
who has once been subject to him, not he, at any rate, who is
a propitiatory offering even for his
incapable of giving God
own sins. How, then, will he have power to do this for the
other? And what could he possess so great in this world that
he would have a sufficient exchange price for a soul which is
it was made according to the image
precious by nature, since
of its Creator? What labor of the present age is sufficient for
the human soul as a means and provisions for the future life?
18 Cf. 1 Peter 5.6- 'Humble yourselves, therefore, tinder the mighty hand
of God, that he may exalt you in the time of visitation.'
HOMILY 19 317
every human soul has bowed down under the evil yoke of
slavery imposed by the common enemy of all and, being de-
prived of the very freedom which it received from the Creator,
has been led captive through sin. Every captive has need of
ransoms for his freedom. Now, neither a brother can ransom
his brother, nor can anyone ransom himself, because he who
is ransoming must be much better than he who has been
overcome and is now a slave. But, actually, no man has the
power with respect to God to make atonement for a sinner,
since he himself is liable for sin. 'All have sinned and have
need of the glory of God. They are justified freely by his grace
through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus' our Lord.
(4) 'He shall not give to God his ransom, nor the price of
the redemption of his soul.' 20 Do not, then, seek your brother
for your ransoming, but Him who surpasses your nature, not
a mere man, but the Man God Jesus Christ, who alone is able
to give ransom to God for all of us, because 'God has set him
forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith.' 21 Moses
was the brother of Israel, and yet he was not able to redeem
him. How, then, will any ordinary man be ransomed? Where-
fore, the one sentence declares: 'No brother can redeem,' and
the other with gravity adds interrogatively: 'Will man re-
deem?' 22 Moses did not free his people from sin, but he
begged from God the exemption of the punishment due to
sin. However, he was not able to give his own ransom when
he was in sin, because, after the many and great wonders and
signs which he saw, he uttered those words expressive of doubt:
'Hear me, ye rebellious and incredulous: Can we bring you
19 Rom. 3.23, 24.
20 Ps 48.8, 9.
21 Rom. 3.25.
22 Ps. 48.8 (Septuagint version) .
brother does not redeem, will man redeem? But, if man can-
not redeem us, He who redeems us is not a man. Now, do
not assume, because He sojourned with us 'in the likeness of
sinful flesh/ 26 that our Lord is only man, failing to discern the
23 Num. 20 10.
24 Ibid. 20.12.
25 Cf. 1 Cor. 6.20: Tor you have been bought at a great price/
26 Rom. 8.3.
27 1 Peter 2.22.
28 Cf. Isa. 52.3: 'For thus saith the Lord: You were sold gratis, and you
shall be redeemed without money.'
29 Ps. 21.23. St. Basil uses 'apangeW in place of 'dieg&omai/
HOMILY 19 319
his own ransom/ but that of the whole world. He does not
need a ransom, but He Himself is the propitiation. Tor it was
fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent,
undefiled, set apart from sinners, and become higher than the
heavens. He does not need to offer sacrifices daily (as the
other priests did) first for his own sins, and then for the sins
when they shall die who boast of their wisdom
which is ceasing. But, if you wish to take the words in refer-
ence to just men, remember the saying of Job: 'Man is born
to labor/ 35 and again, that of the Apostle: 'I have labored more
than any of them/ 36 and also: 'In many more labors/ 37 He,
then, who has labored in this life will live unto the end; but
he who spends his time in softness and all laxity because of
his luxurious living, 'who is clothed in purple and fine linen,
and feasting every day in splendid fashion/ 38 and flees the
labors imposed by virtue, has neither labored in this life nor
will he live in the future, but he will see life afar off, while
one who is going to live unto the end, just as Lazarus, 39 who
labored in afflictions, and just as Job, who was very
weary in the contests against the adversary. Tor, there/ he
says, 'the wearied are at rest/ 40 Therefore, the Lord calls to
rest thosewho labor and are burdened. 41
Now, how are those who are laboring in good works said to
be burdened? Because 'Going they went and wept, casting
their seeds. But coming they shall come with joyfulness,
42 full of
carrying their sheaves' fruits, which were rendered
to them in the proportion in which they were sown. So they
are said to be burdened, who, because 'they sow bountifully,
also reap bountifully/ 43 and with everlasting joy lay upon
their shoulders the sheaves of spiritual fruks. He, then, who
has been redeemed by God who gave the ransom for him,
labored for this life, but, after this he will live unto the end.
He also 'shall not see destruction, when he will see the wise
He who chose the narrow and wearisome road instead of the
smooth and open one, at the time of the visitation of God,
when those who did not believe in the words of God, but went
after the desires of their vain hearts, will be led away to ever-
lasting punishment, he, I say, will not see the everlasting
destruction, the eternal misery. But he says, indeed, that the
wise are skilled in knavery, and Jeremia says concerning
them: 'They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no
knowledge/ Or, he says also, that the wise are the disciples
of the perishing princes of this world, who, 'While professing
to be wise, have become fools/ 46 For, 'The wisdom of this
39 Cf. Luke 16.20, 21: 'And there was a certain poor man, named Lazarus,
who lay at his gate, covered with sores.'
40 Job 3.17.
41 Cf Matt. 11.28: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest."
42 Ps. 125.6, 7.
43 2 Cor. 9.6.
44 Ps. 48.11.
45 Jer. 4.22.
46 Rom. 1.22.
HOMILY 19 321
the same way, custom calls those prudent who in the affairs of
life discern the useful and the harmful, as it is expressed in
47 1 Cor. 3.19.
48 Ps. 48.11, 12.
49 Luke 16.8.
sins does not dwell in a house, but a sepulchre, since his soul
is dead. Jacob, guileless in manner and simple, dwelt
in a house. Concerning him it has been written that he was
'A plain and good man dwelling in a house/ 56 But, the thor-
oughly depraved man dwells in a sepulchre, and does not even
lay down a foundation of penance because of his dead works,
but is like a whited sepulchre, which outwardly is very con-
spicuous, but inwardly is full of dead men's bones and of all
uncleanness/ 57 Therefore, when such a one speaks, he does
not open his mouth in the word of God, but he has an open
sepulchre as his throat. If, then, one who believes in Christ
does not make his actions consistent with his faith, he, because
he has given his attention to depraved doctrines and because
he has perverted the meaning of Scripture, hews out in the
rock a sepulchre for himself.
'Their dwelling places <to all generations/ that is to say,
the sepulchres are itheir houses forever. Then, explaining what
he means by sepulchres, in order that he might show that he
was speaking about the bodies in which the souls, destroyed
by their wickedness, dwell, he added these words: 'Their
dwelling places to all generations'; for, human bodies are
always called dwelling places.
These also have called their lands by their names. For, the
name of an impious man is not written in the book of the
living, nor he counted with the Church of the first-born
stretch out their memory for a long time in life; and having
have put their
displayed magnificence in their sepulchres, they
names on their monuments. These are they who are wise in
that the present glory and re-
earthly things and who think
membrance by men are sufficient for them for happiness. Even
ifyou should see one of those who are exceedingly proud in
their falsely named knowledge and who devote themselves to
certain depraved doctrines to which they have assented, and
instead of the name of Christians, have named themselves
from one of the heresiarchs, Marcion, or Valentinus, or one of
those fashionable at present, understand that these have called
their lands by their names, devoting themselves to destructible
men and, in short, to earthly things.
(8) 'And man when he was in honor did not understand;
he is to senseless beasts, and is become like to them.
This way of theirs is a stumbling block to them: and afterwards
they shall delight in their mouth/ 5*
'Man is a great thing, and
59 who has his honor in
pitiful man is something honorable/
60 Cf. Gen. 1.27: 'God created man in his image. In the image of God
he created him.'
61 Cf. Gen. 1.28: Till the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over
the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle and all the animals
that crawl on the earth.*
62 Cf. Ps. 8.6: 'Thou hast made him a little less than the angels/
63 Cf. Gen. 2.7: 'Then the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the
64 Heb. 1.7.
HOMILY 19 325
65 that is to say, He placed in man some share of His own
grace, in order that he might recognize likeness through like-
ness. Nevertheless, being in such great honor because he was
created in the image of the Creator, he is honored above the
heavens, above the sun, above the choirs of stars. For, which
of the heavenly bodies was said to be an image of the most
high God? What sort of an image of his Creator does the sun
preserve? What the moon? What the other stars? They possess
only inanimate and material bodies that are clearly discernible,
but in which nowhere there is a mind, no voluntary motions,
no free will; on the contrary, they are servile through the
necessity imposed upon them, through which they always
behave precisely the same in the same circumstances.
Man, then, having been advanced above these things in
honor, did not understand; and neglected to follow God and
to become like his Creator, and, becoming a slave of the
passions of the flesh, 'He is compared to senseless beasts, and
is become like to them': now he is like an amorous horse which
66 now like a ravenous 67
neighs after his neighbor's wife, wolf,
65 Gen. 2.7.
66 Cf. Jer. 5.8: 'They are become as amorous horses and stallions: every
one neighedafter his neighbor's wife.'
67 Cf. Ezech. 22.27: 'Her princes in the midst of her, are like wolves
ravening the prey to shed blood/
68 Cf. Ezech. 13.4: 'Thy prophets, O Israel, were like foxes in the
deserts.' Cf. also Luke 13.32.
sake 'The Word was made and dwelt among us/ 69 and
He humbled Himself to such an extent as to become 'obedient
to death, even to death on a cross/ 70 If you are not mindful
of your first origin, because of the price paid for you, accept
at leastsome idea of your dignity; look at that which was given
in exchange for you and realize your own worth. You were
69 John 1.14.
70 Phil. 28.
71 Ps. 48.14.
72 Cf. Rom. 10.10.
73 Cf. Acts 8.3: 'But Saul was harassing the Church; entering house
after house, and dragging out men and women, he committed them
to prison/
74 Acts 9.22.
75 Ps. 48.15.
76 Cf. Rom. 5 14: 'Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses.'
HOMILY 19 327
making them rise together and leading them out 77 from the
for all of their help is old and weak. At that time the help of
those men who were deceived in mind and who were proud
because of wealth and glory and power will be proved false.
77 Cf. John 10.3-18.
78 Ps 48 15.
79 Ibid. 22 1. The Rheims-Douay version of the Bible has: 'The Lord
ruleth me/ There is a note in the Bible which says: 'Ruleth me. In
Hebrew, Is my shepherd, viz., to feed, guide, and govern me/
80 Ibid. 48.15.
81 Heb. 2.14.
and the just man poor, do not fear for yourself; do not be
of God is nowhere
dismayed in mind, as if the providence
somewhere there is
looking upon human affairs, or perhaps,
a divine watchfulness, but it does not reach to places near the
if there were a
earth, so as to watch over our affairs; for,
Now, since there are many in the nations and among the
earthborn who havesuch notions and who, because of the
apparent inconsistency of the distribution of the fortunes
assume that the world
life, is not the work of providence, the
Scripture addresses these to calm their uninstructed
In the very beginning it had also invited them to hear the
doctrines. And surely, it alludes particularly to only the person
82 Ibid. 11.40.
83 Ps. 48.16.
84 Ibid. 48.17.
HOMILY 19 329
of the poor when it says: *Be not thou afraid, when a man
shallbe made rich/ These, especially, need consolation, so as
not to cower 'before the more powerful. For, it
says, a rich
man has no advantage when he is dying, since he is not able
to take his wealth with him; at any rate, he gained only as
much from the enjoyment of it as for his soul to be deemed
happy in this life by But, in dying he will not take
all these possessions, it he will take only just the garment
that covers his shame, and this, if it shall seem best to those
of his household who are clothing him. He must be content to
obtain a little earth; and, since this is
given to him through
pity by those who are burying him, they provide it for him
out of reverence for our common human nature, not
a favor to him, but honoring humanity. Do not, then, be faint
about present affairs, but await that blessed and everlasting
life. Then you will see that
poverty and contempt and the lack
of luxuries befall the just man for his good. And do not be
troubled now about imagined good things, as though they
were unjustly divided. You will hear how it will be said to
a certain rich man: 'Thou in thy lifetime hast received good
poor man that he receives evils in his life.
85 but to the
As a consequence, therefore, the latter is consoled, but the
formersuffers pain.
'And he will praise thee when thou shalt do well to him/ 8Q
Concerning the earthly man and him who thinks that the only
good things are the advantages of this life wealth and health
and power concerning him, indeed, he says that such a man
will praise God when he has fared well, but in precarious
circumstances he will utter a curse. Leaving the poor man, he
now addresses his words to God; in the charge against the
rich man he takes up the fact that he gives thanks to God only
in prosperity, but no longer remains the same when some of
the circumstances are darker. Such is also the accusation
85 Luke 16.25.
86 Ps. 48.19.
that Job87
employed in the charge of the devil against Job,
did not reverence the Lord gratuitously, but he had a reward
for his piety wealth and the rest o his possessions. Therefore,
for a proof of the virtue of the man, God stripped him of what
he had in order that the gratitude of the man toward God
might shine through all things.
in to the generations of your fathers/
(11) 'You shall go
I believe that he is saying about the sinner that he knows God
as much as thepractice of his fathers has handed down, but
that he has acquired nothing more by his own power of
to his knowledge of the truth
thinking, nor has he added
by himself. You, O God, he says,
are as near and he has as
an idea about You as existed in the generation of his
fathers. And here he displays the idle, wholly earthly and
carnal spirit of a man who rolls in riches and luxury and who
has hismind choked with the cares of life. Therefore, 'he shall
never see light/ 89 Having entrusted their guidance to blind
teachers, they have deprived themselves of the advantage of
to the generations of his
light. This saying; 'He shall go in
fathers/ also has some such meaning. That is to say, as regards
those who are overtaken in an evil life and in doctrines com-
ing, indeed, from their fathers, but alien -to piety, not only
will You punish them but You will also seek out the authors
of the depraved teachings. This is what is meant by: 'He shall
judgment of God, since in this life they hated the light because
they did evil.
91 Ps, 48.21.
92 Heb. 2.7.
93 Prov. 20,6 (Septuagint version) .
l PS. 59.13.
us: thou hast been angry, and hast had mercy on us.* 2 Or
rather, since the homily on the meaning of the psalm has fallen
within the series, let us apply ourselves within due limits to the
explanation of it.
ple. And Joab the son of Sarvia was over the army/ And
giving aid to the fallen one, and he had made him a tributary,
and in one instant of time had slaughtered his twenty-two
thousand. When the sons of Ammon were drawn up in battle
line beside the gate of the city, he had conquered them in a
third victory through Joab the commander in chief, who sepa-
rating the force into two parts, met some in front, and going
around, overpowered those in the rear. How is it that amidst
such valorous deeds he is making such gloomy and sad utter-
ances, saying: 'O God, thou hast cast us off, and hast destroyed
us. Thou hast been angry, and hast had mercy on us'?
Certainly, the time of the writing of the inscription
period of brave accomplishments, but the force
this of the
body nor continue always in the same opinion, but, who, when
they are changed in body through the modifications
due to the
time of life, change their mind in regard to the various
occurrences. Some of us, in fact, are children, and others,
piety, the error concerning idols for the knowledge of Him who
made us, who choose lawful self-control instead of lawless
pleasure, who substitute a psalm and fasting and prayer for
the flutes and choruses and drunkenness. If, then, someone
would say that the psalm was written for us, he would not err
from the truth. Therefore also, the divine oracles are ours,
and in the Church of God they are read aloud at each assembly,
like gifts sent by God, nourishment for the soul, as it were,
furnished through the Spirit.
But, the psalm was also written for an inscription on a
column; that is to say, the hearing of it should not be just
casual and you should not engrave these things on your mind
for the brief time of memory, then permit them to be con-
HOMILY 20 337
(3) Therefore, 'O God, thou hast cast us off/ You have cast
off those who in proportion to their sins removed themselves
to a distance from You. You have destroyed the accumulations
of our wickedness, doing good to us because of our weakness.
You were angry, since 'we were by nature children of wrath/ 10
having no hope, and being without God in the world. You
had mercy on us when 'You set forth Your only-begotten Son
as a propitiation for our sins/ 11 in order that in His blood we
8 Ibid. 59.9.
9 Ibid. 59.10.
10 Eph. 2.3.
11 Cf. Rom. 3.25- 'in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth as a propitia-
tion by his blood through faith.' Cf. also 1 John 4.10.
12 Ps. 59.5.
13 Ibid. 59.6.
14 but
of the Israelites to be signed with the blood of a lamb;
You have given us a sign, the blood itself of a Lamb without
blemish, slain for the sin of the world. And Ezechiel says that
a sign was given on the foreheads of the persons. For he says:
'Go ye after him and strike; do not spare, nor be ye moved
with pity. Utterly destroy old and young, maidens, children,
and women; but all on whom there is the sign do not
'God hath spoken in his holy place: I will rejoice, and I
will divide Sichem.' 16 Sichem is a special place given by Jacob
to Joseph, a type of the covenant which seems to have been
apart, He
'who makes peace whether on the earth or in the
heavens/ 17 'and he who has broken down the intervening wall
of the enclosure will make both one/ 18
16 Ps. 59.8.
17 Col. 1.20
18 Cf. 2.14: Tor he himself is
Eph. pur peace, he it is who has made both
one, and has broken down the intervening wall of the enclosure, the
enmity, in his flesh/
19 Ps, 59.9.
HOMILY 20 339
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid. 59.10.
22 Cf. 2 Esd 13.1: 'And therein it was found written, that the Ammonites
and the Moabites should not come in to the church of God for ever.'
23 Ps. 59.10.
24 Cf. Ibid.
25 Ibid. 59.11.
26 Matt. 13.17.
27 Ps. 59.13.
28 Rom. 5 3.
29 2 Cor. 12.10.
30 Rom. 5.3-5.
31 Heb. 12.6.
32 Cf. Luke 16.22: 'And it came to man died and was
pass that the poor
borne away by the angels into Abiaham's bosom/
7 Ibid. 61.2.
8 Cf. Rom. 8.32: 'He who has not spared even his own Son but has
delivered him for us all/
9 Luke 2.29, 30.
10 Ps. 61.3.
(3) 'How long do you rush in upon a man? you all kill,
as if you were thrusting down a leaning wall, and a tottering
fence.' 11 fights against the depraved minis-
Again the homily
ters of the devil,
charging a lack of moderation in the snares
laid by them. Certainly, men are weak animals; but you rush
on, not content with the first attack, but you bring on a
second and a third, until you subdue to such an extent the
soul which has fallen beside you that it is very similar to a
leaning wall and a tottering fence. Now, a wall, as long as it
maintains an upright position, remains steadfast; but, when it
leans, since it has been weakened, it needs must fall. For,
heavy bodies, if united into one, stand erect after inclining,
but those which are composed of several parts no longer
admit of correction when they endure pressure on one part.
The homily shows, therefore, that the nature of man, which
composite, was one inaccessible to plots for a second fall.
'You are God's tillage, God's building,' 12 it is said. The
enemy has shaken down this building; the Craftsman has
repaired the rents made in it. Thus the fall was necessary
because of sin, but the resurrection was great because of
'But they have thought to cast away my price; they ran in
thirst: they blessed with their mouth, but cursed with their
heart/ 13 The price of man is the blood of Christ: 'You have
been bought/ it is said, 'with a price; do not become the
slaves of men/ 14 The soldiers of the evil one planned, there-
11 Ibid. 61.4.
12 I Cor. 3.9.
13 Ps. 61 .5 St. Basil interprets 'edramon' in the third person plural. Both
the Vulgate and the English translation consider it the first person
14 1 Cor. 7.23.
HOMILY 21 345
tions, and he speaks the words of the Apostle, that He will not
are able to bear. 16
permit us to be tempted beyond what we
Trom him is my patience/
is my salvation and my glory; he is the God
(4) 'In God
17 Blessed is he who exults
of my help, and my hope is in God/
in none of the lofty things of life, but regards God as his glory;
who holds Christ as his boast; who is able to say, according to
the Apostle: 'But as for me, God forbid that I should glory
save in the cross of Christ/
Many are glorified in body, who
devote their time to gymnastic contests, or, on the whole, who
are vigorous in the flower of their age; and many, because of
their valor in the wars, who consider the murdering of those
15 Ps. 61.6. . ,
19 Cf. Phil. 3.19: 'their glory is in their shame, they mind the things
of earth.'
20 Ps. 61.9.
HOMILY 21 347
possible to judge the nature of things. 'I have set before thee
life and death, good and evil/ 24 two natures contrary to each
Men, then, are liars, since they have destroyed the tribunals
of their soul, and the prophet deems them unhappy, for he
says: *Woe to you that call darkness light
and light darkness;
21 Ibid: 61.10.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid. (Septuagint version) .
24 Deut. 30.15 (Septuagint version) .
that call bitter sweetand sweet bitter/ 25 For me, he says, the
present; who, indeed,
knows the future? You weigh badly,
choosing evils instead of blessings, preferring empty things
the genuine, placing the temporary before the eternal, electing
and unbroken joy. Therefore,
passing pleasure for unending
'the sons of men are liars in the balances used for defrauding.'
first, themselves, and then,
their neighbors; for,
They wrong,
since they are the wicked advisers to themselves in their action,
the others. It is not possible for you
they are a bad example to
to say on the day of Judgment, 1 did not know the good/
Your own balances, which provide sufficiently the discrimina-
tion between good and bad, are presented to you. We test
the weight of the body by the inclinations of the balance, but
we determine the choices of our life by the free judgment of
our soul. This we call the balance because it can incline
equally both ways.
26 Above
'Trust not in inquity, and covet not robberies/
he said: 'Trust in him, all ye congregation of people/ He saw
the hesitation in their obedience, and he declared: 'But vain
are the sons of men/ Again, he bids them not to trust in
you see anyone exceedingly rich, do not deem his life happy.
If from all sides and from plenteous sources money flows
around you, do not accept a superabundance of it. *If riches
flow around/ Admire the expression. The nature of riches is
25 Cf. Isa. 5.20: 'Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put
darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet,
and sweet for bitter.*
26 Ps. 61.11.
27 Ibid.
HOMILY 21 349
have some discrepancy in it. What were the two things which
he heard? 'That power belongeth to God, and mercy to thee,
O Lord.' 29 God is powerful, he says, in judgment, and like-
wise merciful. Trust not, therefore, in iniquity, do not hand
yourself over to riches; do not choose vanity; do not carry
around the corrupt tribunal of your soul. Knowing that our
Lord is mighty, fear His strength, and do not despair of His
kindness. Now, in order that we may not do wrong, fear is
good; and in order that he who has once slipped into sin may
not throw himself away through despair, the hope of mercy
is good. For,
power belongs to God, and mercy is from Him.
Tor thou wilt render to every man according to his works.' 30
Tor with what measure you measure, it shall be measured
back to you/ 31 Have you afflicted your brother? Expect the
same. Did you snatch away the means of your inferiors, mal-
treat the poor, cover with disgrace by reproaches, blackmail,
make false accusations, tamper with other's marriages, swear
falsely,change your ancestral boundaries, attack the possessions
of orphans, oppress widows, prefer the present
pleasure to the
blessings in the promises? Expect the reciprocal measure of
these. In fact, what each one sows, such also shall he 32
And yet, if you have performed any good acts, expect also
manifold compensations in return for these. Tor thou wilt
render to every man according to his works.' If you remember
this sentence throughout all will be enabled to
your life, you
flee many sins, in Christ Jesus our Lord, to whom be glory
and power forever. Amen.
29 Ibid. 61.13.
30 Ibid.
31 Matt. 7.2.
32 Cf. Gal. 6.8: 'For what a man sows, that he will also reap/
A Psalm of Thanksgiving
for Deliverance from Death
j midnight
until this midday appeasing the God of
the martyrs with hymns, while awaiting our arrival. The
reward, therefore, is ready for you, who prefer honor for the
martyrs and the worship of God to sleep and rest. But, if we
must undertake a defense of ourselves because of our delay
and, to a great extent, desertion of you, we shall tell the cause.
It is, that, as we administer a church of God, equal in honor
to this, is separated by no short distance from you, we
spent in the earlier part of the day. Since the Lord has
you for the care of your bodies. Now, what was it that you
were singing?
'I have loved/ he says, 'because the Lord will hear the voice
o my prayer.'
not in the power of everyone to say: *I
It is
have loved,' but of him who is already perfect and beyond the
fear of slavery, and who has been formed in the spirit of
up for those who receive sufferings for the sake of piety. For,
I did not endure the contests, he says, contrary to my will, nor
with a
by force or constraint, but, I accepted the sufferings
certain love and affection, so that I was able to say: 'Because
are killed all the day long/ And these words
for thy sake we
seem to have equal weight with the words of the Apostle and
to be spoken by him with the same feeling, 'Who shall sepa-
rate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress,
or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or the
sword?' 3
Therefore, I have loved all these things, knowing
that I endure the dangers for the sake of piety under the hands
of the Lord of the universe who sees and bestows the reward.
4 each
'Because the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer/ So,
one of us is able to perform the difficult tasks enjoined by the
commandments whenever he displays his conduct of life to
the God of the universe as if to a spectator.
'Because he hath inclined his ear unto me/ 5 'He inclined/
1 PS. 114.1.
2 Ibid. 43.22.
3 Rom. 8.35.
4 Ps. 114.1.
5 Ibid. 1145.
HOMILY 22 353
6 Exod. 14.15.
7 Cf. Gen. 4.10: 'The voice of your brother's blood cries to me from
the ground.'
8 Ps. 114.2.
pity the man who has fallen from great riches into the utter-
most poverty, him who has been overthrown from the peak
of vigor of body to extreme weakness, him who gloried in the
beauty and grace of body and who has been destroyed by most
shameful passions. Though we at one time were held in glory,
living in paradise, yet, we have become inglorious and humble
because of our banishment; 'our God showeth mercy/ seeing
what sort of men we have become from what we were. For
this reason He summoned Adam with a voice of mercy, saying:
'Adam, where are you?' 17 He who knows all things was not
henceforth into thy rest, 'for the Lord has been bountiful to
thee/ For, eternal rest lies before those who have struggled
through the present life observant of the laws, a rest not given
in payment for a debt owed for their works, but provided as
a grace of the munificent God for those who have hoped in
Him. Then, before he describes the good things there, telling
in detail the escape from the troubles of the world, he gives
thanks for them to the Liberator of souls, who has delivered
him from the varied and inexorable slavery of the passions.
But, what are these good things?
Tor he hath delivered my soul from death: my eyes from
tears, my feet from falling.'
22 He describes the future rest by
a comparison with things here. Here, he says, the sorrows of
death have compassed me, but there he hath delivered my
soul from death. Here the eyes pour forth tears because of
trouble, but there, no longer is there a tear to darken the
eyes of those who are rejoicing in
the contemplation of the
beauty of the glory of God. Tor God has wiped away every
23 Here there is much
tear from every face/ danger of a fall;
wherefore, even Paul said: 'Let him who thinks he stands take
heed lest he fall/ 24 But, there the steps are firm; life is immut-
able. No
longer there the danger of slipping into sin. For,
22 Ps. 114.8.
23 Isa. 25.8 (Septuagint version) .
24 1 Cor. 10.12.
not the saying appear incredible to you, but consider the truth
o the matter.
In twenty-one years man is wont to undergo three variations
and vicissitudes of age and life, and in each week25 its proper
boundary circumscribes the past and displays a visible change.
The of infancy is limited by the loss of his teeth about
the first week. The
prescribed time for a child
who is capable
of learning is The youth, having attained to his
until youth.
cent has already changed into the man* Accordingly, when you
see a man who has laid aside the progressive increase accord-
ing to age, who is already advanced in his reasoning,
and who
bears no trace of youth, will you not think that the past has
died in him? Again, the old man, transposed into another
form and another disposition of soul, is evidently another man,
as compared with the former. So that the life of men is wont
to be fulfilled through many deaths, not only by the change
in the passing from one age to another, but also by the lapses
of the souls through sin.
But, where there is no alteration either of body or soul (for
there no
is deviation of reasoning, nor change of opinion
unless some difficult circumstances take away the constancy
Aaron, 318 268, 276, 303, 323, 327, 331,
Abiathar, 166 358; dark, 263; guardian-
Abimelech, 247 f.
ship of, 258; hosts of, 9, 29;
Abraham, 175, 179, 180, 199, of the Lord, 76, 176, 257
216, 248, 295, 305 Anomoean, 150
Absalom, 165, 166, 177 ant, 98, 138, 140, 188, 232
Achaab, 239 antipelargosis, 126
Achis, 247 f. Apostle, 11, 30, 86, 91, 166,
Achltophel, 165, 166, 240 169, 194, 197, 211,224,241,
acorns, 80 245, 250, 251, 254, 264, 268,
Adam, 326, 355 270, 274, 283, 294, 300, 311,
Adarezer, King of Soba, 334, 314, 319, 322, 345, 352, 354;
335 apostles, 210, 260, 295, 312
Ader, King of Syria, 239 apple tree, 80
Aegean Sea, 61 Aquila, 282
Aegon, 47 Arabia, 335
Aelian, 108 n. Arabian desert, 60
Aethopian Mountains, 47 n. Araboth, 166
almond, 78 Arachi, 165
aloes,289 f. Arachite, 166
amber, 80 Aratus, xi, 90 n.
Ambrose, Saint, viii, 74 n. Araxes, 46
Ammon, 334, 335 Archangels, 9
Ammonite, 339 Aristotle, x, xi, 5 n., 7 n.,
Amnon, 270 10 n., 12 n., 14 n., 15 n.,
164, 168, 169, 171, 195, 197, 326; Son, 148, 149, 200, 204,
198, 202, 204, 205, 213, 216, 231,234, 343; only-begot-
238, 241, 256, 261, 262, 263, ten,337; of God, 289; of
264, 267, 270, 271, 273, 279, Man, 308; Sun of justice,
283, 284, 287, 289, 290, 291, 85, 255, 304; Unicom, 205;
292, 293, 295, 299, 300, 302, son 204; Word, 222, 234,
308, 312, 326, 337, 338, 339, 235, 259, 280, 281, 285, 287,
340, 343, 345, 352; Christ 322, 326; divine, 117, 230;
Jesus, 245, 292, 317, 359; heavenly, 258, 284; of God,
body of, 284; bride of, 295; 38, 213, 284, 285; of the
cross of, 283, 345; disciples Lord, 231, 234, 235
of, 252, 256; kingdom of, Christianity, 149
291; lips of, 283, 284; mind Christians, xii, 95, 245, 324
of, 322; Author of victory, Church, 14, 41, 51, 65, 76, 79,
231; Bread, 260; of life, 260; 114, 153,214,261,267,272,
true, 258; Bridegroom, 222, 273, 284, 291, 292, 294, 295,
291; Co-worker, 39; Farmer, 302, 303, 304, 312, 313; of
true, 76; Christ, 326; of the first-
God-bearing flesh,
339; Godhead of the Only- born, 323; of God, 21, 313,
begotten, 196; Jesus, 200, 333, 336; of the Living God,
229, 237; Lamb of God, 198; of the Lord, 339; sons
204; Lawmaker, 190; Light, of the, 295
134, 136, 137, 143, 145, 148, David, 154, 157, 165, 166, 167,
155, 202,238 f., 252, 292; of 179, 193, 215, 240, 247 f.,
the heavens and the powers 248, 251, 252, 277, 282, 303,
in them, 235; of the heavens 334, 335, 341
and earth, 3, 41; of heat, 45; Dead Sea, 60
of light, 33, 85; of the deceitfulness, 110
lights, 85, 105; of mankind, deer, 138
148; of men, 147; sensible, Democritus, 5 n.
199 Dermoptera, 121
Creator, passim deteriorations, 5
creature, 62, 106, 119, 129, devil, 166, 179, 197, 206, 228,
132, 148, 197, 209, 262; 292, 298, 299, 316, 330, 355;
creatures, xi, 10, 105, 110, ministers of, 344; the ad-
116, 120,131, 132,252,255; versary, 308, 320; demon,
crawling, 105, 106, 107, 117, 84, 133, 160; demons, 152,
118, 120, 129, 132, 136; 191, 228, 262, 298, 345;
firmament, 38 f., 42 ff., 47, 49, 84, 149, 351; first and
magicians, 102
myrtles, 74
Manasses, 337, 338
mandrake, 71, 72
Nabel the Carmelian, 276
Manichaeans, 27, 117, 118
Marcion, 324 nightingale, 129
Marcionites, 27 night ravens, 129
Nile, 47
marjoram, 139
Nobe, 247
mastic, 80
North Sea, 61, 112
Mauretanians, 108
Mediterranean Sea, 59 n. Nyses, 47
Socrates, viii
swallows, 121, 126
swan, 131
Sodom, 241
swifts, 121
solicitude, 126, 138, 140
swine, 162
Solomon, 30, 161, 180, 207,
swordfish, 116
213, 331
Symmachus, 282
solstices of the sun, 34, 50;
Syria, 239, 335
summer solstice, 49, 95;
Syrian, 31; Syrians, 31, 334; of
winter, 46, 49
Rohob, 334; of Soba, 334
son of perdition, 166
Sons of Thunder, 201, 285
tamarisk, 81
Sophonia, 311 Tanais, 46
South Sea, 61
tares, 73
Spain, 60 Tartessus, 46
sparrows, 232 Taurus, 92
spider's web, 5; spider webs, terebinth, 80
93 testaceans, 107
Spirit, 5, 21, 30, 31, 38, 44, 55, Thamar, 270
103, 113, 136, 150, 151, 153, Tharsis, 201
195, 210, 225, 228, 230, 234, Thebes, Egyptian, 137
235, 257, 282, 283, 290, 297, Theophrastus, xi, 68 n,
308, 314, 336, 346; Holy Thomas, 216
tiger, xiii,144
tortoise, 139 wasps, 121, 131
truth, 4, 24, 27, 29, 37, 39, 47, weevers, 107
51, 54, 83, 102, 110, 147, West Sea, 61, 101
148, 150, 180, 197, 223, 237, whales, 116
250, 253, 254, 257, 258, 259, wheat, 71; black, 73
286, 288, 327, 330, 336, 358; willows, 75
word of truth, 283, 306, 308 winter, 95, 96, 113, 127, 139,
tunneys, 108 140
turtledove, xiii, 127 wisdom, 17, 49, 64, 81, 83, 111,
Tyre, 292 114, 132, 141, 146, 147, 157,
Tyrrhenian Sea, 61 172, 251, 287, 301, 314, 319;
of the Artificer, 99, 102; of
the Creator, 131, 132, 142,
unicorns, 204, 205 232; of God, 113, 129, 314,
universe, 5, 12, 16, 25, 42, 45,
316; of the world, 317, 320;
48, 51, 83, 84, 85, 137, 177, of the wise, 321; foolish,
235, 352, 358
136; human, 4, 283; vain,
130; worldly, 8, 83; children
of, 166
Valentinians, 27
Valentinus, 324 wolf, 138, 141, 325; wolves,
220 110
vengeance, 177, 204 wormwood, 80
Vergil, 73 n., 257 n.
vineyard, 76
Xenophon, 72 n.
viper, 114, 139, 146, 187, 207
vivipara, 106, 107
Volga, 46 n. Zodiac, 91, 93
Genesis, 3 n., 5 n., 21 n., 24 n., 219 n., 220 n., 244 n., 347 n.
26 n., 30 n., 31 n., 32 n., 33 Judges, 191 n.
n., 34 38 n., 42 n., 47 n.,
n., 1
Kings, 247 n., 249 n., 276 n.
49 50 n., 53 n., 56 n.,
n., 2 Kings, 165 n., 166 n., 240 n.,
61 n., 62 n., 63 n., 67 n., 270 n., 334 n.
70 n., 72 n., 74 n., 75 n., 3 Kings, 202 n., 248 n.
85 n., 88 n., 95 n., 97 n., 4 Kings, 239 n., 240 n., 244 n.
105 n., 107 n., llOn., H5n., 1 Paralipomenon, 341 n.
117n., 120 n,, 132 n., 136 n., 2 Esdras, 339 n.
147 n., 148 n., 149 n., 156, Job, 15 n., 45 n., 205 n., 215 n.,
157 n., 176 n., 179 n., 195 n., 234 n., 319 n., 320 n., 330 n.
199 n., 234 n., 242 n., 248 n., Psalms, 16 n., 34 n., 35 n.,
264 n., 295 n., 309 n., 323 n., 37 n., 40 n., 42 n., 50 n.,
324 n., 325 n., 353 n., 355 n. 52 n., 53 n., 76 n., 77 n.,
Exodus, 4 n., 87 n., 157 n., 82 n., 87 n., 97 n., 110 n.,
170 n., 179 n., 199 n., 204 n., llln., 133 n., 138 n., 141 n.,
217 n., 221 n., 236 n., 244 n., 146 n., 147 n., 151 n., 152 n.,
248 n., 268 n., 269 n., 279 n., 153n., 154n., 156n., 157 n.,
284 n., 305 n., 307 n., 338 n., 161 n., 165 n., 166 n., 167 n.,
353 n. 168 n., 169 n., 170 n., 171 n.,
Leviticus, 119 n. 173 n., 174 n., 175 n., 176 n.,
Numbers, 4 n., 275 n., 318 n. 177 n., 178 n., 179 n., 181 n.,
Deuteronomy, 50 n., 181 n., 182 n., 193 n., 194 n., 195 n.,
198n., 199 n., 200 n., 201 n., Proverbs, 10 n., 30 n., Ill n.,
202 n.,203 n., 204 n., 205 n., 114n., 124 n., 162 n., 174 n.,
206 n.,207 n., 208 n., 209 n., 180 n., 184 n., 185 n., 190 n.,
210 n., 21 In., 213 n., 214 n., 194 n., 196 n., 208 n.,243 n.,
215 n., 216 n., 217 n., 218 n., 272 n., 281 n., 324 n., 331 n.
219n., 220 n., 222 n., 223 n., Ecclesiastes, 58 n., 151 n.,
224 n., 225 n., 227 n., 228 n., 177n., 228 n., 271 n., 287 n.
229 n., 230 n., 231 n., 232 n., Canticle o Canticles, 116 n.,
233 n., 234 n., 235 n., 236 n., 222 n., 250 n., 287 n., 291 n.
237 n,, 238 n., 239 n., 240 n.,
Ecclesiasticus, 100 n., 314 n.
241 n., 242 n., 243 n., 244 n.,
245 n., 246 n., 247 n., 249 n., Isaia, 14 n., 47 n., 56 n., 69 n.,
250 n., 251 n., 252 n., 253 n., 76 n., 118 n., 191 n., 199 n.,
254 n., 255 n., 257 n., 258 n., 206 n., 21 In., 229 n., 233 n.,
259 n., 26 In., 262 n., 263 n., 237 n., 244 n., 263 n., 269 n.,
265 n., 266 n., 267 n., 268 n., 272 n., 274 n., 277 n., 281 n.,
269 n., 270 n., 271 n., 272 n., 282 n., 303 n., 315 n., 318 n.,
273 n., 274 n., 275 n., 277 n., 348 n., 357 n.
278 n., 280 n., 281 n., 282 n., Jeremia, 58 n., 82 n., 167 n.,
283 n., 284 n., 286 n., 287 n., 171 n., 179 n., 180 n., 181 n.,
288 n., 289 n., 290 n., 291 n., 194 n., 217 n., 248 n., 251 n.,
292 n., 293 n., 294 n., 295 n., 272 n., 276 n., 299 n., 320 n.,
297 n., 298 n., 299 n., 300 n., 325 n.
301 n., 302 n., 303 n., 305 n., Ezechiel, 181 n., 201 n., 273 n.,
306 n., 307 n., 308 n., 311 n., 325 n., 338 n.
312 n., 314 n., 315 n., 317 n., Daniel, 52 n., 179 n., 205 n.,
318 n., 319 n., 320 n., 321 n., 206 n.
322 n., 324 n., 326 n., 327 n., Osee, 315 n., 322 n.
328 n., 329 n., 330 n., 331 n., Joel, 35 n., 90 n.
333 n., 334 n., 335 n., 337 n., Amos, 35 n., 43 n., 260 n.
338 n., 339 n., 342 n., 343 n., Michea, 211 n.
344 n., 345 n., 346 n., 347 n., Sophonia, 311 n.
348 n., 349 n., 350 n., 352 n., Zacharia, 304 n.
353 n., 354 n., 355 n., 356 n., Malachia, 85 n., 196 n., 255 n.,
357 n. 304 n.
St. Luke, 76 n., 166 n., 167 n., 283 n., 289 n., 297 n., 302 n.,
190n., 207 n., 220 n,, 224 n, 303 n., 311 n., 312 n., 318 n.,
268 n., 272 n., 273 n., 276 n., 319 n., 321 n., 322 n., 344 n.,
283 n., 308 n., 319 n., 320 n., 345 n., 357 n.
321 n., 322 n., 325 n., 329 n., 2 Corinthians, 40 n., 169 n.,
340 n., 343 n. 194 n., 225 n,, 237 n., 238 n.,
244 254 n., 256 261
John, 26 n., 76 n., 149
St. n., n., n., n.,
204 n,, 231 n., 234 n., 250 n., Galatians, 169 n., 210 n., 228
255 n., 257 n., 264 n., 265 n., n., 261 n., 345 n., 350 n.
228 n., 254 n., 300 n., 307 n., n., 207 n., 211 n., 222 n.,
319 n., 326 n. 230 n., 257 n., 266 n., 278 n.,
283 n., 284 n., 292 n., 299 n., Titus, 155 n.
312 n,, 326 n., 346 n.
To the Hebrews, 29 n., 138 n.,
Colossians, 9 n., 30 n., 132 n., 148 n., 149 n., 208 250 n.,
138 n,, 149 n., 251 n., 264 n., 284 303 n,, 319
n., n.,324 n.,
265 n., 267 n., 293 n., 302 n., 328 n., 331
327 n., n., 340 n.
306 n., 338 n.
1 St. Peter, 211 n., 241 n.,
1 Thessalonians, 249 n.
286 n., 316 n., 318 n.
Timothy, 202 n,, 214 n.,
322 n. 1 St. John, 354 n., 355 n.