Aims and The Learner Profile Forum

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Aims Learner Profile

Briefly justify
Science attribute

Developing a deep understanding of

Knowledgeable scientific concepts and the implications of
understand and appreciate scientific discoveries.
science and its implications Open-minded
Recognizing the various perspectives and
interpretations offered by science.
Valuing the necessity to balance scientific
progress with potential ethical dilemmas
Balance and societal needs.
consider science as a human Understanding the ethical responsibilities
endeavor with benefits and Principled that come with scientific inquiry and
limitations recognizing the limitations of scientific
Open-minded knowledge.
Valuing diverse contributions and the
societal impacts of scientific pursuits
cultivate analytical, inquiring
and flexible minds that pose
Showing a natural curiosity and developing
questions, solve problems, Inquiry
the ability to ask insightful questions
construct explanations and
judge arguments
develop skills to design and Risk-takers
perform investigations, Willing to explore new ideas and take
evaluate evidence and reach calculated risks in experimental settings
Sharing ideas and collaborating with others
Communication using effective communication techniques.
build an awareness of the
need to effectively collaborate
Recognizing the importance of teamwork in
and communicate
scientific endeavors and valuing the
contributions of others.
Knowledgeable Utilizing language as a tool to deepen
understanding and application of scientific
apply language skills and
knowledge in a variety of real- Communicators:
life contexts
Effectively conveying scientific information
across different contexts.
Fostering a sense of responsibility and
Caring respect for the environment and its
develop sensitivity towards the preservation.
living and non-living
environments Understanding the interconnectedness of
living and non-living systems and
promoting sustainability.
Taking time to consider one’s learning
reflect on learning experiences journey and the implications of choices
and make informed choices. made as a scientist or in scientific

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