The Wayland News November 2021
The Wayland News November 2021
The Wayland News November 2021
Two members from Saham WI and two from Watton Evening WI manned a WI promotional table at a recent Watton
Medical Practice Patient Participation Group open meeting at the Sports Centre. Pictured are left to right: Pat Holcroft,
Gerry Daisey, Sandy Vellam and Melanie Austin. More news from Saham Women’s institute on page 4
although the dance didn’t take place, the 10am. This is a free event courtesy of
Dancers support amount collected would be donated. National Lottery funding. Pumpkins
John Dufton, who is chairman of the will be supplied. Children MUST be
the Royal British Watton Branch, has sent a letter of accompanied by a responsible adult.
thanks, informing us that the donation Please book a slot so that we can have
Legion will be used to help with costs of the 100 enough equipment, pumpkins and
The Queens Hall Dance Group, Dance- year celebrations, which will be held space available for everyone wanting to
Away, have donated £120 to the Watton later this month. Val Simpson take part.
Branch of the British Legion. We are also holding a cake sale and teas
The committee planned to hold a dance and coffees will be available. If you
to commemorate VE Day, last year, with
Pumpkin Carving wish to donate a cake to be sold towards
Gallery funds that would be very much
tickets going on sale at the March dance
2020. Those attending the dance were
At Wayland House appreciated.
supportive of holding a dance and agreed Dragonfly Gallery For all details and to book a slot contact
us at Wayland House by dropping in any
that any proceeds would be donated to Come Along And Have A Bit Of
the British Legion. Then COVID struck weekday morning from 9-12noon or
Halloween Fun! As our first event
and all dances were cancelled. phone on 01953 880204 or email
since we had to close due to Covid, we
However, a few tickets had been sold on [email protected] or
are holding a pumpkin carving day at
the first evening, and it was agreed that, [email protected]
Wayland House on October 27th from
Manor Farm
Christmas Trees
Freshly cut Christmas trees, wreaths &
Locally Grown Christmas trees For a
really fresh, locally grown, Christmas
tree, come to Manor Farm in Great
Hockham, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 1PE
We are a small family business with
over 40 years experience of growing the
very best Christmas trees to the highest
standards The secret to a wonderful tree
is freshness, ours are cut daily – you
can’t get better!
Open weekends: Nov 27/28, Dec 4/5,
11/12, 18/19 Opening hours – 09.30am
to 4pm
We are offering a ‘Phone & Collect’
service during weekdays. Please call us
to arrange a day and time.
Home: 01953 498 442
Mobile: 07704 897 787
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 2
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 3
Christmas will likely disappear by the basket packed with many items for
A Quick Look time the festive season arrives so why
take such a pessimistic view? Even if a
Please wear a mask, if you can, when
Round somewhat restricted season does come
I am sure there will be no hardships
entering the Village Hall and use the
hand sanitiser which will be
By Orbiter awaiting us. available, the usual covid 19
Well October has arrived and with it The last of my looks round falls on the precautions.
there seems to be a bit of more cheerful climate activists who have been The proceeds from the Fayre will go to
news with the Covid crisis hopefully blocking the M25 in recent days These East Anglian Air Ambulance. Please
behind us, although the threat is not protesters may well have a worthy come along and have a go at winning
completely gone. Most of us have had cause, but surely the way to gain one of the prizes and enjoy your first
our quota of jabs though there still sympathy is not to inflict great mince pie of the season.
seems to be a hard-core of resistance in inconvenience to a large number of We hope to see you there.
certain quarters, particularly in the care people. To block a busy motorway may
home sector, where inoculations would gain attention, but that road may well
appear to be of paramount importance..
But even the young are beginning to
be the path to hospital for some poor
person in need of immediate treatment.
realise it is not showing weakness to be
jabbed, but common sense.
Current reports indicate that such
illegal protests will be punished by jail
Memorial for
With the general easing of restrictions
it has once again been possible to enjoy
meals out and a great many of the
sentences but threats of this kind very
rarely result in court action to save Every Town
money. I can only hope, on behalf of
customary holiday-time amusements
are now available, though foreign
one of these militant protesters that and Parish
they will not be personally in need of a
travel is still a bit of a problem.
But the weather in the last few weeks
safe and speedy journey.
I must leave you with those rather
has been very kind to the stay-cation The work of communities across the
serious words, and hope I will find a
enthusiasts marred only by a couple of county, which pulled together in the
more cheerful topic next month.
days when the elements did all they challenging times of the pandemic, is
Good afternoon..
could to spoil things with some of the being recognised with a lasting
most violent storms that many of us memorial.
could remember.
From time to time we have to say
WNAS Lady Dannatt, Her Majesty’s Lord-
Lieutenant for Norfolk, has
farewell to friends, whether personal or The West Norfolk Aviation Society commissioned a plaque for every parish
among those who have entertained us, rose again on Tuesday 5th October at and town council in the county using
and just lately we seemed to have the Mundford Bowls Club. The the design skills of Ruby Douglass and
reached a period when departures of chairman, Chris Halliday, also rose to the wording from a team at Norwich’s
our favourites has reached a peak. On the occasion by mounting a chair, thus National Centre for Writing.
the football scene we had to say good allowing room for his copious cue Ruby, who is a recent graduate from
bye to Greavesie, the great Jimmy cards to parachute to the floor. But, Norwich University of the Arts, said:
Greaves, and from the small screen we prior to these theatricals, David Allen, “The design relies heavily on the
lost Boycey, just a character in a show, founder and multi-roled member, gave lettering traditionally associated with
but a very popular one. a résumé of the part played by the memorialising events and people. The
Of course we lose loved ones society since its inception nearly 30 style of lettering and shape of the
continually, but some TV personalities years ago; its motto then: ‘Dedicated in plaque were chosen as a visual way to
have brought so much enjoyment into the Desire to Defy Gravity’. celebrate the community overcoming
our lives that we miss their departures Between the two of them, 'Manager' such a difficult year.”
almost as much as those of our own and Chairman, the meeting was The team at Norwich’s National Centre
families. conducted with professionalism and for Writing, led by Chris Gribble,
On the subject of sad ends, the focus on good humour, many objectives being researched a number of options and
the world of football has been directed achieved with willingness among finally put forward the inspiring words
towards several ex-stars who have attendees to be appointed to ranks in of the Norfolk-born sociologist, Harriet
succumbed to dementia in their closing the chain of command. Attendance was Martineau: ‘Live your best and act your
years, and medical and other opinions better than expected; there were present best and think your best today.’
have attributed this to the practice of two ladies, two prospective new Lady Dannatt said: “Many of the
heading, which has always been a members and a forty year old boy who Deputy Lieutenants in Norfolk
dominant feature of football. might have been a lot younger; our experienced at first hand the work of
There has been a world-wide focus on president until a few years ago was a their local community during the height
this part of the game and there have 97 year old Wing Commander, Ken of the pandemic. A small group of
been strong recommendations for Wallace. them came together for this project and
heading to be subject to a complete There was no guest speaker on this have worked through every stage to
ban. Yes, many great goals have come occasion but there was, nevertheless, this point where every parish and town
from the heads of famous players, but no shortage of entertainment with council can now receive their plaque
there has been a host of leading aeronautical anecdotes and banter and I am very grateful for their time
players, whose skills have remained ascending from the floor. and commitment.”
with their feet including the great Sir It was decided that with a surplus in the Deputy Lieutenants closest to each
Stanley Matthews. kitty, the club should squander some of parish or town will distribute the
There is a growing demand for heading this on a visit to some exotic plaques over the coming months.
to be banned altogether. and it does aeronautical extravaganza and also, The cost of the project has been
seem that within the next few years this purchase some sound and vision covered by generous sponsorship from
dementia-bringer will disappear from enhancement equipment in order to Adnams, the Red Socks Charitable
the game entirely. create a fold-out cinema environment Trust, the Geoffrey Watling Charity,
What a world! As soon as we get over for future events. the Pennycress Trust, the Kip and
one crisis there’s another one behind. The meeting ended with our grateful Alison Bertram Trust and the Sybil
We reached a plateau of confidence in thanks to the ever popular Val and Len Cholmondeley Trust.
our fuel supplies, and as soon as we for their customary hospitality, humour
settled down to regularity, suddenly a and wholesome fare.
shortage of drivers threatened our Nigel Tooth
supplies and they tell us that electricity Bradenham
and gas supplies face a very uncertain
future. Christmas Christmas Fair
But what may be to come we can worry
about later – it is the present that
matters now, and as I write this the
Fayre - Caston To be held at Bradenham Village Hall
on Saturday 20th November 2021,
Our annual Christmas Fayre is 11.a.m.-3.00.p.m. 20p entry fee which
present looks pretty good, at least as far returning and this year will be on goes to charity. Free car parking. Lots
as the weather goes, as early Octobers Saturday 20th November in the Village of stalls, children's competitions and
sees us in bright, warm sunshine. The Hall, starting at 2:00pm, for about an refreshments. Any further details can
trees have only just begun to redden hour. There will be raffles, games and a be obtained from Les Baxter, tel. 01362
into autumn hues and as the annual Tombola as well as Cakes and Bric-a- 820886 or email at
change takes place all looks really Brac, the traditional [email protected]. Look forward
glorious, enough to take ones mind off Christmas Fayre contents. to seeing you there.
the worries of the outside world.. In addition, the Hamper Draw will take
Worries, like the predicted empty place - a chance to win a wicker picnic
supermarket shelves this coming
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 4
harvesting the fruit. Clever use of doing There are several schemes and top tips
Saham Women’s Institute In Your Garden two things at once. which can help people with saving money
For our September meeting we were back in the small room at the Roses in exposed areas should be cut and staying warm this winter:
Wells Cole Community Centre after an absence of eighteen
With Lotta Potts back by about a third to prevent wind- Check with your energy company
months. Thirteen members were present and we welcomed one Every time I open a book these days (and rock. If you get wind-rock the roots of whether you are on the most appropriate
guest. I have a few more than I thought I had) the rose may be exposed and the stems tariff for your gas and electricity and if
Tony Grover gave an interesting presentation on the Norfolk Blood the year starts on 1st October. I bet this is damaged in the wind. Prevention is better necessary shop around for a cheaper deal
Bikes, a voluntary organisation that helps to save lives in Norfolk. news to you as it was to me but I suppose than having to try to tread the roots back by swapping suppliers.
This service, which started up in 2011 covers out of hours you can see the point. It just seems a bit into the ground without causing more Ensure that your meter readings are
deliveries of blood products, samples, vaccines, donor breast milk depressing to have to have two lots of damage. Newly-planted roses, fruit trees accurate and that you are only paying for
and other life-saving medical items to hospitals within the County. spring cleaning. At least cleaning up the or other shrubs may need staking as well. the energy you use.
They are also responsible for restocking the Air Ambulance with garden gives us lots of useful things to go Apart from wind-rock the weather can Investigate whether your home needs
medical supplies on a daily basis. They currently have seventy on the compost heap or in the brown bin play havoc this month. It is frequently insulation to keep as much of the heat you
trained riders (male and female) who are all volunteers and rely on as well as the tools we lost among all the wet and frosty, not to mention foggy. We are paying for in your home rather than
donations to keep the fleet on the road. foliage. We also get a nice tidy garden have had snow in this area towards the having it escape through the roof and
Later in the month we held a joint meeting with the ladies of with bare soil in quite large areas. Now is end of the month so all in all take walls. Find local sources of support for
Watton Evening WI in The Methodist Centre with a talk entitled the time to note or photograph the bare advantage of the few clear, sunny days warmer homes such as boiler grants and
“Spice up your Christmas” The speaker demonstrated dishes from areas and plan for next year. In the we have. If you have a spare bit of time free loft insulation. For more details see:
Iran, Brazil, Turkey, Russia and the Caribbean. Sadly we could not meantime why not buy a few bulbs to it’s worth having a look round a park or
sample the food but they all looked very colourful and appetizing. start things off? This is the time for tulips stately home to see what they have in the
Two members from Saham WI and two from Watton Evening WI and hyacinths and even daffs and irises way of spectacular plants or trees since cavity-loft-insulation or
manned a WI promotional table at a recent Watton Medical that might be a bit late next spring but they have to keep grounds attractive all
Practice Patient Participation Group open meeting at the Sports will sort their timing out for 2023. year. There is a lot of inspiration for grabbing
Centre (front page0. What really shows up as the start of a planning there. Lifts the spirits as well in Turn the thermostat down by just two
Our Scrabble, Craft and lunch groups have started up again. new gardening year is the planting and this dank month. It might be early in the degrees from 20°C to 18°C. This will
We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the trans-planting of all bare-root shrubs gardening new year but nine days out of make a big difference. If you can afford
Wells Cole Community Centre, Bell Lane, Saham Toney. Visitors including roses. We have a window to do ten it is depressing. to, make sure that you have your boiler
are welcome. this from the beginning of November Keep off the lawn if it’s wet or frosted. serviced to ensure it is operating
until the end of March. Quite a few The next bit of advice is to remove fallen efficiently. If you still feel cold, wrap up
perennials can be split up now while the leaves from the grass. Wait until it dries in a jumper or blanket before turning the
soil is still warm-ish. This should need to out a bit. If it’s been aerated in thermostat up any higher.
be done only every two or three years and September or October it should drain Spend less time in the shower by setting a
you do have the option of leaving it until nicely. Otherwise make a note to do it timer. This could save a family of four,
spring. Dig up the clump you want to next year and remove the leaves as and on average, as much as £100 per year.
split then either pull it apart or use a when you can. It should be possible to Use cold water for handwashing. It’s the
spade/fork or old bread-knife to divide it send the mower away for maintenance (if soap that kills the bacteria, not the hot
into smaller pieces. How small is up to you have that sort of mower) but if we water.
you but they should each have good roots have a mild winter the grass will need the Unplug your microwave. A microwave
and a healthy topknot of foliage. Usually occasional trim. uses energy to power its clock 24/7. By
these little divisions occur round the Containers that have to live outdoors all unplugging it when you’re not using it,
edges of the original plant with the year may need insulation. Even in frost- you can really cut down on electricity.
middle bit tired or unproductive. This bit proof containers the roots of plants in Replace your light bulbs. Moving from
should be composted or binned. Replant them will be more susceptible to hard traditional incandescent bulbs to CFLs
the small divisions where you have room frost than those of plants in the ground so (compact fluorescent lamps) or LED
so there will be fewer bare patches. Plant wrap the pots in bubble wrap or sacking. bulbs saves money because they are 90%
spring bedding and if you sowed hardy Tie up the leaves of cordylines to protect more energy efficient and last 50 times
annuals last month, or if some arrived by the growing tip in the middle from wet longer.
themselves, they may need protection and wrap in fleece. Lift containers from CAP client, Graham, explained how CAP
the ground either with bricks or pot feet helped him: “The letters were piling on
Dance- Away such as a layer of fleece.
Tidy up the veg beds. If you are fortunate
enough to grow brassicas make sure they
easily available from sheds and garden
centres. Plant frost-proof containers with
the anxiety. It wasn’t good. When you’ve
got that pressure on you, it makes you
are still firmly planted. Otherwise if you spring bedding. Good old pansies and feel very depressed. You don’t want
At the Queens Hall, Watton just have bare beds clear up any plant violas are splendid for this and will raise anybody to find out so you try and keep
material and turn over the soil unless you your spirits. everything to yourself.
Ballroom - Latin - Sequence - Bar - Raffle have a no-dig policy which just means If the weather is really frightful settle “I was paying to settle my debts with gas
7.30pm to 10.30pm November 6th - December 4th tidying up leaves (for leaf mould), last down with the catalogues to plan next and electricity – it was an accumulation
crops and any weeds then adding a mulch year. Check the bank balance as well as of debt over time.
01953 883105 or 01953 882790 of compost for the worms to take down to the area available. I still have lots of “Now the debt is paid off. It makes life
improve the soil. If you don’t have this packets of seeds that I had to reject a few easier! I don’t have to pay those increased
method but want to try, in the first year times due to lack of space. I did throw costs as I’m not in debt anymore. The
mark out where you want the bed or beds out the ones that started ‘sow by 19..’ but payments have come down so I have more
to be then thoroughly cultivate the soil, have still found some viable after (just) a money to play around with. Now, I have
adding improver as you go with perhaps few years. gas, electric and insurance which is all paid
grit if you have heavy soil then As it’s November, please check any by direct debit. Then I have water and
subsequently tidy and mulch. Home- bonfires for the 5th to avoid incinerating television that I pay for regularly. Now once
made compost is best as you will use a lot any hedgehogs that might have taken I’ve paid those I don’t have to worry.
but used compost from grow-bags or pots shelter under what looks to them like an “When something comes through the
will help to improve the soil without the ideal spot to hibernate. door now I don’t have to feel afraid
annual deep digging. This is still popular Oh, nearly forgot. Keep weeding. anymore. It’s great! I’m not fearful of it.
but does interfere with the soil structure. “Working with CAP has made a big
Maybe experiment with one small bed difference to my life now. It’s a sense of
and at least you don’t have to tread all Tips to Help You being determined not to get into that
over it once established. situation again. That’s the biggest thing
You may have to do a bit of pruning this Stay Warm for me. And to try and keep to a budget.
month. If you grow fruit start winter Fountain of Life Church, Ashill, Shares “It’s a bit of a reality check. It’s easy to
pruning of established apple and pear Tips to Help People Stay Warm This get into debt, anybody can get into debt,
trees by removing a third of the leaders. Winter as Energy Prices Rise and there are people a lot worse off than
Long sideshoots can be cut back to two or The church runs a Christians Against me. But there’s no use running away from
three buds to form spurs on spur-bearing Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre which offers it and burying your head in the sand.
trees. Tip-bearing apples produce fruit- free debt help for clients in the local area. You’ve got to face up to it and want to try
bearing spurs and on the tips of the Heather Nunn, Mid-Norfolk Debt Centre and sort it.”
branches so limit the spur-pruning. Manager said: “We’ve seen food prices rise, Heather added: “For some people, like
Remove older branches that are crossing the Universal Credit uplift being cut and Graham, it may be that debt help is
or damaged to maintain an open centre of now with fuel tariffs increasing we’re needed but for others, these simple tips or
the tree. Soft fruit such as gooseberries worried about where this will leave people. knowing where to access help with grants
and redcurrants should be pruned in the “We’re encouraging people to access help and low-cost support schemes can be all
same way as top fruit, the idea being to and support towards the beginning of the that’s needed to go into the winter feeling
establish a framework of four or five winter rather than waiting until the end.” prepared.”
main branches with fruiting spurs. “Many of those we help have struggled to If anyone reading this is worried about
Blackcurrants, however, are different and stay warm over the winter, but knowing debts piling up that are causing anxiety
older shoots have to be cut to the ground where to get support, combined with and stress then contact CAP on 0800 328
every year. Some people remove entire some simple energy saving tips, can make 0006 or as soon as possible to
branches for this purpose when a difference.” get free debt help
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 5
into an upright round shape which
Gt. Ellingham was covered in dark green Kale
leaves. The centre was filled with
& District Dahlias from her garden with
groups of small Crab Apples and
Flower Club Beech masts inserted.
Next came a flat round Oasis base
with a red chunky candle in the
News centre around which she placed
On 28th September we had our groups of Hydrangea, Sedum,
first meeting of our Club for 18 Honesty and Agapanthus seeds
months. We now meet on the 4th which when dried off could be
Tuesday of the month in the sprayed all ready for Christmas!
afternoons - this is a new idea to Finally Helen produced a superb
make it safer after Covid and better hand-tied arrangement using
than going out on cold, dark winter Chelone, Michaelmas Daisies, pink
nights. It seemed to go down well Nerines, Sedum, Dahlias and
with most members as we had 45 Senecio and the last few green
attending - apologies to those who Anastasia – tied up and wrapped
can no longer attend through work with tissue and cellophane and
or family commitments. placed in a decorative bag – this
We had a wonderful Autumnal was truly a grand finale. Our lucky
demonstration, entitled ‘Flowers raffle winners were so pleased!
from the Cutting Garden’ by Helen After the demonstration we
Hillier – although Helen has come enjoyed a welcome tea/coffee and
to us before, the designs were delicious home-made cakes – it
totally different as the plants vary was great to meet up again and see
so much from season to season. old friends – taking up where we
(See photos attached) left off really.
She made 4 arrangements starting Our next meeting is at Rocklands
with a tall clear glass vase in which Village Hall, NR17 1TR on
she placed larch branches and Tuesday 26 th October, again in the
cones together with orange Chinese afternoon, starting at 1.30pm – on Sunday 12th DECEMBER, 1.30 telephone me on 01953 498694. fabulous refreshments - and costs
lanterns which had small lights doors open at 1pm. When Pat for 2pm start : Entitled ‘LET IT It is a great time to join and get the £10 to guests.
inserted in them. A glass dish was Barton will demonstrate ‘WHERE SHINE’ Tickets £10pp, same best value from your membership We are associated to NAFAS and
placed on top containing Ivy, more IN THE WORLD’ – and talk about venue and – includes Afternoon fees - £30 per year especially as are a very friendly club that would
orange lanterns, green Anastasia customs and superstitions. Free to Tea, Raffle of all arrangements, our November Christmas love to welcome more members.
Chrysanths and tall bent stems members and £7 Guests. We look stalls and Tombola. Contact me for demonstration is by David Wright , As you can see we have lots going
creating height and interest Her forward to a good turnout. tickets. entitled ‘Twelve Days of on!
second colourful design was Date for your diary: A special fund If you would like more information Christmas’ on Tuesday 23rd will Jane Dalton. (Secretary GE&DFC)
produced using Oasis blocks cut raising demonstration will be held or a lift to meetings please be spectacular and includes
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 6
your pot, rather than centrally, Bob explained
Getting Your that this location was the driest place and so
resulted in less wet rot and improved root
Garden Ready For development.
In the second half of the meeting Bob
Autumn & Beyond demonstrated how to plant a large outdoor
Ashill, Holme Hale & District Garden Club container with a wide range of bulbs placed at
Our September meeting was an extremely different levels to provide a succession of
informative and hands-on presentation by flowering interest for the coming spring. He
professional gardener Bob Coutts. Bob, who completed his container with a top layer of
was head gardener at Somerleyton Hall for wallflowers and pansies to provide colour
many years, gave an engaging talk on how to throughout the winter months.
prepare your garden for Autumn and the coming Our next monthly meeting is on Thursday
winter. Bob started his talk by saying that October 28th at 2.30pm when our speaker,
Autumn was the time of year to enjoy the fruits Angela Marshall, will present a talk on ‘Helping
of your labours earlier year by harvesting your Norfolk Hedgehogs’. Our November meeting
fruit and vegetables, such as apples, pears, will be held on Thursday November 25th at
carrots, onions and beetroot. Also giving tips on 2.30pm when Brenda Tubbs, President of Great
how best to store them. In addition he gave Elllingham & District Flower Club, will give an
advice about how to cut your summer and Xmas themed flower arranging demonstration
autumn raspberry canes and pruning your other entitled “Especially For You”.
fruit bushes. All meetings are held at Holme Hale Pavilion.
Bob also gave a practical demonstration on how New members from anywhere in the district are
to take hardwood and softwood cuttings at this always welcome, so come along and join us at
time of year to increase your plant stock for one of our monthly meetings.
future years. In response to a question of why Website:
you place cuttings around the very edges of Email: [email protected]
world around us with a short guided meditation We are planning to hold a Christmas Arts and
Our Wildly and explored the Loch, completing a gratitude Crafts For Crafts Exhibition from November 22nd in the
scavenger hunt. Dragonfly Gallery at Wayland House. Any
Wonderful World In November we will meet on Sunday 7th at Christmas At The medium welcome. If you would like to have
Wild Church gathered on Sunday 3rd October at 1pm at Loch Neaton. Do dress for the weather your work included, either for sale or to simply
Loch Neaton. We had a great time exploring our
wildly wonderful world. We explored what we
and you will need to bring a clean jar with a lid!
There will be a variety of activities to take part
Dragonfly Gallery, show what you do, we would love to hear from
you. Our last exhibition, before Covid,
loved about our world and what we can do to
look after it. We made pledges for our planet
in and space for exploration, reflection and
connection. All are welcome.
Wayland House achieved record sales. We take a small
commission on sales but otherwise there is no
which we took home to display where we will We are currently working towards our Bronze This might seem a bit early, but most crafters charge to exhibit.
see them and be reminded. We got creative - Eco Church award. Join our journey and keep are already working on Christmas projects in We look forward to hearing from you on 01953
there were some great acting skills and up to date on our Facebook and Instagram order to get everything done in time. Wayland 880204 or email [email protected] or
wonderful artistic abilities on show as we @wildchurchnorfolk, has a lot of very talented craftspeople and we [email protected]
created clay creatures. We connected with the Email: [email protected] love to celebrate their work.
The Wayland News November 2021 Page 7
Watton & District Rotary Club held its This found that there were some group centred around St Mary’s Church,
annual Vocational Awards Dinner on 07 neighbours who were housebound and Watton, who during the school holidays
October at Broom Hall Country Hotel for needed shopping doing, also some have provided food hampers to families
both Individual and Group Awards. needed odd small jobs doing in their with needy children in Watton and district.
After dinner, certificates and cups were house or garden that Tony was able to do The meal ingredients were collected
presented to both Individual and Group for them. from Dereham Foodbank and thanks are
Award winners. One lady with a housebound disabled also due to The Crown Hotel, Watton
The Individual Award was won by Tony daughter said that it was her daughter’s who provided facilities for storing and
Ashworth, pictured with his wife Joy, wish to go the coast to see the sea, and packing the food hampers for delivery.
who having recently retired and wanting have fish and chips, this wish was Some 30-40 hampers were provided
to do something for his community achieved with the help of Paul’s wife, twice during the summer holidays, a very
during the difficulties of Covid, took it Joy, and a very happy and well fed credible achievement from 2 ladies who
upon himself to be very proactive and mother and daughter taken home already had very demanding lives.
made enquiries in his neighbourhood afterwards. Watton & District Rotary Club
whether there were people who needed The Group Award was won by Watton
help, whatever it was. Holiday Kitchen, led by 2 ladies from a