Engineering Management

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1. Identify the different sources of applicants?

Internal Source – Pertains to the current employees in the organization some of the
industries use this source, because the existing personnel I have already the
knowledge of the operation and to give a positive impact to employees wherein they
will have for promotion.

External Source -Are those who are not part of the organization or do not belong to
it. If the vacant position is not filled by existing personnel, management will
consider inviting applicants from outside sources such as newspapers and
advertising, schools, employee referrals, recruitment firms, and competitors.

2. Differentiate induction from orientation.

Induction is the discussion of necessary information such as company history,

corporate profile, products or services, organizational structure, duties and benefits
with the newly hired employee. Orientation is the introduction of the newly hired
employee to his immediate superior, section or department, and coworkers.
Workplace assignments, guidelines, rules, and procedures, as well as training plans,
appraisals, and performance expectations.

3. What training is important in the development of organization?

The training that is important in the development of an organization is Position

Rotation training. With a job rotation system, employees gain experience and skills
by taking on new responsibilities. It meant promoting flexibility, employee
engagement, and retention. Many employers choose to create a job rotation policy
as a benefit to employees. But, employees aren’t the only ones who benefit from the
program but both employees and employers.

4. Does performance appraisal affect the individual performance of the employee?

Yes, performance appraisals, generally, helped improve job performance at work. It

is considered a technique that has a positive effect on work performance and
employee motivation. Motivate them to work harder if they receive negative
feedback, and be aware of their own weaknesses, and can improve their
performances. Also, employees may be motivated if the appraisal process is based
on an accurate and current job description. The outcome of using this system
includes productivity, citizenship behavior, satisfaction, and engagement. Though
some employees are motivated by this system, there are some employees who think
that is, deeming them outdated, it's unjust, disruptive; too simplistic, subjective, or
4. Why is human inventory important in HR planning?
Human Inventory is important because it is a compilation of employees' biodata.
That identifies the level of skills and knowledge possessed by the employees. And it
helps guide hiring decisions that will ensure management necessary to meet the
current and future needs of the organization. Strategic planning involves analyzing
the needs and availability of human capital in meeting the organization's goals and
objectives. Also can be used for decisions such as promotions, training raises, and
recruitment of the organization. Creating and maintaining a skills inventory can
assist HR in these efforts.

B. Activity and item for research

1. Search on an online job sites or newspaper, find three examples of hiring

advertisement of the same position. Differentiate the job requirements and
qualifications? If you can choose one, which of the searched job you might want to
apply? What makes it appealing to you?

Qualification is a clause or condition which qualifies something modification and a

limitation. An example to qualified is a complete professional training or a
bachelor’s degree with 3-years’ experience. Requirements are a necessity or
prerequisite, something required or obligatory, and a list of specific qualifications,
education, knowledge, and skills needed for a particular position. And the three
examples of job advertisements show the qualifications and requirements a
company needs to know if I’m applicable in a specific position. Searching for jobs
that I might apply the one that appealed to me is the position of operation manager.
I chose operation manager because I get to solve daily problems involving products
and services of the company I am working with. And a chance to work with new
technologies and direct involvement in creating end products. While I work, I also
have a chance to interact with people from all around the world.

2. Create an example training plan for an automotive manufacturing industry.

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